1.. _ansible_community_guide:
4Ansible Community Guide
7.. note::
9    **Making Open Source More Inclusive**
11    Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. We ask that you open an issue or pull request if you come upon a term that we have missed. For more details, see `our CTO Chris Wright's message <https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/making-open-source-more-inclusive-eradicating-problematic-language>`_.
13Welcome to the Ansible Community Guide!
15The purpose of this guide is to teach you everything you need to know about being a contributing member of the Ansible community. All types of contributions are welcome and necessary to Ansible's continued success.
17This page outlines the most common situations and questions that bring readers to this section. If you prefer a :ref:`traditional table of contents <community_toc>`, you can find one at the bottom of the page.
20Getting started
23* I am new to the community. Where can I find the Ansible :ref:`code_of_conduct`?
24* I would like to know what I am agreeing to when I contribute to Ansible. Does Ansible have a :ref:`contributor_license_agreement`?
25* I would like to contribute but I am not sure how. Are there :ref:`easy ways to contribute <how_can_i_help>`?
26* I want to talk to other Ansible users. How do I find an `Ansible Meetup near me <https://www.meetup.com/topics/ansible/>`_?
27* I have a question. Which :ref:`Ansible email lists and IRC channels <communication>` will help me find answers?
28* I want to learn more about Ansible. What can I do?
30  * `Read books <https://www.ansible.com/resources/ebooks>`_.
31  * `Get certified <https://www.ansible.com/products/training-certification>`_.
32  * `Attend events <https://www.ansible.com/community/events>`_.
33  * `Review getting started guides <https://www.ansible.com/resources/get-started>`_.
34  * `Watch videos <https://www.ansible.com/resources/videos>`_ - includes Ansible Automates, AnsibleFest & webinar recordings.
36* I would like updates about new Ansible versions. How are `new releases announced <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ansible-announce>`_?
37* I want to use the current release. How do I know which :ref:`releases are current <release_schedule>`?
39Going deeper
42* I think Ansible is broken. How do I :ref:`report a bug <reporting_bugs>`?
43* I need functionality that Ansible does not offer. How do I :ref:`request a feature <request_features>`?
44* How do I :ref:`contribute to an Ansible-maintained collection <contributing_maintained_collections>`?
45* I am waiting for a particular feature. How do I see what is :ref:`planned for future Ansible Releases <roadmaps>`?
46* I have a specific Ansible interest or expertise (for example, VMware, Linode, and so on). How do I get involved in a :ref:`working group <working_group_list>`?
47* I would like to participate in conversations about features and fixes. How do I review GitHub issues and pull requests?
48* I found a typo or another problem on docs.ansible.com. How can I :ref:`improve the documentation <community_documentation_contributions>`?
49* Is there a :ref:`mailing list <communication>` I can sign up for to stay informed about Ansible?
52Working with the Ansible repo
55* I want to make my first code changes to a collection or to ``ansible-core``. How do I :ref:`set up my Python development environment <environment_setup>`?
56* I would like to get more efficient as a developer. How can I find :ref:`editors, linters, and other tools <other_tools_and_programs>` that will support my Ansible development efforts?
57* I want my code to meet Ansible's guidelines. Where can I find  guidance on :ref:`coding in Ansible <developer_guide>`?
58* I want to learn more about Ansible roadmaps, releases, and projects. How do I find information on :ref:`the development cycle <community_development_process>`?
59* I would like to connect Ansible to a new API or other resource. How do I :ref:`create a collection <developing_modules_in_groups>`?
60* My pull request is marked ``needs_rebase``. How do I :ref:`rebase my PR <rebase_guide>`?
61* I am using an older version of Ansible and want a bug fixed in my version that has already been fixed on the ``devel`` branch. How do I :ref:`backport a bugfix PR <backport_process>`?
62* I have an open pull request with a failing test. How do I learn about Ansible's :ref:`testing (CI) process <developing_testing>`?
63* I am ready to step up as a collection maintainer. What are the :ref:`guidelines for maintainers <maintainers>`?
64* A module in a collection I maintain is obsolete. How do I :ref:`deprecate a module <deprecating_modules>`?
66.. _community_toc:
68Traditional Table of Contents
71If you prefer to read the entire Community Guide, here is a list of the pages in order:
73.. toctree::
74   :maxdepth: 2
76   code_of_conduct
77   how_can_I_help
78   reporting_bugs_and_features
79   documentation_contributions
80   communication
81   development_process
82   contributing_maintained_collections
83   contributor_license_agreement
84   triage_process
85   other_tools_and_programs
86   ../dev_guide/style_guide/index
88.. toctree::
89   :caption: Guidelines for specific types of contributors
90   :maxdepth: 1
92   committer_guidelines
93   maintainers
94   release_managers
95   github_admins