1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /*
19  * $Id$
20  */
25 #include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
26 #include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSObject.hpp>
27 #include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSNamedMap.hpp>
29 #include <xercesc/util/ValueVectorOf.hpp>
30 #include <xercesc/validators/schema/SchemaElementDecl.hpp>
34 /**
35  * This class contains all properties of the Schema infoitem as determined
36  * after an entire validation episode.  That is, it contains all the properties
37  * of all the Schema Namespace Information objects that went into
38  * the validation episode.
39  * Since it is not like other components, it  does not
40  * inherit from the XSObject interface.
41  * This is *always* owned by the validator /parser object from which
42  * it is obtained.  It is designed to be subclassed; subclasses will
43  * specify under what conditions it may be relied upon to have meaningful contents.
44  */
46 // forward declarations
47 class Grammar;
48 class XMLGrammarPool;
49 class XSAnnotation;
50 class XSAttributeDeclaration;
51 class XSAttributeGroupDefinition;
52 class XSElementDeclaration;
53 class XSModelGroupDefinition;
54 class XSNamespaceItem;
55 class XSNotationDeclaration;
56 class XSTypeDefinition;
57 class XSObjectFactory;
59 class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XSModel : public XMemory
60 {
61 public:
63     //  Constructors and Destructor
64     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
65     /** @name Constructors */
66     //@{
68     /**
69       * The constructor to be used when a grammar pool contains all needed info
70       * @param grammarPool  the grammar pool containing the underlying data structures
71       * @param manager      The configurable memory manager
72       */
73     XSModel( XMLGrammarPool *grammarPool
74                 , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
76     /**
77       * The constructor to be used when the XSModel must represent all
78       * components in the union of an existing XSModel and a newly-created
79       * Grammar(s) from the GrammarResolver
80       *
81       * @param baseModel  the XSModel upon which this one is based
82       * @param grammarResolver  the grammar(s) whose components are to be merged
83       * @param manager     The configurable memory manager
84       */
85     XSModel( XSModel *baseModel
86                 , GrammarResolver *grammarResolver
87                 , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
89     //@};
91     /** @name Destructor */
92     //@{
93     ~XSModel();
94     //@}
96     //---------------------
97     /** @name XSModel methods */
99     //@{
101     /**
102      * Convenience method. Returns a list of all namespaces that belong to
103      * this schema. The value <code>null</code> is not a valid namespace
104      * name, but if there are components that don't have a target namespace,
105      * <code>null</code> is included in this list.
106      */
107     StringList *getNamespaces();
109     /**
110      * A set of namespace schema information information items ( of type
111      * <code>XSNamespaceItem</code>), one for each namespace name which
112      * appears as the target namespace of any schema component in the schema
113      * used for that assessment, and one for absent if any schema component
114      * in the schema had no target namespace. For more information see
115      * schema information.
116      */
117     XSNamespaceItemList *getNamespaceItems();
119     /**
120      * [schema components]: a list of top-level components, i.e. element
121      * declarations, attribute declarations, etc.
122      * @param objectType The type of the declaration, i.e.
123      *   <code>ELEMENT_DECLARATION</code>,
124      *   <code>TYPE_DEFINITION</code> and any other component type that
125      * may be a property of a schema component.
126      * @return A list of top-level definition of the specified type in
127      *   <code>objectType</code> or <code>null</code>.
128      */
129     XSNamedMap<XSObject> *getComponents(XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE objectType);
131     /**
132      * Convenience method. Returns a list of top-level component declarations
133      * that are defined within the specified namespace, i.e. element
134      * declarations, attribute declarations, etc.
135      * @param objectType The type of the declaration, i.e.
136      *   <code>ELEMENT_DECLARATION</code>.
137      * @param compNamespace The namespace to which declaration belongs or
138      *   <code>null</code> (for components with no target namespace).
139      * @return A list of top-level definitions of the specified type in
140      *   <code>objectType</code> and defined in the specified
141      *   <code>namespace</code> or <code>null</code>.
142      */
143     XSNamedMap<XSObject> *getComponentsByNamespace(XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE objectType,
144                                                const XMLCh *compNamespace);
146     /**
147      *  [annotations]: a set of annotations.
148      */
149     XSAnnotationList *getAnnotations();
151     /**
152      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level element declaration.
153      * @param name The name of the declaration.
154      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
155      * @return A top-level element declaration or <code>null</code> if such
156      *   declaration does not exist.
157      */
158     XSElementDeclaration *getElementDeclaration(const XMLCh *name
159             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
161     /**
162      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute declaration.
163      * @param name The name of the declaration.
164      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
165      * @return A top-level attribute declaration or <code>null</code> if such
166      *   declaration does not exist.
167      */
168     XSAttributeDeclaration *getAttributeDeclaration(const XMLCh *name
169             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
171     /**
172      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level simple or complex type
173      * definition.
174      * @param name The name of the definition.
175      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
176      * @return An <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> or <code>null</code> if such
177      *   definition does not exist.
178      */
179     XSTypeDefinition *getTypeDefinition(const XMLCh *name
180             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
182     /**
183      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute group definition.
184      * @param name The name of the definition.
185      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
186      * @return A top-level attribute group definition or <code>null</code> if
187      *   such definition does not exist.
188      */
189     XSAttributeGroupDefinition *getAttributeGroup(const XMLCh *name
190             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
192     /**
193      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level model group definition.
194      * @param name The name of the definition.
195      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
196      * @return A top-level model group definition definition or
197      *   <code>null</code> if such definition does not exist.
198      */
199     XSModelGroupDefinition *getModelGroupDefinition(const XMLCh *name
200             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
202     /**
203      * Convenience method. Returns a top-level notation declaration.
204      * @param name The name of the declaration.
205      * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent.
206      * @return A top-level notation declaration or <code>null</code> if such
207      *   declaration does not exist.
208      */
209     XSNotationDeclaration *getNotationDeclaration(const XMLCh *name
210             , const XMLCh *compNamespace);
212     /**
213       * Optional.  Return a component given a component type and a unique Id.
214       * May not be supported for all component types.
215       * @param compId unique Id of the component within its type
216       * @param compType type of the component
217       * @return the component of the given type with the given Id, or 0
218       * if no such component exists or this is unsupported for
219       * this type of component.
220       */
221     XSObject *getXSObjectById(XMLSize_t compId,
222                               XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE compType);
224     //@}
226     //----------------------------------
227     /** methods needed by implementation */
229     //@{
230     XMLStringPool*  getURIStringPool();
232     XSNamespaceItem* getNamespaceItem(const XMLCh* const key);
234     /**
235       * Get the XSObject (i.e. XSElementDeclaration) that corresponds to
236       * to a schema grammar component (i.e. SchemaElementDecl)
237       * @param key schema component object
238       *
239       * @return the corresponding XSObject
240       */
241     XSObject* getXSObject(void* key);
243     //@}
244 private:
246     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
247     //  Helper methods
248     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
249     void addGrammarToXSModel
250     (
251         XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem
252     );
253     void addS4SToXSModel
254     (
255         XSNamespaceItem* const namespaceItem
256         , RefHashTableOf<DatatypeValidator>* const builtInDV
257     );
258     void addComponentToNamespace
259     (
260          XSNamespaceItem* const namespaceItem
261          , XSObject* const component
262          , XMLSize_t componentIndex
263          , bool addToXSModel = true
264     );
266     void addComponentToIdVector
267     (
268         XSObject* const component
269         , XMLSize_t componentIndex
270     );
272     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
273     //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
274     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
275     XSModel(const XSModel&);
276     XSModel & operator=(const XSModel &);
278 protected:
279     friend class XSObjectFactory;
280     friend class XSObject;
282     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
283     //  data members
284     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
285     // fMemoryManager:
286     //  used for any memory allocations
287     MemoryManager* const                    fMemoryManager;
289     StringList*                             fNamespaceStringList;
290     XSNamespaceItemList*                    fXSNamespaceItemList;
292     RefVectorOf<XSObject>*                  fIdVector[XSConstants::MULTIVALUE_FACET];
294     /* Need a XSNamedMap for each component    top-level?
295 	      ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION     = 1,
296 	      ELEMENT_DECLARATION       = 2,
297 	      TYPE_DEFINITION           = 3,
298 	      ATTRIBUTE_USE             = 4,	   no
300 	      MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION    = 6,
301 	      MODEL_GROUP               = 7,	   no
302 	      PARTICLE                  = 8,	   no
303 	      WILDCARD                  = 9,	   no
304 	      IDENTITY_CONSTRAINT       = 10,	   no
305 	      NOTATION_DECLARATION      = 11,
306 	      ANNOTATION                = 12,	   no
307 	      FACET                     = 13,      no
308 	      MULTIVALUE_FACET          = 14       no
309     */
310     XSNamedMap<XSObject>*                   fComponentMap[XSConstants::MULTIVALUE_FACET];
311     XMLStringPool*                          fURIStringPool;
312     XSAnnotationList*                       fXSAnnotationList;
313     RefHashTableOf<XSNamespaceItem>*        fHashNamespace;
314     XSObjectFactory*                        fObjFactory;
315     RefVectorOf<XSNamespaceItem>*           fDeleteNamespace;
316     XSModel*                                fParent;
317     bool                                    fDeleteParent;
318     bool                                    fAddedS4SGrammar;
319 };
getURIStringPool()321 inline XMLStringPool*  XSModel::getURIStringPool()
322 {
323     return fURIStringPool;
324 }
getNamespaces()326 inline StringList *XSModel::getNamespaces()
327 {
328     return fNamespaceStringList;
329 }
getNamespaceItems()331 inline XSNamespaceItemList *XSModel::getNamespaceItems()
332 {
333     return fXSNamespaceItemList;
334 }
338 #endif