2# Copyright (c), 2016-2020, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies).
3# All rights reserved.
4# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
5# See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present
6# distribution, or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
8# @author Davide Brunato <brunato@sissa.it>
11This module contains classes for managing maps related to namespaces.
13import re
14from typing import Any, Container, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, MutableMapping, \
15    Mapping, TypeVar
17from .exceptions import XMLSchemaValueError, XMLSchemaTypeError
18from .helpers import local_name
19from .aliases import NamespacesType
23# Base classes for managing namespaces
25class NamespaceResourcesMap(MutableMapping[str, Any]):
26    """
27    Dictionary for storing information about namespace resources. The values are
28    lists of objects. Setting an existing value appends the object to the value.
29    Setting a value with a list sets/replaces the value.
30    """
31    __slots__ = ('_store',)
33    def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
34        self._store: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {}
35        self.update(*args, **kwargs)
37    def __getitem__(self, uri: str) -> Any:
38        return self._store[uri]
40    def __setitem__(self, uri: str, value: Any) -> None:
41        if isinstance(value, list):
42            self._store[uri] = value[:]
43        else:
44            try:
45                self._store[uri].append(value)
46            except KeyError:
47                self._store[uri] = [value]
49    def __delitem__(self, uri: str) -> None:
50        del self._store[uri]
52    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
53        return iter(self._store)
55    def __len__(self) -> int:
56        return len(self._store)
58    def __repr__(self) -> str:
59        return repr(self._store)
61    def clear(self) -> None:
62        self._store.clear()
65class NamespaceMapper(MutableMapping[str, str]):
66    """
67    A class to map/unmap namespace prefixes to URIs. The mapped namespaces are
68    automatically registered when set. Namespaces can be updated overwriting
69    the existing registration or inserted using an alternative prefix.
71    :param namespaces: initial data with namespace prefixes and URIs. \
72    The provided dictionary is bound with the instance, otherwise a new \
73    empty dictionary is used.
74    :param strip_namespaces: if set to `True` uses name mapping methods that strip \
75    namespace information.
76    """
77    __slots__ = '_namespaces', 'strip_namespaces', '__dict__'
78    _namespaces: NamespacesType
80    def __init__(self, namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None,
81                 strip_namespaces: bool = False):
82        if namespaces is None:
83            self._namespaces = {}
84        else:
85            self._namespaces = namespaces
86        self.strip_namespaces = strip_namespaces
88    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
89        if name == 'strip_namespaces':
90            if value:
91                self.map_qname = self.unmap_qname = self._local_name  # type: ignore[assignment]
92            elif getattr(self, 'strip_namespaces', False):
93                self.map_qname = self._map_qname  # type: ignore[assignment]
94                self.unmap_qname = self._unmap_qname  # type: ignore[assignment]
95        super(NamespaceMapper, self).__setattr__(name, value)
97    def __getitem__(self, prefix: str) -> str:
98        return self._namespaces[prefix]
100    def __setitem__(self, prefix: str, uri: str) -> None:
101        self._namespaces[prefix] = uri
103    def __delitem__(self, prefix: str) -> None:
104        del self._namespaces[prefix]
106    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
107        return iter(self._namespaces)
109    def __len__(self) -> int:
110        return len(self._namespaces)
112    @property
113    def namespaces(self) -> NamespacesType:
114        return self._namespaces
116    @property
117    def default_namespace(self) -> Optional[str]:
118        return self._namespaces.get('')
120    def clear(self) -> None:
121        self._namespaces.clear()
123    def insert_item(self, prefix: str, uri: str) -> None:
124        """
125        A method for setting an item that checks the prefix before inserting.
126        In case of collision the prefix is changed adding a numerical suffix.
127        """
128        if not prefix:
129            if '' not in self._namespaces:
130                self._namespaces[prefix] = uri
131                return
132            elif self._namespaces[''] == uri:
133                return
134            prefix = 'default'
136        while prefix in self._namespaces:
137            if self._namespaces[prefix] == uri:
138                return
139            match = re.search(r'(\d+)$', prefix)
140            if match:
141                index = int(match.group()) + 1
142                prefix = prefix[:match.span()[0]] + str(index)
143            else:
144                prefix += '0'
145        self._namespaces[prefix] = uri
147    def _map_qname(self, qname: str) -> str:
148        """
149        Converts an extended QName to the prefixed format. Only registered
150        namespaces are mapped.
152        :param qname: a QName in extended format or a local name.
153        :return: a QName in prefixed format or a local name.
154        """
155        try:
156            if qname[0] != '{' or not self._namespaces:
157                return qname
158            namespace, local_part = qname[1:].split('}')
159        except IndexError:
160            return qname
161        except ValueError:
162            raise XMLSchemaValueError("the argument 'qname' has a wrong format: %r" % qname)
163        except TypeError:
164            raise XMLSchemaTypeError("the argument 'qname' must be a string-like object")
166        for prefix, uri in sorted(self._namespaces.items(), reverse=True):
167            if uri == namespace:
168                return '%s:%s' % (prefix, local_part) if prefix else local_part
169        else:
170            return qname
172    map_qname = _map_qname
174    def _unmap_qname(self, qname: str,
175                     name_table: Optional[Container[Optional[str]]] = None) -> str:
176        """
177        Converts a QName in prefixed format or a local name to the extended QName format.
178        Local names are converted only if a default namespace is included in the instance.
179        If a *name_table* is provided a local name is mapped to the default namespace
180        only if not found in the name table.
182        :param qname: a QName in prefixed format or a local name
183        :param name_table: an optional lookup table for checking local names.
184        :return: a QName in extended format or a local name.
185        """
186        try:
187            if qname[0] == '{' or not self._namespaces:
188                return qname
189            prefix, name = qname.split(':')
190        except IndexError:
191            return qname
192        except ValueError:
193            if ':' in qname:
194                raise XMLSchemaValueError("the argument 'qname' has a wrong format: %r" % qname)
195            if not self._namespaces.get(''):
196                return qname
197            elif name_table is None or qname not in name_table:
198                return '{%s}%s' % (self._namespaces.get(''), qname)
199            else:
200                return qname
201        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
202            raise XMLSchemaTypeError("the argument 'qname' must be a string-like object")
203        else:
204            try:
205                uri = self._namespaces[prefix]
206            except KeyError:
207                return qname
208            else:
209                return '{%s}%s' % (uri, name) if uri else name
211    unmap_qname = _unmap_qname
213    @staticmethod
214    def _local_name(qname: str, *_args: Any, **_kwargs: Any) -> str:
215        return local_name(qname)
217    def transfer(self, namespaces: NamespacesType) -> None:
218        """
219        Transfers compatible prefix/namespace registrations from a dictionary.
220        Registrations added to namespace mapper instance are deleted from argument.
222        :param namespaces: a dictionary containing prefix/namespace registrations.
223        """
224        transferred = []
225        for k, v in namespaces.items():
226            if k in self._namespaces:
227                if v != self._namespaces[k]:
228                    continue
229            else:
230                self[k] = v
231            transferred.append(k)
233        for k in transferred:
234            del namespaces[k]
237T = TypeVar('T')
240class NamespaceView(Mapping[str, T]):
241    """
242    A read-only map for filtered access to a dictionary that stores
243    objects mapped from QNames in extended format.
244    """
245    __slots__ = 'target_dict', 'namespace', '_key_fmt'
247    def __init__(self, qname_dict: Dict[str, T], namespace_uri: str):
248        self.target_dict = qname_dict
249        self.namespace = namespace_uri
250        if namespace_uri:
251            self._key_fmt = '{' + namespace_uri + '}%s'
252        else:
253            self._key_fmt = '%s'
255    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> T:
256        return self.target_dict[self._key_fmt % key]
258    def __len__(self) -> int:
259        if not self.namespace:
260            return len([k for k in self.target_dict if not k or k[0] != '{'])
261        return len([k for k in self.target_dict
262                    if k and k[0] == '{' and self.namespace == k[1:k.rindex('}')]])
264    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
265        if not self.namespace:
266            for k in self.target_dict:
267                if not k or k[0] != '{':
268                    yield k
269        else:
270            for k in self.target_dict:
271                if k and k[0] == '{' and self.namespace == k[1:k.rindex('}')]:
272                    yield k[k.rindex('}') + 1:]
274    def __repr__(self) -> str:
275        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self.as_dict()))
277    def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
278        if isinstance(key, str):
279            return self._key_fmt % key in self.target_dict
280        return key in self.target_dict
282    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Any:
283        return self.as_dict() == other
285    def as_dict(self, fqn_keys: bool = False) -> Dict[str, T]:
286        if not self.namespace:
287            return {
288                k: v for k, v in self.target_dict.items() if not k or k[0] != '{'
289            }
290        elif fqn_keys:
291            return {
292                k: v for k, v in self.target_dict.items()
293                if k and k[0] == '{' and self.namespace == k[1:k.rindex('}')]
294            }
295        else:
296            return {
297                k[k.rindex('}') + 1:]: v for k, v in self.target_dict.items()
298                if k and k[0] == '{' and self.namespace == k[1:k.rindex('}')]
299            }