1// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package testlapack
7import (
8	"fmt"
9	"math"
10	"sort"
11	"testing"
13	"golang.org/x/exp/rand"
15	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/blas"
16	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/blas/blas64"
17	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/floats"
18	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/lapack"
21type Dgesvder interface {
22	Dgesvd(jobU, jobVT lapack.SVDJob, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, s, u []float64, ldu int, vt []float64, ldvt int, work []float64, lwork int) (ok bool)
25func DgesvdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgesvder, tol float64) {
26	for _, m := range []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 150, 300} {
27		for _, n := range []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 150} {
28			for _, mtype := range []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {
29				dgesvdTest(t, impl, m, n, mtype, tol)
30			}
31		}
32	}
35// dgesvdTest tests a Dgesvd implementation on an m×n matrix A generated
36// according to mtype as:
37//  - the zero matrix if mtype == 1,
38//  - the identity matrix if mtype == 2,
39//  - a random matrix with a given condition number and singular values if mtype == 3, 4, or 5.
40// It first computes the full SVD  A = U*Sigma*V^T  and checks that
41//  - U has orthonormal columns, and V^T has orthonormal rows,
42//  - U*Sigma*V^T multiply back to A,
43//  - the singular values are non-negative and sorted in decreasing order.
44// Then all combinations of partial SVD results are computed and checked whether
45// they match the full SVD result.
46func dgesvdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgesvder, m, n, mtype int, tol float64) {
47	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
49	// Use a fixed leading dimension to reduce testing time.
50	lda := n + 3
51	ldu := m + 5
52	ldvt := n + 7
54	minmn := min(m, n)
56	// Allocate A and fill it with random values. The in-range elements will
57	// be overwritten below according to mtype.
58	a := make([]float64, m*lda)
59	for i := range a {
60		a[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
61	}
63	var aNorm float64
64	switch mtype {
65	default:
66		panic("unknown test matrix type")
67	case 1:
68		// Zero matrix.
69		for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
70			for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
71				a[i*lda+j] = 0
72			}
73		}
74		aNorm = 0
75	case 2:
76		// Identity matrix.
77		for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
78			for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
79				if i == j {
80					a[i*lda+i] = 1
81				} else {
82					a[i*lda+j] = 0
83				}
84			}
85		}
86		aNorm = 1
87	case 3, 4, 5:
88		// Scaled random matrix.
89		// Generate singular values.
90		s := make([]float64, minmn)
91		Dlatm1(s,
92			4,                      // s[i] = 1 - i*(1-1/cond)/(minmn-1)
93			float64(max(1, minmn)), // where cond = max(1,minmn)
94			false,                  // signs of s[i] are not randomly flipped
95			1, rnd)                 // random numbers are drawn uniformly from [0,1)
96		// Decide scale factor for the singular values based on the matrix type.
97		ulp := dlamchP
98		unfl := dlamchS
99		ovfl := 1 / unfl
100		aNorm = 1
101		if mtype == 4 {
102			aNorm = unfl / ulp
103		}
104		if mtype == 5 {
105			aNorm = ovfl * ulp
106		}
107		// Scale singular values so that the maximum singular value is
108		// equal to aNorm (we know that the singular values are
109		// generated above to be spread linearly between 1/cond and 1).
110		floats.Scale(aNorm, s)
111		// Generate A by multiplying S by random orthogonal matrices
112		// from left and right.
113		Dlagge(m, n, max(0, m-1), max(0, n-1), s, a, lda, rnd, make([]float64, m+n))
114	}
115	aCopy := make([]float64, len(a))
116	copy(aCopy, a)
118	for _, wl := range []worklen{minimumWork, mediumWork, optimumWork} {
119		// Restore A because Dgesvd overwrites it.
120		copy(a, aCopy)
122		// Allocate slices that will be used below to store the results of full
123		// SVD and fill them.
124		uAll := make([]float64, m*ldu)
125		for i := range uAll {
126			uAll[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
127		}
128		vtAll := make([]float64, n*ldvt)
129		for i := range vtAll {
130			vtAll[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
131		}
132		sAll := make([]float64, min(m, n))
133		for i := range sAll {
134			sAll[i] = math.NaN()
135		}
137		prefix := fmt.Sprintf("m=%v,n=%v,work=%v,mtype=%v", m, n, wl, mtype)
139		// Determine workspace size based on wl.
140		minwork := max(1, max(5*min(m, n), 3*min(m, n)+max(m, n)))
141		var lwork int
142		switch wl {
143		case minimumWork:
144			lwork = minwork
145		case mediumWork:
146			work := make([]float64, 1)
147			impl.Dgesvd(lapack.SVDAll, lapack.SVDAll, m, n, a, lda, sAll, uAll, ldu, vtAll, ldvt, work, -1)
148			lwork = (int(work[0]) + minwork) / 2
149		case optimumWork:
150			work := make([]float64, 1)
151			impl.Dgesvd(lapack.SVDAll, lapack.SVDAll, m, n, a, lda, sAll, uAll, ldu, vtAll, ldvt, work, -1)
152			lwork = int(work[0])
153		}
154		work := make([]float64, max(1, lwork))
155		for i := range work {
156			work[i] = math.NaN()
157		}
159		// Compute the full SVD which will be used later for checking the partial results.
160		ok := impl.Dgesvd(lapack.SVDAll, lapack.SVDAll, m, n, a, lda, sAll, uAll, ldu, vtAll, ldvt, work, len(work))
161		if !ok {
162			t.Fatalf("Case %v: unexpected failure in full SVD", prefix)
163		}
165		// Check that uAll, sAll, and vtAll multiply back to A by computing a residual
166		//  |A - U*S*VT| / (n*aNorm)
167		if resid := svdFullResidual(m, n, aNorm, aCopy, lda, uAll, ldu, sAll, vtAll, ldvt); resid > tol {
168			t.Errorf("Case %v: original matrix not recovered for full SVD, |A - U*D*VT|=%v", prefix, resid)
169		}
170		if minmn > 0 {
171			// Check that uAll is orthogonal.
172			if !hasOrthonormalColumns(blas64.General{Rows: m, Cols: m, Data: uAll, Stride: ldu}) {
173				t.Errorf("Case %v: UAll is not orthogonal", prefix)
174			}
175			// Check that vtAll is orthogonal.
176			if !hasOrthonormalRows(blas64.General{Rows: n, Cols: n, Data: vtAll, Stride: ldvt}) {
177				t.Errorf("Case %v: VTAll is not orthogonal", prefix)
178			}
179		}
180		// Check that singular values are decreasing.
181		if !sort.IsSorted(sort.Reverse(sort.Float64Slice(sAll))) {
182			t.Errorf("Case %v: singular values from full SVD are not decreasing", prefix)
183		}
184		// Check that singular values are non-negative.
185		if minmn > 0 && floats.Min(sAll) < 0 {
186			t.Errorf("Case %v: some singular values from full SVD are negative", prefix)
187		}
189		// Do partial SVD and compare the results to sAll, uAll, and vtAll.
190		for _, jobU := range []lapack.SVDJob{lapack.SVDAll, lapack.SVDStore, lapack.SVDOverwrite, lapack.SVDNone} {
191			for _, jobVT := range []lapack.SVDJob{lapack.SVDAll, lapack.SVDStore, lapack.SVDOverwrite, lapack.SVDNone} {
192				if jobU == lapack.SVDOverwrite || jobVT == lapack.SVDOverwrite {
193					// Not implemented.
194					continue
195				}
196				if jobU == lapack.SVDAll && jobVT == lapack.SVDAll {
197					// Already checked above.
198					continue
199				}
201				prefix := prefix + ",job=" + svdJobString(jobU) + "U-" + svdJobString(jobVT) + "VT"
203				// Restore A to its original values.
204				copy(a, aCopy)
206				// Allocate slices for the results of partial SVD and fill them.
207				u := make([]float64, m*ldu)
208				for i := range u {
209					u[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
210				}
211				vt := make([]float64, n*ldvt)
212				for i := range vt {
213					vt[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
214				}
215				s := make([]float64, min(m, n))
216				for i := range s {
217					s[i] = math.NaN()
218				}
220				for i := range work {
221					work[i] = math.NaN()
222				}
224				ok := impl.Dgesvd(jobU, jobVT, m, n, a, lda, s, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, work, len(work))
225				if !ok {
226					t.Fatalf("Case %v: unexpected failure in partial Dgesvd", prefix)
227				}
229				if minmn == 0 {
230					// No panic and the result is ok, there is
231					// nothing else to check.
232					continue
233				}
235				// Check that U has orthogonal columns and that it matches UAll.
236				switch jobU {
237				case lapack.SVDStore:
238					if !hasOrthonormalColumns(blas64.General{Rows: m, Cols: minmn, Data: u, Stride: ldu}) {
239						t.Errorf("Case %v: columns of U are not orthogonal", prefix)
240					}
241					if res := svdPartialUResidual(m, minmn, u, uAll, ldu); res > tol {
242						t.Errorf("Case %v: columns of U do not match UAll", prefix)
243					}
244				case lapack.SVDAll:
245					if !hasOrthonormalColumns(blas64.General{Rows: m, Cols: m, Data: u, Stride: ldu}) {
246						t.Errorf("Case %v: columns of U are not orthogonal", prefix)
247					}
248					if res := svdPartialUResidual(m, m, u, uAll, ldu); res > tol {
249						t.Errorf("Case %v: columns of U do not match UAll", prefix)
250					}
251				}
252				// Check that VT has orthogonal rows and that it matches VTAll.
253				switch jobVT {
254				case lapack.SVDStore:
255					if !hasOrthonormalRows(blas64.General{Rows: minmn, Cols: n, Data: vtAll, Stride: ldvt}) {
256						t.Errorf("Case %v: rows of VT are not orthogonal", prefix)
257					}
258					if res := svdPartialVTResidual(minmn, n, vt, vtAll, ldvt); res > tol {
259						t.Errorf("Case %v: rows of VT do not match VTAll", prefix)
260					}
261				case lapack.SVDAll:
262					if !hasOrthonormalRows(blas64.General{Rows: n, Cols: n, Data: vtAll, Stride: ldvt}) {
263						t.Errorf("Case %v: rows of VT are not orthogonal", prefix)
264					}
265					if res := svdPartialVTResidual(n, n, vt, vtAll, ldvt); res > tol {
266						t.Errorf("Case %v: rows of VT do not match VTAll", prefix)
267					}
268				}
269				// Check that singular values are decreasing.
270				if !sort.IsSorted(sort.Reverse(sort.Float64Slice(s))) {
271					t.Errorf("Case %v: singular values from full SVD are not decreasing", prefix)
272				}
273				// Check that singular values are non-negative.
274				if floats.Min(s) < 0 {
275					t.Errorf("Case %v: some singular values from full SVD are negative", prefix)
276				}
277				if !floats.EqualApprox(s, sAll, tol/10) {
278					t.Errorf("Case %v: singular values differ between full and partial SVD\n%v\n%v", prefix, s, sAll)
279				}
280			}
281		}
282	}
285// svdFullResidual returns
286//  |A - U*D*VT| / (n * aNorm)
287// where U, D, and VT are as computed by Dgesvd with jobU = jobVT = lapack.SVDAll.
288func svdFullResidual(m, n int, aNorm float64, a []float64, lda int, u []float64, ldu int, d []float64, vt []float64, ldvt int) float64 {
289	// The implementation follows TESTING/dbdt01.f from the reference.
291	minmn := min(m, n)
292	if minmn == 0 {
293		return 0
294	}
296	// j-th column of A - U*D*VT.
297	aMinusUDVT := make([]float64, m)
298	// D times the j-th column of VT.
299	dvt := make([]float64, minmn)
300	// Compute the residual |A - U*D*VT| one column at a time.
301	var resid float64
302	for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
303		// Copy j-th column of A to aj.
304		blas64.Copy(blas64.Vector{N: m, Data: a[j:], Inc: lda}, blas64.Vector{N: m, Data: aMinusUDVT, Inc: 1})
305		// Multiply D times j-th column of VT.
306		for i := 0; i < minmn; i++ {
307			dvt[i] = d[i] * vt[i*ldvt+j]
308		}
309		// Compute the j-th column of A - U*D*VT.
310		blas64.Gemv(blas.NoTrans,
311			-1, blas64.General{Rows: m, Cols: minmn, Data: u, Stride: ldu}, blas64.Vector{N: minmn, Data: dvt, Inc: 1},
312			1, blas64.Vector{N: m, Data: aMinusUDVT, Inc: 1})
313		resid = math.Max(resid, blas64.Asum(blas64.Vector{N: m, Data: aMinusUDVT, Inc: 1}))
314	}
315	if aNorm == 0 {
316		if resid != 0 {
317			// Original matrix A is zero but the residual is non-zero,
318			// return infinity.
319			return math.Inf(1)
320		}
321		// Original matrix A is zero, residual is zero, return 0.
322		return 0
323	}
324	// Original matrix A is non-zero.
325	if aNorm >= resid {
326		resid = resid / aNorm / float64(n)
327	} else {
328		if aNorm < 1 {
329			resid = math.Min(resid, float64(n)*aNorm) / aNorm / float64(n)
330		} else {
331			resid = math.Min(resid/aNorm, float64(n)) / float64(n)
332		}
333	}
334	return resid
337// svdPartialUResidual compares U and URef to see if their columns span the same
338// spaces. It returns the maximum over columns of
339//  |URef(i) - S*U(i)|
340// where URef(i) and U(i) are the i-th columns of URef and U, respectively, and
341// S is ±1 chosen to minimize the expression.
342func svdPartialUResidual(m, n int, u, uRef []float64, ldu int) float64 {
343	var res float64
344	for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
345		imax := blas64.Iamax(blas64.Vector{N: m, Data: uRef[j:], Inc: ldu})
346		s := math.Copysign(1, uRef[imax*ldu+j]) * math.Copysign(1, u[imax*ldu+j])
347		for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
348			diff := math.Abs(uRef[i*ldu+j] - s*u[i*ldu+j])
349			res = math.Max(res, diff)
350		}
351	}
352	return res
355// svdPartialVTResidual compares VT and VTRef to see if their rows span the same
356// spaces. It returns the maximum over rows of
357//  |VTRef(i) - S*VT(i)|
358// where VTRef(i) and VT(i) are the i-th columns of VTRef and VT, respectively, and
359// S is ±1 chosen to minimize the expression.
360func svdPartialVTResidual(m, n int, vt, vtRef []float64, ldvt int) float64 {
361	var res float64
362	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
363		jmax := blas64.Iamax(blas64.Vector{N: n, Data: vtRef[i*ldvt:], Inc: 1})
364		s := math.Copysign(1, vtRef[i*ldvt+jmax]) * math.Copysign(1, vt[i*ldvt+jmax])
365		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
366			diff := math.Abs(vtRef[i*ldvt+j] - s*vt[i*ldvt+j])
367			res = math.Max(res, diff)
368		}
369	}
370	return res