1;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
5;; Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
6;; later version.
8;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13;; To receive a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the
14;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
15;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA; or view
16;; http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/GPL.html
18;;;;"r4rstest.scm":  Test R4RS correctness of scheme implementations.
19;;; Author:          Aubrey Jaffer
20;;; Home-page:       http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/Scheme
21;;; Current version: http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/ftpdir/scm/r4rstest.scm
22;;; CVS Head:
23;;; http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/scm/scm/r4rstest.scm?rev=HEAD&only_with_tag=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup
25;;; This includes examples from
26;;; William Clinger and Jonathan Rees, editors.
27;;; Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
28;;; and the IEEE specification.
30;;; The input tests read this file expecting it to be named "r4rstest.scm".
31;;; Files `tmp1', `tmp2' and `tmp3' will be created in the course of running
32;;; these tests.  You may need to delete them in order to run
33;;; "r4rstest.scm" more than once.
35;;;   There are three optional tests:
36;;; (TEST-CONT) tests multiple returns from call-with-current-continuation
38;;; (TEST-SC4) tests procedures required by R4RS but not by IEEE
40;;; (TEST-DELAY) tests DELAY and FORCE, which are not required by
41;;;   either standard.
43;;; If you are testing a R3RS version which does not have `list?' do:
44;;; (define list? #f)
46;;; send corrections or additions to agj @ alum.mit.edu
49;; ChangeLog
51;; 2007-07-20 yamaken   - Imported revision 1.47 of r4rstest.scm from
52;;                        http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/*checkout*/scm/scm/r4rstest.scm?revision=HEAD
53;;                        and adapted to SigScheme
54;;                      - Fix the literals '4.0' in test-inexact with 'f4.0'
55;;                      - Disable tests for case-insensitivity of identifiers
56;;                      - Disable tests for complex?, real?, rational?, exact?,
57;;                        inexact?, expt, gcd, lcm
58;;                      - Disable test progress printings
59;;                      - Disable type-matrix printings
60;;                      - Enable symbol? tests of (SECTION 6 4)
61;;                      - Enable (test-sc4) and (test-delay)
64(require-extension (unittest))
66(define tn test-name)
67(define tn-section
68  (lambda (digits)
69    (let ((name (apply string-append
70                       (cons
71                        "section "
72                        (apply append
73                               (map (lambda (d)
74                                      (list (number->string d) "."))
75                                    digits))))))
76      (tn name))))
78(define cur-section '())(define errs '())
79(define SECTION (lambda args
80		  ;;(display "SECTION") (write args) (newline)
81		  (set! cur-section args)
82                  (tn-section args)
83                  #t))
84(define record-error (lambda (e) (set! errs (cons (list cur-section e) errs))))
86(define test
87  (lambda (expect fun . args)
88    ;;(write (cons fun args))
89    ;;(display "  ==> ")
90    ((lambda (res)
91       ;;(write res)
92       ;;(newline)
93       (let ((name (tn)))
94         (cond ((not (equal? expect res))
95                (record-error (list res expect (cons fun args)))
96                ;;(display " BUT EXPECTED ")
97                ;;(write expect)
98                ;;(newline)
99                (assert name name #f)
100                #f)
101               (else
102                (assert name name #t)
103                #t))))
104       (if (procedure? fun) (apply fun args) (car args)))))
105(define (report-errs)
106  (newline)
107  (if (null? errs) (display "Passed all tests")
108      (begin
109	(display "errors were:")
110	(newline)
111	(display "(SECTION (got expected (call)))")
112	(newline)
113	(for-each (lambda (l) (write l) (newline))
114		  errs)))
115  (newline))
117(SECTION 2 1);; test that all symbol characters are supported.
118'(+ - ... !.. $.+ %.- &.! *.: /:. :+. <-. =. >. ?. ~. _. ^.)
120(SECTION 3 4)
121(define disjoint-type-functions
122  (list boolean? char? null? number? pair? procedure? string? symbol? vector?))
123(define type-examples
124  (list
125   #t #f #\a '() 9739 '(test) record-error "test" "" 'test '#() '#(a b c) ))
126(define i 1)
127;;SigScheme;;(for-each (lambda (x) (display (make-string i #\space))
128;;SigScheme;;		  (set! i (+ 3 i))
129;;SigScheme;;		  (write x)
130;;SigScheme;;		  (newline))
131;;SigScheme;;	  disjoint-type-functions)
132;;SigScheme;;(define type-matrix
133;;SigScheme;;  (map (lambda (x)
134;;SigScheme;;	 (let ((t (map (lambda (f) (f x)) disjoint-type-functions)))
135;;SigScheme;;	   (write t)
136;;SigScheme;;	   (write x)
137;;SigScheme;;	   (newline)
138;;SigScheme;;	   t))
139;;SigScheme;;       type-examples))
140(set! i 0)
141(define j 0)
142(for-each (lambda (x y)
143	    (set! j (+ 1 j))
144	    (set! i 0)
145	    (for-each (lambda (f)
146			(set! i (+ 1 i))
147			(cond ((and (= i j))
148			       (cond ((not (f x)) (test #t f x))))
149			      ((f x) (test #f f x)))
150			(cond ((and (= i j))
151			       (cond ((not (f y)) (test #t f y))))
152			      ((f y) (test #f f y))))
153		      disjoint-type-functions))
154	  (list #t #\a '() 9739 '(test) record-error "test" 'car '#(a b c))
155	  (list #f #\newline '() -3252 '(t . t) car "" 'nil '#()))
156(SECTION 4 1 2)
157(test '(quote a) 'quote (quote 'a))
158(test '(quote a) 'quote ''a)
159(SECTION 4 1 3)
160(test 12 (if #f + *) 3 4)
161(SECTION 4 1 4)
162(test 8 (lambda (x) (+ x x)) 4)
163(define reverse-subtract
164  (lambda (x y) (- y x)))
165(test 3 reverse-subtract 7 10)
166(define add4
167  (let ((x 4))
168    (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
169(test 10 add4 6)
170(test '(3 4 5 6) (lambda x x) 3 4 5 6)
171(test '(5 6) (lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6)
172(SECTION 4 1 5)
173(test 'yes 'if (if (> 3 2) 'yes 'no))
174(test 'no 'if (if (> 2 3) 'yes 'no))
175(test '1 'if (if (> 3 2) (- 3 2) (+ 3 2)))
176(SECTION 4 1 6)
177(define x 2)
178(test 3 'define (+ x 1))
179(set! x 4)
180(test 5 'set! (+ x 1))
181(SECTION 4 2 1)
182(test 'greater 'cond (cond ((> 3 2) 'greater)
183			   ((< 3 2) 'less)))
184(test 'equal 'cond (cond ((> 3 3) 'greater)
185			 ((< 3 3) 'less)
186			 (else 'equal)))
187(test 2 'cond (cond ((assv 'b '((a 1) (b 2))) => cadr)
188		     (else #f)))
189(test 'composite 'case (case (* 2 3)
190			 ((2 3 5 7) 'prime)
191			 ((1 4 6 8 9) 'composite)))
192(test 'consonant 'case (case (car '(c d))
193			 ((a e i o u) 'vowel)
194			 ((w y) 'semivowel)
195			 (else 'consonant)))
196(test #t 'and (and (= 2 2) (> 2 1)))
197(test #f 'and (and (= 2 2) (< 2 1)))
198(test '(f g) 'and (and 1 2 'c '(f g)))
199(test #t 'and (and))
200(test #t 'or (or (= 2 2) (> 2 1)))
201(test #t 'or (or (= 2 2) (< 2 1)))
202(test #f 'or (or #f #f #f))
203(test #f 'or (or))
204(test '(b c) 'or (or (memq 'b '(a b c)) (+ 3 0)))
205(SECTION 4 2 2)
206(test 6 'let (let ((x 2) (y 3)) (* x y)))
207(test 35 'let (let ((x 2) (y 3)) (let ((x 7) (z (+ x y))) (* z x))))
208(test 70 'let* (let ((x 2) (y 3)) (let* ((x 7) (z (+ x y))) (* z x))))
209(test #t 'letrec (letrec ((even?
210			   (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #t (odd? (- n 1)))))
211			  (odd?
212			   (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) #f (even? (- n 1))))))
213		   (even? 88)))
214(define x 34)
215(test 5 'let (let ((x 3)) (define x 5) x))
216(test 34 'let x)
217(test 6 'let (let () (define x 6) x))
218(test 34 'let x)
219(test 34 'let (let ((x x)) x))
220(test 7 'let* (let* ((x 3)) (define x 7) x))
221(test 34 'let* x)
222(test 8 'let* (let* () (define x 8) x))
223(test 34 'let* x)
224(test 9 'letrec (letrec () (define x 9) x))
225(test 34 'letrec x)
226(test 10 'letrec (letrec ((x 3)) (define x 10) x))
227(test 34 'letrec x)
228(define (s x) (if x (let () (set! s x) (set! x s))))
229(SECTION 4 2 3)
230(define x 0)
231(test 6 'begin (begin (set! x (begin (begin 5)))
232		      (begin ((begin +) (begin x) (begin (begin 1))))))
233(SECTION 4 2 4)
234(test '#(0 1 2 3 4) 'do (do ((vec (make-vector 5))
235			    (i 0 (+ i 1)))
236			   ((= i 5) vec)
237			 (vector-set! vec i i)))
238(test 25 'do (let ((x '(1 3 5 7 9)))
239	       (do ((x x (cdr x))
240		    (sum 0 (+ sum (car x))))
241		   ((null? x) sum))))
242(test 1 'let (let foo () 1))
243(test '((6 1 3) (-5 -2)) 'let
244      (let loop ((numbers '(3 -2 1 6 -5))
245		 (nonneg '())
246		 (neg '()))
247	(cond ((null? numbers) (list nonneg neg))
248	      ((negative? (car numbers))
249	       (loop (cdr numbers)
250		     nonneg
251		     (cons (car numbers) neg)))
252	      (else
253	       (loop (cdr numbers)
254		     (cons (car numbers) nonneg)
255		     neg)))))
256;;From: Allegro Petrofsky <Allegro@Petrofsky.Berkeley.CA.US>
257(test -1 'let (let ((f -)) (let f ((n (f 1))) n)))
259(SECTION 4 2 6)
260(test '(list 3 4) 'quasiquote `(list ,(+ 1 2) 4))
261(test '(list a (quote a)) 'quasiquote (let ((name 'a)) `(list ,name ',name)))
262(test '(a 3 4 5 6 b) 'quasiquote `(a ,(+ 1 2) ,@(map abs '(4 -5 6)) b))
263(test '((foo 7) . cons)
264	'quasiquote
265	`((foo ,(- 10 3)) ,@(cdr '(c)) . ,(car '(cons))))
267;;; sqt is defined here because not all implementations are required to
268;;; support it.
269(define (sqt x)
270	(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
271	    ((> (* i i) x) (- i 1))))
273(test '#(10 5 2 4 3 8) 'quasiquote `#(10 5 ,(sqt 4) ,@(map sqt '(16 9)) 8))
274(test 5 'quasiquote `,(+ 2 3))
275(test '(a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo 4 d) e) f)
276      'quasiquote `(a `(b ,(+ 1 2) ,(foo ,(+ 1 3) d) e) f))
277(test '(a `(b ,x ,'y d) e) 'quasiquote
278	(let ((name1 'x) (name2 'y)) `(a `(b ,,name1 ,',name2 d) e)))
279(test '(list 3 4) 'quasiquote (quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4)))
280(test '`(list ,(+ 1 2) 4) 'quasiquote '(quasiquote (list (unquote (+ 1 2)) 4)))
281(SECTION 5 2 1)
282(define (tprint x) #t)
283(test #t 'tprint (tprint 56))
284(define add3 (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
285(test 6 'define (add3 3))
286(define first car)
287(test 1 'define (first '(1 2)))
288(define foo (lambda () 9))
289(test 9 'define (foo))
290(define foo foo)
291(test 9 'define (foo))
292(define foo (let ((foo foo)) (lambda () (+ 1 (foo)))))
293(test 10 'define (foo))
294(define old-+ +)
295(begin (begin (begin)
296	      (begin (begin (begin) (define + (lambda (x y) (list y x)))
297			    (begin)))
298	      (begin))
299       (begin)
300       (begin (begin (begin) (test '(3 6) add3 6)
301		     (begin))))
302(set! + old-+)
303(test 9 add3 6)
305(begin (begin))
306(begin (begin (begin (begin))))
307(SECTION 5 2 2)
308(test 45 'define
309      (let ((x 5))
310	(begin (begin (begin)
311		      (begin (begin (begin) (define foo (lambda (y) (bar x y)))
312				    (begin)))
313		      (begin))
314	       (begin)
315	       (begin)
316	       (begin (define bar (lambda (a b) (+ (* a b) a))))
317	       (begin))
318	(begin)
319	(begin (foo (+ x 3)))))
320(define x 34)
321(define (foo) (define x 5) x)
322(test 5 foo)
323(test 34 'define x)
324(define foo (lambda () (define x 5) x))
325(test 5 foo)
326(test 34 'define x)
327(define (foo x) ((lambda () (define x 5) x)) x)
328(test 88 foo 88)
329(test 4 foo 4)
330(test 34 'define x)
331(test 99 'internal-define (letrec ((foo (lambda (arg)
332					  (or arg (and (procedure? foo)
333						       (foo 99))))))
334			    (define bar (foo #f))
335			    (foo #f)))
336(test 77 'internal-define (letrec ((foo 77)
337				   (bar #f)
338				   (retfoo (lambda () foo)))
339			    (define baz (retfoo))
340			    (retfoo)))
341(SECTION 6 1)
342(test #f not #t)
343(test #f not 3)
344(test #f not (list 3))
345(test #t not #f)
346(test #f not '())
347(test #f not (list))
348(test #f not 'nil)
350;(test #t boolean? #f)
351;(test #f boolean? 0)
352;(test #f boolean? '())
353(SECTION 6 2)
354(test #t eqv? 'a 'a)
355(test #f eqv? 'a 'b)
356(test #t eqv? 2 2)
357(test #t eqv? '() '())
358(test #t eqv? '10000 '10000)
359(test #f eqv? (cons 1 2)(cons 1 2))
360(test #f eqv? (lambda () 1) (lambda () 2))
361(test #f eqv? #f 'nil)
362(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
363  (test #t eqv? p p))
364(define gen-counter
365 (lambda ()
366   (let ((n 0))
367      (lambda () (set! n (+ n 1)) n))))
368(let ((g (gen-counter))) (test #t eqv? g g))
369(test #f eqv? (gen-counter) (gen-counter))
370(letrec ((f (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'f 'both)))
371	 (g (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'g 'both))))
372  (test #f eqv? f g))
374(test #t eq? 'a 'a)
375(test #f eq? (list 'a) (list 'a))
376(test #t eq? '() '())
377(test #t eq? car car)
378(let ((x '(a))) (test #t eq? x x))
379(let ((x '#())) (test #t eq? x x))
380(let ((x (lambda (x) x))) (test #t eq? x x))
382(define test-eq?-eqv?-agreement
383  (lambda (obj1 obj2)
384    (cond ((eq? (eq? obj1 obj2) (eqv? obj1 obj2)))
385	  (else
386	   (record-error (list #f #t (list 'test-eq?-eqv?-agreement obj1 obj2)))
387	   (display "eqv? and eq? disagree about ")
388	   (write obj1)
389	   (display #\space)
390	   (write obj2)
391	   (newline)))))
393(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '#f '#f)
394(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '#t '#t)
395(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '#t '#f)
396(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '(a) '(a))
397(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '(a) '(b))
398(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement car car)
399(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement car cdr)
400(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement (list 'a) (list 'a))
401(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement (list 'a) (list 'b))
402(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '#(a) '#(a))
403(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement '#(a) '#(b))
404(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement "abc" "abc")
405(test-eq?-eqv?-agreement "abc" "abz")
407(test #t equal? 'a 'a)
408(test #t equal? '(a) '(a))
409(test #t equal? '(a (b) c) '(a (b) c))
410(test #t equal? "abc" "abc")
411(test #t equal? 2 2)
412(test #t equal? (make-vector 5 'a) (make-vector 5 'a))
413(SECTION 6 3)
414(test '(a b c d e) 'dot '(a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ()))))))
415(define x (list 'a 'b 'c))
416(define y x)
417(and list? (test #t list? y))
418(set-cdr! x 4)
419(test '(a . 4) 'set-cdr! x)
420(test #t eqv? x y)
421(test '(a b c . d) 'dot '(a . (b . (c . d))))
422(and list? (test #f list? y))
423(and list? (let ((x (list 'a))) (set-cdr! x x) (test #f 'list? (list? x))))
425;(test #t pair? '(a . b))
426;(test #t pair? '(a . 1))
427;(test #t pair? '(a b c))
428;(test #f pair? '())
429;(test #f pair? '#(a b))
431(test '(a) cons 'a '())
432(test '((a) b c d) cons '(a) '(b c d))
433(test '("a" b c) cons "a" '(b c))
434(test '(a . 3) cons 'a 3)
435(test '((a b) . c) cons '(a b) 'c)
437(test 'a car '(a b c))
438(test '(a) car '((a) b c d))
439(test 1 car '(1 . 2))
441(test '(b c d) cdr '((a) b c d))
442(test 2 cdr '(1 . 2))
444(test '(a 7 c) list 'a (+ 3 4) 'c)
445(test '() list)
447(test 3 length '(a b c))
448(test 3 length '(a (b) (c d e)))
449(test 0 length '())
451(test '(x y) append '(x) '(y))
452(test '(a b c d) append '(a) '(b c d))
453(test '(a (b) (c)) append '(a (b)) '((c)))
454(test '() append)
455(test '(a b c . d) append '(a b) '(c . d))
456(test 'a append '() 'a)
458(test '(c b a) reverse '(a b c))
459(test '((e (f)) d (b c) a) reverse '(a (b c) d (e (f))))
461(test 'c list-ref '(a b c d) 2)
463(test '(a b c) memq 'a '(a b c))
464(test '(b c) memq 'b '(a b c))
465(test '#f memq 'a '(b c d))
466(test '#f memq (list 'a) '(b (a) c))
467(test '((a) c) member (list 'a) '(b (a) c))
468(test '(101 102) memv 101 '(100 101 102))
470(define e '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
471(test '(a 1) assq 'a e)
472(test '(b 2) assq 'b e)
473(test #f assq 'd e)
474(test #f assq (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
475(test '((a)) assoc (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
476(test '(5 7) assv 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13)))
477(SECTION 6 4)
478(test #t symbol? 'foo)
479(test #t symbol? (car '(a b)))
480(test #f symbol? "bar")
481(test #t symbol? 'nil)
482(test #f symbol? '())
483(test #f symbol? #f)
487;; Since SigScheme distinguishes letter case in indentifiers. Although R5RS
488;; specifies that case insensitivity as follows, it is hard to accept for the
489;; our application.
491;; 2. Lexical conventions
492;; Upper and lower case forms of a letter are never distinguished except within
493;; character and string constants. For example, `Foo' is the same identifier as
494;; `FOO', and #x1AB is the same number as #X1ab.
496;;; But first, what case are symbols in?  Determine the standard case:
497(define char-standard-case char-upcase)
498;;SigScheme;;(if (string=? (symbol->string 'A) "a")
499;;SigScheme;;    (set! char-standard-case char-downcase))
500;;SigScheme;;(test #t 'standard-case
501;;SigScheme;;      (string=? (symbol->string 'a) (symbol->string 'A)))
502;;SigScheme;;(test #t 'standard-case
503;;SigScheme;;      (or (string=? (symbol->string 'a) "A")
504;;SigScheme;;	  (string=? (symbol->string 'A) "a")))
505(define (str-copy s)
506  (let ((v (make-string (string-length s))))
507    (do ((i (- (string-length v) 1) (- i 1)))
508	((< i 0) v)
509      (string-set! v i (string-ref s i)))))
510(define (string-standard-case s)
511  (set! s (str-copy s))
512  (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))
513       (sl (string-length s)))
514      ((>= i sl) s)
515      (string-set! s i (char-standard-case (string-ref s i)))))
516;;SigScheme;;(test (string-standard-case "flying-fish") symbol->string 'flying-fish)
517;;SigScheme;;(test (string-standard-case "martin") symbol->string 'Martin)
518(test "Malvina" symbol->string (string->symbol "Malvina"))
519;;SigScheme;;(test #t 'standard-case (eq? 'a 'A))
521(define x (string #\a #\b))
522(define y (string->symbol x))
523(string-set! x 0 #\c)
524(test "cb" 'string-set! x)
525(test "ab" symbol->string y)
526(test y string->symbol "ab")
528;;SigScheme;;(test #t eq? 'mISSISSIppi 'mississippi)
529;;SigScheme;;(test #f 'string->symbol (eq? 'bitBlt (string->symbol "bitBlt")))
530(test 'JollyWog string->symbol (symbol->string 'JollyWog))
532(SECTION 6 5 5)
533(test #t number? 3)
534;;SigScheme;;(test #t complex? 3)
535;;SigScheme;;(test #t real? 3)
536;;SigScheme;;(test #t rational? 3)
537(test #t integer? 3)
539;;SigScheme;;(test #t exact? 3)
540;;SigScheme;;(test #f inexact? 3)
542;;SigScheme;;(test 1 expt 0 0)
543;;SigScheme;;(test 0 expt 0 1)
544;;SigScheme;;(test 0 expt 0 256)
545;;(test 0 expt 0 -255)
546;;SigScheme;;(test 1 expt -1 256)
547;;SigScheme;;(test -1 expt -1 255)
548;;SigScheme;;(test 1 expt -1 -256)
549;;SigScheme;;(test -1 expt -1 -255)
550;;SigScheme;;(test 1 expt 256 0)
551;;SigScheme;;(test 1 expt -256 0)
552;;SigScheme;;(test 256 expt 256 1)
553;;SigScheme;;(test -256 expt -256 1)
554;;SigScheme;;(test 8 expt 2 3)
555;;SigScheme;;(test -8 expt -2 3)
556;;SigScheme;;(test 9 expt 3 2)
557;;SigScheme;;(test 9 expt -3 2)
559(test #t = 22 22 22)
560(test #t = 22 22)
561(test #f = 34 34 35)
562(test #f = 34 35)
563(test #t > 3 -6246)
564(test #f > 9 9 -2424)
565(test #t >= 3 -4 -6246)
566(test #t >= 9 9)
567(test #f >= 8 9)
568(test #t < -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
569(test #f < -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7)
570(test #t <= -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
571(test #t <= -1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7)
572(test #f < 1 3 2)
573(test #f >= 1 3 2)
575(test #t zero? 0)
576(test #f zero? 1)
577(test #f zero? -1)
578(test #f zero? -100)
579(test #t positive? 4)
580(test #f positive? -4)
581(test #f positive? 0)
582(test #f negative? 4)
583(test #t negative? -4)
584(test #f negative? 0)
585(test #t odd? 3)
586(test #f odd? 2)
587(test #f odd? -4)
588(test #t odd? -1)
589(test #f even? 3)
590(test #t even? 2)
591(test #t even? -4)
592(test #f even? -1)
594(test 38 max 34 5 7 38 6)
595(test -24 min 3  5 5 330 4 -24)
597(test 7 + 3 4)
598(test '3 + 3)
599(test 0 +)
600(test 4 * 4)
601(test 1 *)
603(test -1 - 3 4)
604(test -3 - 3)
605(test 7 abs -7)
606(test 7 abs 7)
607(test 0 abs 0)
609(test 5 quotient 35 7)
610(test -5 quotient -35 7)
611(test -5 quotient 35 -7)
612(test 5 quotient -35 -7)
613(test 1 modulo 13 4)
614(test 1 remainder 13 4)
615(test 3 modulo -13 4)
616(test -1 remainder -13 4)
617(test -3 modulo 13 -4)
618(test 1 remainder 13 -4)
619(test -1 modulo -13 -4)
620(test -1 remainder -13 -4)
621(test 0 modulo 0 86400)
622(test 0 modulo 0 -86400)
623(define (divtest n1 n2)
624	(= n1 (+ (* n2 (quotient n1 n2))
625		 (remainder n1 n2))))
626(test #t divtest 238 9)
627(test #t divtest -238 9)
628(test #t divtest 238 -9)
629(test #t divtest -238 -9)
631;;SigScheme;;(test 4 gcd 0 4)
632;;SigScheme;;(test 4 gcd -4 0)
633;;SigScheme;;(test 4 gcd 32 -36)
634;;SigScheme;;(test 0 gcd)
635;;SigScheme;;(test 288 lcm 32 -36)
636;;SigScheme;;(test 1 lcm)
638(SECTION 6 5 5)
639;;; Implementations which don't allow division by 0 can have fragile
640;;; string->number.
641(define (test-string->number str)
642  (define ans (string->number str))
643  (cond ((not ans) #t) ((number? ans) #t) (else ans)))
644(for-each (lambda (str) (test #t test-string->number str))
645	  '("+#.#" "-#.#" "#.#" "1/0" "-1/0" "0/0"
646	    "+1/0i" "-1/0i" "0/0i" "0/0-0/0i" "1/0-1/0i" "-1/0+1/0i"
647	    "#i" "#e" "#" "#i0/0"))
648(cond ((number? (string->number "1+1i")) ;More kawa bait
649       (test #t number? (string->number "#i-i"))
650       (test #t number? (string->number "#i+i"))
651       (test #t number? (string->number "#i2+i"))))
653;;;;From: fred@sce.carleton.ca (Fred J Kaudel)
654;;; Modified by jaffer.
655(define (test-inexact)
656  (define f3.9 (string->number "3.9"))
657  (define f4.0 (string->number "4.0"))
658  (define f-3.25 (string->number "-3.25"))
659  (define f.25 (string->number ".25"))
660  (define f4.5 (string->number "4.5"))
661  (define f3.5 (string->number "3.5"))
662  (define f0.0 (string->number "0.0"))
663  (define f0.8 (string->number "0.8"))
664  (define f1.0 (string->number "1.0"))
665  (define f1e300 (and (string->number "1+3i") (string->number "1e300")))
666  (define f1e-300 (and (string->number "1+3i") (string->number "1e-300")))
667  (define wto write-test-obj)
668  (define lto load-test-obj)
669  (newline)
670  (display ";testing inexact numbers; ")
671  (newline)
672  (SECTION 6 2)
673  (test #f eqv? 1 f1.0)
674  (test #f eqv? 0 f0.0)
675  (test #t eqv? f0.0 f0.0)
676  (cond ((= f0.0 (- f0.0))
677	 (test #t eqv? f0.0 (- f0.0))
678	 (test #t equal? f0.0 (- f0.0))))
679  (cond ((= f0.0 (* -5 f0.0))
680	 (test #t eqv? f0.0 (* -5 f0.0))
681	 (test #t equal? f0.0 (* -5 f0.0))))
682  (SECTION 6 5 5)
683  (and f1e300
684       (let ((f1e300+1e300i (make-rectangular f1e300 f1e300)))
685	 (test f1.0 'magnitude (/ (magnitude f1e300+1e300i)
686				  (* f1e300 (sqrt 2))))
687	 (test f.25 / f1e300+1e300i (* 4 f1e300+1e300i))))
688  (and f1e-300
689       (let ((f1e-300+1e-300i (make-rectangular f1e-300 f1e-300)))
690	 (test f1.0 'magnitude (round (/ (magnitude f1e-300+1e-300i)
691					 (* f1e-300 (sqrt 2)))))
692	 (test f.25 / f1e-300+1e-300i (* 4 f1e-300+1e-300i))))
693  (test #t = f0.0 f0.0)
694  (test #t = f0.0 (- f0.0))
695  (test #t = f0.0 (* -5 f0.0))
696  (test #t inexact? f3.9)
697  (test #t 'max (inexact? (max f3.9 4)))
698  (test f4.0 max f3.9 4)
699  (test f4.0 exact->inexact 4)
700  (test f4.0 exact->inexact f4.0)
701  (test 4 inexact->exact 4)
702  (test 4 inexact->exact f4.0)
703  (test (- f4.0) round (- f4.5))
704  (test (- f4.0) round (- f3.5))
705  (test (- f4.0) round (- f3.9))
706  (test f0.0 round f0.0)
707  (test f0.0 round f.25)
708  (test f1.0 round f0.8)
709  (test f4.0 round f3.5)
710  (test f4.0 round f4.5)
712  ;;(test f1.0 expt f0.0 f0.0)
713  ;;(test f1.0 expt f0.0 0)
714  ;;(test f1.0 expt 0    f0.0)
715  (test f0.0 expt f0.0 f1.0)
716  (test f0.0 expt f0.0 1)
717  (test f0.0 expt 0    f1.0)
718  (test f1.0 expt -25  f0.0)
719  (test f1.0 expt f-3.25 f0.0)
720  (test f1.0 expt f-3.25 0)
721  ;;(test f0.0 expt f0.0 f-3.25)
723  (test (atan 1) atan 1 1)
724  (set! write-test-obj (list f.25 f-3.25)) ;.25 inexact errors less likely.
725  (set! load-test-obj (list 'define 'foo (list 'quote write-test-obj)))
726  (test #t call-with-output-file
727	"tmp3"
728	(lambda (test-file)
729	  (write-char #\; test-file)
730	  (display #\; test-file)
731	  (display ";" test-file)
732	  (write write-test-obj test-file)
733	  (newline test-file)
734	  (write load-test-obj test-file)
735	  (output-port? test-file)))
736  (check-test-file "tmp3")
737  (set! write-test-obj wto)
738  (set! load-test-obj lto)
739  (let ((x (string->number "4195835.0"))
740	(y (string->number "3145727.0")))
741    (test #t 'pentium-fdiv-bug (> f1.0 (- x (* (/ x y) y)))))
742  (report-errs))
744(define (test-inexact-printing)
745  (let ((f0.0 (string->number "0.0"))
746	(f0.5 (string->number "0.5"))
747	(f1.0 (string->number "1.0"))
748	(f2.0 (string->number "2.0")))
749    (define log2
750      (let ((l2 (log 2)))
751	(lambda (x) (/ (log x) l2))))
753    (define (slow-frexp x)
754      (if (zero? x)
755	  (list f0.0 0)
756	  (let* ((l2 (log2 x))
757		 (e (floor (log2 x)))
758		 (e (if (= l2 e)
759			(inexact->exact e)
760			(+ (inexact->exact e) 1)))
761		 (f (/ x (expt 2 e))))
762	    (list f e))))
764    (define float-precision
765      (let ((mantissa-bits
766	     (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
767		  (eps f1.0 (* f0.5 eps)))
768		 ((= f1.0 (+ f1.0 eps))
769		  i)))
770	    (minval
771	     (do ((x f1.0 (* f0.5 x)))
772		 ((zero? (* f0.5 x)) x))))
773	(lambda (x)
774	  (apply (lambda (f e)
775		   (let ((eps
776			  (cond ((= f1.0 f) (expt f2.0 (+ 1 (- e mantissa-bits))))
777				((zero? f) minval)
778				(else (expt f2.0 (- e mantissa-bits))))))
779		     (if (zero? eps)	;Happens if gradual underflow.
780			 minval
781			 eps)))
782		 (slow-frexp x)))))
784    (define (float-print-test x)
785      (define (testit number)
786	(eqv? number (string->number (number->string number))))
787      (let ((eps (float-precision x))
788	    (all-ok? #t))
789	(do ((j -100 (+ j 1)))
790	    ((or (not all-ok?) (> j 100)) all-ok?)
791	  (let* ((xx (+ x (* j eps)))
792		 (ok? (testit xx)))
793	    (cond ((not ok?)
794		   (display "Number readback failure for ")
795		   (display `(+ ,x (* ,j ,eps)))
796		   (newline)
797		   (display xx)
798		   (newline)
799		   (set! all-ok? #f))
800		  ;;   (else (display xx) (newline))
801		  )))))
803    (define (mult-float-print-test x)
804      (let ((res #t))
805	(for-each
806	 (lambda (mult)
807	   (or (float-print-test (* mult x)) (set! res #f)))
808	 (map string->number
809	      '("1.0" "10.0" "100.0" "1.0e20" "1.0e50" "1.0e100"
810		"0.1" "0.01" "0.001" "1.0e-20" "1.0e-50" "1.0e-100")))
811	res))
813    (SECTION 6 5 6)
814    (test #t 'float-print-test (float-print-test f0.0))
815    (test #t 'mult-float-print-test (mult-float-print-test f1.0))
816    (test #t 'mult-float-print-test (mult-float-print-test
817				     (string->number "3.0")))
818    (test #t 'mult-float-print-test (mult-float-print-test
819				     (string->number "7.0")))
820    (test #t 'mult-float-print-test (mult-float-print-test
821				     (string->number "3.1415926535897931")))
822    (test #t 'mult-float-print-test (mult-float-print-test
823				     (string->number "2.7182818284590451")))))
825(define (test-bignum)
826  (define tb
827    (lambda (n1 n2)
828      (= n1 (+ (* n2 (quotient n1 n2))
829	       (remainder n1 n2)))))
830  (define b3-3 (string->number "33333333333333333333"))
831  (define b3-2 (string->number "33333333333333333332"))
832  (define b3-0 (string->number "33333333333333333330"))
833  (define b2-0 (string->number "2177452800"))
834  (newline)
835  (display ";testing bignums; ")
836  (newline)
837  (SECTION 6 5 7)
838  (test 0 modulo b3-3 3)
839  (test 0 modulo b3-3 -3)
840  (test 0 remainder b3-3 3)
841  (test 0 remainder b3-3 -3)
842  (test 2 modulo b3-2 3)
843  (test -1 modulo b3-2 -3)
844  (test 2 remainder b3-2 3)
845  (test 2 remainder b3-2 -3)
846  (test 1 modulo (- b3-2) 3)
847  (test -2 modulo (- b3-2) -3)
848  (test -2 remainder (- b3-2) 3)
849  (test -2 remainder (- b3-2) -3)
851  (test 3 modulo 3 b3-3)
852  (test b3-0 modulo -3 b3-3)
853  (test 3 remainder 3 b3-3)
854  (test -3 remainder -3 b3-3)
855  (test (- b3-0) modulo 3 (- b3-3))
856  (test -3 modulo -3 (- b3-3))
857  (test 3 remainder 3 (- b3-3))
858  (test -3 remainder -3 (- b3-3))
860  (test 0 modulo (- b2-0) 86400)
861  (test 0 modulo b2-0 -86400)
862  (test 0 modulo b2-0 86400)
863  (test 0 modulo (- b2-0) -86400)
864  (test 0 modulo  0 (- b2-0))
865  (test #t 'remainder (tb (string->number "281474976710655325431") 65535))
866  (test #t 'remainder (tb (string->number "281474976710655325430") 65535))
868  (let ((n (string->number
869	    "30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512")))
870    (and n (exact? n)
871	 (do ((pow3 1 (* 3 pow3))
872	      (cnt 21 (+ -1 cnt)))
873	     ((negative? cnt)
874	      (zero? (modulo n pow3))))))
876  (SECTION 6 5 8)
877  (test "281474976710655325431" number->string
878	(string->number "281474976710655325431"))
879  (report-errs))
881(define (test-numeric-predicates)
882  (let* ((big-ex (expt 2 150))
883	 (big-inex (exact->inexact big-ex)))
884    (newline)
885    (display ";testing bignum-inexact comparisons;")
886    (newline)
887    (SECTION 6 5 5)
888    (test #f = (+ big-ex 1) big-inex (- big-ex 1))
889    (test #f = big-inex (+ big-ex 1) (- big-ex 1))
890    (test #t < (- (inexact->exact big-inex) 1)
891	  big-inex
892	  (+ (inexact->exact big-inex) 1))))
895(SECTION 6 5 9)
896(test "0" number->string 0)
897(test "100" number->string 100)
898(test "100" number->string 256 16)
899(test 100 string->number "100")
900(test 256 string->number "100" 16)
901(test #f string->number "")
902(test #f string->number ".")
903(test #f string->number "d")
904(test #f string->number "D")
905(test #f string->number "i")
906(test #f string->number "I")
907(test #f string->number "3i")
908(test #f string->number "3I")
909(test #f string->number "33i")
910(test #f string->number "33I")
911(test #f string->number "3.3i")
912(test #f string->number "3.3I")
913(test #f string->number "-")
914(test #f string->number "+")
915(test #t 'string->number (or (not (string->number "80000000" 16))
916			     (positive? (string->number "80000000" 16))))
917(test #t 'string->number (or (not (string->number "-80000000" 16))
918			     (negative? (string->number "-80000000" 16))))
920(SECTION 6 6)
921(test #t eqv? '#\  #\Space)
922(test #t eqv? #\space '#\Space)
923(test #t char? #\a)
924(test #t char? #\()
925(test #t char? #\space)
926(test #t char? '#\newline)
928(test #f char=? #\A #\B)
929(test #f char=? #\a #\b)
930(test #f char=? #\9 #\0)
931(test #t char=? #\A #\A)
933(test #t char<? #\A #\B)
934(test #t char<? #\a #\b)
935(test #f char<? #\9 #\0)
936(test #f char<? #\A #\A)
938(test #f char>? #\A #\B)
939(test #f char>? #\a #\b)
940(test #t char>? #\9 #\0)
941(test #f char>? #\A #\A)
943(test #t char<=? #\A #\B)
944(test #t char<=? #\a #\b)
945(test #f char<=? #\9 #\0)
946(test #t char<=? #\A #\A)
948(test #f char>=? #\A #\B)
949(test #f char>=? #\a #\b)
950(test #t char>=? #\9 #\0)
951(test #t char>=? #\A #\A)
953(test #f char-ci=? #\A #\B)
954(test #f char-ci=? #\a #\B)
955(test #f char-ci=? #\A #\b)
956(test #f char-ci=? #\a #\b)
957(test #f char-ci=? #\9 #\0)
958(test #t char-ci=? #\A #\A)
959(test #t char-ci=? #\A #\a)
961(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\B)
962(test #t char-ci<? #\a #\B)
963(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\b)
964(test #t char-ci<? #\a #\b)
965(test #f char-ci<? #\9 #\0)
966(test #f char-ci<? #\A #\A)
967(test #f char-ci<? #\A #\a)
969(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\B)
970(test #f char-ci>? #\a #\B)
971(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\b)
972(test #f char-ci>? #\a #\b)
973(test #t char-ci>? #\9 #\0)
974(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\A)
975(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\a)
977(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\B)
978(test #t char-ci<=? #\a #\B)
979(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\b)
980(test #t char-ci<=? #\a #\b)
981(test #f char-ci<=? #\9 #\0)
982(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\A)
983(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\a)
985(test #f char-ci>=? #\A #\B)
986(test #f char-ci>=? #\a #\B)
987(test #f char-ci>=? #\A #\b)
988(test #f char-ci>=? #\a #\b)
989(test #t char-ci>=? #\9 #\0)
990(test #t char-ci>=? #\A #\A)
991(test #t char-ci>=? #\A #\a)
993(test #t char-alphabetic? #\a)
994(test #t char-alphabetic? #\A)
995(test #t char-alphabetic? #\z)
996(test #t char-alphabetic? #\Z)
997(test #f char-alphabetic? #\0)
998(test #f char-alphabetic? #\9)
999(test #f char-alphabetic? #\space)
1000(test #f char-alphabetic? #\;)
1002(test #f char-numeric? #\a)
1003(test #f char-numeric? #\A)
1004(test #f char-numeric? #\z)
1005(test #f char-numeric? #\Z)
1006(test #t char-numeric? #\0)
1007(test #t char-numeric? #\9)
1008(test #f char-numeric? #\space)
1009(test #f char-numeric? #\;)
1011(test #f char-whitespace? #\a)
1012(test #f char-whitespace? #\A)
1013(test #f char-whitespace? #\z)
1014(test #f char-whitespace? #\Z)
1015(test #f char-whitespace? #\0)
1016(test #f char-whitespace? #\9)
1017(test #t char-whitespace? #\space)
1018(test #f char-whitespace? #\;)
1020(test #f char-upper-case? #\0)
1021(test #f char-upper-case? #\9)
1022(test #f char-upper-case? #\space)
1023(test #f char-upper-case? #\;)
1025(test #f char-lower-case? #\0)
1026(test #f char-lower-case? #\9)
1027(test #f char-lower-case? #\space)
1028(test #f char-lower-case? #\;)
1030(test #\. integer->char (char->integer #\.))
1031(test #\A integer->char (char->integer #\A))
1032(test #\a integer->char (char->integer #\a))
1033(test #\A char-upcase #\A)
1034(test #\A char-upcase #\a)
1035(test #\a char-downcase #\A)
1036(test #\a char-downcase #\a)
1037(SECTION 6 7)
1038(test #t string? "The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.")
1039;(test #t string? "")
1040(define f (make-string 3 #\*))
1041(test "?**" 'string-set! (begin (string-set! f 0 #\?) f))
1042(test "abc" string #\a #\b #\c)
1043(test "" string)
1044(test 3 string-length "abc")
1045(test #\a string-ref "abc" 0)
1046(test #\c string-ref "abc" 2)
1047(test 0 string-length "")
1048(test "" substring "ab" 0 0)
1049(test "" substring "ab" 1 1)
1050(test "" substring "ab" 2 2)
1051(test "a" substring "ab" 0 1)
1052(test "b" substring "ab" 1 2)
1053(test "ab" substring "ab" 0 2)
1054(test "foobar" string-append "foo" "bar")
1055(test "foo" string-append "foo")
1056(test "foo" string-append "foo" "")
1057(test "foo" string-append "" "foo")
1058(test "" string-append)
1059(test "" make-string 0)
1060(test #t string=? "" "")
1061(test #f string<? "" "")
1062(test #f string>? "" "")
1063(test #t string<=? "" "")
1064(test #t string>=? "" "")
1065(test #t string-ci=? "" "")
1066(test #f string-ci<? "" "")
1067(test #f string-ci>? "" "")
1068(test #t string-ci<=? "" "")
1069(test #t string-ci>=? "" "")
1071(test #f string=? "A" "B")
1072(test #f string=? "a" "b")
1073(test #f string=? "9" "0")
1074(test #t string=? "A" "A")
1076(test #t string<? "A" "B")
1077(test #t string<? "a" "b")
1078(test #f string<? "9" "0")
1079(test #f string<? "A" "A")
1081(test #f string>? "A" "B")
1082(test #f string>? "a" "b")
1083(test #t string>? "9" "0")
1084(test #f string>? "A" "A")
1086(test #t string<=? "A" "B")
1087(test #t string<=? "a" "b")
1088(test #f string<=? "9" "0")
1089(test #t string<=? "A" "A")
1091(test #f string>=? "A" "B")
1092(test #f string>=? "a" "b")
1093(test #t string>=? "9" "0")
1094(test #t string>=? "A" "A")
1096(test #f string-ci=? "A" "B")
1097(test #f string-ci=? "a" "B")
1098(test #f string-ci=? "A" "b")
1099(test #f string-ci=? "a" "b")
1100(test #f string-ci=? "9" "0")
1101(test #t string-ci=? "A" "A")
1102(test #t string-ci=? "A" "a")
1104(test #t string-ci<? "A" "B")
1105(test #t string-ci<? "a" "B")
1106(test #t string-ci<? "A" "b")
1107(test #t string-ci<? "a" "b")
1108(test #f string-ci<? "9" "0")
1109(test #f string-ci<? "A" "A")
1110(test #f string-ci<? "A" "a")
1112(test #f string-ci>? "A" "B")
1113(test #f string-ci>? "a" "B")
1114(test #f string-ci>? "A" "b")
1115(test #f string-ci>? "a" "b")
1116(test #t string-ci>? "9" "0")
1117(test #f string-ci>? "A" "A")
1118(test #f string-ci>? "A" "a")
1120(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "B")
1121(test #t string-ci<=? "a" "B")
1122(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "b")
1123(test #t string-ci<=? "a" "b")
1124(test #f string-ci<=? "9" "0")
1125(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "A")
1126(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "a")
1128(test #f string-ci>=? "A" "B")
1129(test #f string-ci>=? "a" "B")
1130(test #f string-ci>=? "A" "b")
1131(test #f string-ci>=? "a" "b")
1132(test #t string-ci>=? "9" "0")
1133(test #t string-ci>=? "A" "A")
1134(test #t string-ci>=? "A" "a")
1135(SECTION 6 8)
1136(test #t vector? '#(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna"))
1137;(test #t vector? '#())
1138(test '#(a b c) vector 'a 'b 'c)
1139(test '#() vector)
1140(test 3 vector-length '#(0 (2 2 2 2) "Anna"))
1141(test 0 vector-length '#())
1142(test 8 vector-ref '#(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21) 5)
1143(test '#(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna") 'vector-set
1144	(let ((vec (vector 0 '(2 2 2 2) "Anna")))
1145	  (vector-set! vec 1 '("Sue" "Sue"))
1146	  vec))
1147(test '#(hi hi) make-vector 2 'hi)
1148(test '#() make-vector 0)
1149(test '#() make-vector 0 'a)
1150(SECTION 6 9)
1151(test #t procedure? car)
1152;(test #f procedure? 'car)
1153(test #t procedure? (lambda (x) (* x x)))
1154(test #f procedure? '(lambda (x) (* x x)))
1155(test #t call-with-current-continuation procedure?)
1156(test 7 apply + (list 3 4))
1157(test 7 apply (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) (list 3 4))
1158(test 17 apply + 10 (list 3 4))
1159(test '() apply list '())
1160(define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda args (f (apply g args)))))
1161(test 30 (compose sqt *) 12 75)
1163(test '(b e h) map cadr '((a b) (d e) (g h)))
1164(test '(5 7 9) map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
1165(test '(1 2 3) map + '(1 2 3))
1166(test '(1 2 3) map * '(1 2 3))
1167(test '(-1 -2 -3) map - '(1 2 3))
1168(test '#(0 1 4 9 16) 'for-each
1169      (let ((v (make-vector 5)))
1170	(for-each (lambda (i) (vector-set! v i (* i i)))
1171		  '(0 1 2 3 4))
1172	v))
1173(test -3 call-with-current-continuation
1174      (lambda (exit)
1175	(for-each (lambda (x) (if (negative? x) (exit x)))
1176		  '(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
1177	#t))
1178(define list-length
1179 (lambda (obj)
1180  (call-with-current-continuation
1181   (lambda (return)
1182    (letrec ((r (lambda (obj) (cond ((null? obj) 0)
1183				((pair? obj) (+ (r (cdr obj)) 1))
1184				(else (return #f))))))
1185	(r obj))))))
1186(test 4 list-length '(1 2 3 4))
1187(test #f list-length '(a b . c))
1188(test '() map cadr '())
1190;;; This tests full conformance of call-with-current-continuation.  It
1191;;; is a separate test because some schemes do not support call/cc
1192;;; other than escape procedures.  I am indebted to
1193;;; raja@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (Raja Sooriamurthi) for fixing this
1194;;; code.  The function leaf-eq? compares the leaves of 2 arbitrary
1195;;; trees constructed of conses.
1196(define (next-leaf-generator obj eot)
1197  (letrec ((return #f)
1198	   (cont (lambda (x)
1199		   (recur obj)
1200		   (set! cont (lambda (x) (return eot)))
1201		   (cont #f)))
1202	   (recur (lambda (obj)
1203		      (if (pair? obj)
1204			  (for-each recur obj)
1205			  (call-with-current-continuation
1206			   (lambda (c)
1207			     (set! cont c)
1208			     (return obj)))))))
1209    (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation
1210		(lambda (ret) (set! return ret) (cont #f))))))
1211(define (leaf-eq? x y)
1212  (let* ((eot (list 'eot))
1213	 (xf (next-leaf-generator x eot))
1214	 (yf (next-leaf-generator y eot)))
1215    (letrec ((loop (lambda (x y)
1216		     (cond ((not (eq? x y)) #f)
1217			   ((eq? eot x) #t)
1218			   (else (loop (xf) (yf)))))))
1219      (loop (xf) (yf)))))
1220(define (test-cont)
1221  (newline)
1222  (display ";testing continuations; ")
1223  (newline)
1224  (SECTION 6 9)
1225  (test #t leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c))
1226  (test #f leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c d))
1227  (report-errs))
1229;;; Test Optional R4RS DELAY syntax and FORCE procedure
1230(define (test-delay)
1231  (newline)
1232  (display ";testing DELAY and FORCE; ")
1233  (newline)
1234  (SECTION 6 9)
1235  (test 3 'delay (force (delay (+ 1 2))))
1236  (test '(3 3) 'delay (let ((p (delay (+ 1 2))))
1237			(list (force p) (force p))))
1238  (test 2 'delay (letrec ((a-stream
1239			   (letrec ((next (lambda (n)
1240					    (cons n (delay (next (+ n 1)))))))
1241			     (next 0)))
1242			  (head car)
1243			  (tail (lambda (stream) (force (cdr stream)))))
1244		   (head (tail (tail a-stream)))))
1245  (letrec ((count 0)
1246	   (p (delay (begin (set! count (+ count 1))
1247			    (if (> count x)
1248				count
1249				(force p)))))
1250	   (x 5))
1251    (test 6 force p)
1252    (set! x 10)
1253    (test 6 force p))
1254  (test 3 'force
1255	(letrec ((p (delay (if c 3 (begin (set! c #t) (+ (force p) 1)))))
1256		 (c #f))
1257	  (force p)))
1258  (report-errs))
1260(SECTION 6 10 1)
1261(test #t input-port? (current-input-port))
1262(test #t output-port? (current-output-port))
1263(test #t call-with-input-file "r4rstest.scm" input-port?)
1264(define this-file (open-input-file "r4rstest.scm"))
1265(test #t input-port? this-file)
1266(SECTION 6 10 2)
1267(test #\; peek-char this-file)
1268(test #\; read-char this-file)
1269(test '(define cur-section '()) read this-file)
1270(test #\( peek-char this-file)
1271(test '(define errs '()) read this-file)
1272(close-input-port this-file)
1273(close-input-port this-file)
1274(define (check-test-file name)
1275  (define test-file (open-input-file name))
1276  (test #t 'input-port?
1277	(call-with-input-file
1278	    name
1279	  (lambda (test-file)
1280	    (test load-test-obj read test-file)
1281	    (test #t eof-object? (peek-char test-file))
1282	    (test #t eof-object? (read-char test-file))
1283	    (input-port? test-file))))
1284  (test #\; read-char test-file)
1285  (test #\; read-char test-file)
1286  (test #\; read-char test-file)
1287  (test write-test-obj read test-file)
1288  (test load-test-obj read test-file)
1289  (close-input-port test-file))
1290(SECTION 6 10 3)
1291(define write-test-obj
1292  '(#t #f a () 9739 -3 . #((test) "te \" \" st" "" test #() b c)))
1293(define load-test-obj
1294  (list 'define 'foo (list 'quote write-test-obj)))
1295(test #t call-with-output-file
1296      "tmp1"
1297      (lambda (test-file)
1298	(write-char #\; test-file)
1299	(display #\; test-file)
1300	(display ";" test-file)
1301	(write write-test-obj test-file)
1302	(newline test-file)
1303	(write load-test-obj test-file)
1304	(output-port? test-file)))
1305(check-test-file "tmp1")
1307(define test-file (open-output-file "tmp2"))
1308(write-char #\; test-file)
1309(display #\; test-file)
1310(display ";" test-file)
1311(write write-test-obj test-file)
1312(newline test-file)
1313(write load-test-obj test-file)
1314(test #t output-port? test-file)
1315(close-output-port test-file)
1316(check-test-file "tmp2")
1317(define (test-sc4)
1318  (newline)
1319  (display ";testing scheme 4 functions; ")
1320  (newline)
1321  (SECTION 6 7)
1322  (test '(#\P #\space #\l) string->list "P l")
1323  (test '() string->list "")
1324  (test "1\\\"" list->string '(#\1 #\\ #\"))
1325  (test "" list->string '())
1326  (SECTION 6 8)
1327  (test '(dah dah didah) vector->list '#(dah dah didah))
1328  (test '() vector->list '#())
1329  (test '#(dididit dah) list->vector '(dididit dah))
1330  (test '#() list->vector '())
1331  (SECTION 6 10 4)
1332  (load "tmp1")
1333  (test write-test-obj 'load foo)
1334  (report-errs))
1337(let ((have-inexacts?
1338       (and (string->number "0.0") (inexact? (string->number "0.0"))))
1339      (have-bignums?
1340       (let ((n (string->number
1341		 "1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746625")))
1342	 (and n (exact? n)))))
1343  (cond (have-inexacts?
1344	 (test-inexact)
1345	 (test-inexact-printing)))
1346  (if have-bignums? (test-bignum))
1347  (if (and have-inexacts? have-bignums?)
1348      (test-numeric-predicates)))
1351(display "To fully test continuations, Scheme 4, and DELAY/FORCE do:")
1353(display "(test-cont) (test-sc4) (test-delay)")
1356(test-sc4)    ;;SigScheme;;
1357(test-delay)  ;;SigScheme;;
1359(total-report)  ;;SigScheme;;
1361"last item in file"