1# librdkafka v1.7.0
3librdkafka v1.7.0 is feature release:
5 * [KIP-360](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=89068820) - Improve reliability of transactional producer.
6   Requires Apache Kafka 2.5 or later.
7 * OpenSSL Engine support (`ssl.engine.location`) by @adinigam and @ajbarb.
10## Enhancements
12 * Added `connections.max.idle.ms` to automatically close idle broker
13   connections.
14   This feature is disabled by default unless `bootstrap.servers` contains
15   the string `azure` in which case the default is set to <4 minutes to improve
16   connection reliability and circumvent limitations with the Azure load
17   balancers (see #3109 for more information).
18 * Bumped to OpenSSL 1.1.1k in binary librdkafka artifacts.
19 * The binary librdkafka artifacts for Alpine are now using Alpine 3.12.
20   OpenSSL 1.1.1k.
21 * Improved static librdkafka Windows builds using MinGW (@neptoess, #3130).
24## Upgrade considerations
26 * The C++ `oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb()` was missing a `Handle *`
27   argument that has now been added. This is a breaking change but the original
28   function signature is considered a bug.
29   This change only affects C++ OAuth developers.
30 * [KIP-735](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-735%3A+Increase+default+consumer+session+timeout) The consumer `session.timeout.ms`
31   default was changed from 10 to 45 seconds to make consumer groups more
32   robust and less sensitive to temporary network and cluster issues.
33 * Statistics: `consumer_lag` is now using the `committed_offset`,
34   while the new `consumer_lag_stored` is using `stored_offset`
35   (offset to be committed).
36   This is more correct than the previous `consumer_lag` which was using
37   either `committed_offset` or `app_offset` (last message passed
38   to application).
41## Fixes
43### General fixes
45 * Fix accesses to freed metadata cache mutexes on client termination (#3279)
46 * There was a race condition on receiving updated metadata where a broker id
47   update (such as bootstrap to proper broker transformation) could finish after
48   the topic metadata cache was updated, leading to existing brokers seemingly
49   being not available.
50   One occurrence of this issue was query_watermark_offsets() that could return
51   `ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION` for existing partitions shortly after the
52   client instance was created.
53 * The OpenSSL context is now initialized with `TLS_client_method()`
54   (on OpenSSL >= 1.1.0) instead of the deprecated and outdated
55   `SSLv23_client_method()`.
56 * The initial cluster connection on client instance creation could sometimes
57   be delayed up to 1 second if a `group.id` or `transactional.id`
58   was configured (#3305).
59 * Speed up triggering of new broker connections in certain cases by exiting
60   the broker thread io/op poll loop when a wakeup op is received.
61 * SASL GSSAPI: The Kerberos kinit refresh command was triggered from
62   `rd_kafka_new()` which made this call blocking if the refresh command
63   was taking long. The refresh is now performed by the background rdkafka
64   main thread.
65 * Fix busy-loop (100% CPU on the broker threads) during the handshake phase
66   of an SSL connection.
67 * Disconnects during SSL handshake are now propagated as transport errors
68   rather than SSL errors, since these disconnects are at the transport level
69   (e.g., incorrect listener, flaky load balancer, etc) and not due to SSL
70   issues.
71 * Increment metadata fast refresh interval backoff exponentially (@ajbarb, #3237).
72 * Unthrottled requests are no longer counted in the `brokers[].throttle`
73   statistics object.
74 * Log CONFWARN warning when global topic configuration properties
75   are overwritten by explicitly setting a `default_topic_conf`.
77### Consumer fixes
79 * If a rebalance happened during a `consume_batch..()` call the already
80   accumulated messages for revoked partitions were not purged, which would
81   pass messages to the application for partitions that were no longer owned
82   by the consumer. Fixed by @jliunyu. #3340.
83 * Fix balancing and reassignment issues with the cooperative-sticky assignor.
84   #3306.
85 * Fix incorrect detection of first rebalance in sticky assignor (@hallfox).
86 * Aborted transactions with no messages produced to a partition could
87   cause further successfully committed messages in the same Fetch response to
88   be ignored, resulting in consumer-side message loss.
89   A log message along the lines `Abort txn ctrl msg bad order at offset
90   7501: expected before or at 7702: messages in aborted transactions may be delivered to the application`
91   would be seen.
92   This is a rare occurrence where a transactional producer would register with
93   the partition but not produce any messages before aborting the transaction.
94 * The consumer group deemed cached metadata up to date by checking
95   `topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms`: if this property was set too low
96   it would cause cached metadata to be unusable and new metadata to be fetched,
97   which could delay the time it took for a rebalance to settle.
98   It now correctly uses `metadata.max.age.ms` instead.
99 * The consumer group timed auto commit would attempt commits during rebalances,
100   which could result in "Illegal generation" errors. This is now fixed, the
101   timed auto committer is only employed in the steady state when no rebalances
102   are taking places. Offsets are still auto committed when partitions are
103   revoked.
104 * Retriable FindCoordinatorRequest errors are no longer propagated to
105   the application as they are retried automatically.
106 * Fix rare crash (assert `rktp_started`) on consumer termination
107   (introduced in v1.6.0).
108 * Fix unaligned access and possibly corrupted snappy decompression when
109   building with MSVC (@azat)
110 * A consumer configured with the `cooperative-sticky` assignor did
111   not actively Leave the group on unsubscribe(). This delayed the
112   rebalance for the remaining group members by up to `session.timeout.ms`.
113 * The current subscription list was sometimes leaked when unsubscribing.
115### Producer fixes
117 * The timeout value of `flush()` was not respected when delivery reports
118   were scheduled as events (such as for confluent-kafka-go) rather than
119   callbacks.
120 * There was a race conditition in `purge()` which could cause newly
121   created partition objects, or partitions that were changing leaders, to
122   not have their message queues purged. This could cause
123   `abort_transaction()` to time out. This issue is now fixed.
124 * In certain high-thruput produce rate patterns producing could stall for
125   1 second, regardless of `linger.ms`, due to rate-limiting of internal
126   queue wakeups. This is now fixed by not rate-limiting queue wakeups but
127   instead limiting them to one wakeup per queue reader poll. #2912.
129### Transactional Producer fixes
131 * KIP-360: Fatal Idempotent producer errors are now recoverable by the
132   transactional producer and will raise a `txn_requires_abort()` error.
133 * If the cluster went down between `produce()` and `commit_transaction()`
134   and before any partitions had been registered with the coordinator, the
135   messages would time out but the commit would succeed because nothing
136   had been sent to the coordinator. This is now fixed.
137 * If the current transaction failed while `commit_transaction()` was
138   checking the current transaction state an invalid state transaction could
139   occur which in turn would trigger a assertion crash.
140   This issue showed up as "Invalid txn state transition: .." crashes, and is
141   now fixed by properly synchronizing both checking and transition of state.
145# librdkafka v1.6.1
147librdkafka v1.6.1 is a maintenance release.
149## Upgrade considerations
151 * Fatal idempotent producer errors are now also fatal to the transactional
152   producer. This is a necessary step to maintain data integrity prior to
153   librdkafka supporting KIP-360. Applications should check any transactional
154   API errors for the is_fatal flag and decommission the transactional producer
155   if the flag is set.
156 * The consumer error raised by `auto.offset.reset=error` now has error-code
157   set to `ERR__AUTO_OFFSET_RESET` to allow an application to differentiate
158   between auto offset resets and other consumer errors.
161## Fixes
163### General fixes
165 * Admin API and transactional `send_offsets_to_transaction()` coordinator
166   requests, such as TxnOffsetCommitRequest, could in rare cases be sent
167   multiple times which could cause a crash.
168 * `ssl.ca.location=probe` is now enabled by default on Mac OSX since the
169   librdkafka-bundled OpenSSL might not have the same default CA search paths
170   as the system or brew installed OpenSSL. Probing scans all known locations.
172### Transactional Producer fixes
174 * Fatal idempotent producer errors are now also fatal to the transactional
175   producer.
176 * The transactional producer could crash if the transaction failed while
177   `send_offsets_to_transaction()` was called.
178 * Group coordinator requests for transactional
179   `send_offsets_to_transaction()` calls would leak memory if the
180   underlying request was attempted to be sent after the transaction had
181   failed.
182 * When gradually producing to multiple partitions (resulting in multiple
183   underlying AddPartitionsToTxnRequests) subsequent partitions could get
184   stuck in pending state under certain conditions. These pending partitions
185   would not send queued messages to the broker and eventually trigger
186   message timeouts, failing the current transaction. This is now fixed.
187 * Committing an empty transaction (no messages were produced and no
188   offsets were sent) would previously raise a fatal error due to invalid state
189   on the transaction coordinator. We now allow empty/no-op transactions to
190   be committed.
192### Consumer fixes
194 * The consumer will now retry indefinitely (or until the assignment is changed)
195   to retrieve committed offsets. This fixes the issue where only two retries
196   were attempted when outstanding transactions were blocking OffsetFetch
197   requests with `ERR_UNSTABLE_OFFSET_COMMIT`. #3265
203# librdkafka v1.6.0
205librdkafka v1.6.0 is feature release:
207 * [KIP-429 Incremental rebalancing](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-429%3A+Kafka+Consumer+Incremental+Rebalance+Protocol) with sticky
208   consumer group partition assignor (KIP-54) (by @mhowlett).
209 * [KIP-480 Sticky producer partitioning](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-480%3A+Sticky+Partitioner) (`sticky.partitioning.linger.ms`) -
210   achieves higher throughput and lower latency through sticky selection
211   of random partition (by @abbycriswell).
212 * AdminAPI: Add support for `DeleteRecords()`, `DeleteGroups()` and
213   `DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets()` (by @gridaphobe)
214 * [KIP-447 Producer scalability for exactly once semantics](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-447%3A+Producer+scalability+for+exactly+once+semantics) -
215   allows a single transactional producer to be used for multiple input
216   partitions. Requires Apache Kafka 2.5 or later.
217 * Transactional producer fixes and improvements, see **Transactional Producer fixes** below.
218 * The [librdkafka.redist](https://www.nuget.org/packages/librdkafka.redist/)
219   NuGet package now supports Linux ARM64/Aarch64.
222## Upgrade considerations
224 * Sticky producer partitioning (`sticky.partitioning.linger.ms`) is
225   enabled by default (10 milliseconds) which affects the distribution of
226   randomly partitioned messages, where previously these messages would be
227   evenly distributed over the available partitions they are now partitioned
228   to a single partition for the duration of the sticky time
229   (10 milliseconds by default) before a new random sticky partition
230   is selected.
231 * The new KIP-447 transactional producer scalability guarantees are only
232   supported on Apache Kafka 2.5 or later, on earlier releases you will
233   need to use one producer per input partition for EOS. This limitation
234   is not enforced by the producer or broker.
235 * Error handling for the transactional producer has been improved, see
236   the **Transactional Producer fixes** below for more information.
239## Known issues
241 * The Transactional Producer's API timeout handling is inconsistent with the
242   underlying protocol requests, it is therefore strongly recommended that
243   applications call `rd_kafka_commit_transaction()` and
244   `rd_kafka_abort_transaction()` with the `timeout_ms` parameter
245   set to `-1`, which will use the remaining transaction timeout.
248## Enhancements
250 * KIP-107, KIP-204: AdminAPI: Added `DeleteRecords()` (by @gridaphobe).
251 * KIP-229: AdminAPI: Added `DeleteGroups()` (by @gridaphobe).
252 * KIP-496: AdminAPI: Added `DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets()`.
253 * KIP-464: AdminAPI: Added support for broker-side default partition count
254   and replication factor for `CreateTopics()`.
255 * Windows: Added `ssl.ca.certificate.stores` to specify a list of
256   Windows Certificate Stores to read CA certificates from, e.g.,
257   `CA,Root`. `Root` remains the default store.
258 * Use reentrant `rand_r()` on supporting platforms which decreases lock
259   contention (@azat).
260 * Added `assignor` debug context for troubleshooting consumer partition
261   assignments.
262 * Updated to OpenSSL v1.1.1i when building dependencies.
263 * Update bundled lz4 (used when `./configure --disable-lz4-ext`) to v1.9.3
264   which has vast performance improvements.
265 * Added `rd_kafka_conf_get_default_topic_conf()` to retrieve the
266   default topic configuration object from a global configuration object.
267 * Added `conf` debugging context to `debug` - shows set configuration
268   properties on client and topic instantiation. Sensitive properties
269   are redacted.
270 * Added `rd_kafka_queue_yield()` to cancel a blocking queue call.
271 * Will now log a warning when multiple ClusterIds are seen, which is an
272   indication that the client might be erroneously configured to connect to
273   multiple clusters which is not supported.
274 * Added `rd_kafka_seek_partitions()` to seek multiple partitions to
275   per-partition specific offsets.
278## Fixes
280### General fixes
282 * Fix a use-after-free crash when certain coordinator requests were retried.
283 * The C++ `oauthbearer_set_token()` function would call `free()` on
284   a `new`-created pointer, possibly leading to crashes or heap corruption (#3194)
286### Consumer fixes
288 * The consumer assignment and consumer group implementations have been
289   decoupled, simplified and made more strict and robust. This will sort out
290   a number of edge cases for the consumer where the behaviour was previously
291   undefined.
292 * Partition fetch state was not set to STOPPED if OffsetCommit failed.
293 * The session timeout is now enforced locally also when the coordinator
294   connection is down, which was not previously the case.
297### Transactional Producer fixes
299 * Transaction commit or abort failures on the broker, such as when the
300   producer was fenced by a newer instance, were not propagated to the
301   application resulting in failed commits seeming successful.
302   This was a critical race condition for applications that had a delay after
303   producing messages (or sendings offsets) before committing or
304   aborting the transaction. This issue has now been fixed and test coverage
305   improved.
306 * The transactional producer API would return `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE`
307   when API calls were attempted after the transaction had failed, we now
308   try to return the error that caused the transaction to fail in the first
309   place, such as `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FENCED` when the producer has
310   been fenced, or `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT` when the transaction
311   has timed out.
312 * Transactional producer retry count for transactional control protocol
313   requests has been increased from 3 to infinite, retriable errors
314   are now automatically retried by the producer until success or the
315   transaction timeout is exceeded. This fixes the case where
316   `rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction()` would fail the current
317   transaction into an abortable state when `CONCURRENT_TRANSACTIONS` was
318   returned by the broker (which is a transient error) and the 3 retries
319   were exhausted.
322### Producer fixes
324 * Calling `rd_kafka_topic_new()` with a topic config object with
325   `message.timeout.ms` set could sometimes adjust the global `linger.ms`
326   property (if not explicitly configured) which was not desired, this is now
327   fixed and the auto adjustment is only done based on the
328   `default_topic_conf` at producer creation.
329 * `rd_kafka_flush()` could previously return `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT`
330   just as the timeout was reached if the messages had been flushed but
331   there were now no more messages. This has been fixed.
336# librdkafka v1.5.3
338librdkafka v1.5.3 is a maintenance release.
340## Upgrade considerations
342 * CentOS 6 is now EOL and is no longer included in binary librdkafka packages,
343   such as NuGet.
345## Fixes
347### General fixes
349 * Fix a use-after-free crash when certain coordinator requests were retried.
350 * Coordinator requests could be left uncollected on instance destroy which
351   could lead to hang.
352 * Fix rare 1 second stalls by forcing rdkafka main thread wakeup when a new
353   next-timer-to-be-fired is scheduled.
354 * Fix additional cases where broker-side automatic topic creation might be
355   triggered unexpectedly.
356 * AdminAPI: The operation_timeout (on-broker timeout) previously defaulted to 0,
357   but now defaults to `socket.timeout.ms` (60s).
358 * Fix possible crash for Admin API protocol requests that fail at the
359   transport layer or prior to sending.
362### Consumer fixes
364 * Consumer would not filter out messages for aborted transactions
365   if the messages were compressed (#3020).
366 * Consumer destroy without prior `close()` could hang in certain
367   cgrp states (@gridaphobe, #3127).
368 * Fix possible null dereference in `Message::errstr()` (#3140).
369 * The `roundrobin` partition assignment strategy could get stuck in an
370   endless loop or generate uneven assignments in case the group members
371   had asymmetric subscriptions (e.g., c1 subscribes to t1,t2 while c2
372   subscribes to t2,t3).  (#3159)
373 * Mixing committed and logical or absolute offsets in the partitions
374   passed to `rd_kafka_assign()` would in previous released ignore the
375   logical or absolute offsets and use the committed offsets for all partitions.
376   This is now fixed. (#2938)
381# librdkafka v1.5.2
383librdkafka v1.5.2 is a maintenance release.
386## Upgrade considerations
388 * The default value for the producer configuration property `retries` has
389   been increased from 2 to infinity, effectively limiting Produce retries to
390   only `message.timeout.ms`.
391   As the reasons for the automatic internal retries vary (various broker error
392   codes as well as transport layer issues), it doesn't make much sense to limit
393   the number of retries for retriable errors, but instead only limit the
394   retries based on the allowed time to produce a message.
395 * The default value for the producer configuration property
396   `request.timeout.ms` has been increased from 5 to 30 seconds to match
397   the Apache Kafka Java producer default.
398   This change yields increased robustness for broker-side congestion.
401## Enhancements
403 * The generated `CONFIGURATION.md` (through `rd_kafka_conf_properties_show())`)
404   now include all properties and values, regardless if they were included in
405   the build, and setting a disabled property or value through
406   `rd_kafka_conf_set()` now returns `RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID` and provides
407   a more useful error string saying why the property can't be set.
408 * Consumer configs on producers and vice versa will now be logged with
409   warning messages on client instantiation.
411## Fixes
413### Security fixes
415 * There was an incorrect call to zlib's `inflateGetHeader()` with
416   unitialized memory pointers that could lead to the GZIP header of a fetched
417   message batch to be copied to arbitrary memory.
418   This function call has now been completely removed since the result was
419   not used.
420   Reported by Ilja van Sprundel.
423### General fixes
425 * `rd_kafka_topic_opaque()` (used by the C++ API) would cause object
426   refcounting issues when used on light-weight (error-only) topic objects
427   such as consumer errors (#2693).
428 * Handle name resolution failures when formatting IP addresses in error logs,
429   and increase printed hostname limit to ~256 bytes (was ~60).
430 * Broker sockets would be closed twice (thus leading to potential race
431   condition with fd-reuse in other threads) if a custom `socket_cb` would
432   return error.
434### Consumer fixes
436 * The `roundrobin` `partition.assignment.strategy` could crash (assert)
437   for certain combinations of members and partitions.
438   This is a regression in v1.5.0. (#3024)
439 * The C++ `KafkaConsumer` destructor did not destroy the underlying
440   C `rd_kafka_t` instance, causing a leak if `close()` was not used.
441 * Expose rich error strings for C++ Consumer `Message->errstr()`.
442 * The consumer could get stuck if an outstanding commit failed during
443   rebalancing (#2933).
444 * Topic authorization errors during fetching are now reported only once (#3072).
446### Producer fixes
448 * Topic authorization errors are now properly propagated for produced messages,
449   both through delivery reports and as `ERR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED`
450   return value from `produce*()` (#2215)
451 * Treat cluster authentication failures as fatal in the transactional
452   producer (#2994).
453 * The transactional producer code did not properly reference-count partition
454   objects which could in very rare circumstances lead to a use-after-free bug
455   if a topic was deleted from the cluster when a transaction was using it.
456 * `ERR_KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR` is now correctly treated as a retriable
457   produce error (#3026).
458 * Messages that timed out locally would not fail the ongoing transaction.
459   If the application did not take action on failed messages in its delivery
460   report callback and went on to commit the transaction, the transaction would
461   be successfully committed, simply omitting the failed messages.
462 * EndTxnRequests (sent on commit/abort) are only retried in allowed
463   states (#3041).
464   Previously the transaction could hang on commit_transaction() if an abortable
465   error was hit and the EndTxnRequest was to be retried.
468*Note: there was no v1.5.1 librdkafka release*
473# librdkafka v1.5.0
475The v1.5.0 release brings usability improvements, enhancements and fixes to
478## Enhancements
480 * Improved broker connection error reporting with more useful information and
481   hints on the cause of the problem.
482 * Consumer: Propagate errors when subscribing to unavailable topics (#1540)
483 * Producer: Add `batch.size` producer configuration property (#638)
484 * Add `topic.metadata.propagation.max.ms` to allow newly manually created
485   topics to be propagated throughout the cluster before reporting them
486   as non-existent. This fixes race issues where CreateTopics() is
487   quickly followed by produce().
488 * Prefer least idle connection for periodic metadata refreshes, et.al.,
489   to allow truly idle connections to time out and to avoid load-balancer-killed
490   idle connection errors (#2845)
491 * Added `rd_kafka_event_debug_contexts()` to get the debug contexts for
492   a debug log line (by @wolfchimneyrock).
493 * Added Test scenarios which define the cluster configuration.
494 * Added MinGW-w64 builds (@ed-alertedh, #2553)
495 * `./configure --enable-XYZ` now requires the XYZ check to pass,
496   and `--disable-XYZ` disables the feature altogether (@benesch)
497 * Added `rd_kafka_produceva()` which takes an array of produce arguments
498   for situations where the existing `rd_kafka_producev()` va-arg approach
499   can't be used.
500 * Added `rd_kafka_message_broker_id()` to see the broker that a message
501   was produced or fetched from, or an error was associated with.
502 * Added RTT/delay simulation to mock brokers.
505## Upgrade considerations
507 * Subscribing to non-existent and unauthorized topics will now propagate
509   `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED` to the application through
510   the standard consumer error (the err field in the message object).
511 * Consumer will no longer trigger auto creation of topics,
512   `allow.auto.create.topics=true` may be used to re-enable the old deprecated
513   functionality.
514 * The default consumer pre-fetch queue threshold `queued.max.messages.kbytes`
515   has been decreased from 1GB to 64MB to avoid excessive network usage for low
516   and medium throughput consumer applications. High throughput consumer
517   applications may need to manually set this property to a higher value.
518 * The default consumer Fetch wait time has been increased from 100ms to 500ms
519   to avoid excessive network usage for low throughput topics.
520 * If OpenSSL is linked statically, or `ssl.ca.location=probe` is configured,
521   librdkafka will probe known CA certificate paths and automatically use the
522   first one found. This should alleviate the need to configure
523   `ssl.ca.location` when the statically linked OpenSSL's OPENSSLDIR differs
524   from the system's CA certificate path.
525 * The heuristics for handling Apache Kafka < 0.10 brokers has been removed to
526   improve connection error handling for modern Kafka versions.
527   Users on Brokers 0.9.x or older should already be configuring
528   `api.version.request=false` and `broker.version.fallback=...` so there
529   should be no functional change.
530 * The default producer batch accumulation time, `linger.ms`, has been changed
531   from 0.5ms to 5ms to improve batch sizes and throughput while reducing
532   the per-message protocol overhead.
533   Applications that require lower produce latency than 5ms will need to
534   manually set `linger.ms` to a lower value.
535 * librdkafka's build tooling now requires Python 3.x (python3 interpreter).
538## Fixes
540### General fixes
542 * The client could crash in rare circumstances on ApiVersion or
543   SaslHandshake request timeouts (#2326)
544 * `./configure --LDFLAGS='a=b, c=d'` with arguments containing = are now
545   supported (by @sky92zwq).
546 * `./configure` arguments now take precedence over cached `configure` variables
547   from previous invocation.
548 * Fix theoretical crash on coord request failure.
549 * Unknown partition error could be triggered for existing partitions when
550   additional partitions were added to a topic (@benesch, #2915)
551 * Quickly refresh topic metadata for desired but non-existent partitions.
552   This will speed up the initial discovery delay when new partitions are added
553   to an existing topic (#2917).
556### Consumer fixes
558 * The roundrobin partition assignor could crash if subscriptions
559   where asymmetrical (different sets from different members of the group).
560   Thanks to @ankon and @wilmai for identifying the root cause (#2121).
561 * The consumer assignors could ignore some topics if there were more subscribed
562   topics than consumers in taking part in the assignment.
563 * The consumer would connect to all partition leaders of a topic even
564   for partitions that were not being consumed (#2826).
565 * Initial consumer group joins should now be a couple of seconds quicker
566   thanks expedited query intervals (@benesch).
567 * Fix crash and/or inconsistent subscriptions when using multiple consumers
568   (in the same process) with wildcard topics on Windows.
569 * Don't propagate temporary offset lookup errors to application.
570 * Immediately refresh topic metadata when partitions are reassigned to other
571   brokers, avoiding a fetch stall of up to `topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms`. (#2955)
572 * Memory for batches containing control messages would not be freed when
573   using the batch consume APIs (@pf-qiu, #2990).
576### Producer fixes
578 * Proper locking for transaction state in EndTxn handler.
582# librdkafka v1.4.4
584v1.4.4 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:
586 * Transactional producer could crash on request timeout due to dereferencing
587   NULL pointer of non-existent response object.
588 * Mark `rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction()` CONCURRENT_TRANSACTION (et.al)
589   errors as retriable.
590 * Fix crash on transactional coordinator FindCoordinator request failure.
591 * Minimize broker re-connect delay when broker's connection is needed to
592   send requests.
593 * Proper locking for transaction state in EndTxn handler.
594 * `socket.timeout.ms` was ignored when `transactional.id` was set.
595 * Added RTT/delay simulation to mock brokers.
597*Note: there was no v1.4.3 librdkafka release*
601# librdkafka v1.4.2
603v1.4.2 is a maintenance release with the following fixes and enhancements:
605 * Fix produce/consume hang after partition goes away and comes back,
606   such as when a topic is deleted and re-created.
607 * Consumer: Reset the stored offset when partitions are un-assign()ed (fixes #2782).
608    This fixes the case where a manual offset-less commit() or the auto-committer
609    would commit a stored offset from a previous assignment before
610    a new message was consumed by the application.
611 * Probe known CA cert paths and set default `ssl.ca.location` accordingly
612   if OpenSSL is statically linked or `ssl.ca.location` is set to `probe`.
613 * Per-partition OffsetCommit errors were unhandled (fixes #2791)
614 * Seed the PRNG (random number generator) by default, allow application to
615   override with `enable.random.seed=false` (#2795)
616 * Fix stack overwrite (of 1 byte) when SaslHandshake MechCnt is zero
617 * Align bundled c11 threads (tinycthreads) constants to glibc and musl (#2681)
618 * Fix return value of rd_kafka_test_fatal_error() (by @ckb42)
619 * Ensure CMake sets disabled defines to zero on Windows (@benesch)
622*Note: there was no v1.4.1 librdkafka release*
628# Older releases
630See https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/releases