1 /*****************************************************************************
2  *  $Id: cbuf.h,v 1.2 2008-08-12 18:14:33 chu11 Exp $
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *  Copyright (C) 2002-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
5  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
6  *  Written by Chris Dunlap <cdunlap@llnl.gov>.
7  *
8  *  This file is from LSD-Tools, the LLNL Software Development Toolbox.
9  *
10  *  LSD-Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
12  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
13  *  any later version.
14  *
15  *  LSD-Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
17  *  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
18  *  more details.
19  *
20  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
21  *  with LSD-Tools; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
22  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
23  *****************************************************************************/
26 #ifndef LSD_CBUF_H
27 #define LSD_CBUF_H
30 /*****************************************************************************
31  *  Notes
32  *****************************************************************************/
33 /*
34  *  Cbuf is a circular-buffer capable of dynamically resizing itself.
35  *  Unread data in the buffer will be overwritten once the cbuf has
36  *  reached its maximum size or is unable to allocate additional memory.
37  *
38  *  The CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE option specifies how unread cbuf data will
39  *  be overwritten.  If set to CBUF_NO_DROP, unread data will never be
40  *  overwritten; writes into the cbuf will return -1 with ENOSPC.  If set
41  *  to CBUF_WRAP_ONCE, a single write operation will wrap-around the buffer
42  *  at most once, and up to cbuf_used() bytes of data may be overwritten.
43  *  If set to CBUF_WRAP_MANY, a single write operation will wrap-around the
44  *  buffer as many times as needed in order to write all of the data.
45  *
46  *  If NDEBUG is not defined, internal debug code will be enabled.  This is
47  *  intended for development use only and production code should define NDEBUG.
48  *
49  *  If WITH_LSD_FATAL_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
50  *  find an external lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) function.  By default,
51  *  lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that outputs an
52  *  error message to stderr.  This macro may be redefined to invoke another
53  *  routine instead.
54  *
55  *  If WITH_LSD_NOMEM_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
56  *  find an external lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) function.  By default,
57  *  lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that returns NULL.
58  *  This macro may be redefined to invoke another routine instead.
59  *
60  *  If WITH_PTHREADS is defined, these routines will be thread-safe.
61  */
64 /*****************************************************************************
65  *  Data Types
66  *****************************************************************************/
68 typedef struct cbuf * cbuf_t;           /* circular-buffer opaque data type  */
70 typedef enum {                          /* cbuf option names                 */
72 } cbuf_opt_t;
74 typedef enum {                          /* CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE values:        */
75     CBUF_NO_DROP,                       /* -never drop data, ENOSPC if full  */
76     CBUF_WRAP_ONCE,                     /* -drop data, wrapping at most once */
77     CBUF_WRAP_MANY                      /* -drop data, wrapping as needed    */
78 } cbuf_overwrite_t;
81 /*****************************************************************************
82  *  Functions
83  *****************************************************************************/
85 cbuf_t cbuf_create (int minsize, int maxsize);
86 /*
87  *  Creates and returns a new circular buffer, or lsd_nomem_error() on failure.
88  *  The buffer is initially allocated to hold [minsize] bytes of data,
89  *    but can attempt to grow up to [maxsize] bytes before overwriting data.
90  *  Set minsize = maxsize to prevent cbuf from dynamically resizing itself.
91  *  The default overwrite option behavior is CBUF_WRAP_MANY.
92  *  Abandoning a cbuf without calling cbuf_destroy() will cause a memory leak.
93  */
95 void cbuf_destroy (cbuf_t cb);
96 /*
97  *  Destroys the circular buffer [cb].
98  */
100 void cbuf_flush (cbuf_t cb);
101 /*
102  *  Flushes all data (including replay data) in [cb].
103  */
105 int cbuf_size (cbuf_t cb);
106 /*
107  *  Returns the maximum size of the buffer allocated to [cb]
108  *    (ie, the number of bytes it can currently hold).
109  */
111 int cbuf_free (cbuf_t cb);
112 /*
113  *  Returns the number of bytes in [cb] available for writing before unread
114  *    data is overwritten (assuming the cbuf can resize itself if needed).
115  */
117 int cbuf_used (cbuf_t cb);
118 /*
119  *  Returns the number of bytes in [cb] available for reading.
120  */
122 int cbuf_lines_used (cbuf_t cb);
123 /*
124  *  Returns the number of lines in [cb] available for reading.
125  */
127 int cbuf_reused (cbuf_t cb);
128 /*
129  *  Returns the number of bytes in [cb] available for replaying/rewinding.
130  */
132 int cbuf_lines_reused (cbuf_t cb);
133 /*
134  *  Returns the number of lines in [cb] available for replaying/rewinding.
135  */
137 int cbuf_is_empty (cbuf_t cb);
138 /*
139  *  Returns non-zero if [cb] is empty; o/w, returns zero.
140  */
142 int cbuf_opt_get (cbuf_t cb, cbuf_opt_t name, int *value);
143 /*
144  *  Gets the [name] option for [cb] and sets [value] to the result.
145  *  Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error (with errno set).
146  */
148 int cbuf_opt_set (cbuf_t cb, cbuf_opt_t name, int value);
149 /*
150  *  Sets the [name] option for [cb] to [value].
151  *  Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error (with errno set).
152  */
154 int cbuf_drop (cbuf_t src, int len);
155 /*
156  *  Discards up to [len] bytes of unread data from [src];
157  *    if [len] is -1, all unread data will be dropped.
158  *  Dropped data is still available via the replay buffer.
159  *  Returns the number of bytes dropped, or -1 on error (with errno set).
160  */
162 int cbuf_peek (cbuf_t src, void *dstbuf, int len);
163 /*
164  *  Reads up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into [dstbuf],
165  *    but does not consume the data read from the cbuf.
166  *  The "peek" can be committed to the cbuf via a call to cbuf_drop(),
167  *    but the peek+drop combination is not atomic.
168  *  Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on error (with errno set).
169  */
171 int cbuf_read (cbuf_t src, void *dstbuf, int len);
172 /*
173  *  Reads up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into [dstbuf].
174  *  Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on error (with errno set).
175  */
177 int cbuf_replay (cbuf_t src, void *dstbuf, int len);
178 /*
179  *  Replays up to [len] bytes of previously read data from the [src] cbuf
180  *    into [dstbuf].
181  *  Returns the number of bytes replayed, or -1 on error (with errno set).
182  */
184 int cbuf_rewind (cbuf_t src, int len);
185 /*
186  *  Rewinds [src] by up to [len] bytes, placing previously read data back in
187  *    the unread data buffer; if [len] is -1, all replay data will be rewound.
188  *  Returns the number of bytes rewound, or -1 on error (with errno set).
189  */
191 int cbuf_write (cbuf_t dst, void *srcbuf, int len, int *ndropped);
192 /*
193  *  Writes up to [len] bytes of data from [srcbuf] into the [dst] cbuf
194  *    according to dst's CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE behavior.
195  *  Returns the number of bytes written, or -1 on error (with errno set).
196  *    Sets [ndropped] (if not NULL) to the number of bytes overwritten.
197  */
199 int cbuf_drop_line (cbuf_t src, int len, int lines);
200 /*
201  *  Discards the specified [lines] of data from [src].  If [lines] is -1,
202  *    discards the maximum number of lines comprised of up to [len] characters.
203  *  Dropped data is still available via the replay buffer.
204  *  Returns the number of bytes dropped, or -1 on error (with errno set).
205  *    Returns 0 if the number of lines is not available (ie, all or none).
206  */
208 int cbuf_peek_line (cbuf_t src, char *dstbuf, int len, int lines);
209 /*
210  *  Reads the specified [lines] of data from the [src] cbuf into [dstbuf],
211  *    but does not consume the data read from the cbuf.  If [lines] is -1,
212  *    reads the maximum number of lines that [dstbuf] can hold.  The buffer
213  *    will be NUL-terminated and contain at most ([len] - 1) characters.
214  *  The "peek" can be committed to the cbuf via a call to cbuf_drop(),
215  *    but the peek+drop combination is not atomic.
216  *  Returns strlen of the line(s) on success; truncation occurred if >= [len].
217  *    Returns 0 if the number of lines is not available (ie, all or none).
218  *    Returns -1 on error (with errno set).
219  */
221 int cbuf_read_line (cbuf_t src, char *dstbuf, int len, int lines);
222 /*
223  *  Reads the specified [lines] of data from the [src] cbuf into [dstbuf].
224  *    If [lines] is -1, reads the maximum number of lines that [dstbuf]
225  *    can hold.  The buffer will be NUL-terminated and contain at most
226  *    ([len] - 1) characters.
227  *  Returns strlen of the line(s) on success; truncation occurred if >= [len],
228  *    in which case excess line data is discarded.  Returns 0 if the number
229  *    of lines is not available (ie, all or none), in which case no data is
230  *    consumed.  Returns -1 on error (with errno set).
231  */
233 int cbuf_replay_line (cbuf_t src, char *dstbuf, int len, int lines);
234 /*
235  *  Replays the specified [lines] of data from the [src] cbuf into [dstbuf].
236  *    If [lines] is -1, replays the maximum number of lines that [dstbuf]
237  *    can hold.  A newline will be appended to [dstbuf] if the last (ie, most
238  *    recently read) line does not contain a trailing newline.  The buffer
239  *    will be NUL-terminated and contain at most ([len] - 1) characters.
240  *  Returns strlen of the line(s) on success; truncation occurred if >= [len].
241  *    Returns 0 if the number of lines is not available (ie, all or none).
242  *    Returns -1 on error (with errno set).
243  */
245 int cbuf_rewind_line (cbuf_t src, int len, int lines);
246 /*
247  *  Rewinds [src] by the specified [lines] of data, placing previously read
248  *    data back in the unread data buffer.  If [lines] is -1, rewinds the
249  *    maximum number of lines comprised of up to [len] characters.
250  *  Returns the number of bytes rewound, or -1 on error (with errno set).
251  *    Returns 0 if the number of lines is not available (ie, all or none).
252  */
254 int cbuf_write_line (cbuf_t dst, char *srcbuf, int *ndropped);
255 /*
256  *  Writes the entire NUL-terminated [srcbuf] string into the [dst] cbuf
257  *    according to dst's CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE behavior.  A newline will be
258  *    appended to the cbuf if [srcbuf] does not contain a trailing newline.
259  *  Returns the number of bytes written, or -1 or error (with errno set).
260  *    Sets [ndropped] (if not NULL) to the number of bytes overwritten.
261  */
263 int cbuf_peek_to_fd (cbuf_t src, int dstfd, int len);
264 /*
265  *  Reads up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into the file
266  *    referenced by the [dstfd] file descriptor, but does not consume the
267  *    data read from the cbuf.  If [len] is -1, it will be set to the number
268  *    of [src] bytes available for reading.
269  *  The "peek" can be committed to the cbuf via a call to cbuf_drop(),
270  *    but the peek+drop combination is not atomic.
271  *  Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on error (with errno set).
272  */
274 int cbuf_read_to_fd (cbuf_t src, int dstfd, int len);
275 /*
276  *  Reads up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into the file
277  *    referenced by the [dstfd] file descriptor.  If [len] is -1, it will
278  *    be set to the number of [src] bytes available for reading.
279  *  Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on error (with errno set).
280  */
282 int cbuf_replay_to_fd (cbuf_t src, int dstfd, int len);
283 /*
284  *  Replays up to [len] bytes of previously read data from the [src] cbuf into
285  *    the file referenced by the [dstfd] file descriptor.  If [len] is -1, it
286  *    will be set to the maximum number of [src] bytes available for replay.
287  *  Returns the number of bytes replayed, or -1 on error (with errno set).
288  */
290 int cbuf_write_from_fd (cbuf_t dst, int srcfd, int len, int *ndropped);
291 /*
292  *  Writes up to [len] bytes of data from the file referenced by the
293  *    [srcfd] file descriptor into the [dst] cbuf according to dst's
294  *    CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE behavior.  If [len] is -1, it will be set to
295  *    an appropriate chunk size.
296  *  Returns the number of bytes written, 0 on EOF, or -1 on error (with errno).
297  *    Sets [ndropped] (if not NULL) to the number of bytes overwritten.
298  */
300 int cbuf_copy (cbuf_t src, cbuf_t dst, int len, int *ndropped);
301 /*
302  *  Copies up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into the [dst] cbuf
303  *    according to dst's CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE behavior.  If [len] is -1,
304  *    it will be set to the number of [src] bytes available for reading.
305  *  Returns the number of bytes copied, or -1 on error (with errno set).
306  *    Sets [ndropped] (if not NULL) to the number of [dst] bytes overwritten.
307  */
309 int cbuf_move (cbuf_t src, cbuf_t dst, int len, int *ndropped);
310 /*
311  *  Moves up to [len] bytes of data from the [src] cbuf into the [dst] cbuf
312  *    according to dst's CBUF_OPT_OVERWRITE behavior.  If [len] is -1,
313  *    it will be set to the number of [src] bytes available for reading.
314  *  Returns the number of bytes moved, or -1 on error (with errno set).
315  *    Sets [ndropped] (if not NULL) to the number of [dst] bytes overwritten.
316  */
319 #endif /* !LSD_CBUF_H */