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DIR_METADATAH A D16-Feb-202185 54

LICENSEH A D16-Feb-202121.7 KiB360333

OWNERSH A D16-Feb-202165 43

README.chromiumH A D16-Feb-2021837 2118

overrides.jsonldH A D16-Feb-20214.6 KiB130129

schema.jsonldH A D16-Feb-2021789 KiB22,61122,611


1Name: Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to
2create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet.
3Short Name: schema_org
4URL: http://schema.org/version/6.0/schema.jsonld
5Version: 6.0
6Date: 20200121
7License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
8License File: LICENSE
9Security Critical: yes
12A script uses the schema file in this directory to generate C++ object code.
13Using the generated code, Blink extracts schema.org metadata from the page. This
14metadata is used for a variety of purposes. See the document_metadata module in
18Local Modifications:
19The overrides file was created manually and is used to apply schema changes that
20have not yet been released.