2Manage ini files
5:maintainer: <akilesh1597@gmail.com>
6:maturity: new
7:depends: re
8:platform: all
13from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
15__virtualname__ = "ini"
18def __virtual__():
19    """
20    Only load if the ini module is available
21    """
22    return __virtualname__ if "ini.set_option" in __salt__ else False
25def options_present(name, sections=None, separator="=", strict=False):
26    """
27    .. code-block:: yaml
29        /home/saltminion/api-paste.ini:
30          ini.options_present:
31            - separator: '='
32            - strict: True
33            - sections:
34                test:
35                  testkey: 'testval'
36                  secondoption: 'secondvalue'
37                test1:
38                  testkey1: 'testval121'
40    options present in file and not specified in sections
41    dict will be untouched, unless `strict: True` flag is
42    used
44    changes dict will contain the list of changes made
45    """
46    ret = {
47        "name": name,
48        "changes": {},
49        "result": True,
50        "comment": "No anomaly detected",
51    }
52    if __opts__["test"]:
53        ret["comment"] = ""
54    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
55    try:
56        changes = {}
57        if sections:
58            options = {}
59            for sname, sbody in sections.items():
60                if not isinstance(sbody, (dict, OrderedDict)):
61                    options.update({sname: sbody})
62            cur_ini = __salt__["ini.get_ini"](name, separator)
63            original_top_level_opts = {}
64            original_sections = {}
65            for key, val in cur_ini.items():
66                if isinstance(val, (dict, OrderedDict)):
67                    original_sections.update({key: val})
68                else:
69                    original_top_level_opts.update({key: val})
70            if __opts__["test"]:
71                for option in options:
72                    if option in original_top_level_opts:
73                        if str(original_top_level_opts[option]) == str(options[option]):
74                            ret["comment"] += "Unchanged key {}.\n".format(option)
75                        else:
76                            ret["comment"] += "Changed key {}.\n".format(option)
77                            ret["result"] = None
78                    else:
79                        ret["comment"] += "Changed key {}.\n".format(option)
80                        ret["result"] = None
81            else:
82                options_updated = __salt__["ini.set_option"](name, options, separator)
83                changes.update(options_updated)
84            if strict:
85                for opt_to_remove in set(original_top_level_opts).difference(options):
86                    if __opts__["test"]:
87                        ret["comment"] += "Removed key {}.\n".format(opt_to_remove)
88                        ret["result"] = None
89                    else:
90                        __salt__["ini.remove_option"](
91                            name, None, opt_to_remove, separator
92                        )
93                        changes.update(
94                            {
95                                opt_to_remove: {
96                                    "before": original_top_level_opts[opt_to_remove],
97                                    "after": None,
98                                }
99                            }
100                        )
101            for section_name, section_body in [
102                (sname, sbody)
103                for sname, sbody in sections.items()
104                if isinstance(sbody, (dict, OrderedDict))
105            ]:
106                section_descr = " in section " + section_name if section_name else ""
107                changes[section_name] = {}
108                if strict:
109                    original = cur_ini.get(section_name, {})
110                    for key_to_remove in set(original.keys()).difference(
111                        section_body.keys()
112                    ):
113                        orig_value = original_sections.get(section_name, {}).get(
114                            key_to_remove, "#-#-"
115                        )
116                        if __opts__["test"]:
117                            ret["comment"] += "Deleted key {}{}.\n".format(
118                                key_to_remove, section_descr
119                            )
120                            ret["result"] = None
121                        else:
122                            __salt__["ini.remove_option"](
123                                name, section_name, key_to_remove, separator
124                            )
125                            changes[section_name].update({key_to_remove: ""})
126                            changes[section_name].update(
127                                {key_to_remove: {"before": orig_value, "after": None}}
128                            )
129                if __opts__["test"]:
130                    for option in section_body:
131                        if str(section_body[option]) == str(
132                            original_sections.get(section_name, {}).get(option, "#-#-")
133                        ):
134                            ret["comment"] += "Unchanged key {}{}.\n".format(
135                                option, section_descr
136                            )
137                        else:
138                            ret["comment"] += "Changed key {}{}.\n".format(
139                                option, section_descr
140                            )
141                            ret["result"] = None
142                else:
143                    options_updated = __salt__["ini.set_option"](
144                        name, {section_name: section_body}, separator
145                    )
146                    if options_updated:
147                        changes[section_name].update(options_updated[section_name])
148                    if not changes[section_name]:
149                        del changes[section_name]
150        else:
151            if not __opts__["test"]:
152                changes = __salt__["ini.set_option"](name, sections, separator)
153    except (OSError, KeyError) as err:
154        ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
155        ret["result"] = False
156        return ret
157    if "error" in changes:
158        ret["result"] = False
159        ret["comment"] = "Errors encountered. {}".format(changes["error"])
160        ret["changes"] = {}
161    else:
162        for ciname, body in changes.items():
163            if body:
164                ret["comment"] = "Changes take effect"
165                ret["changes"].update({ciname: changes[ciname]})
166    return ret
169def options_absent(name, sections=None, separator="="):
170    """
171    .. code-block:: yaml
173        /home/saltminion/api-paste.ini:
174          ini.options_absent:
175            - separator: '='
176            - sections:
177                test:
178                  - testkey
179                  - secondoption
180                test1:
181                  - testkey1
183    options present in file and not specified in sections
184    dict will be untouched
186    changes dict will contain the list of changes made
187    """
188    ret = {
189        "name": name,
190        "changes": {},
191        "result": True,
192        "comment": "No anomaly detected",
193    }
194    if __opts__["test"]:
195        ret["result"] = True
196        ret["comment"] = ""
197        for section in sections or {}:
198            section_name = " in section " + section if section else ""
199            try:
200                cur_section = __salt__["ini.get_section"](name, section, separator)
201            except OSError as err:
202                ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
203                ret["result"] = False
204                return ret
205            except AttributeError:
206                cur_section = section
207            if isinstance(sections[section], list):
208                for key in sections[section]:
209                    cur_value = cur_section.get(key)
210                    if not cur_value:
211                        ret["comment"] += "Key {}{} does not exist.\n".format(
212                            key, section_name
213                        )
214                        continue
215                    ret["comment"] += "Deleted key {}{}.\n".format(key, section_name)
216                    ret["result"] = None
217            else:
218                option = section
219                if not __salt__["ini.get_option"](name, None, option, separator):
220                    ret["comment"] += "Key {} does not exist.\n".format(option)
221                    continue
222                ret["comment"] += "Deleted key {}.\n".format(option)
223                ret["result"] = None
225        if ret["comment"] == "":
226            ret["comment"] = "No changes detected."
227        return ret
228    sections = sections or {}
229    for section, keys in sections.items():
230        for key in keys:
231            try:
232                current_value = __salt__["ini.remove_option"](
233                    name, section, key, separator
234                )
235            except OSError as err:
236                ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
237                ret["result"] = False
238                return ret
239            if not current_value:
240                continue
241            if section not in ret["changes"]:
242                ret["changes"].update({section: {}})
243            ret["changes"][section].update({key: current_value})
244            if not isinstance(sections[section], list):
245                ret["changes"].update({section: current_value})
246                # break
247            ret["comment"] = "Changes take effect"
248    return ret
251def sections_present(name, sections=None, separator="="):
252    """
253    .. code-block:: yaml
255        /home/saltminion/api-paste.ini:
256          ini.sections_present:
257            - separator: '='
258            - sections:
259                - section_one
260                - section_two
262    This will only create empty sections. To also create options, use
263    options_present state
265    options present in file and not specified in sections will be deleted
266    changes dict will contain the sections that changed
267    """
268    ret = {
269        "name": name,
270        "changes": {},
271        "result": True,
272        "comment": "No anomaly detected",
273    }
274    if __opts__["test"]:
275        ret["result"] = True
276        ret["comment"] = ""
277        try:
278            cur_ini = __salt__["ini.get_ini"](name, separator)
279        except OSError as err:
280            ret["result"] = False
281            ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
282            return ret
283        for section in sections or {}:
284            if section in cur_ini:
285                ret["comment"] += "Section unchanged {}.\n".format(section)
286                continue
287            else:
288                ret["comment"] += "Created new section {}.\n".format(section)
289            ret["result"] = None
290        if ret["comment"] == "":
291            ret["comment"] = "No changes detected."
292        return ret
293    section_to_update = {}
294    for section_name in sections or []:
295        section_to_update.update({section_name: {}})
296    try:
297        changes = __salt__["ini.set_option"](name, section_to_update, separator)
298    except OSError as err:
299        ret["result"] = False
300        ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
301        return ret
302    if "error" in changes:
303        ret["result"] = False
304        ret["changes"] = "Errors encountered {}".format(changes["error"])
305        return ret
306    ret["changes"] = changes
307    ret["comment"] = "Changes take effect"
308    return ret
311def sections_absent(name, sections=None, separator="="):
312    """
313    .. code-block:: yaml
315        /home/saltminion/api-paste.ini:
316          ini.sections_absent:
317            - separator: '='
318            - sections:
319                - test
320                - test1
322    options present in file and not specified in sections will be deleted
323    changes dict will contain the sections that changed
324    """
325    ret = {
326        "name": name,
327        "changes": {},
328        "result": True,
329        "comment": "No anomaly detected",
330    }
331    if __opts__["test"]:
332        ret["result"] = True
333        ret["comment"] = ""
334        try:
335            cur_ini = __salt__["ini.get_ini"](name, separator)
336        except OSError as err:
337            ret["result"] = False
338            ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
339            return ret
340        for section in sections or []:
341            if section not in cur_ini:
342                ret["comment"] += "Section {} does not exist.\n".format(section)
343                continue
344            ret["comment"] += "Deleted section {}.\n".format(section)
345            ret["result"] = None
346        if ret["comment"] == "":
347            ret["comment"] = "No changes detected."
348        return ret
349    for section in sections or []:
350        try:
351            cur_section = __salt__["ini.remove_section"](name, section, separator)
352        except OSError as err:
353            ret["result"] = False
354            ret["comment"] = "{}".format(err)
355            return ret
356        if not cur_section:
357            continue
358        ret["changes"][section] = cur_section
359        ret["comment"] = "Changes take effect"
360    return ret