1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Ben van Klinken and the CLucene Team
3 *
4 * Distributable under the terms of either the Apache License (Version 2.0) or
5 * the GNU Lesser General Public License, as specified in the COPYING file.
6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7 #ifndef _lucene_index_Payload_
8 #define _lucene_index_Payload_
10 #include "CLucene/util/Array.h"
CL_NS_DEF(index)12 CL_NS_DEF(index)
14 /**
15 *  A Payload is metadata that can be stored together with each occurrence
16 *  of a term. This metadata is stored inline in the posting list of the
17 *  specific term.
18 *  <p>
19 *  To store payloads in the index a {@link TokenStream} has to be used that
20 *  produces {@link Token}s containing payload data.
21 *  <p>
22 *  Use {@link TermPositions#getPayloadLength()} and {@link TermPositions#getPayload(byte[], int)}
23 *  to retrieve the payloads from the index.<br>
24 *
25 */
27 protected:
28   CL_NS(util)::ValueArray<uint8_t>& data;
30   /** the offset within the byte array */
31   int32_t offset;
33   /** the length of the payload data */
34   int32_t _length;
36   bool deleteData;
37   bool deleteArray;
38 public:
40   /** Creates an empty payload and does not allocate a byte array. */
41   Payload();
43   /**
44    * Creates a new payload with the the given array as data.
45    * A reference to the passed-in array is held, i. e. no
46    * copy is made.
47    *
48    * @param data the data of this payload
49    * @param length the length of the data
50    * @param deleteData delete data when payload is deleted
51    */
52   Payload(uint8_t* data, const int32_t length, bool deleteData=false);
54   /**
55   * Creates a new payload with the the given array as data.
56   * A reference to the passed-in array is held, i. e. no
57   * copy is made.
58   *
59   * @param data the data of this payload
60   * @param deleteData delete data when payload is deleted
61   */
62   Payload(CL_NS(util)::ValueArray<uint8_t>& data, const int32_t offset=0, const int32_t length=-1, bool deleteData=false);
64   /* Desctructor - auto-delete the data container */
65   ~Payload();
67   /**
68   * Sets this payloads data.
69   * A reference to the passed-in array is held, i. e. no
70   * copy is made.
71   * @param deleteData delete data when payload is deleted
72   */
73   void setData(uint8_t* data, const int32_t length, bool deleteData=false);
75   /**
76   * Sets this payloads data.
77   * A reference to the passed-in array is held, i. e. no
78   * copy is made.
79   * @param deleteData delete data when payload is deleted
80   */
81   void setData(CL_NS(util)::ValueArray<uint8_t>& data, const int32_t offset=0, const int32_t length=-1, bool deleteData=false);
83   /**
84   * Returns a reference to the underlying byte array
85   * that holds this payloads data.
86   */
87   const CL_NS(util)::ValueArray<uint8_t>& getData() const;
89   /**
90   * Returns the length of the payload data.
91   */
92   int32_t length() const;
94   /**
95   * Returns the offset in the underlying byte array
96   */
97   int32_t getOffset() const;
99   /**
100   * Returns the byte at the given index.
101   */
102   uint8_t byteAt(int index) const;
104   /**
105   * Allocates a new byte array, copies the payload data into it and returns it. Caller is responsible
106   * for deleting it later.
107   * @memory caller is responsible for deleting the returned array
108   */
109   CL_NS(util)::ValueArray<uint8_t>* toByteArray() const;
111   /**
112   * Copies the payload data to a byte array.
113   *
114   * @param target the target byte array
115   * @param targetOffset the offset in the target byte array
116   */
117   void copyTo(uint8_t* target, const int32_t targetLen) const;
119   /**
120   * Clones this payload by creating a copy of the underlying
121   * byte array.
122   */
123   Payload* clone() const;
125 };
128 #endif