1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <memory>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <utility>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/callback.h"
14 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
15 #include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
16 #include "base/containers/queue.h"
17 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
18 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
19 #include "base/macros.h"
20 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
21 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
22 #include "base/optional.h"
23 #include "base/process/process.h"
24 #include "base/run_loop.h"
25 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
26 #include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
27 #include "build/build_config.h"
28 #include "cc/test/pixel_test_utils.h"
29 #include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_frame.h"
30 #include "content/public/browser/browser_message_filter.h"
31 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
32 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
33 #include "content/public/browser/render_frame_metadata_provider.h"
34 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
35 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
36 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
37 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
38 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
39 #include "content/public/common/isolated_world_ids.h"
40 #include "content/public/common/page_type.h"
41 #include "content/public/common/untrustworthy_context_menu_params.h"
42 #include "content/public/test/fake_frame_widget.h"
43 #include "ipc/message_filter.h"
44 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
45 #include "services/network/public/mojom/network_service.mojom.h"
46 #include "storage/common/file_system/file_system_types.h"
47 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
48 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_input_event.h"
49 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_mouse_event.h"
50 #include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_mouse_wheel_event.h"
51 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom-test-utils.h"
52 #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_update_types.mojom.h"
53 #include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
54 #include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_update.h"
55 #include "ui/display/display_switches.h"
56 #include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
57 #include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_key.h"
58 #include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
59 #include "ui/events/types/event_type.h"
60 #include "url/gurl.h"
62 #if defined(OS_WIN)
63 #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
64 #endif
66 namespace gfx {
67 class Point;
68 }
70 namespace net {
71 class CanonicalCookie;
72 namespace test_server {
73 class EmbeddedTestServer;
74 }
75 // TODO(svaldez): Remove typedef once EmbeddedTestServer has been migrated
76 // out of net::test_server.
77 using test_server::EmbeddedTestServer;
78 }
80 namespace ui {
81 class AXPlatformNodeDelegate;
82 }
84 #if defined(OS_WIN)
85 namespace Microsoft {
86 namespace WRL {
87 template <typename>
88 class ComPtr;
89 }  // namespace WRL
90 }  // namespace Microsoft
92 typedef int PROPERTYID;
93 #endif
95 // A collections of functions designed for use with content_browsertests and
96 // browser_tests.
97 // TO BE CLEAR: any function here must work against both binaries. If it only
98 // works with browser_tests, it should be in chrome\test\base\ui_test_utils.h.
99 // If it only works with content_browsertests, it should be in
100 // content\test\content_browser_test_utils.h.
102 namespace blink {
103 struct FrameVisualProperties;
104 }
106 namespace content {
108 class BrowserContext;
109 class FrameTreeNode;
110 class NavigationHandle;
111 class NavigationRequest;
112 class RenderFrameMetadataProviderImpl;
113 class RenderFrameProxyHost;
114 class RenderWidgetHost;
115 class RenderWidgetHostView;
116 class ScopedAllowRendererCrashes;
117 class ToRenderFrameHost;
118 class WebContents;
120 // Navigates |web_contents| to |url|, blocking until the navigation finishes.
121 // Returns true if the page was loaded successfully and the last committed URL
122 // matches |url|.  This is a browser-initiated navigation that simulates a user
123 // typing |url| into the address bar.
124 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool NavigateToURL(WebContents* web_contents,
125                                       const GURL& url);
127 // Same as above, but takes in an additional URL, |expected_commit_url|, to
128 // which the navigation should eventually commit.  This is useful for cases
129 // like redirects, where navigation starts on one URL but ends up committing a
130 // different URL.  This function will return true if navigating to |url|
131 // results in a successful commit to |expected_commit_url|.
132 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool NavigateToURL(WebContents* web_contents,
133                                       const GURL& url,
134                                       const GURL& expected_commit_url);
136 // Navigates |web_contents| to |url|, blocking until the given number of
137 // navigations finishes.
138 void NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(WebContents* web_contents,
139                                                 const GURL& url,
140                                                 int number_of_navigations);
142 // Perform a renderer-initiated navigation of |window| to |url|, blocking
143 // until the navigation finishes.  The navigation is done by assigning
144 // location.href in the frame |adapter|. Returns true if the page was loaded
145 // successfully and the last committed URL matches |url|.
146 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool NavigateToURLFromRenderer(
147     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
148     const GURL& url);
149 // Similar to above but takes in an additional URL, |expected_commit_url|, to
150 // which the navigation should eventually commit. (See the browser-initiated
151 // counterpart for more details).
152 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool NavigateToURLFromRenderer(
153     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
154     const GURL& url,
155     const GURL& expected_commit_url);
156 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool NavigateToURLFromRendererWithoutUserGesture(
157     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
158     const GURL& url);
160 // Navigate a frame with ID |iframe_id| to |url|, blocking until the navigation
161 // finishes.  Uses a renderer-initiated navigation from script code in the
162 // main frame.
163 bool NavigateIframeToURL(WebContents* web_contents,
164                          const std::string& iframe_id,
165                          const GURL& url);
167 // Similar to |NavigateIframeToURL()| but returns as soon as the navigation is
168 // initiated.
169 bool BeginNavigateIframeToURL(WebContents* web_contents,
170                               const std::string& iframe_id,
171                               const GURL& url);
173 // Generate a URL for a file path including a query string.
174 GURL GetFileUrlWithQuery(const base::FilePath& path,
175                          const std::string& query_string);
177 // Checks whether the page type of the last committed navigation entry matches
178 // |page_type|.
179 bool IsLastCommittedEntryOfPageType(WebContents* web_contents,
180                                     content::PageType page_type);
182 // Waits for |web_contents| to stop loading.  If |web_contents| is not loading
183 // returns immediately.  Tests should use WaitForLoadStop instead and check that
184 // last navigation succeeds, and this function should only be used if the
185 // navigation leads to web_contents being destroyed.
186 void WaitForLoadStopWithoutSuccessCheck(WebContents* web_contents);
188 // Waits for |web_contents| to stop loading.  If |web_contents| is not loading
189 // returns immediately.  Returns true if the last navigation succeeded (resulted
190 // in a committed navigation entry of type PAGE_TYPE_NORMAL).
191 // TODO(alexmos): tests that use this function to wait for successful
192 // navigations should be refactored to do EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForLoadStop()).
193 bool WaitForLoadStop(WebContents* web_contents);
195 // If a test uses a beforeunload dialog, it must be prepared to avoid flakes.
196 // This function collects everything that needs to be done, except for user
197 // activation which is triggered only when |trigger_user_activation| is true.
198 // Note that beforeunload dialog attempts are ignored unless the frame has
199 // received a user activation.
200 void PrepContentsForBeforeUnloadTest(WebContents* web_contents,
201                                      bool trigger_user_activation = true);
203 #if defined(USE_AURA) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
204 // If WebContent's view is currently being resized, this will wait for the ack
205 // from the renderer that the resize is complete and for the
206 // WindowEventDispatcher to release the pointer moves. If there's no resize in
207 // progress, the method will return right away.
208 void WaitForResizeComplete(WebContents* web_contents);
209 #endif  // defined(USE_AURA) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
211 // Allows tests to set the last committed origin of |render_frame_host|, to
212 // simulate a scenario that might happen with a compromised renderer or might
213 // not otherwise be possible.
214 void OverrideLastCommittedOrigin(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
215                                  const url::Origin& origin);
217 // Causes the specified web_contents to crash. Blocks until it is crashed.
218 void CrashTab(WebContents* web_contents);
220 // Sets up a commit interceptor to alter commits for |target_url| to change
221 // their commit URL to |new_url| and origin to |new_origin|. This will happen
222 // for all commits in |web_contents|.
223 void PwnCommitIPC(WebContents* web_contents,
224                   const GURL& target_url,
225                   const GURL& new_url,
226                   const url::Origin& new_origin);
228 // Causes the specified web_contents to issue an OnUnresponsiveRenderer event
229 // to its observers.
230 void SimulateUnresponsiveRenderer(WebContents* web_contents,
231                                   RenderWidgetHost* widget);
233 // Simulates clicking at the center of the given tab asynchronously; modifiers
234 // may contain bits from WebInputEvent::Modifiers. Sends the event through
235 // RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouter and thus can target OOPIFs.
236 void SimulateMouseClick(WebContents* web_contents,
237                         int modifiers,
238                         blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button);
240 // Simulates clicking at the point |point| of the given tab asynchronously;
241 // modifiers may contain bits from WebInputEvent::Modifiers. Sends the event
242 // through RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouter and thus can target OOPIFs.
243 void SimulateMouseClickAt(WebContents* web_contents,
244                           int modifiers,
245                           blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button,
246                           const gfx::Point& point);
248 // Retrieves the center coordinates of the element with id |id| and simulates a
249 // mouse click there using SimulateMouseClickAt().
250 void SimulateMouseClickOrTapElementWithId(content::WebContents* web_contents,
251                                           const std::string& id);
253 // Simulates MouseDown at the center of the given RenderWidgetHost's area.
254 // This does not send a corresponding MouseUp.
255 void SendMouseDownToWidget(RenderWidgetHost* target,
256                            int modifiers,
257                            blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button);
259 // Simulates asynchronously a mouse enter/move/leave event. The mouse event is
260 // routed through RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouter and thus can target OOPIFs.
261 void SimulateMouseEvent(WebContents* web_contents,
262                         blink::WebInputEvent::Type type,
263                         const gfx::Point& point);
264 void SimulateMouseEvent(WebContents* web_contents,
265                         blink::WebInputEvent::Type type,
266                         blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button,
267                         const gfx::Point& point);
269 // Simulate a mouse wheel event.
270 void SimulateMouseWheelEvent(WebContents* web_contents,
271                              const gfx::Point& point,
272                              const gfx::Vector2d& delta,
273                              const blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::Phase phase);
275 #if !defined(OS_MAC)
276 // Simulate a mouse wheel event with the ctrl modifier set.
277 void SimulateMouseWheelCtrlZoomEvent(WebContents* web_contents,
278                                      const gfx::Point& point,
279                                      bool zoom_in,
280                                      blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::Phase phase);
282 void SimulateTouchscreenPinch(WebContents* web_contents,
283                               const gfx::PointF& anchor,
284                               float scale_change,
285                               base::OnceClosure on_complete);
287 #endif  // !defined(OS_MAC)
289 // Sends a GesturePinch Begin/Update/End sequence.
290 void SimulateGesturePinchSequence(WebContents* web_contents,
291                                   const gfx::Point& point,
292                                   float scale,
293                                   blink::WebGestureDevice source_device);
295 // Sends a simple, three-event (Begin/Update/End) gesture scroll.
296 void SimulateGestureScrollSequence(WebContents* web_contents,
297                                    const gfx::Point& point,
298                                    const gfx::Vector2dF& delta);
300 void SimulateGestureFlingSequence(WebContents* web_contents,
301                                   const gfx::Point& point,
302                                   const gfx::Vector2dF& velocity);
304 void SimulateGestureEvent(WebContents* web_contents,
305                           const blink::WebGestureEvent& gesture_event,
306                           const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
308 // Taps the screen at |point|, using gesture Tap or TapDown.
309 void SimulateTapAt(WebContents* web_contents, const gfx::Point& point);
310 void SimulateTapDownAt(WebContents* web_contents, const gfx::Point& point);
312 // A helper function for SimulateTap(Down)At.
313 void SimulateTouchGestureAt(WebContents* web_contents,
314                             const gfx::Point& point,
315                             blink::WebInputEvent::Type type);
317 #if defined(USE_AURA)
318 // Generates a TouchEvent of |event_type| at |point|.
319 void SimulateTouchEventAt(WebContents* web_contents,
320                           ui::EventType event_type,
321                           const gfx::Point& point);
323 void SimulateLongTapAt(WebContents* web_contents, const gfx::Point& point);
324 #endif
326 // Taps the screen with modifires at |point|.
327 void SimulateTapWithModifiersAt(WebContents* web_contents,
328                                 unsigned Modifiers,
329                                 const gfx::Point& point);
331 // Sends a key press asynchronously.
332 // |key| specifies the UIEvents (aka: DOM4Events) value of the key.
333 // |code| specifies the UIEvents (aka: DOM4Events) value of the physical key.
334 // |key_code| alone is good enough for scenarios that only need the char
335 // value represented by a key event and not the physical key on the keyboard
336 // or the keyboard layout.
337 // If set to true, the modifiers |control|, |shift|, |alt|, and |command| are
338 // pressed down first before the key event, and released after.
339 void SimulateKeyPress(WebContents* web_contents,
340                       ui::DomKey key,
341                       ui::DomCode code,
342                       ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
343                       bool control,
344                       bool shift,
345                       bool alt,
346                       bool command);
348 // Like SimulateKeyPress(), but does not send the char (AKA keypress) event.
349 // This is useful for arrow keys and other key presses that do not generate
350 // characters.
351 void SimulateKeyPressWithoutChar(WebContents* web_contents,
352                                  ui::DomKey key,
353                                  ui::DomCode code,
354                                  ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
355                                  bool control,
356                                  bool shift,
357                                  bool alt,
358                                  bool command);
360 // Reset touch action for the embedder of a BrowserPluginGuest.
361 void ResetTouchAction(RenderWidgetHost* host);
363 // Requests mouse lock on the implementation of the given RenderWidgetHost
364 void RequestMouseLock(RenderWidgetHost* host,
365                       bool user_gesture,
366                       bool request_unadjusted_movement);
368 // Spins a run loop until effects of previously forwarded input are fully
369 // realized.
370 void RunUntilInputProcessed(RenderWidgetHost* host);
372 // Returns a string representation of a given |referrer_policy|. This is used to
373 // setup <meta name=referrer> tags in documents used for referrer-policy-based
374 // tests. The value `no-meta` indicates no tag should be created.
375 std::string ReferrerPolicyToString(
376     network::mojom::ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy);
378 // For testing, bind FakeFrameWidget to a RenderWidgetHost associated
379 // with a given RenderFrameHost
380 mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<blink::mojom::FrameWidget>
381 BindFakeFrameWidgetInterfaces(RenderFrameHost* frame);
383 // Set |active| state for a RenderWidgetHost associated with a given
384 // RenderFrameHost
385 void SimulateActiveStateForWidget(RenderFrameHost* frame, bool active);
387 // Holds down modifier keys for the duration of its lifetime and releases them
388 // upon destruction. This allows simulating multiple input events without
389 // simulating modifier key releases in between.
390 class ScopedSimulateModifierKeyPress {
391  public:
392   ScopedSimulateModifierKeyPress(WebContents* web_contents,
393                                  bool control,
394                                  bool shift,
395                                  bool alt,
396                                  bool command);
397   ~ScopedSimulateModifierKeyPress();
399   // Similar to SimulateMouseClickAt().
400   void MouseClickAt(int additional_modifiers,
401                     blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button,
402                     const gfx::Point& point);
404   // Similar to SimulateKeyPress().
405   void KeyPress(ui::DomKey key, ui::DomCode code, ui::KeyboardCode key_code);
407   // Similar to SimulateKeyPressWithoutChar().
408   void KeyPressWithoutChar(ui::DomKey key,
409                            ui::DomCode code,
410                            ui::KeyboardCode key_code);
412  private:
413   WebContents* const web_contents_;
414   int modifiers_;
415   const bool control_;
416   const bool shift_;
417   const bool alt_;
418   const bool command_;
420   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedSimulateModifierKeyPress);
421 };
423 // Method to check what devices we have on the system.
424 bool IsWebcamAvailableOnSystem(WebContents* web_contents);
426 // Allow ExecuteScript* methods to target either a WebContents or a
427 // RenderFrameHost.  Targeting a WebContents means executing the script in the
428 // RenderFrameHost returned by WebContents::GetMainFrame(), which is the main
429 // frame.  Pass a specific RenderFrameHost to target it. Embedders may declare
430 // additional ConvertToRenderFrameHost functions for convenience.
431 class ToRenderFrameHost {
432  public:
433   template <typename T>
ToRenderFrameHost(T * frame_convertible_value)434   ToRenderFrameHost(T* frame_convertible_value)
435       : render_frame_host_(ConvertToRenderFrameHost(frame_convertible_value)) {}
437   // Extract the underlying frame.
render_frame_host()438   RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host() const { return render_frame_host_; }
440  private:
441   RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host_;
442 };
444 RenderFrameHost* ConvertToRenderFrameHost(RenderFrameHost* render_view_host);
445 RenderFrameHost* ConvertToRenderFrameHost(WebContents* web_contents);
447 // Semi-deprecated: in new code, prefer ExecJs() -- it works the same, but has
448 // better error handling. (Note: still use ExecuteScript() on pages with a
449 // Content Security Policy).
450 //
451 // Executes the passed |script| in the specified frame with the user gesture.
452 //
453 // Appends |domAutomationController.send(...)| to the end of |script| and waits
454 // until the response comes back (pumping the message loop while waiting).  The
455 // |script| itself should not invoke domAutomationController.send(); if you want
456 // to call domAutomationController.send(...) yourself and extract the result,
457 // then use one of ExecuteScriptAndExtract... functions).
458 //
459 // Returns true on success (if the renderer responded back with the expected
460 // value).  Returns false otherwise (e.g. if the script threw an exception
461 // before calling the appended |domAutomationController.send(...)|, or if the
462 // renderer died or if the renderer called |domAutomationController.send(...)|
463 // with a malformed or unexpected value).
464 //
465 // See also:
466 // - ExecJs (preferred replacement with better errror handling)
467 // - EvalJs (if you want to retrieve a value)
468 // - ExecuteScriptAsync (if you don't want to block for |script| completion)
469 // - DOMMessageQueue (to manually wait for domAutomationController.send(...))
470 bool ExecuteScript(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
471                    const std::string& script) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
473 // Same as content::ExecuteScript but doesn't send a user gesture to the
474 // renderer.
475 bool ExecuteScriptWithoutUserGesture(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
476                                      const std::string& script)
479 // Similar to ExecuteScript above, but
480 // - Doesn't modify the |script|.
481 // - Kicks off execution of the |script| in the specified frame and returns
482 //   immediately (without waiting for a response from the renderer and/or
483 //   without checking that the script succeeded).
484 void ExecuteScriptAsync(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
485                         const std::string& script);
487 // The following methods execute the passed |script| in the specified frame and
488 // sets |result| to the value passed to "window.domAutomationController.send" by
489 // the executed script. They return true on success, false if the script
490 // execution failed or did not evaluate to the expected type.
491 //
492 // Semi-deprecated: Consider using EvalJs() or EvalJsWithManualReply() instead,
493 // which handle errors better and don't require an out-param. If the target
494 // document doesn't have a CSP. See the comment on EvalJs() for migration tips.
495 bool ExecuteScriptAndExtractDouble(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
496                                    const std::string& script,
497                                    double* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
498 bool ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
499                                 const std::string& script,
500                                 int* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
501 bool ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
502                                  const std::string& script,
503                                  bool* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
504 bool ExecuteScriptAndExtractString(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
505                                    const std::string& script,
506                                    std::string* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
508 // Same as above but the script executed without user gesture.
509 bool ExecuteScriptWithoutUserGestureAndExtractDouble(
510     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
511     const std::string& script,
512     double* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
513 bool ExecuteScriptWithoutUserGestureAndExtractInt(
514     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
515     const std::string& script,
516     int* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
517 bool ExecuteScriptWithoutUserGestureAndExtractBool(
518     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
519     const std::string& script,
520     bool* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
521 bool ExecuteScriptWithoutUserGestureAndExtractString(
522     const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
523     const std::string& script,
524     std::string* result) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
526 // JsLiteralHelper is a helper class that determines what types are legal to
527 // pass to StringifyJsLiteral. Legal types include int, string, StringPiece,
528 // char*, bool, double, GURL, url::Origin, and base::Value&&.
529 template <typename T>
530 struct JsLiteralHelper {
531   // This generic version enables passing any type from which base::Value can be
532   // instantiated. This covers int, string, double, bool, base::Value&&, etc.
533   template <typename U>
ConvertJsLiteralHelper534   static base::Value Convert(U&& arg) {
535     return base::Value(std::forward<U>(arg));
536   }
ConvertJsLiteralHelper538   static base::Value Convert(const base::Value& value) {
539     return value.Clone();
540   }
ConvertJsLiteralHelper542   static base::Value Convert(const base::ListValue& value) {
543     return value.Clone();
544   }
545 };
547 // Specialization allowing GURL to be passed to StringifyJsLiteral.
548 template <>
549 struct JsLiteralHelper<GURL> {
550   static base::Value Convert(const GURL& url) {
551     return base::Value(url.spec());
552   }
553 };
555 // Specialization allowing url::Origin to be passed to StringifyJsLiteral.
556 template <>
557 struct JsLiteralHelper<url::Origin> {
558   static base::Value Convert(const url::Origin& url) {
559     return base::Value(url.Serialize());
560   }
561 };
563 // Helper for variadic ListValueOf() -- zero-argument base case.
564 inline void ConvertToBaseValueList(base::Value::ListStorage* list) {}
566 // Helper for variadic ListValueOf() -- case with at least one argument.
567 //
568 // |first| can be any type explicitly convertible to base::Value
569 // (including int/string/StringPiece/char*/double/bool), or any type that
570 // JsLiteralHelper is specialized for -- like URL and url::Origin, which emit
571 // string literals.
572 template <typename T, typename... Args>
573 void ConvertToBaseValueList(base::Value::ListStorage* list,
574                             T&& first,
575                             Args&&... rest) {
576   using ValueType = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
577   list->push_back(JsLiteralHelper<ValueType>::Convert(std::forward<T>(first)));
578   ConvertToBaseValueList(list, std::forward<Args>(rest)...);
579 }
581 // Construct a list-type base::Value from a mix of arguments.
582 //
583 // Each |arg| can be any type explicitly convertible to base::Value
584 // (including int/string/StringPiece/char*/double/bool), or any type that
585 // JsLiteralHelper is specialized for -- like URL and url::Origin, which emit
586 // string literals. |args| can be a mix of different types.
587 template <typename... Args>
588 base::ListValue ListValueOf(Args&&... args) {
589   base::Value::ListStorage values;
590   ConvertToBaseValueList(&values, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
591   return base::ListValue(std::move(values));
592 }
594 // Replaces $1, $2, $3, etc in |script_template| with JS literal values
595 // constructed from |args|, similar to base::ReplaceStringPlaceholders.
596 //
597 // Unlike StringPrintf or manual concatenation, this version will properly
598 // escape string content, even if it contains slashes or quotation marks.
599 //
600 // Each |arg| can be any type explicitly convertible to base::Value
601 // (including int/string/StringPiece/char*/double/bool), or any type that
602 // JsLiteralHelper is specialized for -- like URL and url::Origin, which emit
603 // string literals. |args| can be a mix of different types.
604 //
605 // Example 1:
606 //
607 //   GURL page_url("http://example.com");
608 //   EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(
609 //       shell(), JsReplace("window.open($1, '_blank');", page_url)));
610 //
611 // $1 is replaced with a double-quoted JS string literal:
612 // "http://example.com". Note that quotes around $1 are not required.
613 //
614 // Example 2:
615 //
616 //   bool forced_reload = true;
617 //   EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(
618 //       shell(), JsReplace("window.location.reload($1);", forced_reload)));
619 //
620 // This becomes "window.location.reload(true);" -- because bool values are
621 // supported by base::Value. Numbers, lists, and dicts also work.
622 template <typename... Args>
623 std::string JsReplace(base::StringPiece script_template, Args&&... args) {
624   base::Value::ListStorage values;
625   ConvertToBaseValueList(&values, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
626   std::vector<std::string> replacements(values.size());
627   for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
628     CHECK(base::JSONWriter::Write(values[i], &replacements[i]));
629   }
630   return base::ReplaceStringPlaceholders(script_template, replacements,
631                                          nullptr);
632 }
634 // The return value of EvalJs. Captures the value (or the error) arising from
635 // script execution. When used with gtest assertions, EvalJsResult generally
636 // behaves like its wrapped value.
637 //
638 // An EvalJsResult can be consumed in two ways:
639 //
640 //  (1) [preferred] Pass it directly to an EXPECT_EQ() macro. It has
641 //      overloaded operator== against std::string, bool, int, double,
642 //      nullptr_t, and base::Value. This will produce readable assertion
643 //      failures if there is a type mismatch, or if an exception was thrown --
644 //      errors are never equal to anything.
645 //
646 //      For boolean results, note that EXPECT_TRUE(..) and EXPECT_FALSE()
647 //      won't compile; use EXPECT_EQ(true, ...) instead. This is intentional,
648 //      since EXPECT_TRUE() could be read ambiguously as either "expect
649 //      successful execution", "expect truthy value of any type", or "expect
650 //      boolean value 'true'".
651 //
652 //  (2) [use when necessary] Extract the underlying value of an expected type,
653 //      by calling ExtractString(), ExtractInt(), etc. This will produce a
654 //      CHECK failure if the execution didn't result in the appropriate type
655 //      of result, or if an exception was thrown.
656 struct EvalJsResult {
657   const base::Value value;  // Value; if things went well.
658   const std::string error;  // Error; if things went badly.
660   // Creates an ExecuteScript result. If |error| is non-empty, |value| will be
661   // ignored.
662   EvalJsResult(base::Value value, const std::string& error);
664   // Copy ctor.
665   EvalJsResult(const EvalJsResult& value);
667   // Extract a result value of the requested type, or die trying.
668   //
669   // If there was an error, or if returned value is of a different type, these
670   // will fail with a CHECK. Use Extract methods only when accessing the
671   // result value is necessary; prefer operator== and EXPECT_EQ() instead:
672   // they don't CHECK, and give better error messages.
673   const std::string& ExtractString() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
674   int ExtractInt() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
675   bool ExtractBool() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
676   double ExtractDouble() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
677   base::ListValue ExtractList() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
678 };
680 // Enables EvalJsResult to be used directly in ASSERT/EXPECT macros:
681 //
682 //    ASSERT_EQ("ab", EvalJs(rfh, "'a' + 'b'"))
683 //    ASSERT_EQ(2, EvalJs(rfh, "1 + 1"))
684 //    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, EvalJs(rfh, "var a = 1 + 1"))
685 //
686 // Error values never return true for any comparison operator.
687 template <typename T>
688 bool operator==(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
689   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) == b.value);
690 }
692 template <typename T>
693 bool operator!=(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
694   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) != b.value);
695 }
697 template <typename T>
698 bool operator>=(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
699   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) >= b.value);
700 }
702 template <typename T>
703 bool operator<=(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
704   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) <= b.value);
705 }
707 template <typename T>
708 bool operator<(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
709   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) < b.value);
710 }
712 template <typename T>
713 bool operator>(const T& a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
714   return b.error.empty() && (JsLiteralHelper<T>::Convert(a) > b.value);
715 }
717 inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t a, const EvalJsResult& b) {
718   return b.error.empty() && (base::Value() == b.value);
719 }
721 // Provides informative failure messages when the result of EvalJs() is
722 // used in a failing ASSERT_EQ or EXPECT_EQ.
723 void PrintTo(const EvalJsResult& bar, ::std::ostream* os);
725 enum EvalJsOptions {
728   // By default, EvalJs runs with a user gesture. This bit flag disables
729   // that.
732   // This bit controls how the result is obtained. By default, EvalJs's runner
733   // script will call domAutomationController.send() with the completion
734   // value. Setting this bit will disable that, requiring |script| to provide
735   // its own call to domAutomationController.send() instead.
738   // By default, when the script passed to EvalJs evaluates to a Promise, the
739   // execution continues until the Promise resolves, and the resolved value is
740   // returned. Setting this bit disables such Promise resolution.
742 };
744 // EvalJs() -- run |script| in |execution_target| and return its value or error.
745 //
746 // Example simple usage:
747 //
748 //   EXPECT_EQ("https://abcd.com", EvalJs(render_frame_host, "self.origin"));
749 //   EXPECT_EQ(5, EvalJs(render_frame_host, "history.length"));
750 //   EXPECT_EQ(false, EvalJs(render_frame_host, "history.length > 5"));
751 //
752 // The result value of |script| is its "statement completion value" -- the same
753 // semantics used by Javascript's own eval() function. If |script|
754 // raises exceptions, or is syntactically invalid, an error is captured instead,
755 // including a full stack trace.
756 //
757 // The return value of EvalJs() may be used directly in EXPECT_EQ()
758 // macros, and compared for against std::string, int, or any other type for
759 // which base::Value has a constructor.  If an error was thrown by the script,
760 // any comparison operators will always return false.
761 //
762 // If |script|'s captured completion value is a Promise, this function blocks
763 // until the Promise is resolved. This enables a usage pattern where |script|
764 // may call an async function, and use the await keyword to wait for
765 // events to fire. For example:
766 //
767 //   EXPECT_EQ(200, EvalJs(rfh, "(async () => { var resp = (await fetch(url));"
768 //                              "               return resp.status; })()");
769 //
770 // In the above example, the immediately-invoked function expression results in
771 // a Promise (that's what async functions do); EvalJs will continue blocking
772 // until the Promise resolves, which happens when the async function returns
773 // the HTTP status code -- which is expected, in this case, to be 200.
774 //
775 // Quick migration guide for users of the classic ExecuteScriptAndExtract*():
776 //  - If your page has a Content SecurityPolicy, don't migrate [yet]; CSP can
777 //    interfere with the internal mechanism used here.
778 //  - Get rid of the out-param. You call EvalJs no matter what your return
779 //    type is.
780 //  - If possible, pass the result of EvalJs() into the second argument of an
781 //    EXPECT_EQ macro. This will trigger failure (and a nice message) if an
782 //    error occurs.
783 //  - Eliminate calls to domAutomationController.send() in |script|. In simple
784 //    cases, |script| is just an expression you want the value of.
785 //  - When a script previously installed a callback or event listener that
786 //    invoked domAutomationController.send(x) asynchronously, there is a choice:
787 //     * Preferred, but more rewriting: Use EvalJs with a Promise which
788 //       resolves to the value you previously passed to send().
789 //     * Less rewriting of |script|, but with some drawbacks: Use
790 //       EXECUTE_SCRIPT_USE_MANUAL_REPLY in |options|, or EvalJsWithManualReply.
791 //       When specified, this means that |script| must continue to call
792 //       domAutomationController.send(). Note that this option option disables
793 //       some error-catching safeguards, but you still get the benefit of having
794 //       an EvalJsResult that can be passed to EXPECT.
795 //
796 // Why prefer EvalJs over ExecuteScriptAndExtractString(), etc? Because:
797 //
798 //  - It's one function, that does everything, and more succinctly.
799 //  - Can be used directly in EXPECT_EQ macros (no out- param pointers like
800 //    ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool()) -- no temporary variable is required,
801 //    usually resulting in fewer lines of code.
802 //  - JS exceptions are reliably captured and will appear as C++ assertion
803 //    failures.
804 //  - JS stack traces arising from exceptions are annotated with the
805 //    corresponding source code; this also appears in C++ assertion failures.
806 //  - Delayed response is supported via Promises and JS async/await.
807 //  - |script| doesn't need to call domAutomationController.send directly.
808 //  - When a script doesn't produce a result, it's likely an assertion
809 //    failure rather than a hang.  Doesn't get confused by crosstalk with
810 //    other callers of domAutomationController.send() -- script results carry
811 //    a GUID.
812 //  - Lists, dicts, null values, etc. can be returned as base::Values.
813 //
814 // It is guaranteed that EvalJs works even when the target frame is frozen.
815 EvalJsResult EvalJs(const ToRenderFrameHost& execution_target,
816                     const std::string& script,
817                     int options = EXECUTE_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
818                     int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL)
821 // Like EvalJs(), except that |script| must call domAutomationController.send()
822 // itself. This is the same as specifying the EXECUTE_SCRIPT_USE_MANUAL_REPLY
823 // option to EvalJs.
824 EvalJsResult EvalJsWithManualReply(const ToRenderFrameHost& execution_target,
825                                    const std::string& script,
826                                    int options = EXECUTE_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
827                                    int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL)
830 // Like EvalJs(), but runs |raf_script| inside a requestAnimationFrame handler,
831 // and runs |script| after the rendering update has completed. By the time
832 // this method returns, any IPCs sent from the renderer process to the browser
833 // process during the lifecycle update should already have been received and
834 // processed by the browser.
835 EvalJsResult EvalJsAfterLifecycleUpdate(
836     const ToRenderFrameHost& execution_target,
837     const std::string& raf_script,
838     const std::string& script,
842 // Run a script exactly the same as EvalJs(), but ignore the resulting value.
843 //
844 // Returns AssertionSuccess() if |script| ran successfully, and
845 // AssertionFailure() if |script| contained a syntax error or threw an
846 // exception.
847 //
848 // Unlike ExecuteScript(), this catches syntax errors and uncaught exceptions,
849 // and gives more useful error messages when things go wrong. Prefer ExecJs to
850 // ExecuteScript(), unless your page has a CSP.
851 ::testing::AssertionResult ExecJs(const ToRenderFrameHost& execution_target,
852                                   const std::string& script,
853                                   int options = EXECUTE_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
854                                   int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL)
857 // Walks the frame tree of the specified WebContents and returns the sole
858 // frame that matches the specified predicate function. This function will
859 // DCHECK if no frames match the specified predicate, or if more than one
860 // frame matches.
861 RenderFrameHost* FrameMatchingPredicate(
862     WebContents* web_contents,
863     base::RepeatingCallback<bool(RenderFrameHost*)> predicate);
865 // Predicates for use with FrameMatchingPredicate.
866 bool FrameMatchesName(const std::string& name, RenderFrameHost* frame);
867 bool FrameIsChildOfMainFrame(RenderFrameHost* frame);
868 bool FrameHasSourceUrl(const GURL& url, RenderFrameHost* frame);
870 // Finds the child frame at the specified |index| for |frame| and returns its
871 // RenderFrameHost.  Returns nullptr if such child frame does not exist.
872 RenderFrameHost* ChildFrameAt(RenderFrameHost* frame, size_t index);
874 // Executes the WebUI resource test runner injecting each resource ID in
875 // |js_resource_ids| prior to executing the tests.
876 //
877 // Returns true if tests ran successfully, false otherwise.
878 bool ExecuteWebUIResourceTest(WebContents* web_contents,
879                               const std::vector<int>& js_resource_ids);
881 // Returns the serialized cookie string for the given url. Uses an inclusive
882 // SameSiteCookieContext by default, which gets cookies regardless of their
883 // SameSite attribute.
884 std::string GetCookies(
885     BrowserContext* browser_context,
886     const GURL& url,
887     net::CookieOptions::SameSiteCookieContext context =
888         net::CookieOptions::SameSiteCookieContext::MakeInclusive());
890 // Returns the canonical cookies for the given url.
891 std::vector<net::CanonicalCookie> GetCanonicalCookies(
892     BrowserContext* browser_context,
893     const GURL& url);
895 // Sets a cookie for the given url. Uses an inclusive SameSiteCookieContext by
896 // default, which gets cookies regardless of their SameSite attribute. Returns
897 // true on success.
898 bool SetCookie(BrowserContext* browser_context,
899                const GURL& url,
900                const std::string& value,
901                net::CookieOptions::SameSiteCookieContext context =
902                    net::CookieOptions::SameSiteCookieContext::MakeInclusive());
904 // Fetch the histograms data from other processes. This should be called after
905 // the test code has been executed but before performing assertions.
906 void FetchHistogramsFromChildProcesses();
908 // Registers a request handler which redirects to a different host, based
909 // on the request path. The format of the path should be
910 // "/cross-site/hostname/rest/of/path" to redirect the request to
911 // "<scheme>://hostname:<port>/rest/of/path", where <scheme> and <port>
912 // are the values for the instance of EmbeddedTestServer.
913 //
914 // By default, redirection will be done using HTTP 302 response, but in some
915 // cases (e.g. to preserve HTTP method and POST body across redirects as
916 // prescribed by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.7) a test might
917 // want to use HTTP 307 response instead.  This can be accomplished by replacing
918 // "/cross-site/" URL substring above with "/cross-site-307/".
919 //
920 // |embedded_test_server| should not be running when passing it to this function
921 // because adding the request handler won't be thread safe.
922 void SetupCrossSiteRedirector(net::EmbeddedTestServer* embedded_test_server);
924 // Waits until all resources have loaded in the given RenderFrameHost.
925 // When the load completes, this function sends a "pageLoadComplete" message
926 // via domAutomationController. The caller should make sure this extra
927 // message is handled properly.
928 bool WaitForRenderFrameReady(RenderFrameHost* rfh) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
930 // Removes the interface from the associated interface receiver sets attached to
931 // the WebContents.
932 void RemoveWebContentsReceiverSet(WebContents* web_contents,
933                                   const std::string& interface_name);
935 // Enable accessibility support for all of the frames in this WebContents
936 void EnableAccessibilityForWebContents(WebContents* web_contents);
938 // Wait until the focused accessible node changes in any WebContents.
939 void WaitForAccessibilityFocusChange();
941 // Retrieve information about the node that's focused in the accessibility tree.
942 ui::AXNodeData GetFocusedAccessibilityNodeInfo(WebContents* web_contents);
944 // This is intended to be a robust way to assert that the accessibility
945 // tree eventually gets into the correct state, without worrying about
946 // the exact ordering of events received while getting there. Blocks
947 // until any change happens to the accessibility tree.
948 void WaitForAccessibilityTreeToChange(WebContents* web_contents);
950 // Searches the accessibility tree to see if any node's accessible name
951 // is equal to the given name. If not, repeatedly calls
952 // WaitForAccessibilityTreeToChange, above, and then checks again.
953 // Keeps looping until the text is found (or the test times out).
954 void WaitForAccessibilityTreeToContainNodeWithName(WebContents* web_contents,
955                                                    const std::string& name);
957 // Get a snapshot of a web page's accessibility tree.
958 ui::AXTreeUpdate GetAccessibilityTreeSnapshot(WebContents* web_contents);
960 // Returns the root accessibility node for the given WebContents.
961 ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* GetRootAccessibilityNode(WebContents* web_contents);
963 // Finds an accessibility node matching the given criteria.
964 struct FindAccessibilityNodeCriteria {
965   FindAccessibilityNodeCriteria();
966   ~FindAccessibilityNodeCriteria();
967   base::Optional<ax::mojom::Role> role;
968   base::Optional<std::string> name;
969 };
970 ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* FindAccessibilityNode(
971     WebContents* web_contents,
972     const FindAccessibilityNodeCriteria& criteria);
973 ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* FindAccessibilityNodeInSubtree(
974     ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* node,
975     const FindAccessibilityNodeCriteria& criteria);
977 #if defined(OS_WIN)
978 // Retrieve the specified interface from an accessibility node.
979 template <typename T>
980 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<T> QueryInterfaceFromNode(
981     ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* node);
983 // Call GetPropertyValue with the given UIA property id with variant type
984 // VT_ARRAY | VT_UNKNOWN  on the target browser accessibility node to retrieve
985 // an array of automation elements, then validate the name property of the
986 // automation elements with the expected names.
987 void UiaGetPropertyValueVtArrayVtUnknownValidate(
988     PROPERTYID property_id,
989     ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* target_node,
990     const std::vector<std::string>& expected_names);
991 #endif
993 // Returns the RenderWidgetHost that holds the mouse lock.
994 RenderWidgetHost* GetMouseLockWidget(WebContents* web_contents);
996 // Returns the RenderWidgetHost that holds the keyboard lock.
997 RenderWidgetHost* GetKeyboardLockWidget(WebContents* web_contents);
999 // Returns the RenderWidgetHost that holds mouse capture, if any. This is
1000 // distinct from MouseLock above in that it is a widget that has requested
1001 // implicit capture, such as during a drag. MouseLock is explicitly gained
1002 // through the JavaScript API.
1003 RenderWidgetHost* GetMouseCaptureWidget(WebContents* web_contents);
1005 // Allows tests to drive keyboard lock functionality without requiring access
1006 // to the RenderWidgetHostImpl header or setting up an HTTP test server.
1007 // |codes| represents the set of keys to lock.  If |codes| has no value, then
1008 // all keys will be considered locked.  If |codes| has a value, then at least
1009 // one key must be specified.
1010 bool RequestKeyboardLock(WebContents* web_contents,
1011                          base::Optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> codes);
1012 void CancelKeyboardLock(WebContents* web_contents);
1014 // Returns the screen orientation provider that's been set via
1015 // WebContents::SetScreenOrientationDelegate(). May return null.
1016 ScreenOrientationDelegate* GetScreenOrientationDelegate();
1018 // Returns all the RenderWidgetHostViews inside the |web_contents| that are
1019 // registered in the RenderWidgetHostInputEventRouter.
1020 std::vector<RenderWidgetHostView*> GetInputEventRouterRenderWidgetHostViews(
1021     WebContents* web_contents);
1023 // Returns the focused RenderWidgetHost.
1024 RenderWidgetHost* GetFocusedRenderWidgetHost(WebContents* web_contents);
1026 // Returns whether or not the RenderWidgetHost thinks it is focused.
1027 bool IsRenderWidgetHostFocused(const RenderWidgetHost*);
1029 // Returns the focused WebContents.
1030 WebContents* GetFocusedWebContents(WebContents* web_contents);
1032 // Watches title changes on a WebContents, blocking until an expected title is
1033 // set.
1034 class TitleWatcher : public WebContentsObserver {
1035  public:
1036   // |web_contents| must be non-NULL and needs to stay alive for the
1037   // entire lifetime of |this|. |expected_title| is the title that |this|
1038   // will wait for.
1039   TitleWatcher(WebContents* web_contents,
1040                const base::string16& expected_title);
1041   ~TitleWatcher() override;
1043   // Adds another title to watch for.
1044   void AlsoWaitForTitle(const base::string16& expected_title);
1046   // Waits until the title matches either expected_title or one of the titles
1047   // added with AlsoWaitForTitle. Returns the value of the most recently
1048   // observed matching title.
1049   const base::string16& WaitAndGetTitle() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1051  private:
1052   // Overridden WebContentsObserver methods.
1053   void DidStopLoading() override;
1054   void TitleWasSet(NavigationEntry* entry) override;
1056   void TestTitle();
1058   std::vector<base::string16> expected_titles_;
1059   base::RunLoop run_loop_;
1061   // The most recently observed expected title, if any.
1062   base::string16 observed_title_;
1064   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TitleWatcher);
1065 };
1067 // Watches a RenderProcessHost and waits for a specified lifecycle event.
1068 class RenderProcessHostWatcher : public RenderProcessHostObserver {
1069  public:
1070   enum WatchType {
1074   };
1076   RenderProcessHostWatcher(RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
1077                            WatchType type);
1078   // Waits for the renderer process that contains the specified web contents.
1079   RenderProcessHostWatcher(WebContents* web_contents, WatchType type);
1080   ~RenderProcessHostWatcher() override;
1082   // Waits until the expected event is triggered. This may only be called once.
1083   void Wait();
1085   // Returns true if a renderer process exited cleanly (without hitting
1086   // RenderProcessExited with an abnormal TerminationStatus). This should be
1087   // called after Wait().
1088   bool did_exit_normally() { return did_exit_normally_; }
1090  private:
1091   // Stop observing and drop the reference to the RenderProcessHost.
1092   void ClearProcessHost();
1093   // Quit the run loop and clean up.
1094   void QuitRunLoop();
1096   // Overridden RenderProcessHost::LifecycleObserver methods.
1097   void RenderProcessReady(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
1098   void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
1099                            const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
1100   void RenderProcessHostDestroyed(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
1102   RenderProcessHost* render_process_host_;
1103   WatchType type_;
1104   bool did_exit_normally_;
1106   std::unique_ptr<ScopedAllowRendererCrashes> allow_renderer_crashes_;
1108   base::RunLoop run_loop_;
1109   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1111   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderProcessHostWatcher);
1112 };
1114 // Implementation helper for:
1115 // *) content-internal content::RenderProcessHostBadIpcMessageWaiter
1116 //    (declared in //content/test/content_browser_test_utils_internal.h)
1117 // *) content-public content::RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter
1118 //    (declared below)
1119 // *) maybe in the future: similar helpers for chrome-layer BadMessageReason
1120 class RenderProcessHostKillWaiter {
1121  public:
1122   // |uma_name| is the name of the histogram from which the |bad_message_reason|
1123   // can be extracted.
1124   RenderProcessHostKillWaiter(RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
1125                               const std::string& uma_name);
1127   RenderProcessHostKillWaiter(const RenderProcessHostKillWaiter&) = delete;
1128   RenderProcessHostKillWaiter& operator=(const RenderProcessHostKillWaiter&) =
1129       delete;
1131   // Waits until the renderer process exits.  Extracts and returns the bad
1132   // message reason that should be logged in the |uma_name_| histogram.
1133   // Returns |base::nullopt| if the renderer exited normally or didn't log
1134   // the |uma_name_| histogram.
1135   base::Optional<int> Wait() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1137  private:
1138   RenderProcessHostWatcher exit_watcher_;
1139   base::HistogramTester histogram_tester_;
1140   std::string uma_name_;
1141 };
1143 // Helps tests to wait until the given renderer process is terminated because of
1144 // a bad/invalid mojo message.
1145 //
1146 // Example usage:
1147 //   RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter kill_waiter(render_process_host);
1148 //   ... test code that triggers a renderer kill ...
1149 //   EXPECT_EQ("expected error message", kill_waiter.Wait());
1150 class RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter {
1151  public:
1152   explicit RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter(
1153       RenderProcessHost* render_process_host);
1154   ~RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter();
1156   RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter(
1157       const RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter&) = delete;
1158   RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter& operator=(
1159       const RenderProcessHostBadMojoMessageWaiter&) = delete;
1161   // Waits until |render_process_host| from the constructor is terminated
1162   // because of a bad/invalid mojo message and returns the associated error
1163   // string.  Returns base::nullopt if the process was terminated for an
1164   // unrelated reason.
1165   base::Optional<std::string> Wait() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1167  private:
1168   void OnBadMojoMessage(int render_process_id, const std::string& error);
1170   int monitored_render_process_id_;
1171   base::Optional<std::string> observed_mojo_error_;
1172   RenderProcessHostKillWaiter kill_waiter_;
1173 };
1175 // Watches for responses from the DOMAutomationController and keeps them in a
1176 // queue. Useful for waiting for a message to be received.
1177 class DOMMessageQueue : public NotificationObserver,
1178                         public WebContentsObserver {
1179  public:
1180   // Constructs a DOMMessageQueue and begins listening for messages from the
1181   // DOMAutomationController. Do not construct this until the browser has
1182   // started.
1183   DOMMessageQueue();
1185   // Same as the default constructor, but only listens for messages
1186   // sent from a particular |web_contents|.
1187   explicit DOMMessageQueue(WebContents* web_contents);
1189   // Same as the constructor with a WebContents, but observes the
1190   // RenderFrameHost deletion.
1191   explicit DOMMessageQueue(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
1193   ~DOMMessageQueue() override;
1195   // Removes all messages in the message queue.
1196   void ClearQueue();
1198   // Wait for the next message to arrive. |message| will be set to the next
1199   // message. Returns true on success.
1200   bool WaitForMessage(std::string* message) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1202   // If there is a message in the queue, then copies it to |message| and returns
1203   // true.  Otherwise (if the queue is empty), returns false.
1204   bool PopMessage(std::string* message) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
1206   // Overridden NotificationObserver methods.
1207   void Observe(int type,
1208                const NotificationSource& source,
1209                const NotificationDetails& details) override;
1211   // Overridden WebContentsObserver methods.
1212   void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status) override;
1213   void RenderFrameDeleted(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) override;
1215  private:
1216   NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
1217   base::queue<std::string> message_queue_;
1218   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1219   bool renderer_crashed_ = false;
1220   RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host_ = nullptr;
1223 };
1225 // Used to wait for a new WebContents to be created. Instantiate this object
1226 // before the operation that will create the window.
1227 class WebContentsAddedObserver {
1228  public:
1229   WebContentsAddedObserver();
1230   ~WebContentsAddedObserver();
1232   // Will run a message loop to wait for the new window if it hasn't been
1233   // created since the constructor
1234   WebContents* GetWebContents();
1236   // Will tell whether RenderViewCreated Callback has invoked
1237   bool RenderViewCreatedCalled();
1239  private:
1240   class RenderViewCreatedObserver;
1242   void WebContentsCreated(WebContents* web_contents);
1244   // Callback to WebContentCreated(). Cached so that we can unregister it.
1245   base::RepeatingCallback<void(WebContents*)> web_contents_created_callback_;
1247   WebContents* web_contents_;
1248   std::unique_ptr<RenderViewCreatedObserver> child_observer_;
1249   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1251   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebContentsAddedObserver);
1252 };
1254 // Request a new frame be drawn, returns false if request fails.
1255 bool RequestFrame(WebContents* web_contents);
1257 // This class is intended to synchronize upon the submission of compositor
1258 // frames from the renderer to the display compositor.
1259 //
1260 // This class enables observation of the provided
1261 // RenderFrameMetadataProvider. Which notifies this of every
1262 // subsequent frame submission. Observation ends upon the destruction of this
1263 // class.
1264 //
1265 // Calling Wait will block the browser ui thread until the next time the
1266 // renderer submits a frame.
1267 //
1268 // Tests interested in the associated RenderFrameMetadata will find it cached
1269 // in the RenderFrameMetadataProvider.
1270 class RenderFrameSubmissionObserver
1271     : public RenderFrameMetadataProvider::Observer {
1272  public:
1273   explicit RenderFrameSubmissionObserver(
1274       RenderFrameMetadataProviderImpl* render_frame_metadata_provider);
1275   explicit RenderFrameSubmissionObserver(FrameTreeNode* node);
1276   explicit RenderFrameSubmissionObserver(WebContents* web_contents);
1277   ~RenderFrameSubmissionObserver() override;
1279   // Resets the current |render_frame_count|;
1280   void ResetCounter() { render_frame_count_ = 0; }
1282   // Blocks the browser ui thread until the next OnRenderFrameSubmission.
1283   void WaitForAnyFrameSubmission();
1285   // Blocks the browser ui thread until the next
1286   // OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedAfterActivation.
1287   void WaitForMetadataChange();
1289   // Blocks the browser ui thread until RenderFrameMetadata arrives with
1290   // page scale factor matching |expected_page_scale_factor|.
1291   void WaitForPageScaleFactor(float expected_page_scale_factor,
1292                               const float tolerance);
1294   // Blocks the browser ui thread until RenderFrameMetadata arrives with
1295   // external page scale factor matching |expected_external_page_scale_factor|.
1296   void WaitForExternalPageScaleFactor(float expected_external_page_scale_factor,
1297                                       const float tolerance);
1299   // Blocks the browser ui thread until RenderFrameMetadata arrives where its
1300   // scroll offset matches |expected_offset|.
1301   void WaitForScrollOffset(const gfx::Vector2dF& expected_offset);
1303   // Blocks the browser ui thread until RenderFrameMetadata arrives where its
1304   // scroll offset at top matches |expected_scroll_offset_at_top|.
1305   void WaitForScrollOffsetAtTop(bool expected_scroll_offset_at_top);
1307   const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& LastRenderFrameMetadata() const;
1309   // Returns the number of frames submitted since the observer's creation.
1310   int render_frame_count() const { return render_frame_count_; }
1312   // Runs |closure| the next time metadata changes.
1313   void NotifyOnNextMetadataChange(base::OnceClosure closure);
1315  private:
1316   // Exits |run_loop_| unblocking the UI thread. Execution will resume in Wait.
1317   void Quit();
1319   // Blocks the browser ui thread.
1320   void Wait();
1322   // RenderFrameMetadataProvider::Observer
1323   void OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedBeforeActivation(
1324       const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) override;
1325   void OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedAfterActivation() override;
1326   void OnRenderFrameSubmission() override;
1327   void OnLocalSurfaceIdChanged(
1328       const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) override;
1330   // If true then the next OnRenderFrameSubmission will cancel the blocking
1331   // |run_loop_| otherwise the blocking will continue until the next
1332   // OnRenderFrameMetadataChangedAfterActivation.
1333   bool break_on_any_frame_ = false;
1335   RenderFrameMetadataProviderImpl* render_frame_metadata_provider_ = nullptr;
1336   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1337   // If non-null, run when metadata changes.
1338   base::OnceClosure metadata_change_closure_;
1339   int render_frame_count_ = 0;
1340 };
1342 // This class is intended to synchronize the renderer main thread, renderer impl
1343 // thread and the browser main thread.
1344 //
1345 // This is accomplished by sending an IPC to RenderWidget, then blocking until
1346 // the ACK is received and processed.
1347 //
1348 // The ACK is sent from compositor thread, when the CompositorFrame is submited
1349 // to the display compositor
1350 // TODO(danakj): This class seems to provide the same as
1351 // RenderFrameSubmissionObserver, consider using that instead.
1352 class MainThreadFrameObserver {
1353  public:
1354   explicit MainThreadFrameObserver(RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host);
1355   ~MainThreadFrameObserver();
1357   // Synchronizes the browser main thread with the renderer main thread and impl
1358   // thread.
1359   void Wait();
1361  private:
1362   void Quit(bool);
1364   RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host_;
1365   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1366   int routing_id_;
1368   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MainThreadFrameObserver);
1369 };
1371 // Watches for an input msg to be consumed.
1372 class InputMsgWatcher : public RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver {
1373  public:
1374   InputMsgWatcher(RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host,
1375                   blink::WebInputEvent::Type type);
1376   ~InputMsgWatcher() override;
1378   bool HasReceivedAck() const;
1380   // Wait until ack message occurs, returning the ack result from
1381   // the message.
1382   blink::mojom::InputEventResultState WaitForAck();
1384   // Wait for the ack if it hasn't been received, if it has been
1385   // received return the result immediately.
1386   blink::mojom::InputEventResultState GetAckStateWaitIfNecessary();
1388   blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource last_event_ack_source() const {
1389     return ack_source_;
1390   }
1392  private:
1393   // Overridden InputEventObserver methods.
1394   void OnInputEventAck(blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource source,
1395                        blink::mojom::InputEventResultState state,
1396                        const blink::WebInputEvent&) override;
1398   RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host_;
1399   blink::WebInputEvent::Type wait_for_type_;
1400   blink::mojom::InputEventResultState ack_result_;
1401   blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource ack_source_;
1402   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1404   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InputMsgWatcher);
1405 };
1407 // Used to wait for a desired input event ack.
1408 class InputEventAckWaiter : public RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver {
1409  public:
1410   // A function determining if a given |event| and its ack are what we're
1411   // waiting for.
1412   using InputEventAckPredicate =
1413       base::RepeatingCallback<bool(blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource source,
1414                                    blink::mojom::InputEventResultState state,
1415                                    const blink::WebInputEvent& event)>;
1417   // Wait for an event satisfying |predicate|.
1418   InputEventAckWaiter(RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host,
1419                       InputEventAckPredicate predicate);
1420   // Wait for any event of the given |type|.
1421   InputEventAckWaiter(RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host,
1422                       blink::WebInputEvent::Type type);
1423   ~InputEventAckWaiter() override;
1425   void Wait();
1426   void Reset();
1428   // RenderWidgetHost::InputEventObserver:
1429   void OnInputEventAck(blink::mojom::InputEventResultSource source,
1430                        blink::mojom::InputEventResultState state,
1431                        const blink::WebInputEvent& event) override;
1433  private:
1434   RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host_;
1435   InputEventAckPredicate predicate_;
1436   bool event_received_;
1437   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1439   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InputEventAckWaiter);
1440 };
1442 // Sets up a ui::TestClipboard for use in browser tests. On Windows,
1443 // clipboard is handled on the IO thread, BrowserTestClipboardScope
1444 // hops messages onto the right thread.
1445 class BrowserTestClipboardScope {
1446  public:
1447   // Sets up a ui::TestClipboard.
1448   BrowserTestClipboardScope();
1450   // Tears down the clipboard.
1451   ~BrowserTestClipboardScope();
1453   // Puts text/rtf |rtf| on the clipboard.
1454   void SetRtf(const std::string& rtf);
1456   // Puts plain text |text| on the clipboard.
1457   void SetText(const std::string& text);
1459   // Gets plain text from the clipboard, if any.
1460   void GetText(std::string* text);
1462  private:
1463   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BrowserTestClipboardScope);
1464 };
1466 // This observer is used to wait for its owner Frame to become focused.
1467 class FrameFocusedObserver {
1468  public:
1469   explicit FrameFocusedObserver(RenderFrameHost* owner_host);
1470   ~FrameFocusedObserver();
1472   void Wait();
1474  private:
1475   // Private impl struct which hides non public types including FrameTreeNode.
1476   class FrameTreeNodeObserverImpl;
1478   // FrameTreeNode::Observer
1479   std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNodeObserverImpl> impl_;
1481   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FrameFocusedObserver);
1482 };
1484 // This observer is used to wait for its owner FrameTreeNode to become deleted.
1485 class FrameDeletedObserver {
1486  public:
1487   explicit FrameDeletedObserver(RenderFrameHost* owner_host);
1488   ~FrameDeletedObserver();
1490   void Wait();
1492  private:
1493   // Private impl struct which hides non public types including FrameTreeNode.
1494   class FrameTreeNodeObserverImpl;
1496   // FrameTreeNode::Observer
1497   std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNodeObserverImpl> impl_;
1499   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FrameDeletedObserver);
1500 };
1502 // This class can be used to pause and resume navigations, based on a URL
1503 // match. Note that it only keeps track of one navigation at a time.
1504 // Navigations are paused automatically before hitting the network, and are
1505 // resumed automatically if a Wait method is called for a future event.
1506 // Note: This class is one time use only! After it successfully tracks a
1507 // navigation it will ignore all subsequent navigations. Explicitly create
1508 // multiple instances of this class if you want to pause multiple navigations.
1509 class TestNavigationManager : public WebContentsObserver {
1510  public:
1511   // Monitors any frame in WebContents.
1512   TestNavigationManager(WebContents* web_contents, const GURL& url);
1514   ~TestNavigationManager() override;
1516   // Waits until the navigation request is ready to be sent to the network
1517   // stack. Returns false if the request was aborted before starting.
1518   WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool WaitForRequestStart();
1520   // Waits until the navigation response's headers have been received. Returns
1521   // false if the request was aborted before getting a response.
1522   WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool WaitForResponse();
1524   // Waits until the navigation has been finished. Will automatically resume
1525   // navigations paused before this point.
1526   void WaitForNavigationFinished();
1528   // Resume the navigation.
1529   // * Called after |WaitForRequestStart|, it causes the request to be sent.
1530   // * Called after |WaitForResponse|, it causes the response to be committed.
1531   void ResumeNavigation();
1533   // Returns the NavigationHandle associated with the navigation. It is non-null
1534   // only in between DidStartNavigation(...) and DidFinishNavigation(...).
1535   NavigationHandle* GetNavigationHandle();
1537   // Whether the navigation successfully committed.
1538   bool was_committed() const { return was_committed_; }
1540   // Whether the navigation successfully committed and was not an error page.
1541   bool was_successful() const { return was_successful_; }
1543   // Allows nestable tasks when running a message loop in the Wait* functions.
1544   // This is useful for utilizing this class from within another message loop.
1545   void AllowNestableTasks();
1547  protected:
1548   // Derived classes can override if they want to filter out navigations. This
1549   // is called from DidStartNavigation.
1550   virtual bool ShouldMonitorNavigation(NavigationHandle* handle);
1552  private:
1553   enum class NavigationState {
1554     INITIAL = 0,
1555     STARTED = 1,
1556     RESPONSE = 2,
1557     FINISHED = 3,
1558   };
1560   // WebContentsObserver:
1561   void DidStartNavigation(NavigationHandle* handle) override;
1562   void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* handle) override;
1564   // Called when the NavigationThrottle pauses the navigation in
1565   // WillStartRequest.
1566   void OnWillStartRequest();
1568   // Called when the NavigationThrottle pauses the navigation in
1569   // WillProcessResponse.
1570   void OnWillProcessResponse();
1572   // Waits for the desired state. Returns false if the desired state cannot be
1573   // reached (eg the navigation finishes before reaching this state).
1574   bool WaitForDesiredState();
1576   // Called when the state of the navigation has changed. This will either stop
1577   // the message loop if the state specified by the user has been reached, or
1578   // resume the navigation if it hasn't been reached yet.
1579   void OnNavigationStateChanged();
1581   const GURL url_;
1582   NavigationRequest* request_;
1583   bool navigation_paused_;
1584   NavigationState current_state_;
1585   NavigationState desired_state_;
1586   bool was_committed_ = false;
1587   bool was_successful_ = false;
1588   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1589   base::RunLoop::Type message_loop_type_ = base::RunLoop::Type::kDefault;
1591   base::WeakPtrFactory<TestNavigationManager> weak_factory_{this};
1593   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestNavigationManager);
1594 };
1596 class NavigationHandleCommitObserver : public content::WebContentsObserver {
1597  public:
1598   NavigationHandleCommitObserver(content::WebContents* web_contents,
1599                                  const GURL& url);
1601   bool has_committed() const { return has_committed_; }
1602   bool was_same_document() const { return was_same_document_; }
1603   bool was_renderer_initiated() const { return was_renderer_initiated_; }
1605  private:
1606   void DidFinishNavigation(content::NavigationHandle* handle) override;
1608   const GURL url_;
1609   bool has_committed_;
1610   bool was_same_document_;
1611   bool was_renderer_initiated_;
1612 };
1614 // A test utility that monitors console messages sent to a WebContents. This
1615 // can be used to wait for a message that matches a specific filter, an
1616 // arbitrary message, or monitor all messages sent to the WebContents' console.
1617 class WebContentsConsoleObserver : public WebContentsObserver {
1618  public:
1619   struct Message {
1620     RenderFrameHost* source_frame;
1621     blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel log_level;
1622     base::string16 message;
1623     int32_t line_no;
1624     base::string16 source_id;
1625   };
1627   // A filter to apply to incoming console messages to determine whether to
1628   // record them. The filter should return `true` if the observer should record
1629   // the message, and stop waiting (if it was waiting).
1630   using Filter = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const Message& message)>;
1632   explicit WebContentsConsoleObserver(content::WebContents* web_contents);
1633   ~WebContentsConsoleObserver() override;
1635   // Waits for a message to come in that matches the set filter, if any. If no
1636   // filter is set, waits for the first message that comes in.
1637   void Wait();
1639   // Sets a custom filter to be used while waiting for a message, allowing
1640   // more custom filtering (e.g. based on source).
1641   void SetFilter(Filter filter);
1643   // A convenience method to just match the message against a string pattern.
1644   void SetPattern(std::string pattern);
1646   // A helper method to return the string content (in UTF8) of the message at
1647   // the given |index|. This will cause a test failure if there is no such
1648   // message.
1649   std::string GetMessageAt(size_t index) const;
1651   const std::vector<Message>& messages() const { return messages_; }
1653  private:
1654   // WebContentsObserver:
1655   void OnDidAddMessageToConsole(RenderFrameHost* source_frame,
1656                                 blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel log_level,
1657                                 const base::string16& message,
1658                                 int32_t line_no,
1659                                 const base::string16& source_id) override;
1661   Filter filter_;
1662   std::string pattern_;
1663   base::RunLoop run_loop_;
1664   std::vector<Message> messages_;
1665 };
1667 // Static methods that simulates Mojo methods as if they were called by a
1668 // renderer. Used to simulate a compromised renderer.
1669 class PwnMessageHelper {
1670  public:
1671   // Calls Create method in FileSystemHost Mojo interface.
1672   static void FileSystemCreate(RenderProcessHost* process,
1673                                int request_id,
1674                                GURL path,
1675                                bool exclusive,
1676                                bool is_directory,
1677                                bool recursive);
1679   // Calls Write method in FileSystemHost Mojo interface.
1680   static void FileSystemWrite(RenderProcessHost* process,
1681                               int request_id,
1682                               GURL file_path,
1683                               std::string blob_uuid,
1684                               int64_t position);
1686   // Calls OpenURL method in FrameHost Mojo interface.
1687   static void OpenURL(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host, const GURL& url);
1689  private:
1690   PwnMessageHelper();  // Not instantiable.
1692   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PwnMessageHelper);
1693 };
1695 #if defined(USE_AURA)
1697 // Tests that a |render_widget_host_view| stores a stale content when its frame
1698 // gets evicted. |render_widget_host_view| has to be a RenderWidgetHostViewAura.
1699 void VerifyStaleContentOnFrameEviction(
1700     RenderWidgetHostView* render_widget_host_view);
1702 #endif  // defined(USE_AURA)
1704 // This class filters for FrameHostMsg_ContextMenu messages coming in from a
1705 // renderer process, and allows observing the UntrustworthyContextMenuParams as
1706 // sent by the renderer.
1707 class ContextMenuFilter : public content::BrowserMessageFilter {
1708  public:
1709   // Whether or not the ContextMenu should be prevented from performing
1710   // its default action, preventing the context menu from showing.
1711   enum ShowBehavior { kShow, kPreventShow };
1713   explicit ContextMenuFilter(ShowBehavior behavior = ShowBehavior::kShow);
1715   bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
1716   void Wait();
1717   void Reset();
1719   content::UntrustworthyContextMenuParams get_params() { return last_params_; }
1721  private:
1722   ~ContextMenuFilter() override;
1724   void OnContextMenu(const content::UntrustworthyContextMenuParams& params);
1726   std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
1727   base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
1728   content::UntrustworthyContextMenuParams last_params_;
1729   const ShowBehavior show_behavior_;
1731   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ContextMenuFilter);
1732 };
1734 class UpdateUserActivationStateInterceptor
1735     : public blink::mojom::LocalFrameHostInterceptorForTesting {
1736  public:
1737   UpdateUserActivationStateInterceptor();
1738   ~UpdateUserActivationStateInterceptor() override;
1740   void Init(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
1741   void set_quit_handler(base::OnceClosure handler);
1742   bool update_user_activation_state() { return update_user_activation_state_; }
1744   blink::mojom::LocalFrameHost* GetForwardingInterface() override;
1745   void UpdateUserActivationState(
1746       blink::mojom::UserActivationUpdateType update_type,
1747       blink::mojom::UserActivationNotificationType notification_type) override;
1749  private:
1750   content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host_;
1751   blink::mojom::LocalFrameHost* impl_;
1752   base::OnceClosure quit_handler_;
1753   bool update_user_activation_state_ = false;
1754 };
1756 WebContents* GetEmbedderForGuest(content::WebContents* guest);
1758 // Load the given |url| with |network_context| and return the |net::Error| code.
1759 //
1760 // This overload simulates loading through a URLLoaderFactory created for a
1761 // Browser process.
1762 int LoadBasicRequest(network::mojom::NetworkContext* network_context,
1763                      const GURL& url,
1764                      int load_flags = net::LOAD_NORMAL);
1766 // Load the given |url| via URLLoaderFactory created by |frame|.  Return the
1767 // |net::Error| code.
1768 //
1769 // This overload simulates loading through a URLLoaderFactory created for a
1770 // Renderer process (the factory is driven from the Test/Browser process, but
1771 // has the same properties as factories vended to the Renderer process that
1772 // hosts the |frame|).
1773 int LoadBasicRequest(RenderFrameHost* frame, const GURL& url);
1775 // Ensures that all StoragePartitions for the given BrowserContext have their
1776 // cookies flushed to disk.
1777 void EnsureCookiesFlushed(BrowserContext* browser_context);
1779 // Returns true if there is a valid process for |process_group_name|. Must be
1780 // called on the IO thread.
1781 bool HasValidProcessForProcessGroup(const std::string& process_group_name);
1783 // Performs a simple auto-resize flow and ensures that the embedder gets a
1784 // single response messages back from the guest, with the expected values.
1785 bool TestGuestAutoresize(RenderProcessHost* embedder_rph,
1786                          RenderWidgetHost* guest_rwh);
1788 // Class to sniff incoming IPCs for FrameHostMsg_SynchronizeVisualProperties
1789 // messages. This allows the message to continue to the target child so that
1790 // processing can be verified by tests. It also monitors for
1791 // GesturePinchBegin/End events.
1792 class SynchronizeVisualPropertiesMessageFilter
1793     : public content::BrowserMessageFilter {
1794  public:
1795   SynchronizeVisualPropertiesMessageFilter();
1797   gfx::Rect last_rect() const { return last_rect_; }
1799   void WaitForRect();
1800   void ResetRectRunLoop();
1802   // Waits for the next viz::LocalSurfaceId be received and returns it.
1803   viz::LocalSurfaceId WaitForSurfaceId();
1805   bool pinch_gesture_active_set() { return pinch_gesture_active_set_; }
1806   bool pinch_gesture_active_cleared() { return pinch_gesture_active_cleared_; }
1808   void WaitForPinchGestureEnd();
1810  protected:
1811   ~SynchronizeVisualPropertiesMessageFilter() override;
1813  private:
1814   void OnSynchronizeFrameHostVisualProperties(
1815       const blink::FrameVisualProperties& visual_properties);
1816   void OnSynchronizeVisualProperties(
1817       const blink::FrameVisualProperties& visual_properties);
1818   // |rect| is in DIPs.
1819   void OnUpdatedFrameRectOnUI(const gfx::Rect& rect);
1820   void OnUpdatedFrameSinkIdOnUI();
1821   void OnUpdatedSurfaceIdOnUI(viz::LocalSurfaceId surface_id);
1823   bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
1825   base::RunLoop run_loop_;
1827   std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> screen_space_rect_run_loop_;
1828   bool screen_space_rect_received_;
1829   gfx::Rect last_rect_;
1831   viz::LocalSurfaceId last_surface_id_;
1832   std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> surface_id_run_loop_;
1834   bool pinch_gesture_active_set_;
1835   bool pinch_gesture_active_cleared_;
1836   bool last_pinch_gesture_active_;
1837   std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> pinch_end_run_loop_;
1839   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SynchronizeVisualPropertiesMessageFilter);
1840 };
1842 // This class allows monitoring of mouse events received by a specific
1843 // RenderWidgetHost.
1844 class RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor {
1845  public:
1846   explicit RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor(RenderWidgetHost* host);
1847   ~RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor();
1848   bool EventWasReceived() const { return event_received_; }
1849   void ResetEventReceived() { event_received_ = false; }
1850   const blink::WebMouseEvent& event() const { return event_; }
1852  private:
1853   bool MouseEventCallback(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) {
1854     event_received_ = true;
1855     event_ = event;
1856     return false;
1857   }
1858   RenderWidgetHost::MouseEventCallback mouse_callback_;
1859   RenderWidgetHost* host_;
1860   bool event_received_;
1861   blink::WebMouseEvent event_;
1863   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderWidgetHostMouseEventMonitor);
1864 };
1866 // Helper class to track and allow waiting for navigation start events.
1867 class DidStartNavigationObserver : public WebContentsObserver {
1868  public:
1869   explicit DidStartNavigationObserver(WebContents* web_contents);
1870   ~DidStartNavigationObserver() override;
1872   void Wait() { run_loop_.Run(); }
1873   bool observed() { return observed_; }
1875   // If the navigation was observed and is still not finished yet, this returns
1876   // its handle, otherwise it returns nullptr.
1877   NavigationHandle* navigation_handle() { return navigation_handle_; }
1879   // WebContentsObserver override:
1880   void DidStartNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
1881   void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
1883  private:
1884   bool observed_ = false;
1885   base::RunLoop run_loop_;
1886   NavigationHandle* navigation_handle_ = nullptr;
1888   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DidStartNavigationObserver);
1889 };
1891 // Tracks the creation of RenderFrameProxyHosts that have
1892 // CrossProcessFrameConnectors, and records the initial (post-construction)
1893 // device scale factor in the CrossProcessFrameConnector.
1894 class ProxyDSFObserver {
1895  public:
1896   ProxyDSFObserver();
1897   ~ProxyDSFObserver();
1899   // Waits until a single RenderFrameProxyHost with a CrossProcessFrameConnector
1900   // has been created. If a creation occurs before this function is called, it
1901   // returns immediately.
1902   void WaitForOneProxyHostCreation();
1904   size_t num_creations() { return proxy_host_created_dsf_.size(); }
1906   float get_proxy_host_dsf(unsigned index) {
1907     return proxy_host_created_dsf_[index];
1908   }
1910  private:
1911   void OnCreation(RenderFrameProxyHost* rfph);
1913   // Make this a vector, just in case we encounter multiple creations prior to
1914   // calling WaitForOneProxyHostCreation(). That way we can confirm we're
1915   // getting the device scale factor we expect.
1916   // Note: We can modify the vector to collect a void* id for each
1917   // RenderFrameProxyHost if we want to expand to cases where multiple creations
1918   // must be observed.
1919   std::vector<float> proxy_host_created_dsf_;
1920   std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> runner_;
1921 };
1923 // Helper used by the wrapper class below. Compares the output of the given
1924 // |web_contents| to the PNG file at |expected_path| across the region defined
1925 // by |snapshot_size| and returns true if the images are equivalent. Uses a
1926 // ManhattanDistancePixelComparator which allows some small differences.  If
1927 // the flag switches::kRebaselinePixelTests (--rebaseline-pixel-tests) is set,
1928 // this function will (over)write the reference file with the produced output.
1929 bool CompareWebContentsOutputToReference(
1930     WebContents* web_contents,
1931     const base::FilePath& expected_path,
1932     const gfx::Size& snapshot_size,
1933     const cc::PixelComparator& comparator =
1934         cc::ManhattanDistancePixelComparator());
1936 typedef base::OnceCallback<void(RenderFrameHost*, RenderFrameHost*)>
1937     RenderFrameHostChangedCallback;
1939 // Runs callback at RenderFrameHostChanged time. On cross-RFH navigations, this
1940 // will run the callback after the new RenderFrameHost committed and is set as
1941 // the current RenderFrameHost, etc. but before the old RenderFrameHost gets
1942 // unloaded.
1943 class RenderFrameHostChangedCallbackRunner : public WebContentsObserver {
1944  public:
1945   explicit RenderFrameHostChangedCallbackRunner(
1946       WebContents* content,
1947       RenderFrameHostChangedCallback callback);
1949   ~RenderFrameHostChangedCallbackRunner() override;
1951  private:
1952   void RenderFrameHostChanged(RenderFrameHost* old_host,
1953                               RenderFrameHost* new_host) override;
1955   RenderFrameHostChangedCallback callback_;
1957   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderFrameHostChangedCallbackRunner);
1958 };
1960 }  // namespace content