1 /**
2  * @file constant_time.h
3  * @copyright
4  *   Copyright (c) 2014 Cryptography Research, Inc.  \n
5  *   Released under the MIT License.  See LICENSE.txt for license information.
6  * @author Mike Hamburg
7  *
8  * @brief Constant-time routines.
9  */
11 #ifndef __CONSTANT_TIME_H__
12 #define __CONSTANT_TIME_H__ 1
14 #include "word.h"
15 #include <string.h>
17 /*
18  * Constant-time operations on hopefully-compile-time-sized memory
19  * regions.  Needed for flexibility / demagication: not all fields
20  * have sizes which are multiples of the vector width, necessitating
21  * a change from the Ed448 versions.
22  *
23  * These routines would be much simpler to define at the byte level,
24  * but if not vectorized they would be a significant fraction of the
25  * runtime.  Eg on NEON-less ARM, constant_time_lookup is like 15% of
26  * signing time, vs 6% on Haswell with its fancy AVX2 vectors.
27  *
28  * If the compiler could do a good job of autovectorizing the code,
29  * we could just leave it with the byte definition.  But that's unlikely
30  * on most deployed compilers, especially if you consider that pcmpeq[size]
31  * is much faster than moving a scalar to the vector unit (which is what
32  * a naive autovectorizer will do with constant_time_lookup on Intel).
33  *
34  * Instead, we're putting our trust in the loop unroller and unswitcher.
35  */
38 /**
39  * Unaligned big (vector?) register.
40  */
41 typedef struct {
42     big_register_t unaligned;
43 } __attribute__((packed)) unaligned_br_t;
45 /**
46  * Unaligned word register, for architectures where that matters.
47  */
48 typedef struct {
49     word_t unaligned;
50 } __attribute__((packed)) unaligned_word_t;
52 /**
53  * @brief Constant-time conditional swap.
54  *
55  * If doswap, then swap elem_bytes between *a and *b.
56  *
57  * *a and *b must not alias.  Also, they must be at least as aligned
58  * as their sizes, if the CPU cares about that sort of thing.
59  */
60 static __inline__ void
61 __attribute__((unused,always_inline))
constant_time_cond_swap(void * __restrict__ a_,void * __restrict__ b_,word_t elem_bytes,mask_t doswap)62 constant_time_cond_swap (
63     void *__restrict__ a_,
64     void *__restrict__ b_,
65     word_t elem_bytes,
66     mask_t doswap
67 ) {
68     word_t k;
69     unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)a_;
70     unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)b_;
72     big_register_t br_mask = br_set_to_mask(doswap);
73     for (k=0; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(big_register_t); k+=sizeof(big_register_t)) {
74         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t)) {
75             /* unaligned */
76             big_register_t xor =
77                 ((unaligned_br_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned
78               ^ ((unaligned_br_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned;
79             xor &= br_mask;
80             ((unaligned_br_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned ^= xor;
81             ((unaligned_br_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned ^= xor;
82         } else {
83             /* aligned */
84             big_register_t xor =
85                 *((big_register_t*)(&a[k]))
86               ^ *((big_register_t*)(&b[k]));
87             xor &= br_mask;
88             *((big_register_t*)(&a[k])) ^= xor;
89             *((big_register_t*)(&b[k])) ^= xor;
90         }
91     }
93     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t) >= sizeof(word_t)) {
94         for (; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(word_t); k+=sizeof(word_t)) {
95             if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
96                 /* unaligned */
97                 word_t xor =
98                     ((unaligned_word_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned
99                   ^ ((unaligned_word_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned;
100                 xor &= doswap;
101                 ((unaligned_word_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned ^= xor;
102                 ((unaligned_word_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned ^= xor;
103             } else {
104                 /* aligned */
105                 word_t xor =
106                     *((word_t*)(&a[k]))
107                   ^ *((word_t*)(&b[k]));
108                 xor &= doswap;
109                 *((word_t*)(&a[k])) ^= xor;
110                 *((word_t*)(&b[k])) ^= xor;
111             }
112         }
113     }
115     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
116         for (; k<elem_bytes; k+=1) {
117             unsigned char xor = a[k] ^ b[k];
118             xor &= doswap;
119             a[k] ^= xor;
120             b[k] ^= xor;
121         }
122     }
123 }
125 /**
126  * @brief Constant-time equivalent of memcpy(out, table + elem_bytes*idx, elem_bytes);
127  *
128  * The table must be at least as aligned as elem_bytes.  The output must be word aligned,
129  * and if the input size is vector aligned it must also be vector aligned.
130  *
131  * The table and output must not alias.
132  */
133 static __inline__ void
134 __attribute__((unused,always_inline))
constant_time_lookup(void * __restrict__ out_,const void * table_,word_t elem_bytes,word_t n_table,word_t idx)135 constant_time_lookup (
136     void *__restrict__ out_,
137     const void *table_,
138     word_t elem_bytes,
139     word_t n_table,
140     word_t idx
141 ) {
142     big_register_t big_one = br_set_to_mask(1), big_i = br_set_to_mask(idx);
144     /* Can't do pointer arithmetic on void* */
145     unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *)out_;
146     const unsigned char *table = (const unsigned char *)table_;
147     word_t j,k;
149     memset(out, 0, elem_bytes);
150     for (j=0; j<n_table; j++, big_i-=big_one) {
151         big_register_t br_mask = br_is_zero(big_i);
152         for (k=0; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(big_register_t); k+=sizeof(big_register_t)) {
153             if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t)) {
154                 /* unaligned */
155                 ((unaligned_br_t *)(out+k))->unaligned
156 			|= br_mask & ((const unaligned_br_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned;
157             } else {
158                 /* aligned */
159                 *(big_register_t *)(out+k) |= br_mask & *(const big_register_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]);
160             }
161         }
163         word_t mask = word_is_zero(idx^j);
164         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t) >= sizeof(word_t)) {
165             for (; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(word_t); k+=sizeof(word_t)) {
166                 if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
167                     /* input unaligned, output aligned */
168                     *(word_t *)(out+k) |= mask & ((const unaligned_word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned;
169                 } else {
170                     /* aligned */
171                     *(word_t *)(out+k) |= mask & *(const word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]);
172                 }
173             }
174         }
176         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
177             for (; k<elem_bytes; k+=1) {
178                 out[k] |= mask & table[k+j*elem_bytes];
179             }
180         }
181     }
182 }
184 /**
185  * @brief Constant-time equivalent of memcpy(table + elem_bytes*idx, in, elem_bytes);
186  *
187  * The table must be at least as aligned as elem_bytes.  The input must be word aligned,
188  * and if the output size is vector aligned it must also be vector aligned.
189  *
190  * The table and input must not alias.
191  */
192 static __inline__ void
193 __attribute__((unused,always_inline))
constant_time_insert(void * __restrict__ table_,const void * in_,word_t elem_bytes,word_t n_table,word_t idx)194 constant_time_insert (
195     void *__restrict__ table_,
196     const void *in_,
197     word_t elem_bytes,
198     word_t n_table,
199     word_t idx
200 ) {
201     big_register_t big_one = br_set_to_mask(1), big_i = br_set_to_mask(idx);
203     /* Can't do pointer arithmetic on void* */
204     const unsigned char *in = (const unsigned char *)in_;
205     unsigned char *table = (unsigned char *)table_;
206     word_t j,k;
208     for (j=0; j<n_table; j++, big_i-=big_one) {
209         big_register_t br_mask = br_is_zero(big_i);
210         for (k=0; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(big_register_t); k+=sizeof(big_register_t)) {
211             if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t)) {
212                 /* unaligned */
213                 ((unaligned_br_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned
214                     = ( ((unaligned_br_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned & ~br_mask )
215                     | ( ((const unaligned_br_t *)(in+k))->unaligned & br_mask );
216             } else {
217                 /* aligned */
218                 *(big_register_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes])
219                     = ( *(big_register_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]) & ~br_mask )
220                     | ( *(const big_register_t *)(in+k) & br_mask );
221             }
222         }
224         word_t mask = word_is_zero(idx^j);
225         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t) >= sizeof(word_t)) {
226             for (; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(word_t); k+=sizeof(word_t)) {
227                 if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
228                     /* output unaligned, input aligned */
229                     ((unaligned_word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned
230                         = ( ((unaligned_word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]))->unaligned & ~mask )
231                         | ( *(const word_t *)(in+k) & mask );
232                 } else {
233                     /* aligned */
234                     *(word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes])
235                         = ( *(word_t*)(&table[k+j*elem_bytes]) & ~mask )
236                         | ( *(const word_t *)(in+k) & mask );
237                 }
238             }
239         }
241         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
242             for (; k<elem_bytes; k+=1) {
243                 table[k+j*elem_bytes]
244                     = ( table[k+j*elem_bytes] & ~mask )
245                     | ( in[k] & mask );
246             }
247         }
248     }
249 }
251 /**
252  * @brief Constant-time a = b&mask.
253  *
254  * The input and output must be at least as aligned as elem_bytes.
255  */
256 static __inline__ void
257 __attribute__((unused,always_inline))
constant_time_mask(void * a_,const void * b_,word_t elem_bytes,mask_t mask)258 constant_time_mask (
259     void * a_,
260     const void *b_,
261     word_t elem_bytes,
262     mask_t mask
263 ) {
264     unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)a_;
265     const unsigned char *b = (const unsigned char *)b_;
267     word_t k;
268     big_register_t br_mask = br_set_to_mask(mask);
269     for (k=0; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(big_register_t); k+=sizeof(big_register_t)) {
270         if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t)) {
271             /* unaligned */
272             ((unaligned_br_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned = br_mask & ((const unaligned_br_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned;
273         } else {
274             /* aligned */
275             *(big_register_t *)(a+k) = br_mask & *(const big_register_t*)(&b[k]);
276         }
277     }
279     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t) >= sizeof(word_t)) {
280         for (; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(word_t); k+=sizeof(word_t)) {
281             if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
282                 /* unaligned */
283                 ((unaligned_word_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned = mask & ((const unaligned_word_t*)(&b[k]))->unaligned;
284             } else {
285                 /* aligned */
286                 *(word_t *)(a+k) = mask & *(const word_t*)(&b[k]);
287             }
288         }
289     }
291     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
292         for (; k<elem_bytes; k+=1) {
293             a[k] = mask & b[k];
294         }
295     }
296 }
298 /**
299  * @brief Constant-time a = mask ? bTrue : bFalse.
300  *
301  * The input and output must be at least as aligned as alignment_bytes
302  * or their size, whichever is smaller.
303  *
304  * Note that the output is not __restrict__, but if it overlaps either
305  * input, it must be equal and not partially overlap.
306  */
307 static __inline__ void
308 __attribute__((unused,always_inline))
constant_time_select(void * a_,const void * bFalse_,const void * bTrue_,word_t elem_bytes,mask_t mask,size_t alignment_bytes)309 constant_time_select (
310     void *a_,
311     const void *bFalse_,
312     const void *bTrue_,
313     word_t elem_bytes,
314     mask_t mask,
315     size_t alignment_bytes
316 ) {
317     unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *)a_;
318     const unsigned char *bTrue = (const unsigned char *)bTrue_;
319     const unsigned char *bFalse = (const unsigned char *)bFalse_;
321     alignment_bytes |= elem_bytes;
323     word_t k;
324     big_register_t br_mask = br_set_to_mask(mask);
325     for (k=0; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(big_register_t); k+=sizeof(big_register_t)) {
326         if (alignment_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t)) {
327             /* unaligned */
328             ((unaligned_br_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned =
329 		  ( br_mask & ((const unaligned_br_t*)(&bTrue [k]))->unaligned)
330 		| (~br_mask & ((const unaligned_br_t*)(&bFalse[k]))->unaligned);
331         } else {
332             /* aligned */
333             *(big_register_t *)(a+k) =
334 		  ( br_mask & *(const big_register_t*)(&bTrue [k]))
335 		| (~br_mask & *(const big_register_t*)(&bFalse[k]));
336         }
337     }
339     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(big_register_t) >= sizeof(word_t)) {
340         for (; k<=elem_bytes-sizeof(word_t); k+=sizeof(word_t)) {
341             if (alignment_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
342                 /* unaligned */
343                 ((unaligned_word_t*)(&a[k]))->unaligned =
344 		    ( mask & ((const unaligned_word_t*)(&bTrue [k]))->unaligned)
345 		  | (~mask & ((const unaligned_word_t*)(&bFalse[k]))->unaligned);
346             } else {
347                 /* aligned */
348                 *(word_t *)(a+k) =
349 		    ( mask & *(const word_t*)(&bTrue [k]))
350 		  | (~mask & *(const word_t*)(&bFalse[k]));
351             }
352         }
353     }
355     if (elem_bytes % sizeof(word_t)) {
356         for (; k<elem_bytes; k+=1) {
357             a[k] = ( mask & bTrue[k]) | (~mask & bFalse[k]);
358         }
359     }
360 }
362 #endif /* __CONSTANT_TIME_H__ */