1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "extensions/browser/api/declarative_net_request/constants.h"
7 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
8 #include "url/url_constants.h"
10 namespace extensions {
11 namespace declarative_net_request {
13 const char* const kAllowedTransformSchemes[4] = {
14     url::kHttpScheme, url::kHttpsScheme, url::kFtpScheme,
15     extensions::kExtensionScheme};
17 const char kErrorResourceTypeDuplicated[] =
18     "Rule with id * includes and excludes the same resource.";
19 const char kErrorInvalidRuleKey[] =
20     "Rule with id * has an invalid value for * key. This should be greater "
21     "than or equal to *.";
22 const char kErrorEmptyRulePriority[] =
23     "Rule with id * does not specify the value for priority key.";
24 const char kErrorNoApplicableResourceTypes[] =
25     "Rule with id * is not applicable to any resource type.";
26 const char kErrorEmptyList[] =
27     "Rule with id * cannot have an empty list as the value for * key.";
28 const char kErrorEmptyKey[] =
29     "Rule with id * cannot have an empty value for * key.";
30 const char kErrorInvalidRedirectUrl[] =
31     "Rule with id * does not provide a valid URL for * key.";
32 const char kErrorDuplicateIDs[] = "Rule with id * does not have a unique ID.";
33 // Don't surface the actual error to the user, since it's an implementation
34 // detail.
35 const char kErrorPersisting[] = "Internal error while parsing rules.";
36 const char kErrorNonAscii[] =
37     "Rule with id * cannot have non-ascii characters as part of \"*\" key.";
38 const char kErrorInvalidKey[] =
39     "Rule with id * specifies an incorrect value for the \"*\" key.";
40 const char kErrorInvalidTransformScheme[] =
41     "Rule with id * specifies an incorrect value for the \"*\" key. Allowed "
42     "values are: [*].";
43 const char kErrorQueryAndTransformBothSpecified[] =
44     "Rule with id * cannot specify both \"*\" and \"*\" keys.";
45 const char kErrorJavascriptRedirect[] =
46     "Rule with id * specifies an incorrect value for the \"*\" key. Redirects "
47     "to javascript urls are not supported.";
48 const char kErrorMultipleFilters[] =
49     "Rule with id * can only specify one of \"*\" or \"*\" keys.";
50 const char kErrorRegexSubstitutionWithoutFilter[] =
51     "Rule with id * can't specify the \"*\" key without specifying the \"*\" "
52     "key.";
53 const char kErrorInvalidAllowAllRequestsResourceType[] =
54     "Rule with id * is an \"allowAllRequests\" rule and must specify the "
55     "\"resourceTypes\" key. It may only include the \"main_frame\" and "
56     "\"sub_frame\" resource types.";
57 const char kErrorRegexTooLarge[] =
58     "Rule with id * specified a more complex regex than allowed as part of the "
59     "\"*\" key.";
60 const char kErrorRegexesTooLarge[] =
61     "Rules with ids [*] specified a more complex regex than allowed as part of "
62     "the \"*\" key.";
63 const char kErrorNoHeaderListsSpecified[] =
64     "Rule with id * does not specify a value for \"*\" or \"*\" key. At least "
65     "one of these keys must be specified with a non-empty list.";
66 const char kErrorInvalidHeaderName[] =
67     "Rule with id * must specify a valid header name to be modified.";
68 const char kErrorInvalidHeaderValue[] =
69     "Rule with id * specifies an invalid header value.";
70 const char kErrorNoHeaderValueSpecified[] =
71     "Rule with id * must provide a value for a header to be appended/set.";
72 const char kErrorHeaderValuePresent[] =
73     "Rule with id * must not provide a header value for a header to be "
74     "removed.";
75 const char kErrorCannotAppendRequestHeader[] =
76     "Rule with id * must not specify a request header to be appended.";
77 const char kErrorListNotPassed[] = "Rules file must contain a list.";
79 const char kRuleCountExceeded[] =
80     "Rule count exceeded. Some rules were ignored.";
81 const char kRegexRuleCountExceeded[] =
82     "Regular expression rule count exceeded. Some rules were ignored.";
83 const char kEnabledRuleCountExceeded[] =
84     "The number of enabled rules exceeds the API limits. Some rulesets will be "
85     "ignored.";
86 const char kEnabledRegexRuleCountExceeded[] =
87     "The number of enabled regular expression rules exceeds the API limits. "
88     "Some rulesets will be ignored.";
89 const char kRuleNotParsedWarning[] =
90     "Rule with * couldn't be parsed. Parse error: *.";
91 const char kTooManyParseFailuresWarning[] =
92     "Too many rule parse failures; Reporting the first *.";
93 const char kIndexingRuleLimitExceeded[] =
94     "Ruleset with id * exceeds the indexing rule limit and will be ignored.";
95 const char kInternalErrorUpdatingDynamicRules[] =
96     "Internal error while updating dynamic rules.";
97 const char kInternalErrorGettingDynamicRules[] =
98     "Internal error while getting dynamic rules.";
99 const char kDynamicRuleCountExceeded[] = "Dynamic rule count exceeded.";
100 const char kDynamicRegexRuleCountExceeded[] =
101     "Dynamic rule count for regex rules exceeded.";
103 const char kInvalidRulesetIDError[] = "Invalid ruleset id: *.";
104 const char kEnabledRulesetsRuleCountExceeded[] =
105     "The set of enabled rulesets exceeds the rule count limit.";
106 const char kEnabledRulesetsRegexRuleCountExceeded[] =
107     "The set of enabled rulesets exceeds the regular expression rule count "
108     "limit.";
109 const char kInternalErrorUpdatingEnabledRulesets[] = "Internal error.";
111 const char kIndexAndPersistRulesTimeHistogram[] =
112     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.IndexAndPersistRulesTime";
113 const char kManifestRulesCountHistogram[] =
114     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.ManifestRulesCount2";
115 const char kManifestEnabledRulesCountHistogram[] =
116     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.ManifestEnabledRulesCount2";
117 const char kUpdateDynamicRulesStatusHistogram[] =
118     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.UpdateDynamicRulesStatus";
119 const char kReadDynamicRulesJSONStatusHistogram[] =
120     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.ReadDynamicRulesJSONStatus";
121 const char kIsLargeRegexHistogram[] =
122     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.IsLargeRegexRule";
123 const char kLoadRulesetResultHistogram[] =
124     "Extensions.DeclarativeNetRequest.LoadRulesetResult";
126 const char kActionCountPlaceholderBadgeText[] =
127     "<<declarativeNetRequestActionCount>>";
129 const char kErrorGetMatchedRulesMissingPermissions[] =
130     "The extension must have the declarativeNetRequestFeedback permission or "
131     "have activeTab granted for the specified tab ID in order to call this "
132     "function.";
134 const base::Feature kDeclarativeNetRequestGlobalRules{
135     "DeclarativeNetRequestGlobalRules", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
137 }  // namespace declarative_net_request
138 }  // namespace extensions