1 //===--- Annotations.cpp - Annotated source code for unit tests --*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/Testing/Support/Annotations.h"
11 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
12 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
13 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
15 using namespace llvm;
17 // Crash if the assertion fails, printing the message and testcase.
18 // More elegant error handling isn't needed for unit tests.
require(bool Assertion,const char * Msg,llvm::StringRef Code)19 static void require(bool Assertion, const char *Msg, llvm::StringRef Code) {
20   if (!Assertion) {
21     llvm::errs() << "Annotated testcase: " << Msg << "\n" << Code << "\n";
22     llvm_unreachable("Annotated testcase assertion failed!");
23   }
24 }
Annotations(llvm::StringRef Text)26 Annotations::Annotations(llvm::StringRef Text) {
27   auto Require = [Text](bool Assertion, const char *Msg) {
28     require(Assertion, Msg, Text);
29   };
30   llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> Name;
31   llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<llvm::StringRef, size_t>, 8> OpenRanges;
33   Code.reserve(Text.size());
34   while (!Text.empty()) {
35     if (Text.consume_front("^")) {
36       Points[Name.getValueOr("")].push_back(Code.size());
37       Name = llvm::None;
38       continue;
39     }
40     if (Text.consume_front("[[")) {
41       OpenRanges.emplace_back(Name.getValueOr(""), Code.size());
42       Name = llvm::None;
43       continue;
44     }
45     Require(!Name, "$name should be followed by ^ or [[");
46     if (Text.consume_front("]]")) {
47       Require(!OpenRanges.empty(), "unmatched ]]");
48       Range R;
49       R.Begin = OpenRanges.back().second;
50       R.End = Code.size();
51       Ranges[OpenRanges.back().first].push_back(R);
52       OpenRanges.pop_back();
53       continue;
54     }
55     if (Text.consume_front("$")) {
56       Name = Text.take_while(llvm::isAlnum);
57       Text = Text.drop_front(Name->size());
58       continue;
59     }
60     Code.push_back(Text.front());
61     Text = Text.drop_front();
62   }
63   Require(!Name, "unterminated $name");
64   Require(OpenRanges.empty(), "unmatched [[");
65 }
point(llvm::StringRef Name) const67 size_t Annotations::point(llvm::StringRef Name) const {
68   auto I = Points.find(Name);
69   require(I != Points.end() && I->getValue().size() == 1,
70           "expected exactly one point", Code);
71   return I->getValue()[0];
72 }
points(llvm::StringRef Name) const74 std::vector<size_t> Annotations::points(llvm::StringRef Name) const {
75   auto P = Points.lookup(Name);
76   return {P.begin(), P.end()};
77 }
range(llvm::StringRef Name) const79 Annotations::Range Annotations::range(llvm::StringRef Name) const {
80   auto I = Ranges.find(Name);
81   require(I != Ranges.end() && I->getValue().size() == 1,
82           "expected exactly one range", Code);
83   return I->getValue()[0];
84 }
86 std::vector<Annotations::Range>
ranges(llvm::StringRef Name) const87 Annotations::ranges(llvm::StringRef Name) const {
88   auto R = Ranges.lookup(Name);
89   return {R.begin(), R.end()};
90 }
operator <<(llvm::raw_ostream & O,const llvm::Annotations::Range & R)92 llvm::raw_ostream &llvm::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &O,
93                                     const llvm::Annotations::Range &R) {
94   return O << llvm::formatv("[{0}, {1})", R.Begin, R.End);
95 }