1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3<TS version="2.1" language="sv" sourcelanguage="en">
5    <name>CalcDiffThread</name>
6    <message>
7        <location filename="../src/calcDiffThread.cpp" line="+67"/>
8        <source>Scanning destination</source>
9        <translation>Söker igenom destinationen</translation>
10    </message>
11    <message>
12        <location line="+0"/>
13        <location line="+74"/>
14        <location line="+51"/>
15        <location line="+3"/>
16        <source>Please wait</source>
17        <translation>Vänligen vänta</translation>
18    </message>
19    <message>
20        <location line="-54"/>
21        <source>Scanning snapshot</source>
22        <translation>Söker igenom ögonblicksbild</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <location line="+51"/>
26        <source>Scanning source</source>
27        <translation>Söker igenom källan</translation>
28    </message>
29    <message>
30        <location line="+3"/>
31        <source>Calculating differences</source>
32        <translation>Beräknar skillnader</translation>
33    </message>
34    <message>
35        <location line="+114"/>
36        <source>Sync dir A &amp; B differences</source>
37        <translation>Skillnaderna mellan synkroniseringskatalogerna A och B</translation>
38    </message>
39    <message>
40        <location line="+2"/>
41        <source>Snapshot and source differences</source>
42        <translation>Skillnaderna mellan ögonblicksbilden och källan</translation>
43    </message>
44    <message>
45        <location line="+6"/>
46        <source>Sync dir B data that also exists at sync dir A and is different</source>
47        <translation>Data i synkroniseringskatalog B som även finns i synkroniseringskatalog A skiljer sig åt</translation>
48    </message>
49    <message>
50        <location line="+3"/>
51        <source>Snapshot data that also exists at the source and is different</source>
52        <translation>Data i ögonblicksbilden som även finns i källan skiljer sig åt</translation>
53    </message>
54    <message>
55        <location line="+1"/>
56        <source>The snapshot data will replace the source data during RESTORE</source>
57        <translation>Data i ögonblicksbilden kommer att ersätta källdata under ÅTERSTÄLL</translation>
58    </message>
59    <message>
60        <location line="+4"/>
61        <location line="+15"/>
62        <location line="+16"/>
63        <source>Data amount is huge. Displaying only first entries</source>
64        <translation>Storleken  datan är enorm. Visar endast de första posterna</translation>
65    </message>
66    <message>
67        <location line="-24"/>
68        <source>Sync dir B data that do NOT exist at sync dir A</source>
69        <translation>Data i synkroniseringskatalogen B som INTE existerar i synkroniseringskatalogen A</translation>
70    </message>
71    <message>
72        <location line="+3"/>
73        <source>Snapshot data that do NOT exist at the source</source>
74        <translation>Data i ögonblicksbilden som INTE existerar i källan</translation>
75    </message>
76    <message>
77        <location line="+1"/>
78        <source>These will be transferred over at the source during RESTORE</source>
79        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <source>These will be transfered over at the source during RESTORE</source>
83        <translation type="vanished">Dessa kommer att överföras till källan under ÅTERSTÄLL</translation>
84    </message>
85    <message>
86        <location line="+11"/>
87        <source>Sync dir A data that do NOT exist at sync dir B</source>
88        <translation>Data i synkroniseringskatalogen A som INTE existerar i synkroniseringskatalogen B</translation>
89    </message>
90    <message>
91        <location line="+3"/>
92        <source>Source data that do NOT exist at the snapshot</source>
93        <translation>Data i källan som INTE existerar i ögonblicksbilden</translation>
94    </message>
95    <message>
96        <location line="+1"/>
97        <source>These will be deleted during RESTORE only if you enable the option:</source>
98        <translation>Dessa kommer att raderas under ÅTERSTÄLL endast om du aktiverar valet:</translation>
99    </message>
100    <message>
101        <location line="+1"/>
102        <source>delete existing source data that do not exist at the backup</source>
103        <translation>radera existerande källdata som inte existerar i säkerhetskopian</translation>
104    </message>
107    <name>QObject</name>
108    <message>
109        <location filename="../src/global.cpp" line="+1334"/>
110        <source>The task list is empty</source>
111        <translation>Aktivitetslistan är tom</translation>
112    </message>
113    <message>
114        <location line="+1"/>
115        <location line="+51"/>
116        <source>nothing to start</source>
117        <translation>ingenting att starta</translation>
118    </message>
119    <message>
120        <location line="-12"/>
121        <source>You have included both of the following connected tasks:</source>
122        <translation>Du har inkluderat båda följande anslutna aktiviteter:</translation>
123    </message>
124    <message>
125        <location line="+1"/>
126        <source>this is not allowed for obvious reasons</source>
127        <translation>detta är inte tillåtet av uppenbara skäl</translation>
128    </message>
129    <message>
130        <location line="+1"/>
131        <source>Please &lt;b&gt;uncheck appropriate include boxes&lt;/b&gt; before proceeding</source>
132        <translation>Vänligen &lt;b&gt; avmarkera lämpliga kryssrutor&lt;/b&gt; innan du fortsätter</translation>
133    </message>
134    <message>
135        <location line="+9"/>
136        <source>You have not included any tasks</source>
137        <translation>Du har inte inkluderat någon aktivitet</translation>
138    </message>
139    <message>
140        <location line="+51"/>
141        <source>The following included tasks &lt;b&gt;share the same destination directory&lt;/b&gt; (all together or at groups) and at least one of them will backup the contents of a directory</source>
142        <translation>Följande inkluderade aktiviteter &lt;b&gt;delar samma destinationskatalog&lt;/b&gt; (alla tillsammans eller som grupper) och minst en av dem kommer att säkerhetskopiera innehållet av en katalog</translation>
143    </message>
144    <message>
145        <location line="+2"/>
146        <source>this will lead to one task canceling the other</source>
147        <translation>detta kommer att led till en aktivitet kommer att ta ut en annan</translation>
148    </message>
149    <message>
150        <location line="+1"/>
151        <source>Please uncheck appropriate include boxes or change all task types to other than &apos;&lt;b&gt;Backup dir contents&lt;/b&gt;&apos;  or use &apos;Backup dir contents&apos; together with the &apos;&lt;b&gt;Only include&lt;/b&gt;&apos; option, before proceeding</source>
152        <translation>Vänligen avmarkera lämplig kryssruta eller ändra alla aktiviteternas typ till annat än &apos;&lt;b&gt;Säkerhetskopiera kataloginnehåll&lt;/b&gt;&apos; eller använd &apos;Säkerhetskopiera kataloginnehåll&apos; tillsammans med alternativet &apos;&lt;b&gt;Inkludera endast&lt;/b&gt;&apos; innan du fortsätter</translation>
153    </message>
154    <message>
155        <location line="+674"/>
156        <source>pre-task execution of command</source>
157        <comment>Full phrase: pre-task execution of command: &lt;COMMAND&gt; starting</comment>
158        <translation>Förkörning av kommandot</translation>
159    </message>
160    <message>
161        <location line="+2"/>
162        <source>starting</source>
163        <comment>Full phrase: pre-task execution of command: &lt;COMMAND&gt; starting</comment>
164        <translation>startar</translation>
165    </message>
166    <message>
167        <location line="+4"/>
168        <source>Command re-run due to failure</source>
169        <comment>This means that a specific command is run for once more because it failed the first time</comment>
170        <translation>Kommando körs en gång till  grund av fel</translation>
171    </message>
172    <message>
173        <location line="+5"/>
174        <source>post-task execution of command</source>
175        <comment>Full phrase: post-task execution of command: &lt;COMMAND&gt; starting</comment>
176        <translation>Efterkörning av kommandot</translation>
177    </message>
178    <message>
179        <location line="+2"/>
180        <source>starting</source>
181        <comment>Full phrase: post-task execution of command: &lt;COMMAND&gt; starting</comment>
182        <translation>startar</translation>
183    </message>
184    <message>
185        <location line="+4"/>
186        <source>execution of task</source>
187        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
188        <translation>Körning av aktivitet</translation>
189    </message>
190    <message>
191        <location line="+2"/>
192        <source>starting</source>
193        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
194        <translation>startar</translation>
195    </message>
196    <message>
197        <location line="+1"/>
198        <source>Source</source>
199        <comment>Full phrase: source: &lt;SOURCE_NAME</comment>
200        <translation>Källa</translation>
201    </message>
202    <message>
203        <location line="+1"/>
204        <source>Destination</source>
205        <comment>Full phrase: Destination: &lt;DEST_NAME</comment>
206        <translation>Destination</translation>
207    </message>
208    <message>
209        <location line="+5"/>
210        <source>execution of 1st part of task</source>
211        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 1st part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
212        <translation>Körning av första delen utav aktiviteten </translation>
213    </message>
214    <message>
215        <location line="+2"/>
216        <source>starting</source>
217        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 1st part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
218        <translation>startar</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <location line="+1"/>
222        <source>Syncing</source>
223        <comment>Full phrase: Syncing &lt;DIR-A&gt; to &lt;DIR-B&gt;</comment>
224        <translation>Synkroniserar</translation>
225    </message>
226    <message>
227        <location line="+1"/>
228        <source>to</source>
229        <comment>Full phrase: Syncing &lt;DIR-A&gt; to &lt;DIR-B&gt;</comment>
230        <translation>till</translation>
231    </message>
232    <message>
233        <location line="+5"/>
234        <source>execution of 2nd part of task</source>
235        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 2nd part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
236        <translation>Körning av andra delen utav aktiviteten </translation>
237    </message>
238    <message>
239        <location line="+2"/>
240        <source>starting</source>
241        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 2nd part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; starting</comment>
242        <translation>startar</translation>
243    </message>
244    <message>
245        <location line="+1"/>
246        <source>Syncing</source>
247        <comment>Full phrase: Syncing &lt;DIR-B&gt; to &lt;DIR-A&gt;</comment>
248        <translation>Synkroniserar</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <location line="+1"/>
252        <source>to</source>
253        <comment>Full phrase: Syncing &lt;DIR-B&gt; to &lt;DIR-A&gt;</comment>
254        <translation>till</translation>
255    </message>
256    <message>
257        <location line="+4"/>
258        <source>pre-task execution of command</source>
259        <comment>Full phrase: pre-task execution of COMMAND: &lt;COMMANDNAME&gt; finished</comment>
260        <translation>Förkörning av kommandot</translation>
261    </message>
262    <message>
263        <location line="+2"/>
264        <source>finished</source>
265        <comment>Full phrase: pre-task execution of COMMAND: &lt;COMMANDNAME&gt; finished</comment>
266        <translation>avslutad</translation>
267    </message>
268    <message>
269        <location line="+4"/>
270        <source>post-task execution of command</source>
271        <comment>Full phrase: post-task execution of COMMAND: &lt;COMMANDNAME&gt; finished</comment>
272        <translation>Efterkörning av kommandot</translation>
273    </message>
274    <message>
275        <location line="+2"/>
276        <source>finished</source>
277        <comment>Full phrase: post-task execution of COMMAND: &lt;COMMANDNAME&gt; finished</comment>
278        <translation>avslutad</translation>
279    </message>
280    <message>
281        <location line="+4"/>
282        <source>execution of 1st part of task</source>
283        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 1st part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished</comment>
284        <translation>Körning av första delen utav aktiviteten </translation>
285    </message>
286    <message>
287        <location line="+2"/>
288        <source>finished</source>
289        <comment>Full phrase: execution of 1st part of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished</comment>
290        <translation>avslutad</translation>
291    </message>
292    <message>
293        <location line="+5"/>
294        <source>execution of task</source>
295        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished</comment>
296        <translation>Körning av aktivitet</translation>
297    </message>
298    <message>
299        <location line="+2"/>
300        <source>finished</source>
301        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished</comment>
302        <translation>avslutad</translation>
303    </message>
304    <message>
305        <location line="+5"/>
306        <source>execution of task</source>
307        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished because of pre/post task command execution error</comment>
308        <translation>Körning av aktivitet</translation>
309    </message>
310    <message>
311        <location line="+2"/>
312        <source>finished because of pre/post task command execution error</source>
313        <comment>Full phrase: execution of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt; finished because of pre/post task command execution error</comment>
314        <translation>avslutad  grund av fel i för- eller efterkörningen</translation>
315    </message>
316    <message>
317        <location line="+5"/>
318        <source>The process reported an error</source>
319        <translation>Processen rapporterade ett fel</translation>
320    </message>
321    <message>
322        <location line="+11"/>
323        <source>Backing-up profile, logfiles and snapshot data</source>
324        <translation>Säkerhetskopiera profil, loggfiler och ögonblicksbilder</translation>
325    </message>
326    <message>
327        <location line="+111"/>
328        <source>Could not open the logfile</source>
329        <translation>Kan inte öppna loggfilen</translation>
330    </message>
331    <message>
332        <location line="+3"/>
333        <source>The logfile does not exist</source>
334        <translation>Loggfilen existerar inte</translation>
335    </message>
336    <message>
337        <location line="+78"/>
338        <source>The specified command is probably not installed</source>
339        <translation>Det specificerade kommandot är troligtvis inte installerat</translation>
340    </message>
341    <message>
342        <location line="+2"/>
343        <source>The logfile could not be created</source>
344        <translation>Loggfilen kunde inte skapas</translation>
345    </message>
346    <message>
347        <location line="+2"/>
348        <source>command:   </source>
349        <translation>kommando:   </translation>
350    </message>
351    <message>
352        <location line="+3"/>
353        <source>exit code: </source>
354        <translation>Returkod: </translation>
355    </message>
356    <message>
357        <location line="+1"/>
358        <source>output:    </source>
359        <translation>utdata:    </translation>
360    </message>
361    <message>
362        <location line="+40"/>
363        <source>Last execution time</source>
364        <translation>Tid vid senaste körning</translation>
365    </message>
366    <message>
367        <location line="+4"/>
368        <source>not available</source>
369        <translation>är ej tillgänglig</translation>
370    </message>
371    <message>
372        <location line="+11"/>
373        <source>no errors</source>
374        <translation>inga fel</translation>
375    </message>
376    <message>
377        <location line="+5"/>
378        <source>errors found</source>
379        <translation>fel hittade</translation>
380    </message>
381    <message>
382        <location line="+10"/>
383        <location line="+61"/>
384        <location line="+99"/>
385        <source>status</source>
386        <translation>status</translation>
387    </message>
388    <message>
389        <location line="-160"/>
390        <source>OK</source>
391        <translation>OK</translation>
392    </message>
393    <message>
394        <location line="+3"/>
395        <location line="+19"/>
396        <source>Sync directory</source>
397        <translation>Synkroniseringskatalog</translation>
398    </message>
399    <message>
400        <location line="-14"/>
401        <location line="+108"/>
402        <source>Source directory</source>
403        <translation>Källkatalog</translation>
404    </message>
405    <message>
406        <location line="-99"/>
407        <location line="+19"/>
408        <source>Using remote, check is skipped</source>
409        <translation>Kör fjärranslutning, fel kontrolleras inte</translation>
410    </message>
411    <message>
412        <location line="-9"/>
413        <location line="+104"/>
414        <location line="+59"/>
415        <source>Destination directory</source>
416        <translation>Destinationskatalog</translation>
417    </message>
418    <message>
419        <location line="-137"/>
420        <source>free</source>
421        <comment>as in free disk space</comment>
422        <translation>ledigt</translation>
423    </message>
424    <message>
425        <location line="+8"/>
426        <source>WARNING</source>
427        <translation>VARNING</translation>
428    </message>
429    <message>
430        <location line="+5"/>
431        <source>I do not have the permission to read/enter sync directory A</source>
432        <translation>Jag har inte behörighet att läsa/ in i synkroniseringskatalog A</translation>
433    </message>
434    <message>
435        <location line="+5"/>
436        <source>I do not have the permission to read/enter the source directory</source>
437        <translation>Jag har inte behörighet att läsa/ in i källkatalogen</translation>
438    </message>
439    <message>
440        <location line="+11"/>
441        <source>I do not have the permission to read/enter sync directory B</source>
442        <translation>Jag har inte behörighet att läsa/ in i synkroniseringskatalog B</translation>
443    </message>
444    <message>
445        <location line="+5"/>
446        <source>I do not have the permission to read/enter the destination directory</source>
447        <translation>Jag har inte behörighet att läsa/ in i destinationskatalogen</translation>
448    </message>
449    <message>
450        <location line="+9"/>
451        <location line="+67"/>
452        <source>Directory</source>
453        <translation>Katalog</translation>
454    </message>
455    <message>
456        <location line="-65"/>
457        <location line="+67"/>
458        <source>and/or</source>
459        <translation>och/eller</translation>
460    </message>
461    <message>
462        <location line="-64"/>
463        <source>does not exist</source>
464        <translation>existerar inte</translation>
465    </message>
466    <message>
467        <location line="+2"/>
468        <location line="+30"/>
469        <source>is not mounted</source>
470        <translation>är inte monterad</translation>
471    </message>
472    <message>
473        <location line="-15"/>
474        <location line="+74"/>
475        <source>is empty or does not exist</source>
476        <translation>är tom eller existerar inte</translation>
477    </message>
478    <message>
479        <location line="-45"/>
480        <source>I will &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;b&gt;NOT SKIP&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; this task because you have enabled the &quot;by-pass WARNING&quot; option</source>
481        <translation>Jag kommer &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;b&gt;INTE&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; att hoppa över denna aktivitet eftersom du har aktiverat &quot;ignorera VARNINGAR&quot; valet</translation>
482    </message>
483    <message>
484        <location line="+5"/>
485        <source>This task will be &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;b&gt;skipped&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;</source>
486        <translation>Denna aktivitet kommer att &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;b&gt;ignoreras&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt;</translation>
487    </message>
488    <message>
489        <location line="+8"/>
490        <source>CRITICAL</source>
491        <translation>KRITISKT</translation>
492    </message>
493    <message>
494        <location line="+7"/>
495        <source>is empty</source>
496        <translation>är tom</translation>
497    </message>
498    <message>
499        <location line="+1"/>
500        <source>I will &lt;font color=orange&gt;&lt;b&gt;not skip&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; this task. Synchronizing is going to be performed anyway</source>
501        <translation>Jag kommer &lt;font color=orange&gt;&lt;b&gt;inte att hoppa över&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/font&gt; denna aktivitet. Synkroniseringen kommer att utföras i alla fall</translation>
502    </message>
503    <message>
504        <location line="+25"/>
505        <source>This task will &lt;font color=orange&gt;&lt;b&gt;not be skipped</source>
506        <translation>Denna aktivitet kommer &lt;font color=orange&gt;&lt;b&gt;inte att ignoreras</translation>
507    </message>
508    <message>
509        <location line="+1"/>
510        <source>The Destination Directory will be created if it doesn&apos;t exist and filled with new backup data</source>
511        <translation>Destinationskatalogen kommer att skapas ifall den inte existerar och bli fylld med ny backupdata</translation>
512    </message>
513    <message>
514        <location line="+8"/>
515        <source>Task description</source>
516        <translation>Aktivitetsbeskrivning</translation>
517    </message>
520    <name>ReadLogFile</name>
521    <message>
522        <location filename="../src/readLogFile.cpp" line="+56"/>
523        <source>Could not locate the logfile</source>
524        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
525    </message>
526    <message>
527        <location line="+8"/>
528        <source>Could not open the logfile</source>
529        <translation type="unfinished">Kan inte öppna loggfilen</translation>
530    </message>
533    <name>aboutDialog</name>
534    <message>
535        <source>using Qt4</source>
536        <translation type="vanished">använder Qt4</translation>
537    </message>
538    <message>
539        <location filename="../src/about.cpp" line="+67"/>
540        <source>Backup &amp; Sync Application</source>
541        <translation>Säkerhetskopierings- och synkroniseringsapplikation</translation>
542    </message>
543    <message>
544        <location line="+3"/>
545        <location line="+22"/>
546        <source>Loukas Avgeriou</source>
547        <translation>Loukas Avgeriou</translation>
548    </message>
549    <message>
550        <location line="-11"/>
551        <source>It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</source>
552        <translation>Den är distribuerad med förhoppningen att vara användbar, men UTAN NÅGON GARANTI; även utan underförstådd garanti om SÄLJBARHET eller LÄMPLIGHET FÖR ETT VISST SYFTE.</translation>
553    </message>
554    <message>
555        <location line="+1"/>
556        <source>See the &apos;License Agreement&apos; tab for more details.</source>
557        <translation>Se &apos;Licensavtal&apos;-fliken för ytterligare detaljer.</translation>
558    </message>
559    <message>
560        <location line="+11"/>
561        <source>Athens, Greece</source>
562        <translation>Aten, Grekland</translation>
563    </message>
564    <message>
565        <location line="+9"/>
566        <source>Tom Tryfonidis</source>
567        <translation>Tom Tryfonidis</translation>
568    </message>
569    <message>
570        <location line="+1"/>
571        <source>Arch linux package/pkgbuild official maintainer (AUR)</source>
572        <translation>Officiell underhållare av Arch linux paketet/pkgbuild (AUR)</translation>
573    </message>
574    <message>
575        <location line="+2"/>
576        <source>Valuable advisor</source>
577        <translation>Värdeful rådgivare</translation>
578    </message>
579    <message>
580        <location line="+2"/>
581        <source>Yiorgos Kapellakis</source>
582        <translation>Yiorgos Kapellakis</translation>
583    </message>
584    <message>
585        <location line="+1"/>
586        <source>rpm packager, valuable tester and remote connections advisor</source>
587        <translation>rpm-paketerare, värdefull testare och fjärranslutningsrådgivare</translation>
588    </message>
589    <message>
590        <location line="+2"/>
591        <source>Patrick Matthaei</source>
592        <translation>Patrick Matthaei</translation>
593    </message>
594    <message>
595        <location line="+1"/>
596        <source>Debian package maintainer</source>
597        <translation>Underhållare av Debian-paketet</translation>
598    </message>
599    <message>
600        <location line="+2"/>
601        <source>Nikolas Poniros</source>
602        <translation>Nikolas Poniros</translation>
603    </message>
604    <message>
605        <location line="+1"/>
606        <source>Greek gui translator and valuable tester</source>
607        <translation>Grekisk GUI-översättare och värdefull testare</translation>
608    </message>
609    <message>
610        <location line="+5"/>
611        <source>The indifex team</source>
612        <translation>Indifexteamet</translation>
613    </message>
614    <message>
615        <location line="+1"/>
616        <source>for developing the wonderful transifex localization platform and providing it for free</source>
617        <translation>för att ha utvecklat den underbara lokaliseringsplatformen Transifex och tillhandahållit den gratis</translation>
618    </message>
619    <message>
620        <location line="+2"/>
621        <source>Stephan Kleine</source>
622        <translation>Stephan Kleine</translation>
623    </message>
624    <message>
625        <location line="+1"/>
626        <source>OpenSUSE package maintainer (KDE4 Community repo) and valuable packing advisor</source>
627        <translation>Underhållare av openSUSE-paketet (KDE4 Community repo) och värdefull paketeringsrådgivare</translation>
628    </message>
629    <message>
630        <location line="+2"/>
631        <source>Marcos Del Puerto Garcia</source>
632        <translation>Marcos Del Puerto Garcia</translation>
633    </message>
634    <message>
635        <location line="+1"/>
636        <source>Mepis package maintainer (Community repo) &amp; Spanish gui translator</source>
637        <translation>Underhållare av Mepis-paketet (Community repo) och spansk GUI-översättare</translation>
638    </message>
639    <message>
640        <location line="+2"/>
641        <source>Savvas Radevic</source>
642        <translation>Savvas Radevic</translation>
643    </message>
644    <message>
645        <location line="+1"/>
646        <source>ubuntu package maintainer (launchpad PPA)</source>
647        <translation>Underhållare av Ubuntu-paketet (launchpad PPA)</translation>
648    </message>
649    <message>
650        <location line="+2"/>
651        <source>Bruce Marriner</source>
652        <translation>Bruce Marriner</translation>
653    </message>
654    <message>
655        <location line="+1"/>
656        <source>port to MS Windows</source>
657        <translation>Portning till MS Windows</translation>
658    </message>
659    <message>
660        <location line="+2"/>
661        <source>Juan Ramon Alfaro Martinez</source>
662        <translation>Juan Ramon Alfaro Martinez</translation>
663    </message>
664    <message>
665        <location line="+1"/>
666        <source>Code contributor for remote &amp; vss support regarding the windows port</source>
667        <translation>Kodbidrag för fjärr- och vss-support relaterat till Windowsportning.</translation>
668    </message>
669    <message>
670        <location line="+2"/>
671        <source>loh.tar</source>
672        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
673    </message>
674    <message>
675        <location line="+1"/>
676        <source>Code contributor for important fixes, structure improvement and port to Qt5</source>
677        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
678    </message>
679    <message>
680        <location line="+2"/>
681        <source>Jack Fink</source>
682        <translation>Jack Fink</translation>
683    </message>
684    <message>
685        <location line="+1"/>
686        <source>port to Mac OS X</source>
687        <translation>Portning till Mac OS X</translation>
688    </message>
689    <message>
690        <location line="+2"/>
691        <source>Elbert Pol</source>
692        <translation>Elbert Pol</translation>
693    </message>
694    <message>
695        <location line="+1"/>
696        <source>port to OS/2</source>
697        <translation>Portning till OS/2</translation>
698    </message>
699    <message>
700        <location line="+2"/>
701        <source>Theo Chatzimichos</source>
702        <translation>Theo Chatzimichos</translation>
703    </message>
704    <message>
705        <location line="+1"/>
706        <source>Gentoo ebuild maintainer</source>
707        <translation>Underhållare av Gentoo ebuild</translation>
708    </message>
709    <message>
710        <location line="+2"/>
711        <source>Dimitris Stasinopoulos</source>
712        <translation>Dimitris Stasinopoulos</translation>
713    </message>
714    <message>
715        <location line="+1"/>
716        <source>Puppy pet &amp; sfs maintainer</source>
717        <translation>Underhållare av Puppy, PET och SFS</translation>
718    </message>
719    <message>
720        <location line="+2"/>
721        <source>Juan Luis Baptiste</source>
722        <translation>Juan Luis Baptiste</translation>
723    </message>
724    <message>
725        <location line="+1"/>
726        <source>Mandriva package maintainer (official contrib repo)</source>
727        <translation>Underhållare av Mandriva-paketet (official contrib repo)</translation>
728    </message>
729    <message>
730        <location line="+2"/>
731        <source>Michael J Gruber</source>
732        <translation>Michael J Gruber</translation>
733    </message>
734    <message>
735        <location line="+3"/>
736        <source>Jason E. Hale</source>
737        <translation>Jason E. Hale</translation>
738    </message>
739    <message>
740        <location line="+1"/>
741        <source>Free BSD package maintainer</source>
742        <translation>Underhållare av FreeBSD-paketet</translation>
743    </message>
744    <message>
745        <location line="+2"/>
746        <source>Dimitris Jemos</source>
747        <translation>Dimitris Jemos</translation>
748    </message>
749    <message>
750        <location line="+1"/>
751        <source>Slackel package maintainer</source>
752        <translation>Underhållare av Slackel-paketet</translation>
753    </message>
754    <message>
755        <location line="+3"/>
756        <source>ex Fedora package maintainer</source>
757        <translation>Före detta underhållare av Fedora-paketet</translation>
758    </message>
759    <message>
760        <location line="+2"/>
761        <source>Pavel Fric</source>
762        <translation>Pavel Fric</translation>
763    </message>
764    <message>
765        <location line="+1"/>
766        <source>Czech gui translator</source>
767        <translation>Tjeckisk GUI-översättare</translation>
768    </message>
769    <message>
770        <location line="+2"/>
771        <source>Stergios Prosiniklis</source>
772        <translation>Stergios Prosiniklis</translation>
773    </message>
774    <message>
775        <location line="-66"/>
776        <location line="+67"/>
777        <source>Greek manual translator</source>
778        <translation>Grekiska manualöversättare</translation>
779    </message>
780    <message>
781        <location line="+3"/>
782        <location line="+3"/>
783        <location line="+3"/>
784        <source>German gui translator</source>
785        <translation>Tysk GUI-översättare</translation>
786    </message>
787    <message>
788        <location line="-4"/>
789        <source>Wilfried Schobel</source>
790        <translation>Wilfried Schobel</translation>
791    </message>
792    <message>
793        <location line="+6"/>
794        <source>Sergio Gameiro</source>
795        <translation>Sergio Gameiro</translation>
796    </message>
797    <message>
798        <location line="+1"/>
799        <location line="+3"/>
800        <location line="+3"/>
801        <source>Portuguese gui translator</source>
802        <translation>Portugisisk GUI-översättare</translation>
803    </message>
804    <message>
805        <location line="-4"/>
806        <source>Marcio Moraes</source>
807        <translation>Marcio Moraes</translation>
808    </message>
809    <message>
810        <location line="+6"/>
811        <source>Julien Cynober</source>
812        <translation>Julien Cynober</translation>
813    </message>
814    <message>
815        <location line="+1"/>
816        <source>French gui translator and valuable packing advisor (and not only)</source>
817        <translation>Fransk GUI-översättare och värdefull paketeringsrådgivare (och inte bara)</translation>
818    </message>
819    <message>
820        <location line="+11"/>
821        <source>Raffaele</source>
822        <translation>Raffaele</translation>
823    </message>
824    <message>
825        <location line="-2"/>
826        <location line="+3"/>
827        <location line="+3"/>
828        <location line="+3"/>
829        <source>Italian gui translator</source>
830        <translation>Italiensk GUI-översättare</translation>
831    </message>
832    <message>
833        <location line="-144"/>
834        <source>using Qt</source>
835        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
836    </message>
837    <message>
838        <location line="+122"/>
839        <source>António Correia</source>
840        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
841    </message>
842    <message>
843        <location line="+6"/>
844        <source>Aurelien Merckel</source>
845        <translation>Aurelien Merckel</translation>
846    </message>
847    <message>
848        <location line="+18"/>
849        <source>Denis Skorski</source>
850        <translation>Denis Skorski</translation>
851    </message>
852    <message>
853        <location line="+1"/>
854        <source>Russian gui translator and valuable tester</source>
855        <translation>Rysk GUI-översättare och värdefull testare</translation>
856    </message>
857    <message>
858        <location line="+2"/>
859        <source>Kenny Verstraete</source>
860        <translation>Kenny Verstraete</translation>
861    </message>
862    <message>
863        <location line="+1"/>
864        <location line="+3"/>
865        <source>Dutch gui translator</source>
866        <translation>Holländsk GUI-översättare</translation>
867    </message>
868    <message>
869        <location line="-1"/>
870        <source>Martin Grashoff (linuxrev)</source>
871        <translation>Martin Grashoff (linuxrev)</translation>
872    </message>
873    <message>
874        <location line="+3"/>
875        <source>Subhi Honaco</source>
876        <translation>Subhi Honaco</translation>
877    </message>
878    <message>
879        <location line="+1"/>
880        <source>Bosnian gui translator &amp; mandriva package maintainer</source>
881        <translation>Bosnisk GUI-översättare och underhållare av Mandriva-paketet</translation>
882    </message>
883    <message>
884        <location line="+2"/>
885        <source>Majed Sahli</source>
886        <translation>Majed Sahli</translation>
887    </message>
888    <message>
889        <location line="+1"/>
890        <location line="+51"/>
891        <source>Arabic gui translator</source>
892        <translation>Arabisk GUI-översättare</translation>
893    </message>
894    <message>
895        <location line="-49"/>
896        <source>Adrian Murariu</source>
897        <translation>Adrian Murariu</translation>
898    </message>
899    <message>
900        <location line="+1"/>
901        <source>Romanian gui translator</source>
902        <translation>Rumänsk GUI-översättare</translation>
903    </message>
904    <message>
905        <location line="+2"/>
906        <source>Angelescu Constantin</source>
907        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
908    </message>
909    <message>
910        <location line="+1"/>
911        <source>Romanian gui reviewer &amp; translator</source>
912        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
913    </message>
914    <message>
915        <location line="+20"/>
916        <source>Roger Calvo</source>
917        <translation>Roger Calvo</translation>
918    </message>
919    <message>
920        <location line="+3"/>
921        <source>Tomas Vadina</source>
922        <translation>Tomas Vadina</translation>
923    </message>
924    <message>
925        <location line="+9"/>
926        <source>Marcos Lans</source>
927        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
928    </message>
929    <message>
930        <location line="+15"/>
931        <source>Javi Romero</source>
932        <translation>Javi Romero</translation>
933    </message>
934    <message>
935        <location line="+1"/>
936        <source>v0.3 gui designer</source>
937        <translation>v0.3 GUI designer</translation>
938    </message>
939    <message>
940        <location line="+2"/>
941        <source>fri13</source>
942        <translation>fri13</translation>
943    </message>
944    <message>
945        <location line="+1"/>
946        <source>v.0.3 gui designer</source>
947        <translation>v0.3 GUI designer</translation>
948    </message>
949    <message>
950        <location line="-166"/>
951        <source>Dimitris Kalamaras</source>
952        <translation>Dimitris Kalamaras</translation>
953    </message>
954    <message>
955        <location line="+1"/>
956        <source>If it wasn&apos;t him and his tutorials I would never have started this project</source>
957        <translation>Om det inte var för honom och hans handledningar  hade jag inte startat detta projektet</translation>
958    </message>
959    <message>
960        <location line="+62"/>
961        <source>Thomas Glatt</source>
962        <translation>Thomas Glatt</translation>
963    </message>
964    <message>
965        <location line="+16"/>
966        <location line="+3"/>
967        <source>French gui translator</source>
968        <translation>Fransk GUI-översättare</translation>
969    </message>
970    <message>
971        <location line="-1"/>
972        <source>Sébastien Bourgain</source>
973        <translation>Sébastien Bourgain</translation>
974    </message>
975    <message>
976        <location line="+9"/>
977        <source>pinguinofurioso</source>
978        <translation>pinguinofurioso</translation>
979    </message>
980    <message>
981        <location line="+3"/>
982        <source>Alessio Ganci</source>
983        <translation>Alessio Ganci</translation>
984    </message>
985    <message>
986        <location line="+27"/>
987        <source>Matej Urbančič</source>
988        <translation>Matej Urbančič</translation>
989    </message>
990    <message>
991        <location line="+6"/>
992        <source>Marvin Gomez</source>
993        <translation>Marvin Gomez</translation>
994    </message>
995    <message>
996        <location line="+1"/>
997        <location line="+3"/>
998        <source>Spanish gui translator</source>
999        <translation>Spansk GUI-översättare</translation>
1000    </message>
1001    <message>
1002        <location line="-1"/>
1003        <source>Antonio Jose Molina</source>
1004        <translation>Antonio Jose Molina</translation>
1005    </message>
1006    <message>
1007        <location line="+3"/>
1008        <source>Fredrik Holmgren</source>
1009        <translation>Fredrik Holmgren</translation>
1010    </message>
1011    <message>
1012        <location line="+1"/>
1013        <source>Swedish gui translator</source>
1014        <translation>Svensk GUI-översättare</translation>
1015    </message>
1016    <message>
1017        <location line="+3"/>
1018        <source>Catalan gui translator</source>
1019        <translation>Katalansk GUI-översättare</translation>
1020    </message>
1021    <message>
1022        <location line="+3"/>
1023        <source>Slovak gui translator</source>
1024        <translation>Slovakisk GUI-översättare</translation>
1025    </message>
1026    <message>
1027        <location line="+2"/>
1028        <source>Rivo Zangov</source>
1029        <translation>Rivo Zangov</translation>
1030    </message>
1031    <message>
1032        <location line="+1"/>
1033        <source>Estonian gui translator</source>
1034        <translation>Estnisk GUI-översättare</translation>
1035    </message>
1036    <message>
1037        <location line="+2"/>
1038        <source>Nicolay Boychev</source>
1039        <translation>Nicolay Boychev</translation>
1040    </message>
1041    <message>
1042        <location line="+1"/>
1043        <source>Bulgarian gui translator</source>
1044        <translation>Bulgarisk GUI-översättare</translation>
1045    </message>
1046    <message>
1047        <source>Manuel Meixide</source>
1048        <translation type="vanished">Manuel Meixide</translation>
1049    </message>
1050    <message>
1051        <location line="+3"/>
1052        <source>Galician gui translator</source>
1053        <translation>Galicisk GUI-översättare</translation>
1054    </message>
1055    <message>
1056        <location line="+2"/>
1057        <source>Roger Foss</source>
1058        <translation>Roger Foss</translation>
1059    </message>
1060    <message>
1061        <location line="+1"/>
1062        <source>Norwegian gui translator</source>
1063        <translation>Norsk GUI-översättare</translation>
1064    </message>
1065    <message>
1066        <location line="+2"/>
1067        <source>Pin-hsien Li</source>
1068        <translation>Pin-hsien Li</translation>
1069    </message>
1070    <message>
1071        <location line="+1"/>
1072        <source>Chinese (Taiwan) gui translator</source>
1073        <translation>Kinesisk (Taiwansk) GUI-översättare</translation>
1074    </message>
1075    <message>
1076        <location line="+2"/>
1077        <source>Axel Rousseau</source>
1078        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1079    </message>
1080    <message>
1081        <location line="+1"/>
1082        <source>Esperanto gui translator</source>
1083        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1084    </message>
1085    <message>
1086        <location line="+2"/>
1087        <source>Omar Anwar</source>
1088        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1089    </message>
1090    <message>
1091        <location line="+12"/>
1092        <source>Michele Dall&apos;Arno</source>
1093        <translation>Michele Dall&apos;Arno</translation>
1094    </message>
1095    <message>
1096        <location line="+1"/>
1097        <source>special guest bug killer ;)</source>
1098        <translation>Specialgäst, buggfixare ;)</translation>
1099    </message>
1100    <message>
1101        <location line="+2"/>
1102        <source>Aphofis Scott</source>
1103        <translation>Aphofis Scott</translation>
1104    </message>
1105    <message>
1106        <location line="+1"/>
1107        <source>valuable tester &amp; brainstorming specialist</source>
1108        <translation>Värdefull testare &amp; brainstormingspecialist</translation>
1109    </message>
1110    <message>
1111        <location line="+2"/>
1112        <source>Yuri Vidal</source>
1113        <translation>Yuri Vidal</translation>
1114    </message>
1115    <message>
1116        <location line="+1"/>
1117        <source>backupwhenidle python script developer</source>
1118        <translation>backupwhenidle pythonscriptutvecklare</translation>
1119    </message>
1120    <message>
1121        <location line="+2"/>
1122        <source>Bjorn Rietdijk</source>
1123        <translation>Bjorn Rietdijk</translation>
1124    </message>
1125    <message>
1126        <location line="+1"/>
1127        <source>valuable OS/2 and windows tester</source>
1128        <translation>värdefull OS/2- och Windowstestare</translation>
1129    </message>
1130    <message>
1131        <location line="+2"/>
1132        <source>...to all users of the </source>
1133        <translation>...till alla användare av</translation>
1134    </message>
1135    <message>
1136        <location line="+7"/>
1137        <source>forums for their support.</source>
1138        <translation>forumen för deras hjälp.</translation>
1139    </message>
1140    <message>
1141        <location line="+1"/>
1142        <source>Especially</source>
1143        <translation>Speciellt</translation>
1144    </message>
1145    <message>
1146        <location line="+1"/>
1147        <source>that contributed to this project one way or another</source>
1148        <translation>som bidragit till detta projekt  ett eller annat sätt</translation>
1149    </message>
1150    <message>
1151        <location line="+2"/>
1152        <source>Last but no least</source>
1153        <translation>Sist men inte minst</translation>
1154    </message>
1155    <message>
1156        <location line="+12"/>
1157        <source>Could not locate the license file</source>
1158        <translation>Kunde inte hitta licensfilen</translation>
1159    </message>
1160    <message>
1161        <location line="+11"/>
1162        <source>no money</source>
1163        <translation>inga pengar</translation>
1164    </message>
1165    <message>
1166        <location line="+1"/>
1167        <source>If you like this app and would like to donate something to me personally, all you have to do is:</source>
1168        <translation>Om du gillar denna applikation och vill skänka någonting till mig personligen,  det ända du behöver göra är att:</translation>
1169    </message>
1170    <message>
1171        <location line="+1"/>
1172        <source>Give a thumbs up at:</source>
1173        <translation>Ge en tumme-upp :</translation>
1174    </message>
1175    <message>
1176        <location line="+2"/>
1177        <source>Vote good &amp; become a fan at:</source>
1178        <translation>Rösta bra och bli ett fan :</translation>
1179    </message>
1180    <message>
1181        <location line="+2"/>
1182        <source>This is my reward :)</source>
1183        <translation>Detta är min belöning :)</translation>
1184    </message>
1185    <message>
1186        <location line="+2"/>
1187        <source>money</source>
1188        <translation>pengar</translation>
1189    </message>
1190    <message>
1191        <location line="+1"/>
1192        <source>I personally never had and never will accept money for this project.</source>
1193        <translation>Personligen har jag aldrig och kommer aldrig att ta emot pengar till detta projekt.</translation>
1194    </message>
1195    <message>
1196        <location line="+1"/>
1197        <source>Nevertheless, I decided to use luckyBackup to support people that really need financial help.</source>
1198        <translation>Emellertid  har jag beslutat att använda luckyBackup för att hjälpa människor som verkligen behöver hjälp.</translation>
1199    </message>
1200    <message>
1201        <location line="+1"/>
1202        <source>So, please consider it seriously to donate money that will eventually be used for a good cause.</source>
1203        <translation> vänligen gör en seriös övervägning att donera pengar som  småningom kommer till god användning.</translation>
1204    </message>
1205    <message>
1206        <location line="+2"/>
1207        <source>donation link</source>
1208        <translation>Donationslänk</translation>
1209    </message>
1210    <message>
1211        <location filename="../ui/about.ui" line="+14"/>
1212        <source>luckyBackup - about</source>
1213        <translation>luckyBackup - om</translation>
1214    </message>
1215    <message>
1216        <location line="+138"/>
1217        <source>close</source>
1218        <translation>stäng</translation>
1219    </message>
1220    <message>
1221        <location line="+20"/>
1222        <source>&amp;About</source>
1223        <translation>&amp;Om</translation>
1224    </message>
1225    <message>
1226        <location line="+12"/>
1227        <location line="+24"/>
1228        <location line="+24"/>
1229        <location line="+24"/>
1230        <location line="+24"/>
1231        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
1232&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
1233p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1234&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;GRArial&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
1235&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
1236        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
1237&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
1238p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1239&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;GRArial&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
1240&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
1241    </message>
1242    <message>
1243        <location line="-12"/>
1244        <source>&amp;Support</source>
1245        <translation>&amp;Hjälp</translation>
1246    </message>
1247    <message>
1248        <location line="-72"/>
1249        <source>A&amp;uthor</source>
1250        <translation>&amp;Författare</translation>
1251    </message>
1252    <message>
1253        <location line="+24"/>
1254        <source>&amp;Thanks to</source>
1255        <translation>&amp;Tack till</translation>
1256    </message>
1257    <message>
1258        <location line="+24"/>
1259        <source>&amp;License Agreement</source>
1260        <translation>&amp;Licensavtal</translation>
1261    </message>
1262    <message>
1263        <location filename="../src/about.cpp" line="-268"/>
1264        <source>luckyBackup is distributed under the terms of the &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;GNU General Public License&lt;/a&gt;</source>
1265        <comment>Please leave the tags &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt; &amp; &lt;/a&gt; intact and surrounding the GNU General Public License !!</comment>
1266        <translation>luckyBackup är tillgänglig under villkoren för &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;GNU General Public License&lt;/a&gt;</translation>
1267    </message>
1268    <message>
1269        <location line="+2"/>
1270        <source>It is &lt;b&gt;free software&lt;/b&gt;: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.</source>
1271        <comment>Please leave tags eg &lt;b&gt;, &lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding the words they are suppossed to !!</comment>
1272        <translation>Det är &lt;b&gt;fri mjukvara&lt;/b&gt;: du kan distribuera och/eller modifiera den under villkoren för GNU General Public License vilken är utgiven av the Free Software Foundation, version 3 av Licensen.</translation>
1273    </message>
1274    <message>
1275        <location line="+84"/>
1276        <source>Thomas Janssen</source>
1277        <translation>Thomas Janssen</translation>
1278    </message>
1279    <message>
1280        <location line="-8"/>
1281        <source>Fedora package maintainer (official repo)</source>
1282        <translation>Underhållare av Fedora-paketet (official repo)</translation>
1283    </message>
1284    <message>
1285        <location line="+17"/>
1286        <source>Karsten Jaschultowski</source>
1287        <translation>Karsten Jaschultowski</translation>
1288    </message>
1289    <message>
1290        <location line="+27"/>
1291        <source>Francesco Braile</source>
1292        <translation>Francesco Braile</translation>
1293    </message>
1294    <message>
1295        <location line="+33"/>
1296        <source>Andrej Znidarsic</source>
1297        <translation>Andrej Znidarsic</translation>
1298    </message>
1299    <message>
1300        <location line="+1"/>
1301        <location line="+3"/>
1302        <source>Slovenian gui translator</source>
1303        <translation>Slovensk GUI-översättare</translation>
1304    </message>
1305    <message>
1306        <location line="+2"/>
1307        <source>E. Hakan Duran</source>
1308        <translation>E. Hakan Duran</translation>
1309    </message>
1310    <message>
1311        <location line="+1"/>
1312        <source>Turkish gui translator</source>
1313        <translation>Turkisk GUI-översättare</translation>
1314    </message>
1315    <message>
1316        <location line="+44"/>
1317        <source>Tito Poquito</source>
1318        <translation>Tito Poquito</translation>
1319    </message>
1320    <message>
1321        <location line="+1"/>
1322        <source>slackware package maintainer (SlackBuilds Repository)</source>
1323        <translation>Underhållare av Slackware-paketet (SlackBuilds Repository)</translation>
1324    </message>
1325    <message>
1326        <location line="+26"/>
1327        <source>...my other half, &lt;b&gt;Dimitra&lt;/b&gt; that bears with me all these times that this project is under development</source>
1328        <translation>...min andra hälft, &lt;b&gt;Dimitra&lt;/b&gt; som står ut med mig hela tiden under projektets gång</translation>
1329    </message>
1332    <name>emailDialog</name>
1333    <message>
1334        <location filename="../ui/emailDialog.ui" line="+17"/>
1335        <source>luckyBackup - email</source>
1336        <translation>luckyBackup - e-post</translation>
1337    </message>
1338    <message>
1339        <location line="+35"/>
1340        <source>Email a report after profile execution</source>
1341        <translation>E-posta en rapport efter profilkörning</translation>
1342    </message>
1343    <message>
1344        <location line="+17"/>
1345        <source>command:</source>
1346        <translation>Kommando:</translation>
1347    </message>
1348    <message>
1349        <location line="+38"/>
1350        <location line="+268"/>
1351        <location line="+14"/>
1352        <source>Use default</source>
1353        <extracomment>This means &quot;use the default value for this field&quot;</extracomment>
1354        <translation>Använd standard</translation>
1355    </message>
1356    <message>
1357        <location line="-218"/>
1358        <source>Arguments</source>
1359        <translation>Argument</translation>
1360    </message>
1361    <message>
1362        <location line="+9"/>
1363        <source>%f from:</source>
1364        <translation>%f Från:</translation>
1365    </message>
1366    <message>
1367        <location line="+7"/>
1368        <source>Enter the sender of the message</source>
1369        <translation>Ange avsändaren för meddelandet</translation>
1370    </message>
1371    <message>
1372        <location line="+19"/>
1373        <source>%l logfile</source>
1374        <translation>%l Loggfil</translation>
1375    </message>
1376    <message>
1377        <location line="+7"/>
1378        <source>%c logfile.tar.gz</source>
1379        <translation>%c logfile.tar.gz</translation>
1380    </message>
1381    <message>
1382        <location line="+10"/>
1383        <source>%d date</source>
1384        <translation>%d Datum</translation>
1385    </message>
1386    <message>
1387        <location line="+10"/>
1388        <source>%i time</source>
1389        <translation>%i Tid</translation>
1390    </message>
1391    <message>
1392        <location line="+10"/>
1393        <source>%p profile name</source>
1394        <translation>%p Profilnamn</translation>
1395    </message>
1396    <message>
1397        <location line="+10"/>
1398        <source>%e No of errors</source>
1399        <translation>%e Antal fel</translation>
1400    </message>
1401    <message>
1402        <location line="+10"/>
1403        <source>If unchecked &quot;TLS auto&quot; is used. Only available for sendemail</source>
1404        <translation>&quot;TLS auto&quot; används om okryssad. Endast tillgänglig för sendEmail </translation>
1405    </message>
1406    <message>
1407        <location line="+3"/>
1408        <source>Disable TLS</source>
1409        <translation>Avaktivera TLS</translation>
1410    </message>
1411    <message>
1412        <location line="+25"/>
1413        <source>%t to:</source>
1414        <translation>%t Till:</translation>
1415    </message>
1416    <message>
1417        <location line="+7"/>
1418        <source>Enter the recipient of the message</source>
1419        <translation>Ange mottagaren för meddelandet</translation>
1420    </message>
1421    <message>
1422        <location line="+10"/>
1423        <source>%s subject:</source>
1424        <translation>%s Ämne:</translation>
1425    </message>
1426    <message>
1427        <location line="+7"/>
1428        <source>Enter the subject of the message</source>
1429        <translation>Ange ämnet för meddelandet</translation>
1430    </message>
1431    <message>
1432        <location line="+10"/>
1433        <source>%v smtp server:</source>
1434        <translation>%v SMTP server:</translation>
1435    </message>
1436    <message>
1437        <location line="+7"/>
1438        <source>Enter the smtp server used to send the message</source>
1439        <translation>Ange SMTP-servern för sändning av meddelandet</translation>
1440    </message>
1441    <message>
1442        <location line="+10"/>
1443        <source>%b body:</source>
1444        <translation>%b Meddelandetext:</translation>
1445    </message>
1446    <message>
1447        <location line="+10"/>
1448        <source>Enter the body of the message</source>
1449        <translation>Ange texten i meddelandet</translation>
1450    </message>
1451    <message>
1452        <location line="+56"/>
1453        <source>Send an email right now to test the provided arguments</source>
1454        <translation>Skicka e-post genast för att testa de angivna argumenten</translation>
1455    </message>
1456    <message>
1457        <location line="+3"/>
1458        <source>Test</source>
1459        <translation>Test</translation>
1460    </message>
1461    <message>
1462        <location line="+24"/>
1463        <source>Accept changes and close dialog</source>
1464        <translation>Acceptera ändringarna och stäng dialogen</translation>
1465    </message>
1466    <message>
1467        <location line="+3"/>
1468        <source>Okay</source>
1469        <translation>OK</translation>
1470    </message>
1471    <message>
1472        <location line="+27"/>
1473        <source>Close dialog</source>
1474        <translation>Stäng dialog</translation>
1475    </message>
1476    <message>
1477        <location line="+3"/>
1478        <source>Cancel</source>
1479        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
1480    </message>
1481    <message>
1482        <location line="-348"/>
1483        <source>Specify the conditions to send an email</source>
1484        <translation>Ange villkoren för att skicka e-post</translation>
1485    </message>
1486    <message>
1487        <location line="-38"/>
1488        <source>Enter the command to run
1491        <translation>Ange kommando att köra
1492till exempel
1494    </message>
1495    <message>
1496        <location line="+9"/>
1497        <source>arguments:</source>
1498        <translation>argument:</translation>
1499    </message>
1500    <message>
1501        <location line="+7"/>
1502        <source>Enter arguments of the email command
1504 -f %f -t %t -u &quot;%s&quot; -m &quot;%b&quot; -a %l -s %v</source>
1505        <translation>Ange argument för e-postkommando
1506till exempel
1507 -f %f -t %t -u &quot;%s&quot; -m &quot;%b&quot; -a %l -s %v</translation>
1508    </message>
1509    <message>
1510        <location line="+25"/>
1511        <source>Conditions</source>
1512        <translation>Villkor</translation>
1513    </message>
1514    <message>
1515        <location line="+9"/>
1516        <source>Only send when error(s) occurred during a run</source>
1517        <translation>Sänd bara när fel uppkommer vid körning</translation>
1518    </message>
1519    <message>
1520        <location line="+3"/>
1521        <source>Error(s) occurred</source>
1522        <translation>Fel har uppstått</translation>
1523    </message>
1524    <message>
1525        <location line="+10"/>
1526        <source>Only send when profile is scheduled to run</source>
1527        <translation>Sänd bara när profilen är schemalagd för körning</translation>
1528    </message>
1529    <message>
1530        <location line="+3"/>
1531        <source>Profile is scheduled</source>
1532        <translation>Profil är schemalagd</translation>
1533    </message>
1534    <message>
1535        <location line="+10"/>
1536        <source>Never send an email</source>
1537        <translation>Skicka aldrig e-post</translation>
1538    </message>
1539    <message>
1540        <location line="+3"/>
1541        <source>Never</source>
1542        <translation>Aldrig</translation>
1543    </message>
1544    <message>
1545        <location filename="../src/emailDialog.cpp" line="+141"/>
1546        <source>The command field is empty</source>
1547        <translation>Kommandofältet är tomt</translation>
1548    </message>
1551    <name>helpBrowser</name>
1552    <message>
1553        <location filename="../ui/helpBrowser.ui" line="+14"/>
1554        <source>luckyBackup - help</source>
1555        <translation>luckyBackup - hjälp</translation>
1556    </message>
1557    <message>
1558        <location line="+15"/>
1559        <source>manual/</source>
1560        <translation>manual/</translation>
1561    </message>
1562    <message>
1563        <location line="+12"/>
1564        <source>Okay</source>
1565        <translation>OK</translation>
1566    </message>
1569    <name>logDialog</name>
1570    <message>
1571        <location filename="../ui/logDialog.ui" line="+14"/>
1572        <source>luckyBackup - tasks execution progress</source>
1573        <translation>luckyBackup - Förlopp av aktiviteternas körning</translation>
1574    </message>
1575    <message>
1576        <location line="+10"/>
1577        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
1578&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
1579p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1580&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Greek Arial&apos;; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
1581&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
1582        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
1583&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
1584p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
1585&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Greek Arial&apos;; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
1586&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
1587    </message>
1588    <message>
1589        <location line="+17"/>
1590        <source>previous error</source>
1591        <translation>Förra felet</translation>
1592    </message>
1593    <message>
1594        <location line="+14"/>
1595        <source>next error</source>
1596        <translation>Nästa fel</translation>
1597    </message>
1598    <message>
1599        <location line="+27"/>
1600        <location filename="../src/logDialog.cpp" line="+90"/>
1601        <location line="+13"/>
1602        <source>close</source>
1603        <translation>stäng</translation>
1604    </message>
1605    <message>
1606        <location filename="../src/logDialog.cpp" line="-35"/>
1607        <source>loading logfile...</source>
1608        <translation>laddar loggfil...</translation>
1609    </message>
1610    <message>
1611        <location line="+1"/>
1612        <source>wait</source>
1613        <translation>vänta</translation>
1614    </message>
1617    <name>luckyBackupWindow</name>
1618    <message>
1619        <location filename="../src/executenow.cpp" line="+175"/>
1620        <source>commands output</source>
1621        <comment>output window label</comment>
1622        <translation>Kommandoutskrifter</translation>
1623    </message>
1624    <message>
1625        <location line="+1"/>
1626        <source>rsync and pre/post task commands output is displayed here</source>
1627        <comment>tooltip</comment>
1628        <translation>utskrifter från rsync samt för- och efteraktivitetskommandon visas här</translation>
1629    </message>
1630    <message>
1631        <location line="+58"/>
1632        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+227"/>
1633        <source>Task list</source>
1634        <comment>task list label</comment>
1635        <translation>Aktivitetslista</translation>
1636    </message>
1637    <message>
1638        <location line="+1"/>
1639        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+2"/>
1640        <source>List of all the available tasks</source>
1641        <comment>task list tooltip - line1</comment>
1642        <translation>Lista över alla tillgängliga aktiviteter</translation>
1643    </message>
1644    <message>
1645        <location line="+1"/>
1646        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+1"/>
1647        <source>Use the &apos;include checkboxes&apos; to include or not a selected task</source>
1648        <comment>task list tooltip - line2</comment>
1649        <translation>Använd &apos;inkluderakryssrutorna&apos; för att inkludera en aktivitet</translation>
1650    </message>
1651    <message>
1652        <location line="+35"/>
1653        <source>Execution of profile</source>
1654        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Execution of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; finished&apos;</comment>
1655        <translation>Körning av profilen</translation>
1656    </message>
1657    <message>
1658        <location line="+1"/>
1659        <source>finished</source>
1660        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Execution of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; finished&apos;</comment>
1661        <translation>avslutad</translation>
1662    </message>
1663    <message>
1664        <location line="-173"/>
1665        <location line="+175"/>
1666        <location line="+1065"/>
1667        <location line="+21"/>
1668        <location line="+30"/>
1669        <location line="+1"/>
1670        <source>simulation mode</source>
1671        <translation>simuleringsläge</translation>
1672    </message>
1673    <message>
1674        <location line="-1113"/>
1675        <source>Could not update last execution time of tasks</source>
1676        <translation>Kan inte uppdatera tiden för senaste körningen av aktiviteterna</translation>
1677    </message>
1678    <message>
1679        <location line="+2"/>
1680        <source>Last execution time of tasks updated</source>
1681        <translation>Tiden för senaste körningen av aktiviteterna uppdaterad</translation>
1682    </message>
1683    <message>
1684        <location line="+33"/>
1685        <source>&amp;Abort</source>
1686        <translation>&amp;Avsluta</translation>
1687    </message>
1688    <message>
1689        <location line="+1"/>
1690        <source>&amp;Minimize to tray</source>
1691        <comment>tray menu action</comment>
1692        <translation>&amp;Minimera till aktivitetsfältet</translation>
1693    </message>
1694    <message>
1695        <location line="+1"/>
1696        <source>&amp;Restore</source>
1697        <comment>tray menu action</comment>
1698        <translation>&amp;Återställ</translation>
1699    </message>
1700    <message>
1701        <location line="-219"/>
1702        <source>execution of profile:</source>
1703        <comment>tray message - execution of profile: &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; in progress...</comment>
1704        <translation>körning av filen:</translation>
1705    </message>
1706    <message>
1707        <location line="+1"/>
1708        <source>in progress...</source>
1709        <comment>tray message - execution of profile: &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; in progress...</comment>
1710        <translation>pågår...</translation>
1711    </message>
1712    <message>
1713        <location line="+451"/>
1714        <source>Removed all older snapshots data</source>
1715        <translation>Tog bort all data från gamla ögonblicksbilder</translation>
1716    </message>
1717    <message>
1718        <location line="+2"/>
1719        <source>failed to remove all older snapshots data</source>
1720        <translation>misslyckades att ta bort all data från gamla ögonblicksbilder</translation>
1721    </message>
1722    <message>
1723        <location line="+520"/>
1724        <source>Unknown error</source>
1725        <translation>Okänt fel</translation>
1726    </message>
1727    <message>
1728        <location line="+253"/>
1729        <location line="+5"/>
1730        <location line="+6"/>
1731        <location line="+21"/>
1732        <location line="+27"/>
1733        <location line="+72"/>
1734        <source>Elapsed time</source>
1735        <translation>Förfluten tid</translation>
1736    </message>
1737    <message>
1738        <location line="-130"/>
1739        <source>pre-task execution of command</source>
1740        <translation>Förkörning av kommandot</translation>
1741    </message>
1742    <message>
1743        <location line="+5"/>
1744        <source>post-task execution of command</source>
1745        <translation>Efterkörning av kommandot</translation>
1746    </message>
1747    <message>
1748        <location line="+6"/>
1749        <location line="+21"/>
1750        <source>Now performing task</source>
1751        <translation>Kör aktivitet</translation>
1752    </message>
1753    <message>
1754        <location line="-14"/>
1755        <location line="+1"/>
1756        <source>Directory</source>
1757        <translation>Katalog</translation>
1758    </message>
1759    <message>
1760        <location line="+24"/>
1761        <source>calculating</source>
1762        <translation>beräknar</translation>
1763    </message>
1764    <message>
1765        <location line="+4"/>
1766        <source>deleting files</source>
1767        <translation>tar bort filer</translation>
1768    </message>
1769    <message>
1770        <location line="+13"/>
1771        <source>Total files transferred</source>
1772        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1773    </message>
1774    <message>
1775        <location line="+174"/>
1776        <source>trying to send an email</source>
1777        <translation>försöker skicka e-post</translation>
1778    </message>
1779    <message>
1780        <location line="+31"/>
1781        <source>The system will shutdown in 1 minute</source>
1782        <translation>Systemet kommer att stängas om 1 minut</translation>
1783    </message>
1784    <message>
1785        <location line="-226"/>
1786        <source>Source</source>
1787        <translation>Källa</translation>
1788    </message>
1789    <message>
1790        <location line="+1"/>
1791        <source>Destination</source>
1792        <translation>Destination</translation>
1793    </message>
1794    <message>
1795        <location line="+22"/>
1796        <location line="+1"/>
1797        <source>All tasks completed</source>
1798        <translation>Alla aktiviteter klara</translation>
1799    </message>
1800    <message>
1801        <location line="+8"/>
1802        <location line="+1"/>
1803        <source>No errors found</source>
1804        <translation>Inga fel</translation>
1805    </message>
1806    <message>
1807        <location line="+4"/>
1808        <location line="+1"/>
1809        <source>errors found</source>
1810        <translation>fel funna</translation>
1811    </message>
1812    <message>
1813        <location line="+8"/>
1814        <location line="+51"/>
1815        <source>logfile(s) have been created under directory: </source>
1816        <translation>loggfil(er) har skapats i katalogen:</translation>
1817    </message>
1818    <message>
1819        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+21"/>
1820        <source>Done</source>
1821        <translation>Klart</translation>
1822    </message>
1823    <message>
1824        <location filename="../src/executenow.cpp" line="-38"/>
1825        <location line="+4"/>
1826        <location line="+48"/>
1827        <location line="+4"/>
1828        <source>execution of profile:</source>
1829        <translation>körning av profilen:</translation>
1830    </message>
1831    <message>
1832        <location line="-56"/>
1833        <location line="+4"/>
1834        <location line="+48"/>
1835        <location line="+4"/>
1836        <source>finished</source>
1837        <translation>avslutad</translation>
1838    </message>
1839    <message>
1840        <location line="-22"/>
1841        <location line="+1"/>
1842        <source>Execution of tasks were terminated violently by user</source>
1843        <translation>Körningen av aktiviteterna blev brutalt avbruten utav användaren</translation>
1844    </message>
1845    <message>
1846        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="-72"/>
1847        <source>&amp;Profile</source>
1848        <comment>This is a top menu item</comment>
1849        <translation>&amp;Profil</translation>
1850    </message>
1851    <message>
1852        <location line="+28"/>
1853        <source>&amp;Settings</source>
1854        <comment>This is a top menu item</comment>
1855        <translation>&amp;Inställningar</translation>
1856    </message>
1857    <message>
1858        <location line="+5"/>
1859        <source>&amp;Language</source>
1860        <comment>This is a top menu item</comment>
1861        <translation>&amp;Språk</translation>
1862    </message>
1863    <message>
1864        <location line="+9"/>
1865        <source>&amp;Help</source>
1866        <comment>This is a top menu item</comment>
1867        <translation>&amp;Hjälp</translation>
1868    </message>
1869    <message>
1870        <location line="+1"/>
1871        <source>&amp;Handbook</source>
1872        <comment>full phrase: &apos;luckyBackup Handbook&apos;</comment>
1873        <translation>&amp;Handbok (engelska)</translation>
1874    </message>
1875    <message>
1876        <location line="+1"/>
1877        <source>&amp;About</source>
1878        <comment>full phrase: &apos;about luckyBackup&apos;</comment>
1879        <translation>&amp;Om</translation>
1880    </message>
1881    <message>
1882        <location line="+2"/>
1883        <source>current profile</source>
1884        <translation>aktuell profil</translation>
1885    </message>
1886    <message>
1887        <location line="+3"/>
1888        <source>include</source>
1889        <comment>label of &apos;include&apos; checkboxes</comment>
1890        <translation>inkludera</translation>
1891    </message>
1892    <message>
1893        <location line="+3"/>
1894        <source>Move the highlighted task up, by one position</source>
1895        <comment>button tooltip</comment>
1896        <translation>Flytta den markerade aktiviteten upp ett steg</translation>
1897    </message>
1898    <message>
1899        <location line="+1"/>
1900        <source>Move the highlighted task down, by one position</source>
1901        <comment>button tooltip</comment>
1902        <translation>Flytta den markerade aktiviteten ner ett steg</translation>
1903    </message>
1904    <message>
1905        <location line="+1"/>
1906        <source>jump to next error</source>
1907        <comment>button tooltip</comment>
1908        <translation>hoppa till nästa fel</translation>
1909    </message>
1910    <message>
1911        <location line="+1"/>
1912        <source>jump to previous error</source>
1913        <comment>button tooltip</comment>
1914        <translation>hoppa till förra felet</translation>
1915    </message>
1916    <message>
1917        <location line="+4"/>
1918        <source>Task</source>
1919        <comment>task groupbox (add, remove, modify buttons) label</comment>
1920        <translation>Aktivitet</translation>
1921    </message>
1922    <message>
1923        <location line="+1"/>
1924        <source>add</source>
1925        <comment>add task button label</comment>
1926        <translation>lägg till</translation>
1927    </message>
1928    <message>
1929        <location line="+1"/>
1930        <source>add task</source>
1931        <comment>add task button tooltip</comment>
1932        <translation>lägg till aktivitet</translation>
1933    </message>
1934    <message>
1935        <location line="+1"/>
1936        <source>remove</source>
1937        <comment>remove task button label</comment>
1938        <translation>radera</translation>
1939    </message>
1940    <message>
1941        <location line="+1"/>
1942        <source>remove highlighted task</source>
1943        <comment>remove task button tooltip</comment>
1944        <translation>radera markerad aktivitet</translation>
1945    </message>
1946    <message>
1947        <location line="+1"/>
1948        <source>modify</source>
1949        <comment>modify task button label</comment>
1950        <translation>redigera</translation>
1951    </message>
1952    <message>
1953        <location line="+1"/>
1954        <source>modify highlighted task</source>
1955        <comment>modify task button tooltip</comment>
1956        <translation>redigera markerad aktivitet</translation>
1957    </message>
1958    <message>
1959        <location line="+4"/>
1960        <source>Begin the execution of all included tasks</source>
1961        <comment>start button tooltip</comment>
1962        <translation>Starta körning av all markerade aktiviteter</translation>
1963    </message>
1964    <message>
1965        <location line="+6"/>
1966        <source>NOTE</source>
1967        <comment>simulation checkbox tooltip - line2</comment>
1968        <translation>OBS</translation>
1969    </message>
1970    <message>
1971        <location line="+0"/>
1972        <source>Progressbar update will not be realistic</source>
1973        <comment>simulation checkbox tooltip - line2</comment>
1974        <translation>Förloppsmätaren kommer inte att vara realistisk</translation>
1975    </message>
1976    <message>
1977        <location line="+5"/>
1978        <source>Information window</source>
1979        <comment>information window title</comment>
1980        <translation>Informationsfönster</translation>
1981    </message>
1982    <message>
1983        <location line="+1"/>
1984        <source>Exit</source>
1985        <comment>exit button tooltip. full phrase is: &apos;exit luckybackup&apos;</comment>
1986        <translation>Avsluta</translation>
1987    </message>
1988    <message>
1989        <location line="+1"/>
1990        <source>EXIT</source>
1991        <comment>EXIT button label</comment>
1992        <translation>AVSLUTA</translation>
1993    </message>
1994    <message>
1995        <location line="+6"/>
1996        <source>minimize to tray</source>
1997        <translation>minimera till aktivitetsfältet</translation>
1998    </message>
1999    <message>
2000        <location line="+1"/>
2001        <source>minimizes the window to the tray area</source>
2002        <translation>minimerar fönstret till aktivitetsfältet</translation>
2003    </message>
2004    <message>
2005        <location line="+43"/>
2006        <source>F1</source>
2007        <translation>F1</translation>
2008    </message>
2009    <message>
2010        <location line="+62"/>
2011        <source>English</source>
2012        <translation>Svenska</translation>
2013    </message>
2014    <message>
2015        <location line="+2"/>
2016        <source>&amp;%1 %2</source>
2017        <translation>&amp;%1 %2</translation>
2018    </message>
2019    <message>
2020        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="+775"/>
2021        <source>You have asked for a RESTORE task to be created</source>
2022        <comment>&apos;create restore&apos; message line 1/4</comment>
2023        <translation>Du har valt att en ÅTERSTÄLLNINGSAKTIVITET ska skapas</translation>
2024    </message>
2025    <message>
2026        <location line="+1"/>
2027        <source>Please have a good look at the following task properties dialog</source>
2028        <comment>&apos;create restore&apos; message line 2/4</comment>
2029        <translation>Vänligen kontrollera noggrant följande egenskapsdialog</translation>
2030    </message>
2031    <message>
2032        <location line="+1"/>
2033        <source>and change anything you wish before proceeding</source>
2034        <comment>&apos;create restore&apos; message line 3/4</comment>
2035        <translation>och ändra det du vill innan du fortsätter</translation>
2036    </message>
2037    <message>
2038        <source>Especially check &apos;Task name&apos;, &apos;source&apos;, &apos;destination&apos; &amp; &apos;skip newer destination files&apos; checkbox (advanced)</source>
2039        <comment>&apos;create restore&apos; message line 4/4</comment>
2040        <translation type="vanished">Kolla speciellt &apos;aktivitetsnamn&apos;, &apos;källa&apos;, &apos;destination&apos;, och &apos;hoppa över nya destinationsfiler&apos;-kryssrutan (avancerat)</translation>
2041    </message>
2042    <message>
2043        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+86"/>
2044        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="-433"/>
2045        <location line="+70"/>
2046        <location line="+14"/>
2047        <location line="+56"/>
2048        <location line="+85"/>
2049        <location line="+14"/>
2050        <location line="+240"/>
2051        <location line="+158"/>
2052        <location line="+269"/>
2053        <source>ERROR</source>
2054        <translation>FEL</translation>
2055    </message>
2056    <message>
2057        <location line="+83"/>
2058        <source>loading default profile ...</source>
2059        <comment>information window message</comment>
2060        <translation>laddar standardprofil...</translation>
2061    </message>
2062    <message>
2063        <location line="+2"/>
2064        <source>loading profile ...</source>
2065        <comment>information window message</comment>
2066        <translation>laddar profil...</translation>
2067    </message>
2068    <message>
2069        <location line="+5"/>
2070        <location line="+8"/>
2071        <source>loading failed</source>
2072        <comment>information window message</comment>
2073        <translation>fel vid inläsning</translation>
2074    </message>
2075    <message>
2076        <location line="-7"/>
2077        <source>Unable to open profile</source>
2078        <comment>information window message. full phrase is &apos;Unable to open profile &lt;PROFIENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2079        <translation>Kan inte öppna profilen</translation>
2080    </message>
2081    <message>
2082        <location line="+9"/>
2083        <source>is not valid for</source>
2084        <comment>information window message. Full phrase is: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; is not valid for luckybackup version:X.Y</comment>
2085        <translation>är inte giltig för</translation>
2086    </message>
2087    <message>
2088        <location line="+0"/>
2089        <source>version:</source>
2090        <comment>information window message. Full phrase is: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; is not valid for luckybackup version:X.Y</comment>
2091        <translation>version:</translation>
2092    </message>
2093    <message>
2094        <location line="+21"/>
2095        <source>profile</source>
2096        <comment>info window message. full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; loaded successfully&apos;</comment>
2097        <translation>profilen</translation>
2098    </message>
2099    <message>
2100        <location line="+0"/>
2101        <source>loaded successfully</source>
2102        <comment>info window message. full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; loaded successfully&apos;</comment>
2103        <translation>inläst utan fel</translation>
2104    </message>
2105    <message>
2106        <location line="+10"/>
2107        <location line="+59"/>
2108        <source>scheduled</source>
2109        <comment>this refers to a profile</comment>
2110        <translation>schemalagd</translation>
2111    </message>
2112    <message>
2113        <location line="-54"/>
2114        <location line="+59"/>
2115        <source>YES</source>
2116        <translation>JA</translation>
2117    </message>
2118    <message>
2119        <location line="-57"/>
2120        <location line="+59"/>
2121        <source>NO</source>
2122        <translation>NEJ</translation>
2123    </message>
2124    <message>
2125        <location line="-51"/>
2126        <location line="+59"/>
2127        <source>Description</source>
2128        <translation>Beskrivning</translation>
2129    </message>
2130    <message>
2131        <location line="-40"/>
2132        <source>saving default profile ...</source>
2133        <comment>Information window message</comment>
2134        <translation>sparar standardprofil...</translation>
2135    </message>
2136    <message>
2137        <location line="+2"/>
2138        <source>saving profile ...</source>
2139        <comment>Information window message</comment>
2140        <translation>spara profil...</translation>
2141    </message>
2142    <message>
2143        <location filename="../src/executenow.cpp" line="+132"/>
2144        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="+4"/>
2145        <location line="+70"/>
2146        <source>WARNING</source>
2147        <translation>VARNING</translation>
2148    </message>
2149    <message>
2150        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="-68"/>
2151        <source>default profile</source>
2152        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;default profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be saved&apos;.</comment>
2153        <translation>standardprofil</translation>
2154    </message>
2155    <message>
2156        <location line="+2"/>
2157        <source>profile</source>
2158        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be saved&apos;</comment>
2159        <translation>profilen</translation>
2160    </message>
2161    <message>
2162        <location line="+8"/>
2163        <source>profile</source>
2164        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; saved successfully&apos;</comment>
2165        <translation>profilen</translation>
2166    </message>
2167    <message>
2168        <location line="+0"/>
2169        <source>saved successfully</source>
2170        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; saved successfully&apos;</comment>
2171        <translation>sparad utan fel</translation>
2172    </message>
2173    <message>
2174        <location line="+52"/>
2175        <source>creating default profile ...</source>
2176        <comment>Information window message</comment>
2177        <translation>skapar standardprofil...</translation>
2178    </message>
2179    <message>
2180        <location line="+2"/>
2181        <source>creating profile ...</source>
2182        <comment>Information window message</comment>
2183        <translation>skapar profil...</translation>
2184    </message>
2185    <message>
2186        <location line="+13"/>
2187        <source>profile</source>
2188        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; created successfully&apos;</comment>
2189        <translation>profilen</translation>
2190    </message>
2191    <message>
2192        <location line="+0"/>
2193        <source>created successfully</source>
2194        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; created successfully&apos;</comment>
2195        <translation>skapad utan fel</translation>
2196    </message>
2197    <message>
2198        <location line="+19"/>
2199        <source>Would you like to save it before proceeding ?</source>
2200        <translation>Vill du spara spara den innan du fortsätter?</translation>
2201    </message>
2202    <message>
2203        <location line="+10"/>
2204        <source>Would you like to proceed anyway?</source>
2205        <translation>Vill du fortsätta i alla fall?</translation>
2206    </message>
2207    <message>
2208        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="-1164"/>
2209        <source>super user</source>
2210        <comment>super user is the root user</comment>
2211        <translation>Administratör (root)</translation>
2212    </message>
2213    <message>
2214        <location line="+1"/>
2215        <source>super user mode</source>
2216        <translation>Administratörsläge (root)</translation>
2217    </message>
2218    <message>
2219        <location line="+89"/>
2220        <source>Welcome to</source>
2221        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Welcome to luckyBackup&apos;</comment>
2222        <translation>Välkommen till</translation>
2223    </message>
2224    <message>
2225        <location line="+20"/>
2226        <source>English</source>
2227        <comment>Do not translate this. Enter here the language of the translation in native characters instead. This is how your translation will appear under the &apos;language&apos; menu.</comment>
2228        <translation>Svenska</translation>
2229    </message>
2230    <message>
2231        <location line="+121"/>
2232        <source>Failed to create new profile</source>
2233        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to create new profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2234        <translation>Misslyckades att skapa profilen</translation>
2235    </message>
2236    <message>
2237        <location line="+2"/>
2238        <location line="+576"/>
2239        <source>The name you have entered contains only invalid characters</source>
2240        <translation>Namnet som du angav innehåller icke-giltiga tecken</translation>
2241    </message>
2242    <message>
2243        <location line="-562"/>
2244        <location line="+70"/>
2245        <location line="+156"/>
2246        <source>Profile</source>
2247        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; already exists&apos;</comment>
2248        <translation>Profilen</translation>
2249    </message>
2250    <message>
2251        <location line="-225"/>
2252        <location line="+70"/>
2253        <location line="+156"/>
2254        <source>already exists</source>
2255        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; already exists&apos;</comment>
2256        <translation>finns redan</translation>
2257    </message>
2258    <message>
2259        <location line="-225"/>
2260        <location line="+70"/>
2261        <location line="+156"/>
2262        <source>Would you like to replace it ?</source>
2263        <translation>Vill du ersätta den?</translation>
2264    </message>
2265    <message>
2266        <location line="-216"/>
2267        <location line="+70"/>
2268        <location line="+155"/>
2269        <source>Failed to replace profile</source>
2270        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to replace profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2271        <translation>Misslyckades att ersätta profilen</translation>
2272    </message>
2273    <message>
2274        <location line="-193"/>
2275        <location line="+52"/>
2276        <source>Failed to rename profile</source>
2277        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to rename profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2278        <translation>Misslyckades att byta namn  profilen</translation>
2279    </message>
2280    <message>
2281        <location line="-43"/>
2282        <location line="+56"/>
2283        <source>profile</source>
2284        <comment>full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; renamed successfully to &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2285        <translation>profilen</translation>
2286    </message>
2287    <message>
2288        <location line="-54"/>
2289        <source>renamed successfully to</source>
2290        <comment>full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; renamed successfully to &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2291        <translation>har utan fel ändrat namn till</translation>
2292    </message>
2293    <message>
2294        <location line="+49"/>
2295        <source>default profile</source>
2296        <comment>full phrase: &apos;default profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; renamed successfully to &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt;&apos;.</comment>
2297        <translation>standardprofil</translation>
2298    </message>
2299    <message>
2300        <location line="+7"/>
2301        <source>renamed successfully to</source>
2302        <comment>full phrase: &apos;(default) profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; renamed successfully to &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2303        <translation>har utan fel ändrat namn till</translation>
2304    </message>
2305    <message>
2306        <location line="+5"/>
2307        <source>All relevant files (logs etc) have also been updated</source>
2308        <translation>Alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.) har också uppdaterats</translation>
2309    </message>
2310    <message>
2311        <location line="+2"/>
2312        <source>Failed to update all relevant files (logs etc)</source>
2313        <translation>Misslyckades att uppdatera alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.)</translation>
2314    </message>
2315    <message>
2316        <location line="+15"/>
2317        <source>Are you sure you want to delete the default profile</source>
2318        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Are you sure you want to delete the default profile: &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; ? (a new blank one, with the same name, will be created)&apos;</comment>
2319        <translation>Är du säker  att du vill radera standardprofilen</translation>
2320    </message>
2321    <message>
2322        <location line="+3"/>
2323        <source>a new blank one, with the same name, will be created</source>
2324        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Are you sure you want to delete the default profile: &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; ? (a new blank one, with the same name, will be created)&apos;</comment>
2325        <translation>en ny tom, med samma namn, kommer att skapas</translation>
2326    </message>
2327    <message>
2328        <location line="+3"/>
2329        <source>Are you sure you want to delete profile</source>
2330        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Are you sure you want to delete profile: &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; ?&apos;</comment>
2331        <translation>Är du säker  att du vill radera profilen</translation>
2332    </message>
2333    <message>
2334        <location line="+13"/>
2335        <source>Failed to delete profile</source>
2336        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to delete profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2337        <translation>Misslyckades att radera profilen</translation>
2338    </message>
2339    <message>
2340        <location line="+7"/>
2341        <source>Profile</source>
2342        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; deleted successfully&apos;</comment>
2343        <translation>Profilen</translation>
2344    </message>
2345    <message>
2346        <location line="+2"/>
2347        <source>deleted successfully</source>
2348        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; deleted successfully&apos;</comment>
2349        <translation>raderad utan fel</translation>
2350    </message>
2351    <message>
2352        <location line="+4"/>
2353        <source>All relevant files (logs etc) have also been deleted</source>
2354        <translation>Alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.) har också raderats</translation>
2355    </message>
2356    <message>
2357        <location line="+2"/>
2358        <source>Failed to delete all relevant files (logs etc)</source>
2359        <translation>Misslyckades att radera alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.)</translation>
2360    </message>
2361    <message>
2362        <location line="+26"/>
2363        <source>Profile</source>
2364        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; set as default&apos;</comment>
2365        <translation>Profilen</translation>
2366    </message>
2367    <message>
2368        <location line="+0"/>
2369        <source>set as default</source>
2370        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; set as default&apos;</comment>
2371        <translation>har satts som standard</translation>
2372    </message>
2373    <message>
2374        <location line="+75"/>
2375        <source>All relevant files (logs etc) have also been duplicated</source>
2376        <translation>Alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.) har också duplicerats</translation>
2377    </message>
2378    <message>
2379        <location line="+2"/>
2380        <source>Failed to duplicate all relevant files (logs etc)</source>
2381        <translation>Misslyckades att duplicera alla relevanta filer (loggar etc.)</translation>
2382    </message>
2383    <message>
2384        <location line="+26"/>
2385        <source>The description of profile</source>
2386        <comment>full phrase: &apos;The description of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; set to: &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt;&apos;</comment>
2387        <translation>Beskrivningen av profilen</translation>
2388    </message>
2389    <message>
2390        <location line="+0"/>
2391        <source>set to</source>
2392        <comment>full phrase: &apos;The description of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; set to: &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt;&apos;</comment>
2393        <translation>har satts till</translation>
2394    </message>
2395    <message>
2396        <location line="+149"/>
2397        <source>Please check &apos;Task name&apos;, &apos;source&apos;, &apos;destination&apos; and especially the &apos;Delete files on the destination&apos;&apos; &amp; &apos;skip newer destination files&apos; check-boxes (advanced)</source>
2398        <comment>&apos;create restore&apos; message line 4/4</comment>
2399        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2400    </message>
2401    <message>
2402        <location line="+73"/>
2403        <source>Import Profile</source>
2404        <comment>this is a dialog title</comment>
2405        <translation>Importera Profil</translation>
2406    </message>
2407    <message>
2408        <location line="+13"/>
2409        <location line="+29"/>
2410        <location line="+33"/>
2411        <source>Failed to import profile</source>
2412        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to import profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2413        <translation>Misslyckades att importera profilen</translation>
2414    </message>
2415    <message>
2416        <location line="-17"/>
2417        <source>Profile</source>
2418        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; imported successfully as &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt; and added at the profile list&apos;</comment>
2419        <translation>Profilen</translation>
2420    </message>
2421    <message>
2422        <location line="+3"/>
2423        <source>imported successfully</source>
2424        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; imported successfully as &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt; and added at the profile list&apos;</comment>
2425        <translation>importerades utan fel</translation>
2426    </message>
2427    <message>
2428        <location line="+2"/>
2429        <source>as</source>
2430        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; imported successfully as &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt; and added at the profile list&apos;</comment>
2431        <translation>som</translation>
2432    </message>
2433    <message>
2434        <location line="+2"/>
2435        <source>and added at the profile list</source>
2436        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; imported successfully as &lt;NEWPROFILENAME&gt; and added at the profile list&apos;</comment>
2437        <translation>och lades till i profillistan</translation>
2438    </message>
2439    <message>
2440        <location line="+66"/>
2441        <source>Could not locate the file</source>
2442        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Could not locate the file &lt;FILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2443        <translation>Kunde inte hitta filen</translation>
2444    </message>
2445    <message>
2446        <location line="-324"/>
2447        <location line="+64"/>
2448        <location line="+298"/>
2449        <source>You have reached the maximum limit of supported tasks</source>
2450        <translation>Du har nått den övre gränsen för antalet aktiviteter som stödjs</translation>
2451    </message>
2452    <message>
2453        <location line="-361"/>
2454        <location line="+64"/>
2455        <location line="+298"/>
2456        <source>You have to remove a task if you wish to add another !!</source>
2457        <translation>Du måste radera en aktivitet ifall du vill lägga till ytterligare en !!</translation>
2458    </message>
2459    <message>
2460        <location line="-211"/>
2461        <source>Select export directory</source>
2462        <comment>this is a dialog title for selecting a directory to export a profile to</comment>
2463        <translation>Välj exportkatalog</translation>
2464    </message>
2465    <message>
2466        <location line="+14"/>
2467        <source>Failed to export profile</source>
2468        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to export profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; to &lt;DIRNAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2469        <translation>Misslyckades att exportera profilen</translation>
2470    </message>
2471    <message>
2472        <location line="+2"/>
2473        <source>to</source>
2474        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to export profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; to &lt;DIRNAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2475        <translation>till</translation>
2476    </message>
2477    <message>
2478        <location line="+7"/>
2479        <source>Profile</source>
2480        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; exported successfully to &lt;DIRNAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2481        <translation>Profilen</translation>
2482    </message>
2483    <message>
2484        <location line="+2"/>
2485        <source>exported successfully to</source>
2486        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; exported successfully to &lt;DIRNAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
2487        <translation>exporterades utan fel</translation>
2488    </message>
2489    <message>
2490        <location line="+31"/>
2491        <source>The directory you have selected does not contain valid profile data</source>
2492        <translation>Katalogen som du har valt innehåller inte giltig profildata</translation>
2493    </message>
2494    <message>
2495        <location line="+53"/>
2496        <source>Errors occurred during snapshots and logfiles transfer</source>
2497        <translation>Fel uppkom under överföringen av ögonblicksbilder och loggfiler</translation>
2498    </message>
2499    <message>
2500        <location line="+2"/>
2501        <source>Errors occurred during snapshots transfer</source>
2502        <translation>Fel uppkom under överföringen av ögonblicksbilder</translation>
2503    </message>
2504    <message>
2505        <location line="+2"/>
2506        <source>Errors occurred during logfiles transfer</source>
2507        <translation>Fel uppkom under överföringen av loggfiler</translation>
2508    </message>
2509    <message>
2510        <location line="+4"/>
2511        <source>Errors occurred during the profile file transfer</source>
2512        <translation>Fel uppkom under överföringen av profilfilen</translation>
2513    </message>
2514    <message>
2515        <location line="+126"/>
2516        <source>Please select a task to modify first</source>
2517        <translation>Vänligen välj en aktivitet att redigera</translation>
2518    </message>
2519    <message>
2520        <location line="+55"/>
2521        <source>Please select a task to remove first</source>
2522        <translation>Vänligen välj en aktivitet att radera</translation>
2523    </message>
2524    <message>
2525        <location line="+8"/>
2526        <source>Are you sure you want to remove the following task ??</source>
2527        <translation>Är du säker  att du vill radera följande aktivitet ??</translation>
2528    </message>
2529    <message>
2530        <location line="+6"/>
2531        <source>Would you like to also remove:</source>
2532        <translation>Vill du även radera:</translation>
2533    </message>
2534    <message>
2535        <location line="+51"/>
2536        <source>Please select a task to manage first</source>
2537        <translation>Vänligen välj en aktivitet att hantera</translation>
2538    </message>
2539    <message>
2540        <location line="+80"/>
2541        <source>nothing to do</source>
2542        <translation>ingenting att göra</translation>
2543    </message>
2544    <message>
2545        <location line="+19"/>
2546        <source>current crontab &lt;font color=green&gt;updated successfully</source>
2547        <translation>aktuell crontab &lt;font color=green&gt;uppdaterad utan fel</translation>
2548    </message>
2549    <message>
2550        <location line="+15"/>
2551        <source>Email preferences have been &lt;font color=green&gt;updated successfully</source>
2552        <translation>E-postalternativen har blivit &lt;font color=green&gt;uppdaterade utan fel</translation>
2553    </message>
2554    <message>
2555        <location line="+76"/>
2556        <source>status</source>
2557        <translation>status</translation>
2558    </message>
2559    <message>
2560        <location line="+0"/>
2561        <source>NOT INCLUDED</source>
2562        <translation>INTE INKLUDERAD</translation>
2563    </message>
2564    <message>
2565        <location line="+1"/>
2566        <source>Checks are disabled. This task will be &lt;b&gt;skipped&lt;/b&gt;</source>
2567        <translation>Kryssrutan är inte ifylld. Denna aktivitet kommer att &lt;b&gt;hoppas över&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
2568    </message>
2569    <message>
2570        <location line="+33"/>
2571        <source>Task list of profile</source>
2572        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Task list of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; and &apos;profile&apos; drop-down list refreshed&apos;</comment>
2573        <translation>Aktivitetslistan för profilen</translation>
2574    </message>
2575    <message>
2576        <location line="+2"/>
2577        <source>and &apos;profile&apos; drop-down list</source>
2578        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Task list of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; and &apos;profile&apos; drop-down list refreshed&apos;</comment>
2579        <translation>och rullgardinsmenyn</translation>
2580    </message>
2581    <message>
2582        <location line="+1"/>
2583        <source>refreshed</source>
2584        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Task list of profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; and &apos;profile&apos; drop-down list refreshed&apos;</comment>
2585        <translation>uppdaterade</translation>
2586    </message>
2587    <message>
2588        <location filename="../ui/luckybackupwindow.ui" line="+39"/>
2589        <source>luckyBackup</source>
2590        <translation>luckyBackup</translation>
2591    </message>
2592    <message>
2593        <location line="+976"/>
2594        <source>Ctrl+S</source>
2595        <translation>Ctrl+S</translation>
2596    </message>
2597    <message>
2598        <location line="-369"/>
2599        <source>Information window</source>
2600        <translation>Informationsfönster</translation>
2601    </message>
2602    <message>
2603        <location line="-396"/>
2604        <source>CheckBox</source>
2605        <translation>Kyssruta</translation>
2606    </message>
2607    <message>
2608        <location line="+430"/>
2609        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
2610&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
2611p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
2612&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Bitstream Vera Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
2613&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
2614        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
2615&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
2616p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
2617&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Bitstream Vera Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
2618&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
2619    </message>
2620    <message>
2621        <location line="+176"/>
2622        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
2623&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
2624p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
2625&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Bitstream Vera Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
2626&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
2627        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
2628&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
2629p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
2630&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;Bitstream Vera Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
2631&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:9pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
2632    </message>
2633    <message>
2634        <location line="+27"/>
2635        <source>&amp;Profile</source>
2636        <translation>&amp;Profil</translation>
2637    </message>
2638    <message>
2639        <location line="+45"/>
2640        <source>Ctrl+N</source>
2641        <translation>Ctrl+N</translation>
2642    </message>
2643    <message>
2644        <location line="+33"/>
2645        <source>Ctrl+X</source>
2646        <translation>Ctrl+X</translation>
2647    </message>
2648    <message>
2649        <location line="+33"/>
2650        <source>Ctrl+D</source>
2651        <translation>Ctrl+D</translation>
2652    </message>
2653    <message>
2654        <location line="+33"/>
2655        <source>F5</source>
2656        <translation>F5</translation>
2657    </message>
2658    <message>
2659        <location filename="../src/executenow.cpp" line="-1295"/>
2660        <source>Aborting: Please wait for all processes to be killed</source>
2661        <translation>Avbruten: Vänligen vänta tills alla processer har blivit avslutade</translation>
2662    </message>
2663    <message>
2664        <location line="+197"/>
2665        <source>Removing old snapshots and logfiles of task</source>
2666        <comment>info message displayed during ...data removal
2667Full phrase: Removing old snapshots and logfiles of task: &lt;TASKNAME&gt;</comment>
2668        <translation>Tar bort gamla ögonblicksbilder och loggfiler för aktiviteten </translation>
2669    </message>
2670    <message>
2671        <location line="+73"/>
2672        <location line="+12"/>
2673        <source>Removing</source>
2674        <translation>Tar bort</translation>
2675    </message>
2676    <message>
2677        <location line="-10"/>
2678        <location line="+12"/>
2679        <source>failed to remove</source>
2680        <translation>misslyckades att radera</translation>
2681    </message>
2682    <message>
2683        <location line="+495"/>
2684        <source>Failed to start</source>
2685        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2686        <translation>Kunde inte starta</translation>
2687    </message>
2688    <message>
2689        <location line="+2"/>
2690        <source>Crashed</source>
2691        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2692        <translation>Krashade</translation>
2693    </message>
2694    <message>
2695        <location line="+2"/>
2696        <source>Timed out</source>
2697        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2698        <translation>Timeout</translation>
2699    </message>
2700    <message>
2701        <location line="+2"/>
2702        <source>Write error</source>
2703        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2704        <translation>Skrivfel</translation>
2705    </message>
2706    <message>
2707        <location line="+2"/>
2708        <source>Read error</source>
2709        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2710        <translation>Läsfel</translation>
2711    </message>
2712    <message>
2713        <location line="+2"/>
2714        <source>Unknown error</source>
2715        <comment>this refers to a process</comment>
2716        <translation>Okänt fel</translation>
2717    </message>
2718    <message>
2719        <location line="+263"/>
2720        <source>calculating</source>
2721        <comment>info message displayed during ...calculations</comment>
2722        <translation>beräknar</translation>
2723    </message>
2724    <message>
2725        <location line="+2"/>
2726        <source>transferring files</source>
2727        <comment>info message displayed during ...file transfers</comment>
2728        <translation>överför filer</translation>
2729    </message>
2730    <message>
2731        <location line="+2"/>
2732        <source>deleting files</source>
2733        <comment>info message displayed during ...file deletions</comment>
2734        <translation>tar bort filer</translation>
2735    </message>
2736    <message>
2737        <location line="+19"/>
2738        <source>transferring files</source>
2739        <translation>överför filer</translation>
2740    </message>
2741    <message>
2742        <source>Total files transfered</source>
2743        <translation type="vanished">Totalt antal filer överförda</translation>
2744    </message>
2745    <message>
2746        <location line="+96"/>
2747        <source>ABORTED</source>
2748        <translation>AVBRUTEN</translation>
2749    </message>
2750    <message>
2751        <location filename="../src/functions.cpp" line="-560"/>
2752        <source>&amp;Refresh</source>
2753        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2754        <translation>&amp;Uppdatera</translation>
2755    </message>
2756    <message>
2757        <location line="+1"/>
2758        <source>De&amp;fault</source>
2759        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2760        <translation>Stan&amp;dard</translation>
2761    </message>
2762    <message>
2763        <location line="+1"/>
2764        <source>Set as Default</source>
2765        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action tooltip</comment>
2766        <translation>Sätt som Standard</translation>
2767    </message>
2768    <message>
2769        <location line="+1"/>
2770        <source>&amp;View/Edit Description</source>
2771        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2772        <translation>&amp;Visa/redigera Beskrivning</translation>
2773    </message>
2774    <message>
2775        <location line="+1"/>
2776        <source>View/Edit the profile description</source>
2777        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action tooltip</comment>
2778        <translation>Visa/redigera profilbeskrivningen</translation>
2779    </message>
2780    <message>
2781        <location line="+1"/>
2782        <source>R&amp;ename</source>
2783        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2784        <translation>&amp;Ändra namn</translation>
2785    </message>
2786    <message>
2787        <location line="+1"/>
2788        <source>&amp;Delete</source>
2789        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2790        <translation>&amp;Radera</translation>
2791    </message>
2792    <message>
2793        <location line="+1"/>
2794        <source>&amp;New</source>
2795        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2796        <translation>&amp;Ny</translation>
2797    </message>
2798    <message>
2799        <location line="+1"/>
2800        <source>&amp;Save</source>
2801        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2802        <translation>&amp;Spara</translation>
2803    </message>
2804    <message>
2805        <location line="+1"/>
2806        <source>E&amp;xport</source>
2807        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2808        <translation>&amp;Exportera</translation>
2809    </message>
2810    <message>
2811        <location line="+1"/>
2812        <source>&amp;Import</source>
2813        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2814        <translation>&amp;Importera</translation>
2815    </message>
2816    <message>
2817        <location line="+1"/>
2818        <source>S&amp;chedule</source>
2819        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2820        <translation>S&amp;chema</translation>
2821    </message>
2822    <message>
2823        <location line="+1"/>
2824        <source>E&amp;mail</source>
2825        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2826        <translation>E-&amp;post</translation>
2827    </message>
2828    <message>
2829        <location line="+1"/>
2830        <source>Email report after profile execution</source>
2831        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action tooltip</comment>
2832        <translation>E-posta rapport efter profilkörning</translation>
2833    </message>
2834    <message>
2835        <location line="+1"/>
2836        <source>&amp;Quit</source>
2837        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2838        <translation>&amp;Avsluta</translation>
2839    </message>
2840    <message>
2841        <location line="+1"/>
2842        <source>D&amp;uplicate</source>
2843        <comment>This is a top &apos;Profile&apos; menu action</comment>
2844        <translation>&amp;Duplicera</translation>
2845    </message>
2846    <message>
2847        <location line="+2"/>
2848        <source>&amp;Task</source>
2849        <comment>This is a top menu action</comment>
2850        <translation>&amp;Aktivitet</translation>
2851    </message>
2852    <message>
2853        <location line="+1"/>
2854        <source>&amp;Add</source>
2855        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2856        <translation>&amp;Lägg till</translation>
2857    </message>
2858    <message>
2859        <location line="+1"/>
2860        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
2861        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2862        <translation>&amp;Radera</translation>
2863    </message>
2864    <message>
2865        <location line="+1"/>
2866        <source>&amp;Modify</source>
2867        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2868        <translation>R&amp;edigera</translation>
2869    </message>
2870    <message>
2871        <location line="+1"/>
2872        <source>Create D&amp;uplicate task</source>
2873        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2874        <translation>Skapa &amp;kopia av aktivitet</translation>
2875    </message>
2876    <message>
2877        <location line="+1"/>
2878        <source>Create R&amp;estore task</source>
2879        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2880        <translation>Skapa &amp;återställningsaktivitet</translation>
2881    </message>
2882    <message>
2883        <location line="+1"/>
2884        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="-45"/>
2885        <source>Manage &amp;Backup</source>
2886        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
2887        <translation>&amp;Hantera säkerhetskopior</translation>
2888    </message>
2889    <message>
2890        <location line="+1"/>
2891        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="+1"/>
2892        <source>display - restore - delete existing backups of highlighted task</source>
2893        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action tooltip</comment>
2894        <translation>visa - återställ - radera existerande säkerhetskopior av de markerade aktiviteterna </translation>
2895    </message>
2896    <message>
2897        <location line="+4"/>
2898        <source>Actions</source>
2899        <comment>This is a top menu action</comment>
2900        <translation>Funktionsknappar</translation>
2901    </message>
2902    <message>
2903        <location line="+1"/>
2904        <source>Current Profile</source>
2905        <comment>This is a top menu action</comment>
2906        <translation>Aktuell profil</translation>
2907    </message>
2908    <message>
2909        <location line="+1"/>
2910        <source>Lock</source>
2911        <comment>This is a top menu action. Refers to toolbars</comment>
2912        <translation>Lås verktygsfältet</translation>
2913    </message>
2914    <message>
2915        <location line="+1"/>
2916        <source>Show text under icons</source>
2917        <comment>This is a top menu action</comment>
2918        <translation>Visa text under ikonerna</translation>
2919    </message>
2920    <message>
2921        <location line="+2"/>
2922        <source>&amp;Toolbars</source>
2923        <comment>This is a top menu item</comment>
2924        <translation>&amp;Verktygsrader</translation>
2925    </message>
2926    <message>
2927        <location line="+4"/>
2928        <source>Set paths</source>
2929        <comment>This is a top menu action</comment>
2930        <translation>Ange sökvägar</translation>
2931    </message>
2932    <message>
2933        <location line="+1"/>
2934        <source>Set paths for rsync and ssh commands</source>
2935        <comment>This is a top menu action tooltip</comment>
2936        <translation>Ange sökvägar för rsync- och ssh-kommandon</translation>
2937    </message>
2938    <message>
2939        <location line="+17"/>
2940        <source>quiet mode</source>
2941        <translation>tyst läge</translation>
2942    </message>
2943    <message>
2944        <location line="+1"/>
2945        <source>Only show errors and important messages during window update</source>
2946        <translation>Visa endast fel och viktiga meddelanden under fönsteruppdateringen</translation>
2947    </message>
2948    <message>
2949        <location line="+11"/>
2950        <source>Run</source>
2951        <comment>start button label</comment>
2952        <translation>Kör</translation>
2953    </message>
2954    <message>
2955        <location line="+2"/>
2956        <source>Abort</source>
2957        <comment>Abort button label</comment>
2958        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
2959    </message>
2960    <message>
2961        <location line="+1"/>
2962        <source>Stop the execution of running tasks NOW</source>
2963        <comment>Abort button tooltip</comment>
2964        <translation>Stoppa körningen av aktiviteterna NU</translation>
2965    </message>
2966    <message>
2967        <location line="+2"/>
2968        <source>Execution of tasks finished</source>
2969        <comment>Done button tooltip</comment>
2970        <translation>Körningen avslutad</translation>
2971    </message>
2972    <message>
2973        <location line="+1"/>
2974        <source>Dry</source>
2975        <comment>simulation checkbox label. Translate this as &apos;simulation&apos;</comment>
2976        <translation>Simulering</translation>
2977    </message>
2978    <message>
2979        <location line="+1"/>
2980        <source>This will perform a &lt;b&gt;simulation run&lt;/b&gt; that doesn&apos;t make any changes (and produces mostly the same output as a real run)</source>
2981        <comment>simulation checkbox tooltip - line1. Please leave tags &lt;b&gt; and &lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding &apos;simulation run&apos;</comment>
2982        <translation>Detta kommer att utföra en &lt;b&gt;simulering&lt;/b&gt; som inte kommer att göra några ändringar (och som producerar nästan samma utskrifter som en riktig körning)</translation>
2983    </message>
2984    <message>
2985        <location line="+2"/>
2986        <source>shutdown</source>
2987        <comment>shutdown button label</comment>
2988        <translation>Stäng ner</translation>
2989    </message>
2990    <message>
2991        <location line="+1"/>
2992        <source>Press down to shutdown the system when done</source>
2993        <comment>shutdown button tooltip</comment>
2994        <translation>Tryck ner för stänga systemet efter körning</translation>
2995    </message>
2996    <message>
2997        <location line="+6"/>
2998        <source>Hide information window</source>
2999        <comment>show/hide information window button tooltip</comment>
3000        <translation>Dölj informationsfönstret</translation>
3001    </message>
3002    <message>
3003        <location line="+2"/>
3004        <source>Show information window</source>
3005        <comment>show/hide information window button tooltip</comment>
3006        <translation>Visa informationsfönstret</translation>
3007    </message>
3008    <message>
3009        <location line="+295"/>
3010        <source>profile </source>
3011        <comment>information window message. Full phrase is: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; is not valid for luckybackup version:X.Y&apos;. BEWARE of the whitespace in the end</comment>
3012        <translation>profilen </translation>
3013    </message>
3014    <message>
3015        <location line="+52"/>
3016        <source>The task list is empty</source>
3017        <translation>Aktivitetslistan är tom</translation>
3018    </message>
3019    <message>
3020        <location line="+0"/>
3021        <location line="+100"/>
3022        <source>Use the &quot;add&quot; button on the right to get started</source>
3023        <comment>Please keep the add word inside quotes</comment>
3024        <translation>Använd &quot;lägg till&quot;-knappen till höger för att starta</translation>
3025    </message>
3026    <message>
3027        <location line="-74"/>
3028        <source>could not be saved</source>
3029        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;(default) profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be saved&apos;</comment>
3030        <translation>kunde inte sparas</translation>
3031    </message>
3032    <message>
3033        <location line="+66"/>
3034        <source>default profile</source>
3035        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;default profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be created&apos;.</comment>
3036        <translation>standardprofil</translation>
3037    </message>
3038    <message>
3039        <location line="+3"/>
3040        <source>could not be created</source>
3041        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;(default) profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be created&apos;</comment>
3042        <translation>kunde inte skapas</translation>
3043    </message>
3044    <message>
3045        <location line="+21"/>
3046        <source>Profile</source>
3047        <comment>Question dialog message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; is modified&apos;</comment>
3048        <translation>Profilen</translation>
3049    </message>
3050    <message>
3051        <location line="+1"/>
3052        <source>is modified</source>
3053        <comment>Question dialog message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; is modified&apos;</comment>
3054        <translation>har ändrats</translation>
3055    </message>
3056    <message>
3057        <location line="+9"/>
3058        <source>Profile</source>
3059        <comment>Question dialog message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be saved&apos;</comment>
3060        <translation>Profilen</translation>
3061    </message>
3062    <message>
3063        <location line="+0"/>
3064        <source>could not be saved</source>
3065        <comment>Question dialog message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be saved&apos;</comment>
3066        <translation>kunde inte sparas</translation>
3067    </message>
3068    <message>
3069        <location line="-32"/>
3070        <source>profile</source>
3071        <comment>Information window message. Full phrase: &apos;profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; could not be created&apos;.</comment>
3072        <translation>profilen</translation>
3073    </message>
3074    <message>
3075        <location filename="../src/luckybackupwindow.cpp" line="-813"/>
3076        <source>Failed to duplicate profile</source>
3077        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to duplicate profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
3078        <translation>Misslyckades att duplicera profilen</translation>
3079    </message>
3080    <message>
3081        <location line="+41"/>
3082        <source>Failed to duplicate profile</source>
3083        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to duplicate profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; as &lt;FILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
3084        <translation>Misslyckades att duplicera profilen</translation>
3085    </message>
3086    <message>
3087        <location line="+2"/>
3088        <source>as</source>
3089        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Failed to duplicate profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; as &lt;FILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
3090        <translation>till</translation>
3091    </message>
3092    <message>
3093        <location line="+8"/>
3094        <source>Profile</source>
3095        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; duplicated successfully as &lt;FILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
3096        <translation>Profilen</translation>
3097    </message>
3098    <message>
3099        <location line="+2"/>
3100        <source>duplicated successfully as</source>
3101        <comment>full phrase: &apos;Profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; duplicated successfully as &lt;FILENAME&gt;&apos;</comment>
3102        <translation>duplicerad utan problem till</translation>
3103    </message>
3104    <message>
3105        <location line="+52"/>
3106        <source>Please select a task to duplicate first</source>
3107        <translation>Vänligen välj en aktivitet att duplicera</translation>
3108    </message>
3109    <message>
3110        <location line="+65"/>
3111        <source>Please select a task first</source>
3112        <translation>Vänligen välj en aktivitet</translation>
3113    </message>
3114    <message>
3115        <location line="+243"/>
3116        <source>Hide information window</source>
3117        <comment>hide/show information window button tooltip</comment>
3118        <translation>Dölj informationsfönstret</translation>
3119    </message>
3120    <message>
3121        <location line="+9"/>
3122        <source>Show information window</source>
3123        <comment>hide/show information window button tooltip</comment>
3124        <translation>Visa informationsfönstret</translation>
3125    </message>
3126    <message>
3127        <location line="+287"/>
3128        <source>You have only included tasks that are going to be skipped</source>
3129        <translation>Du har endast inkluderat aktiviteter som kommer att hoppas över</translation>
3130    </message>
3131    <message>
3132        <location line="+96"/>
3133        <source>Manage Task</source>
3134        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action</comment>
3135        <translation>Hantera Aktivitet</translation>
3136    </message>
3137    <message>
3138        <location line="+1"/>
3139        <source>display information regarding highlighted task</source>
3140        <comment>This is a top &apos;Task&apos; menu action tooltip</comment>
3141        <translation>visa information gällande den valda aktiviteten</translation>
3142    </message>
3143    <message>
3144        <location filename="../ui/luckybackupwindow.ui" line="-122"/>
3145        <source>&amp;Task</source>
3146        <translation>&amp;Aktivitet</translation>
3147    </message>
3148    <message>
3149        <location filename="../src/executenow.cpp" line="-631"/>
3150        <source>Successfully created destination directory</source>
3151        <translation>Skapade destinationskatalog utan fel</translation>
3152    </message>
3153    <message>
3154        <location line="+3"/>
3155        <source>Failed to create destination directory</source>
3156        <translation>Misslyckades att skapa destinationskatalog</translation>
3157    </message>
3160    <name>manageDialog</name>
3161    <message>
3162        <location filename="../src/manage.cpp" line="+100"/>
3163        <source>profile</source>
3164        <translation>profil</translation>
3165    </message>
3166    <message>
3167        <location line="+1"/>
3168        <source>task</source>
3169        <translation>aktivitet</translation>
3170    </message>
3171    <message>
3172        <location filename="../ui/manage.ui" line="+234"/>
3173        <source>Delete</source>
3174        <translation>Radera</translation>
3175    </message>
3176    <message>
3177        <location line="+26"/>
3178        <source>Restore</source>
3179        <translation>Återställ</translation>
3180    </message>
3181    <message>
3182        <location line="+23"/>
3183        <source>view log</source>
3184        <translation>visa logg</translation>
3185    </message>
3186    <message>
3187        <location line="-186"/>
3188        <source>destination:</source>
3189        <translation>destination:</translation>
3190    </message>
3191    <message>
3192        <location line="+31"/>
3193        <source>source:</source>
3194        <translation>källa:</translation>
3195    </message>
3196    <message>
3197        <location line="+175"/>
3198        <source>hide source</source>
3199        <translation>dölj källa</translation>
3200    </message>
3201    <message>
3202        <location line="-130"/>
3203        <source>Close this window</source>
3204        <translation>Stäng detta fönster</translation>
3205    </message>
3206    <message>
3207        <location line="+3"/>
3208        <source>Close</source>
3209        <translation>Stäng</translation>
3210    </message>
3211    <message>
3212        <location filename="../src/manage.cpp" line="+135"/>
3213        <source>Please select a snapshot from the list</source>
3214        <comment>Information message</comment>
3215        <translation>Vänligen välj en ögonblicksbild från listan</translation>
3216    </message>
3217    <message>
3218        <location line="+146"/>
3219        <source>This directory does not exist</source>
3220        <translation>Denna katalog existerar inte</translation>
3221    </message>
3222    <message>
3223        <location line="+6"/>
3224        <source>This directory does not exist</source>
3225        <comment>Information message</comment>
3226        <translation>Denna katalog existerar inte</translation>
3227    </message>
3228    <message>
3229        <location line="+10"/>
3230        <location line="+8"/>
3231        <source>I do not have sufficient permissions to read this directory</source>
3232        <comment>Information message</comment>
3233        <translation>Jag har inte tillräckliga privilegier för att läsa denna katalog</translation>
3234    </message>
3235    <message>
3236        <location line="+13"/>
3237        <source>sync dir A</source>
3238        <comment>full phrase: sync dir a: &lt;DIRECTORY_A&gt;</comment>
3239        <translation>synkroniseringskatalog A</translation>
3240    </message>
3241    <message>
3242        <location line="+1"/>
3243        <source>sync dir B</source>
3244        <comment>full phrase: sync dir a: &lt;DIRECTORY_b&gt;</comment>
3245        <translation>synkroniseringskatalog B</translation>
3246    </message>
3247    <message>
3248        <location line="+1"/>
3249        <source>View the logfile of the selected sync task</source>
3250        <comment>&apos;view log&apos; pushbutton tooltip</comment>
3251        <translation>Visa loggfilen för den markerade synkroniseringsaktiviteten</translation>
3252    </message>
3253    <message>
3254        <location line="+83"/>
3255        <source>Please wait until the thread is terminated</source>
3256        <translation>Vänligen vänta tills tråden har avslutats</translation>
3257    </message>
3258    <message>
3259        <location line="+24"/>
3260        <source>STOP</source>
3261        <translation>STOPP</translation>
3262    </message>
3263    <message>
3264        <location line="+1"/>
3265        <source>Stop calculations NOW</source>
3266        <translation>Stoppa beräkningarna NU</translation>
3267    </message>
3268    <message>
3269        <location line="+19"/>
3270        <source>Calculations terminated by user</source>
3271        <translation>Beräkningarna avbrutna av användaren</translation>
3272    </message>
3273    <message>
3274        <location line="+59"/>
3275        <location line="+12"/>
3276        <source>not available</source>
3277        <comment>refers to a date-time</comment>
3278        <translation>inte tillgänglig</translation>
3279    </message>
3280    <message>
3281        <location filename="../ui/manage.ui" line="-159"/>
3282        <source>luckyBackup - manage backup</source>
3283        <translation>luckyBackup - hantera säkerhetskopiering</translation>
3284    </message>
3285    <message>
3286        <location line="+214"/>
3287        <source>Delete the selected snapshot and its logfile</source>
3288        <translation>Radera den valda ögonblicksbilderna och dess loggfil</translation>
3289    </message>
3290    <message>
3291        <location line="+26"/>
3292        <source>Restore the selected snapshot</source>
3293        <translation>Återställ den valda ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3294    </message>
3295    <message>
3296        <location line="+23"/>
3297        <source>View the logfile of the selected snapshot</source>
3298        <translation>Visa loggfilen för den markerade ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3299    </message>
3300    <message>
3301        <location line="+33"/>
3302        <location filename="../src/manage.cpp" line="-57"/>
3303        <source>Calculate the differences between the source and the selected snapshot</source>
3304        <translation>Beräkna skillnader mellan källan och den valda ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3305    </message>
3306    <message>
3307        <location line="+3"/>
3308        <location filename="../src/manage.cpp" line="-1"/>
3309        <source>Calculate differences</source>
3310        <translation>Beräkna skillnaderna</translation>
3311    </message>
3314    <name>manageWizard</name>
3315    <message>
3316        <location filename="../src/manageWizard.cpp" line="+68"/>
3317        <source>not available</source>
3318        <comment>refers to a date-time</comment>
3319        <translation>är ej tillgänglig</translation>
3320    </message>
3321    <message>
3322        <location line="+361"/>
3323        <source>Delete backup</source>
3324        <comment>this is the title of a wizard</comment>
3325        <translation>Radera säkerhetskopia</translation>
3326    </message>
3327    <message>
3328        <location line="+1"/>
3329        <location line="+16"/>
3330        <source>Date &amp; time</source>
3331        <comment>simple label of the wizard gui</comment>
3332        <translation>Datum och tid</translation>
3333    </message>
3334    <message>
3335        <location line="-15"/>
3336        <source>Path</source>
3337        <comment>...is a directory path</comment>
3338        <translation>Sökväg</translation>
3339    </message>
3340    <message>
3341        <location line="-285"/>
3342        <location line="+286"/>
3343        <source>WARNING</source>
3344        <translation>VARNING</translation>
3345    </message>
3346    <message>
3347        <location line="+1"/>
3348        <source>You are about to delete backup data</source>
3349        <comment>information message - line1</comment>
3350        <translation>Du är  väg att radera data från säkerhetskopian</translation>
3351    </message>
3352    <message>
3353        <location line="+1"/>
3354        <source>If the information above is correct, click &lt;b&gt;start&lt;/b&gt; to begin</source>
3355        <comment>information message - line2.
3356Please leave tags &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding &apos;start&apos; translated</comment>
3357        <translation>Om informationen ovan är korrekt, klicka &lt;b&gt;start&lt;/b&gt; för att starta</translation>
3358    </message>
3359    <message>
3360        <location line="+11"/>
3361        <source>Restore backup</source>
3362        <comment>this is the title of a wizard</comment>
3363        <translation>Återställ säkerhetskopian</translation>
3364    </message>
3365    <message>
3366        <location line="+3"/>
3367        <source>Backup path</source>
3368        <comment>...is the backup directory path</comment>
3369        <translation>Sökväg för säkerhetskopian</translation>
3370    </message>
3371    <message>
3372        <location line="-194"/>
3373        <source>close</source>
3374        <translation>stäng</translation>
3375    </message>
3376    <message>
3377        <location line="+11"/>
3378        <source>Deleting snapshot logfile</source>
3379        <comment>info message displayed during ...logfile deletion</comment>
3380        <translation>Radera loggfilen för ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3381    </message>
3382    <message>
3383        <location line="+28"/>
3384        <source>Updating list of snapshots</source>
3385        <comment>info message displayed during ...snaps list update</comment>
3386        <translation>Uppdaterar list över ögonblicksbilder</translation>
3387    </message>
3388    <message>
3389        <location line="+22"/>
3390        <source>Aborted</source>
3391        <translation>Avbruten</translation>
3392    </message>
3393    <message>
3394        <location line="+2"/>
3395        <source>Finished</source>
3396        <translation>Avslutad</translation>
3397    </message>
3398    <message>
3399        <location filename="../ui/manageWizard.ui" line="+240"/>
3400        <location filename="../src/manageWizard.cpp" line="+3"/>
3401        <location line="+235"/>
3402        <source>simulation</source>
3403        <translation>simulering</translation>
3404    </message>
3405    <message>
3406        <location filename="../src/manageWizard.cpp" line="-230"/>
3407        <source>no errors</source>
3408        <translation>inga fel</translation>
3409    </message>
3410    <message>
3411        <location line="+2"/>
3412        <source>errors found</source>
3413        <translation>fel hittade</translation>
3414    </message>
3415    <message>
3416        <location line="+220"/>
3417        <source>Restoring data: main trunk</source>
3418        <comment>info message displayed during ...data restoration</comment>
3419        <translation>Återställer data: huvuddelen</translation>
3420    </message>
3421    <message>
3422        <location line="+3"/>
3423        <source>Restoring data: snapshot files</source>
3424        <comment>info message displayed during ...data restoration</comment>
3425        <translation>Återställer data: filer från ögonblicksbild</translation>
3426    </message>
3427    <message>
3428        <location line="+9"/>
3429        <source>Deleting data</source>
3430        <comment>info message displayed during ...data deletion</comment>
3431        <translation>Raderar data</translation>
3432    </message>
3433    <message>
3434        <location filename="../ui/manageWizard.ui" line="-226"/>
3435        <source>luckyBackup - manage backup</source>
3436        <translation>luckyBackup - hantera säkerhetskopiering</translation>
3437    </message>
3438    <message>
3439        <location line="+182"/>
3440        <source>Jump to previous error</source>
3441        <translation>Hoppa till förra felet</translation>
3442    </message>
3443    <message>
3444        <location line="+3"/>
3445        <source>previous error</source>
3446        <translation>förra felet</translation>
3447    </message>
3448    <message>
3449        <location line="+11"/>
3450        <source>Jump to next error</source>
3451        <translation>Hoppa till nästa fel</translation>
3452    </message>
3453    <message>
3454        <location line="+3"/>
3455        <source>next error</source>
3456        <translation>nästa fel</translation>
3457    </message>
3458    <message>
3459        <location line="+24"/>
3460        <source>This will perform a &lt;b&gt;simulation run&lt;/b&gt; that doesn&apos;t make any changes (and produces mostly the same output as a real run)</source>
3461        <translation>Detta kommer att utföra en &lt;b&gt;simulering&lt;/b&gt; som inte kommer att göra några ändringar (och som producerar nästan samma utskrifter som en riktig körning)</translation>
3462    </message>
3463    <message>
3464        <location line="+14"/>
3465        <source>start</source>
3466        <translation>starta</translation>
3467    </message>
3468    <message>
3469        <location line="+11"/>
3470        <source>ABORT</source>
3471        <translation>AVBRYT</translation>
3472    </message>
3473    <message>
3474        <location line="+11"/>
3475        <source>cancel</source>
3476        <translation>återgå</translation>
3477    </message>
3478    <message>
3479        <location filename="../src/manageWizard.cpp" line="-411"/>
3480        <source>The restore directory will become identical to the backup snapshot</source>
3481        <translation>Återställningskatalogen kommer att bli identisk som ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3482    </message>
3483    <message>
3484        <location line="+2"/>
3485        <source>Existing backup files will replace the corresponding files at the restore directory</source>
3486        <comment>information message - line1.</comment>
3487        <translation>Filer från den existerande säkerhetskopian kommer att ersätta motsvarande filer i återställningskatalogen</translation>
3488    </message>
3489    <message>
3490        <location line="+3"/>
3491        <source>If the information above is correct, click &lt;b&gt;start&lt;/b&gt; to begin</source>
3492        <comment>information message - line2.
3493Please leave tags &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding &apos;start translated&apos;</comment>
3494        <translation>Om informationen ovan är korrekt, klicka &lt;b&gt;start&lt;/b&gt; för att starta</translation>
3495    </message>
3496    <message>
3497        <location line="+119"/>
3498        <source>success</source>
3499        <comment>info message displayed after ...logfile deletion</comment>
3500        <translation>lyckat</translation>
3501    </message>
3502    <message>
3503        <location line="+3"/>
3504        <source>failed</source>
3505        <comment>info message displayed after ...logfile deletion</comment>
3506        <translation>misslyckat</translation>
3507    </message>
3508    <message>
3509        <location line="+4"/>
3510        <source>Deleting file that lists snapshot changes</source>
3511        <comment>info message displayed during ...file deletion</comment>
3512        <translation>Tar bort filer listade som skillnader hos ögonblicksbilden</translation>
3513    </message>
3514    <message>
3515        <location line="+7"/>
3516        <source>success</source>
3517        <comment>info message displayed after ...file deletion</comment>
3518        <translation>lyckat</translation>
3519    </message>
3520    <message>
3521        <location line="+3"/>
3522        <source>failed</source>
3523        <comment>info message displayed after ...file deletion</comment>
3524        <translation>misslyckat</translation>
3525    </message>
3526    <message>
3527        <location line="+7"/>
3528        <source>success</source>
3529        <comment>info message displayed after ...snapshots list update</comment>
3530        <translation>lyckat</translation>
3531    </message>
3532    <message>
3533        <location line="+73"/>
3534        <source>Select new restore directory</source>
3535        <comment>directory selection dialog title</comment>
3536        <translation>Välj en ny återställningskatalog</translation>
3537    </message>
3538    <message>
3539        <location line="+81"/>
3540        <source>Restore path</source>
3541        <comment>...is the restore directory path</comment>
3542        <translation>Sökväg för återställning</translation>
3543    </message>
3544    <message>
3545        <location line="+124"/>
3546        <source>No snapshot specific data exist. Skipping...</source>
3547        <comment>info message displayed during ...data restoration/deletion</comment>
3548        <translation>Ingen specifik data från ögonblicksbilden existerar. Hoppar över...</translation>
3549    </message>
3550    <message>
3551        <location filename="../ui/manageWizard.ui" line="-150"/>
3552        <source>Check this, to clone the backup snapshot to the restore directory.</source>
3553        <translation>Kryssa i för att klona ögonblicksbilden till återställningskatalogen.</translation>
3554    </message>
3555    <message>
3556        <location line="+3"/>
3557        <source>Delete existing data that do not exist at the backup</source>
3558        <translation>Radera existerande data som inte finns i säkerhetskopian</translation>
3559    </message>
3560    <message>
3561        <location line="+37"/>
3562        <source>Browse locally for a new restore path</source>
3563        <translation>Bläddra lokalt för en ny återställningssökväg</translation>
3564    </message>
3565    <message>
3566        <location line="+3"/>
3567        <source>change</source>
3568        <translation>ändra</translation>
3569    </message>
3570    <message>
3571        <location line="+14"/>
3572        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
3573&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
3574p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
3575&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;FreeSans&apos;; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
3576&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
3577        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
3578&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
3579p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
3580&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;FreeSans&apos;; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
3581&lt;p style=&quot;-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
3582    </message>
3585    <name>modifyDialog</name>
3586    <message>
3587        <location filename="../src/modifyDialog.cpp" line="+246"/>
3588        <source>simple</source>
3589        <translation>enkelt</translation>
3590    </message>
3591    <message>
3592        <location line="+6"/>
3593        <source>advanced</source>
3594        <translation>avancerat</translation>
3595    </message>
3596    <message>
3597        <location line="+129"/>
3598        <source>Task name</source>
3599        <translation>Aktivitetsnamn</translation>
3600    </message>
3601    <message>
3602        <location line="+2"/>
3603        <source>Destination</source>
3604        <translation>Destination</translation>
3605    </message>
3606    <message>
3607        <location line="+2"/>
3608        <source>Source</source>
3609        <translation>Källa</translation>
3610    </message>
3611    <message>
3612        <location filename="../ui/modifyDialog.ui" line="+29"/>
3613        <source>Task properties</source>
3614        <translation>Aktivitetsegenskaper</translation>
3615    </message>
3616    <message>
3617        <location line="+54"/>
3618        <location line="+28"/>
3619        <source>Enter a name for this task (eg &quot;Backup my home directory&quot;)</source>
3620        <translation>Ange ett namn för denna aktivitet (t. ex. &quot;Säkerhetskopiera min hemmakatalog&quot;)</translation>
3621    </message>
3622    <message>
3623        <location line="-22"/>
3624        <source>Name :</source>
3625        <translation>Namn:</translation>
3626    </message>
3627    <message>
3628        <location line="+41"/>
3629        <source>Define the type of this task:
36301. Backup the contents of Source inside Destination
36312. Backup Source directory by name inside Destination
36323. Synchronize Source &amp; Destination, keeping the most recent files at both of them</source>
3633        <translation>Definiera typen för denna aktivitet:
36341. Säkerhetskopiera innehållet i Källa till Destination
36352. Säkerhetskopiera Källkatalogen med avseende  namn till Destination
36363. Synkronisera Källa och Destination, behåll de senaste filerna i båda</translation>
3637    </message>
3638    <message>
3639        <location line="+6"/>
3640        <source>Type :</source>
3641        <translation>Typ:</translation>
3642    </message>
3643    <message>
3644        <location line="+27"/>
3645        <source>Synchronize Source and Destination</source>
3646        <translation>Synkronisera källa och destination</translation>
3647    </message>
3648    <message>
3649        <location line="+20"/>
3650        <location line="+31"/>
3651        <source>Enter the full path of the source directory (eg /home/luckyb/)</source>
3652        <translation>Ange hela sökvägen för källkatalogen (t. ex. /home/luckyb/)</translation>
3653    </message>
3654    <message>
3655        <location line="-28"/>
3656        <source>Source :</source>
3657        <translation>Källa:</translation>
3658    </message>
3659    <message>
3660        <location line="+44"/>
3661        <location line="+73"/>
3662        <location line="+2724"/>
3663        <source>browse localy</source>
3664        <translation>bläddra lokalt</translation>
3665    </message>
3666    <message>
3667        <location line="-2771"/>
3668        <location line="+31"/>
3669        <source>Enter the full path of the destination directory (eg /media/backups/SiduxHome/)</source>
3670        <translation>Ange hela sökvägen för destinationskatalogen (t. ex. /media/backups/SiduxHome/)</translation>
3671    </message>
3672    <message>
3673        <location line="-28"/>
3674        <source>Destination :</source>
3675        <translation>Destination:</translation>
3676    </message>
3677    <message>
3678        <location line="+1663"/>
3679        <source>eg -C4c arcfour,blowfish-cbc</source>
3680        <translation>till exempel -C4c arcfour,blowfish-cbc</translation>
3681    </message>
3682    <message>
3683        <location line="+383"/>
3684        <source>With this option rsync will transfer numeric group and user IDs
3685rather than using user and group names
3686and mapping them at both ends.
3688        <translation>Med detta alternativ kommer rsync att överföra numeriska grupp- och användar-ID:n
3689framför användar- och gruppnamn
3690och mappar dem  båda sidorna
3692    </message>
3693    <message>
3694        <location line="+6"/>
3695        <source>Use numeric group and user IDs</source>
3696        <translation>Använd numeriska grupp- och användar-ID:n</translation>
3697    </message>
3698    <message>
3699        <location line="+22"/>
3700        <source>This tells the receiving side to attempt super-user activities
3701even if the receiving rsync wasnt run by the super-user.
3702These activities include:
3703preserving users via the --owner option
3704preserving all groups (not just the current users groups) via the --groups option
3705and copying devices via the --devices option.
3707        <translation>Detta säger till mottagarsidan att försöka sig  superanvändaraktiviteter
3708även om den mottagande rsync inte körs som superanvändare.
3709Dessa aktiviteter innehåller:
3710bevara användare via alternativer --owner
3711bevara all grupper (inte bara den nuvarande användarens grupper) via alternativet --groups
3712och kopiera devices via alternativet --devices.
3714    </message>
3715    <message>
3716        <location line="+9"/>
3717        <source>Attempt super-user activities</source>
3718        <translation>Försök med superanvändareaktiviteter</translation>
3719    </message>
3720    <message>
3721        <source>Try to backup open files in windows systems using vss (Only works on windows 2000 and upper)
3723        <translation type="vanished">Försöka att säkerhetskopiera öppna filer i Windowssystem genom att använda vss (fungerer endast för Windows 2000 och senare)
3725    </message>
3726    <message>
3727        <location line="+26"/>
3728        <source>Backup open files</source>
3729        <translation>Säkerhetskopiera öppna filer</translation>
3730    </message>
3731    <message>
3732        <source>Restore backed-up windows permissions localized in nt-streams
3734        <translation type="vanished">Återställ säkerhetskopierade Windowsrättigheter lokaliserade i nt-strömmar (--restore-nt-streams)</translation>
3735    </message>
3736    <message>
3737        <location line="+560"/>
3738        <location line="+10"/>
3739        <source>Repeat any command that fails, x times</source>
3740        <translation>Repetera valfritt kommando som misslyckas, x gånger</translation>
3741    </message>
3742    <message>
3743        <location line="-7"/>
3744        <source>Repeat on fail:</source>
3745        <translation>Repetera vid fel:</translation>
3746    </message>
3747    <message>
3748        <location line="+359"/>
3749        <source>Check this to clone source to destination
3750Leave unchecked to create an extra directory inside destination</source>
3751        <translation>Kryssa i denna för att klona källa till destination
3752Lämna okryssad för att skapa en extra katalog inuti destinationen</translation>
3753    </message>
3754    <message>
3755        <location line="+4"/>
3756        <source>Do NOT create extra directory</source>
3757        <translation>Skapa INTE en extra katalog</translation>
3758    </message>
3759    <message>
3760        <location line="+20"/>
3761        <source>Advanced</source>
3762        <translation>Avancerat</translation>
3763    </message>
3764    <message>
3765        <location line="+42"/>
3766        <source>Shows the rsync command as it will be executed</source>
3767        <translation>Visar rsync-kommandon  som de kommer att bli utförda</translation>
3768    </message>
3769    <message>
3770        <location line="+3"/>
3771        <source>validate</source>
3772        <translation>validera</translation>
3773    </message>
3774    <message>
3775        <location line="+36"/>
3776        <source>Okay</source>
3777        <translation>OK</translation>
3778    </message>
3779    <message>
3780        <location line="+21"/>
3781        <source>Cancel</source>
3782        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
3783    </message>
3784    <message>
3785        <location line="-3067"/>
3786        <source>Exclude</source>
3787        <translation>Exkludera</translation>
3788    </message>
3789    <message>
3790        <location line="+3"/>
3791        <source>Add any directory, file or pattern to be excluded from this task</source>
3792        <translation>Lägg till valfri katalog, fil eller mönster som ska exkluderas i denna aktivitet</translation>
3793    </message>
3794    <message>
3795        <location line="+18"/>
3796        <location line="+1612"/>
3797        <source>Templates</source>
3798        <translation>Mallar</translation>
3799    </message>
3800    <message>
3801        <location line="-1585"/>
3802        <source>Exclude all temp folders (**/*tmp*/)</source>
3803        <translation>Exkludera alla temporära mappar (**/*tmp*/)</translation>
3804    </message>
3805    <message>
3806        <location line="+6"/>
3807        <source>Temporary folders</source>
3808        <translation>Temporära mappar</translation>
3809    </message>
3810    <message>
3811        <location line="+31"/>
3812        <source>Exclude system mount folders /mnt &amp; /media (/mnt/*/**, /media/*/**)</source>
3813        <translation>Exkludera systemmonterade mappar :/mnt och /media (/mnt/*/**, /media/*/**)</translation>
3814    </message>
3815    <message>
3816        <location line="+6"/>
3817        <source>System mount folders</source>
3818        <translation>Systemmonterade mappar</translation>
3819    </message>
3820    <message>
3821        <location line="+37"/>
3822        <source>Exclude all backup files &amp; folders (**~)</source>
3823        <translation>Exkludera alla säkerhetskopior av filer och mappar (**~)</translation>
3824    </message>
3825    <message>
3826        <location line="+6"/>
3827        <source>Backup files</source>
3828        <translation>Säkerhetskopior</translation>
3829    </message>
3830    <message>
3831        <location line="+37"/>
3832        <source>System folders</source>
3833        <translation>Systemmappar</translation>
3834    </message>
3835    <message>
3836        <location line="+31"/>
3837        <source>Exclude all cache folders (**/*cache*/ &amp; **/*Cache*/)</source>
3838        <translation>Exkludera alla cache-mappar (**/*cache*/ &amp; **/*Cache*/)</translation>
3839    </message>
3840    <message>
3841        <location line="+6"/>
3842        <source>Cache folders</source>
3843        <translation>Cache-mappar</translation>
3844    </message>
3845    <message>
3846        <location line="+68"/>
3847        <source>Exclude all user&apos;s trash folders (**/*Trash*/, **/*trash*/)</source>
3848        <translation>Exkludera alla användares alla skräpfiler (**/*Trash*/, **/*trash*/)</translation>
3849    </message>
3850    <message>
3851        <location line="+6"/>
3852        <source>Trash</source>
3853        <translation>Skräpfiler</translation>
3854    </message>
3855    <message>
3856        <location line="-43"/>
3857        <source>Exclude all &quot;lost+found&quot; folders (**/lost+found*/)</source>
3858        <translation>Exkludera alla &quot;lost+found&quot;-mappar (**/lost+found*/)</translation>
3859    </message>
3860    <message>
3861        <location line="+6"/>
3862        <source>lost+found</source>
3863        <translation>lost+found</translation>
3864    </message>
3865    <message>
3866        <location line="+106"/>
3867        <source>User Defined</source>
3868        <translation>Användardefinierat</translation>
3869    </message>
3870    <message>
3871        <location line="+82"/>
3872        <source>Add exclusion as entered in the next field</source>
3873        <translation>Lägg till det som anges i nästa fält som uteslutning </translation>
3874    </message>
3875    <message>
3876        <location line="+3"/>
3877        <location line="+371"/>
3878        <location line="+1337"/>
3879        <location line="+279"/>
3880        <location line="+301"/>
3881        <source>add</source>
3882        <translation>lägg till</translation>
3883    </message>
3884    <message>
3885        <location line="-2270"/>
3886        <location line="+31"/>
3887        <source>Exclude list</source>
3888        <translation>Exkluderalista</translation>
3889    </message>
3890    <message>
3891        <location line="-117"/>
3892        <source>Enter here file, folder or pattern and then press the &quot;add&quot; button to add it to the exclude list
3893* - matches any non-empty component (it stops at slashes)
3894** - matches anything, including slashes
3895? - matches any character except a slash
3896trailing dir_name/*** - matches both the directory &amp; everything in it
3897starting / - pattern is anchored to a particular spot in the hierarchy of the transfer (normally this is the &quot;source&quot;)
3898trailing / - only directory is matched, not regular files, symlinks or devices</source>
3899        <translation>Ange här filer, mappar eller mönster och tryck sedan på &quot;lägg till&quot;-knappen för att lägga till den till exkluderingslistan
3900* - matchar alla icke-tomma komponenter (det stoppar vid snedstreck)
3901** - matchar allting, inklusive snedstreck
3902? - matchar alla tecken förutom snedstreck
3903efterföljande katalognamn/*** - matchar både katalogen och allting inuti den
3904inledning med / - mönstret är förankrat till en specifik plats i hierarkin vid överföringen (detta är normalt &quot;källan&quot;)
3905efterföljande / - endast katalogen matchas, inte filer, mjuka länkar eller devices</translation>
3906    </message>
3907    <message>
3908        <location line="-565"/>
3909        <source>Define the type of this task:
39101. Backup the Source directory, inside Destination (see also &quot;Do NOT create directory&quot; box)
39112. Synchronize Source &amp; Destination, keeping the most recent files at both of them</source>
3912        <translation>Definiera aktivitetens typ:
39131. Säkerhetskopiera källkatalogen, inuti destinationskatalogen (se även &quot;Skapa INTE en extra katalog&quot; rutan)
39142. Synkronisera källa &amp; destination, behåll de senaste filerna på både ställena</translation>
3915    </message>
3916    <message>
3917        <location line="+6"/>
3918        <source>Backup Source inside Destination</source>
3919        <translation>Säkerhetskopiera källan i destinationen</translation>
3920    </message>
3921    <message>
3922        <location line="+174"/>
3923        <source>Description</source>
3924        <translation>Beskrivning</translation>
3925    </message>
3926    <message>
3927        <location line="+3"/>
3928        <source>Task description</source>
3929        <translation>Aktivitetsbeskrivning</translation>
3930    </message>
3931    <message>
3932        <location line="+6"/>
3933        <source>Type a description of the task</source>
3934        <translation>Ange en beskrivning av aktiviteten</translation>
3935    </message>
3936    <message>
3937        <location line="+173"/>
3938        <source>Exclude system folders /var, /proc, /dev &amp; /sys (/var/run/**, /run/**, /proc/**, /dev/**, /sys/**)</source>
3939        <translation>Exkludera systemmappar /var, /proc, /dev &amp; /sys (/var/run/**, /run/**, /proc/**, /dev/**, /sys/**)</translation>
3940    </message>
3941    <message>
3942        <location line="+148"/>
3943        <source>Exclude all user&apos;s .gvfs folders (**/.gvfs/)</source>
3944        <translation>Exkludera alla användares gvfs-kataloger (**/.gvfs)</translation>
3945    </message>
3946    <message>
3947        <location line="+77"/>
3948        <location line="+371"/>
3949        <source>launch the pattern editor</source>
3950        <translation>Öppna mönsterredigeraren</translation>
3951    </message>
3952    <message>
3953        <location line="-242"/>
3954        <source>Remove highlighted exclusion from list</source>
3955        <translation>Radera markerad uteslutning från listan</translation>
3956    </message>
3957    <message>
3958        <location line="+3"/>
3959        <location line="+366"/>
3960        <location line="+1337"/>
3961        <location line="+279"/>
3962        <location line="+301"/>
3963        <source>remove</source>
3964        <translation>radera</translation>
3965    </message>
3966    <message>
3967        <location line="-2269"/>
3968        <location line="+423"/>
3969        <location line="+1280"/>
3970        <location line="+279"/>
3971        <location line="+301"/>
3972        <source>Edit highlighted inclusion</source>
3973        <translation>Redigera markerad inkludering</translation>
3974    </message>
3975    <message>
3976        <location line="-2280"/>
3977        <location line="+423"/>
3978        <location line="+1280"/>
3979        <location line="+279"/>
3980        <location line="+301"/>
3981        <source>edit</source>
3982        <translation>redigera</translation>
3983    </message>
3984    <message>
3985        <location line="-2269"/>
3986        <location line="+423"/>
3987        <location line="+1280"/>
3988        <location line="+279"/>
3989        <location line="+301"/>
3990        <source>Move highlighted inclusion up</source>
3991        <translation>Flytta upp markerad inkludering</translation>
3992    </message>
3993    <message>
3994        <location line="-2280"/>
3995        <location line="+423"/>
3996        <location line="+1280"/>
3997        <location line="+279"/>
3998        <location line="+301"/>
3999        <source>move up</source>
4000        <translation>flytta upp</translation>
4001    </message>
4002    <message>
4003        <location line="-2269"/>
4004        <location line="+423"/>
4005        <location line="+1280"/>
4006        <location line="+279"/>
4007        <location line="+301"/>
4008        <source>Move highlighted inclusion down</source>
4009        <translation>Flytta ner markerad inkludering</translation>
4010    </message>
4011    <message>
4012        <location line="-2280"/>
4013        <location line="+423"/>
4014        <location line="+1280"/>
4015        <location line="+279"/>
4016        <location line="+301"/>
4017        <source>move down</source>
4018        <translation>flytta ner</translation>
4019    </message>
4020    <message>
4021        <location line="-2177"/>
4022        <source>Include ONLY this list of patterns. Nothing more.
4023Please refer to the manual for better understanding of include rules.
4024This will disable the exclude feature.</source>
4025        <translation>Inkludera ENDAST denna lista med mönster. Ingenting annat.
4026Vänligen referera till manualen för bättre förståelse av reglerna för inkludering
4027Detta kommer att avaktivera exkluderingsfunktionen.</translation>
4028    </message>
4029    <message>
4030        <location line="+5"/>
4031        <source>Only Include</source>
4032        <translation>Inkludera endast</translation>
4033    </message>
4034    <message>
4035        <location line="+55"/>
4036        <source>Enter here file, folder or pattern and then press the &quot;add&quot; button to add it to the include list
4037* - matches any non-empty component (it stops at slashes)
4038** - matches anything, including slashes
4039? - matches any character except a slash
4040trailing dir_name/*** - matches both the directory &amp; everything in it
4041starting / - pattern is anchored to a particular spot in the hierarchy of the transfer (normally this is the &quot;source&quot;)
4042trailing / - only directory is matched, not regular files, symlinks or devices</source>
4043        <translation>Ange här filer, mappar eller mönster och tryck sedan på &quot;lägg till&quot;-knappen för att lägga till den till inkluderingslistan
4044* - matchar alla icke-tomma komponenter (det stoppar vid snedstreck)
4045** - matchar allting, inklusive snedstreck
4046? - matchar alla tecken förutom snedstreck
4047efterföljande katalognamn/*** - matchar både katalogen och allting inuti den
4048inledning med / - mönstret är förankrat till en specifik plats i hierarkin vid överföringen (detta är normalt &quot;källan&quot;)
4049efterföljande / - endast katalogen matchas, inte filer, mjuka länkar eller devices</translation>
4050    </message>
4051    <message>
4052        <location line="+65"/>
4053        <source>Add inclusion as entered in the next field</source>
4054        <translation>Lägg till det som anges i nästa fält som en inkludering</translation>
4055    </message>
4056    <message>
4057        <location line="+19"/>
4058        <location line="+28"/>
4059        <source>Include list</source>
4060        <translation>Inkluderingslista</translation>
4061    </message>
4062    <message>
4063        <location line="+34"/>
4064        <source>Remove highlighted inclusion from list</source>
4065        <translation>Radera markerad inkludering från listan</translation>
4066    </message>
4067    <message>
4068        <location line="+123"/>
4069        <source>Remote</source>
4070        <translation>Fjärranslutning</translation>
4071    </message>
4072    <message>
4073        <location line="+3"/>
4074        <source>Use a remote host either for source or destination</source>
4075        <translation>Använd fjärrvärd antingen som källa eller destination</translation>
4076    </message>
4077    <message>
4078        <location line="+12"/>
4079        <source>Use remote host</source>
4080        <translation>Använd fjärrvärd</translation>
4081    </message>
4082    <message>
4083        <location line="+27"/>
4084        <source>Use a remote host for destination data.</source>
4085        <translation>Använd en fjärrvärd för destinationsdata.</translation>
4086    </message>
4087    <message>
4088        <location line="+3"/>
4089        <source>destination</source>
4090        <translation>Destination</translation>
4091    </message>
4092    <message>
4093        <location line="+25"/>
4094        <source>Use a remote host for source data.</source>
4095        <translation>Använd en fjärrvärd för källdata.</translation>
4096    </message>
4097    <message>
4098        <location line="+3"/>
4099        <source>source</source>
4100        <translation>Källa</translation>
4101    </message>
4102    <message>
4103        <location line="+27"/>
4104        <source>User:</source>
4105        <translation>Användare:</translation>
4106    </message>
4107    <message>
4108        <location line="+19"/>
4109        <source>Enter your username for the remote host (leave blank if not applicable).</source>
4110        <translation>Ange ditt användarnamn för fjärrvärden (lämna blankt ifall användarnamn saknas).</translation>
4111    </message>
4112    <message>
4113        <location line="+19"/>
4114        <source>@Host:</source>
4115        <translation>@Värd:</translation>
4116    </message>
4117    <message>
4118        <location line="+19"/>
4119        <source>Enter the name of the remote host.</source>
4120        <translation>Ange namnet för fjärrvärden.</translation>
4121    </message>
4122    <message>
4123        <location line="+33"/>
4124        <source>Enter the full path of the file that contains the rsync (not the ssh) authentication password (leave blank if not applicable).</source>
4125        <translation>Ange hela sökvägen till filen som innehåller autentisieringslösenord för rsync (ej ssh) (lämna blankt ifall lösenord saknas).</translation>
4126    </message>
4127    <message>
4128        <location line="+19"/>
4129        <source>rsync password file:</source>
4130        <translation>Lösenordsfil för rsync:</translation>
4131    </message>
4132    <message>
4133        <location line="+22"/>
4134        <source>Check this to connect to an rsync Remote module</source>
4135        <translation>Kryssa i för att ansluta till en rsync Fjärrmodul</translation>
4136    </message>
4137    <message>
4138        <location line="+3"/>
4139        <source>Remote module</source>
4140        <translation>Fjärrmodul</translation>
4141    </message>
4142    <message>
4143        <location line="+74"/>
4144        <source>Use ssh as transport shell</source>
4145        <translation>Använd ssh som transportskal</translation>
4146    </message>
4147    <message>
4148        <location line="+3"/>
4149        <source>ssh</source>
4150        <translation>ssh</translation>
4151    </message>
4152    <message>
4153        <location line="+75"/>
4154        <source>password:</source>
4155        <translation>lösenord:</translation>
4156    </message>
4157    <message>
4158        <location line="+91"/>
4159        <source>Enter the full path of the file that contains the private ssh authentication key (leave blank if not applicable).
4161Note that you have to do all actions needed for a passwordless ssh remote connection using an OpenSSH key pair</source>
4162        <translation>Ange hela sökvägen till filen som innehåller den privata autentisieringsnyckeln (lämna blankt ifall nyckel saknas).
4164Observera att du behöver att uppfylla alla krav för en lösenordsfri fjärranslutning via ssh med ett OpenSSH-nyckelpar</translation>
4165    </message>
4166    <message>
4167        <location line="-31"/>
4168        <source>private key file :</source>
4169        <translation>privat nyckelpar :</translation>
4170    </message>
4171    <message>
4172        <location line="-88"/>
4173        <source>Enter the port you would like to use for the ssh connection (leave blank for default port)</source>
4174        <translation>Ange portnumret som du vill använda för ssh-anslutningen (lämna blankt för standardporten)</translation>
4175    </message>
4176    <message>
4177        <location line="-25"/>
4178        <source>port :</source>
4179        <translation>port :</translation>
4180    </message>
4181    <message>
4182        <location line="+267"/>
4183        <source>Command Options</source>
4184        <translation>Kommandoalternativ</translation>
4185    </message>
4186    <message>
4187        <location line="+3"/>
4188        <source>Add or remove any rsync options.
4189If you have no idea what these mean, leave them untouched !!</source>
4190        <translation>Lägg till eller radera rsync-alternativ.
4191Om du inte förstår innebörden av dessa så låt dem vara orörda !!</translation>
4192    </message>
4193    <message>
4194        <location line="+84"/>
4195        <source>Delete files on the destination that don&apos;t exist on the source
4196. &quot;Recurse into directories&quot; has to be selected
4197(--delete-after &amp; --delete-excluded if &quot;Exclude&quot; is used)</source>
4198        <translation>Radera filer vid destinationen som inte existerar i källan.
4199&quot;Recursivt i katalogerna&quot; har blivit valt
4200(--delete-after och --delete-excluded om &quot;Exkludera&quot; är ikryssad)</translation>
4201    </message>
4202    <message>
4203        <location line="+152"/>
4204        <source>Copy device (super user only)  &amp; special files as they are
4206        <translation>Kopiera device- (endast administratör) och specialfiler som de är
4208    </message>
4209    <message>
4210        <location line="+4"/>
4211        <source>Preserve device, special files</source>
4212        <translation>Bevara device- och specialfiler</translation>
4213    </message>
4214    <message>
4215        <location line="+51"/>
4216        <source>Files that are hard-linked together on the source will hard-link together on the destination
4217WARNING: All files have to be included in the transfer set !!
4219        <translation>Filer som är hårt länkade tillsammans i källan kommer att bli hårt länkade i destinationen
4220VARNING: Alla filer måste inkluderas i överföringslistan !!
4222    </message>
4223    <message>
4224        <location line="+5"/>
4225        <source>Preserve hard links</source>
4226        <translation>Bevara hårda länkar</translation>
4227    </message>
4228    <message>
4229        <location line="-207"/>
4230        <source>Delete files on the destination</source>
4231        <translation>Radera filer vid destinationen</translation>
4232    </message>
4233    <message>
4234        <location line="+54"/>
4235        <source>Recurse into directories
4237        <translation>Rekursivt genom katalogerna
4239    </message>
4240    <message>
4241        <location line="+4"/>
4242        <source>Recurse into directories</source>
4243        <translation>Rekursivt genom katalogerna</translation>
4244    </message>
4245    <message>
4246        <location line="+54"/>
4247        <source>Do not backup source files that are newer on the destination
4249        <translation>Säkerhetskopiera inte källfiler ifall det finns nyare i destinationen
4251    </message>
4252    <message>
4253        <location line="+4"/>
4254        <source>Skip newer destination files</source>
4255        <translation>Hoppa över nyare destinationsfiler</translation>
4256    </message>
4257    <message>
4258        <location line="-156"/>
4259        <source>Preserve the owner (super user only), group &amp; time stamp of files
4261        <translation>Bevara ägare (endast administratör), grupp och tidsstämpling hos filerna
4263    </message>
4264    <message>
4265        <location line="+4"/>
4266        <source>Preserve ownership, times</source>
4267        <translation>Bevara ägare, tider</translation>
4268    </message>
4269    <message>
4270        <location line="+61"/>
4271        <source>Preserve permissions of files
4273        <translation>Bevara filrättigheter
4275    </message>
4276    <message>
4277        <location line="+4"/>
4278        <source>Preserve permissions</source>
4279        <translation>Bevara filrättigheter</translation>
4280    </message>
4281    <message>
4282        <location line="+54"/>
4283        <source>Copy symlinks as symlinks
4285        <translation>Kopiera mjuka länkar som mjuka länkar
4287    </message>
4288    <message>
4289        <location line="+4"/>
4290        <source>Preserve symlinks</source>
4291        <translation>Bevara mjuka länkar</translation>
4292    </message>
4293    <message>
4294        <location line="+89"/>
4295        <source>Ignore files using a similar algorithm to CVS
4297        <translation>Ignorera filer som använder algoritmer liknande CVS
4299    </message>
4300    <message>
4301        <location line="+4"/>
4302        <source>Ignore files the CVS way</source>
4303        <translation>Ignorera CVS-filer</translation>
4304    </message>
4305    <message>
4306        <location line="+197"/>
4307        <source>User defined</source>
4308        <translation>Användardefinierat</translation>
4309    </message>
4310    <message>
4311        <location line="+30"/>
4312        <source>Enter here an rsync option to add (eg &quot;--delete-excluded&quot;, &quot;-X&quot;)</source>
4313        <translation>Ange ett rsync-alternativ här (t. ex. &quot;--delete-excluded&quot;, &quot;-X&quot;)</translation>
4314    </message>
4315    <message>
4316        <location line="+81"/>
4317        <source>Extra rsync options list</source>
4318        <translation>Lista över extra rsync-alternativ</translation>
4319    </message>
4320    <message>
4321        <location line="+34"/>
4322        <source>Remove highlighted option from list</source>
4323        <translation>Radera markerat alternativ från listan</translation>
4324    </message>
4325    <message>
4326        <location line="-81"/>
4327        <source>Add rsync option as entered in the next field</source>
4328        <translation>Lägg till rsync-alternativ som angetts i textfältet bredvid</translation>
4329    </message>
4330    <message>
4331        <location line="+19"/>
4332        <source>options list</source>
4333        <translation>Alternativlista</translation>
4334    </message>
4335    <message>
4336        <location line="+145"/>
4337        <source>Also Execute</source>
4338        <translation>Kör också</translation>
4339    </message>
4340    <message>
4341        <location line="+3"/>
4342        <source>Execute extra commands, before or after the task.</source>
4343        <translation>Kör extrakommandon, före eller efter aktiviteten.</translation>
4344    </message>
4345    <message>
4346        <location line="+18"/>
4347        <source>Before</source>
4348        <translation>Före</translation>
4349    </message>
4350    <message>
4351        <location line="+35"/>
4352        <source>Enter here a command to be executed before the task and then press the &quot;add&quot; button to add it to the list below</source>
4353        <translation>Ange ett kommando som ska köras före aktiviteten och tryck sedan på &quot;lägg till&quot;-knappen för att lägg till i listan nedan</translation>
4354    </message>
4355    <message>
4356        <location line="+59"/>
4357        <location line="+301"/>
4358        <source>Add command as entered in the field beside</source>
4359        <translation>Lägg till kommandot som angetts i textfältet bredvid</translation>
4360    </message>
4361    <message>
4362        <location line="-254"/>
4363        <location line="+301"/>
4364        <source>Command list</source>
4365        <translation>Kommandolista</translation>
4366    </message>
4367    <message>
4368        <location line="-267"/>
4369        <location line="+301"/>
4370        <source>Remove highlighted command from list</source>
4371        <translation>Radera markerat kommando från listan</translation>
4372    </message>
4373    <message>
4374        <location line="-197"/>
4375        <source>Execute the task even if it appears with a WARNING message
4376Normally used when &quot;Execute Before&quot; commands can fix a warning (eg mount partitions)
4378ATTENTION: check this if you really know what you&apos;re doing</source>
4379        <translation>Kör aktiviteten även om den genererar ett VARNINGSMEDDELANDE
4380Används normallt då &quot;Kör före&quot;-kommandon kan klara av en varning (t. ex.att  montera partitioner)
4382OBSERVERA: Använd endast om du vet vad du håller på med</translation>
4383    </message>
4384    <message>
4385        <location line="+6"/>
4386        <source>by-pass WARNING</source>
4387        <translation>ignorera VARNINGAR</translation>
4388    </message>
4389    <message>
4390        <location line="+16"/>
4391        <source>After</source>
4392        <translation>Efter</translation>
4393    </message>
4394    <message>
4395        <location line="+35"/>
4396        <source>Enter here a command to be executed after the task and then press the &quot;add&quot; button to add it to the list below</source>
4397        <translation>Ange ett kommando som ska köras efter aktiviteten och tryck sedan på &quot;lägg till&quot;-knappen för att lägg till i listan nedan</translation>
4398    </message>
4399    <message>
4400        <location filename="../src/modifyDialog.cpp" line="-106"/>
4401        <source>Select source directory</source>
4402        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4403        <translation>Välj källkatalog</translation>
4404    </message>
4405    <message>
4406        <location line="+6"/>
4407        <source>Select destination directory</source>
4408        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4409        <translation>Välj destinationskatalog</translation>
4410    </message>
4411    <message>
4412        <location line="+6"/>
4413        <source>Select rsync password file</source>
4414        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4415        <translation>Välj lösenordsfil för rsync</translation>
4416    </message>
4417    <message>
4418        <location line="+7"/>
4419        <location line="+2"/>
4420        <source>Select ssh keyfile</source>
4421        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4422        <translation>Välj nyckelfil för ssh</translation>
4423    </message>
4424    <message>
4425        <location line="+5"/>
4426        <location line="+6"/>
4427        <source>Select command to be executed</source>
4428        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4429        <translation>Välj kommandon som ska köras</translation>
4430    </message>
4431    <message>
4432        <location line="+6"/>
4433        <source>Select file to read include patterns</source>
4434        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4435        <translation>Välj fil att läsa inkluderingsmönster</translation>
4436    </message>
4437    <message>
4438        <location line="+6"/>
4439        <source>Select file to read exclude patterns</source>
4440        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
4441        <translation>Välj fil att läsa uteslutningsmönster</translation>
4442    </message>
4443    <message>
4444        <location line="+15"/>
4445        <source>Please define the source before launching the pattern editor</source>
4446        <comment>message box, message</comment>
4447        <translation>Vänligen definiera källan innan du startar mönsterredigeraren</translation>
4448    </message>
4449    <message>
4450        <source>ERROR</source>
4451        <comment>message box message</comment>
4452        <translation type="vanished">FEL</translation>
4453    </message>
4454    <message>
4455        <location line="+41"/>
4456        <source>Please specify the following before proceeding:</source>
4457        <comment>message box, message</comment>
4458        <translation>Vänligen specificera följande innan du fortsätter:</translation>
4459    </message>
4460    <message>
4461        <source>ERROR</source>
4462        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4463        <translation type="vanished">FEL</translation>
4464    </message>
4465    <message>
4466        <location line="+16"/>
4467        <source>That is not allowed because &apos;/&apos; does not have an actual name</source>
4468        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4469        <translation>Det är inte tillåtet eftersom &apos;/&apos; inte har ett riktigt namn</translation>
4470    </message>
4471    <message>
4472        <location line="-336"/>
4473        <source>Leave the box checked, to &lt;b&gt;STOP&lt;/b&gt; the execution of running task if this command exits with an error</source>
4474        <translation>Lämna rutan ikryssad, för att &lt;b&gt;STOPPA&lt;/b&gt; körningen av en aktivitet om kommandot avslutas med ett fel</translation>
4475    </message>
4476    <message>
4477        <location line="+1"/>
4478        <source>use boxes to &lt;b&gt;STOP&lt;/b&gt; task execution on error</source>
4479        <comment>Please leave the bold tags &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding the word STOP translated</comment>
4480        <translation>använd rutorna för att &lt;b&gt;STOPPA&lt;/b&gt; körningen vid ett fel</translation>
4481    </message>
4482    <message>
4483        <location line="+334"/>
4484        <source>You have declared the &apos;/&apos; (root) directory as source and have NOT checked the &apos;Do NOT create extra directory&apos; box</source>
4485        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4486        <translation>Du har angett &apos;/&apos;-(root)katalogen som källa och har INTE kryssat i &apos;Skapa INTE en extra katalog&apos;-rutan</translation>
4487    </message>
4488    <message>
4489        <location line="+2"/>
4490        <location line="+10"/>
4491        <source>Please check the relevant box before proceeding</source>
4492        <comment>message box message - line3</comment>
4493        <translation>Vänligen kryssa i relevant ruta innan du fortsätter</translation>
4494    </message>
4495    <message>
4496        <location line="-2"/>
4497        <source>You have declared the root directory of an entire partition as source and have NOT checked the &apos;Do NOT create extra directory&apos; box</source>
4498        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4499        <translation>Du har angett root-katalogen av en hel partition som källa och har INTE kryssat i &apos;Skapa INTE en extra katalog&apos;-rutan</translation>
4500    </message>
4501    <message>
4502        <location line="+1"/>
4503        <source>That is not allowed because the root partition does not have an actual name</source>
4504        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4505        <translation>Det är inte tillåtet eftersom root-katalogen inte har ett riktigt namn</translation>
4506    </message>
4507    <message>
4508        <location line="+12"/>
4509        <source>The name of the task you requested already exists</source>
4510        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4511        <translation>Namnet på aktiviteten som du angett finns redan</translation>
4512    </message>
4513    <message>
4514        <location line="+1"/>
4515        <source>Please specify a different name before proceeding</source>
4516        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4517        <translation>Vänligen ange ett annat namn innan du fortsätter</translation>
4518    </message>
4519    <message>
4520        <location line="+17"/>
4521        <source>The source you have declared is identical to the destination</source>
4522        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4523        <translation>Källan som du angett är identisk med destinationen</translation>
4524    </message>
4525    <message>
4526        <location line="+1"/>
4527        <source>Please modify at least one of them</source>
4528        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4529        <translation>Vänligen ändra någon av dem</translation>
4530    </message>
4531    <message>
4532        <source>WARNING</source>
4533        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4534        <translation type="vanished">VARNING</translation>
4535    </message>
4536    <message>
4537        <location line="+6"/>
4538        <source>You have declared a destination that is part of the source directory structure</source>
4539        <comment>message box message - line1</comment>
4540        <translation>Du har angivit en destination som är en del av källkatalogens struktur</translation>
4541    </message>
4542    <message>
4543        <location line="+2"/>
4544        <source>&lt;b&gt;Do not forget&lt;/b&gt; to define a directory at the &apos;exclude&apos; groupbox that will contain the destination</source>
4545        <comment>message box message - line2. Please leave tag &lt;b&gt;,&lt;/b&gt; intact and surrounding &apos;do not forget&apos; translated</comment>
4546        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Glöm inte&lt;/b&gt; att definiera en katalog vid &apos;exkluderagruppboxen&apos; som kommer att innehålla källan</translation>
4547    </message>
4548    <message>
4549        <location line="+9"/>
4550        <source>You have checked the &apos;delete files on the destination&apos; option</source>
4551        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4552        <translation>Du har kryssat i &apos;Radera filer vid destinationen&apos;-alternativet</translation>
4553    </message>
4554    <message>
4555        <location line="+1"/>
4556        <source>without having checked &apos;Recurse into directories&apos; which is required</source>
4557        <comment>message box message - line3</comment>
4558        <translation>utan att har kryssat i &apos;Rekursivt genom katalogerna&apos; vilket krävs</translation>
4559    </message>
4560    <message>
4561        <location line="+8"/>
4562        <source>&apos;Remote Host&apos; is checked, but no remote host name is declared</source>
4563        <comment>message box message - line2</comment>
4564        <translation>&apos;Fjärrvärd&apos; är ikryssad, men inget värdnamn är angivet</translation>
4565    </message>
4566    <message>
4567        <location line="+1"/>
4568        <source>Please specify a remote host name</source>
4569        <comment>message box message - line3</comment>
4570        <translation>Vänligen ange ett namn till fjärrvärden</translation>
4571    </message>
4572    <message>
4573        <location line="+1"/>
4574        <source>Otherwise uncheck &apos;Remote Host&apos; to operate locally</source>
4575        <comment>message box message - line4</comment>
4576        <translation>Annars avmarkera &apos;Fjärrvärd&quot; för att köra lokalt</translation>
4577    </message>
4578    <message>
4579        <location line="+64"/>
4580        <source>All declared fields of the task properties window seem to be ok</source>
4581        <comment>message box message first line</comment>
4582        <translation>Alla fälten i fönstret för aktivitetsalternativen verkar vara OK</translation>
4583    </message>
4584    <message>
4585        <location line="+2"/>
4586        <source>Errors have been found</source>
4587        <comment>message box message first line</comment>
4588        <translation>Fel har hittats</translation>
4589    </message>
4590    <message>
4591        <location line="+2"/>
4592        <source>command to be executed</source>
4593        <comment>full phrase: command to be executed: &lt;COMMAND&gt;</comment>
4594        <translation>kommando som kommer att utföras</translation>
4595    </message>
4596    <message>
4597        <location line="+40"/>
4598        <source>You have already added this exclude item</source>
4599        <comment>message box message</comment>
4600        <translation>Du har redan lagt till denna punkt som en uteslutning</translation>
4601    </message>
4602    <message>
4603        <location line="+55"/>
4604        <source>You have already added this include item</source>
4605        <comment>message box message</comment>
4606        <translation>Du har redan lagt till denna punkt som en inkludering</translation>
4607    </message>
4608    <message>
4609        <location line="+53"/>
4610        <source>You have already added this option</source>
4611        <comment>message box message</comment>
4612        <translation>Du har redan lagt till detta alternativ</translation>
4613    </message>
4614    <message>
4615        <location line="+266"/>
4616        <location line="+25"/>
4617        <location line="+25"/>
4618        <location line="+25"/>
4619        <location line="+26"/>
4620        <source>done</source>
4621        <translation>klart</translation>
4622    </message>
4623    <message>
4624        <location line="-100"/>
4625        <location line="+25"/>
4626        <location line="+25"/>
4627        <location line="+25"/>
4628        <location line="+26"/>
4629        <source>done editing</source>
4630        <translation>Editering klar</translation>
4631    </message>
4632    <message>
4633        <location line="-99"/>
4634        <location line="+25"/>
4635        <location line="+25"/>
4636        <location line="+25"/>
4637        <location line="+26"/>
4638        <source>cancel</source>
4639        <translation>avbryt</translation>
4640    </message>
4641    <message>
4642        <location line="-100"/>
4643        <location line="+25"/>
4644        <location line="+25"/>
4645        <location line="+25"/>
4646        <location line="+26"/>
4647        <source>cancel editing</source>
4648        <translation>avbryt editering</translation>
4649    </message>
4650    <message>
4651        <location filename="../ui/modifyDialog.ui" line="-2060"/>
4652        <source>Read exclude patterns from file</source>
4653        <translation>Läs uteslutningsmönster från fil</translation>
4654    </message>
4655    <message>
4656        <location line="+3"/>
4657        <location line="+315"/>
4658        <source>Read file:</source>
4659        <translation>Läs fil:</translation>
4660    </message>
4661    <message>
4662        <location line="-305"/>
4663        <location line="+315"/>
4664        <source>filename</source>
4665        <translation>filnamn</translation>
4666    </message>
4667    <message>
4668        <location line="-305"/>
4669        <location line="+315"/>
4670        <source>browse</source>
4671        <translation>bläddra</translation>
4672    </message>
4673    <message>
4674        <location line="-312"/>
4675        <location line="+315"/>
4676        <source>...</source>
4677        <translation>...</translation>
4678    </message>
4679    <message>
4680        <location line="-297"/>
4681        <source>Include</source>
4682        <translation>Inkludera</translation>
4683    </message>
4684    <message>
4685        <location line="+3"/>
4686        <source>Add any directory, file or pattern to be included by this task</source>
4687        <translation>Lägg till valfri katalog, fil eller mönster som ska inkluderas i denna aktivitet</translation>
4688    </message>
4689    <message>
4690        <location line="+20"/>
4691        <source>Include mode</source>
4692        <translation>Inkluderingsläge</translation>
4693    </message>
4694    <message>
4695        <location line="+3"/>
4696        <source>Mode:</source>
4697        <translation>Läge:</translation>
4698    </message>
4699    <message>
4700        <location line="+22"/>
4701        <source>Do not exclude this list of patterns.
4702Please refer to the manual for better understanding of include rules.</source>
4703        <translation>Exkludera inte denna mönsterlista.
4704Vänligen läs manualen för bättre förståelse av inkluderingsreglerna.</translation>
4705    </message>
4706    <message>
4707        <location line="+4"/>
4708        <source>Normal Include</source>
4709        <translation>Inkludera normalt</translation>
4710    </message>
4711    <message>
4712        <location line="+219"/>
4713        <source>Read include patterns from file</source>
4714        <translation>Läs inkluderingsmönster från fil</translation>
4715    </message>
4716    <message>
4717        <location line="+344"/>
4718        <location line="+248"/>
4719        <location line="+868"/>
4720        <source>browse locally</source>
4721        <translation>bläddra lokalt</translation>
4722    </message>
4723    <message>
4724        <location line="-835"/>
4725        <source>additional options:</source>
4726        <translation>ytterliggare alternativ:</translation>
4727    </message>
4728    <message>
4729        <location line="+387"/>
4730        <source>Check this is you use a FAT/NTFS partition as destination.
4731Data ownership and permissions will NOT be preserved.
4732(-t --modify-window=1)</source>
4733        <translation>Kontrollera att du använder en FAT/NTFS-partition som destination.
4734Ägandeskap av filerna och filrättigheterna kommer INTE att bevaras.
4735(-t --modify-window=1)</translation>
4736    </message>
4737    <message>
4738        <location line="+5"/>
4739        <source>Destination is FAT/NTFS</source>
4740        <translation>Destinationen är av FAT-NTFS-typ</translation>
4741    </message>
4742    <message>
4743        <location line="+81"/>
4744        <source>Try to backup open files in windows systems using vss (Only works on windows 2003 and upper)
4746        <translation type="unfinished">Försöka att säkerhetskopiera öppna filer i Windowssystem genom att använda vss (fungerer endast för Windows 2000 och senare)
4747(-vss) {2003 ?}</translation>
4748    </message>
4749    <message>
4750        <location line="+29"/>
4751        <source>Restore backed-up windows permissions which are located in the NTFS Security Descriptor Stream
4753        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4754    </message>
4755    <message>
4756        <location line="+4"/>
4757        <source>Restore permissions</source>
4758        <translation>Återställ rättigheter</translation>
4759    </message>
4760    <message>
4761        <location line="+855"/>
4762        <location line="+22"/>
4763        <source>Set the total number of backup snapshots to keep</source>
4764        <translation>Ange det totala antalet ögonblicksbilder som ska sparas</translation>
4765    </message>
4766    <message>
4767        <location line="-19"/>
4768        <source>Snapshots to keep:</source>
4769        <translation>Ögonblicksbilder att spara:</translation>
4770    </message>
4773    <name>patternEditor</name>
4774    <message>
4775        <location filename="../src/patternEditor.cpp" line="+51"/>
4776        <location line="+89"/>
4777        <location line="+155"/>
4778        <source>directory :</source>
4779        <translation>katalog :</translation>
4780    </message>
4781    <message>
4782        <location line="-145"/>
4783        <source>Select file</source>
4784        <translation>Välj fil</translation>
4785    </message>
4786    <message>
4787        <location line="+9"/>
4788        <source>Please choose a file within the source</source>
4789        <translation>Vänligen välj en fil från källan</translation>
4790    </message>
4791    <message>
4792        <location line="+9"/>
4793        <source>Select directory</source>
4794        <translation>Välj katalog</translation>
4795    </message>
4796    <message>
4797        <location line="+15"/>
4798        <source>Please choose a directory within the source</source>
4799        <translation>Vänligen välj en katalog från källan</translation>
4800    </message>
4801    <message>
4802        <location line="+105"/>
4803        <source>file :</source>
4804        <translation>fil :</translation>
4805    </message>
4806    <message>
4807        <location filename="../ui/patternEditor.ui" line="+23"/>
4808        <source>pattern editor</source>
4809        <translation>Mönsterredigerare</translation>
4810    </message>
4811    <message>
4812        <location line="+100"/>
4813        <source>Check this to use the directory above as an absolute path
4814if unchecked, the pattern will match any file/directory that meets the &quot;name&quot; criteria</source>
4815        <translation>Kryssa i för att använda katalogen ovan som en absolut sökväg
4816om den ej är ikryssad så kommer mönstret att matcha alla filer och kataloger som uppfyller kriteriet &quot;namn&quot;</translation>
4817    </message>
4818    <message>
4819        <location line="+171"/>
4820        <source>Define here, what would you like the pattern to refer to</source>
4821        <translation>Definiera här det som du vill att mönstret ska referera till</translation>
4822    </message>
4823    <message>
4824        <location line="+3"/>
4825        <source>The pattern refers to a:</source>
4826        <translation>Mönstret refererar till:</translation>
4827    </message>
4828    <message>
4829        <location line="+9"/>
4830        <source>Use this if the pattern refers to a specific file
4831eg &quot;/media/music/album/song.mp3&quot;</source>
4832        <translation>Använd detta ifall mönstret refererar till en specifik fil
4833t. ex. &quot;/media/music/album/song.mp3&quot;</translation>
4834    </message>
4835    <message>
4836        <location line="+4"/>
4837        <source>Specific file</source>
4838        <translation>Specifik fil</translation>
4839    </message>
4840    <message>
4841        <location line="+10"/>
4842        <source>Use this if the pattern refers to a specific directory
4843eg &quot;/media/music/Album/&quot;</source>
4844        <translation>Använd detta ifall mönstret refererar till en specifik katalog
4845t. ex. &quot;/media/music/album/&quot;</translation>
4846    </message>
4847    <message>
4848        <location line="+4"/>
4849        <source>Specific directory</source>
4850        <translation>Specifik katalog</translation>
4851    </message>
4852    <message>
4853        <location line="+13"/>
4854        <source>Use this if the pattern refers to a set of files that have something in common
4855eg all the files with a &quot;.txt&quot; extension</source>
4856        <translation>Använd detta ifall mönstret refererar till en mängd filer som har någonting gemensamt
4857t. ex. alla filer har en &quot;.txt&quot;-filändelse</translation>
4858    </message>
4859    <message>
4860        <location line="+4"/>
4861        <source>Set of files</source>
4862        <translation>Mängd filer</translation>
4863    </message>
4864    <message>
4865        <location line="+10"/>
4866        <source>Use this if the pattern refers to a set of directories that have something in common
4867eg all the directories that are named as &quot;temp&quot;</source>
4868        <translation>Använd detta ifall mönstret refererar till en mängd kataloger som har någonting gemensamt
4869t. ex. alla kataloger har namnet &quot;temp&quot;</translation>
4870    </message>
4871    <message>
4872        <location line="+4"/>
4873        <source>Set of directories</source>
4874        <translation>Mängd kataloger</translation>
4875    </message>
4876    <message>
4877        <location line="+50"/>
4878        <source>name</source>
4879        <translation>namn</translation>
4880    </message>
4881    <message>
4882        <location line="+6"/>
4883        <source>starts with :</source>
4884        <translation>börjar med :</translation>
4885    </message>
4886    <message>
4887        <location line="+10"/>
4888        <source>Enter here the starting characters of the name of the files/directories that the pattern refers to</source>
4889        <translation>Ange här de inledande tecken i namnet på filerna/katalogerna som mönstret refererar till</translation>
4890    </message>
4891    <message>
4892        <location line="+7"/>
4893        <source>ends with :</source>
4894        <translation>slutar med :</translation>
4895    </message>
4896    <message>
4897        <location line="+10"/>
4898        <source>Enter here the ending characters of the name of the files/directories that the pattern refers to
4899eg to refer to all &quot;.txt&quot; files, enter
4901        <translation>Ange här de avslutande tecken i namnet på filerna/katalogerna som mönstret refererar till
4902t. ex. för att referera till all &quot;.txt&quot;-filer, ange
4904    </message>
4905    <message>
4906        <location line="+9"/>
4907        <source>Enter here the name of the files/directories that the pattern refers to</source>
4908        <translation>Ange här namnet på filerna/katalogerna som mönstret refererar till</translation>
4909    </message>
4910    <message>
4911        <location line="+7"/>
4912        <source>is exactly :</source>
4913        <translation>exakt :</translation>
4914    </message>
4915    <message>
4916        <location line="+10"/>
4917        <source>Enter here the characters contained in any position of the name of the files/directories that the pattern refers to</source>
4918        <translation>Ange här de tecken som finns någonstans i namnet på filerna/katalogerna som mönstret refererar till</translation>
4919    </message>
4920    <message>
4921        <location line="+7"/>
4922        <source>contains :</source>
4923        <translation>innehåller :</translation>
4924    </message>
4925    <message>
4926        <location line="-392"/>
4927        <source>browse localy for a file</source>
4928        <translation>bläddra lokalt efter en fil</translation>
4929    </message>
4930    <message>
4931        <location line="+23"/>
4932        <source>browse localy for a directory path</source>
4933        <translation>bläddra lokalt efter en katalog</translation>
4934    </message>
4935    <message>
4936        <location line="+28"/>
4937        <source>use absolute path</source>
4938        <translation>Använd absolut sökväg</translation>
4939    </message>
4940    <message>
4941        <location line="+35"/>
4942        <source>Go deeper in path by :</source>
4943        <translation>Gå djupare ner i sökvägen med :</translation>
4944    </message>
4945    <message>
4946        <location line="+36"/>
4947        <source>Go deeper in path by any level</source>
4948        <translation>Gå djupare ner i sökvägen med alla nivåer</translation>
4949    </message>
4950    <message>
4951        <location line="+3"/>
4952        <source>any</source>
4953        <translation>alla</translation>
4954    </message>
4955    <message>
4956        <location line="+198"/>
4957        <source>Define here the name criteria for the files/directories to be matched</source>
4958        <translation>Definiera här namnkriteriet för filerna/katalogerna som ska matchas</translation>
4959    </message>
4960    <message>
4961        <location line="+88"/>
4962        <source>final pattern</source>
4963        <translation>slutligt mönster</translation>
4964    </message>
4965    <message>
4966        <location line="+15"/>
4967        <source>The actual pattern is displayed here</source>
4968        <translation>Det slutgiltiga mönstret visas här</translation>
4969    </message>
4970    <message>
4971        <location line="-288"/>
4972        <source>Reset the pattern editor fields to the default values</source>
4973        <translation>Återställ fältet i mönsterredigeraren till standardvärdena</translation>
4974    </message>
4975    <message>
4976        <location line="+3"/>
4977        <source>reset</source>
4978        <translation>Återställ</translation>
4979    </message>
4980    <message>
4981        <location line="+33"/>
4982        <source>Okay</source>
4983        <translation>OK</translation>
4984    </message>
4985    <message>
4986        <location line="+21"/>
4987        <source>Cancel</source>
4988        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
4989    </message>
4990    <message>
4991        <location line="-122"/>
4992        <location line="+29"/>
4993        <source>Use this to refer to deeper sub-directories
4995The directory &quot;/media/music&quot; includes 3 sub-directories:
4999 and you would like to refer to all the contents of these 3, define the following:
5000* Set of directories
5001* Directory contents
5002* path:/media/music/
5003* Go deeper in path by &quot;1&quot;</source>
5004        <translation>Använd denna för att referera till djupare underkataloger
5006Katalogen &quot;/media/music&quot; innehåller 3 underkataloge.
50071. Rock
50082. Jazz
50093. Ljudspår
5010och du vill referera till innehållet av alla dessa 3, definiere följande
5011* Mängden av kataloger
5012* Kataloginnehåll
5013* sökväg /media/music/
5014* Gå djupare ner i sökvägen med &quot;1&quot;</translation>
5015    </message>
5016    <message>
5017        <location line="+207"/>
5018        <source>Use this if the pattern refers to the contents of a directory (or a set of directories), not the directory itself
5019eg the contents of the directory &quot;/media/music/Album/&quot;</source>
5020        <translation>Använd detta ifall mönstret refererar till innehållet i en katalog (eller en mängd kataloger), inte katalogen själv
5021t. ex. innehållet i katalogen &quot;/media/music/Album/&quot;</translation>
5022    </message>
5023    <message>
5024        <location line="+4"/>
5025        <source>Directory contents</source>
5026        <translation>Kataloginnehåll</translation>
5027    </message>
5030    <name>scheduleDialog</name>
5031    <message>
5032        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+147"/>
5033        <location line="+78"/>
5034        <source>Starting from scratch</source>
5035        <translation>Börjar om från början</translation>
5036    </message>
5037    <message>
5038        <location line="+53"/>
5039        <location line="+139"/>
5040        <location line="+45"/>
5041        <source>No schedules are declared !!</source>
5042        <translation>Inga schemaaktiviteter är angivna !!</translation>
5043    </message>
5044    <message>
5045        <location line="-133"/>
5046        <source>Unable to create schedule file</source>
5047        <translation>Kan inte skapa schemafil</translation>
5048    </message>
5049    <message>
5050        <location line="+30"/>
5051        <source>You have reached the maximum limit of supported scheduled profiles</source>
5052        <translation>Du har nått den övre gränsen för antalet schemaprofiler som stödjs</translation>
5053    </message>
5054    <message>
5055        <location line="+1"/>
5056        <source>You have to remove an item if you wish to add another</source>
5057        <translation>Du måste radera en profil ifall du vill lägga till ytterligare en</translation>
5058    </message>
5059    <message>
5060        <location line="+7"/>
5061        <source>Add profile schedule</source>
5062        <translation>Lägg till schemaprofil</translation>
5063    </message>
5064    <message>
5065        <location line="+19"/>
5066        <source>Modify profile schedule</source>
5067        <translation>Redigera schemaprofil</translation>
5068    </message>
5069    <message>
5070        <location filename="../ui/scheduleDialog.ui" line="+182"/>
5071        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+62"/>
5072        <source>Profile schedule details</source>
5073        <translation>Profilschemadetaljer</translation>
5074    </message>
5075    <message>
5076        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+78"/>
5077        <source>Invalid profile</source>
5078        <translation>Ogiltig profil</translation>
5079    </message>
5080    <message>
5081        <location line="+67"/>
5082        <source>Execute profile</source>
5083        <translation>Kör profilen</translation>
5084    </message>
5085    <message>
5086        <location line="+9"/>
5087        <source>hourly at minute </source>
5088        <comment>full phrase: Execute profile &lt;PROFILENAME&gt; hourly at minute &lt;MM&gt;</comment>
5089        <translation>varje timme vid minut</translation>
5090    </message>
5091    <message>
5092        <location line="+4"/>
5093        <source>at</source>
5094        <translation>vid</translation>
5095    </message>
5096    <message>
5097        <location line="+10"/>
5098        <source>every</source>
5099        <translation>varje</translation>
5100    </message>
5101    <message>
5102        <location line="+3"/>
5103        <location line="+38"/>
5104        <source>day</source>
5105        <translation>dag</translation>
5106    </message>
5107    <message>
5108        <location filename="../ui/scheduleDialog.ui" line="+251"/>
5109        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="-36"/>
5110        <source>Sunday</source>
5111        <translation>Söndag</translation>
5112    </message>
5113    <message>
5114        <location line="+5"/>
5115        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5116        <source>Monday</source>
5117        <translation>Måndag</translation>
5118    </message>
5119    <message>
5120        <location line="+5"/>
5121        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5122        <source>Tuesday</source>
5123        <translation>Tisdag</translation>
5124    </message>
5125    <message>
5126        <location line="+5"/>
5127        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5128        <source>Wednesday</source>
5129        <translation>Onsdag</translation>
5130    </message>
5131    <message>
5132        <location line="+5"/>
5133        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5134        <source>Thursday</source>
5135        <translation>Torsdag</translation>
5136    </message>
5137    <message>
5138        <location line="+5"/>
5139        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5140        <source>Friday</source>
5141        <translation>Fredag</translation>
5142    </message>
5143    <message>
5144        <location line="+5"/>
5145        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+2"/>
5146        <source>Saturday</source>
5147        <translation>Lördag</translation>
5148    </message>
5149    <message>
5150        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="+5"/>
5151        <source>&amp; on the</source>
5152        <translation>och den</translation>
5153    </message>
5154    <message>
5155        <location line="+4"/>
5156        <source>st</source>
5157        <comment>as in 1st day</comment>
5158        <translation>:e</translation>
5159    </message>
5160    <message>
5161        <location line="+1"/>
5162        <source>nd</source>
5163        <comment>as in 2nd day</comment>
5164        <translation>:e</translation>
5165    </message>
5166    <message>
5167        <location line="+1"/>
5168        <source>rd</source>
5169        <comment>as in 3rd day</comment>
5170        <translation>:e</translation>
5171    </message>
5172    <message>
5173        <location line="+1"/>
5174        <source>th</source>
5175        <comment>as in 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th day</comment>
5176        <translation>:e</translation>
5177    </message>
5178    <message>
5179        <location line="+1"/>
5180        <source>th</source>
5181        <comment>as in 8th day</comment>
5182        <translation>:e</translation>
5183    </message>
5184    <message>
5185        <location line="+1"/>
5186        <source>th</source>
5187        <comment>as in 9th day</comment>
5188        <translation>:e</translation>
5189    </message>
5190    <message>
5191        <location line="+1"/>
5192        <source>th</source>
5193        <comment>as in 10th day</comment>
5194        <translation>:e</translation>
5195    </message>
5196    <message>
5197        <location line="+1"/>
5198        <source>th</source>
5199        <comment>as in 11th day</comment>
5200        <translation>:e</translation>
5201    </message>
5202    <message>
5203        <location line="+1"/>
5204        <source>th</source>
5205        <comment>as in 12th....19th day</comment>
5206        <translation>:e</translation>
5207    </message>
5208    <message>
5209        <location line="+1"/>
5210        <source>th</source>
5211        <comment>as in 20th day</comment>
5212        <translation>:e</translation>
5213    </message>
5214    <message>
5215        <location line="+1"/>
5216        <source>st</source>
5217        <comment>as in 21st day</comment>
5218        <translation>:e</translation>
5219    </message>
5220    <message>
5221        <location line="+1"/>
5222        <source>nd</source>
5223        <comment>as in 22nd day</comment>
5224        <translation>:e</translation>
5225    </message>
5226    <message>
5227        <location line="+1"/>
5228        <source>rd</source>
5229        <comment>as in 23rd day</comment>
5230        <translation>:e</translation>
5231    </message>
5232    <message>
5233        <location line="+1"/>
5234        <source>th</source>
5235        <comment>as in 24th...30th day</comment>
5236        <translation>:e</translation>
5237    </message>
5238    <message>
5239        <location line="+1"/>
5240        <source>st</source>
5241        <comment>as in 31st day</comment>
5242        <translation>:e</translation>
5243    </message>
5244    <message>
5245        <location line="+5"/>
5246        <source>of any month</source>
5247        <translation>varje månad</translation>
5248    </message>
5249    <message>
5250        <location line="+4"/>
5251        <location line="+2"/>
5252        <location line="+2"/>
5253        <location line="+2"/>
5254        <location line="+2"/>
5255        <location line="+2"/>
5256        <location line="+2"/>
5257        <location line="+2"/>
5258        <location line="+2"/>
5259        <location line="+2"/>
5260        <location line="+2"/>
5261        <location line="+2"/>
5262        <source>of</source>
5263        <translation>i</translation>
5264    </message>
5265    <message>
5266        <location line="-22"/>
5267        <source>January</source>
5268        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of January&apos;</comment>
5269        <translation>Januari</translation>
5270    </message>
5271    <message>
5272        <location line="+2"/>
5273        <source>February</source>
5274        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of February&apos;</comment>
5275        <translation>Februari</translation>
5276    </message>
5277    <message>
5278        <location line="+2"/>
5279        <source>March</source>
5280        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of March&apos;</comment>
5281        <translation>Mars</translation>
5282    </message>
5283    <message>
5284        <location line="+2"/>
5285        <source>April</source>
5286        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of April&apos;</comment>
5287        <translation>April</translation>
5288    </message>
5289    <message>
5290        <location line="+2"/>
5291        <source>May</source>
5292        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of May&apos;</comment>
5293        <translation>Maj</translation>
5294    </message>
5295    <message>
5296        <location line="+2"/>
5297        <source>June</source>
5298        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of June&apos;</comment>
5299        <translation>Juni</translation>
5300    </message>
5301    <message>
5302        <location line="+2"/>
5303        <source>July</source>
5304        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of July&apos;</comment>
5305        <translation>Juli</translation>
5306    </message>
5307    <message>
5308        <location line="+2"/>
5309        <source>August</source>
5310        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of August&apos;</comment>
5311        <translation>Augusti</translation>
5312    </message>
5313    <message>
5314        <location line="+2"/>
5315        <source>September</source>
5316        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of September&apos;</comment>
5317        <translation>September</translation>
5318    </message>
5319    <message>
5320        <location line="+2"/>
5321        <source>October</source>
5322        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of October&apos;</comment>
5323        <translation>Oktober</translation>
5324    </message>
5325    <message>
5326        <location line="+2"/>
5327        <source>November</source>
5328        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of November&apos;</comment>
5329        <translation>November</translation>
5330    </message>
5331    <message>
5332        <location line="+2"/>
5333        <source>December</source>
5334        <comment>full phrase: &apos;of December&apos;</comment>
5335        <translation>December</translation>
5336    </message>
5337    <message>
5338        <location line="+90"/>
5339        <location line="+26"/>
5340        <source>Unable to create cron file</source>
5341        <translation>Kan inte skapa cron-fil</translation>
5342    </message>
5343    <message>
5344        <location filename="../ui/scheduleDialog.ui" line="-446"/>
5345        <source>luckyBackup - schedule</source>
5346        <translation>luckyBackup - schema</translation>
5347    </message>
5348    <message>
5349        <location line="+45"/>
5350        <source>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
5351&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
5352p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
5353&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
5354&lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:12pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:9pt; color:#aa0000;&quot;&gt;Profile execution scheduling&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
5355        <translation>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd&quot;&gt;
5356&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;qrichtext&quot; content=&quot;1&quot; /&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;
5357p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
5358&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body style=&quot; font-family:&apos;DejaVu Sans&apos;; font-size:10pt; font-weight:600; font-style:normal;&quot;&gt;
5359&lt;p style=&quot; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:12pt;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-size:9pt; color:#aa0000;&quot;&gt;Profilkörningsschema&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
5360    </message>
5361    <message>
5362        <location line="+43"/>
5363        <source>Add a new profile schedule</source>
5364        <translation>Lägg till ett nytt profilschema</translation>
5365    </message>
5366    <message>
5367        <location line="+3"/>
5368        <source>add</source>
5369        <translation>lägg till</translation>
5370    </message>
5371    <message>
5372        <location line="+17"/>
5373        <source>Modify selected profile schedule</source>
5374        <translation>Redigera det valda profilschemat</translation>
5375    </message>
5376    <message>
5377        <location line="+3"/>
5378        <source>modify</source>
5379        <translation>redigera</translation>
5380    </message>
5381    <message>
5382        <location line="+14"/>
5383        <source>Remove selected profile schedule</source>
5384        <translation>Radera det valda profilschemat</translation>
5385    </message>
5386    <message>
5387        <location line="+3"/>
5388        <source>remove</source>
5389        <translation>radera</translation>
5390    </message>
5391    <message>
5392        <location line="+57"/>
5393        <source>Profile :</source>
5394        <translation>Profil :</translation>
5395    </message>
5396    <message>
5397        <location line="+25"/>
5398        <source>Skip tasks that apear with a &apos;CRITICAL&apos; warning message after the directories check</source>
5399        <translation>Hoppa över aktiviteter som visar ett KRITISKT varningsmeddelande efter kollen av katalogerna</translation>
5400    </message>
5401    <message>
5402        <location line="+3"/>
5403        <source>skip critical</source>
5404        <translation>hoppa över kritisk</translation>
5405    </message>
5406    <message>
5407        <location line="+29"/>
5408        <source>time (hour:min) :</source>
5409        <translation>tid (timme:minut) :</translation>
5410    </message>
5411    <message>
5412        <location line="+27"/>
5413        <source>set this value to -1 for the schedule to occur every hour</source>
5414        <translation>sätt detta värde till -1 för att köra schemaläggningen varje timme</translation>
5415    </message>
5416    <message>
5417        <location line="+19"/>
5418        <source>:</source>
5419        <translation>:</translation>
5420    </message>
5421    <message>
5422        <location line="+71"/>
5423        <source>:delay</source>
5424        <translation>:fördröjning</translation>
5425    </message>
5426    <message>
5427        <location line="+13"/>
5428        <source>Delay luckybackup execution at startup</source>
5429        <translation>Fördröj körningen av luckybackup vi uppstart</translation>
5430    </message>
5431    <message>
5432        <location line="+10"/>
5433        <source>min</source>
5434        <extracomment>means: minutes (time)</extracomment>
5435        <translation>min</translation>
5436    </message>
5437    <message>
5438        <location line="+9"/>
5439        <source>day of week :</source>
5440        <translation>veckodag :</translation>
5441    </message>
5442    <message>
5443        <location line="+20"/>
5444        <location line="+63"/>
5445        <location line="+88"/>
5446        <source>Any</source>
5447        <translation>Alla</translation>
5448    </message>
5449    <message>
5450        <location line="-108"/>
5451        <source>month :</source>
5452        <translation>månad :</translation>
5453    </message>
5454    <message>
5455        <location line="+25"/>
5456        <source>January</source>
5457        <translation>Januari</translation>
5458    </message>
5459    <message>
5460        <location line="+5"/>
5461        <source>February</source>
5462        <translation>Februari</translation>
5463    </message>
5464    <message>
5465        <location line="+5"/>
5466        <source>March</source>
5467        <translation>Mars</translation>
5468    </message>
5469    <message>
5470        <location line="+5"/>
5471        <source>April</source>
5472        <translation>April</translation>
5473    </message>
5474    <message>
5475        <location line="+5"/>
5476        <source>May</source>
5477        <translation>Maj</translation>
5478    </message>
5479    <message>
5480        <location line="+5"/>
5481        <source>June</source>
5482        <translation>Juni</translation>
5483    </message>
5484    <message>
5485        <location line="+5"/>
5486        <source>July</source>
5487        <translation>Juli</translation>
5488    </message>
5489    <message>
5490        <location line="+5"/>
5491        <source>August</source>
5492        <translation>Augusti</translation>
5493    </message>
5494    <message>
5495        <location line="+5"/>
5496        <source>September</source>
5497        <translation>September</translation>
5498    </message>
5499    <message>
5500        <location line="+5"/>
5501        <source>October</source>
5502        <translation>Oktober</translation>
5503    </message>
5504    <message>
5505        <location line="+5"/>
5506        <source>November</source>
5507        <translation>November</translation>
5508    </message>
5509    <message>
5510        <location line="+5"/>
5511        <source>December</source>
5512        <translation>December</translation>
5513    </message>
5514    <message>
5515        <location line="+8"/>
5516        <source>day of month :</source>
5517        <translation>dag i månad :</translation>
5518    </message>
5519    <message>
5520        <location line="+25"/>
5521        <source>1</source>
5522        <translation>1</translation>
5523    </message>
5524    <message>
5525        <location line="+5"/>
5526        <source>2</source>
5527        <translation>2</translation>
5528    </message>
5529    <message>
5530        <location line="+5"/>
5531        <source>3</source>
5532        <translation>3</translation>
5533    </message>
5534    <message>
5535        <location line="+5"/>
5536        <source>4</source>
5537        <translation>4</translation>
5538    </message>
5539    <message>
5540        <location line="+5"/>
5541        <source>5</source>
5542        <translation>5</translation>
5543    </message>
5544    <message>
5545        <location line="+5"/>
5546        <source>6</source>
5547        <translation>6</translation>
5548    </message>
5549    <message>
5550        <location line="+5"/>
5551        <source>7</source>
5552        <translation>7</translation>
5553    </message>
5554    <message>
5555        <location line="+5"/>
5556        <source>8</source>
5557        <translation>8</translation>
5558    </message>
5559    <message>
5560        <location line="+5"/>
5561        <source>9</source>
5562        <translation>9</translation>
5563    </message>
5564    <message>
5565        <location line="+5"/>
5566        <source>10</source>
5567        <translation>10</translation>
5568    </message>
5569    <message>
5570        <location line="+5"/>
5571        <source>11</source>
5572        <translation>11</translation>
5573    </message>
5574    <message>
5575        <location line="+5"/>
5576        <source>12</source>
5577        <translation>12</translation>
5578    </message>
5579    <message>
5580        <location line="+5"/>
5581        <source>13</source>
5582        <translation>13</translation>
5583    </message>
5584    <message>
5585        <location line="+5"/>
5586        <source>14</source>
5587        <translation>14</translation>
5588    </message>
5589    <message>
5590        <location line="+5"/>
5591        <source>15</source>
5592        <translation>15</translation>
5593    </message>
5594    <message>
5595        <location line="+5"/>
5596        <source>16</source>
5597        <translation>16</translation>
5598    </message>
5599    <message>
5600        <location line="+5"/>
5601        <source>17</source>
5602        <translation>17</translation>
5603    </message>
5604    <message>
5605        <location line="+5"/>
5606        <source>18</source>
5607        <translation>18</translation>
5608    </message>
5609    <message>
5610        <location line="+5"/>
5611        <source>19</source>
5612        <translation>19</translation>
5613    </message>
5614    <message>
5615        <location line="+5"/>
5616        <source>20</source>
5617        <translation>20</translation>
5618    </message>
5619    <message>
5620        <location line="+5"/>
5621        <source>21</source>
5622        <translation>21</translation>
5623    </message>
5624    <message>
5625        <location line="+5"/>
5626        <source>22</source>
5627        <translation>22</translation>
5628    </message>
5629    <message>
5630        <location line="+5"/>
5631        <source>23</source>
5632        <translation>23</translation>
5633    </message>
5634    <message>
5635        <location line="+5"/>
5636        <source>24</source>
5637        <translation>24</translation>
5638    </message>
5639    <message>
5640        <location line="+5"/>
5641        <source>25</source>
5642        <translation>25</translation>
5643    </message>
5644    <message>
5645        <location line="+5"/>
5646        <source>26</source>
5647        <translation>26</translation>
5648    </message>
5649    <message>
5650        <location line="+5"/>
5651        <source>27</source>
5652        <translation>27</translation>
5653    </message>
5654    <message>
5655        <location line="+5"/>
5656        <source>28</source>
5657        <translation>28</translation>
5658    </message>
5659    <message>
5660        <location line="+5"/>
5661        <source>29</source>
5662        <translation>29</translation>
5663    </message>
5664    <message>
5665        <location line="+5"/>
5666        <source>30</source>
5667        <translation>30</translation>
5668    </message>
5669    <message>
5670        <location line="+5"/>
5671        <source>31</source>
5672        <translation>31</translation>
5673    </message>
5674    <message>
5675        <location line="-491"/>
5676        <source>Check this if your machine does not support a graphical environment (eg server)</source>
5677        <translation>Kryssa i ifall din maskin inte har något grafiskt gränssnitt (t. ex server)</translation>
5678    </message>
5679    <message>
5680        <location line="+3"/>
5681        <source>Console Mode</source>
5682        <translation>Konsolläge</translation>
5683    </message>
5684    <message>
5685        <location line="+522"/>
5686        <source>okay</source>
5687        <translation>OK</translation>
5688    </message>
5689    <message>
5690        <location line="+20"/>
5691        <source>Cancel</source>
5692        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
5693    </message>
5694    <message>
5695        <location line="+25"/>
5696        <source>schedule the execution of profiles as declared in the list above</source>
5697        <translation>Schemalägg körningen av profilen enligt listan ovan</translation>
5698    </message>
5699    <message>
5700        <location line="+3"/>
5701        <source>cronIT !!</source>
5702        <translation>cronIT !!</translation>
5703    </message>
5704    <message>
5705        <location filename="../src/scheduleDialog.cpp" line="-657"/>
5706        <location line="+78"/>
5707        <source>The existent schedule file is not a valid luckyBackup v.</source>
5708        <comment>v is for version</comment>
5709        <translation>Den existerande schemafilen är inte en giltig luckyBackup v.</translation>
5710    </message>
5711    <message>
5712        <location line="-77"/>
5713        <location line="+78"/>
5714        <source> file</source>
5715        <comment>BEWARE of the whitespace before file</comment>
5716        <translation>-fil</translation>
5717    </message>
5718    <message>
5719        <location line="+78"/>
5720        <source>You have made changes without clicking the cronIT button</source>
5721        <translation>Du har gjort ändringar utan att klicka på cronIT-knappen</translation>
5722    </message>
5723    <message>
5724        <location line="+1"/>
5725        <source>Are you sure you want to close the schedule dialog ?</source>
5726        <translation>Är du säker på att du vill stänga schemadialogen ?</translation>
5727    </message>
5728    <message>
5729        <location line="+34"/>
5730        <source>Your crontab is updated successfully</source>
5731        <translation>Din crontab har uppdaterats utan fel</translation>
5732    </message>
5733    <message>
5734        <location line="+100"/>
5735        <source>no crontab entries exist</source>
5736        <translation>inga crontab-poster existerar</translation>
5737    </message>
5738    <message>
5739        <location line="+2"/>
5740        <source>crontab content</source>
5741        <translation>crontab-innehåll</translation>
5742    </message>
5743    <message>
5744        <location line="+156"/>
5745        <source>once, at system startup</source>
5746        <comment>full phrase: Execute profile xxxxx, once at system startup</comment>
5747        <translation>en gång, vid uppstart av systemet</translation>
5748    </message>
5749    <message>
5750        <location filename="../ui/scheduleDialog.ui" line="-463"/>
5751        <source>Run once, at startup</source>
5752        <translation>Kör en gång, vid uppstart</translation>
5753    </message>
5754    <message>
5755        <location line="+3"/>
5756        <source>@ reboot</source>
5757        <translation>vid omstart</translation>
5758    </message>
5759    <message>
5760        <location line="+480"/>
5761        <source>close this dialog</source>
5762        <translation>stäng denna dialog</translation>
5763    </message>
5764    <message>
5765        <location line="+3"/>
5766        <source>close</source>
5767        <translation>stäng</translation>
5768    </message>
5769    <message>
5770        <location line="+20"/>
5771        <source>Display the current crontab</source>
5772        <translation>Visa aktuell crontab</translation>
5773    </message>
5774    <message>
5775        <location line="+3"/>
5776        <source>view current crontab</source>
5777        <translation>Visa aktuell crontab</translation>
5778    </message>
5781    <name>textDialog</name>
5782    <message>
5783        <location filename="../src/textDialog.cpp" line="+56"/>
5784        <source>Enter the name of the new profile :</source>
5785        <translation>Ange namnet på den nya profilen :</translation>
5786    </message>
5787    <message>
5788        <location line="+5"/>
5789        <source>Enter the new name of the profile :</source>
5790        <translation>Ange det nya namnet på profilen :</translation>
5791    </message>
5792    <message>
5793        <location line="+10"/>
5794        <source>Profile description :</source>
5795        <translation>Profilbeskrivning :</translation>
5796    </message>
5797    <message>
5798        <location line="+6"/>
5799        <source>A profile with the same name already exists</source>
5800        <translation>En profil med samma namn existerar redan</translation>
5801    </message>
5802    <message>
5803        <location line="+1"/>
5804        <source>Please enter a different name</source>
5805        <translation>Vänligen ange ett annat namn</translation>
5806    </message>
5807    <message>
5808        <location line="+7"/>
5809        <source>Enter password :</source>
5810        <translation>Ange lösenord :</translation>
5811    </message>
5812    <message>
5813        <location line="+5"/>
5814        <source>Enter passphrase :</source>
5815        <translation>Ange lösenordsfras :</translation>
5816    </message>
5817    <message>
5818        <location line="+7"/>
5819        <source>Do not show this again for this task</source>
5820        <translation>Visa inte detta igen för denna aktivitet</translation>
5821    </message>
5822    <message>
5823        <location line="+2"/>
5824        <source>You have selected to &quot;Backup the contents of the source directory&quot;&lt;br&gt;together with the &quot;delete files on the destination&quot; option</source>
5825        <translation>Du har valt att &quot;Säkerhetskopiera innehållet i källkatalogen&quot;&lt;br&gt;tillsammans med alternativet &quot;Radera filer vid destinationen&quot;</translation>
5826    </message>
5827    <message>
5828        <location line="+0"/>
5829        <source>BEWARE, if your intention is NOT to clone source to destination !!</source>
5830        <translation>AKTA DIG, ifall din avsikt INTE är att klona källan till destinationen !!</translation>
5831    </message>
5832    <message>
5833        <location line="+1"/>
5834        <source>Are you sure you wish to proceed ??</source>
5835        <translation>Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta ??</translation>
5836    </message>
5837    <message>
5838        <location filename="../ui/textDialog.ui" line="+17"/>
5839        <source>luckyBackup</source>
5840        <translation>luckyBackup</translation>
5841    </message>
5842    <message>
5843        <location line="+81"/>
5844        <source>Okay</source>
5845        <translation>OK</translation>
5846    </message>
5847    <message>
5848        <location line="+27"/>
5849        <source>Cancel</source>
5850        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
5851    </message>
5852    <message>
5853        <location filename="../src/textDialog.cpp" line="+8"/>
5854        <source>Copy command to clipboard</source>
5855        <translation>Kopiera kommandot till klippbordet</translation>
5856    </message>
5857    <message>
5858        <location line="+17"/>
5859        <source>eMail information</source>
5860        <translation>E-postinformation</translation>
5861    </message>
5862    <message>
5863        <location line="+44"/>
5864        <source>No</source>
5865        <translation>Nej</translation>
5866    </message>
5867    <message>
5868        <location line="+1"/>
5869        <source>Yes</source>
5870        <translation>Ja</translation>
5871    </message>
5874    <name>winDialog</name>
5875    <message>
5876        <location filename="../ui/winDialog.ui" line="+17"/>
5877        <source>luckyBackup</source>
5878        <translation>luckyBackup</translation>
5879    </message>
5880    <message>
5881        <location line="+18"/>
5882        <source>declaration of paths</source>
5883        <translation>Angivelse av sökvägar</translation>
5884    </message>
5885    <message>
5886        <location line="+30"/>
5887        <source>rsync:</source>
5888        <translation>rsync:</translation>
5889    </message>
5890    <message>
5891        <location line="+19"/>
5892        <source>Enter the full path of the rsync command</source>
5893        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för rsync-kommandot</translation>
5894    </message>
5895    <message>
5896        <location line="+10"/>
5897        <location line="+64"/>
5898        <location line="+64"/>
5899        <location line="+64"/>
5900        <location line="+64"/>
5901        <location line="+64"/>
5902        <location line="+64"/>
5903        <source>browse locally</source>
5904        <translation>bläddra lokalt</translation>
5905    </message>
5906    <message>
5907        <location line="-367"/>
5908        <location line="+64"/>
5909        <location line="+64"/>
5910        <location line="+64"/>
5911        <location line="+64"/>
5912        <location line="+64"/>
5913        <location line="+64"/>
5914        <source>Use default value</source>
5915        <translation>Använd standardvärde</translation>
5916    </message>
5917    <message>
5918        <location line="-366"/>
5919        <source>ssh:</source>
5920        <translation>ssh:</translation>
5921    </message>
5922    <message>
5923        <location line="+19"/>
5924        <source>Enter the full path of the ssh command</source>
5925        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för ssh-kommandot</translation>
5926    </message>
5927    <message>
5928        <location line="+45"/>
5929        <source>cygpath:</source>
5930        <translation>cygpath:</translation>
5931    </message>
5932    <message>
5933        <location line="+19"/>
5934        <source>Enter the full path of the cygpath command</source>
5935        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för cygpath-kommandot</translation>
5936    </message>
5937    <message>
5938        <location line="+45"/>
5939        <source>dosdev:</source>
5940        <translation>dosdev:</translation>
5941    </message>
5942    <message>
5943        <location line="+19"/>
5944        <source>Enter the full path of the dosdev command</source>
5945        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för dosdev-kommandot</translation>
5946    </message>
5947    <message>
5948        <location line="+45"/>
5949        <source>main dir:</source>
5950        <translation>huvudkatalog:</translation>
5951    </message>
5952    <message>
5953        <location line="+19"/>
5954        <source>Enter the full path of the luckybackup directory</source>
5955        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen till katalogen för luckybackup</translation>
5956    </message>
5957    <message>
5958        <location line="+45"/>
5959        <source>vshadow dir:</source>
5960        <translation>vshadow-katalog:</translation>
5961    </message>
5962    <message>
5963        <location line="+19"/>
5964        <source>Enter the full path of the vshadow directory</source>
5965        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för vshadow-katalogen</translation>
5966    </message>
5967    <message>
5968        <location line="+45"/>
5969        <source>temp dir:</source>
5970        <translation>temporär katalog:</translation>
5971    </message>
5972    <message>
5973        <location line="+19"/>
5974        <source>Enter the full path of the temporary directory</source>
5975        <translation>Ange den fullständiga sökvägen för den temporära katalogen</translation>
5976    </message>
5977    <message>
5978        <location line="+58"/>
5979        <source>Okay</source>
5980        <translation>OK</translation>
5981    </message>
5982    <message>
5983        <location line="+27"/>
5984        <source>Cancel</source>
5985        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
5986    </message>
5987    <message>
5988        <location filename="../src/winDialog.cpp" line="+154"/>
5989        <source>Select rsync command</source>
5990        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
5991        <translation>Välj rsync-kommando</translation>
5992    </message>
5993    <message>
5994        <location line="+1"/>
5995        <location line="+6"/>
5996        <location line="+6"/>
5997        <location line="+6"/>
5998        <source>Executable Files (*.exe)</source>
5999        <translation>Körbara filer (*.exe)</translation>
6000    </message>
6001    <message>
6002        <location line="-13"/>
6003        <source>Select ssh command</source>
6004        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
6005        <translation>Välj ssh-kommando</translation>
6006    </message>
6007    <message>
6008        <location line="+6"/>
6009        <source>Select cygpath command</source>
6010        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
6011        <translation>Välj cygpath-kommando</translation>
6012    </message>
6013    <message>
6014        <location line="+6"/>
6015        <source>Select dosdev command</source>
6016        <comment>file selection dialog title</comment>
6017        <translation>Välj dosdev-kommando</translation>
6018    </message>