1{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes   #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
11module Commonmark.Blocks
12  ( mkBlockParser
13  , defaultBlockSpecs
14  , BlockStartResult(..)
15  , BlockSpec(..)
16  , BlockData(..)
17  , defBlockData
18  , BlockNode
19  , BPState(..)
20  , BlockParser
21  , LinkInfo(..)
22  , defaultFinalizer
23  , runInlineParser
24  , addNodeToStack
25  , collapseNodeStack
26  , getBlockText
27  , removeIndent
28  , bspec
29  , endOfBlock
30  , interruptsParagraph
31  , linkReferenceDef
32  , renderChildren
33  , reverseSubforests
34  -- * BlockSpecs
35  , docSpec
36  , indentedCodeSpec
37  , fencedCodeSpec
38  , blockQuoteSpec
39  , atxHeadingSpec
40  , setextHeadingSpec
41  , thematicBreakSpec
42  , listItemSpec
43  , bulletListMarker
44  , orderedListMarker
45  , rawHtmlSpec
46  , attributeSpec
47  , paraSpec
48  , plainSpec
49  )
52import           Commonmark.Tag
53import           Commonmark.TokParsers
54import           Commonmark.ReferenceMap
55import           Commonmark.Inlines        (pEscaped, pLinkDestination,
56                                            pLinkLabel, pLinkTitle)
57import           Commonmark.Entity         (unEntity)
58import           Commonmark.Tokens
59import           Commonmark.Types
60import           Control.Monad             (foldM, guard, mzero, void, unless,
61                                            when)
62import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
63import           Data.Foldable             (foldrM)
64#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
65import           Data.Monoid
67import           Data.Char                 (isAsciiUpper, isDigit, isSpace)
68import           Data.Dynamic
69import           Data.Text                 (Text)
70import qualified Data.Map.Strict           as M
71import qualified Data.Text                 as T
72import qualified Data.Text.Read            as TR
73import           Data.Tree
74import           Text.Parsec
77  :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
78  => [BlockSpec m il bl] -- ^ Defines block syntax
79  -> [BlockParser m il bl bl] -- ^ Parsers to run at end
80  -> (ReferenceMap -> [Tok] -> m (Either ParseError il)) -- ^ Inline parser
81  -> [BlockParser m il bl Attributes] -- ^ attribute parsers
82  -> [Tok] -- ^ Tokenized commonmark input
83  -> m (Either ParseError bl)  -- ^ Result or error
84mkBlockParser specs finalParsers ilParser attrParsers ts =
85  runParserT (do case ts of
86                   (t:_) -> setPosition (tokPos t)
87                   []    -> return ()
88                 processLines specs finalParsers)
89          BPState{ referenceMap     = emptyReferenceMap
90                 , inlineParser     = ilParser
91                 , nodeStack        = [Node (defBlockData docSpec) []]
92                 , blockMatched     = False
93                 , maybeLazy        = True
94                 , maybeBlank       = True
95                 , counters         = M.empty
96                 , failurePositions = M.empty
97                 , attributeParsers = attrParsers
98                 , nextAttributes   = mempty
99                 }
100          "source" (length ts `seq` ts)
101          -- we evaluate length ts to make sure the list is
102          -- fully evaluated; this helps performance.  note that
103          -- we can't use deepseq because there's no instance for SourcePos.
105processLines :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
106             => [BlockSpec m il bl]
107             -> [BlockParser m il bl bl] -- ^ Parsers to run at end
108             -> BlockParser m il bl bl
109processLines specs finalParsers = {-# SCC processLines #-} do
110  let go = eof <|> (processLine specs >> go) in go
111  tree <- (nodeStack <$> getState) >>= collapseNodeStack
112  updateState $ \st -> st{ nodeStack = [reverseSubforests tree] }
113  endContent <- mconcat <$> sequence finalParsers
114  tree':_ <- nodeStack <$> getState
115  body <- blockConstructor (blockSpec (rootLabel tree')) tree'
116  return $! body <> endContent
118reverseSubforests :: Tree a -> Tree a
119reverseSubforests (Node x cs) = Node x $ map reverseSubforests $ reverse cs
121processLine :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
122            => [BlockSpec m il bl] -> BlockParser m il bl ()
123processLine specs = do
124  -- check block continuations for each node in stack
125  st' <- getState
126  putState $  st'{ blockMatched = True
127                 , maybeLazy = True
128                 , maybeBlank = True
129                 , failurePositions = M.empty }
130  (matched, unmatched) <-  foldrM checkContinue ([],[]) (nodeStack st')
132  -- if not everything matched, and last unmatched is paragraph,
133  -- then we may have a lazy paragraph continuation
134  updateState $ \st -> st{ maybeLazy = maybeLazy st &&
135     case unmatched of
136          m:_ -> blockParagraph (bspec m)
137          _   -> False }
139  -- close unmatched blocks
140  if null unmatched
141    then updateState $ \st -> st{ nodeStack = matched }
142         -- this update is needed or we lose startpos information
143    else case matched of
144              []   -> error "no blocks matched"
145              m:ms -> do
146                m' <- collapseNodeStack (unmatched ++ [m])
147                updateState $ \st -> st{ nodeStack = m':ms }
149  restBlank <- option False $ True <$ lookAhead blankLine
151  {-# SCC block_starts #-} unless restBlank $
152    (do skipMany1 (doBlockStarts specs)
153        optional (try (blockStart paraSpec)))
154      <|>
155    (do getState >>= guard . maybeLazy
156        -- lazy line
157        sp <- getPosition
158        updateState $ \st -> st{ nodeStack =
159             map (addStartPos sp) (unmatched ++ matched) })
160      <|>
161    void (try (blockStart paraSpec))
162      <|>
163    return ()
165  (cur:rest) <- nodeStack <$> getState
166  -- add line contents
167  let curdata = rootLabel cur
168  when (blockParagraph (bspec cur)) $ skipMany spaceTok
169  pos <- getPosition
170  toks <- {-# SCC restOfLine #-} restOfLine
171  updateState $ \st -> st{
172      nodeStack =
173        cur{ rootLabel =
174               if blockContainsLines (bspec cur)
175                  then curdata{ blockLines = toks : blockLines curdata }
176                  else
177                    if maybeBlank st && restBlank
178                       then curdata{ blockBlanks = sourceLine pos :
179                                        blockBlanks curdata }
180                       else curdata
181           } : rest
182      }
183  -- showNodeStack
185addStartPos :: SourcePos -> BlockNode m il bl -> BlockNode m il bl
186addStartPos sp (Node bd cs) = Node bd{ blockStartPos = sp : blockStartPos bd } cs
188doBlockStarts :: Monad m => [BlockSpec m il bl] -> BlockParser m il bl ()
189doBlockStarts specs = do
190  st' <- getState
191  initPos <- getPosition
192  let failurePosMap = failurePositions st'
193  let specs' = foldr (\spec sps ->
194                        case M.lookup (blockType spec) failurePosMap of
195                          Just pos' | initPos < pos' -> sps
196                          _ -> spec:sps) [] specs
197  go initPos specs'
198 where
199  go _ [] = mzero
200  go initPos (spec:otherSpecs) = try (do
201    pst <- getParserState
202    res <- blockStart spec
203    case res of
204      BlockStartMatch -> return ()
205      BlockStartNoMatchBefore pos -> do
206        setParserState pst
207        unless (pos == initPos) $
208          updateState $ \st ->
209             st{ failurePositions =
210                  M.insert (blockType spec)
211                  pos (failurePositions st) }
212        go initPos otherSpecs) <|> go initPos otherSpecs
214checkContinue :: Monad m
215              => BlockNode m il bl
216              -> ([BlockNode m il bl],[BlockNode m il bl])
217              -> BlockParser m il bl ([BlockNode m il bl],[BlockNode m il bl])
218checkContinue nd (matched, unmatched) = do
219  ismatched <- blockMatched <$> getState
220  if ismatched
221     then
222       {-# SCC blockContinues #-}
223       (do (startpos, Node bdata children) <- blockContinue (bspec nd) nd
224           matched' <- blockMatched <$> getState
225           -- if blockContinue set blockMatched to False, it's
226           -- because of characters on the line closing the block,
227           -- so it's not to be counted as blank:
228           unless matched' $
229             updateState $ \st -> st{ maybeBlank = False,
230                                      maybeLazy = False }
231           let new = Node bdata{ blockStartPos =
232                      startpos : blockStartPos bdata
233                      } children
234           return $!
235             if matched'
236                then (new:matched, unmatched)
237                else (matched, new:unmatched))
238       <|> (matched, nd:unmatched) <$ updateState (\st -> st{
239                                         blockMatched = False })
240     else return $! (matched, nd:unmatched)
244--- for debugging
245showNodeStack :: Monad m => BlockParser m il bl a
246showNodeStack = do
247  ns <- nodeStack <$> getState
248  trace (unlines ("NODESTACK:" : map showNode ns)) (return $! ())
249  return undefined
250 where
251 showNode (Node bdata children) =
252   unlines [ "-----"
253           , show (blockSpec bdata)
254           , show (blockStartPos bdata)
255           , show (length  children) ]
258data BlockStartResult =
259    BlockStartMatch
260  | BlockStartNoMatchBefore !SourcePos
261  deriving (Show, Eq)
263-- | Defines a block-level element type.
264data BlockSpec m il bl = BlockSpec
265     { blockType           :: !Text  -- ^ Descriptive name of block type
266     , blockStart          :: BlockParser m il bl BlockStartResult
267                           -- ^ Parses beginning
268                           -- of block.  The parser should verify any
269                           -- preconditions, parse the opening of the block,
270                           -- and add the new block to the block stack using
271                           -- 'addNodeToStack', returning 'BlockStartMatch' on
272                           -- success. If the match fails, the parser can
273                           -- either fail or return 'BlockStartNoMatchBefore' and a
274                           -- 'SourcePos' before which the parser is known
275                           -- not to succeed (this will be stored in
276                           -- 'failurePositions' for the line, to ensure
277                           -- that future matches won't be attempted until
278                           -- after that position).
279     , blockCanContain     :: BlockSpec m il bl -> Bool -- ^ Returns True if
280                           -- this kind of block can contain the specified
281                           -- block type.
282     , blockContainsLines  :: !Bool -- ^ True if this kind of block
283                           -- can contain text lines.
284     , blockParagraph      :: !Bool -- ^ True if this kind of block
285                           -- is paragraph.
286     , blockContinue       :: BlockNode m il bl
287                           -> BlockParser m il bl (SourcePos, BlockNode m il bl)
288                           -- ^ Parser that checks to see if the current
289                           -- block (the 'BlockNode') can be kept open.
290                           -- If it fails, the block will be closed, unless
291                           -- we have a lazy paragraph continuation within
292                           -- the block.
293     , blockConstructor    :: BlockNode m il bl -> BlockParser m il bl bl
294                           -- ^ Renders the node into its target format,
295                           -- possibly after rendering inline content.
296     , blockFinalize       :: BlockNode m il bl -> BlockNode m il bl
297                           -> BlockParser m il bl (BlockNode m il bl)
298                           -- ^ Runs when the block is closed, but prior
299                           -- to rendering.  The first parameter is the
300                           -- child, the second the parent.
301     }
303instance Show (BlockSpec m il bl) where
304  show bs = "<BlockSpec " ++ T.unpack (blockType bs) ++ ">"
306defaultBlockSpecs :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl) => [BlockSpec m il bl]
307defaultBlockSpecs =
308    [ indentedCodeSpec
309    , fencedCodeSpec
310    , blockQuoteSpec
311    , atxHeadingSpec
312    , setextHeadingSpec
313    , thematicBreakSpec
314    , listItemSpec (bulletListMarker <|> orderedListMarker)
315    , rawHtmlSpec
316    , attributeSpec
317    ]
319defaultFinalizer :: Monad m
320                 => BlockNode m il bl
321                 -> BlockNode m il bl
322                 -> BlockParser m il bl (BlockNode m il bl)
323defaultFinalizer !child !parent = do
324  -- ensure that 'counters' carries information about all
325  -- the block identifiers used, so that auto_identifiers works properly.
326  case lookup "id" (blockAttributes (rootLabel child)) of
327    Nothing -> return ()
328    Just !ident -> updateState $ \st ->
329      st{ counters = M.insert ("identifier:" <> ident)
330          (toDyn (0 :: Int)) (counters st) }
331  return $! parent{ subForest = child : subForest parent }
333data BlockData m il bl = BlockData
334     { blockSpec       :: BlockSpec m il bl
335     , blockLines      :: [[Tok]]  -- in reverse order
336     , blockStartPos   :: [SourcePos]  -- in reverse order
337     , blockData       :: !Dynamic
338     , blockBlanks     :: [Int]  -- non-content blank lines in block
339     , blockAttributes :: !Attributes
340     }
341  deriving Show
343defBlockData :: BlockSpec m il bl -> BlockData m il bl
344defBlockData spec = BlockData
345    { blockSpec     = spec
346    , blockLines    = []
347    , blockStartPos = []
348    , blockData     = toDyn ()
349    , blockBlanks   = []
350    , blockAttributes = mempty
351    }
353type BlockNode m il bl = Tree (BlockData m il bl)
355data BPState m il bl = BPState
356     { referenceMap     :: !ReferenceMap
357     , inlineParser     :: ReferenceMap -> [Tok] -> m (Either ParseError il)
358     , nodeStack        :: [BlockNode m il bl]   -- reverse order, head is tip
359     , blockMatched     :: !Bool
360     , maybeLazy        :: !Bool
361     , maybeBlank       :: !Bool
362     , counters         :: M.Map Text Dynamic
363     , failurePositions :: M.Map Text SourcePos  -- record known positions
364                           -- where parsers fail to avoid repetition
365     , attributeParsers :: [ParsecT [Tok] (BPState m il bl) m Attributes]
366     , nextAttributes   :: !Attributes
367     }
369type BlockParser m il bl = ParsecT [Tok] (BPState m il bl) m
371data ListData = ListData
372     { listType    :: !ListType
373     , listSpacing :: !ListSpacing
374     } deriving (Show, Eq)
376data ListItemData = ListItemData
377     { listItemType         :: !ListType
378     , listItemIndent       :: !Int
379     , listItemBlanksInside :: !Bool
380     , listItemBlanksAtEnd  :: !Bool
381     } deriving (Show, Eq)
383runInlineParser :: Monad m
384                => [Tok]
385                -> BlockParser m il bl il
386runInlineParser toks = {-# SCC runInlineParser #-} do
387  refmap <- referenceMap <$> getState
388  ilParser <- inlineParser <$> getState
389  res <- lift $ ilParser refmap toks
390  case res of
391       Right ils -> return $! ils
392       Left err  -> mkPT (\_ -> return (Empty (return (Error err))))
393                    -- pass up ParseError
395addRange :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
396         => BlockNode m il bl -> bl -> bl
397addRange (Node b _)
398 = ranged (SourceRange
399            (go . reverse $ map (\pos ->
400                                  (pos, setSourceColumn
401                                         (incSourceLine pos 1) 1))
402                                (blockStartPos b)))
403   where
404     go [] = []
405     go ((!startpos1, !endpos1):(!startpos2, !endpos2):rest)
406       | endpos1 == startpos2 = go ((startpos1, endpos2):rest)
407     go (!x:xs) = x : go xs
409-- Add a new node to the block stack.  If current tip can contain
410-- it, add it there; otherwise, close the tip and repeat til we get
411-- to a block that can contain this node.
412addNodeToStack :: Monad m => BlockNode m bl il -> BlockParser m bl il ()
413addNodeToStack node = do
414  (cur:rest) <- nodeStack <$> getState
415  guard $ blockParagraph (bspec cur) || not (blockContainsLines (bspec cur))
416  if blockCanContain (bspec cur) (bspec node)
417     then do
418       nextAttr <- nextAttributes <$> getState
419       let node' = if null nextAttr
420                      then node
421                      else
422                        let rl = rootLabel node
423                        in  node{ rootLabel = rl{
424                                  blockAttributes = nextAttr
425                                }}
426       updateState $ \st ->
427            st{ nextAttributes = mempty
428              , nodeStack = node' : cur : rest
429              , maybeLazy = False }
430     else case rest of
431              (x:xs) -> do
432                stack <- (:xs) <$> collapseNodeStack [cur,x]
433                updateState $ \st -> st{ nodeStack = stack }
434                addNodeToStack node
435              _ -> mzero
437interruptsParagraph :: Monad m => BlockParser m bl il Bool
438interruptsParagraph = do
439  (cur:_) <- nodeStack <$> getState
440  return $! blockParagraph (bspec cur)
442renderChildren :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
443               => BlockNode m il bl -> BlockParser m il bl [bl]
444renderChildren node = mapM renderC $ subForest node
445  where
446    renderC n = do
447      let attrs = blockAttributes (rootLabel n)
448      (if null attrs
449          then id
450          else addAttributes attrs) .
451        addRange n <$> blockConstructor (blockSpec (rootLabel n)) n
453docSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, Monoid bl) => BlockSpec m il bl
454docSpec = BlockSpec
455     { blockType           = "Doc"
456     , blockStart          = mzero
457     , blockCanContain     = const True
458     , blockContainsLines  = False
459     , blockParagraph      = False
460     , blockContinue       = \n -> (,n) <$> getPosition
461     , blockConstructor    = fmap mconcat . renderChildren
462     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
463     }
465refLinkDefSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
466            => BlockSpec m il bl
467refLinkDefSpec = BlockSpec
468     { blockType           = "ReferenceLinkDefinition"
469     , blockStart          = mzero
470     , blockCanContain     = const False
471     , blockContainsLines  = False
472     , blockParagraph      = False
473     , blockContinue       = const mzero
474     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
475         let linkdefs = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node))
476                  undefined :: [((SourceRange, Text), LinkInfo)]
477         return $! mconcat $ map (\((range, lab), linkinfo) ->
478            (ranged range
479              (addAttributes (linkAttributes linkinfo)
480                (referenceLinkDefinition lab (linkDestination linkinfo,
481                                            linkTitle linkinfo))))) linkdefs
482     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
483     }
485-- Parse reference links from beginning of block text;
486-- update reference map and block text; return maybe altered node
487-- (if it still contains lines) and maybe ref link node.
488extractReferenceLinks :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
489                      => BlockNode m il bl
490                      -> BlockParser m il bl (Maybe (BlockNode m il bl),
491                                              Maybe (BlockNode m il bl))
492extractReferenceLinks node = do
493  st <- getState
494  res <- lift $ runParserT ((,) <$> ((lookAhead anyTok >>= setPosition . tokPos) >>
495                        many1 (linkReferenceDef (choice $ attributeParsers st)))
496                  <*> getInput) st "" (getBlockText node)
497  case res of
498        Left _ -> return $! (Just node, Nothing)
499        Right (linkdefs, toks') -> do
500          mapM_
501            (\((_,lab),linkinfo) ->
502             updateState $ \s -> s{
503              referenceMap = insertReference lab linkinfo
504                (referenceMap s) }) linkdefs
505          let isRefPos = case toks' of
506                           (t:_) -> (< tokPos t)
507                           _     -> const False
508          let node' = if null toks'
509                         then Nothing
510                         else Just node{ rootLabel =
511                              (rootLabel node){
512                                blockLines = [toks'],
513                                blockStartPos = dropWhile isRefPos
514                                   (blockStartPos (rootLabel node))
515                                }
516                           }
517          let refnode = node{ rootLabel =
518                 (rootLabel node){
519                     blockLines = takeWhile (any (isRefPos . tokPos))
520                       (blockLines (rootLabel node))
521                   , blockStartPos = takeWhile isRefPos
522                       (blockStartPos (rootLabel node))
523                   , blockData = toDyn linkdefs
524                   , blockSpec = refLinkDefSpec
525                 }}
526          return $! (node', Just refnode)
528attributeSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
529              => BlockSpec m il bl
530attributeSpec = BlockSpec
531     { blockType           = "Attribute"
532     , blockStart          = do
533         attrParsers <- attributeParsers <$> getState
534         guard $ not (null attrParsers)
535         interruptsParagraph >>= guard . not
536         nonindentSpaces
537         pos <- getPosition
538         attrs <- choice attrParsers
539         skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
540         lookAhead (void lineEnd <|> eof)
541         addNodeToStack $
542           Node (defBlockData attributeSpec){
543                     blockData = toDyn attrs,
544                     blockStartPos = [pos] } []
545         return BlockStartMatch
546     , blockCanContain     = const False
547     , blockContainsLines  = False
548     , blockParagraph      = False
549     , blockContinue       = \n -> do
550         attrParsers <- attributeParsers <$> getState
551         guard $ not (null attrParsers)
552         nonindentSpaces
553         pos <- getPosition
554         attrs <- choice attrParsers
555         skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
556         lookAhead (void lineEnd <|> eof)
557         let oldattrs = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel n)) mempty :: Attributes
558         let attrs' = oldattrs <> attrs
559         return $! (pos, n{ rootLabel = (rootLabel n){
560                          blockData = toDyn attrs' }})
561     , blockConstructor    = \_ -> return $! mempty
562     , blockFinalize       = \node parent -> do
563         let attrs = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node)) mempty :: Attributes
564         updateState $ \st -> st{ nextAttributes = attrs }
565         defaultFinalizer node parent
566     }
568paraSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
569            => BlockSpec m il bl
570paraSpec = BlockSpec
571     { blockType           = "Paragraph"
572     , blockStart          = do
573             interruptsParagraph >>= guard . not
574             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
575             pos <- getPosition
576             notFollowedBy lineEnd
577             addNodeToStack $
578               Node (defBlockData paraSpec){
579                       blockStartPos = [pos] } []
580             return BlockStartMatch
581     , blockCanContain     = const False
582     , blockContainsLines  = True
583     , blockParagraph      = True
584     , blockContinue       = \n -> lookAhead $ try $ do
585             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
586             pos <- getPosition
587             notFollowedBy lineEnd
588             return $! (pos, n)
589     , blockConstructor    = \node ->
590         paragraph <$> runInlineParser (getBlockText node)
591     , blockFinalize       = \child parent -> do
592         (mbchild, mbrefdefs) <- extractReferenceLinks child
593         case (mbchild, mbrefdefs) of
594           (_, Nothing) -> defaultFinalizer child parent
595           (Nothing, Just refnode)
596                        -> return $! parent{ subForest =
597                                          refnode : subForest parent }
598           (Just child', Just refnode)
599                        -> return $! parent{ subForest =
600                                        child' : refnode : subForest parent }
601     }
603plainSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
604            => BlockSpec m il bl
605plainSpec = paraSpec{
606    blockConstructor    = \node ->
607         plain <$> runInlineParser (getBlockText node)
608  }
611linkReferenceDef :: Monad m
612                 => ParsecT [Tok] s m Attributes
613                 -> ParsecT [Tok] s m ((SourceRange, Text), LinkInfo)
614linkReferenceDef attrParser = try $ do
615  startpos <- getPosition
616  lab <- pLinkLabel
617  guard $ not $ T.all isSpace lab
618  symbol ':'
619  optional whitespace
620  dest <- pLinkDestination
621  (title, attrs) <- option (mempty, mempty) $ try $ do
622             tit <- option mempty $ try (whitespace *> pLinkTitle)
623             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
624             as <- option mempty attrParser
625             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
626             lookAhead (void lineEnd <|> eof)
627             return $! (tit, as)
628  endpos <- getPosition
629  void lineEnd <|> eof
630  return $! ((SourceRange [(startpos, endpos)], lab),
631                LinkInfo{ linkDestination = unEntity dest
632                        , linkTitle = unEntity title
633                        , linkAttributes = attrs })
635atxHeadingSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
636            => BlockSpec m il bl
637atxHeadingSpec = BlockSpec
638     { blockType           = "ATXHeading"
639     , blockStart          = do
640             nonindentSpaces
641             pos <- getPosition
642             hashes <- many1 (symbol '#')
643             let level = length hashes
644             guard $ level <= 6
645             (spaceTok *> skipMany spaceTok)
646                <|> void (lookAhead lineEnd)
647                <|> lookAhead eof
648             raw <- many (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd))
649             -- trim off closing ###
650             let removeClosingHash (_ :: Int) [] = []
651                 removeClosingHash 0 (Tok Spaces _ _ : xs) =
652                   removeClosingHash 0 xs
653                 removeClosingHash _ (Tok (Symbol '#') _ _ :
654                                      Tok (Symbol '\\') _ _ : _) =
655                   reverse raw
656                 removeClosingHash _ (Tok (Symbol '#') _ _ : xs) =
657                   removeClosingHash 1 xs
658                 removeClosingHash 1 (Tok Spaces _ _ : xs) = xs
659                 removeClosingHash 1 (x:_)
660                  | tokType x /= Symbol '#' = reverse raw
661                 removeClosingHash _ xs = xs
662             let raw' = reverse . removeClosingHash 0 . reverse $ raw
663             addNodeToStack $ Node (defBlockData atxHeadingSpec){
664                            blockLines = [raw'],
665                            blockData = toDyn level,
666                            blockStartPos = [pos] } []
667             return BlockStartMatch
668     , blockCanContain     = const False
669     , blockContainsLines  = False
670     , blockParagraph      = False
671     , blockContinue       = const mzero
672     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
673         let level = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node)) 1
674         ils <- runInlineParser (getBlockText node)
675         return $! heading level ils
676     , blockFinalize       = \node@(Node cdata children) parent -> do
677         let oldAttr = blockAttributes cdata
678         let toks = getBlockText node
679         (newtoks, attr) <- parseFinalAttributes True toks
680                        <|> (return $! (toks, mempty))
681         defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockAttributes = oldAttr <> attr
682                                     , blockLines = [newtoks] }
683                                children) parent
684     }
686setextHeadingSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
687            => BlockSpec m il bl
688setextHeadingSpec = BlockSpec
689     { blockType           = "SetextHeading"
690     , blockStart          = do
691             (cur:rest) <- nodeStack <$> getState
692             guard $ blockParagraph (bspec cur)
693             nonindentSpaces
694             pos <- getPosition
695             level <- (2 :: Int) <$ skipMany1 (symbol '-')
696                  <|> (1 :: Int) <$ skipMany1 (symbol '=')
697             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
698             lookAhead (eof <|> void lineEnd)
699             -- process any reference links, make sure there's some
700             -- content left
701             (mbcur, mbrefdefs) <- extractReferenceLinks cur
702             updateState $ \st ->
703                st{ nodeStack = case mbrefdefs of
704                                  Nothing -> rest
705                                  Just rd -> case rest of
706                                                (x:xs) ->
707                                                  x{ subForest =
708                                                      rd : subForest x }:xs
709                                                [] -> [rd] }
710             case mbcur of
711               Nothing -> mzero -- should not happen
712               Just cur' -> do
713                 -- replace cur with new setext heading node
714                 addNodeToStack $
715                      Node (rootLabel cur'){
716                              blockSpec  = setextHeadingSpec,
717                              blockData = toDyn level,
718                              blockStartPos =
719                                   blockStartPos (rootLabel cur') ++ [pos] }
720                                    []
721                 return BlockStartMatch
722     , blockCanContain     = const False
723     , blockContainsLines  = True
724     , blockParagraph      = False
725     , blockContinue       = const mzero
726     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
727         let level = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node)) 1
728         ils <- runInlineParser (getBlockText node)
729         return $! heading level ils
730     , blockFinalize       = \node@(Node cdata children) parent -> do
731         let oldAttr = blockAttributes cdata
732         let toks = getBlockText node
733         (newtoks, attr) <- parseFinalAttributes True toks
734                        <|> (return $! (toks, mempty))
735         defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockAttributes = oldAttr <> attr
736                                     , blockLines = [newtoks] }
737                                children) parent
738     }
740parseFinalAttributes :: Monad m
741                     => Bool -> [Tok] -> BlockParser m il bl ([Tok], Attributes)
742parseFinalAttributes requireWhitespace ts = do
743  attrParsers <- attributeParsers <$> getState
744  let pAttr' = try $ (if requireWhitespace
745                         then () <$ whitespace
746                         else optional whitespace)
747                     *> choice attrParsers <* optional whitespace <* eof
748  st <- getState
749  res <- lift $ runParserT
750       ((,) <$> many (notFollowedBy pAttr' >> anyTok)
751            <*> option [] pAttr') st "heading contents" ts
752  case res of
753    Left _         -> mzero
754    Right (xs, ys) -> return $! (xs, ys)
756blockQuoteSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl) => BlockSpec m il bl
757blockQuoteSpec = BlockSpec
758     { blockType           = "BlockQuote"
759     , blockStart          = do
760             nonindentSpaces
761             pos <- getPosition
762             _ <- symbol '>'
763             _ <- option 0 (gobbleSpaces 1)
764             addNodeToStack $
765                Node (defBlockData blockQuoteSpec){
766                          blockStartPos = [pos] } []
767             return BlockStartMatch
768     , blockCanContain     = const True
769     , blockContainsLines  = False
770     , blockParagraph      = False
771     , blockContinue       = \n -> try $ do
772             nonindentSpaces
773             pos <- getPosition
774             _ <- symbol '>'
775             _ <- gobbleUpToSpaces 1
776             return $! (pos, n)
777     , blockConstructor    = \node ->
778           (blockQuote . mconcat) <$> renderChildren node
779     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
780     }
782listItemSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
783             => BlockParser m il bl ListType
784             -> BlockSpec m il bl
785listItemSpec parseListMarker = BlockSpec
786     { blockType           = "ListItem"
787     , blockStart          = do
788             (pos, lidata) <- itemStart parseListMarker
789             let linode = Node (defBlockData $ listItemSpec parseListMarker){
790                             blockData = toDyn lidata,
791                             blockStartPos = [pos] } []
792             let listdata = ListData{
793                    listType = listItemType lidata
794                  , listSpacing = TightList }
795                  -- spacing gets set in finalize
796             let listnode = Node (defBlockData listSpec){
797                              blockData = toDyn listdata,
798                              blockStartPos = [pos] } []
799             -- list can only interrupt paragraph if bullet
800             -- list or ordered list w/ startnum == 1,
801             -- and not followed by blank
802             (cur:_) <- nodeStack <$> getState
803             when (blockParagraph (bspec cur)) $ do
804               guard $ case listType listdata of
805                            BulletList _            -> True
806                            OrderedList 1 Decimal _ -> True
807                            _                       -> False
808               notFollowedBy blankLine
809             let curdata = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel cur))
810                                (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
811             let matchesList (BulletList c) (BulletList d)       = c == d
812                 matchesList (OrderedList _ e1 d1)
813                             (OrderedList _ e2 d2) = e1 == e2 && d1 == d2
814                 matchesList _ _                                 = False
815             case blockType (bspec cur) of
816                  "List" | listType curdata `matchesList`
817                           listItemType lidata
818                    -> addNodeToStack linode
819                  _ -> addNodeToStack listnode >> addNodeToStack linode
820             return BlockStartMatch
821     , blockCanContain     = const True
822     , blockContainsLines  = False
823     , blockParagraph      = False
824     , blockContinue       = \node@(Node ndata children) -> do
825             let lidata = fromDyn (blockData ndata)
826                             (ListItemData (BulletList '*') 0 False False)
827             -- a marker followed by two blanks is just an empty item:
828             guard $ null (blockBlanks ndata) ||
829                     not (null children)
830             pos <- getPosition
831             gobbleSpaces (listItemIndent lidata) <|> 0 <$ lookAhead blankLine
832             return $! (pos, node)
833     , blockConstructor    = fmap mconcat . renderChildren
834     , blockFinalize       = \(Node cdata children) parent -> do
835          let lidata = fromDyn (blockData cdata)
836                                 (ListItemData (BulletList '*')
837                                   0 False False)
838          let allblanks = concat $ blockBlanks cdata :
839                                  map (blockBlanks . rootLabel)
840                                  (filter ((== "List") . blockType .
841                                   blockSpec . rootLabel) children)
842          curline <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
843          let blanksAtEnd = case allblanks of
844                                   (l:_) -> l >= curline - 1
845                                   _     -> False
846          let blanksInside = case length (removeConsecutive allblanks) of
847                                n | n > 1     -> True
848                                  | n == 1    -> not blanksAtEnd
849                                  | otherwise -> False
850          let lidata' = toDyn $ lidata{ listItemBlanksInside = blanksInside
851                                      , listItemBlanksAtEnd  = blanksAtEnd }
852          defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockData = lidata' } children)
853                           parent
854     }
856itemStart :: Monad m
857          => BlockParser m il bl ListType
858          -> BlockParser m il bl (SourcePos, ListItemData)
859itemStart parseListMarker = do
860  beforecol <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
861  gobbleUpToSpaces 3
862  pos <- getPosition
863  ty <- parseListMarker
864  aftercol <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
865  lookAhead whitespace
866  numspaces <- try (gobbleUpToSpaces 4 <* notFollowedBy whitespace)
867           <|> gobbleSpaces 1
868           <|> 1 <$ lookAhead lineEnd
869  return $! (pos, ListItemData{
870           listItemType = ty
871          , listItemIndent = (aftercol - beforecol) + numspaces
872          , listItemBlanksInside = False
873          , listItemBlanksAtEnd = False
874          })
876bulletListMarker :: Monad m => BlockParser m il bl ListType
877bulletListMarker = do
878  Tok (Symbol c) _ _ <- symbol '-' <|> symbol '*' <|> symbol '+'
879  return $! BulletList c
881orderedListMarker :: Monad m => BlockParser m il bl ListType
882orderedListMarker = do
883  Tok WordChars _ ds <- satisfyWord (\t -> T.all isDigit t && T.length t < 10)
884  (start :: Int) <- either fail (return . fst) (TR.decimal ds)
885  delimtype <- Period <$ symbol '.' <|> OneParen <$ symbol ')'
886  return $! OrderedList start Decimal delimtype
888listSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl) => BlockSpec m il bl
889listSpec = BlockSpec
890     { blockType           = "List"
891     , blockStart          = mzero
892     , blockCanContain     = \sp -> blockType sp == "ListItem"
893     , blockContainsLines  = False
894     , blockParagraph      = False
895     , blockContinue       = \n -> (,n) <$> getPosition
896     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
897          let ListData lt ls = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node))
898                                 (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
899          list lt ls <$> renderChildren node
900     , blockFinalize       = \(Node cdata children) parent -> do
901          let ListData lt _ = fromDyn (blockData cdata)
902                                 (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
903          let getListItemData (Node d _) =
904                fromDyn (blockData d)
905                  (ListItemData (BulletList '*') 0 False False)
906          let childrenData = map getListItemData children
907          let ls = case childrenData of
908                          c:cs | any listItemBlanksInside (c:cs) ||
909                                 (not (null cs) &&
910                                  any listItemBlanksAtEnd cs)
911                               -> LooseList
912                          _    -> TightList
913          blockBlanks' <- case childrenData of
914                             c:_ | listItemBlanksAtEnd c -> do
915                                 curline <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
916                                 return $! curline - 1 : blockBlanks cdata
917                             _ -> return $! blockBlanks cdata
918          let ldata' = toDyn (ListData lt ls)
919          -- need to transform paragraphs on tight lists
920          let totight (Node nd cs)
921                | blockType (blockSpec nd) == "Paragraph"
922                            = Node nd{ blockSpec = plainSpec } cs
923                | otherwise = Node nd cs
924          let childrenToTight (Node nd cs) = Node nd (map totight cs)
925          let children' =
926                 if ls == TightList
927                    then map childrenToTight children
928                    else children
929          defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockData = ldata'
930                                      , blockBlanks = blockBlanks' } children')
931                           parent
932     }
934thematicBreakSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
935            => BlockSpec m il bl
936thematicBreakSpec = BlockSpec
937     { blockType           = "ThematicBreak"
938     , blockStart          = do
939            nonindentSpaces
940            pos <- getPosition
941            Tok (Symbol c) _ _ <- symbol '-'
942                              <|> symbol '_'
943                              <|> symbol '*'
944            skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
945            let tbchar = symbol c <* skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
946            count 2 tbchar
947            skipMany tbchar
948            (do lookAhead lineEnd
949                addNodeToStack (Node (defBlockData thematicBreakSpec){
950                                   blockStartPos = [pos] } [])
951                return BlockStartMatch) <|>
952              (BlockStartNoMatchBefore <$> getPosition)
953     , blockCanContain     = const False
954     , blockContainsLines  = False
955     , blockParagraph      = False
956     , blockContinue       = const mzero
957     , blockConstructor    = \_ -> return thematicBreak
958     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
959     }
961indentedCodeSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
962            => BlockSpec m il bl
963indentedCodeSpec = BlockSpec
964     { blockType           = "IndentedCode"
965     , blockStart          = do
966             interruptsParagraph >>= guard . not
967             getState >>= guard . not . maybeLazy
968             _ <- gobbleSpaces 4
969             pos <- getPosition
970             notFollowedBy blankLine
971             addNodeToStack $ Node (defBlockData indentedCodeSpec){
972                          blockStartPos = [pos] } []
973             return BlockStartMatch
974     , blockCanContain     = const False
975     , blockContainsLines  = True
976     , blockParagraph      = False
977     , blockContinue       = \node -> do
978             void (gobbleSpaces 4)
979               <|> try (skipWhile (hasType Spaces) <* lookAhead lineEnd)
980             pos <- getPosition
981             return $! (pos, node)
983     , blockConstructor    = \node ->
984             return $! codeBlock mempty (untokenize (getBlockText node))
985     , blockFinalize       = \(Node cdata children) parent -> do
986         -- strip off blank lines at end:
987         let blanks = takeWhile isblankLine $ blockLines cdata
988         let numblanks = length blanks
989         let cdata' = cdata{ blockLines =
990                                drop numblanks $ blockLines cdata
991                           , blockStartPos =
992                                drop numblanks $ blockStartPos cdata
993                           }
994         defaultFinalizer (Node cdata' children) parent
995     }
997isblankLine :: [Tok] -> Bool
998isblankLine []                    = True
999isblankLine [Tok LineEnd _ _]     = True
1000isblankLine (Tok Spaces _ _ : xs) = isblankLine xs
1001isblankLine _                     = False
1003fencedCodeSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
1004            => BlockSpec m il bl
1005fencedCodeSpec = BlockSpec
1006     { blockType           = "FencedCode"
1007     , blockStart          = do
1008             prepos <- getPosition
1009             nonindentSpaces
1010             pos <- getPosition
1011             let indentspaces = sourceColumn pos - sourceColumn prepos
1012             (c, ticks) <-  (('`',) <$> many1 (symbol '`'))
1013                        <|> (('~',) <$> many1 (symbol '~'))
1014             let fencelength = length ticks
1015             guard $ fencelength >= 3
1016             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
1017             let infoTok = noneOfToks (LineEnd : [Symbol '`' | c == '`'])
1018             info <- T.strip . unEntity <$> many (pEscaped <|> infoTok)
1019             lookAhead $ void lineEnd <|> eof
1021             let infotoks = tokenize "info string" info
1022             (content, attrs) <- parseFinalAttributes False infotoks
1023                                  <|> (return $! (infotoks, mempty))
1024             addNodeToStack $
1025                Node (defBlockData fencedCodeSpec){
1026                          blockData = toDyn
1027                               (c, fencelength, indentspaces,
1028                               untokenize content, attrs),
1029                          blockStartPos = [pos] } []
1030             return BlockStartMatch
1031     , blockCanContain     = const False
1032     , blockContainsLines  = True
1033     , blockParagraph      = False
1034     , blockContinue       = \node -> try (do
1035             let ((c, fencelength, _, _, _)
1036                    :: (Char, Int, Int, Text, Attributes)) = fromDyn
1037                                   (blockData (rootLabel node))
1038                                   ('`', 3, 0, mempty, mempty)
1039             nonindentSpaces
1040             pos <- getPosition
1041             ts <- many1 (symbol c)
1042             guard $ length ts >= fencelength
1043             skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
1044             lookAhead $ void lineEnd <|> eof
1045             endOfBlock
1046             return $! (pos, node))
1047               <|> (do let ((_, _, indentspaces, _, _)
1048                              :: (Char, Int, Int, Text, Attributes)) = fromDyn
1049                                   (blockData (rootLabel node))
1050                                   ('`', 3, 0, mempty, mempty)
1051                       pos <- getPosition
1052                       _ <- gobbleUpToSpaces indentspaces
1053                       return $! (pos, node))
1054     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
1055           let ((_, _, _, info, attrs) :: (Char, Int, Int, Text, Attributes)) =
1056                   fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node)) ('`', 3, 0, mempty, mempty)
1057           let codetext = untokenize $ drop 1 (getBlockText node)
1058           return $!
1059              if null attrs
1060                 then codeBlock info codetext
1061                 else addAttributes attrs $ codeBlock info codetext
1062     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
1063     }
1065rawHtmlSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl)
1066            => BlockSpec m il bl
1067rawHtmlSpec = BlockSpec
1068     { blockType           = "RawHTML"
1069     , blockStart          = do
1070         pos <- getPosition
1071         (rawHtmlType, toks) <- withRaw $
1072           do nonindentSpaces
1073              symbol '<'
1074              ty <- choice $ map (\n -> n <$ startCond n) [1..7]
1075              -- some blocks can end on same line
1076              finished <- option False $ do
1077                 guard (ty /= 6 && ty /= 7)
1078                 endCond ty
1079                 return True
1080              when (ty == 7) $ do
1081                 -- type 7 blocks can't interrupt a paragraph
1082                 (n:_) <- nodeStack <$> getState
1083                 guard $ not $ blockParagraph (bspec n)
1084              skipWhile (not . hasType LineEnd)
1085              -- we use 0 as a code to indicate that the block is closed
1086              return $! if finished then 0 else ty
1087         addNodeToStack $ Node (defBlockData rawHtmlSpec){
1088                      blockData = toDyn rawHtmlType,
1089                      blockLines = [toks],
1090                      blockStartPos = [pos] } []
1091         return BlockStartMatch
1092     , blockCanContain     = const False
1093     , blockContainsLines  = True
1094     , blockParagraph      = False
1095     , blockContinue       = \node@(Node ndata children) -> try $ do
1096         pos <- getPosition
1097         case fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node)) (0 :: Int) of
1098              0 -> mzero  -- 0 means that the block start already closed
1099              6 -> (pos, node) <$ notFollowedBy blankLine
1100              7 -> (pos, node) <$ notFollowedBy blankLine
1101              n ->
1102                (do pos' <- getPosition
1103                    lookAhead (endCond n)
1104                    endOfBlock
1105                    toks <- many (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd))
1106                    le <- option [] $ (:[]) <$> lookAhead lineEnd
1107                    return $! (pos', Node ndata{
1108                                    blockData = toDyn (0 :: Int)
1109                                  , blockLines = (toks ++ le) : blockLines ndata
1110                                  } children)) <|> (return $! (pos, node))
1111     , blockConstructor    = \node ->
1112             return $! rawBlock (Format "html")
1113                           (untokenize (getBlockText node))
1114     , blockFinalize       = defaultFinalizer
1115     }
1117---------------- for raw html:
1119startCond :: Monad m => Int -> BlockParser m il bl ()
1120startCond 1 = void $ try $ do
1121  satisfyWord (isOneOfCI ["script","pre","style"])
1122  spaceTok
1123     <|> symbol '>'
1124     <|> lookAhead lineEnd
1125startCond 2 = void $ try $ do
1126  symbol '!'
1127  symbol '-'
1128  symbol '-'
1129startCond 3 = void $ symbol '?'
1130startCond 4 = void $ try $ do
1131  symbol '!'
1132  satisfyWord (\t -> case T.uncons t of
1133                          Just (c, _) -> isAsciiUpper c
1134                          _           -> False)
1135startCond 5 = void $ try $ do
1136  symbol '!'
1137  symbol '['
1138  satisfyWord (== "CDATA")
1139  symbol '['
1140startCond 6 = void $ try $ do
1141  optional (symbol '/')
1142  satisfyWord (isOneOfCI ["address", "article", "aside", "base",
1143    "basefont", "blockquote", "body", "caption", "center", "col",
1144    "colgroup", "dd", "details", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl",
1145    "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "frame",
1146    "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header",
1147    "hr", "html", "iframe", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "menu",
1148    "menuitem", "nav", "noframes", "ol", "optgroup", "option",
1149    "p", "param", "section", "source", "summary", "table", "tbody",
1150    "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "track", "ul"])
1151  spaceTok
1152    <|> lookAhead lineEnd
1153    <|> symbol '>'
1154    <|> (symbol '/' >> symbol '>')
1155startCond 7 = void $ try $ do
1156  toks <- htmlOpenTag <|> htmlClosingTag
1157  guard $ not $ any (hasType LineEnd) toks
1158  skipWhile (hasType Spaces)
1159  lookAhead lineEnd
1160startCond n = fail $ "Unknown HTML block type " ++ show n
1162endCond :: Monad m => Int -> BlockParser m il bl ()
1163endCond 1 = try $ do
1164  let closer = try $ do
1165        symbol '<'
1166        symbol '/'
1167        satisfyWord (isOneOfCI ["script","pre","style"])
1168        symbol '>'
1169  skipManyTill (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd)) closer
1170endCond 2 = try $ do
1171  let closer = try $ symbol '-' >> symbol '-' >> symbol '>'
1172  skipManyTill (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd)) closer
1173endCond 3 = try $ do
1174  let closer = try $ symbol '?' >> symbol '>'
1175  skipManyTill (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd)) closer
1176endCond 4 = try $
1177  skipManyTill (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd)) (symbol '>')
1178endCond 5 = try $ do
1179  let closer = try $ symbol ']' >> symbol ']' >> symbol '>'
1180  skipManyTill (satisfyTok (not . hasType LineEnd)) closer
1181endCond 6 = void blankLine
1182endCond 7 = void blankLine
1183endCond n = fail $ "Unknown HTML block type " ++ show n
1187getBlockText :: BlockNode m il bl -> [Tok]
1188getBlockText =
1189  concat . reverse . blockLines . rootLabel
1191removeIndent :: [Tok] -> [Tok]
1192removeIndent = dropWhile (hasType Spaces)
1194removeConsecutive :: [Int] -> [Int]
1195removeConsecutive (x:y:zs)
1196  | x == y + 1 = removeConsecutive (y:zs)
1197removeConsecutive xs = xs
1201collapseNodeStack :: [BlockNode m il bl] -> BlockParser m il bl (BlockNode m il bl)
1202collapseNodeStack [] = error "Empty node stack!"  -- should not happen
1203collapseNodeStack (n:ns) = foldM go n ns
1204  where go child parent
1205         = if blockCanContain (bspec parent) (bspec child)
1206              then blockFinalize (bspec child) child parent
1207              else error $ "collapseNodeStack: " ++
1208                     T.unpack (blockType (bspec parent)) ++
1209                     " cannot contain " ++ T.unpack (blockType (bspec child))
1211bspec :: BlockNode m il bl -> BlockSpec m il bl
1212bspec = blockSpec . rootLabel
1214endOfBlock :: Monad m => BlockParser m il bl ()
1215endOfBlock = updateState $ \st -> st{ blockMatched = False }