4 #include <vector>
5 #include <utility>
6 #include <iterator>
7 #include <functional>
9 namespace Sass {
11   // ##########################################################################
12   // Flatten `vector<vector<T>>` to `vector<T>`
13   // ##########################################################################
14   template <class T>
flatten(const sass::vector<T> & all)15   T flatten(const sass::vector<T>& all)
16   {
17     T flattened;
18     for (const auto& sub : all) {
19       std::copy(std::begin(sub), std::end(sub),
20         std::back_inserter(flattened));
21     }
22     return flattened;
23   }
25   // ##########################################################################
26   // Expands each element of this Iterable into zero or more elements.
27   // Calls a function on every element and ads all results to flat array
28   // ##########################################################################
29   // Equivalent to dart `cnt.any`
30   // Pass additional closure variables to `fn`
31   template <class T, class U, typename ...Args>
32   T expand(const T& cnt, U fn, Args... args) {
33     T flattened;
34     for (const auto& sub : cnt) {
35       auto rv = fn(sub, args...);
36       flattened.insert(flattened.end(),
37         rv.begin(), rv.end());
38     }
39     return flattened;
40   }
42   // ##########################################################################
43   // ##########################################################################
44   template <class T>
flattenInner(const sass::vector<T> & vec)45   T flattenInner(const sass::vector<T>& vec)
46   {
47     T outer;
48     for (const auto& sub : vec) {
49       outer.emplace_back(std::move(flatten(sub)));
50     }
51     return outer;
52   }
53   // EO flattenInner
55   // ##########################################################################
56   // Equivalent to dart `cnt.any`
57   // Pass additional closure variables to `fn`
58   // ##########################################################################
59   template <class T, class U, typename ...Args>
hasAny(const T & cnt,U fn,Args...args)60   bool hasAny(const T& cnt, U fn, Args... args) {
61     for (const auto& sub : cnt) {
62       if (fn(sub, args...)) {
63         return true;
64       }
65     }
66     return false;
67   }
68   // EO hasAny
70   // ##########################################################################
71   // Equivalent to dart `cnt.take(len).any`
72   // Pass additional closure variables to `fn`
73   // ##########################################################################
74   template <class T, class U, typename ...Args>
hasSubAny(const T & cnt,size_t len,U fn,Args...args)75   bool hasSubAny(const T& cnt, size_t len, U fn, Args... args) {
76     for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
77       if (fn(cnt[i], args...)) {
78         return true;
79       }
80     }
81     return false;
82   }
84   // ##########################################################################
85   // Default predicate for lcs algorithm
86   // ##########################################################################
87   template <class T>
lcsIdentityCmp(const T & X,const T & Y,T & result)88   inline bool lcsIdentityCmp(const T& X, const T& Y, T& result)
89   {
90     // Assert equality
91     if (!ObjEqualityFn(X, Y)) {
92       return false;
93     }
94     // Store in reference
95     result = X;
96     // Return success
97     return true;
98   }
99   // EO lcsIdentityCmp
101   // ##########################################################################
102   // Longest common subsequence with predicate
103   // ##########################################################################
104   template <class T>
lcs(const sass::vector<T> & X,const sass::vector<T> & Y,bool (* select)(const T &,const T &,T &)=lcsIdentityCmp<T>)105   sass::vector<T> lcs(
106     const sass::vector<T>& X, const sass::vector<T>& Y,
107     bool(*select)(const T&, const T&, T&) = lcsIdentityCmp<T>)
108   {
110     std::size_t m = X.size(), mm = X.size() + 1;
111     std::size_t n = Y.size(), nn = Y.size() + 1;
113     if (m == 0) return {};
114     if (n == 0) return {};
116     // MSVC does not support variable-length arrays
117     // To circumvent, allocate one array on the heap
118     // Then use a macro to access via double index
119     // e.g. `size_t L[m][n]` is supported by gcc
120     size_t* len = new size_t[mm * nn + 1];
121     bool* acc = new bool[mm * nn + 1];
122     T* res = new T[mm * nn + 1];
124     #define LEN(x, y) len[(x) * nn + (y)]
125     #define ACC(x, y) acc[(x) * nn + (y)]
126     #define RES(x, y) res[(x) * nn + (y)]
128     /* Following steps build L[m+1][n+1] in bottom up fashion. Note
129       that L[i][j] contains length of LCS of X[0..i-1] and Y[0..j-1] */
130     for (size_t i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
131       for (size_t j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
132         if (i == 0 || j == 0)
133           LEN(i, j) = 0;
134         else {
135           ACC(i - 1, j - 1) = select(X[i - 1], Y[j - 1], RES(i - 1, j - 1));
136           if (ACC(i - 1, j - 1))
137             LEN(i, j) = LEN(i - 1, j - 1) + 1;
138           else
139             LEN(i, j) = std::max(LEN(i - 1, j), LEN(i, j - 1));
140         }
141       }
142     }
144     // Following code is used to print LCS
145     sass::vector<T> lcs;
146     std::size_t index = LEN(m, n);
147     lcs.reserve(index);
149     // Start from the right-most-bottom-most corner
150     // and one by one store objects in lcs[]
151     std::size_t i = m, j = n;
152     while (i > 0 && j > 0) {
154       // If current objects in X[] and Y are same,
155       // then current object is part of LCS
156       if (ACC(i - 1, j - 1))
157       {
158         // Put the stored object in result
159         // Note: we push instead of unshift
160         // Note: reverse the vector later
161         // ToDo: is deque more performant?
162         lcs.push_back(RES(i - 1, j - 1));
163         // reduce values of i, j and index
164         i -= 1; j -= 1; index -= 1;
165       }
167       // If not same, then find the larger of two and
168       // go in the direction of larger value
169       else if (LEN(i - 1, j) > LEN(i, j - 1)) {
170         i--;
171       }
172       else {
173         j--;
174       }
176     }
178     // reverse now as we used push_back
179     std::reverse(lcs.begin(), lcs.end());
181     // Delete temp memory on heap
182     delete[] len;
183     delete[] acc;
184     delete[] res;
186     #undef LEN
187     #undef ACC
188     #undef RES
190     return lcs;
191   }
192   // EO lcs
194   // ##########################################################################
195   // ##########################################################################
197 }
199 #endif