1import os
2import time
3import traceback
4from collections import namedtuple
6from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs, urljoin, urlparse, urlsplit
8from conans.client.downloaders.download import run_downloader
9from conans.client.downloaders.file_downloader import FileDownloader
10from conans.client.remote_manager import check_compressed_files
11from conans.client.rest.client_routes import ClientV1Router
12from conans.client.rest.file_uploader import FileUploader
13from conans.client.rest.rest_client_common import RestCommonMethods, handle_return_deserializer
14from conans.errors import ConanException, NotFoundException, NoRestV2Available, \
15    PackageNotFoundException
16from conans.model.info import ConanInfo
17from conans.model.manifest import FileTreeManifest
20from conans.util.files import decode_text
21from conans.util.log import logger
24def complete_url(base_url, url):
25    """ Ensures that an url is absolute by completing relative urls with
26        the remote url. urls that are already absolute are not modified.
27    """
28    if bool(urlparse(url).netloc):
29        return url
30    return urljoin(base_url, url)
33class RestV1Methods(RestCommonMethods):
35    @property
36    def router(self):
37        return ClientV1Router(self.remote_url.rstrip("/"), self._artifacts_properties,
38                              self._matrix_params)
40    def _download_files(self, file_urls, snapshot_md5):
41        """
42        :param: file_urls is a dict with {filename: url}
43        :param snapshot_md5: dict with {filaname: md5 checksum} of files to be downloaded
45        Its a generator, so it yields elements for memory performance
46        """
47        # Take advantage of filenames ordering, so that conan_package.tgz and conan_export.tgz
48        # can be < conanfile, conaninfo, and sent always the last, so smaller files go first
49        retry = self._config.retry
50        retry_wait = self._config.retry_wait
51        download_cache = self._config.download_cache
52        for filename, resource_url in sorted(file_urls.items(), reverse=True):
53            auth, _ = self._file_server_capabilities(resource_url)
54            md5 = snapshot_md5.get(filename, None) if snapshot_md5 else None
55            assert not download_cache or snapshot_md5, \
56                "if download_cache is set, we need the file checksums"
57            contents = run_downloader(self.requester, None, self.verify_ssl, retry=retry,
58                                      retry_wait=retry_wait, download_cache=download_cache,
59                                      url=resource_url, auth=auth, md5=md5)
60            yield os.path.normpath(filename), contents
62    def _file_server_capabilities(self, resource_url):
63        auth = None
64        dedup = False
65        urltokens = urlsplit(resource_url)
66        query_string = urltokens[3]
67        parsed_string_dict = parse_qs(query_string)
68        if "signature" not in parsed_string_dict and "Signature" not in parsed_string_dict:
69            # If monolithic server, we can use same auth, and server understand dedup
70            auth = self.auth
71            dedup = True
72        return auth, dedup
74    def get_recipe_manifest(self, ref):
75        """Gets a FileTreeManifest from conans"""
76        # Obtain the URLs
77        url = self.router.recipe_manifest(ref)
78        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url)
80        md5s = self.get_recipe_snapshot(ref) if self._config.download_cache else None
81        # Get the digest
82        contents = self._download_files(urls, md5s)
83        # Unroll generator and decode shas (plain text)
84        contents = {key: decode_text(value) for key, value in dict(contents).items()}
85        return FileTreeManifest.loads(contents[CONAN_MANIFEST])
87    def get_package_manifest(self, pref):
88        """Gets a FileTreeManifest from a package"""
89        pref = pref.copy_with_revs(None, None)
90        # Obtain the URLs
91        url = self.router.package_manifest(pref)
92        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url)
94        # Get the digest
95        md5s = self.get_package_snapshot(pref) if self._config.download_cache else None
96        contents = self._download_files(urls, md5s)
97        try:
98            # Unroll generator and decode shas (plain text)
99            content = dict(contents)[CONAN_MANIFEST]
100            return FileTreeManifest.loads(decode_text(content))
101        except Exception as e:
102            msg = "Error retrieving manifest file for package " \
103                  "'{}' from remote ({}): '{}'".format(repr(pref), self.remote_url, e)
104            logger.error(msg)
105            logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
106            raise ConanException(msg)
108    def get_package_info(self, pref, headers):
109        """Gets a ConanInfo file from a package"""
110        pref = pref.copy_with_revs(None, None)
111        url = self.router.package_download_urls(pref)
112        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url, headers=headers)
113        if not urls:
114            raise PackageNotFoundException(pref)
116        if CONANINFO not in urls:
117            raise NotFoundException("Package %s doesn't have the %s file!" % (pref,
118                                                                              CONANINFO))
119        md5s = self.get_package_snapshot(pref) if self._config.download_cache else None
120        # Get the info (in memory)
121        contents = self._download_files({CONANINFO: urls[CONANINFO]}, md5s)
122        # Unroll generator and decode shas (plain text)
123        contents = {key: decode_text(value) for key, value in dict(contents).items()}
124        return ConanInfo.loads(contents[CONANINFO])
126    def _get_file_to_url_dict(self, url, data=None, headers=None):
127        """Call to url and decode the json returning a dict of {filepath: url} dict
128        converting the url to a complete url when needed"""
129        urls = self.get_json(url, data=data, headers=headers)
130        return {filepath: complete_url(self.remote_url, url) for filepath, url in urls.items()}
132    def _upload_recipe(self, ref, files_to_upload, retry, retry_wait):
133        # Get the upload urls and then upload files
134        url = self.router.recipe_upload_urls(ref)
135        file_sizes = {filename.replace("\\", "/"): os.stat(abs_path).st_size
136                      for filename, abs_path in files_to_upload.items()}
137        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url, data=file_sizes)
138        if self._matrix_params:
139            urls = self.router.add_matrix_params(urls)
140        self._upload_files(urls, files_to_upload, self._output, retry, retry_wait,
141                           display_name=str(ref))
143    def _upload_package(self, pref, files_to_upload, retry, retry_wait):
144        # Get the upload urls and then upload files
145        url = self.router.package_upload_urls(pref)
146        file_sizes = {filename: os.stat(abs_path).st_size for filename,
147                                                              abs_path in files_to_upload.items()}
148        logger.debug("Requesting upload urls...")
149        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url, data=file_sizes)
150        if self._matrix_params:
151            urls = self.router.add_matrix_params(urls)
152        logger.debug("Requesting upload urls...Done!")
153        short_pref_name = "%s:%s" % (pref.ref, pref.id[0:4])
154        self._upload_files(urls, files_to_upload, self._output, retry, retry_wait,
155                           display_name=short_pref_name)
157    def _upload_files(self, file_urls, files, output, retry, retry_wait, display_name=None):
158        t1 = time.time()
159        failed = []
160        uploader = FileUploader(self.requester, output, self.verify_ssl, self._config)
161        # conan_package.tgz and conan_export.tgz are uploaded first to avoid uploading conaninfo.txt
162        # or conanamanifest.txt with missing files due to a network failure
163        for filename, resource_url in sorted(file_urls.items()):
164            if output and not output.is_terminal:
165                msg = "Uploading: %s" % filename if not display_name else (
166                    "Uploading %s -> %s" % (filename, display_name))
167                output.writeln(msg)
168            auth, dedup = self._file_server_capabilities(resource_url)
169            try:
170                headers = self._artifacts_properties if not self._matrix_params else {}
171                uploader.upload(resource_url, files[filename], auth=auth, dedup=dedup,
172                                retry=retry, retry_wait=retry_wait,
173                                headers=headers, display_name=display_name)
174            except Exception as exc:
175                output.error("\nError uploading file: %s, '%s'" % (filename, exc))
176                failed.append(filename)
178        if failed:
179            raise ConanException("Execute upload again to retry upload the failed files: %s"
180                                 % ", ".join(failed))
181        else:
182            logger.debug("UPLOAD: \nAll uploaded! Total time: %s\n" % str(time.time() - t1))
184    def _download_files_to_folder(self, file_urls, to_folder, snapshot_md5):
185        """
186        :param: file_urls is a dict with {filename: abs_path}
188        It writes downloaded files to disk (appending to file, only keeps chunks in memory)
189        """
190        ret = {}
191        # Take advantage of filenames ordering, so that conan_package.tgz and conan_export.tgz
192        # can be < conanfile, conaninfo, and sent always the last, so smaller files go first
193        retry = self._config.retry
194        retry_wait = self._config.retry_wait
195        download_cache = self._config.download_cache
196        for filename, resource_url in sorted(file_urls.items(), reverse=True):
197            if self._output and not self._output.is_terminal:
198                self._output.writeln("Downloading %s" % filename)
199            auth, _ = self._file_server_capabilities(resource_url)
200            abs_path = os.path.join(to_folder, filename)
201            md5 = snapshot_md5.get(filename, None) if snapshot_md5 else None
202            assert not download_cache or snapshot_md5, \
203                "if download_cache is set, we need the file checksums"
204            run_downloader(self.requester, self._output, self.verify_ssl, retry=retry,
205                           retry_wait=retry_wait, download_cache=download_cache,
206                           url=resource_url, file_path=abs_path, auth=auth, md5=md5)
207            ret[filename] = abs_path
208        return ret
210    def get_recipe(self, ref, dest_folder):
211        urls = self._get_recipe_urls(ref)
212        urls.pop(EXPORT_SOURCES_TGZ_NAME, None)
213        check_compressed_files(EXPORT_TGZ_NAME, urls)
214        md5s = self.get_recipe_snapshot(ref) if self._config.download_cache else None
215        zipped_files = self._download_files_to_folder(urls, dest_folder, md5s)
216        return zipped_files
218    def get_recipe_sources(self, ref, dest_folder):
219        urls = self._get_recipe_urls(ref)
220        check_compressed_files(EXPORT_SOURCES_TGZ_NAME, urls)
221        if EXPORT_SOURCES_TGZ_NAME not in urls:
222            return None
224        md5s = self.get_recipe_snapshot(ref) if self._config.download_cache else None
225        zipped_files = self._download_files_to_folder(urls, dest_folder, md5s)
226        return zipped_files
228    def _get_recipe_urls(self, ref):
229        """Gets a dict of filename:contents from conans"""
230        # Get the conanfile snapshot first
231        url = self.router.recipe_download_urls(ref)
232        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url)
233        return urls
235    def get_package(self, pref, dest_folder):
236        urls = self._get_package_urls(pref)
237        check_compressed_files(PACKAGE_TGZ_NAME, urls)
238        md5s = self.get_package_snapshot(pref) if self._config.download_cache else None
239        zipped_files = self._download_files_to_folder(urls, dest_folder, md5s)
240        return zipped_files
242    def _get_package_urls(self, pref):
243        """Gets a dict of filename:contents from package"""
244        url = self.router.package_download_urls(pref)
245        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url)
246        if not urls:
247            raise PackageNotFoundException(pref)
249        return urls
251    def get_recipe_path(self, ref, path):
252        url = self.router.recipe_download_urls(ref)
253        return self._get_path(url, path)
255    def get_package_path(self, pref, path):
256        """Gets a file content or a directory list"""
257        url = self.router.package_download_urls(pref)
258        return self._get_path(url, path)
260    def _get_path(self, url, path):
261        urls = self._get_file_to_url_dict(url)
263        def is_dir(the_path):
264            if the_path == ".":
265                return True
266            for _the_file in urls:
267                if the_path == _the_file:
268                    return False
269                elif _the_file.startswith(the_path):
270                    return True
271            raise NotFoundException("The specified path doesn't exist")
273        if is_dir(path):
274            ret = []
275            for the_file in urls:
276                if path == "." or the_file.startswith(path):
277                    tmp = the_file[len(path) - 1:].split("/", 1)[0]
278                    if tmp not in ret:
279                        ret.append(tmp)
280            return sorted(ret)
281        else:
282            downloader = FileDownloader(self.requester, None, self.verify_ssl, self._config.retry,
283                                        self._config.retry_wait)
284            auth, _ = self._file_server_capabilities(urls[path])
285            content = downloader.download(urls[path], auth=auth)
287            return decode_text(content)
289    def _get_snapshot(self, url):
290        try:
291            snapshot = self.get_json(url)
292            snapshot = {os.path.normpath(filename): the_md5
293                        for filename, the_md5 in snapshot.items()}
294        except NotFoundException:
295            snapshot = []
296        return snapshot
298    @handle_return_deserializer()
299    def _remove_conanfile_files(self, ref, files):
300        self.check_credentials()
301        payload = {"files": [filename.replace("\\", "/") for filename in files]}
302        url = self.router.remove_recipe_files(ref)
303        return self._post_json(url, payload)
305    @handle_return_deserializer()
306    def remove_packages(self, ref, package_ids):
307        """ Remove any packages specified by package_ids"""
308        self.check_credentials()
309        payload = {"package_ids": package_ids}
310        url = self.router.remove_packages(ref)
311        ret = self._post_json(url, payload)
312        if not package_ids and ret.status_code == 404:
313            # Double check if it is a 404 because there are no packages
314            try:
315                if not self.search_packages(ref, query=None):
316                    return namedtuple("_", ['status_code', 'content'])(200, b'')
317            except Exception as e:
318                logger.warning("Unexpected error searching {} packages"
319                               " in remote {}: {}".format(ref, self.remote_url, e))
320        return ret
322    @handle_return_deserializer()
323    def remove_conanfile(self, ref):
324        """ Remove a recipe and packages """
325        self.check_credentials()
326        url = self.router.remove_recipe(ref)
327        logger.debug("REST: remove: %s" % url)
328        response = self.requester.delete(url, auth=self.auth, headers=self.custom_headers,
329                                         verify=self.verify_ssl)
330        return response
332    def get_recipe_revisions(self, ref):
333        raise NoRestV2Available("The remote doesn't support revisions")
335    def get_package_revisions(self, pref):
336        raise NoRestV2Available("The remote doesn't support revisions")
338    def get_latest_recipe_revision(self, ref):
339        raise NoRestV2Available("The remote doesn't support revisions")
341    def get_latest_package_revision(self, pref, headers):
342        raise NoRestV2Available("The remote doesn't support revisions")
344    def _post_json(self, url, payload):
345        logger.debug("REST: post: %s" % url)
346        response = self.requester.post(url,
347                                       auth=self.auth,
348                                       headers=self.custom_headers,
349                                       verify=self.verify_ssl,
350                                       json=payload)
351        return response