1# AddonComponents grafana component is disabled.
4# Resources for AddonComponents istiocoredns component
6apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
7kind: ClusterRole
9  name: istiocoredns
10  labels:
11    app: istiocoredns
12    release: istio
14- apiGroups: ["networking.istio.io"]
15  resources: ["*"]
16  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
20apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
21kind: ClusterRoleBinding
23  name: istio-istiocoredns-role-binding-istio-system
24  labels:
25    app: istiocoredns
26    release: istio
28  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
29  kind: ClusterRole
30  name: istiocoredns
32- kind: ServiceAccount
33  name: istiocoredns-service-account
34  namespace: istio-system
38apiVersion: v1
39kind: ConfigMap
41  name: coredns
42  namespace: istio-system
43  labels:
44    app: istiocoredns
45    release: istio
47  Corefile: |
48    .:53 {
49          errors
50          health
52          # Removed support for the proxy plugin: https://coredns.io/2019/03/03/coredns-1.4.0-release/
53          grpc global
54          forward . /etc/resolv.conf {
55            except global
56          }
58          prometheus :9153
59          cache 30
60          reload
61        }
65apiVersion: apps/v1
66kind: Deployment
68  name: istiocoredns
69  namespace: istio-system
70  labels:
71    app: istiocoredns
72    release: istio
74  replicas: 1
75  selector:
76    matchLabels:
77      app: istiocoredns
78  strategy:
79    rollingUpdate:
80      maxSurge: 100%
81      maxUnavailable: 25%
82  template:
83    metadata:
84      name: istiocoredns
85      labels:
86        app: istiocoredns
87        release: istio
88      annotations:
89        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
90    spec:
91      serviceAccountName: istiocoredns-service-account
92      containers:
93      - name: coredns
94        image: coredns/coredns:1.6.2
95        args: [ "-conf", "/etc/coredns/Corefile" ]
96        volumeMounts:
97        - name: config-volume
98          mountPath: /etc/coredns
99        ports:
100        - containerPort: 53
101          name: dns
102          protocol: UDP
103        - containerPort: 53
104          name: dns-tcp
105          protocol: TCP
106        - containerPort: 9153
107          name: metrics
108          protocol: TCP
109        livenessProbe:
110          httpGet:
111            path: /health
112            port: 8080
113            scheme: HTTP
114          initialDelaySeconds: 60
115          timeoutSeconds: 5
116          successThreshold: 1
117          failureThreshold: 5
118        resources:
119          requests:
120            cpu: 10m
121      - name: istio-coredns-plugin
122        command:
123        - /usr/local/bin/plugin
124        image: istio/coredns-plugin:0.2-istio-1.1
125        ports:
126        - containerPort: 8053
127          name: dns-grpc
128          protocol: TCP
129        resources:
130          requests:
131            cpu: 10m
132      dnsPolicy: Default
133      volumes:
134      - name: config-volume
135        configMap:
136          name: coredns
137          items:
138          - key: Corefile
139            path: Corefile
140      affinity:
141        nodeAffinity:
142          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
143            nodeSelectorTerms:
144            - matchExpressions:
145              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
146                operator: In
147                values:
148                - "amd64"
149                - "ppc64le"
150                - "s390x"
151          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
152          - weight: 2
153            preference:
154              matchExpressions:
155              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
156                operator: In
157                values:
158                - "amd64"
159          - weight: 2
160            preference:
161              matchExpressions:
162              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
163                operator: In
164                values:
165                - "ppc64le"
166          - weight: 2
167            preference:
168              matchExpressions:
169              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
170                operator: In
171                values:
172                - "s390x"
176apiVersion: v1
177kind: Service
179  name: istiocoredns
180  namespace: istio-system
181  labels:
182    app: istiocoredns
183    release: istio
185  selector:
186    app: istiocoredns
187  ports:
188  - name: dns
189    port: 53
190    protocol: UDP
191  - name: dns-tcp
192    port: 53
193    protocol: TCP
197apiVersion: v1
198kind: ServiceAccount
200  name: istiocoredns-service-account
201  namespace: istio-system
202  labels:
203    app: istiocoredns
204    release: istio
208# AddonComponents kiali component is disabled.
211# Resources for AddonComponents prometheus component
213apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
214kind: ClusterRole
216  name: prometheus-istio-system
217  labels:
218    app: prometheus
219    release: istio
221- apiGroups: [""]
222  resources:
223  - nodes
224  - services
225  - endpoints
226  - pods
227  - nodes/proxy
228  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
229- apiGroups: [""]
230  resources:
231  - configmaps
232  verbs: ["get"]
233- nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"]
234  verbs: ["get"]
238apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
239kind: ClusterRoleBinding
241  name: prometheus-istio-system
242  labels:
243    app: prometheus
244    release: istio
246  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
247  kind: ClusterRole
248  name: prometheus-istio-system
250- kind: ServiceAccount
251  name: prometheus
252  namespace: istio-system
256apiVersion: v1
257kind: ConfigMap
259  name: prometheus
260  namespace: istio-system
261  labels:
262    app: prometheus
263    release: istio
265  prometheus.yml: |-
266    global:
267      scrape_interval: 15s
268    scrape_configs:
269    # Mixer scrapping. Defaults to Prometheus and mixer on same namespace.
270    - job_name: 'istio-mesh'
271      kubernetes_sd_configs:
272      - role: endpoints
273        namespaces:
274          names:
275          - istio-system
276      relabel_configs:
277      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
278        action: keep
279        regex: istio-telemetry;prometheus
281    # Scrape config for envoy stats
282    - job_name: 'envoy-stats'
283      metrics_path: /stats/prometheus
284      kubernetes_sd_configs:
285      - role: pod
287      relabel_configs:
288      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name]
289        action: keep
290        regex: '.*-envoy-prom'
291      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
292        action: replace
293        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
294        replacement: $1:15090
295        target_label: __address__
296      - action: labeldrop
297        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
298      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
299        action: replace
300        target_label: namespace
301      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
302        action: replace
303        target_label: pod_name
305    - job_name: 'istio-policy'
306      kubernetes_sd_configs:
307      - role: endpoints
308        namespaces:
309          names:
310          - istio-system
313      relabel_configs:
314      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
315        action: keep
316        regex: istio-policy;http-policy-monitoring
318    - job_name: 'istio-telemetry'
319      kubernetes_sd_configs:
320      - role: endpoints
321        namespaces:
322          names:
323          - istio-system
325      relabel_configs:
326      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
327        action: keep
328        regex: istio-telemetry;http-monitoring
330    - job_name: 'pilot'
331      kubernetes_sd_configs:
332      - role: endpoints
333        namespaces:
334          names:
335          - istio-system
337      relabel_configs:
338      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
339        action: keep
340        regex: istiod;http-monitoring
341      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app]
342        target_label: app
343    - job_name: 'galley'
344      kubernetes_sd_configs:
345      - role: endpoints
346        namespaces:
347          names:
348          - istio-system
350      relabel_configs:
351      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
352        action: keep
353        regex: istio-galley;http-monitoring
355    - job_name: 'citadel'
356      kubernetes_sd_configs:
357      - role: endpoints
358        namespaces:
359          names:
360          - istio-system
362      relabel_configs:
363      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
364        action: keep
365        regex: istio-citadel;http-monitoring
367    - job_name: 'sidecar-injector'
369      kubernetes_sd_configs:
370      - role: endpoints
371        namespaces:
372          names:
373          - istio-system
375      relabel_configs:
376      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
377        action: keep
378        regex: istio-sidecar-injector;http-monitoring
380    # scrape config for API servers
381    - job_name: 'kubernetes-apiservers'
382      kubernetes_sd_configs:
383      - role: endpoints
384        namespaces:
385          names:
386          - default
387      scheme: https
388      tls_config:
389        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
390      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
391      relabel_configs:
392      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
393        action: keep
394        regex: kubernetes;https
396    # scrape config for nodes (kubelet)
397    - job_name: 'kubernetes-nodes'
398      scheme: https
399      tls_config:
400        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
401      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
402      kubernetes_sd_configs:
403      - role: node
404      relabel_configs:
405      - action: labelmap
406        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
407      - target_label: __address__
408        replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
409      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
410        regex: (.+)
411        target_label: __metrics_path__
412        replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics
414    # Scrape config for Kubelet cAdvisor.
415    #
416    # This is required for Kubernetes 1.7.3 and later, where cAdvisor metrics
417    # (those whose names begin with 'container_') have been removed from the
418    # Kubelet metrics endpoint.  This job scrapes the cAdvisor endpoint to
419    # retrieve those metrics.
420    #
421    # In Kubernetes 1.7.0-1.7.2, these metrics are only exposed on the cAdvisor
422    # HTTP endpoint; use "replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}:4194/proxy/metrics"
423    # in that case (and ensure cAdvisor's HTTP server hasn't been disabled with
424    # the --cadvisor-port=0 Kubelet flag).
425    #
426    # This job is not necessary and should be removed in Kubernetes 1.6 and
427    # earlier versions, or it will cause the metrics to be scraped twice.
428    - job_name: 'kubernetes-cadvisor'
429      scheme: https
430      tls_config:
431        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
432      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
433      kubernetes_sd_configs:
434      - role: node
435      relabel_configs:
436      - action: labelmap
437        regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
438      - target_label: __address__
439        replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443
440      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
441        regex: (.+)
442        target_label: __metrics_path__
443        replacement: /api/v1/nodes/${1}/proxy/metrics/cadvisor
445    # scrape config for service endpoints.
446    - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-endpoints'
447      kubernetes_sd_configs:
448      - role: endpoints
449      relabel_configs:
450      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
451        action: keep
452        regex: true
453      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_scheme]
454        action: replace
455        target_label: __scheme__
456        regex: (https?)
457      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
458        action: replace
459        target_label: __metrics_path__
460        regex: (.+)
461      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
462        action: replace
463        target_label: __address__
464        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
465        replacement: $1:$2
466      - action: labelmap
467        regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
468      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
469        action: replace
470        target_label: kubernetes_namespace
471      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
472        action: replace
473        target_label: kubernetes_name
475    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
476      kubernetes_sd_configs:
477      - role: pod
478      relabel_configs:  # If first two labels are present, pod should be scraped  by the istio-secure job.
479      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
480        action: keep
481        regex: true
482      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status]
483        action: drop
484        regex: (.+)
485      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls]
486        action: drop
487        regex: (true)
488      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
489        action: replace
490        target_label: __metrics_path__
491        regex: (.+)
492      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
493        action: replace
494        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
495        replacement: $1:$2
496        target_label: __address__
497      - action: labelmap
498        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
499      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
500        action: replace
501        target_label: namespace
502      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
503        action: replace
504        target_label: pod_name
505    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods-istio-secure'
506      scheme: https
507      tls_config:
508        ca_file: /etc/istio-certs/root-cert.pem
509        cert_file: /etc/istio-certs/cert-chain.pem
510        key_file: /etc/istio-certs/key.pem
511        insecure_skip_verify: true  # prometheus does not support secure naming.
512      kubernetes_sd_configs:
513      - role: pod
514      relabel_configs:
515      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape]
516        action: keep
517        regex: true
518      # sidecar status annotation is added by sidecar injector and
519      # istio_workload_mtls_ability can be specifically placed on a pod to indicate its ability to receive mtls traffic.
520      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_sidecar_istio_io_status, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_istio_mtls]
521        action: keep
522        regex: (([^;]+);([^;]*))|(([^;]*);(true))
523      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
524        action: replace
525        target_label: __metrics_path__
526        regex: (.+)
527      - source_labels: [__address__]  # Only keep address that is host:port
528        action: keep    # otherwise an extra target with ':443' is added for https scheme
529        regex: ([^:]+):(\d+)
530      - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
531        action: replace
532        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
533        replacement: $1:$2
534        target_label: __address__
535      - action: labelmap
536        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
537      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
538        action: replace
539        target_label: namespace
540      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
541        action: replace
542        target_label: pod_name
546apiVersion: apps/v1
547kind: Deployment
549  labels:
550    app: prometheus
551    release: istio
552  name: prometheus
553  namespace: istio-system
555  replicas: 1
556  selector:
557    matchLabels:
558      app: prometheus
559  template:
560    metadata:
561      annotations:
562        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
563      labels:
564        app: prometheus
565        release: istio
566    spec:
567      affinity:
568        nodeAffinity:
569          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
570          - preference:
571              matchExpressions:
572              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
573                operator: In
574                values:
575                - amd64
576            weight: 2
577          - preference:
578              matchExpressions:
579              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
580                operator: In
581                values:
582                - ppc64le
583            weight: 2
584          - preference:
585              matchExpressions:
586              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
587                operator: In
588                values:
589                - s390x
590            weight: 2
591          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
592            nodeSelectorTerms:
593            - matchExpressions:
594              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
595                operator: In
596                values:
597                - amd64
598                - ppc64le
599                - s390x
600      containers:
601      - args:
602        - --storage.tsdb.retention=6h
603        - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
604        image: docker.io/prom/prometheus:v2.15.1
605        livenessProbe:
606          httpGet:
607            path: /-/healthy
608            port: 9090
609        name: prometheus
610        ports:
611        - containerPort: 9090
612          name: http
613        readinessProbe:
614          httpGet:
615            path: /-/ready
616            port: 9090
617        resources:
618          requests:
619            cpu: 10m
620        volumeMounts:
621        - mountPath: /etc/prometheus
622          name: config-volume
623        - mountPath: /etc/istio-certs
624          name: istio-certs
625      - args:
626        - proxy
627        - sidecar
628        - --domain
629        - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
630        - istio-proxy-prometheus
631        - --proxyLogLevel=warning
632        - --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error
633        - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
634        - NONE
635        - --trust-domain=cluster.local
636        env:
637        - name: OUTPUT_CERTS
638          value: /etc/istio-certs
639        - name: JWT_POLICY
640          value: third-party-jwt
641        - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
642          value: istiod
643        - name: CA_ADDR
644          value: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
645        - name: POD_NAME
646          valueFrom:
647            fieldRef:
648              fieldPath: metadata.name
649        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
650          valueFrom:
651            fieldRef:
652              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
653        - name: INSTANCE_IP
654          valueFrom:
655            fieldRef:
656              fieldPath: status.podIP
657        - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
658          valueFrom:
659            fieldRef:
660              fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
661        - name: HOST_IP
662          valueFrom:
663            fieldRef:
664              fieldPath: status.hostIP
665        - name: ISTIO_META_MESH_ID
666          value: cluster.local
667        - name: ISTIO_META_CLUSTER_ID
668          value: Kubernetes
669        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/proxyv2:latest
670        imagePullPolicy: Always
671        name: istio-proxy
672        ports:
673        - containerPort: 15090
674          name: http-envoy-prom
675          protocol: TCP
676        readinessProbe:
677          failureThreshold: 30
678          httpGet:
679            path: /healthz/ready
680            port: 15020
681            scheme: HTTP
682          initialDelaySeconds: 1
683          periodSeconds: 2
684          successThreshold: 1
685          timeoutSeconds: 1
686        volumeMounts:
687        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
688          name: istiod-ca-cert
689        - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy
690          name: istio-envoy
691        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
692          name: istio-token
693        - mountPath: /etc/istio-certs/
694          name: istio-certs
695        - mountPath: /etc/istio/config
696          name: istio-config-volume
697      serviceAccountName: prometheus
698      volumes:
699      - configMap:
700          name: istio
701          optional: true
702        name: istio-config-volume
703      - configMap:
704          name: prometheus
705        name: config-volume
706      - emptyDir:
707          medium: Memory
708        name: istio-certs
709      - emptyDir:
710          medium: Memory
711        name: istio-envoy
712      - name: istio-token
713        projected:
714          defaultMode: 420
715          sources:
716          - serviceAccountToken:
717              audience: istio-ca
718              expirationSeconds: 43200
719              path: istio-token
720      - configMap:
721          defaultMode: 420
722          name: istio-ca-root-cert
723        name: istiod-ca-cert
728apiVersion: v1
729kind: Service
731  name: prometheus
732  namespace: istio-system
733  annotations:
734    prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
735  labels:
736    app: prometheus
737    release: istio
739  selector:
740    app: prometheus
741  ports:
742  - name: http-prometheus
743    protocol: TCP
744    port: 9090
748apiVersion: v1
749kind: ServiceAccount
751  name: prometheus
752  namespace: istio-system
753  labels:
754    app: prometheus
755    release: istio
759# AddonComponents istio-tracing component is disabled.
761# Resources for Base component
763apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
764kind: ClusterRole
766  name: istiod-istio-system
767  labels:
768    app: istiod
769    release: istio
771  # sidecar injection controller
772  - apiGroups: ["admissionregistration.k8s.io"]
773    resources: ["mutatingwebhookconfigurations"]
774    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
776  # configuration validation webhook controller
777  - apiGroups: ["admissionregistration.k8s.io"]
778    resources: ["validatingwebhookconfigurations"]
779    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
781  # permissions to verify the webhook is ready and rejecting
782  # invalid config. We use --server-dry-run so no config is persisted.
783  - apiGroups: ["networking.istio.io"]
784    verbs: ["create"]
785    resources: ["gateways"]
787  # istio configuration
788  - apiGroups: ["config.istio.io", "rbac.istio.io", "security.istio.io", "networking.istio.io", "authentication.istio.io"]
789    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
790    resources: ["*"]
792  # auto-detect installed CRD definitions
793  - apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
794    resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
795    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
797  # discovery and routing
798  - apiGroups: ["extensions","apps"]
799    resources: ["deployments"]
800    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
801  - apiGroups: [""]
802    resources: ["pods", "nodes", "services", "namespaces", "endpoints"]
803    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
804  - apiGroups: ["discovery.k8s.io"]
805    resources: ["endpointslices"]
806    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
808  # ingress controller
809  - apiGroups: ["networking.k8s.io"]
810    resources: ["ingresses", "ingressclasses"]
811    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
812  - apiGroups: ["networking.k8s.io"]
813    resources: ["ingresses/status"]
814    verbs: ["*"]
816  # required for CA's namespace controller
817  - apiGroups: [""]
818    resources: ["configmaps"]
819    verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update"]
821  # Istiod and bootstrap.
822  - apiGroups: ["certificates.k8s.io"]
823    resources:
824      - "certificatesigningrequests"
825      - "certificatesigningrequests/approval"
826      - "certificatesigningrequests/status"
827    verbs: ["update", "create", "get", "delete", "watch"]
828  - apiGroups: ["certificates.k8s.io"]
829    resources:
830      - "signers"
831    resourceNames:
832    - "kubernetes.io/legacy-unknown"
833    verbs: ["approve"]
835  # Used by Istiod to verify the JWT tokens
836  - apiGroups: ["authentication.k8s.io"]
837    resources: ["tokenreviews"]
838    verbs: ["create"]
840  # TODO: remove, no longer needed at cluster
841  - apiGroups: [""]
842    resources: ["secrets"]
843    verbs: ["create", "get", "watch", "list", "update", "delete"]
844  - apiGroups: [""]
845    resources: ["serviceaccounts"]
846    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
848  # Use for Kubernetes Service APIs
849  - apiGroups: ["networking.x.k8s.io"]
850    resources: ["*"]
851    verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
855apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
856kind: ClusterRole
858  name: istio-reader-istio-system
859  labels:
860    app: istio-reader
861    release: istio
863  - apiGroups:
864      - "config.istio.io"
865      - "rbac.istio.io"
866      - "security.istio.io"
867      - "networking.istio.io"
868      - "authentication.istio.io"
869    resources: ["*"]
870    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
871  - apiGroups: [""]
872    resources: ["endpoints", "pods", "services", "nodes", "replicationcontrollers"]
873    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
874  - apiGroups: ["apps"]
875    resources: ["replicasets"]
876    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
880apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
881kind: ClusterRoleBinding
883  name: istio-reader-istio-system
884  labels:
885    app: istio-reader
886    release: istio
888  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
889  kind: ClusterRole
890  name: istio-reader-istio-system
892  - kind: ServiceAccount
893    name: istio-reader-service-account
894    namespace: istio-system
898apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
899kind: ClusterRoleBinding
901  name: istiod-pilot-istio-system
902  labels:
903    app: pilot
904    release: istio
906  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
907  kind: ClusterRole
908  name: istiod-istio-system
910  - kind: ServiceAccount
911    name: istio-pilot-service-account
912    namespace: istio-system
916apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
917kind: CustomResourceDefinition
919  annotations:
920    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
921  labels:
922    app: istio-citadel
923    chart: istio
924    heritage: Tiller
925    release: istio
926  name: meshpolicies.authentication.istio.io
928  group: authentication.istio.io
929  names:
930    categories:
931    - istio-io
932    - authentication-istio-io
933    kind: MeshPolicy
934    listKind: MeshPolicyList
935    plural: meshpolicies
936    singular: meshpolicy
937  scope: Cluster
938  subresources:
939    status: {}
940  validation:
941    openAPIV3Schema:
942      properties:
943        spec:
944          description: 'See more details at:'
945          properties:
946            originIsOptional:
947              description: Deprecated.
948              type: boolean
949            origins:
950              description: Deprecated.
951              items:
952                properties:
953                  jwt:
954                    description: Jwt params for the method.
955                    properties:
956                      audiences:
957                        items:
958                          format: string
959                          type: string
960                        type: array
961                      issuer:
962                        description: Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
963                        format: string
964                        type: string
965                      jwks:
966                        description: JSON Web Key Set of public keys to validate signature
967                          of the JWT.
968                        format: string
969                        type: string
970                      jwks_uri:
971                        format: string
972                        type: string
973                      jwksUri:
974                        format: string
975                        type: string
976                      jwt_headers:
977                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
978                        items:
979                          format: string
980                          type: string
981                        type: array
982                      jwtHeaders:
983                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
984                        items:
985                          format: string
986                          type: string
987                        type: array
988                      jwtParams:
989                        description: JWT is sent in a query parameter.
990                        items:
991                          format: string
992                          type: string
993                        type: array
994                      trigger_rules:
995                        items:
996                          properties:
997                            excluded_paths:
998                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
999                              items:
1000                                oneOf:
1001                                - not:
1002                                    anyOf:
1003                                    - required:
1004                                      - exact
1005                                    - required:
1006                                      - prefix
1007                                    - required:
1008                                      - suffix
1009                                    - required:
1010                                      - regex
1011                                - required:
1012                                  - exact
1013                                - required:
1014                                  - prefix
1015                                - required:
1016                                  - suffix
1017                                - required:
1018                                  - regex
1019                                properties:
1020                                  exact:
1021                                    description: exact string match.
1022                                    format: string
1023                                    type: string
1024                                  prefix:
1025                                    description: prefix-based match.
1026                                    format: string
1027                                    type: string
1028                                  regex:
1029                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1030                                    format: string
1031                                    type: string
1032                                  suffix:
1033                                    description: suffix-based match.
1034                                    format: string
1035                                    type: string
1036                                type: object
1037                              type: array
1038                            excludedPaths:
1039                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1040                              items:
1041                                oneOf:
1042                                - not:
1043                                    anyOf:
1044                                    - required:
1045                                      - exact
1046                                    - required:
1047                                      - prefix
1048                                    - required:
1049                                      - suffix
1050                                    - required:
1051                                      - regex
1052                                - required:
1053                                  - exact
1054                                - required:
1055                                  - prefix
1056                                - required:
1057                                  - suffix
1058                                - required:
1059                                  - regex
1060                                properties:
1061                                  exact:
1062                                    description: exact string match.
1063                                    format: string
1064                                    type: string
1065                                  prefix:
1066                                    description: prefix-based match.
1067                                    format: string
1068                                    type: string
1069                                  regex:
1070                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1071                                    format: string
1072                                    type: string
1073                                  suffix:
1074                                    description: suffix-based match.
1075                                    format: string
1076                                    type: string
1077                                type: object
1078                              type: array
1079                            included_paths:
1080                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1081                              items:
1082                                oneOf:
1083                                - not:
1084                                    anyOf:
1085                                    - required:
1086                                      - exact
1087                                    - required:
1088                                      - prefix
1089                                    - required:
1090                                      - suffix
1091                                    - required:
1092                                      - regex
1093                                - required:
1094                                  - exact
1095                                - required:
1096                                  - prefix
1097                                - required:
1098                                  - suffix
1099                                - required:
1100                                  - regex
1101                                properties:
1102                                  exact:
1103                                    description: exact string match.
1104                                    format: string
1105                                    type: string
1106                                  prefix:
1107                                    description: prefix-based match.
1108                                    format: string
1109                                    type: string
1110                                  regex:
1111                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1112                                    format: string
1113                                    type: string
1114                                  suffix:
1115                                    description: suffix-based match.
1116                                    format: string
1117                                    type: string
1118                                type: object
1119                              type: array
1120                            includedPaths:
1121                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1122                              items:
1123                                oneOf:
1124                                - not:
1125                                    anyOf:
1126                                    - required:
1127                                      - exact
1128                                    - required:
1129                                      - prefix
1130                                    - required:
1131                                      - suffix
1132                                    - required:
1133                                      - regex
1134                                - required:
1135                                  - exact
1136                                - required:
1137                                  - prefix
1138                                - required:
1139                                  - suffix
1140                                - required:
1141                                  - regex
1142                                properties:
1143                                  exact:
1144                                    description: exact string match.
1145                                    format: string
1146                                    type: string
1147                                  prefix:
1148                                    description: prefix-based match.
1149                                    format: string
1150                                    type: string
1151                                  regex:
1152                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1153                                    format: string
1154                                    type: string
1155                                  suffix:
1156                                    description: suffix-based match.
1157                                    format: string
1158                                    type: string
1159                                type: object
1160                              type: array
1161                          type: object
1162                        type: array
1163                      triggerRules:
1164                        items:
1165                          properties:
1166                            excluded_paths:
1167                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1168                              items:
1169                                oneOf:
1170                                - not:
1171                                    anyOf:
1172                                    - required:
1173                                      - exact
1174                                    - required:
1175                                      - prefix
1176                                    - required:
1177                                      - suffix
1178                                    - required:
1179                                      - regex
1180                                - required:
1181                                  - exact
1182                                - required:
1183                                  - prefix
1184                                - required:
1185                                  - suffix
1186                                - required:
1187                                  - regex
1188                                properties:
1189                                  exact:
1190                                    description: exact string match.
1191                                    format: string
1192                                    type: string
1193                                  prefix:
1194                                    description: prefix-based match.
1195                                    format: string
1196                                    type: string
1197                                  regex:
1198                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1199                                    format: string
1200                                    type: string
1201                                  suffix:
1202                                    description: suffix-based match.
1203                                    format: string
1204                                    type: string
1205                                type: object
1206                              type: array
1207                            excludedPaths:
1208                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1209                              items:
1210                                oneOf:
1211                                - not:
1212                                    anyOf:
1213                                    - required:
1214                                      - exact
1215                                    - required:
1216                                      - prefix
1217                                    - required:
1218                                      - suffix
1219                                    - required:
1220                                      - regex
1221                                - required:
1222                                  - exact
1223                                - required:
1224                                  - prefix
1225                                - required:
1226                                  - suffix
1227                                - required:
1228                                  - regex
1229                                properties:
1230                                  exact:
1231                                    description: exact string match.
1232                                    format: string
1233                                    type: string
1234                                  prefix:
1235                                    description: prefix-based match.
1236                                    format: string
1237                                    type: string
1238                                  regex:
1239                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1240                                    format: string
1241                                    type: string
1242                                  suffix:
1243                                    description: suffix-based match.
1244                                    format: string
1245                                    type: string
1246                                type: object
1247                              type: array
1248                            included_paths:
1249                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1250                              items:
1251                                oneOf:
1252                                - not:
1253                                    anyOf:
1254                                    - required:
1255                                      - exact
1256                                    - required:
1257                                      - prefix
1258                                    - required:
1259                                      - suffix
1260                                    - required:
1261                                      - regex
1262                                - required:
1263                                  - exact
1264                                - required:
1265                                  - prefix
1266                                - required:
1267                                  - suffix
1268                                - required:
1269                                  - regex
1270                                properties:
1271                                  exact:
1272                                    description: exact string match.
1273                                    format: string
1274                                    type: string
1275                                  prefix:
1276                                    description: prefix-based match.
1277                                    format: string
1278                                    type: string
1279                                  regex:
1280                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1281                                    format: string
1282                                    type: string
1283                                  suffix:
1284                                    description: suffix-based match.
1285                                    format: string
1286                                    type: string
1287                                type: object
1288                              type: array
1289                            includedPaths:
1290                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1291                              items:
1292                                oneOf:
1293                                - not:
1294                                    anyOf:
1295                                    - required:
1296                                      - exact
1297                                    - required:
1298                                      - prefix
1299                                    - required:
1300                                      - suffix
1301                                    - required:
1302                                      - regex
1303                                - required:
1304                                  - exact
1305                                - required:
1306                                  - prefix
1307                                - required:
1308                                  - suffix
1309                                - required:
1310                                  - regex
1311                                properties:
1312                                  exact:
1313                                    description: exact string match.
1314                                    format: string
1315                                    type: string
1316                                  prefix:
1317                                    description: prefix-based match.
1318                                    format: string
1319                                    type: string
1320                                  regex:
1321                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1322                                    format: string
1323                                    type: string
1324                                  suffix:
1325                                    description: suffix-based match.
1326                                    format: string
1327                                    type: string
1328                                type: object
1329                              type: array
1330                          type: object
1331                        type: array
1332                    type: object
1333                type: object
1334              type: array
1335            peerIsOptional:
1336              description: Deprecated.
1337              type: boolean
1338            peers:
1339              items:
1340                oneOf:
1341                - not:
1342                    anyOf:
1343                    - required:
1344                      - mtls
1345                    - properties:
1346                        jwt: {}
1347                      required:
1348                      - jwt
1349                - required:
1350                  - mtls
1351                - properties:
1352                    jwt: {}
1353                  required:
1354                  - jwt
1355                properties:
1356                  jwt:
1357                    properties:
1358                      audiences:
1359                        items:
1360                          format: string
1361                          type: string
1362                        type: array
1363                      issuer:
1364                        description: Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
1365                        format: string
1366                        type: string
1367                      jwks:
1368                        description: JSON Web Key Set of public keys to validate signature
1369                          of the JWT.
1370                        format: string
1371                        type: string
1372                      jwks_uri:
1373                        format: string
1374                        type: string
1375                      jwksUri:
1376                        format: string
1377                        type: string
1378                      jwt_headers:
1379                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
1380                        items:
1381                          format: string
1382                          type: string
1383                        type: array
1384                      jwtHeaders:
1385                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
1386                        items:
1387                          format: string
1388                          type: string
1389                        type: array
1390                      jwtParams:
1391                        description: JWT is sent in a query parameter.
1392                        items:
1393                          format: string
1394                          type: string
1395                        type: array
1396                      trigger_rules:
1397                        items:
1398                          properties:
1399                            excluded_paths:
1400                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1401                              items:
1402                                oneOf:
1403                                - not:
1404                                    anyOf:
1405                                    - required:
1406                                      - exact
1407                                    - required:
1408                                      - prefix
1409                                    - required:
1410                                      - suffix
1411                                    - required:
1412                                      - regex
1413                                - required:
1414                                  - exact
1415                                - required:
1416                                  - prefix
1417                                - required:
1418                                  - suffix
1419                                - required:
1420                                  - regex
1421                                properties:
1422                                  exact:
1423                                    description: exact string match.
1424                                    format: string
1425                                    type: string
1426                                  prefix:
1427                                    description: prefix-based match.
1428                                    format: string
1429                                    type: string
1430                                  regex:
1431                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1432                                    format: string
1433                                    type: string
1434                                  suffix:
1435                                    description: suffix-based match.
1436                                    format: string
1437                                    type: string
1438                                type: object
1439                              type: array
1440                            excludedPaths:
1441                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1442                              items:
1443                                oneOf:
1444                                - not:
1445                                    anyOf:
1446                                    - required:
1447                                      - exact
1448                                    - required:
1449                                      - prefix
1450                                    - required:
1451                                      - suffix
1452                                    - required:
1453                                      - regex
1454                                - required:
1455                                  - exact
1456                                - required:
1457                                  - prefix
1458                                - required:
1459                                  - suffix
1460                                - required:
1461                                  - regex
1462                                properties:
1463                                  exact:
1464                                    description: exact string match.
1465                                    format: string
1466                                    type: string
1467                                  prefix:
1468                                    description: prefix-based match.
1469                                    format: string
1470                                    type: string
1471                                  regex:
1472                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1473                                    format: string
1474                                    type: string
1475                                  suffix:
1476                                    description: suffix-based match.
1477                                    format: string
1478                                    type: string
1479                                type: object
1480                              type: array
1481                            included_paths:
1482                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1483                              items:
1484                                oneOf:
1485                                - not:
1486                                    anyOf:
1487                                    - required:
1488                                      - exact
1489                                    - required:
1490                                      - prefix
1491                                    - required:
1492                                      - suffix
1493                                    - required:
1494                                      - regex
1495                                - required:
1496                                  - exact
1497                                - required:
1498                                  - prefix
1499                                - required:
1500                                  - suffix
1501                                - required:
1502                                  - regex
1503                                properties:
1504                                  exact:
1505                                    description: exact string match.
1506                                    format: string
1507                                    type: string
1508                                  prefix:
1509                                    description: prefix-based match.
1510                                    format: string
1511                                    type: string
1512                                  regex:
1513                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1514                                    format: string
1515                                    type: string
1516                                  suffix:
1517                                    description: suffix-based match.
1518                                    format: string
1519                                    type: string
1520                                type: object
1521                              type: array
1522                            includedPaths:
1523                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1524                              items:
1525                                oneOf:
1526                                - not:
1527                                    anyOf:
1528                                    - required:
1529                                      - exact
1530                                    - required:
1531                                      - prefix
1532                                    - required:
1533                                      - suffix
1534                                    - required:
1535                                      - regex
1536                                - required:
1537                                  - exact
1538                                - required:
1539                                  - prefix
1540                                - required:
1541                                  - suffix
1542                                - required:
1543                                  - regex
1544                                properties:
1545                                  exact:
1546                                    description: exact string match.
1547                                    format: string
1548                                    type: string
1549                                  prefix:
1550                                    description: prefix-based match.
1551                                    format: string
1552                                    type: string
1553                                  regex:
1554                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1555                                    format: string
1556                                    type: string
1557                                  suffix:
1558                                    description: suffix-based match.
1559                                    format: string
1560                                    type: string
1561                                type: object
1562                              type: array
1563                          type: object
1564                        type: array
1565                      triggerRules:
1566                        items:
1567                          properties:
1568                            excluded_paths:
1569                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1570                              items:
1571                                oneOf:
1572                                - not:
1573                                    anyOf:
1574                                    - required:
1575                                      - exact
1576                                    - required:
1577                                      - prefix
1578                                    - required:
1579                                      - suffix
1580                                    - required:
1581                                      - regex
1582                                - required:
1583                                  - exact
1584                                - required:
1585                                  - prefix
1586                                - required:
1587                                  - suffix
1588                                - required:
1589                                  - regex
1590                                properties:
1591                                  exact:
1592                                    description: exact string match.
1593                                    format: string
1594                                    type: string
1595                                  prefix:
1596                                    description: prefix-based match.
1597                                    format: string
1598                                    type: string
1599                                  regex:
1600                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1601                                    format: string
1602                                    type: string
1603                                  suffix:
1604                                    description: suffix-based match.
1605                                    format: string
1606                                    type: string
1607                                type: object
1608                              type: array
1609                            excludedPaths:
1610                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1611                              items:
1612                                oneOf:
1613                                - not:
1614                                    anyOf:
1615                                    - required:
1616                                      - exact
1617                                    - required:
1618                                      - prefix
1619                                    - required:
1620                                      - suffix
1621                                    - required:
1622                                      - regex
1623                                - required:
1624                                  - exact
1625                                - required:
1626                                  - prefix
1627                                - required:
1628                                  - suffix
1629                                - required:
1630                                  - regex
1631                                properties:
1632                                  exact:
1633                                    description: exact string match.
1634                                    format: string
1635                                    type: string
1636                                  prefix:
1637                                    description: prefix-based match.
1638                                    format: string
1639                                    type: string
1640                                  regex:
1641                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1642                                    format: string
1643                                    type: string
1644                                  suffix:
1645                                    description: suffix-based match.
1646                                    format: string
1647                                    type: string
1648                                type: object
1649                              type: array
1650                            included_paths:
1651                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1652                              items:
1653                                oneOf:
1654                                - not:
1655                                    anyOf:
1656                                    - required:
1657                                      - exact
1658                                    - required:
1659                                      - prefix
1660                                    - required:
1661                                      - suffix
1662                                    - required:
1663                                      - regex
1664                                - required:
1665                                  - exact
1666                                - required:
1667                                  - prefix
1668                                - required:
1669                                  - suffix
1670                                - required:
1671                                  - regex
1672                                properties:
1673                                  exact:
1674                                    description: exact string match.
1675                                    format: string
1676                                    type: string
1677                                  prefix:
1678                                    description: prefix-based match.
1679                                    format: string
1680                                    type: string
1681                                  regex:
1682                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1683                                    format: string
1684                                    type: string
1685                                  suffix:
1686                                    description: suffix-based match.
1687                                    format: string
1688                                    type: string
1689                                type: object
1690                              type: array
1691                            includedPaths:
1692                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1693                              items:
1694                                oneOf:
1695                                - not:
1696                                    anyOf:
1697                                    - required:
1698                                      - exact
1699                                    - required:
1700                                      - prefix
1701                                    - required:
1702                                      - suffix
1703                                    - required:
1704                                      - regex
1705                                - required:
1706                                  - exact
1707                                - required:
1708                                  - prefix
1709                                - required:
1710                                  - suffix
1711                                - required:
1712                                  - regex
1713                                properties:
1714                                  exact:
1715                                    description: exact string match.
1716                                    format: string
1717                                    type: string
1718                                  prefix:
1719                                    description: prefix-based match.
1720                                    format: string
1721                                    type: string
1722                                  regex:
1723                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1724                                    format: string
1725                                    type: string
1726                                  suffix:
1727                                    description: suffix-based match.
1728                                    format: string
1729                                    type: string
1730                                type: object
1731                              type: array
1732                          type: object
1733                        type: array
1734                    type: object
1735                  mtls:
1736                    description: Set if mTLS is used.
1737                    properties:
1738                      allowTls:
1739                        description: Deprecated.
1740                        type: boolean
1741                      mode:
1742                        description: Defines the mode of mTLS authentication.
1743                        enum:
1744                        - STRICT
1745                        - PERMISSIVE
1746                        type: string
1747                    type: object
1748                type: object
1749              type: array
1750            principalBinding:
1751              description: Deprecated.
1752              enum:
1753              - USE_PEER
1754              - USE_ORIGIN
1755              type: string
1756            targets:
1757              description: Deprecated.
1758              items:
1759                properties:
1760                  name:
1761                    description: The name must be a short name from the service registry.
1762                    format: string
1763                    type: string
1764                  ports:
1765                    description: Specifies the ports.
1766                    items:
1767                      oneOf:
1768                      - not:
1769                          anyOf:
1770                          - required:
1771                            - number
1772                          - required:
1773                            - name
1774                      - required:
1775                        - number
1776                      - required:
1777                        - name
1778                      properties:
1779                        name:
1780                          format: string
1781                          type: string
1782                        number:
1783                          type: integer
1784                      type: object
1785                    type: array
1786                type: object
1787              type: array
1788          type: object
1789      type: object
1790  versions:
1791  - name: v1alpha1
1792    served: true
1793    storage: true
1797apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
1798kind: CustomResourceDefinition
1800  annotations:
1801    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
1802  labels:
1803    app: istio-citadel
1804    chart: istio
1805    heritage: Tiller
1806    release: istio
1807  name: policies.authentication.istio.io
1809  group: authentication.istio.io
1810  names:
1811    categories:
1812    - istio-io
1813    - authentication-istio-io
1814    kind: Policy
1815    listKind: PolicyList
1816    plural: policies
1817    singular: policy
1818  scope: Namespaced
1819  subresources:
1820    status: {}
1821  validation:
1822    openAPIV3Schema:
1823      properties:
1824        spec:
1825          description: 'See more details at:'
1826          properties:
1827            originIsOptional:
1828              description: Deprecated.
1829              type: boolean
1830            origins:
1831              description: Deprecated.
1832              items:
1833                properties:
1834                  jwt:
1835                    description: Jwt params for the method.
1836                    properties:
1837                      audiences:
1838                        items:
1839                          format: string
1840                          type: string
1841                        type: array
1842                      issuer:
1843                        description: Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
1844                        format: string
1845                        type: string
1846                      jwks:
1847                        description: JSON Web Key Set of public keys to validate signature
1848                          of the JWT.
1849                        format: string
1850                        type: string
1851                      jwks_uri:
1852                        format: string
1853                        type: string
1854                      jwksUri:
1855                        format: string
1856                        type: string
1857                      jwt_headers:
1858                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
1859                        items:
1860                          format: string
1861                          type: string
1862                        type: array
1863                      jwtHeaders:
1864                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
1865                        items:
1866                          format: string
1867                          type: string
1868                        type: array
1869                      jwtParams:
1870                        description: JWT is sent in a query parameter.
1871                        items:
1872                          format: string
1873                          type: string
1874                        type: array
1875                      trigger_rules:
1876                        items:
1877                          properties:
1878                            excluded_paths:
1879                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1880                              items:
1881                                oneOf:
1882                                - not:
1883                                    anyOf:
1884                                    - required:
1885                                      - exact
1886                                    - required:
1887                                      - prefix
1888                                    - required:
1889                                      - suffix
1890                                    - required:
1891                                      - regex
1892                                - required:
1893                                  - exact
1894                                - required:
1895                                  - prefix
1896                                - required:
1897                                  - suffix
1898                                - required:
1899                                  - regex
1900                                properties:
1901                                  exact:
1902                                    description: exact string match.
1903                                    format: string
1904                                    type: string
1905                                  prefix:
1906                                    description: prefix-based match.
1907                                    format: string
1908                                    type: string
1909                                  regex:
1910                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1911                                    format: string
1912                                    type: string
1913                                  suffix:
1914                                    description: suffix-based match.
1915                                    format: string
1916                                    type: string
1917                                type: object
1918                              type: array
1919                            excludedPaths:
1920                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
1921                              items:
1922                                oneOf:
1923                                - not:
1924                                    anyOf:
1925                                    - required:
1926                                      - exact
1927                                    - required:
1928                                      - prefix
1929                                    - required:
1930                                      - suffix
1931                                    - required:
1932                                      - regex
1933                                - required:
1934                                  - exact
1935                                - required:
1936                                  - prefix
1937                                - required:
1938                                  - suffix
1939                                - required:
1940                                  - regex
1941                                properties:
1942                                  exact:
1943                                    description: exact string match.
1944                                    format: string
1945                                    type: string
1946                                  prefix:
1947                                    description: prefix-based match.
1948                                    format: string
1949                                    type: string
1950                                  regex:
1951                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1952                                    format: string
1953                                    type: string
1954                                  suffix:
1955                                    description: suffix-based match.
1956                                    format: string
1957                                    type: string
1958                                type: object
1959                              type: array
1960                            included_paths:
1961                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
1962                              items:
1963                                oneOf:
1964                                - not:
1965                                    anyOf:
1966                                    - required:
1967                                      - exact
1968                                    - required:
1969                                      - prefix
1970                                    - required:
1971                                      - suffix
1972                                    - required:
1973                                      - regex
1974                                - required:
1975                                  - exact
1976                                - required:
1977                                  - prefix
1978                                - required:
1979                                  - suffix
1980                                - required:
1981                                  - regex
1982                                properties:
1983                                  exact:
1984                                    description: exact string match.
1985                                    format: string
1986                                    type: string
1987                                  prefix:
1988                                    description: prefix-based match.
1989                                    format: string
1990                                    type: string
1991                                  regex:
1992                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
1993                                    format: string
1994                                    type: string
1995                                  suffix:
1996                                    description: suffix-based match.
1997                                    format: string
1998                                    type: string
1999                                type: object
2000                              type: array
2001                            includedPaths:
2002                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2003                              items:
2004                                oneOf:
2005                                - not:
2006                                    anyOf:
2007                                    - required:
2008                                      - exact
2009                                    - required:
2010                                      - prefix
2011                                    - required:
2012                                      - suffix
2013                                    - required:
2014                                      - regex
2015                                - required:
2016                                  - exact
2017                                - required:
2018                                  - prefix
2019                                - required:
2020                                  - suffix
2021                                - required:
2022                                  - regex
2023                                properties:
2024                                  exact:
2025                                    description: exact string match.
2026                                    format: string
2027                                    type: string
2028                                  prefix:
2029                                    description: prefix-based match.
2030                                    format: string
2031                                    type: string
2032                                  regex:
2033                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2034                                    format: string
2035                                    type: string
2036                                  suffix:
2037                                    description: suffix-based match.
2038                                    format: string
2039                                    type: string
2040                                type: object
2041                              type: array
2042                          type: object
2043                        type: array
2044                      triggerRules:
2045                        items:
2046                          properties:
2047                            excluded_paths:
2048                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2049                              items:
2050                                oneOf:
2051                                - not:
2052                                    anyOf:
2053                                    - required:
2054                                      - exact
2055                                    - required:
2056                                      - prefix
2057                                    - required:
2058                                      - suffix
2059                                    - required:
2060                                      - regex
2061                                - required:
2062                                  - exact
2063                                - required:
2064                                  - prefix
2065                                - required:
2066                                  - suffix
2067                                - required:
2068                                  - regex
2069                                properties:
2070                                  exact:
2071                                    description: exact string match.
2072                                    format: string
2073                                    type: string
2074                                  prefix:
2075                                    description: prefix-based match.
2076                                    format: string
2077                                    type: string
2078                                  regex:
2079                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2080                                    format: string
2081                                    type: string
2082                                  suffix:
2083                                    description: suffix-based match.
2084                                    format: string
2085                                    type: string
2086                                type: object
2087                              type: array
2088                            excludedPaths:
2089                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2090                              items:
2091                                oneOf:
2092                                - not:
2093                                    anyOf:
2094                                    - required:
2095                                      - exact
2096                                    - required:
2097                                      - prefix
2098                                    - required:
2099                                      - suffix
2100                                    - required:
2101                                      - regex
2102                                - required:
2103                                  - exact
2104                                - required:
2105                                  - prefix
2106                                - required:
2107                                  - suffix
2108                                - required:
2109                                  - regex
2110                                properties:
2111                                  exact:
2112                                    description: exact string match.
2113                                    format: string
2114                                    type: string
2115                                  prefix:
2116                                    description: prefix-based match.
2117                                    format: string
2118                                    type: string
2119                                  regex:
2120                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2121                                    format: string
2122                                    type: string
2123                                  suffix:
2124                                    description: suffix-based match.
2125                                    format: string
2126                                    type: string
2127                                type: object
2128                              type: array
2129                            included_paths:
2130                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2131                              items:
2132                                oneOf:
2133                                - not:
2134                                    anyOf:
2135                                    - required:
2136                                      - exact
2137                                    - required:
2138                                      - prefix
2139                                    - required:
2140                                      - suffix
2141                                    - required:
2142                                      - regex
2143                                - required:
2144                                  - exact
2145                                - required:
2146                                  - prefix
2147                                - required:
2148                                  - suffix
2149                                - required:
2150                                  - regex
2151                                properties:
2152                                  exact:
2153                                    description: exact string match.
2154                                    format: string
2155                                    type: string
2156                                  prefix:
2157                                    description: prefix-based match.
2158                                    format: string
2159                                    type: string
2160                                  regex:
2161                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2162                                    format: string
2163                                    type: string
2164                                  suffix:
2165                                    description: suffix-based match.
2166                                    format: string
2167                                    type: string
2168                                type: object
2169                              type: array
2170                            includedPaths:
2171                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2172                              items:
2173                                oneOf:
2174                                - not:
2175                                    anyOf:
2176                                    - required:
2177                                      - exact
2178                                    - required:
2179                                      - prefix
2180                                    - required:
2181                                      - suffix
2182                                    - required:
2183                                      - regex
2184                                - required:
2185                                  - exact
2186                                - required:
2187                                  - prefix
2188                                - required:
2189                                  - suffix
2190                                - required:
2191                                  - regex
2192                                properties:
2193                                  exact:
2194                                    description: exact string match.
2195                                    format: string
2196                                    type: string
2197                                  prefix:
2198                                    description: prefix-based match.
2199                                    format: string
2200                                    type: string
2201                                  regex:
2202                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2203                                    format: string
2204                                    type: string
2205                                  suffix:
2206                                    description: suffix-based match.
2207                                    format: string
2208                                    type: string
2209                                type: object
2210                              type: array
2211                          type: object
2212                        type: array
2213                    type: object
2214                type: object
2215              type: array
2216            peerIsOptional:
2217              description: Deprecated.
2218              type: boolean
2219            peers:
2220              items:
2221                oneOf:
2222                - not:
2223                    anyOf:
2224                    - required:
2225                      - mtls
2226                    - properties:
2227                        jwt: {}
2228                      required:
2229                      - jwt
2230                - required:
2231                  - mtls
2232                - properties:
2233                    jwt: {}
2234                  required:
2235                  - jwt
2236                properties:
2237                  jwt:
2238                    properties:
2239                      audiences:
2240                        items:
2241                          format: string
2242                          type: string
2243                        type: array
2244                      issuer:
2245                        description: Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
2246                        format: string
2247                        type: string
2248                      jwks:
2249                        description: JSON Web Key Set of public keys to validate signature
2250                          of the JWT.
2251                        format: string
2252                        type: string
2253                      jwks_uri:
2254                        format: string
2255                        type: string
2256                      jwksUri:
2257                        format: string
2258                        type: string
2259                      jwt_headers:
2260                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
2261                        items:
2262                          format: string
2263                          type: string
2264                        type: array
2265                      jwtHeaders:
2266                        description: JWT is sent in a request header.
2267                        items:
2268                          format: string
2269                          type: string
2270                        type: array
2271                      jwtParams:
2272                        description: JWT is sent in a query parameter.
2273                        items:
2274                          format: string
2275                          type: string
2276                        type: array
2277                      trigger_rules:
2278                        items:
2279                          properties:
2280                            excluded_paths:
2281                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2282                              items:
2283                                oneOf:
2284                                - not:
2285                                    anyOf:
2286                                    - required:
2287                                      - exact
2288                                    - required:
2289                                      - prefix
2290                                    - required:
2291                                      - suffix
2292                                    - required:
2293                                      - regex
2294                                - required:
2295                                  - exact
2296                                - required:
2297                                  - prefix
2298                                - required:
2299                                  - suffix
2300                                - required:
2301                                  - regex
2302                                properties:
2303                                  exact:
2304                                    description: exact string match.
2305                                    format: string
2306                                    type: string
2307                                  prefix:
2308                                    description: prefix-based match.
2309                                    format: string
2310                                    type: string
2311                                  regex:
2312                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2313                                    format: string
2314                                    type: string
2315                                  suffix:
2316                                    description: suffix-based match.
2317                                    format: string
2318                                    type: string
2319                                type: object
2320                              type: array
2321                            excludedPaths:
2322                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2323                              items:
2324                                oneOf:
2325                                - not:
2326                                    anyOf:
2327                                    - required:
2328                                      - exact
2329                                    - required:
2330                                      - prefix
2331                                    - required:
2332                                      - suffix
2333                                    - required:
2334                                      - regex
2335                                - required:
2336                                  - exact
2337                                - required:
2338                                  - prefix
2339                                - required:
2340                                  - suffix
2341                                - required:
2342                                  - regex
2343                                properties:
2344                                  exact:
2345                                    description: exact string match.
2346                                    format: string
2347                                    type: string
2348                                  prefix:
2349                                    description: prefix-based match.
2350                                    format: string
2351                                    type: string
2352                                  regex:
2353                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2354                                    format: string
2355                                    type: string
2356                                  suffix:
2357                                    description: suffix-based match.
2358                                    format: string
2359                                    type: string
2360                                type: object
2361                              type: array
2362                            included_paths:
2363                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2364                              items:
2365                                oneOf:
2366                                - not:
2367                                    anyOf:
2368                                    - required:
2369                                      - exact
2370                                    - required:
2371                                      - prefix
2372                                    - required:
2373                                      - suffix
2374                                    - required:
2375                                      - regex
2376                                - required:
2377                                  - exact
2378                                - required:
2379                                  - prefix
2380                                - required:
2381                                  - suffix
2382                                - required:
2383                                  - regex
2384                                properties:
2385                                  exact:
2386                                    description: exact string match.
2387                                    format: string
2388                                    type: string
2389                                  prefix:
2390                                    description: prefix-based match.
2391                                    format: string
2392                                    type: string
2393                                  regex:
2394                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2395                                    format: string
2396                                    type: string
2397                                  suffix:
2398                                    description: suffix-based match.
2399                                    format: string
2400                                    type: string
2401                                type: object
2402                              type: array
2403                            includedPaths:
2404                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2405                              items:
2406                                oneOf:
2407                                - not:
2408                                    anyOf:
2409                                    - required:
2410                                      - exact
2411                                    - required:
2412                                      - prefix
2413                                    - required:
2414                                      - suffix
2415                                    - required:
2416                                      - regex
2417                                - required:
2418                                  - exact
2419                                - required:
2420                                  - prefix
2421                                - required:
2422                                  - suffix
2423                                - required:
2424                                  - regex
2425                                properties:
2426                                  exact:
2427                                    description: exact string match.
2428                                    format: string
2429                                    type: string
2430                                  prefix:
2431                                    description: prefix-based match.
2432                                    format: string
2433                                    type: string
2434                                  regex:
2435                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2436                                    format: string
2437                                    type: string
2438                                  suffix:
2439                                    description: suffix-based match.
2440                                    format: string
2441                                    type: string
2442                                type: object
2443                              type: array
2444                          type: object
2445                        type: array
2446                      triggerRules:
2447                        items:
2448                          properties:
2449                            excluded_paths:
2450                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2451                              items:
2452                                oneOf:
2453                                - not:
2454                                    anyOf:
2455                                    - required:
2456                                      - exact
2457                                    - required:
2458                                      - prefix
2459                                    - required:
2460                                      - suffix
2461                                    - required:
2462                                      - regex
2463                                - required:
2464                                  - exact
2465                                - required:
2466                                  - prefix
2467                                - required:
2468                                  - suffix
2469                                - required:
2470                                  - regex
2471                                properties:
2472                                  exact:
2473                                    description: exact string match.
2474                                    format: string
2475                                    type: string
2476                                  prefix:
2477                                    description: prefix-based match.
2478                                    format: string
2479                                    type: string
2480                                  regex:
2481                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2482                                    format: string
2483                                    type: string
2484                                  suffix:
2485                                    description: suffix-based match.
2486                                    format: string
2487                                    type: string
2488                                type: object
2489                              type: array
2490                            excludedPaths:
2491                              description: List of paths to be excluded from the request.
2492                              items:
2493                                oneOf:
2494                                - not:
2495                                    anyOf:
2496                                    - required:
2497                                      - exact
2498                                    - required:
2499                                      - prefix
2500                                    - required:
2501                                      - suffix
2502                                    - required:
2503                                      - regex
2504                                - required:
2505                                  - exact
2506                                - required:
2507                                  - prefix
2508                                - required:
2509                                  - suffix
2510                                - required:
2511                                  - regex
2512                                properties:
2513                                  exact:
2514                                    description: exact string match.
2515                                    format: string
2516                                    type: string
2517                                  prefix:
2518                                    description: prefix-based match.
2519                                    format: string
2520                                    type: string
2521                                  regex:
2522                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2523                                    format: string
2524                                    type: string
2525                                  suffix:
2526                                    description: suffix-based match.
2527                                    format: string
2528                                    type: string
2529                                type: object
2530                              type: array
2531                            included_paths:
2532                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2533                              items:
2534                                oneOf:
2535                                - not:
2536                                    anyOf:
2537                                    - required:
2538                                      - exact
2539                                    - required:
2540                                      - prefix
2541                                    - required:
2542                                      - suffix
2543                                    - required:
2544                                      - regex
2545                                - required:
2546                                  - exact
2547                                - required:
2548                                  - prefix
2549                                - required:
2550                                  - suffix
2551                                - required:
2552                                  - regex
2553                                properties:
2554                                  exact:
2555                                    description: exact string match.
2556                                    format: string
2557                                    type: string
2558                                  prefix:
2559                                    description: prefix-based match.
2560                                    format: string
2561                                    type: string
2562                                  regex:
2563                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2564                                    format: string
2565                                    type: string
2566                                  suffix:
2567                                    description: suffix-based match.
2568                                    format: string
2569                                    type: string
2570                                type: object
2571                              type: array
2572                            includedPaths:
2573                              description: List of paths that the request must include.
2574                              items:
2575                                oneOf:
2576                                - not:
2577                                    anyOf:
2578                                    - required:
2579                                      - exact
2580                                    - required:
2581                                      - prefix
2582                                    - required:
2583                                      - suffix
2584                                    - required:
2585                                      - regex
2586                                - required:
2587                                  - exact
2588                                - required:
2589                                  - prefix
2590                                - required:
2591                                  - suffix
2592                                - required:
2593                                  - regex
2594                                properties:
2595                                  exact:
2596                                    description: exact string match.
2597                                    format: string
2598                                    type: string
2599                                  prefix:
2600                                    description: prefix-based match.
2601                                    format: string
2602                                    type: string
2603                                  regex:
2604                                    description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
2605                                    format: string
2606                                    type: string
2607                                  suffix:
2608                                    description: suffix-based match.
2609                                    format: string
2610                                    type: string
2611                                type: object
2612                              type: array
2613                          type: object
2614                        type: array
2615                    type: object
2616                  mtls:
2617                    description: Set if mTLS is used.
2618                    properties:
2619                      allowTls:
2620                        description: Deprecated.
2621                        type: boolean
2622                      mode:
2623                        description: Defines the mode of mTLS authentication.
2624                        enum:
2625                        - STRICT
2626                        - PERMISSIVE
2627                        type: string
2628                    type: object
2629                type: object
2630              type: array
2631            principalBinding:
2632              description: Deprecated.
2633              enum:
2634              - USE_PEER
2635              - USE_ORIGIN
2636              type: string
2637            targets:
2638              description: Deprecated.
2639              items:
2640                properties:
2641                  name:
2642                    description: The name must be a short name from the service registry.
2643                    format: string
2644                    type: string
2645                  ports:
2646                    description: Specifies the ports.
2647                    items:
2648                      oneOf:
2649                      - not:
2650                          anyOf:
2651                          - required:
2652                            - number
2653                          - required:
2654                            - name
2655                      - required:
2656                        - number
2657                      - required:
2658                        - name
2659                      properties:
2660                        name:
2661                          format: string
2662                          type: string
2663                        number:
2664                          type: integer
2665                      type: object
2666                    type: array
2667                type: object
2668              type: array
2669          type: object
2670      type: object
2671  versions:
2672  - name: v1alpha1
2673    served: true
2674    storage: true
2678apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
2679kind: CustomResourceDefinition
2681  annotations:
2682    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
2683  labels:
2684    app: istio-mixer
2685    chart: istio
2686    heritage: Tiller
2687    release: istio
2688  name: httpapispecs.config.istio.io
2690  group: config.istio.io
2691  names:
2692    categories:
2693    - istio-io
2694    - apim-istio-io
2695    kind: HTTPAPISpec
2696    listKind: HTTPAPISpecList
2697    plural: httpapispecs
2698    singular: httpapispec
2699  scope: Namespaced
2700  subresources:
2701    status: {}
2702  validation:
2703    openAPIV3Schema:
2704      properties:
2705        spec:
2706          properties:
2707            api_keys:
2708              items:
2709                oneOf:
2710                - not:
2711                    anyOf:
2712                    - required:
2713                      - query
2714                    - required:
2715                      - header
2716                    - required:
2717                      - cookie
2718                - required:
2719                  - query
2720                - required:
2721                  - header
2722                - required:
2723                  - cookie
2724                properties:
2725                  cookie:
2726                    format: string
2727                    type: string
2728                  header:
2729                    description: API key is sent in a request header.
2730                    format: string
2731                    type: string
2732                  query:
2733                    description: API Key is sent as a query parameter.
2734                    format: string
2735                    type: string
2736                type: object
2737              type: array
2738            apiKeys:
2739              items:
2740                oneOf:
2741                - not:
2742                    anyOf:
2743                    - required:
2744                      - query
2745                    - required:
2746                      - header
2747                    - required:
2748                      - cookie
2749                - required:
2750                  - query
2751                - required:
2752                  - header
2753                - required:
2754                  - cookie
2755                properties:
2756                  cookie:
2757                    format: string
2758                    type: string
2759                  header:
2760                    description: API key is sent in a request header.
2761                    format: string
2762                    type: string
2763                  query:
2764                    description: API Key is sent as a query parameter.
2765                    format: string
2766                    type: string
2767                type: object
2768              type: array
2769            attributes:
2770              properties:
2771                attributes:
2772                  additionalProperties:
2773                    oneOf:
2774                    - not:
2775                        anyOf:
2776                        - required:
2777                          - stringValue
2778                        - required:
2779                          - int64Value
2780                        - required:
2781                          - doubleValue
2782                        - required:
2783                          - boolValue
2784                        - required:
2785                          - bytesValue
2786                        - required:
2787                          - timestampValue
2788                        - required:
2789                          - durationValue
2790                        - required:
2791                          - stringMapValue
2792                    - required:
2793                      - stringValue
2794                    - required:
2795                      - int64Value
2796                    - required:
2797                      - doubleValue
2798                    - required:
2799                      - boolValue
2800                    - required:
2801                      - bytesValue
2802                    - required:
2803                      - timestampValue
2804                    - required:
2805                      - durationValue
2806                    - required:
2807                      - stringMapValue
2808                    properties:
2809                      boolValue:
2810                        type: boolean
2811                      bytesValue:
2812                        format: binary
2813                        type: string
2814                      doubleValue:
2815                        format: double
2816                        type: number
2817                      durationValue:
2818                        type: string
2819                      int64Value:
2820                        format: int64
2821                        type: integer
2822                      stringMapValue:
2823                        properties:
2824                          entries:
2825                            additionalProperties:
2826                              format: string
2827                              type: string
2828                            description: Holds a set of name/value pairs.
2829                            type: object
2830                        type: object
2831                      stringValue:
2832                        format: string
2833                        type: string
2834                      timestampValue:
2835                        format: dateTime
2836                        type: string
2837                    type: object
2838                  description: A map of attribute name to its value.
2839                  type: object
2840              type: object
2841            patterns:
2842              description: List of HTTP patterns to match.
2843              items:
2844                oneOf:
2845                - not:
2846                    anyOf:
2847                    - required:
2848                      - uriTemplate
2849                    - required:
2850                      - regex
2851                - required:
2852                  - uriTemplate
2853                - required:
2854                  - regex
2855                properties:
2856                  attributes:
2857                    properties:
2858                      attributes:
2859                        additionalProperties:
2860                          oneOf:
2861                          - not:
2862                              anyOf:
2863                              - required:
2864                                - stringValue
2865                              - required:
2866                                - int64Value
2867                              - required:
2868                                - doubleValue
2869                              - required:
2870                                - boolValue
2871                              - required:
2872                                - bytesValue
2873                              - required:
2874                                - timestampValue
2875                              - required:
2876                                - durationValue
2877                              - required:
2878                                - stringMapValue
2879                          - required:
2880                            - stringValue
2881                          - required:
2882                            - int64Value
2883                          - required:
2884                            - doubleValue
2885                          - required:
2886                            - boolValue
2887                          - required:
2888                            - bytesValue
2889                          - required:
2890                            - timestampValue
2891                          - required:
2892                            - durationValue
2893                          - required:
2894                            - stringMapValue
2895                          properties:
2896                            boolValue:
2897                              type: boolean
2898                            bytesValue:
2899                              format: binary
2900                              type: string
2901                            doubleValue:
2902                              format: double
2903                              type: number
2904                            durationValue:
2905                              type: string
2906                            int64Value:
2907                              format: int64
2908                              type: integer
2909                            stringMapValue:
2910                              properties:
2911                                entries:
2912                                  additionalProperties:
2913                                    format: string
2914                                    type: string
2915                                  description: Holds a set of name/value pairs.
2916                                  type: object
2917                              type: object
2918                            stringValue:
2919                              format: string
2920                              type: string
2921                            timestampValue:
2922                              format: dateTime
2923                              type: string
2924                          type: object
2925                        description: A map of attribute name to its value.
2926                        type: object
2927                    type: object
2928                  httpMethod:
2929                    format: string
2930                    type: string
2931                  regex:
2932                    format: string
2933                    type: string
2934                  uriTemplate:
2935                    format: string
2936                    type: string
2937                type: object
2938              type: array
2939          type: object
2940      type: object
2941  versions:
2942  - name: v1alpha2
2943    served: true
2944    storage: true
2948apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
2949kind: CustomResourceDefinition
2951  annotations:
2952    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
2953  labels:
2954    app: istio-mixer
2955    chart: istio
2956    heritage: Tiller
2957    release: istio
2958  name: httpapispecbindings.config.istio.io
2960  group: config.istio.io
2961  names:
2962    categories:
2963    - istio-io
2964    - apim-istio-io
2965    kind: HTTPAPISpecBinding
2966    listKind: HTTPAPISpecBindingList
2967    plural: httpapispecbindings
2968    singular: httpapispecbinding
2969  scope: Namespaced
2970  subresources:
2971    status: {}
2972  validation:
2973    openAPIV3Schema:
2974      properties:
2975        spec:
2976          properties:
2977            api_specs:
2978              items:
2979                properties:
2980                  name:
2981                    description: The short name of the HTTPAPISpec.
2982                    format: string
2983                    type: string
2984                  namespace:
2985                    description: Optional namespace of the HTTPAPISpec.
2986                    format: string
2987                    type: string
2988                type: object
2989              type: array
2990            apiSpecs:
2991              items:
2992                properties:
2993                  name:
2994                    description: The short name of the HTTPAPISpec.
2995                    format: string
2996                    type: string
2997                  namespace:
2998                    description: Optional namespace of the HTTPAPISpec.
2999                    format: string
3000                    type: string
3001                type: object
3002              type: array
3003            services:
3004              description: One or more services to map the listed HTTPAPISpec onto.
3005              items:
3006                properties:
3007                  domain:
3008                    description: Domain suffix used to construct the service FQDN
3009                      in implementations that support such specification.
3010                    format: string
3011                    type: string
3012                  labels:
3013                    additionalProperties:
3014                      format: string
3015                      type: string
3016                    description: Optional one or more labels that uniquely identify
3017                      the service version.
3018                    type: object
3019                  name:
3020                    description: The short name of the service such as "foo".
3021                    format: string
3022                    type: string
3023                  namespace:
3024                    description: Optional namespace of the service.
3025                    format: string
3026                    type: string
3027                  service:
3028                    description: The service FQDN.
3029                    format: string
3030                    type: string
3031                type: object
3032              type: array
3033          type: object
3034      type: object
3035  versions:
3036  - name: v1alpha2
3037    served: true
3038    storage: true
3042apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
3043kind: CustomResourceDefinition
3045  annotations:
3046    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
3047  labels:
3048    app: istio-mixer
3049    chart: istio
3050    heritage: Tiller
3051    release: istio
3052  name: quotaspecs.config.istio.io
3054  group: config.istio.io
3055  names:
3056    categories:
3057    - istio-io
3058    - apim-istio-io
3059    kind: QuotaSpec
3060    listKind: QuotaSpecList
3061    plural: quotaspecs
3062    singular: quotaspec
3063  scope: Namespaced
3064  subresources:
3065    status: {}
3066  validation:
3067    openAPIV3Schema:
3068      properties:
3069        spec:
3070          description: Determines the quotas used for individual requests.
3071          properties:
3072            rules:
3073              description: A list of Quota rules.
3074              items:
3075                properties:
3076                  match:
3077                    description: If empty, match all request.
3078                    items:
3079                      properties:
3080                        clause:
3081                          additionalProperties:
3082                            oneOf:
3083                            - not:
3084                                anyOf:
3085                                - required:
3086                                  - exact
3087                                - required:
3088                                  - prefix
3089                                - required:
3090                                  - regex
3091                            - required:
3092                              - exact
3093                            - required:
3094                              - prefix
3095                            - required:
3096                              - regex
3097                            properties:
3098                              exact:
3099                                format: string
3100                                type: string
3101                              prefix:
3102                                format: string
3103                                type: string
3104                              regex:
3105                                description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
3106                                format: string
3107                                type: string
3108                            type: object
3109                          description: Map of attribute names to StringMatch type.
3110                          type: object
3111                      type: object
3112                    type: array
3113                  quotas:
3114                    description: The list of quotas to charge.
3115                    items:
3116                      properties:
3117                        charge:
3118                          format: int32
3119                          type: integer
3120                        quota:
3121                          format: string
3122                          type: string
3123                      type: object
3124                    type: array
3125                type: object
3126              type: array
3127          type: object
3128      type: object
3129  versions:
3130  - name: v1alpha2
3131    served: true
3132    storage: true
3136apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
3137kind: CustomResourceDefinition
3139  annotations:
3140    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
3141  labels:
3142    app: istio-mixer
3143    chart: istio
3144    heritage: Tiller
3145    release: istio
3146  name: quotaspecbindings.config.istio.io
3148  group: config.istio.io
3149  names:
3150    categories:
3151    - istio-io
3152    - apim-istio-io
3153    kind: QuotaSpecBinding
3154    listKind: QuotaSpecBindingList
3155    plural: quotaspecbindings
3156    singular: quotaspecbinding
3157  scope: Namespaced
3158  subresources:
3159    status: {}
3160  validation:
3161    openAPIV3Schema:
3162      properties:
3163        spec:
3164          properties:
3165            quotaSpecs:
3166              items:
3167                properties:
3168                  name:
3169                    description: The short name of the QuotaSpec.
3170                    format: string
3171                    type: string
3172                  namespace:
3173                    description: Optional namespace of the QuotaSpec.
3174                    format: string
3175                    type: string
3176                type: object
3177              type: array
3178            services:
3179              description: One or more services to map the listed QuotaSpec onto.
3180              items:
3181                properties:
3182                  domain:
3183                    description: Domain suffix used to construct the service FQDN
3184                      in implementations that support such specification.
3185                    format: string
3186                    type: string
3187                  labels:
3188                    additionalProperties:
3189                      format: string
3190                      type: string
3191                    description: Optional one or more labels that uniquely identify
3192                      the service version.
3193                    type: object
3194                  name:
3195                    description: The short name of the service such as "foo".
3196                    format: string
3197                    type: string
3198                  namespace:
3199                    description: Optional namespace of the service.
3200                    format: string
3201                    type: string
3202                  service:
3203                    description: The service FQDN.
3204                    format: string
3205                    type: string
3206                type: object
3207              type: array
3208          type: object
3209      type: object
3210  versions:
3211  - name: v1alpha2
3212    served: true
3213    storage: true
3217apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
3218kind: CustomResourceDefinition
3220  annotations:
3221    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
3222  labels:
3223    app: istio-pilot
3224    chart: istio
3225    heritage: Tiller
3226    release: istio
3227  name: destinationrules.networking.istio.io
3229  additionalPrinterColumns:
3230  - JSONPath: .spec.host
3231    description: The name of a service from the service registry
3232    name: Host
3233    type: string
3234  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
3235    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
3236      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
3237      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
3238      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
3239      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
3240    name: Age
3241    type: date
3242  group: networking.istio.io
3243  names:
3244    categories:
3245    - istio-io
3246    - networking-istio-io
3247    kind: DestinationRule
3248    listKind: DestinationRuleList
3249    plural: destinationrules
3250    shortNames:
3251    - dr
3252    singular: destinationrule
3253  scope: Namespaced
3254  subresources:
3255    status: {}
3256  validation:
3257    openAPIV3Schema:
3258      properties:
3259        spec:
3260          description: 'Configuration affecting load balancing, outlier detection,
3261            etc. See more details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/destination-rule.html'
3262          properties:
3263            exportTo:
3264              description: A list of namespaces to which this destination rule is
3265                exported.
3266              items:
3267                format: string
3268                type: string
3269              type: array
3270            host:
3271              description: The name of a service from the service registry.
3272              format: string
3273              type: string
3274            subsets:
3275              items:
3276                properties:
3277                  labels:
3278                    additionalProperties:
3279                      format: string
3280                      type: string
3281                    type: object
3282                  name:
3283                    description: Name of the subset.
3284                    format: string
3285                    type: string
3286                  trafficPolicy:
3287                    description: Traffic policies that apply to this subset.
3288                    properties:
3289                      connectionPool:
3290                        properties:
3291                          http:
3292                            description: HTTP connection pool settings.
3293                            properties:
3294                              h2UpgradePolicy:
3295                                description: Specify if http1.1 connection should
3296                                  be upgraded to http2 for the associated destination.
3297                                enum:
3298                                - DEFAULT
3299                                - DO_NOT_UPGRADE
3300                                - UPGRADE
3301                                type: string
3302                              http1MaxPendingRequests:
3303                                description: Maximum number of pending HTTP requests
3304                                  to a destination.
3305                                format: int32
3306                                type: integer
3307                              http2MaxRequests:
3308                                description: Maximum number of requests to a backend.
3309                                format: int32
3310                                type: integer
3311                              idleTimeout:
3312                                description: The idle timeout for upstream connection
3313                                  pool connections.
3314                                type: string
3315                              maxRequestsPerConnection:
3316                                description: Maximum number of requests per connection
3317                                  to a backend.
3318                                format: int32
3319                                type: integer
3320                              maxRetries:
3321                                format: int32
3322                                type: integer
3323                            type: object
3324                          tcp:
3325                            description: Settings common to both HTTP and TCP upstream
3326                              connections.
3327                            properties:
3328                              connectTimeout:
3329                                description: TCP connection timeout.
3330                                type: string
3331                              maxConnections:
3332                                description: Maximum number of HTTP1 /TCP connections
3333                                  to a destination host.
3334                                format: int32
3335                                type: integer
3336                              tcpKeepalive:
3337                                description: If set then set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket
3338                                  to enable TCP Keepalives.
3339                                properties:
3340                                  interval:
3341                                    description: The time duration between keep-alive
3342                                      probes.
3343                                    type: string
3344                                  probes:
3345                                    type: integer
3346                                  time:
3347                                    type: string
3348                                type: object
3349                            type: object
3350                        type: object
3351                      loadBalancer:
3352                        description: Settings controlling the load balancer algorithms.
3353                        oneOf:
3354                        - not:
3355                            anyOf:
3356                            - required:
3357                              - simple
3358                            - properties:
3359                                consistentHash:
3360                                  oneOf:
3361                                  - not:
3362                                      anyOf:
3363                                      - required:
3364                                        - httpHeaderName
3365                                      - required:
3366                                        - httpCookie
3367                                      - required:
3368                                        - useSourceIp
3369                                      - required:
3370                                        - httpQueryParameterName
3371                                  - required:
3372                                    - httpHeaderName
3373                                  - required:
3374                                    - httpCookie
3375                                  - required:
3376                                    - useSourceIp
3377                                  - required:
3378                                    - httpQueryParameterName
3379                              required:
3380                              - consistentHash
3381                        - required:
3382                          - simple
3383                        - properties:
3384                            consistentHash:
3385                              oneOf:
3386                              - not:
3387                                  anyOf:
3388                                  - required:
3389                                    - httpHeaderName
3390                                  - required:
3391                                    - httpCookie
3392                                  - required:
3393                                    - useSourceIp
3394                                  - required:
3395                                    - httpQueryParameterName
3396                              - required:
3397                                - httpHeaderName
3398                              - required:
3399                                - httpCookie
3400                              - required:
3401                                - useSourceIp
3402                              - required:
3403                                - httpQueryParameterName
3404                          required:
3405                          - consistentHash
3406                        properties:
3407                          consistentHash:
3408                            properties:
3409                              httpCookie:
3410                                description: Hash based on HTTP cookie.
3411                                properties:
3412                                  name:
3413                                    description: Name of the cookie.
3414                                    format: string
3415                                    type: string
3416                                  path:
3417                                    description: Path to set for the cookie.
3418                                    format: string
3419                                    type: string
3420                                  ttl:
3421                                    description: Lifetime of the cookie.
3422                                    type: string
3423                                type: object
3424                              httpHeaderName:
3425                                description: Hash based on a specific HTTP header.
3426                                format: string
3427                                type: string
3428                              httpQueryParameterName:
3429                                description: Hash based on a specific HTTP query parameter.
3430                                format: string
3431                                type: string
3432                              minimumRingSize:
3433                                type: integer
3434                              useSourceIp:
3435                                description: Hash based on the source IP address.
3436                                type: boolean
3437                            type: object
3438                          localityLbSetting:
3439                            properties:
3440                              distribute:
3441                                description: 'Optional: only one of distribute or
3442                                  failover can be set.'
3443                                items:
3444                                  properties:
3445                                    from:
3446                                      description: Originating locality, '/' separated,
3447                                        e.g.
3448                                      format: string
3449                                      type: string
3450                                    to:
3451                                      additionalProperties:
3452                                        type: integer
3453                                      description: Map of upstream localities to traffic
3454                                        distribution weights.
3455                                      type: object
3456                                  type: object
3457                                type: array
3458                              enabled:
3459                                description: enable locality load balancing, this
3460                                  is DestinationRule-level and will override mesh
3461                                  wide settings in entirety.
3462                                type: boolean
3463                              failover:
3464                                description: 'Optional: only failover or distribute
3465                                  can be set.'
3466                                items:
3467                                  properties:
3468                                    from:
3469                                      description: Originating region.
3470                                      format: string
3471                                      type: string
3472                                    to:
3473                                      format: string
3474                                      type: string
3475                                  type: object
3476                                type: array
3477                            type: object
3478                          simple:
3479                            enum:
3480                            - ROUND_ROBIN
3481                            - LEAST_CONN
3482                            - RANDOM
3483                            - PASSTHROUGH
3484                            type: string
3485                        type: object
3486                      outlierDetection:
3487                        properties:
3488                          baseEjectionTime:
3489                            description: Minimum ejection duration.
3490                            type: string
3491                          consecutive5xxErrors:
3492                            description: Number of 5xx errors before a host is ejected
3493                              from the connection pool.
3494                            type: integer
3495                          consecutiveErrors:
3496                            format: int32
3497                            type: integer
3498                          consecutiveGatewayErrors:
3499                            description: Number of gateway errors before a host is
3500                              ejected from the connection pool.
3501                            type: integer
3502                          interval:
3503                            description: Time interval between ejection sweep analysis.
3504                            type: string
3505                          maxEjectionPercent:
3506                            format: int32
3507                            type: integer
3508                          minHealthPercent:
3509                            format: int32
3510                            type: integer
3511                        type: object
3512                      portLevelSettings:
3513                        description: Traffic policies specific to individual ports.
3514                        items:
3515                          properties:
3516                            connectionPool:
3517                              properties:
3518                                http:
3519                                  description: HTTP connection pool settings.
3520                                  properties:
3521                                    h2UpgradePolicy:
3522                                      description: Specify if http1.1 connection should
3523                                        be upgraded to http2 for the associated destination.
3524                                      enum:
3525                                      - DEFAULT
3526                                      - DO_NOT_UPGRADE
3527                                      - UPGRADE
3528                                      type: string
3529                                    http1MaxPendingRequests:
3530                                      description: Maximum number of pending HTTP
3531                                        requests to a destination.
3532                                      format: int32
3533                                      type: integer
3534                                    http2MaxRequests:
3535                                      description: Maximum number of requests to a
3536                                        backend.
3537                                      format: int32
3538                                      type: integer
3539                                    idleTimeout:
3540                                      description: The idle timeout for upstream connection
3541                                        pool connections.
3542                                      type: string
3543                                    maxRequestsPerConnection:
3544                                      description: Maximum number of requests per
3545                                        connection to a backend.
3546                                      format: int32
3547                                      type: integer
3548                                    maxRetries:
3549                                      format: int32
3550                                      type: integer
3551                                  type: object
3552                                tcp:
3553                                  description: Settings common to both HTTP and TCP
3554                                    upstream connections.
3555                                  properties:
3556                                    connectTimeout:
3557                                      description: TCP connection timeout.
3558                                      type: string
3559                                    maxConnections:
3560                                      description: Maximum number of HTTP1 /TCP connections
3561                                        to a destination host.
3562                                      format: int32
3563                                      type: integer
3564                                    tcpKeepalive:
3565                                      description: If set then set SO_KEEPALIVE on
3566                                        the socket to enable TCP Keepalives.
3567                                      properties:
3568                                        interval:
3569                                          description: The time duration between keep-alive
3570                                            probes.
3571                                          type: string
3572                                        probes:
3573                                          type: integer
3574                                        time:
3575                                          type: string
3576                                      type: object
3577                                  type: object
3578                              type: object
3579                            loadBalancer:
3580                              description: Settings controlling the load balancer
3581                                algorithms.
3582                              oneOf:
3583                              - not:
3584                                  anyOf:
3585                                  - required:
3586                                    - simple
3587                                  - properties:
3588                                      consistentHash:
3589                                        oneOf:
3590                                        - not:
3591                                            anyOf:
3592                                            - required:
3593                                              - httpHeaderName
3594                                            - required:
3595                                              - httpCookie
3596                                            - required:
3597                                              - useSourceIp
3598                                            - required:
3599                                              - httpQueryParameterName
3600                                        - required:
3601                                          - httpHeaderName
3602                                        - required:
3603                                          - httpCookie
3604                                        - required:
3605                                          - useSourceIp
3606                                        - required:
3607                                          - httpQueryParameterName
3608                                    required:
3609                                    - consistentHash
3610                              - required:
3611                                - simple
3612                              - properties:
3613                                  consistentHash:
3614                                    oneOf:
3615                                    - not:
3616                                        anyOf:
3617                                        - required:
3618                                          - httpHeaderName
3619                                        - required:
3620                                          - httpCookie
3621                                        - required:
3622                                          - useSourceIp
3623                                        - required:
3624                                          - httpQueryParameterName
3625                                    - required:
3626                                      - httpHeaderName
3627                                    - required:
3628                                      - httpCookie
3629                                    - required:
3630                                      - useSourceIp
3631                                    - required:
3632                                      - httpQueryParameterName
3633                                required:
3634                                - consistentHash
3635                              properties:
3636                                consistentHash:
3637                                  properties:
3638                                    httpCookie:
3639                                      description: Hash based on HTTP cookie.
3640                                      properties:
3641                                        name:
3642                                          description: Name of the cookie.
3643                                          format: string
3644                                          type: string
3645                                        path:
3646                                          description: Path to set for the cookie.
3647                                          format: string
3648                                          type: string
3649                                        ttl:
3650                                          description: Lifetime of the cookie.
3651                                          type: string
3652                                      type: object
3653                                    httpHeaderName:
3654                                      description: Hash based on a specific HTTP header.
3655                                      format: string
3656                                      type: string
3657                                    httpQueryParameterName:
3658                                      description: Hash based on a specific HTTP query
3659                                        parameter.
3660                                      format: string
3661                                      type: string
3662                                    minimumRingSize:
3663                                      type: integer
3664                                    useSourceIp:
3665                                      description: Hash based on the source IP address.
3666                                      type: boolean
3667                                  type: object
3668                                localityLbSetting:
3669                                  properties:
3670                                    distribute:
3671                                      description: 'Optional: only one of distribute
3672                                        or failover can be set.'
3673                                      items:
3674                                        properties:
3675                                          from:
3676                                            description: Originating locality, '/'
3677                                              separated, e.g.
3678                                            format: string
3679                                            type: string
3680                                          to:
3681                                            additionalProperties:
3682                                              type: integer
3683                                            description: Map of upstream localities
3684                                              to traffic distribution weights.
3685                                            type: object
3686                                        type: object
3687                                      type: array
3688                                    enabled:
3689                                      description: enable locality load balancing,
3690                                        this is DestinationRule-level and will override
3691                                        mesh wide settings in entirety.
3692                                      type: boolean
3693                                    failover:
3694                                      description: 'Optional: only failover or distribute
3695                                        can be set.'
3696                                      items:
3697                                        properties:
3698                                          from:
3699                                            description: Originating region.
3700                                            format: string
3701                                            type: string
3702                                          to:
3703                                            format: string
3704                                            type: string
3705                                        type: object
3706                                      type: array
3707                                  type: object
3708                                simple:
3709                                  enum:
3710                                  - ROUND_ROBIN
3711                                  - LEAST_CONN
3712                                  - RANDOM
3713                                  - PASSTHROUGH
3714                                  type: string
3715                              type: object
3716                            outlierDetection:
3717                              properties:
3718                                baseEjectionTime:
3719                                  description: Minimum ejection duration.
3720                                  type: string
3721                                consecutive5xxErrors:
3722                                  description: Number of 5xx errors before a host
3723                                    is ejected from the connection pool.
3724                                  type: integer
3725                                consecutiveErrors:
3726                                  format: int32
3727                                  type: integer
3728                                consecutiveGatewayErrors:
3729                                  description: Number of gateway errors before a host
3730                                    is ejected from the connection pool.
3731                                  type: integer
3732                                interval:
3733                                  description: Time interval between ejection sweep
3734                                    analysis.
3735                                  type: string
3736                                maxEjectionPercent:
3737                                  format: int32
3738                                  type: integer
3739                                minHealthPercent:
3740                                  format: int32
3741                                  type: integer
3742                              type: object
3743                            port:
3744                              properties:
3745                                number:
3746                                  type: integer
3747                              type: object
3748                            tls:
3749                              description: TLS related settings for connections to
3750                                the upstream service.
3751                              properties:
3752                                caCertificates:
3753                                  format: string
3754                                  type: string
3755                                clientCertificate:
3756                                  description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
3757                                  format: string
3758                                  type: string
3759                                mode:
3760                                  enum:
3761                                  - DISABLE
3762                                  - SIMPLE
3763                                  - MUTUAL
3764                                  - ISTIO_MUTUAL
3765                                  type: string
3766                                privateKey:
3767                                  description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
3768                                  format: string
3769                                  type: string
3770                                sni:
3771                                  description: SNI string to present to the server
3772                                    during TLS handshake.
3773                                  format: string
3774                                  type: string
3775                                subjectAltNames:
3776                                  items:
3777                                    format: string
3778                                    type: string
3779                                  type: array
3780                              type: object
3781                          type: object
3782                        type: array
3783                      tls:
3784                        description: TLS related settings for connections to the upstream
3785                          service.
3786                        properties:
3787                          caCertificates:
3788                            format: string
3789                            type: string
3790                          clientCertificate:
3791                            description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
3792                            format: string
3793                            type: string
3794                          mode:
3795                            enum:
3796                            - DISABLE
3797                            - SIMPLE
3798                            - MUTUAL
3799                            - ISTIO_MUTUAL
3800                            type: string
3801                          privateKey:
3802                            description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
3803                            format: string
3804                            type: string
3805                          sni:
3806                            description: SNI string to present to the server during
3807                              TLS handshake.
3808                            format: string
3809                            type: string
3810                          subjectAltNames:
3811                            items:
3812                              format: string
3813                              type: string
3814                            type: array
3815                        type: object
3816                    type: object
3817                type: object
3818              type: array
3819            trafficPolicy:
3820              properties:
3821                connectionPool:
3822                  properties:
3823                    http:
3824                      description: HTTP connection pool settings.
3825                      properties:
3826                        h2UpgradePolicy:
3827                          description: Specify if http1.1 connection should be upgraded
3828                            to http2 for the associated destination.
3829                          enum:
3830                          - DEFAULT
3831                          - DO_NOT_UPGRADE
3832                          - UPGRADE
3833                          type: string
3834                        http1MaxPendingRequests:
3835                          description: Maximum number of pending HTTP requests to
3836                            a destination.
3837                          format: int32
3838                          type: integer
3839                        http2MaxRequests:
3840                          description: Maximum number of requests to a backend.
3841                          format: int32
3842                          type: integer
3843                        idleTimeout:
3844                          description: The idle timeout for upstream connection pool
3845                            connections.
3846                          type: string
3847                        maxRequestsPerConnection:
3848                          description: Maximum number of requests per connection to
3849                            a backend.
3850                          format: int32
3851                          type: integer
3852                        maxRetries:
3853                          format: int32
3854                          type: integer
3855                      type: object
3856                    tcp:
3857                      description: Settings common to both HTTP and TCP upstream connections.
3858                      properties:
3859                        connectTimeout:
3860                          description: TCP connection timeout.
3861                          type: string
3862                        maxConnections:
3863                          description: Maximum number of HTTP1 /TCP connections to
3864                            a destination host.
3865                          format: int32
3866                          type: integer
3867                        tcpKeepalive:
3868                          description: If set then set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket
3869                            to enable TCP Keepalives.
3870                          properties:
3871                            interval:
3872                              description: The time duration between keep-alive probes.
3873                              type: string
3874                            probes:
3875                              type: integer
3876                            time:
3877                              type: string
3878                          type: object
3879                      type: object
3880                  type: object
3881                loadBalancer:
3882                  description: Settings controlling the load balancer algorithms.
3883                  oneOf:
3884                  - not:
3885                      anyOf:
3886                      - required:
3887                        - simple
3888                      - properties:
3889                          consistentHash:
3890                            oneOf:
3891                            - not:
3892                                anyOf:
3893                                - required:
3894                                  - httpHeaderName
3895                                - required:
3896                                  - httpCookie
3897                                - required:
3898                                  - useSourceIp
3899                                - required:
3900                                  - httpQueryParameterName
3901                            - required:
3902                              - httpHeaderName
3903                            - required:
3904                              - httpCookie
3905                            - required:
3906                              - useSourceIp
3907                            - required:
3908                              - httpQueryParameterName
3909                        required:
3910                        - consistentHash
3911                  - required:
3912                    - simple
3913                  - properties:
3914                      consistentHash:
3915                        oneOf:
3916                        - not:
3917                            anyOf:
3918                            - required:
3919                              - httpHeaderName
3920                            - required:
3921                              - httpCookie
3922                            - required:
3923                              - useSourceIp
3924                            - required:
3925                              - httpQueryParameterName
3926                        - required:
3927                          - httpHeaderName
3928                        - required:
3929                          - httpCookie
3930                        - required:
3931                          - useSourceIp
3932                        - required:
3933                          - httpQueryParameterName
3934                    required:
3935                    - consistentHash
3936                  properties:
3937                    consistentHash:
3938                      properties:
3939                        httpCookie:
3940                          description: Hash based on HTTP cookie.
3941                          properties:
3942                            name:
3943                              description: Name of the cookie.
3944                              format: string
3945                              type: string
3946                            path:
3947                              description: Path to set for the cookie.
3948                              format: string
3949                              type: string
3950                            ttl:
3951                              description: Lifetime of the cookie.
3952                              type: string
3953                          type: object
3954                        httpHeaderName:
3955                          description: Hash based on a specific HTTP header.
3956                          format: string
3957                          type: string
3958                        httpQueryParameterName:
3959                          description: Hash based on a specific HTTP query parameter.
3960                          format: string
3961                          type: string
3962                        minimumRingSize:
3963                          type: integer
3964                        useSourceIp:
3965                          description: Hash based on the source IP address.
3966                          type: boolean
3967                      type: object
3968                    localityLbSetting:
3969                      properties:
3970                        distribute:
3971                          description: 'Optional: only one of distribute or failover
3972                            can be set.'
3973                          items:
3974                            properties:
3975                              from:
3976                                description: Originating locality, '/' separated,
3977                                  e.g.
3978                                format: string
3979                                type: string
3980                              to:
3981                                additionalProperties:
3982                                  type: integer
3983                                description: Map of upstream localities to traffic
3984                                  distribution weights.
3985                                type: object
3986                            type: object
3987                          type: array
3988                        enabled:
3989                          description: enable locality load balancing, this is DestinationRule-level
3990                            and will override mesh wide settings in entirety.
3991                          type: boolean
3992                        failover:
3993                          description: 'Optional: only failover or distribute can
3994                            be set.'
3995                          items:
3996                            properties:
3997                              from:
3998                                description: Originating region.
3999                                format: string
4000                                type: string
4001                              to:
4002                                format: string
4003                                type: string
4004                            type: object
4005                          type: array
4006                      type: object
4007                    simple:
4008                      enum:
4009                      - ROUND_ROBIN
4010                      - LEAST_CONN
4011                      - RANDOM
4012                      - PASSTHROUGH
4013                      type: string
4014                  type: object
4015                outlierDetection:
4016                  properties:
4017                    baseEjectionTime:
4018                      description: Minimum ejection duration.
4019                      type: string
4020                    consecutive5xxErrors:
4021                      description: Number of 5xx errors before a host is ejected from
4022                        the connection pool.
4023                      type: integer
4024                    consecutiveErrors:
4025                      format: int32
4026                      type: integer
4027                    consecutiveGatewayErrors:
4028                      description: Number of gateway errors before a host is ejected
4029                        from the connection pool.
4030                      type: integer
4031                    interval:
4032                      description: Time interval between ejection sweep analysis.
4033                      type: string
4034                    maxEjectionPercent:
4035                      format: int32
4036                      type: integer
4037                    minHealthPercent:
4038                      format: int32
4039                      type: integer
4040                  type: object
4041                portLevelSettings:
4042                  description: Traffic policies specific to individual ports.
4043                  items:
4044                    properties:
4045                      connectionPool:
4046                        properties:
4047                          http:
4048                            description: HTTP connection pool settings.
4049                            properties:
4050                              h2UpgradePolicy:
4051                                description: Specify if http1.1 connection should
4052                                  be upgraded to http2 for the associated destination.
4053                                enum:
4054                                - DEFAULT
4055                                - DO_NOT_UPGRADE
4056                                - UPGRADE
4057                                type: string
4058                              http1MaxPendingRequests:
4059                                description: Maximum number of pending HTTP requests
4060                                  to a destination.
4061                                format: int32
4062                                type: integer
4063                              http2MaxRequests:
4064                                description: Maximum number of requests to a backend.
4065                                format: int32
4066                                type: integer
4067                              idleTimeout:
4068                                description: The idle timeout for upstream connection
4069                                  pool connections.
4070                                type: string
4071                              maxRequestsPerConnection:
4072                                description: Maximum number of requests per connection
4073                                  to a backend.
4074                                format: int32
4075                                type: integer
4076                              maxRetries:
4077                                format: int32
4078                                type: integer
4079                            type: object
4080                          tcp:
4081                            description: Settings common to both HTTP and TCP upstream
4082                              connections.
4083                            properties:
4084                              connectTimeout:
4085                                description: TCP connection timeout.
4086                                type: string
4087                              maxConnections:
4088                                description: Maximum number of HTTP1 /TCP connections
4089                                  to a destination host.
4090                                format: int32
4091                                type: integer
4092                              tcpKeepalive:
4093                                description: If set then set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket
4094                                  to enable TCP Keepalives.
4095                                properties:
4096                                  interval:
4097                                    description: The time duration between keep-alive
4098                                      probes.
4099                                    type: string
4100                                  probes:
4101                                    type: integer
4102                                  time:
4103                                    type: string
4104                                type: object
4105                            type: object
4106                        type: object
4107                      loadBalancer:
4108                        description: Settings controlling the load balancer algorithms.
4109                        oneOf:
4110                        - not:
4111                            anyOf:
4112                            - required:
4113                              - simple
4114                            - properties:
4115                                consistentHash:
4116                                  oneOf:
4117                                  - not:
4118                                      anyOf:
4119                                      - required:
4120                                        - httpHeaderName
4121                                      - required:
4122                                        - httpCookie
4123                                      - required:
4124                                        - useSourceIp
4125                                      - required:
4126                                        - httpQueryParameterName
4127                                  - required:
4128                                    - httpHeaderName
4129                                  - required:
4130                                    - httpCookie
4131                                  - required:
4132                                    - useSourceIp
4133                                  - required:
4134                                    - httpQueryParameterName
4135                              required:
4136                              - consistentHash
4137                        - required:
4138                          - simple
4139                        - properties:
4140                            consistentHash:
4141                              oneOf:
4142                              - not:
4143                                  anyOf:
4144                                  - required:
4145                                    - httpHeaderName
4146                                  - required:
4147                                    - httpCookie
4148                                  - required:
4149                                    - useSourceIp
4150                                  - required:
4151                                    - httpQueryParameterName
4152                              - required:
4153                                - httpHeaderName
4154                              - required:
4155                                - httpCookie
4156                              - required:
4157                                - useSourceIp
4158                              - required:
4159                                - httpQueryParameterName
4160                          required:
4161                          - consistentHash
4162                        properties:
4163                          consistentHash:
4164                            properties:
4165                              httpCookie:
4166                                description: Hash based on HTTP cookie.
4167                                properties:
4168                                  name:
4169                                    description: Name of the cookie.
4170                                    format: string
4171                                    type: string
4172                                  path:
4173                                    description: Path to set for the cookie.
4174                                    format: string
4175                                    type: string
4176                                  ttl:
4177                                    description: Lifetime of the cookie.
4178                                    type: string
4179                                type: object
4180                              httpHeaderName:
4181                                description: Hash based on a specific HTTP header.
4182                                format: string
4183                                type: string
4184                              httpQueryParameterName:
4185                                description: Hash based on a specific HTTP query parameter.
4186                                format: string
4187                                type: string
4188                              minimumRingSize:
4189                                type: integer
4190                              useSourceIp:
4191                                description: Hash based on the source IP address.
4192                                type: boolean
4193                            type: object
4194                          localityLbSetting:
4195                            properties:
4196                              distribute:
4197                                description: 'Optional: only one of distribute or
4198                                  failover can be set.'
4199                                items:
4200                                  properties:
4201                                    from:
4202                                      description: Originating locality, '/' separated,
4203                                        e.g.
4204                                      format: string
4205                                      type: string
4206                                    to:
4207                                      additionalProperties:
4208                                        type: integer
4209                                      description: Map of upstream localities to traffic
4210                                        distribution weights.
4211                                      type: object
4212                                  type: object
4213                                type: array
4214                              enabled:
4215                                description: enable locality load balancing, this
4216                                  is DestinationRule-level and will override mesh
4217                                  wide settings in entirety.
4218                                type: boolean
4219                              failover:
4220                                description: 'Optional: only failover or distribute
4221                                  can be set.'
4222                                items:
4223                                  properties:
4224                                    from:
4225                                      description: Originating region.
4226                                      format: string
4227                                      type: string
4228                                    to:
4229                                      format: string
4230                                      type: string
4231                                  type: object
4232                                type: array
4233                            type: object
4234                          simple:
4235                            enum:
4236                            - ROUND_ROBIN
4237                            - LEAST_CONN
4238                            - RANDOM
4239                            - PASSTHROUGH
4240                            type: string
4241                        type: object
4242                      outlierDetection:
4243                        properties:
4244                          baseEjectionTime:
4245                            description: Minimum ejection duration.
4246                            type: string
4247                          consecutive5xxErrors:
4248                            description: Number of 5xx errors before a host is ejected
4249                              from the connection pool.
4250                            type: integer
4251                          consecutiveErrors:
4252                            format: int32
4253                            type: integer
4254                          consecutiveGatewayErrors:
4255                            description: Number of gateway errors before a host is
4256                              ejected from the connection pool.
4257                            type: integer
4258                          interval:
4259                            description: Time interval between ejection sweep analysis.
4260                            type: string
4261                          maxEjectionPercent:
4262                            format: int32
4263                            type: integer
4264                          minHealthPercent:
4265                            format: int32
4266                            type: integer
4267                        type: object
4268                      port:
4269                        properties:
4270                          number:
4271                            type: integer
4272                        type: object
4273                      tls:
4274                        description: TLS related settings for connections to the upstream
4275                          service.
4276                        properties:
4277                          caCertificates:
4278                            format: string
4279                            type: string
4280                          clientCertificate:
4281                            description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4282                            format: string
4283                            type: string
4284                          mode:
4285                            enum:
4286                            - DISABLE
4287                            - SIMPLE
4288                            - MUTUAL
4289                            - ISTIO_MUTUAL
4290                            type: string
4291                          privateKey:
4292                            description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4293                            format: string
4294                            type: string
4295                          sni:
4296                            description: SNI string to present to the server during
4297                              TLS handshake.
4298                            format: string
4299                            type: string
4300                          subjectAltNames:
4301                            items:
4302                              format: string
4303                              type: string
4304                            type: array
4305                        type: object
4306                    type: object
4307                  type: array
4308                tls:
4309                  description: TLS related settings for connections to the upstream
4310                    service.
4311                  properties:
4312                    caCertificates:
4313                      format: string
4314                      type: string
4315                    clientCertificate:
4316                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4317                      format: string
4318                      type: string
4319                    mode:
4320                      enum:
4321                      - DISABLE
4322                      - SIMPLE
4323                      - MUTUAL
4324                      - ISTIO_MUTUAL
4325                      type: string
4326                    privateKey:
4327                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4328                      format: string
4329                      type: string
4330                    sni:
4331                      description: SNI string to present to the server during TLS
4332                        handshake.
4333                      format: string
4334                      type: string
4335                    subjectAltNames:
4336                      items:
4337                        format: string
4338                        type: string
4339                      type: array
4340                  type: object
4341              type: object
4342          type: object
4343      type: object
4344  versions:
4345  - name: v1alpha3
4346    served: true
4347    storage: true
4348  - name: v1beta1
4349    served: true
4350    storage: false
4354apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
4355kind: CustomResourceDefinition
4357  annotations:
4358    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
4359  labels:
4360    app: istio-pilot
4361    chart: istio
4362    heritage: Tiller
4363    release: istio
4364  name: envoyfilters.networking.istio.io
4366  group: networking.istio.io
4367  names:
4368    categories:
4369    - istio-io
4370    - networking-istio-io
4371    kind: EnvoyFilter
4372    listKind: EnvoyFilterList
4373    plural: envoyfilters
4374    singular: envoyfilter
4375  scope: Namespaced
4376  subresources:
4377    status: {}
4378  validation:
4379    openAPIV3Schema:
4380      properties:
4381        spec:
4382          description: 'Customizing Envoy configuration generated by Istio. See more
4383            details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/envoy-filter.html'
4384          properties:
4385            configPatches:
4386              description: One or more patches with match conditions.
4387              items:
4388                properties:
4389                  applyTo:
4390                    enum:
4391                    - INVALID
4392                    - LISTENER
4393                    - FILTER_CHAIN
4394                    - NETWORK_FILTER
4395                    - HTTP_FILTER
4396                    - ROUTE_CONFIGURATION
4397                    - VIRTUAL_HOST
4398                    - HTTP_ROUTE
4399                    - CLUSTER
4400                    type: string
4401                  match:
4402                    description: Match on listener/route configuration/cluster.
4403                    oneOf:
4404                    - not:
4405                        anyOf:
4406                        - required:
4407                          - listener
4408                        - required:
4409                          - routeConfiguration
4410                        - required:
4411                          - cluster
4412                    - required:
4413                      - listener
4414                    - required:
4415                      - routeConfiguration
4416                    - required:
4417                      - cluster
4418                    properties:
4419                      cluster:
4420                        description: Match on envoy cluster attributes.
4421                        properties:
4422                          name:
4423                            description: The exact name of the cluster to match.
4424                            format: string
4425                            type: string
4426                          portNumber:
4427                            description: The service port for which this cluster was
4428                              generated.
4429                            type: integer
4430                          service:
4431                            description: The fully qualified service name for this
4432                              cluster.
4433                            format: string
4434                            type: string
4435                          subset:
4436                            description: The subset associated with the service.
4437                            format: string
4438                            type: string
4439                        type: object
4440                      context:
4441                        description: The specific config generation context to match
4442                          on.
4443                        enum:
4444                        - ANY
4445                        - SIDECAR_INBOUND
4446                        - SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
4447                        - GATEWAY
4448                        type: string
4449                      listener:
4450                        description: Match on envoy listener attributes.
4451                        properties:
4452                          filterChain:
4453                            description: Match a specific filter chain in a listener.
4454                            properties:
4455                              applicationProtocols:
4456                                description: Applies only to sidecars.
4457                                format: string
4458                                type: string
4459                              filter:
4460                                description: The name of a specific filter to apply
4461                                  the patch to.
4462                                properties:
4463                                  name:
4464                                    description: The filter name to match on.
4465                                    format: string
4466                                    type: string
4467                                  subFilter:
4468                                    properties:
4469                                      name:
4470                                        description: The filter name to match on.
4471                                        format: string
4472                                        type: string
4473                                    type: object
4474                                type: object
4475                              name:
4476                                description: The name assigned to the filter chain.
4477                                format: string
4478                                type: string
4479                              sni:
4480                                description: The SNI value used by a filter chain's
4481                                  match condition.
4482                                format: string
4483                                type: string
4484                              transportProtocol:
4485                                description: Applies only to SIDECAR_INBOUND context.
4486                                format: string
4487                                type: string
4488                            type: object
4489                          name:
4490                            description: Match a specific listener by its name.
4491                            format: string
4492                            type: string
4493                          portName:
4494                            format: string
4495                            type: string
4496                          portNumber:
4497                            type: integer
4498                        type: object
4499                      proxy:
4500                        description: Match on properties associated with a proxy.
4501                        properties:
4502                          metadata:
4503                            additionalProperties:
4504                              format: string
4505                              type: string
4506                            type: object
4507                          proxyVersion:
4508                            format: string
4509                            type: string
4510                        type: object
4511                      routeConfiguration:
4512                        description: Match on envoy HTTP route configuration attributes.
4513                        properties:
4514                          gateway:
4515                            format: string
4516                            type: string
4517                          name:
4518                            description: Route configuration name to match on.
4519                            format: string
4520                            type: string
4521                          portName:
4522                            description: Applicable only for GATEWAY context.
4523                            format: string
4524                            type: string
4525                          portNumber:
4526                            type: integer
4527                          vhost:
4528                            properties:
4529                              name:
4530                                format: string
4531                                type: string
4532                              route:
4533                                description: Match a specific route within the virtual
4534                                  host.
4535                                properties:
4536                                  action:
4537                                    description: Match a route with specific action
4538                                      type.
4539                                    enum:
4540                                    - ANY
4541                                    - ROUTE
4542                                    - REDIRECT
4543                                    - DIRECT_RESPONSE
4544                                    type: string
4545                                  name:
4546                                    format: string
4547                                    type: string
4548                                type: object
4549                            type: object
4550                        type: object
4551                    type: object
4552                  patch:
4553                    description: The patch to apply along with the operation.
4554                    properties:
4555                      operation:
4556                        description: Determines how the patch should be applied.
4557                        enum:
4558                        - INVALID
4559                        - MERGE
4560                        - ADD
4561                        - REMOVE
4562                        - INSERT_BEFORE
4563                        - INSERT_AFTER
4564                        - INSERT_FIRST
4565                        type: string
4566                      value:
4567                        description: The JSON config of the object being patched.
4568                        type: object
4569                    type: object
4570                type: object
4571              type: array
4572            workloadSelector:
4573              properties:
4574                labels:
4575                  additionalProperties:
4576                    format: string
4577                    type: string
4578                  type: object
4579              type: object
4580          type: object
4581      type: object
4582  versions:
4583  - name: v1alpha3
4584    served: true
4585    storage: true
4589apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
4590kind: CustomResourceDefinition
4592  annotations:
4593    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
4594  labels:
4595    app: istio-pilot
4596    chart: istio
4597    heritage: Tiller
4598    release: istio
4599  name: gateways.networking.istio.io
4601  group: networking.istio.io
4602  names:
4603    categories:
4604    - istio-io
4605    - networking-istio-io
4606    kind: Gateway
4607    listKind: GatewayList
4608    plural: gateways
4609    shortNames:
4610    - gw
4611    singular: gateway
4612  scope: Namespaced
4613  subresources:
4614    status: {}
4615  validation:
4616    openAPIV3Schema:
4617      properties:
4618        spec:
4619          description: 'Configuration affecting edge load balancer. See more details
4620            at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/gateway.html'
4621          properties:
4622            selector:
4623              additionalProperties:
4624                format: string
4625                type: string
4626              type: object
4627            servers:
4628              description: A list of server specifications.
4629              items:
4630                properties:
4631                  bind:
4632                    format: string
4633                    type: string
4634                  defaultEndpoint:
4635                    format: string
4636                    type: string
4637                  hosts:
4638                    description: One or more hosts exposed by this gateway.
4639                    items:
4640                      format: string
4641                      type: string
4642                    type: array
4643                  port:
4644                    properties:
4645                      name:
4646                        description: Label assigned to the port.
4647                        format: string
4648                        type: string
4649                      number:
4650                        description: A valid non-negative integer port number.
4651                        type: integer
4652                      protocol:
4653                        description: The protocol exposed on the port.
4654                        format: string
4655                        type: string
4656                    type: object
4657                  tls:
4658                    description: Set of TLS related options that govern the server's
4659                      behavior.
4660                    properties:
4661                      caCertificates:
4662                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4663                        format: string
4664                        type: string
4665                      cipherSuites:
4666                        description: 'Optional: If specified, only support the specified
4667                          cipher list.'
4668                        items:
4669                          format: string
4670                          type: string
4671                        type: array
4672                      credentialName:
4673                        format: string
4674                        type: string
4675                      httpsRedirect:
4676                        type: boolean
4677                      maxProtocolVersion:
4678                        description: 'Optional: Maximum TLS protocol version.'
4679                        enum:
4680                        - TLS_AUTO
4681                        - TLSV1_0
4682                        - TLSV1_1
4683                        - TLSV1_2
4684                        - TLSV1_3
4685                        type: string
4686                      minProtocolVersion:
4687                        description: 'Optional: Minimum TLS protocol version.'
4688                        enum:
4689                        - TLS_AUTO
4690                        - TLSV1_0
4691                        - TLSV1_1
4692                        - TLSV1_2
4693                        - TLSV1_3
4694                        type: string
4695                      mode:
4696                        enum:
4697                        - PASSTHROUGH
4698                        - SIMPLE
4699                        - MUTUAL
4700                        - AUTO_PASSTHROUGH
4701                        - ISTIO_MUTUAL
4702                        type: string
4703                      privateKey:
4704                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
4705                        format: string
4706                        type: string
4707                      serverCertificate:
4708                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
4709                        format: string
4710                        type: string
4711                      subjectAltNames:
4712                        items:
4713                          format: string
4714                          type: string
4715                        type: array
4716                      verifyCertificateHash:
4717                        items:
4718                          format: string
4719                          type: string
4720                        type: array
4721                      verifyCertificateSpki:
4722                        items:
4723                          format: string
4724                          type: string
4725                        type: array
4726                    type: object
4727                type: object
4728              type: array
4729          type: object
4730      type: object
4731  versions:
4732  - name: v1alpha3
4733    served: true
4734    storage: true
4735  - name: v1beta1
4736    served: true
4737    storage: false
4741apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
4742kind: CustomResourceDefinition
4744  annotations:
4745    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
4746  labels:
4747    app: istio-pilot
4748    chart: istio
4749    heritage: Tiller
4750    release: istio
4751  name: serviceentries.networking.istio.io
4753  additionalPrinterColumns:
4754  - JSONPath: .spec.hosts
4755    description: The hosts associated with the ServiceEntry
4756    name: Hosts
4757    type: string
4758  - JSONPath: .spec.location
4759    description: Whether the service is external to the mesh or part of the mesh (MESH_EXTERNAL
4760      or MESH_INTERNAL)
4761    name: Location
4762    type: string
4763  - JSONPath: .spec.resolution
4764    description: Service discovery mode for the hosts (NONE, STATIC, or DNS)
4765    name: Resolution
4766    type: string
4767  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
4768    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
4769      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
4770      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
4771      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
4772      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
4773    name: Age
4774    type: date
4775  group: networking.istio.io
4776  names:
4777    categories:
4778    - istio-io
4779    - networking-istio-io
4780    kind: ServiceEntry
4781    listKind: ServiceEntryList
4782    plural: serviceentries
4783    shortNames:
4784    - se
4785    singular: serviceentry
4786  scope: Namespaced
4787  subresources:
4788    status: {}
4789  validation:
4790    openAPIV3Schema:
4791      properties:
4792        spec:
4793          description: 'Configuration affecting service registry. See more details
4794            at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/service-entry.html'
4795          properties:
4796            addresses:
4797              description: The virtual IP addresses associated with the service.
4798              items:
4799                format: string
4800                type: string
4801              type: array
4802            endpoints:
4803              description: One or more endpoints associated with the service.
4804              items:
4805                properties:
4806                  address:
4807                    format: string
4808                    type: string
4809                  labels:
4810                    additionalProperties:
4811                      format: string
4812                      type: string
4813                    description: One or more labels associated with the endpoint.
4814                    type: object
4815                  locality:
4816                    description: The locality associated with the endpoint.
4817                    format: string
4818                    type: string
4819                  network:
4820                    format: string
4821                    type: string
4822                  ports:
4823                    additionalProperties:
4824                      type: integer
4825                    description: Set of ports associated with the endpoint.
4826                    type: object
4827                  serviceAccount:
4828                    format: string
4829                    type: string
4830                  weight:
4831                    description: The load balancing weight associated with the endpoint.
4832                    type: integer
4833                type: object
4834              type: array
4835            exportTo:
4836              description: A list of namespaces to which this service is exported.
4837              items:
4838                format: string
4839                type: string
4840              type: array
4841            hosts:
4842              description: The hosts associated with the ServiceEntry.
4843              items:
4844                format: string
4845                type: string
4846              type: array
4847            location:
4848              enum:
4849              - MESH_EXTERNAL
4850              - MESH_INTERNAL
4851              type: string
4852            ports:
4853              description: The ports associated with the external service.
4854              items:
4855                properties:
4856                  name:
4857                    description: Label assigned to the port.
4858                    format: string
4859                    type: string
4860                  number:
4861                    description: A valid non-negative integer port number.
4862                    type: integer
4863                  protocol:
4864                    description: The protocol exposed on the port.
4865                    format: string
4866                    type: string
4867                type: object
4868              type: array
4869            resolution:
4870              description: Service discovery mode for the hosts.
4871              enum:
4872              - NONE
4873              - STATIC
4874              - DNS
4875              type: string
4876            subjectAltNames:
4877              items:
4878                format: string
4879                type: string
4880              type: array
4881            workloadSelector:
4882              description: Applicable only for MESH_INTERNAL services.
4883              properties:
4884                labels:
4885                  additionalProperties:
4886                    format: string
4887                    type: string
4888                  type: object
4889              type: object
4890          type: object
4891      type: object
4892  versions:
4893  - name: v1alpha3
4894    served: true
4895    storage: true
4896  - name: v1beta1
4897    served: true
4898    storage: false
4902apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
4903kind: CustomResourceDefinition
4905  annotations:
4906    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
4907  labels:
4908    app: istio-pilot
4909    chart: istio
4910    heritage: Tiller
4911    release: istio
4912  name: sidecars.networking.istio.io
4914  group: networking.istio.io
4915  names:
4916    categories:
4917    - istio-io
4918    - networking-istio-io
4919    kind: Sidecar
4920    listKind: SidecarList
4921    plural: sidecars
4922    singular: sidecar
4923  scope: Namespaced
4924  subresources:
4925    status: {}
4926  validation:
4927    openAPIV3Schema:
4928      properties:
4929        spec:
4930          description: 'Configuration affecting network reachability of a sidecar.
4931            See more details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/sidecar.html'
4932          properties:
4933            egress:
4934              items:
4935                properties:
4936                  bind:
4937                    format: string
4938                    type: string
4939                  captureMode:
4940                    enum:
4941                    - DEFAULT
4942                    - IPTABLES
4943                    - NONE
4944                    type: string
4945                  hosts:
4946                    items:
4947                      format: string
4948                      type: string
4949                    type: array
4950                  localhostServerTls:
4951                    properties:
4952                      caCertificates:
4953                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
4954                        format: string
4955                        type: string
4956                      cipherSuites:
4957                        description: 'Optional: If specified, only support the specified
4958                          cipher list.'
4959                        items:
4960                          format: string
4961                          type: string
4962                        type: array
4963                      credentialName:
4964                        format: string
4965                        type: string
4966                      httpsRedirect:
4967                        type: boolean
4968                      maxProtocolVersion:
4969                        description: 'Optional: Maximum TLS protocol version.'
4970                        enum:
4971                        - TLS_AUTO
4972                        - TLSV1_0
4973                        - TLSV1_1
4974                        - TLSV1_2
4975                        - TLSV1_3
4976                        type: string
4977                      minProtocolVersion:
4978                        description: 'Optional: Minimum TLS protocol version.'
4979                        enum:
4980                        - TLS_AUTO
4981                        - TLSV1_0
4982                        - TLSV1_1
4983                        - TLSV1_2
4984                        - TLSV1_3
4985                        type: string
4986                      mode:
4987                        enum:
4988                        - PASSTHROUGH
4989                        - SIMPLE
4990                        - MUTUAL
4991                        - AUTO_PASSTHROUGH
4992                        - ISTIO_MUTUAL
4993                        type: string
4994                      privateKey:
4995                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
4996                        format: string
4997                        type: string
4998                      serverCertificate:
4999                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
5000                        format: string
5001                        type: string
5002                      subjectAltNames:
5003                        items:
5004                          format: string
5005                          type: string
5006                        type: array
5007                      verifyCertificateHash:
5008                        items:
5009                          format: string
5010                          type: string
5011                        type: array
5012                      verifyCertificateSpki:
5013                        items:
5014                          format: string
5015                          type: string
5016                        type: array
5017                    type: object
5018                  port:
5019                    description: The port associated with the listener.
5020                    properties:
5021                      name:
5022                        description: Label assigned to the port.
5023                        format: string
5024                        type: string
5025                      number:
5026                        description: A valid non-negative integer port number.
5027                        type: integer
5028                      protocol:
5029                        description: The protocol exposed on the port.
5030                        format: string
5031                        type: string
5032                    type: object
5033                type: object
5034              type: array
5035            ingress:
5036              items:
5037                properties:
5038                  bind:
5039                    description: The IP to which the listener should be bound.
5040                    format: string
5041                    type: string
5042                  captureMode:
5043                    enum:
5044                    - DEFAULT
5045                    - IPTABLES
5046                    - NONE
5047                    type: string
5048                  defaultEndpoint:
5049                    format: string
5050                    type: string
5051                  localhostClientTls:
5052                    properties:
5053                      caCertificates:
5054                        format: string
5055                        type: string
5056                      clientCertificate:
5057                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
5058                        format: string
5059                        type: string
5060                      mode:
5061                        enum:
5062                        - DISABLE
5063                        - SIMPLE
5064                        - MUTUAL
5065                        - ISTIO_MUTUAL
5066                        type: string
5067                      privateKey:
5068                        description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
5069                        format: string
5070                        type: string
5071                      sni:
5072                        description: SNI string to present to the server during TLS
5073                          handshake.
5074                        format: string
5075                        type: string
5076                      subjectAltNames:
5077                        items:
5078                          format: string
5079                          type: string
5080                        type: array
5081                    type: object
5082                  port:
5083                    description: The port associated with the listener.
5084                    properties:
5085                      name:
5086                        description: Label assigned to the port.
5087                        format: string
5088                        type: string
5089                      number:
5090                        description: A valid non-negative integer port number.
5091                        type: integer
5092                      protocol:
5093                        description: The protocol exposed on the port.
5094                        format: string
5095                        type: string
5096                    type: object
5097                type: object
5098              type: array
5099            localhost:
5100              properties:
5101                clientTls:
5102                  properties:
5103                    caCertificates:
5104                      format: string
5105                      type: string
5106                    clientCertificate:
5107                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
5108                      format: string
5109                      type: string
5110                    mode:
5111                      enum:
5112                      - DISABLE
5113                      - SIMPLE
5114                      - MUTUAL
5115                      - ISTIO_MUTUAL
5116                      type: string
5117                    privateKey:
5118                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
5119                      format: string
5120                      type: string
5121                    sni:
5122                      description: SNI string to present to the server during TLS
5123                        handshake.
5124                      format: string
5125                      type: string
5126                    subjectAltNames:
5127                      items:
5128                        format: string
5129                        type: string
5130                      type: array
5131                  type: object
5132                serverTls:
5133                  properties:
5134                    caCertificates:
5135                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`.
5136                      format: string
5137                      type: string
5138                    cipherSuites:
5139                      description: 'Optional: If specified, only support the specified
5140                        cipher list.'
5141                      items:
5142                        format: string
5143                        type: string
5144                      type: array
5145                    credentialName:
5146                      format: string
5147                      type: string
5148                    httpsRedirect:
5149                      type: boolean
5150                    maxProtocolVersion:
5151                      description: 'Optional: Maximum TLS protocol version.'
5152                      enum:
5153                      - TLS_AUTO
5154                      - TLSV1_0
5155                      - TLSV1_1
5156                      - TLSV1_2
5157                      - TLSV1_3
5158                      type: string
5159                    minProtocolVersion:
5160                      description: 'Optional: Minimum TLS protocol version.'
5161                      enum:
5162                      - TLS_AUTO
5163                      - TLSV1_0
5164                      - TLSV1_1
5165                      - TLSV1_2
5166                      - TLSV1_3
5167                      type: string
5168                    mode:
5169                      enum:
5170                      - PASSTHROUGH
5171                      - SIMPLE
5172                      - MUTUAL
5173                      - AUTO_PASSTHROUGH
5174                      - ISTIO_MUTUAL
5175                      type: string
5176                    privateKey:
5177                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
5178                      format: string
5179                      type: string
5180                    serverCertificate:
5181                      description: REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`.
5182                      format: string
5183                      type: string
5184                    subjectAltNames:
5185                      items:
5186                        format: string
5187                        type: string
5188                      type: array
5189                    verifyCertificateHash:
5190                      items:
5191                        format: string
5192                        type: string
5193                      type: array
5194                    verifyCertificateSpki:
5195                      items:
5196                        format: string
5197                        type: string
5198                      type: array
5199                  type: object
5200              type: object
5201            outboundTrafficPolicy:
5202              description: Configuration for the outbound traffic policy.
5203              properties:
5204                egressProxy:
5205                  properties:
5206                    host:
5207                      description: The name of a service from the service registry.
5208                      format: string
5209                      type: string
5210                    port:
5211                      description: Specifies the port on the host that is being addressed.
5212                      properties:
5213                        number:
5214                          type: integer
5215                      type: object
5216                    subset:
5217                      description: The name of a subset within the service.
5218                      format: string
5219                      type: string
5220                  type: object
5221                mode:
5222                  enum:
5223                  - REGISTRY_ONLY
5224                  - ALLOW_ANY
5225                  type: string
5226              type: object
5227            workloadSelector:
5228              properties:
5229                labels:
5230                  additionalProperties:
5231                    format: string
5232                    type: string
5233                  type: object
5234              type: object
5235          type: object
5236      type: object
5237  versions:
5238  - name: v1alpha3
5239    served: true
5240    storage: true
5241  - name: v1beta1
5242    served: true
5243    storage: false
5247apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
5248kind: CustomResourceDefinition
5250  annotations:
5251    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
5252  labels:
5253    app: istio-pilot
5254    chart: istio
5255    heritage: Tiller
5256    release: istio
5257  name: virtualservices.networking.istio.io
5259  additionalPrinterColumns:
5260  - JSONPath: .spec.gateways
5261    description: The names of gateways and sidecars that should apply these routes
5262    name: Gateways
5263    type: string
5264  - JSONPath: .spec.hosts
5265    description: The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent
5266    name: Hosts
5267    type: string
5268  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
5269    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
5270      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
5271      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
5272      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
5273      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
5274    name: Age
5275    type: date
5276  group: networking.istio.io
5277  names:
5278    categories:
5279    - istio-io
5280    - networking-istio-io
5281    kind: VirtualService
5282    listKind: VirtualServiceList
5283    plural: virtualservices
5284    shortNames:
5285    - vs
5286    singular: virtualservice
5287  scope: Namespaced
5288  subresources:
5289    status: {}
5290  validation:
5291    openAPIV3Schema:
5292      properties:
5293        spec:
5294          description: 'Configuration affecting label/content routing, sni routing,
5295            etc. See more details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service.html'
5296          properties:
5297            exportTo:
5298              description: A list of namespaces to which this virtual service is exported.
5299              items:
5300                format: string
5301                type: string
5302              type: array
5303            gateways:
5304              description: The names of gateways and sidecars that should apply these
5305                routes.
5306              items:
5307                format: string
5308                type: string
5309              type: array
5310            hosts:
5311              description: The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent.
5312              items:
5313                format: string
5314                type: string
5315              type: array
5316            http:
5317              description: An ordered list of route rules for HTTP traffic.
5318              items:
5319                properties:
5320                  corsPolicy:
5321                    description: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy (CORS).
5322                    properties:
5323                      allowCredentials:
5324                        type: boolean
5325                      allowHeaders:
5326                        items:
5327                          format: string
5328                          type: string
5329                        type: array
5330                      allowMethods:
5331                        description: List of HTTP methods allowed to access the resource.
5332                        items:
5333                          format: string
5334                          type: string
5335                        type: array
5336                      allowOrigin:
5337                        description: The list of origins that are allowed to perform
5338                          CORS requests.
5339                        items:
5340                          format: string
5341                          type: string
5342                        type: array
5343                      allowOrigins:
5344                        description: String patterns that match allowed origins.
5345                        items:
5346                          oneOf:
5347                          - not:
5348                              anyOf:
5349                              - required:
5350                                - exact
5351                              - required:
5352                                - prefix
5353                              - required:
5354                                - regex
5355                          - required:
5356                            - exact
5357                          - required:
5358                            - prefix
5359                          - required:
5360                            - regex
5361                          properties:
5362                            exact:
5363                              format: string
5364                              type: string
5365                            prefix:
5366                              format: string
5367                              type: string
5368                            regex:
5369                              description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5370                              format: string
5371                              type: string
5372                          type: object
5373                        type: array
5374                      exposeHeaders:
5375                        items:
5376                          format: string
5377                          type: string
5378                        type: array
5379                      maxAge:
5380                        type: string
5381                    type: object
5382                  delegate:
5383                    properties:
5384                      name:
5385                        description: Name specifies the name of the delegate VirtualService.
5386                        format: string
5387                        type: string
5388                      namespace:
5389                        description: Namespace specifies the namespace where the delegate
5390                          VirtualService resides.
5391                        format: string
5392                        type: string
5393                    type: object
5394                  fault:
5395                    description: Fault injection policy to apply on HTTP traffic at
5396                      the client side.
5397                    properties:
5398                      abort:
5399                        oneOf:
5400                        - not:
5401                            anyOf:
5402                            - required:
5403                              - httpStatus
5404                            - required:
5405                              - grpcStatus
5406                            - required:
5407                              - http2Error
5408                        - required:
5409                          - httpStatus
5410                        - required:
5411                          - grpcStatus
5412                        - required:
5413                          - http2Error
5414                        properties:
5415                          grpcStatus:
5416                            format: string
5417                            type: string
5418                          http2Error:
5419                            format: string
5420                            type: string
5421                          httpStatus:
5422                            description: HTTP status code to use to abort the Http
5423                              request.
5424                            format: int32
5425                            type: integer
5426                          percentage:
5427                            description: Percentage of requests to be aborted with
5428                              the error code provided.
5429                            properties:
5430                              value:
5431                                format: double
5432                                type: number
5433                            type: object
5434                        type: object
5435                      delay:
5436                        oneOf:
5437                        - not:
5438                            anyOf:
5439                            - required:
5440                              - fixedDelay
5441                            - required:
5442                              - exponentialDelay
5443                        - required:
5444                          - fixedDelay
5445                        - required:
5446                          - exponentialDelay
5447                        properties:
5448                          exponentialDelay:
5449                            type: string
5450                          fixedDelay:
5451                            description: Add a fixed delay before forwarding the request.
5452                            type: string
5453                          percent:
5454                            description: Percentage of requests on which the delay
5455                              will be injected (0-100).
5456                            format: int32
5457                            type: integer
5458                          percentage:
5459                            description: Percentage of requests on which the delay
5460                              will be injected.
5461                            properties:
5462                              value:
5463                                format: double
5464                                type: number
5465                            type: object
5466                        type: object
5467                    type: object
5468                  headers:
5469                    properties:
5470                      request:
5471                        properties:
5472                          add:
5473                            additionalProperties:
5474                              format: string
5475                              type: string
5476                            type: object
5477                          remove:
5478                            items:
5479                              format: string
5480                              type: string
5481                            type: array
5482                          set:
5483                            additionalProperties:
5484                              format: string
5485                              type: string
5486                            type: object
5487                        type: object
5488                      response:
5489                        properties:
5490                          add:
5491                            additionalProperties:
5492                              format: string
5493                              type: string
5494                            type: object
5495                          remove:
5496                            items:
5497                              format: string
5498                              type: string
5499                            type: array
5500                          set:
5501                            additionalProperties:
5502                              format: string
5503                              type: string
5504                            type: object
5505                        type: object
5506                    type: object
5507                  match:
5508                    items:
5509                      properties:
5510                        authority:
5511                          oneOf:
5512                          - not:
5513                              anyOf:
5514                              - required:
5515                                - exact
5516                              - required:
5517                                - prefix
5518                              - required:
5519                                - regex
5520                          - required:
5521                            - exact
5522                          - required:
5523                            - prefix
5524                          - required:
5525                            - regex
5526                          properties:
5527                            exact:
5528                              format: string
5529                              type: string
5530                            prefix:
5531                              format: string
5532                              type: string
5533                            regex:
5534                              description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5535                              format: string
5536                              type: string
5537                          type: object
5538                        gateways:
5539                          description: Names of gateways where the rule should be
5540                            applied.
5541                          items:
5542                            format: string
5543                            type: string
5544                          type: array
5545                        headers:
5546                          additionalProperties:
5547                            oneOf:
5548                            - not:
5549                                anyOf:
5550                                - required:
5551                                  - exact
5552                                - required:
5553                                  - prefix
5554                                - required:
5555                                  - regex
5556                            - required:
5557                              - exact
5558                            - required:
5559                              - prefix
5560                            - required:
5561                              - regex
5562                            properties:
5563                              exact:
5564                                format: string
5565                                type: string
5566                              prefix:
5567                                format: string
5568                                type: string
5569                              regex:
5570                                description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5571                                format: string
5572                                type: string
5573                            type: object
5574                          type: object
5575                        ignoreUriCase:
5576                          description: Flag to specify whether the URI matching should
5577                            be case-insensitive.
5578                          type: boolean
5579                        method:
5580                          oneOf:
5581                          - not:
5582                              anyOf:
5583                              - required:
5584                                - exact
5585                              - required:
5586                                - prefix
5587                              - required:
5588                                - regex
5589                          - required:
5590                            - exact
5591                          - required:
5592                            - prefix
5593                          - required:
5594                            - regex
5595                          properties:
5596                            exact:
5597                              format: string
5598                              type: string
5599                            prefix:
5600                              format: string
5601                              type: string
5602                            regex:
5603                              description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5604                              format: string
5605                              type: string
5606                          type: object
5607                        name:
5608                          description: The name assigned to a match.
5609                          format: string
5610                          type: string
5611                        port:
5612                          description: Specifies the ports on the host that is being
5613                            addressed.
5614                          type: integer
5615                        queryParams:
5616                          additionalProperties:
5617                            oneOf:
5618                            - not:
5619                                anyOf:
5620                                - required:
5621                                  - exact
5622                                - required:
5623                                  - prefix
5624                                - required:
5625                                  - regex
5626                            - required:
5627                              - exact
5628                            - required:
5629                              - prefix
5630                            - required:
5631                              - regex
5632                            properties:
5633                              exact:
5634                                format: string
5635                                type: string
5636                              prefix:
5637                                format: string
5638                                type: string
5639                              regex:
5640                                description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5641                                format: string
5642                                type: string
5643                            type: object
5644                          description: Query parameters for matching.
5645                          type: object
5646                        scheme:
5647                          oneOf:
5648                          - not:
5649                              anyOf:
5650                              - required:
5651                                - exact
5652                              - required:
5653                                - prefix
5654                              - required:
5655                                - regex
5656                          - required:
5657                            - exact
5658                          - required:
5659                            - prefix
5660                          - required:
5661                            - regex
5662                          properties:
5663                            exact:
5664                              format: string
5665                              type: string
5666                            prefix:
5667                              format: string
5668                              type: string
5669                            regex:
5670                              description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5671                              format: string
5672                              type: string
5673                          type: object
5674                        sourceLabels:
5675                          additionalProperties:
5676                            format: string
5677                            type: string
5678                          type: object
5679                        sourceNamespace:
5680                          description: Source namespace constraining the applicability
5681                            of a rule to workloads in that namespace.
5682                          format: string
5683                          type: string
5684                        uri:
5685                          oneOf:
5686                          - not:
5687                              anyOf:
5688                              - required:
5689                                - exact
5690                              - required:
5691                                - prefix
5692                              - required:
5693                                - regex
5694                          - required:
5695                            - exact
5696                          - required:
5697                            - prefix
5698                          - required:
5699                            - regex
5700                          properties:
5701                            exact:
5702                              format: string
5703                              type: string
5704                            prefix:
5705                              format: string
5706                              type: string
5707                            regex:
5708                              description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5709                              format: string
5710                              type: string
5711                          type: object
5712                        withoutHeaders:
5713                          additionalProperties:
5714                            oneOf:
5715                            - not:
5716                                anyOf:
5717                                - required:
5718                                  - exact
5719                                - required:
5720                                  - prefix
5721                                - required:
5722                                  - regex
5723                            - required:
5724                              - exact
5725                            - required:
5726                              - prefix
5727                            - required:
5728                              - regex
5729                            properties:
5730                              exact:
5731                                format: string
5732                                type: string
5733                              prefix:
5734                                format: string
5735                                type: string
5736                              regex:
5737                                description: RE2 style regex-based match (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax).
5738                                format: string
5739                                type: string
5740                            type: object
5741                          description: withoutHeader has the same syntax with the
5742                            header, but has opposite meaning.
5743                          type: object
5744                      type: object
5745                    type: array
5746                  mirror:
5747                    properties:
5748                      host:
5749                        description: The name of a service from the service registry.
5750                        format: string
5751                        type: string
5752                      port:
5753                        description: Specifies the port on the host that is being
5754                          addressed.
5755                        properties:
5756                          number:
5757                            type: integer
5758                        type: object
5759                      subset:
5760                        description: The name of a subset within the service.
5761                        format: string
5762                        type: string
5763                    type: object
5764                  mirror_percent:
5765                    description: Percentage of the traffic to be mirrored by the `mirror`
5766                      field.
5767                    type: integer
5768                  mirrorPercent:
5769                    description: Percentage of the traffic to be mirrored by the `mirror`
5770                      field.
5771                    type: integer
5772                  mirrorPercentage:
5773                    description: Percentage of the traffic to be mirrored by the `mirror`
5774                      field.
5775                    properties:
5776                      value:
5777                        format: double
5778                        type: number
5779                    type: object
5780                  name:
5781                    description: The name assigned to the route for debugging purposes.
5782                    format: string
5783                    type: string
5784                  redirect:
5785                    description: A HTTP rule can either redirect or forward (default)
5786                      traffic.
5787                    properties:
5788                      authority:
5789                        format: string
5790                        type: string
5791                      redirectCode:
5792                        type: integer
5793                      uri:
5794                        format: string
5795                        type: string
5796                    type: object
5797                  retries:
5798                    description: Retry policy for HTTP requests.
5799                    properties:
5800                      attempts:
5801                        description: Number of retries for a given request.
5802                        format: int32
5803                        type: integer
5804                      perTryTimeout:
5805                        description: Timeout per retry attempt for a given request.
5806                        type: string
5807                      retryOn:
5808                        description: Specifies the conditions under which retry takes
5809                          place.
5810                        format: string
5811                        type: string
5812                      retryRemoteLocalities:
5813                        description: Flag to specify whether the retries should retry
5814                          to other localities.
5815                        type: boolean
5816                    type: object
5817                  rewrite:
5818                    description: Rewrite HTTP URIs and Authority headers.
5819                    properties:
5820                      authority:
5821                        description: rewrite the Authority/Host header with this value.
5822                        format: string
5823                        type: string
5824                      uri:
5825                        format: string
5826                        type: string
5827                    type: object
5828                  route:
5829                    description: A HTTP rule can either redirect or forward (default)
5830                      traffic.
5831                    items:
5832                      properties:
5833                        destination:
5834                          properties:
5835                            host:
5836                              description: The name of a service from the service
5837                                registry.
5838                              format: string
5839                              type: string
5840                            port:
5841                              description: Specifies the port on the host that is
5842                                being addressed.
5843                              properties:
5844                                number:
5845                                  type: integer
5846                              type: object
5847                            subset:
5848                              description: The name of a subset within the service.
5849                              format: string
5850                              type: string
5851                          type: object
5852                        headers:
5853                          properties:
5854                            request:
5855                              properties:
5856                                add:
5857                                  additionalProperties:
5858                                    format: string
5859                                    type: string
5860                                  type: object
5861                                remove:
5862                                  items:
5863                                    format: string
5864                                    type: string
5865                                  type: array
5866                                set:
5867                                  additionalProperties:
5868                                    format: string
5869                                    type: string
5870                                  type: object
5871                              type: object
5872                            response:
5873                              properties:
5874                                add:
5875                                  additionalProperties:
5876                                    format: string
5877                                    type: string
5878                                  type: object
5879                                remove:
5880                                  items:
5881                                    format: string
5882                                    type: string
5883                                  type: array
5884                                set:
5885                                  additionalProperties:
5886                                    format: string
5887                                    type: string
5888                                  type: object
5889                              type: object
5890                          type: object
5891                        weight:
5892                          format: int32
5893                          type: integer
5894                      type: object
5895                    type: array
5896                  timeout:
5897                    description: Timeout for HTTP requests.
5898                    type: string
5899                type: object
5900              type: array
5901            tcp:
5902              description: An ordered list of route rules for opaque TCP traffic.
5903              items:
5904                properties:
5905                  match:
5906                    items:
5907                      properties:
5908                        destinationSubnets:
5909                          description: IPv4 or IPv6 ip addresses of destination with
5910                            optional subnet.
5911                          items:
5912                            format: string
5913                            type: string
5914                          type: array
5915                        gateways:
5916                          description: Names of gateways where the rule should be
5917                            applied.
5918                          items:
5919                            format: string
5920                            type: string
5921                          type: array
5922                        port:
5923                          description: Specifies the port on the host that is being
5924                            addressed.
5925                          type: integer
5926                        sourceLabels:
5927                          additionalProperties:
5928                            format: string
5929                            type: string
5930                          type: object
5931                        sourceNamespace:
5932                          description: Source namespace constraining the applicability
5933                            of a rule to workloads in that namespace.
5934                          format: string
5935                          type: string
5936                        sourceSubnet:
5937                          description: IPv4 or IPv6 ip address of source with optional
5938                            subnet.
5939                          format: string
5940                          type: string
5941                      type: object
5942                    type: array
5943                  route:
5944                    description: The destination to which the connection should be
5945                      forwarded to.
5946                    items:
5947                      properties:
5948                        destination:
5949                          properties:
5950                            host:
5951                              description: The name of a service from the service
5952                                registry.
5953                              format: string
5954                              type: string
5955                            port:
5956                              description: Specifies the port on the host that is
5957                                being addressed.
5958                              properties:
5959                                number:
5960                                  type: integer
5961                              type: object
5962                            subset:
5963                              description: The name of a subset within the service.
5964                              format: string
5965                              type: string
5966                          type: object
5967                        weight:
5968                          format: int32
5969                          type: integer
5970                      type: object
5971                    type: array
5972                type: object
5973              type: array
5974            tls:
5975              items:
5976                properties:
5977                  match:
5978                    items:
5979                      properties:
5980                        destinationSubnets:
5981                          description: IPv4 or IPv6 ip addresses of destination with
5982                            optional subnet.
5983                          items:
5984                            format: string
5985                            type: string
5986                          type: array
5987                        gateways:
5988                          description: Names of gateways where the rule should be
5989                            applied.
5990                          items:
5991                            format: string
5992                            type: string
5993                          type: array
5994                        port:
5995                          description: Specifies the port on the host that is being
5996                            addressed.
5997                          type: integer
5998                        sniHosts:
5999                          description: SNI (server name indicator) to match on.
6000                          items:
6001                            format: string
6002                            type: string
6003                          type: array
6004                        sourceLabels:
6005                          additionalProperties:
6006                            format: string
6007                            type: string
6008                          type: object
6009                        sourceNamespace:
6010                          description: Source namespace constraining the applicability
6011                            of a rule to workloads in that namespace.
6012                          format: string
6013                          type: string
6014                      type: object
6015                    type: array
6016                  route:
6017                    description: The destination to which the connection should be
6018                      forwarded to.
6019                    items:
6020                      properties:
6021                        destination:
6022                          properties:
6023                            host:
6024                              description: The name of a service from the service
6025                                registry.
6026                              format: string
6027                              type: string
6028                            port:
6029                              description: Specifies the port on the host that is
6030                                being addressed.
6031                              properties:
6032                                number:
6033                                  type: integer
6034                              type: object
6035                            subset:
6036                              description: The name of a subset within the service.
6037                              format: string
6038                              type: string
6039                          type: object
6040                        weight:
6041                          format: int32
6042                          type: integer
6043                      type: object
6044                    type: array
6045                type: object
6046              type: array
6047          type: object
6048      type: object
6049  versions:
6050  - name: v1alpha3
6051    served: true
6052    storage: true
6053  - name: v1beta1
6054    served: true
6055    storage: false
6059apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6060kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6062  annotations:
6063    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6064  labels:
6065    app: istio-pilot
6066    chart: istio
6067    heritage: Tiller
6068    release: istio
6069  name: workloadentries.networking.istio.io
6071  additionalPrinterColumns:
6072  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
6073    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
6074      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
6075      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
6076      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
6077      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
6078    name: Age
6079    type: date
6080  - JSONPath: .spec.address
6081    description: Address associated with the network endpoint.
6082    name: Address
6083    type: string
6084  group: networking.istio.io
6085  names:
6086    categories:
6087    - istio-io
6088    - networking-istio-io
6089    kind: WorkloadEntry
6090    listKind: WorkloadEntryList
6091    plural: workloadentries
6092    shortNames:
6093    - we
6094    singular: workloadentry
6095  scope: Namespaced
6096  subresources:
6097    status: {}
6098  validation:
6099    openAPIV3Schema:
6100      properties:
6101        spec:
6102          description: 'Configuration affecting VMs onboarded into the mesh. See more
6103            details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/workload-entry.html'
6104          properties:
6105            address:
6106              format: string
6107              type: string
6108            labels:
6109              additionalProperties:
6110                format: string
6111                type: string
6112              description: One or more labels associated with the endpoint.
6113              type: object
6114            locality:
6115              description: The locality associated with the endpoint.
6116              format: string
6117              type: string
6118            network:
6119              format: string
6120              type: string
6121            ports:
6122              additionalProperties:
6123                type: integer
6124              description: Set of ports associated with the endpoint.
6125              type: object
6126            serviceAccount:
6127              format: string
6128              type: string
6129            weight:
6130              description: The load balancing weight associated with the endpoint.
6131              type: integer
6132          type: object
6133      type: object
6134  versions:
6135  - name: v1alpha3
6136    served: true
6137    storage: true
6138  - name: v1beta1
6139    served: true
6140    storage: false
6144apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6145kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6147  annotations:
6148    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6149  labels:
6150    app: mixer
6151    chart: istio
6152    heritage: Tiller
6153    istio: core
6154    package: istio.io.mixer
6155    release: istio
6156  name: attributemanifests.config.istio.io
6158  group: config.istio.io
6159  names:
6160    categories:
6161    - istio-io
6162    - policy-istio-io
6163    kind: attributemanifest
6164    listKind: attributemanifestList
6165    plural: attributemanifests
6166    singular: attributemanifest
6167  scope: Namespaced
6168  subresources:
6169    status: {}
6170  validation:
6171    openAPIV3Schema:
6172      properties:
6173        spec:
6174          description: 'Describes the rules used to configure Mixer''s policy and
6175            telemetry features. See more details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/policy-and-telemetry/istio.policy.v1beta1.html'
6176          properties:
6177            attributes:
6178              additionalProperties:
6179                properties:
6180                  description:
6181                    description: A human-readable description of the attribute's purpose.
6182                    format: string
6183                    type: string
6184                  valueType:
6185                    description: The type of data carried by this attribute.
6186                    enum:
6187                    - VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
6188                    - STRING
6189                    - INT64
6190                    - DOUBLE
6191                    - BOOL
6192                    - TIMESTAMP
6193                    - IP_ADDRESS
6194                    - EMAIL_ADDRESS
6195                    - URI
6196                    - DNS_NAME
6197                    - DURATION
6198                    - STRING_MAP
6199                    type: string
6200                type: object
6201              description: The set of attributes this Istio component will be responsible
6202                for producing at runtime.
6203              type: object
6204            name:
6205              description: Name of the component producing these attributes.
6206              format: string
6207              type: string
6208            revision:
6209              description: The revision of this document.
6210              format: string
6211              type: string
6212          type: object
6213      type: object
6214  versions:
6215  - name: v1alpha2
6216    served: true
6217    storage: true
6221apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6222kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6224  annotations:
6225    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6226  labels:
6227    app: mixer
6228    chart: istio
6229    heritage: Tiller
6230    istio: mixer-handler
6231    package: handler
6232    release: istio
6233  name: handlers.config.istio.io
6235  group: config.istio.io
6236  names:
6237    categories:
6238    - istio-io
6239    - policy-istio-io
6240    kind: handler
6241    listKind: handlerList
6242    plural: handlers
6243    singular: handler
6244  scope: Namespaced
6245  subresources:
6246    status: {}
6247  validation:
6248    openAPIV3Schema:
6249      properties:
6250        spec:
6251          description: Handler allows the operator to configure a specific adapter
6252            implementation.
6253          properties:
6254            adapter:
6255              description: The name of a specific adapter implementation.
6256              format: string
6257              type: string
6258            compiledAdapter:
6259              description: The name of the compiled in adapter this handler instantiates.
6260              format: string
6261              type: string
6262            connection:
6263              description: Information on how to connect to the out-of-process adapter.
6264              properties:
6265                address:
6266                  description: The address of the backend.
6267                  format: string
6268                  type: string
6269                authentication:
6270                  description: Auth config for the connection to the backend.
6271                  oneOf:
6272                  - not:
6273                      anyOf:
6274                      - properties:
6275                          tls:
6276                            allOf:
6277                            - oneOf:
6278                              - not:
6279                                  anyOf:
6280                                  - required:
6281                                    - tokenPath
6282                                  - required:
6283                                    - oauth
6284                              - required:
6285                                - tokenPath
6286                              - required:
6287                                - oauth
6288                            - oneOf:
6289                              - not:
6290                                  anyOf:
6291                                  - required:
6292                                    - authHeader
6293                                  - required:
6294                                    - customHeader
6295                              - required:
6296                                - authHeader
6297                              - required:
6298                                - customHeader
6299                        required:
6300                        - tls
6301                      - required:
6302                        - mutual
6303                  - properties:
6304                      tls:
6305                        allOf:
6306                        - oneOf:
6307                          - not:
6308                              anyOf:
6309                              - required:
6310                                - tokenPath
6311                              - required:
6312                                - oauth
6313                          - required:
6314                            - tokenPath
6315                          - required:
6316                            - oauth
6317                        - oneOf:
6318                          - not:
6319                              anyOf:
6320                              - required:
6321                                - authHeader
6322                              - required:
6323                                - customHeader
6324                          - required:
6325                            - authHeader
6326                          - required:
6327                            - customHeader
6328                    required:
6329                    - tls
6330                  - required:
6331                    - mutual
6332                  properties:
6333                    mutual:
6334                      properties:
6335                        caCertificates:
6336                          format: string
6337                          type: string
6338                        clientCertificate:
6339                          description: The path to the file holding client certificate
6340                            for mutual TLS.
6341                          format: string
6342                          type: string
6343                        privateKey:
6344                          description: The path to the file holding the private key
6345                            for mutual TLS.
6346                          format: string
6347                          type: string
6348                        serverName:
6349                          description: Used to configure mixer mutual TLS client to
6350                            supply server name for SNI.
6351                          format: string
6352                          type: string
6353                      type: object
6354                    tls:
6355                      properties:
6356                        authHeader:
6357                          description: Access token is passed as authorization header.
6358                          enum:
6359                          - PLAIN
6360                          - BEARER
6361                          type: string
6362                        caCertificates:
6363                          format: string
6364                          type: string
6365                        customHeader:
6366                          description: Customized header key to hold access token,
6367                            e.g.
6368                          format: string
6369                          type: string
6370                        oauth:
6371                          description: Oauth config to fetch access token from auth
6372                            provider.
6373                          properties:
6374                            clientId:
6375                              description: OAuth client id for mixer.
6376                              format: string
6377                              type: string
6378                            clientSecret:
6379                              description: The path to the file holding the client
6380                                secret for oauth.
6381                              format: string
6382                              type: string
6383                            endpointParams:
6384                              additionalProperties:
6385                                format: string
6386                                type: string
6387                              description: Additional parameters for requests to the
6388                                token endpoint.
6389                              type: object
6390                            scopes:
6391                              description: List of requested permissions.
6392                              items:
6393                                format: string
6394                                type: string
6395                              type: array
6396                            tokenUrl:
6397                              description: The Resource server's token endpoint URL.
6398                              format: string
6399                              type: string
6400                          type: object
6401                        serverName:
6402                          format: string
6403                          type: string
6404                        tokenPath:
6405                          format: string
6406                          type: string
6407                      type: object
6408                  type: object
6409                timeout:
6410                  description: Timeout for remote calls to the backend.
6411                  type: string
6412              type: object
6413            name:
6414              description: Must be unique in the entire Mixer configuration.
6415              format: string
6416              type: string
6417            params:
6418              description: Depends on adapter implementation.
6419              type: object
6420          type: object
6421      type: object
6422  versions:
6423  - name: v1alpha2
6424    served: true
6425    storage: true
6429apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6430kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6432  annotations:
6433    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6434  labels:
6435    app: mixer
6436    chart: istio
6437    heritage: Tiller
6438    istio: mixer-instance
6439    package: instance
6440    release: istio
6441  name: instances.config.istio.io
6443  group: config.istio.io
6444  names:
6445    categories:
6446    - istio-io
6447    - policy-istio-io
6448    kind: instance
6449    listKind: instanceList
6450    plural: instances
6451    singular: instance
6452  scope: Namespaced
6453  subresources:
6454    status: {}
6455  validation:
6456    openAPIV3Schema:
6457      properties:
6458        spec:
6459          description: An Instance tells Mixer how to create instances for particular
6460            template.
6461          properties:
6462            attributeBindings:
6463              additionalProperties:
6464                format: string
6465                type: string
6466              type: object
6467            compiledTemplate:
6468              description: The name of the compiled in template this instance creates
6469                instances for.
6470              format: string
6471              type: string
6472            name:
6473              format: string
6474              type: string
6475            params:
6476              description: Depends on referenced template.
6477              type: object
6478            template:
6479              description: The name of the template this instance creates instances
6480                for.
6481              format: string
6482              type: string
6483          type: object
6484      type: object
6485  versions:
6486  - name: v1alpha2
6487    served: true
6488    storage: true
6492apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6493kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6495  annotations:
6496    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6497  labels:
6498    app: mixer
6499    chart: istio
6500    heritage: Tiller
6501    istio: core
6502    package: istio.io.mixer
6503    release: istio
6504  name: rules.config.istio.io
6506  group: config.istio.io
6507  names:
6508    categories:
6509    - istio-io
6510    - policy-istio-io
6511    kind: rule
6512    listKind: ruleList
6513    plural: rules
6514    singular: rule
6515  scope: Namespaced
6516  subresources:
6517    status: {}
6518  validation:
6519    openAPIV3Schema:
6520      properties:
6521        spec:
6522          description: 'Describes the rules used to configure Mixer''s policy and
6523            telemetry features. See more details at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/policy-and-telemetry/istio.policy.v1beta1.html'
6524          properties:
6525            actions:
6526              description: The actions that will be executed when match evaluates
6527                to `true`.
6528              items:
6529                properties:
6530                  handler:
6531                    description: Fully qualified name of the handler to invoke.
6532                    format: string
6533                    type: string
6534                  instances:
6535                    items:
6536                      format: string
6537                      type: string
6538                    type: array
6539                  name:
6540                    description: A handle to refer to the results of the action.
6541                    format: string
6542                    type: string
6543                type: object
6544              type: array
6545            match:
6546              description: Match is an attribute based predicate.
6547              format: string
6548              type: string
6549            requestHeaderOperations:
6550              items:
6551                properties:
6552                  name:
6553                    description: Header name literal value.
6554                    format: string
6555                    type: string
6556                  operation:
6557                    description: Header operation type.
6558                    enum:
6559                    - REPLACE
6560                    - REMOVE
6561                    - APPEND
6562                    type: string
6563                  values:
6564                    description: Header value expressions.
6565                    items:
6566                      format: string
6567                      type: string
6568                    type: array
6569                type: object
6570              type: array
6571            responseHeaderOperations:
6572              items:
6573                properties:
6574                  name:
6575                    description: Header name literal value.
6576                    format: string
6577                    type: string
6578                  operation:
6579                    description: Header operation type.
6580                    enum:
6581                    - REPLACE
6582                    - REMOVE
6583                    - APPEND
6584                    type: string
6585                  values:
6586                    description: Header value expressions.
6587                    items:
6588                      format: string
6589                      type: string
6590                    type: array
6591                type: object
6592              type: array
6593            sampling:
6594              properties:
6595                random:
6596                  description: Provides filtering of actions based on random selection
6597                    per request.
6598                  properties:
6599                    attributeExpression:
6600                      description: Specifies an attribute expression to use to override
6601                        the numerator in the `percent_sampled` field.
6602                      format: string
6603                      type: string
6604                    percentSampled:
6605                      description: The default sampling rate, expressed as a percentage.
6606                      properties:
6607                        denominator:
6608                          description: Specifies the denominator.
6609                          enum:
6610                          - HUNDRED
6611                          - TEN_THOUSAND
6612                          type: string
6613                        numerator:
6614                          description: Specifies the numerator.
6615                          type: integer
6616                      type: object
6617                    useIndependentRandomness:
6618                      description: By default sampling will be based on the value
6619                        of the request header `x-request-id`.
6620                      type: boolean
6621                  type: object
6622                rateLimit:
6623                  properties:
6624                    maxUnsampledEntries:
6625                      description: Number of entries to allow during the `sampling_duration`
6626                        before sampling is enforced.
6627                      format: int64
6628                      type: integer
6629                    samplingDuration:
6630                      description: Window in which to enforce the sampling rate.
6631                      type: string
6632                    samplingRate:
6633                      description: The rate at which to sample entries once the unsampled
6634                        limit has been reached.
6635                      format: int64
6636                      type: integer
6637                  type: object
6638              type: object
6639          type: object
6640      type: object
6641  versions:
6642  - name: v1alpha2
6643    served: true
6644    storage: true
6648apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6649kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6651  annotations:
6652    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6653  labels:
6654    app: istio-pilot
6655    chart: istio
6656    heritage: Tiller
6657    istio: rbac
6658    release: istio
6659  name: clusterrbacconfigs.rbac.istio.io
6661  group: rbac.istio.io
6662  names:
6663    categories:
6664    - istio-io
6665    - rbac-istio-io
6666    kind: ClusterRbacConfig
6667    listKind: ClusterRbacConfigList
6668    plural: clusterrbacconfigs
6669    singular: clusterrbacconfig
6670  scope: Cluster
6671  subresources:
6672    status: {}
6673  validation:
6674    openAPIV3Schema:
6675      properties:
6676        spec:
6677          description: 'See more details at:'
6678          properties:
6679            enforcementMode:
6680              enum:
6681              - ENFORCED
6682              - PERMISSIVE
6683              type: string
6684            exclusion:
6685              description: A list of services or namespaces that should not be enforced
6686                by Istio RBAC policies.
6687              properties:
6688                namespaces:
6689                  description: A list of namespaces.
6690                  items:
6691                    format: string
6692                    type: string
6693                  type: array
6694                services:
6695                  description: A list of services.
6696                  items:
6697                    format: string
6698                    type: string
6699                  type: array
6700              type: object
6701            inclusion:
6702              description: A list of services or namespaces that should be enforced
6703                by Istio RBAC policies.
6704              properties:
6705                namespaces:
6706                  description: A list of namespaces.
6707                  items:
6708                    format: string
6709                    type: string
6710                  type: array
6711                services:
6712                  description: A list of services.
6713                  items:
6714                    format: string
6715                    type: string
6716                  type: array
6717              type: object
6718            mode:
6719              description: Istio RBAC mode.
6720              enum:
6721              - "OFF"
6722              - "ON"
6723              - ON_WITH_INCLUSION
6724              - ON_WITH_EXCLUSION
6725              type: string
6726          type: object
6727      type: object
6728  versions:
6729  - name: v1alpha1
6730    served: true
6731    storage: true
6735apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6736kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6738  annotations:
6739    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6740  labels:
6741    app: mixer
6742    chart: istio
6743    heritage: Tiller
6744    istio: rbac
6745    package: istio.io.mixer
6746    release: istio
6747  name: rbacconfigs.rbac.istio.io
6749  group: rbac.istio.io
6750  names:
6751    categories:
6752    - istio-io
6753    - rbac-istio-io
6754    kind: RbacConfig
6755    listKind: RbacConfigList
6756    plural: rbacconfigs
6757    singular: rbacconfig
6758  scope: Namespaced
6759  subresources:
6760    status: {}
6761  validation:
6762    openAPIV3Schema:
6763      properties:
6764        spec:
6765          description: 'See more details at:'
6766          properties:
6767            enforcementMode:
6768              enum:
6769              - ENFORCED
6770              - PERMISSIVE
6771              type: string
6772            exclusion:
6773              description: A list of services or namespaces that should not be enforced
6774                by Istio RBAC policies.
6775              properties:
6776                namespaces:
6777                  description: A list of namespaces.
6778                  items:
6779                    format: string
6780                    type: string
6781                  type: array
6782                services:
6783                  description: A list of services.
6784                  items:
6785                    format: string
6786                    type: string
6787                  type: array
6788              type: object
6789            inclusion:
6790              description: A list of services or namespaces that should be enforced
6791                by Istio RBAC policies.
6792              properties:
6793                namespaces:
6794                  description: A list of namespaces.
6795                  items:
6796                    format: string
6797                    type: string
6798                  type: array
6799                services:
6800                  description: A list of services.
6801                  items:
6802                    format: string
6803                    type: string
6804                  type: array
6805              type: object
6806            mode:
6807              description: Istio RBAC mode.
6808              enum:
6809              - "OFF"
6810              - "ON"
6811              - ON_WITH_INCLUSION
6812              - ON_WITH_EXCLUSION
6813              type: string
6814          type: object
6815      type: object
6816  versions:
6817  - name: v1alpha1
6818    served: true
6819    storage: true
6823apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6824kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6826  annotations:
6827    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6828  labels:
6829    app: mixer
6830    chart: istio
6831    heritage: Tiller
6832    istio: rbac
6833    package: istio.io.mixer
6834    release: istio
6835  name: serviceroles.rbac.istio.io
6837  group: rbac.istio.io
6838  names:
6839    categories:
6840    - istio-io
6841    - rbac-istio-io
6842    kind: ServiceRole
6843    listKind: ServiceRoleList
6844    plural: serviceroles
6845    singular: servicerole
6846  scope: Namespaced
6847  subresources:
6848    status: {}
6849  validation:
6850    openAPIV3Schema:
6851      properties:
6852        spec:
6853          description: 'See more details at:'
6854          properties:
6855            rules:
6856              description: The set of access rules (permissions) that the role has.
6857              items:
6858                properties:
6859                  constraints:
6860                    description: Optional.
6861                    items:
6862                      properties:
6863                        key:
6864                          description: Key of the constraint.
6865                          format: string
6866                          type: string
6867                        values:
6868                          description: List of valid values for the constraint.
6869                          items:
6870                            format: string
6871                            type: string
6872                          type: array
6873                      type: object
6874                    type: array
6875                  hosts:
6876                    items:
6877                      format: string
6878                      type: string
6879                    type: array
6880                  methods:
6881                    description: Optional.
6882                    items:
6883                      format: string
6884                      type: string
6885                    type: array
6886                  notHosts:
6887                    items:
6888                      format: string
6889                      type: string
6890                    type: array
6891                  notMethods:
6892                    items:
6893                      format: string
6894                      type: string
6895                    type: array
6896                  notPaths:
6897                    items:
6898                      format: string
6899                      type: string
6900                    type: array
6901                  notPorts:
6902                    items:
6903                      format: int32
6904                      type: integer
6905                    type: array
6906                  paths:
6907                    description: Optional.
6908                    items:
6909                      format: string
6910                      type: string
6911                    type: array
6912                  ports:
6913                    items:
6914                      format: int32
6915                      type: integer
6916                    type: array
6917                  services:
6918                    description: A list of service names.
6919                    items:
6920                      format: string
6921                      type: string
6922                    type: array
6923                type: object
6924              type: array
6925          type: object
6926      type: object
6927  versions:
6928  - name: v1alpha1
6929    served: true
6930    storage: true
6934apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
6935kind: CustomResourceDefinition
6937  annotations:
6938    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
6939  labels:
6940    app: mixer
6941    chart: istio
6942    heritage: Tiller
6943    istio: rbac
6944    package: istio.io.mixer
6945    release: istio
6946  name: servicerolebindings.rbac.istio.io
6948  additionalPrinterColumns:
6949  - JSONPath: .spec.roleRef.name
6950    description: The name of the ServiceRole object being referenced
6951    name: Reference
6952    type: string
6953  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
6954    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
6955      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
6956      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
6957      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
6958      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
6959    name: Age
6960    type: date
6961  group: rbac.istio.io
6962  names:
6963    categories:
6964    - istio-io
6965    - rbac-istio-io
6966    kind: ServiceRoleBinding
6967    listKind: ServiceRoleBindingList
6968    plural: servicerolebindings
6969    singular: servicerolebinding
6970  scope: Namespaced
6971  subresources:
6972    status: {}
6973  validation:
6974    openAPIV3Schema:
6975      properties:
6976        spec:
6977          description: 'See more details at:'
6978          properties:
6979            actions:
6980              items:
6981                properties:
6982                  constraints:
6983                    description: Optional.
6984                    items:
6985                      properties:
6986                        key:
6987                          description: Key of the constraint.
6988                          format: string
6989                          type: string
6990                        values:
6991                          description: List of valid values for the constraint.
6992                          items:
6993                            format: string
6994                            type: string
6995                          type: array
6996                      type: object
6997                    type: array
6998                  hosts:
6999                    items:
7000                      format: string
7001                      type: string
7002                    type: array
7003                  methods:
7004                    description: Optional.
7005                    items:
7006                      format: string
7007                      type: string
7008                    type: array
7009                  notHosts:
7010                    items:
7011                      format: string
7012                      type: string
7013                    type: array
7014                  notMethods:
7015                    items:
7016                      format: string
7017                      type: string
7018                    type: array
7019                  notPaths:
7020                    items:
7021                      format: string
7022                      type: string
7023                    type: array
7024                  notPorts:
7025                    items:
7026                      format: int32
7027                      type: integer
7028                    type: array
7029                  paths:
7030                    description: Optional.
7031                    items:
7032                      format: string
7033                      type: string
7034                    type: array
7035                  ports:
7036                    items:
7037                      format: int32
7038                      type: integer
7039                    type: array
7040                  services:
7041                    description: A list of service names.
7042                    items:
7043                      format: string
7044                      type: string
7045                    type: array
7046                type: object
7047              type: array
7048            mode:
7049              enum:
7050              - ENFORCED
7051              - PERMISSIVE
7052              type: string
7053            role:
7054              format: string
7055              type: string
7056            roleRef:
7057              description: Reference to the ServiceRole object.
7058              properties:
7059                kind:
7060                  description: The type of the role being referenced.
7061                  format: string
7062                  type: string
7063                name:
7064                  description: The name of the ServiceRole object being referenced.
7065                  format: string
7066                  type: string
7067              type: object
7068            subjects:
7069              description: List of subjects that are assigned the ServiceRole object.
7070              items:
7071                properties:
7072                  group:
7073                    format: string
7074                    type: string
7075                  groups:
7076                    items:
7077                      format: string
7078                      type: string
7079                    type: array
7080                  ips:
7081                    items:
7082                      format: string
7083                      type: string
7084                    type: array
7085                  names:
7086                    items:
7087                      format: string
7088                      type: string
7089                    type: array
7090                  namespaces:
7091                    items:
7092                      format: string
7093                      type: string
7094                    type: array
7095                  notGroups:
7096                    items:
7097                      format: string
7098                      type: string
7099                    type: array
7100                  notIps:
7101                    items:
7102                      format: string
7103                      type: string
7104                    type: array
7105                  notNames:
7106                    items:
7107                      format: string
7108                      type: string
7109                    type: array
7110                  notNamespaces:
7111                    items:
7112                      format: string
7113                      type: string
7114                    type: array
7115                  properties:
7116                    additionalProperties:
7117                      format: string
7118                      type: string
7119                    description: Optional.
7120                    type: object
7121                  user:
7122                    description: Optional.
7123                    format: string
7124                    type: string
7125                type: object
7126              type: array
7127          type: object
7128      type: object
7129  versions:
7130  - name: v1alpha1
7131    served: true
7132    storage: true
7136apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7137kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7139  annotations:
7140    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
7141  labels:
7142    app: istio-pilot
7143    chart: istio
7144    heritage: Tiller
7145    istio: security
7146    release: istio
7147  name: authorizationpolicies.security.istio.io
7149  group: security.istio.io
7150  names:
7151    categories:
7152    - istio-io
7153    - security-istio-io
7154    kind: AuthorizationPolicy
7155    listKind: AuthorizationPolicyList
7156    plural: authorizationpolicies
7157    singular: authorizationpolicy
7158  scope: Namespaced
7159  subresources:
7160    status: {}
7161  validation:
7162    openAPIV3Schema:
7163      properties:
7164        spec:
7165          description: 'Configuration for access control on workloads. See more details
7166            at: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/security/authorization-policy.html'
7167          properties:
7168            action:
7169              description: Optional.
7170              enum:
7171              - ALLOW
7172              - DENY
7173              type: string
7174            rules:
7175              description: Optional.
7176              items:
7177                properties:
7178                  from:
7179                    description: Optional.
7180                    items:
7181                      properties:
7182                        source:
7183                          description: Source specifies the source of a request.
7184                          properties:
7185                            ipBlocks:
7186                              description: Optional.
7187                              items:
7188                                format: string
7189                                type: string
7190                              type: array
7191                            namespaces:
7192                              description: Optional.
7193                              items:
7194                                format: string
7195                                type: string
7196                              type: array
7197                            notIpBlocks:
7198                              description: Optional.
7199                              items:
7200                                format: string
7201                                type: string
7202                              type: array
7203                            notNamespaces:
7204                              description: Optional.
7205                              items:
7206                                format: string
7207                                type: string
7208                              type: array
7209                            notPrincipals:
7210                              description: Optional.
7211                              items:
7212                                format: string
7213                                type: string
7214                              type: array
7215                            notRequestPrincipals:
7216                              description: Optional.
7217                              items:
7218                                format: string
7219                                type: string
7220                              type: array
7221                            principals:
7222                              description: Optional.
7223                              items:
7224                                format: string
7225                                type: string
7226                              type: array
7227                            requestPrincipals:
7228                              description: Optional.
7229                              items:
7230                                format: string
7231                                type: string
7232                              type: array
7233                          type: object
7234                      type: object
7235                    type: array
7236                  to:
7237                    description: Optional.
7238                    items:
7239                      properties:
7240                        operation:
7241                          description: Operation specifies the operation of a request.
7242                          properties:
7243                            hosts:
7244                              description: Optional.
7245                              items:
7246                                format: string
7247                                type: string
7248                              type: array
7249                            methods:
7250                              description: Optional.
7251                              items:
7252                                format: string
7253                                type: string
7254                              type: array
7255                            notHosts:
7256                              description: Optional.
7257                              items:
7258                                format: string
7259                                type: string
7260                              type: array
7261                            notMethods:
7262                              description: Optional.
7263                              items:
7264                                format: string
7265                                type: string
7266                              type: array
7267                            notPaths:
7268                              description: Optional.
7269                              items:
7270                                format: string
7271                                type: string
7272                              type: array
7273                            notPorts:
7274                              description: Optional.
7275                              items:
7276                                format: string
7277                                type: string
7278                              type: array
7279                            paths:
7280                              description: Optional.
7281                              items:
7282                                format: string
7283                                type: string
7284                              type: array
7285                            ports:
7286                              description: Optional.
7287                              items:
7288                                format: string
7289                                type: string
7290                              type: array
7291                          type: object
7292                      type: object
7293                    type: array
7294                  when:
7295                    description: Optional.
7296                    items:
7297                      properties:
7298                        key:
7299                          description: The name of an Istio attribute.
7300                          format: string
7301                          type: string
7302                        notValues:
7303                          description: Optional.
7304                          items:
7305                            format: string
7306                            type: string
7307                          type: array
7308                        values:
7309                          description: Optional.
7310                          items:
7311                            format: string
7312                            type: string
7313                          type: array
7314                      type: object
7315                    type: array
7316                type: object
7317              type: array
7318            selector:
7319              description: Optional.
7320              properties:
7321                matchLabels:
7322                  additionalProperties:
7323                    format: string
7324                    type: string
7325                  type: object
7326              type: object
7327          type: object
7328      type: object
7329  versions:
7330  - name: v1beta1
7331    served: true
7332    storage: true
7336apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7337kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7339  annotations:
7340    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
7341  labels:
7342    app: istio-pilot
7343    chart: istio
7344    heritage: Tiller
7345    istio: security
7346    release: istio
7347  name: peerauthentications.security.istio.io
7349  group: security.istio.io
7350  names:
7351    categories:
7352    - istio-io
7353    - security-istio-io
7354    kind: PeerAuthentication
7355    listKind: PeerAuthenticationList
7356    plural: peerauthentications
7357    shortNames:
7358    - pa
7359    singular: peerauthentication
7360  scope: Namespaced
7361  subresources:
7362    status: {}
7363  validation:
7364    openAPIV3Schema:
7365      properties:
7366        spec:
7367          description: PeerAuthentication defines how traffic will be tunneled (or
7368            not) to the sidecar.
7369          properties:
7370            mtls:
7371              description: Mutual TLS settings for workload.
7372              properties:
7373                mode:
7374                  description: Defines the mTLS mode used for peer authentication.
7375                  enum:
7376                  - UNSET
7377                  - DISABLE
7378                  - PERMISSIVE
7379                  - STRICT
7380                  type: string
7381              type: object
7382            portLevelMtls:
7383              additionalProperties:
7384                properties:
7385                  mode:
7386                    description: Defines the mTLS mode used for peer authentication.
7387                    enum:
7388                    - UNSET
7389                    - DISABLE
7390                    - PERMISSIVE
7391                    - STRICT
7392                    type: string
7393                type: object
7394              description: Port specific mutual TLS settings.
7395              type: object
7396            selector:
7397              description: The selector determines the workloads to apply the ChannelAuthentication
7398                on.
7399              properties:
7400                matchLabels:
7401                  additionalProperties:
7402                    format: string
7403                    type: string
7404                  type: object
7405              type: object
7406          type: object
7407      type: object
7408  versions:
7409  - name: v1beta1
7410    served: true
7411    storage: true
7415apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7416kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7418  annotations:
7419    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
7420  labels:
7421    app: istio-pilot
7422    chart: istio
7423    heritage: Tiller
7424    istio: security
7425    release: istio
7426  name: requestauthentications.security.istio.io
7428  group: security.istio.io
7429  names:
7430    categories:
7431    - istio-io
7432    - security-istio-io
7433    kind: RequestAuthentication
7434    listKind: RequestAuthenticationList
7435    plural: requestauthentications
7436    shortNames:
7437    - ra
7438    singular: requestauthentication
7439  scope: Namespaced
7440  subresources:
7441    status: {}
7442  validation:
7443    openAPIV3Schema:
7444      properties:
7445        spec:
7446          description: RequestAuthentication defines what request authentication methods
7447            are supported by a workload.
7448          properties:
7449            jwtRules:
7450              description: Define the list of JWTs that can be validated at the selected
7451                workloads' proxy.
7452              items:
7453                properties:
7454                  audiences:
7455                    items:
7456                      format: string
7457                      type: string
7458                    type: array
7459                  forwardOriginalToken:
7460                    description: If set to true, the orginal token will be kept for
7461                      the ustream request.
7462                    type: boolean
7463                  fromHeaders:
7464                    description: List of header locations from which JWT is expected.
7465                    items:
7466                      properties:
7467                        name:
7468                          description: The HTTP header name.
7469                          format: string
7470                          type: string
7471                        prefix:
7472                          description: The prefix that should be stripped before decoding
7473                            the token.
7474                          format: string
7475                          type: string
7476                      type: object
7477                    type: array
7478                  fromParams:
7479                    description: List of query parameters from which JWT is expected.
7480                    items:
7481                      format: string
7482                      type: string
7483                    type: array
7484                  issuer:
7485                    description: Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
7486                    format: string
7487                    type: string
7488                  jwks:
7489                    description: JSON Web Key Set of public keys to validate signature
7490                      of the JWT.
7491                    format: string
7492                    type: string
7493                  jwks_uri:
7494                    format: string
7495                    type: string
7496                  jwksUri:
7497                    format: string
7498                    type: string
7499                  outputPayloadToHeader:
7500                    format: string
7501                    type: string
7502                type: object
7503              type: array
7504            selector:
7505              description: The selector determines the workloads to apply the RequestAuthentication
7506                on.
7507              properties:
7508                matchLabels:
7509                  additionalProperties:
7510                    format: string
7511                    type: string
7512                  type: object
7513              type: object
7514          type: object
7515      type: object
7516  versions:
7517  - name: v1beta1
7518    served: true
7519    storage: true
7523kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7524apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7526  name: adapters.config.istio.io
7527  labels:
7528    app: mixer
7529    package: adapter
7530    istio: mixer-adapter
7531    chart: istio
7532    heritage: Tiller
7533    release: istio
7534  annotations:
7535    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
7537  group: config.istio.io
7538  names:
7539    kind: adapter
7540    plural: adapters
7541    singular: adapter
7542    categories:
7543    - istio-io
7544    - policy-istio-io
7545  scope: Namespaced
7546  subresources:
7547    status: {}
7548  versions:
7549    - name: v1alpha2
7550      served: true
7551      storage: true
7555kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7556apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7558  name: templates.config.istio.io
7559  labels:
7560    app: mixer
7561    package: template
7562    istio: mixer-template
7563    chart: istio
7564    heritage: Tiller
7565    release: istio
7566  annotations:
7567    "helm.sh/resource-policy": keep
7569  group: config.istio.io
7570  names:
7571    kind: template
7572    plural: templates
7573    singular: template
7574    categories:
7575    - istio-io
7576    - policy-istio-io
7577  scope: Namespaced
7578  subresources:
7579    status: {}
7580  versions:
7581    - name: v1alpha2
7582      served: true
7583      storage: true
7587apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
7588kind: CustomResourceDefinition
7590  name: istiooperators.install.istio.io
7591  labels:
7592    release: istio
7594  additionalPrinterColumns:
7595  - JSONPath: .spec.revision
7596    description: Istio control plane revision
7597    name: Revision
7598    type: string
7599  - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
7600    description: 'CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when
7601      this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order
7602      across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented
7603      in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. Populated by the system. Read-only. Null for
7604      lists. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata'
7605    name: Age
7606    type: date
7607  group: install.istio.io
7608  names:
7609    kind: IstioOperator
7610    plural: istiooperators
7611    singular: istiooperator
7612    shortNames:
7613    - iop
7614  scope: Namespaced
7615  subresources:
7616    status: {}
7617  validation:
7618    openAPIV3Schema:
7619      properties:
7620        apiVersion:
7621          description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
7622            of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
7623            internal value, and may reject unrecognized values.
7624            More info: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources'
7625          type: string
7626        kind:
7627          description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
7628            object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
7629            submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase.
7630            More info: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
7631          type: string
7632        spec:
7633          description: 'Specification of the desired state of the istio control plane resource.
7634            More info: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status'
7635          type: object
7636        status:
7637          description: 'Status describes each of istio control plane component status at the current time.
7638            0 means NONE, 1 means UPDATING, 2 means HEALTHY, 3 means ERROR, 4 means RECONCILING.
7639            More info: https://github.com/istio/api/blob/master/operator/v1alpha1/istio.operator.v1alpha1.pb.html &
7640            https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status'
7641          type: object
7642  versions:
7643  - name: v1alpha1
7644    served: true
7645    storage: true
7649apiVersion: v1
7650kind: ServiceAccount
7652  name: istio-reader-service-account
7653  namespace: istio-system
7654  labels:
7655    app: istio-reader
7656    release: istio
7660apiVersion: v1
7661kind: ServiceAccount
7663  name: istio-pilot-service-account
7664  namespace: istio-system
7665  labels:
7666    app: pilot
7667    release: istio
7671apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
7672kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
7674  name: istiod-istio-system
7675  labels:
7676    app: istiod
7677    release: istio
7678    istio: istiod
7680  - name: validation.istio.io
7681    clientConfig:
7682      service:
7683        name: istiod
7684        namespace: istio-system
7685        path: "/validate"
7686      caBundle: "" # patched at runtime when the webhook is ready.
7687    rules:
7688      - operations:
7689        - CREATE
7690        - UPDATE
7691        apiGroups:
7692        - config.istio.io
7693        - rbac.istio.io
7694        - security.istio.io
7695        - authentication.istio.io
7696        - networking.istio.io
7697        apiVersions:
7698        - "*"
7699        resources:
7700        - "*"
7701    # Fail open until the validation webhook is ready. The webhook controller
7702    # will update this to `Fail` and patch in the `caBundle` when the webhook
7703    # endpoint is ready.
7704    failurePolicy: Ignore
7705    sideEffects: None
7708# Cni component is disabled.
7710# Resources for EgressGateways component
7712apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
7713kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
7715  name: istio-egressgateway
7716  namespace: istio-system
7717  labels:
7718    app: istio-egressgateway
7719    istio: egressgateway
7720    release: istio
7722  maxReplicas: 5
7723  minReplicas: 1
7724  scaleTargetRef:
7725    apiVersion: apps/v1
7726    kind: Deployment
7727    name: istio-egressgateway
7728  metrics:
7729    - type: Resource
7730      resource:
7731        name: cpu
7732        targetAverageUtilization: 80
7736apiVersion: apps/v1
7737kind: Deployment
7739  name: istio-egressgateway
7740  namespace: istio-system
7741  labels:
7742    app: istio-egressgateway
7743    istio: egressgateway
7744    release: istio
7746  selector:
7747    matchLabels:
7748      app: istio-egressgateway
7749      istio: egressgateway
7750  strategy:
7751    rollingUpdate:
7752      maxSurge: 100%
7753      maxUnavailable: 25%
7754  template:
7755    metadata:
7756      labels:
7757        app: istio-egressgateway
7758        istio: egressgateway
7759        heritage: Tiller
7760        release: istio
7761        chart: gateways
7762        service.istio.io/canonical-name: istio-egressgateway
7763        service.istio.io/canonical-revision: latest
7764      annotations:
7765        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
7766    spec:
7767      serviceAccountName: istio-egressgateway-service-account
7768      containers:
7769        - name: istio-proxy
7770          image: "gcr.io/istio-testing/proxyv2:latest"
7771          ports:
7772            - containerPort: 80
7773            - containerPort: 443
7774            - containerPort: 15443
7775            - containerPort: 15090
7776              protocol: TCP
7777              name: http-envoy-prom
7778          args:
7779          - proxy
7780          - router
7781          - --domain
7782          - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
7783          - --proxyLogLevel=warning
7784          - --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error
7785          - --log_output_level=default:info
7786          - --serviceCluster
7787          - istio-egressgateway
7788          - --trust-domain=cluster.local
7789          readinessProbe:
7790            failureThreshold: 30
7791            httpGet:
7792              path: /healthz/ready
7793              port: 15020
7794              scheme: HTTP
7795            initialDelaySeconds: 1
7796            periodSeconds: 2
7797            successThreshold: 1
7798            timeoutSeconds: 1
7799          resources:
7800            limits:
7801              cpu: 2000m
7802              memory: 1024Mi
7803            requests:
7804              cpu: 100m
7805              memory: 128Mi
7806          env:
7807          - name: JWT_POLICY
7808            value: third-party-jwt
7809          - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
7810            value: istiod
7811          - name: NODE_NAME
7812            valueFrom:
7813              fieldRef:
7814                apiVersion: v1
7815                fieldPath: spec.nodeName
7816          - name: POD_NAME
7817            valueFrom:
7818              fieldRef:
7819                apiVersion: v1
7820                fieldPath: metadata.name
7821          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
7822            valueFrom:
7823              fieldRef:
7824                apiVersion: v1
7825                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
7826          - name: INSTANCE_IP
7827            valueFrom:
7828              fieldRef:
7829                apiVersion: v1
7830                fieldPath: status.podIP
7831          - name: HOST_IP
7832            valueFrom:
7833              fieldRef:
7834                apiVersion: v1
7835                fieldPath: status.hostIP
7836          - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
7837            valueFrom:
7838              fieldRef:
7839                fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
7840          - name: ISTIO_META_WORKLOAD_NAME
7841            value: istio-egressgateway
7842          - name: ISTIO_META_OWNER
7843            value: kubernetes://apis/apps/v1/namespaces/istio-system/deployments/istio-egressgateway
7844          - name: ISTIO_META_MESH_ID
7845            value: "cluster.local"
7846          - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE
7847            value: sni-dnat
7849          - name: ISTIO_META_CLUSTER_ID
7850            value: "Kubernetes"
7851          volumeMounts:
7852          - name: config-volume
7853            mountPath: /etc/istio/config
7854          - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
7855            name: istiod-ca-cert
7856          - name: istio-token
7857            mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
7858            readOnly: true
7859          - name: podinfo
7860            mountPath: /etc/istio/pod
7861          - name: egressgateway-certs
7862            mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-certs"
7863            readOnly: true
7864          - name: egressgateway-ca-certs
7865            mountPath: "/etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs"
7866            readOnly: true
7867      volumes:
7868      - name: istiod-ca-cert
7869        configMap:
7870          name: istio-ca-root-cert
7871      - name: podinfo
7872        downwardAPI:
7873          items:
7874            - path: "labels"
7875              fieldRef:
7876                fieldPath: metadata.labels
7877            - path: "annotations"
7878              fieldRef:
7879                fieldPath: metadata.annotations
7880      - name: istio-token
7881        projected:
7882          sources:
7883          - serviceAccountToken:
7884              path: istio-token
7885              expirationSeconds: 43200
7886              audience: istio-ca
7887      - name: config-volume
7888        configMap:
7889          name: istio
7890          optional: true
7891      - name: egressgateway-certs
7892        secret:
7893          secretName: "istio-egressgateway-certs"
7894          optional: true
7895      - name: egressgateway-ca-certs
7896        secret:
7897          secretName: "istio-egressgateway-ca-certs"
7898          optional: true
7899      affinity:
7900        nodeAffinity:
7901          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
7902            nodeSelectorTerms:
7903            - matchExpressions:
7904              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
7905                operator: In
7906                values:
7907                - "amd64"
7908                - "ppc64le"
7909                - "s390x"
7910          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
7911          - weight: 2
7912            preference:
7913              matchExpressions:
7914              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
7915                operator: In
7916                values:
7917                - "amd64"
7918          - weight: 2
7919            preference:
7920              matchExpressions:
7921              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
7922                operator: In
7923                values:
7924                - "ppc64le"
7925          - weight: 2
7926            preference:
7927              matchExpressions:
7928              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
7929                operator: In
7930                values:
7931                - "s390x"
7935apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
7936kind: PodDisruptionBudget
7938  name: istio-egressgateway
7939  namespace: istio-system
7940  labels:
7941    app: istio-egressgateway
7942    istio: egressgateway
7943    release: istio
7945  minAvailable: 1
7946  selector:
7947    matchLabels:
7948      app: istio-egressgateway
7949      istio: egressgateway
7950      release: istio
7954apiVersion: v1
7955kind: Service
7957  name: istio-egressgateway
7958  namespace: istio-system
7959  annotations:
7960  labels:
7961    app: istio-egressgateway
7962    istio: egressgateway
7963    release: istio
7965  type: ClusterIP
7966  selector:
7967    app: istio-egressgateway
7968    istio: egressgateway
7969  ports:
7970    -
7971      name: http2
7972      port: 80
7973    -
7974      name: https
7975      port: 443
7976    -
7977      name: tls
7978      port: 15443
7979      targetPort: 15443
7983apiVersion: v1
7984kind: ServiceAccount
7986  name: istio-egressgateway-service-account
7987  namespace: istio-system
7988  labels:
7989    app: istio-egressgateway
7990    istio: egressgateway
7991    release: istio
7994# Resources for IngressGateways component
7996apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
7997kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
7999  name: istio-ingressgateway
8000  namespace: istio-system
8001  labels:
8002    app: istio-ingressgateway
8003    istio: ingressgateway
8004    release: istio
8006  maxReplicas: 5
8007  minReplicas: 1
8008  scaleTargetRef:
8009    apiVersion: apps/v1
8010    kind: Deployment
8011    name: istio-ingressgateway
8012  metrics:
8013    - type: Resource
8014      resource:
8015        name: cpu
8016        targetAverageUtilization: 80
8020apiVersion: apps/v1
8021kind: Deployment
8023  name: istio-ingressgateway
8024  namespace: istio-system
8025  labels:
8026    app: istio-ingressgateway
8027    istio: ingressgateway
8028    release: istio
8030  selector:
8031    matchLabels:
8032      app: istio-ingressgateway
8033      istio: ingressgateway
8034  strategy:
8035    rollingUpdate:
8036      maxSurge: 100%
8037      maxUnavailable: 25%
8038  template:
8039    metadata:
8040      labels:
8041        app: istio-ingressgateway
8042        istio: ingressgateway
8043        heritage: Tiller
8044        release: istio
8045        chart: gateways
8046        service.istio.io/canonical-name: istio-ingressgateway
8047        service.istio.io/canonical-revision: latest
8048      annotations:
8049        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
8050    spec:
8051      serviceAccountName: istio-ingressgateway-service-account
8052      containers:
8053        - name: istio-proxy
8054          image: "gcr.io/istio-testing/proxyv2:latest"
8055          ports:
8056            - containerPort: 15020
8057            - containerPort: 8080
8058            - containerPort: 8443
8059            - containerPort: 15443
8060            - containerPort: 15011
8061            - containerPort: 15012
8062            - containerPort: 8060
8063            - containerPort: 853
8064            - containerPort: 15090
8065              protocol: TCP
8066              name: http-envoy-prom
8067          args:
8068          - proxy
8069          - router
8070          - --domain
8071          - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
8072          - --proxyLogLevel=warning
8073          - --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error
8074          - --log_output_level=default:info
8075          - --serviceCluster
8076          - istio-ingressgateway
8077          - --trust-domain=cluster.local
8078          readinessProbe:
8079            failureThreshold: 30
8080            httpGet:
8081              path: /healthz/ready
8082              port: 15020
8083              scheme: HTTP
8084            initialDelaySeconds: 1
8085            periodSeconds: 2
8086            successThreshold: 1
8087            timeoutSeconds: 1
8088          resources:
8089            limits:
8090              cpu: 2000m
8091              memory: 1024Mi
8092            requests:
8093              cpu: 100m
8094              memory: 128Mi
8095          env:
8096          - name: JWT_POLICY
8097            value: third-party-jwt
8098          - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
8099            value: istiod
8100          - name: CA_ADDR
8101            value: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
8102          - name: NODE_NAME
8103            valueFrom:
8104              fieldRef:
8105                apiVersion: v1
8106                fieldPath: spec.nodeName
8107          - name: POD_NAME
8108            valueFrom:
8109              fieldRef:
8110                apiVersion: v1
8111                fieldPath: metadata.name
8112          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
8113            valueFrom:
8114              fieldRef:
8115                apiVersion: v1
8116                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
8117          - name: INSTANCE_IP
8118            valueFrom:
8119              fieldRef:
8120                apiVersion: v1
8121                fieldPath: status.podIP
8122          - name: HOST_IP
8123            valueFrom:
8124              fieldRef:
8125                apiVersion: v1
8126                fieldPath: status.hostIP
8127          - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
8128            valueFrom:
8129              fieldRef:
8130                fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
8131          - name: ISTIO_META_WORKLOAD_NAME
8132            value: istio-ingressgateway
8133          - name: ISTIO_META_OWNER
8134            value: kubernetes://apis/apps/v1/namespaces/istio-system/deployments/istio-ingressgateway
8135          - name: ISTIO_META_MESH_ID
8136            value: "cluster.local"
8137          - name: ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE
8138            value: sni-dnat
8140          - name: ISTIO_META_CLUSTER_ID
8141            value: "Kubernetes"
8142          volumeMounts:
8143          - name: config-volume
8144            mountPath: /etc/istio/config
8145          - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
8146            name: istiod-ca-cert
8147          - name: istio-token
8148            mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
8149            readOnly: true
8150          - name: ingressgatewaysdsudspath
8151            mountPath: /var/run/ingress_gateway
8152          - name: podinfo
8153            mountPath: /etc/istio/pod
8154          - name: ingressgateway-certs
8155            mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs"
8156            readOnly: true
8157          - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
8158            mountPath: "/etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs"
8159            readOnly: true
8160      volumes:
8161      - name: istiod-ca-cert
8162        configMap:
8163          name: istio-ca-root-cert
8164      - name: podinfo
8165        downwardAPI:
8166          items:
8167            - path: "labels"
8168              fieldRef:
8169                fieldPath: metadata.labels
8170            - path: "annotations"
8171              fieldRef:
8172                fieldPath: metadata.annotations
8173      - name: ingressgatewaysdsudspath
8174        emptyDir: {}
8175      - name: istio-token
8176        projected:
8177          sources:
8178          - serviceAccountToken:
8179              path: istio-token
8180              expirationSeconds: 43200
8181              audience: istio-ca
8182      - name: config-volume
8183        configMap:
8184          name: istio
8185          optional: true
8186      - name: ingressgateway-certs
8187        secret:
8188          secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-certs"
8189          optional: true
8190      - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
8191        secret:
8192          secretName: "istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs"
8193          optional: true
8194      affinity:
8195        nodeAffinity:
8196          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
8197            nodeSelectorTerms:
8198            - matchExpressions:
8199              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
8200                operator: In
8201                values:
8202                - "amd64"
8203                - "ppc64le"
8204                - "s390x"
8205          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
8206          - weight: 2
8207            preference:
8208              matchExpressions:
8209              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
8210                operator: In
8211                values:
8212                - "amd64"
8213          - weight: 2
8214            preference:
8215              matchExpressions:
8216              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
8217                operator: In
8218                values:
8219                - "ppc64le"
8220          - weight: 2
8221            preference:
8222              matchExpressions:
8223              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
8224                operator: In
8225                values:
8226                - "s390x"
8230apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
8231kind: PodDisruptionBudget
8233  name: istio-ingressgateway
8234  namespace: istio-system
8235  labels:
8236    app: istio-ingressgateway
8237    istio: ingressgateway
8238    release: istio
8240  minAvailable: 1
8241  selector:
8242    matchLabels:
8243      app: istio-ingressgateway
8244      istio: ingressgateway
8245      release: istio
8249apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
8250kind: Role
8252  name: istio-ingressgateway-sds
8253  namespace: istio-system
8254  labels:
8255    release: istio
8257- apiGroups: [""]
8258  resources: ["secrets"]
8259  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
8263apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
8264kind: RoleBinding
8266  name: istio-ingressgateway-sds
8267  namespace: istio-system
8268  labels:
8269    release: istio
8271  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
8272  kind: Role
8273  name: istio-ingressgateway-sds
8275- kind: ServiceAccount
8276  name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account
8280apiVersion: v1
8281kind: Service
8283  name: istio-ingressgateway
8284  namespace: istio-system
8285  annotations:
8286  labels:
8287    app: istio-ingressgateway
8288    istio: ingressgateway
8289    release: istio
8291  type: LoadBalancer
8292  selector:
8293    app: istio-ingressgateway
8294    istio: ingressgateway
8295  ports:
8296    -
8297      name: status-port
8298      port: 15020
8299      targetPort: 15020
8300    -
8301      name: http2
8302      port: 80
8303      targetPort: 8080
8304    -
8305      name: https
8306      port: 443
8307      targetPort: 8443
8308    -
8309      name: tls
8310      port: 15443
8311      targetPort: 15443
8315apiVersion: v1
8316kind: ServiceAccount
8318  name: istio-ingressgateway-service-account
8319  namespace: istio-system
8320  labels:
8321    app: istio-ingressgateway
8322    istio: ingressgateway
8323    release: istio
8326# IstiodRemote component is disabled.
8328# Resources for Pilot component
8330apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
8331kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
8333  name: istiod
8334  namespace: istio-system
8335  labels:
8336    app: istiod
8337    release: istio
8338    istio.io/rev: default
8340  maxReplicas: 5
8341  minReplicas: 1
8342  scaleTargetRef:
8343    apiVersion: apps/v1
8344    kind: Deployment
8345    name: istiod
8346  metrics:
8347  - type: Resource
8348    resource:
8349      name: cpu
8350      targetAverageUtilization: 80
8354apiVersion: v1
8355kind: ConfigMap
8357  name: istio
8358  namespace: istio-system
8359  labels:
8360    istio.io/rev: default
8361    release: istio
8364  # Configuration file for the mesh networks to be used by the Split Horizon EDS.
8365  meshNetworks: |-
8366    networks: {}
8368  mesh: |-
8369    accessLogEncoding: TEXT
8370    accessLogFile: ""
8371    accessLogFormat: ""
8372    defaultConfig:
8373      concurrency: 2
8374      configPath: ./etc/istio/proxy
8375      connectTimeout: 10s
8376      controlPlaneAuthPolicy: NONE
8377      discoveryAddress: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
8378      drainDuration: 45s
8379      parentShutdownDuration: 1m0s
8380      proxyAdminPort: 15000
8381      proxyMetadata:
8382        DNS_AGENT: ""
8383      serviceCluster: istio-proxy
8384      tracing:
8385        zipkin:
8386          address: zipkin.istio-system:9411
8387    disableMixerHttpReports: true
8388    disablePolicyChecks: true
8389    enableAutoMtls: true
8390    enablePrometheusMerge: false
8391    enableTracing: true
8392    ingressClass: istio
8393    ingressControllerMode: STRICT
8394    ingressService: istio-ingressgateway
8395    localityLbSetting:
8396      enabled: true
8397    mixerCheckServer: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:15004
8398    outboundTrafficPolicy:
8399      mode: ALLOW_ANY
8400    policyCheckFailOpen: false
8401    protocolDetectionTimeout: 100ms
8402    reportBatchMaxEntries: 100
8403    reportBatchMaxTime: 1s
8404    sdsUdsPath: unix:/etc/istio/proxy/SDS
8405    trustDomain: cluster.local
8406    trustDomainAliases: null
8410apiVersion: apps/v1
8411kind: Deployment
8413  labels:
8414    app: istiod
8415    istio: pilot
8416    istio.io/rev: default
8417    release: istio
8418  name: istiod
8419  namespace: istio-system
8421  selector:
8422    matchLabels:
8423      istio: pilot
8424  strategy:
8425    rollingUpdate:
8426      maxSurge: 100%
8427      maxUnavailable: 25%
8428  template:
8429    metadata:
8430      annotations:
8431        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
8432      labels:
8433        app: istiod
8434        istio: pilot
8435        istio.io/rev: default
8436    spec:
8437      containers:
8438      - args:
8439        - discovery
8440        - --monitoringAddr=:15014
8441        - --log_output_level=default:info
8442        - --domain
8443        - cluster.local
8444        - --trust-domain=cluster.local
8445        - --keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge
8446        - 30m
8447        env:
8448        - name: REVISION
8449          value: default
8450        - name: JWT_POLICY
8451          value: third-party-jwt
8452        - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
8453          value: istiod
8454        - name: POD_NAME
8455          valueFrom:
8456            fieldRef:
8457              apiVersion: v1
8458              fieldPath: metadata.name
8459        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
8460          valueFrom:
8461            fieldRef:
8462              apiVersion: v1
8463              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
8464        - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
8465          valueFrom:
8466            fieldRef:
8467              apiVersion: v1
8468              fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
8469        - name: PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLING
8470          value: "1"
8472          value: "true"
8474          value: "true"
8476          value: istio-sidecar-injector
8477        - name: ISTIOD_ADDR
8478          value: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
8479        - name: PILOT_ENABLE_ANALYSIS
8480          value: "false"
8481        - name: CLUSTER_ID
8482          value: Kubernetes
8483        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/pilot:latest
8484        name: discovery
8485        ports:
8486        - containerPort: 8080
8487        - containerPort: 15010
8488        - containerPort: 15017
8489        - containerPort: 15053
8490        readinessProbe:
8491          httpGet:
8492            path: /ready
8493            port: 8080
8494          initialDelaySeconds: 1
8495          periodSeconds: 3
8496          timeoutSeconds: 5
8497        resources:
8498          requests:
8499            cpu: 500m
8500            memory: 2048Mi
8501        securityContext:
8502          capabilities:
8503            drop:
8504            - ALL
8505          runAsGroup: 1337
8506          runAsNonRoot: true
8507          runAsUser: 1337
8508        volumeMounts:
8509        - mountPath: /etc/istio/config
8510          name: config-volume
8511        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
8512          name: istio-token
8513          readOnly: true
8514        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio-dns
8515          name: local-certs
8516        - mountPath: /etc/cacerts
8517          name: cacerts
8518          readOnly: true
8519        - mountPath: /var/lib/istio/inject
8520          name: inject
8521          readOnly: true
8522      securityContext:
8523        fsGroup: 1337
8524      serviceAccountName: istio-pilot-service-account
8525      volumes:
8526      - emptyDir:
8527          medium: Memory
8528        name: local-certs
8529      - name: istio-token
8530        projected:
8531          sources:
8532          - serviceAccountToken:
8533              audience: istio-ca
8534              expirationSeconds: 43200
8535              path: istio-token
8536      - name: cacerts
8537        secret:
8538          optional: true
8539          secretName: cacerts
8540      - configMap:
8541          name: istio-sidecar-injector
8542          optional: true
8543        name: inject
8544      - configMap:
8545          name: istio
8546        name: config-volume
8551apiVersion: v1
8552kind: ConfigMap
8554  name: istio-sidecar-injector
8555  namespace: istio-system
8556  labels:
8557    istio.io/rev: default
8558    release: istio
8561  values: |-
8562    {
8563      "global": {
8564        "arch": {
8565          "amd64": 2,
8566          "ppc64le": 2,
8567          "s390x": 2
8568        },
8569        "configNamespace": "istio-system",
8570        "configValidation": true,
8571        "controlPlaneSecurityEnabled": true,
8572        "defaultNodeSelector": {},
8573        "defaultPodDisruptionBudget": {
8574          "enabled": true
8575        },
8576        "defaultResources": {
8577          "requests": {
8578            "cpu": "10m"
8579          }
8580        },
8581        "enableHelmTest": false,
8582        "enableTracing": true,
8583        "enabled": true,
8584        "hub": "gcr.io/istio-testing",
8585        "imagePullPolicy": "",
8586        "imagePullSecrets": [],
8587        "istioNamespace": "istio-system",
8588        "istiod": {
8589          "enableAnalysis": false,
8590          "enabled": true
8591        },
8592        "jwtPolicy": "third-party-jwt",
8593        "localityLbSetting": {
8594          "enabled": true
8595        },
8596        "logAsJson": false,
8597        "logging": {
8598          "level": "default:info"
8599        },
8600        "meshExpansion": {
8601          "enabled": false,
8602          "useILB": false
8603        },
8604        "meshNetworks": {},
8605        "mountMtlsCerts": false,
8606        "mtls": {
8607          "auto": true
8608        },
8609        "multiCluster": {
8610          "clusterName": "",
8611          "enabled": false
8612        },
8613        "namespace": "istio-system",
8614        "network": "",
8615        "omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap": false,
8616        "oneNamespace": false,
8617        "operatorManageWebhooks": false,
8618        "outboundTrafficPolicy": {
8619          "mode": "ALLOW_ANY"
8620        },
8621        "pilotCertProvider": "istiod",
8622        "policyCheckFailOpen": false,
8623        "policyNamespace": "istio-system",
8624        "priorityClassName": "",
8625        "prometheusNamespace": "istio-system",
8626        "proxy": {
8627          "autoInject": "enabled",
8628          "clusterDomain": "cluster.local",
8629          "componentLogLevel": "misc:error",
8630          "enableCoreDump": false,
8631          "envoyStatsd": {
8632            "enabled": false
8633          },
8634          "excludeIPRanges": "",
8635          "excludeInboundPorts": "",
8636          "excludeOutboundPorts": "",
8637          "image": "proxyv2",
8638          "includeIPRanges": "*",
8639          "logLevel": "warning",
8640          "privileged": false,
8641          "readinessFailureThreshold": 30,
8642          "readinessInitialDelaySeconds": 1,
8643          "readinessPeriodSeconds": 2,
8644          "resources": {
8645            "limits": {
8646              "cpu": "2000m",
8647              "memory": "1024Mi"
8648            },
8649            "requests": {
8650              "cpu": "100m",
8651              "memory": "128Mi"
8652            }
8653          },
8654          "statusPort": 15020,
8655          "tracer": "zipkin"
8656        },
8657        "proxy_init": {
8658          "image": "proxyv2",
8659          "resources": {
8660            "limits": {
8661              "cpu": "100m",
8662              "memory": "50Mi"
8663            },
8664            "requests": {
8665              "cpu": "10m",
8666              "memory": "10Mi"
8667            }
8668          }
8669        },
8670        "sds": {
8671          "token": {
8672            "aud": "istio-ca"
8673          }
8674        },
8675        "securityNamespace": "istio-system",
8676        "sts": {
8677          "servicePort": 0
8678        },
8679        "tag": "latest",
8680        "telemetryNamespace": "istio-system",
8681        "tracer": {
8682          "datadog": {
8683            "address": "$(HOST_IP):8126"
8684          },
8685          "lightstep": {
8686            "accessToken": "",
8687            "address": ""
8688          },
8689          "stackdriver": {
8690            "debug": false,
8691            "maxNumberOfAnnotations": 200,
8692            "maxNumberOfAttributes": 200,
8693            "maxNumberOfMessageEvents": 200
8694          },
8695          "zipkin": {
8696            "address": ""
8697          }
8698        },
8699        "trustDomain": "cluster.local",
8700        "useMCP": false
8701      },
8702      "istio_cni": {
8703        "enabled": false
8704      },
8705      "revision": "",
8706      "sidecarInjectorWebhook": {
8707        "alwaysInjectSelector": [],
8708        "enableNamespacesByDefault": false,
8709        "enabled": false,
8710        "injectLabel": "istio-injection",
8711        "injectedAnnotations": {},
8712        "namespace": "istio-system",
8713        "neverInjectSelector": [],
8714        "objectSelector": {
8715          "autoInject": true,
8716          "enabled": false
8717        },
8718        "rewriteAppHTTPProbe": true
8719      }
8720    }
8722  # To disable injection: use omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap, which disables the webhook patching
8723  # and istiod webhook functionality.
8724  #
8725  # New fields should not use Values - it is a 'primary' config object, users should be able
8726  # to fine tune it or use it with kube-inject.
8727  config: |-
8728    policy: enabled
8729    alwaysInjectSelector:
8730      []
8731    neverInjectSelector:
8732      []
8733    injectedAnnotations:
8735    template: |
8736      rewriteAppHTTPProbe: {{ valueOrDefault .Values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.rewriteAppHTTPProbe false }}
8737      initContainers:
8738      {{ if ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) `NONE` }}
8739      {{ if .Values.istio_cni.enabled -}}
8740      - name: istio-validation
8741      {{ else -}}
8742      - name: istio-init
8743      {{ end -}}
8744      {{- if contains "/" .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}
8745        image: "{{ .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}"
8746      {{- else }}
8747        image: "{{ .Values.global.hub }}/{{ .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}:{{ .Values.global.tag }}"
8748      {{- end }}
8749        args:
8750        - istio-iptables
8751        - "-p"
8752        - 15001
8753        - "-z"
8754        - "15006"
8755        - "-u"
8756        - 1337
8757        - "-m"
8758        - "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode }}"
8759        - "-i"
8760        - "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundIPRanges` .Values.global.proxy.includeIPRanges }}"
8761        - "-x"
8762        - "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundIPRanges` .Values.global.proxy.excludeIPRanges }}"
8763        - "-b"
8764        - "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeInboundPorts` `*` }}"
8765        - "-d"
8766        - "15090,{{ excludeInboundPort (annotation .ObjectMeta `status.sidecar.istio.io/port` .Values.global.proxy.statusPort) (annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts` .Values.global.proxy.excludeInboundPorts) }}"
8767        {{ if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts`) (ne (valueOrDefault .Values.global.proxy.excludeOutboundPorts "") "") -}}
8768        - "-o"
8769        - "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts` .Values.global.proxy.excludeOutboundPorts }}"
8770        {{ end -}}
8771        {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/kubevirtInterfaces`) -}}
8772        - "-k"
8773        - "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/kubevirtInterfaces` }}"
8774        {{ end -}}
8775        {{ if .Values.istio_cni.enabled -}}
8776        - "--run-validation"
8777        - "--skip-rule-apply"
8778        {{ end -}}
8779        imagePullPolicy: "{{ valueOrDefault .Values.global.imagePullPolicy `Always` }}"
8780      {{- if .Values.global.proxy_init.resources }}
8781        env:
8782        {{- range $key, $value := .ProxyConfig.ProxyMetadata }}
8783        - name: {{ $key }}
8784          value: "{{ $value }}"
8785        {{- end }}
8786        resources:
8787          {{ toYaml .Values.global.proxy_init.resources | indent 4 }}
8788      {{- else }}
8789        resources: {}
8790      {{- end }}
8791        securityContext:
8792          allowPrivilegeEscalation: {{ .Values.global.proxy.privileged }}
8793          privileged: {{ .Values.global.proxy.privileged }}
8794          capabilities:
8795        {{- if not .Values.istio_cni.enabled }}
8796            add:
8797            - NET_ADMIN
8798            - NET_RAW
8799        {{- end }}
8800            drop:
8801            - ALL
8802        {{- if not .Values.istio_cni.enabled }}
8803          readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
8804          runAsGroup: 0
8805          runAsNonRoot: false
8806          runAsUser: 0
8807        {{- else }}
8808          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
8809          runAsGroup: 1337
8810          runAsUser: 1337
8811          runAsNonRoot: true
8812        {{- end }}
8813        restartPolicy: Always
8814      {{ end -}}
8815      {{- if eq .Values.global.proxy.enableCoreDump true }}
8816      - name: enable-core-dump
8817        args:
8818        - -c
8819        - sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/var/lib/istio/core.proxy && ulimit -c unlimited
8820        command:
8821          - /bin/sh
8822      {{- if contains "/" .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}
8823        image: "{{ .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}"
8824      {{- else }}
8825        image: "{{ .Values.global.hub }}/{{ .Values.global.proxy_init.image }}:{{ .Values.global.tag }}"
8826      {{- end }}
8827        imagePullPolicy: "{{ valueOrDefault .Values.global.imagePullPolicy `Always` }}"
8828        resources: {}
8829        securityContext:
8830          allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
8831          capabilities:
8832            add:
8833            - SYS_ADMIN
8834            drop:
8835            - ALL
8836          privileged: true
8837          readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
8838          runAsGroup: 0
8839          runAsNonRoot: false
8840          runAsUser: 0
8841      {{ end }}
8842      containers:
8843      - name: istio-proxy
8844      {{- if contains "/" (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/proxyImage` .Values.global.proxy.image) }}
8845        image: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/proxyImage` .Values.global.proxy.image }}"
8846      {{- else }}
8847        image: "{{ .Values.global.hub }}/{{ .Values.global.proxy.image }}:{{ .Values.global.tag }}"
8848      {{- end }}
8849        ports:
8850        - containerPort: 15090
8851          protocol: TCP
8852          name: http-envoy-prom
8853        args:
8854        - proxy
8855        - sidecar
8856        - --domain
8857        - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.{{ .Values.global.proxy.clusterDomain }}
8858        - --serviceCluster
8859        {{ if ne "" (index .ObjectMeta.Labels "app") -}}
8860        - "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Labels `app` }}.$(POD_NAMESPACE)"
8861        {{ else -}}
8862        - "{{ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Name `istio-proxy` }}.{{ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace `default` }}"
8863        {{ end -}}
8864        - --proxyLogLevel={{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/logLevel` .Values.global.proxy.logLevel}}
8865        - --proxyComponentLogLevel={{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/componentLogLevel` .Values.global.proxy.componentLogLevel}}
8866      {{- if .Values.global.sts.servicePort }}
8867        - --stsPort={{ .Values.global.sts.servicePort }}
8868      {{- end }}
8869      {{- if .Values.global.trustDomain }}
8870        - --trust-domain={{ .Values.global.trustDomain }}
8871      {{- end }}
8872      {{- if .Values.global.logAsJson }}
8873        - --log_as_json
8874      {{- end }}
8875      {{- if gt .ProxyConfig.Concurrency 0 }}
8876        - --concurrency
8877        - "{{ .ProxyConfig.Concurrency }}"
8878      {{- end -}}
8879      {{- if .Values.global.proxy.lifecycle }}
8880        lifecycle:
8881          {{ toYaml .Values.global.proxy.lifecycle | indent 4 }}
8882        {{- end }}
8883        env:
8884        - name: JWT_POLICY
8885          value: {{ .Values.global.jwtPolicy }}
8886        - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
8887          value: {{ .Values.global.pilotCertProvider }}
8888        # Temp, pending PR to make it default or based on the istiodAddr env
8889        - name: CA_ADDR
8890        {{- if .Values.global.caAddress }}
8891          value: {{ .Values.global.caAddress }}
8892        {{- else }}
8893          value: istiod{{- if not (eq .Values.revision "") }}-{{ .Values.revision }}{{- end }}.{{ .Values.global.istioNamespace }}.svc:15012
8894        {{- end }}
8895        - name: POD_NAME
8896          valueFrom:
8897            fieldRef:
8898              fieldPath: metadata.name
8899        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
8900          valueFrom:
8901            fieldRef:
8902              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
8903        - name: INSTANCE_IP
8904          valueFrom:
8905            fieldRef:
8906              fieldPath: status.podIP
8907        - name: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
8908          valueFrom:
8909            fieldRef:
8910              fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
8911        - name: HOST_IP
8912          valueFrom:
8913            fieldRef:
8914              fieldPath: status.hostIP
8915        - name: PROXY_CONFIG
8916          value: |
8917                 {{ protoToJSON .ProxyConfig }}
8918        - name: ISTIO_META_POD_PORTS
8919          value: |-
8920            [
8921            {{- $first := true }}
8922            {{- range $index1, $c := .Spec.Containers }}
8923              {{- range $index2, $p := $c.Ports }}
8924                {{- if (structToJSON $p) }}
8925                {{if not $first}},{{end}}{{ structToJSON $p }}
8926                {{- $first = false }}
8927                {{- end }}
8928              {{- end}}
8929            {{- end}}
8930            ]
8931        - name: ISTIO_META_APP_CONTAINERS
8932          value: |-
8933            [
8934              {{- range $index, $container := .Spec.Containers }}
8935                {{- if ne $index 0}},{{- end}}
8936                {{ $container.Name }}
8937              {{- end}}
8938            ]
8939        - name: ISTIO_META_CLUSTER_ID
8940          value: "{{ valueOrDefault .Values.global.multiCluster.clusterName `Kubernetes` }}"
8942          value: "{{ or (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode`) .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode.String }}"
8943        {{- if .Values.global.network }}
8944        - name: ISTIO_META_NETWORK
8945          value: "{{ .Values.global.network }}"
8946        {{- end }}
8947        {{ if .ObjectMeta.Annotations }}
8949          value: |
8950                 {{ toJSON .ObjectMeta.Annotations }}
8951        {{ end }}
8952        {{- if .DeploymentMeta.Name }}
8953        - name: ISTIO_META_WORKLOAD_NAME
8954          value: {{ .DeploymentMeta.Name }}
8955        {{ end }}
8956        {{- if and .TypeMeta.APIVersion .DeploymentMeta.Name }}
8957        - name: ISTIO_META_OWNER
8958          value: kubernetes://apis/{{ .TypeMeta.APIVersion }}/namespaces/{{ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace `default` }}/{{ toLower .TypeMeta.Kind}}s/{{ .DeploymentMeta.Name }}
8959        {{- end}}
8960        {{- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/bootstrapOverride`) }}
8961        - name: ISTIO_BOOTSTRAP_OVERRIDE
8962          value: "/etc/istio/custom-bootstrap/custom_bootstrap.json"
8963        {{- end }}
8964        {{- if .Values.global.meshID }}
8965        - name: ISTIO_META_MESH_ID
8966          value: "{{ .Values.global.meshID }}"
8967        {{- else if .Values.global.trustDomain }}
8968        - name: ISTIO_META_MESH_ID
8969          value: "{{ .Values.global.trustDomain }}"
8970        {{- end }}
8971        {{- if and (eq .Values.global.proxy.tracer "datadog") (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `apm.datadoghq.com/env`) }}
8972        {{- range $key, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `apm.datadoghq.com/env`) }}
8973        - name: {{ $key }}
8974          value: "{{ $value }}"
8975        {{- end }}
8976        {{- end }}
8977        {{- range $key, $value := .ProxyConfig.ProxyMetadata }}
8978        - name: {{ $key }}
8979          value: "{{ $value }}"
8980        {{- end }}
8981        imagePullPolicy: "{{ valueOrDefault .Values.global.imagePullPolicy `Always` }}"
8982        {{ if ne (annotation .ObjectMeta `status.sidecar.istio.io/port` .Values.global.proxy.statusPort) `0` }}
8983        readinessProbe:
8984          httpGet:
8985            path: /healthz/ready
8986            port: 15090
8987          initialDelaySeconds: {{ annotation .ObjectMeta `readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/initialDelaySeconds` .Values.global.proxy.readinessInitialDelaySeconds }}
8988          periodSeconds: {{ annotation .ObjectMeta `readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/periodSeconds` .Values.global.proxy.readinessPeriodSeconds }}
8989          failureThreshold: {{ annotation .ObjectMeta `readiness.status.sidecar.istio.io/failureThreshold` .Values.global.proxy.readinessFailureThreshold }}
8990        {{ end -}}
8991        securityContext:
8992          allowPrivilegeEscalation: {{ .Values.global.proxy.privileged }}
8993          capabilities:
8994            {{ if or (eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) `TPROXY`) (eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/capNetBindService` .Values.global.proxy.capNetBindService) `true`) -}}
8995            add:
8996            {{ if eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) `TPROXY` -}}
8997            - NET_ADMIN
8998            {{- end }}
8999            {{ if eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/capNetBindService` .Values.global.proxy.capNetBindService) `true` -}}
9000            - NET_BIND_SERVICE
9001            {{- end }}
9002            {{- end }}
9003            drop:
9004            - ALL
9005          privileged: {{ .Values.global.proxy.privileged }}
9006          readOnlyRootFilesystem: {{ not .Values.global.proxy.enableCoreDump }}
9007          runAsGroup: 1337
9008          fsGroup: 1337
9009          {{ if or (eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode) `TPROXY`) (eq (annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/capNetBindService` .Values.global.proxy.capNetBindService) `true`) -}}
9010          runAsNonRoot: false
9011          runAsUser: 0
9012          {{- else -}}
9013          runAsNonRoot: true
9014          runAsUser: 1337
9015          {{- end }}
9016        resources:
9017      {{- if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPU`) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemory`) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPULimit`) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemoryLimit`) }}
9018        {{- if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPU`) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemory`) }}
9019          requests:
9020            {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPU`) -}}
9021            cpu: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPU` }}"
9022            {{ end }}
9023            {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemory`) -}}
9024            memory: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemory` }}"
9025            {{ end }}
9026        {{- end }}
9027        {{- if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPULimit`) (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemoryLimit`) }}
9028          limits:
9029            {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPULimit`) -}}
9030            cpu: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyCPULimit` }}"
9031            {{ end }}
9032            {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemoryLimit`) -}}
9033            memory: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/proxyMemoryLimit` }}"
9034            {{ end }}
9035        {{- end }}
9036      {{- else }}
9037        {{- if .Values.global.proxy.resources }}
9038          {{ toYaml .Values.global.proxy.resources | indent 4 }}
9039        {{- end }}
9040      {{- end }}
9041        volumeMounts:
9042        {{- if eq .Values.global.pilotCertProvider "istiod" }}
9043        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
9044          name: istiod-ca-cert
9045        {{- end }}
9046        {{ if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/bootstrapOverride`) }}
9047        - mountPath: /etc/istio/custom-bootstrap
9048          name: custom-bootstrap-volume
9049        {{- end }}
9050        # SDS channel between istioagent and Envoy
9051        - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy
9052          name: istio-envoy
9053        {{- if eq .Values.global.jwtPolicy "third-party-jwt" }}
9054        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
9055          name: istio-token
9056        {{- end }}
9057        {{- if .Values.global.mountMtlsCerts }}
9058        # Use the key and cert mounted to /etc/certs/ for the in-cluster mTLS communications.
9059        - mountPath: /etc/certs/
9060          name: istio-certs
9061          readOnly: true
9062        {{- end }}
9063        - name: istio-podinfo
9064          mountPath: /etc/istio/pod
9065        {{- if and (eq .Values.global.proxy.tracer "lightstep") .Values.global.tracer.lightstep.cacertPath }}
9066        - mountPath: {{ directory .ProxyConfig.GetTracing.GetLightstep.GetCacertPath }}
9067          name: lightstep-certs
9068          readOnly: true
9069        {{- end }}
9070          {{- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/userVolumeMount` }}
9071          {{ range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/userVolumeMount`) }}
9072        - name: "{{  $index }}"
9073          {{ toYaml $value | indent 4 }}
9074          {{ end }}
9075          {{- end }}
9076      volumes:
9077      {{- if (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/bootstrapOverride`) }}
9078      - name: custom-bootstrap-volume
9079        configMap:
9080          name: {{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/bootstrapOverride` "" }}
9081      {{- end }}
9082      # SDS channel between istioagent and Envoy
9083      - emptyDir:
9084          medium: Memory
9085        name: istio-envoy
9086      - name: istio-podinfo
9087        downwardAPI:
9088          items:
9089            - path: "labels"
9090              fieldRef:
9091                fieldPath: metadata.labels
9092            - path: "annotations"
9093              fieldRef:
9094                fieldPath: metadata.annotations
9095      {{- if eq .Values.global.jwtPolicy "third-party-jwt" }}
9096      - name: istio-token
9097        projected:
9098          sources:
9099          - serviceAccountToken:
9100              path: istio-token
9101              expirationSeconds: 43200
9102              audience: {{ .Values.global.sds.token.aud }}
9103      {{- end }}
9104      {{- if eq .Values.global.pilotCertProvider "istiod" }}
9105      - name: istiod-ca-cert
9106        configMap:
9107          name: istio-ca-root-cert
9108      {{- end }}
9109      {{- if .Values.global.mountMtlsCerts }}
9110      # Use the key and cert mounted to /etc/certs/ for the in-cluster mTLS communications.
9111      - name: istio-certs
9112        secret:
9113          optional: true
9114          {{ if eq .Spec.ServiceAccountName "" }}
9115          secretName: istio.default
9116          {{ else -}}
9117          secretName: {{  printf "istio.%s" .Spec.ServiceAccountName }}
9118          {{  end -}}
9119      {{- end }}
9120        {{- if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/userVolume` }}
9121        {{range $index, $value := fromJSON (index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `sidecar.istio.io/userVolume`) }}
9122      - name: "{{ $index }}"
9123        {{ toYaml $value | indent 2 }}
9124        {{ end }}
9125        {{ end }}
9126      {{- if and (eq .Values.global.proxy.tracer "lightstep") .Values.global.tracer.lightstep.cacertPath }}
9127      - name: lightstep-certs
9128        secret:
9129          optional: true
9130          secretName: lightstep.cacert
9131      {{- end }}
9132      {{- if .Values.global.podDNSSearchNamespaces }}
9133      dnsConfig:
9134        searches:
9135          {{- range .Values.global.podDNSSearchNamespaces }}
9136          - {{ render . }}
9137          {{- end }}
9138      {{- end }}
9139      podRedirectAnnot:
9140      {{- if and (.Values.istio_cni.enabled) (not .Values.istio_cni.chained) }}
9141      {{ if isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks` }}
9142        k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks`}}, istio-cni"
9143      {{- else }}
9144        k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: "istio-cni"
9145      {{- end }}
9146      {{- end }}
9147        sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode` .ProxyConfig.InterceptionMode }}"
9148        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundIPRanges: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeOutboundIPRanges` .Values.global.proxy.includeIPRanges }}"
9149        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundIPRanges: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundIPRanges` .Values.global.proxy.excludeIPRanges }}"
9150        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeInboundPorts: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/includeInboundPorts` (includeInboundPorts .Spec.Containers) }}"
9151        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts: "{{ excludeInboundPort (annotation .ObjectMeta `status.sidecar.istio.io/port` .Values.global.proxy.statusPort) (annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeInboundPorts` .Values.global.proxy.excludeInboundPorts) }}"
9152      {{ if or (isset .ObjectMeta.Annotations `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts`) (ne .Values.global.proxy.excludeOutboundPorts "") }}
9153        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts: "{{ annotation .ObjectMeta `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts` .Values.global.proxy.excludeOutboundPorts }}"
9154      {{- end }}
9155        traffic.sidecar.istio.io/kubevirtInterfaces: "{{ index .ObjectMeta.Annotations `traffic.sidecar.istio.io/kubevirtInterfaces` }}"
9156      {{- if .Values.global.imagePullSecrets }}
9157      imagePullSecrets:
9158        {{- range .Values.global.imagePullSecrets }}
9159        - name: {{ . }}
9160        {{- end }}
9161      {{- end }}
9165apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
9166kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
9168  name: istio-sidecar-injector
9170  labels:
9171    istio.io/rev: default
9172    app: sidecar-injector
9173    release: istio
9175  - name: sidecar-injector.istio.io
9176    clientConfig:
9177      service:
9178        name: istiod
9179        namespace: istio-system
9180        path: "/inject"
9181      caBundle: ""
9182    rules:
9183      - operations: [ "CREATE" ]
9184        apiGroups: [""]
9185        apiVersions: ["v1"]
9186        resources: ["pods"]
9187    failurePolicy: Fail
9188    namespaceSelector:
9189      matchLabels:
9190        istio-injection: enabled
9194apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
9195kind: PodDisruptionBudget
9197  name: istiod
9198  namespace: istio-system
9199  labels:
9200    app: istiod
9201    istio.io/rev: default
9202    release: istio
9203    istio: pilot
9205  minAvailable: 1
9206  selector:
9207    matchLabels:
9208      app: istiod
9209      istio: pilot
9213apiVersion: v1
9214kind: Service
9216  name: istiod
9217  namespace: istio-system
9218  labels:
9219    istio.io/rev: default
9220    app: istiod
9221    istio: pilot
9222    release: istio
9224  ports:
9225    - port: 15010
9226      name: grpc-xds # plaintext
9227    - port: 15012
9228      name: https-dns # mTLS with k8s-signed cert
9229    - port: 443
9230      name: https-webhook # validation and injection
9231      targetPort: 15017
9232    - port: 15014
9233      name: http-monitoring # prometheus stats
9234    - name: dns
9235      port: 53
9236      targetPort: 15053
9237      protocol: UDP
9238    - name: dns-tls
9239      port: 853
9240      targetPort: 15053
9241      protocol: TCP
9242  selector:
9243    app: istiod
9244    # Label used by the 'default' service. For versioned deployments we match with app and version.
9245    # This avoids default deployment picking the canary
9246    istio: pilot
9250apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9251kind: EnvoyFilter
9253  name: metadata-exchange-1.4
9254  namespace: istio-system
9255  labels:
9256    istio.io/rev: default
9258  configPatches:
9259    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9260      match:
9261        context: ANY # inbound, outbound, and gateway
9262        proxy:
9263          proxyVersion: '^1\.4.*'
9264        listener:
9265          filterChain:
9266            filter:
9267              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9268      patch:
9269        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9270        value:
9271          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9272          config:
9273            config:
9274              configuration: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9275              vm_config:
9276                runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9277                code:
9278                  inline_string: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9282apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9283kind: EnvoyFilter
9285  name: stats-filter-1.4
9286  namespace: istio-system
9287  labels:
9288    istio.io/rev: default
9290  configPatches:
9291    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9292      match:
9293        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9294        proxy:
9295          proxyVersion: '^1\.4.*'
9296        listener:
9297          filterChain:
9298            filter:
9299              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9300              subFilter:
9301                name: "envoy.router"
9302      patch:
9303        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9304        value:
9305          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9306          config:
9307            config:
9308              root_id: stats_outbound
9309              configuration: |
9310                {
9311                  "debug": "false",
9312                  "stat_prefix": "istio",
9313                }
9314              vm_config:
9315                vm_id: stats_outbound
9316                runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9317                code:
9318                  inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9319    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9320      match:
9321        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9322        proxy:
9323          proxyVersion: '^1\.4.*'
9324        listener:
9325          filterChain:
9326            filter:
9327              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9328              subFilter:
9329                name: "envoy.router"
9330      patch:
9331        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9332        value:
9333          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9334          config:
9335            config:
9336              root_id: stats_inbound
9337              configuration: |
9338                {
9339                  "debug": "false",
9340                  "stat_prefix": "istio",
9341                }
9342              vm_config:
9343                vm_id: stats_inbound
9344                runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9345                code:
9346                  inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9347    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9348      match:
9349        context: GATEWAY
9350        proxy:
9351          proxyVersion: '^1\.4.*'
9352        listener:
9353          filterChain:
9354            filter:
9355              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9356              subFilter:
9357                name: "envoy.router"
9358      patch:
9359        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9360        value:
9361          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9362          config:
9363            config:
9364              root_id: stats_outbound
9365              configuration: |
9366                {
9367                  "debug": "false",
9368                  "stat_prefix": "istio",
9369                  "disable_host_header_fallback": true,
9370                }
9371              vm_config:
9372                vm_id: stats_outbound
9373                runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9374                code:
9375                  inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9379apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9380kind: EnvoyFilter
9382  name: metadata-exchange-1.5
9383  namespace: istio-system
9384  labels:
9385    istio.io/rev: default
9387  configPatches:
9388    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9389      match:
9390        context: ANY # inbound, outbound, and gateway
9391        proxy:
9392          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9393        listener:
9394          filterChain:
9395            filter:
9396              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9397      patch:
9398        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9399        value:
9400          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9401          typed_config:
9402            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9403            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9404            value:
9405              config:
9406                configuration: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9407                vm_config:
9408                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9409                  code:
9410                    local:
9411                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9415apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9416kind: EnvoyFilter
9418  name: tcp-metadata-exchange-1.5
9419  namespace: istio-system
9420  labels:
9421    istio.io/rev: default
9423  configPatches:
9424    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9425      match:
9426        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9427        proxy:
9428          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9429        listener: {}
9430      patch:
9431        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9432        value:
9433          name: envoy.filters.network.metadata_exchange
9434          config:
9435            protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9436    - applyTo: CLUSTER
9437      match:
9438        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9439        proxy:
9440          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9441        cluster: {}
9442      patch:
9443        operation: MERGE
9444        value:
9445          filters:
9446          - name: envoy.filters.network.upstream.metadata_exchange
9447            typed_config:
9448              "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9449              type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.tcp.metadataexchange.config.MetadataExchange
9450              value:
9451                protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9452    - applyTo: CLUSTER
9453      match:
9454        context: GATEWAY
9455        proxy:
9456          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9457        cluster: {}
9458      patch:
9459        operation: MERGE
9460        value:
9461          filters:
9462          - name: envoy.filters.network.upstream.metadata_exchange
9463            typed_config:
9464              "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9465              type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.tcp.metadataexchange.config.MetadataExchange
9466              value:
9467                protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9471apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9472kind: EnvoyFilter
9474  name: stats-filter-1.5
9475  namespace: istio-system
9476  labels:
9477    istio.io/rev: default
9479  configPatches:
9480    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9481      match:
9482        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9483        proxy:
9484          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9485        listener:
9486          filterChain:
9487            filter:
9488              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9489              subFilter:
9490                name: "envoy.router"
9491      patch:
9492        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9493        value:
9494          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9495          typed_config:
9496            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9497            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9498            value:
9499              config:
9500                root_id: stats_outbound
9501                configuration: |
9502                  {
9503                    "debug": "false",
9504                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9505                  }
9506                vm_config:
9507                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9508                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9509                  code:
9510                    local:
9511                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9512    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9513      match:
9514        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9515        proxy:
9516          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9517        listener:
9518          filterChain:
9519            filter:
9520              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9521              subFilter:
9522                name: "envoy.router"
9523      patch:
9524        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9525        value:
9526          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9527          typed_config:
9528            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9529            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9530            value:
9531              config:
9532                root_id: stats_inbound
9533                configuration: |
9534                  {
9535                    "debug": "false",
9536                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9537                  }
9538                vm_config:
9539                  vm_id: stats_inbound
9540                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9541                  code:
9542                    local:
9543                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9544    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9545      match:
9546        context: GATEWAY
9547        proxy:
9548          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9549        listener:
9550          filterChain:
9551            filter:
9552              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9553              subFilter:
9554                name: "envoy.router"
9555      patch:
9556        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9557        value:
9558          name: envoy.filters.http.wasm
9559          typed_config:
9560            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9561            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9562            value:
9563              config:
9564                root_id: stats_outbound
9565                configuration: |
9566                  {
9567                    "debug": "false",
9568                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9569                    "disable_host_header_fallback": true,
9570                  }
9571                vm_config:
9572                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9573                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9574                  code:
9575                    local:
9576                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9580apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9581kind: EnvoyFilter
9583  name: tcp-stats-filter-1.5
9584  namespace: istio-system
9585  labels:
9586    istio.io/rev: default
9588  configPatches:
9589    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9590      match:
9591        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9592        proxy:
9593          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9594        listener:
9595          filterChain:
9596            filter:
9597              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9598      patch:
9599        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9600        value:
9601          name: envoy.filters.network.wasm
9602          typed_config:
9603            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9604            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9605            value:
9606              config:
9607                root_id: stats_inbound
9608                configuration: |
9609                  {
9610                    "debug": "false",
9611                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9612                  }
9613                vm_config:
9614                  vm_id: stats_inbound
9615                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9616                  code:
9617                    local:
9618                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9619    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9620      match:
9621        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9622        proxy:
9623          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9624        listener:
9625          filterChain:
9626            filter:
9627              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9628      patch:
9629        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9630        value:
9631          name: envoy.filters.network.wasm
9632          typed_config:
9633            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9634            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9635            value:
9636              config:
9637                root_id: stats_outbound
9638                configuration: |
9639                  {
9640                    "debug": "false",
9641                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9642                  }
9643                vm_config:
9644                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9645                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9646                  code:
9647                    local:
9648                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9649    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9650      match:
9651        context: GATEWAY
9652        proxy:
9653          proxyVersion: '^1\.5.*'
9654        listener:
9655          filterChain:
9656            filter:
9657              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9658      patch:
9659        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9660        value:
9661          name: envoy.filters.network.wasm
9662          typed_config:
9663            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9664            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9665            value:
9666              config:
9667                root_id: stats_outbound
9668                configuration: |
9669                  {
9670                    "debug": "false",
9671                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9672                  }
9673                vm_config:
9674                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9675                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9676                  code:
9677                    local:
9678                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9682apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9683kind: EnvoyFilter
9685  name: metadata-exchange-1.6
9686  namespace: istio-system
9687  labels:
9688    istio.io/rev: default
9690  configPatches:
9691    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9692      match:
9693        context: ANY # inbound, outbound, and gateway
9694        proxy:
9695          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9696        listener:
9697          filterChain:
9698            filter:
9699              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9700      patch:
9701        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9702        value:
9703          name: istio.metadata_exchange
9704          typed_config:
9705            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9706            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9707            value:
9708              config:
9709                configuration: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9710                vm_config:
9711                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9712                  code:
9713                    local:
9714                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange
9718apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9719kind: EnvoyFilter
9721  name: tcp-metadata-exchange-1.6
9722  namespace: istio-system
9723  labels:
9724    istio.io/rev: default
9726  configPatches:
9727    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9728      match:
9729        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9730        proxy:
9731          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9732        listener: {}
9733      patch:
9734        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9735        value:
9736          name: istio.metadata_exchange
9737          typed_config:
9738            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9739            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.tcp.metadataexchange.config.MetadataExchange
9740            value:
9741              protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9742    - applyTo: CLUSTER
9743      match:
9744        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9745        proxy:
9746          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9747        cluster: {}
9748      patch:
9749        operation: MERGE
9750        value:
9751          filters:
9752          - name: istio.metadata_exchange
9753            typed_config:
9754              "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9755              type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.tcp.metadataexchange.config.MetadataExchange
9756              value:
9757                protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9758    - applyTo: CLUSTER
9759      match:
9760        context: GATEWAY
9761        proxy:
9762          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9763        cluster: {}
9764      patch:
9765        operation: MERGE
9766        value:
9767          filters:
9768          - name: istio.metadata_exchange
9769            typed_config:
9770              "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9771              type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.tcp.metadataexchange.config.MetadataExchange
9772              value:
9773                protocol: istio-peer-exchange
9777apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9778kind: EnvoyFilter
9780  name: stats-filter-1.6
9781  namespace: istio-system
9782  labels:
9783    istio.io/rev: default
9785  configPatches:
9786    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9787      match:
9788        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9789        proxy:
9790          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9791        listener:
9792          filterChain:
9793            filter:
9794              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9795              subFilter:
9796                name: "envoy.router"
9797      patch:
9798        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9799        value:
9800          name: istio.stats
9801          typed_config:
9802            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9803            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9804            value:
9805              config:
9806                root_id: stats_outbound
9807                configuration: |
9808                  {
9809                    "debug": "false",
9810                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9811                  }
9812                vm_config:
9813                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9814                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9815                  code:
9816                    local:
9817                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9818    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9819      match:
9820        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9821        proxy:
9822          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9823        listener:
9824          filterChain:
9825            filter:
9826              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9827              subFilter:
9828                name: "envoy.router"
9829      patch:
9830        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9831        value:
9832          name: istio.stats
9833          typed_config:
9834            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9835            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9836            value:
9837              config:
9838                root_id: stats_inbound
9839                configuration: |
9840                  {
9841                    "debug": "false",
9842                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9843                  }
9844                vm_config:
9845                  vm_id: stats_inbound
9846                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9847                  code:
9848                    local:
9849                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9850    - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
9851      match:
9852        context: GATEWAY
9853        proxy:
9854          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9855        listener:
9856          filterChain:
9857            filter:
9858              name: "envoy.http_connection_manager"
9859              subFilter:
9860                name: "envoy.router"
9861      patch:
9862        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9863        value:
9864          name: istio.stats
9865          typed_config:
9866            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9867            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.http.wasm.v2.Wasm
9868            value:
9869              config:
9870                root_id: stats_outbound
9871                configuration: |
9872                  {
9873                    "debug": "false",
9874                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9875                    "disable_host_header_fallback": true,
9876                  }
9877                vm_config:
9878                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9879                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9880                  code:
9881                    local:
9882                      inline_string: envoy.wasm.stats
9886apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
9887kind: EnvoyFilter
9889  name: tcp-stats-filter-1.6
9890  namespace: istio-system
9891  labels:
9892    istio.io/rev: default
9894  configPatches:
9895    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9896      match:
9897        context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
9898        proxy:
9899          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9900        listener:
9901          filterChain:
9902            filter:
9903              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9904      patch:
9905        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9906        value:
9907          name: istio.stats
9908          typed_config:
9909            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9910            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9911            value:
9912              config:
9913                root_id: stats_inbound
9914                configuration: |
9915                  {
9916                    "debug": "false",
9917                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9918                  }
9919                vm_config:
9920                  vm_id: stats_inbound
9921                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9922                  code:
9923                    local:
9924                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9925    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9926      match:
9927        context: SIDECAR_OUTBOUND
9928        proxy:
9929          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9930        listener:
9931          filterChain:
9932            filter:
9933              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9934      patch:
9935        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9936        value:
9937          name: istio.stats
9938          typed_config:
9939            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9940            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9941            value:
9942              config:
9943                root_id: stats_outbound
9944                configuration: |
9945                  {
9946                    "debug": "false",
9947                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9948                  }
9949                vm_config:
9950                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9951                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9952                  code:
9953                    local:
9954                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9955    - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER
9956      match:
9957        context: GATEWAY
9958        proxy:
9959          proxyVersion: '^1\.6.*'
9960        listener:
9961          filterChain:
9962            filter:
9963              name: "envoy.tcp_proxy"
9964      patch:
9965        operation: INSERT_BEFORE
9966        value:
9967          name: istio.stats
9968          typed_config:
9969            "@type": type.googleapis.com/udpa.type.v1.TypedStruct
9970            type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.wasm.v2.Wasm
9971            value:
9972              config:
9973                root_id: stats_outbound
9974                configuration: |
9975                  {
9976                    "debug": "false",
9977                    "stat_prefix": "istio",
9978                  }
9979                vm_config:
9980                  vm_id: stats_outbound
9981                  runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.null
9982                  code:
9983                    local:
9984                      inline_string: "envoy.wasm.stats"
9987# Resources for Policy component
9989apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
9990kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
9992  labels:
9993    app: mixer
9994    release: istio
9995  name: istio-policy
9996  namespace: istio-system
9998  maxReplicas: 5
9999  metrics:
10000  - resource:
10001      name: cpu
10002      targetAverageUtilization: 80
10003    type: Resource
10004  minReplicas: 1
10005  scaleTargetRef:
10006    apiVersion: apps/v1
10007    kind: Deployment
10008    name: istio-policy
10013apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
10014kind: ClusterRole
10016  name: istio-policy
10017  labels:
10018    release: istio
10019    app: istio-policy
10021- apiGroups: ["config.istio.io"] # istio CRD watcher
10022  resources: ["*"]
10023  verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
10024- apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
10025  resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
10026  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10027- apiGroups: [""]
10028  resources: ["configmaps", "endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets", "replicationcontrollers"]
10029  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10030- apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"]
10031  resources: ["replicasets"]
10032  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10036apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
10037kind: ClusterRoleBinding
10039  name: istio-policy-admin-role-binding-istio-system
10040  labels:
10041    app: istio-policy
10042    release: istio
10044  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
10045  kind: ClusterRole
10046  name: istio-policy
10048  - kind: ServiceAccount
10049    name: istio-policy-service-account
10050    namespace: istio-system
10054apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
10055kind: DestinationRule
10057  name: istio-policy
10058  namespace: istio-system
10059  labels:
10060    app: istio-policy
10061    release: istio
10063  host: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
10064  trafficPolicy:
10065    portLevelSettings:
10066    - port:
10067        number: 15004 # grpc-mixer-mtls
10068      tls:
10069        mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL
10070    - port:
10071        number: 9091 # grpc-mixer
10072      tls:
10073        mode: DISABLE
10074    connectionPool:
10075      http:
10076        http2MaxRequests: 10000
10077        maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000
10081apiVersion: apps/v1
10082kind: Deployment
10084  labels:
10085    app: istio-policy
10086    istio: mixer
10087    release: istio
10088  name: istio-policy
10089  namespace: istio-system
10091  selector:
10092    matchLabels:
10093      istio: mixer
10094      istio-mixer-type: policy
10095  strategy:
10096    rollingUpdate:
10097      maxSurge: 100%
10098      maxUnavailable: 25%
10099  template:
10100    metadata:
10101      annotations:
10102        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
10103      labels:
10104        app: policy
10105        istio: mixer
10106        istio-mixer-type: policy
10107    spec:
10108      affinity:
10109        nodeAffinity:
10110          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
10111          - preference:
10112              matchExpressions:
10113              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
10114                operator: In
10115                values:
10116                - amd64
10117            weight: 2
10118          - preference:
10119              matchExpressions:
10120              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
10121                operator: In
10122                values:
10123                - ppc64le
10124            weight: 2
10125          - preference:
10126              matchExpressions:
10127              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
10128                operator: In
10129                values:
10130                - s390x
10131            weight: 2
10132          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
10133            nodeSelectorTerms:
10134            - matchExpressions:
10135              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
10136                operator: In
10137                values:
10138                - amd64
10139                - ppc64le
10140                - s390x
10141      containers:
10142      - args:
10143        - --monitoringPort=15014
10144        - --address
10145        - unix:///sock/mixer.socket
10146        - --log_output_level=default:info
10147        - --configStoreURL=k8s://
10148        - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system
10149        - --useAdapterCRDs=false
10150        - --useTemplateCRDs=false
10151        - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin.istio-system:9411/api/v1/spans
10152        env:
10153        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
10154          valueFrom:
10155            fieldRef:
10156              apiVersion: v1
10157              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
10158        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/mixer:latest
10159        livenessProbe:
10160          httpGet:
10161            path: /version
10162            port: 15014
10163          initialDelaySeconds: 5
10164          periodSeconds: 5
10165        name: mixer
10166        ports:
10167        - containerPort: 9091
10168        - containerPort: 15014
10169        - containerPort: 42422
10170        resources:
10171          requests:
10172            cpu: 10m
10173        securityContext:
10174          capabilities:
10175            drop:
10176            - ALL
10177          runAsGroup: 1337
10178          runAsNonRoot: true
10179          runAsUser: 1337
10180        volumeMounts:
10181        - mountPath: /sock
10182          name: uds-socket
10183        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio.io/policy/adapter
10184          name: policy-adapter-secret
10185          readOnly: true
10186      - args:
10187        - proxy
10188        - --domain
10189        - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
10190        - --serviceCluster
10191        - istio-policy
10192        - --templateFile
10193        - /var/lib/istio/envoy/envoy_policy.yaml.tmpl
10194        - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
10195        - MUTUAL_TLS
10196        - --trust-domain=cluster.local
10197        env:
10198        - name: POD_NAME
10199          valueFrom:
10200            fieldRef:
10201              apiVersion: v1
10202              fieldPath: metadata.name
10203        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
10204          valueFrom:
10205            fieldRef:
10206              apiVersion: v1
10207              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
10208        - name: INSTANCE_IP
10209          valueFrom:
10210            fieldRef:
10211              apiVersion: v1
10212              fieldPath: status.podIP
10213        - name: JWT_POLICY
10214          value: third-party-jwt
10215        - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
10216          value: istiod
10217        - name: ISTIO_META_USER_SDS
10218          value: "true"
10219        - name: CA_ADDR
10220          value: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
10221        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/proxyv2:latest
10222        name: istio-proxy
10223        ports:
10224        - containerPort: 15004
10225        - containerPort: 15090
10226          name: http-envoy-prom
10227          protocol: TCP
10228        resources:
10229          limits:
10230            cpu: 2000m
10231            memory: 1024Mi
10232          requests:
10233            cpu: 100m
10234            memory: 128Mi
10235        volumeMounts:
10236        - mountPath: /etc/istio/config
10237          name: config-volume
10238        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
10239          name: istiod-ca-cert
10240        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
10241          name: istio-token
10242          readOnly: true
10243        - mountPath: /sock
10244          name: uds-socket
10245      securityContext:
10246        fsGroup: 1337
10247      serviceAccountName: istio-policy-service-account
10248      volumes:
10249      - configMap:
10250          name: istio
10251          optional: true
10252        name: config-volume
10253      - configMap:
10254          name: istio-ca-root-cert
10255        name: istiod-ca-cert
10256      - name: istio-token
10257        projected:
10258          sources:
10259          - serviceAccountToken:
10260              audience: istio-ca
10261              expirationSeconds: 43200
10262              path: istio-token
10263      - name: istio-certs
10264        secret:
10265          optional: true
10266          secretName: istio.istio-policy-service-account
10267      - emptyDir: {}
10268        name: uds-socket
10269      - name: policy-adapter-secret
10270        secret:
10271          optional: true
10272          secretName: policy-adapter-secret
10277apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
10278kind: PodDisruptionBudget
10280  name: istio-policy
10281  namespace: istio-system
10282  labels:
10283    app: policy
10284    release: istio
10285    istio: mixer
10286    istio-mixer-type: policy
10288  minAvailable: 1
10289  selector:
10290    matchLabels:
10291      app: policy
10292      istio: mixer
10293      istio-mixer-type: policy
10297apiVersion: v1
10298kind: Service
10300  name: istio-policy
10301  namespace: istio-system
10302  labels:
10303    app: mixer
10304    istio: mixer
10305    release: istio
10307  ports:
10308  - name: grpc-mixer
10309    port: 9091
10310  - name: grpc-mixer-mtls
10311    port: 15004
10312  - name: http-policy-monitoring
10313    port: 15014
10314  selector:
10315    istio: mixer
10316    istio-mixer-type: policy
10320apiVersion: v1
10321kind: ServiceAccount
10323  name: istio-policy-service-account
10324  namespace: istio-system
10325  labels:
10326    app: istio-policy
10327    release: istio
10330# Resources for Telemetry component
10332apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
10333kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
10335  labels:
10336    app: mixer
10337    release: istio
10338  name: istio-telemetry
10339  namespace: istio-system
10341  maxReplicas: 5
10342  metrics:
10343  - resource:
10344      name: cpu
10345      targetAverageUtilization: 80
10346    type: Resource
10347  minReplicas: 1
10348  scaleTargetRef:
10349    apiVersion: apps/v1
10350    kind: Deployment
10351    name: istio-telemetry
10356apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
10357kind: ClusterRole
10359  name: istio-mixer-istio-system
10360  labels:
10361    app: istio-telemetry
10362    release: istio
10364- apiGroups: ["config.istio.io"] # istio CRD watcher
10365  resources: ["*"]
10366  verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
10367- apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
10368  resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
10369  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10370- apiGroups: [""]
10371  resources: ["configmaps", "endpoints", "pods", "services", "namespaces", "secrets", "replicationcontrollers"]
10372  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10373- apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"]
10374  resources: ["replicasets"]
10375  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
10379apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
10380kind: ClusterRoleBinding
10382  name: istio-mixer-admin-role-binding-istio-system
10383  labels:
10384    app: istio-telemetry
10385    release: istio
10387  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
10388  kind: ClusterRole
10389  name: istio-mixer-istio-system
10391  - kind: ServiceAccount
10392    name: istio-mixer-service-account
10393    namespace: istio-system
10397apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10398kind: attributemanifest
10400  name: istioproxy
10401  namespace: istio-system
10402  labels:
10403    app: istio-telemetry
10404    release: istio
10406  attributes:
10407    origin.ip:
10408      valueType: IP_ADDRESS
10409    origin.uid:
10410      valueType: STRING
10411    origin.user:
10412      valueType: STRING
10413    request.headers:
10414      valueType: STRING_MAP
10415    request.id:
10416      valueType: STRING
10417    request.host:
10418      valueType: STRING
10419    request.method:
10420      valueType: STRING
10421    request.path:
10422      valueType: STRING
10423    request.url_path:
10424      valueType: STRING
10425    request.query_params:
10426      valueType: STRING_MAP
10427    request.reason:
10428      valueType: STRING
10429    request.referer:
10430      valueType: STRING
10431    request.scheme:
10432      valueType: STRING
10433    request.total_size:
10434      valueType: INT64
10435    request.size:
10436      valueType: INT64
10437    request.time:
10438      valueType: TIMESTAMP
10439    request.useragent:
10440      valueType: STRING
10441    response.code:
10442      valueType: INT64
10443    response.duration:
10444      valueType: DURATION
10445    response.headers:
10446      valueType: STRING_MAP
10447    response.total_size:
10448      valueType: INT64
10449    response.size:
10450      valueType: INT64
10451    response.time:
10452      valueType: TIMESTAMP
10453    response.grpc_status:
10454      valueType: STRING
10455    response.grpc_message:
10456      valueType: STRING
10457    source.uid:
10458      valueType: STRING
10459    source.user: # DEPRECATED
10460      valueType: STRING
10461    source.principal:
10462      valueType: STRING
10463    destination.uid:
10464      valueType: STRING
10465    destination.principal:
10466      valueType: STRING
10467    destination.port:
10468      valueType: INT64
10469    connection.event:
10470      valueType: STRING
10471    connection.id:
10472      valueType: STRING
10473    connection.received.bytes:
10474      valueType: INT64
10475    connection.received.bytes_total:
10476      valueType: INT64
10477    connection.sent.bytes:
10478      valueType: INT64
10479    connection.sent.bytes_total:
10480      valueType: INT64
10481    connection.duration:
10482      valueType: DURATION
10483    connection.mtls:
10484      valueType: BOOL
10485    connection.requested_server_name:
10486      valueType: STRING
10487    context.protocol:
10488      valueType: STRING
10489    context.proxy_error_code:
10490      valueType: STRING
10491    context.timestamp:
10492      valueType: TIMESTAMP
10493    context.time:
10494      valueType: TIMESTAMP
10495    # Deprecated, kept for compatibility
10496    context.reporter.local:
10497      valueType: BOOL
10498    context.reporter.kind:
10499      valueType: STRING
10500    context.reporter.uid:
10501      valueType: STRING
10502    context.proxy_version:
10503      valueType: STRING
10504    api.service:
10505      valueType: STRING
10506    api.version:
10507      valueType: STRING
10508    api.operation:
10509      valueType: STRING
10510    api.protocol:
10511      valueType: STRING
10512    request.auth.principal:
10513      valueType: STRING
10514    request.auth.audiences:
10515      valueType: STRING
10516    request.auth.presenter:
10517      valueType: STRING
10518    request.auth.claims:
10519      valueType: STRING_MAP
10520    request.auth.raw_claims:
10521      valueType: STRING
10522    request.api_key:
10523      valueType: STRING
10524    rbac.permissive.response_code:
10525      valueType: STRING
10526    rbac.permissive.effective_policy_id:
10527      valueType: STRING
10528    check.error_code:
10529      valueType: INT64
10530    check.error_message:
10531      valueType: STRING
10532    check.cache_hit:
10533      valueType: BOOL
10534    quota.cache_hit:
10535      valueType: BOOL
10539apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10540kind: attributemanifest
10542  name: kubernetes
10543  namespace: istio-system
10544  labels:
10545    app: istio-telemetry
10546    release: istio
10548  attributes:
10549    source.ip:
10550      valueType: IP_ADDRESS
10551    source.labels:
10552      valueType: STRING_MAP
10553    source.metadata:
10554      valueType: STRING_MAP
10555    source.name:
10556      valueType: STRING
10557    source.namespace:
10558      valueType: STRING
10559    source.owner:
10560      valueType: STRING
10561    source.serviceAccount:
10562      valueType: STRING
10563    source.services:
10564      valueType: STRING
10565    source.workload.uid:
10566      valueType: STRING
10567    source.workload.name:
10568      valueType: STRING
10569    source.workload.namespace:
10570      valueType: STRING
10571    destination.ip:
10572      valueType: IP_ADDRESS
10573    destination.labels:
10574      valueType: STRING_MAP
10575    destination.metadata:
10576      valueType: STRING_MAP
10577    destination.owner:
10578      valueType: STRING
10579    destination.name:
10580      valueType: STRING
10581    destination.container.name:
10582      valueType: STRING
10583    destination.namespace:
10584      valueType: STRING
10585    destination.service.uid:
10586      valueType: STRING
10587    destination.service.name:
10588      valueType: STRING
10589    destination.service.namespace:
10590      valueType: STRING
10591    destination.service.host:
10592      valueType: STRING
10593    destination.serviceAccount:
10594      valueType: STRING
10595    destination.workload.uid:
10596      valueType: STRING
10597    destination.workload.name:
10598      valueType: STRING
10599    destination.workload.namespace:
10600      valueType: STRING
10604apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10605kind: instance
10607  name: requestcount
10608  namespace: istio-system
10609  labels:
10610    app: istio-telemetry
10611    release: istio
10613  compiledTemplate: metric
10614  params:
10615    value: "1"
10616    dimensions:
10617      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10618      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10619      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10620      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10621      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10622      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10623      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10624      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10625      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10626      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10627      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10628      destination_service: destination.service.host | conditional((destination.service.name | "unknown") == "unknown", "unknown", request.host)
10629      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10630      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10631      request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown"
10632      response_code: response.code | 200
10633      grpc_response_status: response.grpc_status | ""
10634      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10635      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10636    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10640apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10641kind: instance
10643  name: requestduration
10644  namespace: istio-system
10645  labels:
10646    app: istio-telemetry
10647    release: istio
10649  compiledTemplate: metric
10650  params:
10651    value: response.duration | "0ms"
10652    dimensions:
10653      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10654      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10655      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10656      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10657      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10658      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10659      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10660      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10661      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10662      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10663      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10664      destination_service: destination.service.host | conditional((destination.service.name | "unknown") == "unknown", "unknown", request.host)
10665      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10666      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10667      request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown"
10668      response_code: response.code | 200
10669      grpc_response_status: response.grpc_status | ""
10670      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10671      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10672    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10676apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10677kind: instance
10679  name: requestsize
10680  namespace: istio-system
10681  labels:
10682    app: istio-telemetry
10683    release: istio
10685  compiledTemplate: metric
10686  params:
10687    value: request.size | 0
10688    dimensions:
10689      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10690      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10691      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10692      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10693      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10694      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10695      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10696      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10697      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10698      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10699      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10700      destination_service: destination.service.host | conditional((destination.service.name | "unknown") == "unknown", "unknown", request.host)
10701      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10702      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10703      request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown"
10704      response_code: response.code | 200
10705      grpc_response_status: response.grpc_status | ""
10706      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10707      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10708    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10712apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10713kind: instance
10715  name: responsesize
10716  namespace: istio-system
10717  labels:
10718    app: istio-telemetry
10719    release: istio
10721  compiledTemplate: metric
10722  params:
10723    value: response.size | 0
10724    dimensions:
10725      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10726      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10727      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10728      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10729      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10730      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10731      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10732      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10733      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10734      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10735      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10736      destination_service: destination.service.host | conditional((destination.service.name | "unknown") == "unknown", "unknown", request.host)
10737      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10738      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10739      request_protocol: api.protocol | context.protocol | "unknown"
10740      response_code: response.code | 200
10741      grpc_response_status: response.grpc_status | ""
10742      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10743      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10744    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10748apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10749kind: instance
10751  name: tcpbytesent
10752  namespace: istio-system
10753  labels:
10754    app: istio-telemetry
10755    release: istio
10757  compiledTemplate: metric
10758  params:
10759    value: connection.sent.bytes | 0
10760    dimensions:
10761      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10762      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10763      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10764      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10765      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10766      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10767      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10768      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10769      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10770      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10771      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10772      destination_service: destination.service.host | "unknown"
10773      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10774      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10775      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10776      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10777    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10781apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10782kind: instance
10784  name: tcpbytereceived
10785  namespace: istio-system
10786  labels:
10787    app: istio-telemetry
10788    release: istio
10790  compiledTemplate: metric
10791  params:
10792    value: connection.received.bytes | 0
10793    dimensions:
10794      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10795      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10796      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10797      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10798      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10799      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10800      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10801      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10802      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10803      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10804      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10805      destination_service: destination.service.host | "unknown"
10806      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10807      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10808      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10809      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10810    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10814apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10815kind: instance
10817  name: tcpconnectionsopened
10818  namespace: istio-system
10819  labels:
10820    app: istio-telemetry
10821    release: istio
10823  compiledTemplate: metric
10824  params:
10825    value: "1"
10826    dimensions:
10827      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10828      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10829      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10830      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10831      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10832      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10833      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10834      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10835      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10836      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10837      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10838      destination_service: destination.service.host | "unknown"
10839      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10840      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10841      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10842      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10843    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10847apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10848kind: instance
10850  name: tcpconnectionsclosed
10851  namespace: istio-system
10852  labels:
10853    app: istio-telemetry
10854    release: istio
10856  compiledTemplate: metric
10857  params:
10858    value: "1"
10859    dimensions:
10860      reporter: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "source", "destination")
10861      source_workload: source.workload.name | "unknown"
10862      source_workload_namespace: source.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10863      source_principal: source.principal | "unknown"
10864      source_app: source.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10865      source_version: source.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10866      destination_workload: destination.workload.name | "unknown"
10867      destination_workload_namespace: destination.workload.namespace | "unknown"
10868      destination_principal: destination.principal | "unknown"
10869      destination_app: destination.labels["app"] | "unknown"
10870      destination_version: destination.labels["version"] | "unknown"
10871      destination_service: destination.service.host | "unknown"
10872      destination_service_name: destination.service.name | "unknown"
10873      destination_service_namespace: destination.service.namespace | "unknown"
10874      connection_security_policy: conditional((context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound", "unknown", conditional(connection.mtls | false, "mutual_tls", "none"))
10875      response_flags: context.proxy_error_code | "-"
10876    monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'
10880apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
10881kind: handler
10883  name: prometheus
10884  namespace: istio-system
10885  labels:
10886    app: istio-telemetry
10887    release: istio
10889  compiledAdapter: prometheus
10890  params:
10891    metricsExpirationPolicy:
10892      metricsExpiryDuration: "10m"
10893    metrics:
10894    - name: requests_total
10895      instance_name: requestcount.instance.istio-system
10896      kind: COUNTER
10897      label_names:
10898      - reporter
10899      - source_app
10900      - source_principal
10901      - source_workload
10902      - source_workload_namespace
10903      - source_version
10904      - destination_app
10905      - destination_principal
10906      - destination_workload
10907      - destination_workload_namespace
10908      - destination_version
10909      - destination_service
10910      - destination_service_name
10911      - destination_service_namespace
10912      - request_protocol
10913      - grpc_response_status
10914      - response_code
10915      - response_flags
10916      - connection_security_policy
10917    - name: request_duration_seconds
10918      instance_name: requestduration.instance.istio-system
10919      kind: DISTRIBUTION
10920      label_names:
10921      - reporter
10922      - source_app
10923      - source_principal
10924      - source_workload
10925      - source_workload_namespace
10926      - source_version
10927      - destination_app
10928      - destination_principal
10929      - destination_workload
10930      - destination_workload_namespace
10931      - destination_version
10932      - destination_service
10933      - destination_service_name
10934      - destination_service_namespace
10935      - request_protocol
10936      - response_code
10937      - grpc_response_status
10938      - response_flags
10939      - connection_security_policy
10940      buckets:
10941        explicit_buckets:
10942          bounds: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10]
10943    - name: request_bytes
10944      instance_name: requestsize.instance.istio-system
10945      kind: DISTRIBUTION
10946      label_names:
10947      - reporter
10948      - source_app
10949      - source_principal
10950      - source_workload
10951      - source_workload_namespace
10952      - source_version
10953      - destination_app
10954      - destination_principal
10955      - destination_workload
10956      - destination_workload_namespace
10957      - destination_version
10958      - destination_service
10959      - destination_service_name
10960      - destination_service_namespace
10961      - request_protocol
10962      - response_code
10963      - grpc_response_status
10964      - response_flags
10965      - connection_security_policy
10966      buckets:
10967        exponentialBuckets:
10968          numFiniteBuckets: 8
10969          scale: 1
10970          growthFactor: 10
10971    - name: response_bytes
10972      instance_name: responsesize.instance.istio-system
10973      kind: DISTRIBUTION
10974      label_names:
10975      - reporter
10976      - source_app
10977      - source_principal
10978      - source_workload
10979      - source_workload_namespace
10980      - source_version
10981      - destination_app
10982      - destination_principal
10983      - destination_workload
10984      - destination_workload_namespace
10985      - destination_version
10986      - destination_service
10987      - destination_service_name
10988      - destination_service_namespace
10989      - request_protocol
10990      - response_code
10991      - grpc_response_status
10992      - response_flags
10993      - connection_security_policy
10994      buckets:
10995        exponentialBuckets:
10996          numFiniteBuckets: 8
10997          scale: 1
10998          growthFactor: 10
10999    - name: tcp_sent_bytes_total
11000      instance_name: tcpbytesent.instance.istio-system
11001      kind: COUNTER
11002      label_names:
11003      - reporter
11004      - source_app
11005      - source_principal
11006      - source_workload
11007      - source_workload_namespace
11008      - source_version
11009      - destination_app
11010      - destination_principal
11011      - destination_workload
11012      - destination_workload_namespace
11013      - destination_version
11014      - destination_service
11015      - destination_service_name
11016      - destination_service_namespace
11017      - connection_security_policy
11018      - response_flags
11019    - name: tcp_received_bytes_total
11020      instance_name: tcpbytereceived.instance.istio-system
11021      kind: COUNTER
11022      label_names:
11023      - reporter
11024      - source_app
11025      - source_principal
11026      - source_workload
11027      - source_workload_namespace
11028      - source_version
11029      - destination_app
11030      - destination_principal
11031      - destination_workload
11032      - destination_workload_namespace
11033      - destination_version
11034      - destination_service
11035      - destination_service_name
11036      - destination_service_namespace
11037      - connection_security_policy
11038      - response_flags
11039    - name: tcp_connections_opened_total
11040      instance_name: tcpconnectionsopened.instance.istio-system
11041      kind: COUNTER
11042      label_names:
11043      - reporter
11044      - source_app
11045      - source_principal
11046      - source_workload
11047      - source_workload_namespace
11048      - source_version
11049      - destination_app
11050      - destination_principal
11051      - destination_workload
11052      - destination_workload_namespace
11053      - destination_version
11054      - destination_service
11055      - destination_service_name
11056      - destination_service_namespace
11057      - connection_security_policy
11058      - response_flags
11059    - name: tcp_connections_closed_total
11060      instance_name: tcpconnectionsclosed.instance.istio-system
11061      kind: COUNTER
11062      label_names:
11063      - reporter
11064      - source_app
11065      - source_principal
11066      - source_workload
11067      - source_workload_namespace
11068      - source_version
11069      - destination_app
11070      - destination_principal
11071      - destination_workload
11072      - destination_workload_namespace
11073      - destination_version
11074      - destination_service
11075      - destination_service_name
11076      - destination_service_namespace
11077      - connection_security_policy
11078      - response_flags
11082apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11083kind: rule
11085  name: promhttp
11086  namespace: istio-system
11087  labels:
11088    app: istio-telemetry
11089    release: istio
11091  match: (context.protocol == "http" || context.protocol == "grpc") && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "kube-probe*") == false) && (match((request.useragent | "-"), "Prometheus*") == false)
11092  actions:
11093  - handler: prometheus
11094    instances:
11095    - requestcount
11096    - requestduration
11097    - requestsize
11098    - responsesize
11102apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11103kind: rule
11105  name: promtcp
11106  namespace: istio-system
11107  labels:
11108    app: istio-telemetry
11109    release: istio
11111  match: context.protocol == "tcp"
11112  actions:
11113  - handler: prometheus
11114    instances:
11115    - tcpbytesent
11116    - tcpbytereceived
11120apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11121kind: rule
11123  name: promtcpconnectionopen
11124  namespace: istio-system
11125  labels:
11126    app: istio-telemetry
11127    release: istio
11129  match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "open")
11130  actions:
11131  - handler: prometheus
11132    instances:
11133    - tcpconnectionsopened
11137apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11138kind: rule
11140  name: promtcpconnectionclosed
11141  namespace: istio-system
11142  labels:
11143    app: istio-telemetry
11144    release: istio
11146  match: context.protocol == "tcp" && ((connection.event | "na") == "close")
11147  actions:
11148  - handler: prometheus
11149    instances:
11150    - tcpconnectionsclosed
11154apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11155kind: handler
11157  name: kubernetesenv
11158  namespace: istio-system
11159  labels:
11160    app: istio-telemetry
11161    release: istio
11163  compiledAdapter: kubernetesenv
11164  params: {}
11165    # when running from mixer root, use the following config after adding a
11166    # symbolic link to a kubernetes config file via:
11167    #
11168    # $ ln -s ~/.kube/config mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig
11169    #
11170    # kubeconfig_path: "mixer/adapter/kubernetes/kubeconfig"
11174apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11175kind: rule
11177  name: kubeattrgenrulerule
11178  namespace: istio-system
11179  labels:
11180    app: istio-telemetry
11181    release: istio
11183  actions:
11184  - handler: kubernetesenv
11185    instances:
11186    - attributes
11190apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11191kind: rule
11193  name: tcpkubeattrgenrulerule
11194  namespace: istio-system
11195  labels:
11196    app: istio-telemetry
11197    release: istio
11199  match: context.protocol == "tcp"
11200  actions:
11201  - handler: kubernetesenv
11202    instances:
11203    - attributes
11207apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
11208kind: instance
11210  name: attributes
11211  namespace: istio-system
11212  labels:
11213    app: istio-telemetry
11214    release: istio
11216  compiledTemplate: kubernetes
11217  params:
11218    # Pass the required attribute data to the adapter
11219    source_uid: source.uid | ""
11220    source_ip: source.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr
11221    destination_uid: destination.uid | ""
11222    destination_port: destination.port | 0
11223  attributeBindings:
11224    # Fill the new attributes from the adapter produced output.
11225    # $out refers to an instance of OutputTemplate message
11226    source.ip: $out.source_pod_ip | ip("")
11227    source.uid: $out.source_pod_uid | "unknown"
11228    source.labels: $out.source_labels | emptyStringMap()
11229    source.name: $out.source_pod_name | "unknown"
11230    source.namespace: $out.source_namespace | "default"
11231    source.owner: $out.source_owner | "unknown"
11232    source.serviceAccount: $out.source_service_account_name | "unknown"
11233    source.workload.uid: $out.source_workload_uid | "unknown"
11234    source.workload.name: $out.source_workload_name | "unknown"
11235    source.workload.namespace: $out.source_workload_namespace | "unknown"
11236    destination.ip: $out.destination_pod_ip | ip("")
11237    destination.uid: $out.destination_pod_uid | "unknown"
11238    destination.labels: $out.destination_labels | emptyStringMap()
11239    destination.name: $out.destination_pod_name | "unknown"
11240    destination.container.name: $out.destination_container_name | "unknown"
11241    destination.namespace: $out.destination_namespace | "default"
11242    destination.owner: $out.destination_owner | "unknown"
11243    destination.serviceAccount: $out.destination_service_account_name | "unknown"
11244    destination.workload.uid: $out.destination_workload_uid | "unknown"
11245    destination.workload.name: $out.destination_workload_name | "unknown"
11246    destination.workload.namespace: $out.destination_workload_namespace | "unknown"
11250apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
11251kind: DestinationRule
11253  name: istio-telemetry
11254  namespace: istio-system
11255  labels:
11256    app: istio-telemetry
11257    release: istio
11259  host: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11260  trafficPolicy:
11261    portLevelSettings:
11262    - port:
11263        number: 15004 # grpc-mixer-mtls
11264      tls:
11265        mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL
11266    - port:
11267        number: 9091 # grpc-mixer
11268      tls:
11269        mode: DISABLE
11270    connectionPool:
11271      http:
11272        http2MaxRequests: 10000
11273        maxRequestsPerConnection: 10000
11277apiVersion: v1
11278kind: ConfigMap
11280  namespace: istio-system
11281  name: telemetry-envoy-config
11282  labels:
11283    release: istio
11285  # Explicitly defined - moved from istio/istio/pilot/docker.
11286  envoy.yaml.tmpl: |-
11287    admin:
11288      access_log_path: /dev/null
11289      address:
11290        socket_address:
11291          address:
11292          port_value: 15000
11293    stats_config:
11294      use_all_default_tags: false
11295      stats_tags:
11296      - tag_name: cluster_name
11297        regex: '^cluster\.((.+?(\..+?\.svc\.cluster\.local)?)\.)'
11298      - tag_name: tcp_prefix
11299        regex: '^tcp\.((.*?)\.)\w+?$'
11300      - tag_name: response_code
11301        regex: '_rq(_(\d{3}))$'
11302      - tag_name: response_code_class
11303        regex: '_rq(_(\dxx))$'
11304      - tag_name: http_conn_manager_listener_prefix
11305        regex: '^listener(?=\.).*?\.http\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\[\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\.)'
11306      - tag_name: http_conn_manager_prefix
11307        regex: '^http\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\[\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\.)'
11308      - tag_name: listener_address
11309        regex: '^listener\.(((?:[_.[:digit:]]*|[_\[\]aAbBcCdDeEfF[:digit:]]*))\.)'
11311    static_resources:
11312      clusters:
11313      - name: prometheus_stats
11314        type: STATIC
11315        connect_timeout: 0.250s
11316        lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
11317        hosts:
11318        - socket_address:
11319            protocol: TCP
11320            address:
11321            port_value: 15000
11323      - name: sds-grpc
11324        type: STATIC
11325        http2_protocol_options: {}
11326        connect_timeout: 0.250s
11327        lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
11328        hosts:
11329        - pipe:
11330            path: "/etc/istio/proxy/SDS"
11332      - name: inbound_9092
11333        circuit_breakers:
11334          thresholds:
11335          - max_connections: 100000
11336            max_pending_requests: 100000
11337            max_requests: 100000
11338            max_retries: 3
11339        connect_timeout: 1.000s
11340        hosts:
11341        - pipe:
11342            path: /sock/mixer.socket
11343        http2_protocol_options: {}
11345      - name: out.galley.15019
11346        http2_protocol_options: {}
11347        connect_timeout: 1.000s
11348        type: STRICT_DNS
11350        circuit_breakers:
11351          thresholds:
11352            - max_connections: 100000
11353              max_pending_requests: 100000
11354              max_requests: 100000
11355              max_retries: 3
11357        tls_context:
11358          common_tls_context:
11359            tls_certificate_sds_secret_configs:
11360            - name: default
11361              sds_config:
11362                api_config_source:
11363                  api_type: GRPC
11364                  grpc_services:
11365                  - envoy_grpc:
11366                      cluster_name: sds-grpc
11367            combined_validation_context:
11368              default_validation_context:
11369                verify_subject_alt_name:
11370                - spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-galley-service-account
11371              validation_context_sds_secret_config:
11372                name: ROOTCA
11373                sds_config:
11374                  api_config_source:
11375                    api_type: GRPC
11376                    grpc_services:
11377                    - envoy_grpc:
11378                        cluster_name: sds-grpc
11379        hosts:
11380          - socket_address:
11381              address: istio-galley.istio-system
11382              port_value: 15019
11385      listeners:
11386      - name: "15090"
11387        address:
11388          socket_address:
11389            protocol: TCP
11390            address:
11391            port_value: 15090
11392        filter_chains:
11393        - filters:
11394          - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
11395            config:
11396              codec_type: AUTO
11397              stat_prefix: stats
11398              route_config:
11399                virtual_hosts:
11400                - name: backend
11401                  domains:
11402                  - '*'
11403                  routes:
11404                  - match:
11405                      prefix: /stats/prometheus
11406                    route:
11407                      cluster: prometheus_stats
11408              http_filters:
11409              - name: envoy.router
11411      - name: "15004"
11412        address:
11413          socket_address:
11414            address:
11415            port_value: 15004
11416        filter_chains:
11417        - filters:
11418          - config:
11419              codec_type: HTTP2
11420              http2_protocol_options:
11421                max_concurrent_streams: 1073741824
11422              generate_request_id: true
11423              http_filters:
11424              - config:
11425                  default_destination_service: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11426                  service_configs:
11427                    istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:
11428                      disable_check_calls: true
11429    {{- if .DisableReportCalls }}
11430                      disable_report_calls: true
11431    {{- end }}
11432                      mixer_attributes:
11433                        attributes:
11434                          destination.service.host:
11435                            string_value: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11436                          destination.service.uid:
11437                            string_value: istio://istio-system/services/istio-telemetry
11438                          destination.service.name:
11439                            string_value: istio-telemetry
11440                          destination.service.namespace:
11441                            string_value: istio-system
11442                          destination.uid:
11443                            string_value: kubernetes://{{ .PodName }}.istio-system
11444                          destination.namespace:
11445                            string_value: istio-system
11446                          destination.ip:
11447                            bytes_value: {{ .PodIP }}
11448                          destination.port:
11449                            int64_value: 15004
11450                          context.reporter.kind:
11451                            string_value: inbound
11452                          context.reporter.uid:
11453                            string_value: kubernetes://{{ .PodName }}.istio-system
11454                  transport:
11455                    check_cluster: mixer_check_server
11456                    report_cluster: inbound_9092
11457                name: mixer
11458              - name: envoy.router
11459              route_config:
11460                name: "15004"
11461                virtual_hosts:
11462                - domains:
11463                  - '*'
11464                  name: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11465                  routes:
11466                  - decorator:
11467                      operation: Report
11468                    match:
11469                      prefix: /
11470                    route:
11471                      cluster: inbound_9092
11472                      timeout: 0.000s
11473              stat_prefix: "15004"
11474            name: envoy.http_connection_manager
11475          tls_context:
11476            require_client_certificate: true
11477            common_tls_context:
11478              alpn_protocols:
11479              - h2
11480              tls_certificate_sds_secret_configs:
11481              - name: default
11482                sds_config:
11483                  api_config_source:
11484                    api_type: GRPC
11485                    grpc_services:
11486                    - envoy_grpc:
11487                        cluster_name: sds-grpc
11488              validation_context_sds_secret_config:
11489                name: ROOTCA
11490                sds_config:
11491                  api_config_source:
11492                    api_type: GRPC
11493                    grpc_services:
11494                    - envoy_grpc:
11495                        cluster_name: sds-grpc
11497      - name: "9091"
11498        address:
11499          socket_address:
11500            address:
11501            port_value: 9091
11502        filter_chains:
11503        - filters:
11504          - config:
11505              codec_type: HTTP2
11506              http2_protocol_options:
11507                max_concurrent_streams: 1073741824
11508              generate_request_id: true
11509              http_filters:
11510              - config:
11511                  default_destination_service: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11512                  service_configs:
11513                    istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:
11514                      disable_check_calls: true
11515    {{- if .DisableReportCalls }}
11516                      disable_report_calls: true
11517    {{- end }}
11518                      mixer_attributes:
11519                        attributes:
11520                          destination.service.host:
11521                            string_value: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11522                          destination.service.uid:
11523                            string_value: istio://istio-system/services/istio-telemetry
11524                          destination.service.name:
11525                            string_value: istio-telemetry
11526                          destination.service.namespace:
11527                            string_value: istio-system
11528                          destination.uid:
11529                            string_value: kubernetes://{{ .PodName }}.istio-system
11530                          destination.namespace:
11531                            string_value: istio-system
11532                          destination.ip:
11533                            bytes_value: {{ .PodIP }}
11534                          destination.port:
11535                            int64_value: 9091
11536                          context.reporter.kind:
11537                            string_value: inbound
11538                          context.reporter.uid:
11539                            string_value: kubernetes://{{ .PodName }}.istio-system
11540                  transport:
11541                    check_cluster: mixer_check_server
11542                    report_cluster: inbound_9092
11543                name: mixer
11544              - name: envoy.router
11545              route_config:
11546                name: "9091"
11547                virtual_hosts:
11548                - domains:
11549                  - '*'
11550                  name: istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
11551                  routes:
11552                  - decorator:
11553                      operation: Report
11554                    match:
11555                      prefix: /
11556                    route:
11557                      cluster: inbound_9092
11558                      timeout: 0.000s
11559              stat_prefix: "9091"
11560            name: envoy.http_connection_manager
11562      - name: "local.15019"
11563        address:
11564          socket_address:
11565            address:
11566            port_value: 15019
11567        filter_chains:
11568          - filters:
11569              - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
11570                config:
11571                  codec_type: HTTP2
11572                  stat_prefix: "15019"
11573                  stream_idle_timeout: 0s
11574                  http2_protocol_options:
11575                    max_concurrent_streams: 1073741824
11577                  access_log:
11578                    - name: envoy.file_access_log
11579                      config:
11580                        path: /dev/stdout
11582                  http_filters:
11583                    - name: envoy.router
11585                  route_config:
11586                    name: "15019"
11588                    virtual_hosts:
11589                      - name: istio-galley
11591                        domains:
11592                          - '*'
11594                        routes:
11595                          - match:
11596                              prefix: /
11597                            route:
11598                              cluster: out.galley.15019
11599                              timeout: 0.000s
11603apiVersion: apps/v1
11604kind: Deployment
11606  labels:
11607    app: istio-mixer
11608    istio: mixer
11609    release: istio
11610  name: istio-telemetry
11611  namespace: istio-system
11613  replicas: 1
11614  selector:
11615    matchLabels:
11616      istio: mixer
11617      istio-mixer-type: telemetry
11618  strategy:
11619    rollingUpdate:
11620      maxSurge: 100%
11621      maxUnavailable: 25%
11622  template:
11623    metadata:
11624      annotations:
11625        sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
11626      labels:
11627        app: telemetry
11628        istio: mixer
11629        istio-mixer-type: telemetry
11630    spec:
11631      affinity:
11632        nodeAffinity:
11633          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
11634          - preference:
11635              matchExpressions:
11636              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
11637                operator: In
11638                values:
11639                - amd64
11640            weight: 2
11641          - preference:
11642              matchExpressions:
11643              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
11644                operator: In
11645                values:
11646                - ppc64le
11647            weight: 2
11648          - preference:
11649              matchExpressions:
11650              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
11651                operator: In
11652                values:
11653                - s390x
11654            weight: 2
11655          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
11656            nodeSelectorTerms:
11657            - matchExpressions:
11658              - key: beta.kubernetes.io/arch
11659                operator: In
11660                values:
11661                - amd64
11662                - ppc64le
11663                - s390x
11664      containers:
11665      - args:
11666        - --monitoringPort=15014
11667        - --address
11668        - unix:///sock/mixer.socket
11669        - --log_output_level=default:info
11670        - --configStoreURL=k8s://
11671        - --configDefaultNamespace=istio-system
11672        - --useAdapterCRDs=false
11673        - --useTemplateCRDs=false
11674        - --trace_zipkin_url=http://zipkin.istio-system:9411/api/v1/spans
11675        env:
11676        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
11677          valueFrom:
11678            fieldRef:
11679              apiVersion: v1
11680              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
11681        - name: GOMAXPROCS
11682          value: "6"
11683        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/mixer:latest
11684        livenessProbe:
11685          httpGet:
11686            path: /version
11687            port: 15014
11688          initialDelaySeconds: 5
11689          periodSeconds: 5
11690        name: mixer
11691        ports:
11692        - containerPort: 9091
11693        - containerPort: 15014
11694        - containerPort: 42422
11695        resources:
11696          limits:
11697            cpu: 4800m
11698            memory: 4G
11699          requests:
11700            cpu: 1000m
11701            memory: 1G
11702        securityContext:
11703          capabilities:
11704            drop:
11705            - ALL
11706          runAsGroup: 1337
11707          runAsNonRoot: true
11708          runAsUser: 1337
11709        volumeMounts:
11710        - mountPath: /sock
11711          name: uds-socket
11712        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio.io/telemetry/adapter
11713          name: telemetry-adapter-secret
11714          readOnly: true
11715      - args:
11716        - proxy
11717        - --domain
11718        - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
11719        - --serviceCluster
11720        - istio-telemetry
11721        - --templateFile
11722        - /var/lib/envoy/envoy.yaml.tmpl
11723        - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
11724        - MUTUAL_TLS
11725        - --trust-domain=cluster.local
11726        env:
11727        - name: POD_NAME
11728          valueFrom:
11729            fieldRef:
11730              apiVersion: v1
11731              fieldPath: metadata.name
11732        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
11733          valueFrom:
11734            fieldRef:
11735              apiVersion: v1
11736              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
11737        - name: INSTANCE_IP
11738          valueFrom:
11739            fieldRef:
11740              apiVersion: v1
11741              fieldPath: status.podIP
11742        - name: JWT_POLICY
11743          value: third-party-jwt
11744        - name: PILOT_CERT_PROVIDER
11745          value: istiod
11746        - name: ISTIO_META_USER_SDS
11747          value: "true"
11748        - name: CA_ADDR
11749          value: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
11750        image: gcr.io/istio-testing/proxyv2:latest
11751        name: istio-proxy
11752        ports:
11753        - containerPort: 15004
11754        - containerPort: 15090
11755          name: http-envoy-prom
11756          protocol: TCP
11757        resources:
11758          limits:
11759            cpu: 2000m
11760            memory: 1024Mi
11761          requests:
11762            cpu: 100m
11763            memory: 128Mi
11764        volumeMounts:
11765        - mountPath: /etc/istio/config
11766          name: config-volume
11767        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/istio
11768          name: istiod-ca-cert
11769        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
11770          name: istio-token
11771          readOnly: true
11772        - mountPath: /var/lib/envoy
11773          name: telemetry-envoy-config
11774        - mountPath: /sock
11775          name: uds-socket
11776      securityContext:
11777        fsGroup: 1337
11778      serviceAccountName: istio-mixer-service-account
11779      volumes:
11780      - configMap:
11781          name: istio
11782          optional: true
11783        name: config-volume
11784      - configMap:
11785          name: istio-ca-root-cert
11786        name: istiod-ca-cert
11787      - name: istio-token
11788        projected:
11789          sources:
11790          - serviceAccountToken:
11791              audience: istio-ca
11792              expirationSeconds: 43200
11793              path: istio-token
11794      - name: istio-certs
11795        secret:
11796          optional: true
11797          secretName: istio.istio-mixer-service-account
11798      - emptyDir: {}
11799        name: uds-socket
11800      - name: telemetry-adapter-secret
11801        secret:
11802          optional: true
11803          secretName: telemetry-adapter-secret
11804      - configMap:
11805          name: telemetry-envoy-config
11806        name: telemetry-envoy-config
11811apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
11812kind: PodDisruptionBudget
11814  name: istio-telemetry
11815  namespace: istio-system
11816  labels:
11817    app: telemetry
11818    release: istio
11819    istio: mixer
11820    istio-mixer-type: telemetry
11822  minAvailable: 1
11823  selector:
11824    matchLabels:
11825      app: telemetry
11826      istio: mixer
11827      istio-mixer-type: telemetry
11831apiVersion: v1
11832kind: Service
11834  name: istio-telemetry
11835  namespace: istio-system
11836  labels:
11837    app: mixer
11838    istio: mixer
11839    release: istio
11841  ports:
11842  - name: grpc-mixer
11843    port: 9091
11844  - name: grpc-mixer-mtls
11845    port: 15004
11846  - name: http-monitoring
11847    port: 15014
11848  - name: prometheus
11849    port: 42422
11850  selector:
11851    istio: mixer
11852    istio-mixer-type: telemetry
11856apiVersion: v1
11857kind: ServiceAccount
11859  name: istio-mixer-service-account
11860  namespace: istio-system
11861  labels:
11862    app: istio-telemetry
11863    release: istio