3--  This file is part of AdaBrowse.
5-- <STRONG>Copyright (c) 2002 by Thomas Wolf.</STRONG>
7--    AdaBrowse is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8--    under the terms of the  GNU General Public License as published by the
9--    Free Software  Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
10--    later version. AdaBrowse is distributed in the hope that it will be
11--    useful, but <EM>without any warranty</EM>; without even the implied
12--    warranty of <EM>merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.</EM>
13--    See the GNU General Public License for  more details. You should have
14--    received a copy of the GNU General Public License with this distribution,
15--    see file "<A HREF="GPL.txt">GPL.txt</A>". If not, write to the Free
16--    Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
17--    USA.
20-- <DL><DT><STRONG>
21-- Author:</STRONG><DD>
22--   Thomas Wolf  (TW)
23--   <ADDRESS><A HREF="mailto:twolf@acm.org">twolf@acm.org</A></ADDRESS></DL>
25-- <DL><DT><STRONG>
26-- Purpose:</STRONG><DD>
27--   Traversal of the ASIS tree and HTML generation.</DL>
29-- <!--
30-- Revision History
32--   02-FEB-2002   TW  First release.
33--   07-FEB-2002   TW  Finally got the renaming unwinding for renamed
34--                     exceptions to work. It appears that ASIS-for-GNAT 3.14p
35--                     has another bug in 'Corresponding_Base_Entity', which
36--                     makes it not work across generic instantiations.
37--   12-FEB-2002   TW  First version completely taking apart the source, i.e.,
38--                     it splits everything into a sequence of items and
39--                     then processes that instead of just traversing the
40--                     whole tree and writing out everything plus everything
41--                     between the last source chunk written and the current
42--                     source chunk.
43--   17-FEB-2002   TW  Added indices and grouping together of items. AdaBrowse
44--                     now writes any rep clauses or pragmas right after the
45--                     item they refer to.
46--   18-FEB-2002   TW  Corrected a rather nasty and hard-to-find bug in the
47--                     generation of cross-refs for entities within formal
48--                     packages.
49--   20-FEB-2002   TW  Moved all the 'Write*' procedures to new package
50--                     AD.Writers.
51--   26-FEB-2002   TW  Added handling for incomplete type declarations in
52--                     writing the type summary. Also added the cross-ref from
53--                     the incomplete declaration to the full declaration.
54--   04-MAR-2002   TW  Added another work-around for a bug in ASIS-for-GNAT,
55--                     which sometimes returns only the last name component
56--                     for child units that are subprogram instantiations.
57--   03-APR-2002   TW  Makes now entries for type and procedure indices.
58--   26-APR-2002   TW  Work-around for ASIS-for-GNAT bug in generic parameter
59--                     associations.
60--   30-APR-2002   TW  Uses new AD.Format to emit formatted comments now.
61--   22-NOV-2002   TW  Added support for AD.Options.Private_Too.
62--   30-MAY-2003   TW  Added handling of private library units. (Until now, the
63--                     "private" was missing in the output!)
64--   04-JUN-2003   TW  Regularized handling of private parts. (The "-private"
65--                     option now applies to task and protected types, too.)
66--   30-JUN-2003   TW  New index management.
67--   08-JUL-2003   TW  Added support for special crossrefs and indices to
68--                     pragmas and rep clauses.
69-- -->
72pragma License (GPL);
74with Ada.Exceptions;
75with Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
77with Asis.Iterator;
78pragma Elaborate_All (Asis.Iterator);
79with Asis.Compilation_Units;
80with Asis.Declarations;
81with Asis.Elements;
82with Asis.Expressions;
83with Asis.Text;
85with Asis2.Container_Elements;
86with Asis2.Declarations;
87with Asis2.Naming;
88with Asis2.Spans;
89with Asis2.Text;
91with AD.Crossrefs;
92with AD.Descriptions;
93with AD.Filters;
94with AD.Indices;
95with AD.Item_Lists;
96with AD.Messages.Inline;
97with AD.Options;
98with AD.Predicates;
99with AD.Queries;
100with AD.Text_Utilities;
101with AD.Writers;
103with GAL.Sorting;
104with GAL.Support;
106package body AD.Scanner is
108   package A_D renames Asis.Declarations;
109   package A_T renames Asis.Text;
111   package WASU renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
113   use AD.Descriptions;
114   use AD.Item_Lists;
115   use AD.Printers;
116   use AD.Text_Utilities;
117   use AD.Writers;
119   use Asis;
120   use Asis.Compilation_Units;
121   use Asis.Declarations;
122   use Asis.Elements;
123   use Asis.Expressions;
124   use Asis.Text;
126   use Asis2.Naming;
127   use Asis2.Spans;
129   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131   function Smaller_Name
132     (Left, Right : in Asis.Declaration)
133     return Boolean
134   is
135      L   : constant Defining_Name := Get_Name (Left);
136      R   : constant Defining_Name := Get_Name (Right);
138      L_S : constant Wide_String :=
139        Asis2.Text.To_Lower (Name_Definition_Image (L));
140      R_S : constant Wide_String :=
141        Asis2.Text.To_Lower (Name_Definition_Image (R));
143   begin
144      if L_S = R_S then
145         --  Sort by position!
146         return Start (Get_Span (L)) < Start (Get_Span (R));
147      else
148         return L_S < R_S;
149      end if;
150   end Smaller_Name;
152   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154   type Scan_State is new AD.Writers.Write_State with
155      record
156         Reporter     : aliased AD.Messages.Inline.Error_Reporter;
157         Traverse_Top : Asis.Element := Nil_Element;
158         --  The top element in a traversal. We use this in 'Post_Visit' to
159         --  omit a newline on the very last line of an element. This helps
160         --  avoid unnecessary empty lines between an items.
161      end record;
163   --  Note: originally, I had a 'Traverse_Level : Natural' component that
164   --  counted the nesting depth within 'Traverse' (Inc in 'Pre', dec in
165   --  'Post'). However, this turned out to fail for ASIS-for-GNAT 3.14p: in
166   --  a declaration, it would call only 'Pre' for the defining name, but
167   --  never call 'Post', with the result that I ended up with a nesting
168   --  depth of 1 at the very end, and thus couldn't reliably determine when
169   --  to omit that dreaded newline. Hence the above approach with storing the
170   --  whole element: if in 'Post' the current element equals 'Traverse_Top',
171   --  we're at the end.
172   --
173   --  Note that the ASIS behavior of not calling 'Post' is not an error, it
174   --  is the defined behavior of Asis.Iterator.Traverse_Element! 'Pre'
175   --  handles the defining name by calling 'Handle_Defining_Name', which
176   --  sets the control to 'Abandon_Children', and in such a case, the
177   --  standard iterator doesn't call the corresponding 'Post'... I think this
178   --  is a lousy spec, but if it's the standard, I can't change it.
180   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182   procedure Write_Comment
183     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
184      Span    : in     A_T.Span;
185      State   : in out Scan_State)
186   is
187      --  'Span' comprises all comment lines. Starts at column 1 and ends
188      --  at the end of the last line.
189   begin
190      if Is_Nil (Span) then return; end if;
191      begin
192         AD.Printers.Write_Comment
193           (State.The_Printer, A_T.Lines (Element, Span));
194      exception
195         when E : AD.Filters.Recursive_Expansion =>
196            Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception
197              (AD.Filters.Recursive_Expansion'Identity,
198               Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message (E) &
199               " (in comment from lines" &
200               Asis.Text.Line_Number'Image (Span.First_Line) & " to" &
201               Asis.Text.Line_Number'Image (Span.Last_Line) & ") in unit " &
202               To_String
203                 (Full_Unit_Name
204                    (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (State.Unit))));
205      end;
206   end Write_Comment;
208   procedure Write_Comments
209     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
210      List    : in     Comment_Ptr;
211      State   : in out Scan_State)
212   is
213      P : Comment_Ptr := List;
214   begin
215      while P /= null loop
216         Write_Comment (Element, P.Span, State);
217         P := P.Next;
218      end loop;
219   end Write_Comments;
221   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
223   procedure Handle_Defining_Name
224     (Element   : in     Declaration;
225      Control   : in out Traverse_Control;
226      State     : in out Scan_State;
227      Do_Anchor : in     Boolean := True);
229   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
231   procedure Post_Visit
232     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
233      Control : in out Traverse_Control;
234      State   : in out Scan_State)
235   is
236      --  Write anything of that element that hasn't been written yet.
237   begin
238      if Control = Terminate_Immediately then null; end if;
239      --  The above if serves only to silence GNAT -gnatwa. 'Control' can never
240      --  be Terminate_Immediately here!
241      Write (Element, State);
242      if not Is_Equal (State.Traverse_Top, Element) then
243         Terminate_Line (State);
244      end if;
245   end Post_Visit;
247   procedure Pre_Visit
248     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
249      Control : in out Traverse_Control;
250      State   : in out Scan_State);
252   procedure Traverse is
253      new Asis.Iterator.Traverse_Element (Scan_State, Pre_Visit, Post_Visit);
254   --  Our main traversal routine, which does most of the job. We just handle
255   --  a few elements specially (anything that might deserve a cross-reference
256   --  or an anchor), the rest is just skipped. Note that we never see a
257   --  declaration in 'Traverse', these are handled explicitly in procedure
258   --  'Handle_Declaration' below. We just use 'Traverse' to traverse and
259   --  crossref the contents of a declaration (or a pragma) itself.
261   procedure Pre_Visit
262     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
263      Control : in out Traverse_Control;
264      State   : in out Scan_State)
265   is
266      --  Handle anything that needs handling; just keep traversing for all
267      --  other elements. They'll be written eventually when the stuff before
268      --  some element we're handling is written (see AD.Writers), or in
269      --  'Post_Visit' above.
270   begin
271      case Element_Kind (Element) is
272         when An_Expression =>
273            case Expression_Kind (Element) is
274               when An_Identifier =>
275                  --  Only generate a cross-ref if it isn't the selector name
276                  --  of a named parameter association.
277                  declare
278                     Cont : constant Asis.Element :=
279                       Enclosing_Element (Element);
280                  begin
281                     if Element_Kind (Cont) /= An_Association
282                        or else
283                        Association_Kind (Cont) /= A_Parameter_Association
284                        or else
285                        not Is_Equal (Element, Formal_Parameter (Cont))
286                     then
287                        Write_Reference (Element, State);
288                        Terminate_Line (State);
289                     end if;
290                     --  else don't do anything, it'll be written as part of
291                     --  some 'Write_Before' call later on.
292                  end;
294               when An_Operator_Symbol |
295                    An_Enumeration_Literal =>
296                  Write_Reference (Element, State);
297                  Terminate_Line (State);
299               when An_Attribute_Reference =>
300                  --  Needs to be handled separately because the attribute is
301                  --  to be formatted specially.
302                  Control := Continue;
303                  Traverse (Prefix (Element), Control, State);
304                  Write_Attribute
305                    (Attribute_Designator_Identifier (Element), State);
306                  Terminate_Line (State);
307                  Control := Abandon_Children;
309               when A_Function_Call =>
310                  --  Need to handle function calls of dyadic operators that
311                  --  are inlined (as in "A + B") specially. We traverse first
312                  --  the function name ("+", in this case), and then the
313                  --  parameters. But this screws up the text sequence!
314                  if not Is_Prefix_Call (Element) and then
315                     Expression_Kind (Prefix (Element)) = An_Operator_Symbol
316                  then
317                     --  Attention: In ASIS-for-GNAT 3.14p, Is_Prefix_Call
318                     --  returns False for a unary operator as in "(- A)",
319                     --  although that always is a prefix call!
320                     --
321                     --  We therefore need to check the number of parameters
322                     --  below, even though it should be clear that any
323                     --  non-prefix call must have exactly two parameters!
324                     declare
325                        Params : constant Association_List :=
326                          Function_Call_Parameters (Element);
327                     begin
328                        if Params'Last = Params'First + 1 then
329                           --  We have exactly two parameters! (And it can't
330                           --  be a named notation, se we need only care about
331                           --  the actual parameters.)
332                           Control := Continue;
333                           Traverse
334                             (Actual_Parameter (Params (Params'First)),
335                              Control, State);
336                           Control := Continue;
337                           Traverse (Prefix (Element), Control, State);
338                           Control := Continue;
339                           Traverse
340                             (Actual_Parameter (Params (Params'First + 1)),
341                              Control, State);
342                           Control := Abandon_Children;
343                        end if;
344                     end;
345                  end if;
347               when others =>
348                  null;
350            end case;
352         when A_Defining_Name =>
353            --  Only generate an anchor if the defining name is not a
354            --  parameter name of some subprogram or entry!
355            declare
356               Decl : constant Asis.Element :=
357                 Asis2.Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Element);
358            begin
359               Handle_Defining_Name
360                 (Element, Control, State,
361                  Declaration_Kind (Decl) /= A_Parameter_Specification);
362               Terminate_Line (State);
363            end;
365         when An_Association =>
366            case Association_Kind (Element) is
367               when A_Generic_Association =>
368                  --  Work-around for another ASIS-for-GNAT 3.14p bug: if
369                  --  we let 'Traverse_Element' handle this itself, it
370                  --  crashes sometimes!! So far observed only for one case
371                  --  where the formal was an operator symbol, but just to be
372                  --  on the safe side, we also guard the actual parameter.
373                  Control := Continue;
374                  declare
375                     Formal : Asis.Element;
376                  begin
377                     begin
378                        Formal := Formal_Parameter (Element);
379                     exception
380                        when others =>
381                           AD.Printers.Inline_Error
382                             (State.The_Printer,
383                              "ASIS crash on generic formal parameter!");
384                           Formal := Nil_Element;
385                     end;
386                     if not Is_Nil (Formal) then
387                        Traverse (Formal, Control, State);
388                     end if;
389                  end;
390                  Control := Continue;
391                  declare
392                     Actual : Asis.Expression;
393                  begin
394                     begin
395                        Actual := Actual_Parameter (Element);
396                     exception
397                        when others =>
398                           AD.Printers.Inline_Error
399                             (State.The_Printer,
400                              "ASIS crash on generic actual parameter!");
401                           Actual := Nil_Element;
402                     end;
403                     if not Is_Nil (Actual) then
404                        Traverse (Actual, Control, State);
405                     end if;
406                  end;
407                  --  Note: even if ASIS crashes and we don't traverse part
408                  --  of the association, its program text will still be
409                  --  written in 'Post_Visit'. It just won't have cross-
410                  --  references.
411                  Control := Abandon_Children;
413               when others =>
414                  --  Nothing to do.
415                  null;
416            end case;
418         when A_Pragma =>
419            --  Generate an anchor...
420            Write_Special_Anchor (Element, State);
421            --  ...and then just continue...
423         when A_Clause =>
424            case Representation_Clause_Kind (Element) is
425               when An_Attribute_Definition_Clause |
426                    An_Enumeration_Representation_Clause |
427                    A_Record_Representation_Clause =>
428                  Write_Special_Anchor (Element, State);
429               when others =>
430                  null;
431            end case;
433         when others =>
434            --  Nothing to do.
435            null;
437      end case;
438   end Pre_Visit;
440   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
442   procedure Add_To_Index
443     (State       : in out Scan_State;
444      Element     : in     Asis.Element;
445      Is_Private  : in     Boolean)
446   is
447   begin
448      case Element_Kind (Element) is
449         when A_Declaration =>
450            if not Is_Private or else AD.Options.Private_Too then
451               --  Special cases for types. There can be some funny cases:
452               --  (1) An incomplete type declaration: if there's a full
453               --      declaration for it, don't do anything: we'll process
454               --      the full declaration later. If there's no full decl,
455               --      (implies 'Is_Private'), then do it.
456               --  (2) Is_Private is True and there's a public view of the
457               --      type: don't generate an index entry, we'll have one
458               --      for the public view already!
459               if Declaration_Kind (Element) = An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
460                  and then
461                  not Is_Nil (Corresponding_Type_Declaration (Element))
462               then
463                  --  We have an incomplete type declaration, and there is
464                  --  a full type declaration. Note that both the incomplete
465                  --  and the full decl are either in the public or in the
466                  --  private part. There cannot be an incomplete decl in
467                  --  the public part, and the corresponding full decl in
468                  --  the private part.
469                  return;
470               elsif Is_Private and then AD.Predicates.Is_Type (Element) then
471                  declare
472                     Other : constant Declaration :=
473                       Corresponding_Type_Declaration (Element);
474                  begin
475                     if not Is_Nil (Other) and then
476                        Declaration_Kind (Other) /=
477                        An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
478                     then
479                        --  We're in the private part, and there exists a
480                        --  public view of the type.
481                        return;
482                     end if;
483                  end;
484               end if;
485               declare
486                  Names : constant Asis.Name_List := A_D.Names (Element);
487                  XRef  : AD.Crossrefs.Cross_Reference;
488               begin
489                  for I in Names'Range loop
490                     declare
491                        Name : Asis.Defining_Name := Names (I);
492                     begin
493                        --  Special case for constants: if there is a
494                        --  corresponding deferred constant declaration,
495                        --  we'll already have an entry for that one, and we
496                        --  thus skip this name. Note that we need to be in
497                        --  the private part for all this to be true.
498                        if Is_Private and then
499                           Declaration_Kind (Element) = A_Constant_Declaration
500                           and then
501                           not Is_Nil
502                                 (Corresponding_Constant_Declaration (Name))
503                        then
504                           --  Skip it!
505                           null;
506                        else
507                           if Defining_Name_Kind (Name) =
508                              A_Defining_Expanded_Name
509                           then
510                              Name := Defining_Selector (Name);
511                           end if;
512                           XRef :=
513                             AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
514                               (Name, State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access);
515                           if XRef.Is_Top_Unit then
516                              XRef.Image := XRef.Full_Unit_Name;
517                           end if;
518                           AD.Indices.Add (Name, XRef, Is_Private);
519                        end if;
520                     end;
521                  end loop;
522               end;
523            end if;
524         when A_Pragma =>
525            --  Why did I ever have the funny idea that somebody might want
526            --  a pragma index?
527            declare
528               XRef : AD.Crossrefs.Cross_Reference :=
529                 AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Special (Element, State.Unit);
530            begin
531               AD.Indices.Add (Element, XRef, Is_Private);
532            end;
533         when A_Clause =>
534            case Representation_Clause_Kind (Element) is
535               when An_Attribute_Definition_Clause |
536                    An_Enumeration_Representation_Clause |
537                    A_Record_Representation_Clause =>
538                  declare
539                     XRef : AD.Crossrefs.Cross_Reference :=
540                       AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Special (Element, State.Unit);
541                  begin
542                     AD.Indices.Add (Element, XRef, Is_Private);
543                  end;
544               when others =>
545                  null;
546            end case;
547         when others =>
548            null;
549      end case;
550   end Add_To_Index;
552   procedure Write_Item
553     (Items     : in     Item_Table;
554      Current   : in     Natural;
555      State     : in out Scan_State;
556      Top_Level : in     Boolean := False)
557   is
558      Null_Items : Item_Table (2 .. 1);
559      Index      : Index_Table :=
560        (1 => Current) &
561        Collect_Subordinates (Items, Null_Items, Items (Current).Sub);
562      Ctrl       : Traverse_Control;
564      procedure XRef_Other_Decl
565        (Other : in     Declaration;
566         State : in out Scan_State;
567         Text  : in     String)
568      is
569      begin
570         if not Is_Nil (Other) then
571            AD.Printers.Other_Declaration
572              (State.The_Printer,
573               AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
574                 (Get_Name (Other), State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access),
575               Text);
576         end if;
577      end XRef_Other_Decl;
579   begin
580      Sort_Subordinates (Index (Index'First + 1 .. Index'Last),
581                         Items, Null_Items);
582      --  First the rep clauses, then the pragmas, both ordered by name.
583      AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
584      for I in Index'Range loop
585         declare
586            Pos : Position :=
587              Start (Get_Span (Items (Index (I)).Element));
588         begin
589            if Pos.Line = 1 then Pos.Column := 1; end if;
590            State.Write_From   := Pos;
591            State.Last_Written := (Pos.Line, Pos.Column - 1);
592            State.Indent       := Pos.Column - 1;
593         end;
594         if I > Index'First then
595            --  Ok, the main item has been written. What follows are pragmas
596            --  and rep clauses, which we still need to add to the indices!
597            Add_To_Index
598              (State,
599               Items (Index (I)).Element,
600               Items (Index (Index'First)).Is_Private);
601            --  Yes, we take the 'Is_Private' flag from the main item!
602         end if;
603         --  if Top_Level then
604         --   Check_Private_Unit (State, Items (Index (I)).Element);
605         --  end if;
606         Ctrl := Continue;
607         State.Traverse_Top := Items (Index (I)).Element;
608         Traverse (Items (Index (I)).Element, Ctrl, State);
609         --  Try to generate a cross-reference to the full type declaration.
610         --  Note: if the element is not a declaration at all (but a pragma
611         --  or a rep clause), 'Declaration_Kind' will simply return
612         --  'Not_A_Declaration' and *not* raise an exception.
613         case Declaration_Kind (Items (Index (I)).Element) is
614            when An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration =>
615               XRef_Other_Decl
616                 (Corresponding_Type_Declaration (Items (Index (I)).Element),
617                  State, "Full declaration");
619            when A_Private_Type_Declaration |
620                 A_Private_Extension_Declaration =>
621               if AD.Options.Private_Too then
622                  XRef_Other_Decl
623                    (Corresponding_Type_Declaration
624                       (Items (Index (I)).Element),
625                     State, "Full declaration");
626               end if;
628            when An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration |
629                 A_Task_Type_Declaration |
630                 A_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
631               declare
632                  Other : constant Declaration :=
633                    Corresponding_Type_Declaration (Items (Index (I)).Element);
634               begin
635                  if not Is_Nil (Other) then
636                     if Declaration_Kind (Other) =
637                        An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
638                     then
639                        XRef_Other_Decl
640                          (Other, State, "Incomplete declaration");
641                     elsif Items (Index (I)).Is_Private then
642                        --  Actually, if it's not an incomplete declaration,
643                        --  we should always be processing a full decl in the
644                        --  private part!
645                        XRef_Other_Decl
646                          (Other, State, "Public view");
647                     end if;
648                  end if;
649               end;
651            when others =>
652               null;
654         end case;
655         if I < Index'Last then New_Line (State.The_Printer); end if;
656      end loop;
657      AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
658      --  Then write any comments of these items:
659      declare
660         Have_Comments : Boolean := False;
661         From          : Natural;
662      begin
663         if Top_Level then
664            From := Index'First + 1;
665         else
666            From := Index'First;
667         end if;
668         for I in From .. Index'Last loop
669            if Items (Index (I)).List /= null then
670               Have_Comments := True; exit;
671            end if;
672         end loop;
673         if Have_Comments then
674            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
675            for I in From .. Index'Last loop
676               Write_Comments
677                 (Items (Index (I)).Element,
678                  Items (Index (I)).List, State);
679            end loop;
680            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
681         end if;
682      end;
683   end Write_Item;
685   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
687   generic
688      with function Matches (Kind : in Declaration_Kinds) return Boolean;
689   function Extract_Declarations
690     (From   : in Declarative_Item_List;
691      Sorted : in Boolean)
692     return Declarative_Item_List;
694   --  generic
695   --     with function Matches (Kind : in Declaration_Kinds) return Boolean;
696   function Extract_Declarations
697     (From   : in Declarative_Item_List;
698      Sorted : in Boolean)
699     return Declarative_Item_List
700   is
701      Result : Declarative_Item_List (From'Range);
702      N      : Natural := Result'First - 1;
704      procedure Sort is
705         new GAL.Sorting.Sort_G
706               (List_Index, Asis.Element, Declarative_Item_List, Smaller_Name);
708   begin
709      for I in From'Range loop
710         if Matches (Declaration_Kind (From (I))) then
711            N := N + 1;
712            Result (N) := From (I);
713         end if;
714      end loop;
715      if N > Result'First and then Sorted then
716         Sort (Result (Result'First .. N));
717      end if;
718      return Result (Result'First .. N);
719   end Extract_Declarations;
721   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
723   procedure Handle_Children
724     (The_Unit     : in     Compilation_Unit;
725      State        : in out Scan_State;
726      Table_Opened : in out Boolean)
727   is
728      --  Build and output an index of known child units of the top-level
729      --  libarary unit.
731      Children : Compilation_Unit_List :=
732        Corresponding_Children (The_Unit);
734      function Smaller
735        (Left, Right : in Compilation_Unit)
736        return Boolean
737      is
738      begin
739         return Asis2.Text.To_Lower (Full_Unit_Name (Left)) <
740                Asis2.Text.To_Lower (Full_Unit_Name (Right));
741      end Smaller;
743      procedure Sort is
744         new GAL.Sorting.Sort_G
745               (List_Index, Compilation_Unit, Compilation_Unit_List, Smaller);
747      procedure Swap is
748         new GAL.Support.Swap (Compilation_Unit);
750      N : Natural := 0;
751      I : Natural := 0;
753   begin --  Handle_Children
754      if Children'Last >= Children'First then
755         --  Attention, we have both specs and bodies here! First throw out the
756         --  bodies!
757         N := Children'Last; I := Children'First;
758         while I <= N loop
759            case Declaration_Kind (Unit_Declaration (Children (I))) is
760               when A_Package_Body_Declaration |
761                    A_Procedure_Body_Declaration |
762                    A_Function_Body_Declaration =>
763                  if I < N then
764                     Swap (Children (I), Children (N));
765                  end if;
766                  N := N - 1;
767               when others =>
768                  I := I + 1;
769            end case;
770         end loop;
771         --  If we had *only* bodies, give up.
772         if N < Children'First then return; end if;
773         --  The index is to be sorted alphabetically!
774         Sort (Children (Children'First .. N));
775         if not Table_Opened then
776            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
777            Table_Opened := True;
778         end if;
779         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Children_Section);
780         for I in Children'First .. N loop
781            declare
782               Name : constant Defining_Name :=
783                 Get_Name (Unit_Declaration (Children (I)));
784               --  They're children, so they all are defining expanded names!
785               XRef : AD.Crossrefs.Cross_Reference :=
786                 AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
787                   (Defining_Selector (Name),
788                    State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access);
789            begin
790               XRef.Image :=
791                 WASU.To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Name_Definition_Image (Name));
792               AD.Printers.Add_Child
793                 (State.The_Printer,
794                  Get_Item_Kind (Unit_Declaration (Children (I))),
795                  Unit_Class (Children (I)) = A_Private_Declaration,
796                  XRef);
797            end;
798         end loop;
799         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Children_Section);
800      end if;
801   end Handle_Children;
803   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
805   procedure Handle_Clauses
806     (The_Unit : in     Compilation_Unit;
807      State    : in out Scan_State;
808      Item     : in     Item_Desc)
809   is
810      --  Write the context clauses in their own section.
812      Clauses : constant Context_Clause_List :=
813        Context_Clause_Elements (The_Unit, True);
815   begin
816      if Clauses'Last < Clauses'First then return; end if;
817      AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Dependencies_Section);
818      AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
819      for I in Clauses'Range loop
820         declare
821            Ctrl : Traverse_Control := Continue;
822         begin
823            --  Never suppress any newlines:
824            State.Traverse_Top := Nil_Element;
825            Traverse (Clauses (I), Ctrl, State);
826         end;
827      end loop;
828      AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
829      if Item.List /= null then
830         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
831         Write_Comments (Item.Element, Item.List, State);
832         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
833      end if;
834      AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Dependencies_Section);
835   end Handle_Clauses;
837   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
838   --  Produce a cross-ref table of all objects of a given class declared in
839   --  the package.
841   procedure Handle_Objects
842     (Items   : in out Item_Table;
843      Index   : in out Index_Table;
844      Current : in out Natural;
845      State   : in out Scan_State;
846      Class   : in     Item_Classes)
847   is
849      procedure Write_Object
850        (Items   : in     Item_Table;
851         Current : in     Natural;
852         State   : in out Scan_State)
853      is
854         Original : Scan_State := State;
855      begin
856         AD.Printers.Open_Item
857           (State.The_Printer,
858            AD.Crossrefs.Null_Crossref,
859            AD.Printers.Get_Item_Kind (Items (Current).Element));
860         Write_Item (Items, Current, State);
861         AD.Printers.Close_Item (State.The_Printer);
862         State := Original;
863      end Write_Object;
865      N : Natural;
867   begin
868      N := Current;
869      while N <= Index'Last and then
870            Items (Index (N)).Class = Class and then
871            not Items (Index (N)).Is_Private
872      loop
873         N := N + 1;
874      end loop;
875      N := N - 1;
876      if N >= Current then
877         Sort_By_Name (Items, Index (Current .. N));
878         if Class = Item_Constant then
879            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Constants_Section);
880         else
881            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Variables_Section);
882         end if;
883         for I in Current .. N loop
884            Add_To_Index
885              (State,
886               Items (Index (I)).Element, Items (Index (I)).Is_Private);
887            Write_Object (Items, Index (I), State);
888            Items (Index (I)).Done := True;
889         end loop;
890         if Class = Item_Constant then
891            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Constants_Section);
892         else
893            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Variables_Section);
894         end if;
895         Current := N + 1;
896      end if;
897   end Handle_Objects;
899   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
900   --  Produce a cross-ref table of all exceptions declared in the package.
902   procedure Handle_Exceptions
903     (Items   : in out Item_Table;
904      Index   : in out Index_Table;
905      Current : in out Natural;
906      State   : in out Scan_State)
907   is
909      procedure Write_Exception
910        (Exc   : in     Item_Desc;
911         State : in out Scan_State)
912      is
914         function Unwind_Renames
915           (Decl : in Declaration)
916           return Asis.Element
917         is
918            --  Corresponding_Base_Entity sometimes returns an expression in
919            --  an implicit spec due to an instantiation, in which case things
920            --  get pretty hairy (see comment below). This routine never
921            --  returns implicit things, but always the expression from the
922            --  template.
923            D : Asis.Element := Decl;
924            B : Asis.Element;
925         begin
926            loop
927               B := Renamed_Entity (D);
928               D := Asis2.Declarations.Name_Definition (B);
929               if Is_Part_Of_Instance (D) then
930                  --  Get the name in the template!
931                  D :=
932                    Asis2.Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration
933                      (AD.Queries.Expand_Generic (D, State.Reporter'Access));
934               end if;
935               exit when
936                 Declaration_Kind (D) /= An_Exception_Renaming_Declaration;
937            end loop;
938            return B;
939         end Unwind_Renames;
941         Original : Scan_State := State;
943      begin
944         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Exception_Section);
945         declare
946            Names : constant Name_List := A_D.Names (Exc.Element);
947         begin
948            for I in Names'Range loop
949               AD.Printers.Add_Exception
950                 (State.The_Printer,
951                  AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
952                    (Names (I), State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access));
953            end loop;
954         end;
955         if Declaration_Kind (Exc.Element) =
956            An_Exception_Renaming_Declaration
957         then
958            declare
959               Direct_Rename : constant Asis.Expression  :=
960                 Renamed_Entity (Exc.Element);
961               Ctrl          : Traverse_Control := Continue;
962            begin
963               State.Write_From :=
964                 Start (Get_Span (Direct_Rename));
965               if not Is_Nil (State.Write_From) then
966                  State.Last_Written :=
967                    (State.Write_From.Line,
968                     State.Write_From.Column - 1);
969                  AD.Printers.Open_Section
970                    (State.The_Printer, Exception_Rename_Section);
971                  --  Never generate a newline:
972                  State.Traverse_Top := Direct_Rename;
973                  Traverse (Direct_Rename, Ctrl, State);
974                  AD.Printers.Close_Section
975                    (State.The_Printer, Exception_Rename_Section);
976                  declare
977                     Ultimately : constant Asis.Element :=
978                       Unwind_Renames (Exc.Element);
979                     --  Corresponding_Base_Entity may return an expression
980                     --  in an implicit generic spec due to an instantiation,
981                     --  and to get the true element from the generic template,
982                     --  we'd have to go out of our way an first find the
983                     --  declaration containing the expression, and then do
984                     --    Renamed_Entity (Enclosing_Declaration
985                     --                    (Expand_Generic (Get_Name (Decl)))).
986                     --  It took me a while to figure that one out, and in the
987                     --  meantime, I already had 'Unwind_Renames' written, so
988                     --  I prefer to stick with my own routine.
989                  begin
990                     if not Is_Equal (Ultimately, Direct_Rename) then
991                        State.Write_From :=
992                          Start (Get_Span (Ultimately));
993                        if not Is_Nil (State.Write_From) then
994                           State.Last_Written :=
995                             (State.Write_From.Line,
996                              State.Write_From.Column - 1);
997                           --  The text may be in some other unit!
998                           State.Unit :=
999                             Unit_Declaration
1000                               (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Ultimately));
1001                           AD.Printers.Open_Section
1002                             (State.The_Printer, Ultimate_Exception_Section);
1003                           Ctrl := Continue;
1004                           --  Never generate a newline:
1005                           State.Traverse_Top := Ultimately;
1006                           Traverse (Ultimately, Ctrl, State);
1007                           AD.Printers.Close_Section
1008                             (State.The_Printer, Ultimate_Exception_Section);
1009                        end if;
1010                     end if;
1011                  end;
1012               end if;
1013            end;
1014         end if;
1015         State := Original;
1016         if Exc.List /= null then
1017            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1018            Write_Comments (Exc.Element, Exc.List, State);
1019            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1020         end if;
1021         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Exception_Section);
1022         State := Original;
1023      end Write_Exception;
1025      N : Natural;
1027   begin
1028      N := Current;
1029      while N <= Index'Last and then
1030            Items (Index (N)).Class = Item_Exception and then
1031            not Items (Index (N)).Is_Private
1032      loop
1033         N := N + 1;
1034      end loop;
1035      --  Only visible ones!
1036      N := N - 1;
1037      if N >= Current then
1038         Sort_By_Name (Items, Index (Current .. N));
1039         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Exceptions_Section);
1040         for I in Current .. N loop
1041            Add_To_Index
1042              (State,
1043               Items (Index (I)).Element, Items (Index (I)).Is_Private);
1044            Write_Exception (Items (Index (I)), State);
1045            Items (Index (I)).Done := True;
1046         end loop;
1047         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Exceptions_Section);
1048         Current := N + 1;
1049      end if;
1050   end Handle_Exceptions;
1052   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1053   --  Produce a cross-ref table of all types declared in the package.
1055   Translation : constant array (AD.Queries.Operation_Kind) of
1056                            AD.Printers.Operation_Kind :=
1057     (AD.Queries.Overridden_Operation         =>
1058        AD.Printers.Overridden_Operation,
1059      AD.Queries.New_Operation                =>
1060        AD.Printers.Own_Operation,
1061      AD.Queries.Inherited_Operation          =>
1062        AD.Printers.Inherited_Operation,
1063      AD.Queries.Inherited_Original_Operation =>
1064        AD.Printers.Inherited_Original_Operation
1065     );
1067   procedure Handle_Types
1068     (Element : in     Asis.Element;
1069      State   : in out Scan_State)
1070   is
1071      --  Generate a cross-referenced table of all types and their primitive
1072      --  operations. 'Element' is a top-level package declaration. Note: we
1073      --  only include the visible types, and we also do not include subtype
1074      --  declarations in the per-unit type index.
1076      procedure Write_Type
1077        (Decl  : in     Declaration;
1078         State : in out Scan_State)
1079      is
1081         use type AD.Queries.Operation_Kind;
1083         procedure Write
1084           (Ops    : in     AD.Queries.Operation_List;
1085            I      : in out Natural;
1086            Kind   : in     AD.Queries.Operation_Kind;
1087            State  : in out Scan_State)
1088         is
1089            Header_Written : Boolean := False;
1090         begin
1091            while I <= Ops'Last and then Ops (I).Kind = Kind loop
1092               if not Header_Written then
1093                  AD.Printers.Open_Operation_List
1094                     (State.The_Printer, Translation (Kind));
1095                  Header_Written := True;
1096               end if;
1097               AD.Printers.Add_Type_Operation
1098                 (State.The_Printer,
1099                  AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1100                    (Get_Name (Ops (I).Decl), State.Unit,
1101                     State.Reporter'Access));
1102               I := I + 1;
1103            end loop;
1104            if Header_Written then
1105               AD.Printers.Close_Operation_List (State.The_Printer);
1106            end if;
1107         end Write;
1109         function Smaller
1110           (Left, Right : in AD.Queries.Operation_Description)
1111           return Boolean
1112         is
1113         begin
1114            if Left.Kind /= Right.Kind then
1115               return Left.Kind < Right.Kind;
1116            else
1117               return Smaller_Name (Left.Decl, Right.Decl);
1118            end if;
1119         end Smaller;
1121         procedure Sort is
1122            new GAL.Sorting.Sort_G
1123              (Positive,
1124               AD.Queries.Operation_Description,
1125               AD.Queries.Operation_List,
1126               Smaller);
1128         procedure Purge
1129           (Ops  : in out AD.Queries.Operation_List;
1130            Last :    out Natural)
1131         is
1132            --  Remove all 'Inherited_Original_Operation's that are not in an
1133            --  application defined unit. Change all others to simple
1134            --  'Inherited_Operations'. Set 'Last' to reflect the last index
1135            --  still containing a valid operation.
1136            I : Natural;
1138            procedure Swap is
1139              new GAL.Support.Swap (AD.Queries.Operation_Description);
1141         begin
1142            Last := Ops'Last;
1143            I    := Ops'First;
1144            while I <= Last loop
1145               if Ops (I).Kind = AD.Queries.Inherited_Original_Operation then
1146                  --  if Unit_Origin
1147                  --       (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Ops (I).Decl)) /=
1148                  --     An_Application_Unit
1149                  if not AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_To_Unit
1150                           (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Ops (I).Decl))
1151                  then
1152                     if I < Last then
1153                        Swap (Ops (I), Ops (Last));
1154                     end if;
1155                     Last := Last - 1;
1156                  else
1157                     Ops (I).Kind := AD.Queries.Inherited_Operation;
1158                     I := I + 1;
1159                  end if;
1160               else
1161                  I := I + 1;
1162               end if;
1163            end loop;
1164         end Purge;
1166      begin --  Write_Type
1167         declare
1168            XRef : AD.Crossrefs.Cross_Reference :=
1169              AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1170                (Get_Name (Decl), State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access);
1171         begin
1172            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Type_Section);
1173            AD.Printers.Type_Name (State.The_Printer, XRef);
1174         end;
1175         case Declaration_Kind (Decl) is
1176            when A_Task_Type_Declaration =>
1177               AD.Printers.Type_Kind (State.The_Printer, "task type");
1178            when A_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
1179               AD.Printers.Type_Kind (State.The_Printer, "protected type");
1180            when An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration =>
1181               --  Actually this shouldn't ever happen. We can have an
1182               --  incomplete type here only if we're in the private part of
1183               --  a package spec, but we don't traverse those anyway.
1184               AD.Printers.Type_Kind (State.The_Printer, "incomplete type");
1185               AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Type_Section);
1186               return;
1187            when others =>
1188               case Trait_Kind (Decl) is
1189                  when A_Limited_Trait |
1190                       A_Limited_Private_Trait =>
1191                     AD.Printers.Type_Kind (State.The_Printer, "limited type");
1192                  when An_Abstract_Trait |
1193                       An_Abstract_Private_Trait =>
1194                     AD.Printers.Type_Kind
1195                       (State.The_Printer, "abstract type");
1196                  when An_Abstract_Limited_Trait |
1197                       An_Abstract_Limited_Private_Trait =>
1198                     AD.Printers.Type_Kind
1199                       (State.The_Printer, "abstract limited type");
1200                  when others =>
1201                     null;
1202               end case;
1203         end case;
1204         declare
1205            Parent     : constant Declaration      :=
1206              AD.Queries.Ancestor_Type (Decl);
1207            Primitives : AD.Queries.Operation_List :=
1208              AD.Queries.Primitive_Operations (Decl);
1209            I          : Natural;
1210            Last       : Natural;
1211         begin
1212            if not Is_Nil (Parent) then
1213               AD.Printers.Parent_Type
1214                 (State.The_Printer,
1215                  AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1216                    (Get_Name (Parent), State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access));
1217            end if;
1218            if Primitives'Last >= Primitives'First then
1219               Purge (Primitives, Last);
1220               if Last >= Primitives'First then
1221                  Sort (Primitives (Primitives'First .. Last));
1222                  I := Primitives'First;
1223                  AD.Printers.Open_Section
1224                    (State.The_Printer, Operations_Section);
1225                  for Kind in AD.Queries.Operation_Kind loop
1226                     Write
1227                       (Primitives (Primitives'First .. Last), I, Kind, State);
1228                  end loop;
1229                  AD.Printers.Close_Section
1230                    (State.The_Printer, Operations_Section);
1231               end if;
1232            end if;
1233         end;
1234         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Type_Section);
1235      end Write_Type;
1237      function Is_A_Type_Declaration
1238        (Kind : in Declaration_Kinds)
1239        return Boolean
1240      is
1241      begin
1242         return Kind in A_Type_Declaration;
1243         --  This does *not* include subtypes!
1244      end Is_A_Type_Declaration;
1246      function Extract_Types is
1247         new Extract_Declarations (Is_A_Type_Declaration);
1249      Types   : constant Declarative_Item_List :=
1250        Extract_Types (Visible_Part_Declarative_Items (Element, False), True);
1251      --  Collects all the types from the visible declarations.
1253   begin
1254      if Types'Last >= Types'First then
1255         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Type_Summary_Section);
1256         for I in Types'Range loop
1257            if
1258               Declaration_Kind (Types (I)) = An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
1259            then
1260               --  The next one *must* be the full type declaration. Hence
1261               --  just skip the incomplete type decl.
1262               if I = Types'Last or else
1263                  not Is_Equal (Types (I + 1),
1264                                Corresponding_Type_Declaration (Types (I)))
1265               then
1266                  --  Actually, we shouldn't ever get here, because incomplete
1267                  --  types without completion are allowed in the private part
1268                  --  of a package spec only, and we don't traverse that in
1269                  --  the first place.
1270                  Write_Type (Types (I), State);
1271               end if;
1272            else
1273               Write_Type (Types (I), State);
1274            end if;
1275         end loop;
1276         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Type_Summary_Section);
1277      end if;
1278   end Handle_Types;
1280   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1282   procedure Handle_Declaration
1283     (Items     : in     Item_Table;
1284      Current   : in     Natural;
1285      State     : in out Scan_State;
1286      Is_Last   : in     Boolean;
1287      Top_Level : in     Boolean := False)
1288   is
1290      procedure Write_Generic_Formals
1291        (Decl  : in     Declaration;
1292         State : in out Scan_State)
1293      is
1294         --  Write the generic formals, if any.
1295      begin
1296         case Declaration_Kind (Decl) is
1297            when A_Generic_Package_Declaration |
1298                 A_Generic_Function_Declaration |
1299                 A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration =>
1300               declare
1301                  Ctrl            : Traverse_Control;
1302                  Generic_Formals : constant Element_List :=
1303                    Generic_Formal_Part (Decl, True);
1304               begin
1305                  for I in Generic_Formals'Range loop
1306                     Ctrl := Continue;
1307                     --  Never suppress any newlines:
1308                     State.Traverse_Top := Nil_Element;
1309                     Traverse (Generic_Formals (I), Ctrl, State);
1310                  end loop;
1311               end;
1313            when others =>
1314               null;
1316         end case;
1317      end Write_Generic_Formals;
1319      procedure Write_Container
1320        (Items     : in     Item_Table;
1321         Current   : in     Natural;
1322         State     : in out Scan_State;
1323         Is_Last   : in     Boolean;
1324         Top_Level : in     Boolean)
1325      is
1326         Old_Indent      : constant Character_Position := State.Indent;
1327         Kind            : constant Declaration_Kinds  :=
1328           Declaration_Kind (Items (Current).Element);
1329         Table_Opened    : Boolean             := False;
1330         Contained_Items : Item_Table       :=
1331           Find_Items (Items (Current).Element);
1332         For_Container   : Natural;
1333      begin
1334         Group_Items (Contained_Items, For_Container);
1335         Add_To_Index
1336           (State, Items (Current).Element, Items (Current).Is_Private);
1337         declare
1338            Name : Defining_Name := Get_Name (Items (Current).Element);
1339         begin
1340            if Defining_Name_Kind (Name) = A_Defining_Expanded_Name then
1341               Name := Defining_Selector (Name);
1342            end if;
1343            AD.Printers.Open_Container
1344              (State.The_Printer,
1345               AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1346                 (Name, State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access),
1347               Get_Item_Kind (Items (Current).Element),
1348               Get_Single_Name (Items (Current).Element));
1349         end;
1350         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Header_Section);
1351         declare
1352            Pos : Position :=
1353              Start (Get_Span (Items (Current).Element));
1354         begin
1355            if Pos.Line = 1 then Pos.Column := 1; end if;
1356            State.Write_From   := Pos;
1357            State.Last_Written := (Pos.Line, Pos.Column - 1);
1358            State.Indent       := Pos.Column - 1;
1359         end;
1360         Write_Generic_Formals (Items (Current).Element, State);
1361         --  Complete the header: write everything up to and including the
1362         --  defining name, then write everything up to and including the
1363         --  "is", and then write all following items belonging to this one.
1364         --  Finally, write the comments for all items (excluding the current
1365         --  item (and the context clauses) if we're on top level.
1366         declare
1367            Name : constant Defining_Name :=
1368              Get_Name (Items (Current).Element);
1369            Ctrl : Traverse_Control := Continue;
1370         begin
1371            State.Traverse_Top := Nil_Element;
1372            Handle_Defining_Name (Name, Ctrl, State);
1373            Terminate_Line (State);
1374            --  If it's a task or protected type, it may have discriminants
1375            --  here...
1376            if Kind = A_Task_Type_Declaration or else
1377               Kind = A_Protected_Type_Declaration
1378            then
1379               declare
1380                  Discriminants : constant Asis.Element :=
1381                    Discriminant_Part (Items (Current).Element);
1382                  Ctrl : Traverse_Control := Continue;
1383               begin
1384                  if not Is_Nil (Discriminants) then
1385                     --  Never suppress any newlines:
1386                     State.Traverse_Top := Nil_Element;
1387                     Traverse (Discriminants, Ctrl, State);
1388                  end if;
1389               end;
1390            end if;
1391            --  Find the 'is' and write it.
1392            declare
1393               To_Write : A_T.Span :=
1394                 Through (State.Unit,
1395                          "is", From => State.Last_Written);
1396            begin
1397               Set_Start (To_Write, State.Write_From);
1398               Write_Span (To_Write, State);
1399               New_Line (State.The_Printer);
1400            end;
1401         end;
1402         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Header_Section);
1403         --  Now write any object belonging to this one (rep clauses, pragmas),
1404         --  and then write the comments, if any.
1405         declare
1406            Index : Index_Table :=
1407              (1 => Current) &
1408              Collect_Subordinates (Items, Contained_Items,
1409                                    Items (Current).Sub, For_Container);
1410            Ctrl : Traverse_Control;
1411         begin
1412            if Index'Last > Index'First then
1413               AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
1414               AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Top_Item_Section);
1415               AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
1416               Table_Opened := True;
1417               Sort_Subordinates (Index (Index'First + 1 .. Index'Last),
1418                                  Items, Contained_Items);
1419               for I in Index'First + 1 .. Index'Last loop
1420                  declare
1421                     This : Asis.Element;
1422                  begin
1423                     if Index (I) < 0 then
1424                        This := Contained_Items (-Index (I)).Element;
1425                     else
1426                        This := Items (Index (I)).Element;
1427                     end if;
1428                     --  TBD: Produce anchor; add to index
1429                     declare
1430                        Pos : Position := Start (Get_Span (This));
1431                     begin
1432                        if Pos.Line = 1 then Pos.Column := 1; end if;
1433                        State.Write_From   := Pos;
1434                        State.Last_Written :=
1435                          (Pos.Line, Pos.Column - 1);
1436                        State.Indent       := Pos.Column - 1;
1437                     end;
1438                     Ctrl := Continue;
1439                     State.Traverse_Top := This;
1440                     Traverse (This, Ctrl, State);
1441                  end;
1442                  if I < Index'Last then New_Line (State.The_Printer); end if;
1443               end loop;
1444               AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Snippet_Section);
1445            end if;
1446            --  First check that we do have comments:
1447            declare
1448               Have_Comments : Boolean := False;
1449               From          : Natural;
1450            begin
1451               if Top_Level then
1452                  From := Index'First + 1;
1453               else
1454                  From := Index'First;
1455               end if;
1456               for I in From .. Index'Last loop
1457                  if (Index (I) > 0 and then
1458                      Items (Index (I)).List /= null)
1459                     or else
1460                     (Index (I) < 0 and then
1461                      Contained_Items (-Index (I)).List /= null)
1462                  then
1463                     Have_Comments := True; exit;
1464                  end if;
1465               end loop;
1466               if Have_Comments then
1467                  if not Table_Opened then
1468                     AD.Printers.Open_Section
1469                       (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
1470                     AD.Printers.Open_Section
1471                       (State.The_Printer, Top_Item_Section);
1472                     Table_Opened := True;
1473                  end if;
1474                  AD.Printers.Open_Section
1475                    (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1476                  for I in From .. Index'Last loop
1477                     if Index (I) > 0 then
1478                        Write_Comments
1479                          (Items (Index (I)).Element,
1480                           Items (Index (I)).List, State);
1481                     else
1482                        Write_Comments
1483                          (Contained_Items (-Index (I)).Element,
1484                           Contained_Items (-Index (I)).List, State);
1485                     end if;
1486                  end loop;
1487                  AD.Printers.Close_Section
1488                    (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1489               end if;
1490            end;
1491         end;
1492         if Table_Opened then
1493            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Top_Item_Section);
1494         end if;
1495         --  And now go into it:
1497         declare
1498            Curr            : Natural;
1499            In_Private      : Boolean := False;
1500            Is_Package      : constant Boolean :=
1501              Kind = A_Generic_Package_Declaration or else
1502              Kind = A_Package_Declaration;
1503            Contained_Index : Index_Table :=
1504              Build_Index (Contained_Items);
1505         begin
1506            if Is_Package and then Top_Level then
1507               Handle_Children
1508                 (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Items (Current).Element),
1509                  State, Table_Opened);
1510            end if;
1511            if Contained_Index'Last >= Contained_Index'First then
1512               if not Table_Opened then
1513                  AD.Printers.Open_Section
1514                    (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
1515                  Table_Opened := True;
1516               end if;
1517               Sort_Index (Contained_Items, Contained_Index);
1518               Curr := Contained_Index'First;
1519               if Is_Package then
1520                  Handle_Exceptions (Contained_Items, Contained_Index, Curr,
1521                                     State);
1522                  Handle_Types (Items (Current).Element, State);
1523                  Handle_Objects (Contained_Items, Contained_Index, Curr,
1524                                  State,
1525                                  Item_Constant);
1526                  Handle_Objects (Contained_Items, Contained_Index, Curr,
1527                                  State,
1528                                  Item_Object);
1529               end if;
1530               if Curr <= Contained_Index'Last then
1531                  AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Others_Section);
1532                  while Curr <= Contained_Index'Last loop
1533                     if
1534                        Contained_Items (Contained_Index (Curr)).Is_Private
1535                     then
1536                        if not In_Private then
1537                           AD.Printers.Add_Private (State.The_Printer, False);
1538                        end if;
1539                        In_Private := True;
1540                     end if;
1541                     Handle_Declaration
1542                       (Contained_Items, Contained_Index (Curr),
1543                        State, Curr = Contained_Index'Last);
1544                     Curr := Curr + 1;
1545                  end loop;
1546                  AD.Printers.Close_Section
1547                    (State.The_Printer, Others_Section);
1548               end if;
1549               Clear_Table (Contained_Items);
1550            end if;
1551            if not AD.Options.Private_Too and then
1552               Asis2.Container_Elements.Has_Private (Items (Current).Element)
1553            then
1554               if not Table_Opened then
1555                  AD.Printers.Open_Section
1556                    (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
1557                  Table_Opened := True;
1558               end if;
1559               AD.Printers.Add_Private (State.The_Printer, True);
1560            end if;
1561            if Table_Opened then
1562               AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Content_Section);
1563            end if;
1564         end;
1566         --  Find the closing 'end':
1567         AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Footer_Section);
1568         AD.Printers.Dump (State.The_Printer, "end ");
1569         --  Now write the name again (even if it didn't appear in the
1570         --  source!)
1571         declare
1572            Names : constant Name_List :=
1573              A_D.Names (Items (Current).Element);
1574            Span  : constant A_T.Span  := Get_Span (Names (Names'First));
1575            Ctrl  : Traverse_Control   := Continue;
1576         begin
1577            --  Now be careful to pretend that we're at the beginning,
1578            --  and that we have written everything on that same line
1579            --  before the name itself.
1580            State.Write_From   := Start (Span);
1581            State.Last_Written :=
1582              (State.Write_From.Line,
1583               State.Write_From.Column - 1);
1584            Handle_Defining_Name (Names (Names'First), Ctrl, State, False);
1585            AD.Printers.Dump (State.The_Printer, ";");
1586         end;
1587         AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Footer_Section);
1588         AD.Printers.Close_Container
1589           (State.The_Printer, Is_Last and then not Top_Level);
1590         State.Indent := Old_Indent;
1591      end Write_Container;
1593      procedure Write_Item
1594        (Items     : in     Item_Table;
1595         Current   : in     Natural;
1596         State     : in out Scan_State;
1597         Is_Last   : in     Boolean;
1598         Top_Level : in     Boolean)
1599      is
1600         Old_Indent : constant Character_Position    := State.Indent;
1601         Kind       : constant AD.Printers.Item_Kind :=
1602           AD.Printers.Get_Item_Kind (Items (Current).Element);
1603         use type AD.Printers.Item_Kind;
1605      begin
1606         if Kind not in AD.Printers.Declaration_Item_Kind then
1607            AD.Printers.Open_Item
1608              (State.The_Printer, AD.Crossrefs.Null_Crossref, Kind);
1609            --  TBD: Produce anchor, add to indices.
1610         else
1611            Add_To_Index
1612              (State, Items (Current).Element, Items (Current).Is_Private);
1613            declare
1614               Name : Defining_Name := Get_Name (Items (Current).Element);
1615            begin
1616               if Defining_Name_Kind (Name) = A_Defining_Expanded_Name then
1617                  Name := Defining_Selector (Name);
1618               end if;
1619               AD.Printers.Open_Item
1620                 (State.The_Printer,
1621                  AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1622                    (Name, State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access),
1623                  Kind,
1624                  Get_Single_Name (Items (Current).Element));
1625            end;
1626         end if;
1627         Write_Item (Items, Current, State, Top_Level);
1628         AD.Printers.Close_Item (State.The_Printer, Is_Last);
1629         State.Indent := Old_Indent;
1630      end Write_Item;
1632   begin
1633      if Top_Level then
1634         if Items (Current).List /= null then
1635            AD.Printers.Open_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1636            Write_Comments (State.Unit, Items (Current).List, State);
1637            AD.Printers.Close_Section (State.The_Printer, Description_Section);
1638         end if;
1639      end if;
1640      if Is_Container (Items (Current).Class) then
1641         Write_Container (Items, Current, State, Is_Last, Top_Level);
1642      else
1643         Write_Item (Items, Current, State, Is_Last, Top_Level);
1644      end if;
1645   end Handle_Declaration;
1647   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1649   procedure Handle_Defining_Name
1650     (Element   : in     Defining_Name;
1651      Control   : in out Traverse_Control;
1652      State     : in out Scan_State;
1653      Do_Anchor : in     Boolean := True)
1654   is
1655      --  Generate an anchor for a defining name, so that it can be cross-
1656      --  referenced.
1658      Name : Defining_Name := Element;
1659   begin
1660      if Defining_Name_Kind (Name) = A_Defining_Expanded_Name then
1661         --  Try to generate cross-references for the prefix! (Fails some-
1662         --  times on Asis 2.0.R for GNAT 3.13p; the failure is handled in
1663         --  'AD.Writers.Write_Reference').
1664         Traverse (Defining_Prefix (Name), Control, State);
1665         Name := Defining_Selector (Name);
1666      end if;
1667      if Do_Anchor then
1668         Write_Name (Name, State);
1669      else
1670         Write (Name, State);
1671      end if;
1672      Control := Abandon_Children;
1673   end Handle_Defining_Name;
1675   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1676   --  The only exported routine.
1678   procedure Scan
1679     (The_Unit    : in Compilation_Unit;
1680      The_Printer : in AD.Printers.Printer_Ref)
1681   is
1682      --  Produce an HTML rendering of the given compilation unit.
1684      State : Scan_State;
1686   begin
1687      State.The_Printer          := The_Printer;
1688      State.Reporter.The_Printer := The_Printer;
1689      State.Unit                 := Unit_Declaration (The_Unit);
1690      State.Write_From           := Start (Compilation_Unit_Span (State.Unit));
1691      --  Asis 2.0.R for GNAT 3.13p has a problem if the unit starts at the
1692      --  very beginning with a clause: the column is set to an arbitrary
1693      --  value. The above therefore sometimes causes some stuff at the very
1694      --  beginning not to be written. Correct that!
1695      --
1696      --  This error seems to be corrected in the 3.14p version.
1697      if State.Write_From.Line = 1 then
1698         State.Write_From.Column := 1;
1699      end if;
1700      State.Indent := 0;
1702      declare
1703         Name : Defining_Name := Asis2.Naming.Get_Name (State.Unit);
1704      begin
1705         if Defining_Name_Kind (Name) = A_Defining_Expanded_Name then
1706            Name := Defining_Selector (Name);
1707         end if;
1708         AD.Printers.Open_Unit
1709           (State.The_Printer,
1710            AD.Printers.Get_Item_Kind (State.Unit),
1711            Full_Unit_Name (The_Unit),
1712            Unit_Class (The_Unit) = A_Private_Declaration,
1713            AD.Crossrefs.Crossref_Name
1714             (Name, State.Unit, State.Reporter'Access));
1715      end;
1716      declare
1717         Items : Item_Table := Find_Items (The_Unit);
1718         Curr  : Natural;
1719      begin
1720         if Items (Items'First).Is_Clause then
1721            Handle_Clauses (The_Unit, State, Items (Items'First));
1722            Curr := Items'First + 1;
1723         else
1724            Curr := Items'First;
1725         end if;
1726         declare
1727            Index : constant Index_Table :=
1728              Build_Index (Items (Curr .. Items'Last));
1729         begin
1730            for I in Index'Range loop
1731               Handle_Declaration
1732                 (Items, Index (I), State,
1733                  Is_Last => I = Index'Last, Top_Level => True);
1734            end loop;
1735         end;
1736         Clear_Table (Items);
1737         Clear_Comments;
1738      end;
1739      AD.Printers.Close_Unit (State.The_Printer);
1740   end Scan;
1742   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1744end AD.Scanner;