1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "extensions/browser/computed_hashes.h"
6 #include "base/base64.h"
7 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
8 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
9 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
10 #include "build/build_config.h"
11 #include "crypto/sha2.h"
12 #include "extensions/browser/content_verifier/content_verifier_utils.h"
13 #include "extensions/common/constants.h"
14 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
16 namespace {
18 constexpr bool kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored =
19     extensions::content_verifier_utils::IsDotSpaceFilenameSuffixIgnored();
20 constexpr bool kIsFileAccessCaseInsensitive =
21     !extensions::content_verifier_utils::IsFileAccessCaseSensitive();
23 // Helper to return base64 encode result by value.
Base64Encode(const std::string & data)24 std::string Base64Encode(const std::string& data) {
25   std::string result;
26   base::Base64Encode(data, &result);
27   return result;
28 }
30 struct HashInfo {
31   base::FilePath path;
32   int block_size;
33   std::vector<std::string> hashes;
34 };
WriteThenReadComputedHashes(const std::vector<HashInfo> & hash_infos,extensions::ComputedHashes * result)36 testing::AssertionResult WriteThenReadComputedHashes(
37     const std::vector<HashInfo>& hash_infos,
38     extensions::ComputedHashes* result) {
39   base::ScopedTempDir scoped_dir;
40   if (!scoped_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir())
41     return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Failed to create temp dir.";
43   base::FilePath computed_hashes_path =
44       scoped_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("computed_hashes.json");
45   extensions::ComputedHashes::Data computed_hashes_data;
46   for (const auto& info : hash_infos)
47     computed_hashes_data.Add(info.path, info.block_size, info.hashes);
49   if (!extensions::ComputedHashes(std::move(computed_hashes_data))
50            .WriteToFile(computed_hashes_path)) {
51     return testing::AssertionFailure()
52            << "Failed to write computed_hashes.json";
53   }
54   extensions::ComputedHashes::Status computed_hashes_status;
55   base::Optional<extensions::ComputedHashes> computed_hashes =
56       extensions::ComputedHashes::CreateFromFile(computed_hashes_path,
57                                                  &computed_hashes_status);
58   if (!computed_hashes)
59     return testing::AssertionFailure()
60            << "Failed to read computed_hashes.json (status: "
61            << static_cast<int>(computed_hashes_status) << ")";
62   *result = std::move(computed_hashes.value());
64   return testing::AssertionSuccess();
65 }
67 }  // namespace
69 namespace extensions {
TEST(ComputedHashesTest,ComputedHashes)71 TEST(ComputedHashesTest, ComputedHashes) {
72   // We'll add hashes for 2 files, one of which uses a subdirectory
73   // path. The first file will have a list of 1 block hash, and the
74   // second file will have 2 block hashes.
75   base::FilePath path1(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.txt"));
76   base::FilePath path2 =
77       base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo")).AppendASCII("bar.txt");
78   std::vector<std::string> hashes1 = {crypto::SHA256HashString("first")};
79   std::vector<std::string> hashes2 = {crypto::SHA256HashString("second"),
80                                       crypto::SHA256HashString("third")};
81   const int kBlockSize1 = 4096;
82   const int kBlockSize2 = 2048;
84   ComputedHashes computed_hashes{ComputedHashes::Data()};
85   ASSERT_TRUE(WriteThenReadComputedHashes(
86       {{path1, kBlockSize1, hashes1}, {path2, kBlockSize2, hashes2}},
87       &computed_hashes));
89   // After reading hashes back assert that we got what we wrote.
90   std::vector<std::string> read_hashes1;
91   std::vector<std::string> read_hashes2;
93   int block_size = 0;
94   EXPECT_TRUE(computed_hashes.GetHashes(path1, &block_size, &read_hashes1));
95   EXPECT_EQ(block_size, 4096);
96   block_size = 0;
97   EXPECT_TRUE(computed_hashes.GetHashes(path2, &block_size, &read_hashes2));
98   EXPECT_EQ(block_size, 2048);
100   EXPECT_EQ(hashes1, read_hashes1);
101   EXPECT_EQ(hashes2, read_hashes2);
103   // Make sure we can lookup hashes for a file using incorrect case
104   base::FilePath path1_badcase(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("FoO.txt"));
105   std::vector<std::string> read_hashes1_badcase;
106   EXPECT_EQ(kIsFileAccessCaseInsensitive,
107             computed_hashes.GetHashes(path1_badcase, &block_size,
108                                       &read_hashes1_badcase));
109   if (kIsFileAccessCaseInsensitive) {
110     EXPECT_EQ(4096, block_size);
111     EXPECT_EQ(hashes1, read_hashes1_badcase);
112   }
114   // Finally make sure that we can retrieve the hashes for the subdir
115   // path even when that path contains forward slashes (on windows).
116   base::FilePath path2_fwd_slashes =
117       base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe("foo/bar.txt");
118   block_size = 0;
120       computed_hashes.GetHashes(path2_fwd_slashes, &block_size, &read_hashes2));
121   EXPECT_EQ(hashes2, read_hashes2);
122 }
124 // Note: the expected hashes used in this test were generated using linux
125 // command line tools. E.g., from a bash prompt:
126 //  $ printf "hello world" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64
127 //
128 // The file with multiple-blocks expectations were generated by doing:
129 // $ for i in `seq 500 ; do printf "hello world" ; done > hello.txt
130 // $ dd if=hello.txt bs=4096 count=1 | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64
131 // $ dd if=hello.txt skip=1 bs=4096 count=1 |
132 //   openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64
TEST(ComputedHashesTest,GetHashesForContent)133 TEST(ComputedHashesTest, GetHashesForContent) {
134   const int block_size = 4096;
136   // Simple short input.
137   std::string content1 = "hello world";
138   std::string content1_expected_hash =
139       "uU0nuZNNPgilLlLX2n2r+sSE7+N6U4DukIj3rOLvzek=";
140   std::vector<std::string> hashes1 =
141       ComputedHashes::GetHashesForContent(content1, block_size);
142   ASSERT_EQ(1u, hashes1.size());
143   EXPECT_EQ(content1_expected_hash, Base64Encode(hashes1[0]));
145   // Multiple blocks input.
146   std::string content2;
147   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
148     content2 += "hello world";
149   const char* content2_expected_hashes[] = {
150       "bvtt5hXo8xvHrlzGAhhoqPL/r+4zJXHx+6wAvkv15V8=",
151       "lTD45F7P6I/HOdi8u7FLRA4qzAYL+7xSNVeusG6MJI0="};
152   std::vector<std::string> hashes2 =
153       ComputedHashes::GetHashesForContent(content2, block_size);
154   ASSERT_EQ(2u, hashes2.size());
155   EXPECT_EQ(content2_expected_hashes[0], Base64Encode(hashes2[0]));
156   EXPECT_EQ(content2_expected_hashes[1], Base64Encode(hashes2[1]));
158   // Now an empty input.
159   std::string content3;
160   std::vector<std::string> hashes3 =
161       ComputedHashes::GetHashesForContent(content3, block_size);
162   ASSERT_EQ(1u, hashes3.size());
163   ASSERT_EQ(std::string("47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU="),
164             Base64Encode(hashes3[0]));
165 }
167 // Tests that dot/space path suffixes are treated correctly in
168 // ComputedHashes::InitFromFile.
169 //
170 // Regression test for https://crbug.com/696208.
TEST(ComputedHashesTest,DotSpaceSuffix)171 TEST(ComputedHashesTest, DotSpaceSuffix) {
172   const std::string hash_value = crypto::SHA256HashString("test");
173   ComputedHashes computed_hashes{ComputedHashes::Data()};
174   // Add hashes for "foo.html" to computed_hashes.json.
175   ASSERT_TRUE(WriteThenReadComputedHashes(
176       {
177           {base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.html")),
178            extension_misc::kContentVerificationDefaultBlockSize,
179            {hash_value}},
180       },
181       &computed_hashes));
182   std::vector<std::string> read_hashes;
184   struct TestCase {
185     const char* path;
186     bool expect_hash;
188     std::string ToString() const {
189       return base::StringPrintf("path = %s, expect_hash = %d", path,
190                                 expect_hash);
191     }
192   } test_cases[] = {
193       // Sanity check: existing file.
194       {"foo.html", true},
195       // Sanity check: non existent file.
196       {"notfound.html", false},
197       // Path with "." suffix, along with incorrect case for the same.
198       {"foo.html.", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
199       {"fOo.html.", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
200       // Path with " " suffix, along with incorrect case for the same.
201       {"foo.html ", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
202       {"fOo.html ", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
203       // Path with ". " suffix, along with incorrect case for the same.
204       {"foo.html. ", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
205       {"fOo.html. ", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
206       // Path with " ." suffix, along with incorrect case for the same.
207       {"foo.html .", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
208       {"fOo.html .", kIsDotSpaceSuffixIgnored},
209   };
211   for (const auto& test_case : test_cases) {
212     SCOPED_TRACE(test_case.ToString());
213     int block_size = 0;
214     std::vector<std::string> read_hashes;
215     EXPECT_EQ(
216         test_case.expect_hash,
217         computed_hashes.GetHashes(base::FilePath().AppendASCII(test_case.path),
218                                   &block_size, &read_hashes));
220     if (test_case.expect_hash) {
221       EXPECT_EQ(block_size,
222                 extension_misc::kContentVerificationDefaultBlockSize);
223       ASSERT_EQ(1u, read_hashes.size());
224       EXPECT_EQ(hash_value, read_hashes[0]);
225     }
226   }
227 }
229 }  // namespace extensions