1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2module Tests.Writers.Powerpoint (tests) where
4import Prelude
5import Tests.Writers.OOXML (ooxmlTest)
6import Text.Pandoc
7import Test.Tasty
8import System.FilePath
9import Text.DocTemplates (ToContext(toVal), Context(..))
10import qualified Data.Map as M
11import Data.Text (pack)
13-- templating is important enough, and can break enough things, that
14-- we want to run all our tests with both default formatting and a
15-- template.
17modifyPptxName :: FilePath -> FilePath
18modifyPptxName fp =
19  addExtension (dropExtension fp ++ "_templated") "pptx"
21pptxTests :: String -> WriterOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (TestTree, TestTree)
22pptxTests name opts native pptx =
23  let referenceDoc = "pptx/reference_depth.pptx"
24  in
25    ( ooxmlTest
26      writePowerpoint
27      name
28      opts{writerReferenceDoc=Nothing}
29      native
30      pptx
31    , ooxmlTest
32      writePowerpoint
33      name
34      opts{writerReferenceDoc=Just referenceDoc}
35      native
36      (modifyPptxName pptx)
37    )
39groupPptxTests :: [(TestTree, TestTree)] -> [TestTree]
40groupPptxTests pairs =
41  let (noRefs, refs) = unzip pairs
42  in
43    [ testGroup "Default slide formatting" noRefs
44    , testGroup "With `--reference-doc` pptx file" refs
45    ]
48tests :: [TestTree]
49tests = groupPptxTests [ pptxTests "Inline formatting"
50                         def
51                         "pptx/inline_formatting.native"
52                         "pptx/inline_formatting.pptx"
53                       , pptxTests "Slide breaks (default slide-level)"
54                         def
55                         "pptx/slide_breaks.native"
56                         "pptx/slide_breaks.pptx"
57                       , pptxTests "slide breaks (slide-level set to 1)"
58                         def{ writerSlideLevel = Just 1 }
59                         "pptx/slide_breaks.native"
60                         "pptx/slide_breaks_slide_level_1.pptx"
61                       , pptxTests "lists"
62                         def
63                         "pptx/lists.native"
64                         "pptx/lists.pptx"
65                       , pptxTests "start ordered list at specified num"
66                         def
67                         "pptx/start_numbering_at.native"
68                         "pptx/start_numbering_at.pptx"
69                       , pptxTests "tables"
70                         def
71                         "pptx/tables.native"
72                         "pptx/tables.pptx"
73                       , pptxTests "table of contents"
74                         def{ writerTableOfContents = True }
75                         "pptx/slide_breaks.native"
76                         "pptx/slide_breaks_toc.pptx"
77                       , pptxTests "end notes"
78                         def
79                         "pptx/endnotes.native"
80                         "pptx/endnotes.pptx"
81                       , pptxTests "end notes, with table of contents"
82                         def { writerTableOfContents = True }
83                         "pptx/endnotes.native"
84                         "pptx/endnotes_toc.pptx"
85                       , pptxTests "images"
86                         def
87                         "pptx/images.native"
88                         "pptx/images.pptx"
89                       , pptxTests "two-column layout"
90                         def
91                         "pptx/two_column.native"
92                         "pptx/two_column.pptx"
93                       , pptxTests "speaker notes"
94                         def
95                         "pptx/speaker_notes.native"
96                         "pptx/speaker_notes.pptx"
97                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating block"
98                         def
99                         "pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.native"
100                         "pptx/speaker_notes_afterseps.pptx"
101                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after a separating header"
102                         def
103                         "pptx/speaker_notes_afterheader.native"
104                         "pptx/speaker_notes_afterheader.pptx"
105                       , pptxTests "speaker notes after metadata"
106                         def
107                         "pptx/speaker_notes_after_metadata.native"
108                         "pptx/speaker_notes_after_metadata.pptx"
109                       , pptxTests "remove empty slides"
110                         def
111                         "pptx/remove_empty_slides.native"
112                         "pptx/remove_empty_slides.pptx"
113                       , pptxTests "raw ooxml"
114                         def
115                         "pptx/raw_ooxml.native"
116                         "pptx/raw_ooxml.pptx"
117                       , pptxTests "metadata, custom properties"
118                         def
119                         "pptx/document-properties.native"
120                         "pptx/document-properties.pptx"
121                       , pptxTests "metadata, short description"
122                         def
123                         "pptx/document-properties-short-desc.native"
124                         "pptx/document-properties-short-desc.pptx"
125                       , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks"
126                         def
127                         "pptx/code.native"
128                         "pptx/code.pptx"
129                       , pptxTests "inline code and code blocks, custom formatting"
130                         def { writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList
131                                 [(pack "monofont", toVal $ pack "Consolas")] }
132                         "pptx/code.native"
133                         "pptx/code-custom.pptx"
134                       ]