2Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package upgrade
19import (
20	"fmt"
21	"strings"
23	kubeadmconstants "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"
24	"k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/addons/dns"
26	versionutil "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/version"
27	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
28	"k8s.io/klog/v2"
31// Upgrade defines an upgrade possibility to upgrade from a current version to a new one
32type Upgrade struct {
33	Description string
34	Before      ClusterState
35	After       ClusterState
38// CanUpgradeKubelets returns whether an upgrade of any kubelet in the cluster is possible
39func (u *Upgrade) CanUpgradeKubelets() bool {
40	// If there are multiple different versions now, an upgrade is possible (even if only for a subset of the nodes)
41	if len(u.Before.KubeletVersions) > 1 {
42		return true
43	}
44	// Don't report something available for upgrade if we don't know the current state
45	if len(u.Before.KubeletVersions) == 0 {
46		return false
47	}
49	// if the same version number existed both before and after, we don't have to upgrade it
50	_, sameVersionFound := u.Before.KubeletVersions[u.After.KubeVersion]
51	return !sameVersionFound
54// CanUpgradeEtcd returns whether an upgrade of etcd is possible
55func (u *Upgrade) CanUpgradeEtcd() bool {
56	return u.Before.EtcdVersion != u.After.EtcdVersion
59// ClusterState describes the state of certain versions for a cluster
60type ClusterState struct {
61	// KubeVersion describes the version of the Kubernetes API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler and Proxy.
62	KubeVersion string
63	// DNSVersion describes the version of the DNS add-on.
64	DNSVersion string
65	// KubeadmVersion describes the version of the kubeadm CLI
66	KubeadmVersion string
67	// KubeletVersions is a map with a version number linked to the amount of kubelets running that version in the cluster
68	KubeletVersions map[string]uint16
69	// EtcdVersion represents the version of etcd used in the cluster
70	EtcdVersion string
73// GetAvailableUpgrades fetches all versions from the specified VersionGetter and computes which
74// kinds of upgrades can be performed
75func GetAvailableUpgrades(versionGetterImpl VersionGetter, experimentalUpgradesAllowed, rcUpgradesAllowed, externalEtcd bool, client clientset.Interface, manifestsDir string) ([]Upgrade, error) {
76	fmt.Println("[upgrade] Fetching available versions to upgrade to")
78	// Collect the upgrades kubeadm can do in this list
79	upgrades := []Upgrade{}
81	// Get the cluster version
82	clusterVersionStr, clusterVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.ClusterVersion()
83	if err != nil {
84		return upgrades, err
85	}
86	fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] Cluster version: %s\n", clusterVersionStr)
88	// Get current kubeadm CLI version
89	kubeadmVersionStr, kubeadmVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.KubeadmVersion()
90	if err != nil {
91		return upgrades, err
92	}
93	fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] kubeadm version: %s\n", kubeadmVersionStr)
95	// Get and output the current latest stable version
96	stableVersionStr, stableVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel("stable", "stable version")
97	if err != nil {
98		fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: %v\n", err)
99		fmt.Println("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: Falling back to current kubeadm version as latest stable version")
100		stableVersionStr, stableVersion = kubeadmVersionStr, kubeadmVersion
101	} else {
102		fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] Target version: %s\n", stableVersionStr)
103	}
105	// Get the kubelet versions in the cluster
106	kubeletVersions, err := versionGetterImpl.KubeletVersions()
107	if err != nil {
108		return upgrades, err
109	}
111	// Get current stacked etcd version on the local node
112	var etcdVersion string
113	if !externalEtcd {
114		etcdVersion, err = GetEtcdImageTagFromStaticPod(manifestsDir)
115		if err != nil {
116			return upgrades, err
117		}
118	}
120	dnsVersion, err := dns.DeployedDNSAddon(client)
121	if err != nil {
122		return nil, err
123	}
125	// Construct a descriptor for the current state of the world
126	beforeState := ClusterState{
127		KubeVersion:     clusterVersionStr,
128		DNSVersion:      dnsVersion,
129		KubeadmVersion:  kubeadmVersionStr,
130		KubeletVersions: kubeletVersions,
131		EtcdVersion:     etcdVersion,
132	}
134	// Do a "dumb guess" that a new minor upgrade is available just because the latest stable version is higher than the cluster version
135	// This guess will be corrected once we know if there is a patch version available
136	canDoMinorUpgrade := clusterVersion.LessThan(stableVersion)
138	// A patch version doesn't exist if the cluster version is higher than or equal to the current stable version
139	// in the case that a user is trying to upgrade from, let's say, v1.8.0-beta.2 to v1.8.0-rc.1 (given we support such upgrades experimentally)
140	// a stable-1.8 branch doesn't exist yet. Hence this check.
141	if patchVersionBranchExists(clusterVersion, stableVersion) {
142		currentBranch := getBranchFromVersion(clusterVersionStr)
143		versionLabel := fmt.Sprintf("stable-%s", currentBranch)
144		description := fmt.Sprintf("version in the v%s series", currentBranch)
146		// Get and output the latest patch version for the cluster branch
147		patchVersionStr, patchVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel(versionLabel, description)
148		if err != nil {
149			fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: %v\n", err)
150		} else {
151			fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] Latest %s: %s\n", description, patchVersionStr)
153			// Check if a minor version upgrade is possible when a patch release exists
154			// It's only possible if the latest patch version is higher than the current patch version
155			// If that's the case, they must be on different branches => a newer minor version can be upgraded to
156			canDoMinorUpgrade = minorUpgradePossibleWithPatchRelease(stableVersion, patchVersion)
158			// If the cluster version is lower than the newest patch version, we should inform about the possible upgrade
159			if patchUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, patchVersion) {
161				// The kubeadm version has to be upgraded to the latest patch version
162				newKubeadmVer := patchVersionStr
163				if kubeadmVersion.AtLeast(patchVersion) {
164					// In this case, the kubeadm CLI version is new enough. Don't display an update suggestion for kubeadm by making .NewKubeadmVersion equal .CurrentKubeadmVersion
165					newKubeadmVer = kubeadmVersionStr
166				}
168				upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
169					Description: description,
170					Before:      beforeState,
171					After: ClusterState{
172						KubeVersion:    patchVersionStr,
173						DNSVersion:     kubeadmconstants.CoreDNSVersion,
174						KubeadmVersion: newKubeadmVer,
175						EtcdVersion:    getSuggestedEtcdVersion(externalEtcd, patchVersionStr),
176						// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
177					},
178				})
179			}
180		}
181	}
183	if canDoMinorUpgrade {
184		upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
185			Description: "stable version",
186			Before:      beforeState,
187			After: ClusterState{
188				KubeVersion:    stableVersionStr,
189				DNSVersion:     kubeadmconstants.CoreDNSVersion,
190				KubeadmVersion: stableVersionStr,
191				EtcdVersion:    getSuggestedEtcdVersion(externalEtcd, stableVersionStr),
192				// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
193			},
194		})
195	}
197	if experimentalUpgradesAllowed || rcUpgradesAllowed {
198		// dl.k8s.io/release/latest.txt is ALWAYS an alpha.X version
199		// dl.k8s.io/release/latest-1.X.txt is first v1.X.0-alpha.0 -> v1.X.0-alpha.Y, then v1.X.0-beta.0 to v1.X.0-beta.Z, then v1.X.0-rc.1 to v1.X.0-rc.W.
200		// After the v1.X.0 release, latest-1.X.txt is always a beta.0 version. Let's say the latest stable version on the v1.7 branch is v1.7.3, then the
201		// latest-1.7 version is v1.7.4-beta.0
203		// Worth noticing is that when the release-1.X branch is cut; there are two versions tagged: v1.X.0-beta.0 AND v1.(X+1).alpha.0
204		// The v1.(X+1).alpha.0 is pretty much useless and should just be ignored, as more betas may be released that have more features than the initial v1.(X+1).alpha.0
206		// So what we do below is getting the latest overall version, always an v1.X.0-alpha.Y version. Then we get latest-1.(X-1) version. This version may be anything
207		// between v1.(X-1).0-beta.0 and v1.(X-1).Z-beta.0. At some point in time, latest-1.(X-1) will point to v1.(X-1).0-rc.1. Then we should show it.
209		// The flow looks like this (with time on the X axis):
210		// v1.8.0-alpha.1 -> v1.8.0-alpha.2 -> v1.8.0-alpha.3 | release-1.8 branch | v1.8.0-beta.0 -> v1.8.0-beta.1 -> v1.8.0-beta.2 -> v1.8.0-rc.1 -> v1.8.0 -> v1.8.1
211		//                                                                           v1.9.0-alpha.0                                             -> v1.9.0-alpha.1 -> v1.9.0-alpha.2
213		// Get and output the current latest unstable version
214		latestVersionStr, latestVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel("latest", "experimental version")
215		if err != nil {
216			return upgrades, err
217		}
218		fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] Latest %s: %s\n", "experimental version", latestVersionStr)
220		minorUnstable := latestVersion.Components()[1]
221		// Get and output the current latest unstable version
222		previousBranch := fmt.Sprintf("latest-1.%d", minorUnstable-1)
223		previousBranchLatestVersionStr, previousBranchLatestVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel(previousBranch, "previous version")
224		if err != nil {
225			return upgrades, err
226		}
227		fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] Latest %s: %s\n", "previous version", previousBranchLatestVersionStr)
229		// If that previous latest version is an RC, RCs are allowed and the cluster version is lower than the RC version, show the upgrade
230		if rcUpgradesAllowed && rcUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, previousBranchLatestVersion) {
231			upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
232				Description: "release candidate version",
233				Before:      beforeState,
234				After: ClusterState{
235					KubeVersion:    previousBranchLatestVersionStr,
236					DNSVersion:     kubeadmconstants.CoreDNSVersion,
237					KubeadmVersion: previousBranchLatestVersionStr,
238					EtcdVersion:    getSuggestedEtcdVersion(externalEtcd, previousBranchLatestVersionStr),
239					// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
240				},
241			})
242		}
244		// Show the possibility if experimental upgrades are allowed
245		if experimentalUpgradesAllowed && clusterVersion.LessThan(latestVersion) {
247			// Default to assume that the experimental version to show is the unstable one
248			unstableKubeVersion := latestVersionStr
250			// Ẃe should not display alpha.0. The previous branch's beta/rc versions are more relevant due how the kube branching process works.
251			if latestVersion.PreRelease() == "alpha.0" {
252				unstableKubeVersion = previousBranchLatestVersionStr
253			}
255			upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
256				Description: "experimental version",
257				Before:      beforeState,
258				After: ClusterState{
259					KubeVersion:    unstableKubeVersion,
260					DNSVersion:     kubeadmconstants.CoreDNSVersion,
261					KubeadmVersion: unstableKubeVersion,
262					EtcdVersion:    getSuggestedEtcdVersion(externalEtcd, unstableKubeVersion),
263					// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
264				},
265			})
266		}
267	}
269	// Add a newline in the end of this output to leave some space to the next output section
270	fmt.Println("")
272	return upgrades, nil
275func getBranchFromVersion(version string) string {
276	v := versionutil.MustParseGeneric(version)
277	return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", v.Major(), v.Minor())
280func patchVersionBranchExists(clusterVersion, stableVersion *versionutil.Version) bool {
281	return stableVersion.AtLeast(clusterVersion)
284func patchUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, patchVersion *versionutil.Version) bool {
285	return clusterVersion.LessThan(patchVersion)
288func rcUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, previousBranchLatestVersion *versionutil.Version) bool {
289	return strings.HasPrefix(previousBranchLatestVersion.PreRelease(), "rc") && clusterVersion.LessThan(previousBranchLatestVersion)
292func minorUpgradePossibleWithPatchRelease(stableVersion, patchVersion *versionutil.Version) bool {
293	return patchVersion.LessThan(stableVersion)
296func getSuggestedEtcdVersion(externalEtcd bool, kubernetesVersion string) string {
297	if externalEtcd {
298		return ""
299	}
300	etcdVersion, warning, err := kubeadmconstants.EtcdSupportedVersion(kubeadmconstants.SupportedEtcdVersion, kubernetesVersion)
301	if err != nil {
302		klog.Warningf("[upgrade/versions] could not retrieve an etcd version for the target Kubernetes version: %v", err)
303		return "N/A"
304	}
305	if warning != nil {
306		klog.Warningf("[upgrade/versions] %v", warning)
307	}
308	return etcdVersion.String()