1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2020 Marvell International Ltd.
4  *
5  * https://spdx.org/licenses
6  */
7 #ifndef __CSRS_CGX_H__
8 #define __CSRS_CGX_H__
10 /**
11  * @file
12  *
13  * Configuration and status register (CSR) address and type definitions for
14  * CGX.
15  *
16  * This file is auto generated.  Do not edit.
17  *
18  */
20 /**
21  * Enumeration cgx_bar_e
22  *
23  * CGX Base Address Register Enumeration Enumerates the base address
24  * registers.
25  */
26 #define CGX_BAR_E_CGXX_PF_BAR0(a) (0x87e0e0000000ll + 0x1000000ll * (a))
27 #define CGX_BAR_E_CGXX_PF_BAR0_SIZE 0x100000ull
28 #define CGX_BAR_E_CGXX_PF_BAR4(a) (0x87e0e0400000ll + 0x1000000ll * (a))
29 #define CGX_BAR_E_CGXX_PF_BAR4_SIZE 0x100000ull
31 /**
32  * Enumeration cgx_int_vec_e
33  *
34  * CGX MSI-X Vector Enumeration Enumeration the MSI-X interrupt vectors.
35  */
36 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_CMRX_INT(a) (0 + 9 * (a))
37 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_CMRX_SW(a) (0x26 + (a))
38 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_CMR_MEM_INT (0x24)
39 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_GMPX_GMI_RX_INT(a) (5 + 9 * (a))
40 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_GMPX_GMI_TX_INT(a) (6 + 9 * (a))
41 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_GMPX_GMI_WOL_INT(a) (7 + 9 * (a))
42 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_GMPX_PCS_INT(a) (4 + 9 * (a))
43 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_SMUX_RX_INT(a) (2 + 9 * (a))
44 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT(a) (8 + 9 * (a))
45 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_SMUX_TX_INT(a) (3 + 9 * (a))
46 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_SPUX_INT(a) (1 + 9 * (a))
47 #define CGX_INT_VEC_E_SW (0x25)
49 /**
50  * Enumeration cgx_lmac_types_e
51  *
52  * CGX LMAC Type Enumeration Enumerates the LMAC Types that CGX supports.
53  */
54 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_FIFTYG_R (8)
55 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_FORTYG_R (4)
57 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_QSGMII (6)
58 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_RGMII (5)
59 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_RXAUI (2)
60 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_SGMII (0)
61 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_TENG_R (3)
63 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_USXGMII (0xa)
64 #define CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E_XAUI (1)
66 /**
67  * Enumeration cgx_opcode_e
68  *
69  * INTERNAL: CGX Error Opcode Enumeration  Enumerates the error opcodes
70  * created by CGX and presented to NCSI/NIX.
71  */
72 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_FCS (7)
73 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_FCS_RCV (8)
74 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_JABBER (2)
75 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_NONE (0)
76 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_PARTIAL (1)
77 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_RX_CTL (0xb)
78 #define CGX_OPCODE_E_RE_SKIP (0xc)
81 /**
82  * Enumeration cgx_spu_br_train_cst_e
83  *
84  * INTERNAL: CGX Training Coefficient Status Enumeration  2-bit status
85  * for each coefficient as defined in IEEE 802.3, Table 72-5.
86  */
92 /**
93  * Enumeration cgx_spu_br_train_cup_e
94  *
95  * INTERNAL:CGX Training Coefficient Enumeration  2-bit command for each
96  * coefficient as defined in IEEE 802.3, Table 72-4.
97  */
99 #define CGX_SPU_BR_TRAIN_CUP_E_HOLD (0)
101 #define CGX_SPU_BR_TRAIN_CUP_E_RSV_CMD (3)
103 /**
104  * Enumeration cgx_usxgmii_rate_e
105  *
106  * CGX USXGMII Rate Enumeration Enumerates the USXGMII sub-port type
107  * rate, CGX()_SPU()_CONTROL1[USXGMII_RATE].  Selecting a rate higher
108  * than the maximum allowed for a given port sub-type (specified by
109  * CGX()_SPU()_CONTROL1[USXGMII_TYPE]), e.g., selecting ::RATE_2HG (2.5
110  * Gbps) for CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E::SXGMII_2G, will cause unpredictable
111  * behavior. USXGMII hardware-based autonegotiation may change this
112  * setting.
113  */
114 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_100M (1)
115 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_10G (5)
116 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_10M (0)
117 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_1G (2)
118 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_20G (6)
119 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_2HG (3)
120 #define CGX_USXGMII_RATE_E_RATE_5G (4)
123 /**
124  * Enumeration cgx_usxgmii_type_e
125  *
126  * CGX USXGMII Port Sub-Type Enumeration Enumerates the USXGMII sub-port
127  * type, CGX()_SPU()_CONTROL1[USXGMII_TYPE].  The description indicates
128  * the maximum rate and the maximum number of ports (LMACs) for each sub-
129  * type. The minimum rate for any port is 10M. The rate selection for
130  * each LMAC is made using CGX()_SPU()_CONTROL1[USXGMII_RATE] and the
131  * number of active ports/LMACs is implicitly determined by the value
132  * given to CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[ENABLE] for each LMAC.  Selecting a rate
133  * higher than the maximum allowed for a given port sub-type or enabling
134  * more LMACs than the maximum allowed for a given port sub-type will
135  * cause unpredictable behavior.
136  */
137 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_DXGMII_10G (3)
138 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_DXGMII_20G (5)
139 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_DXGMII_5G (4)
140 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_QXGMII_10G (7)
141 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_QXGMII_20G (6)
142 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_SXGMII_10G (0)
143 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_SXGMII_2G (2)
144 #define CGX_USXGMII_TYPE_E_SXGMII_5G (1)
146 /**
147  * Structure cgx_spu_br_lane_train_status_s
148  *
149  * INTERNAL:CGX Lane Training Status Structure  This is the group of lane
150  * status bits for a single lane in the BASE-R PMD status register (MDIO
151  * address 1.151) as defined in IEEE 802.3ba-2010, Table 45-55.
152  */
153 union cgx_spu_br_lane_train_status_s {
154 	u32 u;
155 	struct cgx_spu_br_lane_train_status_s_s {
156 		u32 rx_trained                       : 1;
157 		u32 frame_lock                       : 1;
158 		u32 training                         : 1;
159 		u32 training_failure                 : 1;
160 		u32 reserved_4_31                    : 28;
161 	} s;
162 	/* struct cgx_spu_br_lane_train_status_s_s cn; */
163 };
165 /**
166  * Structure cgx_spu_br_train_cup_s
167  *
168  * INTERNAL:CGX Lane Training Coefficient Structure  This is the
169  * coefficient update field of the BASE-R link training packet as defined
170  * in IEEE 802.3, Table 72-4.
171  */
172 union cgx_spu_br_train_cup_s {
173 	u32 u;
174 	struct cgx_spu_br_train_cup_s_s {
175 		u32 pre_cup                          : 2;
176 		u32 main_cup                         : 2;
177 		u32 post_cup                         : 2;
178 		u32 reserved_6_11                    : 6;
179 		u32 init                             : 1;
180 		u32 preset                           : 1;
181 		u32 reserved_14_31                   : 18;
182 	} s;
183 	struct cgx_spu_br_train_cup_s_cn {
184 		u32 pre_cup                          : 2;
185 		u32 main_cup                         : 2;
186 		u32 post_cup                         : 2;
187 		u32 reserved_6_11                    : 6;
188 		u32 init                             : 1;
189 		u32 preset                           : 1;
190 		u32 reserved_14_15                   : 2;
191 		u32 reserved_16_31                   : 16;
192 	} cn;
193 };
195 /**
196  * Structure cgx_spu_br_train_rep_s
197  *
198  * INTERNAL:CGX Training Report Structure  This is the status report
199  * field of the BASE-R link training packet as defined in IEEE 802.3,
200  * Table 72-5.
201  */
202 union cgx_spu_br_train_rep_s {
203 	u32 u;
204 	struct cgx_spu_br_train_rep_s_s {
205 		u32 pre_cst                          : 2;
206 		u32 main_cst                         : 2;
207 		u32 post_cst                         : 2;
208 		u32 reserved_6_14                    : 9;
209 		u32 rx_ready                         : 1;
210 		u32 reserved_16_31                   : 16;
211 	} s;
212 	/* struct cgx_spu_br_train_rep_s_s cn; */
213 };
215 /**
216  * Structure cgx_spu_sds_cu_s
217  *
218  * INTERNAL: CGX Training Coeffiecient Structure  This structure is
219  * similar to CGX_SPU_BR_TRAIN_CUP_S format, but with reserved fields
220  * removed and [RCVR_READY] field added.
221  */
222 union cgx_spu_sds_cu_s {
223 	u32 u;
224 	struct cgx_spu_sds_cu_s_s {
225 		u32 pre_cu                           : 2;
226 		u32 main_cu                          : 2;
227 		u32 post_cu                          : 2;
228 		u32 initialize                       : 1;
229 		u32 preset                           : 1;
230 		u32 rcvr_ready                       : 1;
231 		u32 reserved_9_31                    : 23;
232 	} s;
233 	/* struct cgx_spu_sds_cu_s_s cn; */
234 };
236 /**
237  * Structure cgx_spu_sds_skew_status_s
238  *
239  * CGX Skew Status Structure Provides receive skew information detected
240  * for a physical SerDes lane when it is assigned to a multilane
241  * LMAC/LPCS. Contents are valid when RX deskew is done for the
242  * associated LMAC/LPCS.
243  */
244 union cgx_spu_sds_skew_status_s {
245 	u32 u;
246 	struct cgx_spu_sds_skew_status_s_s {
247 		u32 am_timestamp                     : 12;
248 		u32 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
249 		u32 am_lane_id                       : 5;
250 		u32 reserved_21_22                   : 2;
251 		u32 lane_skew                        : 7;
252 		u32 reserved_30_31                   : 2;
253 	} s;
254 	/* struct cgx_spu_sds_skew_status_s_s cn; */
255 };
257 /**
258  * Structure cgx_spu_sds_sr_s
259  *
260  * INTERNAL: CGX Lane Training Coefficient Structure  Similar to
261  * CGX_SPU_BR_TRAIN_REP_S format, but with reserved and RX ready fields
262  * removed.
263  */
264 union cgx_spu_sds_sr_s {
265 	u32 u;
266 	struct cgx_spu_sds_sr_s_s {
267 		u32 pre_status                       : 2;
268 		u32 main_status                      : 2;
269 		u32 post_status                      : 2;
270 		u32 reserved_6_31                    : 26;
271 	} s;
272 	/* struct cgx_spu_sds_sr_s_s cn; */
273 };
275 /**
276  * Register (RSL) cgx#_active_pc
277  *
278  * CGX ACTIVE PC Register This register counts the conditional clocks for
279  * power management.
280  */
281 union cgxx_active_pc {
282 	u64 u;
283 	struct cgxx_active_pc_s {
284 		u64 cnt                              : 64;
285 	} s;
286 	/* struct cgxx_active_pc_s cn; */
287 };
289 static inline u64 CGXX_ACTIVE_PC(void)
290 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_ACTIVE_PC(void)291 static inline u64 CGXX_ACTIVE_PC(void)
292 {
293 	return 0x2010;
294 }
296 /**
297  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_activity
298  *
299  * CGX CMR Activity Registers
300  */
301 union cgxx_cmrx_activity {
302 	u64 u;
303 	struct cgxx_cmrx_activity_s {
304 		u64 act_tx_lo                        : 1;
305 		u64 act_tx_hi                        : 1;
306 		u64 pause_tx                         : 1;
307 		u64 act_rx_lo                        : 1;
308 		u64 act_rx_hi                        : 1;
309 		u64 pause_rx                         : 1;
310 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
311 	} s;
312 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_activity_s cn; */
313 };
315 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_ACTIVITY(u64 a)
316 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_ACTIVITY(u64 a)317 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_ACTIVITY(u64 a)
318 {
319 	return 0x5f8 + 0x40000 * a;
320 }
322 /**
323  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_config
324  *
325  * CGX CMR Configuration Registers Logical MAC/PCS configuration
326  * registers; one per LMAC. The maximum number of LMACs (and maximum LMAC
327  * ID) that can be enabled by these registers is limited by
328  * CGX()_CMR_RX_LMACS[LMACS] and CGX()_CMR_TX_LMACS[LMACS].  Internal:
329  * \<pre\> Example configurations:   ------------------------------------
330  * ---------------------------------------   Configuration
331  * LMACS  Register             [ENABLE]    [LMAC_TYPE]   ----------------
332  * -----------------------------------------------------------
333  * 1x50G+1x25G+1xSGMII     4      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           8
334  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     0           --
335  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           7
336  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           0   ---------------------------------
337  * ------------------------------------------   USXGMII
338  * 1-4    CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           a
339  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           a
340  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           a
341  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           a   ---------------------------------
342  * ------------------------------------------   1x100GBASE-R4           1
343  * CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           9
344  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     0           --
345  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     0           --
346  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     0           --   --------------------------------
347  * -------------------------------------------   2x50GBASE-R2
348  * 2      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           8
349  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           8
350  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     0           --
351  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     0           --   --------------------------------
352  * -------------------------------------------   4x25GBASE-R
353  * 4      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           7
354  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           7
355  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           7
356  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           7   ---------------------------------
357  * ------------------------------------------   QSGMII                  4
358  * CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           6
359  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           6
360  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           6
361  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           6   ---------------------------------
362  * ------------------------------------------   1x40GBASE-R4            1
363  * CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           4
364  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     0           --
365  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     0           --
366  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     0           --   --------------------------------
367  * -------------------------------------------   4x10GBASE-R
368  * 4      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           3
369  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           3
370  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           3
371  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           3   ---------------------------------
372  * ------------------------------------------   2xRXAUI                 2
373  * CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           2
374  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           2
375  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     0           --
376  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     0           --   --------------------------------
377  * -------------------------------------------   1x10GBASE-X/XAUI/DXAUI
378  * 1      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           1
379  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     0           --
380  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     0           --
381  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     0           --   --------------------------------
382  * -------------------------------------------   4xSGMII/1000BASE-X
383  * 4      CGXn_CMR0_CONFIG     1           0
384  * CGXn_CMR1_CONFIG     1           0
385  * CGXn_CMR2_CONFIG     1           0
386  * CGXn_CMR3_CONFIG     1           0   ---------------------------------
387  * ------------------------------------------ \</pre\>
388  */
389 union cgxx_cmrx_config {
390 	u64 u;
391 	struct cgxx_cmrx_config_s {
392 		u64 lane_to_sds                      : 8;
393 		u64 reserved_8_39                    : 32;
394 		u64 lmac_type                        : 4;
395 		u64 unused                           : 8;
396 		u64 int_beat_gen                     : 1;
397 		u64 data_pkt_tx_en                   : 1;
398 		u64 data_pkt_rx_en                   : 1;
399 		u64 enable                           : 1;
400 		u64 x2p_select                       : 3;
401 		u64 p2x_select                       : 3;
402 		u64 reserved_62_63                   : 2;
403 	} s;
404 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_config_s cn; */
405 };
407 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_CONFIG(u64 a)
408 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_CONFIG(u64 a)409 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_CONFIG(u64 a)
410 {
411 	return 0 + 0x40000 * a;
412 }
414 /**
415  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_int
416  *
417  * CGX CMR Interrupt Register
418  */
419 union cgxx_cmrx_int {
420 	u64 u;
421 	struct cgxx_cmrx_int_s {
422 		u64 pause_drp                        : 1;
423 		u64 overflw                          : 1;
424 		u64 nic_nxc                          : 1;
425 		u64 nix0_nxc                         : 1;
426 		u64 nix1_nxc                         : 1;
427 		u64 nix0_e_nxc                       : 1;
428 		u64 nix1_e_nxc                       : 1;
429 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
430 	} s;
431 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_int_s cn; */
432 };
434 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT(u64 a)
435 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_INT(u64 a)436 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT(u64 a)
437 {
438 	return 0x40 + 0x40000 * a;
439 }
441 /**
442  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_int_ena_w1c
443  *
444  * CGX CMR Interrupt Enable Clear Register This register clears interrupt
445  * enable bits.
446  */
447 union cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1c {
448 	u64 u;
449 	struct cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1c_s {
450 		u64 pause_drp                        : 1;
451 		u64 overflw                          : 1;
452 		u64 nic_nxc                          : 1;
453 		u64 nix0_nxc                         : 1;
454 		u64 nix1_nxc                         : 1;
455 		u64 nix0_e_nxc                       : 1;
456 		u64 nix1_e_nxc                       : 1;
457 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
458 	} s;
459 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
460 };
462 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
463 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)464 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
465 {
466 	return 0x50 + 0x40000 * a;
467 }
469 /**
470  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_int_ena_w1s
471  *
472  * CGX CMR Interrupt Enable Set Register This register sets interrupt
473  * enable bits.
474  */
475 union cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1s {
476 	u64 u;
477 	struct cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1s_s {
478 		u64 pause_drp                        : 1;
479 		u64 overflw                          : 1;
480 		u64 nic_nxc                          : 1;
481 		u64 nix0_nxc                         : 1;
482 		u64 nix1_nxc                         : 1;
483 		u64 nix0_e_nxc                       : 1;
484 		u64 nix1_e_nxc                       : 1;
485 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
486 	} s;
487 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
488 };
490 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
491 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)492 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
493 {
494 	return 0x58 + 0x40000 * a;
495 }
497 /**
498  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_int_w1s
499  *
500  * CGX CMR Interrupt Set Register This register sets interrupt bits.
501  */
502 union cgxx_cmrx_int_w1s {
503 	u64 u;
504 	struct cgxx_cmrx_int_w1s_s {
505 		u64 pause_drp                        : 1;
506 		u64 overflw                          : 1;
507 		u64 nic_nxc                          : 1;
508 		u64 nix0_nxc                         : 1;
509 		u64 nix1_nxc                         : 1;
510 		u64 nix0_e_nxc                       : 1;
511 		u64 nix1_e_nxc                       : 1;
512 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
513 	} s;
514 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_int_w1s_s cn; */
515 };
517 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
518 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_INT_W1S(u64 a)519 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
520 {
521 	return 0x48 + 0x40000 * a;
522 }
524 /**
525  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_led_timing
526  *
527  * CGX MAC LED Activity Timing Registers
528  */
529 union cgxx_cmrx_led_timing {
530 	u64 u;
531 	struct cgxx_cmrx_led_timing_s {
532 		u64 extension                        : 8;
533 		u64 reserved_8_63                    : 56;
534 	} s;
535 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_led_timing_s cn; */
536 };
538 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_LED_TIMING(u64 a)
539 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_LED_TIMING(u64 a)540 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_LED_TIMING(u64 a)
541 {
542 	return 0x5f0 + 0x40000 * a;
543 }
545 /**
546  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_prt_cbfc_ctl
547  *
548  * CGX CMR LMAC PFC Control Registers See CGX()_CMR()_RX_LOGL_XOFF[XOFF].
549  */
550 union cgxx_cmrx_prt_cbfc_ctl {
551 	u64 u;
552 	struct cgxx_cmrx_prt_cbfc_ctl_s {
553 		u64 reserved_0_15                    : 16;
554 		u64 phys_bp                          : 16;
555 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
556 	} s;
557 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_prt_cbfc_ctl_s cn; */
558 };
560 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_PRT_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)
561 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_PRT_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)562 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_PRT_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)
563 {
564 	return 0x608 + 0x40000 * a;
565 }
567 /**
568  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_bp_drop
569  *
570  * CGX Receive Backpressure Drop Register
571  */
572 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_drop {
573 	u64 u;
574 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_drop_s {
575 		u64 mark                             : 7;
576 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
577 	} s;
578 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_drop_s cn; */
579 };
581 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_DROP(u64 a)
582 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_DROP(u64 a)583 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_DROP(u64 a)
584 {
585 	return 0xd8 + 0x40000 * a;
586 }
588 /**
589  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_bp_off
590  *
591  * CGX Receive Backpressure Off Register
592  */
593 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_off {
594 	u64 u;
595 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_off_s {
596 		u64 mark                             : 7;
597 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
598 	} s;
599 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_off_s cn; */
600 };
602 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_OFF(u64 a)
603 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_OFF(u64 a)604 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_OFF(u64 a)
605 {
606 	return 0xe8 + 0x40000 * a;
607 }
609 /**
610  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_bp_on
611  *
612  * CGX Receive Backpressure On Register
613  */
614 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_on {
615 	u64 u;
616 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_on_s {
617 		u64 mark                             : 13;
618 		u64 reserved_13_63                   : 51;
619 	} s;
620 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_on_s cn; */
621 };
623 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_ON(u64 a)
624 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_ON(u64 a)625 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_ON(u64 a)
626 {
627 	return 0xe0 + 0x40000 * a;
628 }
630 /**
631  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_bp_status
632  *
633  * CGX CMR Receive Backpressure Status Registers
634  */
635 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_status {
636 	u64 u;
637 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_status_s {
638 		u64 bp                               : 1;
639 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
640 	} s;
641 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_bp_status_s cn; */
642 };
644 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_STATUS(u64 a)
645 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_STATUS(u64 a)646 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_BP_STATUS(u64 a)
647 {
648 	return 0xf0 + 0x40000 * a;
649 }
651 /**
652  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_dmac_ctl0
653  *
654  * CGX CMR Receive DMAC Address-Control0 Register DMAC CAM control
655  * register for use by X2P/NIX bound traffic. Received packets are only
656  * passed to X2P/NIX when the DMAC0 filter result is ACCEPT and STEERING0
657  * filter result is PASS. See also CGX()_CMR_RX_DMAC()_CAM0 and
658  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING0().  Internal: "* ALGORITHM Here is some pseudo
659  * code that represents the address filter behavior. \<pre\>
660  * dmac_addr_filter(uint8 prt, uint48 dmac) { for (lmac=0, lmac\<4,
661  * lmac++) {   if (is_bcst(dmac))                               //
662  * broadcast accept     return (CGX()_CMR(lmac)_RX_DMAC_CTL0[BCST_ACCEPT]
663  * ? ACCEPT : REJECT);   if (is_mcst(dmac) &&
664  * CGX()_CMR(lmac)_RX_DMAC_CTL0[MCST_MODE] == 0)   // multicast reject
665  * return REJECT;   if (is_mcst(dmac) &&
666  * CGX()_CMR(lmac)_RX_DMAC_CTL0[MCST_MODE] == 1)   // multicast accept
667  * return ACCEPT;   else        // DMAC CAM filter     cam_hit = 0;   for
668  * (i=0; i\<32; i++) {     cam = CGX()_CMR_RX_DMAC(i)_CAM0;     if
669  * (cam[EN] && cam[ID] == lmac && cam[ADR] == dmac) {       cam_hit = 1;
670  * break;     }   }   if (cam_hit) {     return
671  * (CGX()_CMR(lmac)_RX_DMAC_CTL0[CAM_ACCEPT] ? ACCEPT : REJECT);   else
672  * return (CGX()_CMR(lmac)_RX_DMAC_CTL0[CAM_ACCEPT] ? REJECT : ACCEPT);
673  * } } \</pre\>"
674  */
675 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl0 {
676 	u64 u;
677 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl0_s {
678 		u64 bcst_accept                      : 1;
679 		u64 mcst_mode                        : 2;
680 		u64 cam_accept                       : 1;
681 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
682 	} s;
683 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl0_s cn; */
684 };
686 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL0(u64 a)
687 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL0(u64 a)688 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL0(u64 a)
689 {
690 	return 0x1f8 + 0x40000 * a;
691 }
693 /**
694  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_dmac_ctl1
695  *
696  * CGX CMR Receive DMAC Address-Control1 Register DMAC CAM control
697  * register for use by NCSI bound traffic. Received packets are only
698  * passed to NCSI when the DMAC1 filter result is ACCEPT and STEERING1
699  * filter result is PASS. See also CGX()_CMR_RX_DMAC()_CAM1 and
700  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING1(). For use with the LMAC associated with NCSI;
702  * CGX()_CMR()_RX_DMAC_CTL0.
703  */
704 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl1 {
705 	u64 u;
706 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl1_s {
707 		u64 bcst_accept                      : 1;
708 		u64 mcst_mode                        : 2;
709 		u64 cam_accept                       : 1;
710 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
711 	} s;
712 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_dmac_ctl1_s cn; */
713 };
715 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL1(u64 a)
716 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL1(u64 a)717 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_DMAC_CTL1(u64 a)
718 {
719 	return 0x3f8 + 0x40000 * a;
720 }
722 /**
723  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_fifo_len
724  *
725  * CGX CMR Receive Fifo Length Registers
726  */
727 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_fifo_len {
728 	u64 u;
729 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_fifo_len_s {
730 		u64 fifo_len                         : 14;
731 		u64 busy                             : 1;
732 		u64 fifo_len_e                       : 14;
733 		u64 busy_e                           : 1;
734 		u64 reserved_30_63                   : 34;
735 	} s;
736 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_fifo_len_s cn; */
737 };
739 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)
740 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)741 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)
742 {
743 	return 0x108 + 0x40000 * a;
744 }
746 /**
747  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_id_map
748  *
749  * CGX CMR Receive ID Map Register These registers set the RX LMAC ID
750  * mapping for X2P/NIX.
751  */
752 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_id_map {
753 	u64 u;
754 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_id_map_s {
755 		u64 pknd                             : 6;
756 		u64 unused                           : 2;
757 		u64 rid                              : 7;
758 		u64 reserved_15_63                   : 49;
759 	} s;
760 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_id_map_s cn; */
761 };
763 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_ID_MAP(u64 a)
764 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_ID_MAP(u64 a)765 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_ID_MAP(u64 a)
766 {
767 	return 0x60 + 0x40000 * a;
768 }
770 /**
771  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_logl_xoff
772  *
773  * CGX CMR Receive Logical XOFF Registers
774  */
775 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xoff {
776 	u64 u;
777 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xoff_s {
778 		u64 xoff                             : 16;
779 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
780 	} s;
781 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xoff_s cn; */
782 };
784 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XOFF(u64 a)
785 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XOFF(u64 a)786 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XOFF(u64 a)
787 {
788 	return 0xf8 + 0x40000 * a;
789 }
791 /**
792  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_logl_xon
793  *
794  * CGX CMR Receive Logical XON Registers
795  */
796 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xon {
797 	u64 u;
798 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xon_s {
799 		u64 xon                              : 16;
800 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
801 	} s;
802 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_logl_xon_s cn; */
803 };
805 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XON(u64 a)
806 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XON(u64 a)807 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_LOGL_XON(u64 a)
808 {
809 	return 0x100 + 0x40000 * a;
810 }
812 /**
813  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_merge_stat0
814  *
815  * CGX RX Preemption Status Register 0
816  */
817 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat0 {
818 	u64 u;
819 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat0_s {
820 		u64 fa_err_cnt                       : 48;
821 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
822 	} s;
823 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat0_s cn; */
824 };
826 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)
827 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)828 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)
829 {
830 	return 0x138 + 0x40000 * a;
831 }
833 /**
834  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_merge_stat1
835  *
836  * CGX RX Preemption Status Register 1
837  */
838 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat1 {
839 	u64 u;
840 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat1_s {
841 		u64 fs_err_cnt                       : 48;
842 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
843 	} s;
844 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat1_s cn; */
845 };
847 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT1(u64 a)
848 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT1(u64 a)849 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT1(u64 a)
850 {
851 	return 0x140 + 0x40000 * a;
852 }
854 /**
855  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_merge_stat2
856  *
857  * CGX RX Preemption Status Register 2
858  */
859 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat2 {
860 	u64 u;
861 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat2_s {
862 		u64 fa_ok_cnt                        : 48;
863 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
864 	} s;
865 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat2_s cn; */
866 };
868 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT2(u64 a)
869 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT2(u64 a)870 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT2(u64 a)
871 {
872 	return 0x148 + 0x40000 * a;
873 }
875 /**
876  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_merge_stat3
877  *
878  * CGX RX Preemption Status Register 3
879  */
880 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat3 {
881 	u64 u;
882 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat3_s {
883 		u64 ff_cnt                           : 48;
884 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
885 	} s;
886 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat3_s cn; */
887 };
889 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT3(u64 a)
890 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT3(u64 a)891 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT3(u64 a)
892 {
893 	return 0x150 + 0x40000 * a;
894 }
896 /**
897  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_merge_stat4
898  *
899  * CGX RX Preemption Status Register 4
900  */
901 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat4 {
902 	u64 u;
903 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat4_s {
904 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
905 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
906 	} s;
907 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_merge_stat4_s cn; */
908 };
910 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT4(u64 a)
911 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT4(u64 a)912 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_MERGE_STAT4(u64 a)
913 {
914 	return 0x158 + 0x40000 * a;
915 }
917 /**
918  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_pause_drop_time
919  *
920  * CGX CMR Receive Pause Drop-Time Register
921  */
922 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_pause_drop_time {
923 	u64 u;
924 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_pause_drop_time_s {
925 		u64 pause_time                       : 16;
926 		u64 pause_time_e                     : 16;
927 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
928 	} s;
929 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_pause_drop_time_s cn; */
930 };
932 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_PAUSE_DROP_TIME(u64 a)
933 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_PAUSE_DROP_TIME(u64 a)934 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_PAUSE_DROP_TIME(u64 a)
935 {
936 	return 0x68 + 0x40000 * a;
937 }
939 /**
940  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat0
941  *
942  * CGX Receive Status Register 0 These registers provide a count of
943  * received packets that meet the following conditions: * are not
944  * recognized as ERROR packets(any OPCODE). * are not recognized as PAUSE
945  * packets. * are not dropped due FIFO full status. * are not dropped due
946  * DMAC0 or STEERING0 filtering.  Internal: "This pseudo code represents
947  * the RX STAT0 through STAT8 accounting: \<pre\> If (errored)   incr
948  * RX_STAT8 else if (ctrl packet, i.e. Pause/PFC)   incr RX_STAT2,3 else
949  * if (fifo full drop)   incr RX_STAT6,7 else if (DMAC0/VLAN0 filter
950  * drop)   incr RX_STAT4,5 if not a filter+decision else   incr
951  * RX_STAT0,1 end \</pre\>"
952  */
953 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat0 {
954 	u64 u;
955 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat0_s {
956 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
957 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
958 	} s;
959 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat0_s cn; */
960 };
962 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT0(u64 a)
963 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT0(u64 a)964 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT0(u64 a)
965 {
966 	return 0x70 + 0x40000 * a;
967 }
969 /**
970  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat1
971  *
972  * CGX Receive Status Register 1 These registers provide a count of
973  * octets of received packets.
974  */
975 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat1 {
976 	u64 u;
977 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat1_s {
978 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
979 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
980 	} s;
981 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat1_s cn; */
982 };
984 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT1(u64 a)
985 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT1(u64 a)986 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT1(u64 a)
987 {
988 	return 0x78 + 0x40000 * a;
989 }
991 /**
992  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat2
993  *
994  * CGX Receive Status Register 2 These registers provide a count of
995  * received packets that meet the following conditions: * are not
996  * recognized as ERROR packets(any OPCODE). * are recognized as PAUSE
997  * packets.  Pause packets can be optionally dropped or forwarded based
998  * on
1000  * This count increments regardless of whether the packet is dropped.
1001  */
1002 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat2 {
1003 	u64 u;
1004 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat2_s {
1005 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1006 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1007 	} s;
1008 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat2_s cn; */
1009 };
1011 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT2(u64 a)
1012 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT2(u64 a)1013 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT2(u64 a)
1014 {
1015 	return 0x80 + 0x40000 * a;
1016 }
1018 /**
1019  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat3
1020  *
1021  * CGX Receive Status Register 3 These registers provide a count of
1022  * octets of received PAUSE and control packets.
1023  */
1024 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat3 {
1025 	u64 u;
1026 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat3_s {
1027 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1028 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1029 	} s;
1030 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat3_s cn; */
1031 };
1033 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT3(u64 a)
1034 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT3(u64 a)1035 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT3(u64 a)
1036 {
1037 	return 0x88 + 0x40000 * a;
1038 }
1040 /**
1041  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat4
1042  *
1043  * CGX Receive Status Register 4 These registers provide a count of
1044  * received packets that meet the following conditions: * are not
1045  * recognized as ERROR packets(any OPCODE). * are not recognized as PAUSE
1046  * packets. * are not dropped due FIFO full status. * are dropped due
1047  * DMAC0 or STEERING0 filtering.  16B packets or smaller (20B in case of
1048  * FCS strip) as the result of truncation or other means are not dropped
1049  * by CGX (unless filter and decision is also asserted) and will never
1050  * appear in this count. Should the MAC signal to the CMR that the packet
1051  * be filtered upon decision before the end of packet, then STAT4 and
1052  * STAT5 will not be updated.
1053  */
1054 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat4 {
1055 	u64 u;
1056 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat4_s {
1057 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1058 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1059 	} s;
1060 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat4_s cn; */
1061 };
1063 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT4(u64 a)
1064 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT4(u64 a)1065 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT4(u64 a)
1066 {
1067 	return 0x90 + 0x40000 * a;
1068 }
1070 /**
1071  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat5
1072  *
1073  * CGX Receive Status Register 5 These registers provide a count of
1074  * octets of filtered DMAC0 or VLAN STEERING0 packets.
1075  */
1076 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat5 {
1077 	u64 u;
1078 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat5_s {
1079 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1080 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1081 	} s;
1082 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat5_s cn; */
1083 };
1085 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT5(u64 a)
1086 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT5(u64 a)1087 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT5(u64 a)
1088 {
1089 	return 0x98 + 0x40000 * a;
1090 }
1092 /**
1093  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat6
1094  *
1095  * CGX Receive Status Register 6 These registers provide a count of
1096  * received packets that meet the following conditions: * are not
1097  * recognized as ERROR packets(any OPCODE). * are not recognized as PAUSE
1098  * packets. * are dropped due FIFO full status.  They do not count any
1099  * packet that is truncated at the point of overflow and sent on to the
1100  * NIX. The truncated packet will be marked with error and increment
1101  * STAT8. These registers count all entire packets dropped by the FIFO
1102  * for a given LMAC.
1103  */
1104 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat6 {
1105 	u64 u;
1106 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat6_s {
1107 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1108 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1109 	} s;
1110 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat6_s cn; */
1111 };
1113 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT6(u64 a)
1114 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT6(u64 a)1115 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT6(u64 a)
1116 {
1117 	return 0xa0 + 0x40000 * a;
1118 }
1120 /**
1121  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat7
1122  *
1123  * CGX Receive Status Register 7 These registers provide a count of
1124  * octets of received packets that were dropped due to a full receive
1125  * FIFO.
1126  */
1127 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat7 {
1128 	u64 u;
1129 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat7_s {
1130 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1131 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1132 	} s;
1133 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat7_s cn; */
1134 };
1136 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT7(u64 a)
1137 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT7(u64 a)1138 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT7(u64 a)
1139 {
1140 	return 0xa8 + 0x40000 * a;
1141 }
1143 /**
1144  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat8
1145  *
1146  * CGX Receive Status Register 8 These registers provide a count of
1147  * received packets that meet the following conditions:  * are recognized
1148  * as ERROR packets(any OPCODE).
1149  */
1150 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat8 {
1151 	u64 u;
1152 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat8_s {
1153 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1154 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1155 	} s;
1156 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat8_s cn; */
1157 };
1159 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT8(u64 a)
1160 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT8(u64 a)1161 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT8(u64 a)
1162 {
1163 	return 0xb0 + 0x40000 * a;
1164 }
1166 /**
1167  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_rx_stat_pri#_xoff
1168  *
1169  * CGX CMR RX XON to XOFF transition Registers
1170  */
1171 union cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat_prix_xoff {
1172 	u64 u;
1173 	struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat_prix_xoff_s {
1174 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1175 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1176 	} s;
1177 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_rx_stat_prix_xoff_s cn; */
1178 };
1180 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a, u64 b)
1181 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a,u64 b)1182 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_RX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a, u64 b)
1183 {
1184 	return 0x7c0 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
1185 }
1187 /**
1188  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_scratch#
1189  *
1190  * CGX CMR Scratch Registers
1191  */
1192 union cgxx_cmrx_scratchx {
1193 	u64 u;
1194 	struct cgxx_cmrx_scratchx_s {
1195 		u64 scratch                          : 64;
1196 	} s;
1197 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_scratchx_s cn; */
1198 };
1200 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SCRATCHX(u64 a, u64 b)
1201 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_SCRATCHX(u64 a,u64 b)1202 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SCRATCHX(u64 a, u64 b)
1203 {
1204 	return 0x1050 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
1205 }
1207 /**
1208  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_sw_int
1209  *
1210  * CGX CMR Interrupt Register
1211  */
1212 union cgxx_cmrx_sw_int {
1213 	u64 u;
1214 	struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_s {
1215 		u64 sw_set                           : 1;
1216 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
1217 	} s;
1218 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_s cn; */
1219 };
1221 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT(u64 a)
1222 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT(u64 a)1223 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT(u64 a)
1224 {
1225 	return 0x180 + 0x40000 * a;
1226 }
1228 /**
1229  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_sw_int_ena_w1c
1230  *
1231  * CGX CMR Interrupt Enable Clear Register This register clears interrupt
1232  * enable bits.
1233  */
1234 union cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1c {
1235 	u64 u;
1236 	struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1c_s {
1237 		u64 sw_set                           : 1;
1238 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
1239 	} s;
1240 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
1241 };
1243 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
1244 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)1245 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
1246 {
1247 	return 0x190 + 0x40000 * a;
1248 }
1250 /**
1251  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_sw_int_ena_w1s
1252  *
1253  * CGX CMR Interrupt Enable Set Register This register sets interrupt
1254  * enable bits.
1255  */
1256 union cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1s {
1257 	u64 u;
1258 	struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1s_s {
1259 		u64 sw_set                           : 1;
1260 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
1261 	} s;
1262 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
1263 };
1265 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
1266 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)1267 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
1268 {
1269 	return 0x198 + 0x40000 * a;
1270 }
1272 /**
1273  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_sw_int_w1s
1274  *
1275  * CGX CMR Interrupt Set Register This register sets interrupt bits.
1276  */
1277 union cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_w1s {
1278 	u64 u;
1279 	struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_w1s_s {
1280 		u64 sw_set                           : 1;
1281 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
1282 	} s;
1283 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_sw_int_w1s_s cn; */
1284 };
1286 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_W1S(u64 a)
1287 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_W1S(u64 a)1288 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_SW_INT_W1S(u64 a)
1289 {
1290 	return 0x188 + 0x40000 * a;
1291 }
1293 /**
1294  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_channel
1295  *
1296  * CGX CMR Transmit-Channels Registers
1297  */
1298 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_channel {
1299 	u64 u;
1300 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_channel_s {
1301 		u64 msk                              : 16;
1302 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
1303 	} s;
1304 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_channel_s cn; */
1305 };
1307 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_CHANNEL(u64 a)
1308 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_CHANNEL(u64 a)1309 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_CHANNEL(u64 a)
1310 {
1311 	return 0x600 + 0x40000 * a;
1312 }
1314 /**
1315  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_fifo_len
1316  *
1317  * CGX CMR Transmit Fifo Length Registers
1318  */
1319 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_fifo_len {
1320 	u64 u;
1321 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_fifo_len_s {
1322 		u64 fifo_len                         : 14;
1323 		u64 lmac_idle                        : 1;
1324 		u64 fifo_e_len                       : 14;
1325 		u64 lmac_e_idle                      : 1;
1326 		u64 reserved_30_63                   : 34;
1327 	} s;
1328 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_fifo_len_s cn; */
1329 };
1331 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)
1332 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)1333 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_FIFO_LEN(u64 a)
1334 {
1335 	return 0x618 + 0x40000 * a;
1336 }
1338 /**
1339  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_hg2_status
1340  *
1341  * CGX CMR Transmit HiGig2 Status Registers
1342  */
1343 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_hg2_status {
1344 	u64 u;
1345 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_hg2_status_s {
1346 		u64 lgtim2go                         : 16;
1347 		u64 xof                              : 16;
1348 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
1349 	} s;
1350 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_hg2_status_s cn; */
1351 };
1353 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_HG2_STATUS(u64 a)
1354 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_HG2_STATUS(u64 a)1355 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_HG2_STATUS(u64 a)
1356 {
1357 	return 0x610 + 0x40000 * a;
1358 }
1360 /**
1361  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_merge_stat0
1362  *
1363  * CGX TX Preemption Status Register 0
1364  */
1365 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_merge_stat0 {
1366 	u64 u;
1367 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_merge_stat0_s {
1368 		u64 ff_cnt                           : 48;
1369 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1370 	} s;
1371 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_merge_stat0_s cn; */
1372 };
1374 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)
1375 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)1376 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_MERGE_STAT0(u64 a)
1377 {
1378 	return 0x160 + 0x40000 * a;
1379 }
1381 /**
1382  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_ovr_bp
1383  *
1384  * CGX CMR Transmit-Channels Backpressure Override Registers
1385  */
1386 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_ovr_bp {
1387 	u64 u;
1388 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_ovr_bp_s {
1389 		u64 tx_chan_bp                       : 16;
1390 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
1391 	} s;
1392 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_ovr_bp_s cn; */
1393 };
1395 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_OVR_BP(u64 a)
1396 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_OVR_BP(u64 a)1397 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_OVR_BP(u64 a)
1398 {
1399 	return 0x620 + 0x40000 * a;
1400 }
1402 /**
1403  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat0
1404  *
1405  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 0
1406  */
1407 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat0 {
1408 	u64 u;
1409 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat0_s {
1410 		u64 xscol                            : 48;
1411 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1412 	} s;
1413 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat0_s cn; */
1414 };
1416 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT0(u64 a)
1417 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT0(u64 a)1418 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT0(u64 a)
1419 {
1420 	return 0x700 + 0x40000 * a;
1421 }
1423 /**
1424  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat1
1425  *
1426  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 1
1427  */
1428 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat1 {
1429 	u64 u;
1430 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat1_s {
1431 		u64 xsdef                            : 48;
1432 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1433 	} s;
1434 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat1_s cn; */
1435 };
1437 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT1(u64 a)
1438 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT1(u64 a)1439 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT1(u64 a)
1440 {
1441 	return 0x708 + 0x40000 * a;
1442 }
1444 /**
1445  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat10
1446  *
1447  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 10
1448  */
1449 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat10 {
1450 	u64 u;
1451 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat10_s {
1452 		u64 hist4                            : 48;
1453 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1454 	} s;
1455 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat10_s cn; */
1456 };
1458 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT10(u64 a)
1459 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT10(u64 a)1460 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT10(u64 a)
1461 {
1462 	return 0x750 + 0x40000 * a;
1463 }
1465 /**
1466  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat11
1467  *
1468  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 11
1469  */
1470 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat11 {
1471 	u64 u;
1472 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat11_s {
1473 		u64 hist5                            : 48;
1474 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1475 	} s;
1476 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat11_s cn; */
1477 };
1479 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT11(u64 a)
1480 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT11(u64 a)1481 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT11(u64 a)
1482 {
1483 	return 0x758 + 0x40000 * a;
1484 }
1486 /**
1487  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat12
1488  *
1489  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 12
1490  */
1491 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat12 {
1492 	u64 u;
1493 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat12_s {
1494 		u64 hist6                            : 48;
1495 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1496 	} s;
1497 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat12_s cn; */
1498 };
1500 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT12(u64 a)
1501 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT12(u64 a)1502 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT12(u64 a)
1503 {
1504 	return 0x760 + 0x40000 * a;
1505 }
1507 /**
1508  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat13
1509  *
1510  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 13
1511  */
1512 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat13 {
1513 	u64 u;
1514 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat13_s {
1515 		u64 hist7                            : 48;
1516 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1517 	} s;
1518 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat13_s cn; */
1519 };
1521 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT13(u64 a)
1522 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT13(u64 a)1523 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT13(u64 a)
1524 {
1525 	return 0x768 + 0x40000 * a;
1526 }
1528 /**
1529  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat14
1530  *
1531  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 14
1532  */
1533 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat14 {
1534 	u64 u;
1535 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat14_s {
1536 		u64 bcst                             : 48;
1537 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1538 	} s;
1539 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat14_s cn; */
1540 };
1542 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT14(u64 a)
1543 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT14(u64 a)1544 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT14(u64 a)
1545 {
1546 	return 0x770 + 0x40000 * a;
1547 }
1549 /**
1550  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat15
1551  *
1552  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 15
1553  */
1554 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat15 {
1555 	u64 u;
1556 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat15_s {
1557 		u64 mcst                             : 48;
1558 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1559 	} s;
1560 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat15_s cn; */
1561 };
1563 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT15(u64 a)
1564 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT15(u64 a)1565 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT15(u64 a)
1566 {
1567 	return 0x778 + 0x40000 * a;
1568 }
1570 /**
1571  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat16
1572  *
1573  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 16
1574  */
1575 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat16 {
1576 	u64 u;
1577 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat16_s {
1578 		u64 undflw                           : 48;
1579 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1580 	} s;
1581 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat16_s cn; */
1582 };
1584 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT16(u64 a)
1585 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT16(u64 a)1586 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT16(u64 a)
1587 {
1588 	return 0x780 + 0x40000 * a;
1589 }
1591 /**
1592  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat17
1593  *
1594  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 17
1595  */
1596 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat17 {
1597 	u64 u;
1598 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat17_s {
1599 		u64 ctl                              : 48;
1600 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1601 	} s;
1602 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat17_s cn; */
1603 };
1605 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT17(u64 a)
1606 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT17(u64 a)1607 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT17(u64 a)
1608 {
1609 	return 0x788 + 0x40000 * a;
1610 }
1612 /**
1613  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat2
1614  *
1615  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 2
1616  */
1617 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat2 {
1618 	u64 u;
1619 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat2_s {
1620 		u64 mcol                             : 48;
1621 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1622 	} s;
1623 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat2_s cn; */
1624 };
1626 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT2(u64 a)
1627 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT2(u64 a)1628 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT2(u64 a)
1629 {
1630 	return 0x710 + 0x40000 * a;
1631 }
1633 /**
1634  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat3
1635  *
1636  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 3
1637  */
1638 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat3 {
1639 	u64 u;
1640 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat3_s {
1641 		u64 scol                             : 48;
1642 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1643 	} s;
1644 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat3_s cn; */
1645 };
1647 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT3(u64 a)
1648 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT3(u64 a)1649 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT3(u64 a)
1650 {
1651 	return 0x718 + 0x40000 * a;
1652 }
1654 /**
1655  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat4
1656  *
1657  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 4
1658  */
1659 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat4 {
1660 	u64 u;
1661 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat4_s {
1662 		u64 octs                             : 48;
1663 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1664 	} s;
1665 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat4_s cn; */
1666 };
1668 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT4(u64 a)
1669 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT4(u64 a)1670 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT4(u64 a)
1671 {
1672 	return 0x720 + 0x40000 * a;
1673 }
1675 /**
1676  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat5
1677  *
1678  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 5
1679  */
1680 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat5 {
1681 	u64 u;
1682 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat5_s {
1683 		u64 pkts                             : 48;
1684 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1685 	} s;
1686 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat5_s cn; */
1687 };
1689 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT5(u64 a)
1690 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT5(u64 a)1691 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT5(u64 a)
1692 {
1693 	return 0x728 + 0x40000 * a;
1694 }
1696 /**
1697  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat6
1698  *
1699  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 6
1700  */
1701 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat6 {
1702 	u64 u;
1703 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat6_s {
1704 		u64 hist0                            : 48;
1705 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1706 	} s;
1707 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat6_s cn; */
1708 };
1710 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT6(u64 a)
1711 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT6(u64 a)1712 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT6(u64 a)
1713 {
1714 	return 0x730 + 0x40000 * a;
1715 }
1717 /**
1718  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat7
1719  *
1720  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 7
1721  */
1722 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat7 {
1723 	u64 u;
1724 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat7_s {
1725 		u64 hist1                            : 48;
1726 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1727 	} s;
1728 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat7_s cn; */
1729 };
1731 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT7(u64 a)
1732 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT7(u64 a)1733 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT7(u64 a)
1734 {
1735 	return 0x738 + 0x40000 * a;
1736 }
1738 /**
1739  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat8
1740  *
1741  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 8
1742  */
1743 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat8 {
1744 	u64 u;
1745 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat8_s {
1746 		u64 hist2                            : 48;
1747 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1748 	} s;
1749 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat8_s cn; */
1750 };
1752 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT8(u64 a)
1753 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT8(u64 a)1754 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT8(u64 a)
1755 {
1756 	return 0x740 + 0x40000 * a;
1757 }
1759 /**
1760  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat9
1761  *
1762  * CGX CMR Transmit Statistics Registers 9
1763  */
1764 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat9 {
1765 	u64 u;
1766 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat9_s {
1767 		u64 hist3                            : 48;
1768 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1769 	} s;
1770 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat9_s cn; */
1771 };
1773 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT9(u64 a)
1774 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT9(u64 a)1775 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT9(u64 a)
1776 {
1777 	return 0x748 + 0x40000 * a;
1778 }
1780 /**
1781  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr#_tx_stat_pri#_xoff
1782  *
1783  * CGX CMR TX XON to XOFF transition Registers
1784  */
1785 union cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat_prix_xoff {
1786 	u64 u;
1787 	struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat_prix_xoff_s {
1788 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
1789 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
1790 	} s;
1791 	/* struct cgxx_cmrx_tx_stat_prix_xoff_s cn; */
1792 };
1794 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a, u64 b)
1795 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a,u64 b)1796 static inline u64 CGXX_CMRX_TX_STAT_PRIX_XOFF(u64 a, u64 b)
1797 {
1798 	return 0x800 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
1799 }
1801 /**
1802  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_bad
1803  *
1804  * CGX CMR Bad Registers
1805  */
1806 union cgxx_cmr_bad {
1807 	u64 u;
1808 	struct cgxx_cmr_bad_s {
1809 		u64 rxb_nxl                          : 1;
1810 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
1811 	} s;
1812 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_bad_s cn; */
1813 };
1815 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_BAD(void)
1816 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_BAD(void)1817 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_BAD(void)
1818 {
1819 	return 0x1020;
1820 }
1822 /**
1823  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_chan_msk_and
1824  *
1825  * CGX CMR Backpressure Channel Mask AND Registers
1826  */
1827 union cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_and {
1828 	u64 u;
1829 	struct cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_and_s {
1830 		u64 msk_and                          : 64;
1831 	} s;
1832 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_and_s cn; */
1833 };
1835 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_AND(void)
1836 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_AND(void)1837 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_AND(void)
1838 {
1839 	return 0x110;
1840 }
1842 /**
1843  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_chan_msk_or
1844  *
1845  * CGX Backpressure Channel Mask OR Registers
1846  */
1847 union cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_or {
1848 	u64 u;
1849 	struct cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_or_s {
1850 		u64 msk_or                           : 64;
1851 	} s;
1852 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_chan_msk_or_s cn; */
1853 };
1855 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_OR(void)
1856 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_OR(void)1857 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_CHAN_MSK_OR(void)
1858 {
1859 	return 0x118;
1860 }
1862 /**
1863  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_eco
1864  *
1865  * INTERNAL: CGX ECO Registers
1866  */
1867 union cgxx_cmr_eco {
1868 	u64 u;
1869 	struct cgxx_cmr_eco_s {
1870 		u64 eco_rw                           : 32;
1871 		u64 eco_ro                           : 32;
1872 	} s;
1873 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_eco_s cn; */
1874 };
1876 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_ECO(void)
1877 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_ECO(void)1878 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_ECO(void)
1879 {
1880 	return 0x1028;
1881 }
1883 /**
1884  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_global_config
1885  *
1886  * CGX CMR Global Configuration Register These registers configure the
1887  * global CMR, PCS, and MAC.
1888  */
1889 union cgxx_cmr_global_config {
1890 	u64 u;
1891 	struct cgxx_cmr_global_config_s {
1892 		u64 pmux_sds_sel                     : 1;
1893 		u64 cgx_clk_enable                   : 1;
1894 		u64 cmr_x2p_reset                    : 3;
1895 		u64 interleave_mode                  : 1;
1896 		u64 fcs_strip                        : 1;
1897 		u64 ncsi_lmac_id                     : 2;
1898 		u64 cmr_ncsi_drop                    : 1;
1899 		u64 cmr_ncsi_reset                   : 1;
1900 		u64 cmr_ncsi_tag_cnt                 : 13;
1901 		u64 cmr_clken_ovrd                   : 1;
1902 		u64 reserved_25_63                   : 39;
1903 	} s;
1904 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_global_config_s cn; */
1905 };
1907 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG(void)
1908 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG(void)1909 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG(void)
1910 {
1911 	return 8;
1912 }
1914 /**
1915  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_mem_int
1916  *
1917  * CGX CMR Memory Interrupt Register
1918  */
1919 union cgxx_cmr_mem_int {
1920 	u64 u;
1921 	struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_s {
1922 		u64 gmp_in_overfl                    : 1;
1923 		u64 smu_in_overfl                    : 1;
1924 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
1925 	} s;
1926 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_s cn; */
1927 };
1929 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT(void)
1930 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT(void)1931 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT(void)
1932 {
1933 	return 0x10;
1934 }
1936 /**
1937  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1c
1938  *
1939  * CGX CMR Memory Interrupt Enable Clear Register This register clears
1940  * interrupt enable bits.
1941  */
1942 union cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1c {
1943 	u64 u;
1944 	struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1c_s {
1945 		u64 gmp_in_overfl                    : 1;
1946 		u64 smu_in_overfl                    : 1;
1947 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
1948 	} s;
1949 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
1950 };
1952 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1C(void)
1953 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1C(void)1954 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1C(void)
1955 {
1956 	return 0x20;
1957 }
1959 /**
1960  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1s
1961  *
1962  * CGX CMR Memory Interrupt Enable Set Register This register sets
1963  * interrupt enable bits.
1964  */
1965 union cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1s {
1966 	u64 u;
1967 	struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1s_s {
1968 		u64 gmp_in_overfl                    : 1;
1969 		u64 smu_in_overfl                    : 1;
1970 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
1971 	} s;
1972 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
1973 };
1975 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1S(void)
1976 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1S(void)1977 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_ENA_W1S(void)
1978 {
1979 	return 0x28;
1980 }
1982 /**
1983  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_mem_int_w1s
1984  *
1985  * CGX CMR Memory Interrupt Set Register This register sets interrupt
1986  * bits.
1987  */
1988 union cgxx_cmr_mem_int_w1s {
1989 	u64 u;
1990 	struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_w1s_s {
1991 		u64 gmp_in_overfl                    : 1;
1992 		u64 smu_in_overfl                    : 1;
1993 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
1994 	} s;
1995 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_mem_int_w1s_s cn; */
1996 };
1998 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_W1S(void)
1999 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_W1S(void)2000 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_MEM_INT_W1S(void)
2001 {
2002 	return 0x18;
2003 }
2005 /**
2006  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_nic_nxc_adr
2007  *
2008  * CGX CMR NIC NXC Exception Registers
2009  */
2010 union cgxx_cmr_nic_nxc_adr {
2011 	u64 u;
2012 	struct cgxx_cmr_nic_nxc_adr_s {
2013 		u64 channel                          : 12;
2014 		u64 lmac_id                          : 4;
2015 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
2016 	} s;
2017 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_nic_nxc_adr_s cn; */
2018 };
2020 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIC_NXC_ADR(void)
2021 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_NIC_NXC_ADR(void)2022 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIC_NXC_ADR(void)
2023 {
2024 	return 0x1030;
2025 }
2027 /**
2028  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_nix0_nxc_adr
2029  *
2030  * CGX CMR NIX0 NXC Exception Registers
2031  */
2032 union cgxx_cmr_nix0_nxc_adr {
2033 	u64 u;
2034 	struct cgxx_cmr_nix0_nxc_adr_s {
2035 		u64 channel                          : 12;
2036 		u64 lmac_id                          : 4;
2037 		u64 channel_e                        : 12;
2038 		u64 lmac_e_id                        : 4;
2039 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
2040 	} s;
2041 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_nix0_nxc_adr_s cn; */
2042 };
2044 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIX0_NXC_ADR(void)
2045 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_NIX0_NXC_ADR(void)2046 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIX0_NXC_ADR(void)
2047 {
2048 	return 0x1038;
2049 }
2051 /**
2052  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_nix1_nxc_adr
2053  *
2054  * CGX CMR NIX1 NXC Exception Registers
2055  */
2056 union cgxx_cmr_nix1_nxc_adr {
2057 	u64 u;
2058 	struct cgxx_cmr_nix1_nxc_adr_s {
2059 		u64 channel                          : 12;
2060 		u64 lmac_id                          : 4;
2061 		u64 channel_e                        : 12;
2062 		u64 lmac_e_id                        : 4;
2063 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
2064 	} s;
2065 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_nix1_nxc_adr_s cn; */
2066 };
2068 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIX1_NXC_ADR(void)
2069 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_NIX1_NXC_ADR(void)2070 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_NIX1_NXC_ADR(void)
2071 {
2072 	return 0x1040;
2073 }
2075 /**
2076  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_p2x#_count
2077  *
2078  * CGX P2X Activity Register
2079  */
2080 union cgxx_cmr_p2xx_count {
2081 	u64 u;
2082 	struct cgxx_cmr_p2xx_count_s {
2083 		u64 p2x_cnt                          : 64;
2084 	} s;
2085 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_p2xx_count_s cn; */
2086 };
2088 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_P2XX_COUNT(u64 a)
2089 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_P2XX_COUNT(u64 a)2090 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_P2XX_COUNT(u64 a)
2091 {
2092 	return 0x168 + 0x1000 * a;
2093 }
2095 /**
2096  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_dmac#_cam0
2097  *
2098  * CGX CMR Receive CAM Registers These registers provide access to the 32
2099  * DMAC CAM0 entries in CGX, for use by X2P/NIX bound traffic.
2100  */
2101 union cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam0 {
2102 	u64 u;
2103 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam0_s {
2104 		u64 adr                              : 48;
2105 		u64 en                               : 1;
2106 		u64 id                               : 2;
2107 		u64 reserved_51_63                   : 13;
2108 	} s;
2109 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam0_s cn; */
2110 };
2112 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM0(u64 a)
2113 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM0(u64 a)2114 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM0(u64 a)
2115 {
2116 	return 0x200 + 8 * a;
2117 }
2119 /**
2120  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_dmac#_cam1
2121  *
2122  * CGX CMR Receive CAM Registers These registers provide access to the 32
2123  * DMAC CAM entries in CGX for use by NCSI bound traffic. See
2125  * registers.
2126  */
2127 union cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam1 {
2128 	u64 u;
2129 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam1_s {
2130 		u64 adr                              : 48;
2131 		u64 en                               : 1;
2132 		u64 id                               : 2;
2133 		u64 reserved_51_63                   : 13;
2134 	} s;
2135 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_dmacx_cam1_s cn; */
2136 };
2138 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM1(u64 a)
2139 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM1(u64 a)2140 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_DMACX_CAM1(u64 a)
2141 {
2142 	return 0x400 + 8 * a;
2143 }
2145 /**
2146  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_lmacs
2147  *
2148  * CGX CMR Receive Logical MACs Registers
2149  */
2150 union cgxx_cmr_rx_lmacs {
2151 	u64 u;
2152 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_lmacs_s {
2153 		u64 lmacs                            : 3;
2154 		u64 reserved_3_63                    : 61;
2155 	} s;
2156 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_lmacs_s cn; */
2157 };
2159 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_LMACS(void)
2160 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_LMACS(void)2161 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_LMACS(void)
2162 {
2163 	return 0x128;
2164 }
2166 /**
2167  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_ovr_bp
2168  *
2169  * CGX CMR Receive-Ports Backpressure Override Registers Per-LMAC
2170  * backpressure override register. For SMU, CGX()_CMR_RX_OVR_BP[EN]\<0\>
2171  * must be set to one and CGX()_CMR_RX_OVR_BP[BP]\<0\> must be cleared to
2172  * zero (to forcibly disable hardware-automatic 802.3 PAUSE packet
2173  * generation) with the HiGig2 Protocol when
2174  * CGX()_SMU()_HG2_CONTROL[HG2TX_EN]=0. (The HiGig2 protocol is indicated
2175  * by CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[HG_EN]=1 and CGX()_SMU()_RX_UDD_SKP[LEN]=16).
2176  * Hardware can only auto-generate backpressure through HiGig2 messages
2177  * (optionally, when CGX()_SMU()_HG2_CONTROL[HG2TX_EN]=1) with the HiGig2
2178  * protocol.
2179  */
2180 union cgxx_cmr_rx_ovr_bp {
2181 	u64 u;
2182 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_ovr_bp_s {
2183 		u64 ign_fifo_bp                      : 4;
2184 		u64 bp                               : 4;
2185 		u64 en                               : 4;
2186 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
2187 	} s;
2188 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_ovr_bp_s cn; */
2189 };
2191 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_OVR_BP(void)
2192 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_OVR_BP(void)2193 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_OVR_BP(void)
2194 {
2195 	return 0x130;
2196 }
2198 /**
2199  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_stat10
2200  *
2201  * CGX Receive Status Register 10 These registers provide a count of
2202  * octets of filtered DMAC1 or VLAN STEERING1 packets.
2203  */
2204 union cgxx_cmr_rx_stat10 {
2205 	u64 u;
2206 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat10_s {
2207 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
2208 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
2209 	} s;
2210 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat10_s cn; */
2211 };
2213 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT10(void)
2214 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT10(void)2215 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT10(void)
2216 {
2217 	return 0xc0;
2218 }
2220 /**
2221  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_stat11
2222  *
2223  * CGX Receive Status Register 11 This registers provides a count of
2224  * packets dropped at the NCSI interface. This includes drops due to
2225  * CGX()_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG[CMR_NCSI_DROP] or NCSI FIFO full. The count of
2226  * dropped NCSI packets is not accounted for in any other stats
2227  * registers.
2228  */
2229 union cgxx_cmr_rx_stat11 {
2230 	u64 u;
2231 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat11_s {
2232 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
2233 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
2234 	} s;
2235 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat11_s cn; */
2236 };
2238 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT11(void)
2239 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT11(void)2240 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT11(void)
2241 {
2242 	return 0xc8;
2243 }
2245 /**
2246  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_stat12
2247  *
2248  * CGX Receive Status Register 12 This register provide a count of octets
2249  * of dropped at the NCSI interface.
2250  */
2251 union cgxx_cmr_rx_stat12 {
2252 	u64 u;
2253 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat12_s {
2254 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
2255 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
2256 	} s;
2257 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat12_s cn; */
2258 };
2260 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT12(void)
2261 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT12(void)2262 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT12(void)
2263 {
2264 	return 0xd0;
2265 }
2267 /**
2268  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_stat9
2269  *
2270  * CGX Receive Status Register 9 These registers provide a count of all
2271  * received packets that were dropped by the DMAC1 or VLAN STEERING1
2272  * filter. Packets that are dropped by the DMAC1 or VLAN STEERING1
2273  * filters are counted here regardless of whether they were ERR packets,
2274  * but does not include those reported in CGX()_CMR()_RX_STAT6. 16B
2275  * packets or smaller (20B in case of FCS strip) as the result of
2276  * truncation or other means are not dropped by CGX (unless filter and
2277  * decision is also asserted) and will never appear in this count. Should
2278  * the MAC signal to the CMR that the packet be filtered upon decision
2279  * before the end of packet, then STAT9 and STAT10 will not be updated.
2280  */
2281 union cgxx_cmr_rx_stat9 {
2282 	u64 u;
2283 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat9_s {
2284 		u64 cnt                              : 48;
2285 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
2286 	} s;
2287 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_stat9_s cn; */
2288 };
2290 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT9(void)
2291 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT9(void)2292 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STAT9(void)
2293 {
2294 	return 0xb8;
2295 }
2297 /**
2298  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering0#
2299  *
2300  * CGX CMR Receive Steering0 Registers These registers, along with
2301  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE0(), provide eight filters for identifying
2302  * and steering receive traffic to X2P/NIX. Received packets are only
2303  * passed to X2P/NIX when the DMAC0 filter result is ACCEPT and STEERING0
2304  * filter result is PASS. See also CGX()_CMR()_RX_DMAC_CTL0.  Internal:
2305  * "* ALGORITHM \<pre\> rx_steering(uint48 pkt_dmac, uint16 pkt_etype,
2306  * uint16 pkt_vlan_id) {    for (int i = 0; i \< 8; i++) {       steer =
2307  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING0(i);       vetype =
2308  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE0(i);       if (steer[MCST_EN] ||
2309  * steer[DMAC_EN] || vetype[VLAN_EN] || vetype[VLAN_TAG_EN]) {
2310  * // Filter is enabled.          if (   (!steer[MCST_EN] ||
2311  * is_mcst(pkt_dmac))              && (!steer[DMAC_EN] || pkt_dmac ==
2312  * steer[DMAC])              && (!vetype[VLAN_EN] || pkt_vlan_id ==
2313  * vetype[VLAN_ID])              && (!vetype[VLAN_TAG_EN] || pkt_etype ==
2314  * vetype[VLAN_ETYPE]) )          {             // Filter match (all
2315  * enabled matching criteria are met).             return steer[PASS];
2316  * }       }    }    return CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING_DEFAULT0[PASS]; // No
2317  * match } \</pre\>"
2318  */
2319 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering0x {
2320 	u64 u;
2321 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering0x_s {
2322 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
2323 		u64 dmac_en                          : 1;
2324 		u64 mcst_en                          : 1;
2325 		u64 pass                             : 1;
2326 		u64 reserved_51_63                   : 13;
2327 	} s;
2328 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering0x_s cn; */
2329 };
2331 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING0X(u64 a)
2332 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING0X(u64 a)2333 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING0X(u64 a)
2334 {
2335 	return 0x300 + 8 * a;
2336 }
2338 /**
2339  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering1#
2340  *
2341  * CGX CMR Receive Steering1 Registers These registers, along with
2342  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE1(), provide eight filters for identifying
2343  * and steering NCSI receive traffic. Received packets are only passed to
2344  * NCSI when the DMAC1 filter result is ACCEPT and STEERING1 filter
2345  * result is PASS. See also CGX()_CMR_RX_DMAC()_CAM1 and
2346  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING1(). For use with the LMAC associated with NCSI.
2348  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING0().
2349  */
2350 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering1x {
2351 	u64 u;
2352 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering1x_s {
2353 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
2354 		u64 dmac_en                          : 1;
2355 		u64 mcst_en                          : 1;
2356 		u64 pass                             : 1;
2357 		u64 reserved_51_63                   : 13;
2358 	} s;
2359 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering1x_s cn; */
2360 };
2362 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING1X(u64 a)
2363 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING1X(u64 a)2364 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING1X(u64 a)
2365 {
2366 	return 0x500 + 8 * a;
2367 }
2369 /**
2370  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering_default0
2371  *
2372  * CGX CMR Receive Steering Default0 Destination Register For determining
2373  * destination of traffic that does not meet matching algorithm described
2374  * in registers CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING0() and
2375  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE0(). All 16B packets or smaller (20B in
2376  * case of FCS strip) as the result of truncation will steer to default
2377  * destination
2378  */
2379 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default0 {
2380 	u64 u;
2381 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default0_s {
2382 		u64 pass                             : 1;
2383 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2384 	} s;
2385 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default0_s cn; */
2386 };
2388 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING_DEFAULT0(void)
2389 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
2391 {
2392 	return 0x3f0;
2393 }
2395 /**
2396  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering_default1
2397  *
2398  * CGX CMR Receive Steering Default1 Destination Register For use with
2399  * the lmac_id associated with NCSI. See
2400  * CGX()_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG[NCSI_LMAC_ID]. For determining destination of
2401  * traffic that does not meet matching algorithm described in registers
2403  * packets or smaller (20B in case of FCS strip) as the result of
2404  * truncation will steer to default destination
2405  */
2406 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default1 {
2407 	u64 u;
2408 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default1_s {
2409 		u64 pass                             : 1;
2410 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2411 	} s;
2412 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_default1_s cn; */
2413 };
2415 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING_DEFAULT1(void)
2416 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
2418 {
2419 	return 0x5e0;
2420 }
2422 /**
2423  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering_vetype0#
2424  *
2425  * CGX CMR Receive VLAN Ethertype1 Register These registers, along with
2426  * CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING0(), provide eight filters for identifying and
2427  * steering X2P/NIX receive traffic.
2428  */
2429 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype0x {
2430 	u64 u;
2431 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype0x_s {
2432 		u64 vlan_etype                       : 16;
2433 		u64 vlan_tag_en                      : 1;
2434 		u64 vlan_id                          : 12;
2435 		u64 vlan_en                          : 1;
2436 		u64 reserved_30_63                   : 34;
2437 	} s;
2438 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype0x_s cn; */
2439 };
2441 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE0X(u64 a)
2442 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
2444 {
2445 	return 0x380 + 8 * a;
2446 }
2448 /**
2449  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_rx_steering_vetype1#
2450  *
2451  * CGX CMR Receive VLAN Ethertype1 Register For use with the lmac_id
2452  * associated with NCSI. See CGX()_CMR_GLOBAL_CONFIG[NCSI_LMAC_ID]. These
2453  * registers, along with CGX()_CMR_RX_STEERING1(), provide eight filters
2454  * for identifying and steering NCSI receive traffic.
2455  */
2456 union cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype1x {
2457 	u64 u;
2458 	struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype1x_s {
2459 		u64 vlan_etype                       : 16;
2460 		u64 vlan_tag_en                      : 1;
2461 		u64 vlan_id                          : 12;
2462 		u64 vlan_en                          : 1;
2463 		u64 reserved_30_63                   : 34;
2464 	} s;
2465 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_rx_steering_vetype1x_s cn; */
2466 };
2468 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_RX_STEERING_VETYPE1X(u64 a)
2469 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
2471 {
2472 	return 0x580 + 8 * a;
2473 }
2475 /**
2476  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_tx_lmacs
2477  *
2478  * CGX CMR Transmit Logical MACs Registers This register sets the number
2479  * of LMACs allowed on the TX interface. The value is important for
2480  * defining the partitioning of the transmit FIFO.
2481  */
2482 union cgxx_cmr_tx_lmacs {
2483 	u64 u;
2484 	struct cgxx_cmr_tx_lmacs_s {
2485 		u64 lmacs                            : 3;
2486 		u64 reserved_3_63                    : 61;
2487 	} s;
2488 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_tx_lmacs_s cn; */
2489 };
2491 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_TX_LMACS(void)
2492 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_TX_LMACS(void)2493 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_TX_LMACS(void)
2494 {
2495 	return 0x1000;
2496 }
2498 /**
2499  * Register (RSL) cgx#_cmr_x2p#_count
2500  *
2501  * CGX X2P Activity Register
2502  */
2503 union cgxx_cmr_x2px_count {
2504 	u64 u;
2505 	struct cgxx_cmr_x2px_count_s {
2506 		u64 x2p_cnt                          : 64;
2507 	} s;
2508 	/* struct cgxx_cmr_x2px_count_s cn; */
2509 };
2511 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_X2PX_COUNT(u64 a)
2512 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CMR_X2PX_COUNT(u64 a)2513 static inline u64 CGXX_CMR_X2PX_COUNT(u64 a)
2514 {
2515 	return 0x170 + 0x1000 * a;
2516 }
2518 /**
2519  * Register (RSL) cgx#_const
2520  *
2521  * CGX CONST Registers This register contains constants for software
2522  * discovery.
2523  */
2524 union cgxx_const {
2525 	u64 u;
2526 	struct cgxx_const_s {
2527 		u64 tx_fifosz                        : 24;
2528 		u64 lmacs                            : 8;
2529 		u64 rx_fifosz                        : 24;
2530 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
2531 	} s;
2532 	/* struct cgxx_const_s cn; */
2533 };
2535 static inline u64 CGXX_CONST(void)
2536 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CONST(void)2537 static inline u64 CGXX_CONST(void)
2538 {
2539 	return 0x2000;
2540 }
2542 /**
2543  * Register (RSL) cgx#_const1
2544  *
2545  * CGX CONST1 Registers This register contains constants for software
2546  * discovery.
2547  */
2548 union cgxx_const1 {
2549 	u64 u;
2550 	struct cgxx_const1_s {
2551 		u64 types                            : 11;
2552 		u64 res_types                        : 21;
2553 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
2554 	} s;
2555 	/* struct cgxx_const1_s cn; */
2556 };
2558 static inline u64 CGXX_CONST1(void)
2559 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_CONST1(void)2560 static inline u64 CGXX_CONST1(void)
2561 {
2562 	return 0x2008;
2563 }
2565 /**
2566  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_rx_wol_ctrl0
2567  *
2568  * CGX GMP GMI RX Wake-on-LAN Control 0 Registers
2569  */
2570 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl0 {
2571 	u64 u;
2572 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl0_s {
2573 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
2574 		u64 pswd_len                         : 4;
2575 		u64 reserved_52_63                   : 12;
2576 	} s;
2577 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl0_s cn; */
2578 };
2580 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)
2581 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)2582 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)
2583 {
2584 	return 0x38a00 + 0x40000 * a;
2585 }
2587 /**
2588  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_rx_wol_ctrl1
2589  *
2590  * CGX GMP GMI RX Wake-on-LAN Control 1 Registers
2591  */
2592 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl1 {
2593 	u64 u;
2594 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl1_s {
2595 		u64 pswd                             : 64;
2596 	} s;
2597 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_rx_wol_ctrl1_s cn; */
2598 };
2600 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)
2601 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)2602 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)
2603 {
2604 	return 0x38a08 + 0x40000 * a;
2605 }
2607 /**
2608  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_tx_eee
2609  *
2610  * INTERNAL: CGX GMP GMI TX EEE Configure Registers  Reserved. Internal:
2611  * These registers control when GMP GMI TX requests to enter or exist
2612  * LPI. Those registers take effect only when EEE is supported and
2613  * enabled for a given LMAC.
2614  */
2615 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee {
2616 	u64 u;
2617 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee_s {
2618 		u64 idle_thresh                      : 28;
2619 		u64 reserved_28                      : 1;
2620 		u64 force_lpi                        : 1;
2621 		u64 wakeup                           : 1;
2622 		u64 auto_lpi                         : 1;
2623 		u64 idle_cnt                         : 28;
2624 		u64 tx_lpi                           : 1;
2625 		u64 tx_lpi_wait                      : 1;
2626 		u64 sync_status_lpi_enable           : 1;
2627 		u64 reserved_63                      : 1;
2628 	} s;
2629 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee_s cn; */
2630 };
2632 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE(u64 a)
2633 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE(u64 a)2634 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE(u64 a)
2635 {
2636 	return 0x38800 + 0x40000 * a;
2637 }
2639 /**
2640  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_tx_eee_cfg1
2641  *
2642  * INTERNAL: CGX GMP GMI TX EEE Configure More Configuration Registers
2643  * Reserved. Internal: Controls the GMP exiting of LPI and starting to
2644  * send data.
2645  */
2646 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee_cfg1 {
2647 	u64 u;
2648 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee_cfg1_s {
2649 		u64 wake2data_time                   : 24;
2650 		u64 reserved_24_35                   : 12;
2651 		u64 tx_eee_enable                    : 1;
2652 		u64 reserved_37_39                   : 3;
2653 		u64 sync2lpi_time                    : 21;
2654 		u64 reserved_61_63                   : 3;
2655 	} s;
2656 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_tx_eee_cfg1_cn {
2657 		u64 wake2data_time                   : 24;
2658 		u64 reserved_24_31                   : 8;
2659 		u64 reserved_32_35                   : 4;
2660 		u64 tx_eee_enable                    : 1;
2661 		u64 reserved_37_39                   : 3;
2662 		u64 sync2lpi_time                    : 21;
2663 		u64 reserved_61_63                   : 3;
2664 	} cn;
2665 };
2667 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE_CFG1(u64 a)
2668 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE_CFG1(u64 a)2669 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_TX_EEE_CFG1(u64 a)
2670 {
2671 	return 0x38808 + 0x40000 * a;
2672 }
2674 /**
2675  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_wol_int
2676  *
2677  * CGX GMP GMI RX WOL Interrupt Registers These registers allow WOL
2678  * interrupts to be sent to the control processor.
2679  */
2680 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int {
2681 	u64 u;
2682 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_s {
2683 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
2684 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2685 	} s;
2686 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_s cn; */
2687 };
2689 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT(u64 a)
2690 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT(u64 a)2691 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT(u64 a)
2692 {
2693 	return 0x38a80 + 0x40000 * a;
2694 }
2696 /**
2697  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_wol_int_ena_w1c
2698  *
2699  * CGX GMP GMI RX WOL Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register
2700  * clears interrupt enable bits.
2701  */
2702 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1c {
2703 	u64 u;
2704 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1c_s {
2705 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
2706 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2707 	} s;
2708 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
2709 };
2711 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
2712 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)2713 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
2714 {
2715 	return 0x38a90 + 0x40000 * a;
2716 }
2718 /**
2719  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_wol_int_ena_w1s
2720  *
2721  * CGX GMP GMI RX WOL Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets
2722  * interrupt enable bits.
2723  */
2724 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1s {
2725 	u64 u;
2726 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1s_s {
2727 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
2728 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2729 	} s;
2730 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
2731 };
2733 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
2734 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)2735 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
2736 {
2737 	return 0x38a98 + 0x40000 * a;
2738 }
2740 /**
2741  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi#_wol_int_w1s
2742  *
2743  * CGX GMP GMI RX WOL Interrupt Set Registers This register sets
2744  * interrupt bits.
2745  */
2746 union cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_w1s {
2747 	u64 u;
2748 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_w1s_s {
2749 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
2750 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
2751 	} s;
2752 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmix_wol_int_w1s_s cn; */
2753 };
2755 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)
2756 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)2757 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMIX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)
2758 {
2759 	return 0x38a88 + 0x40000 * a;
2760 }
2762 /**
2763  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_prt#_cfg
2764  *
2765  * CGX GMP GMI LMAC Configuration Registers This register controls the
2766  * configuration of the LMAC.
2767  */
2768 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_prtx_cfg {
2769 	u64 u;
2770 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_prtx_cfg_s {
2771 		u64 reserved_0                       : 1;
2772 		u64 speed                            : 1;
2773 		u64 duplex                           : 1;
2774 		u64 slottime                         : 1;
2775 		u64 reserved_4_7                     : 4;
2776 		u64 speed_msb                        : 1;
2777 		u64 reserved_9_11                    : 3;
2778 		u64 rx_idle                          : 1;
2779 		u64 tx_idle                          : 1;
2780 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
2781 	} s;
2782 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_prtx_cfg_s cn; */
2783 };
2785 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_PRTX_CFG(u64 a)
2786 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_PRTX_CFG(u64 a)2787 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_PRTX_CFG(u64 a)
2788 {
2789 	return 0x38020 + 0x40000 * a;
2790 }
2792 /**
2793  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_decision
2794  *
2795  * CGX GMP Packet-Decision Registers This register specifies the byte
2796  * count used to determine when to accept or to filter a packet. As each
2797  * byte in a packet is received by GMI, the L2 byte count is compared
2798  * against [CNT]. In normal operation, the L2 header begins after the
2799  * PREAMBLE + SFD (CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK] = 1) and any
2800  * optional UDD skip data (CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_UDD_SKP[LEN]).  Internal:
2801  * Notes: As each byte in a packet is received by GMI, the L2 byte count
2802  * is compared against the [CNT].  The L2 byte count is the number of
2803  * bytes from the beginning of the L2 header (DMAC).  In normal
2804  * operation, the L2 header begins after the PREAMBLE+SFD
2805  * (CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK]=1) and any optional UDD skip data
2806  * (CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_UDD_SKP[LEN]). When
2807  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK] is clear, PREAMBLE+SFD are
2808  * prepended to the packet and would require UDD skip length to account
2809  * for them.  Full Duplex: _   L2 Size \<  [CNT] - Accept packet. No
2810  * filtering is applied. _   L2 Size \>= [CNT] - Apply filter. Accept
2811  * packet based on PAUSE packet filter.  Half Duplex: _   L2 Size \<
2812  * [CNT] - Drop packet. Packet is unconditionally dropped. _   L2 Size
2813  * \>= [CNT] - Accept packet.  where L2_size = MAX(0, total_packet_size -
2814  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_UDD_SKP[LEN] -
2815  * ((CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK]==1)*8)).
2816  */
2817 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_decision {
2818 	u64 u;
2819 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_decision_s {
2820 		u64 cnt                              : 5;
2821 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
2822 	} s;
2823 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_decision_s cn; */
2824 };
2826 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_DECISION(u64 a)
2827 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_DECISION(u64 a)2828 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_DECISION(u64 a)
2829 {
2830 	return 0x38040 + 0x40000 * a;
2831 }
2833 /**
2834  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_frm_chk
2835  *
2836  * CGX GMP Frame Check Registers
2837  */
2838 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_chk {
2839 	u64 u;
2840 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_chk_s {
2841 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
2842 		u64 carext                           : 1;
2843 		u64 reserved_2                       : 1;
2844 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
2845 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
2846 		u64 reserved_5_6                     : 2;
2847 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
2848 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
2849 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
2850 	} s;
2851 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_chk_s cn; */
2852 };
2854 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)
2855 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)2856 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)
2857 {
2858 	return 0x38030 + 0x40000 * a;
2859 }
2861 /**
2862  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_frm_ctl
2863  *
2864  * CGX GMP Frame Control Registers This register controls the handling of
2865  * the frames. The [CTL_BCK] and [CTL_DRP] bits control how the hardware
2866  * handles incoming PAUSE packets. The most common modes of operation: _
2867  * [CTL_BCK] = 1, [CTL_DRP] = 1: hardware handles everything. _ [CTL_BCK]
2868  * = 0, [CTL_DRP] = 0: software sees all PAUSE frames. _ [CTL_BCK] = 0,
2869  * [CTL_DRP] = 1: all PAUSE frames are completely ignored.  These control
2870  * bits should be set to [CTL_BCK] = 0, [CTL_DRP] = 0 in half-duplex
2871  * mode. Since PAUSE packets only apply to full duplex operation, any
2872  * PAUSE packet would constitute an exception which should be handled by
2873  * the processing cores. PAUSE packets should not be forwarded.
2874  * Internal: Notes: [PRE_STRP]: When [PRE_CHK] is set (indicating that
2875  * the PREAMBLE will be sent), [PRE_STRP] determines if the PREAMBLE+SFD
2876  * bytes are thrown away or sent to the Octane core as part of the
2877  * packet. In either mode, the PREAMBLE+SFD bytes are not counted toward
2878  * the packet size when checking against the MIN and MAX bounds.
2879  * Furthermore, the bytes are skipped when locating the start of the L2
2880  * header for DMAC and Control frame recognition.
2881  */
2882 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_ctl {
2883 	u64 u;
2884 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_ctl_s {
2885 		u64 pre_chk                          : 1;
2886 		u64 pre_strp                         : 1;
2887 		u64 ctl_drp                          : 1;
2888 		u64 ctl_bck                          : 1;
2889 		u64 ctl_mcst                         : 1;
2890 		u64 ctl_smac                         : 1;
2891 		u64 pre_free                         : 1;
2892 		u64 reserved_7_8                     : 2;
2893 		u64 pre_align                        : 1;
2894 		u64 null_dis                         : 1;
2895 		u64 reserved_11                      : 1;
2896 		u64 ptp_mode                         : 1;
2897 		u64 rx_fc_type                       : 1;
2898 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
2899 	} s;
2900 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_frm_ctl_cn {
2901 		u64 pre_chk                          : 1;
2902 		u64 pre_strp                         : 1;
2903 		u64 ctl_drp                          : 1;
2904 		u64 ctl_bck                          : 1;
2905 		u64 ctl_mcst                         : 1;
2906 		u64 ctl_smac                         : 1;
2907 		u64 pre_free                         : 1;
2908 		u64 reserved_7                       : 1;
2909 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
2910 		u64 pre_align                        : 1;
2911 		u64 null_dis                         : 1;
2912 		u64 reserved_11                      : 1;
2913 		u64 ptp_mode                         : 1;
2914 		u64 rx_fc_type                       : 1;
2915 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
2916 	} cn;
2917 };
2919 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)
2920 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)2921 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)
2922 {
2923 	return 0x38028 + 0x40000 * a;
2924 }
2926 /**
2927  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_ifg
2928  *
2929  * CGX GMI Minimum Interframe-Gap Cycles Registers This register
2930  * specifies the minimum number of interframe-gap (IFG) cycles between
2931  * packets.
2932  */
2933 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_ifg {
2934 	u64 u;
2935 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_ifg_s {
2936 		u64 ifg                              : 4;
2937 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
2938 	} s;
2939 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_ifg_s cn; */
2940 };
2942 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_IFG(u64 a)
2943 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_IFG(u64 a)2944 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_IFG(u64 a)
2945 {
2946 	return 0x38058 + 0x40000 * a;
2947 }
2949 /**
2950  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_int
2951  *
2952  * CGX GMP GMI RX Interrupt Registers These registers allow interrupts to
2953  * be sent to the control processor. * Exception conditions \<10:0\> can
2954  * also set the rcv/opcode in the received packet's work-queue entry.
2955  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CHK provides a bit mask for configuring which
2956  * conditions set the error. In half duplex operation, the expectation is
2957  * that collisions will appear as either MINERR or CAREXT errors.
2958  * Internal: Notes: (1) exception conditions 10:0 can also set the
2959  * rcv/opcode in the received packet's workQ entry.  The
2960  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CHK register provides a bit mask for
2961  * configuring which conditions set the error.  (2) in half duplex
2962  * operation, the expectation is that collisions will appear as either
2963  * MINERR o r CAREXT errors.  (3) JABBER An RX jabber error indicates
2964  * that a packet was received which is longer than the maximum allowed
2965  * packet as defined by the system.  GMI will truncate the packet at the
2966  * JABBER count. Failure to do so could lead to system instabilty.  (4)
2967  * NIBERR This error is illegal at 1000Mbs speeds
2968  * (CGX()_GMP_GMI_PRT()_CFG[SPEED]==0) and will never assert.  (5) MINERR
2969  * total frame DA+SA+TL+DATA+PAD+FCS \< 64  (6) ALNERR Indicates that the
2970  * packet received was not an integer number of bytes.  If FCS checking
2971  * is enabled, ALNERR will only assert if the FCS is bad.  If FCS
2972  * checking is disabled, ALNERR will assert in all non-integer frame
2973  * cases.  (7) Collisions Collisions can only occur in half-duplex mode.
2974  * A collision is assumed by the receiver when the slottime
2975  * (CGX()_GMP_GMI_PRT()_CFG[SLOTTIME]) is not satisfied.  In 10/100 mode,
2976  * this will result in a frame \< SLOTTIME.  In 1000 mode, it could
2977  * result either in frame \< SLOTTIME or a carrier extend error with the
2978  * SLOTTIME.  These conditions are visible by... . transfer ended before
2979  * slottime COLDET . carrier extend error           CAREXT  (A) LENERR
2980  * Length errors occur when the received packet does not match the length
2981  * field.  LENERR is only checked for packets between 64 and 1500 bytes.
2982  * For untagged frames, the length must exact match.  For tagged frames
2983  * the length or length+4 must match.  (B) PCTERR checks that the frame
2984  * begins with a valid PREAMBLE sequence. Does not check the number of
2985  * PREAMBLE cycles.  (C) OVRERR *DON'T PUT IN HRM* OVRERR is an
2986  * architectural assertion check internal to GMI to make sure no
2987  * assumption was violated.  In a correctly operating system, this
2988  * interrupt can never fire. GMI has an internal arbiter which selects
2989  * which of four ports to buffer in the main RX FIFO.  If we normally
2990  * buffer eight bytes, then each port will typically push a tick every
2991  * eight cycles if the packet interface is going as fast as possible.  If
2992  * there are four ports, they push every two cycles.  So that's the
2993  * assumption.  That the inbound module will always be able to consume
2994  * the tick before another is produced.  If that doesn't happen that's
2995  * when OVRERR will assert."
2996  */
2997 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int {
2998 	u64 u;
2999 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_s {
3000 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3001 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3002 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3003 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3004 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3005 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3006 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3007 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3008 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3009 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3010 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3011 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3012 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
3013 	} s;
3014 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_cn {
3015 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3016 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3017 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3018 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3019 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3020 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3021 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3022 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3023 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3024 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3025 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3026 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3027 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
3028 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3029 	} cn;
3030 };
3032 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT(u64 a)
3033 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT(u64 a)3034 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT(u64 a)
3035 {
3036 	return 0x38000 + 0x40000 * a;
3037 }
3039 /**
3040  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_int_ena_w1c
3041  *
3042  * CGX GMP GMI RX Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
3043  * interrupt enable bits.
3044  */
3045 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1c {
3046 	u64 u;
3047 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1c_s {
3048 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3049 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3050 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3051 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3052 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3053 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3054 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3055 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3056 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3057 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3058 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3059 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3060 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
3061 	} s;
3062 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1c_cn {
3063 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3064 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3065 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3066 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3067 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3068 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3069 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3070 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3071 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3072 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3073 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3074 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3075 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
3076 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3077 	} cn;
3078 };
3080 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
3081 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)3082 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
3083 {
3084 	return 0x38010 + 0x40000 * a;
3085 }
3087 /**
3088  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_int_ena_w1s
3089  *
3090  * CGX GMP GMI RX Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets
3091  * interrupt enable bits.
3092  */
3093 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1s {
3094 	u64 u;
3095 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1s_s {
3096 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3097 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3098 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3099 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3100 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3101 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3102 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3103 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3104 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3105 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3106 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3107 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3108 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
3109 	} s;
3110 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_ena_w1s_cn {
3111 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3112 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3113 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3114 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3115 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3116 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3117 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3118 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3119 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3120 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3121 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3122 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3123 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
3124 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3125 	} cn;
3126 };
3128 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
3129 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)3130 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
3131 {
3132 	return 0x38018 + 0x40000 * a;
3133 }
3135 /**
3136  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_int_w1s
3137  *
3138  * CGX GMP GMI RX Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt
3139  * bits.
3140  */
3141 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_w1s {
3142 	u64 u;
3143 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_w1s_s {
3144 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3145 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3146 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3147 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3148 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3149 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3150 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3151 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3152 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3153 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3154 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3155 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3156 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
3157 	} s;
3158 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_int_w1s_cn {
3159 		u64 minerr                           : 1;
3160 		u64 carext                           : 1;
3161 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
3162 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
3163 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
3164 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
3165 		u64 ovrerr                           : 1;
3166 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
3167 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
3168 		u64 falerr                           : 1;
3169 		u64 coldet                           : 1;
3170 		u64 ifgerr                           : 1;
3171 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
3172 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3173 	} cn;
3174 };
3176 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
3177 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)3178 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
3179 {
3180 	return 0x38008 + 0x40000 * a;
3181 }
3183 /**
3184  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_jabber
3185  *
3186  * CGX GMP Maximum Packet-Size Registers This register specifies the
3187  * maximum size for packets, beyond which the GMI truncates.
3188  */
3189 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_jabber {
3190 	u64 u;
3191 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_jabber_s {
3192 		u64 cnt                              : 16;
3193 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3194 	} s;
3195 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_jabber_s cn; */
3196 };
3198 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_JABBER(u64 a)
3199 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_JABBER(u64 a)3200 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_JABBER(u64 a)
3201 {
3202 	return 0x38038 + 0x40000 * a;
3203 }
3205 /**
3206  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_rx#_udd_skp
3207  *
3208  * CGX GMP GMI User-Defined Data Skip Registers This register specifies
3209  * the amount of user-defined data (UDD) added before the start of the
3210  * L2C data.  Internal: Notes: (1) The skip bytes are part of the packet
3211  * and will be handled by NIX.  (2) The system can determine if the UDD
3212  * bytes are included in the FCS check by using the FCSSEL field - if the
3213  * FCS check is enabled.  (3) Assume that the preamble/sfd is always at
3214  * the start of the frame - even before UDD bytes.  In most cases, there
3215  * will be no preamble in these cases since it will be packet interface
3216  * in direct communication to another packet interface (MAC to MAC)
3217  * without a PHY involved.  (4) We can still do address filtering and
3218  * control packet filtering is the user desires.  (5)
3219  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_UDD_SKP[LEN] must be 0 in half-duplex operation
3220  * unless CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK] is clear.  If
3221  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK] is clear, then
3222  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_RX()_UDD_SKP[LEN] will normally be 8.  (6) In all cases,
3223  * the UDD bytes will be sent down the packet interface as part of the
3224  * packet.  The UDD bytes are never stripped from the actual packet.
3225  */
3226 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_udd_skp {
3227 	u64 u;
3228 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_udd_skp_s {
3229 		u64 len                              : 7;
3230 		u64 reserved_7                       : 1;
3231 		u64 fcssel                           : 1;
3232 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
3233 	} s;
3234 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_rxx_udd_skp_s cn; */
3235 };
3237 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)
3238 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)3239 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_RXX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)
3240 {
3241 	return 0x38048 + 0x40000 * a;
3242 }
3244 /**
3245  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_smac#
3246  *
3247  * CGX GMI SMAC Registers
3248  */
3249 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_smacx {
3250 	u64 u;
3251 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_smacx_s {
3252 		u64 smac                             : 48;
3253 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
3254 	} s;
3255 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_smacx_s cn; */
3256 };
3258 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_SMACX(u64 a)
3259 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_SMACX(u64 a)3260 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_SMACX(u64 a)
3261 {
3262 	return 0x38230 + 0x40000 * a;
3263 }
3265 /**
3266  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_append
3267  *
3268  * CGX GMI TX Append Control Registers
3269  */
3270 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_append {
3271 	u64 u;
3272 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_append_s {
3273 		u64 preamble                         : 1;
3274 		u64 pad                              : 1;
3275 		u64 fcs                              : 1;
3276 		u64 force_fcs                        : 1;
3277 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
3278 	} s;
3279 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_append_s cn; */
3280 };
3282 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_APPEND(u64 a)
3283 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_APPEND(u64 a)3284 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_APPEND(u64 a)
3285 {
3286 	return 0x38218 + 0x40000 * a;
3287 }
3289 /**
3290  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_burst
3291  *
3292  * CGX GMI TX Burst-Counter Registers
3293  */
3294 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_burst {
3295 	u64 u;
3296 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_burst_s {
3297 		u64 burst                            : 16;
3298 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3299 	} s;
3300 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_burst_s cn; */
3301 };
3303 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_BURST(u64 a)
3304 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_BURST(u64 a)3305 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_BURST(u64 a)
3306 {
3307 	return 0x38228 + 0x40000 * a;
3308 }
3310 /**
3311  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_ctl
3312  *
3313  * CGX GMI Transmit Control Registers
3314  */
3315 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_ctl {
3316 	u64 u;
3317 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_ctl_s {
3318 		u64 xscol_en                         : 1;
3319 		u64 xsdef_en                         : 1;
3320 		u64 tx_fc_type                       : 1;
3321 		u64 link_drain                       : 1;
3322 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
3323 	} s;
3324 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_ctl_s cn; */
3325 };
3327 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_CTL(u64 a)
3328 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_CTL(u64 a)3329 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_CTL(u64 a)
3330 {
3331 	return 0x38270 + 0x40000 * a;
3332 }
3334 /**
3335  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_int
3336  *
3337  * CGX GMI TX Interrupt Registers
3338  */
3339 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int {
3340 	u64 u;
3341 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_s {
3342 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3343 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3344 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3345 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3346 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3347 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
3348 	} s;
3349 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_cn {
3350 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3351 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3352 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3353 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3354 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3355 		u64 reserved_5_7                     : 3;
3356 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
3357 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
3358 	} cn;
3359 };
3361 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT(u64 a)
3362 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT(u64 a)3363 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT(u64 a)
3364 {
3365 	return 0x38500 + 0x40000 * a;
3366 }
3368 /**
3369  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_int_ena_w1c
3370  *
3371  * CGX GMI TX Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
3372  * interrupt enable bits.
3373  */
3374 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1c {
3375 	u64 u;
3376 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1c_s {
3377 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3378 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3379 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3380 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3381 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3382 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
3383 	} s;
3384 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1c_cn {
3385 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3386 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3387 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3388 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3389 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3390 		u64 reserved_5_7                     : 3;
3391 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
3392 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
3393 	} cn;
3394 };
3396 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
3397 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)3398 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
3399 {
3400 	return 0x38510 + 0x40000 * a;
3401 }
3403 /**
3404  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_int_ena_w1s
3405  *
3406  * CGX GMI TX Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets interrupt
3407  * enable bits.
3408  */
3409 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1s {
3410 	u64 u;
3411 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1s_s {
3412 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3413 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3414 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3415 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3416 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3417 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
3418 	} s;
3419 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_ena_w1s_cn {
3420 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3421 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3422 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3423 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3424 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3425 		u64 reserved_5_7                     : 3;
3426 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
3427 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
3428 	} cn;
3429 };
3431 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
3432 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)3433 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
3434 {
3435 	return 0x38518 + 0x40000 * a;
3436 }
3438 /**
3439  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_int_w1s
3440  *
3441  * CGX GMI TX Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt bits.
3442  */
3443 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_w1s {
3444 	u64 u;
3445 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_w1s_s {
3446 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3447 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3448 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3449 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3450 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3451 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
3452 	} s;
3453 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_int_w1s_cn {
3454 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
3455 		u64 xscol                            : 1;
3456 		u64 xsdef                            : 1;
3457 		u64 late_col                         : 1;
3458 		u64 ptp_lost                         : 1;
3459 		u64 reserved_5_7                     : 3;
3460 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
3461 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
3462 	} cn;
3463 };
3465 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
3466 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)3467 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
3468 {
3469 	return 0x38508 + 0x40000 * a;
3470 }
3472 /**
3473  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_min_pkt
3474  *
3475  * CGX GMI TX Minimum-Size-Packet Registers
3476  */
3477 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_min_pkt {
3478 	u64 u;
3479 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_min_pkt_s {
3480 		u64 min_size                         : 8;
3481 		u64 reserved_8_63                    : 56;
3482 	} s;
3483 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_min_pkt_s cn; */
3484 };
3486 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)
3487 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)3488 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)
3489 {
3490 	return 0x38240 + 0x40000 * a;
3491 }
3493 /**
3494  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_pause_pkt_interval
3495  *
3496  * CGX GMI TX PAUSE-Packet Transmission-Interval Registers This register
3497  * specifies how often PAUSE packets are sent. Internal: Notes: Choosing
3498  * proper values of CGX()_GMP_GMI_TX()_PAUSE_PKT_TIME[PTIME] and
3499  * CGX()_GMP_GMI_TX()_PAUSE_PKT_INTERVAL[INTERVAL] can be challenging to
3500  * the system designer.  It is suggested that TIME be much greater than
3501  * INTERVAL and CGX()_GMP_GMI_TX()_PAUSE_ZERO[SEND] be set.  This allows
3502  * a periodic refresh of the PAUSE count and then when the backpressure
3503  * condition is lifted, a PAUSE packet with TIME==0 will be sent
3504  * indicating that Octane is ready for additional data.  If the system
3505  * chooses to not set CGX()_GMP_GMI_TX()_PAUSE_ZERO[SEND], then it is
3506  * suggested that TIME and INTERVAL are programmed such that they
3507  * satisify the following rule:  _ INTERVAL \<= TIME - (largest_pkt_size
3508  * + IFG + pause_pkt_size)  where largest_pkt_size is that largest packet
3509  * that the system can send (normally 1518B), IFG is the interframe gap
3510  * and pause_pkt_size is the size of the PAUSE packet (normally 64B).
3511  */
3512 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_interval {
3513 	u64 u;
3514 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_interval_s {
3515 		u64 interval                         : 16;
3516 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3517 	} s;
3518 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_interval_s cn; */
3519 };
3521 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_PKT_INTERVAL(u64 a)
3522 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
3524 {
3525 	return 0x38248 + 0x40000 * a;
3526 }
3528 /**
3529  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_pause_pkt_time
3530  *
3531  * CGX GMI TX PAUSE Packet PAUSE-Time Registers
3532  */
3533 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_time {
3534 	u64 u;
3535 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_time_s {
3536 		u64 ptime                            : 16;
3537 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3538 	} s;
3539 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_pkt_time_s cn; */
3540 };
3542 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_PKT_TIME(u64 a)
3543 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
3545 {
3546 	return 0x38238 + 0x40000 * a;
3547 }
3549 /**
3550  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_pause_togo
3551  *
3552  * CGX GMI TX Time-to-Backpressure Registers
3553  */
3554 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_togo {
3555 	u64 u;
3556 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_togo_s {
3557 		u64 ptime                            : 16;
3558 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3559 	} s;
3560 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_togo_s cn; */
3561 };
3563 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)
3564 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)3565 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)
3566 {
3567 	return 0x38258 + 0x40000 * a;
3568 }
3570 /**
3571  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_pause_zero
3572  *
3573  * CGX GMI TX PAUSE-Zero-Enable Registers
3574  */
3575 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_zero {
3576 	u64 u;
3577 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_zero_s {
3578 		u64 send                             : 1;
3579 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
3580 	} s;
3581 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_pause_zero_s cn; */
3582 };
3584 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)
3585 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)3586 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)
3587 {
3588 	return 0x38260 + 0x40000 * a;
3589 }
3591 /**
3592  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_sgmii_ctl
3593  *
3594  * CGX SGMII Control Registers
3595  */
3596 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_sgmii_ctl {
3597 	u64 u;
3598 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_sgmii_ctl_s {
3599 		u64 align                            : 1;
3600 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
3601 	} s;
3602 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_sgmii_ctl_s cn; */
3603 };
3605 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SGMII_CTL(u64 a)
3606 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SGMII_CTL(u64 a)3607 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SGMII_CTL(u64 a)
3608 {
3609 	return 0x38300 + 0x40000 * a;
3610 }
3612 /**
3613  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_slot
3614  *
3615  * CGX GMI TX Slottime Counter Registers
3616  */
3617 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_slot {
3618 	u64 u;
3619 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_slot_s {
3620 		u64 slot                             : 10;
3621 		u64 reserved_10_63                   : 54;
3622 	} s;
3623 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_slot_s cn; */
3624 };
3626 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SLOT(u64 a)
3627 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SLOT(u64 a)3628 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SLOT(u64 a)
3629 {
3630 	return 0x38220 + 0x40000 * a;
3631 }
3633 /**
3634  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_soft_pause
3635  *
3636  * CGX GMI TX Software PAUSE Registers
3637  */
3638 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_soft_pause {
3639 	u64 u;
3640 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_soft_pause_s {
3641 		u64 ptime                            : 16;
3642 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3643 	} s;
3644 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_soft_pause_s cn; */
3645 };
3647 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)
3648 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)3649 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)
3650 {
3651 	return 0x38250 + 0x40000 * a;
3652 }
3654 /**
3655  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx#_thresh
3656  *
3657  * CGX GMI TX Threshold Registers
3658  */
3659 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_thresh {
3660 	u64 u;
3661 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_thresh_s {
3662 		u64 cnt                              : 11;
3663 		u64 reserved_11_63                   : 53;
3664 	} s;
3665 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_txx_thresh_s cn; */
3666 };
3668 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_THRESH(u64 a)
3669 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_THRESH(u64 a)3670 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TXX_THRESH(u64 a)
3671 {
3672 	return 0x38210 + 0x40000 * a;
3673 }
3675 /**
3676  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_col_attempt
3677  *
3678  * CGX TX Collision Attempts Before Dropping Frame Registers
3679  */
3680 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_col_attempt {
3681 	u64 u;
3682 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_col_attempt_s {
3683 		u64 limit                            : 5;
3684 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
3685 	} s;
3686 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_col_attempt_s cn; */
3687 };
3689 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_COL_ATTEMPT(void)
3690 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_COL_ATTEMPT(void)3691 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_COL_ATTEMPT(void)
3692 {
3693 	return 0x39010;
3694 }
3696 /**
3697  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_ifg
3698  *
3699  * CGX GMI TX Interframe-Gap Cycles Registers Consider the following when
3700  * programming IFG1 and IFG2: * For 10/100/1000 Mb/s half-duplex systems
3701  * that require IEEE 802.3 compatibility, IFG1 must be in the range of
3702  * 1-8, [IFG2] must be in the range of 4-12, and the [IFG1] + [IFG2] sum
3703  * must be 12. * For 10/100/1000 Mb/s full-duplex systems that require
3704  * IEEE 802.3 compatibility, IFG1 must be in the range of 1-11, [IFG2]
3705  * must be in the range of 1-11, and the [IFG1] + [IFG2] sum must be 12.
3706  * For all other systems, IFG1 and IFG2 can be any value in the range of
3707  * 1-15, allowing for a total possible IFG sum of 2-30.
3708  */
3709 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_ifg {
3710 	u64 u;
3711 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_ifg_s {
3712 		u64 ifg1                             : 4;
3713 		u64 ifg2                             : 4;
3714 		u64 reserved_8_63                    : 56;
3715 	} s;
3716 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_ifg_s cn; */
3717 };
3719 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_IFG(void)
3720 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_IFG(void)3721 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_IFG(void)
3722 {
3723 	return 0x39000;
3724 }
3726 /**
3727  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_jam
3728  *
3729  * CGX GMI TX JAM Pattern Registers This register provides the pattern
3730  * used in JAM bytes.
3731  */
3732 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_jam {
3733 	u64 u;
3734 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_jam_s {
3735 		u64 jam                              : 8;
3736 		u64 reserved_8_63                    : 56;
3737 	} s;
3738 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_jam_s cn; */
3739 };
3741 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_JAM(void)
3742 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_JAM(void)3743 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_JAM(void)
3744 {
3745 	return 0x39008;
3746 }
3748 /**
3749  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_lfsr
3750  *
3751  * CGX GMI TX LFSR Registers This register shows the contents of the
3752  * linear feedback shift register (LFSR), which is used to implement
3753  * truncated binary exponential backoff.
3754  */
3755 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_lfsr {
3756 	u64 u;
3757 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_lfsr_s {
3758 		u64 lfsr                             : 16;
3759 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3760 	} s;
3761 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_lfsr_s cn; */
3762 };
3764 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_LFSR(void)
3765 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_LFSR(void)3766 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_LFSR(void)
3767 {
3768 	return 0x39028;
3769 }
3771 /**
3772  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_dmac
3773  *
3774  * CGX TX PAUSE-Packet DMAC-Field Registers
3775  */
3776 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_dmac {
3777 	u64 u;
3778 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_dmac_s {
3779 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
3780 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
3781 	} s;
3782 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_dmac_s cn; */
3783 };
3785 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_PAUSE_PKT_DMAC(void)
3786 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
3788 {
3789 	return 0x39018;
3790 }
3792 /**
3793  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_type
3794  *
3795  * CGX GMI TX PAUSE-Packet-PTYPE Field Registers This register provides
3796  * the PTYPE field that is placed in outbound PAUSE packets.
3797  */
3798 union cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_type {
3799 	u64 u;
3800 	struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_type_s {
3801 		u64 ptype                            : 16;
3802 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3803 	} s;
3804 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_gmi_tx_pause_pkt_type_s cn; */
3805 };
3807 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_GMI_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TYPE(void)
3808 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
3810 {
3811 	return 0x39020;
3812 }
3814 /**
3815  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_misc#_cfg
3816  *
3817  * CGX GMP PCS Miscellaneous Control Registers This register contains
3818  * general configuration that should not need to be changed from reset
3819  * settings.  Internal: Per lmac diagnostic and chicken bits.
3820  */
3821 union cgxx_gmp_miscx_cfg {
3822 	u64 u;
3823 	struct cgxx_gmp_miscx_cfg_s {
3824 		u64 tx_eee_quiet_credit_mode         : 1;
3825 		u64 tx_eee_wait_gmi_fast_idle        : 1;
3826 		u64 tx_qsgmii_port0_init             : 1;
3827 		u64 tx_eee_rx_sync_status_enable     : 1;
3828 		u64 pcs_alt_an                       : 1;
3829 		u64 reserved_5_7                     : 3;
3830 		u64 rx_pcs_sync_signal_detect        : 1;
3831 		u64 rx_pcs_sync_timeout              : 1;
3832 		u64 rx_pcs_eee_mode_enable           : 1;
3833 		u64 rx_pcs_lpi_enable                : 1;
3834 		u64 rx_pcs_802_rx_k                  : 1;
3835 		u64 rx_pcs_alt_qlb2i                 : 1;
3836 		u64 reserved_14_15                   : 2;
3837 		u64 rx_cgp_gser_throttle             : 1;
3838 		u64 rx_cgp_edet_filter               : 1;
3839 		u64 rx_cgp_edet_qlm_val              : 1;
3840 		u64 reserved_19_63                   : 45;
3841 	} s;
3842 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_miscx_cfg_s cn; */
3843 };
3845 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_MISCX_CFG(u64 a)
3846 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_MISCX_CFG(u64 a)3847 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_MISCX_CFG(u64 a)
3848 {
3849 	return 0x34000 + 0x40000 * a;
3850 }
3852 /**
3853  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_an_expansion
3854  *
3855  * CGX GMP PCS AN Expansion register Register 6 AN status
3856  */
3857 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_expansion {
3858 	u64 u;
3859 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_expansion_s {
3860 		u64 reserved_0                       : 1;
3861 		u64 page_received                    : 1;
3862 		u64 next_page_able                   : 1;
3863 		u64 reserved_3_63                    : 61;
3864 	} s;
3865 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_expansion_s cn; */
3866 };
3868 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)
3869 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)3870 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)
3871 {
3872 	return 0x30a60 + 0x40000 * a;
3873 }
3875 /**
3876  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_an_lp_abil_np
3877  *
3878  * CGX GMP PCS AN Link Partner Ability Next Page Register 8 This register
3879  * contains the advertised ability of the link partners Next Page. The
3880  * definition for this register is provided in for changes to
3881  *
3882  */
3883 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_lp_abil_np {
3884 	u64 u;
3885 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_lp_abil_np_s {
3886 		u64 m_u                              : 11;
3887 		u64 toggle                           : 1;
3888 		u64 ack2                             : 1;
3889 		u64 mp                               : 1;
3890 		u64 ack                              : 1;
3891 		u64 np                               : 1;
3892 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3893 	} s;
3894 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_lp_abil_np_s cn; */
3895 };
3897 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_LP_ABIL_NP(u64 a)
3898 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_LP_ABIL_NP(u64 a)3899 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_LP_ABIL_NP(u64 a)
3900 {
3901 	return 0x30a80 + 0x40000 * a;
3902 }
3904 /**
3905  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_an_np_tx
3906  *
3907  * CGX GMP PCS AN Next Page Transmit Register 7 Software programs this
3908  * register with the contents of the AN message next page or unformatted
3909  * next page link code word to be transmitted during autonegotiation.
3910  * Next page exchange occurs after the base link code words have been
3911  * exchanged if either end of the link segment sets the NP bit to 1,
3912  * indicating that it has at least one next page to send. Once initiated,
3913  * next page exchange continues until both ends of the link segment set
3914  * their NP bits to 0. Both sides must be NP capable to use NP exchanges.
3915  */
3916 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_np_tx {
3917 	u64 u;
3918 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_np_tx_s {
3919 		u64 m_u                              : 11;
3920 		u64 toggle                           : 1;
3921 		u64 ack2                             : 1;
3922 		u64 mp                               : 1;
3923 		u64 ack                              : 1;
3924 		u64 np                               : 1;
3925 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3926 	} s;
3927 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_an_np_tx_s cn; */
3928 };
3930 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_NP_TX(u64 a)
3931 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_NP_TX(u64 a)3932 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_AN_NP_TX(u64 a)
3933 {
3934 	return 0x30a70 + 0x40000 * a;
3935 }
3937 /**
3938  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_dbg_control
3939  *
3940  * CGX PCS Debug Control Registers
3941  */
3942 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_dbg_control {
3943 	u64 u;
3944 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_dbg_control_s {
3945 		u64 us_clk_period                    : 7;
3946 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
3947 	} s;
3948 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_dbg_control_s cn; */
3949 };
3951 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_DBG_CONTROL(u64 a)
3952 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_DBG_CONTROL(u64 a)3953 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_DBG_CONTROL(u64 a)
3954 {
3955 	return 0x31000 + 0x40000 * a;
3956 }
3958 /**
3959  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_rx_eee_wake
3960  *
3961  * INTERNAL: CGX GMP PCS  RX EEE Wake Error Counter  Registers  Reserved.
3962  * Internal: This register is used by PHY types that support EEE to count
3963  * wake time faults where the PHY fails to complete its normal wake
3964  * sequence within the time required for the specific PHY type. The
3965  * definition of the fault event to be counted is defined for each PHY
3966  * and may occur during a refresh or a wake-up as defined by the PHY.
3967  * This 16-bit counter shall be reset to all zeros upon execution of the
3968  * PCS reset. This counter shall be held at all ones in the case of
3969  * overflow.
3970  */
3971 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_eee_wake {
3972 	u64 u;
3973 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_eee_wake_s {
3974 		u64 error_counter                    : 16;
3975 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
3976 	} s;
3977 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_eee_wake_s cn; */
3978 };
3980 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)
3981 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)3982 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)
3983 {
3984 	return 0x30910 + 0x40000 * a;
3985 }
3987 /**
3988  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_rx_lpi_timing
3989  *
3990  * INTERNAL: CGX GMP PCS  RX EEE LPI Timing Parameters Registers
3991  * Reserved. Internal: Receiver LPI timing parameters Tqr, Twr and Twtf.
3992  */
3993 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_lpi_timing {
3994 	u64 u;
3995 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_lpi_timing_s {
3996 		u64 twtf                             : 18;
3997 		u64 reserved_18_19                   : 2;
3998 		u64 twr                              : 12;
3999 		u64 tqr                              : 20;
4000 		u64 reserved_52_63                   : 12;
4001 	} s;
4002 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_rx_lpi_timing_s cn; */
4003 };
4005 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
4006 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)4007 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
4008 {
4009 	return 0x30900 + 0x40000 * a;
4010 }
4012 /**
4013  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_status1
4014  *
4015  * CGX GMP PCS Status 1 Register PCS LPI Status, Link OK.  Register 3.1
4016  */
4017 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_status1 {
4018 	u64 u;
4019 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_status1_s {
4020 		u64 reserved_0_1                     : 2;
4021 		u64 receive_link_status              : 1;
4022 		u64 reserved_3_7                     : 5;
4023 		u64 rx_lpi_indication                : 1;
4024 		u64 tx_lpi_indication                : 1;
4025 		u64 rx_lpi_received                  : 1;
4026 		u64 tx_lpi_received                  : 1;
4027 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
4028 	} s;
4029 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_status1_s cn; */
4030 };
4032 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_STATUS1(u64 a)
4033 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_STATUS1(u64 a)4034 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_STATUS1(u64 a)
4035 {
4036 	return 0x30880 + 0x40000 * a;
4037 }
4039 /**
4040  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs#_tx_lpi_timing
4041  *
4042  * INTERNAL: CGX GMP GMI  TX EEE LPI Timing Parameters Registers
4043  * Reserved. Internal: Transmitter LPI timing parameters Tsl, Tql and
4044  * Tul.
4045  */
4046 union cgxx_gmp_pcsx_tx_lpi_timing {
4047 	u64 u;
4048 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_tx_lpi_timing_s {
4049 		u64 tql                              : 19;
4050 		u64 reserved_19_31                   : 13;
4051 		u64 tul                              : 12;
4052 		u64 reserved_44_47                   : 4;
4053 		u64 tsl                              : 12;
4054 		u64 reserved_60_63                   : 4;
4055 	} s;
4056 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcsx_tx_lpi_timing_s cn; */
4057 };
4059 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
4060 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCSX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)4061 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCSX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
4062 {
4063 	return 0x30800 + 0x40000 * a;
4064 }
4066 /**
4067  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_an#_adv
4068  *
4069  * CGX GMP PCS Autonegotiation Advertisement Registers
4070  */
4071 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_adv {
4072 	u64 u;
4073 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_adv_s {
4074 		u64 reserved_0_4                     : 5;
4075 		u64 fd                               : 1;
4076 		u64 hfd                              : 1;
4077 		u64 pause                            : 2;
4078 		u64 reserved_9_11                    : 3;
4079 		u64 rem_flt                          : 2;
4080 		u64 reserved_14                      : 1;
4081 		u64 np                               : 1;
4082 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4083 	} s;
4084 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_adv_s cn; */
4085 };
4087 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_ADV(u64 a)
4088 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_ADV(u64 a)4089 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_ADV(u64 a)
4090 {
4091 	return 0x30010 + 0x40000 * a;
4092 }
4094 /**
4095  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_an#_ext_st
4096  *
4097  * CGX GMO PCS Autonegotiation Extended Status Registers
4098  */
4099 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_ext_st {
4100 	u64 u;
4101 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_ext_st_s {
4102 		u64 reserved_0_11                    : 12;
4103 		u64 thou_thd                         : 1;
4104 		u64 thou_tfd                         : 1;
4105 		u64 thou_xhd                         : 1;
4106 		u64 thou_xfd                         : 1;
4107 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4108 	} s;
4109 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_ext_st_s cn; */
4110 };
4112 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_EXT_ST(u64 a)
4113 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_EXT_ST(u64 a)4114 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_EXT_ST(u64 a)
4115 {
4116 	return 0x30028 + 0x40000 * a;
4117 }
4119 /**
4120  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_an#_lp_abil
4121  *
4122  * CGX GMP PCS Autonegotiation Link Partner Ability Registers This is the
4123  * autonegotiation link partner ability register 5 as per IEEE 802.3,
4124  * Clause 37.
4125  */
4126 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_lp_abil {
4127 	u64 u;
4128 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_lp_abil_s {
4129 		u64 reserved_0_4                     : 5;
4130 		u64 fd                               : 1;
4131 		u64 hfd                              : 1;
4132 		u64 pause                            : 2;
4133 		u64 reserved_9_11                    : 3;
4134 		u64 rem_flt                          : 2;
4135 		u64 ack                              : 1;
4136 		u64 np                               : 1;
4137 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4138 	} s;
4139 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_lp_abil_s cn; */
4140 };
4142 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_LP_ABIL(u64 a)
4143 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_LP_ABIL(u64 a)4144 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_LP_ABIL(u64 a)
4145 {
4146 	return 0x30018 + 0x40000 * a;
4147 }
4149 /**
4150  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_an#_results
4151  *
4152  * CGX GMP PCS Autonegotiation Results Registers This register is not
4153  * valid when CGX()_GMP_PCS_MISC()_CTL[AN_OVRD] is set to 1. If
4154  * CGX()_GMP_PCS_MISC()_CTL[AN_OVRD] is set to 0 and
4155  * CGX()_GMP_PCS_AN()_RESULTS[AN_CPT] is set to 1, this register is
4156  * valid.
4157  */
4158 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_results {
4159 	u64 u;
4160 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_results_s {
4161 		u64 link_ok                          : 1;
4162 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4163 		u64 an_cpt                           : 1;
4164 		u64 spd                              : 2;
4165 		u64 pause                            : 2;
4166 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
4167 	} s;
4168 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_anx_results_s cn; */
4169 };
4171 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_RESULTS(u64 a)
4172 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_RESULTS(u64 a)4173 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_ANX_RESULTS(u64 a)
4174 {
4175 	return 0x30020 + 0x40000 * a;
4176 }
4178 /**
4179  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_int#
4180  *
4181  * CGX GMP PCS Interrupt Registers
4182  */
4183 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx {
4184 	u64 u;
4185 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_s {
4186 		u64 lnkspd                           : 1;
4187 		u64 xmit                             : 1;
4188 		u64 an_err                           : 1;
4189 		u64 txfifu                           : 1;
4190 		u64 txfifo                           : 1;
4191 		u64 txbad                            : 1;
4192 		u64 rxerr                            : 1;
4193 		u64 rxbad                            : 1;
4194 		u64 rxlock                           : 1;
4195 		u64 an_bad                           : 1;
4196 		u64 sync_bad                         : 1;
4197 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4198 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
4199 		u64 reserved_13_15                   : 3;
4200 		u64 an_page_received                 : 1;
4201 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
4202 		u64 reserved_18_19                   : 2;
4203 		u64 eee_tx_change                    : 1;
4204 		u64 eee_rx_change                    : 1;
4205 		u64 eee_rx_link_fail                 : 1;
4206 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
4207 	} s;
4208 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_s cn; */
4209 };
4211 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX(u64 a)
4212 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX(u64 a)4213 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX(u64 a)
4214 {
4215 	return 0x30080 + 0x40000 * a;
4216 }
4218 /**
4219  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_int#_ena_w1c
4220  *
4221  * CGX GMP PCS Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
4222  * interrupt enable bits.
4223  */
4224 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1c {
4225 	u64 u;
4226 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1c_s {
4227 		u64 lnkspd                           : 1;
4228 		u64 xmit                             : 1;
4229 		u64 an_err                           : 1;
4230 		u64 txfifu                           : 1;
4231 		u64 txfifo                           : 1;
4232 		u64 txbad                            : 1;
4233 		u64 rxerr                            : 1;
4234 		u64 rxbad                            : 1;
4235 		u64 rxlock                           : 1;
4236 		u64 an_bad                           : 1;
4237 		u64 sync_bad                         : 1;
4238 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4239 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
4240 		u64 reserved_13_15                   : 3;
4241 		u64 an_page_received                 : 1;
4242 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
4243 		u64 reserved_18_19                   : 2;
4244 		u64 eee_tx_change                    : 1;
4245 		u64 eee_rx_change                    : 1;
4246 		u64 eee_rx_link_fail                 : 1;
4247 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
4248 	} s;
4249 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1c_s cn; */
4250 };
4252 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
4253 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1C(u64 a)4254 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
4255 {
4256 	return 0x30090 + 0x40000 * a;
4257 }
4259 /**
4260  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_int#_ena_w1s
4261  *
4262  * CGX GMP PCS Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets
4263  * interrupt enable bits.
4264  */
4265 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1s {
4266 	u64 u;
4267 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1s_s {
4268 		u64 lnkspd                           : 1;
4269 		u64 xmit                             : 1;
4270 		u64 an_err                           : 1;
4271 		u64 txfifu                           : 1;
4272 		u64 txfifo                           : 1;
4273 		u64 txbad                            : 1;
4274 		u64 rxerr                            : 1;
4275 		u64 rxbad                            : 1;
4276 		u64 rxlock                           : 1;
4277 		u64 an_bad                           : 1;
4278 		u64 sync_bad                         : 1;
4279 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4280 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
4281 		u64 reserved_13_15                   : 3;
4282 		u64 an_page_received                 : 1;
4283 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
4284 		u64 reserved_18_19                   : 2;
4285 		u64 eee_tx_change                    : 1;
4286 		u64 eee_rx_change                    : 1;
4287 		u64 eee_rx_link_fail                 : 1;
4288 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
4289 	} s;
4290 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_ena_w1s_s cn; */
4291 };
4293 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
4294 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1S(u64 a)4295 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
4296 {
4297 	return 0x30098 + 0x40000 * a;
4298 }
4300 /**
4301  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_int#_w1s
4302  *
4303  * CGX GMP PCS Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt bits.
4304  */
4305 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_w1s {
4306 	u64 u;
4307 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_w1s_s {
4308 		u64 lnkspd                           : 1;
4309 		u64 xmit                             : 1;
4310 		u64 an_err                           : 1;
4311 		u64 txfifu                           : 1;
4312 		u64 txfifo                           : 1;
4313 		u64 txbad                            : 1;
4314 		u64 rxerr                            : 1;
4315 		u64 rxbad                            : 1;
4316 		u64 rxlock                           : 1;
4317 		u64 an_bad                           : 1;
4318 		u64 sync_bad                         : 1;
4319 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4320 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
4321 		u64 reserved_13_15                   : 3;
4322 		u64 an_page_received                 : 1;
4323 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
4324 		u64 reserved_18_19                   : 2;
4325 		u64 eee_tx_change                    : 1;
4326 		u64 eee_rx_change                    : 1;
4327 		u64 eee_rx_link_fail                 : 1;
4328 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
4329 	} s;
4330 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_intx_w1s_s cn; */
4331 };
4333 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_W1S(u64 a)
4334 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_W1S(u64 a)4335 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_INTX_W1S(u64 a)
4336 {
4337 	return 0x30088 + 0x40000 * a;
4338 }
4340 /**
4341  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_link#_timer
4342  *
4343  * CGX GMP PCS Link Timer Registers This is the 1.6 ms nominal link timer
4344  * register.
4345  */
4346 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_linkx_timer {
4347 	u64 u;
4348 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_linkx_timer_s {
4349 		u64 count                            : 16;
4350 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4351 	} s;
4352 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_linkx_timer_s cn; */
4353 };
4355 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_LINKX_TIMER(u64 a)
4356 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_LINKX_TIMER(u64 a)4357 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_LINKX_TIMER(u64 a)
4358 {
4359 	return 0x30040 + 0x40000 * a;
4360 }
4362 /**
4363  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_misc#_ctl
4364  *
4365  * CGX GMP SGMII Miscellaneous Control Registers Internal: SGMII bit [12]
4366  * is really a misnomer, it is a decode  of pi_qlm_cfg pins to indicate
4367  * SGMII or 1000Base-X modes.  Note: The SGMII AN Advertisement Register
4368  * above will be sent during Auto Negotiation if [MAC_PHY] is set (1=PHY
4369  * mode). If the bit is not set (0=MAC mode), the tx_Config_Reg\<14\>
4370  * becomes ACK bit and tx_Config_Reg\<0\> is always 1. All other bits in
4371  * tx_Config_Reg sent will be 0. The PHY dictates the Auto Negotiation
4372  * results.
4373  */
4374 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_miscx_ctl {
4375 	u64 u;
4376 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_miscx_ctl_s {
4377 		u64 samp_pt                          : 7;
4378 		u64 an_ovrd                          : 1;
4379 		u64 mode                             : 1;
4380 		u64 mac_phy                          : 1;
4381 		u64 loopbck2                         : 1;
4382 		u64 gmxeno                           : 1;
4383 		u64 reserved_12                      : 1;
4384 		u64 disp_en                          : 1;
4385 		u64 reserved_14_15                   : 2;
4386 		u64 qsgmii_comma_wd                  : 16;
4387 		u64 qsgmii_comma_wd_en               : 1;
4388 		u64 reserved_33_63                   : 31;
4389 	} s;
4390 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_miscx_ctl_cn {
4391 		u64 samp_pt                          : 7;
4392 		u64 an_ovrd                          : 1;
4393 		u64 mode                             : 1;
4394 		u64 mac_phy                          : 1;
4395 		u64 loopbck2                         : 1;
4396 		u64 gmxeno                           : 1;
4397 		u64 reserved_12                      : 1;
4398 		u64 disp_en                          : 1;
4399 		u64 reserved_14_15                   : 2;
4400 		u64 qsgmii_comma_wd                  : 16;
4401 		u64 qsgmii_comma_wd_en               : 1;
4402 		u64 reserved_33_35                   : 3;
4403 		u64 reserved_36_63                   : 28;
4404 	} cn;
4405 };
4407 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MISCX_CTL(u64 a)
4408 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_MISCX_CTL(u64 a)4409 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MISCX_CTL(u64 a)
4410 {
4411 	return 0x30078 + 0x40000 * a;
4412 }
4414 /**
4415  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_mr#_control
4416  *
4417  * CGX GMP PCS Control Registers
4418  */
4419 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_control {
4420 	u64 u;
4421 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_control_s {
4422 		u64 reserved_0_4                     : 5;
4423 		u64 uni                              : 1;
4424 		u64 spdmsb                           : 1;
4425 		u64 coltst                           : 1;
4426 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4427 		u64 rst_an                           : 1;
4428 		u64 reserved_10                      : 1;
4429 		u64 pwr_dn                           : 1;
4430 		u64 an_en                            : 1;
4431 		u64 spdlsb                           : 1;
4432 		u64 loopbck1                         : 1;
4433 		u64 reset                            : 1;
4434 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4435 	} s;
4436 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_control_s cn; */
4437 };
4439 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_CONTROL(u64 a)
4440 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_CONTROL(u64 a)4441 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_CONTROL(u64 a)
4442 {
4443 	return 0x30000 + 0x40000 * a;
4444 }
4446 /**
4447  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_mr#_status
4448  *
4449  * CGX GMP PCS Status Registers Bits \<15:9\> in this register indicate
4450  * the ability to operate when CGX()_GMP_PCS_MISC()_CTL[MAC_PHY] is set
4451  * to MAC mode. Bits \<15:9\> are always read as 0, indicating that the
4452  * chip cannot operate in the corresponding modes. The field [RM_FLT] is
4453  * a 'don't care' when the selected mode is SGMII/QSGMII.
4454  */
4455 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_status {
4456 	u64 u;
4457 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_status_s {
4458 		u64 extnd                            : 1;
4459 		u64 reserved_1                       : 1;
4460 		u64 lnk_st                           : 1;
4461 		u64 an_abil                          : 1;
4462 		u64 rm_flt                           : 1;
4463 		u64 an_cpt                           : 1;
4464 		u64 prb_sup                          : 1;
4465 		u64 reserved_7                       : 1;
4466 		u64 ext_st                           : 1;
4467 		u64 hun_t2hd                         : 1;
4468 		u64 hun_t2fd                         : 1;
4469 		u64 ten_hd                           : 1;
4470 		u64 ten_fd                           : 1;
4471 		u64 hun_xhd                          : 1;
4472 		u64 hun_xfd                          : 1;
4473 		u64 hun_t4                           : 1;
4474 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4475 	} s;
4476 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_mrx_status_s cn; */
4477 };
4479 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_STATUS(u64 a)
4480 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_STATUS(u64 a)4481 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_MRX_STATUS(u64 a)
4482 {
4483 	return 0x30008 + 0x40000 * a;
4484 }
4486 /**
4487  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_rx#_states
4488  *
4489  * CGX GMP PCS RX State-Machines States Registers
4490  */
4491 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_states {
4492 	u64 u;
4493 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_states_s {
4494 		u64 an_st                            : 4;
4495 		u64 an_bad                           : 1;
4496 		u64 sync                             : 4;
4497 		u64 sync_bad                         : 1;
4498 		u64 rx_st                            : 5;
4499 		u64 rx_bad                           : 1;
4500 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4501 	} s;
4502 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_states_s cn; */
4503 };
4505 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_STATES(u64 a)
4506 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_STATES(u64 a)4507 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_STATES(u64 a)
4508 {
4509 	return 0x30058 + 0x40000 * a;
4510 }
4512 /**
4513  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_rx#_sync
4514  *
4515  * CGX GMP PCS Code Group Synchronization Registers
4516  */
4517 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_sync {
4518 	u64 u;
4519 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_sync_s {
4520 		u64 bit_lock                         : 1;
4521 		u64 sync                             : 1;
4522 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
4523 	} s;
4524 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_rxx_sync_s cn; */
4525 };
4527 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_SYNC(u64 a)
4528 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_SYNC(u64 a)4529 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_RXX_SYNC(u64 a)
4530 {
4531 	return 0x30050 + 0x40000 * a;
4532 }
4534 /**
4535  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_sgm#_an_adv
4536  *
4537  * CGX GMP PCS SGMII Autonegotiation Advertisement Registers This is the
4538  * SGMII autonegotiation advertisement register (sent out as
4539  * tx_Config_Reg\<15:0\> as defined in IEEE 802.3 clause 37). This
4540  * register is sent during autonegotiation if
4541  * CGX()_GMP_PCS_MISC()_CTL[MAC_PHY] is set (1 = PHY mode). If the bit is
4542  * not set (0 = MAC mode), then tx_Config_Reg\<14\> becomes ACK bit and
4543  * tx_Config_Reg\<0\> is always 1. All other bits in tx_Config_Reg sent
4544  * will be 0. The PHY dictates the autonegotiation results.
4545  */
4546 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_an_adv {
4547 	u64 u;
4548 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_an_adv_s {
4549 		u64 one                              : 1;
4550 		u64 reserved_1_9                     : 9;
4551 		u64 speed                            : 2;
4552 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4553 		u64 reserved_13                      : 1;
4554 		u64 ack                              : 1;
4555 		u64 link                             : 1;
4556 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4557 	} s;
4558 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_an_adv_s cn; */
4559 };
4561 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
4562 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_AN_ADV(u64 a)4563 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
4564 {
4565 	return 0x30068 + 0x40000 * a;
4566 }
4568 /**
4569  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_sgm#_lp_adv
4570  *
4571  * CGX GMP PCS SGMII Link-Partner-Advertisement Registers This is the
4572  * SGMII link partner advertisement register (received as
4573  * rx_Config_Reg\<15:0\> as defined in IEEE 802.3 clause 37).
4574  */
4575 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_lp_adv {
4576 	u64 u;
4577 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_lp_adv_s {
4578 		u64 one                              : 1;
4579 		u64 reserved_1_9                     : 9;
4580 		u64 speed                            : 2;
4581 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4582 		u64 reserved_13_14                   : 2;
4583 		u64 link                             : 1;
4584 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4585 	} s;
4586 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_sgmx_lp_adv_cn {
4587 		u64 one                              : 1;
4588 		u64 reserved_1_9                     : 9;
4589 		u64 speed                            : 2;
4590 		u64 dup                              : 1;
4591 		u64 reserved_13                      : 1;
4592 		u64 reserved_14                      : 1;
4593 		u64 link                             : 1;
4594 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
4595 	} cn;
4596 };
4598 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_LP_ADV(u64 a)
4599 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_LP_ADV(u64 a)4600 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_SGMX_LP_ADV(u64 a)
4601 {
4602 	return 0x30070 + 0x40000 * a;
4603 }
4605 /**
4606  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_tx#_states
4607  *
4608  * CGX GMP PCS TX State-Machines States Registers
4609  */
4610 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_txx_states {
4611 	u64 u;
4612 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_txx_states_s {
4613 		u64 ord_st                           : 4;
4614 		u64 tx_bad                           : 1;
4615 		u64 xmit                             : 2;
4616 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
4617 	} s;
4618 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_txx_states_s cn; */
4619 };
4621 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_TXX_STATES(u64 a)
4622 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_TXX_STATES(u64 a)4623 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_TXX_STATES(u64 a)
4624 {
4625 	return 0x30060 + 0x40000 * a;
4626 }
4628 /**
4629  * Register (RSL) cgx#_gmp_pcs_tx_rx#_polarity
4630  *
4631  * CGX GMP PCS TX/RX Polarity Registers
4632  * CGX()_GMP_PCS_TX_RX()_POLARITY[AUTORXPL] shows correct polarity needed
4633  * on the link receive path after code group synchronization is achieved.
4634  * When LMAC_TYPE=QSGMII, only lane 0 polarity data and settings are
4635  * relevant and settings for lanes 1, 2 and 3 are unused.
4636  */
4637 union cgxx_gmp_pcs_tx_rxx_polarity {
4638 	u64 u;
4639 	struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_tx_rxx_polarity_s {
4640 		u64 txplrt                           : 1;
4641 		u64 rxplrt                           : 1;
4642 		u64 autorxpl                         : 1;
4643 		u64 rxovrd                           : 1;
4644 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
4645 	} s;
4646 	/* struct cgxx_gmp_pcs_tx_rxx_polarity_s cn; */
4647 };
4649 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_TX_RXX_POLARITY(u64 a)
4650 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_GMP_PCS_TX_RXX_POLARITY(u64 a)4651 static inline u64 CGXX_GMP_PCS_TX_RXX_POLARITY(u64 a)
4652 {
4653 	return 0x30048 + 0x40000 * a;
4654 }
4656 /**
4657  * Register (RSL) cgx#_msix_pba#
4658  *
4659  * CGX MSI-X Pending Bit Array Registers This register is the MSI-X PBA
4660  * table, the bit number is indexed by the CGX_INT_VEC_E enumeration.
4661  */
4662 union cgxx_msix_pbax {
4663 	u64 u;
4664 	struct cgxx_msix_pbax_s {
4665 		u64 pend                             : 64;
4666 	} s;
4667 	/* struct cgxx_msix_pbax_s cn; */
4668 };
4670 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_PBAX(u64 a)
4671 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_MSIX_PBAX(u64 a)4672 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_PBAX(u64 a)
4673 {
4674 	return 0xf0000 + 8 * a;
4675 }
4677 /**
4678  * Register (RSL) cgx#_msix_vec#_addr
4679  *
4680  * CGX MSI-X Vector Table Address Registers This register is the MSI-X
4681  * vector table, indexed by the CGX_INT_VEC_E enumeration.
4682  */
4683 union cgxx_msix_vecx_addr {
4684 	u64 u;
4685 	struct cgxx_msix_vecx_addr_s {
4686 		u64 secvec                           : 1;
4687 		u64 reserved_1                       : 1;
4688 		u64 addr                             : 51;
4689 		u64 reserved_53_63                   : 11;
4690 	} s;
4691 	/* struct cgxx_msix_vecx_addr_s cn; */
4692 };
4694 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(u64 a)
4695 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(u64 a)4696 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(u64 a)
4697 {
4698 	return 0 + 0x10 * a;
4699 }
4701 /**
4702  * Register (RSL) cgx#_msix_vec#_ctl
4703  *
4704  * CGX MSI-X Vector Table Control and Data Registers This register is the
4705  * MSI-X vector table, indexed by the CGX_INT_VEC_E enumeration.
4706  */
4707 union cgxx_msix_vecx_ctl {
4708 	u64 u;
4709 	struct cgxx_msix_vecx_ctl_s {
4710 		u64 data                             : 32;
4711 		u64 mask                             : 1;
4712 		u64 reserved_33_63                   : 31;
4713 	} s;
4714 	/* struct cgxx_msix_vecx_ctl_s cn; */
4715 };
4717 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(u64 a)
4718 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(u64 a)4719 static inline u64 CGXX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(u64 a)
4720 {
4721 	return 8 + 0x10 * a;
4722 }
4724 /**
4725  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_bp_test
4726  *
4727  * INTERNAL: CGX SMU TX Backpressure Test Registers
4728  */
4729 union cgxx_smux_bp_test {
4730 	u64 u;
4731 	struct cgxx_smux_bp_test_s {
4732 		u64 lfsr_freq                        : 12;
4733 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
4734 		u64 bp_cfg                           : 8;
4735 		u64 reserved_24_47                   : 24;
4736 		u64 enable                           : 4;
4737 		u64 reserved_52_63                   : 12;
4738 	} s;
4739 	/* struct cgxx_smux_bp_test_s cn; */
4740 };
4742 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_BP_TEST(u64 a)
4743 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_BP_TEST(u64 a)4744 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_BP_TEST(u64 a)
4745 {
4746 	return 0x20230 + 0x40000 * a;
4747 }
4749 /**
4750  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_cbfc_ctl
4751  *
4752  * CGX SMU PFC Control Registers Internal: INTERNAL: XOFF for a specific
4753  * class/channel \<i\> is XOFF\<i\> = ([PHYS_EN]\<i\> & cmr_rx_phys_bp) |
4754  * ([LOGL_EN]\<i\> & cmr_rx_logl_xoff\<i\>).
4755  */
4756 union cgxx_smux_cbfc_ctl {
4757 	u64 u;
4758 	struct cgxx_smux_cbfc_ctl_s {
4759 		u64 rx_en                            : 1;
4760 		u64 tx_en                            : 1;
4761 		u64 drp_en                           : 1;
4762 		u64 bck_en                           : 1;
4763 		u64 reserved_4_31                    : 28;
4764 		u64 logl_en                          : 16;
4765 		u64 phys_en                          : 16;
4766 	} s;
4767 	/* struct cgxx_smux_cbfc_ctl_s cn; */
4768 };
4770 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)
4771 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)4772 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_CBFC_CTL(u64 a)
4773 {
4774 	return 0x20218 + 0x40000 * a;
4775 }
4777 /**
4778  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_ctrl
4779  *
4780  * CGX SMU Control Registers
4781  */
4782 union cgxx_smux_ctrl {
4783 	u64 u;
4784 	struct cgxx_smux_ctrl_s {
4785 		u64 rx_idle                          : 1;
4786 		u64 tx_idle                          : 1;
4787 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
4788 	} s;
4789 	/* struct cgxx_smux_ctrl_s cn; */
4790 };
4792 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_CTRL(u64 a)
4793 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_CTRL(u64 a)4794 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_CTRL(u64 a)
4795 {
4796 	return 0x20200 + 0x40000 * a;
4797 }
4799 /**
4800  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_ext_loopback
4801  *
4802  * CGX SMU External Loopback Registers In loopback mode, the IFG1+IFG2 of
4803  * local and remote parties must match exactly; otherwise loopback FIFO
4804  * will overrun: CGX()_SMU()_TX_INT[LB_OVRFLW].
4805  */
4806 union cgxx_smux_ext_loopback {
4807 	u64 u;
4808 	struct cgxx_smux_ext_loopback_s {
4809 		u64 thresh                           : 6;
4810 		u64 reserved_6_7                     : 2;
4811 		u64 depth                            : 6;
4812 		u64 reserved_14_15                   : 2;
4813 		u64 en                               : 1;
4814 		u64 reserved_17_63                   : 47;
4815 	} s;
4816 	/* struct cgxx_smux_ext_loopback_s cn; */
4817 };
4819 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_EXT_LOOPBACK(u64 a)
4820 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_EXT_LOOPBACK(u64 a)4821 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_EXT_LOOPBACK(u64 a)
4822 {
4823 	return 0x20208 + 0x40000 * a;
4824 }
4826 /**
4827  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_hg2_control
4828  *
4829  * CGX SMU HiGig2 Control Registers HiGig2 TX- and RX-enable are normally
4830  * set together for HiGig2 messaging. Setting just the TX or RX bit
4831  * results in only the HG2 message transmit or receive capability.
4832  * Setting [PHYS_EN] and [LOGL_EN] to 1 allows link PAUSE or backpressure
4833  * to NIX as per the received HiGig2 message. Setting these fields to 0
4834  * disables link PAUSE and backpressure to NIX in response to received
4835  * messages.  CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[HG_EN] must be set (to enable HiGig)
4836  * whenever either [HG2TX_EN] or [HG2RX_EN] are set.
4837  * CGX()_SMU()_RX_UDD_SKP[LEN] must be set to 16 (to select HiGig2)
4838  * whenever either [HG2TX_EN] or [HG2RX_EN] are set.
4839  * CGX()_CMR_RX_OVR_BP[EN]\<0\> must be set and
4840  * CGX()_CMR_RX_OVR_BP[BP]\<0\> must be cleared to 0 (to forcibly disable
4841  * hardware-automatic 802.3 PAUSE packet generation) with the HiGig2
4842  * Protocol when [HG2TX_EN] = 0. (The HiGig2 protocol is indicated by
4843  * CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[HG_EN] = 1 and CGX()_SMU()_RX_UDD_SKP[LEN]=16.)
4844  * Hardware can only autogenerate backpressure via HiGig2 messages
4845  * (optionally, when [HG2TX_EN] = 1) with the HiGig2 protocol.
4846  */
4847 union cgxx_smux_hg2_control {
4848 	u64 u;
4849 	struct cgxx_smux_hg2_control_s {
4850 		u64 logl_en                          : 16;
4851 		u64 phys_en                          : 1;
4852 		u64 hg2rx_en                         : 1;
4853 		u64 hg2tx_en                         : 1;
4854 		u64 reserved_19_63                   : 45;
4855 	} s;
4856 	/* struct cgxx_smux_hg2_control_s cn; */
4857 };
4859 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_HG2_CONTROL(u64 a)
4860 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_HG2_CONTROL(u64 a)4861 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_HG2_CONTROL(u64 a)
4862 {
4863 	return 0x20210 + 0x40000 * a;
4864 }
4866 /**
4867  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_mmsi_ctl_sta
4868  *
4869  * CGX SMU MAC Merge Service Interface (MMSI) Control/Status Registers
4870  * MMSI control and status registers for frame preemption mode. Refer to
4871  * IEEE 802.3br, Clause 99.
4872  */
4873 union cgxx_smux_mmsi_ctl_sta {
4874 	u64 u;
4875 	struct cgxx_smux_mmsi_ctl_sta_s {
4876 		u64 p_en                             : 1;
4877 		u64 dis_v                            : 1;
4878 		u64 afs                              : 2;
4879 		u64 v_sta                            : 3;
4880 		u64 tx_pactive                       : 1;
4881 		u64 reserved_8_31                    : 24;
4882 		u64 v_time                           : 24;
4883 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
4884 	} s;
4885 	/* struct cgxx_smux_mmsi_ctl_sta_s cn; */
4886 };
4888 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_MMSI_CTL_STA(u64 a)
4889 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_MMSI_CTL_STA(u64 a)4890 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_MMSI_CTL_STA(u64 a)
4891 {
4892 	return 0x20220 + 0x40000 * a;
4893 }
4895 /**
4896  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_bad_col_ctrl
4897  *
4898  * CGX SMU RX Bad Column High Registers
4899  */
4900 union cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_ctrl {
4901 	u64 u;
4902 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_ctrl_s {
4903 		u64 lane_rxc                         : 16;
4904 		u64 state                            : 3;
4905 		u64 val                              : 1;
4906 		u64 reserved_20_63                   : 44;
4907 	} s;
4908 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_ctrl_s cn; */
4909 };
4911 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_CTRL(u64 a)
4912 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_CTRL(u64 a)4913 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_CTRL(u64 a)
4914 {
4915 	return 0x20060 + 0x40000 * a;
4916 }
4918 /**
4919  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_bad_col_data_hi
4920  *
4921  * CGX SMU RX Bad Column Low Registers
4922  */
4923 union cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_hi {
4924 	u64 u;
4925 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_hi_s {
4926 		u64 lane_rxd                         : 64;
4927 	} s;
4928 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_hi_s cn; */
4929 };
4931 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_HI(u64 a)
4932 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_HI(u64 a)4933 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_HI(u64 a)
4934 {
4935 	return 0x20058 + 0x40000 * a;
4936 }
4938 /**
4939  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_bad_col_data_lo
4940  *
4941  * CGX SMU RX Bad Column Low Registers
4942  */
4943 union cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_lo {
4944 	u64 u;
4945 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_lo_s {
4946 		u64 lane_rxd                         : 64;
4947 	} s;
4948 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_bad_col_data_lo_s cn; */
4949 };
4951 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_LO(u64 a)
4952 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_LO(u64 a)4953 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_BAD_COL_DATA_LO(u64 a)
4954 {
4955 	return 0x20050 + 0x40000 * a;
4956 }
4958 /**
4959  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_ctl
4960  *
4961  * CGX SMU RX Control Registers
4962  */
4963 union cgxx_smux_rx_ctl {
4964 	u64 u;
4965 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_ctl_s {
4966 		u64 status                           : 2;
4967 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
4968 	} s;
4969 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_ctl_s cn; */
4970 };
4972 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_CTL(u64 a)
4973 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_CTL(u64 a)4974 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_CTL(u64 a)
4975 {
4976 	return 0x20048 + 0x40000 * a;
4977 }
4979 /**
4980  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_decision
4981  *
4982  * CGX SMU Packet Decision Registers This register specifies the byte
4983  * count used to determine when to accept or to filter a packet. As each
4984  * byte in a packet is received by CGX, the L2 byte count (i.e. the
4985  * number of bytes from the beginning of the L2 header (DMAC)) is
4986  * compared against CNT. In normal operation, the L2 header begins after
4987  * the PREAMBLE + SFD (CGX()_SMU()_RX_FRM_CTL[PRE_CHK] = 1) and any
4988  * optional UDD skip data (CGX()_SMU()_RX_UDD_SKP[LEN]).
4989  */
4990 union cgxx_smux_rx_decision {
4991 	u64 u;
4992 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_decision_s {
4993 		u64 cnt                              : 5;
4994 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
4995 	} s;
4996 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_decision_s cn; */
4997 };
4999 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_DECISION(u64 a)
5000 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_DECISION(u64 a)5001 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_DECISION(u64 a)
5002 {
5003 	return 0x20038 + 0x40000 * a;
5004 }
5006 /**
5007  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_frm_chk
5008  *
5009  * CGX SMU RX Frame Check Registers The CSRs provide the enable bits for
5010  * a subset of errors passed to CMR encoded.
5011  */
5012 union cgxx_smux_rx_frm_chk {
5013 	u64 u;
5014 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_frm_chk_s {
5015 		u64 reserved_0_2                     : 3;
5016 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
5017 		u64 fcserr_d                         : 1;
5018 		u64 fcserr_c                         : 1;
5019 		u64 reserved_6                       : 1;
5020 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
5021 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
5022 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
5023 	} s;
5024 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_frm_chk_s cn; */
5025 };
5027 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)
5028 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)5029 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CHK(u64 a)
5030 {
5031 	return 0x20028 + 0x40000 * a;
5032 }
5034 /**
5035  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_frm_ctl
5036  *
5037  * CGX SMU RX Frame Control Registers This register controls the handling
5038  * of the frames. The [CTL_BCK] and [CTL_DRP] bits control how the
5039  * hardware handles incoming PAUSE packets. The most common modes of
5040  * operation: _ [CTL_BCK] = 1, [CTL_DRP] = 1: hardware handles everything
5041  * _ [CTL_BCK] = 0, [CTL_DRP] = 0: software sees all PAUSE frames _
5042  * [CTL_BCK] = 0, [CTL_DRP] = 1: all PAUSE frames are completely ignored
5043  * These control bits should be set to [CTL_BCK] = 0, [CTL_DRP] = 0 in
5044  * half-duplex mode. Since PAUSE packets only apply to full duplex
5045  * operation, any PAUSE packet would constitute an exception which should
5046  * be handled by the processing cores. PAUSE packets should not be
5047  * forwarded.
5048  */
5049 union cgxx_smux_rx_frm_ctl {
5050 	u64 u;
5051 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_frm_ctl_s {
5052 		u64 pre_chk                          : 1;
5053 		u64 pre_strp                         : 1;
5054 		u64 ctl_drp                          : 1;
5055 		u64 ctl_bck                          : 1;
5056 		u64 ctl_mcst                         : 1;
5057 		u64 ctl_smac                         : 1;
5058 		u64 reserved_6_11                    : 6;
5059 		u64 ptp_mode                         : 1;
5060 		u64 reserved_13_63                   : 51;
5061 	} s;
5062 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_frm_ctl_s cn; */
5063 };
5065 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)
5066 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)5067 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_FRM_CTL(u64 a)
5068 {
5069 	return 0x20020 + 0x40000 * a;
5070 }
5072 /**
5073  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_int
5074  *
5075  * CGX SMU Receive Interrupt Registers SMU Interrupt Register. Internal:
5076  * Exception conditions \<9\> and \<4:0\> can also set the rcv/opcode in
5077  * the received packet's work queue entry. CGX()_SMU()_RX_FRM_CHK
5078  * provides a bit mask for configuring which conditions set the error.
5079  */
5080 union cgxx_smux_rx_int {
5081 	u64 u;
5082 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_s {
5083 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
5084 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
5085 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
5086 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
5087 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
5088 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
5089 		u64 loc_fault                        : 1;
5090 		u64 rem_fault                        : 1;
5091 		u64 bad_seq                          : 1;
5092 		u64 bad_term                         : 1;
5093 		u64 hg2fld                           : 1;
5094 		u64 hg2cc                            : 1;
5095 		u64 badver                           : 1;
5096 		u64 badrsp                           : 1;
5097 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
5098 	} s;
5099 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_s cn; */
5100 };
5102 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT(u64 a)
5103 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT(u64 a)5104 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT(u64 a)
5105 {
5106 	return 0x20000 + 0x40000 * a;
5107 }
5109 /**
5110  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_int_ena_w1c
5111  *
5112  * CGX SMU Receive Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
5113  * interrupt enable bits.
5114  */
5115 union cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1c {
5116 	u64 u;
5117 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1c_s {
5118 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
5119 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
5120 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
5121 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
5122 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
5123 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
5124 		u64 loc_fault                        : 1;
5125 		u64 rem_fault                        : 1;
5126 		u64 bad_seq                          : 1;
5127 		u64 bad_term                         : 1;
5128 		u64 hg2fld                           : 1;
5129 		u64 hg2cc                            : 1;
5130 		u64 badver                           : 1;
5131 		u64 badrsp                           : 1;
5132 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
5133 	} s;
5134 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
5135 };
5137 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5138 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)5139 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5140 {
5141 	return 0x20010 + 0x40000 * a;
5142 }
5144 /**
5145  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_int_ena_w1s
5146  *
5147  * CGX SMU Receive Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets
5148  * interrupt enable bits.
5149  */
5150 union cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1s {
5151 	u64 u;
5152 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1s_s {
5153 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
5154 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
5155 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
5156 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
5157 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
5158 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
5159 		u64 loc_fault                        : 1;
5160 		u64 rem_fault                        : 1;
5161 		u64 bad_seq                          : 1;
5162 		u64 bad_term                         : 1;
5163 		u64 hg2fld                           : 1;
5164 		u64 hg2cc                            : 1;
5165 		u64 badver                           : 1;
5166 		u64 badrsp                           : 1;
5167 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
5168 	} s;
5169 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
5170 };
5172 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5173 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)5174 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5175 {
5176 	return 0x20018 + 0x40000 * a;
5177 }
5179 /**
5180  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_int_w1s
5181  *
5182  * CGX SMU Receive Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt
5183  * bits.
5184  */
5185 union cgxx_smux_rx_int_w1s {
5186 	u64 u;
5187 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_w1s_s {
5188 		u64 jabber                           : 1;
5189 		u64 fcserr                           : 1;
5190 		u64 rcverr                           : 1;
5191 		u64 skperr                           : 1;
5192 		u64 pcterr                           : 1;
5193 		u64 rsverr                           : 1;
5194 		u64 loc_fault                        : 1;
5195 		u64 rem_fault                        : 1;
5196 		u64 bad_seq                          : 1;
5197 		u64 bad_term                         : 1;
5198 		u64 hg2fld                           : 1;
5199 		u64 hg2cc                            : 1;
5200 		u64 badver                           : 1;
5201 		u64 badrsp                           : 1;
5202 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
5203 	} s;
5204 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_int_w1s_s cn; */
5205 };
5207 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5208 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_W1S(u64 a)5209 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5210 {
5211 	return 0x20008 + 0x40000 * a;
5212 }
5214 /**
5215  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_jabber
5216  *
5217  * CGX SMU Maximum Packet-Size Registers This register specifies the
5218  * maximum size for packets, beyond which the SMU truncates. Internal:
5219  * JABBER[CNT] is checked against the packet that arrives from SPU.  The
5220  * checking is performed before preamble is stripped or PTP is inserted.
5221  * If present, preamble is counted as eight bytes of the incoming packet.
5222  */
5223 union cgxx_smux_rx_jabber {
5224 	u64 u;
5225 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_jabber_s {
5226 		u64 cnt                              : 16;
5227 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5228 	} s;
5229 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_jabber_s cn; */
5230 };
5232 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_JABBER(u64 a)
5233 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_JABBER(u64 a)5234 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_JABBER(u64 a)
5235 {
5236 	return 0x20030 + 0x40000 * a;
5237 }
5239 /**
5240  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_udd_skp
5241  *
5242  * CGX SMU User-Defined Data Skip Registers Internal: (1) The skip bytes
5243  * are part of the packet and will be sent down the NCB packet interface
5244  * and will be handled by NIX.  (2) The system can determine if the UDD
5245  * bytes are included in the FCS check by using the FCSSEL field if the
5246  * FCS check is enabled.  (3) Assume that the preamble/sfd is always at
5247  * the start of the frame even before UDD bytes.  In most cases, there
5248  * will be no preamble in these cases since it will be packet interface
5249  * in direct communication to another packet interface (MAC to MAC)
5250  * without a PHY involved.  (4) We can still do address filtering and
5251  * control packet filtering if the user desires.  (5) In all cases, the
5252  * UDD bytes will be sent down the packet interface as part of the
5253  * packet.  The UDD bytes are never stripped from the actual packet.
5254  */
5255 union cgxx_smux_rx_udd_skp {
5256 	u64 u;
5257 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_udd_skp_s {
5258 		u64 len                              : 7;
5259 		u64 reserved_7                       : 1;
5260 		u64 fcssel                           : 1;
5261 		u64 reserved_9_63                    : 55;
5262 	} s;
5263 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_udd_skp_s cn; */
5264 };
5266 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)
5267 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)5268 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_UDD_SKP(u64 a)
5269 {
5270 	return 0x20040 + 0x40000 * a;
5271 }
5273 /**
5274  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_ctrl0
5275  *
5276  * CGX SMU RX Wake-on-LAN Control 0 Registers
5277  */
5278 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl0 {
5279 	u64 u;
5280 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl0_s {
5281 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
5282 		u64 pswd_len                         : 4;
5283 		u64 reserved_52_63                   : 12;
5284 	} s;
5285 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl0_s cn; */
5286 };
5288 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)
5289 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)5290 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL0(u64 a)
5291 {
5292 	return 0x20068 + 0x40000 * a;
5293 }
5295 /**
5296  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_ctrl1
5297  *
5298  * CGX SMU RX Wake-on-LAN Control 1 Registers
5299  */
5300 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl1 {
5301 	u64 u;
5302 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl1_s {
5303 		u64 pswd                             : 64;
5304 	} s;
5305 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_ctrl1_s cn; */
5306 };
5308 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)
5309 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)5310 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_CTRL1(u64 a)
5311 {
5312 	return 0x20070 + 0x40000 * a;
5313 }
5315 /**
5316  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_int
5317  *
5318  * CGX SMU RX WOL Interrupt Registers These registers allow WOL
5319  * interrupts to be sent to the control processor.
5320  */
5321 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int {
5322 	u64 u;
5323 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_s {
5324 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
5325 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
5326 	} s;
5327 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_s cn; */
5328 };
5330 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT(u64 a)
5331 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT(u64 a)5332 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT(u64 a)
5333 {
5334 	return 0x20078 + 0x40000 * a;
5335 }
5337 /**
5338  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_int_ena_w1c
5339  *
5340  * CGX SMU RX WOL Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
5341  * interrupt enable bits.
5342  */
5343 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1c {
5344 	u64 u;
5345 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1c_s {
5346 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
5347 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
5348 	} s;
5349 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
5350 };
5352 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5353 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)5354 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5355 {
5356 	return 0x20088 + 0x40000 * a;
5357 }
5359 /**
5360  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_int_ena_w1s
5361  *
5362  * CGX SMU RX WOL Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets
5363  * interrupt enable bits.
5364  */
5365 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1s {
5366 	u64 u;
5367 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1s_s {
5368 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
5369 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
5370 	} s;
5371 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
5372 };
5374 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5375 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)5376 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5377 {
5378 	return 0x20090 + 0x40000 * a;
5379 }
5381 /**
5382  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_rx_wol_int_w1s
5383  *
5384  * CGX SMU RX WOL Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt
5385  * bits.
5386  */
5387 union cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_w1s {
5388 	u64 u;
5389 	struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_w1s_s {
5390 		u64 wol_rcvd                         : 1;
5391 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
5392 	} s;
5393 	/* struct cgxx_smux_rx_wol_int_w1s_s cn; */
5394 };
5396 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5397 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)5398 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_RX_WOL_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5399 {
5400 	return 0x20080 + 0x40000 * a;
5401 }
5403 /**
5404  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_smac
5405  *
5406  * CGX SMU SMAC Registers
5407  */
5408 union cgxx_smux_smac {
5409 	u64 u;
5410 	struct cgxx_smux_smac_s {
5411 		u64 smac                             : 48;
5412 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
5413 	} s;
5414 	/* struct cgxx_smux_smac_s cn; */
5415 };
5417 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_SMAC(u64 a)
5418 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_SMAC(u64 a)5419 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_SMAC(u64 a)
5420 {
5421 	return 0x20108 + 0x40000 * a;
5422 }
5424 /**
5425  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_append
5426  *
5427  * CGX SMU TX Append Control Registers For more details on the
5428  * interactions between FCS and PAD, see also the description of
5430  */
5431 union cgxx_smux_tx_append {
5432 	u64 u;
5433 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_append_s {
5434 		u64 preamble                         : 1;
5435 		u64 pad                              : 1;
5436 		u64 fcs_d                            : 1;
5437 		u64 fcs_c                            : 1;
5438 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
5439 	} s;
5440 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_append_s cn; */
5441 };
5443 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_APPEND(u64 a)
5444 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_APPEND(u64 a)5445 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_APPEND(u64 a)
5446 {
5447 	return 0x20100 + 0x40000 * a;
5448 }
5450 /**
5451  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_ctl
5452  *
5453  * CGX SMU Transmit Control Registers
5454  */
5455 union cgxx_smux_tx_ctl {
5456 	u64 u;
5457 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_ctl_s {
5458 		u64 dic_en                           : 1;
5459 		u64 uni_en                           : 1;
5460 		u64 x4a_dis                          : 1;
5461 		u64 mia_en                           : 1;
5462 		u64 ls                               : 2;
5463 		u64 ls_byp                           : 1;
5464 		u64 l2p_bp_conv                      : 1;
5465 		u64 hg_en                            : 1;
5466 		u64 hg_pause_hgi                     : 2;
5467 		u64 reserved_11_63                   : 53;
5468 	} s;
5469 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_ctl_s cn; */
5470 };
5472 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_CTL(u64 a)
5473 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_CTL(u64 a)5474 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_CTL(u64 a)
5475 {
5476 	return 0x20178 + 0x40000 * a;
5477 }
5479 /**
5480  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_dack
5481  *
5482  * CGX SMU TX Drop Counters Registers
5483  */
5484 union cgxx_smux_tx_dack {
5485 	u64 u;
5486 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_dack_s {
5487 		u64 dpi_sdrop_ack                    : 16;
5488 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5489 	} s;
5490 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_dack_s cn; */
5491 };
5493 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_DACK(u64 a)
5494 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_DACK(u64 a)5495 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_DACK(u64 a)
5496 {
5497 	return 0x201b0 + 0x40000 * a;
5498 }
5500 /**
5501  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_dcnt
5502  *
5503  * CGX SMU TX Drop Counters Registers
5504  */
5505 union cgxx_smux_tx_dcnt {
5506 	u64 u;
5507 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_dcnt_s {
5508 		u64 dpi_sdrop_cnt                    : 16;
5509 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5510 	} s;
5511 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_dcnt_s cn; */
5512 };
5514 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_DCNT(u64 a)
5515 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_DCNT(u64 a)5516 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_DCNT(u64 a)
5517 {
5518 	return 0x201a8 + 0x40000 * a;
5519 }
5521 /**
5522  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_eee
5523  *
5524  * INTERNAL: CGX SMU TX EEE Configure Registers  Resvered. Internal:
5525  * These registers control when SMU TX requests to enter or exist LPI.
5526  * Those registers take effect only when EEE is supported and enabled for
5527  * a given LMAC.
5528  */
5529 union cgxx_smux_tx_eee {
5530 	u64 u;
5531 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_s {
5532 		u64 idle_thresh                      : 28;
5533 		u64 reserved_28                      : 1;
5534 		u64 force_lpi                        : 1;
5535 		u64 wakeup                           : 1;
5536 		u64 auto_lpi                         : 1;
5537 		u64 idle_cnt                         : 28;
5538 		u64 reserved_60_61                   : 2;
5539 		u64 tx_lpi_wake                      : 1;
5540 		u64 tx_lpi                           : 1;
5541 	} s;
5542 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_s cn; */
5543 };
5545 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE(u64 a)
5546 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE(u64 a)5547 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE(u64 a)
5548 {
5549 	return 0x20190 + 0x40000 * a;
5550 }
5552 /**
5553  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_eee_timer_status
5554  *
5555  * INTERNAL: CGX SMU TX EEE TIMER STATUS Registers  Reserved. Internal:
5556  * These registers configure SMU TX EEE timing parameters.
5557  */
5558 union cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timer_status {
5559 	u64 u;
5560 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timer_status_s {
5561 		u64 lpi_wake_cnt                     : 16;
5562 		u64 reserved_16_30                   : 15;
5563 		u64 wake_timer_done                  : 1;
5564 		u64 link_ok_cnt                      : 30;
5565 		u64 reserved_62                      : 1;
5566 		u64 link_timer_done                  : 1;
5567 	} s;
5568 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timer_status_s cn; */
5569 };
5571 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE_TIMER_STATUS(u64 a)
5572 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
5574 {
5575 	return 0x201a0 + 0x40000 * a;
5576 }
5578 /**
5579  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_eee_timing
5580  *
5581  * INTERNAL: CGX SMU TX EEE TIMING Parameter Registers  Reserved.
5582  * Internal: These registers configure SMU TX EEE timing parameters.
5583  */
5584 union cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timing {
5585 	u64 u;
5586 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timing_s {
5587 		u64 w_sys_tx_min                     : 16;
5588 		u64 reserved_16_31                   : 16;
5589 		u64 link_ok_min                      : 30;
5590 		u64 reserved_62_63                   : 2;
5591 	} s;
5592 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_eee_timing_s cn; */
5593 };
5595 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE_TIMING(u64 a)
5596 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE_TIMING(u64 a)5597 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_EEE_TIMING(u64 a)
5598 {
5599 	return 0x20198 + 0x40000 * a;
5600 }
5602 /**
5603  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_ifg
5604  *
5605  * CGX SMU TX Interframe-Gap Cycles Registers Programming IFG1 and IFG2:
5606  * * For XAUI/RXAUI/10G/25G/40G/50G/100G systems that require IEEE 802.3
5607  * compatibility, the [IFG1]+[IFG2] sum must be 12. * In loopback mode,
5608  * the [IFG1]+[IFG2] of local and remote parties must match exactly;
5609  * otherwise loopback FIFO will overrun: CGX()_SMU()_TX_INT[LB_OVRFLW]. *
5610  * When CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[DIC_EN] is set, [IFG1]+[IFG2] sum must be at
5611  * least 8. The behavior of smaller values is un-determined. * When
5612  * CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[DIC_EN] is cleared, the minimum value of
5613  * [IFG1]+[IFG2] is 1 for 40G/50G/100G LMAC_TYPE configurations and 5 for
5614  * all other values. The behavior of smaller values is un-determined.
5615  * Internal: When CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[DIC_EN] is set, SMU TX treats
5616  * ([IFG1]+[IFG2]) \< 8 as 8 for 40G/50G/100G MACs and ([IFG1]+[IFG2]) \<
5617  * 8 as 8 for other MACs. When CGX()_SMU()_TX_CTL[DIC_EN] is cleared, SMU
5618  * TX can work correctly with any IFG1 and IFG2.
5619  */
5620 union cgxx_smux_tx_ifg {
5621 	u64 u;
5622 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_ifg_s {
5623 		u64 ifg1                             : 4;
5624 		u64 ifg2                             : 4;
5625 		u64 mia_amt                          : 2;
5626 		u64 reserved_10_15                   : 6;
5627 		u64 mia_cnt                          : 8;
5628 		u64 reserved_24_63                   : 40;
5629 	} s;
5630 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_ifg_s cn; */
5631 };
5633 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_IFG(u64 a)
5634 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_IFG(u64 a)5635 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_IFG(u64 a)
5636 {
5637 	return 0x20160 + 0x40000 * a;
5638 }
5640 /**
5641  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_int
5642  *
5643  * CGX SMU TX Interrupt Registers
5644  */
5645 union cgxx_smux_tx_int {
5646 	u64 u;
5647 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_s {
5648 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
5649 		u64 xchange                          : 1;
5650 		u64 fake_commit                      : 1;
5651 		u64 lb_undflw                        : 1;
5652 		u64 lb_ovrflw                        : 1;
5653 		u64 dpi_sdrop                        : 1;
5654 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
5655 	} s;
5656 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_s cn; */
5657 };
5659 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT(u64 a)
5660 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT(u64 a)5661 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT(u64 a)
5662 {
5663 	return 0x20140 + 0x40000 * a;
5664 }
5666 /**
5667  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_int_ena_w1c
5668  *
5669  * CGX SMU TX Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
5670  * interrupt enable bits.
5671  */
5672 union cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1c {
5673 	u64 u;
5674 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1c_s {
5675 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
5676 		u64 xchange                          : 1;
5677 		u64 fake_commit                      : 1;
5678 		u64 lb_undflw                        : 1;
5679 		u64 lb_ovrflw                        : 1;
5680 		u64 dpi_sdrop                        : 1;
5681 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
5682 	} s;
5683 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
5684 };
5686 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5687 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)5688 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
5689 {
5690 	return 0x20150 + 0x40000 * a;
5691 }
5693 /**
5694  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_int_ena_w1s
5695  *
5696  * CGX SMU TX Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets interrupt
5697  * enable bits.
5698  */
5699 union cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1s {
5700 	u64 u;
5701 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1s_s {
5702 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
5703 		u64 xchange                          : 1;
5704 		u64 fake_commit                      : 1;
5705 		u64 lb_undflw                        : 1;
5706 		u64 lb_ovrflw                        : 1;
5707 		u64 dpi_sdrop                        : 1;
5708 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
5709 	} s;
5710 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
5711 };
5713 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5714 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)5715 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
5716 {
5717 	return 0x20158 + 0x40000 * a;
5718 }
5720 /**
5721  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_int_w1s
5722  *
5723  * CGX SMU TX Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt bits.
5724  */
5725 union cgxx_smux_tx_int_w1s {
5726 	u64 u;
5727 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_w1s_s {
5728 		u64 undflw                           : 1;
5729 		u64 xchange                          : 1;
5730 		u64 fake_commit                      : 1;
5731 		u64 lb_undflw                        : 1;
5732 		u64 lb_ovrflw                        : 1;
5733 		u64 dpi_sdrop                        : 1;
5734 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
5735 	} s;
5736 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_int_w1s_s cn; */
5737 };
5739 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5740 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_W1S(u64 a)5741 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
5742 {
5743 	return 0x20148 + 0x40000 * a;
5744 }
5746 /**
5747  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_min_pkt
5748  *
5749  * CGX SMU TX Minimum-Size-Packet Registers Internal: [MIN_SIZE] less
5750  * than 16 will be ignored by hardware which will use 16 instead.
5751  */
5752 union cgxx_smux_tx_min_pkt {
5753 	u64 u;
5754 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_min_pkt_s {
5755 		u64 min_size                         : 8;
5756 		u64 reserved_8_63                    : 56;
5757 	} s;
5758 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_min_pkt_s cn; */
5759 };
5761 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)
5762 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)5763 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_MIN_PKT(u64 a)
5764 {
5765 	return 0x20118 + 0x40000 * a;
5766 }
5768 /**
5769  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_pkt_dmac
5770  *
5771  * CGX SMU TX PAUSE-Packet DMAC-Field Registers This register provides
5772  * the DMAC value that is placed in outbound PAUSE packets.
5773  */
5774 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_dmac {
5775 	u64 u;
5776 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_dmac_s {
5777 		u64 dmac                             : 48;
5778 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
5779 	} s;
5780 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_dmac_s cn; */
5781 };
5783 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_DMAC(u64 a)
5784 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_DMAC(u64 a)5785 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_DMAC(u64 a)
5786 {
5787 	return 0x20168 + 0x40000 * a;
5788 }
5790 /**
5791  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_pkt_interval
5792  *
5793  * CGX SMU TX PAUSE-Packet Transmission-Interval Registers This register
5794  * specifies how often PAUSE packets are sent.
5795  */
5796 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_interval {
5797 	u64 u;
5798 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_interval_s {
5799 		u64 interval                         : 16;
5800 		u64 hg2_intra_interval               : 16;
5801 		u64 hg2_intra_en                     : 1;
5802 		u64 reserved_33_63                   : 31;
5803 	} s;
5804 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_interval_s cn; */
5805 };
5807 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_INTERVAL(u64 a)
5808 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
5810 {
5811 	return 0x20120 + 0x40000 * a;
5812 }
5814 /**
5815  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_pkt_time
5816  *
5817  * CGX SMU TX PAUSE Packet Time Registers
5818  */
5819 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_time {
5820 	u64 u;
5821 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_time_s {
5822 		u64 p_time                           : 16;
5823 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5824 	} s;
5825 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_time_s cn; */
5826 };
5828 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TIME(u64 a)
5829 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TIME(u64 a)5830 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TIME(u64 a)
5831 {
5832 	return 0x20110 + 0x40000 * a;
5833 }
5835 /**
5836  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_pkt_type
5837  *
5838  * CGX SMU TX PAUSE-Packet P_TYPE-Field Registers This register provides
5839  * the P_TYPE field that is placed in outbound PAUSE packets.
5840  */
5841 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_type {
5842 	u64 u;
5843 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_type_s {
5844 		u64 p_type                           : 16;
5845 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5846 	} s;
5847 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_pkt_type_s cn; */
5848 };
5850 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TYPE(u64 a)
5851 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TYPE(u64 a)5852 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_PKT_TYPE(u64 a)
5853 {
5854 	return 0x20170 + 0x40000 * a;
5855 }
5857 /**
5858  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_togo
5859  *
5860  * CGX SMU TX Time-to-Backpressure Registers
5861  */
5862 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_togo {
5863 	u64 u;
5864 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_togo_s {
5865 		u64 p_time                           : 16;
5866 		u64 msg_time                         : 16;
5867 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
5868 	} s;
5869 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_togo_s cn; */
5870 };
5872 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)
5873 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)5874 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_TOGO(u64 a)
5875 {
5876 	return 0x20130 + 0x40000 * a;
5877 }
5879 /**
5880  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_pause_zero
5881  *
5882  * CGX SMU TX PAUSE Zero Registers
5883  */
5884 union cgxx_smux_tx_pause_zero {
5885 	u64 u;
5886 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_zero_s {
5887 		u64 send                             : 1;
5888 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
5889 	} s;
5890 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_pause_zero_s cn; */
5891 };
5893 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)
5894 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)5895 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_PAUSE_ZERO(u64 a)
5896 {
5897 	return 0x20138 + 0x40000 * a;
5898 }
5900 /**
5901  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_soft_pause
5902  *
5903  * CGX SMU TX Soft PAUSE Registers
5904  */
5905 union cgxx_smux_tx_soft_pause {
5906 	u64 u;
5907 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_soft_pause_s {
5908 		u64 p_time                           : 16;
5909 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
5910 	} s;
5911 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_soft_pause_s cn; */
5912 };
5914 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)
5915 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)5916 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_SOFT_PAUSE(u64 a)
5917 {
5918 	return 0x20128 + 0x40000 * a;
5919 }
5921 /**
5922  * Register (RSL) cgx#_smu#_tx_thresh
5923  *
5924  * CGX SMU TX Threshold Registers
5925  */
5926 union cgxx_smux_tx_thresh {
5927 	u64 u;
5928 	struct cgxx_smux_tx_thresh_s {
5929 		u64 cnt                              : 12;
5930 		u64 reserved_12_15                   : 4;
5931 		u64 dpi_thresh                       : 5;
5932 		u64 reserved_21_23                   : 3;
5933 		u64 dpi_depth                        : 5;
5934 		u64 reserved_29_31                   : 3;
5935 		u64 ecnt                             : 12;
5936 		u64 reserved_44_63                   : 20;
5937 	} s;
5938 	/* struct cgxx_smux_tx_thresh_s cn; */
5939 };
5941 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_THRESH(u64 a)
5942 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SMUX_TX_THRESH(u64 a)5943 static inline u64 CGXX_SMUX_TX_THRESH(u64 a)
5944 {
5945 	return 0x20180 + 0x40000 * a;
5946 }
5948 /**
5949  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_adv
5950  *
5951  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Advertisement Registers Software programs this
5952  * register with the contents of the AN-link code word base page to be
5953  * transmitted during autonegotiation. (See IEEE 802.3 section 73.6 for
5954  * details.) Any write operations to this register prior to completion of
5955  * autonegotiation, as indicated by CGX()_SPU()_AN_STATUS[AN_COMPLETE],
5956  * should be followed by a renegotiation in order for the new values to
5957  * take effect. Renegotiation is initiated by setting
5958  * CGX()_SPU()_AN_CONTROL[AN_RESTART]. Once autonegotiation has
5959  * completed, software can examine this register along with
5960  * CGX()_SPU()_AN_LP_BASE to determine the highest common denominator
5961  * technology.
5962  */
5963 union cgxx_spux_an_adv {
5964 	u64 u;
5965 	struct cgxx_spux_an_adv_s {
5966 		u64 s                                : 5;
5967 		u64 e                                : 5;
5968 		u64 pause                            : 1;
5969 		u64 asm_dir                          : 1;
5970 		u64 xnp_able                         : 1;
5971 		u64 rf                               : 1;
5972 		u64 ack                              : 1;
5973 		u64 np                               : 1;
5974 		u64 t                                : 5;
5975 		u64 a1g_kx                           : 1;
5976 		u64 a10g_kx4                         : 1;
5977 		u64 a10g_kr                          : 1;
5978 		u64 a40g_kr4                         : 1;
5979 		u64 a40g_cr4                         : 1;
5980 		u64 a100g_cr10                       : 1;
5981 		u64 a100g_kp4                        : 1;
5982 		u64 a100g_kr4                        : 1;
5983 		u64 a100g_cr4                        : 1;
5984 		u64 a25g_krs_crs                     : 1;
5985 		u64 a25g_kr_cr                       : 1;
5986 		u64 arsv                             : 12;
5987 		u64 a25g_rs_fec_req                  : 1;
5988 		u64 a25g_br_fec_req                  : 1;
5989 		u64 fec_able                         : 1;
5990 		u64 fec_req                          : 1;
5991 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
5992 	} s;
5993 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_adv_s cn; */
5994 };
5996 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
5997 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_ADV(u64 a)5998 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
5999 {
6000 	return 0x10198 + 0x40000 * a;
6001 }
6003 /**
6004  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_bp_status
6005  *
6006  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Backplane Ethernet & BASE-R Copper Status
6007  * Registers The contents of this register are updated during
6008  * autonegotiation and are valid when CGX()_SPU()_AN_STATUS[AN_COMPLETE]
6009  * is set. At that time, one of the port type bits will be set depending
6010  * on the AN priority resolution. The port types are listed in order of
6011  * decreasing priority. If a BASE-R type is negotiated then [FEC] or
6012  * [RS_FEC] will be set to indicate whether/which FEC operation has been
6013  * negotiated and will be clear otherwise.
6014  */
6015 union cgxx_spux_an_bp_status {
6016 	u64 u;
6017 	struct cgxx_spux_an_bp_status_s {
6018 		u64 bp_an_able                       : 1;
6019 		u64 n1g_kx                           : 1;
6020 		u64 n10g_kx4                         : 1;
6021 		u64 n10g_kr                          : 1;
6022 		u64 n25g_kr1                         : 1;
6023 		u64 n25g_cr1                         : 1;
6024 		u64 n25g_krs_crs                     : 1;
6025 		u64 n25g_kr_cr                       : 1;
6026 		u64 n40g_kr4                         : 1;
6027 		u64 n40g_cr4                         : 1;
6028 		u64 n50g_kr2                         : 1;
6029 		u64 n50g_cr2                         : 1;
6030 		u64 n100g_cr10                       : 1;
6031 		u64 n100g_kp4                        : 1;
6032 		u64 n100g_kr4                        : 1;
6033 		u64 n100g_cr4                        : 1;
6034 		u64 fec                              : 1;
6035 		u64 rs_fec                           : 1;
6036 		u64 reserved_18_63                   : 46;
6037 	} s;
6038 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_bp_status_s cn; */
6039 };
6041 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_BP_STATUS(u64 a)
6042 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_BP_STATUS(u64 a)6043 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_BP_STATUS(u64 a)
6044 {
6045 	return 0x101b8 + 0x40000 * a;
6046 }
6048 /**
6049  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_control
6050  *
6051  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Control Registers
6052  */
6053 union cgxx_spux_an_control {
6054 	u64 u;
6055 	struct cgxx_spux_an_control_s {
6056 		u64 reserved_0_8                     : 9;
6057 		u64 an_restart                       : 1;
6058 		u64 reserved_10_11                   : 2;
6059 		u64 an_en                            : 1;
6060 		u64 xnp_en                           : 1;
6061 		u64 reserved_14                      : 1;
6062 		u64 an_reset                         : 1;
6063 		u64 an_arb_link_chk_en               : 1;
6064 		u64 usx_an_arb_link_chk_en           : 1;
6065 		u64 reserved_18_63                   : 46;
6066 	} s;
6067 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_control_s cn; */
6068 };
6070 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)
6071 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)6072 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)
6073 {
6074 	return 0x10188 + 0x40000 * a;
6075 }
6077 /**
6078  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_lp_base
6079  *
6080  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Link-Partner Base-Page Ability Registers This
6081  * register captures the contents of the latest AN link code word base
6082  * page received from the link partner during autonegotiation. (See IEEE
6083  * 802.3 section 73.6 for details.) CGX()_SPU()_AN_STATUS[PAGE_RX] is set
6084  * when this register is updated by hardware.
6085  */
6086 union cgxx_spux_an_lp_base {
6087 	u64 u;
6088 	struct cgxx_spux_an_lp_base_s {
6089 		u64 s                                : 5;
6090 		u64 e                                : 5;
6091 		u64 pause                            : 1;
6092 		u64 asm_dir                          : 1;
6093 		u64 xnp_able                         : 1;
6094 		u64 rf                               : 1;
6095 		u64 ack                              : 1;
6096 		u64 np                               : 1;
6097 		u64 t                                : 5;
6098 		u64 a1g_kx                           : 1;
6099 		u64 a10g_kx4                         : 1;
6100 		u64 a10g_kr                          : 1;
6101 		u64 a40g_kr4                         : 1;
6102 		u64 a40g_cr4                         : 1;
6103 		u64 a100g_cr10                       : 1;
6104 		u64 a100g_kp4                        : 1;
6105 		u64 a100g_kr4                        : 1;
6106 		u64 a100g_cr4                        : 1;
6107 		u64 a25g_krs_crs                     : 1;
6108 		u64 a25g_kr_cr                       : 1;
6109 		u64 arsv                             : 12;
6110 		u64 a25g_rs_fec_req                  : 1;
6111 		u64 a25g_br_fec_req                  : 1;
6112 		u64 fec_able                         : 1;
6113 		u64 fec_req                          : 1;
6114 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
6115 	} s;
6116 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_lp_base_s cn; */
6117 };
6119 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_BASE(u64 a)
6120 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_BASE(u64 a)6121 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_BASE(u64 a)
6122 {
6123 	return 0x101a0 + 0x40000 * a;
6124 }
6126 /**
6127  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_lp_xnp
6128  *
6129  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Link Partner Extended Next Page Ability
6130  * Registers This register captures the contents of the latest next page
6131  * code word received from the link partner during autonegotiation, if
6132  * any. See IEEE 802.3 section 73.7.7 for details.
6133  */
6134 union cgxx_spux_an_lp_xnp {
6135 	u64 u;
6136 	struct cgxx_spux_an_lp_xnp_s {
6137 		u64 m_u                              : 11;
6138 		u64 toggle                           : 1;
6139 		u64 ack2                             : 1;
6140 		u64 mp                               : 1;
6141 		u64 ack                              : 1;
6142 		u64 np                               : 1;
6143 		u64 u                                : 32;
6144 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
6145 	} s;
6146 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_lp_xnp_s cn; */
6147 };
6149 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_XNP(u64 a)
6150 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_XNP(u64 a)6151 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_LP_XNP(u64 a)
6152 {
6153 	return 0x101b0 + 0x40000 * a;
6154 }
6156 /**
6157  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_status
6158  *
6159  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Status Registers
6160  */
6161 union cgxx_spux_an_status {
6162 	u64 u;
6163 	struct cgxx_spux_an_status_s {
6164 		u64 lp_an_able                       : 1;
6165 		u64 reserved_1                       : 1;
6166 		u64 link_status                      : 1;
6167 		u64 an_able                          : 1;
6168 		u64 rmt_flt                          : 1;
6169 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
6170 		u64 page_rx                          : 1;
6171 		u64 xnp_stat                         : 1;
6172 		u64 reserved_8                       : 1;
6173 		u64 prl_flt                          : 1;
6174 		u64 reserved_10_63                   : 54;
6175 	} s;
6176 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_status_s cn; */
6177 };
6179 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)
6180 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)6181 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)
6182 {
6183 	return 0x10190 + 0x40000 * a;
6184 }
6186 /**
6187  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_an_xnp_tx
6188  *
6189  * CGX SPU Autonegotiation Extended Next Page Transmit Registers Software
6190  * programs this register with the contents of the AN message next page
6191  * or unformatted next page link code word to be transmitted during
6192  * autonegotiation. Next page exchange occurs after the base link code
6193  * words have been exchanged if either end of the link segment sets the
6194  * NP bit to 1, indicating that it has at least one next page to send.
6195  * Once initiated, next page exchange continues until both ends of the
6196  * link segment set their NP bits to 0. See IEEE 802.3 section 73.7.7 for
6197  * details.
6198  */
6199 union cgxx_spux_an_xnp_tx {
6200 	u64 u;
6201 	struct cgxx_spux_an_xnp_tx_s {
6202 		u64 m_u                              : 11;
6203 		u64 toggle                           : 1;
6204 		u64 ack2                             : 1;
6205 		u64 mp                               : 1;
6206 		u64 ack                              : 1;
6207 		u64 np                               : 1;
6208 		u64 u                                : 32;
6209 		u64 reserved_48_63                   : 16;
6210 	} s;
6211 	/* struct cgxx_spux_an_xnp_tx_s cn; */
6212 };
6214 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_XNP_TX(u64 a)
6215 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_AN_XNP_TX(u64 a)6216 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_AN_XNP_TX(u64 a)
6217 {
6218 	return 0x101a8 + 0x40000 * a;
6219 }
6221 /**
6222  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_algn_status
6223  *
6224  * CGX SPU Multilane BASE-R PCS Alignment-Status Registers This register
6225  * implements the IEEE 802.3 multilane BASE-R PCS alignment status 1-4
6226  * registers (3.50-3.53). It is valid only when the LPCS type is
6228  * CGX_LMAC_TYPES_E::FORTYG_R,FIFTYG_R,HUNDREDG_R), and always returns
6229  * 0x0 for all other LPCS types. Service interfaces (lanes) 19-0 (100G)
6230  * and 3-0 (all others) are mapped to PCS lanes 19-0 or 3-0 via
6231  * CGX()_SPU()_BR_LANE_MAP()[LN_MAPPING]. For 100G, logical lane 0 fans
6232  * out to service interfaces 0-4, logical lane 1 fans out to service
6233  * interfaces 5-9, ... etc. For all other modes, logical lanes and
6234  * service interfaces are identical. Logical interfaces (lanes) map to
6235  * SerDes lanes via CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LANE_TO_SDS] (programmable).
6236  */
6237 union cgxx_spux_br_algn_status {
6238 	u64 u;
6239 	struct cgxx_spux_br_algn_status_s {
6240 		u64 block_lock                       : 20;
6241 		u64 reserved_20_29                   : 10;
6242 		u64 alignd                           : 1;
6243 		u64 reserved_31_40                   : 10;
6244 		u64 marker_lock                      : 20;
6245 		u64 reserved_61_63                   : 3;
6246 	} s;
6247 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_algn_status_s cn; */
6248 };
6250 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_ALGN_STATUS(u64 a)
6251 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_ALGN_STATUS(u64 a)6252 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_ALGN_STATUS(u64 a)
6253 {
6254 	return 0x10050 + 0x40000 * a;
6255 }
6257 /**
6258  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_lane_map#
6259  *
6260  * CGX SPU 40,50,100GBASE-R Lane-Mapping Registers This register
6261  * implements the IEEE 802.3 lane 0-19 mapping registers (3.400-3.403).
6262  * It is valid only when the LPCS type is 40GBASE-R, 50GBASE-R,
6263  * 100GBASE-R, USXGMII (CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LMAC_TYPE]), and always
6264  * returns 0x0 for all other LPCS types. The LNx_MAPPING field for each
6265  * programmed PCS lane (called service interface in 802.3) is valid when
6266  * that lane has achieved alignment marker lock on the receive side (i.e.
6267  * the associated CGX()_SPU()_BR_ALGN_STATUS[MARKER_LOCK] = 1), and is
6268  * invalid otherwise. When valid, it returns the actual detected receive
6269  * PCS lane number based on the received alignment marker contents
6270  * received on that service interface.  In RS-FEC mode the LNx_MAPPING
6271  * field is valid when that lane has achieved alignment marker lock on
6272  * the receive side (i.e. the associated
6273  * CGX()_SPU()_RSFEC_STATUS[AMPS_LOCK] = 1), and is invalid otherwise.
6274  * When valid, it returns the actual detected receive FEC lane number
6275  * based on the received alignment marker contents received on that
6276  * logical lane therefore expect for RS-FEC that LNx_MAPPING = x.  The
6277  * mapping is flexible because IEEE 802.3 allows multilane BASE-R receive
6278  * lanes to be re-ordered. Note that for the transmit side, each logical
6279  * lane is mapped to a physical SerDes lane based on the programming of
6280  * CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LANE_TO_SDS]. For the receive side,
6281  * CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LANE_TO_SDS] specifies the logical lane to physical
6282  * SerDes lane mapping, and this register specifies the service interface
6283  * (or lane) to PCS lane mapping.
6284  */
6285 union cgxx_spux_br_lane_mapx {
6286 	u64 u;
6287 	struct cgxx_spux_br_lane_mapx_s {
6288 		u64 ln_mapping                       : 6;
6289 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
6290 	} s;
6291 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_lane_mapx_s cn; */
6292 };
6294 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_LANE_MAPX(u64 a, u64 b)
6295 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_LANE_MAPX(u64 a,u64 b)6296 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_LANE_MAPX(u64 a, u64 b)
6297 {
6298 	return 0x10600 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
6299 }
6301 /**
6302  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_control
6303  *
6304  * CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Control Registers
6305  */
6306 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_control {
6307 	u64 u;
6308 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_control_s {
6309 		u64 train_restart                    : 1;
6310 		u64 train_en                         : 1;
6311 		u64 use_lane_poly                    : 1;
6312 		u64 max_wait_disable                 : 1;
6313 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
6314 	} s;
6315 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_control_cn96xx {
6316 		u64 train_restart                    : 1;
6317 		u64 train_en                         : 1;
6318 		u64 use_lane_poly                    : 1;
6319 		u64 reserved_3_63                    : 61;
6320 	} cn96xx;
6321 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_control_s cnf95xxp1; */
6322 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_control_cn96xx cnf95xxp2; */
6323 };
6325 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_CONTROL(u64 a)
6326 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_CONTROL(u64 a)6327 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_CONTROL(u64 a)
6328 {
6329 	return 0x100a8 + 0x40000 * a;
6330 }
6332 /**
6333  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_ld_cup
6334  *
6335  * INTERNAL:CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Local Device Coefficient Update Registers
6336  * This register implements MDIO register 1.154 of 802.3-2012 Section 5
6337  * CL45 for 10GBASE-R and and of 802.3by-2016 CL45 for 25GBASE-R. Note
6338  * that for 10G, 25G LN0_ only is used.  It implements  MDIO registers
6339  * 1.1300-1.1303 for all other BASE-R modes (40G, 50G, 100G) per
6340  * 802.3bj-2014 CL45. Note that for 50G LN0_ and LN1_ only are used.  The
6341  * fields in this register are read/write even though they are specified
6342  * as read-only in 802.3.  The register is automatically cleared at the
6343  * start of training. When link training is in progress, each field
6344  * reflects the contents of the coefficient update field in the
6345  * associated lane's outgoing training frame.  If
6346  * CGX()_SPU_DBG_CONTROL[BR_PMD_TRAIN_SOFT_EN] is set, then this register
6347  * must be updated by software during link training and hardware updates
6348  * are disabled. If CGX()_SPU_DBG_CONTROL[BR_PMD_TRAIN_SOFT_EN] is clear,
6349  * this register is automatically updated by hardware, and it should not
6350  * be written by software. The lane fields in this register are indexed
6351  * by logical PCS lane ID.
6352  */
6353 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_cup {
6354 	u64 u;
6355 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_cup_s {
6356 		u64 ln0_cup                          : 16;
6357 		u64 ln1_cup                          : 16;
6358 		u64 ln2_cup                          : 16;
6359 		u64 ln3_cup                          : 16;
6360 	} s;
6361 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_cup_s cn; */
6362 };
6364 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_CUP(u64 a)
6365 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_CUP(u64 a)6366 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_CUP(u64 a)
6367 {
6368 	return 0x100c8 + 0x40000 * a;
6369 }
6371 /**
6372  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_ld_rep
6373  *
6374  * INTERNAL:CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Local Device Status Report Registers  This
6375  * register implements MDIO register 1.155 of 802.3-2012 Section 5 CL45
6376  * for 10GBASE-R and and of 802.3by-2016 CL45 for 25GBASE-R. Note that
6377  * for 10G, 25G LN0_ only is used.  It implements  MDIO registers
6378  * 1.1400-1.1403 for all other BASE-R modes (40G, 50G, 100G) per
6379  * 802.3bj-2014 CL45. Note that for 50G LN0_ and LN1_ only are used.  The
6380  * fields in this register are read/write even though they are specified
6381  * as read-only in 802.3.  The register is automatically cleared at the
6382  * start of training. Each field reflects the contents of the status
6383  * report field in the associated lane's outgoing training frame.  If
6384  * CGX()_SPU_DBG_CONTROL[BR_PMD_TRAIN_SOFT_EN] is set, then this register
6385  * must be updated by software during link training and hardware updates
6386  * are disabled. If CGX()_SPU_DBG_CONTROL[BR_PMD_TRAIN_SOFT_EN] is clear,
6387  * this register is automatically updated by hardware, and it should not
6388  * be written by software. The lane fields in this register are indexed
6389  * by logical PCS lane ID.
6390  */
6391 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_rep {
6392 	u64 u;
6393 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_rep_s {
6394 		u64 ln0_rep                          : 16;
6395 		u64 ln1_rep                          : 16;
6396 		u64 ln2_rep                          : 16;
6397 		u64 ln3_rep                          : 16;
6398 	} s;
6399 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_ld_rep_s cn; */
6400 };
6402 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_REP(u64 a)
6403 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_REP(u64 a)6404 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LD_REP(u64 a)
6405 {
6406 	return 0x100d0 + 0x40000 * a;
6407 }
6409 /**
6410  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_lp_cup
6411  *
6412  * INTERNAL:CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Link Partner Coefficient Update Registers
6413  * This register implements MDIO register 1.152 of 802.3-2012 Section 5
6414  * CL45 for 10GBASE-R and and of 802.3by-2016 CL45 for 25GBASE-R. Note
6415  * that for 10G, 25G LN0_ only is used.  It implements  MDIO registers
6416  * 1.1100-1.1103 for all other BASE-R modes (40G, 50G, 100G) per
6417  * 802.3bj-2014 CL45. Note that for 50G LN0_ and LN1_ only are used.  The
6418  * register is automatically cleared at the start of training. Each field
6419  * reflects the contents of the coefficient update field in the lane's
6420  * most recently received training frame. This register should not be
6421  * written when link training is enabled, i.e. when
6422  * CGX()_SPU()_BR_PMD_CONTROL[TRAIN_EN] is set. The lane fields in this
6423  * register are indexed by logical PCS lane ID.
6424  */
6425 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_cup {
6426 	u64 u;
6427 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_cup_s {
6428 		u64 ln0_cup                          : 16;
6429 		u64 ln1_cup                          : 16;
6430 		u64 ln2_cup                          : 16;
6431 		u64 ln3_cup                          : 16;
6432 	} s;
6433 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_cup_s cn; */
6434 };
6436 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_CUP(u64 a)
6437 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_CUP(u64 a)6438 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_CUP(u64 a)
6439 {
6440 	return 0x100b8 + 0x40000 * a;
6441 }
6443 /**
6444  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_lp_rep
6445  *
6446  * INTERNAL:CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Link Partner Status Report Registers  This
6447  * register implements MDIO register 1.153 of 802.3-2012 Section 5 CL45
6448  * for 10GBASE-R and and of 802.3by-2016 CL45 for 25GBASE-R. Note that
6449  * for 10G, 25G LN0_ only is used.  It implements  MDIO registers
6450  * 1.1200-1.1203 for all other BASE-R modes (40G, 50G, 100G) per
6451  * 802.3bj-2014 CL45. Note that for 50G LN0_ and LN1_ only are used.  The
6452  * register is automatically cleared at the start of training. Each field
6453  * reflects the contents of the coefficient update field in the lane's
6454  * most recently received training frame. This register should not be
6455  * written when link training is enabled, i.e. when
6456  * CGX()_SPU()_BR_PMD_CONTROL[TRAIN_EN] is set. The lane fields in this
6457  * register are indexed by logical PCS lane ID.
6458  */
6459 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_rep {
6460 	u64 u;
6461 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_rep_s {
6462 		u64 ln0_rep                          : 16;
6463 		u64 ln1_rep                          : 16;
6464 		u64 ln2_rep                          : 16;
6465 		u64 ln3_rep                          : 16;
6466 	} s;
6467 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_lp_rep_s cn; */
6468 };
6470 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_REP(u64 a)
6471 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_REP(u64 a)6472 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_LP_REP(u64 a)
6473 {
6474 	return 0x100c0 + 0x40000 * a;
6475 }
6477 /**
6478  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_pmd_status
6479  *
6480  * INTERNAL:CGX SPU BASE-R PMD Status Registers  The lane fields in this
6481  * register are indexed by logical PCS lane ID. The lane 0 field (LN0_*)
6482  * is valid for 10GBASE-R, 25GBASE-R, 40GBASE-R, 50GBASE-R and
6483  * 100GBASE-R. The lane 1 field (LN1_*) is valid for 40GBASE-R, 50GBASE-R
6484  * and 100GBASE-R. The remaining fields (LN2_*, LN3_*) are only valid for
6485  * 40GBASE-R and 100GBASE-R.
6486  */
6487 union cgxx_spux_br_pmd_status {
6488 	u64 u;
6489 	struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_status_s {
6490 		u64 ln0_train_status                 : 4;
6491 		u64 ln1_train_status                 : 4;
6492 		u64 ln2_train_status                 : 4;
6493 		u64 ln3_train_status                 : 4;
6494 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
6495 	} s;
6496 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_pmd_status_s cn; */
6497 };
6499 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_STATUS(u64 a)
6500 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_STATUS(u64 a)6501 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_PMD_STATUS(u64 a)
6502 {
6503 	return 0x100b0 + 0x40000 * a;
6504 }
6506 /**
6507  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_status1
6508  *
6509  * CGX SPU BASE-R Status 1 Registers
6510  */
6511 union cgxx_spux_br_status1 {
6512 	u64 u;
6513 	struct cgxx_spux_br_status1_s {
6514 		u64 blk_lock                         : 1;
6515 		u64 hi_ber                           : 1;
6516 		u64 prbs31                           : 1;
6517 		u64 prbs9                            : 1;
6518 		u64 reserved_4_11                    : 8;
6519 		u64 rcv_lnk                          : 1;
6520 		u64 reserved_13_63                   : 51;
6521 	} s;
6522 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_status1_s cn; */
6523 };
6525 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS1(u64 a)
6526 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS1(u64 a)6527 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS1(u64 a)
6528 {
6529 	return 0x10030 + 0x40000 * a;
6530 }
6532 /**
6533  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_status2
6534  *
6535  * CGX SPU BASE-R Status 2 Registers This register implements a
6536  * combination of the following IEEE 802.3 registers: * BASE-R PCS status
6537  * 2 (MDIO address 3.33). * BASE-R BER high-order counter (MDIO address
6538  * 3.44). * Errored-blocks high-order counter (MDIO address 3.45).  Note
6539  * that the relative locations of some fields have been moved from IEEE
6540  * 802.3 in order to make the register layout more software friendly: the
6541  * BER counter high-order and low-order bits from sections 3.44 and 3.33
6542  * have been combined into the contiguous, 22-bit [BER_CNT] field;
6543  * likewise, the errored-blocks counter high-order and low-order bits
6544  * from section 3.45 have been combined into the contiguous, 22-bit
6545  * [ERR_BLKS] field.
6546  */
6547 union cgxx_spux_br_status2 {
6548 	u64 u;
6549 	struct cgxx_spux_br_status2_s {
6550 		u64 reserved_0_13                    : 14;
6551 		u64 latched_ber                      : 1;
6552 		u64 latched_lock                     : 1;
6553 		u64 ber_cnt                          : 22;
6554 		u64 reserved_38_39                   : 2;
6555 		u64 err_blks                         : 22;
6556 		u64 reserved_62_63                   : 2;
6557 	} s;
6558 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_status2_s cn; */
6559 };
6561 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS2(u64 a)
6562 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS2(u64 a)6563 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_STATUS2(u64 a)
6564 {
6565 	return 0x10038 + 0x40000 * a;
6566 }
6568 /**
6569  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_tp_control
6570  *
6571  * CGX SPU BASE-R Test-Pattern Control Registers Refer to the test
6572  * pattern methodology described in 802.3 sections 49.2.8 and 82.2.10.
6573  */
6574 union cgxx_spux_br_tp_control {
6575 	u64 u;
6576 	struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_control_s {
6577 		u64 dp_sel                           : 1;
6578 		u64 tp_sel                           : 1;
6579 		u64 rx_tp_en                         : 1;
6580 		u64 tx_tp_en                         : 1;
6581 		u64 prbs31_tx                        : 1;
6582 		u64 prbs31_rx                        : 1;
6583 		u64 prbs9_tx                         : 1;
6584 		u64 scramble_tp                      : 2;
6585 		u64 pr_tp_data_type                  : 1;
6586 		u64 reserved_10_63                   : 54;
6587 	} s;
6588 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_control_s cn; */
6589 };
6591 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_CONTROL(u64 a)
6592 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_CONTROL(u64 a)6593 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_CONTROL(u64 a)
6594 {
6595 	return 0x10040 + 0x40000 * a;
6596 }
6598 /**
6599  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_tp_err_cnt
6600  *
6601  * CGX SPU BASE-R Test-Pattern Error-Count Registers This register
6602  * provides the BASE-R PCS test-pattern error counter.
6603  */
6604 union cgxx_spux_br_tp_err_cnt {
6605 	u64 u;
6606 	struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_err_cnt_s {
6607 		u64 err_cnt                          : 16;
6608 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
6609 	} s;
6610 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_err_cnt_s cn; */
6611 };
6613 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_ERR_CNT(u64 a)
6614 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_ERR_CNT(u64 a)6615 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_ERR_CNT(u64 a)
6616 {
6617 	return 0x10048 + 0x40000 * a;
6618 }
6620 /**
6621  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_tp_seed_a
6622  *
6623  * CGX SPU BASE-R Test-Pattern Seed A Registers Refer to the test pattern
6624  * methodology described in 802.3 sections 49.2.8 and 82.2.10.
6625  */
6626 union cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_a {
6627 	u64 u;
6628 	struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_a_s {
6629 		u64 tp_seed_a                        : 58;
6630 		u64 reserved_58_63                   : 6;
6631 	} s;
6632 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_a_s cn; */
6633 };
6635 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_A(u64 a)
6636 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_A(u64 a)6637 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_A(u64 a)
6638 {
6639 	return 0x10060 + 0x40000 * a;
6640 }
6642 /**
6643  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_br_tp_seed_b
6644  *
6645  * CGX SPU BASE-R Test-Pattern Seed B Registers Refer to the test pattern
6646  * methodology described in 802.3 sections 49.2.8 and 82.2.10.
6647  */
6648 union cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_b {
6649 	u64 u;
6650 	struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_b_s {
6651 		u64 tp_seed_b                        : 58;
6652 		u64 reserved_58_63                   : 6;
6653 	} s;
6654 	/* struct cgxx_spux_br_tp_seed_b_s cn; */
6655 };
6657 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_B(u64 a)
6658 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_B(u64 a)6659 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BR_TP_SEED_B(u64 a)
6660 {
6661 	return 0x10068 + 0x40000 * a;
6662 }
6664 /**
6665  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_bx_status
6666  *
6667  * CGX SPU BASE-X Status Registers
6668  */
6669 union cgxx_spux_bx_status {
6670 	u64 u;
6671 	struct cgxx_spux_bx_status_s {
6672 		u64 lsync                            : 4;
6673 		u64 reserved_4_10                    : 7;
6674 		u64 pattst                           : 1;
6675 		u64 alignd                           : 1;
6676 		u64 reserved_13_63                   : 51;
6677 	} s;
6678 	/* struct cgxx_spux_bx_status_s cn; */
6679 };
6681 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BX_STATUS(u64 a)
6682 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_BX_STATUS(u64 a)6683 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_BX_STATUS(u64 a)
6684 {
6685 	return 0x10028 + 0x40000 * a;
6686 }
6688 /**
6689  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_control1
6690  *
6691  * CGX SPU Control 1 Registers
6692  */
6693 union cgxx_spux_control1 {
6694 	u64 u;
6695 	struct cgxx_spux_control1_s {
6696 		u64 reserved_0_1                     : 2;
6697 		u64 spd                              : 4;
6698 		u64 spdsel0                          : 1;
6699 		u64 reserved_7_10                    : 4;
6700 		u64 lo_pwr                           : 1;
6701 		u64 reserved_12                      : 1;
6702 		u64 spdsel1                          : 1;
6703 		u64 loopbck                          : 1;
6704 		u64 reset                            : 1;
6705 		u64 usxgmii_type                     : 3;
6706 		u64 usxgmii_rate                     : 3;
6707 		u64 disable_am                       : 1;
6708 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
6709 	} s;
6710 	struct cgxx_spux_control1_cn96xxp1 {
6711 		u64 reserved_0_1                     : 2;
6712 		u64 spd                              : 4;
6713 		u64 spdsel0                          : 1;
6714 		u64 reserved_7_10                    : 4;
6715 		u64 lo_pwr                           : 1;
6716 		u64 reserved_12                      : 1;
6717 		u64 spdsel1                          : 1;
6718 		u64 loopbck                          : 1;
6719 		u64 reset                            : 1;
6720 		u64 usxgmii_type                     : 3;
6721 		u64 usxgmii_rate                     : 3;
6722 		u64 reserved_22_63                   : 42;
6723 	} cn96xxp1;
6724 	/* struct cgxx_spux_control1_s cn96xxp3; */
6725 	/* struct cgxx_spux_control1_cn96xxp1 cnf95xxp1; */
6726 	struct cgxx_spux_control1_cnf95xxp2 {
6727 		u64 reserved_0_1                     : 2;
6728 		u64 spd                              : 4;
6729 		u64 spdsel0                          : 1;
6730 		u64 reserved_7_10                    : 4;
6731 		u64 lo_pwr                           : 1;
6732 		u64 reserved_12                      : 1;
6733 		u64 spdsel1                          : 1;
6734 		u64 loopbck                          : 1;
6735 		u64 reset                            : 1;
6736 		u64 usxgmii_type                     : 3;
6737 		u64 usxgmii_rate                     : 3;
6738 		u64 reserved_22                      : 1;
6739 		u64 reserved_23_63                   : 41;
6740 	} cnf95xxp2;
6741 };
6743 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL1(u64 a)
6744 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL1(u64 a)6745 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL1(u64 a)
6746 {
6747 	return 0x10000 + 0x40000 * a;
6748 }
6750 /**
6751  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_control2
6752  *
6753  * CGX SPU Control 2 Registers
6754  */
6755 union cgxx_spux_control2 {
6756 	u64 u;
6757 	struct cgxx_spux_control2_s {
6758 		u64 pcs_type                         : 4;
6759 		u64 reserved_4_63                    : 60;
6760 	} s;
6761 	/* struct cgxx_spux_control2_s cn; */
6762 };
6764 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL2(u64 a)
6765 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL2(u64 a)6766 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_CONTROL2(u64 a)
6767 {
6768 	return 0x10018 + 0x40000 * a;
6769 }
6771 /**
6772  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_fec_abil
6773  *
6774  * CGX SPU Forward Error Correction Ability Registers
6775  */
6776 union cgxx_spux_fec_abil {
6777 	u64 u;
6778 	struct cgxx_spux_fec_abil_s {
6779 		u64 fec_abil                         : 1;
6780 		u64 err_abil                         : 1;
6781 		u64 reserved_2_63                    : 62;
6782 	} s;
6783 	/* struct cgxx_spux_fec_abil_s cn; */
6784 };
6786 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_ABIL(u64 a)
6787 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_FEC_ABIL(u64 a)6788 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_ABIL(u64 a)
6789 {
6790 	return 0x100d8 + 0x40000 * a;
6791 }
6793 /**
6794  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_fec_control
6795  *
6796  * CGX SPU Forward Error Correction Control Registers
6797  */
6798 union cgxx_spux_fec_control {
6799 	u64 u;
6800 	struct cgxx_spux_fec_control_s {
6801 		u64 fec_en                           : 2;
6802 		u64 err_en                           : 1;
6803 		u64 fec_byp_ind_en                   : 1;
6804 		u64 fec_byp_cor_en                   : 1;
6805 		u64 reserved_5_63                    : 59;
6806 	} s;
6807 	/* struct cgxx_spux_fec_control_s cn; */
6808 };
6810 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_CONTROL(u64 a)
6811 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_FEC_CONTROL(u64 a)6812 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_CONTROL(u64 a)
6813 {
6814 	return 0x100e0 + 0x40000 * a;
6815 }
6817 /**
6818  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_fec_ln#_rsfec_err
6819  *
6820  * CGX SPU Reed-Solomon FEC Symbol Error Counter for FEC Lanes 0-3
6821  * Registers This register is valid only when Reed-Solomon FEC is
6822  * enabled. The symbol error counters are defined in 802.3 section
6823  * 91.6.11 (for 100G and extended to 50G) and 802.3by-2016 section
6824  * 108.6.9 (for 25G and extended to USXGMII). The counter is reset to all
6825  * zeros when the register is read, and held at all ones in case of
6826  * overflow.  The reset operation takes precedence over the increment
6827  * operation; if the register is read on the same clock cycle as an
6828  * increment operation, the counter is reset to all zeros and the
6829  * increment operation is lost. The counters are writable for test
6830  * purposes, rather than read-only as specified in IEEE 802.3.
6831  */
6832 union cgxx_spux_fec_lnx_rsfec_err {
6833 	u64 u;
6834 	struct cgxx_spux_fec_lnx_rsfec_err_s {
6835 		u64 symb_err_cnt                     : 32;
6836 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
6837 	} s;
6838 	/* struct cgxx_spux_fec_lnx_rsfec_err_s cn; */
6839 };
6841 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_LNX_RSFEC_ERR(u64 a, u64 b)
6842 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_FEC_LNX_RSFEC_ERR(u64 a,u64 b)6843 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_FEC_LNX_RSFEC_ERR(u64 a, u64 b)
6844 {
6845 	return 0x10900 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
6846 }
6848 /**
6849  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_int
6850  *
6851  * CGX SPU Interrupt Registers
6852  */
6853 union cgxx_spux_int {
6854 	u64 u;
6855 	struct cgxx_spux_int_s {
6856 		u64 rx_link_up                       : 1;
6857 		u64 rx_link_down                     : 1;
6858 		u64 err_blk                          : 1;
6859 		u64 bitlckls                         : 1;
6860 		u64 synlos                           : 1;
6861 		u64 algnlos                          : 1;
6862 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
6863 		u64 bip_err                          : 1;
6864 		u64 fec_corr                         : 1;
6865 		u64 fec_uncorr                       : 1;
6866 		u64 an_page_rx                       : 1;
6867 		u64 an_link_good                     : 1;
6868 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
6869 		u64 training_done                    : 1;
6870 		u64 training_failure                 : 1;
6871 		u64 fec_align_status                 : 1;
6872 		u64 rsfec_corr                       : 1;
6873 		u64 rsfec_uncorr                     : 1;
6874 		u64 hi_ser                           : 1;
6875 		u64 usx_an_lnk_st                    : 1;
6876 		u64 usx_an_cpt                       : 1;
6877 		u64 reserved_21_63                   : 43;
6878 	} s;
6879 	/* struct cgxx_spux_int_s cn; */
6880 };
6882 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT(u64 a)
6883 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_INT(u64 a)6884 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT(u64 a)
6885 {
6886 	return 0x10220 + 0x40000 * a;
6887 }
6889 /**
6890  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_int_ena_w1c
6891  *
6892  * CGX SPU Interrupt Enable Clear Registers This register clears
6893  * interrupt enable bits.
6894  */
6895 union cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1c {
6896 	u64 u;
6897 	struct cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1c_s {
6898 		u64 rx_link_up                       : 1;
6899 		u64 rx_link_down                     : 1;
6900 		u64 err_blk                          : 1;
6901 		u64 bitlckls                         : 1;
6902 		u64 synlos                           : 1;
6903 		u64 algnlos                          : 1;
6904 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
6905 		u64 bip_err                          : 1;
6906 		u64 fec_corr                         : 1;
6907 		u64 fec_uncorr                       : 1;
6908 		u64 an_page_rx                       : 1;
6909 		u64 an_link_good                     : 1;
6910 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
6911 		u64 training_done                    : 1;
6912 		u64 training_failure                 : 1;
6913 		u64 fec_align_status                 : 1;
6914 		u64 rsfec_corr                       : 1;
6915 		u64 rsfec_uncorr                     : 1;
6916 		u64 hi_ser                           : 1;
6917 		u64 usx_an_lnk_st                    : 1;
6918 		u64 usx_an_cpt                       : 1;
6919 		u64 reserved_21_63                   : 43;
6920 	} s;
6921 	/* struct cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1c_s cn; */
6922 };
6924 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
6925 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)6926 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1C(u64 a)
6927 {
6928 	return 0x10230 + 0x40000 * a;
6929 }
6931 /**
6932  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_int_ena_w1s
6933  *
6934  * CGX SPU Interrupt Enable Set Registers This register sets interrupt
6935  * enable bits.
6936  */
6937 union cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1s {
6938 	u64 u;
6939 	struct cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1s_s {
6940 		u64 rx_link_up                       : 1;
6941 		u64 rx_link_down                     : 1;
6942 		u64 err_blk                          : 1;
6943 		u64 bitlckls                         : 1;
6944 		u64 synlos                           : 1;
6945 		u64 algnlos                          : 1;
6946 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
6947 		u64 bip_err                          : 1;
6948 		u64 fec_corr                         : 1;
6949 		u64 fec_uncorr                       : 1;
6950 		u64 an_page_rx                       : 1;
6951 		u64 an_link_good                     : 1;
6952 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
6953 		u64 training_done                    : 1;
6954 		u64 training_failure                 : 1;
6955 		u64 fec_align_status                 : 1;
6956 		u64 rsfec_corr                       : 1;
6957 		u64 rsfec_uncorr                     : 1;
6958 		u64 hi_ser                           : 1;
6959 		u64 usx_an_lnk_st                    : 1;
6960 		u64 usx_an_cpt                       : 1;
6961 		u64 reserved_21_63                   : 43;
6962 	} s;
6963 	/* struct cgxx_spux_int_ena_w1s_s cn; */
6964 };
6966 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
6967 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)6968 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_ENA_W1S(u64 a)
6969 {
6970 	return 0x10238 + 0x40000 * a;
6971 }
6973 /**
6974  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_int_w1s
6975  *
6976  * CGX SPU Interrupt Set Registers This register sets interrupt bits.
6977  */
6978 union cgxx_spux_int_w1s {
6979 	u64 u;
6980 	struct cgxx_spux_int_w1s_s {
6981 		u64 rx_link_up                       : 1;
6982 		u64 rx_link_down                     : 1;
6983 		u64 err_blk                          : 1;
6984 		u64 bitlckls                         : 1;
6985 		u64 synlos                           : 1;
6986 		u64 algnlos                          : 1;
6987 		u64 dbg_sync                         : 1;
6988 		u64 bip_err                          : 1;
6989 		u64 fec_corr                         : 1;
6990 		u64 fec_uncorr                       : 1;
6991 		u64 an_page_rx                       : 1;
6992 		u64 an_link_good                     : 1;
6993 		u64 an_complete                      : 1;
6994 		u64 training_done                    : 1;
6995 		u64 training_failure                 : 1;
6996 		u64 fec_align_status                 : 1;
6997 		u64 rsfec_corr                       : 1;
6998 		u64 rsfec_uncorr                     : 1;
6999 		u64 hi_ser                           : 1;
7000 		u64 usx_an_lnk_st                    : 1;
7001 		u64 usx_an_cpt                       : 1;
7002 		u64 reserved_21_63                   : 43;
7003 	} s;
7004 	/* struct cgxx_spux_int_w1s_s cn; */
7005 };
7007 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
7008 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_INT_W1S(u64 a)7009 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_INT_W1S(u64 a)
7010 {
7011 	return 0x10228 + 0x40000 * a;
7012 }
7014 /**
7015  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_ln#_br_bip_err_cnt
7016  *
7017  * CGX SPU 40,50,100GBASE-R BIP Error-Counter Registers This register
7018  * implements the IEEE 802.3 BIP error-counter registers for PCS lanes
7019  * 0-19 (3.200-3.203). It is valid only when the LPCS type is 40GBASE-R,
7020  * 50GBASE-R, 100GBASE-R, (CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LMAC_TYPE]), and always
7021  * returns 0x0 for all other LPCS types. The counters are indexed by the
7022  * RX PCS lane number based on the alignment marker detected on each lane
7023  * and captured in CGX()_SPU()_BR_LANE_MAP(). Each counter counts the BIP
7024  * errors for its PCS lane, and is held at all ones in case of overflow.
7025  * The counters are reset to all zeros when this register is read by
7026  * software.  The reset operation takes precedence over the increment
7027  * operation; if the register is read on the same clock cycle as an
7028  * increment operation, the counter is reset to all zeros and the
7029  * increment operation is lost. The counters are writable for test
7030  * purposes, rather than read-only as specified in IEEE 802.3.
7031  */
7032 union cgxx_spux_lnx_br_bip_err_cnt {
7033 	u64 u;
7034 	struct cgxx_spux_lnx_br_bip_err_cnt_s {
7035 		u64 bip_err_cnt                      : 16;
7036 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7037 	} s;
7038 	/* struct cgxx_spux_lnx_br_bip_err_cnt_s cn; */
7039 };
7041 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_BR_BIP_ERR_CNT(u64 a, u64 b)
7042 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_LNX_BR_BIP_ERR_CNT(u64 a,u64 b)7043 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_BR_BIP_ERR_CNT(u64 a, u64 b)
7044 {
7045 	return 0x10500 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
7046 }
7048 /**
7049  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_ln#_fec_corr_blks
7050  *
7051  * CGX SPU FEC Corrected-Blocks Counters 0-19 Registers This register is
7052  * valid only when the LPCS type is BASE-R
7053  * (CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LMAC_TYPE]) and applies to BASE-R FEC and Reed-
7054  * Solomon FEC (RS-FEC). When BASE-R FEC is enabled, the FEC corrected-
7055  * block counters are defined in IEEE 802.3 section Each
7056  * corrected-blocks counter increments by one for a corrected FEC block,
7057  * i.e. an FEC block that has been received with invalid parity on the
7058  * associated PCS lane and has been corrected by the FEC decoder. The
7059  * counter is reset to all zeros when the register is read, and held at
7060  * all ones in case of overflow.  The reset operation takes precedence
7061  * over the increment operation; if the register is read on the same
7062  * clock cycle as an increment operation, the counter is reset to all
7063  * zeros and the increment operation is lost. The counters are writable
7064  * for test purposes, rather than read-only as specified in IEEE 802.3.
7065  */
7066 union cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_corr_blks {
7067 	u64 u;
7068 	struct cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_corr_blks_s {
7069 		u64 ln_corr_blks                     : 32;
7070 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
7071 	} s;
7072 	/* struct cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_corr_blks_s cn; */
7073 };
7075 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_CORR_BLKS(u64 a, u64 b)
7076 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_CORR_BLKS(u64 a,u64 b)7077 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_CORR_BLKS(u64 a, u64 b)
7078 {
7079 	return 0x10700 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
7080 }
7082 /**
7083  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_ln#_fec_uncorr_blks
7084  *
7085  * CGX SPU FEC Uncorrected-Blocks Counters 0-19 Registers This register
7086  * is valid only when the LPCS type is BASE-R
7087  * (CGX()_CMR()_CONFIG[LMAC_TYPE]) and applies to BASE-R FEC and Reed-
7088  * Solomon FEC (RS-FEC). When BASE-R FEC is enabled, the FEC corrected-
7089  * block counters are defined in IEEE 802.3 section Each
7090  * uncorrected-blocks counter increments by one for an uncorrected FEC
7091  * block, i.e. an FEC block that has been received with invalid parity on
7092  * the associated PCS lane and has not been corrected by the FEC decoder.
7093  * The counter is reset to all zeros when the register is read, and held
7094  * at all ones in case of overflow.  The reset operation takes precedence
7095  * over the increment operation; if the register is read on the same
7096  * clock cycle as an increment operation, the counter is reset to all
7097  * zeros and the increment operation is lost. The counters are writable
7098  * for test purposes, rather than read-only as specified in IEEE 802.3.
7099  */
7100 union cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_uncorr_blks {
7101 	u64 u;
7102 	struct cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_uncorr_blks_s {
7103 		u64 ln_uncorr_blks                   : 32;
7104 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
7105 	} s;
7106 	/* struct cgxx_spux_lnx_fec_uncorr_blks_s cn; */
7107 };
7109 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_UNCORR_BLKS(u64 a, u64 b)
7110 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_UNCORR_BLKS(u64 a,u64 b)7111 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LNX_FEC_UNCORR_BLKS(u64 a, u64 b)
7112 {
7113 	return 0x10800 + 0x40000 * a + 8 * b;
7114 }
7116 /**
7117  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_lpcs_states
7118  *
7119  * CGX SPU BASE-X Transmit/Receive States Registers
7120  */
7121 union cgxx_spux_lpcs_states {
7122 	u64 u;
7123 	struct cgxx_spux_lpcs_states_s {
7124 		u64 deskew_sm                        : 3;
7125 		u64 reserved_3                       : 1;
7126 		u64 deskew_am_found                  : 20;
7127 		u64 bx_rx_sm                         : 2;
7128 		u64 reserved_26_27                   : 2;
7129 		u64 br_rx_sm                         : 3;
7130 		u64 reserved_31_63                   : 33;
7131 	} s;
7132 	/* struct cgxx_spux_lpcs_states_s cn; */
7133 };
7135 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LPCS_STATES(u64 a)
7136 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_LPCS_STATES(u64 a)7137 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_LPCS_STATES(u64 a)
7138 {
7139 	return 0x10208 + 0x40000 * a;
7140 }
7142 /**
7143  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_misc_control
7144  *
7145  * CGX SPU Miscellaneous Control Registers "* RX logical PCS lane
7146  * polarity vector \<3:0\> = [XOR_RXPLRT]\<3:0\> ^ {4{[RXPLRT]}}. * TX
7147  * logical PCS lane polarity vector \<3:0\> = [XOR_TXPLRT]\<3:0\> ^
7148  * {4{[TXPLRT]}}.  In short, keep [RXPLRT] and [TXPLRT] cleared, and use
7149  * [XOR_RXPLRT] and [XOR_TXPLRT] fields to define the polarity per
7150  * logical PCS lane. Only bit 0 of vector is used for 10GBASE-R, and only
7151  * bits 1:0 of vector are used for RXAUI."
7152  */
7153 union cgxx_spux_misc_control {
7154 	u64 u;
7155 	struct cgxx_spux_misc_control_s {
7156 		u64 txplrt                           : 1;
7157 		u64 rxplrt                           : 1;
7158 		u64 xor_txplrt                       : 4;
7159 		u64 xor_rxplrt                       : 4;
7160 		u64 intlv_rdisp                      : 1;
7161 		u64 skip_after_term                  : 1;
7162 		u64 rx_packet_dis                    : 1;
7163 		u64 rx_edet_signal_ok                : 1;
7164 		u64 reserved_14_63                   : 50;
7165 	} s;
7166 	/* struct cgxx_spux_misc_control_s cn; */
7167 };
7169 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_MISC_CONTROL(u64 a)
7170 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_MISC_CONTROL(u64 a)7171 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_MISC_CONTROL(u64 a)
7172 {
7173 	return 0x10218 + 0x40000 * a;
7174 }
7176 /**
7177  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rsfec_corr
7178  *
7179  * CGX SPU Reed-Solomon FEC Corrected Codeword Counter Register This
7180  * register implements the IEEE 802.3 RS-FEC corrected codewords counter
7181  * described in 802.3 section 91.6.8 (for 100G and extended to 50G) and
7182  * 802.3by-2016 section 108.6.7 (for 25G and extended to USXGMII).
7183  */
7184 union cgxx_spux_rsfec_corr {
7185 	u64 u;
7186 	struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_corr_s {
7187 		u64 cw_cnt                           : 32;
7188 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
7189 	} s;
7190 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_corr_s cn; */
7191 };
7193 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_CORR(u64 a)
7194 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_CORR(u64 a)7195 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_CORR(u64 a)
7196 {
7197 	return 0x10088 + 0x40000 * a;
7198 }
7200 /**
7201  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rsfec_status
7202  *
7203  * CGX SPU Reed-Solomon FEC Status Registers This register implements the
7204  * IEEE 802.3 RS-FEC status and lane mapping registers as described in
7205  * 802.3 section 91.6 (for 100G and extended to 50G) and 802.3by-2016
7206  * section 108-6 (for 25G and extended to USXGMII).
7207  */
7208 union cgxx_spux_rsfec_status {
7209 	u64 u;
7210 	struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_status_s {
7211 		u64 fec_lane_mapping                 : 8;
7212 		u64 fec_align_status                 : 1;
7213 		u64 amps_lock                        : 4;
7214 		u64 hi_ser                           : 1;
7215 		u64 fec_byp_ind_abil                 : 1;
7216 		u64 fec_byp_cor_abil                 : 1;
7217 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7218 	} s;
7219 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_status_s cn; */
7220 };
7222 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_STATUS(u64 a)
7223 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_STATUS(u64 a)7224 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_STATUS(u64 a)
7225 {
7226 	return 0x10080 + 0x40000 * a;
7227 }
7229 /**
7230  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rsfec_uncorr
7231  *
7232  * CGX SPU Reed-Solomon FEC Uncorrected Codeword Counter Register This
7233  * register implements the IEEE 802.3 RS-FEC uncorrected codewords
7234  * counter described in 802.3 section 91.6.9 (for 100G and extended to
7235  * 50G) and 802.3by-2016 section 108.6.8 (for 25G and extended to
7236  * USXGMII).
7237  */
7238 union cgxx_spux_rsfec_uncorr {
7239 	u64 u;
7240 	struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_uncorr_s {
7241 		u64 cw_cnt                           : 32;
7242 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
7243 	} s;
7244 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rsfec_uncorr_s cn; */
7245 };
7247 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_UNCORR(u64 a)
7248 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_UNCORR(u64 a)7249 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RSFEC_UNCORR(u64 a)
7250 {
7251 	return 0x10090 + 0x40000 * a;
7252 }
7254 /**
7255  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rx_eee_wake
7256  *
7257  * INTERNAL: CGX SPU  RX EEE Wake Error Counter  Registers  Reserved.
7258  * Internal: A counter that is incremented each time that the LPI receive
7259  * state diagram enters the RX_WTF state indicating that a wake time
7260  * fault has been detected.
7261  */
7262 union cgxx_spux_rx_eee_wake {
7263 	u64 u;
7264 	struct cgxx_spux_rx_eee_wake_s {
7265 		u64 wtf_error_counter                : 16;
7266 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7267 	} s;
7268 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rx_eee_wake_s cn; */
7269 };
7271 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)
7272 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)7273 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_EEE_WAKE(u64 a)
7274 {
7275 	return 0x103e0 + 8 * a;
7276 }
7278 /**
7279  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rx_lpi_timing
7280  *
7281  * INTERNAL: CGX SPU RX EEE LPI Timing Parameters Registers  Reserved.
7282  * Internal: This register specifies receiver LPI timing parameters Tqr,
7283  * Twr and Twtf.
7284  */
7285 union cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing {
7286 	u64 u;
7287 	struct cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing_s {
7288 		u64 twtf                             : 20;
7289 		u64 twr                              : 20;
7290 		u64 tqr                              : 20;
7291 		u64 reserved_60_61                   : 2;
7292 		u64 rx_lpi_fw                        : 1;
7293 		u64 rx_lpi_en                        : 1;
7294 	} s;
7295 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing_s cn; */
7296 };
7298 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
7299 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)7300 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
7301 {
7302 	return 0x103c0 + 8 * a;
7303 }
7305 /**
7306  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rx_lpi_timing2
7307  *
7308  * INTERNAL: CGX SPU RX EEE LPI Timing2 Parameters Registers  Reserved.
7309  * Internal: This register specifies receiver LPI timing parameters
7310  * hold_off_timer.
7311  */
7312 union cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing2 {
7313 	u64 u;
7314 	struct cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing2_s {
7315 		u64 hold_off_timer                   : 20;
7316 		u64 reserved_20_63                   : 44;
7317 	} s;
7318 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rx_lpi_timing2_s cn; */
7319 };
7321 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)
7322 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)7323 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)
7324 {
7325 	return 0x10420 + 8 * a;
7326 }
7328 /**
7329  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_rx_mrk_cnt
7330  *
7331  * CGX SPU Receiver Marker Interval Count Control Registers
7332  */
7333 union cgxx_spux_rx_mrk_cnt {
7334 	u64 u;
7335 	struct cgxx_spux_rx_mrk_cnt_s {
7336 		u64 mrk_cnt                          : 20;
7337 		u64 reserved_20_43                   : 24;
7338 		u64 by_mrk_100g                      : 1;
7339 		u64 reserved_45_47                   : 3;
7340 		u64 ram_mrk_cnt                      : 8;
7341 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
7342 	} s;
7343 	/* struct cgxx_spux_rx_mrk_cnt_s cn; */
7344 };
7346 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)
7347 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_RX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)7348 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_RX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)
7349 {
7350 	return 0x103a0 + 8 * a;
7351 }
7353 /**
7354  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_spd_abil
7355  *
7356  * CGX SPU PCS Speed Ability Registers
7357  */
7358 union cgxx_spux_spd_abil {
7359 	u64 u;
7360 	struct cgxx_spux_spd_abil_s {
7361 		u64 tengb                            : 1;
7362 		u64 tenpasst                         : 1;
7363 		u64 usxgmii                          : 1;
7364 		u64 twentyfivegb                     : 1;
7365 		u64 fortygb                          : 1;
7366 		u64 fiftygb                          : 1;
7367 		u64 hundredgb                        : 1;
7368 		u64 reserved_7_63                    : 57;
7369 	} s;
7370 	/* struct cgxx_spux_spd_abil_s cn; */
7371 };
7373 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_SPD_ABIL(u64 a)
7374 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_SPD_ABIL(u64 a)7375 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_SPD_ABIL(u64 a)
7376 {
7377 	return 0x10010 + 0x40000 * a;
7378 }
7380 /**
7381  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_status1
7382  *
7383  * CGX SPU Status 1 Registers
7384  */
7385 union cgxx_spux_status1 {
7386 	u64 u;
7387 	struct cgxx_spux_status1_s {
7388 		u64 reserved_0                       : 1;
7389 		u64 lpable                           : 1;
7390 		u64 rcv_lnk                          : 1;
7391 		u64 reserved_3_6                     : 4;
7392 		u64 flt                              : 1;
7393 		u64 rx_lpi_indication                : 1;
7394 		u64 tx_lpi_indication                : 1;
7395 		u64 rx_lpi_received                  : 1;
7396 		u64 tx_lpi_received                  : 1;
7397 		u64 reserved_12_63                   : 52;
7398 	} s;
7399 	/* struct cgxx_spux_status1_s cn; */
7400 };
7402 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_STATUS1(u64 a)
7403 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_STATUS1(u64 a)7404 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_STATUS1(u64 a)
7405 {
7406 	return 0x10008 + 0x40000 * a;
7407 }
7409 /**
7410  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_status2
7411  *
7412  * CGX SPU Status 2 Registers
7413  */
7414 union cgxx_spux_status2 {
7415 	u64 u;
7416 	struct cgxx_spux_status2_s {
7417 		u64 tengb_r                          : 1;
7418 		u64 tengb_x                          : 1;
7419 		u64 tengb_w                          : 1;
7420 		u64 tengb_t                          : 1;
7421 		u64 usxgmii_r                        : 1;
7422 		u64 twentyfivegb_r                   : 1;
7423 		u64 fortygb_r                        : 1;
7424 		u64 fiftygb_r                        : 1;
7425 		u64 hundredgb_r                      : 1;
7426 		u64 reserved_9                       : 1;
7427 		u64 rcvflt                           : 1;
7428 		u64 xmtflt                           : 1;
7429 		u64 reserved_12_13                   : 2;
7430 		u64 dev                              : 2;
7431 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7432 	} s;
7433 	/* struct cgxx_spux_status2_s cn; */
7434 };
7436 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_STATUS2(u64 a)
7437 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_STATUS2(u64 a)7438 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_STATUS2(u64 a)
7439 {
7440 	return 0x10020 + 0x40000 * a;
7441 }
7443 /**
7444  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_tx_lpi_timing
7445  *
7446  * INTERNAL: CGX SPU TX EEE LPI Timing Parameters Registers  Reserved.
7447  * Internal: Transmit LPI timing parameters Tsl, Tql and Tul
7448  */
7449 union cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing {
7450 	u64 u;
7451 	struct cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing_s {
7452 		u64 tql                              : 19;
7453 		u64 reserved_19_31                   : 13;
7454 		u64 tul                              : 12;
7455 		u64 reserved_44_47                   : 4;
7456 		u64 tsl                              : 12;
7457 		u64 reserved_60                      : 1;
7458 		u64 tx_lpi_ignore_twl                : 1;
7459 		u64 tx_lpi_fw                        : 1;
7460 		u64 tx_lpi_en                        : 1;
7461 	} s;
7462 	/* struct cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing_s cn; */
7463 };
7465 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
7466 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)7467 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING(u64 a)
7468 {
7469 	return 0x10400 + 8 * a;
7470 }
7472 /**
7473  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_tx_lpi_timing2
7474  *
7475  * INTERNAL: CGX SPU TX EEE LPI Timing2 Parameters Registers  Reserved.
7476  * Internal: This register specifies transmit LPI timer parameters.
7477  */
7478 union cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing2 {
7479 	u64 u;
7480 	struct cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing2_s {
7481 		u64 t1u                              : 8;
7482 		u64 reserved_8_11                    : 4;
7483 		u64 twl                              : 12;
7484 		u64 reserved_24_31                   : 8;
7485 		u64 twl2                             : 12;
7486 		u64 reserved_44_47                   : 4;
7487 		u64 tbyp                             : 12;
7488 		u64 reserved_60_63                   : 4;
7489 	} s;
7490 	/* struct cgxx_spux_tx_lpi_timing2_s cn; */
7491 };
7493 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)
7494 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)7495 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_LPI_TIMING2(u64 a)
7496 {
7497 	return 0x10440 + 8 * a;
7498 }
7500 /**
7501  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_tx_mrk_cnt
7502  *
7503  * CGX SPU Transmitter Marker Interval Count Control Registers
7504  */
7505 union cgxx_spux_tx_mrk_cnt {
7506 	u64 u;
7507 	struct cgxx_spux_tx_mrk_cnt_s {
7508 		u64 mrk_cnt                          : 20;
7509 		u64 reserved_20_43                   : 24;
7510 		u64 by_mrk_100g                      : 1;
7511 		u64 reserved_45_47                   : 3;
7512 		u64 ram_mrk_cnt                      : 8;
7513 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
7514 	} s;
7515 	/* struct cgxx_spux_tx_mrk_cnt_s cn; */
7516 };
7518 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)
7519 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_TX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)7520 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_TX_MRK_CNT(u64 a)
7521 {
7522 	return 0x10380 + 8 * a;
7523 }
7525 /**
7526  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_adv
7527  *
7528  * CGX SPU USXGMII Autonegotiation Advertisement Registers Software
7529  * programs this register with the contents of the AN-link code word base
7530  * page to be transmitted during autonegotiation. Any write operations to
7531  * this register prior to completion of autonegotiation should be
7532  * followed by a renegotiation in order for the new values to take
7533  * effect. Once autonegotiation has completed, software can examine this
7534  * register along with CGX()_SPU()_USX_AN_ADV to determine the highest
7535  * common denominator technology. The format for this register is from
7536  * USXGMII Multiport specification section 1.1.2 Table 2.
7537  */
7538 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_adv {
7539 	u64 u;
7540 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_adv_s {
7541 		u64 set                              : 1;
7542 		u64 reserved_1_6                     : 6;
7543 		u64 eee_clk_stop_abil                : 1;
7544 		u64 eee_abil                         : 1;
7545 		u64 spd                              : 3;
7546 		u64 dplx                             : 1;
7547 		u64 reserved_13_14                   : 2;
7548 		u64 lnk_st                           : 1;
7549 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7550 	} s;
7551 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_adv_s cn; */
7552 };
7554 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
7555 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_ADV(u64 a)7556 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_ADV(u64 a)
7557 {
7558 	return 0x101d0 + 0x40000 * a;
7559 }
7561 /**
7562  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_control
7563  *
7564  * CGX SPU USXGMII Autonegotiation Control Register
7565  */
7566 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_control {
7567 	u64 u;
7568 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_control_s {
7569 		u64 reserved_0_8                     : 9;
7570 		u64 rst_an                           : 1;
7571 		u64 reserved_10_11                   : 2;
7572 		u64 an_en                            : 1;
7573 		u64 reserved_13_14                   : 2;
7574 		u64 an_reset                         : 1;
7575 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7576 	} s;
7577 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_control_s cn; */
7578 };
7580 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)
7581 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)7582 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_CONTROL(u64 a)
7583 {
7584 	return 0x101c0 + 0x40000 * a;
7585 }
7587 /**
7588  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_expansion
7589  *
7590  * CGX SPU USXGMII Autonegotiation Expansion Register This register is
7591  * only used to signal page reception.
7592  */
7593 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_expansion {
7594 	u64 u;
7595 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_expansion_s {
7596 		u64 reserved_0                       : 1;
7597 		u64 an_page_received                 : 1;
7598 		u64 next_page_able                   : 1;
7599 		u64 reserved_3_63                    : 61;
7600 	} s;
7601 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_expansion_s cn; */
7602 };
7604 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)
7605 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)7606 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_EXPANSION(u64 a)
7607 {
7608 	return 0x101e0 + 0x40000 * a;
7609 }
7611 /**
7612  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_flow_ctrl
7613  *
7614  * CGX SPU USXGMII Flow Control Registers This register is used by
7615  * software to affect USXGMII AN hardware behavior.
7616  */
7617 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_flow_ctrl {
7618 	u64 u;
7619 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_flow_ctrl_s {
7620 		u64 start_idle_detect                : 1;
7621 		u64 reserved_1_63                    : 63;
7622 	} s;
7623 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_flow_ctrl_s cn; */
7624 };
7626 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_FLOW_CTRL(u64 a)
7627 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_FLOW_CTRL(u64 a)7628 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_FLOW_CTRL(u64 a)
7629 {
7630 	return 0x101e8 + 0x40000 * a;
7631 }
7633 /**
7634  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_link_timer
7635  *
7636  * CGX SPU USXGMII Link Timer Registers This is the link timer register.
7637  */
7638 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_link_timer {
7639 	u64 u;
7640 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_link_timer_s {
7641 		u64 count                            : 16;
7642 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7643 	} s;
7644 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_link_timer_s cn; */
7645 };
7647 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LINK_TIMER(u64 a)
7648 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LINK_TIMER(u64 a)7649 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LINK_TIMER(u64 a)
7650 {
7651 	return 0x101f0 + 0x40000 * a;
7652 }
7654 /**
7655  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_lp_abil
7656  *
7657  * CGX SPU USXGMII Autonegotiation Link-Partner Advertisement Registers
7658  * This register captures the contents of the latest AN link code word
7659  * base page received from the link partner during autonegotiation. This
7660  * is register 5 per IEEE 802.3, Clause 37.
7661  * CGX()_SPU()_USX_AN_EXPANSION[AN_PAGE_RECEIVED] is set when this
7662  * register is updated by hardware.
7663  */
7664 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_lp_abil {
7665 	u64 u;
7666 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_lp_abil_s {
7667 		u64 set                              : 1;
7668 		u64 reserved_1_6                     : 6;
7669 		u64 eee_clk_stop_abil                : 1;
7670 		u64 eee_abil                         : 1;
7671 		u64 spd                              : 3;
7672 		u64 dplx                             : 1;
7673 		u64 reserved_13_14                   : 2;
7674 		u64 lnk_st                           : 1;
7675 		u64 reserved_16_63                   : 48;
7676 	} s;
7677 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_lp_abil_s cn; */
7678 };
7680 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LP_ABIL(u64 a)
7681 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LP_ABIL(u64 a)7682 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_LP_ABIL(u64 a)
7683 {
7684 	return 0x101d8 + 0x40000 * a;
7685 }
7687 /**
7688  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu#_usx_an_status
7689  *
7690  * CGX SPU USXGMII Autonegotiation Status Register
7691  */
7692 union cgxx_spux_usx_an_status {
7693 	u64 u;
7694 	struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_status_s {
7695 		u64 extnd                            : 1;
7696 		u64 reserved_1                       : 1;
7697 		u64 lnk_st                           : 1;
7698 		u64 an_abil                          : 1;
7699 		u64 rmt_flt                          : 1;
7700 		u64 an_cpt                           : 1;
7701 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
7702 	} s;
7703 	/* struct cgxx_spux_usx_an_status_s cn; */
7704 };
7706 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)
7707 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)7708 static inline u64 CGXX_SPUX_USX_AN_STATUS(u64 a)
7709 {
7710 	return 0x101c8 + 0x40000 * a;
7711 }
7713 /**
7714  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu_dbg_control
7715  *
7716  * CGX SPU Debug Control Registers
7717  */
7718 union cgxx_spu_dbg_control {
7719 	u64 u;
7720 	struct cgxx_spu_dbg_control_s {
7721 		u64 marker_rxp                       : 15;
7722 		u64 reserved_15                      : 1;
7723 		u64 scramble_dis                     : 1;
7724 		u64 reserved_17_18                   : 2;
7725 		u64 br_pmd_train_soft_en             : 1;
7726 		u64 reserved_20_27                   : 8;
7727 		u64 timestamp_norm_dis               : 1;
7728 		u64 an_nonce_match_dis               : 1;
7729 		u64 br_ber_mon_dis                   : 1;
7730 		u64 rf_cw_mon_erly_restart_dis       : 1;
7731 		u64 us_clk_period                    : 12;
7732 		u64 ms_clk_period                    : 12;
7733 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
7734 	} s;
7735 	struct cgxx_spu_dbg_control_cn96xxp1 {
7736 		u64 marker_rxp                       : 15;
7737 		u64 reserved_15                      : 1;
7738 		u64 scramble_dis                     : 1;
7739 		u64 reserved_17_18                   : 2;
7740 		u64 br_pmd_train_soft_en             : 1;
7741 		u64 reserved_20_27                   : 8;
7742 		u64 timestamp_norm_dis               : 1;
7743 		u64 an_nonce_match_dis               : 1;
7744 		u64 br_ber_mon_dis                   : 1;
7745 		u64 reserved_31                      : 1;
7746 		u64 us_clk_period                    : 12;
7747 		u64 ms_clk_period                    : 12;
7748 		u64 reserved_56_63                   : 8;
7749 	} cn96xxp1;
7750 	/* struct cgxx_spu_dbg_control_s cn96xxp3; */
7751 	/* struct cgxx_spu_dbg_control_cn96xxp1 cnf95xxp1; */
7752 	/* struct cgxx_spu_dbg_control_s cnf95xxp2; */
7753 };
7755 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_DBG_CONTROL(void)
7756 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPU_DBG_CONTROL(void)7757 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_DBG_CONTROL(void)
7758 {
7759 	return 0x10300;
7760 }
7762 /**
7763  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu_sds#_skew_status
7764  *
7765  * CGX SPU SerDes Lane Skew Status Registers This register provides
7766  * SerDes lane skew status. One register per physical SerDes lane.
7767  */
7768 union cgxx_spu_sdsx_skew_status {
7769 	u64 u;
7770 	struct cgxx_spu_sdsx_skew_status_s {
7771 		u64 skew_status                      : 32;
7772 		u64 reserved_32_63                   : 32;
7773 	} s;
7774 	/* struct cgxx_spu_sdsx_skew_status_s cn; */
7775 };
7777 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_SDSX_SKEW_STATUS(u64 a)
7778 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPU_SDSX_SKEW_STATUS(u64 a)7779 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_SDSX_SKEW_STATUS(u64 a)
7780 {
7781 	return 0x10340 + 8 * a;
7782 }
7784 /**
7785  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu_sds#_states
7786  *
7787  * CGX SPU SerDes States Registers This register provides SerDes lane
7788  * states. One register per physical SerDes lane.
7789  */
7790 union cgxx_spu_sdsx_states {
7791 	u64 u;
7792 	struct cgxx_spu_sdsx_states_s {
7793 		u64 bx_sync_sm                       : 4;
7794 		u64 br_sh_cnt                        : 11;
7795 		u64 br_block_lock                    : 1;
7796 		u64 br_sh_invld_cnt                  : 7;
7797 		u64 reserved_23                      : 1;
7798 		u64 fec_sync_cnt                     : 4;
7799 		u64 fec_block_sync                   : 1;
7800 		u64 reserved_29                      : 1;
7801 		u64 an_rx_sm                         : 2;
7802 		u64 an_arb_sm                        : 3;
7803 		u64 reserved_35                      : 1;
7804 		u64 train_lock_bad_markers           : 3;
7805 		u64 train_lock_found_1st_marker      : 1;
7806 		u64 train_frame_lock                 : 1;
7807 		u64 train_code_viol                  : 1;
7808 		u64 train_sm                         : 3;
7809 		u64 reserved_45_47                   : 3;
7810 		u64 am_lock_sm                       : 2;
7811 		u64 am_lock_invld_cnt                : 2;
7812 		u64 reserved_52_63                   : 12;
7813 	} s;
7814 	/* struct cgxx_spu_sdsx_states_s cn; */
7815 };
7817 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_SDSX_STATES(u64 a)
7818 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
CGXX_SPU_SDSX_STATES(u64 a)7819 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_SDSX_STATES(u64 a)
7820 {
7821 	return 0x10360 + 8 * a;
7822 }
7824 /**
7825  * Register (RSL) cgx#_spu_usxgmii_control
7826  *
7827  * CGX SPU Common USXGMII Control Register This register is the common
7828  * control register that enables USXGMII Mode. The fields in this
7829  * register are preserved across any LMAC soft-resets. For an LMAC in
7830  * soft- reset state in USXGMII mode, the CGX will transmit Remote Fault
7831  * BASE-R blocks.
7832  */
7833 union cgxx_spu_usxgmii_control {
7834 	u64 u;
7835 	struct cgxx_spu_usxgmii_control_s {
7836 		u64 enable                           : 1;
7837 		u64 usxgmii_type                     : 3;
7838 		u64 sds_id                           : 2;
7839 		u64 reserved_6_63                    : 58;
7840 	} s;
7841 	/* struct cgxx_spu_usxgmii_control_s cn; */
7842 };
7844 static inline u64 CGXX_SPU_USXGMII_CONTROL(void)
7845 	__attribute__ ((pure, always_inline));
7847 {
7848 	return 0x10920;
7849 }
7851 #endif /* __CSRS_CGX_H__ */