1#  Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
2#  license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
3#  this work for additional information regarding copyright
4#  ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
5#  the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
6#  not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# 	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12#  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15#  specific language governing permissions and limitations
16#  under the License.
18from .utils import SKIP_IN_PATH, NamespacedClient, _bulk_body, _make_path, query_params
21class MlClient(NamespacedClient):
22    @query_params("allow_no_jobs", "allow_no_match", "force", "timeout")
23    def close_job(self, job_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
24        """
25        Closes one or more anomaly detection jobs. A job can be opened and closed
26        multiple times throughout its lifecycle.
28        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-close-job.html>`_
30        :arg job_id: The name of the job to close
31        :arg body: The URL params optionally sent in the body
32        :arg allow_no_jobs: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
33            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
34            specified)
35        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
36            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
37            specified)
38        :arg force: True if the job should be forcefully closed
39        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until a job has closed.
40            Default to 30 minutes
41        """
42        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
43            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
45        return self.transport.perform_request(
46            "POST",
47            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_close"),
48            params=params,
49            headers=headers,
50            body=body,
51        )
53    @query_params()
54    def delete_calendar(self, calendar_id, params=None, headers=None):
55        """
56        Deletes a calendar.
58        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-calendar.html>`_
60        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to delete
61        """
62        if calendar_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
63            raise ValueError(
64                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'calendar_id'."
65            )
67        return self.transport.perform_request(
68            "DELETE",
69            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id),
70            params=params,
71            headers=headers,
72        )
74    @query_params()
75    def delete_calendar_event(self, calendar_id, event_id, params=None, headers=None):
76        """
77        Deletes scheduled events from a calendar.
79        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-calendar-event.html>`_
81        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to modify
82        :arg event_id: The ID of the event to remove from the calendar
83        """
84        for param in (calendar_id, event_id):
85            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
86                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
88        return self.transport.perform_request(
89            "DELETE",
90            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id, "events", event_id),
91            params=params,
92            headers=headers,
93        )
95    @query_params()
96    def delete_calendar_job(self, calendar_id, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
97        """
98        Deletes anomaly detection jobs from a calendar.
100        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-calendar-job.html>`_
102        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to modify
103        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to remove from the calendar
104        """
105        for param in (calendar_id, job_id):
106            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
107                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
109        return self.transport.perform_request(
110            "DELETE",
111            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id, "jobs", job_id),
112            params=params,
113            headers=headers,
114        )
116    @query_params("force")
117    def delete_datafeed(self, datafeed_id, params=None, headers=None):
118        """
119        Deletes an existing datafeed.
121        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-datafeed.html>`_
123        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to delete
124        :arg force: True if the datafeed should be forcefully deleted
125        """
126        if datafeed_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
127            raise ValueError(
128                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'datafeed_id'."
129            )
131        return self.transport.perform_request(
132            "DELETE",
133            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id),
134            params=params,
135            headers=headers,
136        )
138    @query_params("requests_per_second", "timeout")
139    def delete_expired_data(self, body=None, job_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
140        """
141        Deletes expired and unused machine learning data.
143        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-expired-data.html>`_
145        :arg body: deleting expired data parameters
146        :arg job_id: The ID of the job(s) to perform expired data
147            hygiene for
148        :arg requests_per_second: The desired requests per second for
149            the deletion processes.
150        :arg timeout: How long can the underlying delete processes run
151            until they are canceled
152        """
153        return self.transport.perform_request(
154            "DELETE",
155            _make_path("_ml", "_delete_expired_data", job_id),
156            params=params,
157            headers=headers,
158            body=body,
159        )
161    @query_params()
162    def delete_filter(self, filter_id, params=None, headers=None):
163        """
164        Deletes a filter.
166        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-filter.html>`_
168        :arg filter_id: The ID of the filter to delete
169        """
170        if filter_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
171            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'filter_id'.")
173        return self.transport.perform_request(
174            "DELETE",
175            _make_path("_ml", "filters", filter_id),
176            params=params,
177            headers=headers,
178        )
180    @query_params("allow_no_forecasts", "timeout")
181    def delete_forecast(self, job_id, forecast_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
182        """
183        Deletes forecasts from a machine learning job.
185        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-forecast.html>`_
187        :arg job_id: The ID of the job from which to delete forecasts
188        :arg forecast_id: The ID of the forecast to delete, can be comma
189            delimited list. Leaving blank implies `_all`
190        :arg allow_no_forecasts: Whether to ignore if `_all` matches no
191            forecasts
192        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until the forecast(s)
193            are deleted. Default to 30 seconds
194        """
195        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
196            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
198        return self.transport.perform_request(
199            "DELETE",
200            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_forecast", forecast_id),
201            params=params,
202            headers=headers,
203        )
205    @query_params("force", "wait_for_completion")
206    def delete_job(self, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
207        """
208        Deletes an existing anomaly detection job.
210        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-job.html>`_
212        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to delete
213        :arg force: True if the job should be forcefully deleted
214        :arg wait_for_completion: Should this request wait until the
215            operation has completed before returning  Default: True
216        """
217        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
218            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
220        return self.transport.perform_request(
221            "DELETE",
222            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id),
223            params=params,
224            headers=headers,
225        )
227    @query_params()
228    def delete_model_snapshot(self, job_id, snapshot_id, params=None, headers=None):
229        """
230        Deletes an existing model snapshot.
232        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-delete-snapshot.html>`_
234        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to fetch
235        :arg snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot to delete
236        """
237        for param in (job_id, snapshot_id):
238            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
239                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
241        return self.transport.perform_request(
242            "DELETE",
243            _make_path(
244                "_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "model_snapshots", snapshot_id
245            ),
246            params=params,
247            headers=headers,
248        )
250    @query_params("advance_time", "calc_interim", "end", "skip_time", "start")
251    def flush_job(self, job_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
252        """
253        Forces any buffered data to be processed by the job.
255        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-flush-job.html>`_
257        :arg job_id: The name of the job to flush
258        :arg body: Flush parameters
259        :arg advance_time: Advances time to the given value generating
260            results and updating the model for the advanced interval
261        :arg calc_interim: Calculates interim results for the most
262            recent bucket or all buckets within the latency period
263        :arg end: When used in conjunction with calc_interim, specifies
264            the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results
265        :arg skip_time: Skips time to the given value without generating
266            results or updating the model for the skipped interval
267        :arg start: When used in conjunction with calc_interim,
268            specifies the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results
269        """
270        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
271            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
273        return self.transport.perform_request(
274            "POST",
275            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_flush"),
276            params=params,
277            headers=headers,
278            body=body,
279        )
281    @query_params("duration", "expires_in", "max_model_memory")
282    def forecast(self, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
283        """
284        Predicts the future behavior of a time series by using its historical behavior.
286        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-forecast.html>`_
288        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to forecast for
289        :arg duration: The duration of the forecast
290        :arg expires_in: The time interval after which the forecast
291            expires. Expired forecasts will be deleted at the first opportunity.
292        :arg max_model_memory: The max memory able to be used by the
293            forecast. Default is 20mb.
294        """
295        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
296            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
298        return self.transport.perform_request(
299            "POST",
300            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_forecast"),
301            params=params,
302            headers=headers,
303        )
305    @query_params(
306        "anomaly_score",
307        "desc",
308        "end",
309        "exclude_interim",
310        "expand",
311        "from_",
312        "size",
313        "sort",
314        "start",
315    )
316    def get_buckets(self, job_id, body=None, timestamp=None, params=None, headers=None):
317        """
318        Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more buckets.
320        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-bucket.html>`_
322        :arg job_id: ID of the job to get bucket results from
323        :arg body: Bucket selection details if not provided in URI
324        :arg timestamp: The timestamp of the desired single bucket
325            result
326        :arg anomaly_score: Filter for the most anomalous buckets
327        :arg desc: Set the sort direction
328        :arg end: End time filter for buckets
329        :arg exclude_interim: Exclude interim results
330        :arg expand: Include anomaly records
331        :arg from_: skips a number of buckets
332        :arg size: specifies a max number of buckets to get
333        :arg sort: Sort buckets by a particular field
334        :arg start: Start time filter for buckets
335        """
336        if "from_" in params:
337            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
339        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
340            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
342        return self.transport.perform_request(
343            "POST",
344            _make_path(
345                "_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "buckets", timestamp
346            ),
347            params=params,
348            headers=headers,
349            body=body,
350        )
352    @query_params("end", "from_", "job_id", "size", "start")
353    def get_calendar_events(self, calendar_id, params=None, headers=None):
354        """
355        Retrieves information about the scheduled events in calendars.
357        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-calendar-event.html>`_
359        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar containing the events
360        :arg end: Get events before this time
361        :arg from_: Skips a number of events
362        :arg job_id: Get events for the job. When this option is used
363            calendar_id must be '_all'
364        :arg size: Specifies a max number of events to get
365        :arg start: Get events after this time
366        """
367        if "from_" in params:
368            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
370        if calendar_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
371            raise ValueError(
372                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'calendar_id'."
373            )
375        return self.transport.perform_request(
376            "GET",
377            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id, "events"),
378            params=params,
379            headers=headers,
380        )
382    @query_params("from_", "size")
383    def get_calendars(self, body=None, calendar_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
384        """
385        Retrieves configuration information for calendars.
387        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-calendar.html>`_
389        :arg body: The from and size parameters optionally sent in the
390            body
391        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to fetch
392        :arg from_: skips a number of calendars
393        :arg size: specifies a max number of calendars to get
394        """
395        if "from_" in params:
396            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
398        return self.transport.perform_request(
399            "POST",
400            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id),
401            params=params,
402            headers=headers,
403            body=body,
404        )
406    @query_params("from_", "partition_field_value", "size")
407    def get_categories(
408        self, job_id, body=None, category_id=None, params=None, headers=None
409    ):
410        """
411        Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more categories.
413        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-category.html>`_
415        :arg job_id: The name of the job
416        :arg body: Category selection details if not provided in URI
417        :arg category_id: The identifier of the category definition of
418            interest
419        :arg from_: skips a number of categories
420        :arg partition_field_value: Specifies the partition to retrieve
421            categories for. This is optional, and should never be used for jobs
422            where per-partition categorization is disabled.
423        :arg size: specifies a max number of categories to get
424        """
425        if "from_" in params:
426            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
428        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
429            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
431        return self.transport.perform_request(
432            "POST",
433            _make_path(
434                "_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "categories", category_id
435            ),
436            params=params,
437            headers=headers,
438            body=body,
439        )
441    @query_params("allow_no_datafeeds", "allow_no_match")
442    def get_datafeed_stats(self, datafeed_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
443        """
444        Retrieves usage information for datafeeds.
446        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-datafeed-stats.html>`_
448        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeeds stats to fetch
449        :arg allow_no_datafeeds: Whether to ignore if a wildcard
450            expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no
451            datafeeds have been specified)
452        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
453            matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds
454            have been specified)
455        """
456        return self.transport.perform_request(
457            "GET",
458            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id, "_stats"),
459            params=params,
460            headers=headers,
461        )
463    @query_params("allow_no_datafeeds", "allow_no_match", "exclude_generated")
464    def get_datafeeds(self, datafeed_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
465        """
466        Retrieves configuration information for datafeeds.
468        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-datafeed.html>`_
470        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeeds to fetch
471        :arg allow_no_datafeeds: Whether to ignore if a wildcard
472            expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no
473            datafeeds have been specified)
474        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
475            matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds
476            have been specified)
477        :arg exclude_generated: Omits fields that are illegal to set on
478            datafeed PUT
479        """
480        return self.transport.perform_request(
481            "GET",
482            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id),
483            params=params,
484            headers=headers,
485        )
487    @query_params("from_", "size")
488    def get_filters(self, filter_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
489        """
490        Retrieves filters.
492        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-filter.html>`_
494        :arg filter_id: The ID of the filter to fetch
495        :arg from_: skips a number of filters
496        :arg size: specifies a max number of filters to get
497        """
498        if "from_" in params:
499            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
501        return self.transport.perform_request(
502            "GET",
503            _make_path("_ml", "filters", filter_id),
504            params=params,
505            headers=headers,
506        )
508    @query_params(
509        "desc",
510        "end",
511        "exclude_interim",
512        "from_",
513        "influencer_score",
514        "size",
515        "sort",
516        "start",
517    )
518    def get_influencers(self, job_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
519        """
520        Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more influencers.
522        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-influencer.html>`_
524        :arg job_id: Identifier for the anomaly detection job
525        :arg body: Influencer selection criteria
526        :arg desc: whether the results should be sorted in decending
527            order
528        :arg end: end timestamp for the requested influencers
529        :arg exclude_interim: Exclude interim results
530        :arg from_: skips a number of influencers
531        :arg influencer_score: influencer score threshold for the
532            requested influencers
533        :arg size: specifies a max number of influencers to get
534        :arg sort: sort field for the requested influencers
535        :arg start: start timestamp for the requested influencers
536        """
537        if "from_" in params:
538            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
540        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
541            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
543        return self.transport.perform_request(
544            "POST",
545            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "influencers"),
546            params=params,
547            headers=headers,
548            body=body,
549        )
551    @query_params("allow_no_jobs", "allow_no_match")
552    def get_job_stats(self, job_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
553        """
554        Retrieves usage information for anomaly detection jobs.
556        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-job-stats.html>`_
558        :arg job_id: The ID of the jobs stats to fetch
559        :arg allow_no_jobs: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
560            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
561            specified)
562        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
563            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
564            specified)
565        """
566        return self.transport.perform_request(
567            "GET",
568            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_stats"),
569            params=params,
570            headers=headers,
571        )
573    @query_params("allow_no_jobs", "allow_no_match", "exclude_generated")
574    def get_jobs(self, job_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
575        """
576        Retrieves configuration information for anomaly detection jobs.
578        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-job.html>`_
580        :arg job_id: The ID of the jobs to fetch
581        :arg allow_no_jobs: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
582            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
583            specified)
584        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
585            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
586            specified)
587        :arg exclude_generated: Omits fields that are illegal to set on
588            job PUT
589        """
590        return self.transport.perform_request(
591            "GET",
592            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id),
593            params=params,
594            headers=headers,
595        )
597    @query_params("desc", "end", "from_", "size", "sort", "start")
598    def get_model_snapshots(
599        self, job_id, body=None, snapshot_id=None, params=None, headers=None
600    ):
601        """
602        Retrieves information about model snapshots.
604        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-snapshot.html>`_
606        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to fetch
607        :arg body: Model snapshot selection criteria
608        :arg snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot to fetch
609        :arg desc: True if the results should be sorted in descending
610            order
611        :arg end: The filter 'end' query parameter
612        :arg from_: Skips a number of documents
613        :arg size: The default number of documents returned in queries
614            as a string.
615        :arg sort: Name of the field to sort on
616        :arg start: The filter 'start' query parameter
617        """
618        if "from_" in params:
619            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
621        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
622            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
624        return self.transport.perform_request(
625            "POST",
626            _make_path(
627                "_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "model_snapshots", snapshot_id
628            ),
629            params=params,
630            headers=headers,
631            body=body,
632        )
634    @query_params(
635        "allow_no_jobs",
636        "allow_no_match",
637        "bucket_span",
638        "end",
639        "exclude_interim",
640        "overall_score",
641        "start",
642        "top_n",
643    )
644    def get_overall_buckets(self, job_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
645        """
646        Retrieves overall bucket results that summarize the bucket results of multiple
647        anomaly detection jobs.
649        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-overall-buckets.html>`_
651        :arg job_id: The job IDs for which to calculate overall bucket
652            results
653        :arg body: Overall bucket selection details if not provided in
654            URI
655        :arg allow_no_jobs: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
656            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
657            specified)
658        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
659            matches no jobs. (This includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been
660            specified)
661        :arg bucket_span: The span of the overall buckets. Defaults to
662            the longest job bucket_span
663        :arg end: Returns overall buckets with timestamps earlier than
664            this time
665        :arg exclude_interim: If true overall buckets that include
666            interim buckets will be excluded
667        :arg overall_score: Returns overall buckets with overall scores
668            higher than this value
669        :arg start: Returns overall buckets with timestamps after this
670            time
671        :arg top_n: The number of top job bucket scores to be used in
672            the overall_score calculation
673        """
674        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
675            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
677        return self.transport.perform_request(
678            "POST",
679            _make_path(
680                "_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "overall_buckets"
681            ),
682            params=params,
683            headers=headers,
684            body=body,
685        )
687    @query_params(
688        "desc",
689        "end",
690        "exclude_interim",
691        "from_",
692        "record_score",
693        "size",
694        "sort",
695        "start",
696    )
697    def get_records(self, job_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
698        """
699        Retrieves anomaly records for an anomaly detection job.
701        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-get-record.html>`_
703        :arg job_id: The ID of the job
704        :arg body: Record selection criteria
705        :arg desc: Set the sort direction
706        :arg end: End time filter for records
707        :arg exclude_interim: Exclude interim results
708        :arg from_: skips a number of records
709        :arg record_score: Returns records with anomaly scores greater
710            or equal than this value
711        :arg size: specifies a max number of records to get
712        :arg sort: Sort records by a particular field
713        :arg start: Start time filter for records
714        """
715        if "from_" in params:
716            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
718        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
719            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
721        return self.transport.perform_request(
722            "POST",
723            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "results", "records"),
724            params=params,
725            headers=headers,
726            body=body,
727        )
729    @query_params()
730    def info(self, params=None, headers=None):
731        """
732        Returns defaults and limits used by machine learning.
734        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/get-ml-info.html>`_
735        """
736        return self.transport.perform_request(
737            "GET", "/_ml/info", params=params, headers=headers
738        )
740    @query_params()
741    def open_job(self, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
742        """
743        Opens one or more anomaly detection jobs.
745        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-open-job.html>`_
747        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to open
748        """
749        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
750            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
752        return self.transport.perform_request(
753            "POST",
754            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_open"),
755            params=params,
756            headers=headers,
757        )
759    @query_params()
760    def post_calendar_events(self, calendar_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
761        """
762        Posts scheduled events in a calendar.
764        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-post-calendar-event.html>`_
766        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to modify
767        :arg body: A list of events
768        """
769        for param in (calendar_id, body):
770            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
771                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
773        return self.transport.perform_request(
774            "POST",
775            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id, "events"),
776            params=params,
777            headers=headers,
778            body=body,
779        )
781    @query_params("reset_end", "reset_start")
782    def post_data(self, job_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
783        """
784        Sends data to an anomaly detection job for analysis.
786        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-post-data.html>`_
788        :arg job_id: The name of the job receiving the data
789        :arg body: The data to process
790        :arg reset_end: Optional parameter to specify the end of the
791            bucket resetting range
792        :arg reset_start: Optional parameter to specify the start of the
793            bucket resetting range
794        """
795        for param in (job_id, body):
796            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
797                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
799        body = _bulk_body(self.transport.serializer, body)
800        return self.transport.perform_request(
801            "POST",
802            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_data"),
803            params=params,
804            headers=headers,
805            body=body,
806        )
808    @query_params()
809    def preview_datafeed(self, body=None, datafeed_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
810        """
811        Previews a datafeed.
813        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-preview-datafeed.html>`_
815        :arg body: The datafeed config and job config with which to
816            execute the preview
817        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to preview
818        """
819        return self.transport.perform_request(
820            "POST",
821            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id, "_preview"),
822            params=params,
823            headers=headers,
824            body=body,
825        )
827    @query_params()
828    def put_calendar(self, calendar_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
829        """
830        Instantiates a calendar.
832        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-put-calendar.html>`_
834        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to create
835        :arg body: The calendar details
836        """
837        if calendar_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
838            raise ValueError(
839                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'calendar_id'."
840            )
842        return self.transport.perform_request(
843            "PUT",
844            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id),
845            params=params,
846            headers=headers,
847            body=body,
848        )
850    @query_params()
851    def put_calendar_job(self, calendar_id, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
852        """
853        Adds an anomaly detection job to a calendar.
855        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-put-calendar-job.html>`_
857        :arg calendar_id: The ID of the calendar to modify
858        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to add to the calendar
859        """
860        for param in (calendar_id, job_id):
861            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
862                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
864        return self.transport.perform_request(
865            "PUT",
866            _make_path("_ml", "calendars", calendar_id, "jobs", job_id),
867            params=params,
868            headers=headers,
869        )
871    @query_params(
872        "allow_no_indices", "expand_wildcards", "ignore_throttled", "ignore_unavailable"
873    )
874    def put_datafeed(self, datafeed_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
875        """
876        Instantiates a datafeed.
878        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-put-datafeed.html>`_
880        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to create
881        :arg body: The datafeed config
882        :arg allow_no_indices: Ignore if the source indices expressions
883            resolves to no concrete indices (default: true)
884        :arg expand_wildcards: Whether source index expressions should
885            get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open)  Valid choices:
886            open, closed, hidden, none, all
887        :arg ignore_throttled: Ignore indices that are marked as
888            throttled (default: true)
889        :arg ignore_unavailable: Ignore unavailable indexes (default:
890            false)
891        """
892        for param in (datafeed_id, body):
893            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
894                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
896        return self.transport.perform_request(
897            "PUT",
898            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id),
899            params=params,
900            headers=headers,
901            body=body,
902        )
904    @query_params()
905    def put_filter(self, filter_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
906        """
907        Instantiates a filter.
909        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-put-filter.html>`_
911        :arg filter_id: The ID of the filter to create
912        :arg body: The filter details
913        """
914        for param in (filter_id, body):
915            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
916                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
918        return self.transport.perform_request(
919            "PUT",
920            _make_path("_ml", "filters", filter_id),
921            params=params,
922            headers=headers,
923            body=body,
924        )
926    @query_params(
927        "allow_no_indices", "expand_wildcards", "ignore_throttled", "ignore_unavailable"
928    )
929    def put_job(self, job_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
930        """
931        Instantiates an anomaly detection job.
933        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-put-job.html>`_
935        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to create
936        :arg body: The job
937        :arg allow_no_indices: Ignore if the source indices expressions
938            resolves to no concrete indices (default: true). Only set if
939            datafeed_config is provided.
940        :arg expand_wildcards: Whether source index expressions should
941            get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open). Only set if
942            datafeed_config is provided.  Valid choices: open, closed, hidden, none,
943            all
944        :arg ignore_throttled: Ignore indices that are marked as
945            throttled (default: true). Only set if datafeed_config is provided.
946        :arg ignore_unavailable: Ignore unavailable indexes (default:
947            false). Only set if datafeed_config is provided.
948        """
949        for param in (job_id, body):
950            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
951                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
953        return self.transport.perform_request(
954            "PUT",
955            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id),
956            params=params,
957            headers=headers,
958            body=body,
959        )
961    @query_params("delete_intervening_results")
962    def revert_model_snapshot(
963        self, job_id, snapshot_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None
964    ):
965        """
966        Reverts to a specific snapshot.
968        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-revert-snapshot.html>`_
970        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to fetch
971        :arg snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot to revert to
972        :arg body: Reversion options
973        :arg delete_intervening_results: Should we reset the results
974            back to the time of the snapshot?
975        """
976        for param in (job_id, snapshot_id):
977            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
978                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
980        return self.transport.perform_request(
981            "POST",
982            _make_path(
983                "_ml",
984                "anomaly_detectors",
985                job_id,
986                "model_snapshots",
987                snapshot_id,
988                "_revert",
989            ),
990            params=params,
991            headers=headers,
992            body=body,
993        )
995    @query_params("enabled", "timeout")
996    def set_upgrade_mode(self, params=None, headers=None):
997        """
998        Sets a cluster wide upgrade_mode setting that prepares machine learning indices
999        for an upgrade.
1001        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-set-upgrade-mode.html>`_
1003        :arg enabled: Whether to enable upgrade_mode ML setting or not.
1004            Defaults to false.
1005        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait before action times out.
1006            Defaults to 30 seconds
1007        """
1008        return self.transport.perform_request(
1009            "POST", "/_ml/set_upgrade_mode", params=params, headers=headers
1010        )
1012    @query_params("end", "start", "timeout")
1013    def start_datafeed(self, datafeed_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
1014        """
1015        Starts one or more datafeeds.
1017        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-start-datafeed.html>`_
1019        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to start
1020        :arg body: The start datafeed parameters
1021        :arg end: The end time when the datafeed should stop. When not
1022            set, the datafeed continues in real time
1023        :arg start: The start time from where the datafeed should begin
1024        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until a datafeed has
1025            started. Default to 20 seconds
1026        """
1027        if datafeed_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1028            raise ValueError(
1029                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'datafeed_id'."
1030            )
1032        return self.transport.perform_request(
1033            "POST",
1034            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id, "_start"),
1035            params=params,
1036            headers=headers,
1037            body=body,
1038        )
1040    @query_params("allow_no_datafeeds", "allow_no_match", "force", "timeout")
1041    def stop_datafeed(self, datafeed_id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
1042        """
1043        Stops one or more datafeeds.
1045        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-stop-datafeed.html>`_
1047        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to stop
1048        :arg body: The URL params optionally sent in the body
1049        :arg allow_no_datafeeds: Whether to ignore if a wildcard
1050            expression matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1051            datafeeds have been specified)
1052        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1053            matches no datafeeds. (This includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds
1054            have been specified)
1055        :arg force: True if the datafeed should be forcefully stopped.
1056        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until a datafeed has
1057            stopped. Default to 20 seconds
1058        """
1059        if datafeed_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1060            raise ValueError(
1061                "Empty value passed for a required argument 'datafeed_id'."
1062            )
1064        return self.transport.perform_request(
1065            "POST",
1066            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id, "_stop"),
1067            params=params,
1068            headers=headers,
1069            body=body,
1070        )
1072    @query_params(
1073        "allow_no_indices", "expand_wildcards", "ignore_throttled", "ignore_unavailable"
1074    )
1075    def update_datafeed(self, datafeed_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1076        """
1077        Updates certain properties of a datafeed.
1079        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-update-datafeed.html>`_
1081        :arg datafeed_id: The ID of the datafeed to update
1082        :arg body: The datafeed update settings
1083        :arg allow_no_indices: Ignore if the source indices expressions
1084            resolves to no concrete indices (default: true)
1085        :arg expand_wildcards: Whether source index expressions should
1086            get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open)  Valid choices:
1087            open, closed, hidden, none, all
1088        :arg ignore_throttled: Ignore indices that are marked as
1089            throttled (default: true)
1090        :arg ignore_unavailable: Ignore unavailable indexes (default:
1091            false)
1092        """
1093        for param in (datafeed_id, body):
1094            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1095                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1097        return self.transport.perform_request(
1098            "POST",
1099            _make_path("_ml", "datafeeds", datafeed_id, "_update"),
1100            params=params,
1101            headers=headers,
1102            body=body,
1103        )
1105    @query_params()
1106    def update_filter(self, filter_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1107        """
1108        Updates the description of a filter, adds items, or removes items.
1110        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-update-filter.html>`_
1112        :arg filter_id: The ID of the filter to update
1113        :arg body: The filter update
1114        """
1115        for param in (filter_id, body):
1116            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1117                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1119        return self.transport.perform_request(
1120            "POST",
1121            _make_path("_ml", "filters", filter_id, "_update"),
1122            params=params,
1123            headers=headers,
1124            body=body,
1125        )
1127    @query_params()
1128    def update_job(self, job_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1129        """
1130        Updates certain properties of an anomaly detection job.
1132        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-update-job.html>`_
1134        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to create
1135        :arg body: The job update settings
1136        """
1137        for param in (job_id, body):
1138            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1139                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1141        return self.transport.perform_request(
1142            "POST",
1143            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_update"),
1144            params=params,
1145            headers=headers,
1146            body=body,
1147        )
1149    @query_params()
1150    def update_model_snapshot(
1151        self, job_id, snapshot_id, body, params=None, headers=None
1152    ):
1153        """
1154        Updates certain properties of a snapshot.
1156        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-update-snapshot.html>`_
1158        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to fetch
1159        :arg snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot to update
1160        :arg body: The model snapshot properties to update
1161        """
1162        for param in (job_id, snapshot_id, body):
1163            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1164                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1166        return self.transport.perform_request(
1167            "POST",
1168            _make_path(
1169                "_ml",
1170                "anomaly_detectors",
1171                job_id,
1172                "model_snapshots",
1173                snapshot_id,
1174                "_update",
1175            ),
1176            params=params,
1177            headers=headers,
1178            body=body,
1179        )
1181    @query_params()
1182    def validate(self, body, params=None, headers=None):
1183        """
1184        Validates an anomaly detection job.
1186        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/machine-learning/current/ml-jobs.html>`_
1188        :arg body: The job config
1189        """
1190        if body in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1191            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.")
1193        return self.transport.perform_request(
1194            "POST",
1195            "/_ml/anomaly_detectors/_validate",
1196            params=params,
1197            headers=headers,
1198            body=body,
1199        )
1201    @query_params()
1202    def validate_detector(self, body, params=None, headers=None):
1203        """
1204        Validates an anomaly detection detector.
1206        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/machine-learning/current/ml-jobs.html>`_
1208        :arg body: The detector
1209        """
1210        if body in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1211            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.")
1213        return self.transport.perform_request(
1214            "POST",
1215            "/_ml/anomaly_detectors/_validate/detector",
1216            params=params,
1217            headers=headers,
1218            body=body,
1219        )
1221    @query_params("force", "timeout")
1222    def delete_data_frame_analytics(self, id, params=None, headers=None):
1223        """
1224        Deletes an existing data frame analytics job.
1226        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/delete-dfanalytics.html>`_
1228        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to delete
1229        :arg force: True if the job should be forcefully deleted
1230        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until a job is deleted.
1231            Defaults to 1 minute
1232        """
1233        if id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1234            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'id'.")
1236        return self.transport.perform_request(
1237            "DELETE",
1238            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id),
1239            params=params,
1240            headers=headers,
1241        )
1243    @query_params()
1244    def evaluate_data_frame(self, body, params=None, headers=None):
1245        """
1246        Evaluates the data frame analytics for an annotated index.
1248        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/evaluate-dfanalytics.html>`_
1250        :arg body: The evaluation definition
1251        """
1252        if body in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1253            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.")
1255        return self.transport.perform_request(
1256            "POST",
1257            "/_ml/data_frame/_evaluate",
1258            params=params,
1259            headers=headers,
1260            body=body,
1261        )
1263    @query_params("allow_no_match", "exclude_generated", "from_", "size")
1264    def get_data_frame_analytics(self, id=None, params=None, headers=None):
1265        """
1266        Retrieves configuration information for data frame analytics jobs.
1268        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/get-dfanalytics.html>`_
1270        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to fetch
1271        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1272            matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1273            data frame analytics have been specified)  Default: True
1274        :arg exclude_generated: Omits fields that are illegal to set on
1275            data frame analytics PUT
1276        :arg from_: skips a number of analytics
1277        :arg size: specifies a max number of analytics to get  Default:
1278            100
1279        """
1280        if "from_" in params:
1281            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
1283        return self.transport.perform_request(
1284            "GET",
1285            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id),
1286            params=params,
1287            headers=headers,
1288        )
1290    @query_params("allow_no_match", "from_", "size", "verbose")
1291    def get_data_frame_analytics_stats(self, id=None, params=None, headers=None):
1292        """
1293        Retrieves usage information for data frame analytics jobs.
1295        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/get-dfanalytics-stats.html>`_
1297        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics stats to fetch
1298        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1299            matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1300            data frame analytics have been specified)  Default: True
1301        :arg from_: skips a number of analytics
1302        :arg size: specifies a max number of analytics to get  Default:
1303            100
1304        :arg verbose: whether the stats response should be verbose
1305        """
1306        if "from_" in params:
1307            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
1309        return self.transport.perform_request(
1310            "GET",
1311            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_stats"),
1312            params=params,
1313            headers=headers,
1314        )
1316    @query_params()
1317    def put_data_frame_analytics(self, id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1318        """
1319        Instantiates a data frame analytics job.
1321        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/put-dfanalytics.html>`_
1323        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to create
1324        :arg body: The data frame analytics configuration
1325        """
1326        for param in (id, body):
1327            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1328                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1330        return self.transport.perform_request(
1331            "PUT",
1332            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id),
1333            params=params,
1334            headers=headers,
1335            body=body,
1336        )
1338    @query_params("timeout")
1339    def start_data_frame_analytics(self, id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
1340        """
1341        Starts a data frame analytics job.
1343        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/start-dfanalytics.html>`_
1345        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to start
1346        :arg body: The start data frame analytics parameters
1347        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until the task has
1348            started. Defaults to 20 seconds
1349        """
1350        if id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1351            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'id'.")
1353        return self.transport.perform_request(
1354            "POST",
1355            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_start"),
1356            params=params,
1357            headers=headers,
1358            body=body,
1359        )
1361    @query_params("allow_no_match", "force", "timeout")
1362    def stop_data_frame_analytics(self, id, body=None, params=None, headers=None):
1363        """
1364        Stops one or more data frame analytics jobs.
1366        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/stop-dfanalytics.html>`_
1368        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to stop
1369        :arg body: The stop data frame analytics parameters
1370        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1371            matches no data frame analytics. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1372            data frame analytics have been specified)
1373        :arg force: True if the data frame analytics should be
1374            forcefully stopped
1375        :arg timeout: Controls the time to wait until the task has
1376            stopped. Defaults to 20 seconds
1377        """
1378        if id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1379            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'id'.")
1381        return self.transport.perform_request(
1382            "POST",
1383            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_stop"),
1384            params=params,
1385            headers=headers,
1386            body=body,
1387        )
1389    @query_params()
1390    def delete_trained_model(self, model_id, params=None, headers=None):
1391        """
1392        Deletes an existing trained inference model that is currently not referenced by
1393        an ingest pipeline.
1395        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/delete-trained-models.html>`_
1397        :arg model_id: The ID of the trained model to delete
1398        """
1399        if model_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1400            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'model_id'.")
1402        return self.transport.perform_request(
1403            "DELETE",
1404            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id),
1405            params=params,
1406            headers=headers,
1407        )
1409    @query_params()
1410    def explain_data_frame_analytics(
1411        self, body=None, id=None, params=None, headers=None
1412    ):
1413        """
1414        Explains a data frame analytics config.
1416        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/explain-dfanalytics.html>`_
1418        :arg body: The data frame analytics config to explain
1419        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to explain
1420        """
1421        return self.transport.perform_request(
1422            "POST",
1423            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_explain"),
1424            params=params,
1425            headers=headers,
1426            body=body,
1427        )
1429    @query_params(
1430        "allow_no_match",
1431        "decompress_definition",
1432        "exclude_generated",
1433        "from_",
1434        "include",
1435        "include_model_definition",
1436        "size",
1437        "tags",
1438    )
1439    def get_trained_models(self, model_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
1440        """
1441        Retrieves configuration information for a trained inference model.
1443        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/get-trained-models.html>`_
1445        :arg model_id: The ID of the trained models to fetch
1446        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1447            matches no trained models. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1448            trained models have been specified)  Default: True
1449        :arg decompress_definition: Should the model definition be
1450            decompressed into valid JSON or returned in a custom compressed format.
1451            Defaults to true.  Default: True
1452        :arg exclude_generated: Omits fields that are illegal to set on
1453            model PUT
1454        :arg from_: skips a number of trained models
1455        :arg include: A comma-separate list of fields to optionally
1456            include. Valid options are 'definition' and 'total_feature_importance'.
1457            Default is none.
1458        :arg include_model_definition: Should the full model definition
1459            be included in the results. These definitions can be large. So be
1460            cautious when including them. Defaults to false.
1461        :arg size: specifies a max number of trained models to get
1462            Default: 100
1463        :arg tags: A comma-separated list of tags that the model must
1464            have.
1465        """
1466        if "from_" in params:
1467            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
1469        return self.transport.perform_request(
1470            "GET",
1471            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id),
1472            params=params,
1473            headers=headers,
1474        )
1476    @query_params("allow_no_match", "from_", "size")
1477    def get_trained_models_stats(self, model_id=None, params=None, headers=None):
1478        """
1479        Retrieves usage information for trained inference models.
1481        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/get-trained-models-stats.html>`_
1483        :arg model_id: The ID of the trained models stats to fetch
1484        :arg allow_no_match: Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression
1485            matches no trained models. (This includes `_all` string or when no
1486            trained models have been specified)  Default: True
1487        :arg from_: skips a number of trained models
1488        :arg size: specifies a max number of trained models to get
1489            Default: 100
1490        """
1491        if "from_" in params:
1492            params["from"] = params.pop("from_")
1494        return self.transport.perform_request(
1495            "GET",
1496            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id, "_stats"),
1497            params=params,
1498            headers=headers,
1499        )
1501    @query_params()
1502    def put_trained_model(self, model_id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1503        """
1504        Creates an inference trained model.
1506        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/put-trained-models.html>`_
1508        :arg model_id: The ID of the trained models to store
1509        :arg body: The trained model configuration
1510        """
1511        for param in (model_id, body):
1512            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1513                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1515        return self.transport.perform_request(
1516            "PUT",
1517            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id),
1518            params=params,
1519            headers=headers,
1520            body=body,
1521        )
1523    @query_params()
1524    def estimate_model_memory(self, body, params=None, headers=None):
1525        """
1526        Estimates the model memory
1528        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-apis.html>`_
1530        :arg body: The analysis config, plus cardinality estimates for
1531            fields it references
1532        """
1533        if body in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1534            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.")
1536        return self.transport.perform_request(
1537            "POST",
1538            "/_ml/anomaly_detectors/_estimate_model_memory",
1539            params=params,
1540            headers=headers,
1541            body=body,
1542        )
1544    @query_params()
1545    def update_data_frame_analytics(self, id, body, params=None, headers=None):
1546        """
1547        Updates certain properties of a data frame analytics job.
1549        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/update-dfanalytics.html>`_
1551        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to update
1552        :arg body: The data frame analytics settings to update
1553        """
1554        for param in (id, body):
1555            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1556                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1558        return self.transport.perform_request(
1559            "POST",
1560            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_update"),
1561            params=params,
1562            headers=headers,
1563            body=body,
1564        )
1566    @query_params("timeout", "wait_for_completion")
1567    def upgrade_job_snapshot(self, job_id, snapshot_id, params=None, headers=None):
1568        """
1569        Upgrades a given job snapshot to the current major version.
1571        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-upgrade-job-model-snapshot.html>`_
1573        :arg job_id: The ID of the job
1574        :arg snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot
1575        :arg timeout: How long should the API wait for the job to be
1576            opened and the old snapshot to be loaded.
1577        :arg wait_for_completion: Should the request wait until the task
1578            is complete before responding to the caller. Default is false.
1579        """
1580        for param in (job_id, snapshot_id):
1581            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1582                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1584        return self.transport.perform_request(
1585            "POST",
1586            _make_path(
1587                "_ml",
1588                "anomaly_detectors",
1589                job_id,
1590                "model_snapshots",
1591                snapshot_id,
1592                "_upgrade",
1593            ),
1594            params=params,
1595            headers=headers,
1596        )
1598    @query_params()
1599    def delete_trained_model_alias(
1600        self, model_id, model_alias, params=None, headers=None
1601    ):
1602        """
1603        Deletes a model alias that refers to the trained model
1605        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/delete-trained-models-aliases.html>`_
1607        :arg model_id: The trained model where the model alias is
1608            assigned
1609        :arg model_alias: The trained model alias to delete
1610        """
1611        for param in (model_id, model_alias):
1612            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1613                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1615        return self.transport.perform_request(
1616            "DELETE",
1617            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id, "model_aliases", model_alias),
1618            params=params,
1619            headers=headers,
1620        )
1622    @query_params()
1623    def preview_data_frame_analytics(
1624        self, body=None, id=None, params=None, headers=None
1625    ):
1626        """
1627        Previews that will be analyzed given a data frame analytics config.
1629        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/preview-dfanalytics.html>`_
1631        :arg body: The data frame analytics config to preview
1632        :arg id: The ID of the data frame analytics to preview
1633        """
1634        return self.transport.perform_request(
1635            "POST",
1636            _make_path("_ml", "data_frame", "analytics", id, "_preview"),
1637            params=params,
1638            headers=headers,
1639            body=body,
1640        )
1642    @query_params("reassign")
1643    def put_trained_model_alias(self, model_id, model_alias, params=None, headers=None):
1644        """
1645        Creates a new model alias (or reassigns an existing one) to refer to the
1646        trained model
1648        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/put-trained-models-aliases.html>`_
1650        :arg model_id: The trained model where the model alias should be
1651            assigned
1652        :arg model_alias: The trained model alias to update
1653        :arg reassign: If the model_alias already exists and points to a
1654            separate model_id, this parameter must be true. Defaults to false.
1655        """
1656        for param in (model_id, model_alias):
1657            if param in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1658                raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument.")
1660        return self.transport.perform_request(
1661            "PUT",
1662            _make_path("_ml", "trained_models", model_id, "model_aliases", model_alias),
1663            params=params,
1664            headers=headers,
1665        )
1667    @query_params(
1668        "charset",
1669        "column_names",
1670        "delimiter",
1671        "explain",
1672        "format",
1673        "grok_pattern",
1674        "has_header_row",
1675        "line_merge_size_limit",
1676        "lines_to_sample",
1677        "quote",
1678        "should_trim_fields",
1679        "timeout",
1680        "timestamp_field",
1681        "timestamp_format",
1682    )
1683    def find_file_structure(self, body, params=None, headers=None):
1684        """
1685        Finds the structure of a text file. The text file must contain data that is
1686        suitable to be ingested into Elasticsearch.
1688        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/find-structure.html>`_
1690        .. warning::
1692            This API is **experimental** so may include breaking changes
1693            or be removed in a future version
1695        :arg body: The contents of the file to be analyzed
1696        :arg charset: Optional parameter to specify the character set of
1697            the file
1698        :arg column_names: Optional parameter containing a comma
1699            separated list of the column names for a delimited file
1700        :arg delimiter: Optional parameter to specify the delimiter
1701            character for a delimited file - must be a single character
1702        :arg explain: Whether to include a commentary on how the
1703            structure was derived
1704        :arg format: Optional parameter to specify the high level file
1705            format  Valid choices: ndjson, xml, delimited, semi_structured_text
1706        :arg grok_pattern: Optional parameter to specify the Grok
1707            pattern that should be used to extract fields from messages in a semi-
1708            structured text file
1709        :arg has_header_row: Optional parameter to specify whether a
1710            delimited file includes the column names in its first row
1711        :arg line_merge_size_limit: Maximum number of characters
1712            permitted in a single message when lines are merged to create messages.
1713            Default: 10000
1714        :arg lines_to_sample: How many lines of the file should be
1715            included in the analysis  Default: 1000
1716        :arg quote: Optional parameter to specify the quote character
1717            for a delimited file - must be a single character
1718        :arg should_trim_fields: Optional parameter to specify whether
1719            the values between delimiters in a delimited file should have whitespace
1720            trimmed from them
1721        :arg timeout: Timeout after which the analysis will be aborted
1722            Default: 25s
1723        :arg timestamp_field: Optional parameter to specify the
1724            timestamp field in the file
1725        :arg timestamp_format: Optional parameter to specify the
1726            timestamp format in the file - may be either a Joda or Java time format
1727        """
1728        if body in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1729            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'body'.")
1731        body = _bulk_body(self.transport.serializer, body)
1732        return self.transport.perform_request(
1733            "POST",
1734            "/_ml/find_file_structure",
1735            params=params,
1736            headers=headers,
1737            body=body,
1738        )
1740    @query_params("wait_for_completion")
1741    def reset_job(self, job_id, params=None, headers=None):
1742        """
1743        Resets an existing anomaly detection job.
1745        `<https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.15/ml-reset-job.html>`_
1747        :arg job_id: The ID of the job to reset
1748        :arg wait_for_completion: Should this request wait until the
1749            operation has completed before returning  Default: True
1750        """
1751        if job_id in SKIP_IN_PATH:
1752            raise ValueError("Empty value passed for a required argument 'job_id'.")
1754        return self.transport.perform_request(
1755            "POST",
1756            _make_path("_ml", "anomaly_detectors", job_id, "_reset"),
1757            params=params,
1758            headers=headers,
1759        )