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40 #include <QtGui/qtguiglobal.h>
41 #if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
43 #include "qwinrtuiametadatacache.h"
44 #include "qwinrtuiautils.h"
46 #include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
47 #include <QtCore/private/qeventdispatcher_winrt_p.h>
51 using namespace QWinRTUiAutomation;
53 // Private constructor
QWinRTUiaMetadataCache()54 QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::QWinRTUiaMetadataCache()
55 {
56 }
58 // shared instance
instance()59 QWinRTUiaMetadataCache *QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::instance()
60 {
61     static QWinRTUiaMetadataCache metadataCache;
62     return &metadataCache;
63 }
65 // Returns the cached metadata associated with the ID, or an instance with default values.
metadataForId(QAccessible::Id id)66 QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata> QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::metadataForId(QAccessible::Id id)
67 {
68     QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata> metadata;
70     m_mutex.lock();
71     if (m_metadataTable.contains(id))
72         metadata = m_metadataTable[id];
73     else
74         metadata = QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata>(new QWinRTUiaControlMetadata);
75     m_mutex.unlock();
76     return metadata;
77 }
79 // Caches metadata from the accessibility framework within the main thread.
load(QAccessible::Id id)80 bool QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::load(QAccessible::Id id)
81 {
82     qCDebug(lcQpaUiAutomation) << __FUNCTION__;
84     if (!SUCCEEDED(QEventDispatcherWinRT::runOnMainThread([id]() {
85         QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::instance()->insert(id, QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata>(new QWinRTUiaControlMetadata(id)));
86         return S_OK;
87     }))) {
88         return false;
89     }
90     return true;
91 }
93 // Inserts metadata in the cache and associates it with an accessibility ID.
insert(QAccessible::Id id,const QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata> & metadata)94 void QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::insert(QAccessible::Id id, const QSharedPointer<QWinRTUiaControlMetadata> &metadata)
95 {
96     m_mutex.lock();
97     m_metadataTable[id] = metadata;
98     m_mutex.unlock();
99 }
101 // Removes metadata with a given id from the cache.
remove(QAccessible::Id id)102 void QWinRTUiaMetadataCache::remove(QAccessible::Id id)
103 {
104     m_mutex.lock();
105     m_metadataTable.remove(id);
106     m_mutex.unlock();
107 }
111 #endif // QT_CONFIG(accessibility)