3# Copyright (c) 2017 nexB Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
4# http://nexb.com and http://aboutcode.org
6# This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.
8# You may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
9# You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
11# under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
12# CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
13# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
16This script a configuration helper to select pip requirement files to install
17and python and shell configuration scripts to execute based on provided config
18directories paths arguments and the operating system platform. To use, create
19a configuration directory tree that contains any of these:
21 * Requirements files named with this convention:
22 - base.txt contains common requirements installed on all platforms.
23 - win.txt, linux.txt, mac.txt, posix.txt are os-specific requirements.
25 * Python scripts files named with this convention:
26 - base.py is a common script executed on all os before os-specific scripts.
27 - win.py, linux.py, mac.py, posix.py are os-specific scripts to execute.
29 * Shell or Windows CMD scripts files named with this convention:
30 - win.bat is a windows bat file to execute
31 - posix.sh, linux.sh, mac.sh are os-specific scripts to execute.
33The config directory structure contains one or more directories paths. This
34way you can have a main configuration and additional sub-configurations of a
35product such as for prod, test, ci, dev, or anything else.
37All scripts and requirements are optional and only used if presents. Scripts
38are executed in sequence, one after the other after all requirements are
39installed, so they may import from any installed requirement.
41The execution order is:
42 - requirements installation
43 - python scripts execution
44 - shell scripts execution
46On posix, posix Python and shell scripts are executed before mac or linux
49The base scripts or packages are always installed first before platform-
50specific ones.
52For example a tree could be looking like this::
53    etc/conf
54        base.txt : base pip requirements for all platforms
55        linux.txt : linux-only pip requirements
56        base.py : base config script for all platforms
57        win.py : windows-only config script
58        posix.sh: posix-only shell script
60    etc/conf/prod
61            base.txt : base pip requirements for all platforms
62            linux.txt : linux-only pip requirements
63            linux.sh : linux-only script
64            base.py : base config script for all platforms
65            mac.py : mac-only config script
68from __future__ import print_function
70import os
71import stat
72import sys
73import shutil
74import subprocess
76# platform-specific file base names
77sys_platform = str(sys.platform).lower()
78on_win = False
79if 'linux' in sys_platform:
80    platform_names = ('posix', 'linux',)
81elif'win32' in sys_platform:
82    platform_names = ('win',)
83    on_win = True
84elif 'darwin' in sys_platform:
85    platform_names = ('posix', 'mac',)
87    raise Exception('Unsupported OS/platform')
88    platform_names = tuple()
90# common file basenames for requirements and scripts
91base = ('base',)
93# known full file names with txt extension for requirements
94# base is always last
95requirements = tuple(p + '.txt' for p in platform_names + base)
97# known full file names with py extensions for scripts
98# base is always last
99python_scripts = tuple(p + '.py' for p in platform_names + base)
101# known full file names of shell scripts
102# there is no base for scripts: they cannot work cross OS (cmd vs. sh)
103shell_scripts = tuple(p + '.sh' for p in platform_names)
104if on_win:
105    shell_scripts = ('win.bat',)
108def call(cmd, root_dir, quiet=True):
109    """ Run a `cmd` command (as a list of args) with all env vars."""
110    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
111    # if not quiet:
112    #     print('  Running command:', repr(cmd))
114    if  subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, env=dict(os.environ), cwd=root_dir).wait() != 0:
115        print()
116        print('Failed to execute command:\n%(cmd)s. Aborting...' % locals())
117        sys.exit(1)
120def find_pycache(root_dir):
121    """
122    Yield __pycache__ directory paths found in root_dir as paths relative to
123    root_dir.
124    """
125    for top, dirs, _files in os.walk(root_dir):
126        for d in dirs:
127            if d == '__pycache__':
128                dir_path = os.path.join(top, d)
129                dir_path = dir_path.replace(root_dir, '', 1)
130                dir_path = dir_path.strip(os.path.sep)
131                yield dir_path
134def clean(root_dir):
135    """
136    Remove cleanable directories and files in root_dir.
137    """
138    print('* Cleaning ...')
139    cleanable = '''build bin lib Lib include Include Scripts local
140                   django_background_task.log
141                   develop-eggs eggs parts .installed.cfg
142                   .Python
143                   .cache
144                   pip-selfcheck.json
145                   '''.split()
147    # also clean __pycache__ if any
148    cleanable.extend(find_pycache(root_dir))
150    for d in cleanable:
151        try:
152            loc = os.path.join(root_dir, d)
153            if os.path.exists(loc):
154                if os.path.isdir(loc):
155                    shutil.rmtree(loc)
156                else:
157                    os.remove(loc)
158        except:
159            pass
162def build_pip_dirs_args(paths, root_dir, option='--extra-search-dir='):
163    """
164    Return an iterable of pip command line options for `option` of pip using a
165    list of `paths` to directories.
166    """
167    for path in paths:
168        if not os.path.isabs(path):
169            path = os.path.join(root_dir, path)
170        if os.path.exists(path):
171            yield option + '"' + path + '"'
174def create_virtualenv(std_python, root_dir, tpp_dirs, quiet=False):
175    """
176    Create a virtualenv in `root_dir` using the `std_python` Python
177    executable. One of the `tpp_dirs` must contain a vendored virtualenv.py and
178    virtualenv dependencies such as setuptools and pip packages.
180    @std_python: Path or name of the Python executable to use.
182    @root_dir: directory in which the virtualenv will be created. This is also
183    the root directory for the project and the base directory for vendored
184    components directory paths.
186    @tpp_dirs: list of directory paths relative to `root_dir` containing
187    vendored Python distributions that pip will use to find required
188    components.
189    """
190    if not quiet:
191        print('* Configuring Python ...')
192    # search virtualenv.py in the tpp_dirs. keep the first found
193    venv_py = None
194    for tpd in tpp_dirs:
195        venv = os.path.join(root_dir, tpd, 'virtualenv.py')
196        if os.path.exists(venv):
197            venv_py = '"' + venv + '"'
198            break
200    # error out if venv_py not found
201    if not venv_py:
202        print('Configuration Error ... aborting.')
203        exit(1)
205    vcmd = [std_python, venv_py, '--never-download']
206    if quiet:
207        vcmd += ['--quiet']
208    # third parties may be in more than one directory
209    vcmd.extend(build_pip_dirs_args(tpp_dirs, root_dir))
210    # we create the virtualenv in the root_dir
211    vcmd.append('"' + root_dir + '"')
212    call(vcmd, root_dir, quiet)
215def activate(root_dir):
216    """ Activate a virtualenv in the current process."""
217    print('* Activating ...')
218    bin_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')
219    activate_this = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'activate_this.py')
220    with open(activate_this) as f:
221        code = compile(f.read(), activate_this, 'exec')
222        exec(code, dict(__file__=activate_this))
225def install_3pp(configs, root_dir, tpp_dirs, quiet=False):
226    """
227    Install requirements from requirement files found in `configs` with pip,
228    using the vendored components in `tpp_dirs`.
229    """
230    if not quiet:
231        print('* Installing components ...')
232    requirement_files = get_conf_files(configs, root_dir, requirements)
233    for req_file in requirement_files:
234        if on_win:
235            pcmd = ['python', '-m']
236        else:
237            pcmd = []
238        pcmd += ['pip', 'install', '--no-index', '--no-cache-dir']
239        if quiet:
240            pcmd += ['--quiet']
242        pip_dir_args = list(build_pip_dirs_args(tpp_dirs, root_dir, '--find-links='))
243        pcmd.extend(pip_dir_args)
244        req_loc = os.path.join(root_dir, req_file)
245        pcmd.extend(['-r' , '"' + req_loc + '"'])
246        call(pcmd, root_dir, quiet)
249def run_scripts(configs, root_dir, configured_python, quiet=False):
250    """
251    Run Python scripts and shell scripts found in `configs`.
252    """
253    if not quiet:
254        print('* Configuring ...')
255    # Run Python scripts for each configurations
256    for py_script in get_conf_files(configs, root_dir, python_scripts):
257        cmd = [configured_python, '"' + os.path.join(root_dir, py_script) + '"']
258        call(cmd, root_dir, quiet)
260    # Run sh_script scripts for each configurations
261    for sh_script in get_conf_files(configs, root_dir, shell_scripts):
262        # we source the scripts on posix
263        cmd = ['.']
264        if on_win:
265            cmd = []
266        cmd = cmd + [os.path.join(root_dir, sh_script)]
267        call(cmd, root_dir, quiet)
270def chmod_bin(directory):
271    """
272    Makes the directory and its children executable recursively.
273    """
274    rwx = (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR
275           | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
276    for path, _, files in os.walk(directory):
277        for f in files:
278            os.chmod(os.path.join(path, f), rwx)
281def get_conf_files(config_dir_paths, root_dir, file_names=requirements):
282    """
283    Return a list of collected path-prefixed file paths matching names in a
284    file_names tuple, based on config_dir_paths, root_dir and the types of
285    file_names requested. Returned paths are posix paths.
287    @config_dir_paths: Each config_dir_path is a relative from the project
288    root to a config dir. This script should always be called from the project
289    root dir.
291    @root_dir: The project absolute root dir.
293    @file_names: get requirements, python or shell files based on list of
294    supported file names provided as a tuple of supported file_names.
296    Scripts or requirements are optional and only used if presents. Unknown
297    scripts or requirements file_names are ignored (but they could be used
298    indirectly by known requirements with -r requirements inclusion, or
299    scripts with python imports.)
301    Since Python scripts are executed after requirements are installed they
302    can import from any requirement-installed component such as Fabric.
303    """
304    # collect files for each requested dir path
305    collected = []
306    for config_dir_path in config_dir_paths:
307        abs_config_dir_path = os.path.join(root_dir, config_dir_path)
308        if not os.path.exists(abs_config_dir_path):
309            print('Configuration directory %(config_dir_path)s '
310                  'does not exists. Skipping.' % locals())
311            continue
312        # Support args like enterprise or enterprise/dev
313        paths = config_dir_path.strip('/').replace('\\', '/').split('/')
314        # a tuple of (relative path, location,)
315        current = None
316        for path in paths:
317            if not current:
318                current = (path, os.path.join(root_dir, path),)
319            else:
320                base_path, base_loc = current
321                current = (os.path.join(base_path, path),
322                           os.path.join(base_loc, path),)
323            path, loc = current
324            # we iterate on known filenames to ensure the defined precedence
325            # is respected (posix over mac, linux), etc
326            for n in file_names:
327                for f in os.listdir(loc):
328                    if f == n:
329                        f_loc = os.path.join(loc, f)
330                        if f_loc not in collected:
331                            collected.append(f_loc)
333    return collected
336if __name__ == '__main__':
337    # define/setup common directories
338    etc_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
339    root_dir = os.path.dirname(etc_dir)
341    args = sys.argv[1:]
342    if args[0] == '--clean':
343        clean(root_dir)
344        sys.exit(0)
346    sys.path.insert(0, root_dir)
347    bin_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')
348    standard_python = sys.executable
350    # you must create a CONFIGURE_QUIET env var if you want to run quietly
351    run_quiet = 'CONFIGURE_QUIET' in os.environ
353    if on_win:
354        configured_python = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'python.exe')
355        scripts_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'Scripts')
356        bin_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')
357        if not os.path.exists(scripts_dir):
358            os.makedirs(scripts_dir)
359        if not os.path.exists(bin_dir):
360            cmd = [
361                'mklink', '/J',
362                '"%(bin_dir)s"' % locals(),
363                '"%(scripts_dir)s"' % locals()]
364            call(cmd, root_dir, run_quiet)
365    else:
366        configured_python = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'python')
367        scripts_dir = bin_dir
369    # Get requested configuration paths to collect components and scripts later
370    configs = []
371    for path in args[:]:
372        if not os.path.isabs(path):
373            abs_path = os.path.join(root_dir, path)
374            if os.path.exists(abs_path):
375                configs.append(path)
376        else:
377            print()
378            print('WARNING: Skipping missing Configuration directory:\n'
379                  '  %(path)s does not exist.' % locals())
380            print()
382    # Collect vendor directories from environment variables: one or more third-
383    # party directories may exist as environment variables prefixed with TPP_DIR
384    thirdparty_dirs = []
385    for envvar, path in os.environ.items():
386        if not envvar.startswith('TPP_DIR'):
387            continue
388        if not os.path.isabs(path):
389            abs_path = os.path.join(root_dir, path)
390            if os.path.exists(abs_path):
391                thirdparty_dirs.append(path)
392        else:
393            print()
394            print('WARNING: Skipping missing Python thirdparty directory:\n'
395                  '  %(path)s does not exist.\n'
396                  '  Provided by environment variable:\n'
397                  '  set %(envvar)s=%(path)s' % locals())
398            print()
400    # Finally execute our three steps: venv, install and scripts
401    if not os.path.exists(configured_python):
402        create_virtualenv(standard_python, root_dir, thirdparty_dirs, quiet=run_quiet)
403    activate(root_dir)
405    install_3pp(configs, root_dir, thirdparty_dirs, quiet=run_quiet)
406    run_scripts(configs, root_dir, configured_python, quiet=run_quiet)
407    chmod_bin(bin_dir)
408    if not run_quiet:
409        print('* Configuration completed.')
410        print()