1from docker.api import APIClient
2from docker.errors import APIError
3from .resource import Model
6class Swarm(Model):
7    """
8    The server's Swarm state. This a singleton that must be reloaded to get
9    the current state of the Swarm.
10    """
11    id_attribute = 'ID'
13    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
14        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
15        if self.client:
16            try:
17                self.reload()
18            except APIError as e:
19                # FIXME: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/29192
20                if e.response.status_code not in (406, 503):
21                    raise
23    @property
24    def version(self):
25        """
26        The version number of the swarm. If this is not the same as the
27        server, the :py:meth:`update` function will not work and you will
28        need to call :py:meth:`reload` before calling it again.
29        """
30        return self.attrs.get('Version').get('Index')
32    def get_unlock_key(self):
33        return self.client.api.get_unlock_key()
34    get_unlock_key.__doc__ = APIClient.get_unlock_key.__doc__
36    def init(self, advertise_addr=None, listen_addr='',
37             force_new_cluster=False, default_addr_pool=None,
38             subnet_size=None, data_path_addr=None, **kwargs):
39        """
40        Initialize a new swarm on this Engine.
42        Args:
43            advertise_addr (str): Externally reachable address advertised to
44                other nodes. This can either be an address/port combination in
45                the form ````, or an interface followed by a
46                port number, like ``eth0:4567``. If the port number is omitted,
47                the port number from the listen address is used.
49                If not specified, it will be automatically detected when
50                possible.
51            listen_addr (str): Listen address used for inter-manager
52                communication, as well as determining the networking interface
53                used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP). This can either be
54                an address/port combination in the form ````,
55                or an interface followed by a port number, like ``eth0:4567``.
56                If the port number is omitted, the default swarm listening port
57                is used. Default: ````
58            force_new_cluster (bool): Force creating a new Swarm, even if
59                already part of one. Default: False
60            default_addr_pool (list of str): Default Address Pool specifies
61                default subnet pools for global scope networks. Each pool
62                should be specified as a CIDR block, like ''.
63                Default: None
64            subnet_size (int): SubnetSize specifies the subnet size of the
65                networks created from the default subnet pool. Default: None
66            data_path_addr (string): Address or interface to use for data path
67                traffic. For example,, or an interface, like eth0.
68            task_history_retention_limit (int): Maximum number of tasks
69                history stored.
70            snapshot_interval (int): Number of logs entries between snapshot.
71            keep_old_snapshots (int): Number of snapshots to keep beyond the
72                current snapshot.
73            log_entries_for_slow_followers (int): Number of log entries to
74                keep around to sync up slow followers after a snapshot is
75                created.
76            heartbeat_tick (int): Amount of ticks (in seconds) between each
77                heartbeat.
78            election_tick (int): Amount of ticks (in seconds) needed without a
79                leader to trigger a new election.
80            dispatcher_heartbeat_period (int):  The delay for an agent to send
81                a heartbeat to the dispatcher.
82            node_cert_expiry (int): Automatic expiry for nodes certificates.
83            external_ca (dict): Configuration for forwarding signing requests
84                to an external certificate authority. Use
85                ``docker.types.SwarmExternalCA``.
86            name (string): Swarm's name
87            labels (dict): User-defined key/value metadata.
88            signing_ca_cert (str): The desired signing CA certificate for all
89                swarm node TLS leaf certificates, in PEM format.
90            signing_ca_key (str): The desired signing CA key for all swarm
91                node TLS leaf certificates, in PEM format.
92            ca_force_rotate (int): An integer whose purpose is to force swarm
93                to generate a new signing CA certificate and key, if none have
94                been specified.
95            autolock_managers (boolean): If set, generate a key and use it to
96                lock data stored on the managers.
97            log_driver (DriverConfig): The default log driver to use for tasks
98                created in the orchestrator.
100        Returns:
101            (str): The ID of the created node.
103        Raises:
104            :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError`
105                If the server returns an error.
107        Example:
109            >>> client.swarm.init(
110                advertise_addr='eth0', listen_addr='',
111                force_new_cluster=False, default_addr_pool=['],
112                subnet_size=24, snapshot_interval=5000,
113                log_entries_for_slow_followers=1200
114            )
116        """
117        init_kwargs = {
118            'advertise_addr': advertise_addr,
119            'listen_addr': listen_addr,
120            'force_new_cluster': force_new_cluster,
121            'default_addr_pool': default_addr_pool,
122            'subnet_size': subnet_size,
123            'data_path_addr': data_path_addr,
124        }
125        init_kwargs['swarm_spec'] = self.client.api.create_swarm_spec(**kwargs)
126        node_id = self.client.api.init_swarm(**init_kwargs)
127        self.reload()
128        return node_id
130    def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
131        return self.client.api.join_swarm(*args, **kwargs)
132    join.__doc__ = APIClient.join_swarm.__doc__
134    def leave(self, *args, **kwargs):
135        return self.client.api.leave_swarm(*args, **kwargs)
136    leave.__doc__ = APIClient.leave_swarm.__doc__
138    def reload(self):
139        """
140        Inspect the swarm on the server and store the response in
141        :py:attr:`attrs`.
143        Raises:
144            :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError`
145                If the server returns an error.
146        """
147        self.attrs = self.client.api.inspect_swarm()
149    def unlock(self, key):
150        return self.client.api.unlock_swarm(key)
151    unlock.__doc__ = APIClient.unlock_swarm.__doc__
153    def update(self, rotate_worker_token=False, rotate_manager_token=False,
154               rotate_manager_unlock_key=False, **kwargs):
155        """
156        Update the swarm's configuration.
158        It takes the same arguments as :py:meth:`init`, except
159        ``advertise_addr``, ``listen_addr``, and ``force_new_cluster``. In
160        addition, it takes these arguments:
162        Args:
163            rotate_worker_token (bool): Rotate the worker join token. Default:
164                ``False``.
165            rotate_manager_token (bool): Rotate the manager join token.
166                Default: ``False``.
167            rotate_manager_unlock_key (bool): Rotate the manager unlock key.
168                Default: ``False``.
169        Raises:
170            :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError`
171                If the server returns an error.
173        """
174        # this seems to have to be set
175        if kwargs.get('node_cert_expiry') is None:
176            kwargs['node_cert_expiry'] = 7776000000000000
178        return self.client.api.update_swarm(
179            version=self.version,
180            swarm_spec=self.client.api.create_swarm_spec(**kwargs),
181            rotate_worker_token=rotate_worker_token,
182            rotate_manager_token=rotate_manager_token,
183            rotate_manager_unlock_key=rotate_manager_unlock_key
184        )