1 // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <memory>
10 #include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
11 #include "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom-forward.h"
12 #include "services/network/trust_tokens/suitable_trust_token_origin.h"
13 #include "services/network/trust_tokens/trust_token_key_commitment_controller.h"
15 namespace network {
17 // These field names are from the key commitment JSON format specified in the
18 // Trust Tokens design doc
19 // (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TNnya6B8pyomDK2F1R9CL3dY10OAmqWlnCxsWyOBDVQ/edit#bookmark=id.6wh9crbxdizi).
20 // "protocol version" (version of Trust Token used for this commitment):
21 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentProtocolVersionField[];
22 // This commitment's ID, used for mediating between concurrencyID for this key
23 // commitment):
24 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentIDField[];
25 // "Batch size" (number of blinded tokens to provide per issuance request):
26 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentBatchsizeField[];
27 // Each issuance key's expiry timestamp:
28 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentExpiryField[];
29 // Each issuance key's key material:
30 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentKeyField[];
32 // The operating systems on which to request issuance via system mediation
33 // rather than through a request to the issuer's website:
34 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentRequestIssuanceLocallyOnField[];
35 extern const char kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentOsAndroid[];
37 // The desired fallback behavior when local issuance isn't available on the
38 // requested operating system:
39 extern const char
40     kTrustTokenKeyCommitmentUnavailableLocalIssuanceFallbackField[];
41 extern const char kTrustTokenLocalIssuanceFallbackWebIssuance[];
42 extern const char kTrustTokenLocalIssuanceFallbackReturnWithError[];
44 class TrustTokenKeyCommitmentParser
45     : public TrustTokenKeyCommitmentController::Parser {
46  public:
47   TrustTokenKeyCommitmentParser() = default;
48   ~TrustTokenKeyCommitmentParser() override = default;
50   // Parses a JSON key commitment response, returning nullptr if the input is
51   // not a valid representation of a JSON dictionary containing all required
52   // fields listed in the Trust Tokens design doc, the current normative source
53   // for key commitment responses' format:
54   //
55   // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TNnya6B8pyomDK2F1R9CL3dY10OAmqWlnCxsWyOBDVQ/edit#heading=h.wkezf6pcskvh
56   mojom::TrustTokenKeyCommitmentResultPtr Parse(
57       base::StringPiece response_body) override;
59   // Like |Parse|, except that the input is expected to be of the form
60   // { "https://some-issuer.example": <JSON in the form expected by |Parse|>
61   //   "https://some-other-issuer.example":
62   //     <JSON in the form expected by |Parse|>,
63   //   ...  }
64   //
65   // Returns nullptr if the input is not a dictionary.
66   //
67   // WARNING: If there are multiple keys that are exactly equal strings,
68   // deduplicates these entries arbitrarily (due to the behavior of
69   // base::JSONReader). For instance, if these keys are arriving through the
70   // component updater, you might want to guarantee that the server-side logic
71   // producing these structures guarantees no duplicate keys.
72   //
73   // If there are multiple keys that are not exact duplicates but correspond to
74   // the same issuer, drops all but the entry with the largest key
75   // lexicographically.
76   //
77   // Skips key-value pairs where the key is not a suitable Trust Tokens origin
78   // or the value fails to parse.
79   std::unique_ptr<base::flat_map<SuitableTrustTokenOrigin,
80                                  mojom::TrustTokenKeyCommitmentResultPtr>>
81   ParseMultipleIssuers(base::StringPiece response_body);
82 };
84 }  // namespace network