1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/optional.h"
14 #include "base/time/time.h"
15 #include "build/build_config.h"
16 #include "components/viz/common/delegated_ink_metadata.h"
17 #include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h"
18 #include "components/viz/common/quads/frame_deadline.h"
19 #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
20 #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_range.h"
21 #include "components/viz/common/viz_common_export.h"
22 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
23 #include "ui/gfx/display_color_spaces.h"
24 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
25 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d_f.h"
26 #include "ui/gfx/overlay_transform.h"
27 #include "ui/latency/latency_info.h"
29 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
30 #include "components/viz/common/quads/selection.h"
31 #include "ui/gfx/selection_bound.h"
32 #endif  // defined(OS_ANDROID)
34 namespace viz {
36 // Compares two frame tokens, handling cases where the token wraps around the
37 // 32-bit max value.
FrameTokenGT(uint32_t token1,uint32_t token2)38 inline bool FrameTokenGT(uint32_t token1, uint32_t token2) {
39   // There will be underflow in the subtraction if token1 was created
40   // after token2.
41   return (token2 - token1) > 0x80000000u;
42 }
44 class VIZ_COMMON_EXPORT FrameTokenGenerator {
45  public:
46   inline uint32_t operator++() {
47     if (++frame_token_ == 0)
48       ++frame_token_;
49     return frame_token_;
50   }
52   inline uint32_t operator*() const { return frame_token_; }
54  private:
55   uint32_t frame_token_ = 0;
56 };
58 class VIZ_COMMON_EXPORT CompositorFrameMetadata {
59  public:
60   CompositorFrameMetadata();
61   CompositorFrameMetadata(CompositorFrameMetadata&& other);
62   ~CompositorFrameMetadata();
64   CompositorFrameMetadata& operator=(CompositorFrameMetadata&& other);
66   CompositorFrameMetadata Clone() const;
68   // The device scale factor used to generate this compositor frame. Must be
69   // greater than zero.
70   float device_scale_factor = 0.f;
72   // Scroll offset and scale of the root layer. This can be used for tasks
73   // like positioning windowed plugins.
74   gfx::Vector2dF root_scroll_offset;
75   float page_scale_factor = 0.f;
77   gfx::SizeF scrollable_viewport_size;
79   gfx::ContentColorUsage content_color_usage = gfx::ContentColorUsage::kSRGB;
81   bool may_contain_video = false;
83   // WebView makes quality decisions for rastering resourceless software frames
84   // based on information that a scroll or animation is active.
85   // TODO(aelias): Remove this and always enable filtering if there aren't apps
86   // depending on this anymore.
87   bool is_resourceless_software_draw_with_scroll_or_animation = false;
89   // This color is usually obtained from the background color of the <body>
90   // element. It can be used for filling in gutter areas around the frame when
91   // it's too small to fill the box the parent reserved for it.
92   SkColor root_background_color = SK_ColorWHITE;
94   std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo> latency_info;
96   // This is the set of surfaces that the client wants to keep alive. It is
97   // guaranteed that the last activated surface in every SurfaceRange will be
98   // kept alive as long as the surface containing this CompositorFrame is alive.
99   // Note: Not every surface in this list might have a corresponding
100   // SurfaceDrawQuad, as this list also includes occluded and clipped surfaces
101   // and surfaces that may be accessed by this CompositorFrame in the future.
102   // However, every SurfaceDrawQuad MUST have a corresponding entry in this
103   // list.
104   std::vector<SurfaceRange> referenced_surfaces;
106   // This is the set of dependent SurfaceIds that should be active in the
107   // display compositor before this CompositorFrame can be activated.
108   // Note: |activation_dependencies| MUST be a subset of |referenced_surfaces|.
109   // TODO(samans): Rather than having a separate list for activation
110   // dependencies, each member of referenced_surfaces can have a boolean flag
111   // that determines whether activation of this particular SurfaceId blocks the
112   // activation of the CompositorFrame. https://crbug.com/938946
113   std::vector<SurfaceId> activation_dependencies;
115   // This specifies a deadline for this CompositorFrame to synchronize with its
116   // activation dependencies. Once this deadline passes, this CompositorFrame
117   // should be forcibly activated. This deadline may be lower-bounded by the
118   // default synchronization deadline specified by the system.
119   FrameDeadline deadline;
121   // BeginFrameAck for the BeginFrame that this CompositorFrame answers.
122   BeginFrameAck begin_frame_ack;
124   // An identifier for the frame. This is used to identify the frame for
125   // presentation-feedback, or when the frame-token is sent to the embedder.
126   // For comparing |frame_token| from different frames, use |FrameTokenGT()|
127   // instead of directly comparing them, since the tokens wrap around back to 1
128   // after the 32-bit max value.
129   // TODO(crbug.com/850386): A custom type would be better to avoid incorrect
130   // comparisons.
131   uint32_t frame_token = 0;
133   // Once the display compositor processes a frame with
134   // |send_frame_token_to_embedder| flag turned on, the |frame_token| for the
135   // frame is sent to embedder of the frame. This is helpful when the embedder
136   // wants to do something after a particular frame is processed.
137   bool send_frame_token_to_embedder = false;
139   // These limits can be used together with the scroll/scale fields above to
140   // determine if scrolling/scaling in a particular direction is possible.
141   float min_page_scale_factor = 0.f;
143   // The visible height of the top-controls. If the value is not set, then the
144   // visible height should be the same as in the latest submitted frame with a
145   // value set.
146   base::Optional<float> top_controls_visible_height;
148   base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> preferred_frame_interval;
150   // Display transform hint when the frame is generated. Note this is only
151   // applicable to frames of the root surface.
152   gfx::OverlayTransform display_transform_hint = gfx::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_NONE;
154   // Contains the metadata required for drawing a delegated ink trail onto the
155   // end of a rendered ink stroke. This should only be present when two
156   // conditions are met:
157   //   1. The JS API |updateInkTrailStartPoint| is used - This gathers the
158   //     metadata and puts it onto a compositor frame to be sent to viz.
159   //   2. This frame will not be submitted to the root surface - The browser UI
160   //     does not use this, and the frame must be contained within a
161   //     SurfaceDrawQuad.
162   // The ink trail created with this metadata will only last for a single frame
163   // before it disappears, regardless of whether or not the next frame contains
164   // delegated ink metadata.
165   std::unique_ptr<DelegatedInkMetadata> delegated_ink_metadata;
167  private:
168   CompositorFrameMetadata(const CompositorFrameMetadata& other);
169   CompositorFrameMetadata operator=(const CompositorFrameMetadata&) = delete;
170 };
172 }  // namespace viz