1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
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40 //
41 //  W A R N I N G
42 //  -------------
43 //
44 // This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists purely as an
45 // implementation detail.  This header file may change from version to
46 // version without notice, or even be removed.
47 //
48 // We mean it.
49 //
51 /*
52  * @file
53  * @short This file is included by qatomicmathematicians_p.h
54  * if you need some includes, put them in qabstractfloatmathematician_p.h, outside of the namespace.
55  */
57 template <const bool isDouble>
calculate(const Item & o1,const Operator op,const Item & o2,const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<DynamicContext> & context)58 Item AbstractFloatMathematician<isDouble>::calculate(const Item &o1,
59                                                           const Operator op,
60                                                           const Item &o2,
61                                                           const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<DynamicContext> &context) const
62 {
63     const Numeric *const num1 = o1.template as<Numeric>();
64     const Numeric *const num2 = o2.template as<Numeric>();
65     switch(op)
66     {
67         case Div:
68             return toItem(AbstractFloat<isDouble>::fromValue(num1->toDouble() / num2->toDouble()));
69         case IDiv:
70         {
71             if(num1->isNaN() || num2->isNaN())
72             {
73                 context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.")
74                                   .arg(formatKeyword("idiv"))
75                                   .arg(formatData("NaN")),
76                                ReportContext::FOAR0002, this);
77             }
78             else if(num1->isInf())
79             {
80                 context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).")
81                                                  .arg(formatKeyword("idiv"))
82                                                  .arg(formatData("INF")),
83                                ReportContext::FOAR0002, this);
84             }
85             else if(num2->toInteger() == 0)
86                 context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).")
87                                                  .arg(formatKeyword("idiv"))
88                                                  .arg(formatData("0")),
89                                ReportContext::FOAR0001, this);
91             return Integer::fromValue(static_cast<xsInteger>(num1->toDouble() / num2->toDouble()));
92         }
93         case Substract:
94             return toItem(AbstractFloat<isDouble>::fromValue(num1->toDouble() - num2->toDouble()));
95         case Mod:
96             return toItem(AbstractFloat<isDouble>::fromValue(::fmod(num1->toDouble(), num2->toDouble())));
97         case Multiply:
98             return toItem(AbstractFloat<isDouble>::fromValue(num1->toDouble() * num2->toDouble()));
99         case Add:
100             return toItem(AbstractFloat<isDouble>::fromValue(num1->toDouble() + num2->toDouble()));
101     }
103     Q_ASSERT(false);
104     return Item(); /* GCC unbarfer. */
105 }