1 /* @nolint
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
6  */
8 #ifndef HASHTABLE_H
9 #define HASHTABLE_H
11 struct hashtable_list {
12     struct hashtable_list *prev;
13     struct hashtable_list *next;
14 };
16 /* "pair" may be a bit confusing a name, but think of it as a
17    key-value pair. In this case, it just encodes some extra data,
18    too */
19 struct hashtable_pair {
20     size_t hash;
21     struct hashtable_list list;
22     json_t *value;
23     size_t serial;
24     char key[1];
25 };
27 struct hashtable_bucket {
28     struct hashtable_list *first;
29     struct hashtable_list *last;
30 };
32 typedef struct hashtable {
33     size_t size;
34     struct hashtable_bucket *buckets;
35     size_t num_buckets;  /* index to primes[] */
36     struct hashtable_list list;
37 } hashtable_t;
40 #define hashtable_key_to_iter(key_) \
41     (&(container_of(key_, struct hashtable_pair, key)->list))
43 /**
44  * hashtable_init - Initialize a hashtable object
45  *
46  * @hashtable: The (statically allocated) hashtable object
47  *
48  * Initializes a statically allocated hashtable object. The object
49  * should be cleared with hashtable_close when it's no longer used.
50  *
51  * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error (out of memory).
52  */
53 int hashtable_init(hashtable_t *hashtable, size_t initsize);
55 /**
56  * hashtable_close - Release all resources used by a hashtable object
57  *
58  * @hashtable: The hashtable
59  *
60  * Destroys a statically allocated hashtable object.
61  */
62 void hashtable_close(hashtable_t *hashtable);
64 /**
65  * hashtable_set - Add/modify value in hashtable
66  *
67  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
68  * @key: The key
69  * @serial: For addition order of keys
70  * @value: The value
71  *
72  * If a value with the given key already exists, its value is replaced
73  * with the new value. Value is "stealed" in the sense that hashtable
74  * doesn't increment its refcount but decreases the refcount when the
75  * value is no longer needed.
76  *
77  * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (out of memory).
78  */
79 int hashtable_set(hashtable_t *hashtable,
80                   const char *key, size_t serial,
81                   json_t *value);
83 /**
84  * hashtable_get - Get a value associated with a key
85  *
86  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
87  * @key: The key
88  *
89  * Returns value if it is found, or NULL otherwise.
90  */
91 void *hashtable_get(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key);
93 /**
94  * hashtable_del - Remove a value from the hashtable
95  *
96  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
97  * @key: The key
98  *
99  * Returns 0 on success, or -1 if the key was not found.
100  */
101 int hashtable_del(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key);
103 /**
104  * hashtable_clear - Clear hashtable
105  *
106  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
107  *
108  * Removes all items from the hashtable.
109  */
110 void hashtable_clear(hashtable_t *hashtable);
112 /**
113  * hashtable_iter - Iterate over hashtable
114  *
115  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
116  *
117  * Returns an opaque iterator to the first element in the hashtable.
118  * The iterator should be passed to hashtable_iter_* functions.
119  * The hashtable items are not iterated over in any particular order.
120  *
121  * There's no need to free the iterator in any way. The iterator is
122  * valid as long as the item that is referenced by the iterator is not
123  * deleted. Other values may be added or deleted. In particular,
124  * hashtable_iter_next() may be called on an iterator, and after that
125  * the key/value pair pointed by the old iterator may be deleted.
126  */
127 void *hashtable_iter(hashtable_t *hashtable);
129 /**
130  * hashtable_iter_at - Return an iterator at a specific key
131  *
132  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
133  * @key: The key that the iterator should point to
134  *
135  * Like hashtable_iter() but returns an iterator pointing to a
136  * specific key.
137  */
138 void *hashtable_iter_at(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key);
140 /**
141  * hashtable_iter_next - Advance an iterator
142  *
143  * @hashtable: The hashtable object
144  * @iter: The iterator
145  *
146  * Returns a new iterator pointing to the next element in the
147  * hashtable or NULL if the whole hastable has been iterated over.
148  */
149 void *hashtable_iter_next(hashtable_t *hashtable, void *iter);
151 /**
152  * hashtable_iter_key - Retrieve the key pointed by an iterator
153  *
154  * @iter: The iterator
155  */
156 void *hashtable_iter_key(void *iter);
158 /**
159  * hashtable_iter_serial - Retrieve the serial number pointed to by an iterator
160  *
161  * @iter: The iterator
162  */
163 size_t hashtable_iter_serial(void *iter);
165 /**
166  * hashtable_iter_value - Retrieve the value pointed by an iterator
167  *
168  * @iter: The iterator
169  */
170 void *hashtable_iter_value(void *iter);
172 /**
173  * hashtable_iter_set - Set the value pointed by an iterator
174  *
175  * @iter: The iterator
176  * @value: The value to set
177  */
178 void hashtable_iter_set(void *iter, json_t *value);
180 #endif