1 /*
2  * Prompting and other messages.
3  * There are three flavors of prompts, SHORT, MEDIUM and LONG,
4  * selected by the -m/-M options.
5  * There is also the "equals message", printed by the = command.
6  * A prompt is a message composed of various pieces, such as the
7  * name of the file being viewed, the percentage into the file, etc.
8  */
10 #include "less.h"
11 #include "position.h"
13 extern int pr_type;
14 extern int ispipe;
15 extern int hit_eof;
16 extern int new_file;
17 extern int sc_width;
18 extern int so_width, se_width;
19 extern char *current_file;
20 extern int ac;
21 extern char **av;
22 extern int curr_ac;
23 extern int linenums;
25 /*
26  * Prototypes for the three flavors of prompts.
27  * These strings are expanded by pr_expand().
28  */
29 static char s_proto[] =
30   "?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\\: %x..%t";
31 static char m_proto[] =
32   "?n?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\\: %x.:?pB%pB\\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t";
33 static char M_proto[] =
34   "?f%f .?n?m(file %i of %m) ..?ltline %lt :byte %bB?s/%s ..?e(END) ?x- Next\\: %x.:?pB%pB\\%..%t";
35 static char e_proto[] =
36   "?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?ltline %lt .byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\\%..%t";
38 char *prproto[3];
39 char *eqproto = e_proto;
41 static char message[250];
42 static char *mp;
44 /*
45  * Initialize the prompt prototype strings.
46  */
47 	public void
init_prompt()48 init_prompt()
49 {
50 	prproto[0] = save(s_proto);
51 	prproto[1] = save(m_proto);
52 	prproto[2] = save(M_proto);
53 	eqproto = save(e_proto);
54 }
56 /*
57  * Set the message pointer to the end of the message string.
58  */
59 	static void
setmp()60 setmp()
61 {
62 	while (*mp != '\0')
63 		mp++;
64 }
66 /*
67  * Append a POSITION (as a decimal integer) to the end of the message.
68  */
69 	static void
ap_pos(pos)70 ap_pos(pos)
71 	POSITION pos;
72 {
73 	sprintf(mp, "%ld", (long)pos);
74 	setmp();
75 }
77 /*
78  * Append an integer to the end of the message.
79  */
80 	static void
ap_int(n)81 ap_int(n)
82 	int n;
83 {
84 	sprintf(mp, "%d", n);
85 	setmp();
86 }
88 /*
89  * Append a question mark to the end of the message.
90  */
91 	static void
ap_quest()92 ap_quest()
93 {
94 	*mp++ = '?';
95 }
97 /*
98  * Return the "current" byte offset in the file.
99  */
100 	static POSITION
curr_byte(where)101 curr_byte(where)
102 	int where;
103 {
104 	POSITION pos;
106 	pos = position(where);
107 	if (pos == NULL_POSITION)
108 		pos = ch_length();
109 	return (pos);
110 }
112 /*
113  * Return the value of a prototype conditional.
114  * A prototype string may include conditionals which consist of a
115  * question mark followed by a single letter.
116  * Here we decode that letter and return the appropriate boolean value.
117  */
118 	static int
cond(c,where)119 cond(c, where)
120 	char c;
121 	int where;
122 {
123 	switch (c)
124 	{
125 	case 'a':	/* Anything in the message yet? */
126 		return (mp > message);
127 	case 'b':	/* Current byte offset known? */
128 		return (curr_byte(where) != NULL_POSITION);
129 	case 'e':	/* At end of file? */
130 		return (hit_eof);
131 	case 'f':	/* Filename known? */
132 		return (!ispipe);
133 	case 'l':	/* Line number known? */
134 		return (linenums);
135 	case 'm':	/* More than one file? */
136 		return (ac > 1);
137 	case 'n':	/* First prompt in a new file? */
138 		return (new_file);
139 	case 'p':	/* Percent into file known? */
140 		return (curr_byte(where) != NULL_POSITION &&
141 				ch_length() > 0);
142 	case 's':	/* Size of file known? */
143 		return (ch_length() != NULL_POSITION);
144 	case 'x':	/* Is there a "next" file? */
145 		return (curr_ac + 1 < ac);
146 	}
147 	return (0);
148 }
150 /*
151  * Decode a "percent" prototype character.
152  * A prototype string may include various "percent" escapes;
153  * that is, a percent sign followed by a single letter.
154  * Here we decode that letter and take the appropriate action,
155  * usually by appending something to the message being built.
156  */
157 	static void
protochar(c,where)158 protochar(c, where)
159 	int c;
160 	int where;
161 {
162 	POSITION pos;
163 	POSITION len;
164 	int n;
166 	switch (c)
167 	{
168 	case 'b':	/* Current byte offset */
169 		pos = curr_byte(where);
170 		if (pos != NULL_POSITION)
171 			ap_pos(pos);
172 		else
173 			ap_quest();
174 		break;
175 	case 'f':	/* File name */
176 		strtcpy(mp, current_file,
177 			(unsigned int)(&message[sizeof(message)] - mp));
178 		setmp();
179 		break;
180 	case 'i':	/* Index into list of files */
181 		ap_int(curr_ac + 1);
182 		break;
183 	case 'l':	/* Current line number */
184 		n = currline(where);
185 		if (n != 0)
186 			ap_int(n);
187 		else
188 			ap_quest();
189 		break;
190 	case 'm':	/* Number of files */
191 		ap_int(ac);
192 		break;
193 	case 'p':	/* Percent into file */
194 		pos = curr_byte(where);
195 		len = ch_length();
196 		if (pos != NULL_POSITION && len > 0)
197 			ap_int((int)(100*pos / len));
198 		else
199 			ap_quest();
200 		break;
201 	case 's':	/* Size of file */
202 		len = ch_length();
203 		if (len != NULL_POSITION)
204 			ap_pos(len);
205 		else
206 			ap_quest();
207 		break;
208 	case 't':	/* Truncate trailing spaces in the message */
209 		while (mp > message && mp[-1] == ' ')
210 			mp--;
211 		break;
212 	case 'x':	/* Name of next file */
213 		if (curr_ac + 1 < ac)
214 		{
215 			strtcpy(mp, av[curr_ac+1],
216 				(unsigned int)(&message[sizeof(message)] - mp));
217 			setmp();
218 		} else
219 			ap_quest();
220 		break;
221 	}
222 }
224 /*
225  * Skip a false conditional.
226  * When a false condition is found (either a false IF or the ELSE part
227  * of a true IF), this routine scans the prototype string to decide
228  * where to resume parsing the string.
229  * We must keep track of nested IFs and skip them properly.
230  */
231 	static char *
skipcond(p)232 skipcond(p)
233 	register char *p;
234 {
235 	register int iflevel = 1;
237 	for (;;) switch (*++p)
238 	{
239 	case '?':
240 		/*
241 		 * Start of a nested IF.
242 		 */
243 		iflevel++;
244 		break;
245 	case ':':
246 		/*
247 		 * Else.
248 		 * If this matches the IF we came in here with,
249 		 * then we're done.
250 		 */
251 		if (iflevel == 1)
252 			return (p);
253 		break;
254 	case '.':
255 		/*
256 		 * Endif.
257 		 * If this matches the IF we came in here with,
258 		 * then we're done.
259 		 */
260 		if (--iflevel == 0)
261 			return (p);
262 		break;
263 	case '\\':
264 		/*
265 		 * Backslash escapes the next character.
266 		 */
267 		++p;
268 		break;
269 	case '\0':
270 		/*
271 		 * Whoops.  Hit end of string.
272 		 * This is a malformed conditional, but just treat it
273 		 * as if all active conditionals ends here.
274 		 */
275 		return (p-1);
276 	}
278 }
280 	static char *
wherechar(p,wp)281 wherechar(p, wp)
282 	char *p;
283 	int *wp;
284 {
285 	int c;
287 	switch (c = *p)
288 	{
289 	case 'b': case 'l': case 'p':
290 		switch (*++p)
291 		{
292 		case 't':   *wp = TOP;			break;
293 		case 'm':   *wp = MIDDLE;		break;
294 		case 'b':   *wp = BOTTOM;		break;
295 		case 'B':   *wp = BOTTOM_PLUS_ONE;	break;
296 		default:    *wp = TOP;			break;
297 		}
298 	}
299 	return (p);
300 }
302 /*
303  * Construct a message based on a prototype string.
304  */
305 	static char *
pr_expand(proto,maxwidth)306 pr_expand(proto, maxwidth)
307 	char *proto;
308 	int maxwidth;
309 {
310 	register char *p;
311 	register int c;
312 	int where;
314 	mp = message;
316 	if (*proto == '\0')
317 		return ("");
319 	for (p = proto;  *p != '\0';  p++)
320 	{
321 		switch (*p)
322 		{
323 		default:	/* Just put the character in the message */
324 			*mp++ = *p;
325 			break;
326 		case '\\':	/* Backslash escapes the next character */
327 			p++;
328 			*mp++ = *p;
329 			break;
330 		case '?':	/* Conditional (IF) */
331 			if ((c = *++p) == '\0')
332 				--p;
333 			else
334 			{
335 				p = wherechar(p, &where);
336 				if (!cond(c, where))
337 					p = skipcond(p);
338 			}
339 			break;
340 		case ':':	/* ELSE */
341 			p = skipcond(p);
342 			break;
343 		case '.':	/* ENDIF */
344 			break;
345 		case '%':	/* Percent escape */
346 			if ((c = *++p) == '\0')
347 				--p;
348 			else
349 			{
350 				p = wherechar(p, &where);
351 				protochar(c, where);
352 			}
353 			break;
354 		}
355 	}
357 	new_file = 0;
358 	if (mp == message)
359 		return (NULL);
360 	*mp = '\0';
361 	if (maxwidth > 0 && mp >= message + maxwidth)
362 	{
363 		/*
364 		 * Message is too long.
365 		 * Return just the final portion of it.
366 		 */
367 		return (mp - maxwidth);
368 	}
369 	return (message);
370 }
372 /*
373  * Return a message suitable for printing by the "=" command.
374  */
375 	public char *
eq_message()376 eq_message()
377 {
378 	return (pr_expand(eqproto, 0));
379 }
381 /*
382  * Return a prompt.
383  * This depends on the prompt type (SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG), etc.
384  * If we can't come up with an appropriate prompt, return NULL
385  * and the caller will prompt with a colon.
386  */
387 	public char *
pr_string()388 pr_string()
389 {
390 	return (pr_expand(prproto[pr_type], sc_width-so_width-se_width-2));
391 }