1 /* <!-- copyright */
2 /*
3  * aria2 - The high speed download utility
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2013 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20  *
21  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
22  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
23  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
24  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
25  * including the two.
26  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
27  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
28  * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
29  * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
30  * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
31  * version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
32  * files in the program, then also delete it here.
33  */
34 /* copyright --> */
35 #include "CookieStorage.h"
37 #include <cstring>
38 #include <cstdio>
39 #include <algorithm>
41 #include "util.h"
42 #include "LogFactory.h"
43 #include "Logger.h"
44 #include "DlAbortEx.h"
45 #include "fmt.h"
46 #include "NsCookieParser.h"
47 #include "File.h"
48 #include "a2functional.h"
49 #include "A2STR.h"
50 #include "message.h"
51 #include "cookie_helper.h"
52 #include "BufferedFile.h"
53 #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3
54 #  include "Sqlite3CookieParserImpl.h"
55 #endif // HAVE_SQLITE3
57 namespace aria2 {
DomainNode(std::string label,DomainNode * parent)59 DomainNode::DomainNode(std::string label, DomainNode* parent)
60     : label_{std::move(label)},
61       parent_{parent},
62       lastAccessTime_{0},
63       lruAccessTime_{0},
64       inLru_{false}
65 {
66 }
findCookie(std::vector<const Cookie * > & out,const std::string & requestHost,const std::string & requestPath,time_t now,bool secure)68 void DomainNode::findCookie(std::vector<const Cookie*>& out,
69                             const std::string& requestHost,
70                             const std::string& requestPath, time_t now,
71                             bool secure)
72 {
73   if (cookies_) {
74     for (auto& c : *cookies_) {
75       if (c->match(requestHost, requestPath, now, secure)) {
76         c->setLastAccessTime(now);
77         out.push_back(c.get());
78       }
79     }
80   }
81 }
addCookie(std::unique_ptr<Cookie> cookie,time_t now)83 bool DomainNode::addCookie(std::unique_ptr<Cookie> cookie, time_t now)
84 {
85   using namespace std::placeholders;
86   setLastAccessTime(now);
87   if (!cookies_) {
88     if (cookie->isExpired(now)) {
89       return false;
90     }
91     else {
92       cookies_ = make_unique<std::deque<std::unique_ptr<Cookie>>>();
93       cookies_->push_back(std::move(cookie));
94       return true;
95     }
96   }
98   auto i = std::find_if(
99       std::begin(*cookies_), std::end(*cookies_),
100       [&](const std::unique_ptr<Cookie>& c) { return *c == *cookie; });
101   if (i == std::end(*cookies_)) {
102     if (cookie->isExpired(now)) {
103       return false;
104     }
105     else {
106       if (cookies_->size() >= CookieStorage::MAX_COOKIE_PER_DOMAIN) {
107         cookies_->erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(*cookies_),
108                                        std::end(*cookies_),
109                                        std::bind(&Cookie::isExpired, _1, now)),
110                         std::end(*cookies_));
111         if (cookies_->size() >= CookieStorage::MAX_COOKIE_PER_DOMAIN) {
112           auto m = std::min_element(std::begin(*cookies_), std::end(*cookies_),
113                                     [](const std::unique_ptr<Cookie>& lhs,
114                                        const std::unique_ptr<Cookie>& rhs) {
115                                       return lhs->getLastAccessTime() <
116                                              rhs->getLastAccessTime();
117                                     });
118           *m = std::move(cookie);
119         }
120         else {
121           cookies_->push_back(std::move(cookie));
122         }
123       }
124       else {
125         cookies_->push_back(std::move(cookie));
126       }
127       return true;
128     }
129   }
130   else if (cookie->isExpired(now)) {
131     cookies_->erase(i);
132     return false;
133   }
134   else {
135     cookie->setCreationTime((*i)->getCreationTime());
136     *i = std::move(cookie);
137     return true;
138   }
139 }
contains(const Cookie & cookie) const141 bool DomainNode::contains(const Cookie& cookie) const
142 {
143   if (cookies_) {
144     for (auto& i : *cookies_) {
145       if (*i == cookie) {
146         return true;
147       }
148     }
149   }
150   return false;
151 }
writeCookie(BufferedFile & fp) const153 bool DomainNode::writeCookie(BufferedFile& fp) const
154 {
155   if (cookies_) {
156     for (const auto& c : *cookies_) {
157       std::string data = c->toNsCookieFormat();
158       data += "\n";
159       if (fp.write(data.data(), data.size()) != data.size()) {
160         return false;
161       }
162     }
163   }
164   return true;
165 }
countCookie() const167 size_t DomainNode::countCookie() const
168 {
169   if (cookies_) {
170     return cookies_->size();
171   }
172   else {
173     return 0;
174   }
175 }
clearCookie()177 void DomainNode::clearCookie() { cookies_->clear(); }
setLastAccessTime(time_t lastAccessTime)179 void DomainNode::setLastAccessTime(time_t lastAccessTime)
180 {
181   lastAccessTime_ = lastAccessTime;
182 }
getLastAccessTime() const184 time_t DomainNode::getLastAccessTime() const { return lastAccessTime_; }
setLruAccessTime(time_t t)186 void DomainNode::setLruAccessTime(time_t t) { lruAccessTime_ = t; }
getLruAccessTime() const188 time_t DomainNode::getLruAccessTime() const { return lruAccessTime_; }
empty() const190 bool DomainNode::empty() const { return !cookies_ || cookies_->empty(); }
hasNext() const192 bool DomainNode::hasNext() const { return !next_.empty(); }
getParent() const194 DomainNode* DomainNode::getParent() const { return parent_; }
removeNode(DomainNode * node)196 void DomainNode::removeNode(DomainNode* node) { next_.erase(node->getLabel()); }
findNext(const std::string & label) const198 DomainNode* DomainNode::findNext(const std::string& label) const
199 {
200   auto i = next_.find(label);
201   if (i == std::end(next_)) {
202     return nullptr;
203   }
204   else {
205     return (*i).second.get();
206   }
207 }
addNext(std::string label,std::unique_ptr<DomainNode> node)209 DomainNode* DomainNode::addNext(std::string label,
210                                 std::unique_ptr<DomainNode> node)
211 {
212   auto& res = next_[std::move(label)] = std::move(node);
213   return res.get();
214 }
getLabel() const216 const std::string& DomainNode::getLabel() const { return label_; }
getInLru() const218 bool DomainNode::getInLru() const { return inLru_; }
setInLru(bool f)220 void DomainNode::setInLru(bool f) { inLru_ = f; }
CookieStorage()222 CookieStorage::CookieStorage() : rootNode_{make_unique<DomainNode>("", nullptr)}
223 {
224 }
226 namespace {
227 // See CookieStorageTest::testDomainIsFull() in CookieStorageTest.cc
228 const size_t DOMAIN_EVICTION_TRIGGER = 2000;
230 const double DOMAIN_EVICTION_RATE = 0.1;
231 } // namespace
233 namespace {
splitDomainLabel(const std::string & domain)234 std::vector<std::string> splitDomainLabel(const std::string& domain)
235 {
236   auto labels = std::vector<std::string>{};
237   if (util::isNumericHost(domain)) {
238     labels.push_back(domain);
239   }
240   else {
241     util::split(std::begin(domain), std::end(domain),
242                 std::back_inserter(labels), '.');
243   }
244   return labels;
245 }
246 } // namespace
getLruTrackerSize() const248 size_t CookieStorage::getLruTrackerSize() const { return lruTracker_.size(); }
evictNode(size_t delnum)250 void CookieStorage::evictNode(size_t delnum)
251 {
252   for (; delnum > 0 && !lruTracker_.empty(); --delnum) {
253     auto node = (*lruTracker_.begin()).second;
254     lruTracker_.erase(lruTracker_.begin());
255     node->setInLru(false);
256     node->clearCookie();
257     while (node->empty() && !node->hasNext()) {
258       auto parent = node->getParent();
259       parent->removeNode(node);
260       if (!parent->empty() || parent->hasNext() || parent == rootNode_.get()) {
261         break;
262       }
263       node = parent;
264       if (node->getInLru()) {
265         lruTracker_.erase({node->getLruAccessTime(), node});
266         node->setInLru(false);
267       }
268     }
269   }
270 }
getRootNode() const272 const DomainNode* CookieStorage::getRootNode() const { return rootNode_.get(); }
store(std::unique_ptr<Cookie> cookie,time_t now)274 bool CookieStorage::store(std::unique_ptr<Cookie> cookie, time_t now)
275 {
276   if (lruTracker_.size() >= DOMAIN_EVICTION_TRIGGER) {
277     auto delnum = size_t(lruTracker_.size() * DOMAIN_EVICTION_RATE);
278     evictNode(delnum);
279   }
280   auto labels = splitDomainLabel(cookie->getDomain());
281   auto node = rootNode_.get();
282   for (auto i = labels.rbegin(), eoi = labels.rend(); i != eoi; ++i) {
283     auto nextNode = node->findNext(*i);
284     if (nextNode) {
285       node = nextNode;
286     }
287     else {
288       node = node->addNext(*i, make_unique<DomainNode>(*i, node));
289     }
290   }
291   bool ok = node->addCookie(std::move(cookie), now);
292   if (ok) {
293     updateLru(node, now);
294   }
295   return ok;
296 }
updateLru(DomainNode * node,time_t now)298 void CookieStorage::updateLru(DomainNode* node, time_t now)
299 {
300   if (node->getInLru()) {
301     lruTracker_.erase({node->getLruAccessTime(), node});
302   }
303   else {
304     node->setInLru(true);
305   }
306   node->setLruAccessTime(now);
307   lruTracker_.insert({node->getLruAccessTime(), node});
308 }
parseAndStore(const std::string & setCookieString,const std::string & requestHost,const std::string & defaultPath,time_t now)310 bool CookieStorage::parseAndStore(const std::string& setCookieString,
311                                   const std::string& requestHost,
312                                   const std::string& defaultPath, time_t now)
313 {
314   auto cookie = cookie::parse(setCookieString, requestHost, defaultPath, now);
315   return cookie && store(std::move(cookie), now);
316 }
318 namespace {
319 struct CookiePathDivider {
320   const Cookie* cookie_;
321   int pathDepth_;
CookiePathDivideraria2::__anon586b6b870511::CookiePathDivider322   CookiePathDivider(const Cookie* cookie) : cookie_(cookie), pathDepth_(0)
323   {
324     const std::string& path = cookie_->getPath();
325     if (!path.empty()) {
326       for (size_t i = 1, len = path.size(); i < len; ++i) {
327         if (path[i] == '/' && path[i - 1] != '/') {
328           ++pathDepth_;
329         }
330       }
331       if (path[path.size() - 1] != '/') {
332         ++pathDepth_;
333       }
334     }
335   }
336 };
337 } // namespace
339 namespace {
340 class CookiePathDividerConverter {
341 public:
operator ()(const Cookie * cookie) const342   CookiePathDivider operator()(const Cookie* cookie) const
343   {
344     return CookiePathDivider(cookie);
345   }
operator ()(const CookiePathDivider & cookiePathDivider) const347   const Cookie* operator()(const CookiePathDivider& cookiePathDivider) const
348   {
349     return cookiePathDivider.cookie_;
350   }
351 };
352 } // namespace
354 namespace {
355 class OrderByPathDepthDesc : public std::binary_function<Cookie, Cookie, bool> {
356 public:
operator ()(const CookiePathDivider & lhs,const CookiePathDivider & rhs) const357   bool operator()(const CookiePathDivider& lhs,
358                   const CookiePathDivider& rhs) const
359   {
360     // From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.4:
361     // 2.  The user agent SHOULD sort the cookie-list in the following
362     //    order:
363     //
364     //    *  Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with
365     //       shorter paths.
366     //
367     //    *  Among cookies that have equal-length path fields, cookies with
368     //       earlier creation-times are listed before cookies with later
369     //       creation-times.
370     return lhs.pathDepth_ > rhs.pathDepth_ ||
371            (!(rhs.pathDepth_ > lhs.pathDepth_) &&
372             lhs.cookie_->getCreationTime() < rhs.cookie_->getCreationTime());
373   }
374 };
375 } // namespace
377 namespace {
findNode(const std::string & domain,DomainNode * node)378 DomainNode* findNode(const std::string& domain, DomainNode* node)
379 {
380   auto labels = splitDomainLabel(domain);
381   for (auto i = labels.rbegin(), eoi = labels.rend(); i != eoi && node; ++i) {
382     node = node->findNext(*i);
383   }
384   return node;
385 }
386 } // namespace
contains(const Cookie & cookie) const388 bool CookieStorage::contains(const Cookie& cookie) const
389 {
390   auto node = findNode(cookie.getDomain(), rootNode_.get());
391   return node && node->contains(cookie);
392 }
394 std::vector<const Cookie*>
criteriaFind(const std::string & requestHost,const std::string & requestPath,time_t now,bool secure)395 CookieStorage::criteriaFind(const std::string& requestHost,
396                             const std::string& requestPath, time_t now,
397                             bool secure)
398 {
399   auto res = std::vector<const Cookie*>{};
400   if (requestPath.empty()) {
401     return res;
402   }
403   auto labels = splitDomainLabel(requestHost);
404   auto node = rootNode_.get();
405   for (auto i = labels.rbegin(), eoi = labels.rend(); i != eoi; ++i) {
406     auto nextNode = node->findNext(*i);
407     if (!nextNode) {
408       break;
409     }
410     nextNode->setLastAccessTime(now);
411     if (nextNode->getInLru()) {
412       updateLru(nextNode, now);
413     }
414     nextNode->findCookie(res, requestHost, requestPath, now, secure);
415     node = nextNode;
416   }
417   auto divs = std::vector<CookiePathDivider>{};
418   std::transform(std::begin(res), std::end(res), std::back_inserter(divs),
419                  CookiePathDividerConverter{});
420   std::sort(std::begin(divs), std::end(divs), OrderByPathDepthDesc{});
421   std::transform(std::begin(divs), std::end(divs), std::begin(res),
422                  CookiePathDividerConverter{});
423   return res;
424 }
size() const426 size_t CookieStorage::size() const
427 {
428   size_t n = 0;
429   for (auto& p : lruTracker_) {
430     n += p.second->countCookie();
431   }
432   return n;
433 }
load(const std::string & filename,time_t now)435 bool CookieStorage::load(const std::string& filename, time_t now)
436 {
437   char header[16]; // "SQLite format 3" plus \0
438   size_t headlen;
439   {
440     BufferedFile fp{filename.c_str(), BufferedFile::READ};
441     if (!fp) {
442       A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Failed to open cookie file %s", filename.c_str()));
443       return false;
444     }
445     headlen = fp.read(header, sizeof(header));
446   }
447   try {
448     if (headlen == 16 && memcmp(header, "SQLite format 3\0", 16) == 0) {
449 #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3
450       try {
451         auto cookies = Sqlite3MozCookieParser(filename).parse();
452         storeCookies(std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(cookies)),
453                      std::make_move_iterator(std::end(cookies)), now);
454       }
455       catch (RecoverableException& e) {
457         A2_LOG_INFO("This does not look like Firefox3 cookie file."
458                     " Retrying, assuming it is Chromium cookie file.");
459         // Try chrome cookie format
460         auto cookies = Sqlite3ChromiumCookieParser(filename).parse();
461         storeCookies(std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(cookies)),
462                      std::make_move_iterator(std::end(cookies)), now);
463       }
464 #else  // !HAVE_SQLITE3
465       throw DL_ABORT_EX(
466           "Cannot read SQLite3 database because SQLite3 support is disabled by"
467           " configuration.");
468 #endif // !HAVE_SQLITE3
469     }
470     else {
471       auto cookies = NsCookieParser().parse(filename, now);
472       storeCookies(std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(cookies)),
473                    std::make_move_iterator(std::end(cookies)), now);
474     }
475     return true;
476   }
477   catch (RecoverableException& e) {
478     A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Failed to load cookies from %s", filename.c_str()));
479     return false;
480   }
481 }
saveNsFormat(const std::string & filename)483 bool CookieStorage::saveNsFormat(const std::string& filename)
484 {
485   auto tempfilename = filename;
486   tempfilename += "__temp";
487   {
488     BufferedFile fp{tempfilename.c_str(), BufferedFile::WRITE};
489     if (!fp) {
490       A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Cannot create cookie file %s", filename.c_str()));
491       return false;
492     }
493     for (auto& p : lruTracker_) {
494       if (!p.second->writeCookie(fp)) {
495         A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Failed to save cookies to %s", filename.c_str()));
496         return false;
497       }
498     }
499     if (fp.close() == EOF) {
500       A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Failed to save cookies to %s", filename.c_str()));
501       return false;
502     }
503   }
504   if (File(tempfilename).renameTo(filename)) {
505     return true;
506   }
507   else {
508     A2_LOG_ERROR(fmt("Could not rename file %s as %s", tempfilename.c_str(),
509                      filename.c_str()));
510     return false;
511   }
512 }
514 } // namespace aria2