2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Active Directory - Secrets Engines"
4sidebar_title: "Active Directory"
5sidebar_current: "docs-secrets-active-directory"
6description: |-
7  The Active Directory secrets engine for Vault generates passwords dynamically based on
8  roles.
11# Active Directory Secrets Engine
13The Active Directory (AD) secrets engine is a plugin residing [here](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-plugin-secrets-active-directory).
15The AD secrets engine rotates AD passwords dynamically,
16and is designed for a high-load environment where many instances may be accessing
17a shared password simultaneously. With a simple set up and a simple creds API,
18it doesn't require instances to be manually registered in advance to gain access.
19As long as access has been granted to the creds path via a method like
20[AppRole](https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html), they're available.
22Passwords are lazily rotated based on preset TTLs and can have a length configured to meet
23your needs.
25## A Note on Lazy Rotation
27To drive home the point that passwords are rotated "lazily", consider this scenario:
29- A password is configured with a TTL of 1 hour.
30- All instances of a service using this password are off for 12 hours.
31- Then they wake up and again request the password.
33In this scenario, although the password TTL was set to 1 hour, the password wouldn't be rotated for 12 hours when it
34was next requested. "Lazy" rotation means passwords are rotated when all of the following conditions are true:
36- They are over their TTL
37- They are requested
39Therefore, the AD TTL can be considered a soft contract. It's fulfilled when the given password is next requested.
41To ensure your passwords are rotated as expected, we'd recommend you configure services to request each password at least
42twice as often as its TTL.
44## A Note on Escaping
46**It is up to the administrator** to provide properly escaped DNs. This
47includes the user DN, bind DN for search, and so on.
49The only DN escaping performed by this method is on usernames given at login
50time when they are inserted into the final bind DN, and uses escaping rules
51defined in RFC 4514.
53Additionally, Active Directory has escaping rules that differ slightly from the
54RFC; in particular it requires escaping of '#' regardless of position in the DN
55(the RFC only requires it to be escaped when it is the first character), and
56'=', which the RFC indicates can be escaped with a backslash, but does not
57contain in its set of required escapes. If you are using Active Directory and
58these appear in your usernames, please ensure that they are escaped, in
59addition to being properly escaped in your configured DNs.
61For reference, see [RFC 4514](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4514.txt) and this
62[TechNet post on characters to escape in Active
65## Quick Setup
67Most secrets engines must be configured in advance before they can perform their
68functions. These steps are usually completed by an operator or configuration
69management tool.
711. Enable the Active Directory secrets engine:
73    ```text
74    $ vault secrets enable ad
75    Success! Enabled the ad secrets engine at: ad/
76    ```
78    By default, the secrets engine will mount at the name of the engine. To
79    enable the secrets engine at a different path, use the `-path` argument.
812. Configure the credentials that Vault uses to communicate with Active Directory
82to generate passwords:
84    ```text
85    $ vault write ad/config \
86        binddn=$USERNAME \
87        bindpass=$PASSWORD \
88        url=ldaps:// \
89        userdn='dc=example,dc=com'
90    ```
92    The `$USERNAME` and `$PASSWORD` given must have access to modify passwords
93    for the given account. It is possible to delegate access to change
94    passwords for these accounts to the one Vault is in control of, and this is
95    usually the highest-security solution.
97    If you'd like to do a quick, insecure evaluation, also set `insecure_tls` to true. However, this is NOT RECOMMENDED
98    in a production environment. In production, we recommend `insecure_tls` is false (its default) and is used with a valid
99    `certificate`.
1013. Configure a role that maps a name in Vault to an account in Active Directory.
102When applications request passwords, password rotation settings will be managed by
103this role.
105    ```text
106    $ vault write ad/roles/my-application \
107        service_account_name="my-application@example.com"
108    ```
1104. Grant "my-application" access to its creds at `ad/creds/my-application` using an
111auth method like [AppRole](https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/approle/index.html).
113## FAQ
115### What if someone directly rotates an Active Directory password that Vault is managing?
117If an administrator at your company rotates a password that Vault is managing,
118the next time an application asks _Vault_ for that password, Vault won't know
121To maintain that application's up-time, Vault will need to return to a state of
122knowing the password. Vault will generate a new password, update it, and return
123it to the application(s) asking for it. This all occurs automatically, without
124human intervention.
126Thus, we wouldn't recommend that administrators directly rotate the passwords
127for accounts that Vault is managing. This may lead to behavior the
128administrator wouldn't expect, like finding very quickly afterwards that their
129new password has already been changed.
131The password `ttl` on a role can be updated at any time to ensure that the
132responsibility of updating passwords can be left to Vault, rather than
133requiring manual administrator updates.
135### Why does Vault return the last password in addition to the current one?
137Active Directory promises _eventual consistency_, which means that new
138passwords may not be propagated to all instances immediately. To deal with
139this, Vault returns the current password with the last password if it's known.
140That way, if a new password isn't fully operational, the last password can also
141be used.
143## API
145The Active Directory secrets engine has a full HTTP API. Please see the
146[Active Directory secrets engine API](/api/secret/ad/index.html) for more