1 /*
2 ** 2013-04-17
3 **
4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
6 **
7 **    May you do good and not evil.
8 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
10 **
11 ******************************************************************************
12 **
13 ** This SQLite extension implements functions for the exact display
14 ** and input of IEEE754 Binary64 floating-point numbers.
15 **
16 **   ieee754(X)
17 **   ieee754(Y,Z)
18 **
19 ** In the first form, the value X should be a floating-point number.
20 ** The function will return a string of the form 'ieee754(Y,Z)' where
21 ** Y and Z are integers such that X==Y*pow(2,Z).
22 **
23 ** In the second form, Y and Z are integers which are the mantissa and
24 ** base-2 exponent of a new floating point number.  The function returns
25 ** a floating-point value equal to Y*pow(2,Z).
26 **
27 ** Examples:
28 **
29 **     ieee754(2.0)             ->     'ieee754(2,0)'
30 **     ieee754(45.25)           ->     'ieee754(181,-2)'
31 **     ieee754(2, 0)            ->     2.0
32 **     ieee754(181, -2)         ->     45.25
33 **
34 ** Two additional functions break apart the one-argument ieee754()
35 ** result into separate integer values:
36 **
37 **     ieee754_mantissa(45.25)  ->     181
38 **     ieee754_exponent(45.25)  ->     -2
39 **
40 ** These functions convert binary64 numbers into blobs and back again.
41 **
42 **     ieee754_from_blob(x'3ff0000000000000')  ->  1.0
43 **     ieee754_to_blob(1.0)                    ->  x'3ff0000000000000'
44 **
45 ** In all single-argument functions, if the argument is an 8-byte blob
46 ** then that blob is interpreted as a big-endian binary64 value.
47 **
48 **
50 ** -----------------------------------------------
51 **
52 ** This extension in combination with the separate 'decimal' extension
53 ** can be used to compute the exact decimal representation of binary64
54 ** values.  To begin, first compute a table of exponent values:
55 **
57 **    WITH RECURSIVE c(x,v) AS (
58 **      VALUES(0,'1')
59 **      UNION ALL
60 **      SELECT x+1, decimal_mul(v,'2') FROM c WHERE x+1<=971
61 **    ) INSERT INTO pow2(x,v) SELECT x, v FROM c;
62 **    WITH RECURSIVE c(x,v) AS (
63 **      VALUES(-1,'0.5')
64 **      UNION ALL
65 **      SELECT x-1, decimal_mul(v,'0.5') FROM c WHERE x-1>=-1075
66 **    ) INSERT INTO pow2(x,v) SELECT x, v FROM c;
67 **
68 ** Then, to compute the exact decimal representation of a floating
69 ** point value (the value 47.49 is used in the example) do:
70 **
71 **    WITH c(n) AS (VALUES(47.49))
72 **          ---------------^^^^^---- Replace with whatever you want
73 **    SELECT decimal_mul(ieee754_mantissa(c.n),pow2.v)
74 **      FROM pow2, c WHERE pow2.x=ieee754_exponent(c.n);
75 **
76 ** Here is a query to show various boundry values for the binary64
77 ** number format:
78 **
79 **    WITH c(name,bin) AS (VALUES
80 **       ('minimum positive value',        x'0000000000000001'),
81 **       ('maximum subnormal value',       x'000fffffffffffff'),
82 **       ('mininum positive nornal value', x'0010000000000000'),
83 **       ('maximum value',                 x'7fefffffffffffff'))
84 **    SELECT c.name, decimal_mul(ieee754_mantissa(c.bin),pow2.v)
85 **      FROM pow2, c WHERE pow2.x=ieee754_exponent(c.bin);
86 **
87 */
88 #include "sqlite3ext.h"
90 #include <assert.h>
91 #include <string.h>
93 /* Mark a function parameter as unused, to suppress nuisance compiler
94 ** warnings. */
96 # define UNUSED_PARAMETER(X)  (void)(X)
97 #endif
99 /*
100 ** Implementation of the ieee754() function
101 */
ieee754func(sqlite3_context * context,int argc,sqlite3_value ** argv)102 static void ieee754func(
103   sqlite3_context *context,
104   int argc,
105   sqlite3_value **argv
106 ){
107   if( argc==1 ){
108     sqlite3_int64 m, a;
109     double r;
110     int e;
111     int isNeg;
112     char zResult[100];
113     assert( sizeof(m)==sizeof(r) );
114     if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB
115      && sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])==sizeof(r)
116     ){
117       const unsigned char *x = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
118       unsigned int i;
119       sqlite3_uint64 v = 0;
120       for(i=0; i<sizeof(r); i++){
121         v = (v<<8) | x[i];
122       }
123       memcpy(&r, &v, sizeof(r));
124     }else{
125       r = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
126     }
127     if( r<0.0 ){
128       isNeg = 1;
129       r = -r;
130     }else{
131       isNeg = 0;
132     }
133     memcpy(&a,&r,sizeof(a));
134     if( a==0 ){
135       e = 0;
136       m = 0;
137     }else{
138       e = a>>52;
139       m = a & ((((sqlite3_int64)1)<<52)-1);
140       if( e==0 ){
141         m <<= 1;
142       }else{
143         m |= ((sqlite3_int64)1)<<52;
144       }
145       while( e<1075 && m>0 && (m&1)==0 ){
146         m >>= 1;
147         e++;
148       }
149       if( isNeg ) m = -m;
150     }
151     switch( *(int*)sqlite3_user_data(context) ){
152       case 0:
153         sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zResult), zResult, "ieee754(%lld,%d)",
154                          m, e-1075);
155         sqlite3_result_text(context, zResult, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
156         break;
157       case 1:
158         sqlite3_result_int64(context, m);
159         break;
160       case 2:
161         sqlite3_result_int(context, e-1075);
162         break;
163     }
164   }else{
165     sqlite3_int64 m, e, a;
166     double r;
167     int isNeg = 0;
168     m = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]);
169     e = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[1]);
170     if( m<0 ){
171       isNeg = 1;
172       m = -m;
173       if( m<0 ) return;
174     }else if( m==0 && e>-1000 && e<1000 ){
175       sqlite3_result_double(context, 0.0);
176       return;
177     }
178     while( (m>>32)&0xffe00000 ){
179       m >>= 1;
180       e++;
181     }
182     while( m!=0 && ((m>>32)&0xfff00000)==0 ){
183       m <<= 1;
184       e--;
185     }
186     e += 1075;
187     if( e<=0 ){
188       /* Subnormal */
189       m >>= 1-e;
190       e = 0;
191     }else if( e>0x7ff ){
192       e = 0x7ff;
193     }
194     a = m & ((((sqlite3_int64)1)<<52)-1);
195     a |= e<<52;
196     if( isNeg ) a |= ((sqlite3_uint64)1)<<63;
197     memcpy(&r, &a, sizeof(r));
198     sqlite3_result_double(context, r);
199   }
200 }
202 /*
203 ** Functions to convert between blobs and floats.
204 */
ieee754func_from_blob(sqlite3_context * context,int argc,sqlite3_value ** argv)205 static void ieee754func_from_blob(
206   sqlite3_context *context,
207   int argc,
208   sqlite3_value **argv
209 ){
211   if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB
212    && sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])==sizeof(double)
213   ){
214     double r;
215     const unsigned char *x = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
216     unsigned int i;
217     sqlite3_uint64 v = 0;
218     for(i=0; i<sizeof(r); i++){
219       v = (v<<8) | x[i];
220     }
221     memcpy(&r, &v, sizeof(r));
222     sqlite3_result_double(context, r);
223   }
224 }
ieee754func_to_blob(sqlite3_context * context,int argc,sqlite3_value ** argv)225 static void ieee754func_to_blob(
226   sqlite3_context *context,
227   int argc,
228   sqlite3_value **argv
229 ){
231   if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_FLOAT
232    || sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_INTEGER
233   ){
234     double r = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
235     sqlite3_uint64 v;
236     unsigned char a[sizeof(r)];
237     unsigned int i;
238     memcpy(&v, &r, sizeof(r));
239     for(i=1; i<=sizeof(r); i++){
240       a[sizeof(r)-i] = v&0xff;
241       v >>= 8;
242     }
243     sqlite3_result_blob(context, a, sizeof(r), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
244   }
245 }
248 #ifdef _WIN32
249 __declspec(dllexport)
250 #endif
sqlite3_ieee_init(sqlite3 * db,char ** pzErrMsg,const sqlite3_api_routines * pApi)251 int sqlite3_ieee_init(
252   sqlite3 *db,
253   char **pzErrMsg,
254   const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
255 ){
256   static const struct {
257     char *zFName;
258     int nArg;
259     int iAux;
260     void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
261   } aFunc[] = {
262     { "ieee754",           1,   0, ieee754func },
263     { "ieee754",           2,   0, ieee754func },
264     { "ieee754_mantissa",  1,   1, ieee754func },
265     { "ieee754_exponent",  1,   2, ieee754func },
266     { "ieee754_to_blob",   1,   0, ieee754func_to_blob },
267     { "ieee754_from_blob", 1,   0, ieee754func_from_blob },
269   };
270   unsigned int i;
271   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
273   (void)pzErrMsg;  /* Unused parameter */
274   for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFunc)/sizeof(aFunc[0]) && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
275     rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, aFunc[i].zFName, aFunc[i].nArg,
276                                SQLITE_UTF8|SQLITE_INNOCUOUS,
277                                (void*)&aFunc[i].iAux,
278                                aFunc[i].xFunc, 0, 0);
279   }
280   return rc;
281 }