2 // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml.
3 //
4 // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
5 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6 // found in the LICENSE file.
7 //
8 // capture_gles_ext_autogen.h:
9 //   Capture functions for the OpenGL ES extension entry points.
14 #include "common/PackedEnums.h"
15 #include "libANGLE/FrameCapture.h"
17 namespace gl
18 {
20 // Method Captures
22 // GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance
23 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE(const State &glState,
24                                                                bool isCallValid,
25                                                                PrimitiveMode modePacked,
26                                                                GLint first,
27                                                                GLsizei count,
28                                                                GLsizei instanceCount,
29                                                                GLuint baseInstance);
30 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE(
31     const State &glState,
32     bool isCallValid,
33     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
34     GLsizei count,
35     DrawElementsType typePacked,
36     const GLvoid *indices,
37     GLsizei instanceCounts,
38     GLint baseVertex,
39     GLuint baseInstance);
40 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE(const State &glState,
41                                                                     bool isCallValid,
42                                                                     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
43                                                                     const GLint *firsts,
44                                                                     const GLsizei *counts,
45                                                                     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
46                                                                     const GLuint *baseInstances,
47                                                                     GLsizei drawcount);
48 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE(
49     const State &glState,
50     bool isCallValid,
51     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
52     const GLsizei *counts,
53     DrawElementsType typePacked,
54     const GLvoid *const *indices,
55     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
56     const GLint *baseVertices,
57     const GLuint *baseInstances,
58     GLsizei drawcount);
60 // GL_ANGLE_copy_texture_3d
61 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopyTexture3DANGLE(const State &glState,
62                                              bool isCallValid,
63                                              TextureID sourceIdPacked,
64                                              GLint sourceLevel,
65                                              TextureTarget destTargetPacked,
66                                              TextureID destIdPacked,
67                                              GLint destLevel,
68                                              GLint internalFormat,
69                                              GLenum destType,
70                                              GLboolean unpackFlipY,
71                                              GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
72                                              GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
73 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopySubTexture3DANGLE(const State &glState,
74                                                 bool isCallValid,
75                                                 TextureID sourceIdPacked,
76                                                 GLint sourceLevel,
77                                                 TextureTarget destTargetPacked,
78                                                 TextureID destIdPacked,
79                                                 GLint destLevel,
80                                                 GLint xoffset,
81                                                 GLint yoffset,
82                                                 GLint zoffset,
83                                                 GLint x,
84                                                 GLint y,
85                                                 GLint z,
86                                                 GLint width,
87                                                 GLint height,
88                                                 GLint depth,
89                                                 GLboolean unpackFlipY,
90                                                 GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
91                                                 GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
93 // GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
94 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlitFramebufferANGLE(const State &glState,
95                                                bool isCallValid,
96                                                GLint srcX0,
97                                                GLint srcY0,
98                                                GLint srcX1,
99                                                GLint srcY1,
100                                                GLint dstX0,
101                                                GLint dstY0,
102                                                GLint dstX1,
103                                                GLint dstY1,
104                                                GLbitfield mask,
105                                                GLenum filter);
107 // GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
108 angle::CallCapture CaptureRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(const State &glState,
109                                                               bool isCallValid,
110                                                               GLenum target,
111                                                               GLsizei samples,
112                                                               GLenum internalformat,
113                                                               GLsizei width,
114                                                               GLsizei height);
116 // GL_ANGLE_get_image
117 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexImageANGLE(const State &glState,
118                                            bool isCallValid,
119                                            TextureTarget targetPacked,
120                                            GLint level,
121                                            GLenum format,
122                                            GLenum type,
123                                            void *pixels);
124 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetRenderbufferImageANGLE(const State &glState,
125                                                     bool isCallValid,
126                                                     GLenum target,
127                                                     GLenum format,
128                                                     GLenum type,
129                                                     void *pixels);
131 // GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter
132 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexLevelParameterivANGLE(const State &glState,
133                                                       bool isCallValid,
134                                                       TextureTarget targetPacked,
135                                                       GLint level,
136                                                       GLenum pname,
137                                                       GLint *params);
138 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexLevelParameterfvANGLE(const State &glState,
139                                                       bool isCallValid,
140                                                       TextureTarget targetPacked,
141                                                       GLint level,
142                                                       GLenum pname,
143                                                       GLfloat *params);
145 // GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
146 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(const State &glState,
147                                                    bool isCallValid,
148                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
149                                                    GLint first,
150                                                    GLsizei count,
151                                                    GLsizei primcount);
152 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(const State &glState,
153                                                      bool isCallValid,
154                                                      PrimitiveMode modePacked,
155                                                      GLsizei count,
156                                                      DrawElementsType typePacked,
157                                                      const void *indices,
158                                                      GLsizei primcount);
159 angle::CallCapture CaptureVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(const State &glState,
160                                                    bool isCallValid,
161                                                    GLuint index,
162                                                    GLuint divisor);
164 // GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags
165 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMemFlags2DANGLE(const State &glState,
166                                                     bool isCallValid,
167                                                     TextureType targetPacked,
168                                                     GLsizei levels,
169                                                     GLenum internalFormat,
170                                                     GLsizei width,
171                                                     GLsizei height,
172                                                     MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
173                                                     GLuint64 offset,
174                                                     GLbitfield createFlags,
175                                                     GLbitfield usageFlags);
176 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMemFlags2DMultisampleANGLE(const State &glState,
177                                                                bool isCallValid,
178                                                                TextureType targetPacked,
179                                                                GLsizei samples,
180                                                                GLenum internalFormat,
181                                                                GLsizei width,
182                                                                GLsizei height,
183                                                                GLboolean fixedSampleLocations,
184                                                                MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
185                                                                GLuint64 offset,
186                                                                GLbitfield createFlags,
187                                                                GLbitfield usageFlags);
188 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMemFlags3DANGLE(const State &glState,
189                                                     bool isCallValid,
190                                                     TextureType targetPacked,
191                                                     GLsizei levels,
192                                                     GLenum internalFormat,
193                                                     GLsizei width,
194                                                     GLsizei height,
195                                                     GLsizei depth,
196                                                     MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
197                                                     GLuint64 offset,
198                                                     GLbitfield createFlags,
199                                                     GLbitfield usageFlags);
200 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMemFlags3DMultisampleANGLE(const State &glState,
201                                                                bool isCallValid,
202                                                                TextureType targetPacked,
203                                                                GLsizei samples,
204                                                                GLenum internalFormat,
205                                                                GLsizei width,
206                                                                GLsizei height,
207                                                                GLsizei depth,
208                                                                GLboolean fixedSampleLocations,
209                                                                MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
210                                                                GLuint64 offset,
211                                                                GLbitfield createFlags,
212                                                                GLbitfield usageFlags);
214 // GL_ANGLE_memory_object_fuchsia
215 angle::CallCapture CaptureImportMemoryZirconHandleANGLE(const State &glState,
216                                                         bool isCallValid,
217                                                         MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
218                                                         GLuint64 size,
219                                                         HandleType handleTypePacked,
220                                                         GLuint handle);
222 // GL_ANGLE_multi_draw
223 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawArraysANGLE(const State &glState,
224                                                bool isCallValid,
225                                                PrimitiveMode modePacked,
226                                                const GLint *firsts,
227                                                const GLsizei *counts,
228                                                GLsizei drawcount);
229 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(const State &glState,
230                                                         bool isCallValid,
231                                                         PrimitiveMode modePacked,
232                                                         const GLint *firsts,
233                                                         const GLsizei *counts,
234                                                         const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
235                                                         GLsizei drawcount);
236 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawElementsANGLE(const State &glState,
237                                                  bool isCallValid,
238                                                  PrimitiveMode modePacked,
239                                                  const GLsizei *counts,
240                                                  DrawElementsType typePacked,
241                                                  const GLvoid *const *indices,
242                                                  GLsizei drawcount);
243 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(const State &glState,
244                                                           bool isCallValid,
245                                                           PrimitiveMode modePacked,
246                                                           const GLsizei *counts,
247                                                           DrawElementsType typePacked,
248                                                           const GLvoid *const *indices,
249                                                           const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
250                                                           GLsizei drawcount);
252 // GL_ANGLE_program_binary
254 // GL_ANGLE_provoking_vertex
255 angle::CallCapture CaptureProvokingVertexANGLE(const State &glState,
256                                                bool isCallValid,
257                                                ProvokingVertexConvention modePacked);
259 // GL_ANGLE_request_extension
260 angle::CallCapture CaptureRequestExtensionANGLE(const State &glState,
261                                                 bool isCallValid,
262                                                 const GLchar *name);
263 angle::CallCapture CaptureDisableExtensionANGLE(const State &glState,
264                                                 bool isCallValid,
265                                                 const GLchar *name);
267 // GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory
268 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBooleanvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
269                                                  bool isCallValid,
270                                                  GLenum pname,
271                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
272                                                  GLsizei *length,
273                                                  GLboolean *params);
274 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBufferParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
275                                                           bool isCallValid,
276                                                           BufferBinding targetPacked,
277                                                           GLenum pname,
278                                                           GLsizei bufSize,
279                                                           GLsizei *length,
280                                                           GLint *params);
281 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFloatvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
282                                                bool isCallValid,
283                                                GLenum pname,
284                                                GLsizei bufSize,
285                                                GLsizei *length,
286                                                GLfloat *params);
287 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
288                                                                          bool isCallValid,
289                                                                          GLenum target,
290                                                                          GLenum attachment,
291                                                                          GLenum pname,
292                                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
293                                                                          GLsizei *length,
294                                                                          GLint *params);
295 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetIntegervRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
296                                                  bool isCallValid,
297                                                  GLenum pname,
298                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
299                                                  GLsizei *length,
300                                                  GLint *data);
301 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetProgramivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
302                                                   bool isCallValid,
303                                                   ShaderProgramID programPacked,
304                                                   GLenum pname,
305                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
306                                                   GLsizei *length,
307                                                   GLint *params);
308 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetRenderbufferParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
309                                                                 bool isCallValid,
310                                                                 GLenum target,
311                                                                 GLenum pname,
312                                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
313                                                                 GLsizei *length,
314                                                                 GLint *params);
315 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetShaderivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
316                                                  bool isCallValid,
317                                                  ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
318                                                  GLenum pname,
319                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
320                                                  GLsizei *length,
321                                                  GLint *params);
322 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
323                                                        bool isCallValid,
324                                                        TextureType targetPacked,
325                                                        GLenum pname,
326                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
327                                                        GLsizei *length,
328                                                        GLfloat *params);
329 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
330                                                        bool isCallValid,
331                                                        TextureType targetPacked,
332                                                        GLenum pname,
333                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
334                                                        GLsizei *length,
335                                                        GLint *params);
336 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetUniformfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
337                                                   bool isCallValid,
338                                                   ShaderProgramID programPacked,
339                                                   UniformLocation locationPacked,
340                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
341                                                   GLsizei *length,
342                                                   GLfloat *params);
343 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetUniformivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
344                                                   bool isCallValid,
345                                                   ShaderProgramID programPacked,
346                                                   UniformLocation locationPacked,
347                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
348                                                   GLsizei *length,
349                                                   GLint *params);
350 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetVertexAttribfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
351                                                        bool isCallValid,
352                                                        GLuint index,
353                                                        GLenum pname,
354                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
355                                                        GLsizei *length,
356                                                        GLfloat *params);
357 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetVertexAttribivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
358                                                        bool isCallValid,
359                                                        GLuint index,
360                                                        GLenum pname,
361                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
362                                                        GLsizei *length,
363                                                        GLint *params);
364 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetVertexAttribPointervRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
365                                                              bool isCallValid,
366                                                              GLuint index,
367                                                              GLenum pname,
368                                                              GLsizei bufSize,
369                                                              GLsizei *length,
370                                                              void **pointer);
371 angle::CallCapture CaptureReadPixelsRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
372                                                 bool isCallValid,
373                                                 GLint x,
374                                                 GLint y,
375                                                 GLsizei width,
376                                                 GLsizei height,
377                                                 GLenum format,
378                                                 GLenum type,
379                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
380                                                 GLsizei *length,
381                                                 GLsizei *columns,
382                                                 GLsizei *rows,
383                                                 void *pixels);
384 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexImage2DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
385                                                 bool isCallValid,
386                                                 TextureTarget targetPacked,
387                                                 GLint level,
388                                                 GLint internalformat,
389                                                 GLsizei width,
390                                                 GLsizei height,
391                                                 GLint border,
392                                                 GLenum format,
393                                                 GLenum type,
394                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
395                                                 const void *pixels);
396 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
397                                                     bool isCallValid,
398                                                     TextureType targetPacked,
399                                                     GLenum pname,
400                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
401                                                     const GLfloat *params);
402 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
403                                                     bool isCallValid,
404                                                     TextureType targetPacked,
405                                                     GLenum pname,
406                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
407                                                     const GLint *params);
408 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
409                                                    bool isCallValid,
410                                                    TextureTarget targetPacked,
411                                                    GLint level,
412                                                    GLint xoffset,
413                                                    GLint yoffset,
414                                                    GLsizei width,
415                                                    GLsizei height,
416                                                    GLenum format,
417                                                    GLenum type,
418                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
419                                                    const void *pixels);
420 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexImage3DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
421                                                 bool isCallValid,
422                                                 TextureTarget targetPacked,
423                                                 GLint level,
424                                                 GLint internalformat,
425                                                 GLsizei width,
426                                                 GLsizei height,
427                                                 GLsizei depth,
428                                                 GLint border,
429                                                 GLenum format,
430                                                 GLenum type,
431                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
432                                                 const void *pixels);
433 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
434                                                    bool isCallValid,
435                                                    TextureTarget targetPacked,
436                                                    GLint level,
437                                                    GLint xoffset,
438                                                    GLint yoffset,
439                                                    GLint zoffset,
440                                                    GLsizei width,
441                                                    GLsizei height,
442                                                    GLsizei depth,
443                                                    GLenum format,
444                                                    GLenum type,
445                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
446                                                    const void *pixels);
447 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexImage2DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
448                                                           bool isCallValid,
449                                                           TextureTarget targetPacked,
450                                                           GLint level,
451                                                           GLenum internalformat,
452                                                           GLsizei width,
453                                                           GLsizei height,
454                                                           GLint border,
455                                                           GLsizei imageSize,
456                                                           GLsizei dataSize,
457                                                           const GLvoid *data);
458 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
459                                                              bool isCallValid,
460                                                              TextureTarget targetPacked,
461                                                              GLint level,
462                                                              GLsizei xoffset,
463                                                              GLsizei yoffset,
464                                                              GLsizei width,
465                                                              GLsizei height,
466                                                              GLenum format,
467                                                              GLsizei imageSize,
468                                                              GLsizei dataSize,
469                                                              const GLvoid *data);
470 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexImage3DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
471                                                           bool isCallValid,
472                                                           TextureTarget targetPacked,
473                                                           GLint level,
474                                                           GLenum internalformat,
475                                                           GLsizei width,
476                                                           GLsizei height,
477                                                           GLsizei depth,
478                                                           GLint border,
479                                                           GLsizei imageSize,
480                                                           GLsizei dataSize,
481                                                           const GLvoid *data);
482 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
483                                                              bool isCallValid,
484                                                              TextureTarget targetPacked,
485                                                              GLint level,
486                                                              GLint xoffset,
487                                                              GLint yoffset,
488                                                              GLint zoffset,
489                                                              GLsizei width,
490                                                              GLsizei height,
491                                                              GLsizei depth,
492                                                              GLenum format,
493                                                              GLsizei imageSize,
494                                                              GLsizei dataSize,
495                                                              const GLvoid *data);
496 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
497                                                 bool isCallValid,
498                                                 QueryType targetPacked,
499                                                 GLenum pname,
500                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
501                                                 GLsizei *length,
502                                                 GLint *params);
503 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
504                                                        bool isCallValid,
505                                                        QueryID idPacked,
506                                                        GLenum pname,
507                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
508                                                        GLsizei *length,
509                                                        GLuint *params);
510 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBufferPointervRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
511                                                        bool isCallValid,
512                                                        BufferBinding targetPacked,
513                                                        GLenum pname,
514                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
515                                                        GLsizei *length,
516                                                        void **params);
517 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetIntegeri_vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
518                                                    bool isCallValid,
519                                                    GLenum target,
520                                                    GLuint index,
521                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
522                                                    GLsizei *length,
523                                                    GLint *data);
524 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetInternalformativRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
525                                                          bool isCallValid,
526                                                          GLenum target,
527                                                          GLenum internalformat,
528                                                          GLenum pname,
529                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
530                                                          GLsizei *length,
531                                                          GLint *params);
532 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetVertexAttribIivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
533                                                         bool isCallValid,
534                                                         GLuint index,
535                                                         GLenum pname,
536                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
537                                                         GLsizei *length,
538                                                         GLint *params);
539 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetVertexAttribIuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
540                                                          bool isCallValid,
541                                                          GLuint index,
542                                                          GLenum pname,
543                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
544                                                          GLsizei *length,
545                                                          GLuint *params);
546 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetUniformuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
547                                                    bool isCallValid,
548                                                    ShaderProgramID programPacked,
549                                                    UniformLocation locationPacked,
550                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
551                                                    GLsizei *length,
552                                                    GLuint *params);
553 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetActiveUniformBlockivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
554                                                              bool isCallValid,
555                                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
556                                                              GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
557                                                              GLenum pname,
558                                                              GLsizei bufSize,
559                                                              GLsizei *length,
560                                                              GLint *params);
561 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetInteger64vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
562                                                    bool isCallValid,
563                                                    GLenum pname,
564                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
565                                                    GLsizei *length,
566                                                    GLint64 *data);
567 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetInteger64i_vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
568                                                      bool isCallValid,
569                                                      GLenum target,
570                                                      GLuint index,
571                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
572                                                      GLsizei *length,
573                                                      GLint64 *data);
574 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBufferParameteri64vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
575                                                             bool isCallValid,
576                                                             BufferBinding targetPacked,
577                                                             GLenum pname,
578                                                             GLsizei bufSize,
579                                                             GLsizei *length,
580                                                             GLint64 *params);
581 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
582                                                         bool isCallValid,
583                                                         SamplerID samplerPacked,
584                                                         GLuint pname,
585                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
586                                                         const GLint *param);
587 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
588                                                         bool isCallValid,
589                                                         SamplerID samplerPacked,
590                                                         GLenum pname,
591                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
592                                                         const GLfloat *param);
593 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
594                                                            bool isCallValid,
595                                                            SamplerID samplerPacked,
596                                                            GLenum pname,
597                                                            GLsizei bufSize,
598                                                            GLsizei *length,
599                                                            GLint *params);
600 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
601                                                            bool isCallValid,
602                                                            SamplerID samplerPacked,
603                                                            GLenum pname,
604                                                            GLsizei bufSize,
605                                                            GLsizei *length,
606                                                            GLfloat *params);
607 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFramebufferParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
608                                                                bool isCallValid,
609                                                                GLenum target,
610                                                                GLenum pname,
611                                                                GLsizei bufSize,
612                                                                GLsizei *length,
613                                                                GLint *params);
614 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetProgramInterfaceivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
615                                                            bool isCallValid,
616                                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
617                                                            GLenum programInterface,
618                                                            GLenum pname,
619                                                            GLsizei bufSize,
620                                                            GLsizei *length,
621                                                            GLint *params);
622 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBooleani_vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
623                                                    bool isCallValid,
624                                                    GLenum target,
625                                                    GLuint index,
626                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
627                                                    GLsizei *length,
628                                                    GLboolean *data);
629 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetMultisamplefvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
630                                                       bool isCallValid,
631                                                       GLenum pname,
632                                                       GLuint index,
633                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
634                                                       GLsizei *length,
635                                                       GLfloat *val);
636 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexLevelParameterivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
637                                                             bool isCallValid,
638                                                             TextureTarget targetPacked,
639                                                             GLint level,
640                                                             GLenum pname,
641                                                             GLsizei bufSize,
642                                                             GLsizei *length,
643                                                             GLint *params);
644 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexLevelParameterfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
645                                                             bool isCallValid,
646                                                             TextureTarget targetPacked,
647                                                             GLint level,
648                                                             GLenum pname,
649                                                             GLsizei bufSize,
650                                                             GLsizei *length,
651                                                             GLfloat *params);
652 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetPointervRobustANGLERobustANGLE(const State &glState,
653                                                             bool isCallValid,
654                                                             GLenum pname,
655                                                             GLsizei bufSize,
656                                                             GLsizei *length,
657                                                             void **params);
658 angle::CallCapture CaptureReadnPixelsRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
659                                                  bool isCallValid,
660                                                  GLint x,
661                                                  GLint y,
662                                                  GLsizei width,
663                                                  GLsizei height,
664                                                  GLenum format,
665                                                  GLenum type,
666                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
667                                                  GLsizei *length,
668                                                  GLsizei *columns,
669                                                  GLsizei *rows,
670                                                  void *data);
671 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformfvRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
672                                                    bool isCallValid,
673                                                    ShaderProgramID programPacked,
674                                                    UniformLocation locationPacked,
675                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
676                                                    GLsizei *length,
677                                                    GLfloat *params);
678 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
679                                                    bool isCallValid,
680                                                    ShaderProgramID programPacked,
681                                                    UniformLocation locationPacked,
682                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
683                                                    GLsizei *length,
684                                                    GLint *params);
685 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
686                                                     bool isCallValid,
687                                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
688                                                     UniformLocation locationPacked,
689                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
690                                                     GLsizei *length,
691                                                     GLuint *params);
692 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
693                                                      bool isCallValid,
694                                                      TextureType targetPacked,
695                                                      GLenum pname,
696                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
697                                                      const GLint *params);
698 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
699                                                       bool isCallValid,
700                                                       TextureType targetPacked,
701                                                       GLenum pname,
702                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
703                                                       const GLuint *params);
704 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
705                                                         bool isCallValid,
706                                                         TextureType targetPacked,
707                                                         GLenum pname,
708                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
709                                                         GLsizei *length,
710                                                         GLint *params);
711 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
712                                                          bool isCallValid,
713                                                          TextureType targetPacked,
714                                                          GLenum pname,
715                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
716                                                          GLsizei *length,
717                                                          GLuint *params);
718 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
719                                                          bool isCallValid,
720                                                          SamplerID samplerPacked,
721                                                          GLenum pname,
722                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
723                                                          const GLint *param);
724 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
725                                                           bool isCallValid,
726                                                           SamplerID samplerPacked,
727                                                           GLenum pname,
728                                                           GLsizei bufSize,
729                                                           const GLuint *param);
730 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
731                                                             bool isCallValid,
732                                                             SamplerID samplerPacked,
733                                                             GLenum pname,
734                                                             GLsizei bufSize,
735                                                             GLsizei *length,
736                                                             GLint *params);
737 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
738                                                              bool isCallValid,
739                                                              SamplerID samplerPacked,
740                                                              GLenum pname,
741                                                              GLsizei bufSize,
742                                                              GLsizei *length,
743                                                              GLuint *params);
744 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectivRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
745                                                       bool isCallValid,
746                                                       QueryID idPacked,
747                                                       GLenum pname,
748                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
749                                                       GLsizei *length,
750                                                       GLint *params);
751 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjecti64vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
752                                                         bool isCallValid,
753                                                         QueryID idPacked,
754                                                         GLenum pname,
755                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
756                                                         GLsizei *length,
757                                                         GLint64 *params);
758 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectui64vRobustANGLE(const State &glState,
759                                                          bool isCallValid,
760                                                          QueryID idPacked,
761                                                          GLenum pname,
762                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
763                                                          GLsizei *length,
764                                                          GLuint64 *params);
766 // GL_ANGLE_semaphore_fuchsia
767 angle::CallCapture CaptureImportSemaphoreZirconHandleANGLE(const State &glState,
768                                                            bool isCallValid,
769                                                            SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
770                                                            HandleType handleTypePacked,
771                                                            GLuint handle);
773 // GL_ANGLE_texture_external_update
774 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexImage2DExternalANGLE(const State &glState,
775                                                   bool isCallValid,
776                                                   TextureTarget targetPacked,
777                                                   GLint level,
778                                                   GLint internalformat,
779                                                   GLsizei width,
780                                                   GLsizei height,
781                                                   GLint border,
782                                                   GLenum format,
783                                                   GLenum type);
784 angle::CallCapture CaptureInvalidateTextureANGLE(const State &glState,
785                                                  bool isCallValid,
786                                                  TextureType targetPacked);
788 // GL_ANGLE_texture_multisample
789 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorage2DMultisampleANGLE(const State &glState,
790                                                        bool isCallValid,
791                                                        TextureType targetPacked,
792                                                        GLsizei samples,
793                                                        GLenum internalformat,
794                                                        GLsizei width,
795                                                        GLsizei height,
796                                                        GLboolean fixedsamplelocations);
797 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetMultisamplefvANGLE(const State &glState,
798                                                 bool isCallValid,
799                                                 GLenum pname,
800                                                 GLuint index,
801                                                 GLfloat *val);
802 angle::CallCapture CaptureSampleMaskiANGLE(const State &glState,
803                                            bool isCallValid,
804                                            GLuint maskNumber,
805                                            GLbitfield mask);
807 // GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
808 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(const State &glState,
809                                                          bool isCallValid,
810                                                          ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
811                                                          GLsizei bufsize,
812                                                          GLsizei *length,
813                                                          GLchar *source);
815 // GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location
816 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
817                                                       bool isCallValid,
818                                                       ShaderProgramID programPacked,
819                                                       UniformLocation locationPacked,
820                                                       const GLchar *name);
822 // GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture
823 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedCopyTextureCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
824                                                         bool isCallValid,
825                                                         TextureID sourceIdPacked,
826                                                         TextureID destIdPacked);
828 // GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture
829 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopyTextureCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
830                                               bool isCallValid,
831                                               TextureID sourceIdPacked,
832                                               GLint sourceLevel,
833                                               TextureTarget destTargetPacked,
834                                               TextureID destIdPacked,
835                                               GLint destLevel,
836                                               GLint internalFormat,
837                                               GLenum destType,
838                                               GLboolean unpackFlipY,
839                                               GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
840                                               GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
841 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopySubTextureCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
842                                                  bool isCallValid,
843                                                  TextureID sourceIdPacked,
844                                                  GLint sourceLevel,
845                                                  TextureTarget destTargetPacked,
846                                                  TextureID destIdPacked,
847                                                  GLint destLevel,
848                                                  GLint xoffset,
849                                                  GLint yoffset,
850                                                  GLint x,
851                                                  GLint y,
852                                                  GLint width,
853                                                  GLint height,
854                                                  GLboolean unpackFlipY,
855                                                  GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
856                                                  GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
858 // GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples
859 angle::CallCapture CaptureCoverageModulationCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
860                                                      bool isCallValid,
861                                                      GLenum components);
863 // GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context
864 angle::CallCapture CaptureLoseContextCHROMIUM(const State &glState,
865                                               bool isCallValid,
866                                               GraphicsResetStatus currentPacked,
867                                               GraphicsResetStatus otherPacked);
869 // GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
871 // GL_EXT_blend_func_extended
872 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindFragDataLocationEXT(const State &glState,
873                                                   bool isCallValid,
874                                                   ShaderProgramID programPacked,
875                                                   GLuint color,
876                                                   const GLchar *name);
877 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT(const State &glState,
878                                                          bool isCallValid,
879                                                          ShaderProgramID programPacked,
880                                                          GLuint colorNumber,
881                                                          GLuint index,
882                                                          const GLchar *name);
883 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFragDataIndexEXT(const State &glState,
884                                               bool isCallValid,
885                                               ShaderProgramID programPacked,
886                                               const GLchar *name,
887                                               GLint returnValue);
888 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT(const State &glState,
889                                                              bool isCallValid,
890                                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
891                                                              GLenum programInterface,
892                                                              const GLchar *name,
893                                                              GLint returnValue);
895 // GL_EXT_buffer_storage
896 angle::CallCapture CaptureBufferStorageEXT(const State &glState,
897                                            bool isCallValid,
898                                            BufferBinding targetPacked,
899                                            GLsizeiptr size,
900                                            const void *data,
901                                            GLbitfield flags);
903 // GL_EXT_copy_image
904 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopyImageSubDataEXT(const State &glState,
905                                               bool isCallValid,
906                                               GLuint srcName,
907                                               GLenum srcTarget,
908                                               GLint srcLevel,
909                                               GLint srcX,
910                                               GLint srcY,
911                                               GLint srcZ,
912                                               GLuint dstName,
913                                               GLenum dstTarget,
914                                               GLint dstLevel,
915                                               GLint dstX,
916                                               GLint dstY,
917                                               GLint dstZ,
918                                               GLsizei srcWidth,
919                                               GLsizei srcHeight,
920                                               GLsizei srcDepth);
922 // GL_EXT_debug_marker
923 angle::CallCapture CaptureInsertEventMarkerEXT(const State &glState,
924                                                bool isCallValid,
925                                                GLsizei length,
926                                                const GLchar *marker);
927 angle::CallCapture CapturePopGroupMarkerEXT(const State &glState, bool isCallValid);
928 angle::CallCapture CapturePushGroupMarkerEXT(const State &glState,
929                                              bool isCallValid,
930                                              GLsizei length,
931                                              const GLchar *marker);
933 // GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
934 angle::CallCapture CaptureDiscardFramebufferEXT(const State &glState,
935                                                 bool isCallValid,
936                                                 GLenum target,
937                                                 GLsizei numAttachments,
938                                                 const GLenum *attachments);
940 // GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
941 angle::CallCapture CaptureBeginQueryEXT(const State &glState,
942                                         bool isCallValid,
943                                         QueryType targetPacked,
944                                         QueryID idPacked);
945 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteQueriesEXT(const State &glState,
946                                            bool isCallValid,
947                                            GLsizei n,
948                                            const QueryID *idsPacked);
949 angle::CallCapture CaptureEndQueryEXT(const State &glState,
950                                       bool isCallValid,
951                                       QueryType targetPacked);
952 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenQueriesEXT(const State &glState,
953                                         bool isCallValid,
954                                         GLsizei n,
955                                         QueryID *idsPacked);
956 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetInteger64vEXT(const State &glState,
957                                            bool isCallValid,
958                                            GLenum pname,
959                                            GLint64 *data);
960 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(const State &glState,
961                                                 bool isCallValid,
962                                                 QueryID idPacked,
963                                                 GLenum pname,
964                                                 GLint64 *params);
965 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectivEXT(const State &glState,
966                                               bool isCallValid,
967                                               QueryID idPacked,
968                                               GLenum pname,
969                                               GLint *params);
970 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(const State &glState,
971                                                  bool isCallValid,
972                                                  QueryID idPacked,
973                                                  GLenum pname,
974                                                  GLuint64 *params);
975 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryObjectuivEXT(const State &glState,
976                                                bool isCallValid,
977                                                QueryID idPacked,
978                                                GLenum pname,
979                                                GLuint *params);
980 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetQueryivEXT(const State &glState,
981                                         bool isCallValid,
982                                         QueryType targetPacked,
983                                         GLenum pname,
984                                         GLint *params);
985 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsQueryEXT(const State &glState,
986                                      bool isCallValid,
987                                      QueryID idPacked,
988                                      GLboolean returnValue);
989 angle::CallCapture CaptureQueryCounterEXT(const State &glState,
990                                           bool isCallValid,
991                                           QueryID idPacked,
992                                           QueryType targetPacked);
994 // GL_EXT_draw_buffers
995 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawBuffersEXT(const State &glState,
996                                          bool isCallValid,
997                                          GLsizei n,
998                                          const GLenum *bufs);
1000 // GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed
1001 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationSeparateiEXT(const State &glState,
1002                                                     bool isCallValid,
1003                                                     GLuint buf,
1004                                                     GLenum modeRGB,
1005                                                     GLenum modeAlpha);
1006 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationiEXT(const State &glState,
1007                                             bool isCallValid,
1008                                             GLuint buf,
1009                                             GLenum mode);
1010 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendFuncSeparateiEXT(const State &glState,
1011                                                 bool isCallValid,
1012                                                 GLuint buf,
1013                                                 GLenum srcRGB,
1014                                                 GLenum dstRGB,
1015                                                 GLenum srcAlpha,
1016                                                 GLenum dstAlpha);
1017 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendFunciEXT(const State &glState,
1018                                         bool isCallValid,
1019                                         GLuint buf,
1020                                         GLenum src,
1021                                         GLenum dst);
1022 angle::CallCapture CaptureColorMaskiEXT(const State &glState,
1023                                         bool isCallValid,
1024                                         GLuint index,
1025                                         GLboolean r,
1026                                         GLboolean g,
1027                                         GLboolean b,
1028                                         GLboolean a);
1029 angle::CallCapture CaptureDisableiEXT(const State &glState,
1030                                       bool isCallValid,
1031                                       GLenum target,
1032                                       GLuint index);
1033 angle::CallCapture CaptureEnableiEXT(const State &glState,
1034                                      bool isCallValid,
1035                                      GLenum target,
1036                                      GLuint index);
1037 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsEnablediEXT(const State &glState,
1038                                         bool isCallValid,
1039                                         GLenum target,
1040                                         GLuint index,
1041                                         GLboolean returnValue);
1043 // GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex
1044 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT(const State &glState,
1045                                                     bool isCallValid,
1046                                                     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1047                                                     GLsizei count,
1048                                                     DrawElementsType typePacked,
1049                                                     const void *indices,
1050                                                     GLint basevertex);
1051 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT(const State &glState,
1052                                                              bool isCallValid,
1053                                                              PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1054                                                              GLsizei count,
1055                                                              DrawElementsType typePacked,
1056                                                              const void *indices,
1057                                                              GLsizei instancecount,
1058                                                              GLint basevertex);
1059 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT(const State &glState,
1060                                                          bool isCallValid,
1061                                                          PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1062                                                          GLuint start,
1063                                                          GLuint end,
1064                                                          GLsizei count,
1065                                                          DrawElementsType typePacked,
1066                                                          const void *indices,
1067                                                          GLint basevertex);
1068 angle::CallCapture CaptureMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT(const State &glState,
1069                                                          bool isCallValid,
1070                                                          PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1071                                                          const GLsizei *count,
1072                                                          DrawElementsType typePacked,
1073                                                          const void *const *indices,
1074                                                          GLsizei primcount,
1075                                                          const GLint *basevertex);
1077 // GL_EXT_external_buffer
1078 angle::CallCapture CaptureBufferStorageExternalEXT(const State &glState,
1079                                                    bool isCallValid,
1080                                                    BufferBinding targetPacked,
1081                                                    GLintptr offset,
1082                                                    GLsizeiptr size,
1083                                                    GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer,
1084                                                    GLbitfield flags);
1085 angle::CallCapture CaptureNamedBufferStorageExternalEXT(const State &glState,
1086                                                         bool isCallValid,
1087                                                         GLuint buffer,
1088                                                         GLintptr offset,
1089                                                         GLsizeiptr size,
1090                                                         GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer,
1091                                                         GLbitfield flags);
1093 // GL_EXT_geometry_shader
1094 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTextureEXT(const State &glState,
1095                                                 bool isCallValid,
1096                                                 GLenum target,
1097                                                 GLenum attachment,
1098                                                 TextureID texturePacked,
1099                                                 GLint level);
1101 // GL_EXT_instanced_arrays
1102 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawArraysInstancedEXT(const State &glState,
1103                                                  bool isCallValid,
1104                                                  PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1105                                                  GLint start,
1106                                                  GLsizei count,
1107                                                  GLsizei primcount);
1108 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedEXT(const State &glState,
1109                                                    bool isCallValid,
1110                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1111                                                    GLsizei count,
1112                                                    DrawElementsType typePacked,
1113                                                    const void *indices,
1114                                                    GLsizei primcount);
1115 angle::CallCapture CaptureVertexAttribDivisorEXT(const State &glState,
1116                                                  bool isCallValid,
1117                                                  GLuint index,
1118                                                  GLuint divisor);
1120 // GL_EXT_map_buffer_range
1121 angle::CallCapture CaptureFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(const State &glState,
1122                                                     bool isCallValid,
1123                                                     BufferBinding targetPacked,
1124                                                     GLintptr offset,
1125                                                     GLsizeiptr length);
1126 angle::CallCapture CaptureMapBufferRangeEXT(const State &glState,
1127                                             bool isCallValid,
1128                                             BufferBinding targetPacked,
1129                                             GLintptr offset,
1130                                             GLsizeiptr length,
1131                                             GLbitfield access,
1132                                             void *returnValue);
1134 // GL_EXT_memory_object
1135 angle::CallCapture CaptureBufferStorageMemEXT(const State &glState,
1136                                               bool isCallValid,
1137                                               TextureType targetPacked,
1138                                               GLsizeiptr size,
1139                                               MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1140                                               GLuint64 offset);
1141 angle::CallCapture CaptureCreateMemoryObjectsEXT(const State &glState,
1142                                                  bool isCallValid,
1143                                                  GLsizei n,
1144                                                  MemoryObjectID *memoryObjectsPacked);
1145 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteMemoryObjectsEXT(const State &glState,
1146                                                  bool isCallValid,
1147                                                  GLsizei n,
1148                                                  const MemoryObjectID *memoryObjectsPacked);
1149 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(const State &glState,
1150                                                         bool isCallValid,
1151                                                         MemoryObjectID memoryObjectPacked,
1152                                                         GLenum pname,
1153                                                         GLint *params);
1154 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetUnsignedBytevEXT(const State &glState,
1155                                               bool isCallValid,
1156                                               GLenum pname,
1157                                               GLubyte *data);
1158 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetUnsignedBytei_vEXT(const State &glState,
1159                                                 bool isCallValid,
1160                                                 GLenum target,
1161                                                 GLuint index,
1162                                                 GLubyte *data);
1163 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsMemoryObjectEXT(const State &glState,
1164                                             bool isCallValid,
1165                                             MemoryObjectID memoryObjectPacked,
1166                                             GLboolean returnValue);
1167 angle::CallCapture CaptureMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(const State &glState,
1168                                                      bool isCallValid,
1169                                                      MemoryObjectID memoryObjectPacked,
1170                                                      GLenum pname,
1171                                                      const GLint *params);
1172 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMem2DEXT(const State &glState,
1173                                              bool isCallValid,
1174                                              TextureType targetPacked,
1175                                              GLsizei levels,
1176                                              GLenum internalFormat,
1177                                              GLsizei width,
1178                                              GLsizei height,
1179                                              MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1180                                              GLuint64 offset);
1181 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMem2DMultisampleEXT(const State &glState,
1182                                                         bool isCallValid,
1183                                                         TextureType targetPacked,
1184                                                         GLsizei samples,
1185                                                         GLenum internalFormat,
1186                                                         GLsizei width,
1187                                                         GLsizei height,
1188                                                         GLboolean fixedSampleLocations,
1189                                                         MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1190                                                         GLuint64 offset);
1191 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMem3DEXT(const State &glState,
1192                                              bool isCallValid,
1193                                              TextureType targetPacked,
1194                                              GLsizei levels,
1195                                              GLenum internalFormat,
1196                                              GLsizei width,
1197                                              GLsizei height,
1198                                              GLsizei depth,
1199                                              MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1200                                              GLuint64 offset);
1201 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorageMem3DMultisampleEXT(const State &glState,
1202                                                         bool isCallValid,
1203                                                         TextureType targetPacked,
1204                                                         GLsizei samples,
1205                                                         GLenum internalFormat,
1206                                                         GLsizei width,
1207                                                         GLsizei height,
1208                                                         GLsizei depth,
1209                                                         GLboolean fixedSampleLocations,
1210                                                         MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1211                                                         GLuint64 offset);
1213 // GL_EXT_memory_object_fd
1214 angle::CallCapture CaptureImportMemoryFdEXT(const State &glState,
1215                                             bool isCallValid,
1216                                             MemoryObjectID memoryPacked,
1217                                             GLuint64 size,
1218                                             HandleType handleTypePacked,
1219                                             GLint fd);
1221 // GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
1222 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(const State &glState,
1223                                                              bool isCallValid,
1224                                                              GLenum target,
1225                                                              GLenum attachment,
1226                                                              TextureTarget textargetPacked,
1227                                                              TextureID texturePacked,
1228                                                              GLint level,
1229                                                              GLsizei samples);
1230 angle::CallCapture CaptureRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(const State &glState,
1231                                                             bool isCallValid,
1232                                                             GLenum target,
1233                                                             GLsizei samples,
1234                                                             GLenum internalformat,
1235                                                             GLsizei width,
1236                                                             GLsizei height);
1238 // GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean
1240 // GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
1242 // GL_EXT_robustness
1243 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(const State &glState,
1244                                                     bool isCallValid,
1245                                                     GLenum returnValue);
1246 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformfvEXT(const State &glState,
1247                                            bool isCallValid,
1248                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
1249                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
1250                                            GLsizei bufSize,
1251                                            GLfloat *params);
1252 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformivEXT(const State &glState,
1253                                            bool isCallValid,
1254                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
1255                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
1256                                            GLsizei bufSize,
1257                                            GLint *params);
1258 angle::CallCapture CaptureReadnPixelsEXT(const State &glState,
1259                                          bool isCallValid,
1260                                          GLint x,
1261                                          GLint y,
1262                                          GLsizei width,
1263                                          GLsizei height,
1264                                          GLenum format,
1265                                          GLenum type,
1266                                          GLsizei bufSize,
1267                                          void *data);
1269 // GL_EXT_sRGB
1271 // GL_EXT_semaphore
1272 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteSemaphoresEXT(const State &glState,
1273                                               bool isCallValid,
1274                                               GLsizei n,
1275                                               const SemaphoreID *semaphoresPacked);
1276 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenSemaphoresEXT(const State &glState,
1277                                            bool isCallValid,
1278                                            GLsizei n,
1279                                            SemaphoreID *semaphoresPacked);
1280 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(const State &glState,
1281                                                         bool isCallValid,
1282                                                         SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1283                                                         GLenum pname,
1284                                                         GLuint64 *params);
1285 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsSemaphoreEXT(const State &glState,
1286                                          bool isCallValid,
1287                                          SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1288                                          GLboolean returnValue);
1289 angle::CallCapture CaptureSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(const State &glState,
1290                                                      bool isCallValid,
1291                                                      SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1292                                                      GLenum pname,
1293                                                      const GLuint64 *params);
1294 angle::CallCapture CaptureSignalSemaphoreEXT(const State &glState,
1295                                              bool isCallValid,
1296                                              SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1297                                              GLuint numBufferBarriers,
1298                                              const BufferID *buffersPacked,
1299                                              GLuint numTextureBarriers,
1300                                              const TextureID *texturesPacked,
1301                                              const GLenum *dstLayouts);
1302 angle::CallCapture CaptureWaitSemaphoreEXT(const State &glState,
1303                                            bool isCallValid,
1304                                            SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1305                                            GLuint numBufferBarriers,
1306                                            const BufferID *buffersPacked,
1307                                            GLuint numTextureBarriers,
1308                                            const TextureID *texturesPacked,
1309                                            const GLenum *srcLayouts);
1311 // GL_EXT_semaphore_fd
1312 angle::CallCapture CaptureImportSemaphoreFdEXT(const State &glState,
1313                                                bool isCallValid,
1314                                                SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
1315                                                HandleType handleTypePacked,
1316                                                GLint fd);
1318 // GL_EXT_texture_buffer
1319 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexBufferEXT(const State &glState,
1320                                        bool isCallValid,
1321                                        TextureType targetPacked,
1322                                        GLenum internalformat,
1323                                        BufferID bufferPacked);
1324 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexBufferRangeEXT(const State &glState,
1325                                             bool isCallValid,
1326                                             TextureType targetPacked,
1327                                             GLenum internalformat,
1328                                             BufferID bufferPacked,
1329                                             GLintptr offset,
1330                                             GLsizeiptr size);
1332 // GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc
1334 // GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
1336 // GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc
1338 // GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
1340 // GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb
1342 // GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
1344 // GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
1346 // GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
1348 // GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
1350 // GL_EXT_texture_storage
1351 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorage1DEXT(const State &glState,
1352                                           bool isCallValid,
1353                                           GLenum target,
1354                                           GLsizei levels,
1355                                           GLenum internalformat,
1356                                           GLsizei width);
1357 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorage2DEXT(const State &glState,
1358                                           bool isCallValid,
1359                                           TextureType targetPacked,
1360                                           GLsizei levels,
1361                                           GLenum internalformat,
1362                                           GLsizei width,
1363                                           GLsizei height);
1364 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorage3DEXT(const State &glState,
1365                                           bool isCallValid,
1366                                           TextureType targetPacked,
1367                                           GLsizei levels,
1368                                           GLenum internalformat,
1369                                           GLsizei width,
1370                                           GLsizei height,
1371                                           GLsizei depth);
1373 // GL_KHR_debug
1374 angle::CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageCallbackKHR(const State &glState,
1375                                                   bool isCallValid,
1376                                                   GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback,
1377                                                   const void *userParam);
1378 angle::CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageControlKHR(const State &glState,
1379                                                  bool isCallValid,
1380                                                  GLenum source,
1381                                                  GLenum type,
1382                                                  GLenum severity,
1383                                                  GLsizei count,
1384                                                  const GLuint *ids,
1385                                                  GLboolean enabled);
1386 angle::CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageInsertKHR(const State &glState,
1387                                                 bool isCallValid,
1388                                                 GLenum source,
1389                                                 GLenum type,
1390                                                 GLuint id,
1391                                                 GLenum severity,
1392                                                 GLsizei length,
1393                                                 const GLchar *buf);
1394 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR(const State &glState,
1395                                                 bool isCallValid,
1396                                                 GLuint count,
1397                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
1398                                                 GLenum *sources,
1399                                                 GLenum *types,
1400                                                 GLuint *ids,
1401                                                 GLenum *severities,
1402                                                 GLsizei *lengths,
1403                                                 GLchar *messageLog,
1404                                                 GLuint returnValue);
1405 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetObjectLabelKHR(const State &glState,
1406                                             bool isCallValid,
1407                                             GLenum identifier,
1408                                             GLuint name,
1409                                             GLsizei bufSize,
1410                                             GLsizei *length,
1411                                             GLchar *label);
1412 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(const State &glState,
1413                                                bool isCallValid,
1414                                                const void *ptr,
1415                                                GLsizei bufSize,
1416                                                GLsizei *length,
1417                                                GLchar *label);
1418 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetPointervKHR(const State &glState,
1419                                          bool isCallValid,
1420                                          GLenum pname,
1421                                          void **params);
1422 angle::CallCapture CaptureObjectLabelKHR(const State &glState,
1423                                          bool isCallValid,
1424                                          GLenum identifier,
1425                                          GLuint name,
1426                                          GLsizei length,
1427                                          const GLchar *label);
1428 angle::CallCapture CaptureObjectPtrLabelKHR(const State &glState,
1429                                             bool isCallValid,
1430                                             const void *ptr,
1431                                             GLsizei length,
1432                                             const GLchar *label);
1433 angle::CallCapture CapturePopDebugGroupKHR(const State &glState, bool isCallValid);
1434 angle::CallCapture CapturePushDebugGroupKHR(const State &glState,
1435                                             bool isCallValid,
1436                                             GLenum source,
1437                                             GLuint id,
1438                                             GLsizei length,
1439                                             const GLchar *message);
1441 // GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile
1442 angle::CallCapture CaptureMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(const State &glState,
1443                                                       bool isCallValid,
1444                                                       GLuint count);
1446 // GL_NV_fence
1447 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteFencesNV(const State &glState,
1448                                          bool isCallValid,
1449                                          GLsizei n,
1450                                          const FenceNVID *fencesPacked);
1451 angle::CallCapture CaptureFinishFenceNV(const State &glState,
1452                                         bool isCallValid,
1453                                         FenceNVID fencePacked);
1454 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenFencesNV(const State &glState,
1455                                       bool isCallValid,
1456                                       GLsizei n,
1457                                       FenceNVID *fencesPacked);
1458 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFenceivNV(const State &glState,
1459                                        bool isCallValid,
1460                                        FenceNVID fencePacked,
1461                                        GLenum pname,
1462                                        GLint *params);
1463 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsFenceNV(const State &glState,
1464                                     bool isCallValid,
1465                                     FenceNVID fencePacked,
1466                                     GLboolean returnValue);
1467 angle::CallCapture CaptureSetFenceNV(const State &glState,
1468                                      bool isCallValid,
1469                                      FenceNVID fencePacked,
1470                                      GLenum condition);
1471 angle::CallCapture CaptureTestFenceNV(const State &glState,
1472                                       bool isCallValid,
1473                                       FenceNVID fencePacked,
1474                                       GLboolean returnValue);
1476 // GL_OES_EGL_image
1477 angle::CallCapture CaptureEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(const State &glState,
1478                                                                bool isCallValid,
1479                                                                GLenum target,
1480                                                                GLeglImageOES image);
1481 angle::CallCapture CaptureEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(const State &glState,
1482                                                      bool isCallValid,
1483                                                      TextureType targetPacked,
1484                                                      GLeglImageOES image);
1486 // GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
1488 // GL_OES_copy_image
1489 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopyImageSubDataOES(const State &glState,
1490                                               bool isCallValid,
1491                                               GLuint srcName,
1492                                               GLenum srcTarget,
1493                                               GLint srcLevel,
1494                                               GLint srcX,
1495                                               GLint srcY,
1496                                               GLint srcZ,
1497                                               GLuint dstName,
1498                                               GLenum dstTarget,
1499                                               GLint dstLevel,
1500                                               GLint dstX,
1501                                               GLint dstY,
1502                                               GLint dstZ,
1503                                               GLsizei srcWidth,
1504                                               GLsizei srcHeight,
1505                                               GLsizei srcDepth);
1507 // GL_OES_depth32
1509 // GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed
1510 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationSeparateiOES(const State &glState,
1511                                                     bool isCallValid,
1512                                                     GLuint buf,
1513                                                     GLenum modeRGB,
1514                                                     GLenum modeAlpha);
1515 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationiOES(const State &glState,
1516                                             bool isCallValid,
1517                                             GLuint buf,
1518                                             GLenum mode);
1519 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendFuncSeparateiOES(const State &glState,
1520                                                 bool isCallValid,
1521                                                 GLuint buf,
1522                                                 GLenum srcRGB,
1523                                                 GLenum dstRGB,
1524                                                 GLenum srcAlpha,
1525                                                 GLenum dstAlpha);
1526 angle::CallCapture CaptureBlendFunciOES(const State &glState,
1527                                         bool isCallValid,
1528                                         GLuint buf,
1529                                         GLenum src,
1530                                         GLenum dst);
1531 angle::CallCapture CaptureColorMaskiOES(const State &glState,
1532                                         bool isCallValid,
1533                                         GLuint index,
1534                                         GLboolean r,
1535                                         GLboolean g,
1536                                         GLboolean b,
1537                                         GLboolean a);
1538 angle::CallCapture CaptureDisableiOES(const State &glState,
1539                                       bool isCallValid,
1540                                       GLenum target,
1541                                       GLuint index);
1542 angle::CallCapture CaptureEnableiOES(const State &glState,
1543                                      bool isCallValid,
1544                                      GLenum target,
1545                                      GLuint index);
1546 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsEnablediOES(const State &glState,
1547                                         bool isCallValid,
1548                                         GLenum target,
1549                                         GLuint index,
1550                                         GLboolean returnValue);
1552 // GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex
1553 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsBaseVertexOES(const State &glState,
1554                                                     bool isCallValid,
1555                                                     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1556                                                     GLsizei count,
1557                                                     DrawElementsType typePacked,
1558                                                     const void *indices,
1559                                                     GLint basevertex);
1560 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES(const State &glState,
1561                                                              bool isCallValid,
1562                                                              PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1563                                                              GLsizei count,
1564                                                              DrawElementsType typePacked,
1565                                                              const void *indices,
1566                                                              GLsizei instancecount,
1567                                                              GLint basevertex);
1568 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES(const State &glState,
1569                                                          bool isCallValid,
1570                                                          PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1571                                                          GLuint start,
1572                                                          GLuint end,
1573                                                          GLsizei count,
1574                                                          DrawElementsType typePacked,
1575                                                          const void *indices,
1576                                                          GLint basevertex);
1578 // GL_OES_draw_texture
1579 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexfOES(const State &glState,
1580                                       bool isCallValid,
1581                                       GLfloat x,
1582                                       GLfloat y,
1583                                       GLfloat z,
1584                                       GLfloat width,
1585                                       GLfloat height);
1586 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexfvOES(const State &glState,
1587                                        bool isCallValid,
1588                                        const GLfloat *coords);
1589 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexiOES(const State &glState,
1590                                       bool isCallValid,
1591                                       GLint x,
1592                                       GLint y,
1593                                       GLint z,
1594                                       GLint width,
1595                                       GLint height);
1596 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexivOES(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, const GLint *coords);
1597 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexsOES(const State &glState,
1598                                       bool isCallValid,
1599                                       GLshort x,
1600                                       GLshort y,
1601                                       GLshort z,
1602                                       GLshort width,
1603                                       GLshort height);
1604 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexsvOES(const State &glState,
1605                                        bool isCallValid,
1606                                        const GLshort *coords);
1607 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexxOES(const State &glState,
1608                                       bool isCallValid,
1609                                       GLfixed x,
1610                                       GLfixed y,
1611                                       GLfixed z,
1612                                       GLfixed width,
1613                                       GLfixed height);
1614 angle::CallCapture CaptureDrawTexxvOES(const State &glState,
1615                                        bool isCallValid,
1616                                        const GLfixed *coords);
1618 // GL_OES_framebuffer_object
1619 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindFramebufferOES(const State &glState,
1620                                              bool isCallValid,
1621                                              GLenum target,
1622                                              FramebufferID framebufferPacked);
1623 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindRenderbufferOES(const State &glState,
1624                                               bool isCallValid,
1625                                               GLenum target,
1626                                               RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked);
1627 angle::CallCapture CaptureCheckFramebufferStatusOES(const State &glState,
1628                                                     bool isCallValid,
1629                                                     GLenum target,
1630                                                     GLenum returnValue);
1631 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteFramebuffersOES(const State &glState,
1632                                                 bool isCallValid,
1633                                                 GLsizei n,
1634                                                 const FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked);
1635 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteRenderbuffersOES(const State &glState,
1636                                                  bool isCallValid,
1637                                                  GLsizei n,
1638                                                  const RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked);
1639 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferRenderbufferOES(const State &glState,
1640                                                      bool isCallValid,
1641                                                      GLenum target,
1642                                                      GLenum attachment,
1643                                                      GLenum renderbuffertarget,
1644                                                      RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked);
1645 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTexture2DOES(const State &glState,
1646                                                   bool isCallValid,
1647                                                   GLenum target,
1648                                                   GLenum attachment,
1649                                                   TextureTarget textargetPacked,
1650                                                   TextureID texturePacked,
1651                                                   GLint level);
1652 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenFramebuffersOES(const State &glState,
1653                                              bool isCallValid,
1654                                              GLsizei n,
1655                                              FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked);
1656 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenRenderbuffersOES(const State &glState,
1657                                               bool isCallValid,
1658                                               GLsizei n,
1659                                               RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked);
1660 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenerateMipmapOES(const State &glState,
1661                                             bool isCallValid,
1662                                             TextureType targetPacked);
1663 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(const State &glState,
1664                                                                  bool isCallValid,
1665                                                                  GLenum target,
1666                                                                  GLenum attachment,
1667                                                                  GLenum pname,
1668                                                                  GLint *params);
1669 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(const State &glState,
1670                                                         bool isCallValid,
1671                                                         GLenum target,
1672                                                         GLenum pname,
1673                                                         GLint *params);
1674 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsFramebufferOES(const State &glState,
1675                                            bool isCallValid,
1676                                            FramebufferID framebufferPacked,
1677                                            GLboolean returnValue);
1678 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsRenderbufferOES(const State &glState,
1679                                             bool isCallValid,
1680                                             RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked,
1681                                             GLboolean returnValue);
1682 angle::CallCapture CaptureRenderbufferStorageOES(const State &glState,
1683                                                  bool isCallValid,
1684                                                  GLenum target,
1685                                                  GLenum internalformat,
1686                                                  GLsizei width,
1687                                                  GLsizei height);
1689 // GL_OES_get_program_binary
1690 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetProgramBinaryOES(const State &glState,
1691                                               bool isCallValid,
1692                                               ShaderProgramID programPacked,
1693                                               GLsizei bufSize,
1694                                               GLsizei *length,
1695                                               GLenum *binaryFormat,
1696                                               void *binary);
1697 angle::CallCapture CaptureProgramBinaryOES(const State &glState,
1698                                            bool isCallValid,
1699                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
1700                                            GLenum binaryFormat,
1701                                            const void *binary,
1702                                            GLint length);
1704 // GL_OES_mapbuffer
1705 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetBufferPointervOES(const State &glState,
1706                                                bool isCallValid,
1707                                                BufferBinding targetPacked,
1708                                                GLenum pname,
1709                                                void **params);
1710 angle::CallCapture CaptureMapBufferOES(const State &glState,
1711                                        bool isCallValid,
1712                                        BufferBinding targetPacked,
1713                                        GLenum access,
1714                                        void *returnValue);
1715 angle::CallCapture CaptureUnmapBufferOES(const State &glState,
1716                                          bool isCallValid,
1717                                          BufferBinding targetPacked,
1718                                          GLboolean returnValue);
1720 // GL_OES_matrix_palette
1721 angle::CallCapture CaptureCurrentPaletteMatrixOES(const State &glState,
1722                                                   bool isCallValid,
1723                                                   GLuint matrixpaletteindex);
1724 angle::CallCapture CaptureLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES(const State &glState, bool isCallValid);
1725 angle::CallCapture CaptureMatrixIndexPointerOES(const State &glState,
1726                                                 bool isCallValid,
1727                                                 GLint size,
1728                                                 GLenum type,
1729                                                 GLsizei stride,
1730                                                 const void *pointer);
1731 angle::CallCapture CaptureWeightPointerOES(const State &glState,
1732                                            bool isCallValid,
1733                                            GLint size,
1734                                            GLenum type,
1735                                            GLsizei stride,
1736                                            const void *pointer);
1738 // GL_OES_point_size_array
1739 angle::CallCapture CapturePointSizePointerOES(const State &glState,
1740                                               bool isCallValid,
1741                                               VertexAttribType typePacked,
1742                                               GLsizei stride,
1743                                               const void *pointer);
1745 // GL_OES_query_matrix
1746 angle::CallCapture CaptureQueryMatrixxOES(const State &glState,
1747                                           bool isCallValid,
1748                                           GLfixed *mantissa,
1749                                           GLint *exponent,
1750                                           GLbitfield returnValue);
1752 // GL_OES_sample_shading
1753 angle::CallCapture CaptureMinSampleShadingOES(const State &glState,
1754                                               bool isCallValid,
1755                                               GLfloat value);
1757 // GL_OES_texture_3D
1758 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexImage3DOES(const State &glState,
1759                                                   bool isCallValid,
1760                                                   TextureTarget targetPacked,
1761                                                   GLint level,
1762                                                   GLenum internalformat,
1763                                                   GLsizei width,
1764                                                   GLsizei height,
1765                                                   GLsizei depth,
1766                                                   GLint border,
1767                                                   GLsizei imageSize,
1768                                                   const void *data);
1769 angle::CallCapture CaptureCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(const State &glState,
1770                                                      bool isCallValid,
1771                                                      TextureTarget targetPacked,
1772                                                      GLint level,
1773                                                      GLint xoffset,
1774                                                      GLint yoffset,
1775                                                      GLint zoffset,
1776                                                      GLsizei width,
1777                                                      GLsizei height,
1778                                                      GLsizei depth,
1779                                                      GLenum format,
1780                                                      GLsizei imageSize,
1781                                                      const void *data);
1782 angle::CallCapture CaptureCopyTexSubImage3DOES(const State &glState,
1783                                                bool isCallValid,
1784                                                TextureTarget targetPacked,
1785                                                GLint level,
1786                                                GLint xoffset,
1787                                                GLint yoffset,
1788                                                GLint zoffset,
1789                                                GLint x,
1790                                                GLint y,
1791                                                GLsizei width,
1792                                                GLsizei height);
1793 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTexture3DOES(const State &glState,
1794                                                   bool isCallValid,
1795                                                   GLenum target,
1796                                                   GLenum attachment,
1797                                                   TextureTarget textargetPacked,
1798                                                   TextureID texturePacked,
1799                                                   GLint level,
1800                                                   GLint zoffset);
1801 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexImage3DOES(const State &glState,
1802                                         bool isCallValid,
1803                                         TextureTarget targetPacked,
1804                                         GLint level,
1805                                         GLenum internalformat,
1806                                         GLsizei width,
1807                                         GLsizei height,
1808                                         GLsizei depth,
1809                                         GLint border,
1810                                         GLenum format,
1811                                         GLenum type,
1812                                         const void *pixels);
1813 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexSubImage3DOES(const State &glState,
1814                                            bool isCallValid,
1815                                            TextureTarget targetPacked,
1816                                            GLint level,
1817                                            GLint xoffset,
1818                                            GLint yoffset,
1819                                            GLint zoffset,
1820                                            GLsizei width,
1821                                            GLsizei height,
1822                                            GLsizei depth,
1823                                            GLenum format,
1824                                            GLenum type,
1825                                            const void *pixels);
1827 // GL_OES_texture_border_clamp
1828 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIivOES(const State &glState,
1829                                                     bool isCallValid,
1830                                                     SamplerID samplerPacked,
1831                                                     GLenum pname,
1832                                                     GLint *params);
1833 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuivOES(const State &glState,
1834                                                      bool isCallValid,
1835                                                      SamplerID samplerPacked,
1836                                                      GLenum pname,
1837                                                      GLuint *params);
1838 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIivOES(const State &glState,
1839                                                 bool isCallValid,
1840                                                 TextureType targetPacked,
1841                                                 GLenum pname,
1842                                                 GLint *params);
1843 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIuivOES(const State &glState,
1844                                                  bool isCallValid,
1845                                                  TextureType targetPacked,
1846                                                  GLenum pname,
1847                                                  GLuint *params);
1848 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIivOES(const State &glState,
1849                                                  bool isCallValid,
1850                                                  SamplerID samplerPacked,
1851                                                  GLenum pname,
1852                                                  const GLint *param);
1853 angle::CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIuivOES(const State &glState,
1854                                                   bool isCallValid,
1855                                                   SamplerID samplerPacked,
1856                                                   GLenum pname,
1857                                                   const GLuint *param);
1858 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIivOES(const State &glState,
1859                                              bool isCallValid,
1860                                              TextureType targetPacked,
1861                                              GLenum pname,
1862                                              const GLint *params);
1863 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIuivOES(const State &glState,
1864                                               bool isCallValid,
1865                                               TextureType targetPacked,
1866                                               GLenum pname,
1867                                               const GLuint *params);
1869 // GL_OES_texture_buffer
1870 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexBufferOES(const State &glState,
1871                                        bool isCallValid,
1872                                        TextureType targetPacked,
1873                                        GLenum internalformat,
1874                                        BufferID bufferPacked);
1875 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexBufferRangeOES(const State &glState,
1876                                             bool isCallValid,
1877                                             TextureType targetPacked,
1878                                             GLenum internalformat,
1879                                             BufferID bufferPacked,
1880                                             GLintptr offset,
1881                                             GLsizeiptr size);
1883 // GL_OES_texture_cube_map
1884 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexGenfvOES(const State &glState,
1885                                          bool isCallValid,
1886                                          GLenum coord,
1887                                          GLenum pname,
1888                                          GLfloat *params);
1889 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexGenivOES(const State &glState,
1890                                          bool isCallValid,
1891                                          GLenum coord,
1892                                          GLenum pname,
1893                                          GLint *params);
1894 angle::CallCapture CaptureGetTexGenxvOES(const State &glState,
1895                                          bool isCallValid,
1896                                          GLenum coord,
1897                                          GLenum pname,
1898                                          GLfixed *params);
1899 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGenfOES(const State &glState,
1900                                      bool isCallValid,
1901                                      GLenum coord,
1902                                      GLenum pname,
1903                                      GLfloat param);
1904 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGenfvOES(const State &glState,
1905                                       bool isCallValid,
1906                                       GLenum coord,
1907                                       GLenum pname,
1908                                       const GLfloat *params);
1909 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGeniOES(const State &glState,
1910                                      bool isCallValid,
1911                                      GLenum coord,
1912                                      GLenum pname,
1913                                      GLint param);
1914 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGenivOES(const State &glState,
1915                                       bool isCallValid,
1916                                       GLenum coord,
1917                                       GLenum pname,
1918                                       const GLint *params);
1919 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGenxOES(const State &glState,
1920                                      bool isCallValid,
1921                                      GLenum coord,
1922                                      GLenum pname,
1923                                      GLfixed param);
1924 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexGenxvOES(const State &glState,
1925                                       bool isCallValid,
1926                                       GLenum coord,
1927                                       GLenum pname,
1928                                       const GLfixed *params);
1930 // GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array
1932 // GL_OES_texture_half_float
1934 // GL_OES_texture_stencil8
1936 // GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array
1937 angle::CallCapture CaptureTexStorage3DMultisampleOES(const State &glState,
1938                                                      bool isCallValid,
1939                                                      TextureType targetPacked,
1940                                                      GLsizei samples,
1941                                                      GLenum internalformat,
1942                                                      GLsizei width,
1943                                                      GLsizei height,
1944                                                      GLsizei depth,
1945                                                      GLboolean fixedsamplelocations);
1947 // GL_OES_vertex_array_object
1948 angle::CallCapture CaptureBindVertexArrayOES(const State &glState,
1949                                              bool isCallValid,
1950                                              VertexArrayID arrayPacked);
1951 angle::CallCapture CaptureDeleteVertexArraysOES(const State &glState,
1952                                                 bool isCallValid,
1953                                                 GLsizei n,
1954                                                 const VertexArrayID *arraysPacked);
1955 angle::CallCapture CaptureGenVertexArraysOES(const State &glState,
1956                                              bool isCallValid,
1957                                              GLsizei n,
1958                                              VertexArrayID *arraysPacked);
1959 angle::CallCapture CaptureIsVertexArrayOES(const State &glState,
1960                                            bool isCallValid,
1961                                            VertexArrayID arrayPacked,
1962                                            GLboolean returnValue);
1964 // GL_OVR_multiview
1965 angle::CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(const State &glState,
1966                                                          bool isCallValid,
1967                                                          GLenum target,
1968                                                          GLenum attachment,
1969                                                          TextureID texturePacked,
1970                                                          GLint level,
1971                                                          GLint baseViewIndex,
1972                                                          GLsizei numViews);
1974 // GL_OVR_multiview2
1976 // Parameter Captures
1978 void CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_indices(
1979     const State &glState,
1980     bool isCallValid,
1981     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1982     GLsizei count,
1983     DrawElementsType typePacked,
1984     const GLvoid *indices,
1985     GLsizei instanceCounts,
1986     GLint baseVertex,
1987     GLuint baseInstance,
1988     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
1989 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE_firsts(const State &glState,
1990                                                              bool isCallValid,
1991                                                              PrimitiveMode modePacked,
1992                                                              const GLint *firsts,
1993                                                              const GLsizei *counts,
1994                                                              const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
1995                                                              const GLuint *baseInstances,
1996                                                              GLsizei drawcount,
1997                                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
1998 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE_counts(const State &glState,
1999                                                              bool isCallValid,
2000                                                              PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2001                                                              const GLint *firsts,
2002                                                              const GLsizei *counts,
2003                                                              const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2004                                                              const GLuint *baseInstances,
2005                                                              GLsizei drawcount,
2006                                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2007 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE_instanceCounts(
2008     const State &glState,
2009     bool isCallValid,
2010     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2011     const GLint *firsts,
2012     const GLsizei *counts,
2013     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2014     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2015     GLsizei drawcount,
2016     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2017 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE_baseInstances(
2018     const State &glState,
2019     bool isCallValid,
2020     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2021     const GLint *firsts,
2022     const GLsizei *counts,
2023     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2024     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2025     GLsizei drawcount,
2026     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2027 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_counts(
2028     const State &glState,
2029     bool isCallValid,
2030     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2031     const GLsizei *counts,
2032     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2033     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2034     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2035     const GLint *baseVertices,
2036     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2037     GLsizei drawcount,
2038     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2039 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_indices(
2040     const State &glState,
2041     bool isCallValid,
2042     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2043     const GLsizei *counts,
2044     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2045     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2046     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2047     const GLint *baseVertices,
2048     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2049     GLsizei drawcount,
2050     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2051 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_instanceCounts(
2052     const State &glState,
2053     bool isCallValid,
2054     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2055     const GLsizei *counts,
2056     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2057     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2058     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2059     const GLint *baseVertices,
2060     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2061     GLsizei drawcount,
2062     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2063 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_baseVertices(
2064     const State &glState,
2065     bool isCallValid,
2066     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2067     const GLsizei *counts,
2068     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2069     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2070     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2071     const GLint *baseVertices,
2072     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2073     GLsizei drawcount,
2074     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2075 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE_baseInstances(
2076     const State &glState,
2077     bool isCallValid,
2078     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2079     const GLsizei *counts,
2080     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2081     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2082     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2083     const GLint *baseVertices,
2084     const GLuint *baseInstances,
2085     GLsizei drawcount,
2086     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2087 void CaptureGetTexImageANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2088                                     bool isCallValid,
2089                                     TextureTarget targetPacked,
2090                                     GLint level,
2091                                     GLenum format,
2092                                     GLenum type,
2093                                     void *pixels,
2094                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2095 void CaptureGetRenderbufferImageANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2096                                              bool isCallValid,
2097                                              GLenum target,
2098                                              GLenum format,
2099                                              GLenum type,
2100                                              void *pixels,
2101                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2102 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterivANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2103                                                bool isCallValid,
2104                                                TextureTarget targetPacked,
2105                                                GLint level,
2106                                                GLenum pname,
2107                                                GLint *params,
2108                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2109 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterfvANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2110                                                bool isCallValid,
2111                                                TextureTarget targetPacked,
2112                                                GLint level,
2113                                                GLenum pname,
2114                                                GLfloat *params,
2115                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2116 void CaptureDrawElementsInstancedANGLE_indices(const State &glState,
2117                                                bool isCallValid,
2118                                                PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2119                                                GLsizei count,
2120                                                DrawElementsType typePacked,
2121                                                const void *indices,
2122                                                GLsizei primcount,
2123                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2124 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysANGLE_firsts(const State &glState,
2125                                         bool isCallValid,
2126                                         PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2127                                         const GLint *firsts,
2128                                         const GLsizei *counts,
2129                                         GLsizei drawcount,
2130                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2131 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysANGLE_counts(const State &glState,
2132                                         bool isCallValid,
2133                                         PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2134                                         const GLint *firsts,
2135                                         const GLsizei *counts,
2136                                         GLsizei drawcount,
2137                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2138 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE_firsts(const State &glState,
2139                                                  bool isCallValid,
2140                                                  PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2141                                                  const GLint *firsts,
2142                                                  const GLsizei *counts,
2143                                                  const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2144                                                  GLsizei drawcount,
2145                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2146 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE_counts(const State &glState,
2147                                                  bool isCallValid,
2148                                                  PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2149                                                  const GLint *firsts,
2150                                                  const GLsizei *counts,
2151                                                  const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2152                                                  GLsizei drawcount,
2153                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2154 void CaptureMultiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE_instanceCounts(const State &glState,
2155                                                          bool isCallValid,
2156                                                          PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2157                                                          const GLint *firsts,
2158                                                          const GLsizei *counts,
2159                                                          const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2160                                                          GLsizei drawcount,
2161                                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2162 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsANGLE_counts(const State &glState,
2163                                           bool isCallValid,
2164                                           PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2165                                           const GLsizei *counts,
2166                                           DrawElementsType typePacked,
2167                                           const GLvoid *const *indices,
2168                                           GLsizei drawcount,
2169                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2170 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsANGLE_indices(const State &glState,
2171                                            bool isCallValid,
2172                                            PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2173                                            const GLsizei *counts,
2174                                            DrawElementsType typePacked,
2175                                            const GLvoid *const *indices,
2176                                            GLsizei drawcount,
2177                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2178 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE_counts(const State &glState,
2179                                                    bool isCallValid,
2180                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2181                                                    const GLsizei *counts,
2182                                                    DrawElementsType typePacked,
2183                                                    const GLvoid *const *indices,
2184                                                    const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2185                                                    GLsizei drawcount,
2186                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2187 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE_indices(const State &glState,
2188                                                     bool isCallValid,
2189                                                     PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2190                                                     const GLsizei *counts,
2191                                                     DrawElementsType typePacked,
2192                                                     const GLvoid *const *indices,
2193                                                     const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2194                                                     GLsizei drawcount,
2195                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2196 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE_instanceCounts(const State &glState,
2197                                                            bool isCallValid,
2198                                                            PrimitiveMode modePacked,
2199                                                            const GLsizei *counts,
2200                                                            DrawElementsType typePacked,
2201                                                            const GLvoid *const *indices,
2202                                                            const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
2203                                                            GLsizei drawcount,
2204                                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2205 void CaptureRequestExtensionANGLE_name(const State &glState,
2206                                        bool isCallValid,
2207                                        const GLchar *name,
2208                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2209 void CaptureDisableExtensionANGLE_name(const State &glState,
2210                                        bool isCallValid,
2211                                        const GLchar *name,
2212                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2213 void CaptureGetBooleanvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2214                                           bool isCallValid,
2215                                           GLenum pname,
2216                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2217                                           GLsizei *length,
2218                                           GLboolean *params,
2219                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2220 void CaptureGetBooleanvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2221                                           bool isCallValid,
2222                                           GLenum pname,
2223                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2224                                           GLsizei *length,
2225                                           GLboolean *params,
2226                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2227 void CaptureGetBufferParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2228                                                    bool isCallValid,
2229                                                    BufferBinding targetPacked,
2230                                                    GLenum pname,
2231                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
2232                                                    GLsizei *length,
2233                                                    GLint *params,
2234                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2235 void CaptureGetBufferParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2236                                                    bool isCallValid,
2237                                                    BufferBinding targetPacked,
2238                                                    GLenum pname,
2239                                                    GLsizei bufSize,
2240                                                    GLsizei *length,
2241                                                    GLint *params,
2242                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2243 void CaptureGetFloatvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2244                                         bool isCallValid,
2245                                         GLenum pname,
2246                                         GLsizei bufSize,
2247                                         GLsizei *length,
2248                                         GLfloat *params,
2249                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2250 void CaptureGetFloatvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2251                                         bool isCallValid,
2252                                         GLenum pname,
2253                                         GLsizei bufSize,
2254                                         GLsizei *length,
2255                                         GLfloat *params,
2256                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2257 void CaptureGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivRobustANGLE_length(
2258     const State &glState,
2259     bool isCallValid,
2260     GLenum target,
2261     GLenum attachment,
2262     GLenum pname,
2263     GLsizei bufSize,
2264     GLsizei *length,
2265     GLint *params,
2266     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2267 void CaptureGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivRobustANGLE_params(
2268     const State &glState,
2269     bool isCallValid,
2270     GLenum target,
2271     GLenum attachment,
2272     GLenum pname,
2273     GLsizei bufSize,
2274     GLsizei *length,
2275     GLint *params,
2276     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2277 void CaptureGetIntegervRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2278                                           bool isCallValid,
2279                                           GLenum pname,
2280                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2281                                           GLsizei *length,
2282                                           GLint *data,
2283                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2284 void CaptureGetIntegervRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2285                                         bool isCallValid,
2286                                         GLenum pname,
2287                                         GLsizei bufSize,
2288                                         GLsizei *length,
2289                                         GLint *data,
2290                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2291 void CaptureGetProgramivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2292                                            bool isCallValid,
2293                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2294                                            GLenum pname,
2295                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2296                                            GLsizei *length,
2297                                            GLint *params,
2298                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2299 void CaptureGetProgramivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2300                                            bool isCallValid,
2301                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2302                                            GLenum pname,
2303                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2304                                            GLsizei *length,
2305                                            GLint *params,
2306                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2307 void CaptureGetRenderbufferParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2308                                                          bool isCallValid,
2309                                                          GLenum target,
2310                                                          GLenum pname,
2311                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2312                                                          GLsizei *length,
2313                                                          GLint *params,
2314                                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2315 void CaptureGetRenderbufferParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2316                                                          bool isCallValid,
2317                                                          GLenum target,
2318                                                          GLenum pname,
2319                                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2320                                                          GLsizei *length,
2321                                                          GLint *params,
2322                                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2323 void CaptureGetShaderivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2324                                           bool isCallValid,
2325                                           ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
2326                                           GLenum pname,
2327                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2328                                           GLsizei *length,
2329                                           GLint *params,
2330                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2331 void CaptureGetShaderivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2332                                           bool isCallValid,
2333                                           ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
2334                                           GLenum pname,
2335                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2336                                           GLsizei *length,
2337                                           GLint *params,
2338                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2339 void CaptureGetTexParameterfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2340                                                 bool isCallValid,
2341                                                 TextureType targetPacked,
2342                                                 GLenum pname,
2343                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2344                                                 GLsizei *length,
2345                                                 GLfloat *params,
2346                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2347 void CaptureGetTexParameterfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2348                                                 bool isCallValid,
2349                                                 TextureType targetPacked,
2350                                                 GLenum pname,
2351                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2352                                                 GLsizei *length,
2353                                                 GLfloat *params,
2354                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2355 void CaptureGetTexParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2356                                                 bool isCallValid,
2357                                                 TextureType targetPacked,
2358                                                 GLenum pname,
2359                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2360                                                 GLsizei *length,
2361                                                 GLint *params,
2362                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2363 void CaptureGetTexParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2364                                                 bool isCallValid,
2365                                                 TextureType targetPacked,
2366                                                 GLenum pname,
2367                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2368                                                 GLsizei *length,
2369                                                 GLint *params,
2370                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2371 void CaptureGetUniformfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2372                                            bool isCallValid,
2373                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2374                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
2375                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2376                                            GLsizei *length,
2377                                            GLfloat *params,
2378                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2379 void CaptureGetUniformfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2380                                            bool isCallValid,
2381                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2382                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
2383                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2384                                            GLsizei *length,
2385                                            GLfloat *params,
2386                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2387 void CaptureGetUniformivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2388                                            bool isCallValid,
2389                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2390                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
2391                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2392                                            GLsizei *length,
2393                                            GLint *params,
2394                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2395 void CaptureGetUniformivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2396                                            bool isCallValid,
2397                                            ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2398                                            UniformLocation locationPacked,
2399                                            GLsizei bufSize,
2400                                            GLsizei *length,
2401                                            GLint *params,
2402                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2403 void CaptureGetVertexAttribfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2404                                                 bool isCallValid,
2405                                                 GLuint index,
2406                                                 GLenum pname,
2407                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2408                                                 GLsizei *length,
2409                                                 GLfloat *params,
2410                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2411 void CaptureGetVertexAttribfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2412                                                 bool isCallValid,
2413                                                 GLuint index,
2414                                                 GLenum pname,
2415                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2416                                                 GLsizei *length,
2417                                                 GLfloat *params,
2418                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2419 void CaptureGetVertexAttribivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2420                                                 bool isCallValid,
2421                                                 GLuint index,
2422                                                 GLenum pname,
2423                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2424                                                 GLsizei *length,
2425                                                 GLint *params,
2426                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2427 void CaptureGetVertexAttribivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2428                                                 bool isCallValid,
2429                                                 GLuint index,
2430                                                 GLenum pname,
2431                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2432                                                 GLsizei *length,
2433                                                 GLint *params,
2434                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2435 void CaptureGetVertexAttribPointervRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2436                                                       bool isCallValid,
2437                                                       GLuint index,
2438                                                       GLenum pname,
2439                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
2440                                                       GLsizei *length,
2441                                                       void **pointer,
2442                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2443 void CaptureGetVertexAttribPointervRobustANGLE_pointer(const State &glState,
2444                                                        bool isCallValid,
2445                                                        GLuint index,
2446                                                        GLenum pname,
2447                                                        GLsizei bufSize,
2448                                                        GLsizei *length,
2449                                                        void **pointer,
2450                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2451 void CaptureReadPixelsRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2452                                          bool isCallValid,
2453                                          GLint x,
2454                                          GLint y,
2455                                          GLsizei width,
2456                                          GLsizei height,
2457                                          GLenum format,
2458                                          GLenum type,
2459                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2460                                          GLsizei *length,
2461                                          GLsizei *columns,
2462                                          GLsizei *rows,
2463                                          void *pixels,
2464                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2465 void CaptureReadPixelsRobustANGLE_columns(const State &glState,
2466                                           bool isCallValid,
2467                                           GLint x,
2468                                           GLint y,
2469                                           GLsizei width,
2470                                           GLsizei height,
2471                                           GLenum format,
2472                                           GLenum type,
2473                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2474                                           GLsizei *length,
2475                                           GLsizei *columns,
2476                                           GLsizei *rows,
2477                                           void *pixels,
2478                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2479 void CaptureReadPixelsRobustANGLE_rows(const State &glState,
2480                                        bool isCallValid,
2481                                        GLint x,
2482                                        GLint y,
2483                                        GLsizei width,
2484                                        GLsizei height,
2485                                        GLenum format,
2486                                        GLenum type,
2487                                        GLsizei bufSize,
2488                                        GLsizei *length,
2489                                        GLsizei *columns,
2490                                        GLsizei *rows,
2491                                        void *pixels,
2492                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2493 void CaptureReadPixelsRobustANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2494                                          bool isCallValid,
2495                                          GLint x,
2496                                          GLint y,
2497                                          GLsizei width,
2498                                          GLsizei height,
2499                                          GLenum format,
2500                                          GLenum type,
2501                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2502                                          GLsizei *length,
2503                                          GLsizei *columns,
2504                                          GLsizei *rows,
2505                                          void *pixels,
2506                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2507 void CaptureTexImage2DRobustANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2508                                          bool isCallValid,
2509                                          TextureTarget targetPacked,
2510                                          GLint level,
2511                                          GLint internalformat,
2512                                          GLsizei width,
2513                                          GLsizei height,
2514                                          GLint border,
2515                                          GLenum format,
2516                                          GLenum type,
2517                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2518                                          const void *pixels,
2519                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2520 void CaptureTexParameterfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2521                                              bool isCallValid,
2522                                              TextureType targetPacked,
2523                                              GLenum pname,
2524                                              GLsizei bufSize,
2525                                              const GLfloat *params,
2526                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2527 void CaptureTexParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2528                                              bool isCallValid,
2529                                              TextureType targetPacked,
2530                                              GLenum pname,
2531                                              GLsizei bufSize,
2532                                              const GLint *params,
2533                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2534 void CaptureTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2535                                             bool isCallValid,
2536                                             TextureTarget targetPacked,
2537                                             GLint level,
2538                                             GLint xoffset,
2539                                             GLint yoffset,
2540                                             GLsizei width,
2541                                             GLsizei height,
2542                                             GLenum format,
2543                                             GLenum type,
2544                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2545                                             const void *pixels,
2546                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2547 void CaptureTexImage3DRobustANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2548                                          bool isCallValid,
2549                                          TextureTarget targetPacked,
2550                                          GLint level,
2551                                          GLint internalformat,
2552                                          GLsizei width,
2553                                          GLsizei height,
2554                                          GLsizei depth,
2555                                          GLint border,
2556                                          GLenum format,
2557                                          GLenum type,
2558                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2559                                          const void *pixels,
2560                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2561 void CaptureTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE_pixels(const State &glState,
2562                                             bool isCallValid,
2563                                             TextureTarget targetPacked,
2564                                             GLint level,
2565                                             GLint xoffset,
2566                                             GLint yoffset,
2567                                             GLint zoffset,
2568                                             GLsizei width,
2569                                             GLsizei height,
2570                                             GLsizei depth,
2571                                             GLenum format,
2572                                             GLenum type,
2573                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2574                                             const void *pixels,
2575                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2576 void CaptureCompressedTexImage2DRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2577                                                  bool isCallValid,
2578                                                  TextureTarget targetPacked,
2579                                                  GLint level,
2580                                                  GLenum internalformat,
2581                                                  GLsizei width,
2582                                                  GLsizei height,
2583                                                  GLint border,
2584                                                  GLsizei imageSize,
2585                                                  GLsizei dataSize,
2586                                                  const GLvoid *data,
2587                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2588 void CaptureCompressedTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2589                                                     bool isCallValid,
2590                                                     TextureTarget targetPacked,
2591                                                     GLint level,
2592                                                     GLsizei xoffset,
2593                                                     GLsizei yoffset,
2594                                                     GLsizei width,
2595                                                     GLsizei height,
2596                                                     GLenum format,
2597                                                     GLsizei imageSize,
2598                                                     GLsizei dataSize,
2599                                                     const GLvoid *data,
2600                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2601 void CaptureCompressedTexImage3DRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2602                                                  bool isCallValid,
2603                                                  TextureTarget targetPacked,
2604                                                  GLint level,
2605                                                  GLenum internalformat,
2606                                                  GLsizei width,
2607                                                  GLsizei height,
2608                                                  GLsizei depth,
2609                                                  GLint border,
2610                                                  GLsizei imageSize,
2611                                                  GLsizei dataSize,
2612                                                  const GLvoid *data,
2613                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2614 void CaptureCompressedTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2615                                                     bool isCallValid,
2616                                                     TextureTarget targetPacked,
2617                                                     GLint level,
2618                                                     GLint xoffset,
2619                                                     GLint yoffset,
2620                                                     GLint zoffset,
2621                                                     GLsizei width,
2622                                                     GLsizei height,
2623                                                     GLsizei depth,
2624                                                     GLenum format,
2625                                                     GLsizei imageSize,
2626                                                     GLsizei dataSize,
2627                                                     const GLvoid *data,
2628                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2629 void CaptureGetQueryivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2630                                          bool isCallValid,
2631                                          QueryType targetPacked,
2632                                          GLenum pname,
2633                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2634                                          GLsizei *length,
2635                                          GLint *params,
2636                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2637 void CaptureGetQueryivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2638                                          bool isCallValid,
2639                                          QueryType targetPacked,
2640                                          GLenum pname,
2641                                          GLsizei bufSize,
2642                                          GLsizei *length,
2643                                          GLint *params,
2644                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2645 void CaptureGetQueryObjectuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2646                                                 bool isCallValid,
2647                                                 QueryID idPacked,
2648                                                 GLenum pname,
2649                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2650                                                 GLsizei *length,
2651                                                 GLuint *params,
2652                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2653 void CaptureGetQueryObjectuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2654                                                 bool isCallValid,
2655                                                 QueryID idPacked,
2656                                                 GLenum pname,
2657                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2658                                                 GLsizei *length,
2659                                                 GLuint *params,
2660                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2661 void CaptureGetBufferPointervRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2662                                                 bool isCallValid,
2663                                                 BufferBinding targetPacked,
2664                                                 GLenum pname,
2665                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2666                                                 GLsizei *length,
2667                                                 void **params,
2668                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2669 void CaptureGetBufferPointervRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2670                                                 bool isCallValid,
2671                                                 BufferBinding targetPacked,
2672                                                 GLenum pname,
2673                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2674                                                 GLsizei *length,
2675                                                 void **params,
2676                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2677 void CaptureGetIntegeri_vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2678                                             bool isCallValid,
2679                                             GLenum target,
2680                                             GLuint index,
2681                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2682                                             GLsizei *length,
2683                                             GLint *data,
2684                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2685 void CaptureGetIntegeri_vRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2686                                           bool isCallValid,
2687                                           GLenum target,
2688                                           GLuint index,
2689                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2690                                           GLsizei *length,
2691                                           GLint *data,
2692                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2693 void CaptureGetInternalformativRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2694                                                   bool isCallValid,
2695                                                   GLenum target,
2696                                                   GLenum internalformat,
2697                                                   GLenum pname,
2698                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
2699                                                   GLsizei *length,
2700                                                   GLint *params,
2701                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2702 void CaptureGetInternalformativRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2703                                                   bool isCallValid,
2704                                                   GLenum target,
2705                                                   GLenum internalformat,
2706                                                   GLenum pname,
2707                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
2708                                                   GLsizei *length,
2709                                                   GLint *params,
2710                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2711 void CaptureGetVertexAttribIivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2712                                                  bool isCallValid,
2713                                                  GLuint index,
2714                                                  GLenum pname,
2715                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
2716                                                  GLsizei *length,
2717                                                  GLint *params,
2718                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2719 void CaptureGetVertexAttribIivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2720                                                  bool isCallValid,
2721                                                  GLuint index,
2722                                                  GLenum pname,
2723                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
2724                                                  GLsizei *length,
2725                                                  GLint *params,
2726                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2727 void CaptureGetVertexAttribIuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2728                                                   bool isCallValid,
2729                                                   GLuint index,
2730                                                   GLenum pname,
2731                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
2732                                                   GLsizei *length,
2733                                                   GLuint *params,
2734                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2735 void CaptureGetVertexAttribIuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2736                                                   bool isCallValid,
2737                                                   GLuint index,
2738                                                   GLenum pname,
2739                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
2740                                                   GLsizei *length,
2741                                                   GLuint *params,
2742                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2743 void CaptureGetUniformuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2744                                             bool isCallValid,
2745                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2746                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
2747                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2748                                             GLsizei *length,
2749                                             GLuint *params,
2750                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2751 void CaptureGetUniformuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2752                                             bool isCallValid,
2753                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2754                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
2755                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2756                                             GLsizei *length,
2757                                             GLuint *params,
2758                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2759 void CaptureGetActiveUniformBlockivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2760                                                       bool isCallValid,
2761                                                       ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2762                                                       GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
2763                                                       GLenum pname,
2764                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
2765                                                       GLsizei *length,
2766                                                       GLint *params,
2767                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2768 void CaptureGetActiveUniformBlockivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2769                                                       bool isCallValid,
2770                                                       ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2771                                                       GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
2772                                                       GLenum pname,
2773                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
2774                                                       GLsizei *length,
2775                                                       GLint *params,
2776                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2777 void CaptureGetInteger64vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2778                                             bool isCallValid,
2779                                             GLenum pname,
2780                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2781                                             GLsizei *length,
2782                                             GLint64 *data,
2783                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2784 void CaptureGetInteger64vRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2785                                           bool isCallValid,
2786                                           GLenum pname,
2787                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2788                                           GLsizei *length,
2789                                           GLint64 *data,
2790                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2791 void CaptureGetInteger64i_vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2792                                               bool isCallValid,
2793                                               GLenum target,
2794                                               GLuint index,
2795                                               GLsizei bufSize,
2796                                               GLsizei *length,
2797                                               GLint64 *data,
2798                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2799 void CaptureGetInteger64i_vRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2800                                             bool isCallValid,
2801                                             GLenum target,
2802                                             GLuint index,
2803                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2804                                             GLsizei *length,
2805                                             GLint64 *data,
2806                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2807 void CaptureGetBufferParameteri64vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2808                                                      bool isCallValid,
2809                                                      BufferBinding targetPacked,
2810                                                      GLenum pname,
2811                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2812                                                      GLsizei *length,
2813                                                      GLint64 *params,
2814                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2815 void CaptureGetBufferParameteri64vRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2816                                                      bool isCallValid,
2817                                                      BufferBinding targetPacked,
2818                                                      GLenum pname,
2819                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2820                                                      GLsizei *length,
2821                                                      GLint64 *params,
2822                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2823 void CaptureSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE_param(const State &glState,
2824                                                 bool isCallValid,
2825                                                 SamplerID samplerPacked,
2826                                                 GLuint pname,
2827                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2828                                                 const GLint *param,
2829                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2830 void CaptureSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE_param(const State &glState,
2831                                                 bool isCallValid,
2832                                                 SamplerID samplerPacked,
2833                                                 GLenum pname,
2834                                                 GLsizei bufSize,
2835                                                 const GLfloat *param,
2836                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2837 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2838                                                     bool isCallValid,
2839                                                     SamplerID samplerPacked,
2840                                                     GLenum pname,
2841                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2842                                                     GLsizei *length,
2843                                                     GLint *params,
2844                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2845 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2846                                                     bool isCallValid,
2847                                                     SamplerID samplerPacked,
2848                                                     GLenum pname,
2849                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2850                                                     GLsizei *length,
2851                                                     GLint *params,
2852                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2853 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2854                                                     bool isCallValid,
2855                                                     SamplerID samplerPacked,
2856                                                     GLenum pname,
2857                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2858                                                     GLsizei *length,
2859                                                     GLfloat *params,
2860                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2861 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2862                                                     bool isCallValid,
2863                                                     SamplerID samplerPacked,
2864                                                     GLenum pname,
2865                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2866                                                     GLsizei *length,
2867                                                     GLfloat *params,
2868                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2869 void CaptureGetFramebufferParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2870                                                         bool isCallValid,
2871                                                         GLenum target,
2872                                                         GLenum pname,
2873                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
2874                                                         GLsizei *length,
2875                                                         GLint *params,
2876                                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2877 void CaptureGetFramebufferParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2878                                                         bool isCallValid,
2879                                                         GLenum target,
2880                                                         GLenum pname,
2881                                                         GLsizei bufSize,
2882                                                         GLsizei *length,
2883                                                         GLint *params,
2884                                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2885 void CaptureGetProgramInterfaceivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2886                                                     bool isCallValid,
2887                                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2888                                                     GLenum programInterface,
2889                                                     GLenum pname,
2890                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2891                                                     GLsizei *length,
2892                                                     GLint *params,
2893                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2894 void CaptureGetProgramInterfaceivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2895                                                     bool isCallValid,
2896                                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
2897                                                     GLenum programInterface,
2898                                                     GLenum pname,
2899                                                     GLsizei bufSize,
2900                                                     GLsizei *length,
2901                                                     GLint *params,
2902                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2903 void CaptureGetBooleani_vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2904                                             bool isCallValid,
2905                                             GLenum target,
2906                                             GLuint index,
2907                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2908                                             GLsizei *length,
2909                                             GLboolean *data,
2910                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2911 void CaptureGetBooleani_vRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
2912                                           bool isCallValid,
2913                                           GLenum target,
2914                                           GLuint index,
2915                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2916                                           GLsizei *length,
2917                                           GLboolean *data,
2918                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2919 void CaptureGetMultisamplefvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2920                                                bool isCallValid,
2921                                                GLenum pname,
2922                                                GLuint index,
2923                                                GLsizei bufSize,
2924                                                GLsizei *length,
2925                                                GLfloat *val,
2926                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2927 void CaptureGetMultisamplefvRobustANGLE_val(const State &glState,
2928                                             bool isCallValid,
2929                                             GLenum pname,
2930                                             GLuint index,
2931                                             GLsizei bufSize,
2932                                             GLsizei *length,
2933                                             GLfloat *val,
2934                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2935 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2936                                                      bool isCallValid,
2937                                                      TextureTarget targetPacked,
2938                                                      GLint level,
2939                                                      GLenum pname,
2940                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2941                                                      GLsizei *length,
2942                                                      GLint *params,
2943                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2944 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2945                                                      bool isCallValid,
2946                                                      TextureTarget targetPacked,
2947                                                      GLint level,
2948                                                      GLenum pname,
2949                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2950                                                      GLsizei *length,
2951                                                      GLint *params,
2952                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2953 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2954                                                      bool isCallValid,
2955                                                      TextureTarget targetPacked,
2956                                                      GLint level,
2957                                                      GLenum pname,
2958                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2959                                                      GLsizei *length,
2960                                                      GLfloat *params,
2961                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2962 void CaptureGetTexLevelParameterfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2963                                                      bool isCallValid,
2964                                                      TextureTarget targetPacked,
2965                                                      GLint level,
2966                                                      GLenum pname,
2967                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2968                                                      GLsizei *length,
2969                                                      GLfloat *params,
2970                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2971 void CaptureGetPointervRobustANGLERobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2972                                                      bool isCallValid,
2973                                                      GLenum pname,
2974                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2975                                                      GLsizei *length,
2976                                                      void **params,
2977                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2978 void CaptureGetPointervRobustANGLERobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
2979                                                      bool isCallValid,
2980                                                      GLenum pname,
2981                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
2982                                                      GLsizei *length,
2983                                                      void **params,
2984                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2985 void CaptureReadnPixelsRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
2986                                           bool isCallValid,
2987                                           GLint x,
2988                                           GLint y,
2989                                           GLsizei width,
2990                                           GLsizei height,
2991                                           GLenum format,
2992                                           GLenum type,
2993                                           GLsizei bufSize,
2994                                           GLsizei *length,
2995                                           GLsizei *columns,
2996                                           GLsizei *rows,
2997                                           void *data,
2998                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
2999 void CaptureReadnPixelsRobustANGLE_columns(const State &glState,
3000                                            bool isCallValid,
3001                                            GLint x,
3002                                            GLint y,
3003                                            GLsizei width,
3004                                            GLsizei height,
3005                                            GLenum format,
3006                                            GLenum type,
3007                                            GLsizei bufSize,
3008                                            GLsizei *length,
3009                                            GLsizei *columns,
3010                                            GLsizei *rows,
3011                                            void *data,
3012                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3013 void CaptureReadnPixelsRobustANGLE_rows(const State &glState,
3014                                         bool isCallValid,
3015                                         GLint x,
3016                                         GLint y,
3017                                         GLsizei width,
3018                                         GLsizei height,
3019                                         GLenum format,
3020                                         GLenum type,
3021                                         GLsizei bufSize,
3022                                         GLsizei *length,
3023                                         GLsizei *columns,
3024                                         GLsizei *rows,
3025                                         void *data,
3026                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3027 void CaptureReadnPixelsRobustANGLE_data(const State &glState,
3028                                         bool isCallValid,
3029                                         GLint x,
3030                                         GLint y,
3031                                         GLsizei width,
3032                                         GLsizei height,
3033                                         GLenum format,
3034                                         GLenum type,
3035                                         GLsizei bufSize,
3036                                         GLsizei *length,
3037                                         GLsizei *columns,
3038                                         GLsizei *rows,
3039                                         void *data,
3040                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3041 void CaptureGetnUniformfvRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3042                                             bool isCallValid,
3043                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3044                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
3045                                             GLsizei bufSize,
3046                                             GLsizei *length,
3047                                             GLfloat *params,
3048                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3049 void CaptureGetnUniformfvRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3050                                             bool isCallValid,
3051                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3052                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
3053                                             GLsizei bufSize,
3054                                             GLsizei *length,
3055                                             GLfloat *params,
3056                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3057 void CaptureGetnUniformivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3058                                             bool isCallValid,
3059                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3060                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
3061                                             GLsizei bufSize,
3062                                             GLsizei *length,
3063                                             GLint *params,
3064                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3065 void CaptureGetnUniformivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3066                                             bool isCallValid,
3067                                             ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3068                                             UniformLocation locationPacked,
3069                                             GLsizei bufSize,
3070                                             GLsizei *length,
3071                                             GLint *params,
3072                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3073 void CaptureGetnUniformuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3074                                              bool isCallValid,
3075                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3076                                              UniformLocation locationPacked,
3077                                              GLsizei bufSize,
3078                                              GLsizei *length,
3079                                              GLuint *params,
3080                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3081 void CaptureGetnUniformuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3082                                              bool isCallValid,
3083                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3084                                              UniformLocation locationPacked,
3085                                              GLsizei bufSize,
3086                                              GLsizei *length,
3087                                              GLuint *params,
3088                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3089 void CaptureTexParameterIivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3090                                               bool isCallValid,
3091                                               TextureType targetPacked,
3092                                               GLenum pname,
3093                                               GLsizei bufSize,
3094                                               const GLint *params,
3095                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3096 void CaptureTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3097                                                bool isCallValid,
3098                                                TextureType targetPacked,
3099                                                GLenum pname,
3100                                                GLsizei bufSize,
3101                                                const GLuint *params,
3102                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3103 void CaptureGetTexParameterIivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3104                                                  bool isCallValid,
3105                                                  TextureType targetPacked,
3106                                                  GLenum pname,
3107                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
3108                                                  GLsizei *length,
3109                                                  GLint *params,
3110                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3111 void CaptureGetTexParameterIivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3112                                                  bool isCallValid,
3113                                                  TextureType targetPacked,
3114                                                  GLenum pname,
3115                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
3116                                                  GLsizei *length,
3117                                                  GLint *params,
3118                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3119 void CaptureGetTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3120                                                   bool isCallValid,
3121                                                   TextureType targetPacked,
3122                                                   GLenum pname,
3123                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
3124                                                   GLsizei *length,
3125                                                   GLuint *params,
3126                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3127 void CaptureGetTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3128                                                   bool isCallValid,
3129                                                   TextureType targetPacked,
3130                                                   GLenum pname,
3131                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
3132                                                   GLsizei *length,
3133                                                   GLuint *params,
3134                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3135 void CaptureSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE_param(const State &glState,
3136                                                  bool isCallValid,
3137                                                  SamplerID samplerPacked,
3138                                                  GLenum pname,
3139                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
3140                                                  const GLint *param,
3141                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3142 void CaptureSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE_param(const State &glState,
3143                                                   bool isCallValid,
3144                                                   SamplerID samplerPacked,
3145                                                   GLenum pname,
3146                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
3147                                                   const GLuint *param,
3148                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3149 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3150                                                      bool isCallValid,
3151                                                      SamplerID samplerPacked,
3152                                                      GLenum pname,
3153                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
3154                                                      GLsizei *length,
3155                                                      GLint *params,
3156                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3157 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3158                                                      bool isCallValid,
3159                                                      SamplerID samplerPacked,
3160                                                      GLenum pname,
3161                                                      GLsizei bufSize,
3162                                                      GLsizei *length,
3163                                                      GLint *params,
3164                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3165 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3166                                                       bool isCallValid,
3167                                                       SamplerID samplerPacked,
3168                                                       GLenum pname,
3169                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
3170                                                       GLsizei *length,
3171                                                       GLuint *params,
3172                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3173 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3174                                                       bool isCallValid,
3175                                                       SamplerID samplerPacked,
3176                                                       GLenum pname,
3177                                                       GLsizei bufSize,
3178                                                       GLsizei *length,
3179                                                       GLuint *params,
3180                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3181 void CaptureGetQueryObjectivRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3182                                                bool isCallValid,
3183                                                QueryID idPacked,
3184                                                GLenum pname,
3185                                                GLsizei bufSize,
3186                                                GLsizei *length,
3187                                                GLint *params,
3188                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3189 void CaptureGetQueryObjectivRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3190                                                bool isCallValid,
3191                                                QueryID idPacked,
3192                                                GLenum pname,
3193                                                GLsizei bufSize,
3194                                                GLsizei *length,
3195                                                GLint *params,
3196                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3197 void CaptureGetQueryObjecti64vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3198                                                  bool isCallValid,
3199                                                  QueryID idPacked,
3200                                                  GLenum pname,
3201                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
3202                                                  GLsizei *length,
3203                                                  GLint64 *params,
3204                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3205 void CaptureGetQueryObjecti64vRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3206                                                  bool isCallValid,
3207                                                  QueryID idPacked,
3208                                                  GLenum pname,
3209                                                  GLsizei bufSize,
3210                                                  GLsizei *length,
3211                                                  GLint64 *params,
3212                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3213 void CaptureGetQueryObjectui64vRobustANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3214                                                   bool isCallValid,
3215                                                   QueryID idPacked,
3216                                                   GLenum pname,
3217                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
3218                                                   GLsizei *length,
3219                                                   GLuint64 *params,
3220                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3221 void CaptureGetQueryObjectui64vRobustANGLE_params(const State &glState,
3222                                                   bool isCallValid,
3223                                                   QueryID idPacked,
3224                                                   GLenum pname,
3225                                                   GLsizei bufSize,
3226                                                   GLsizei *length,
3227                                                   GLuint64 *params,
3228                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3229 void CaptureGetMultisamplefvANGLE_val(const State &glState,
3230                                       bool isCallValid,
3231                                       GLenum pname,
3232                                       GLuint index,
3233                                       GLfloat *val,
3234                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3235 void CaptureGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE_length(const State &glState,
3236                                                   bool isCallValid,
3237                                                   ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
3238                                                   GLsizei bufsize,
3239                                                   GLsizei *length,
3240                                                   GLchar *source,
3241                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3242 void CaptureGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE_source(const State &glState,
3243                                                   bool isCallValid,
3244                                                   ShaderProgramID shaderPacked,
3245                                                   GLsizei bufsize,
3246                                                   GLsizei *length,
3247                                                   GLchar *source,
3248                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3249 void CaptureBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM_name(const State &glState,
3250                                              bool isCallValid,
3251                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3252                                              UniformLocation locationPacked,
3253                                              const GLchar *name,
3254                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3255 void CaptureBindFragDataLocationEXT_name(const State &glState,
3256                                          bool isCallValid,
3257                                          ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3258                                          GLuint color,
3259                                          const GLchar *name,
3260                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3261 void CaptureBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT_name(const State &glState,
3262                                                 bool isCallValid,
3263                                                 ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3264                                                 GLuint colorNumber,
3265                                                 GLuint index,
3266                                                 const GLchar *name,
3267                                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3268 void CaptureGetFragDataIndexEXT_name(const State &glState,
3269                                      bool isCallValid,
3270                                      ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3271                                      const GLchar *name,
3272                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3273 void CaptureGetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT_name(const State &glState,
3274                                                     bool isCallValid,
3275                                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3276                                                     GLenum programInterface,
3277                                                     const GLchar *name,
3278                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3279 void CaptureBufferStorageEXT_data(const State &glState,
3280                                   bool isCallValid,
3281                                   BufferBinding targetPacked,
3282                                   GLsizeiptr size,
3283                                   const void *data,
3284                                   GLbitfield flags,
3285                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3286 void CaptureInsertEventMarkerEXT_marker(const State &glState,
3287                                         bool isCallValid,
3288                                         GLsizei length,
3289                                         const GLchar *marker,
3290                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3291 void CapturePushGroupMarkerEXT_marker(const State &glState,
3292                                       bool isCallValid,
3293                                       GLsizei length,
3294                                       const GLchar *marker,
3295                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3296 void CaptureDiscardFramebufferEXT_attachments(const State &glState,
3297                                               bool isCallValid,
3298                                               GLenum target,
3299                                               GLsizei numAttachments,
3300                                               const GLenum *attachments,
3301                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3302 void CaptureDeleteQueriesEXT_idsPacked(const State &glState,
3303                                        bool isCallValid,
3304                                        GLsizei n,
3305                                        const QueryID *idsPacked,
3306                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3307 void CaptureGenQueriesEXT_idsPacked(const State &glState,
3308                                     bool isCallValid,
3309                                     GLsizei n,
3310                                     QueryID *idsPacked,
3311                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3312 void CaptureGetInteger64vEXT_data(const State &glState,
3313                                   bool isCallValid,
3314                                   GLenum pname,
3315                                   GLint64 *data,
3316                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3317 void CaptureGetQueryObjecti64vEXT_params(const State &glState,
3318                                          bool isCallValid,
3319                                          QueryID idPacked,
3320                                          GLenum pname,
3321                                          GLint64 *params,
3322                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3323 void CaptureGetQueryObjectivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3324                                        bool isCallValid,
3325                                        QueryID idPacked,
3326                                        GLenum pname,
3327                                        GLint *params,
3328                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3329 void CaptureGetQueryObjectui64vEXT_params(const State &glState,
3330                                           bool isCallValid,
3331                                           QueryID idPacked,
3332                                           GLenum pname,
3333                                           GLuint64 *params,
3334                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3335 void CaptureGetQueryObjectuivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3336                                         bool isCallValid,
3337                                         QueryID idPacked,
3338                                         GLenum pname,
3339                                         GLuint *params,
3340                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3341 void CaptureGetQueryivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3342                                  bool isCallValid,
3343                                  QueryType targetPacked,
3344                                  GLenum pname,
3345                                  GLint *params,
3346                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3347 void CaptureDrawBuffersEXT_bufs(const State &glState,
3348                                 bool isCallValid,
3349                                 GLsizei n,
3350                                 const GLenum *bufs,
3351                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3352 void CaptureDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT_indices(const State &glState,
3353                                               bool isCallValid,
3354                                               PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3355                                               GLsizei count,
3356                                               DrawElementsType typePacked,
3357                                               const void *indices,
3358                                               GLint basevertex,
3359                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3360 void CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT_indices(const State &glState,
3361                                                        bool isCallValid,
3362                                                        PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3363                                                        GLsizei count,
3364                                                        DrawElementsType typePacked,
3365                                                        const void *indices,
3366                                                        GLsizei instancecount,
3367                                                        GLint basevertex,
3368                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3369 void CaptureDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT_indices(const State &glState,
3370                                                    bool isCallValid,
3371                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3372                                                    GLuint start,
3373                                                    GLuint end,
3374                                                    GLsizei count,
3375                                                    DrawElementsType typePacked,
3376                                                    const void *indices,
3377                                                    GLint basevertex,
3378                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3379 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT_count(const State &glState,
3380                                                  bool isCallValid,
3381                                                  PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3382                                                  const GLsizei *count,
3383                                                  DrawElementsType typePacked,
3384                                                  const void *const *indices,
3385                                                  GLsizei primcount,
3386                                                  const GLint *basevertex,
3387                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3388 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT_indices(const State &glState,
3389                                                    bool isCallValid,
3390                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3391                                                    const GLsizei *count,
3392                                                    DrawElementsType typePacked,
3393                                                    const void *const *indices,
3394                                                    GLsizei primcount,
3395                                                    const GLint *basevertex,
3396                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3397 void CaptureMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT_basevertex(const State &glState,
3398                                                       bool isCallValid,
3399                                                       PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3400                                                       const GLsizei *count,
3401                                                       DrawElementsType typePacked,
3402                                                       const void *const *indices,
3403                                                       GLsizei primcount,
3404                                                       const GLint *basevertex,
3405                                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3406 void CaptureDrawElementsInstancedEXT_indices(const State &glState,
3407                                              bool isCallValid,
3408                                              PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3409                                              GLsizei count,
3410                                              DrawElementsType typePacked,
3411                                              const void *indices,
3412                                              GLsizei primcount,
3413                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3414 void CaptureCreateMemoryObjectsEXT_memoryObjectsPacked(const State &glState,
3415                                                        bool isCallValid,
3416                                                        GLsizei n,
3417                                                        MemoryObjectID *memoryObjectsPacked,
3418                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3419 void CaptureDeleteMemoryObjectsEXT_memoryObjectsPacked(const State &glState,
3420                                                        bool isCallValid,
3421                                                        GLsizei n,
3422                                                        const MemoryObjectID *memoryObjectsPacked,
3423                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3424 void CaptureGetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3425                                                  bool isCallValid,
3426                                                  MemoryObjectID memoryObjectPacked,
3427                                                  GLenum pname,
3428                                                  GLint *params,
3429                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3430 void CaptureGetUnsignedBytevEXT_data(const State &glState,
3431                                      bool isCallValid,
3432                                      GLenum pname,
3433                                      GLubyte *data,
3434                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3435 void CaptureGetUnsignedBytei_vEXT_data(const State &glState,
3436                                        bool isCallValid,
3437                                        GLenum target,
3438                                        GLuint index,
3439                                        GLubyte *data,
3440                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3441 void CaptureMemoryObjectParameterivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3442                                               bool isCallValid,
3443                                               MemoryObjectID memoryObjectPacked,
3444                                               GLenum pname,
3445                                               const GLint *params,
3446                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3447 void CaptureGetnUniformfvEXT_params(const State &glState,
3448                                     bool isCallValid,
3449                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3450                                     UniformLocation locationPacked,
3451                                     GLsizei bufSize,
3452                                     GLfloat *params,
3453                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3454 void CaptureGetnUniformivEXT_params(const State &glState,
3455                                     bool isCallValid,
3456                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3457                                     UniformLocation locationPacked,
3458                                     GLsizei bufSize,
3459                                     GLint *params,
3460                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3461 void CaptureReadnPixelsEXT_data(const State &glState,
3462                                 bool isCallValid,
3463                                 GLint x,
3464                                 GLint y,
3465                                 GLsizei width,
3466                                 GLsizei height,
3467                                 GLenum format,
3468                                 GLenum type,
3469                                 GLsizei bufSize,
3470                                 void *data,
3471                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3472 void CaptureDeleteSemaphoresEXT_semaphoresPacked(const State &glState,
3473                                                  bool isCallValid,
3474                                                  GLsizei n,
3475                                                  const SemaphoreID *semaphoresPacked,
3476                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3477 void CaptureGenSemaphoresEXT_semaphoresPacked(const State &glState,
3478                                               bool isCallValid,
3479                                               GLsizei n,
3480                                               SemaphoreID *semaphoresPacked,
3481                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3482 void CaptureGetSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT_params(const State &glState,
3483                                                  bool isCallValid,
3484                                                  SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3485                                                  GLenum pname,
3486                                                  GLuint64 *params,
3487                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3488 void CaptureSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT_params(const State &glState,
3489                                               bool isCallValid,
3490                                               SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3491                                               GLenum pname,
3492                                               const GLuint64 *params,
3493                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3494 void CaptureSignalSemaphoreEXT_buffersPacked(const State &glState,
3495                                              bool isCallValid,
3496                                              SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3497                                              GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3498                                              const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3499                                              GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3500                                              const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3501                                              const GLenum *dstLayouts,
3502                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3503 void CaptureSignalSemaphoreEXT_texturesPacked(const State &glState,
3504                                               bool isCallValid,
3505                                               SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3506                                               GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3507                                               const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3508                                               GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3509                                               const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3510                                               const GLenum *dstLayouts,
3511                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3512 void CaptureSignalSemaphoreEXT_dstLayouts(const State &glState,
3513                                           bool isCallValid,
3514                                           SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3515                                           GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3516                                           const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3517                                           GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3518                                           const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3519                                           const GLenum *dstLayouts,
3520                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3521 void CaptureWaitSemaphoreEXT_buffersPacked(const State &glState,
3522                                            bool isCallValid,
3523                                            SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3524                                            GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3525                                            const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3526                                            GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3527                                            const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3528                                            const GLenum *srcLayouts,
3529                                            angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3530 void CaptureWaitSemaphoreEXT_texturesPacked(const State &glState,
3531                                             bool isCallValid,
3532                                             SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3533                                             GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3534                                             const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3535                                             GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3536                                             const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3537                                             const GLenum *srcLayouts,
3538                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3539 void CaptureWaitSemaphoreEXT_srcLayouts(const State &glState,
3540                                         bool isCallValid,
3541                                         SemaphoreID semaphorePacked,
3542                                         GLuint numBufferBarriers,
3543                                         const BufferID *buffersPacked,
3544                                         GLuint numTextureBarriers,
3545                                         const TextureID *texturesPacked,
3546                                         const GLenum *srcLayouts,
3547                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3548 void CaptureDebugMessageCallbackKHR_userParam(const State &glState,
3549                                               bool isCallValid,
3550                                               GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback,
3551                                               const void *userParam,
3552                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3553 void CaptureDebugMessageControlKHR_ids(const State &glState,
3554                                        bool isCallValid,
3555                                        GLenum source,
3556                                        GLenum type,
3557                                        GLenum severity,
3558                                        GLsizei count,
3559                                        const GLuint *ids,
3560                                        GLboolean enabled,
3561                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3562 void CaptureDebugMessageInsertKHR_buf(const State &glState,
3563                                       bool isCallValid,
3564                                       GLenum source,
3565                                       GLenum type,
3566                                       GLuint id,
3567                                       GLenum severity,
3568                                       GLsizei length,
3569                                       const GLchar *buf,
3570                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3571 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_sources(const State &glState,
3572                                           bool isCallValid,
3573                                           GLuint count,
3574                                           GLsizei bufSize,
3575                                           GLenum *sources,
3576                                           GLenum *types,
3577                                           GLuint *ids,
3578                                           GLenum *severities,
3579                                           GLsizei *lengths,
3580                                           GLchar *messageLog,
3581                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3582 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_types(const State &glState,
3583                                         bool isCallValid,
3584                                         GLuint count,
3585                                         GLsizei bufSize,
3586                                         GLenum *sources,
3587                                         GLenum *types,
3588                                         GLuint *ids,
3589                                         GLenum *severities,
3590                                         GLsizei *lengths,
3591                                         GLchar *messageLog,
3592                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3593 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_ids(const State &glState,
3594                                       bool isCallValid,
3595                                       GLuint count,
3596                                       GLsizei bufSize,
3597                                       GLenum *sources,
3598                                       GLenum *types,
3599                                       GLuint *ids,
3600                                       GLenum *severities,
3601                                       GLsizei *lengths,
3602                                       GLchar *messageLog,
3603                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3604 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_severities(const State &glState,
3605                                              bool isCallValid,
3606                                              GLuint count,
3607                                              GLsizei bufSize,
3608                                              GLenum *sources,
3609                                              GLenum *types,
3610                                              GLuint *ids,
3611                                              GLenum *severities,
3612                                              GLsizei *lengths,
3613                                              GLchar *messageLog,
3614                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3615 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_lengths(const State &glState,
3616                                           bool isCallValid,
3617                                           GLuint count,
3618                                           GLsizei bufSize,
3619                                           GLenum *sources,
3620                                           GLenum *types,
3621                                           GLuint *ids,
3622                                           GLenum *severities,
3623                                           GLsizei *lengths,
3624                                           GLchar *messageLog,
3625                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3626 void CaptureGetDebugMessageLogKHR_messageLog(const State &glState,
3627                                              bool isCallValid,
3628                                              GLuint count,
3629                                              GLsizei bufSize,
3630                                              GLenum *sources,
3631                                              GLenum *types,
3632                                              GLuint *ids,
3633                                              GLenum *severities,
3634                                              GLsizei *lengths,
3635                                              GLchar *messageLog,
3636                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3637 void CaptureGetObjectLabelKHR_length(const State &glState,
3638                                      bool isCallValid,
3639                                      GLenum identifier,
3640                                      GLuint name,
3641                                      GLsizei bufSize,
3642                                      GLsizei *length,
3643                                      GLchar *label,
3644                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3645 void CaptureGetObjectLabelKHR_label(const State &glState,
3646                                     bool isCallValid,
3647                                     GLenum identifier,
3648                                     GLuint name,
3649                                     GLsizei bufSize,
3650                                     GLsizei *length,
3651                                     GLchar *label,
3652                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3653 void CaptureGetObjectPtrLabelKHR_ptr(const State &glState,
3654                                      bool isCallValid,
3655                                      const void *ptr,
3656                                      GLsizei bufSize,
3657                                      GLsizei *length,
3658                                      GLchar *label,
3659                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3660 void CaptureGetObjectPtrLabelKHR_length(const State &glState,
3661                                         bool isCallValid,
3662                                         const void *ptr,
3663                                         GLsizei bufSize,
3664                                         GLsizei *length,
3665                                         GLchar *label,
3666                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3667 void CaptureGetObjectPtrLabelKHR_label(const State &glState,
3668                                        bool isCallValid,
3669                                        const void *ptr,
3670                                        GLsizei bufSize,
3671                                        GLsizei *length,
3672                                        GLchar *label,
3673                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3674 void CaptureGetPointervKHR_params(const State &glState,
3675                                   bool isCallValid,
3676                                   GLenum pname,
3677                                   void **params,
3678                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3679 void CaptureObjectLabelKHR_label(const State &glState,
3680                                  bool isCallValid,
3681                                  GLenum identifier,
3682                                  GLuint name,
3683                                  GLsizei length,
3684                                  const GLchar *label,
3685                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3686 void CaptureObjectPtrLabelKHR_ptr(const State &glState,
3687                                   bool isCallValid,
3688                                   const void *ptr,
3689                                   GLsizei length,
3690                                   const GLchar *label,
3691                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3692 void CaptureObjectPtrLabelKHR_label(const State &glState,
3693                                     bool isCallValid,
3694                                     const void *ptr,
3695                                     GLsizei length,
3696                                     const GLchar *label,
3697                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3698 void CapturePushDebugGroupKHR_message(const State &glState,
3699                                       bool isCallValid,
3700                                       GLenum source,
3701                                       GLuint id,
3702                                       GLsizei length,
3703                                       const GLchar *message,
3704                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3705 void CaptureDeleteFencesNV_fencesPacked(const State &glState,
3706                                         bool isCallValid,
3707                                         GLsizei n,
3708                                         const FenceNVID *fencesPacked,
3709                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3710 void CaptureGenFencesNV_fencesPacked(const State &glState,
3711                                      bool isCallValid,
3712                                      GLsizei n,
3713                                      FenceNVID *fencesPacked,
3714                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3715 void CaptureGetFenceivNV_params(const State &glState,
3716                                 bool isCallValid,
3717                                 FenceNVID fencePacked,
3718                                 GLenum pname,
3719                                 GLint *params,
3720                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3721 void CaptureDrawElementsBaseVertexOES_indices(const State &glState,
3722                                               bool isCallValid,
3723                                               PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3724                                               GLsizei count,
3725                                               DrawElementsType typePacked,
3726                                               const void *indices,
3727                                               GLint basevertex,
3728                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3729 void CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES_indices(const State &glState,
3730                                                        bool isCallValid,
3731                                                        PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3732                                                        GLsizei count,
3733                                                        DrawElementsType typePacked,
3734                                                        const void *indices,
3735                                                        GLsizei instancecount,
3736                                                        GLint basevertex,
3737                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3738 void CaptureDrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES_indices(const State &glState,
3739                                                    bool isCallValid,
3740                                                    PrimitiveMode modePacked,
3741                                                    GLuint start,
3742                                                    GLuint end,
3743                                                    GLsizei count,
3744                                                    DrawElementsType typePacked,
3745                                                    const void *indices,
3746                                                    GLint basevertex,
3747                                                    angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3748 void CaptureDrawTexfvOES_coords(const State &glState,
3749                                 bool isCallValid,
3750                                 const GLfloat *coords,
3751                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3752 void CaptureDrawTexivOES_coords(const State &glState,
3753                                 bool isCallValid,
3754                                 const GLint *coords,
3755                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3756 void CaptureDrawTexsvOES_coords(const State &glState,
3757                                 bool isCallValid,
3758                                 const GLshort *coords,
3759                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3760 void CaptureDrawTexxvOES_coords(const State &glState,
3761                                 bool isCallValid,
3762                                 const GLfixed *coords,
3763                                 angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3764 void CaptureDeleteFramebuffersOES_framebuffersPacked(const State &glState,
3765                                                      bool isCallValid,
3766                                                      GLsizei n,
3767                                                      const FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked,
3768                                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3769 void CaptureDeleteRenderbuffersOES_renderbuffersPacked(const State &glState,
3770                                                        bool isCallValid,
3771                                                        GLsizei n,
3772                                                        const RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked,
3773                                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3774 void CaptureGenFramebuffersOES_framebuffersPacked(const State &glState,
3775                                                   bool isCallValid,
3776                                                   GLsizei n,
3777                                                   FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked,
3778                                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3779 void CaptureGenRenderbuffersOES_renderbuffersPacked(const State &glState,
3780                                                     bool isCallValid,
3781                                                     GLsizei n,
3782                                                     RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked,
3783                                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3784 void CaptureGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES_params(const State &glState,
3785                                                           bool isCallValid,
3786                                                           GLenum target,
3787                                                           GLenum attachment,
3788                                                           GLenum pname,
3789                                                           GLint *params,
3790                                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3791 void CaptureGetRenderbufferParameterivOES_params(const State &glState,
3792                                                  bool isCallValid,
3793                                                  GLenum target,
3794                                                  GLenum pname,
3795                                                  GLint *params,
3796                                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3797 void CaptureGetProgramBinaryOES_length(const State &glState,
3798                                        bool isCallValid,
3799                                        ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3800                                        GLsizei bufSize,
3801                                        GLsizei *length,
3802                                        GLenum *binaryFormat,
3803                                        void *binary,
3804                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3805 void CaptureGetProgramBinaryOES_binaryFormat(const State &glState,
3806                                              bool isCallValid,
3807                                              ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3808                                              GLsizei bufSize,
3809                                              GLsizei *length,
3810                                              GLenum *binaryFormat,
3811                                              void *binary,
3812                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3813 void CaptureGetProgramBinaryOES_binary(const State &glState,
3814                                        bool isCallValid,
3815                                        ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3816                                        GLsizei bufSize,
3817                                        GLsizei *length,
3818                                        GLenum *binaryFormat,
3819                                        void *binary,
3820                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3821 void CaptureProgramBinaryOES_binary(const State &glState,
3822                                     bool isCallValid,
3823                                     ShaderProgramID programPacked,
3824                                     GLenum binaryFormat,
3825                                     const void *binary,
3826                                     GLint length,
3827                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3828 void CaptureGetBufferPointervOES_params(const State &glState,
3829                                         bool isCallValid,
3830                                         BufferBinding targetPacked,
3831                                         GLenum pname,
3832                                         void **params,
3833                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3834 void CaptureMatrixIndexPointerOES_pointer(const State &glState,
3835                                           bool isCallValid,
3836                                           GLint size,
3837                                           GLenum type,
3838                                           GLsizei stride,
3839                                           const void *pointer,
3840                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3841 void CaptureWeightPointerOES_pointer(const State &glState,
3842                                      bool isCallValid,
3843                                      GLint size,
3844                                      GLenum type,
3845                                      GLsizei stride,
3846                                      const void *pointer,
3847                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3848 void CapturePointSizePointerOES_pointer(const State &glState,
3849                                         bool isCallValid,
3850                                         VertexAttribType typePacked,
3851                                         GLsizei stride,
3852                                         const void *pointer,
3853                                         angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3854 void CaptureQueryMatrixxOES_mantissa(const State &glState,
3855                                      bool isCallValid,
3856                                      GLfixed *mantissa,
3857                                      GLint *exponent,
3858                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3859 void CaptureQueryMatrixxOES_exponent(const State &glState,
3860                                      bool isCallValid,
3861                                      GLfixed *mantissa,
3862                                      GLint *exponent,
3863                                      angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3864 void CaptureCompressedTexImage3DOES_data(const State &glState,
3865                                          bool isCallValid,
3866                                          TextureTarget targetPacked,
3867                                          GLint level,
3868                                          GLenum internalformat,
3869                                          GLsizei width,
3870                                          GLsizei height,
3871                                          GLsizei depth,
3872                                          GLint border,
3873                                          GLsizei imageSize,
3874                                          const void *data,
3875                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3876 void CaptureCompressedTexSubImage3DOES_data(const State &glState,
3877                                             bool isCallValid,
3878                                             TextureTarget targetPacked,
3879                                             GLint level,
3880                                             GLint xoffset,
3881                                             GLint yoffset,
3882                                             GLint zoffset,
3883                                             GLsizei width,
3884                                             GLsizei height,
3885                                             GLsizei depth,
3886                                             GLenum format,
3887                                             GLsizei imageSize,
3888                                             const void *data,
3889                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3890 void CaptureTexImage3DOES_pixels(const State &glState,
3891                                  bool isCallValid,
3892                                  TextureTarget targetPacked,
3893                                  GLint level,
3894                                  GLenum internalformat,
3895                                  GLsizei width,
3896                                  GLsizei height,
3897                                  GLsizei depth,
3898                                  GLint border,
3899                                  GLenum format,
3900                                  GLenum type,
3901                                  const void *pixels,
3902                                  angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3903 void CaptureTexSubImage3DOES_pixels(const State &glState,
3904                                     bool isCallValid,
3905                                     TextureTarget targetPacked,
3906                                     GLint level,
3907                                     GLint xoffset,
3908                                     GLint yoffset,
3909                                     GLint zoffset,
3910                                     GLsizei width,
3911                                     GLsizei height,
3912                                     GLsizei depth,
3913                                     GLenum format,
3914                                     GLenum type,
3915                                     const void *pixels,
3916                                     angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3917 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIivOES_params(const State &glState,
3918                                              bool isCallValid,
3919                                              SamplerID samplerPacked,
3920                                              GLenum pname,
3921                                              GLint *params,
3922                                              angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3923 void CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuivOES_params(const State &glState,
3924                                               bool isCallValid,
3925                                               SamplerID samplerPacked,
3926                                               GLenum pname,
3927                                               GLuint *params,
3928                                               angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3929 void CaptureGetTexParameterIivOES_params(const State &glState,
3930                                          bool isCallValid,
3931                                          TextureType targetPacked,
3932                                          GLenum pname,
3933                                          GLint *params,
3934                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3935 void CaptureGetTexParameterIuivOES_params(const State &glState,
3936                                           bool isCallValid,
3937                                           TextureType targetPacked,
3938                                           GLenum pname,
3939                                           GLuint *params,
3940                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3941 void CaptureSamplerParameterIivOES_param(const State &glState,
3942                                          bool isCallValid,
3943                                          SamplerID samplerPacked,
3944                                          GLenum pname,
3945                                          const GLint *param,
3946                                          angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3947 void CaptureSamplerParameterIuivOES_param(const State &glState,
3948                                           bool isCallValid,
3949                                           SamplerID samplerPacked,
3950                                           GLenum pname,
3951                                           const GLuint *param,
3952                                           angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3953 void CaptureTexParameterIivOES_params(const State &glState,
3954                                       bool isCallValid,
3955                                       TextureType targetPacked,
3956                                       GLenum pname,
3957                                       const GLint *params,
3958                                       angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3959 void CaptureTexParameterIuivOES_params(const State &glState,
3960                                        bool isCallValid,
3961                                        TextureType targetPacked,
3962                                        GLenum pname,
3963                                        const GLuint *params,
3964                                        angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3965 void CaptureGetTexGenfvOES_params(const State &glState,
3966                                   bool isCallValid,
3967                                   GLenum coord,
3968                                   GLenum pname,
3969                                   GLfloat *params,
3970                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3971 void CaptureGetTexGenivOES_params(const State &glState,
3972                                   bool isCallValid,
3973                                   GLenum coord,
3974                                   GLenum pname,
3975                                   GLint *params,
3976                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3977 void CaptureGetTexGenxvOES_params(const State &glState,
3978                                   bool isCallValid,
3979                                   GLenum coord,
3980                                   GLenum pname,
3981                                   GLfixed *params,
3982                                   angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3983 void CaptureTexGenfvOES_params(const State &glState,
3984                                bool isCallValid,
3985                                GLenum coord,
3986                                GLenum pname,
3987                                const GLfloat *params,
3988                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3989 void CaptureTexGenivOES_params(const State &glState,
3990                                bool isCallValid,
3991                                GLenum coord,
3992                                GLenum pname,
3993                                const GLint *params,
3994                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
3995 void CaptureTexGenxvOES_params(const State &glState,
3996                                bool isCallValid,
3997                                GLenum coord,
3998                                GLenum pname,
3999                                const GLfixed *params,
4000                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
4001 void CaptureDeleteVertexArraysOES_arraysPacked(const State &glState,
4002                                                bool isCallValid,
4003                                                GLsizei n,
4004                                                const VertexArrayID *arraysPacked,
4005                                                angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
4006 void CaptureGenVertexArraysOES_arraysPacked(const State &glState,
4007                                             bool isCallValid,
4008                                             GLsizei n,
4009                                             VertexArrayID *arraysPacked,
4010                                             angle::ParamCapture *paramCapture);
4011 }  // namespace gl