1 package com.jclark.xml.parse.awt;
3 import java.awt.AWTException;
4 import com.jclark.xml.parse.*;
6 /**
7  * An extension of <code>Application</code> that restricts methods
8  * to throwing <code>AWTException</code>.
9  *
10  * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 1998/06/10 09:43:54 $
11  */
12 public interface Application extends com.jclark.xml.parse.base.Application {
13   /**
14    * Reports the start of the document.
15    * This is called once per well-formed document before any other methods.
16    */
startDocument()17   void startDocument() throws AWTException;
18   /**
19    * Reports the end of the prolog.
20    * Called before the start of the first element.
21    */
endProlog(EndPrologEvent event)22   void endProlog(EndPrologEvent event) throws AWTException;
24   /**
25    * Reports the start of an element.
26    * This includes both start-tags and empty elements.
27    */
startElement(StartElementEvent event)28   void startElement(StartElementEvent event) throws AWTException;
29   /**
30    * Reports character data.
31    */
characterData(CharacterDataEvent event)32   void characterData(CharacterDataEvent event) throws AWTException;
33   /**
34    * Reports the end of a element.
35    * This includes both end-tags and empty elements.
36    */
endElement(EndElementEvent event)37   void endElement(EndElementEvent event) throws AWTException;
39   /**
40    * Reports a processing instruction.
41    * Note that processing instructions can occur before or after the
42    * document element.
43    */
processingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionEvent event)44   void processingInstruction(ProcessingInstructionEvent event) throws AWTException;
46   /**
47    * Reports the end of the document.
48    * Called once per well-formed document, after all other methods.
49    * Not called if the document is not well-formed.
50    */
endDocument()51   void endDocument() throws AWTException;
52   /**
53    * Reports a comment.
54    * Note that comments can occur before or after the
55    * document element.
56    */
comment(CommentEvent event)57   void comment(CommentEvent event) throws AWTException;
59   /**
60    * Reports the start of a CDATA section.
61    */
startCdataSection(StartCdataSectionEvent event)62   void startCdataSection(StartCdataSectionEvent event) throws AWTException;
64   /**
65    * Reports the end of a CDATA section.
66    */
endCdataSection(EndCdataSectionEvent event)67   void endCdataSection(EndCdataSectionEvent event) throws AWTException;
69   /**
70    * Reports the start of an entity reference.
71    * This event will be followed by the result of parsing
72    * the entity's replacement text.
73    * This is not called for entity references in attribute values.
74    */
startEntityReference(StartEntityReferenceEvent event)75   void startEntityReference(StartEntityReferenceEvent event) throws AWTException;
77   /**
78    * Reports the start of an entity reference.
79    * This event follow's the result of parsing
80    * the entity's replacement text.
81    * This is not called for entity references in attribute values.
82    */
endEntityReference(EndEntityReferenceEvent event)83   void endEntityReference(EndEntityReferenceEvent event) throws AWTException;
85   /**
86    * Reports the start of the document type declaration.
87    */
startDocumentTypeDeclaration(StartDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event)88   void startDocumentTypeDeclaration(StartDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event) throws AWTException;
90   /**
91    * Reports the end of the document type declaration.
92    */
endDocumentTypeDeclaration(EndDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event)93   void endDocumentTypeDeclaration(EndDocumentTypeDeclarationEvent event) throws AWTException;
94   /**
95    * Reports a markup declaration.
96    */
markupDeclaration(MarkupDeclarationEvent event)97   void markupDeclaration(MarkupDeclarationEvent event) throws AWTException;
98 }