1index_title=Encriptación usando GnuPG
2index_setupdesc=GnuPG no esta configurado para su cuenta. Use el siguiente formulario para crear una nueva llave privada de GnuPG, que necesitará para encriptar y firmar.
3index_name=Su nombre
4index_email=Su dirección de correo
5index_comment=Comentario de la llave
6index_size=Tamaño de la llave
7index_pass=Frase secreta
8index_setup=Configurar GnuPG
9index_return=Indice de GnuPG
10index_egpg=El comando GnuPG $1 no fue encontrado en su sistema. Quizás no esté instalado.
12setup_err=Failed to setup GnuPG
13setup_ename=Missing name for key
14setup_eemail=Missing email address for key
15setup_title=Setup GnuPG
16setup_ok=GnuPG has been successfully setup and a secret key generated.
17setup_failed=Failed to create secret key : $1
19keys_title=Manage Keys
20keys_desc=This page lists all the public keys in your GnuPG keyring. In order to encrypt a file for someone, you need to import their public key so that it appears on this page.
21keys_id=Key ID
22keys_secret=Secret key?
23keys_date=Date created
24keys_name=Owner's name
25keys_email=Owner's email
26keys_importdesc=If another GnuPG user's key has been given to you in a file, you shoould use this form to import it into your list of keys.
27keys_import=Import key from file:
28keys_recvdesc=Keys can also be fetched from the keyserver $1 if you know the ID of the key you want.
29keys_recv=Fetch key ID from keyserver:
30keys_return=list of keys
32import_err=Failed to import key
33import_ekey=No key file selected
34import_egpg=GnuPG failed : $1
36key_title=Public Key Details
37key_header=Key Details
38key_id=Key ID
39key_date=Date created
40key_finger=Key fingerprint
41key_ascii=Key in ascii format
42key_sign=Sign Key
43key_desc=This page shows the full details of one of the keys in your keyring. If you want to give this key to someone else so that they can encrypt files with it, use the buttons at the bottom of the page to export it to a file.
44key_send=Send to Keyserver
45key_changepass=Change passphrase to
46key_setpass=Set passphrase to
47key_passdesc=This key does not have a passphrase set yet, so you should enter one here.
48key_passdesc2=This key already has a passphrase set, so you probably do not need to change it.
49key_trust=Key trust level
50key_trust_0=Not yet set
51key_trust_1=Trust level unknown
52key_trust_2=Not trusted
53key_trust_3=Marginally trusted
54key_trust_4=Fully trusted
57encrypt_title=Encrypt File
58encrypt_desc=Use this page to encrypt a file with GnuPG and a chosen public key. Once encrypted, the result will only be decryptable by the owner of the matching private key.
59encrypt_mode=File to encrypt
60encrypt_mode0=Uploaded file
61encrypt_mode1=Local file
62encrypt_key=Using public key
63encrypt_ascii=Encrypt to ASCII file
64encrypt_ok=Encrypt Now
65encrypt_err=Failed to encrypt file
66encrypt_eupload=No file selected to encrypt
67encrypt_elocal=Selected file does not exist or is not readable
68encrypt_egpg=GnuPG failed : $1
70decrypt_title=Decrypt File
71decrypt_desc=Use this page to decrypt a file that has been encrypted using your public key, either by yourself or by someone else who has your key.
72decrypt_mode=File to decrypt
73decrypt_mode0=Uploaded file
74decrypt_mode1=Local file
75decrypt_pass=Passphrase for private key
76decrypt_ok=Decrypt Now
77decrypt_def=Current passphrase
78decrypt_err=Failed to decrypt file
79decrypt_eupload=No file selected to decrypt
80decrypt_elocal=Selected file does not exist or is not readable
81decrypt_egpg=GnuPG failed : $1
83sign_title=Sign File
84sign_desc=Use this page to sign a file so that it can be verified that it was signed by you and that it has not been modified since signing.
85sign_mode=File to sign
86sign_mode0=Uploaded file
87sign_mode1=Local file
88sign_key=Sign using secret key
89sign_ascii=Add signature as text at end of file?
90sign_ok=Sign Now
91sign_err=Failed to sign file
92sign_eupload=No file selected to sign
93sign_elocal=Selected file does not exist or is not readable
94sign_egpg=GnuPG failed : $1
95sign_epass=No passphrase has been set yet for the chosen secret key
97verify_title=Verify Signed File
98verify_desc=Use this page to verify a file that has been signed with GnuPG, in order to check that it has not been modified and find out who signed it. If you want to extract the original data from a signed binary file, use the <a href='$1'>decryption page</a>.
99verify_mode=File to verify
100verify_mode0=Uploaded file
101verify_mode1=Local file
102verify_ok=Verify Now
103verify_err=Failed to verify file
104verify_eupload=No file selected to verify
105verify_elocal=Selected file does not exist or is not readable
106verify_egpg=GnuPG failed : $1
107verify_good=File has a valid signature from $1.
108verify_bad=File has signature from $1, but it is not valid.
109verify_noid=Public key with ID $1 is not available for verification.
110verify_failed=Failed to verify signature : $1
111verify_warning=Warning - This key has not been verified and signed on your key management page.
113signkey_title=Sign Key
114signkey_confirm=Are you sure you want to sign the key belonging to $1 $2 ? This will indicate that you have confirmed the validity of the key by checking its fingerprint ( $3 ) with the owner.
115signkey_failed=Failed to sign key belonging to $1 : $2
116signkey_success=Successfully signed key belonging to $1.
117signkey_already=Key belonging to $1 has already been signed.
118signkey_trust0=No answer
119signkey_trust1=Not checked
120signkey_trust2=Casually checked
121signkey_trust3=Carefully checked
123send_title=Send to Keyserver
124send_desc=Sending key $1 to keyserver $2 ..
125send_failed=Failed to send key : $1
126send_success=Key submitted successfully. Other GnuPG users will now be able to retrieve your public key for sending email and encrypting files.
128recv_title=Fetch From Keyserver
129recv_desc=Fetching key ID $1 from keyserver $2 ..
130recv_failed=Failed to fetch key : $1
131recv_same=Already have key from $1.
132recv_success=Successfully imported key from $1.
134secret_title=Add Secret Key
135secret_desc=Use this page to generate an additional secret key that you can use for signing and decryption.
136secret_err=Failed to add secret key
137secret_ok=A new secret key has been successfully generated.
138secret_name=New key name
139secret_setup=Create New Key
141gnupg_esignpass=No passphrase has been set yet for the signing key
142gnupg_ecryptid=Encryption secret key is not available
143gnupg_ecryptkey=Encryption secret key ID $1 not available
144gnupg_ecryptpass=No passphrase has been set yet for the secret key $1
146trust_title=Set Trust Level
147trust_echoice=You must choose a trust level, not 'Not yet set'.
148trust_done=Successfully set trust level for key $1.