1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
4import           Control.Exception            (Exception, toException,
5                                               fromException)
6import           Control.Monad.IO.Class       (liftIO)
7import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8        as S
8import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8   as L
9import           Data.Typeable                (Typeable)
10import           Data.XML.Types
11import           Test.Hspec
12import           Test.HUnit                   hiding (Test)
13import qualified Text.XML                     as Res
14import qualified Text.XML.Cursor              as Cu
15import           Text.XML.Stream.Parse        (def)
16import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse        as P
17import qualified Text.XML.Unresolved          as D
19import           Control.Monad
20import qualified Data.Set                     as Set
21import           Data.Text                    (Text)
22import qualified Data.Text                    as T
23import           Text.XML.Cursor              (($.//), ($/), ($//), ($|),
24                                               (&.//), (&/), (&//))
26import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as C
27import           Data.Conduit                 ((.|), runConduit,
28                                               runConduitRes, ConduitT)
29import           Data.Conduit.Attoparsec      (ParseError(..))
30import qualified Data.Conduit                 as C
31import qualified Data.Conduit.List            as CL
32import qualified Data.Map                     as Map
33import           Text.Blaze                   (toMarkup)
34import           Text.Blaze.Renderer.String   (renderMarkup)
36main :: IO ()
37main = hspec $ do
38    describe "XML parsing and rendering" $ do
39        it "is idempotent to parse and render a document" documentParseRender
40        it "has valid parser combinators" combinators
41        context "has working choose function" testChoose
42        it "has working many function" testMany
43        it "has working many' function" testMany'
44        it "has working manyYield function" testManyYield
45        it "has working takeContent function" testTakeContent
46        it "has working takeTree function" testTakeTree
47        it "has working takeAnyTreeContent function" testTakeAnyTreeContent
48        it "has working orE" testOrE
49        it "is idempotent to parse and pretty render a document" documentParsePrettyRender
50        it "ignores the BOM" parseIgnoreBOM
51        it "strips duplicated attributes" stripDuplicateAttributes
52        it "displays comments" testRenderComments
53        it "conduit parser" testConduitParser
54        it "can omit the XML declaration" omitXMLDeclaration
55        it "doesn't hang on malformed entity declarations" malformedEntityDeclaration
56        context "correctly parses hexadecimal entities" hexEntityParsing
57    describe "XML Cursors" $ do
58        it "has correct parent" cursorParent
59        it "has correct ancestor" cursorAncestor
60        it "has correct orSelf" cursorOrSelf
61        it "has correct preceding" cursorPreceding
62        it "has correct following" cursorFollowing
63        it "has correct precedingSibling" cursorPrecedingSib
64        it "has correct followingSibling" cursorFollowingSib
65        it "has correct descendant" cursorDescendant
66        it "has correct check" cursorCheck
67        it "has correct check with lists" cursorPredicate
68        it "has correct checkNode" cursorCheckNode
69        it "has correct checkElement" cursorCheckElement
70        it "has correct checkName" cursorCheckName
71        it "has correct anyElement" cursorAnyElement
72        it "has correct element" cursorElement
73        it "has correct laxElement" cursorLaxElement
74        it "has correct content" cursorContent
75        it "has correct attribute" cursorAttribute
76        it "has correct laxAttribute" cursorLaxAttribute
77        it "has correct &* and $* operators" cursorDeep
78        it "has correct force" cursorForce
79        it "has correct forceM" cursorForceM
80        it "has correct hasAttribute" cursorHasAttribute
81        it "has correct attributeIs" cursorAttributeIs
82    describe "resolved" $ do
83        it "identifies unresolved entities" resolvedIdentifies
84        it "decodeHtmlEntities" testHtmlEntities
85        it "works for resolvable entities" resolvedAllGood
86        it "merges adjacent content nodes" resolvedMergeContent
87        it "understands inline entity declarations" resolvedInline
88        it "understands complex inline with markup" resolvedInlineComplex
89        it "can expand inline entities recursively" resolvedInlineRecursive
90        it "doesn't explode with an inline entity loop" resolvedInlineLoop
91        it "doesn't explode with the billion laughs attack" billionLaughs
92        it "allows entity expansion size limit to be adjusted" thousandLaughs
93        it "ignores parameter entity declarations" parameterEntity
94        it "doesn't break on [] in doctype comments" doctypeComment
95        it "skips element declarations in doctype" doctypeElements
96        it "skips processing instructions in doctype" doctypePI
97    describe "pretty" $ do
98        it "works" casePretty
99    describe "top level namespaces" $ do
100        it "works" caseTopLevelNamespace
101        it "works with prefix" caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix
102        it "handles conflicts" caseTLNConflict
103    describe "blaze-html instances" $ do
104        it "works" caseBlazeHtml
105    describe "attribute reordering" $ do
106        it "works" caseAttrReorder
107    describe "ordering attributes explicitly" $ do
108        it "works" caseOrderAttrs
109    it "parsing CDATA" caseParseCdata
110    it "retains namespaces when asked" caseRetainNamespaces
111    it "handles iso-8859-1" caseIso8859_1
112    it "renders CDATA when asked" caseRenderCDATA
113    it "escapes CDATA closing tag in CDATA" caseEscapesCDATA
115documentParseRender :: IO ()
116documentParseRender =
117    mapM_ go docs
118  where
119    go x = x @=? D.parseLBS_ def (D.renderLBS def x)
120    docs =
121        [ Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
122                   (Element "foo" [] [])
123                   []
124        , D.parseLBS_ def
125            "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE foo>\n<foo/>"
126        , D.parseLBS_ def
127            "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE foo>\n<foo><nested>&ignore;</nested></foo>"
128        , D.parseLBS_ def
129            "<foo><![CDATA[this is some<CDATA content>]]></foo>"
130        , D.parseLBS_ def
131            "<foo bar='baz&amp;bin'/>"
132        , D.parseLBS_ def
133            "<foo><?instr this is a processing instruction?></foo>"
134        , D.parseLBS_ def
135            "<foo><!-- this is a comment --></foo>"
136        ]
138documentParsePrettyRender :: IO ()
139documentParsePrettyRender =
140    L.unpack (D.renderLBS def { D.rsPretty = True } (D.parseLBS_ def doc)) @?= L.unpack doc
141  where
142    doc = L.unlines
143        [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
144        , "<foo>"
145        , "    <?bar bar?>"
146        , "    text"
147        , "    <?bin bin?>"
148        , "</foo>"
149        ]
151combinators :: Assertion
152combinators = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
153    P.force "need hello" $ P.tag' "hello" (P.requireAttr "world") $ \world -> do
154        liftIO $ world @?= "true"
155        P.force "need child1" $ P.tagNoAttr "{mynamespace}child1" $ return ()
156        P.force "need child2" $ P.tagNoAttr "child2" $ return ()
157        P.force "need child3" $ P.tagNoAttr "child3" $ do
158            x <- P.contentMaybe
159            liftIO $ x @?= Just "combine <all> &content"
160  where
161    input = L.concat
162        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
163        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
164        , "<hello world='true'>"
165        , "<?this should be ignored?>"
166        , "<child1 xmlns='mynamespace'/>"
167        , "<!-- this should be ignored -->"
168        , "<child2>   </child2>"
169        , "<child3>combine &lt;all&gt; <![CDATA[&content]]></child3>\n"
170        , "</hello>"
171        ]
173testChoose :: Spec
174testChoose = do
175    it "can choose between elements"
176        testChooseEitherElem
177    it "can choose between elements and text, returning text"
178        testChooseElemOrTextIsText
179    it "can choose between elements and text, returning elements"
180        testChooseElemOrTextIsElem
181    it "can choose between text and elements, returning text"
182        testChooseTextOrElemIsText
183    it "can choose between text and elements, returning elements"
184        testChooseTextOrElemIsElem
185    it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is encoded"
186        testChooseElemOrTextIsEncoded
187    it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is encoded, NBSP"
188        testChooseElemOrTextIsEncodedNBSP
189    it "can choose between elements and text, when the text is whitespace"
190        testChooseElemOrTextIsWhiteSpace
191    it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is whitespace"
192        testChooseTextOrElemIsWhiteSpace
193    it "can choose between text and elements, when the whitespace is both literal and encoded"
194        testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText
195    it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is chunked the other way"
196        testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText2
198testChooseElemOrTextIsText :: Assertion
199testChooseElemOrTextIsText = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
200    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
201        x <- P.choose
202            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
203            , P.contentMaybe
204            ]
205        liftIO $ x @?= Just " something "
206  where
207    input = L.concat
208        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
209        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
210        , "<hello>"
211        , " something "
212        , "</hello>"
213        ]
215testChooseElemOrTextIsEncoded :: Assertion
216testChooseElemOrTextIsEncoded = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
217    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
218        x <- P.choose
219            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
220            , P.contentMaybe
221            ]
222        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20something\x20"
223  where
224    input = L.concat
225        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
226        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
227        , "<hello>"
228        , "&#x20;something&#x20;"
229        , "</hello>"
230        ]
232testChooseElemOrTextIsEncodedNBSP :: Assertion
233testChooseElemOrTextIsEncodedNBSP = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
234    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
235        x <- P.choose
236            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
237            , P.contentMaybe
238            ]
239        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\160something\160"
240  where
241    input = L.concat
242        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
243        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
244        , "<hello>"
245        , "&#160;something&#160;"
246        , "</hello>"
247        ]
250testChooseElemOrTextIsWhiteSpace :: Assertion
251testChooseElemOrTextIsWhiteSpace = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
252    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
253        x <- P.choose
254            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
255            , P.contentMaybe
256            ]
257        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
258  where
259    input = L.concat
260        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
261        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
262        , "<hello>   </hello>"
263        ]
265testChooseTextOrElemIsWhiteSpace :: Assertion
266testChooseTextOrElemIsWhiteSpace = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
267    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
268        x <- P.choose
269            [ P.contentMaybe
270            , P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
271            ]
272        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
273  where
274    input = L.concat
275        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
276        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
277        , "<hello>   </hello>"
278        ]
280testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText :: Assertion
281testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
282    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
283        x <- P.choose
284            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
285            , P.contentMaybe
286            ]
287        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
288  where
289    input = L.concat
290        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
291        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
292        , "<hello> &#x20; </hello>"
293        ]
295testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText2 :: Assertion
296testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText2 = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
297    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
298        x <- P.choose
299            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
300            , P.contentMaybe
301            ]
302        liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
303  where
304    input = L.concat
305        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
306        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
307        , "<hello>&#x20; &#x20;</hello>"
308        ]
310testChooseElemOrTextIsElem :: Assertion
311testChooseElemOrTextIsElem = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
312    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
313        x <- P.choose
314            [ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return "success"
315            , P.contentMaybe
316            ]
317        liftIO $ x @?= Just "success"
318  where
319    input = L.concat
320        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
321        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
322        , "<hello>"
323        , "<success/>"
324        , "</hello>"
325        ]
327testChooseTextOrElemIsText :: Assertion
328testChooseTextOrElemIsText = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
329    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
330        x <- P.choose
331            [ P.contentMaybe
332            , P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
333            ]
334        liftIO $ x @?= Just " something "
335  where
336    input = L.concat
337        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
338        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
339        , "<hello>"
340        , " something "
341        , "</hello>"
342        ]
344testChooseTextOrElemIsElem :: Assertion
345testChooseTextOrElemIsElem = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
346    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
347        x <- P.choose
348            [ P.contentMaybe
349            , P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return "success"
350            ]
351        liftIO $ x @?= Just "success"
352  where
353    input = L.concat
354        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
355        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
356        , "<hello>"
357        , "<success/>"
358        , "</hello>"
359        ]
361testChooseEitherElem :: Assertion
362testChooseEitherElem = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
363    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
364        x <- P.choose
365            [ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return 1
366            , P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return 2
367            ]
368        liftIO $ x @?= Just (2 :: Int)
369  where
370    input = L.concat
371        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
372        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
373        , "<hello>"
374        , "<success/>"
375        , "</hello>"
376        ]
378testManyYield :: Assertion
379testManyYield = do
380    -- Basically the same as testMany, but consume the streamed result
381    result <- runConduitRes $
382        P.parseLBS def input .| helloParser
383        .| CL.consume
384    length result @?= 5
385  where
386    helloParser = void $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ P.manyYield successParser
387    successParser = P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
388    input = L.concat
389        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
390        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
391        , "<hello>"
392        , "<success/>"
393        , "<success/>"
394        , "<success/>"
395        , "<success/>"
396        , "<success/>"
397        , "</hello>"
398        ]
400testTakeContent :: Assertion
401testTakeContent = do
402    result <- runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| rootParser
403    result @?= Just
404      [ EventContent (ContentText "Hello world !")
405      ]
406  where
407    rootParser = P.tagNoAttr "root" $ void (P.takeContent >> P.takeContent) .| CL.consume
408    input = L.concat
409        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
410        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
411        , "<root>"
412        , "Hello world !"
413        , "</root>"
414        ]
416testTakeTree :: Assertion
417testTakeTree = do
418    result <- runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| rootParser
419    result @?=
420      [ EventBeginDocument
421      , EventBeginDoctype "foo" Nothing
422      , EventEndDoctype
423      , EventBeginElement "a" []
424      , EventBeginElement "em" []
425      , EventContent (ContentText "Hello world !")
426      , EventEndElement "em"
427      , EventEndElement "a"
428      ]
429  where
430    rootParser = void (P.takeTree "a" P.ignoreAttrs) .| CL.consume
431    input = L.concat
432        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
433        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
434        , "<a>"
435        , "<em>Hello world !</em>"
436        , "</a>"
437        , "<b>"
438        , "</b>"
439        ]
441testTakeAnyTreeContent :: Assertion
442testTakeAnyTreeContent = do
443    result <- runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| rootParser
444    result @?= Just
445      [ EventBeginElement "b" []
446      , EventContent (ContentText "Hello ")
447      , EventBeginElement "em" []
448      , EventContent (ContentText "world")
449      , EventEndElement "em"
450      , EventContent (ContentText " !")
451      , EventEndElement "b"
452      ]
453  where
454    rootParser = P.tagNoAttr "root" $ (P.takeAnyTreeContent >> void P.ignoreAnyTreeContent) .| CL.consume
455    input = L.concat
456        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
457        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
458        , "<root>"
459        , "<b>Hello <em>world</em> !</b> Welcome !"
460        , "</root>"
461        ]
464testMany :: Assertion
465testMany = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
466    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
467        x <- P.many $ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
468        liftIO $ length x @?= 5
469  where
470    input = L.concat
471        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
472        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
473        , "<hello>"
474        , "<success/>"
475        , "<success/>"
476        , "<success/>"
477        , "<success/>"
478        , "<success/>"
479        , "</hello>"
480        ]
482testMany' :: Assertion
483testMany' = runConduitRes $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
484    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
485        x <- P.many' $ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
486        liftIO $ length x @?= 5
487  where
488    input = L.concat
489        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
490        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
491        , "<hello>"
492        , "<success/>"
493        , "<success/>"
494        , "<success/>"
495        , "<foobar/>"
496        , "<success/>"
497        , "<foo><bar attr=\"1\">some content</bar></foo>"
498        , "<success/>"
499        , "</hello>"
500        ]
502testOrE :: IO ()
503testOrE = runConduitRes $ runConduit $ P.parseLBS def input .| do
504    P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
505        x <- P.tagNoAttr "failure" (return 1) `P.orE`
506             P.tagNoAttr "success" (return 2)
507        y <- P.tag' "success" (P.requireAttr "failure") (const $ return 1) `P.orE`
508             P.tag' "success" (P.requireAttr "success") (const $ return 2)
509        liftIO $ x @?= Just (2 :: Int)
510        liftIO $ y @?= Just (2 :: Int)
511  where
512    input = L.concat
513        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
514        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
515        , "<hello>"
516        , "<success/>"
517        , "<success success=\"0\"/>"
518        , "</hello>"
519        ]
521testConduitParser :: Assertion
522testConduitParser = do
523    x <-   runConduitRes
524         $ P.parseLBS def input
525        .| (P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" f)
526        .| CL.consume
527    liftIO $ x @?= [1, 1, 1]
528  where
529    input = L.concat
530        [ "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
531        , "<!DOCTYPE foo []>\n"
532        , "<hello>"
533        , "<item/>"
534        , "<item/>"
535        , "<item/>"
536        , "</hello>"
537        ]
538    f :: C.MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event Int m ()
539    f = do
540        ma <- P.tagNoAttr "item" (return 1)
541        maybe (return ()) (\a -> C.yield a >> f) ma
543omitXMLDeclaration :: Assertion
544omitXMLDeclaration = Res.renderLBS settings input @?= spec
545  where
546    settings = def { Res.rsXMLDeclaration = False }
547    input = Res.Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
548              (Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar"])
549              []
550    spec = "<foo>bar</foo>"
552malformedEntityDeclaration :: Assertion
553malformedEntityDeclaration = do -- missing > after bim
554    assertBool "raises ParseError" $
555      case Res.parseLBS Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bim \"Hello\"]><foo></foo>" of
556        Left e -> case fromException e of
557                    Just (ParseError ["DOCTYPE"] _ _) -> True
558                    _ -> False
559        _ -> False
561hexEntityParsing :: Spec
562hexEntityParsing = do
563  it "rejects leading 0x" $
564    go "<foo>&#x0xff;</foo>" @?= Nothing
565  it "rejects leading 0X" $
566    go "<foo>&#x0Xff;</foo>" @?= Nothing
567  it "accepts lowercase hex digits" $
568    go "<foo>&#xff;</foo>" @?= Just (spec "\xff")
569  it "accepts uppercase hex digits" $
570    go "<foo>&#xFF;</foo>" @?= Just (spec "\xff")
571  --Note: this must be rejected, because, according to the XML spec, a
572  --legal EntityRef's entity matches Name, which can't start with a
573  --hash.
574  it "rejects trailing junk" $
575    go "<foo>&#xffhello;</foo>" @?= Nothing
576  --Some of these next tests are XML 1.0 specific (i.e., they would
577  --differ for XML 1.1), but approximately no-one uses XML 1.1.
578  it "rejects illegal character #x0" $
579    go "<foo>&#x0;</foo>" @?= Nothing
580  it "rejects illegal character #xFFFE" $
581    go "<foo>&#xFFFE;</foo>" @?= Nothing
582  it "rejects illegal character #xFFFF" $
583    go "<foo>&#xFFFF;</foo>" @?= Nothing
584  it "rejects illegal character #xD900" $
585    go "<foo>&#xD900;</foo>" @?= Nothing
586  it "rejects illegal character #xC" $
587    go "<foo>&#xC;</foo>" @?= Nothing
588  it "rejects illegal character #x1F" $
589    go "<foo>&#x1F;</foo>" @?= Nothing
590  it "accepts astral plane character" $
591    go "<foo>&#x1006ff;</foo>" @?= Just (spec "\x1006ff")
592  it "accepts custom character references" $
593    go' customSettings "<foo>&#xC;</foo>" @?= Just (spec "\xff")
594  where
595    spec content = Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
596                    (Element "foo" [] [NodeContent (ContentText content)])
597                    []
599    go = either (const Nothing) Just . D.parseLBS def
600    go' settings = either (const Nothing) Just . D.parseLBS settings
601    customSettings = def { P.psDecodeIllegalCharacters = customDecoder }
602    customDecoder 12 = Just '\xff'
603    customDecoder _  = Nothing
605name :: [Cu.Cursor] -> [Text]
606name [] = []
607name (c:cs) = ($ name cs) $ case Cu.node c of
608                              Res.NodeElement e -> ((Res.nameLocalName $ Res.elementName e) :)
609                              _                 -> id
611cursor :: Cu.Cursor
612cursor =
613    Cu.fromDocument $ Res.parseLBS_ def input
614  where
615    input = L.concat
616        [ "<foo attr=\"x\">"
617        ,    "<bar1/>"
618        ,    "<bar2>"
619        ,       "<baz1/>"
620        ,       "<baz2 attr=\"y\"/>"
621        ,       "<baz3>a</baz3>"
622        ,    "</bar2>"
623        ,    "<bar3>"
624        ,       "<bin1/>"
625        ,       "b"
626        ,       "<bin2/>"
627        ,       "<bin3/>"
628        ,    "</bar3>"
629        ,    "<Bar1 xmlns=\"http://example.com\" Attr=\"q\"/>"
630        , "</foo>"
631        ]
633bar2, baz2, bar3, bin2 :: Cu.Cursor
634bar2 = Cu.child cursor !! 1
635baz2 = Cu.child bar2 !! 1
637bar3 = Cu.child cursor !! 2
638bin2 = Cu.child bar3 !! 1
640cursorParent, cursorAncestor, cursorOrSelf, cursorPreceding, cursorFollowing,
641    cursorPrecedingSib, cursorFollowingSib, cursorDescendant, cursorCheck,
642    cursorPredicate, cursorCheckNode, cursorCheckElement, cursorCheckName,
643    cursorAnyElement, cursorElement, cursorLaxElement, cursorContent,
644    cursorAttribute, cursorLaxAttribute, cursorHasAttribute,
645    cursorAttributeIs, cursorDeep, cursorForce, cursorForceM,
646    resolvedIdentifies, resolvedAllGood, resolvedMergeContent,
647    testHtmlEntities
648    :: Assertion
649cursorParent = name (Cu.parent bar2) @?= ["foo"]
650cursorAncestor = name (Cu.ancestor baz2) @?= ["bar2", "foo"]
651cursorOrSelf = name (Cu.orSelf Cu.ancestor baz2) @?= ["baz2", "bar2", "foo"]
652cursorPreceding = do
653  name (Cu.preceding baz2) @?= ["baz1", "bar1"]
654  name (Cu.preceding bin2) @?= ["bin1", "baz3", "baz2", "baz1", "bar2", "bar1"]
655cursorFollowing = do
656  name (Cu.following baz2) @?= ["baz3", "bar3", "bin1", "bin2", "bin3", "Bar1"]
657  name (Cu.following bar2) @?= ["bar3", "bin1", "bin2", "bin3", "Bar1"]
658cursorPrecedingSib = name (Cu.precedingSibling baz2) @?= ["baz1"]
659cursorFollowingSib = name (Cu.followingSibling baz2) @?= ["baz3"]
660cursorDescendant = (name $ Cu.descendant cursor) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 baz1 baz2 baz3 bar3 bin1 bin2 bin3 Bar1"
661cursorCheck = null (cursor $.// Cu.check (const False)) @?= True
662cursorPredicate = (name $ cursor $.// Cu.check Cu.descendant) @?= T.words "foo bar2 baz3 bar3"
663cursorCheckNode = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkNode f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
664    where f (Res.NodeElement e) = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` Res.nameLocalName (Res.elementName e)
665          f _                   = False
666cursorCheckElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkElement f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
667    where f e = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` Res.nameLocalName (Res.elementName e)
668cursorCheckName = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkName f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
669    where f n = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` nameLocalName n
670cursorAnyElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.anyElement) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 baz1 baz2 baz3 bar3 bin1 bin2 bin3 Bar1"
671cursorElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.element "bar1") @?= ["bar1"]
672cursorLaxElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.laxElement "bar1") @?= ["bar1", "Bar1"]
673cursorContent = do
674  Cu.content cursor @?= []
675  (cursor $.// Cu.content) @?= ["a", "b"]
676cursorAttribute = Cu.attribute "attr" cursor @?= ["x"]
677cursorLaxAttribute = (cursor $.// Cu.laxAttribute "Attr") @?= ["x", "y", "q"]
679cursorHasAttribute = (length $ cursor $.// Cu.hasAttribute "attr") @?= 2
680cursorAttributeIs = (length $ cursor $.// Cu.attributeIs "attr" "y") @?= 1
682cursorDeep = do
683  (Cu.element "foo" &/ Cu.element "bar2" &// Cu.attribute "attr") cursor @?= ["y"]
684  (return &.// Cu.attribute "attr") cursor @?= ["x", "y"]
685  (cursor $.// Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["x", "y"]
686  (cursor $/ Cu.element "bar2" &// Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["y"]
687  (cursor $/ Cu.element "bar2" &/ Cu.element "baz2" >=> Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["y"]
688  null (cursor $| Cu.element "foo") @?= False
689cursorForce = do
690  Cu.force DummyEx [] @?= (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
691  Cu.force DummyEx [1] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
692  Cu.force DummyEx [1,2] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
693cursorForceM = do
694  Cu.forceM DummyEx [] @?= (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
695  Cu.forceM DummyEx [Just 1, Nothing] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
696  Cu.forceM DummyEx [Nothing, Just (1 :: Int)] @?= Nothing
698data DummyEx = DummyEx
699    deriving (Show, Typeable)
700instance Exception DummyEx
702showEq :: (Show a, Show b) => Either a b -> Either a b -> Assertion
703showEq x y = show x @=? show y
705resolvedIdentifies =
706    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException $ Set.fromList ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) `showEq`
707    Res.parseLBS def
708    "<root attr='&bar;'>&foo; --- &baz; &foo;</root>"
710testHtmlEntities =
711    Res.parseLBS_ def
712        { P.psDecodeEntities = P.decodeHtmlEntities
713        } xml1 @=? Res.parseLBS_ def xml2
714  where
715    xml1 = "<root>&nbsp;</root>"
716    xml2 = "<root>&#160;</root>"
718resolvedAllGood =
719    D.parseLBS_ def xml @=?
720    Res.toXMLDocument (Res.parseLBS_ def xml)
721  where
722    xml = "<foo><bar/><baz/></foo>"
724resolvedMergeContent =
725    Res.documentRoot (Res.parseLBS_ def xml) @=?
726    Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar&baz"]
727  where
728    xml = "<foo>bar&amp;baz</foo>"
730parseIgnoreBOM :: Assertion
731parseIgnoreBOM = do
732    either (const $ Left (1 :: Int)) Right (Res.parseText Res.def "\xfeef<foo/>") @?=
733        either (const $ Left (2 :: Int)) Right (Res.parseText Res.def "<foo/>")
735stripDuplicateAttributes :: Assertion
736stripDuplicateAttributes = do
737    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><foo bar=\"baz\"/>" @=?
738        D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) (Element "foo" [("bar", [ContentText "baz"]), ("bar", [ContentText "bin"])] []) [])
739    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><foo x:bar=\"baz\" xmlns:x=\"namespace\"/>" @=?
740        D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) (Element "foo"
741            [ ("x:bar", [ContentText "baz"])
742            , (Name "bar" (Just "namespace") (Just "x"), [ContentText "bin"])
743            ] []) [])
745testRenderComments :: Assertion
746testRenderComments =do
747    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><foo><!--comment--></foo>"
748        @=? D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
749            (Element "foo" [] [NodeComment "comment"]) [])
751resolvedInline :: Assertion
752resolvedInline = do
753    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bar \"baz\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
754    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz"]
755    Res.Document _ root2 _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bar \"baz\">]><foo bar='&bar;'/>"
756    root2 @?= Res.Element "foo" (Map.singleton "bar" "baz") []
758resolvedInlineComplex :: Assertion
759resolvedInlineComplex = do
760    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bar \"<p>baz &bim;</p>\"><!ENTITY bim \"Hello\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
761    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeElement (Res.Element "p" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz Hello"])]
762    Res.Document _ root2 _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bar \"<p>baz</p>\">]><foo class=\"&bar;\"/>"
763    root2 @?= Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [("class","baz")]) []
766resolvedInlineRecursive :: Assertion
767resolvedInlineRecursive = do
768    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def
769      "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bim \"baz\"><!ENTITY bar \"&bim;&#73;&amp;\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
770    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bazI&"]
772resolvedInlineLoop :: Assertion
773resolvedInlineLoop = do
774    res <- return $ Res.parseLBS Res.def
775           "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bim \"&bim;\">]><foo>&bim;</foo>"
776    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException (Set.fromList ["bim"]))
777      `showEq` res
778    res2 <- return $ Res.parseLBS Res.def
779           "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY bim \"&bim;\">]><foo class=\"&bim;\"/>"
780    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException (Set.fromList ["bim"]))
781      `showEq` res2
783billionLaughs :: Assertion
784billionLaughs = do
785    res <- return $ Res.parseLBS Res.def
786      "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE lolz [<!ENTITY lol \"lol\"><!ELEMENT lolz (#PCDATA)><!ENTITY lol1 \"&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;\"><!ENTITY lol2 \"&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;\"><!ENTITY lol3 \"&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;\"><!ENTITY lol4 \"&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;\"><!ENTITY lol5 \"&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;\"><!ENTITY lol6 \"&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;\"><!ENTITY lol7 \"&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;\"><!ENTITY lol8 \"&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;\"><!ENTITY lol9 \"&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;\">]><lolz>&lol9;</lolz>"
787    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException (Set.fromList ["lol9"]))
788      `showEq` res
790thousandLaughs :: Assertion
791thousandLaughs = do
792    res <- return $ Res.parseLBS Res.def{ P.psEntityExpansionSizeLimit = 2999 }
793      "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE lolz [<!ENTITY lol \"lol\"><!ELEMENT lolz (#PCDATA)><!ENTITY lol1 \"&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;\"><!ENTITY lol2 \"&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;\"><!ENTITY lol3 \"&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;\">]><lolz>&lol3;</lolz>"
794    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException (Set.fromList ["lol3"]))
795      `showEq` res
796    -- Raise the entity expansion limit and it should work:
797    Right (Res.Document {Res.documentRoot = Res.Element{ Res.elementNodes = [Res.NodeContent t] }}) <- return $ Res.parseLBS Res.def{ P.psEntityExpansionSizeLimit = 3001 } "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE lolz [<!ENTITY lol \"lol\"><!ELEMENT lolz (#PCDATA)><!ENTITY lol1 \"&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;\"><!ENTITY lol2 \"&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;\"><!ENTITY lol3 \"&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;\">]><lolz>&lol3;</lolz>"
798    t @?= T.replicate 1000 "lol"
800parameterEntity :: Assertion
801parameterEntity = do
802    let res = Res.parseLBS Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY % bim \"Hello\">]><foo>&bim;</foo>"
803    Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException (Set.fromList ["bim"]))
804      `showEq` res
806doctypeComment :: Assertion
807doctypeComment = do
808    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_
809       Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!-- [comment] --> <!ENTITY bar \"baz\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
810    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz"]
812doctypeElements :: Assertion
813doctypeElements = do
814    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_
815       Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ELEMENT assessment (#PCDATA)>\n<!ELEMENT textbooks(author,title)>\n<!ATTLIST assessment assessment_type (exam | assignment) #IMPLIED>\n<!ENTITY bar \"baz\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
816    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz"]
818doctypePI :: Assertion
819doctypePI = do
820    Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_
821       Res.def "<!DOCTYPE foo [<?foobar \"[baz]\"?><!ENTITY bar \"baz\">]><foo>&bar;</foo>"
822    root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz"]
824casePretty :: Assertion
825casePretty = do
826    let pretty = S.unlines
827            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
828            , "<!DOCTYPE foo>"
829            , "<foo bar=\"bar\" baz=\"baz\">"
830            , "    <foo"
831            , "      bar=\"bar\""
832            , "      baz=\"baz\""
833            , "      bin=\"bin\">"
834            , "        Hello World"
835            , "    </foo>"
836            , "    <foo/>"
837            , "    <?foo bar?>"
838            , "    <!-- foo bar baz bin -->"
839            , "    <bar>"
840            , "        bar content"
841            , "    </bar>"
842            , "</foo>"
843            ]
844        doctype = Res.Doctype "foo" Nothing
845        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] (Just doctype) []) root []
846        root = Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [("bar", "bar"), ("baz", "baz")])
847                [ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [("bar", "bar"), ("baz", "baz"), ("bin", "bin")])
848                    [ Res.NodeContent "  Hello World\n\n"
849                    , Res.NodeContent "  "
850                    ]
851                , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "foo" Map.empty []
852                , Res.NodeInstruction $ Res.Instruction "foo" "bar"
853                , Res.NodeComment "foo bar\n\r\nbaz    \tbin "
854                , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "bar" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar content"]
855                ]
856    pretty @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS def { D.rsPretty = True } doc)
858caseTopLevelNamespace :: Assertion
859caseTopLevelNamespace = do
860    let lbs = S.concat
861            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
862            , "<foo xmlns:bar=\"baz\">"
863            , "<subfoo bar:bin=\"\"/>"
864            , "</foo>"
865            ]
866        rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
867        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
868                (Res.Element "foo" Map.empty
869                    [ Res.NodeElement
870                        $ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.singleton "{baz}bin" "") []
871                    ])
872                []
873    lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
875caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix :: Assertion
876caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix = do
877    let lbs = S.concat
878            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
879            , "<foo xmlns:bar=\"baz\">"
880            , "<subfoo bar:bin=\"\"/>"
881            , "</foo>"
882            ]
883        rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
884        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
885                (Res.Element "foo" Map.empty
886                    [ Res.NodeElement
887                        $ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.fromList [(Name "bin" (Just "baz") (Just "bar"), "")]) []
888                    ])
889                []
890    lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
892caseTLNConflict :: Assertion
893caseTLNConflict = do
894    let lbs = S.concat
895            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
896            , "<foo xmlns:bar=\"something\" bar:x=\"y\">"
897            , "<subfoo xmlns:bar_=\"baz\" bar_:bin=\"\"/>"
898            , "</foo>"
899            ]
900        rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
901        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
902                (Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [(Name "x" (Just "something") (Just "bar"), "y")])
903                    [ Res.NodeElement
904                        $ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.fromList [(Name "bin" (Just "baz") (Just "bar"), "")]) []
905                    ])
906                []
907    lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
909caseBlazeHtml :: Assertion
910caseBlazeHtml =
911    expected @=? str
912  where
913    str = renderMarkup $ toMarkup $ Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
914    root :: Res.Element
915    root = Res.Element "html" Map.empty
916        [ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "head" Map.empty
917            [ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "title" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "Test"]
918            , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "script" Map.empty
919                [Res.NodeContent "if (5 < 6 || 8 > 9) alert('Hello World!');"]
920            , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "{http://www.snoyman.com/xml2html}ie-cond" (Map.singleton "cond" "lt IE 7")
921                [Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "link" (Map.singleton "href" "ie6.css") []]
922            , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "style" Map.empty
923                [Res.NodeContent "body > h1 { color: red }"]
924            ]
925        , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "body" Map.empty
926            [ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "h1" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "Hello World!"]
927            ]
928        ]
929    expected :: String
930    expected = concat
931        [ "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n"
932        , "<html><head><title>Test</title><script>if (5 < 6 || 8 > 9) alert('Hello World!');</script>"
933        , "<!--[if lt IE 7]><link href=\"ie6.css\" /><![endif]-->"
934        , "<style>body > h1 { color: red }</style>"
935        , "</head>"
936        , "<body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"
937        ]
939caseAttrReorder :: Assertion
940caseAttrReorder = do
941    let lbs = S.concat
942            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
943            , "<foo c=\"c\" b=\"b\" a=\"a\">"
944            , "<bar a=\"a\" b=\"b\" c=\"c\"/>"
945            , "</foo>"
946            ]
947        rs = def { Res.rsAttrOrder = \name' m ->
948                        case name' of
949                            "foo" -> reverse $ Map.toAscList m
950                            _     -> Map.toAscList m
951                 }
952        attrs = Map.fromList [("a", "a"), ("b", "b"), ("c", "c")]
953        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
954                (Res.Element "foo" attrs
955                    [ Res.NodeElement
956                        $ Res.Element "bar" attrs []
957                    ])
958                []
959    lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
961caseOrderAttrs :: Assertion
962caseOrderAttrs = do
963    let lbs = S.concat
964            [ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
965            , "<foo c=\"c\" b=\"b\" a=\"a\">"
966            , "<bar a=\"a\" b=\"b\" c=\"c\"/>"
967            , "</foo>"
968            ]
969        rs = def { Res.rsAttrOrder = Res.orderAttrs
970                     [("foo", ["c", "b"])]
971                 }
972        attrs = Map.fromList [("a", "a"), ("b", "b"), ("c", "c")]
973        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
974                (Res.Element "foo" attrs
975                    [ Res.NodeElement
976                        $ Res.Element "bar" attrs []
977                    ])
978                []
979    lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
981caseParseCdata :: Assertion
982caseParseCdata = do
983    let lbs = "<a><![CDATA[www.google.com]]></a>"
984        doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
985                (Res.Element "a" Map.empty
986                    [ Res.NodeContent "www.google.com"
987                    ])
988                []
989    Res.parseLBS_ def lbs @?= doc
991caseRetainNamespaces :: Assertion
992caseRetainNamespaces = do
993    let lbs = "<foo xmlns:bar='baz'><bar:bin/><bin3 xmlns='bin4'></bin3></foo>"
994        doc = Res.parseLBS_ def { Res.psRetainNamespaces = True } lbs
995    doc `shouldBe` Res.Document
996        (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
997        (Res.Element
998            "foo"
999            (Map.singleton "xmlns:bar" "baz")
1000            [ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element
1001                "{baz}bin"
1002                Map.empty
1003                []
1004            , Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element
1005                "{bin4}bin3"
1006                (Map.singleton "xmlns" "bin4")
1007                []
1008            ])
1009        []
1011caseIso8859_1 :: Assertion
1012caseIso8859_1 = do
1013    let lbs = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><foo>\232</foo>"
1014        doc = Res.parseLBS_ def lbs
1015    doc `shouldBe` Res.Document
1016        (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
1017        (Res.Element
1018            "foo"
1019            Map.empty
1020            [Res.NodeContent "\232"])
1021        []
1023caseRenderCDATA :: Assertion
1024caseRenderCDATA = do
1025    let doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
1026                (Res.Element "a" Map.empty
1027                    [ Res.NodeContent "www.google.com"
1028                    ])
1029                []
1030        withoutCDATA = Res.renderLBS def doc
1031        withCDATA = Res.renderLBS (def { Res.rsUseCDATA = const True }) doc
1032    withCDATA `shouldBe` "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><a><![CDATA[www.google.com]]></a>"
1033    withoutCDATA `shouldBe` "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><a>www.google.com</a>"
1035caseEscapesCDATA :: Assertion
1036caseEscapesCDATA = do
1037    let doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
1038                (Res.Element "a" Map.empty
1039                    [ Res.NodeContent "]]>"
1040                    ])
1041                []
1042        result = Res.renderLBS (def { Res.rsUseCDATA = const True }) doc
1043    result `shouldBe` "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><a><![CDATA[]]]]><![CDATA[>]]></a>"