1# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
18# This gni file defines rules for proto generation. There are various types of
19# proto targets that can be defined in our codebase:
20# "lite" targets: these use the standard libprotobuf library. They are used
21#     mainly for tests and readback.
22# "zero" targets: these use the protozero library and its protoc plugin. They
23#     are used pretty much everywhere.
24# "descriptor" targets: they are used to generate a proto-encoded reflection
25#     descriptor that describes the schema of the proto using protobuf itself.
26# All these targets can be generated using the perfetto_proto_library rule. It
27# wraps the instantiation of several proto targets using a convenience template.
29# For instance:
30# perfetto_proto_library("xxx_@TYPE@") {
31#   proto_generators = [ "lite", "zero" ]  # lite+zero+cpp is the default value.
32#   sources = [ "one.proto", "two.proto" ]
33#   deps = [ "dep:@TYPE@" ]
34# }
36# Is the equivalent of:
37# proto_library("xxx_lite")     { sources = [...], deps = [ "dep:lite"] }
38# protozero_library("xxx_zero") { sources = [...], deps = [ "dep:zero"] }
40# Load the protobuf's proto_library() definition.
41if (!defined(perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix)) {
42  if (perfetto_root_path == "//") {
43    perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix = "//buildtools"
44  } else {
45    perfetto_protobuf_target_prefix = "//third_party/protobuf"
46  }
48if (!defined(perfetto_protobuf_gni)) {
49  if (perfetto_root_path == "//") {
50    perfetto_protobuf_gni = "//gn/standalone/proto_library.gni"
51  } else {
52    perfetto_protobuf_gni = "//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni"
53  }
55if (!defined(perfetto_protobuf_src_dir)) {
56  if (perfetto_root_path == "//") {
57    perfetto_protobuf_src_dir = "//buildtools/protobuf/src"
58  } else {
59    perfetto_protobuf_src_dir = "//third_party/protobuf/src"
60  }
64# Equivalent to proto_library (generation of .h/.cc from .proto files) but
65# enables also generation using the protozero plugin.
66# The generated files will have the .pbzero.{cc,h} suffix, as opposed to the
67# .pb.{cc,h} of the official proto library.
68# DO NOT use this target directly, use perfetto_proto_library() below.
69template("protozero_library") {
70  proto_library(target_name) {
71    perfetto_root_path = invoker.perfetto_root_path
73    generate_cc = false
74    generate_python = false
75    generator_plugin_label =
76        perfetto_root_path + "src/protozero/protoc_plugin:protozero_plugin"
77    generator_plugin_suffix = ".pbzero"
78    if (build_with_chromium) {
79      component_build_force_source_set = true
80    }
82    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
83      deps = invoker.deps
84    } else {
85      deps = []
86    }
88    deps += [ perfetto_root_path + "src/protozero" ]
90    forward_variables_from(invoker,
91                           [
92                             "defines",
93                             "generator_plugin_options",
94                             "include_dirs",
95                             "proto_in_dir",
96                             "proto_out_dir",
97                             "sources",
98                             "testonly",
99                             "visibility",
100                             "generate_descriptor",
101                             "propagate_imports_configs",
102                             "import_dirs",
103                           ])
104  }
107# This template generates .gen.cc/h files from .proto files. The generated
108# sources are actual C++ classes that can be moved and copied around, very
109# similar to the libprotobuf generated ones API-wise, but use protozero under
110# the hoods, without any zero-copy benefit though.
111# They are mainly used for the perfetto IPC layer and tests.
112template("protozero_cpp_library") {
113  proto_library(target_name) {
114    perfetto_root_path = invoker.perfetto_root_path
116    generate_cc = false
117    generate_python = false
118    generator_plugin_label =
119        perfetto_root_path + "src/protozero/protoc_plugin:cppgen_plugin"
120    generator_plugin_suffix = ".gen"
121    if (build_with_chromium) {
122      component_build_force_source_set = true
123    }
125    deps = [
126      "$perfetto_root_path/gn:default_deps",
127      "$perfetto_root_path/include/perfetto/base",
128      "$perfetto_root_path/src/protozero",
129    ]
131    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
132      deps += invoker.deps
133    }
135    forward_variables_from(invoker,
136                           [
137                             "defines",
138                             "generator_plugin_options",
139                             "include_dirs",
140                             "proto_in_dir",
141                             "proto_out_dir",
142                             "sources",
143                             "testonly",
144                             "visibility",
145                             "generate_descriptor",
146                             "propagate_imports_configs",
147                             "import_dirs",
148                           ])
149  }
152# Generates .ipc.{h,cc} stubs for IPC services defined in .proto files.
153template("ipc_library") {
154  proto_library(target_name) {
155    perfetto_root_path = invoker.perfetto_root_path
156    generate_cc = false
157    generate_python = false
158    generator_plugin_label =
159        "$perfetto_root_path/src/ipc/protoc_plugin:ipc_plugin"
160    generator_plugin_suffix = ".ipc"
161    deps = [ "$perfetto_root_path/gn:default_deps" ]
162    if (perfetto_component_type == "static_library") {
163      deps += [ "$perfetto_root_path/src/ipc:perfetto_ipc" ]
164    } else {
165      deps += [ "$perfetto_root_path/src/ipc:common" ]
166    }
167    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
168      deps += invoker.deps
169    }
170    forward_variables_from(invoker,
171                           [
172                             "defines",
173                             "extra_configs",
174                             "include_dirs",
175                             "proto_in_dir",
176                             "proto_out_dir",
177                             "generator_plugin_options",
178                             "sources",
179                             "testonly",
180                             "visibility",
181                             "propagate_imports_configs",
182                             "import_dirs",
183                           ])
184  }
187# The template used everywhere in the codebase.
188template("perfetto_proto_library") {
189  if (defined(invoker.proto_generators)) {
190    proto_generators = invoker.proto_generators
191  } else {
192    proto_generators = [
193      "zero",
194      "lite",
195      "cpp",
196      "source_set",
197    ]
198  }
200  # proto imports and C++ #includes are relative to this path.
201  if (defined(invoker.proto_path)) {
202    proto_path = invoker.proto_path
203  } else {
204    proto_path = perfetto_root_path
205  }
207  if (defined(invoker.import_dirs)) {
208    import_dirs_ = invoker.import_dirs
209  } else {
210    import_dirs_ = []
211  }
213  vars_to_forward = [
214    "sources",
215    "visibility",
216    "testonly",
217  ]
218  expansion_token = "@TYPE@"
220  # gn:public_config propagates the gen dir as include directory. We
221  # disable the proto_library's public_config to avoid duplicate include
222  # directory command line flags (crbug.com/1043279, crbug.com/gn/142).
223  propagate_imports_configs_ = false
225  foreach(gen_type, proto_generators) {
226    target_name_ = string_replace(target_name, expansion_token, gen_type)
228    # Translate deps from xxx:@TYPE@ to xxx:lite/zero.
229    deps_ = []
230    if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
231      foreach(dep, invoker.deps) {
232        deps_ += [ string_replace(dep, expansion_token, gen_type) ]
233      }
234    }
236    if (gen_type == "zero") {
237      protozero_library(target_name_) {
238        proto_in_dir = proto_path
239        proto_out_dir = proto_path
240        generator_plugin_options = "wrapper_namespace=pbzero"
241        deps = deps_
242        propagate_imports_configs = propagate_imports_configs_
243        import_dirs = import_dirs_
244        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
245      }
246    } else if (gen_type == "cpp") {
247      protozero_cpp_library(target_name_) {
248        proto_in_dir = proto_path
249        proto_out_dir = proto_path
250        generator_plugin_options = "wrapper_namespace=gen"
251        deps = deps_
252        propagate_imports_configs = propagate_imports_configs_
253        import_dirs = import_dirs_
254        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
255      }
256    } else if (gen_type == "ipc") {
257      cpp_target_name_ = string_replace(target_name, expansion_token, "cpp")
258      ipc_library(target_name_) {
259        proto_in_dir = proto_path
260        proto_out_dir = proto_path
261        generator_plugin_options = "wrapper_namespace=gen"
262        deps = deps_ + [ ":$cpp_target_name_" ]
263        propagate_imports_configs = propagate_imports_configs_
264        import_dirs = import_dirs_
265        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
266      }
267    } else if (gen_type == "lite") {
268      proto_library(target_name_) {
269        proto_in_dir = proto_path
270        proto_out_dir = proto_path
271        generate_python = false
272        deps = deps_
273        cc_generator_options = "lite=true:"
274        propagate_imports_configs = propagate_imports_configs_
275        import_dirs = import_dirs_
276        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
277      }
278    } else if (gen_type == "descriptor") {
279      proto_library(target_name_) {
280        proto_in_dir = proto_path
281        proto_out_dir = proto_path
282        generate_python = false
283        generate_cc = false
284        generate_descriptor =
285            rebase_path(invoker.generate_descriptor, proto_path)
286        deps = deps_
287        import_dirs = import_dirs_
288        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
289      }
291      # Not needed for descriptor proto_library target.
292      not_needed([ "propagate_imports_configs_" ])
293    } else if (gen_type == "source_set") {
294      action(target_name_) {
295        out_path = "$target_gen_dir/" + target_name_
296        rebased_out_path =
297            rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir) + "/" + target_name_
299        script = "$perfetto_root_path/tools/touch_file.py"
300        args = [
301          "--output",
302          rebased_out_path,
303        ]
304        outputs = [ out_path ]
305        deps = deps_
307        metadata = {
308          proto_library_sources = invoker.sources
309          import_dirs = import_dirs_
310        }
311        forward_variables_from(invoker, vars_to_forward)
312      }
314      # Not needed for source_set proto_library target.
315      not_needed([
316                   "propagate_imports_configs_",
317                   "proto_path",
318                 ])
319    } else {
320      assert(false, "Invalid 'proto_generators' value.")
321    }
322  }