1 /*-
2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Erik Larsson
3  *
4  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
18 package org.catacombae.hfsexplorer;
20 import java.io.BufferedReader;
21 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
22 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
23 import java.io.IOException;
24 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
25 import java.util.ArrayList;
26 import java.util.LinkedList;
27 import org.catacombae.io.ReadableFileStream;
28 import org.catacombae.io.ReadableRandomAccessStream;
29 import org.catacombae.storage.io.win32.ReadableWin32FileStream;
30 import org.catacombae.hfsexplorer.fs.NullProgressMonitor;
31 import org.catacombae.storage.ps.apm.types.APMPartition;
32 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFile;
33 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord;
34 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFileThread;
35 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord;
36 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFolder;
37 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord;
38 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFolderThread;
39 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord;
40 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord;
41 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSCatalogNodeID.ReservedID;
42 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSExtentDescriptor;
43 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSForkData;
44 import org.catacombae.hfs.types.hfscommon.CommonHFSVolumeHeader;
45 import org.catacombae.io.ReadableConcatenatedStream;
46 import org.catacombae.storage.io.DataLocator;
47 import org.catacombae.storage.io.ReadableStreamDataLocator;
48 import org.catacombae.storage.fs.FileSystemDetector;
49 import org.catacombae.storage.fs.FileSystemHandler;
50 import org.catacombae.storage.fs.FileSystemHandlerFactory;
51 import org.catacombae.storage.fs.FileSystemMajorType;
52 import org.catacombae.storage.fs.hfscommon.HFSCommonFileSystemHandler;
53 import org.catacombae.hfs.HFSVolume;
54 import org.catacombae.util.Util.Pair;
56 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: Fix HFSExplorer so it doesn't use deprecated methods...
57 public class HFSExplorer {
58     public static final String VERSION = "0.23.1";
59     public static final String COPYRIGHT =
60             "Copyright \u00A9 Erik Larsson 2006-2015";
61     public static final String[] NOTICES = {
62         "This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.",
63         "See <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html> for the details.",
64         "",
65         "Libraries used:",
66         "    swing-layout <https://swing-layout.dev.java.net/>",
67         "        Copyright \u00A9 2005-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Licensed under",
68         "        the Lesser General Public License.",
69         "        See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html> for the details.",
70         "    iHarder Base64 encoder/decoder <http://iharder.sourceforge.net>",
71         "        Public domain software.",
72         "    Apache Ant bzip2 library <http://ant.apache.org/>",
73         "        Copyright \u00A9 the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Licensed",
74         "        under the Apache License, Version 2.0.",
75         "        See <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> for the details.",
76     };
78     public static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
79     private static class Options {
80 	public boolean readAPM = false;
81 	public boolean verbose = false;
82     }
83     private static enum Operation {
86 	TEST,
89 	private final LinkedList<String> argsList = new LinkedList<String>();
addArg(String argument)90 	public void addArg(String argument) {
91 	    argsList.add(argument);
92 	}
getArgs()94 	public String[] getArgs() {
95 	    return argsList.toArray(new String[argsList.size()]);
96 	}
getFilename()98 	public String getFilename() { return argsList.getLast(); }
99     }
101     private static Options options = new Options();
102     private static Operation operation;
103     private static BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
main(String[] args)105     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
106 	if(args.length == 0) {
107 	    printUsageInfo();
108 	    System.exit(0);
109 	}
111 	if(!parseOptions(args, 0, args.length)) {
112             System.exit(1);
113             return;
114         }
116 	//RandomAccessFile isoRaf = new RandomAccessFile(args[0], "r");
117 	ReadableRandomAccessStream isoRaf;
118 	if(ReadableWin32FileStream.isSystemSupported())
119 	    isoRaf = new ReadableWin32FileStream(operation.getFilename());
120 	else
121 	    isoRaf = new ReadableFileStream(operation.getFilename());
123 	long offset; // Offset in isoRaf where the file system starts
124 	long length; // Length of the file system data
125 	if(options.readAPM) {
126 	    println("Reading the Apple Partition Map...");
127 	    isoRaf.seek(0x200);
128 	    byte[] currentBlock = new byte[512];
129 	    byte[] signature = new byte[2];
130 	    //APMPartition p = new APMPartition(isoRaf);
131 	    ArrayList<APMPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<APMPartition>();
132 	    for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
133 		isoRaf.readFully(currentBlock);
134 		signature[0] = currentBlock[0];
135 		signature[1] = currentBlock[1];
136 		if(new String(signature, "ASCII").equals("PM")) {
137 		    print("Partition " + i + ": ");
138 		    APMPartition p = new APMPartition(currentBlock, 0, 0x200);
139 		    partitions.add(p);
140 		    if(options.verbose) {
141 			println();
142 			p.printPartitionInfo(System.out);
143 		    }
144 		    else
145 			println("\"" + p.getPmPartNameAsString() + "\" (" + p.getPmParTypeAsString() + ")");
146 		}
147 		else break;
148 	    }
149 	    print("Which partition do you wish to explore [0-" + (partitions.size()-1) + "]? ");
150 	    int partNum = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine());
151 	    APMPartition chosenPartition = partitions.get(partNum);
152 	    String partitionType = chosenPartition.getPmParTypeAsString();
153 	    if(!partitionType.trim().equals("Apple_HFS")) {
154 		println("The partition is not an HFS partition!");
155 		System.exit(0);
156 	    }
157 	    println("Parsing partition " + partNum + " (" + chosenPartition.getPmPartNameAsString().trim() + "/" + partitionType.trim() + ")");
158 	    offset = (chosenPartition.getPmPyPartStart()+chosenPartition.getPmLgDataStart())*0x200;
159 	    length = chosenPartition.getPmDataCnt()*0x200;
160 	}
161 	else {
162 	    offset = 0;
163 	    length = isoRaf.length();
164 	}
166         switch(operation) {
167             case BROWSE:
168                 operationBrowse(operation, isoRaf, offset, length);
169                 break;
170             case FRAGCHECK:
171                 operationFragCheck(operation, isoRaf, offset, length);
172                 break;
173 //            case TEST:
174 //                operationTest(operation, isoRaf, offset, length);
175 //                break;
176             case SYSTEMFILEINFO:
177                 operationSystemFileInfo(operation, isoRaf, offset, length);
178                 break;
179             default:
180                 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown operation: " + operation);
181         }
182     }
184 //    private static void operationTest(Operation operation, ReadableRandomAccessStream isoRaf, long offset, long length) throws IOException {
185 //	    System.out.println("Reading partition data starting at " + offset + "...");
186 //	    byte[] currentBlock = new byte[512];
187 //	    isoRaf.seek(offset + 1024);
188 //	    isoRaf.read(currentBlock);
189 //	    HFSPlusVolumeHeader header = new HFSPlusVolumeHeader(currentBlock);
190 //	    header.print(System.out, "  ");
191 //	    long catalogFilePosition = header.getBlockSize()*header.getCatalogFile().getExtents().getExtentDescriptor(0).getStartBlock();
192 //	    long catalogFileLength = header.getBlockSize()*header.getCatalogFile().getExtents().getExtentDescriptor(0).getBlockCount();
193 //	    System.out.println("Catalog file offset: " + catalogFilePosition);
194 //	    System.out.println("Catalog file length: " + catalogFileLength + " bytes");
195 //	    System.out.println("Seeking...");
196 //	    isoRaf.seek(offset + catalogFilePosition);
197 //	    System.out.println("Current file pointer: " + isoRaf.getFilePointer());
198 //	    System.out.println("length of file: " + isoRaf.length());
199 //	    byte[] nodeDescriptorData = new byte[14];
200 //	    if(isoRaf.read(nodeDescriptorData) != nodeDescriptorData.length)
201 //		System.out.println("ERROR: Did not read nodeDescriptor completely.");
202 //	    BTNodeDescriptor btnd = new BTNodeDescriptor(nodeDescriptorData, 0);
203 //	    btnd.print(System.out, "");
204 //
205 //	    byte[] headerRec = new byte[BTHeaderRec.length()];
206 //	    if(isoRaf.read(headerRec) != headerRec.length)
207 //		System.out.println("ERROR: Did not read headerRec completely.");
208 //	    BTHeaderRec bthr = new BTHeaderRec(headerRec, 0);
209 //	    bthr.print(System.out, "");
210 //
211 //	    // Now we have the node size, so we could just list the nodes and see what types are there.
212 //	    // Btw, does the length of the catalog file containing this b-tree align to the node size?
213 //	    if(catalogFileLength % bthr.getNodeSize() != 0) {
214 //		System.out.println("catalogFileLength is not aligned to node size! (" + catalogFileLength +
215 //				   " % " + bthr.getNodeSize() + " = " + catalogFileLength % bthr.getNodeSize());
216 //		return;
217 //	    }
218 //	    else
219 //		System.out.println("Number of nodes in the catalog file: " + (catalogFileLength / bthr.getNodeSize()));
220 //
221 //	    int nodeSize = bthr.getNodeSize();
222 //	    byte[] currentNode = new byte[nodeSize];
223 //
224 //
225 //
226 //	    // collect all records belonging to directory 1 (= ls)
227 //	    System.out.println();
228 //	    System.out.println();
229 //	    ForkFilter catalogFile = new ForkFilter(header.getCatalogFile(),
230 //						    header.getCatalogFile().getExtents().getExtentDescriptors(),
231 //						    isoRaf, offset, header.getBlockSize(), 0);
232 //	    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord[] f = HFSPlusFileSystemView.collectFilesInDir(new HFSCatalogNodeID(1), bthr.getRootNode(), isoRaf,
233 //									       offset, header, bthr, catalogFile);
234 //	    System.out.println("Found " + f.length + " items in subroot.");
235 //	    for(HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord rec : f) {
236 //		//rec.print(System.out, "  ");
237 //		System.out.print("  \"" + rec.getKey().getNodeName().toString() + "\"");
238 //		HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData data = rec.getData();
239 //		if(data.getRecordType() == HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData.RECORD_TYPE_FOLDER &&
240 //		   data instanceof HFSPlusCatalogFolder) {
241 //		    HFSPlusCatalogFolder folderData = (HFSPlusCatalogFolder)data;
242 //		    System.out.println(" (dir, id: " + folderData.getFolderID().toInt() + ")");
243 //		    // Print contents of folder
244 //		    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord[] f2 = HFSPlusFileSystemView.collectFilesInDir(folderData.getFolderID(), bthr.getRootNode(), isoRaf, offset, header, bthr, catalogFile);
245 //		    System.out.println("  Found " + f2.length + " items in " + rec.getKey().getNodeName().toString() + ".");
246 //		    for(HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord rec2 : f2)
247 //			System.out.println("    \"" + rec2.getKey().getNodeName() + "\"");
248 //		    //System.out.println();
249 //		}
250 //		else if(data.getRecordType() == HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData.RECORD_TYPE_FILE &&
251 //			data instanceof HFSPlusCatalogFile) {
252 //		    HFSPlusCatalogFile fileData = (HFSPlusCatalogFile)data;
253 //		    System.out.println(" (file, id: " + fileData.getFileID().toInt() + ")");
254 //		}
255 //		else if(data.getRecordType() == HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData.RECORD_TYPE_FOLDER_THREAD &&
256 //			data instanceof HFSPlusCatalogThread) {
257 //		    System.out.println(" (folder thread)");
258 //		}
259 //		else if(data.getRecordType() == HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData.RECORD_TYPE_FILE_THREAD &&
260 //			data instanceof HFSPlusCatalogThread) {
261 //		    System.out.println(" (file thread)");
262 //		}
263 //		else {
264 //		    System.out.println(" (ENCOUNTERED UNKNOWN DATA. record type: " + data.getRecordType() + " rec: " + rec + ")");
265 //		}
266 //	    }
267 //	    System.out.println();
268 //	    System.out.println();
269 //
270 //
271 //
272 //	    System.out.println("Reading node by node...");
273 //	    isoRaf.seek(offset + catalogFilePosition);
274 //	    int nodeNumber = 0;
275 //	    int bytesRead = nodeSize;
276 //	    while((isoRaf.getFilePointer()-catalogFilePosition+nodeSize) <= catalogFileLength) {
277 //		//System.out.println("FP: " + isoRaf.getFilePointer() + " diff: " + (isoRaf.getFilePointer()-catalogFilePosition) + " (catalogFileLength: " + catalogFileLength + ")");
278 //		System.out.println("Reading node " + nodeNumber + "...");
279 //		isoRaf.readFully(currentNode);
280 //		bytesRead += nodeSize;
281 //
282 //		BTNodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor = new BTNodeDescriptor(currentNode, 0);
283 //		if(false && nodeDescriptor.getKind() == BTNodeDescriptor.BT_LEAF_NODE) {
284 //		    String filename = "node" + nodeNumber + ".bin";
285 //		    System.out.println("Dumping node to file: \"" + filename + "\"");
286 //		    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
287 //		    fos.write(currentNode);
288 //		    fos.close();
289 //		}
290 //		System.out.println("  Kind: " + nodeDescriptor.getKindAsString());
291 //		System.out.println("  Number of records: " + nodeDescriptor.getNumRecords());
292 //		short[] offsets = new short[nodeDescriptor.getNumRecords()];
293 //		for(int i = 0; i < offsets.length; ++i) {
294 //		    offsets[i] = Util.readShortBE(currentNode, currentNode.length-((i+1)*2));
295 //		}
296 //
297 //		for(int i = 0; i < offsets.length; ++i) {
298 //		    int currentOffset = Util.unsign(offsets[i]);
299 //
300 //		    if(i < offsets.length-1) {
301 //		    //System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "] Offset to record " + i + ": " + currentOffset);
302 //		    //System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]  Size of record: " + (Util.unsign(offsets[i+1])-currentOffset) + " bytes");
303 //		    /*
304 //		    int keyLength;
305 //		    int keyLengthSize;
306 //		    if(bthr.isBTBigKeysSet()) {
307 //			keyLength = Util.unsign(Util.readShortBE(currentNode, currentOffset));
308 //			keyLengthSize = 2;
309 //		    }
310 //		    else {
311 //			keyLength = Util.unsign(Util.readByteBE(currentNode, currentOffset));
312 //			keyLengthSize = 1;
313 //		    }
314 //		    */
315 //			if(nodeDescriptor.getKind() != BTNodeDescriptor.BT_HEADER_NODE) {
316 //			    HFSPlusCatalogKey currentKey = new HFSPlusCatalogKey(currentNode, currentOffset);
317 //
318 //
319 //			    if(nodeDescriptor.getKind() == BTNodeDescriptor.BT_LEAF_NODE) {
320 //				System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]  Key: " + currentKey.getKeyLength() +
321 //						   ", " + currentKey.getParentID().toString() +
322 //						   ", \"" + currentKey.getNodeName().toString() + "\"");
323 //				//currentKey.print(System.out, "  [" + nodeNumber + "]   ");
324 //
325 //				short recordType = Util.readShortBE(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length());
326 //				System.out.print("  [" + nodeNumber + "]   Record type: ");
327 //				if(recordType == 0x0001) System.out.print("kHFSPlusFolderRecord");
328 //				else if(recordType == 0x0002) System.out.print("kHFSPlusFileRecord");
329 //				else if(recordType == 0x0003) System.out.print("kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord");
330 //				else if(recordType == 0x0004) System.out.print("kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord");
331 //				else System.out.print("UNKNOWN! (" + recordType + ")");
332 //				System.out.println();
333 //
334 //				//System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]  Record:");
335 //				if(recordType == 0x0001) {
336 //				    HFSPlusCatalogFolder folderRec = new HFSPlusCatalogFolder(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length());
337 //				    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]   Node ID: " + folderRec.getFolderID());
338 //				    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]   Valence: " + folderRec.getValence());
339 //				    //folderRec.print(System.out, "  [" + nodeNumber + "]   ");
340 //				}
341 //				else if(recordType == 0x0002) {
342 //				    HFSPlusCatalogFile fileRec = new HFSPlusCatalogFile(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length());
343 //				    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]   Node ID: " + fileRec.getFileID());
344 //				    //fileRec.print(System.out, "  [" + nodeNumber + "]   ");
345 //				}
346 //				else if(recordType == 0x0003) {
347 //				    HFSPlusCatalogThread folderThreadRec = new HFSPlusCatalogThread(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length());
348 //				    //folderThreadRec.print(System.out, "  [" + nodeNumber + "]   ");
349 //				}
350 //				else if(recordType == 0x0004) {
351 //				    HFSPlusCatalogThread fileThreadRec = new HFSPlusCatalogThread(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length());
352 //				    //fileThreadRec.print(System.out, "  [" + nodeNumber + "]   ");
353 //				}
354 //			    }
355 //			    else if(nodeDescriptor.getKind() == BTNodeDescriptor.BT_INDEX_NODE) {
356 //// 			    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]  Remaining data for index: " +
357 //// 					       ((Util.unsign(offsets[i+1])-currentOffset)-
358 //// 						Util.unsign(currentKey.length())) + " bytes");
359 //				System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]    \"" + currentKey.getNodeName().toString() + "\" (parent: " + currentKey.getParentID() + ") -> " + Util.unsign(Util.readIntBE(currentNode, currentOffset+currentKey.length())));
360 //			    }
361 //			}
362 //		    }
363 //		    else {
364 //// 		    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "] Offset to free space: " + currentOffset);
365 //// 		    System.out.println("  [" + nodeNumber + "]  Size of free space: " + (nodeSize-currentOffset-2*nodeDescriptor.getNumRecords()) + " bytes");
366 //
367 //		    }
368 //		}
369 //
370 //		if(true) {
371 //		    System.out.print("Press enter to read next node (q and enter to exit)...");
372 //		    if(stdIn.readLine().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("q"))
373 //			return;
374 //		}
375 //		++nodeNumber;
376 //	    }
377 //	    System.out.println("FP: " + isoRaf.getFilePointer() + " diff: " + (isoRaf.getFilePointer()-catalogFilePosition) + " (catalogFileLength: " + catalogFileLength + ")");
378 //	    System.out.println("bytesRead: " + bytesRead + " nodeSize: " + nodeSize + " number of nodes: " + (catalogFileLength / nodeSize));
379 //	    System.out.println("Nodes read: " + nodeNumber);
380 //
381 //    }
operationBrowse(Operation op, ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength)383     private static void operationBrowse(Operation op, ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength) {
384 	//HFSPlusFileSystemView fsView = new HFSPlusFileSystemView(hfsFile, fsOffset);
385         DataLocator inputDataLocator = new ReadableStreamDataLocator(
386                 new ReadableConcatenatedStream(hfsFile, fsOffset, fsLength));
388         FileSystemMajorType[] fsTypes =
389                 FileSystemDetector.detectFileSystem(inputDataLocator);
391         FileSystemMajorType hfsType = null;
392         outer:
393         for(FileSystemMajorType type : fsTypes) {
394             switch(type) {
395                 case APPLE_HFS:
396                 case APPLE_HFS_PLUS:
397                 case APPLE_HFSX:
398                     if(hfsType != null)
399                         throw new RuntimeException("Conflicting file system " +
400                                 "types: Detected both " + hfsType + " and " +
401                                 type + ".");
402                     hfsType = type;
403                     break;
404                 default:
405                     break;
406             }
407         }
409         if(hfsType == null) {
410             System.err.println("No HFS file system found.");
411             System.exit(1);
412         }
413         else
414             System.out.println("Detected a " + hfsType + " file system.");
416         FileSystemHandlerFactory fact = hfsType.createDefaultHandlerFactory();
417         FileSystemHandler fsHandler = fact.createHandler(inputDataLocator);
419         HFSCommonFileSystemHandler hfsHandler;
420         if(fsHandler instanceof HFSCommonFileSystemHandler)
421             hfsHandler = (HFSCommonFileSystemHandler) fsHandler;
422         else
423             throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected HFS fsHandler type: " +
424                     fsHandler.getClass());
426 	HFSVolume fsView = hfsHandler.getFSView();
428 	CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rootRecord = fsView.getCatalogFile().getRootFolder();
429 	CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord currentDir = rootRecord;
430 	//HFSCatalogNodeID = new HFSCatalogNodeID(1); //rootRecord.getFolderID();
431 	LinkedList<String> pathStack = new LinkedList<String>();
432 	LinkedList<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord> pathThread =
433                 new LinkedList<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord>();
434 	pathStack.addLast("");
436 	while(true) {
437 	    CommonHFSCatalogFolderThread currentThread = null;
438 	    StringBuilder currentPath = new StringBuilder();
439 	    for(String pathComponent : pathStack) {
440 		currentPath.append(pathComponent);
441 		currentPath.append("/");
442 	    }
443 	    println("Listing files in \"" + currentPath.toString() + "\":");
445 	    boolean atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound = false;
446 	    CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord[] recordsInDir =
447                     fsView.getCatalogFile().listRecords(currentDir);
449 	    for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
451 		if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) {
452 		    CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord catFileRec =
453                             (CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) rec;
454                     CommonHFSCatalogFile catFile = catFileRec.getData();
456 		    println("  [" + catFile.getFileID() + "] \"" +
457                             rec.getKey().getNodeName() + "\" (" +
458                             catFile.getDataFork() .getLogicalSize() + " B)");
460 		    if(!atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound)
461 			atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound = true;
462 		}
463 		else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) {
464 		    CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord catFolderRec =
465                             (CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) rec;
466                     CommonHFSCatalogFolder catFolder = catFolderRec.getData();
468 		    println("  [" + catFolder.getFolderID() + "] \"" +
469                             catFolderRec.getKey().getNodeName() + "/\"");
471 		    if(!atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound)
472 			atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound = true;
473 		}
474 		else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord) {
475 		    CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord catThreadRec =
476                             (CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord) rec;
477 		    CommonHFSCatalogFolderThread catThread =
478                             catThreadRec.getData();
480 		    println("  [Folder Thread: [" + catThread.getParentID() +
481                             "] \"" + catThread.getNodeName() + "\"]");
483 		    if(currentThread == null)
484 			currentThread = catThreadRec.getData();
485 		    else
486 			println("WARNING: Found more than one folder thread " +
487                                 "in " + currentPath + "!");
488 		    //println("  [" + catFolder.getFolderID() + "] <Folder Thread: [" + catThread.getParentID() + "] \"" + catThread.getNodeName() + "\"");
489 		}
490 		else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord) {
491 		    CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord catThreadRec =
492                             (CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord) rec;
493                     CommonHFSCatalogFileThread catThread =
494                             catThreadRec.getData();
496 		    println("  [File Thread: [" + catThread.getParentID() +
497                             "] \"" + catThread.getNodeName() + "\"]");
498 		    // This thread probably does not exist in directories...?
499 		}
500 	    }
502 	    if(currentThread == null && atLeastOneNonThreadEntryFound)
503 		println("WARNING: Found no folder thread in " + currentPath + "! Won't be able to go back from children in hierarchy.");
505 	    //long nextID = -1;
506 	    while(true) {
507 		print("Command[?]: ");
509 		String input = null;
510 		try {
511 		    input = stdIn.readLine().trim();
512 		} catch(IOException ioe) {
513 		    ioe.printStackTrace();
514 		    return;
515 		}
516 		if(input.equalsIgnoreCase("?")) {
517 		    println("Available commands:");
518 		    println(" ls                List contents of current directory");
519 		    println(" cd <dirName>      Changes directory by name");
520 		    println(" cdn <dirID>       Changes directory by ID");
521 		    println(" info <fileID>     Gets extensive information about the file.");
522 		    println(" extract <fileID>  Extracts <fileID> to current directory");
523 		    println(" q                 Quits program");
524 		}
525 		else if(input.equals("q"))
526 		    return;
527 		else if(input.equals("ls"))
528 		    break;
529 		else if(input.startsWith("extract ")) {
530 		    input = input.substring("extract ".length()).trim();
531 		    try {
532 			long nextID = Long.parseLong(input);
534 			CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord selectedFileRecord = null;
535 			CommonHFSCatalogFile selectedFile = null;
536 			for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
537 			    if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) {
538 				CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord catFileRec =
539                                         (CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord)rec;
540 				CommonHFSCatalogFile catFile =
541                                         catFileRec.getData();
543 				if(catFile.getFileID().toLong() == nextID) {
544 				    selectedFileRecord = rec;
545 				    selectedFile = catFile;
546 				    break;
547 				}
548 			    }
549 			}
550 			if(selectedFileRecord == null) {
551 			    println("ID not present in dir.");
552 			    //nextID = -1;
553 			}
554 			else {
555 			    String dataForkFilename = selectedFileRecord.getKey().getNodeName().toString();
556 			    FileOutputStream dataOut = new FileOutputStream(dataForkFilename);
557 			    print("Extracting data fork to file \"" + dataForkFilename + "\"...");
558 			    try {
559 				long bytesExtracted =
560                                         fsView.extractDataForkToStream(selectedFileRecord, dataOut,
561                                         NullProgressMonitor.getInstance());
562 				println("extracted " + bytesExtracted + " bytes.");
563 				dataOut.close();
564 			    } catch(IOException ioe) {
565 				ioe.printStackTrace();
566 				try { dataOut.close(); } catch(IOException ioe2) {}
567 				continue; // or rather... don't continue (: mwahaha
568 			    }
570 			    String resourceForkFilename = dataForkFilename + ".resourcefork";
571 			    FileOutputStream resourceOut = new FileOutputStream(resourceForkFilename);
572 			    print("Extracting resource fork to file \"" + resourceForkFilename + "\"...");
573 			    try {
574 				long bytesExtracted =
575                                         fsView.extractResourceForkToStream(selectedFileRecord,
576                                         resourceOut, NullProgressMonitor.getInstance());
577 				println("extracted " + bytesExtracted + " bytes.");
578 				resourceOut.close();
579 			    } catch(IOException ioe) {
580 				ioe.printStackTrace();
581 				try { dataOut.close(); } catch(IOException ioe2) {}
582 			    }
583 			    //break; // to reread the directory
584 			}
586 		    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
587 			fnfe.printStackTrace();
588 		    } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
589 			//nextID = -1;
590 			println("Invalid input!");
591 		    }
592 		}
593 		else if(input.startsWith("info ")) {
594 		    input = input.substring("info ".length()).trim();
595 		    try {
596 			long nextID = Long.parseLong(input);
598 			CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord selectedFileRecord = null;
599 			for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
601 			    if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) {
602 				CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord catFileRec =
603                                         (CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) rec;
604                                 CommonHFSCatalogFile catFile =
605                                         catFileRec.getData();
607 				if(catFile.getFileID().toLong() == nextID) {
608 				    selectedFileRecord = rec;
609 				    rec.print(System.out, "");
610 				    break;
611 				}
612 			    }
613 			}
614 			if(selectedFileRecord == null) {
615 			    println("ID not present in dir.");
616 			    //nextID = -1;
617 			}
618 		    } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
619 			//nextID = -1;
620 			println("Invalid input!");
621 		    }
622 		}
623 		else if(input.startsWith("cdn ")) {
624 		    input = input.substring("cdn ".length()).trim();
625 		    if(input.equals("..")) {
626 			println("Not yet implemented.");
627 			// TODO: Implement this.
628 		    }
629 		    else {
630 			try {
631 			    long nextID = Long.parseLong(input);
632 			    CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord nextDir = null;
633 			    for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
635 				if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) {
636 				    //System.out.println(rec.getKey().getNodeName() + ".equals(" + input +")");
637 				    CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord catFolderRec =
638                                             (CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) rec;
639 				    CommonHFSCatalogFolder catFolder =
640                                             catFolderRec.getData();
642 				    if(catFolder.getFolderID().toLong() == nextID) {
643 					nextDir = rec;
644 					break;
645 				    }
646 				}
647 			    }
648 			    if(nextDir == null) {
649 				println("ID not present in dir.");
650 				//nextID = -1;
651 			    }
652 			    else {
653 				pathStack.addLast(nextDir.getKey().getNodeName().toString());
654 				pathThread.addLast(currentDir);
655 				currentDir = nextDir;//nextFolder.getFolderID();
656 				break;
657 			    }
658 			} catch(Exception e) {
659 			    //nextID = -1;
660 			    println("Invalid input!");
661 			}
662 		    }
663 		}
664 		else if(input.startsWith("cd ")) {
665 		    input = input.substring("cd ".length());
666 		    if(input.equals("..")) {
667 // 			HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord nextDir = null;
668 // 			for(HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
669 // 			    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData recData = rec.getData();
670 // 			    if((recData.getRecordType() ==
671 // 				HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData.RECORD_TYPE_FOLDER_THREAD) &&
672 // 			       recData instanceof HFSPlusCatalogThread) {
673 // 				HFSPlusCatalogThread catThread = (HFSPlusCatalogThread)recData;
674 // 				nextDir = fsView.getRecord(catThread.getParentID(), catThread.getNodeName());
675 // 				if(nextDir == null)
676 // 				    System.err.println("OCULD NOTT FIAAND DIDIIRR!!!");
677 // 			    }
678 // 			}
679 // 			if(nextDir == null) {
680 // 			    println("ID not present in dir.");
681 // 			    //nextID = -1;
682 // 			}
683 // 			else {
684 			    pathStack.removeLast();
686 			    currentDir = pathThread.removeLast();//nextDir;//nextFolder.getFolderID();
687 			    break;
688 // 			}
689 		    }
690 		    else {
691 			try {
692 			    CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord nextDir = null;
693 			    for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : recordsInDir) {
695 				if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) {
696                                     CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord folderRec =
697                                             (CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) rec;
698 				    //System.out.println(rec.getKey().getNodeName() + ".equals(" + input +")");
699 				    if(rec.getKey().getNodeName().toString().equals(input)) {
700 					nextDir = rec;
701 					break;
702 				    }
703 				}
704 			    }
705 			    if(nextDir == null) {
706 				println("Unknown directory.");
707 				//nextID = -1;
708 			    }
709 			    else {
710 				pathStack.addLast(nextDir.getKey().getNodeName().toString());
711 				pathThread.addLast(currentDir);
712 				currentDir = nextDir;//nextFolder.getFolderID();
713 				break;
714 			    }
715 			} catch(Exception e) {
716 			    //nextID = -1;
717 			    println("Invalid input!");
718 			}
719 		    }
720 		}
721 		else
722 		    println("Unknown command.");
723 	    }
724 	    println();
725 	}
726     }
operationFragCheck(Operation op, ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength)728     private static void operationFragCheck(Operation op, ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength) {
729 	println("Gathering information about the files on the volume...");
730 	final int numberOfFilesToDisplay = 10;
731 	ArrayList<Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer>> mostFragmentedList =
732                 new ArrayList<Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer>>(numberOfFilesToDisplay+1);
734 	/*
735 	 * This is the deal:
736 	 *   - Go to catalog file
737 	 *   - Find root dir
738 	 *   - Depth first search starting at root dir
739 	 *     - When a file is found that has more fragments than mostFragmentedList.getLast(),
740 	 *       let the file bubble upwards in the list until it is at the right position.
741 	 *     - If list.size() > numberOfFilesToDisplay: do removeLast() until they match.
742 	 */
744         DataLocator inputDataLocator = new ReadableStreamDataLocator(
745                 new ReadableConcatenatedStream(hfsFile, fsOffset, fsLength));
747         FileSystemMajorType[] fsTypes =
748                 FileSystemDetector.detectFileSystem(inputDataLocator);
750         FileSystemMajorType hfsType = null;
751         outer:
752         for(FileSystemMajorType type : fsTypes) {
753             switch(type) {
754                 case APPLE_HFS:
755                 case APPLE_HFS_PLUS:
756                 case APPLE_HFSX:
757                     if(hfsType != null)
758                         throw new RuntimeException("Conflicting file system " +
759                                 "types: Detected both " + hfsType + " and " +
760                                 type + ".");
761                     hfsType = type;
762                     break;
763                 default:
764                     break;
765             }
766         }
768         if(hfsType == null) {
769             System.err.println("No HFS file system found.");
770             System.exit(1);
771         }
772         else
773             System.out.println("Detected a " + hfsType + " file system.");
775         FileSystemHandlerFactory fact = hfsType.createDefaultHandlerFactory();
776         FileSystemHandler fsHandler = fact.createHandler(inputDataLocator);
778         HFSCommonFileSystemHandler hfsHandler;
779         if(fsHandler instanceof HFSCommonFileSystemHandler)
780             hfsHandler = (HFSCommonFileSystemHandler) fsHandler;
781         else
782             throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected HFS fsHandler type: " +
783                     fsHandler.getClass());
785 	HFSVolume fsView = hfsHandler.getFSView();
786 	CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord rootRecord = fsView.getCatalogFile().getRootFolder();
787 	CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord currentDir = rootRecord;
788 	recursiveFragmentSearch(fsView, rootRecord, mostFragmentedList, numberOfFilesToDisplay, options.verbose);
789 	if(!options.verbose) println();
791 	println("Most fragmented files: ");
792 	for(Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer> phi : mostFragmentedList) {
793             println(phi.getB() + " - \"" + phi.getA().getKey().getNodeName() +
794                     "\"");
795 	}
796     }
recursiveFragmentSearch(HFSVolume fsView, CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord currentDir, ArrayList<Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer>> mostFragmentedList, final int listMaxLength, final boolean verbose)798     private static void recursiveFragmentSearch(HFSVolume fsView, CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord currentDir,
799 						ArrayList<Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer>> mostFragmentedList,
800 						final int listMaxLength, final boolean verbose) {
801 	for(CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord rec : fsView.getCatalogFile().listRecords(currentDir)) {
802 	    if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord) {
803 		CommonHFSCatalogFile catFile =
804                         ((CommonHFSCatalogFileRecord)rec).getData();
806 		CommonHFSExtentDescriptor[] descs =
807                         fsView.getExtentsOverflowFile().
808                         getAllDataExtentDescriptors(rec);
810 		mostFragmentedList.add(new Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer>(rec, descs.length));
812 		// Let the new item bubble up to its position in the list
813 		for(int i = mostFragmentedList.size()-1; i > 0; --i) {
814 		    Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer> lower = mostFragmentedList.get(i);
815 		    Pair<CommonHFSCatalogLeafRecord, Integer> higher = mostFragmentedList.get(i-1);
817                     if(lower.getB().intValue() > higher.getB().intValue()) {
818 			// Switch places.
819 			mostFragmentedList.set(i-1, lower);
820 			mostFragmentedList.set(i, higher);
821 		    }
822 		    else
823 			break;
824 		}
825 		while(mostFragmentedList.size() > listMaxLength)
826 		    mostFragmentedList.remove(mostFragmentedList.size()-1);
827 	    }
828 	    else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord) {
829 		CommonHFSCatalogFolder catFolder =
830                         ((CommonHFSCatalogFolderRecord)rec).getData();
831 		if(verbose) println("  Processing folder \"" + rec.getKey().getNodeName().toString() + "\"");
832 		else print(".");
833 		recursiveFragmentSearch(fsView, rec, mostFragmentedList, listMaxLength, verbose);
834 	    }
835 	    else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord) {
836 		CommonHFSCatalogFolderThread catThread =
837                         ((CommonHFSCatalogFolderThreadRecord)rec).getData();
838 	    }
839 	    else if(rec instanceof CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord) {
840 		CommonHFSCatalogFileThread catThread =
841                         ((CommonHFSCatalogFileThreadRecord)rec).getData();
842 	    }
843             else
844                 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown record type: " +
845                         rec.getClass());
846 	}
847     }
operationSystemFileInfo(Operation op, ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength)849     private static void operationSystemFileInfo(Operation op,
850             ReadableRandomAccessStream hfsFile, long fsOffset, long fsLength) {
851 //	ReadableRandomAccessStream oldHfsFile = hfsFile;
852 // 	System.err.println("Opening hack UDIF file...");
853 // 	hfsFile = new UDIFRandomAccessLLF("/Users/erik/documents.dmg");
854 // 	System.err.println("Opened.");
856         DataLocator inputDataLocator = new ReadableStreamDataLocator(
857                 new ReadableConcatenatedStream(hfsFile, fsOffset, fsLength));
859         FileSystemMajorType[] fsTypes =
860                 FileSystemDetector.detectFileSystem(inputDataLocator);
862         FileSystemMajorType hfsType = null;
863         outer:
864         for(FileSystemMajorType type : fsTypes) {
865             switch(type) {
866                 case APPLE_HFS:
867                 case APPLE_HFS_PLUS:
868                 case APPLE_HFSX:
869                     if(hfsType != null)
870                         throw new RuntimeException("Conflicting file system " +
871                                 "types: Detected both " + hfsType + " and " +
872                                 type + ".");
873                     hfsType = type;
874                     break;
875                 default:
876                     break;
877             }
878         }
880         if(hfsType == null) {
881             System.err.println("No HFS file system found.");
882             System.exit(1);
883         }
884         else
885             System.out.println("Detected a " + hfsType + " file system.");
887         FileSystemHandlerFactory fact = hfsType.createDefaultHandlerFactory();
888         FileSystemHandler fsHandler = fact.createHandler(inputDataLocator);
890         HFSCommonFileSystemHandler hfsHandler;
891         if(fsHandler instanceof HFSCommonFileSystemHandler)
892             hfsHandler = (HFSCommonFileSystemHandler) fsHandler;
893         else
894             throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected HFS fsHandler type: " +
895                     fsHandler.getClass());
897 	HFSVolume fsView = hfsHandler.getFSView();
898 	CommonHFSVolumeHeader header = fsView.getVolumeHeader();
901         ReservedID[] ids;
902         CommonHFSForkData[] interestingFiles;
903         String[] labels;
905         if(header instanceof CommonHFSVolumeHeader.HFSPlusImplementation) {
906             CommonHFSVolumeHeader.HFSPlusImplementation plusHeader =
907                     (CommonHFSVolumeHeader.HFSPlusImplementation) header;
908             ids = new ReservedID[] {
909                 ReservedID.ALLOCATION_FILE,
910                 ReservedID.EXTENTS_FILE,
911                 ReservedID.CATALOG_FILE,
912                 ReservedID.ATTRIBUTES_FILE,
913                 ReservedID.STARTUP_FILE,
914             };
916             interestingFiles = new CommonHFSForkData[] {
917                 plusHeader.getAllocationFile(),
918                 plusHeader.getExtentsOverflowFile(),
919                 plusHeader.getCatalogFile(),
920                 plusHeader.getAttributesFile(),
921                 plusHeader.getStartupFile(),
922             };
924             labels = new String[] {
925                 "Allocation file",
926                 "Extents file",
927                 "Catalog file",
928                 "Attributes file",
929                 "Startup file",
930             };
931         }
932         else {
933             ids = new ReservedID[] {
934                 ReservedID.EXTENTS_FILE,
935                 ReservedID.CATALOG_FILE,
936             };
938             interestingFiles = new CommonHFSForkData[] {
939                 header.getExtentsOverflowFile(),
940                 header.getCatalogFile(),
941             };
943             labels = new String[] {
944                 "Extents file",
945                 "Catalog file",
946             };
948         }
950 	for(CommonHFSForkData f : interestingFiles) { f.print(System.out, ""); }
951 // 	HFSPlusForkData allocationFile = header.getAllocationFile();
952 // 	HFSPlusForkData extentsFile = header.getExtentsFile();
953 // 	HFSPlusForkData catalogFile = header.getCatalogFile();
954 // 	HFSPlusForkData attributesFile = header.getAttributesFile();
955 // 	HFSPlusForkData File = header.getStartupFile();
957 	//HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord rootRecord = fsView.getRoot();
958 	//HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord currentDir = rootRecord;
960 	for(int i = 0; i < interestingFiles.length; ++i) {
961 	    System.out.println(labels[i] + ":");
962 	    CommonHFSForkData currentFile = interestingFiles[i];
963 	    long basicExtentsBlockCount = 0;
964 	    CommonHFSExtentDescriptor[] basicExtents =
965                     currentFile.getBasicExtents();
966 	    long numberOfExtents = 0;
967 	    for(CommonHFSExtentDescriptor cur : basicExtents) {
968 		if(cur.getStartBlock() == 0 && cur.getBlockCount() == 0)
969 		    break;
970 		else {
971 		    basicExtentsBlockCount += cur.getBlockCount();
972 		    ++numberOfExtents;
973 		}
974 	    }
976 	    if(currentFile.getLogicalSize() <= basicExtentsBlockCount*header.getAllocationBlockSize()) {
977 		// All blocks are in basic extents
978 		System.out.println("  Number of extents: " + numberOfExtents +
979                         " (all in basic)");
980 	    }
981 	    else {
982 		ReservedID currentID = ids[i];
983 		if(currentID == ReservedID.EXTENTS_FILE) {
984 		    System.out.println("  OVERFLOW IN EXTENTS OVERFLOW FILE!!");
985 		}
986 		else {
987 		    CommonHFSExtentDescriptor[] allDescriptors = fsView.
988                             getExtentsOverflowFile().
989                             getAllDataExtentDescriptors(
990                             fsView.getCommonHFSCatalogNodeID(currentID),
991                             currentFile);
992 		    System.out.println("  Number of extents: " +
993                             allDescriptors.length + " (overflowed)");
994 		}
995 	    }
996 	}
997     }
printUsageInfo()999     public static void printUsageInfo() {
1000 	// For measurement of the standard terminal width in fixed width environments:
1001 	// 80:  <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
1002 	println("hfsx - HFSExplorer Command Line Interface");
1003         println("Version " + VERSION + " Build #" + BuildNumber.BUILD_NUMBER);
1004         println(COPYRIGHT.replaceAll("\u00A9", "(C)"));
1005         println();
1006 	println("Utility to explore various aspects of an HFS/HFS+/HFSX filesystem.");
1007 	println("usage: hfsx [common options] <verb> [verb options] <file/device>");
1008 	println();
1009 	println("  Common options:");
1010 	println("    -apm  Specifies that the HFS partition is embedded within an Apple");
1011 	println("          Partition Map. The user will be allowed to choose which partition in");
1012 	println("          the map to attempt reading.");
1013 	println("    -v    Verbose operation.");
1014 	println();
1015 	println("  Verbs:");
1016 	println("    browse  Launches a mode where the user can browse the files in a HFS+ file");
1017 	println("            system.");
1018 	println("    chfrag  Lists the 10 most fragmented files of the volume.");
1019 //	println("    test    Launches a test mode for extensive exploration of file system");
1020 //	println("            structures. Only for debugging purposes.");
1021 	println();
1022 	println("  Verb options:");
1023 	println("    <none currently defined>");
1024     }
println()1026     public static void println() {
1027 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1028 	System.out.println();
1029     }
println(String s)1030     public static void println(String s) {
1031 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1032 	System.out.println(s);
1033     }
print(String s)1034     public static void print(String s) {
1035 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1036 	System.out.print(s);
1037     }
vprintln()1038     public static void vprintln() {
1039 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1040 	if(options.verbose) System.out.println();
1041     }
vprintln(String s)1042     public static void vprintln(String s) {
1043 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1044 	if(options.verbose) System.out.println(s);
1045     }
vprint(String s)1046     public static void vprint(String s) {
1047 	//System.out.print(BACKSPACE79);
1048 	if(options.verbose) System.out.print(s);
1049     }
parseOptions(String[] arguments, int offset, int length)1051     public static boolean parseOptions(String[] arguments, int offset,
1052             int length) {
1053 	int i;
1054 	String currentArg = null;
1055 	for(i = offset; i < length; ++i) {
1056 	    currentArg = arguments[i];
1057 	    if(!currentArg.startsWith("-"))
1058 		break;
1059 	    else if(currentArg.equals("-apm"))
1060 		options.readAPM = true;
1061 	    else if(currentArg.equals("-v"))
1062 		options.verbose = true;
1063 	    else
1064 		println("\"" + currentArg + "\" is not a valid parameter.");
1065 	}
1067 	// Now comes the verb
1068 	if(currentArg.equals("browse"))
1069 	    operation = Operation.BROWSE;
1070 	else if(currentArg.equals("chfrag"))
1071 	    operation = Operation.FRAGCHECK;
1072 	//else if(currentArg.equals("test"))
1073 	//    operation = Operation.TEST;
1074 	else if(currentArg.equals("systemfileinfo"))
1075 	    operation = Operation.SYSTEMFILEINFO;
1076         else {
1077             System.err.println("Unknown operation: " + currentArg);
1078             return false;
1079         }
1081         if(operation != null) {
1082             for(++i; i < length; ++i)
1083                 operation.addArg(arguments[i]);
1084         }
1086 	//System.out.println("SETTING FILENAME TO!! ::: " + arguments[length-1]);
1087 	//operation.setFilename(arguments[length-1]);
1089         return true;
1090     }
1092     /*
1093     public static HFSPlusCatalogFile findFileID(HFSPlusCatalogLeafNode leafNode, HFSCatalogNodeID nodeID) {
1094 	HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord[] records = leafNode.getLeafRecords();
1095 	for(int i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) {
1096 	    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord curRec = records[i];
1097 	    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData curRecData = curRec.getData();
1098 	    if(curRecData instanceof HFSPlusCatalogFile &&
1099 	       ((HFSPlusCatalogFile)curRecData).getFileID().toInt() == nodeID.toInt()) {
1100 		return (HFSPlusCatalogFile)curRecData;
1101 	    }
1102 	}
1103 	return null;
1104     }
1105     public static HFSPlusCatalogFolder findFolderID(HFSPlusCatalogLeafNode leafNode, HFSCatalogNodeID nodeID) {
1106 	HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord[] records = leafNode.getLeafRecords();
1107 	for(int i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) {
1108 	    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecord curRec = records[i];
1109 	    HFSPlusCatalogLeafRecordData curRecData = curRec.getData();
1110 	    if(curRecData instanceof HFSPlusCatalogFolder &&
1111 	       ((HFSPlusCatalogFolder)curRecData).getFolderID().toInt() == nodeID.toInt()) {
1112 		return (HFSPlusCatalogFolder)curRecData;
1113 	    }
1114 	}
1115 	return null;
1116     }
1117     */
1118 }