1#' @include utils.R
4#' Web Application Framework for R
6#' Shiny makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R.
7#' Automatic "reactive" binding between inputs and outputs and extensive
8#' prebuilt widgets make it possible to build beautiful, responsive, and
9#' powerful applications with minimal effort.
11#' The Shiny tutorial at <https://shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial/> explains
12#' the framework in depth, walks you through building a simple application, and
13#' includes extensive annotated examples.
15#' @seealso [shiny-options] for documentation about global options.
17#' @name shiny-package
18#' @aliases shiny
19#' @docType package
22createUniqueId <- function(bytes, prefix = "", suffix = "") {
23  withPrivateSeed({
24    paste(
25      prefix,
26      paste(
27        format(as.hexmode(sample(256, bytes, replace = TRUE)-1), width=2),
28        collapse = ""),
29      suffix,
30      sep = ""
31    )
32  })
35toJSON <- function(x, ...,  dataframe = "columns", null = "null", na = "null",
36  auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = getOption("shiny.json.digits", 16),
37  use_signif = TRUE, force = TRUE, POSIXt = "ISO8601", UTC = TRUE,
38  rownames = FALSE, keep_vec_names = TRUE, strict_atomic = TRUE) {
40  if (strict_atomic) {
41    x <- I(x)
42  }
44  # I(x) is so that length-1 atomic vectors get put in [].
45  jsonlite::toJSON(x, dataframe = dataframe, null = null, na = na,
46   auto_unbox = auto_unbox, digits = digits, use_signif = use_signif,
47   force = force, POSIXt = POSIXt, UTC = UTC, rownames = rownames,
48   keep_vec_names = keep_vec_names, json_verbatim = TRUE, ...)
51# If the input to jsonlite::fromJSON is not valid JSON, it will try to fetch a
52# URL or read a file from disk. We don't want to allow that.
53safeFromJSON <- function(txt, ...) {
54  if (!jsonlite::validate(txt)) {
55    stop("Argument 'txt' is not a valid JSON string.")
56  }
57  jsonlite::fromJSON(txt, ...)
60# Call the workerId func with no args to get the worker id, and with an arg to
61# set it.
63# A worker ID is an opaque string that is passed in by the caller. The ID is
64# added as a URL parameter (?w=<worker_id>) to any URLs that need to refer back
65# to the app. This can be used as a hint for load balancers to direct requests
66# to this particular process. Since the worker refers to a process, it's
67# inherently global, and should never need to change.
68workerId <- local({
69  .workerId <- NULL
70  function(value) {
71    if (missing(value)) {
72      .workerId
73    } else {
74      if (!is.null(.workerId)) {
75        if (!identical(value, .workerId)) {
76          warning("Ignoring workerId value--",
77            "it's already been set to a different value")
78        }
79      } else {
80        .workerId <<- value
81      }
82    }
83  }
86#' Session object
88#' Shiny server functions can optionally include `session` as a parameter
89#' (e.g. `function(input, output, session)`). The session object is an
90#' environment that can be used to access information and functionality
91#' relating to the session. The following list describes the items available
92#' in the environment; they can be accessed using the `$` operator (for
93#' example, `session$clientData$url_search`).
95#' @return
96#' \item{allowReconnect(value)}{
97#'   If `value` is `TRUE` and run in a hosting environment (Shiny
98#'   Server or Connect) with reconnections enabled,  then when the session ends
99#'   due to the network connection closing, the client will attempt to
100#'   reconnect to the server. If a reconnection is successful, the browser will
101#'   send all the current input values to the new session on the server, and
102#'   the server will recalculate any outputs and send them back to the client.
103#'   If `value` is `FALSE`, reconnections will be disabled (this is
104#'   the default state). If `"force"`, then the client browser will always
105#'   attempt to reconnect. The only reason to use `"force"` is for testing
106#'   on a local connection (without Shiny Server or Connect).
107#' }
108#' \item{clientData}{
109#'   A [reactiveValues()] object that contains information about the client.
110#'   \itemize{
111#'     \item{`pixelratio` reports the "device pixel ratio" from the web browser,
112#'       or 1 if none is reported. The value is 2 for Apple Retina displays.
113#'     }
114#'     \item{`singletons` - for internal use}
115#'     \item{`url_protocol`, `url_hostname`, `url_port`,
116#'       `url_pathname`, `url_search`, `url_hash_initial`
117#'       and `url_hash` can be used to get the components of the URL
118#'       that was requested by the browser to load the Shiny app page.
119#'       These values are from the browser's perspective, so neither HTTP
120#'       proxies nor Shiny Server will affect these values. The
121#'       `url_search` value may be used with [parseQueryString()]
122#'       to access query string parameters.
123#'     }
124#'   }
125#'   `clientData` also contains information about each output.
126#'   \code{output_\var{outputId}_width} and \code{output_\var{outputId}_height}
127#'   give the dimensions (using `offsetWidth` and `offsetHeight`) of
128#'   the DOM element that is bound to \code{\var{outputId}}, and
129#'   \code{output_\var{outputId}_hidden} is a logical that indicates whether
130#'   the element is hidden. These values may be `NULL` if the output is
131#'   not bound.
132#' }
133#' \item{input}{
134#'   The session's `input` object (the same as is passed into the Shiny
135#'   server function as an argument).
136#' }
137#' \item{isClosed()}{A function that returns `TRUE` if the client has
138#'   disconnected.
139#' }
140#' \item{ns(id)}{
141#'   Server-side version of [`ns <- NS(id)`][NS]. If bare IDs need to be
142#'   explicitly namespaced for the current module, `session$ns("name")`
143#'   will return the fully-qualified ID.
144#' }
145#' \item{onEnded(callback)}{
146#'   Synonym for `onSessionEnded`.
147#' }
148#' \item{onFlush(func, once=TRUE)}{
149#'   Registers a function to be called before the next time (if `once=TRUE`)
150#'   or every time (if `once=FALSE`) Shiny flushes the reactive system.
151#'   Returns a function that can be called with no arguments to cancel the
152#'   registration.
153#' }
154#' \item{onFlushed(func, once=TRUE)}{
155#'   Registers a function to be called after the next time (if `once=TRUE`)
156#'   or every time (if `once=FALSE`) Shiny flushes the reactive system.
157#'   Returns a function that can be called with no arguments to cancel the
158#'   registration.
159#' }
160#' \item{onSessionEnded(callback)}{
161#'   Registers a function to be called after the client has disconnected.
162#'   Returns a function that can be called with no arguments to cancel the
163#'   registration.
164#' }
165#' \item{output}{
166#'   The session's `output` object (the same as is passed into the Shiny
167#'   server function as an argument).
168#' }
169#' \item{reactlog}{
170#'   For internal use.
171#' }
172#' \item{registerDataObj(name, data, filterFunc)}{
173#'   Publishes any R object as a URL endpoint that is unique to this session.
174#'   `name` must be a single element character vector; it will be used
175#'   to form part of the URL. `filterFunc` must be a function that takes
176#'   two arguments: `data` (the value that was passed into
177#'   `registerDataObj`) and `req` (an environment that implements
178#'   the Rook specification for HTTP requests). `filterFunc` will be
179#'   called with these values whenever an HTTP request is made to the URL
180#'   endpoint. The return value of `filterFunc` should be a Rook-style
181#'   response.
182#' }
183#' \item{reload()}{
184#'   The equivalent of hitting the browser's Reload button. Only works if the
185#'   session is actually connected.
186#' }
187#' \item{request}{
188#'   An environment that implements the Rook specification for HTTP requests.
189#'   This is the request that was used to initiate the websocket connection
190#'   (as opposed to the request that downloaded the web page for the app).
191#' }
192#' \item{userData}{
193#'   An environment for app authors and module/package authors to store whatever
194#'   session-specific data they want.
195#' }
196#' \item{user}{
197#'   User's log-in information. Useful for identifying users on hosted platforms
198#'   such as RStudio Connect and Shiny Server.
199#' }
200#' \item{groups}{
201#'   The `user`'s relevant group information. Useful for determining what
202#'   privileges the user should or shouldn't have.
203#' }
204#' \item{resetBrush(brushId)}{
205#'   Resets/clears the brush with the given `brushId`, if it exists on
206#'   any `imageOutput` or `plotOutput` in the app.
207#' }
208#' \item{sendCustomMessage(type, message)}{
209#'   Sends a custom message to the web page. `type` must be a
210#'   single-element character vector giving the type of message, while
211#'   `message` can be any jsonlite-encodable value. Custom messages
212#'   have no meaning to Shiny itself; they are used soley to convey information
213#'   to custom JavaScript logic in the browser. You can do this by adding
214#'   JavaScript code to the browser that calls
215#'   \code{Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler(type, function(message){...})}
216#'   as the page loads; the function you provide to
217#'   `addCustomMessageHandler` will be invoked each time
218#'   `sendCustomMessage` is called on the server.
219#' }
220#' \item{sendBinaryMessage(type, message)}{
221#'   Similar to `sendCustomMessage`, but the message must be a raw vector
222#'   and the registration method on the client is
223#'   \code{Shiny.addBinaryMessageHandler(type, function(message){...})}. The
224#'   message argument on the client will be a
225#'   [DataView](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView).
226#' }
227#' \item{sendInputMessage(inputId, message)}{
228#'   Sends a message to an input on the session's client web page; if the input
229#'   is present and bound on the page at the time the message is received, then
230#'   the input binding object's `receiveMessage(el, message)` method will
231#'   be called. `sendInputMessage` should generally not be called directly
232#'   from Shiny apps, but through friendlier wrapper functions like
233#'   [updateTextInput()].
234#' }
235#' \item{setBookmarkExclude(names)}{
236#'   Set input names to be excluded from bookmarking.
237#' }
238#' \item{getBookmarkExclude()}{
239#'   Returns the set of input names to be excluded from bookmarking.
240#' }
241#' \item{onBookmark(fun)}{
242#'   Registers a function that will be called just before bookmarking state.
243#' }
244#' \item{onBookmarked(fun)}{
245#'   Registers a function that will be called just after bookmarking state.
246#' }
247#' \item{onRestore(fun)}{
248#'   Registers a function that will be called when a session is restored, before
249#'   all other reactives, observers, and render functions are run.
250#' }
251#' \item{onRestored(fun)}{
252#'   Registers a function that will be called when a session is restored, after
253#'   all other reactives, observers, and render functions are run.
254#' }
255#' \item{doBookmark()}{
256#'   Do bookmarking and invoke the onBookmark and onBookmarked callback functions.
257#' }
258#' \item{exportTestValues()}{
259#'   Registers expressions for export in test mode, available at the test
260#'   snapshot URL.
261#' }
262#' \item{getTestSnapshotUrl(input=TRUE, output=TRUE, export=TRUE,
263#'   format="json")}{
264#'   Returns a URL for the test snapshots. Only has an effect when the
265#'   `shiny.testmode` option is set to TRUE. For the input, output, and
266#'   export arguments, TRUE means to return all of these values. It is also
267#'   possible to specify by name which values to return by providing a
268#'   character vector, as in `input=c("x", "y")`. The format can be
269#'   "rds" or "json".
270#' }
271#' \item{setCurrentTheme(theme)}{
272#'   Sets the current [bootstrapLib()] theme, which updates the value of
273#'   [getCurrentTheme()], invalidates `session$getCurrentTheme()`, and calls
274#'   function(s) registered with [registerThemeDependency()] with provided
275#'   `theme`. If those function calls return [htmltools::htmlDependency()]s with
276#'   `stylesheet`s, then those stylesheets are "refreshed" (i.e., the new
277#'   stylesheets are inserted on the page and the old ones are disabled and
278#'   removed).
279#' }
280#' \item{getCurrentTheme()}{
281#'   A reactive read of the current [bootstrapLib()] theme.
282#' }
284#' @name session
287#' Namespaced IDs for inputs/outputs
289#' The `NS` function creates namespaced IDs out of bare IDs, by joining
290#' them using `ns.sep` as the delimiter. It is intended for use in Shiny
291#' modules. See <https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/modules.html>.
293#' Shiny applications use IDs to identify inputs and outputs. These IDs must be
294#' unique within an application, as accidentally using the same input/output ID
295#' more than once will result in unexpected behavior. The traditional solution
296#' for preventing name collisions is *namespaces*; a namespace is to an ID
297#' as a directory is to a file. Use the `NS` function to turn a bare ID
298#' into a namespaced one, by combining them with `ns.sep` in between.
300#' @param namespace The character vector to use for the namespace. This can have
301#'   any length, though a single element is most common. Length 0 will cause the
302#'   `id` to be returned without a namespace, and length 2 will be
303#'   interpreted as multiple namespaces, in increasing order of specificity
304#'   (i.e. starting with the top-level namespace).
305#' @param id The id string to be namespaced (optional).
306#' @return If `id` is missing, returns a function that expects an id string
307#'   as its only argument and returns that id with the namespace prepended.
308#' @seealso <https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/modules.html>
309#' @export
310NS <- function(namespace, id = NULL) {
311  if (length(namespace) == 0)
312    ns_prefix <- character(0)
313  else
314    ns_prefix <- paste(namespace, collapse = ns.sep)
316  f <- function(id) {
317    if (length(id) == 0)
318      return(ns_prefix)
319    if (length(ns_prefix) == 0)
320      return(id)
322    paste(ns_prefix, id, sep = ns.sep)
323  }
325  if (missing(id)) {
326    f
327  } else {
328    f(id)
329  }
332#' @rdname NS
333#' @export
334ns.sep <- "-"
337#' @include utils.R
338ShinySession <- R6Class(
339  'ShinySession',
340  private = list(
341    # There are some private items with a leading "."; except for the dot, these
342    # items share a name with a public item.
343    websocket = 'ANY',
344    invalidatedOutputValues = 'Map',
345    invalidatedOutputErrors = 'Map',
346    inputMessageQueue = 'fastqueue',     # A list of inputMessages to send when flushed
347    cycleStartActionQueue = 'fastqueue', # A list of actions to perform to start a cycle
348    .outputs = list(),          # Keeps track of all the output observer objects
349    .outputOptions = list(),     # Options for each of the output observer objects
350    progressKeys = 'character',
351    showcase   = FALSE,
352    fileUploadContext = 'FileUploadContext',
353    .input      = 'ANY', # Internal ReactiveValues object for normal input sent from client
354    .clientData = 'ANY', # Internal ReactiveValues object for other data sent from the client
355    busyCount = 0L, # Number of observer callbacks that are pending. When 0, we are idle
356    closedCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
357    flushCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
358    flushedCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
359    inputReceivedCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
360    bookmarkCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
361    bookmarkedCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
362    restoreCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
363    restoredCallbacks = 'Callbacks',
364    bookmarkExclude = character(0),  # Names of inputs to exclude from bookmarking
365    getBookmarkExcludeFuns = list(),
366    timingRecorder = 'ShinyServerTimingRecorder',
368    testMode = FALSE,                # Are we running in test mode?
369    testExportExprs = list(),
370    outputValues = list(),           # Saved output values (for testing mode)
371    currentOutputName = NULL,        # Name of the currently-running output
372    outputInfo = list(),             # List of information for each output
373    testSnapshotUrl = character(0),
374    currentThemeDependency = NULL,   # ReactiveVal for taking dependency on theme
376    sendResponse = function(requestMsg, value) {
377      if (is.null(requestMsg$tag)) {
378        warning("Tried to send response for untagged message; method: ",
379                requestMsg$method)
380        return()
381      }
382      private$sendMessage(
383        response = list(tag = requestMsg$tag, value = value)
384      )
385    },
386    sendErrorResponse = function(requestMsg, error) {
387      if (is.null(requestMsg$tag))
388        return()
389      private$sendMessage(
390        response = list(tag = requestMsg$tag, error = error)
391      )
392    },
393    write = function(json) {
394      if (self$closed){
395        return()
396      }
397      traceOption <- getOption('shiny.trace', FALSE)
398      if (isTRUE(traceOption) || traceOption == "send")
399        message('SEND ',
400           gsub('(?m)base64,[a-zA-Z0-9+/=]+','[base64 data]',json,perl=TRUE))
401      private$websocket$send(json)
402    },
403    sendMessage = function(...) {
404      # This function is a wrapper for $write
405      msg <- list(...)
406      if (anyUnnamed(msg)) {
407        stop("All arguments to sendMessage must be named.")
408      }
409      private$write(toJSON(msg))
410    },
411    getOutputOption = function(outputName, propertyName, defaultValue) {
412      opts <- private$.outputOptions[[outputName]]
413      if (is.null(opts))
414        return(defaultValue)
415      result <- opts[[propertyName]]
416      if (is.null(result))
417        return(defaultValue)
418      return(result)
419    },
420    withCurrentOutput = function(name, expr) {
421      if (!is.null(private$currentOutputName)) {
422        stop("Nested calls to withCurrentOutput() are not allowed.")
423      }
425      promises::with_promise_domain(
426        createVarPromiseDomain(private, "currentOutputName", name),
427        expr
428      )
429    },
430    shouldSuspend = function(name) {
431      # Find corresponding hidden state clientData variable, with the format
432      # "output_foo_hidden". (It comes from .clientdata_output_foo_hidden
433      # on the JS side)
434      # Some tricky stuff: instead of accessing names using input$names(),
435      # get the names directly via input$.values, to avoid triggering reactivity.
436      # Need to handle cases where the output object isn't actually used
437      # in the web page; in these cases, there's no output_foo_hidden flag,
438      # and hidden should be TRUE. In other words, NULL and TRUE should map to
439      # TRUE, FALSE should map to FALSE.
440      hidden <- private$.clientData$.values$get(paste0("output_", name, "_hidden"))
441      if (is.null(hidden)) hidden <- TRUE
443      return(hidden && private$getOutputOption(name, 'suspendWhenHidden', TRUE))
444    },
446    registerSessionEndCallbacks = function() {
447      # This is to be called from the initialization. It registers functions
448      # that are called when a session ends.
450      # Clear file upload directories, if present
451      self$onSessionEnded(private$fileUploadContext$rmUploadDirs)
452    },
454    # Modules (scopes) call this to register a function that returns a vector
455    # of names to exclude from bookmarking. The function should return
456    # something like c("scope1-x", "scope1-y"). This doesn't use a Callback
457    # object because the return values of the functions are needed, but
458    # Callback$invoke() discards return values.
459    registerBookmarkExclude = function(fun) {
460      len <- length(private$getBookmarkExcludeFuns) + 1
461      private$getBookmarkExcludeFuns[[len]] <- fun
462    },
464    # Save output values and errors. This is only used for testing mode.
465    storeOutputValues = function(values = NULL) {
466      private$outputValues <- mergeVectors(private$outputValues, values)
467    },
469    enableTestSnapshot = function() {
470      private$testSnapshotUrl <- self$registerDataObj("shinytest", NULL,
471        function(data, req) {
472          if (!isTRUE(private$testMode)) {
473            return()
474          }
476          params <- parseQueryString(req$QUERY_STRING)
477          # The format of the response that will be sent back. Defaults to
478          # "json" unless requested otherwise. The only other valid value is
479          # "rds".
480          format <- params$format %||% "json"
482          values <- list()
484          if (!is.null(params$input)) {
486            # The isolate and reactiveValuesToList calls are being executed
487            # in a non-reactive context, but will produce output in the reactlog
488            # Seeing new, unlabelled reactives ONLY when calling shinytest is
489            # jarring / frustrating to debug.
490            # Since labeling these values is not currently supported in reactlog,
491            # it is better to hide them.
492            # Hopefully we can replace this with something like
493            # `with_reactlog_group("shinytest", {})`, which would visibily explain
494            # why the new reactives are added when calling shinytest
495            withr::with_options(
496              list(shiny.reactlog = FALSE),
497              {
498                allInputs <- isolate(
499                  reactiveValuesToList(self$input, all.names = TRUE)
500                )
501              }
502            )
504            # If params$input is "1", return all; otherwise return just the
505            # inputs that are named in params$input, like "x,y,z".
506            if (params$input == "1") {
507              values$input <- allInputs
508            } else {
509              items <- strsplit(params$input, ",")[[1]]
510              items <- intersect(items, names(allInputs))
511              values$input <- allInputs[items]
512            }
514            # Apply preprocessor functions for inputs that have them.
515            values$input <- lapply(
516              stats::setNames(names(values$input), names(values$input)),
517              function(name) {
518                preprocess <- private$getSnapshotPreprocessInput(name)
519                preprocess(values$input[[name]])
520              }
521            )
523            values$input <- sortByName(values$input)
524          }
526          if (!is.null(params$output)) {
528            if (params$output == "1") {
529              values$output <- private$outputValues
530            } else {
531              items <- strsplit(params$output, ",")[[1]]
532              items <- intersect(items, names(private$outputValues))
533              values$output <- private$outputValues[items]
534            }
536            # Filter out those outputs that have the snapshotExclude attribute.
537            exclude_idx <- vapply(names(values$output), function(name) {
538              isTRUE(attr(private$.outputs[[name]], "snapshotExclude", TRUE))
539            }, logical(1))
540            values$output <- values$output[!exclude_idx]
542            # Apply snapshotPreprocess functions for outputs that have them.
543            values$output <- lapply(
544              stats::setNames(names(values$output), names(values$output)),
545              function(name) {
546                preprocess <- private$getSnapshotPreprocessOutput(name)
547                preprocess(values$output[[name]])
548              }
549            )
551            values$output <- sortByName(values$output)
552          }
554          if (!is.null(params$export)) {
556            if (params$export == "1") {
557              values$export <- isolate(
558                lapply(private$testExportExprs, function(item) {
559                  eval(item$expr, envir = item$env)
560                })
561              )
562            } else {
563              items <- strsplit(params$export, ",")[[1]]
564              items <- intersect(items, names(private$testExportExprs))
565              values$export <- isolate(
566                lapply(private$testExportExprs[items], function(item) {
567                  eval(item$expr, envir = item$env)
568                })
569              )
570            }
572            values$export <- sortByName(values$export)
573          }
575          # Make sure input, output, and export are all named lists (at this
576          # point, they could be unnamed if they are empty lists). This is so
577          # that the resulting object is represented as an object in JSON
578          # instead of an array, and so that the RDS data structure is of a
579          # consistent type.
580          values <- lapply(values, asNamed)
582          if (length(values) == 0) {
583            return(httpResponse(400, "text/plain",
584              "None of export, input, or output requested."
585            ))
586          }
588          if (identical(format, "json")) {
589            content <- toJSON(values, pretty = TRUE)
590            httpResponse(200, "application/json", content)
592          } else if (identical(format, "rds")) {
593            tmpfile <- tempfile("shinytest", fileext = ".rds")
594            saveRDS(values, tmpfile)
595            on.exit(unlink(tmpfile), add = TRUE)
597            content <- readBin(tmpfile, "raw", n = file.info(tmpfile)$size)
598            httpResponse(200, "application/octet-stream", content)
600          } else {
601            httpResponse(400, "text/plain", paste("Invalid format requested:", format))
602          }
603        }
604      )
605    },
607    # Get the snapshotPreprocessOutput function for an output name. If no preprocess
608    # function has been set, return the identity function.
609    getSnapshotPreprocessOutput = function(name) {
610      fun <- attr(private$.outputs[[name]], "snapshotPreprocess", exact = TRUE)
611      fun %||% identity
612    },
614    # Get the snapshotPreprocessInput function for an input name. If no preprocess
615    # function has been set, return the identity function.
616    getSnapshotPreprocessInput = function(name) {
617      fun <- private$.input$getMeta(name, "shiny.snapshot.preprocess")
618      fun %||% identity
619    },
621    # See cycleStartAction
622    startCycle = function() {
623      # TODO: This should check for busyCount == 0L, and remove the checks from
624      # the call sites
625      if (private$cycleStartActionQueue$size() > 0) {
626        head <- private$cycleStartActionQueue$remove()
628        # After we execute the current cycleStartAction (head), there may be
629        # more items left on the queue. If the current busyCount > 0, then that
630        # means an async task is running; whenever that task finishes, it will
631        # decrement the busyCount back to 0 and a startCycle will then be
632        # scheduled. But if the current busyCount is 0, it means that either
633        # busyCount was incremented and then decremented; OR that running head()
634        # never touched busyCount (one example of the latter is that an input
635        # changed that didn't actually cause any observers to be invalidated,
636        # i.e. an input that's used in the body of an observeEvent). Because of
637        # the possibility of the latter case, we need to conditionally schedule
638        # a startCycle ourselves to ensure that the remaining queue items get
639        # processed.
640        #
641        # Since we can't actually tell whether head() increment and decremented
642        # busyCount, it's possible we're calling startCycle spuriously; that's
643        # OK, it's essentially a no-op in that case.
644        on.exit({
645          if (private$busyCount == 0L && private$cycleStartActionQueue$size() > 0L) {
646            later::later(function() {
647              if (private$busyCount == 0L) {
648                private$startCycle()
649              }
650            })
651          }
652        }, add = TRUE)
654        head()
655      }
657      invisible()
658    }
659  ),
660  public = list(
661    restoreContext = NULL,
662    progressStack = 'Stack', # Stack of progress objects
663    input       = 'reactivevalues', # Externally-usable S3 wrapper object for .input
664    output      = 'ANY',    # Externally-usable S3 wrapper object for .outputs
665    clientData  = 'reactivevalues', # Externally-usable S3 wrapper object for .clientData
666    token = 'character',  # Used to identify this instance in URLs
667    files = 'Map',        # For keeping track of files sent to client
668    downloads = 'Map',
669    closed = logical(0),
670    request = 'ANY',      # Websocket request object
671    singletons = character(0),  # Tracks singleton HTML fragments sent to the page
672    userData = 'environment',
673    cache = NULL,         # A cache object used in the session
674    user = NULL,
675    groups = NULL,
676    options = NULL,       # For session-specific shinyOptions()
678    initialize = function(websocket) {
679      private$websocket <- websocket
680      self$closed <- FALSE
681      # TODO: Put file upload context in user/app-specific dir if possible
683      private$inputMessageQueue     <- fastmap::fastqueue()
684      private$cycleStartActionQueue <- fastmap::fastqueue()
685      private$invalidatedOutputValues <- Map$new()
686      private$invalidatedOutputErrors <- Map$new()
687      private$fileUploadContext <- FileUploadContext$new()
688      private$closedCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
689      private$flushCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
690      private$flushedCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
691      private$inputReceivedCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
692      private$.input      <- ReactiveValues$new(dedupe = FALSE, label = "input")
693      private$.clientData <- ReactiveValues$new(dedupe = TRUE, label = "clientData")
694      private$timingRecorder <- ShinyServerTimingRecorder$new()
695      self$progressStack <- fastmap::faststack()
696      self$files <- Map$new()
697      self$downloads <- Map$new()
698      self$userData <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
700      self$input <- .createReactiveValues(private$.input, readonly=TRUE)
701      self$clientData <- .createReactiveValues(private$.clientData, readonly=TRUE)
703      self$output <- .createOutputWriter(self)
705      self$token <- createUniqueId(16)
706      private$.outputs <- list()
707      private$.outputOptions <- list()
709      # Copy app-level options
710      self$options <- getCurrentAppState()$options
712      self$cache <- cachem::cache_mem(max_size = 200 * 1024^2)
714      private$bookmarkCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
715      private$bookmarkedCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
716      private$restoreCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
717      private$restoredCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
719      private$testMode <- getShinyOption("testmode", default = FALSE)
720      private$enableTestSnapshot()
722      # This `withReactiveDomain` is used only to satisfy the reactlog, so that
723      # it knows to scope this reactiveVal to this session.
724      # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/pull/3182
725      withReactiveDomain(self,
726        private$currentThemeDependency <- reactiveVal(0, label = "Theme Counter")
727      )
729      private$registerSessionEndCallbacks()
731      if (!is.null(websocket$request$HTTP_SHINY_SERVER_CREDENTIALS)) {
732        try({
733          creds <- safeFromJSON(websocket$request$HTTP_SHINY_SERVER_CREDENTIALS)
734          self$user <- creds$user
735          self$groups <- creds$groups
736        }, silent=FALSE)
737      }
739      # session$request should throw an error if httpuv doesn't have
740      # websocket$request, but don't throw it until a caller actually
741      # tries to access session$request
742      delayedAssign('request', websocket$request, assign.env = self)
744      private$sendMessage(
745        config = list(
746          workerId = workerId(),
747          sessionId = self$token,
748          user = self$user
749        )
750      )
751    },
752    startTiming = function(guid) {
753      if (!is.null(guid)) {
754        private$timingRecorder$start(guid)
755        self$onFlush(private$timingRecorder$stop)
756      }
757    },
758    requestFlush = function() {
759      appsNeedingFlush$set(self$token, self)
760    },
761    .scheduleTask = function(millis, callback) {
762      scheduleTask(millis, callback)
763    },
764    .now = function(){
765      getTimeMs()
766    },
767    rootScope = function() {
768      self
769    },
770    makeScope = function(namespace) {
771      ns <- NS(namespace)
773      # Private items for this scope. Can't be part of the scope object because
774      # `$<-.session_proxy` doesn't allow assignment on overidden names.
775      bookmarkCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
776      restoreCallbacks  <- Callbacks$new()
777      restoredCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
778      bookmarkExclude   <- character(0)
780      scope <- createSessionProxy(self,
781        input = .createReactiveValues(private$.input, readonly = TRUE, ns = ns),
782        output = .createOutputWriter(self, ns = ns),
783        sendInputMessage = function(inputId, message) {
784          .subset2(self, "sendInputMessage")(ns(inputId), message)
785        },
786        registerDataObj = function(name, data, filterFunc) {
787          .subset2(self, "registerDataObj")(ns(name), data, filterFunc)
788        },
789        ns = ns,
790        makeScope = function(namespace) {
791          self$makeScope(ns(namespace))
792        },
794        setBookmarkExclude = function(names) {
795          bookmarkExclude <<- names
796        },
797        getBookmarkExclude = function() {
798          bookmarkExclude
799        },
800        onBookmark = function(fun) {
801          if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
802            stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
803          }
804          bookmarkCallbacks$register(fun)
805        },
806        onBookmarked = function(fun) {
807          stop("onBookmarked() can't be used in a module.")
808        },
809        onRestore = function(fun) {
810          if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
811            stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
812          }
813          restoreCallbacks$register(fun)
814        },
815        onRestored = function(fun) {
816          if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
817            stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
818          }
819          restoredCallbacks$register(fun)
820        },
821        exportTestValues = function(..., quoted_ = FALSE, env_ = parent.frame()) {
822          if (quoted_) {
823            dots <- list(...)
824          } else {
825            dots <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
826          }
828          if (anyUnnamed(dots))
829            stop("exportTestValues: all arguments must be named.")
831          names(dots) <- ns(names(dots))
833          do.call(
834            .subset2(self, "exportTestValues"),
835            c(dots, quoted_ = TRUE, env_ = env_),
836            quote = TRUE
837          )
838        }
839      )
841      # Given a char vector, return a logical vector indicating which of those
842      # strings are names of things in the namespace.
843      filterNamespace <- function(x) {
844        nsString <- paste0(namespace, ns.sep)
845        substr(x, 1, nchar(nsString)) == nsString
846      }
848      # Given a char vector of namespaced names, return a char vector of corresponding
849      # names with namespace prefix removed.
850      unNamespace <- function(x) {
851        if (!all(filterNamespace(x))) {
852          stop("x contains strings(s) that do not have namespace prefix ", namespace)
853        }
855        nsString <- paste0(namespace, ns.sep)
856        substring(x, nchar(nsString) + 1)
857      }
859      # Given a restore state object (a list), return a modified version that's
860      # scoped to this namespace.
861      scopeRestoreState <- function(state) {
862        # State is a list. We need to copy and transform some things for the
863        # scope.
864        scopeState <- state
865        # `values` is an environment and we don't want to modify the original.
866        scopeState$values <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
868        # Keep only inputs that are in the scope, and rename them
869        scopeState$input <- scopeState$input[filterNamespace(names(scopeState$input))]
870        names(scopeState$input) <- unNamespace(names(scopeState$input))
872        # Same for values. This is an environment so we have to handle a little
873        # differently.
874        origNames <- names(state$values)
875        origNames <- origNames[filterNamespace(origNames)]
876        lapply(origNames, function(origName) {
877          scopedName <- unNamespace(origName)
878          scopeState$values[[scopedName]] <- state$values[[origName]]
879        })
881        if (!is.null(state$dir)) {
882          dir <- file.path(state$dir, namespace)
883          if (dirExists(dir))
884            scopeState$dir <- dir
885        }
887        scopeState
888      }
890      # When scope is created, register these bookmarking callbacks on the main
891      # session object. They will invoke the scope's own callbacks, if any are
892      # present.
893      self$onBookmark(function(state) {
894        # Exit if no user-defined callbacks.
895        if (bookmarkCallbacks$count() == 0)
896          return()
898        scopeState <- ShinySaveState$new(scope$input, scope$getBookmarkExclude())
900        # Create subdir for this scope
901        if (!is.null(state$dir)) {
902          scopeState$dir <- file.path(state$dir, namespace)
903          if (!dirExists(scopeState$dir)) {
904            res <- dir.create(scopeState$dir)
905            if (res == FALSE) {
906              stop("Error creating subdirectory for scope ", namespace)
907            }
908          }
909        }
911        # Invoke the callback on the scopeState object
912        bookmarkCallbacks$invoke(scopeState)
914        # Copy `values` from scopeState to state, adding namespace
915        if (length(scopeState$values) != 0) {
916          if (anyUnnamed(scopeState$values)) {
917            stop("All scope values in must be named.")
918          }
920          lapply(names(scopeState$values), function(origName) {
921            scopedName <- ns(origName)
922            state$values[[scopedName]] <- scopeState$values[[origName]]
923          })
924        }
925      })
927      self$onRestore(function(state) {
928        # Exit if no user-defined callbacks.
929        if (restoreCallbacks$count() == 0)
930          return()
932        scopeState <- scopeRestoreState(state)
933        # Invoke user callbacks
934        restoreCallbacks$invoke(scopeState)
935      })
937      self$onRestored(function(state) {
938        # Exit if no user-defined callbacks.
939        if (restoredCallbacks$count() == 0)
940          return()
942        scopeState <- scopeRestoreState(state)
943        # Invoke user callbacks
944        restoredCallbacks$invoke(scopeState)
945      })
947      # Returns the excluded names with the scope's ns prefix on them.
948      private$registerBookmarkExclude(function() {
949        excluded <- scope$getBookmarkExclude()
950        ns(excluded)
951      })
953      scope
954    },
955    ns = function(id) {
956      NS(NULL, id)
957    },
959    # Freeze a value until the flush cycle completes
960    freezeValue = function(x, name) {
961      if (!is.reactivevalues(x))
962        stop("x must be a reactivevalues object")
964      impl <- .subset2(x, 'impl')
965      key <- .subset2(x, 'ns')(name)
967      is_input <- identical(impl, private$.input)
969      # There's no good reason for us not to just do force=TRUE, except that we
970      # know this fixes problems for freezeReactiveValue(input) but we don't
971      # currently even know what you would use freezeReactiveValue(rv) for. In
972      # the spirit of not breaking things we don't understand, we're making as
973      # targeted a fix as possible, while emitting a deprecation warning (below)
974      # that should help us gather more data about the other case.
975      impl$freeze(key, invalidate = is_input)
977      if (is_input) {
978        # Notify the client that this input was frozen. The client will ensure
979        # that the next time it sees a value for that input, even if the value
980        # has not changed from the last known value of that input, it will be
981        # sent to the server anyway.
982        private$sendMessage(frozen = list(
983          ids = list(key)
984        ))
985      } else {
986        if (getOption("shiny.deprecation.messages", TRUE) && getOption("shiny.deprecation.messages.freeze", TRUE)) {
987          rlang::warn(
988            "Support for calling freezeReactiveValue() with non-`input` reactiveValues objects is soft-deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Shiny. (See https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/3063)",
989            .frequency = "once", .frequency_id = "freezeReactiveValue")
990        }
991      }
993      self$onFlushed(function() impl$thaw(key))
994    },
996    onSessionEnded = function(sessionEndedCallback) {
997      "Registers the given callback to be invoked when the session is closed
998      (i.e. the connection to the client has been severed). The return value
999      is a function which unregisters the callback. If multiple callbacks are
1000      registered, the order in which they are invoked is not guaranteed."
1001      return(private$closedCallbacks$register(sessionEndedCallback))
1002    },
1003    onEnded = function(endedCallback) {
1004      "Synonym for onSessionEnded"
1005      return(self$onSessionEnded(endedCallback))
1006    },
1007    onInputReceived = function(callback) {
1008      "Registers the given callback to be invoked when the session receives
1009      new data from the client."
1010      return(private$inputReceivedCallbacks$register(callback))
1011    },
1012    unhandledError = function(e) {
1013      self$close()
1014    },
1015    close = function() {
1016      if (!self$closed) {
1017        private$websocket$close()
1018      }
1019    },
1020    wsClosed = function() {
1021      self$closed <- TRUE
1022      for (output in private$.outputs) {
1023        output$suspend()
1024      }
1025      # ..stacktraceon matches with the top-level ..stacktraceoff..
1026      withReactiveDomain(self, {
1027        private$closedCallbacks$invoke(onError = printError, ..stacktraceon = TRUE)
1028      })
1029    },
1030    isClosed = function() {
1031      return(self$closed)
1032    },
1033    isEnded = function() {
1034      return(self$isClosed())
1035    },
1036    setShowcase = function(value) {
1037      private$showcase <- !is.null(value) && as.logical(value)
1038    },
1040    allowReconnect = function(value) {
1041      if (!(identical(value, TRUE) || identical(value, FALSE) || identical(value, "force"))) {
1042        stop('value must be TRUE, FALSE, or "force"')
1043      }
1044      private$write(toJSON(list(allowReconnect = value)))
1045    },
1047    defineOutput = function(name, func, label) {
1048      "Binds an output generating function to this name. The function can either
1049      take no parameters, or have named parameters for \\code{name} and
1050      \\code{shinysession} (in the future this list may expand, so it is a good idea
1051      to also include \\code{...} in your function signature)."
1053      # jcheng 08/31/2012: User submitted an example of a dynamically calculated
1054      # name not working unless name was eagerly evaluated. Yikes!
1055      force(name)
1057      # If overwriting an output object, destroy the previous copy of it
1058      if (!is.null(private$.outputs[[name]])) {
1059        private$.outputs[[name]]$destroy()
1060      }
1062      if (is.null(func)) {
1063        # If func is null, give it an "empty" output function so it can go
1064        # through the logic below. If we simply returned at this point, the
1065        # previous output (if any) would continue to show in the client.
1066        func <- missingOutput
1067      }
1069      if (is.function(func)) {
1070        # Extract any output attributes attached to the render function. These
1071        # will be attached to the observer after it's created.
1072        outputAttrs <- attr(func, "outputAttrs", TRUE)
1074        # Save this for getOutput purposes
1075        outputAttrs$renderFunc <- func
1077        funcFormals <- formals(func)
1078        # ..stacktraceon matches with the top-level ..stacktraceoff.., because
1079        # the observer we set up below has ..stacktraceon=FALSE
1080        func <- wrapFunctionLabel(func, paste0("output$", name), ..stacktraceon = TRUE)
1081        if (length(funcFormals) != 0) {
1082          orig <- func
1083          func <- function() {
1084            orig(name=name, shinysession=self)
1085          }
1086        }
1088        # Preserve source reference and file information when formatting the
1089        # label for display in the reactive graph
1090        srcref <- attr(label, "srcref")
1091        srcfile <- attr(label, "srcfile")
1092        label <- sprintf('output$%s', name)
1093        attr(label, "srcref") <- srcref
1094        attr(label, "srcfile") <- srcfile
1096        obs <- observe(..stacktraceon = FALSE, {
1098          private$sendMessage(recalculating = list(
1099            name = name, status = 'recalculating'
1100          ))
1102          # This shinyCallingHandlers should maybe be at a higher level,
1103          # to include the $then/$catch calls below?
1104          hybrid_chain(
1105            hybrid_chain(
1106              {
1107                private$withCurrentOutput(name, {
1108                  shinyCallingHandlers(func())
1109                })
1110              },
1111              catch = function(cond) {
1112                if (inherits(cond, "shiny.custom.error")) {
1113                  if (isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) printError(cond)
1114                  structure(list(), class = "try-error", condition = cond)
1115                } else if (inherits(cond, "shiny.output.cancel")) {
1116                  structure(list(), class = "cancel-output")
1117                } else if (inherits(cond, "shiny.silent.error")) {
1118                  # Don't let shiny.silent.error go through the normal stop
1119                  # path of try, because we don't want it to print. But we
1120                  # do want to try to return the same looking result so that
1121                  # the code below can send the error to the browser.
1122                  structure(list(), class = "try-error", condition = cond)
1123                } else {
1124                  if (isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) printError(cond)
1125                  if (getOption("shiny.sanitize.errors", FALSE)) {
1126                    cond <- simpleError(paste("An error has occurred. Check your",
1127                      "logs or contact the app author for",
1128                      "clarification."))
1129                  }
1130                  invisible(structure(list(), class = "try-error", condition = cond))
1131                }
1132              }
1133            ),
1134            function(value) {
1135              # Needed so that Shiny knows to flush the outputs. Even if no
1136              # outputs/errors are queued, it's necessary to flush so that the
1137              # client knows that progress is over.
1138              self$requestFlush()
1140              private$sendMessage(recalculating = list(
1141                name = name, status = 'recalculated'
1142              ))
1144              if (inherits(value, "cancel-output")) {
1145                return()
1146              }
1148              private$invalidatedOutputErrors$remove(name)
1149              private$invalidatedOutputValues$remove(name)
1151              if (inherits(value, 'try-error')) {
1152                cond <- attr(value, 'condition')
1153                type <- setdiff(class(cond), c('simpleError', 'error', 'condition'))
1154                private$invalidatedOutputErrors$set(
1155                  name,
1156                  list(message = cond$message,
1157                    call = utils::capture.output(print(cond$call)),
1158                    type = if (length(type)) type))
1159              }
1160              else
1161                private$invalidatedOutputValues$set(name, value)
1162            }
1163          )
1164        }, suspended=private$shouldSuspend(name), label=label)
1166        # If any output attributes were added to the render function attach
1167        # them to observer.
1168        lapply(names(outputAttrs), function(name) {
1169          attr(obs, name) <- outputAttrs[[name]]
1170        })
1172        obs$onInvalidate(function() {
1173          self$showProgress(name)
1174        })
1176        private$.outputs[[name]] <- obs
1177        if (is.null(private$.outputOptions[[name]]))
1178          private$.outputOptions[[name]] <- list()
1179      }
1180      else {
1181        rlang::abort(c(
1182          paste0("Unexpected ", class(func)[[1]], " object for output$", name),
1183          i = "Did you forget to use a render function?"
1184        ))
1185      }
1186    },
1187    getOutput = function(name) {
1188      attr(private$.outputs[[name]], "renderFunc", exact = TRUE)
1189    },
1190    flushOutput = function() {
1191      if (private$busyCount > 0)
1192        return()
1194      appsNeedingFlush$remove(self$token)
1196      if (self$isClosed())
1197        return()
1199      # This is the only place in the session where the restoreContext is
1200      # flushed.
1201      if (!is.null(self$restoreContext))
1202        self$restoreContext$flushPending()
1204      # Return TRUE if there's any stuff to send to the client.
1205      hasPendingUpdates <- function() {
1206        # Even though progressKeys isn't sent to the client, we use it in this
1207        # check. This is because if it is non-empty, sending `values` to the
1208        # client tells it that the flushReact loop is finished, and the client
1209        # then knows to stop showing progress.
1210        return(
1211          length(private$progressKeys) != 0 ||
1212          length(private$invalidatedOutputValues) != 0 ||
1213          length(private$invalidatedOutputErrors) != 0 ||
1214          private$inputMessageQueue$size() != 0
1215        )
1216      }
1218      withReactiveDomain(self, {
1219        # ..stacktraceon matches with the top-level ..stacktraceoff..
1220        private$flushCallbacks$invoke(..stacktraceon = TRUE)
1222        # Schedule execution of onFlushed callbacks
1223        on.exit({
1224          withReactiveDomain(self, {
1225            # ..stacktraceon matches with the top-level ..stacktraceoff..
1226            private$flushedCallbacks$invoke(..stacktraceon = TRUE)
1227          })
1228        }, add = TRUE)
1230        if (!hasPendingUpdates()) {
1231          # Normally, if there are no updates, simply return without sending
1232          # anything to the client. But if we are in test mode, we still want to
1233          # send a message with blank `values`, so that the client knows that
1234          # any changed inputs have been received by the server and processed.
1235          if (isTRUE(private$testMode)) {
1236            private$sendMessage( values = list() )
1237          }
1238          return(invisible())
1239        }
1241        private$progressKeys <- character(0)
1242        values <- as.list(private$invalidatedOutputValues)
1243        private$invalidatedOutputValues <- Map$new()
1244        errors <- as.list(private$invalidatedOutputErrors)
1245        private$invalidatedOutputErrors <- Map$new()
1246        inputMessages <- private$inputMessageQueue$as_list()
1247        private$inputMessageQueue$reset()
1249        if (isTRUE(private$testMode)) {
1250          private$storeOutputValues(mergeVectors(values, errors))
1251        }
1253        private$sendMessage(
1254          errors = errors,
1255          values = values,
1256          inputMessages = inputMessages
1257        )
1258      })
1259    },
1260    # Schedule an action to execute not (necessarily) now, but when no observers
1261    # that belong to this session are busy executing. This helps prevent (but
1262    # does not guarantee) inputs and reactive values from changing underneath
1263    # async observers as they run.
1264    cycleStartAction = function(callback) {
1265      private$cycleStartActionQueue$add(callback)
1266      # If no observers are running in this session, we're safe to proceed.
1267      # Otherwise, startCycle() will be called later, via decrementBusyCount().
1268      if (private$busyCount == 0L) {
1269        private$startCycle()
1270      }
1271    },
1272    showProgress = function(id) {
1273      'Send a message to the client that recalculation of the output identified
1274      by \\code{id} is in progress. There is currently no mechanism for
1275      explicitly turning off progress for an output component; instead, all
1276      progress is implicitly turned off when flushOutput is next called.'
1278      # If app is already closed, be sure not to show progress, otherwise we
1279      # will get an error because of the closed websocket
1280      if (self$closed)
1281        return()
1283      if (id %in% private$progressKeys)
1284        return()
1286      private$progressKeys <- c(private$progressKeys, id)
1288      self$sendProgress('binding', list(id = id))
1289    },
1290    sendProgress = function(type, message) {
1291      private$sendMessage(
1292        progress = list(type = type, message = message)
1293      )
1294    },
1295    sendNotification = function(type, message) {
1296      private$sendMessage(
1297        notification = list(type = type, message = message)
1298      )
1299    },
1300    sendModal = function(type, message) {
1301      private$sendMessage(
1302        modal = list(type = type, message = message)
1303      )
1304    },
1306    getCurrentTheme = function() {
1307      private$currentThemeDependency()
1308      getCurrentTheme()
1309    },
1311    setCurrentTheme = function(theme) {
1312      # This function does three things: (1) sets theme as the current
1313      # bootstrapTheme, (2) re-executes any registered theme dependencies, and
1314      # (3) sends the resulting dependencies to the client.
1316      if (!is_bs_theme(theme)) {
1317        stop("`session$setCurrentTheme()` expects a `bslib::bs_theme()` object.", call. = FALSE)
1318      }
1320      # Switching Bootstrap versions has weird & complex consequences
1321      # for the JS logic, so we forbid it
1322      current_version <- bslib::theme_version(getCurrentTheme())
1323      next_version <- bslib::theme_version(theme)
1324      if (!identical(current_version, next_version)) {
1325        stop(
1326          "session$setCurrentTheme() cannot be used to change the Bootstrap version ",
1327          "from ", current_version, " to ", next_version, ". ",
1328          "Try using `bs_theme(version = ", next_version, ")` for initial theme.",
1329          call. = FALSE
1330        )
1331      }
1333      # Note that this will automatically scope to the session.
1334      setCurrentTheme(theme)
1336      # Invalidate
1337      private$currentThemeDependency(isolate(private$currentThemeDependency()) + 1)
1339      # Call any theme dependency functions and make sure we get a list of deps back
1340      funcs <- getShinyOption("themeDependencyFuncs", default = list())
1341      deps <- lapply(funcs, function(func) {
1342        deps <- func(theme)
1343        if (length(deps) == 0) return(NULL)
1344        if (inherits(deps, "html_dependency")) return(list(deps))
1345        is_dep <- vapply(deps, inherits, logical(1), "html_dependency")
1346        if (all(is_dep)) return(deps)
1347        stop("All registerThemeDependency() functions must yield htmlDependency() object(s)", call. = FALSE)
1348      })
1349      # Work with a flat list of dependencies
1350      deps <- unlist(dropNulls(deps), recursive = FALSE)
1351      # Add a special flag to let Shiny.renderDependencies() know that, even
1352      # though we've already rendered the dependency, that we need to re-render
1353      # the stylesheets
1354      deps <- lapply(deps, function(dep) {
1355        dep$restyle <- TRUE
1356        dep
1357      })
1359      # Send any dependencies to be re-rendered
1360      if (length(deps)) {
1361        insertUI(selector = "body", where = "afterEnd", ui = tagList(deps))
1362      }
1363    },
1365    dispatch = function(msg) {
1366      method <- paste('@', msg$method, sep='')
1367      func <- try(self[[method]], silent = TRUE)
1368      if (inherits(func, 'try-error')) {
1369        private$sendErrorResponse(msg, paste('Unknown method', msg$method))
1370      }
1372      value <- try(do.call(func, as.list(append(msg$args, msg$blobs))),
1373                   silent=TRUE)
1374      if (inherits(value, 'try-error')) {
1375        private$sendErrorResponse(msg, conditionMessage(attr(value, 'condition')))
1376      }
1377      else {
1378        private$sendResponse(msg, value)
1379      }
1380    },
1381    sendBinaryMessage = function(type, message) {
1382      typeBytes <- charToRaw(type)
1383      if (length(typeBytes) > 255) {
1384        stop("'type' argument is too long")
1385      }
1386      private$write(c(as.raw(length(typeBytes)), typeBytes, message))
1387    },
1388    sendCustomMessage = function(type, message) {
1389      data <- list()
1390      data[[type]] <- message
1391      private$sendMessage(custom = data)
1392    },
1393    sendInputMessage = function(inputId, message) {
1394      data <- list(id = inputId, message = message)
1396      private$inputMessageQueue$add(data)
1397      # Needed so that Shiny knows to actually flush the input message queue
1398      self$requestFlush()
1399    },
1400    onFlush = function(flushCallback, once = TRUE) {
1401      if (!isTRUE(once)) {
1402        return(private$flushCallbacks$register(flushCallback))
1403      } else {
1404        dereg <- private$flushCallbacks$register(function() {
1405          dereg()
1406          flushCallback()
1407        })
1408        return(dereg)
1409      }
1410    },
1411    onFlushed = function(flushedCallback, once = TRUE) {
1412      if (!isTRUE(once)) {
1413        return(private$flushedCallbacks$register(flushedCallback))
1414      } else {
1415        dereg <- private$flushedCallbacks$register(function() {
1416          dereg()
1417          flushedCallback()
1418        })
1419        return(dereg)
1420      }
1421    },
1423    getCurrentOutputInfo = function() {
1424      name <- private$currentOutputName
1425      if (is.null(name)) {
1426        return(NULL)
1427      }
1429      if (!is.null(private$outputInfo[[name]])) {
1430        return(private$outputInfo[[name]])
1431      }
1433      # The following code will only run the first time this function has been
1434      # called for this output.
1436      tmp_info <- list(name = name)
1438      # cd_names() returns names of all items in clientData, without taking a
1439      # reactive dependency. It is a function and it's memoized, so that we do
1440      # the (relatively) expensive isolate(names(...)) call only when needed,
1441      # and at most one time in this function.
1442      cd_names <- isolate(names(self$clientData))
1444      # parseCssColors() currently errors out if you hand it any NAs
1445      # This'll make sure we're always working with a string (and if
1446      # that string isn't a valid CSS color, will return NA)
1447      # https://github.com/rstudio/htmltools/issues/161
1448      parse_css_colors <- function(x) {
1449        htmltools::parseCssColors(x %||% "", mustWork = FALSE)
1450      }
1453      # This function conditionally adds an item to tmp_info (for "width", it
1454      # would create tmp_info$width). It is added _if_ there is an entry in
1455      # clientData like "output_foo_width", where "foo" is the name of the
1456      # output. The first time `tmp_info$width()` is called, it creates a
1457      # reactive expression that reads `clientData$output_foo_width`, saves it,
1458      # then invokes that reactive. On subsequent calls, the reactive already
1459      # exists, so it simply invokes it.
1460      #
1461      # The reason it creates the reactive only on first use is so that it
1462      # doesn't spuriously create reactives.
1463      #
1464      # This function essentially generalizes the code below for names other
1465      # than just "width".
1466      #
1467      # width_name <- paste0("output_", name, "_width")
1468      # if (width_name %in% cd_names()) {
1469      #   width_r <- NULL
1470      #   tmp_info$width <- function() {
1471      #     if (is.null(width_r)) {
1472      #       width_r <<- reactive({
1473      #         parse_css_colors(self$clientData[[width_name]])
1474      #       })
1475      #     }
1476      #
1477      #     width_r()
1478      #   }
1479      # }
1480      add_conditional_reactive <- function(prop, wrapfun = identity) {
1481        force(prop)
1482        force(wrapfun)
1484        prop_name <- paste0("output_", name, "_", prop)
1486        # Only add tmp_info$width if clientData has "output_foo_width"
1487        if (prop_name %in% cd_names) {
1488          r <- NULL
1490          # Turn it into a function that creates a reactive on the first
1491          # invocation of getCurrentOutputInfo()$width() and saves it; future
1492          # invocations of getCurrentOutputInfo()$width() use the existing
1493          # reactive and save it.
1494          tmp_info[[prop]] <<- function() {
1495            if (is.null(r)) {
1496              r <<- reactive(label = prop_name, {
1497                wrapfun(self$clientData[[prop_name]])
1498              })
1499            }
1501            r()
1502          }
1503        }
1504      }
1507      # Note that all the following clientData values (which are reactiveValues)
1508      # are wrapped in reactive() so that users can take a dependency on
1509      # particular output info (i.e., just depend on width/height, or just
1510      # depend on bg, fg, etc). To put it another way, if getCurrentOutputInfo()
1511      # simply returned a list of values from self$clientData, than anything
1512      # that calls getCurrentOutputInfo() would take a reactive dependency on
1513      # all of these values.
1514      add_conditional_reactive("width")
1515      add_conditional_reactive("height")
1516      add_conditional_reactive("bg",     parse_css_colors)
1517      add_conditional_reactive("fg",     parse_css_colors)
1518      add_conditional_reactive("accent", parse_css_colors)
1519      add_conditional_reactive("font")
1521      private$outputInfo[[name]] <- tmp_info
1522      private$outputInfo[[name]]
1523    },
1525    createBookmarkObservers = function() {
1526      # This registers observers for bookmarking to work.
1528      # Get bookmarking config
1529      store <- getShinyOption("bookmarkStore", default = "disable")
1530      if (store == "disable")
1531        return()
1533      # Warn if trying to enable save-to-server bookmarking on a version of SS,
1534      # SSP, or Connect that doesn't support it.
1535      if (store == "server" && inShinyServer() &&
1536          is.null(getShinyOption("save.interface", default = NULL)))
1537      {
1538        showNotification(
1539          "This app tried to enable saved-to-server bookmarking, but it is not supported by the hosting environment.",
1540          duration = NULL, type = "warning", session = self
1541        )
1542        return()
1543      }
1545      withReactiveDomain(self, {
1546        # This observer fires when the bookmark button is clicked.
1547        observeEvent(self$input[["._bookmark_"]], {
1548          self$doBookmark()
1549        })
1551        # If there was an error initializing the current restore context, show
1552        # notification in the client.
1553        observe({
1554          rc <- getCurrentRestoreContext()
1555          if (!is.null(rc$initErrorMessage)) {
1556            showNotification(
1557              paste("Error in RestoreContext initialization:", rc$initErrorMessage),
1558              duration = NULL, type = "error"
1559            )
1560          }
1561        })
1563        # Run the onRestore function at the beginning of the flush cycle, but after
1564        # the server function has been executed.
1565        observe({
1566          if (private$restoreCallbacks$count() > 0) {
1567            tryCatch(
1568              withLogErrors(
1569                isolate({
1570                  rc <- getCurrentRestoreContext()
1571                  if (rc$active) {
1572                    restoreState <- getCurrentRestoreContext()$asList()
1573                    private$restoreCallbacks$invoke(restoreState)
1574                  }
1575                })
1576              ),
1577              error = function(e) {
1578                showNotification(
1579                  paste0("Error calling onRestore callback: ", e$message),
1580                  duration = NULL, type = "error"
1581                )
1582              }
1583            )
1584          }
1585        }, priority = 1000000)
1587        # Run the onRestored function after the flush cycle completes and information
1588        # is sent to the client.
1589        self$onFlushed(function() {
1590          if (private$restoredCallbacks$count() > 0) {
1592            tryCatch(
1593              withLogErrors(
1594                isolate({
1595                  rc <- getCurrentRestoreContext()
1596                  if (rc$active) {
1597                    restoreState <- getCurrentRestoreContext()$asList()
1598                    private$restoredCallbacks$invoke(restoreState)
1599                  }
1600                })
1601              ),
1602              error = function(e) {
1603                msg <- paste0("Error calling onRestored callback: ", e$message)
1604                showNotification(msg, duration = NULL, type = "error")
1605              }
1606            )
1607          }
1608        })
1610      }) # withReactiveDomain
1611    },
1613    setBookmarkExclude = function(names) {
1614      private$bookmarkExclude <- names
1615    },
1616    getBookmarkExclude = function() {
1617      scopedExcludes <- lapply(private$getBookmarkExcludeFuns, function(f) f())
1618      scopedExcludes <- unlist(scopedExcludes)
1620      c(private$bookmarkExclude, scopedExcludes)
1621    },
1623    onBookmark = function(fun) {
1624      if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
1625        stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
1626      }
1627      private$bookmarkCallbacks$register(fun)
1628    },
1629    onBookmarked = function(fun) {
1630      if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
1631        stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
1632      }
1633      private$bookmarkedCallbacks$register(fun)
1634    },
1635    onRestore = function(fun) {
1636      if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
1637        stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
1638      }
1639      private$restoreCallbacks$register(fun)
1640    },
1641    onRestored = function(fun) {
1642      if (!is.function(fun) || length(fun) != 1) {
1643        stop("`fun` must be a function that takes one argument")
1644      }
1645      private$restoredCallbacks$register(fun)
1646    },
1647    doBookmark = function() {
1648      # Get bookmarking store config
1649      store <- getShinyOption("bookmarkStore", default = "disable")
1650      if (store == "disable")
1651        return()
1653      tryCatch(
1654        withLogErrors({
1655          saveState <- ShinySaveState$new(
1656            input = self$input,
1657            exclude = self$getBookmarkExclude(),
1658            onSave = function(state) {
1659              private$bookmarkCallbacks$invoke(state)
1660            }
1661          )
1663          if (store == "server") {
1664            url <- saveShinySaveState(saveState)
1665          } else if (store == "url") {
1666            url <- encodeShinySaveState(saveState)
1667          } else {
1668            stop("Unknown store type: ", store)
1669          }
1671          clientData <- self$clientData
1672          url <- paste0(
1673            clientData$url_protocol, "//",
1674            clientData$url_hostname,
1675            if (nzchar(clientData$url_port)) paste0(":", clientData$url_port),
1676            clientData$url_pathname,
1677            "?", url
1678          )
1681          # If onBookmarked callback was provided, invoke it; if not call
1682          # the default.
1683          if (private$bookmarkedCallbacks$count() > 0) {
1684            private$bookmarkedCallbacks$invoke(url)
1685          } else {
1686            showBookmarkUrlModal(url)
1687          }
1688        }),
1689        error = function(e) {
1690          msg <- paste0("Error bookmarking state: ", e$message)
1691          showNotification(msg, duration = NULL, type = "error")
1692        }
1693      )
1694    },
1696    exportTestValues = function(..., quoted_ = FALSE, env_ = parent.frame()) {
1697      # Get a named list of unevaluated expressions.
1698      if (quoted_) {
1699        dots <- list(...)
1700      } else {
1701        dots <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
1702      }
1704      if (anyUnnamed(dots))
1705        stop("exportTestValues: all arguments must be named.")
1707      # Create a named list where each item is a list with an expression and
1708      # environment in which to eval the expression.
1709      items <- lapply(dots, function(expr) {
1710        list(expr = expr, env = env_)
1711      })
1713      private$testExportExprs <- mergeVectors(private$testExportExprs, items)
1714    },
1716    getTestSnapshotUrl = function(input = TRUE, output = TRUE, export = TRUE,
1717                                  format = "json") {
1718      reqString <- function(group, value) {
1719        if (isTRUE(value))
1720          paste0(group, "=1")
1721        else if (is.character(value))
1722          paste0(group, "=", paste(value, collapse = ","))
1723        else
1724          ""
1725      }
1726      paste(
1727        private$testSnapshotUrl,
1728        reqString("input", input),
1729        reqString("output", output),
1730        reqString("export", export),
1731        paste0("format=", format),
1732        sep = "&"
1733      )
1734    },
1736    reactlog = function(logEntry) {
1737      # Use sendCustomMessage instead of sendMessage, because the handler in
1738      # shiny-showcase.js only has access to public API of the Shiny object.
1739      if (private$showcase) {
1740        srcref <- logEntry$srcref
1741        srcfile <- logEntry$srcfile
1742        if (!is.null(srcref) && !is.null(srcfile)) {
1743          # only send needed information, not all of reactlog info.
1744          self$sendCustomMessage("showcase-src", list(srcref = srcref, srcfile = srcfile))
1745        }
1746      }
1747    },
1748    reload = function() {
1749      private$sendMessage(reload = TRUE)
1750    },
1751    sendInsertUI = function(selector, multiple, where, content) {
1752      private$sendMessage(
1753        `shiny-insert-ui` = list(
1754          selector = selector,
1755          multiple = multiple,
1756          where = where,
1757          content = content
1758        )
1759      )
1760    },
1761    sendRemoveUI = function(selector, multiple) {
1762      private$sendMessage(
1763        `shiny-remove-ui` = list(
1764          selector = selector,
1765          multiple = multiple
1766        )
1767      )
1768    },
1769    sendInsertTab = function(inputId, liTag, divTag, menuName,
1770                             target, position, select) {
1771      private$sendMessage(
1772        `shiny-insert-tab` = list(
1773          inputId = inputId,
1774          liTag = liTag,
1775          divTag = divTag,
1776          menuName = menuName,
1777          target = target,
1778          position = position,
1779          select = select
1780        )
1781      )
1782    },
1783    sendRemoveTab = function(inputId, target) {
1784      private$sendMessage(
1785        `shiny-remove-tab` = list(
1786          inputId = inputId,
1787          target = target
1788        )
1789      )
1790    },
1791    sendChangeTabVisibility = function(inputId, target, type) {
1792      private$sendMessage(
1793        `shiny-change-tab-visibility` = list(
1794          inputId = inputId,
1795          target = target,
1796          type = type
1797        )
1798      )
1799    },
1800    updateQueryString = function(queryString, mode) {
1801      private$sendMessage(updateQueryString = list(
1802        queryString = queryString, mode = mode))
1803    },
1804    resetBrush = function(brushId) {
1805      private$sendMessage(
1806        resetBrush = list(
1807          brushId = brushId
1808        )
1809      )
1810    },
1812    `@uploadInit` = function(fileInfos) {
1813      maxSize <- getOption('shiny.maxRequestSize', 5 * 1024 * 1024)
1814      fileInfos <- lapply(fileInfos, function(fi) {
1815        if (is.null(fi$type))
1816          fi$type <- getContentType(fi$name)
1817        fi
1818      })
1819      sizes <- sapply(fileInfos, function(fi){ fi$size })
1820      if (maxSize > 0 && any(sizes > maxSize)) {
1821        stop("Maximum upload size exceeded")
1822      }
1824      jobId <- private$fileUploadContext$createUploadOperation(fileInfos)
1825      return(list(jobId=jobId,
1826                  uploadUrl=paste('session', self$token, 'upload',
1827                                  paste(jobId, "?w=", workerId(), sep=""),
1828                                  sep='/')))
1829    },
1830    `@uploadEnd` = function(jobId, inputId) {
1831      fileData <- private$fileUploadContext$getUploadOperation(jobId)$finish()
1832      private$.input$set(inputId, fileData)
1834      setSerializer(inputId, serializerFileInput)
1835      snapshotPreprocessInput(inputId, snapshotPreprocessorFileInput)
1837      invisible()
1838    },
1839    # Provides a mechanism for handling direct HTTP requests that are posted
1840    # to the session (rather than going through the websocket)
1841    handleRequest = function(req) {
1842      # TODO: Turn off caching for the response
1843      subpath <- req$PATH_INFO
1845      matches <- regmatches(subpath,
1846                            regexec("^/([a-z]+)/([^?]*)",
1847                                    subpath,
1848                                    ignore.case=TRUE))[[1]]
1849      if (length(matches) == 0)
1850        return(httpResponse(400, 'text/html', '<h1>Bad Request</h1>'))
1852      if (matches[2] == 'file') {
1853        savedFile <- self$files$get(URLdecode(matches[3]))
1854        if (is.null(savedFile))
1855          return(httpResponse(404, 'text/html', '<h1>Not Found</h1>'))
1857        return(httpResponse(200, savedFile$contentType, savedFile$data))
1858      }
1860      if (matches[2] == 'upload' && identical(req$REQUEST_METHOD, "POST")) {
1861        job <- private$fileUploadContext$getUploadOperation(matches[3])
1862        if (!is.null(job)) {
1863          fileName <- req$HTTP_SHINY_FILE_NAME
1864          fileType <- req$HTTP_SHINY_FILE_TYPE
1865          fileSize <- req$CONTENT_LENGTH
1866          job$fileBegin()
1868          reqInput <- req$rook.input
1869          while (length(buf <- reqInput$read(2^16)) > 0)
1870            job$fileChunk(buf)
1872          job$fileEnd()
1874          return(httpResponse(200, 'text/plain', 'OK'))
1875        }
1876      }
1879      if (matches[2] == 'download') {
1881        # A bunch of ugliness here. Filenames can be dynamically generated by
1882        # the user code, so we don't know what they'll be in advance. But the
1883        # most reliable way to use non-ASCII filenames for downloads is to
1884        # put the actual filename in the URL. So we will start with URLs in
1885        # the form:
1886        #
1887        #   /session/$TOKEN/download/$NAME
1888        #
1889        # When a request matching that pattern is received, we will calculate
1890        # the filename and see if it's non-ASCII; if so, we'll redirect to
1891        #
1892        #   /session/$TOKEN/download/$NAME/$FILENAME
1893        #
1894        # And when that pattern is received, we will actually return the file.
1895        # Note that this means the filename and contents could be determined
1896        # a few moments apart from each other (an HTTP roundtrip basically),
1897        # hopefully that won't be enough to matter for anyone.
1899        dlmatches <- regmatches(matches[3],
1900                                regexec("^([^/]+)(/[^/]+)?$",
1901                                        matches[3]))[[1]]
1902        dlname <- URLdecode(dlmatches[2])
1903        download <- self$downloads$get(dlname)
1904        if (is.null(download))
1905          return(httpResponse(404, 'text/html', '<h1>Not Found</h1>'))
1907        filename <- ifelse(is.function(download$filename),
1908          Context$new(getDefaultReactiveDomain(), '[download]')$run(
1909            download$filename
1910          ),
1911          download$filename)
1913        # If the URL does not contain the filename, and the desired filename
1914        # contains non-ASCII characters, then do a redirect with the desired
1915        # name tacked on the end.
1916        if (dlmatches[3] == '' && grepl('[^ -~]', filename)) {
1918          return(httpResponse(302, 'text/html', '<h1>Found</h1>', c(
1919            'Location' = sprintf('%s/%s',
1920                                 URLencode(dlname, TRUE),
1921                                 URLencode(filename, TRUE)),
1922            'Cache-Control' = 'no-cache')))
1923        }
1925        # Make temp file with the same extension as the user-visible filename.
1926        # If the extension is not used, some functions such as pdf() and zip()
1927        # may append the extension they expect, meaning the data we want will
1928        # be written to a file other than our temp file (e.g. file1231.zip
1929        # instead of file1231.zip).
1930        ext <- tools::file_ext(filename)
1931        if (nzchar(ext))
1932          ext <- paste(".", ext, sep = "")
1933        tmpdata <- tempfile(fileext = ext)
1934        return(Context$new(getDefaultReactiveDomain(), '[download]')$run(function() {
1935          promises::with_promise_domain(reactivePromiseDomain(), {
1936            promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), {
1937              self$incrementBusyCount()
1938              hybrid_chain(
1939                # ..stacktraceon matches with the top-level ..stacktraceoff..
1940                try(..stacktraceon..(download$func(tmpdata)), silent = TRUE),
1941                function(result) {
1942                  if (inherits(result, 'try-error')) {
1943                    unlink(tmpdata)
1944                    stop(attr(result, "condition", exact = TRUE))
1945                  }
1946                  if (!file.exists(tmpdata)) {
1947                    # If no file was created, return a 404
1948                    return(httpResponse(404, content = "404 Not found"))
1949                  }
1950                  return(httpResponse(
1951                    200,
1952                    download$contentType %||% getContentType(filename),
1953                    # owned=TRUE means tmpdata will be deleted after response completes
1954                    list(file=tmpdata, owned=TRUE),
1955                    c(
1956                      'Content-Disposition' = ifelse(
1957                        dlmatches[3] == '',
1958                        paste0(
1959                          'attachment; filename="',
1960                          gsub('(["\\\\])', '\\\\\\1', filename),
1961                          '"'
1962                        ),
1963                        'attachment'
1964                      ),
1965                      'Cache-Control'='no-cache')))
1966                },
1967                finally = function() {
1968                  self$decrementBusyCount()
1969                }
1970              )
1971            })
1972          })
1973        }))
1974      }
1976      if (matches[2] == 'dataobj') {
1977        # /session/$TOKEN/dataobj/$NAME
1978        dlmatches <- regmatches(matches[3],
1979                                regexec("^([^/]+)(/[^/]+)?$",
1980                                        matches[3]))[[1]]
1981        dlname <- URLdecode(dlmatches[2])
1982        download <- self$downloads$get(dlname)
1983        return(download$filter(download$data, req))
1984      }
1986      return(httpResponse(404, 'text/html', '<h1>Not Found</h1>'))
1987    },
1988    # Send a file to the client
1989    fileUrl = function(name, file, contentType='application/octet-stream') {
1990      "Return a URL for a file to be sent to the client. The file will be base64
1991      encoded and embedded in the URL."
1992      bytes <- file.info(file)$size
1993      if (is.na(bytes))
1994        return(NULL)
1996      fileData <- readBin(file, 'raw', n=bytes)
1998      b64 <- rawToBase64(fileData)
1999      return(paste('data:', contentType, ';base64,', b64, sep=''))
2000    },
2001    registerDownload = function(name, filename, contentType, func) {
2003      self$downloads$set(name, list(filename = filename,
2004                               contentType = contentType,
2005                               func = func))
2006      return(sprintf('session/%s/download/%s?w=%s',
2007                     URLencode(self$token, TRUE),
2008                     URLencode(name, TRUE),
2009                     workerId()))
2010    },
2011    # register a data object on the server side (for datatable or selectize, etc)
2012    registerDataObj = function(name, data, filterFunc) {
2013      # abusing downloads at the moment
2014      self$downloads$set(name, list(data = data, filter = filterFunc))
2015      return(sprintf('session/%s/dataobj/%s?w=%s&nonce=%s',
2016                     URLencode(self$token, TRUE),
2017                     URLencode(name, TRUE),
2018                     workerId(),
2019                     URLencode(createUniqueId(8), TRUE)))
2020    },
2021    # This function suspends observers for hidden outputs and resumes observers
2022    # for un-hidden outputs.
2023    manageHiddenOutputs = function(outputsToCheck = NULL) {
2024      if (is.null(outputsToCheck)) {
2025        outputsToCheck <- names(private$.outputs)
2026      }
2028      # Find hidden state for each output, and suspend/resume accordingly
2029      for (outputName in outputsToCheck) {
2030        if (private$shouldSuspend(outputName)) {
2031          private$.outputs[[outputName]]$suspend()
2032        } else {
2033          private$.outputs[[outputName]]$resume()
2034        }
2035      }
2036    },
2037    # Set the normal and client data input variables. Normally, managing
2038    # inputs doesn't take immediate effect when there are observers that
2039    # are pending execution or currently executing (including having
2040    # started async operations that have yielded control, but not yet
2041    # completed). The `now` argument can force this. It should generally
2042    # not be used, but we're adding it to get around a show-stopping bug
2043    # for Shiny v1.1 (see the call site for more details).
2044    manageInputs = function(data, now = FALSE) {
2045      force(data)
2046      doManageInputs <- function() {
2047        private$inputReceivedCallbacks$invoke(data)
2049        data_names <- names(data)
2051        # Separate normal input variables from client data input variables
2052        clientdata_idx <- grepl("^.clientdata_", data_names)
2054        # Set normal (non-clientData) input values
2055        private$.input$mset(data[data_names[!clientdata_idx]])
2057        # Strip off .clientdata_ from clientdata input names, and set values
2058        input_clientdata <- data[data_names[clientdata_idx]]
2059        names(input_clientdata) <- sub("^.clientdata_", "",
2060          names(input_clientdata))
2061        private$.clientData$mset(input_clientdata)
2063        self$manageHiddenOutputs()
2064      }
2065      if (isTRUE(now)) {
2066        doManageInputs()
2067      } else {
2068        self$cycleStartAction(doManageInputs)
2069      }
2070    },
2071    outputOptions = function(name, ...) {
2072      # If no name supplied, return the list of options for all outputs
2073      if (is.null(name))
2074        return(private$.outputOptions)
2075      if (! name %in% names(private$.outputs))
2076        stop(name, " is not in list of output objects")
2078      opts <- list(...)
2079      # If no options are set, return the options for the specified output
2080      if (length(opts) == 0)
2081        return(private$.outputOptions[[name]])
2083      # Set the appropriate option
2084      validOpts <- c("suspendWhenHidden", "priority")
2085      for (optname in names(opts)) {
2086        if (! optname %in% validOpts)
2087          stop(optname, " is not a valid option")
2089        private$.outputOptions[[name]][[optname]] <- opts[[optname]]
2090      }
2092      # If any changes to suspendWhenHidden, need to re-run manageHiddenOutputs
2093      if ("suspendWhenHidden" %in% names(opts)) {
2094        self$manageHiddenOutputs(name)
2095      }
2097      if ("priority" %in% names(opts)) {
2098        private$.outputs[[name]]$setPriority(opts[['priority']])
2099      }
2101      invisible()
2102    },
2103    incrementBusyCount = function() {
2104      if (private$busyCount == 0L) {
2105        rLog$asyncStart(domain = self)
2106        private$sendMessage(busy = "busy")
2107      }
2108      private$busyCount <- private$busyCount + 1L
2109    },
2110    decrementBusyCount = function() {
2111      private$busyCount <- private$busyCount - 1L
2112      if (private$busyCount == 0L) {
2113        rLog$asyncStop(domain = self)
2114        private$sendMessage(busy = "idle")
2115        self$requestFlush()
2116        # We defer the call to startCycle() using later(), to defend against
2117        # cycles where we continually call startCycle which causes an observer
2118        # to fire which calls startCycle which causes an observer to fire...
2119        #
2120        # It's OK for these cycles to occur, but we must return control to the
2121        # event loop between iterations (or at least sometimes) in order to not
2122        # make the whole Shiny app go unresponsive.
2123        later::later(function() {
2124          if (private$busyCount == 0L) {
2125            private$startCycle()
2126          }
2127        })
2128      }
2129    }
2130  )
2133.createOutputWriter <- function(shinysession, ns = identity) {
2134  structure(list(impl=shinysession, ns=ns), class='shinyoutput')
2137#' @export
2138`$<-.shinyoutput` <- function(x, name, value) {
2139  name <- .subset2(x, 'ns')(name)
2141  label <- deparse(substitute(value))
2142  if (length(substitute(value)) > 1) {
2143    # value is an object consisting of a call and its arguments. Here we want
2144    # to find the source references for the first argument (if there are
2145    # arguments), which generally corresponds to the reactive expression--
2146    # e.g. in renderTable({ x }), { x } is the expression to trace.
2147    attr(label, "srcref") <- srcrefFromShinyCall(substitute(value)[[2]])
2148    srcref <- attr(substitute(value)[[2]], "srcref")
2149    if (length(srcref) > 0)
2150      attr(label, "srcfile") <- srcFileOfRef(srcref[[1]])
2151  }
2152  .subset2(x, 'impl')$defineOutput(name, value, label)
2153  return(invisible(x))
2156#' @export
2157`[[<-.shinyoutput` <- `$<-.shinyoutput`
2159#' @export
2160`$.shinyoutput` <- function(x, name) {
2161  name <- .subset2(x, 'ns')(name)
2163  if (getOption("shiny.allowoutputreads", FALSE)) {
2164    .subset2(x, 'impl')$getOutput(name)
2165  } else {
2166    rlang::abort(paste0("Can't read output '", name, "'"))
2167  }
2170#' @export
2171`[[.shinyoutput` <- `$.shinyoutput`
2173#' @export
2174`[.shinyoutput` <- function(values, name) {
2175  rlang::abort("Can't index shinyoutput with `[`.")
2178#' @export
2179`[<-.shinyoutput` <- function(values, name, value) {
2180  rlang::abort("Can't index shinyoutput with `[[`.")
2183#' Set options for an output object.
2185#' These are the available options for an output object:
2186#' \itemize{
2187#'   \item suspendWhenHidden. When `TRUE` (the default), the output object
2188#'     will be suspended (not execute) when it is hidden on the web page. When
2189#'     `FALSE`, the output object will not suspend when hidden, and if it
2190#'     was already hidden and suspended, then it will resume immediately.
2191#'   \item priority. The priority level of the output object. Queued outputs
2192#'     with higher priority values will execute before those with lower values.
2193#' }
2195#' @examples
2196#' \dontrun{
2197#' # Get the list of options for all observers within output
2198#' outputOptions(output)
2200#' # Disable suspend for output$myplot
2201#' outputOptions(output, "myplot", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
2203#' # Change priority for output$myplot
2204#' outputOptions(output, "myplot", priority = 10)
2206#' # Get the list of options for output$myplot
2207#' outputOptions(output, "myplot")
2208#' }
2210#' @param x A shinyoutput object (typically `output`).
2211#' @param name The name of an output observer in the shinyoutput object.
2212#' @param ... Options to set for the output observer.
2213#' @export
2214outputOptions <- function(x, name, ...) {
2215  if (!inherits(x, "shinyoutput")) {
2216    stop("x must be a shinyoutput object.")
2217  }
2219  if (!missing(name)) {
2220    name <- .subset2(x, 'ns')(name)
2221  } else {
2222    name <- NULL
2223  }
2225  .subset2(x, 'impl')$outputOptions(name, ...)
2229#' Get output information
2231#' Returns information about the currently executing output, including its `name` (i.e., `outputId`);
2232#' and in some cases, relevant sizing and styling information.
2234#' @param session The current Shiny session.
2236#' @return `NULL` if called outside of an output context; otherwise,
2237#'   a list which includes:
2238#'   * The `name` of the output (reported for any output).
2239#'   * If the output is a `plotOutput()` or `imageOutput()`, then:
2240#'     * `height`: a reactive expression which returns the height in pixels.
2241#'     * `width`: a reactive expression which returns the width in pixels.
2242#'  * If the output is a `plotOutput()`, `imageOutput()`, or contains a `shiny-report-theme` class, then:
2243#'     * `bg`: a reactive expression which returns the background color.
2244#'     * `fg`: a reactive expression which returns the foreground color.
2245#'     * `accent`: a reactive expression which returns the hyperlink color.
2246#'     * `font`: a reactive expression which returns a list of font information, including:
2247#'       * `families`: a character vector containing the CSS `font-family` property.
2248#'       * `size`: a character string containing the CSS `font-size` property
2250#' @export
2251#' @examples
2253#' if (interactive()) {
2254#'   shinyApp(
2255#'     fluidPage(
2256#'       tags$style(HTML("body {background-color: black; color: white; }")),
2257#'       tags$style(HTML("body a {color: purple}")),
2258#'       tags$style(HTML("#info {background-color: teal; color: orange; }")),
2259#'       plotOutput("p"),
2260#'       "Computed CSS styles for the output named info:",
2261#'       tagAppendAttributes(
2262#'         textOutput("info"),
2263#'         class = "shiny-report-theme"
2264#'       )
2265#'     ),
2266#'     function(input, output) {
2267#'       output$p <- renderPlot({
2268#'         info <- getCurrentOutputInfo()
2269#'         par(bg = info$bg(), fg = info$fg(), col.axis = info$fg(), col.main = info$fg())
2270#'         plot(1:10, col = info$accent(), pch = 19)
2271#'         title("A simple R plot that uses its CSS styling")
2272#'       })
2273#'       output$info <- renderText({
2274#'         info <- getCurrentOutputInfo()
2275#'         jsonlite::toJSON(
2276#'           list(
2277#'             bg = info$bg(),
2278#'             fg = info$fg(),
2279#'             accent = info$accent(),
2280#'             font = info$font()
2281#'           ),
2282#'           auto_unbox = TRUE
2283#'         )
2284#'       })
2285#'     }
2286#'   )
2287#' }
2290getCurrentOutputInfo <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
2291  if (is.null(session)) return(NULL)
2292  session$getCurrentOutputInfo()
2295#' Add callbacks for Shiny session events
2297#' These functions are for registering callbacks on Shiny session events.
2298#' `onFlush` registers a function that will be called before Shiny flushes
2299#' the reactive system. `onFlushed` registers a function that will be
2300#' called after Shiny flushes the reactive system. `onSessionEnded`
2301#' registers a function to be called after the client has disconnected.
2303#' These functions should be called within the application's server function.
2305#' All of these functions return a function which can be called with no
2306#' arguments to cancel the registration.
2308#' @param fun A callback function.
2309#' @param once Should the function be run once, and then cleared, or should it
2310#'   re-run each time the event occurs. (Only for `onFlush` and
2311#'   `onFlushed`.)
2312#' @param session A shiny session object.
2314#' @export
2315onFlush <- function(fun, once = TRUE, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
2316  session$onFlush(fun, once = once)
2319#' @rdname onFlush
2320#' @export
2321onFlushed <- function(fun, once = TRUE, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
2322  session$onFlushed(fun, once = once)
2325#' @rdname onFlush
2327#' @seealso [onStop()] for registering callbacks that will be
2328#'   invoked when the application exits, or when a session ends.
2329#' @export
2330onSessionEnded <- function(fun, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
2331  session$onSessionEnded(fun)
2335flushPendingSessions <- function() {
2336  lapply(appsNeedingFlush$values(), function(shinysession) {
2337    tryCatch(
2338      shinysession$flushOutput(),
2340      stop = function(e) {
2341        # If there are any uncaught errors that bubbled up to here, close the
2342        # session.
2343        shinysession$close()
2344      }
2345    )
2346    NULL
2347  })
2350.globals$onStopCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
2352#' Run code after an application or session ends
2354#' This function registers callback functions that are invoked when the
2355#' application exits (when [runApp()] exits), or after each user
2356#' session ends (when a client disconnects).
2358#' @param fun A function that will be called after the app has finished running.
2359#' @param session A scope for when the callback will run. If `onStop` is
2360#'   called from within the server function, this will default to the current
2361#'   session, and the callback will be invoked when the current session ends. If
2362#'   `onStop` is called outside a server function, then the callback will
2363#'   be invoked with the application exits. If `NULL`, it is the same as
2364#'   calling `onStop` outside of the server function, and the callback will
2365#'   be invoked when the application exits.
2368#' @seealso [onSessionEnded()] for the same functionality, but at
2369#'   the session level only.
2371#' @return A function which, if invoked, will cancel the callback.
2372#' @examples
2373#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
2374#' if (interactive()) {
2375#'   # Open this application in multiple browsers, then close the browsers.
2376#'   shinyApp(
2377#'     ui = basicPage("onStop demo"),
2379#'     server = function(input, output, session) {
2380#'       onStop(function() cat("Session stopped\n"))
2381#'     },
2383#'     onStart = function() {
2384#'       cat("Doing application setup\n")
2386#'       onStop(function() {
2387#'         cat("Doing application cleanup\n")
2388#'       })
2389#'     }
2390#'   )
2391#' }
2392#' # In the example above, onStop() is called inside of onStart(). This is
2393#' # the pattern that should be used when creating a shinyApp() object from
2394#' # a function, or at the console. If instead you are writing an app.R which
2395#' # will be invoked with runApp(), you can do it that way, or put the onStop()
2396#' # before the shinyApp() call, as shown below.
2398#' \dontrun{
2399#' # ==== app.R ====
2400#' cat("Doing application setup\n")
2401#' onStop(function() {
2402#'   cat("Doing application cleanup\n")
2403#' })
2405#' shinyApp(
2406#'   ui = basicPage("onStop demo"),
2408#'   server = function(input, output, session) {
2409#'     onStop(function() cat("Session stopped\n"))
2410#'   }
2411#' )
2412#' # ==== end app.R ====
2415#' # Similarly, if you have a global.R, you can call onStop() from there.
2416#' # ==== global.R ====
2417#' cat("Doing application setup\n")
2418#' onStop(function() {
2419#'   cat("Doing application cleanup\n")
2420#' })
2421#' # ==== end global.R ====
2422#' }
2423#' @export
2424onStop <- function(fun, session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
2425  if (is.null(session)) {
2426    return(.globals$onStopCallbacks$register(fun))
2427  } else {
2428    # Note: In the future if we allow scoping the onStop() callback to modules
2429    # and allow modules to be stopped, then session_proxy objects will need
2430    # its own implementation of $onSessionEnded.
2431    return(session$onSessionEnded(fun))
2432  }
2435# Helper class for emitting log messages to stdout that will be interpreted by
2436# a Shiny Server parent process. The duration it's trying to record is the time
2437# between a websocket message being received, and the next flush to the client.
2438ShinyServerTimingRecorder <- R6Class("ShinyServerTimingRecorder",
2439  cloneable = FALSE,
2440  public = list(
2441    initialize = function() {
2442      private$shiny_stdout <- if (exists(".shiny__stdout", globalenv()))
2443        get(".shiny__stdout", globalenv())
2444      else
2445        NULL
2446      private$guid <- NULL
2447    },
2448    start = function(guid) {
2449      if (is.null(private$shiny_stdout)) return()
2451      private$guid <- guid
2452      if (!is.null(guid)) {
2453        private$write("n")
2454      }
2455    },
2456    stop = function() {
2457      if (is.null(private$shiny_stdout)) return()
2459      if (!is.null(private$guid)) {
2460        private$write("x")
2461        private$guid <- NULL
2462      }
2463    }
2464  ),
2465  private = list(
2466    shiny_stdout = NULL,
2467    guid = character(),
2468    write = function(code) {
2469      # eNter or eXit a flushReact
2470      writeLines(paste("_", code, "_flushReact ", private$guid,
2471        " @ ", sprintf("%.3f", as.numeric(Sys.time())),
2472        sep=""), con=private$shiny_stdout)
2473      flush(private$shiny_stdout)
2474    }
2475  )
2478missingOutput <- function(...) req(FALSE)
2480#' Insert inline Markdown
2482#' This function accepts
2483#' [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)-syntax text and returns
2484#' HTML that may be included in Shiny UIs.
2486#' Leading whitespace is trimmed from Markdown text with [glue::trim()].
2487#' Whitespace trimming ensures Markdown is processed correctly even when the
2488#' call to `markdown()` is indented within surrounding R code.
2490#' By default, [Github extensions][commonmark::extensions] are enabled, but this
2491#' can be disabled by passing `extensions = FALSE`.
2493#' Markdown rendering is performed by [commonmark::markdown_html()]. Additional
2494#' arguments to `markdown()` are passed as arguments to `markdown_html()`
2496#' @param mds A character vector of Markdown source to convert to HTML. If the
2497#'   vector has more than one element, a single-element character vector of
2498#'   concatenated HTML is returned.
2499#' @param extensions Enable Github syntax extensions; defaults to `TRUE`.
2500#' @param .noWS Character vector used to omit some of the whitespace that would
2501#'   normally be written around generated HTML. Valid options include `before`,
2502#'   `after`, and `outside` (equivalent to `before` and `end`).
2503#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [commonmark::markdown_html()].
2504#'   These arguments are _[dynamic][rlang::dyn-dots]_.
2506#' @return a character vector marked as HTML.
2507#' @export
2508#' @examples
2509#' ui <- fluidPage(
2510#'   markdown("
2511#'     # Markdown Example
2513#'     This is a markdown paragraph, and will be contained within a `<p>` tag
2514#'     in the UI.
2516#'     The following is an unordered list, which will be represented in the UI as
2517#'     a `<ul>` with `<li>` children:
2519#'     * a bullet
2520#'     * another
2522#'     [Links](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a) work;
2523#'     so does *emphasis*.
2525#'     To see more of what's possible, check out [commonmark.org/help](https://commonmark.org/help).
2526#'     ")
2527#' )
2528markdown <- function(mds, extensions = TRUE, .noWS = NULL, ...) {
2529  html <- rlang::exec(commonmark::markdown_html, glue::trim(mds), extensions = extensions, ...)
2530  htmltools::HTML(html, .noWS = .noWS)
2534# Check that an object is a ShinySession object, and give an informative error.
2535# The default label is the caller function's name.
2536validate_session_object <- function(session, label = as.character(sys.call(sys.parent())[[1]])) {
2537  if (missing(session) ||
2538      !inherits(session, c("ShinySession", "MockShinySession", "session_proxy")))
2539  {
2540    stop(call. = FALSE,
2541      sprintf(
2542        "`session` must be a 'ShinySession' object. Did you forget to pass `session` to `%s()`?",
2543        label
2544      )
2545    )
2546  }