2Wrap the saltcheck module to copy files to ssh minion before running tests
5import logging
6import os
7import shutil
8import tarfile
9import tempfile
10from contextlib import closing
12import salt.utils.files
13import salt.utils.json
14import salt.utils.url
16log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
19def update_master_cache(states, saltenv="base"):
20    """
21    Replace standard saltcheck version with similar logic but replacing cp.cache_dir with
22        generating files, tar'ing them up, copying tarball to remote host, extracting tar
23        to state cache directory, and cleanup of files
24    """
25    cache = __opts__["cachedir"]
26    state_cache = os.path.join(cache, "files", saltenv)
28    # Setup for copying states to gendir
29    gendir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
30    trans_tar = salt.utils.files.mkstemp()
31    if "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__)) not in __context__:
32        __context__[
33            "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__))
34        ] = salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__)
36    # generate cp.list_states output and save to gendir
37    cp_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(__salt__["cp.list_states"]())
38    cp_output_file = os.path.join(gendir, "cp_output.txt")
39    with salt.utils.files.fopen(cp_output_file, "w") as fp:
40        fp.write(cp_output)
42    # cp state directories to gendir
43    already_processed = []
44    sls_list = salt.utils.args.split_input(states)
45    for state_name in sls_list:
46        # generate low data for each state and save to gendir
47        state_low_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".low")
48        state_low_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(
49            __salt__["state.show_low_sls"](state_name)
50        )
51        with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_low_file, "w") as fp:
52            fp.write(state_low_output)
54        state_name = state_name.replace(".", os.sep)
55        if state_name in already_processed:
56            log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name)
57        else:
58            file_copy_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".copy")
59            log.debug("copying %s to %s", state_name, gendir)
60            qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv)
61            # Duplicate cp.get_dir to gendir
62            copy_result = __context__["cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__))].get_dir(
63                qualified_name, gendir, saltenv
64            )
65            if copy_result:
66                copy_result = [dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result]
67                copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result)
68                with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp:
69                    fp.write(copy_result_output)
70                already_processed.append(state_name)
71            else:
72                # If files were not copied, assume state.file.sls was given and just copy state
73                state_name = os.path.dirname(state_name)
74                file_copy_file = os.path.join(gendir, state_name + ".copy")
75                if state_name in already_processed:
76                    log.debug("Already cached state for %s", state_name)
77                else:
78                    qualified_name = salt.utils.url.create(state_name, saltenv)
79                    copy_result = __context__[
80                        "cp.fileclient_{}".format(id(__opts__))
81                    ].get_dir(qualified_name, gendir, saltenv)
82                    if copy_result:
83                        copy_result = [
84                            dir.replace(gendir, state_cache) for dir in copy_result
85                        ]
86                        copy_result_output = salt.utils.json.dumps(copy_result)
87                        with salt.utils.files.fopen(file_copy_file, "w") as fp:
88                            fp.write(copy_result_output)
89                        already_processed.append(state_name)
91    # turn gendir into tarball and remove gendir
92    try:
93        # cwd may not exist if it was removed but salt was run from it
94        cwd = os.getcwd()
95    except OSError:
96        cwd = None
97    os.chdir(gendir)
98    with closing(tarfile.open(trans_tar, "w:gz")) as tfp:
99        for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(gendir):
100            for name in files:
101                full = os.path.join(root, name)
102                tfp.add(full[len(gendir) :].lstrip(os.sep))
103    if cwd:
104        os.chdir(cwd)
105    shutil.rmtree(gendir)
107    # Copy tarfile to ssh host
108    single = salt.client.ssh.Single(__opts__, "", **__salt__.kwargs)
109    thin_dir = __opts__["thin_dir"]
110    ret = single.shell.send(trans_tar, thin_dir)
112    # Clean up local tar
113    try:
114        os.remove(trans_tar)
115    except OSError:
116        pass
118    tar_path = os.path.join(thin_dir, os.path.basename(trans_tar))
119    # Extract remote tarball to cache directory and remove tar file
120    # TODO this could be better handled by a single state/connection due to ssh overhead
121    ret = __salt__["file.mkdir"](state_cache)
122    ret = __salt__["archive.tar"]("xf", tar_path, dest=state_cache)
123    ret = __salt__["file.remove"](tar_path)
125    return ret
128def run_state_tests(states, saltenv="base", check_all=False):
129    """
130    Define common functions to activite this wrapping module and tar copy.
131    After file copies are finished, run the usual local saltcheck function
132    """
133    ret = update_master_cache(states, saltenv)
134    ret = __salt__["saltcheck.run_state_tests_ssh"](
135        states, saltenv=saltenv, check_all=check_all
136    )
137    return ret
140def run_highstate_tests(saltenv="base"):
141    """
142    Lookup top files for minion, pass results to wrapped run_state_tests for copy and run
143    """
144    top_states = __salt__["state.show_top"]().get(saltenv)
145    state_string = ",".join(top_states)
146    ret = run_state_tests(state_string, saltenv)
147    return ret