1 /*
2  * lens.h: Repreentation of lenses
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 David Lutterkort
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
19  *
20  * Author: David Lutterkort <dlutter@redhat.com>
21  */
23 #ifndef LENS_H_
24 #define LENS_H_
26 #include "syntax.h"
27 #include "fa.h"
28 #include "jmt.h"
30 /* keep in sync with tag name table */
31 enum lens_tag {
32     L_DEL = 42,    /* Shift tag values so we fail fast(er) on bad pointers */
33     L_STORE,
34     L_VALUE,
35     L_KEY,
36     L_LABEL,
37     L_SEQ,
38     L_COUNTER,
39     L_CONCAT,
40     L_UNION,
41     L_SUBTREE,
42     L_STAR,
43     L_MAYBE,
44     L_REC,
45     L_SQUARE
46 };
48 /* A lens. The way the type information is computed is a little
49  * delicate. There are various regexps involved to form the final type:
50  *
51  * CTYPE - the concrete type, used to parse file -> tree
52  * ATYPE - the abstract type, used to parse tree -> file
53  * KTYPE - the 'key' type, matching the label that this lens
54  *         can produce, or NULL if no label is produced
55  * VTYPE - the 'value' type, matching the value that this lens
56  *         can produce, or NULL if no value is produce
57  *
58  * We distinguish between regular and recursive (context-free) lenses. Only
59  * L_REC and the combinators can be marked recursive.
60  *
61  * Types are computed at different times, depending on whether the lens is
62  * recursive or not. For non-recursive lenses, types are computed when the
63  * lens is constructed by one of the LNS_MAKE_* functions; for recursive
64  * lenses, we never compute an explicit ctype (since regular approximations
65  * of it are pretty much useless), we do however compute regular
66  * approximations of the ktype, vtype, and atype in LNS_CHECK_REC. That
67  * means that recursive lenses accept context free languages in the string
68  * -> tree direction, but only regular tree languages in the tree -> string
69  * direction.
70  *
71  * Any lens that uses a recursive lens somehow is marked as recursive
72  * itself.
73  */
74 struct lens {
75     unsigned int              ref;
76     enum lens_tag             tag;
77     struct info              *info;
78     struct regexp            *ctype;  /* NULL when recursive == 1 */
79     struct regexp            *atype;
80     struct regexp            *ktype;
81     struct regexp            *vtype;
82     struct jmt               *jmt;    /* When recursive == 1, might have jmt */
83     unsigned int              value : 1;
84     unsigned int              key : 1;
85     unsigned int              recursive : 1;
86     unsigned int              consumes_value : 1;
87     /* Whether we are inside a recursive lens or outside */
88     unsigned int              rec_internal : 1;
89     unsigned int              ctype_nullable : 1;
90     union {
91         /* Primitive lenses */
92         struct {                   /* L_DEL uses both */
93             struct regexp *regexp; /* L_STORE, L_KEY */
94             struct string *string; /* L_VALUE, L_LABEL, L_SEQ, L_COUNTER */
95         };
96         /* Combinators */
97         struct lens *child;         /* L_SUBTREE, L_STAR, L_MAYBE, L_SQUARE */
98         struct {                    /* L_UNION, L_CONCAT */
99             unsigned int nchildren;
100             struct lens **children;
101         };
102         struct {
103             struct lens *body;      /* L_REC */
104             /* We represent a recursive lens as two instances of struct
105              * lens with L_REC. One has rec_internal set to 1, the other
106              * has it set to 0. The one with rec_internal is used within
107              * the body, the other is what is used from the 'outside'. This
108              * is necessary to break the cycles inherent in recursive
109              * lenses with reference counting. The link through alias is
110              * set up in lns_check_rec, and not reference counted.
111              *
112              * Generally, any lens used in the body of a recursive lens is
113              * marked with rec_internal == 1; lenses that use the recursive
114              * lens 'from the outside' are marked with rec_internal ==
115              * 0. In the latter case, we can assign types right away,
116              * except for the ctype, which we never have for any recursive
117              * lens.
118              */
119             struct lens *alias;
120         };
121     };
122 };
124 /* Constructors for various lens types. Constructor assumes ownership of
125  * arguments without incrementing. Caller owns returned lenses.
126  *
127  * The return type is VALUE instead of LENS so that we can return an
128  * exception iftypechecking fails.
129  */
130 struct value *lns_make_prim(enum lens_tag tag, struct info *info,
131                             struct regexp *regexp, struct string *string);
132 struct value *lns_make_union(struct info *, struct lens *, struct lens *,
133                              int check);
134 struct value *lns_make_concat(struct info *, struct lens *, struct lens *,
135                               int check);
136 struct value *lns_make_subtree(struct info *, struct lens *);
137 struct value *lns_make_star(struct info *, struct lens *,
138                             int check);
139 struct value *lns_make_plus(struct info *, struct lens *,
140                             int check);
141 struct value *lns_make_maybe(struct info *, struct lens *,
142                              int check);
143 struct value *lns_make_square(struct info *, struct lens *, struct lens *,
144                               struct lens *lens, int check);
147 /* Pretty-print a lens */
148 char *format_lens(struct lens *l);
150 /* Pretty-print the atype of a lens. Allocates BUF, which must be freed by
151  * the caller */
152 int lns_format_atype(struct lens *, char **buf);
154 /* Recursive lenses */
155 struct value *lns_make_rec(struct info *info);
156 struct value *lns_check_rec(struct info *info,
157                             struct lens *body, struct lens *rec,
158                             int check);
160 /* Auxiliary data structures used during get/put/create */
161 struct skel {
162     struct skel *next;
163     enum lens_tag tag;
164     union {
165         char        *text;    /* L_DEL */
166         struct skel *skels;   /* L_CONCAT, L_STAR, L_SQUARE */
167     };
168     /* Also tag == L_SUBTREE, with no data in the union */
169 };
171 struct lns_error {
172     struct lens  *lens;
173     struct lens  *last;       /* The last lens that matched */
174     struct lens  *next;       /* The next lens that should match but doesn't */
175     int           pos;        /* Errors from get/parse */
176     char         *path;       /* Errors from put, pos will be -1 */
177     char         *message;
178 };
180 struct dict *make_dict(char *key, struct skel *skel, struct dict *subdict);
181 void dict_lookup(const char *key, struct dict *dict,
182                  struct skel **skel, struct dict **subdict);
183 int dict_append(struct dict **dict, struct dict *d2);
184 void free_skel(struct skel *skel);
185 void free_dict(struct dict *dict);
186 void free_lns_error(struct lns_error *err);
188 /* Parse text TEXT with LENS. INFO indicates where TEXT was read from.
189  *
190  * If ERR is non-NULL, *ERR is set to NULL on success, and to an error
191  * message on failure; the constructed tree is always returned. If ERR is
192  * NULL, return the tree on success, and NULL on failure.
193  *
194  * ENABLE_SPAN indicates whether span information should be collected or not
195  */
196 struct tree *lns_get(struct info *info, struct lens *lens, const char *text,
197                      int enable_span, struct lns_error **err);
198 struct skel *lns_parse(struct lens *lens, const char *text,
199                        struct dict **dict, struct lns_error **err);
201 /* Write tree TREE that was initially read from TEXT (but might have been
202  * modified) into file OUT using LENS.
203  *
204  * If ERR is non-NULL, *ERR is set to NULL on success, and to an error
205  * message on failure.
206  *
207  * INFO indicates where we are writing to, and its flags indicate whether
208  * to update spans or not.
209  */
210 void lns_put(struct info *info, FILE *out, struct lens *lens, struct tree *tree,
211              const char *text, int enable_span, struct lns_error **err);
213 /* Free up temporary data structures, most importantly compiled
214    regular expressions */
215 void lens_release(struct lens *lens);
216 void free_lens(struct lens *lens);
218 /*
219  * Encoding of tree levels into strings
220  */
222 /* Special characters used when encoding one level of the tree as a string.
223  * We encode one tree node as KEY . ENC_EQ . VALUE . ENC_SLASH; if KEY or
224  * VALUE are NULL, we use ENC_NULL, which is the empty string. This has the
225  * effect that NULL strings are treated the same as empty strings.
226  *
227  * This encoding is used both for actual trees in the put direction, and to
228  * produce regular expressions describing one level in the tree (we
229  * disregard subtrees)
230  *
231  * For this to work, neither ENC_EQ nor ENC_SLASH can be allowed in a
232  * VALUE; we do this behind the scenes by rewriting regular expressions for
233  * values.
234  */
235 #define ENC_EQ        "\003"
236 #define ENC_SLASH     "\004"
237 #define ENC_NULL      ""
238 #define ENC_EQ_CH     (ENC_EQ[0])
239 #define ENC_SLASH_CH  (ENC_SLASH[0])
241 /* The reserved range of characters that we do not allow in user-supplied
242    regular expressions, since we need them for internal bookkeeping.
244    This range must include the ENC_* characters
245 */
246 #define RESERVED_FROM "\001"
250 /* The range of reserved chars as it appears in a regex */
252 /* The equivalent of "." in a regexp for display */
253 #define RESERVED_DOT_RX "[^" RESERVED_RANGE_RX "\n]"
255 /* The length of the string S encoded */
256 #define ENCLEN(s) ((s) == NULL ? strlen(ENC_NULL) : strlen(s))
257 #define ENCSTR(s) ((s) == NULL ? ENC_NULL : s)
259 /* helper to access first and last child */
260 #define child_first(l) (l)->children[0]
261 #define child_last(l) (l)->children[(l)->nchildren - 1]
263 /* Format an encoded level as
264  *    { key1 = value1 } { key2 = value2 } .. { keyN = valueN }
265  */
266 char *enc_format(const char *e, size_t len);
267 /* Format an encoded level similar to ENC_FORMAT, but put each tree node
268  * on a new line indented by INDENT spaces. If INDENT is negative, produce the
269  * same output as ENC_FORMAT
270  *    { key1 = value1 } { key2 = value2 } .. { keyN = valueN }
271  */
272 char *enc_format_indent(const char *e, size_t len, int indent);
275 void dump_lens_tree(struct lens *lens);
276 void dump_lens(FILE *out, struct lens *lens);
277 #endif
279 #endif
282 /*
283  * Local variables:
284  *  indent-tabs-mode: nil
285  *  c-indent-level: 4
286  *  c-basic-offset: 4
287  *  tab-width: 4
288  * End:
289  */