2# index.cgi
3# Show fetchmail configurations
5require './fetchmail-lib.pl';
7# Check if fetchmail is installed
8if (!&has_command($config{'fetchmail_path'})) {
9	&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
10		&help_search_link("fetchmail", "doc", "man", "google"));
11	print "<p>",&text('index_efetchmail',
12			  "<tt>$config{'fetchmail_path'}</tt>",
13			  "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"<p>\n";
14	&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});
15	exit;
16	}
18# Get and show the version
19$ver = &get_fetchmail_version();
20&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0,
21	&help_search_link("fetchmail", "doc", "man", "google"), undef, undef,
22	&text('index_version', $ver));
24if ($config{'config_file'}) {
25	# Just read one config file
26	@conf = &parse_config_file($config{'config_file'});
27	@conf = grep { $_->{'poll'} } @conf;
28	print "<b>",&text('index_file',
29			  "<tt>$config{'config_file'}</tt>"),"</b><p>\n";
30	&show_polls(\@conf, $config{'config_file'}, $config{'daemon_user'});
32	local @uinfo = getpwnam($config{'daemon_user'});
33	print &ui_hr();
34	print "<table width=100%>\n";
36	if (&foreign_installed("cron") && $access{'cron'}) {
37		# Show button to manage cron job
38		print "<form action=edit_cron.cgi>\n";
39		print "<tr> <td><input type=submit ",
40		      "value='$text{'index_cron'}'></td>\n";
41		print "<td>$text{'index_crondesc'}</td> </tr></form>\n";
42		}
44	# Show the fetchmail daemon form
45	foreach $pf ($config{'pid_file'},
46		     "$uinfo[7]/.fetchmail.pid", "$uinfo[7]/.fetchmail") {
47		if (open(PID, "<$pf") && ($line=<PID>) &&
48		    (($pid,$interval) = split(/\s+/, $line)) && $pid &&
49		    kill(0, $pid)) {
50			$running++;
51			last;
52			}
53		}
54	print "<tr><td>\n";
55	if ($running) {
56		# daemon is running - offer to stop it
57		print "<form action=stop.cgi>\n";
58		print "<input type=submit value='$text{'index_stop'}'></td>\n";
59		print "<td>",&text('index_stopmsg',
60				   "<tt>$config{'daemon_user'}</tt>",
61				   $interval),"</td>\n";
62		}
63	else {
64		# daemon isn't running - offer to start it
65		print "<form action=start.cgi>\n";
66		print "<input type=submit value='$text{'index_start'}'></td>\n";
67		print "<td>",&text('index_startmsg',
68				   "<input name=interval size=5 value='60'>",
69				   "<tt>$config{'daemon_user'}</tt>"),"</td>\n";
70		}
71	print "</td></tr></table></form>\n";
72	}
73else {
74	# Build a list of users with fetchmail configurations
75	$ucount = 0;
76	setpwent();
77	while(@uinfo = getpwent()) {
78		next if ($donehome{$uinfo[7]}++);
79		next if (!&can_edit_user($uinfo[0]));
80		local @conf = &parse_config_file("$uinfo[7]/.fetchmailrc");
81		@conf = grep { $_->{'poll'} } @conf;
82		if (@conf) {
83			push(@users, [ \@conf, [ @uinfo ] ]);
84			}
85		$ucount++;
86		last if ($config{'max_users'} &&
87			 $ucount > $config{'max_users'});
88		}
89	endpwent() if ($gconfig{'os_type'} ne 'hpux');
90	@users = sort { $a->[1]->[0] cmp $b->[1]->[0] } @users;
91	if (!@users) {
92		# None found
93		print "<br><b>$text{'index_none'}</b><p>\n";
94		}
95	elsif ($config{'max_users'} && $ucount > $config{'max_users'}) {
96		# Show user search form
97		print "$text{'index_toomany'}<p>\n";
98		print &ui_form_start("edit_user.cgi");
99		print "<b>$text{'index_search'}</b>\n";
100		print &ui_user_textbox("user", undef, 20),"\n";
101		print &ui_submit($text{'index_show'}),"\n";
102		print &ui_form_end();
103		$toomany = 1;
104		}
105	elsif (!$config{'view_mode'}) {
106		# Full details
107		&show_button();
108		print "<table border width=100%>\n";
109		print "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'index_user'}</b></td> <td><b>$text{'index_conf'}</b></td> </tr>\n";
110		foreach $u (@users) {
111			print "<tr $cb>\n";
112			print "<td valign=top><b>",&html_escape($u->[1]->[0]),
113			      "</b></td> <td>\n";
114			&show_polls($u->[0], "$u->[1]->[7]/.fetchmailrc",
115				    $u->[1]->[0]);
116			print "</td> </tr>\n";
117			}
118		print "</table>\n";
119		}
120	else {
121		# Just show usernames
122		print &ui_table_start($text{'index_header'}, "width=100%", 1);
123		$i = 0;
124		foreach $u (@users) {
125			print "<tr>\n" if ($i%4 == 0);
126			print &ui_link("edit_user.cgi?user=$u->[1]->[0]","$u->[1]->[0]")."</td>\n";
127			print "</tr>\n" if ($i%4 == 3);
128			$i++;
129			}
130		print &ui_table_end();
131		}
132	&show_button() if (!$toomany);
134	if (&foreign_installed("cron") && $access{'cron'}) {
135		# Show button to manage global cron job
136		print &ui_hr();
137		print &ui_buttons_start();
138		print &ui_buttons_row("edit_cron.cgi",
139				      $text{'index_cron'}, $text{'index_crondesc2'});
140		print &ui_buttons_end();
141		}
142	}
144&ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});
146sub show_button
148if ($access{'mode'} != 3 || !$doneheader) {
149	print "<form action=edit_poll.cgi>\n";
150	print "<input type=hidden name=new value=1>\n";
151	print "<input type=submit value='$text{'index_ok'}'>\n";
152	print &unix_user_input("user");
153	print "</form>\n";
154	}