1 /*
2 ** 2015-04-06
3 **
4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
6 **
7 **    May you do good and not evil.
8 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
9 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
10 **
11 *************************************************************************
12 **
13 ** This is a utility program that computes the differences in content
14 ** between two SQLite databases.
15 **
16 ** To compile, simply link against SQLite.
17 **
18 ** See the showHelp() routine below for a brief description of how to
19 ** run the utility.
20 */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <stdarg.h>
24 #include <ctype.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include <assert.h>
27 #include "sqlite3.h"
29 /*
30 ** All global variables are gathered into the "g" singleton.
31 */
32 struct GlobalVars {
33   const char *zArgv0;       /* Name of program */
34   int bSchemaOnly;          /* Only show schema differences */
35   int bSchemaPK;            /* Use the schema-defined PK, not the true PK */
36   int bHandleVtab;          /* Handle fts3, fts4, fts5 and rtree vtabs */
37   unsigned fDebug;          /* Debug flags */
38   sqlite3 *db;              /* The database connection */
39 } g;
41 /*
42 ** Allowed values for g.fDebug
43 */
44 #define DEBUG_COLUMN_NAMES  0x000001
45 #define DEBUG_DIFF_SQL      0x000002
47 /*
48 ** Dynamic string object
49 */
50 typedef struct Str Str;
51 struct Str {
52   char *z;        /* Text of the string */
53   int nAlloc;     /* Bytes allocated in z[] */
54   int nUsed;      /* Bytes actually used in z[] */
55 };
57 /*
58 ** Initialize a Str object
59 */
strInit(Str * p)60 static void strInit(Str *p){
61   p->z = 0;
62   p->nAlloc = 0;
63   p->nUsed = 0;
64 }
66 /*
67 ** Print an error resulting from faulting command-line arguments and
68 ** abort the program.
69 */
cmdlineError(const char * zFormat,...)70 static void cmdlineError(const char *zFormat, ...){
71   va_list ap;
72   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g.zArgv0);
73   va_start(ap, zFormat);
74   vfprintf(stderr, zFormat, ap);
75   va_end(ap);
76   fprintf(stderr, "\n\"%s --help\" for more help\n", g.zArgv0);
77   exit(1);
78 }
80 /*
81 ** Print an error message for an error that occurs at runtime, then
82 ** abort the program.
83 */
runtimeError(const char * zFormat,...)84 static void runtimeError(const char *zFormat, ...){
85   va_list ap;
86   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", g.zArgv0);
87   va_start(ap, zFormat);
88   vfprintf(stderr, zFormat, ap);
89   va_end(ap);
90   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
91   exit(1);
92 }
94 /*
95 ** Free all memory held by a Str object
96 */
strFree(Str * p)97 static void strFree(Str *p){
98   sqlite3_free(p->z);
99   strInit(p);
100 }
102 /*
103 ** Add formatted text to the end of a Str object
104 */
strPrintf(Str * p,const char * zFormat,...)105 static void strPrintf(Str *p, const char *zFormat, ...){
106   int nNew;
107   for(;;){
108     if( p->z ){
109       va_list ap;
110       va_start(ap, zFormat);
111       sqlite3_vsnprintf(p->nAlloc-p->nUsed, p->z+p->nUsed, zFormat, ap);
112       va_end(ap);
113       nNew = (int)strlen(p->z + p->nUsed);
114     }else{
115       nNew = p->nAlloc;
116     }
117     if( p->nUsed+nNew < p->nAlloc-1 ){
118       p->nUsed += nNew;
119       break;
120     }
121     p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + 1000;
122     p->z = sqlite3_realloc(p->z, p->nAlloc);
123     if( p->z==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
124   }
125 }
129 /* Safely quote an SQL identifier.  Use the minimum amount of transformation
130 ** necessary to allow the string to be used with %s.
131 **
132 ** Space to hold the returned string is obtained from sqlite3_malloc().  The
133 ** caller is responsible for ensuring this space is freed when no longer
134 ** needed.
135 */
safeId(const char * zId)136 static char *safeId(const char *zId){
137   int i, x;
138   char c;
139   if( zId[0]==0 ) return sqlite3_mprintf("\"\"");
140   for(i=x=0; (c = zId[i])!=0; i++){
141     if( !isalpha(c) && c!='_' ){
142       if( i>0 && isdigit(c) ){
143         x++;
144       }else{
145         return sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zId);
146       }
147     }
148   }
149   if( x || !sqlite3_keyword_check(zId,i) ){
150     return sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zId);
151   }
152   return sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zId);
153 }
155 /*
156 ** Prepare a new SQL statement.  Print an error and abort if anything
157 ** goes wrong.
158 */
db_vprepare(const char * zFormat,va_list ap)159 static sqlite3_stmt *db_vprepare(const char *zFormat, va_list ap){
160   char *zSql;
161   int rc;
162   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
164   zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
165   if( zSql==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
166   rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
167   if( rc ){
168     runtimeError("SQL statement error: %s\n\"%s\"", sqlite3_errmsg(g.db),
169                  zSql);
170   }
171   sqlite3_free(zSql);
172   return pStmt;
173 }
db_prepare(const char * zFormat,...)174 static sqlite3_stmt *db_prepare(const char *zFormat, ...){
175   va_list ap;
176   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
177   va_start(ap, zFormat);
178   pStmt = db_vprepare(zFormat, ap);
179   va_end(ap);
180   return pStmt;
181 }
183 /*
184 ** Free a list of strings
185 */
namelistFree(char ** az)186 static void namelistFree(char **az){
187   if( az ){
188     int i;
189     for(i=0; az[i]; i++) sqlite3_free(az[i]);
190     sqlite3_free(az);
191   }
192 }
194 /*
195 ** Return a list of column names for the table zDb.zTab.  Space to
196 ** hold the list is obtained from sqlite3_malloc() and should released
197 ** using namelistFree() when no longer needed.
198 **
199 ** Primary key columns are listed first, followed by data columns.
200 ** The number of columns in the primary key is returned in *pnPkey.
201 **
202 ** Normally, the "primary key" in the previous sentence is the true
203 ** primary key - the rowid or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY for ordinary tables
204 ** or the declared PRIMARY KEY for WITHOUT ROWID tables.  However, if
205 ** the g.bSchemaPK flag is set, then the schema-defined PRIMARY KEY is
206 ** used in all cases.  In that case, entries that have NULL values in
207 ** any of their primary key fields will be excluded from the analysis.
208 **
209 ** If the primary key for a table is the rowid but rowid is inaccessible,
210 ** then this routine returns a NULL pointer.
211 **
212 ** Examples:
214 **    *pnPKey = 1;
215 **    az = { "rowid", "a", "b", "c", 0 }  // Normal case
216 **    az = { "c", "a", "b", 0 }           // g.bSchemaPK==1
217 **
219 **    *pnPKey = 1;
220 **    az = { "b", "a", "c", 0 }
221 **
222 **    CREATE TABLE t3(x,y,z,PRIMARY KEY(y,z));
223 **    *pnPKey = 1                         // Normal case
224 **    az = { "rowid", "x", "y", "z", 0 }  // Normal case
225 **    *pnPKey = 2                         // g.bSchemaPK==1
226 **    az = { "y", "x", "z", 0 }           // g.bSchemaPK==1
227 **
229 **    *pnPKey = 2
230 **    az = { "y", "z", "x", 0 }
231 **
232 **    CREATE TABLE t5(rowid,_rowid_,oid);
233 **    az = 0     // The rowid is not accessible
234 */
columnNames(const char * zDb,const char * zTab,int * pnPKey,int * pbRowid)235 static char **columnNames(
236   const char *zDb,                /* Database ("main" or "aux") to query */
237   const char *zTab,               /* Name of table to return details of */
238   int *pnPKey,                    /* OUT: Number of PK columns */
239   int *pbRowid                    /* OUT: True if PK is an implicit rowid */
240 ){
241   char **az = 0;           /* List of column names to be returned */
242   int naz = 0;             /* Number of entries in az[] */
243   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;     /* SQL statement being run */
244   char *zPkIdxName = 0;    /* Name of the PRIMARY KEY index */
245   int truePk = 0;          /* PRAGMA table_info indentifies the PK to use */
246   int nPK = 0;             /* Number of PRIMARY KEY columns */
247   int i, j;                /* Loop counters */
249   if( g.bSchemaPK==0 ){
250     /* Normal case:  Figure out what the true primary key is for the table.
251     **   *  For WITHOUT ROWID tables, the true primary key is the same as
252     **      the schema PRIMARY KEY, which is guaranteed to be present.
253     **   *  For rowid tables with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, the true primary
254     **      key is the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
255     **   *  For all other rowid tables, the rowid is the true primary key.
256     */
257     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.index_list=%Q", zDb, zTab);
258     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
259       if( sqlite3_stricmp((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,3),"pk")==0 ){
260         zPkIdxName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1));
261         break;
262       }
263     }
264     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
265     if( zPkIdxName ){
266       int nKey = 0;
267       int nCol = 0;
268       truePk = 0;
269       pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.index_xinfo=%Q", zDb, zPkIdxName);
270       while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
271         nCol++;
272         if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5) ){ nKey++; continue; }
273         if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,1)>=0 ) truePk = 1;
274       }
275       if( nCol==nKey ) truePk = 1;
276       if( truePk ){
277         nPK = nKey;
278       }else{
279         nPK = 1;
280       }
281       sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
282       sqlite3_free(zPkIdxName);
283     }else{
284       truePk = 1;
285       nPK = 1;
286     }
287     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.table_info=%Q", zDb, zTab);
288   }else{
289     /* The g.bSchemaPK==1 case:  Use whatever primary key is declared
290     ** in the schema.  The "rowid" will still be used as the primary key
291     ** if the table definition does not contain a PRIMARY KEY.
292     */
293     nPK = 0;
294     pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA %s.table_info=%Q", zDb, zTab);
295     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
296       if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5)>0 ) nPK++;
297     }
298     sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
299     if( nPK==0 ) nPK = 1;
300     truePk = 1;
301   }
302   *pnPKey = nPK;
303   naz = nPK;
304   az = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(char*)*(nPK+1) );
305   if( az==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
306   memset(az, 0, sizeof(char*)*(nPK+1));
307   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
308     int iPKey;
309     if( truePk && (iPKey = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5))>0 ){
310       az[iPKey-1] = safeId((char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
311     }else{
312       az = sqlite3_realloc(az, sizeof(char*)*(naz+2) );
313       if( az==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
314       az[naz++] = safeId((char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
315     }
316   }
317   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
318   if( az ) az[naz] = 0;
320   /* If it is non-NULL, set *pbRowid to indicate whether or not the PK of
321   ** this table is an implicit rowid (*pbRowid==1) or not (*pbRowid==0).  */
322   if( pbRowid ) *pbRowid = (az[0]==0);
324   /* If this table has an implicit rowid for a PK, figure out how to refer
325   ** to it. There are three options - "rowid", "_rowid_" and "oid". Any
326   ** of these will work, unless the table has an explicit column of the
327   ** same name.  */
328   if( az[0]==0 ){
329     const char *azRowid[] = { "rowid", "_rowid_", "oid" };
330     for(i=0; i<sizeof(azRowid)/sizeof(azRowid[0]); i++){
331       for(j=1; j<naz; j++){
332         if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[j], azRowid[i])==0 ) break;
333       }
334       if( j>=naz ){
335         az[0] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", azRowid[i]);
336         break;
337       }
338     }
339     if( az[0]==0 ){
340       for(i=1; i<naz; i++) sqlite3_free(az[i]);
341       sqlite3_free(az);
342       az = 0;
343     }
344   }
345   return az;
346 }
348 /*
349 ** Print the sqlite3_value X as an SQL literal.
350 */
printQuoted(FILE * out,sqlite3_value * X)351 static void printQuoted(FILE *out, sqlite3_value *X){
352   switch( sqlite3_value_type(X) ){
353     case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
354       double r1;
355       char zBuf[50];
356       r1 = sqlite3_value_double(X);
357       sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%!.15g", r1);
358       fprintf(out, "%s", zBuf);
359       break;
360     }
361     case SQLITE_INTEGER: {
362       fprintf(out, "%lld", sqlite3_value_int64(X));
363       break;
364     }
365     case SQLITE_BLOB: {
366       const unsigned char *zBlob = sqlite3_value_blob(X);
367       int nBlob = sqlite3_value_bytes(X);
368       if( zBlob ){
369         int i;
370         fprintf(out, "x'");
371         for(i=0; i<nBlob; i++){
372           fprintf(out, "%02x", zBlob[i]);
373         }
374         fprintf(out, "'");
375       }else{
376         /* Could be an OOM, could be a zero-byte blob */
377         fprintf(out, "X''");
378       }
379       break;
380     }
381     case SQLITE_TEXT: {
382       const unsigned char *zArg = sqlite3_value_text(X);
383       int i, j;
385       if( zArg==0 ){
386         fprintf(out, "NULL");
387       }else{
388         fprintf(out, "'");
389         for(i=j=0; zArg[i]; i++){
390           if( zArg[i]=='\'' ){
391             fprintf(out, "%.*s'", i-j+1, &zArg[j]);
392             j = i+1;
393           }
394         }
395         fprintf(out, "%s'", &zArg[j]);
396       }
397       break;
398     }
399     case SQLITE_NULL: {
400       fprintf(out, "NULL");
401       break;
402     }
403   }
404 }
406 /*
407 ** Output SQL that will recreate the aux.zTab table.
408 */
dump_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)409 static void dump_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
410   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of the table */
411   char **az = 0;            /* List of columns */
412   int nPk;                  /* Number of true primary key columns */
413   int nCol;                 /* Number of data columns */
414   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
415   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* SQL statement */
416   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
417   Str ins;                  /* Beginning of the INSERT statement */
419   pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_schema WHERE name=%Q", zTab);
420   if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
421     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
422   }
423   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
424   if( !g.bSchemaOnly ){
425     az = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk, 0);
426     strInit(&ins);
427     if( az==0 ){
428       pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT * FROM aux.%s", zId);
429       strPrintf(&ins,"INSERT INTO %s VALUES", zId);
430     }else{
431       Str sql;
432       strInit(&sql);
433       zSep =  "SELECT";
434       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
435         strPrintf(&sql, "%s %s", zSep, az[i]);
436         zSep = ",";
437       }
438       strPrintf(&sql," FROM aux.%s", zId);
439       zSep = " ORDER BY";
440       for(i=1; i<=nPk; i++){
441         strPrintf(&sql, "%s %d", zSep, i);
442         zSep = ",";
443       }
444       pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
445       strFree(&sql);
446       strPrintf(&ins, "INSERT INTO %s", zId);
447       zSep = "(";
448       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
449         strPrintf(&ins, "%s%s", zSep, az[i]);
450         zSep = ",";
451       }
452       strPrintf(&ins,") VALUES");
453       namelistFree(az);
454     }
455     nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
456     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
457       fprintf(out, "%s",ins.z);
458       zSep = "(";
459       for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
460         fprintf(out, "%s",zSep);
461         printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
462         zSep = ",";
463       }
464       fprintf(out, ");\n");
465     }
466     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
467     strFree(&ins);
468   } /* endif !g.bSchemaOnly */
469   pStmt = db_prepare("SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_schema"
470                      " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q AND sql IS NOT NULL",
471                      zTab);
472   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
473     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
474   }
475   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
476   sqlite3_free(zId);
477 }
480 /*
481 ** Compute all differences for a single table.
482 */
diff_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)483 static void diff_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
484   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of table (translated for us in SQL) */
485   char **az = 0;            /* Columns in main */
486   char **az2 = 0;           /* Columns in aux */
487   int nPk;                  /* Primary key columns in main */
488   int nPk2;                 /* Primary key columns in aux */
489   int n = 0;                /* Number of columns in main */
490   int n2;                   /* Number of columns in aux */
491   int nQ;                   /* Number of output columns in the diff query */
492   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
493   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
494   Str sql;                  /* Comparison query */
495   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* Query statement to do the diff */
497   strInit(&sql);
498   if( g.fDebug==DEBUG_COLUMN_NAMES ){
499     /* Simply run columnNames() on all tables of the origin
500     ** database and show the results.  This is used for testing
501     ** and debugging of the columnNames() function.
502     */
503     az = columnNames("aux",zTab, &nPk, 0);
504     if( az==0 ){
505       printf("Rowid not accessible for %s\n", zId);
506     }else{
507       printf("%s:", zId);
508       for(i=0; az[i]; i++){
509         printf(" %s", az[i]);
510         if( i+1==nPk ) printf(" *");
511       }
512       printf("\n");
513     }
514     goto end_diff_one_table;
515   }
518   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"aux",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
519     if( !sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
520       /* Table missing from second database. */
521       fprintf(out, "DROP TABLE %s;\n", zId);
522     }
523     goto end_diff_one_table;
524   }
526   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
527     /* Table missing from source */
528     dump_table(zTab, out);
529     goto end_diff_one_table;
530   }
532   az = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPk, 0);
533   az2 = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk2, 0);
534   if( az && az2 ){
535     for(n=0; az[n] && az2[n]; n++){
536       if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[n],az2[n])!=0 ) break;
537     }
538   }
539   if( az==0
540    || az2==0
541    || nPk!=nPk2
542    || az[n]
543   ){
544     /* Schema mismatch */
545     fprintf(out, "DROP TABLE %s; -- due to schema mismatch\n", zId);
546     dump_table(zTab, out);
547     goto end_diff_one_table;
548   }
550   /* Build the comparison query */
551   for(n2=n; az2[n2]; n2++){
552     fprintf(out, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s;\n", zId, safeId(az2[n2]));
553   }
554   nQ = nPk2+1+2*(n2-nPk2);
555   if( n2>nPk2 ){
556     zSep = "SELECT ";
557     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
558       strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s", zSep, az[i]);
559       zSep = ", ";
560     }
561     strPrintf(&sql, ", 1%s -- changed row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
562     while( az[i] ){
563       strPrintf(&sql, "       A.%s IS NOT B.%s, B.%s%s\n",
564                 az[i], az2[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
565       i++;
566     }
567     while( az2[i] ){
568       strPrintf(&sql, "       B.%s IS NOT NULL, B.%s%s\n",
569                 az2[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
570       i++;
571     }
572     strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
573     zSep = " WHERE";
574     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
575       strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
576       zSep = " AND";
577     }
578     zSep = "\n   AND (";
579     while( az[i] ){
580       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s%s\n",
581                 zSep, az[i], az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? ")" : "");
582       zSep = "        OR ";
583       i++;
584     }
585     while( az2[i] ){
586       strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s IS NOT NULL%s\n",
587                 zSep, az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? ")" : "");
588       zSep = "        OR ";
589       i++;
590     }
591     strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
592   }
593   zSep = "SELECT ";
594   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
595     strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s", zSep, az[i]);
596     zSep = ", ";
597   }
598   strPrintf(&sql, ", 2%s -- deleted row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
599   while( az2[i] ){
600     strPrintf(&sql, "       NULL, NULL%s\n", i==n2-1 ? "" : ",");
601     i++;
602   }
603   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
604   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
605   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
606   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
607     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
608     zSep = " AND";
609   }
610   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
611   zSep = " UNION ALL\nSELECT ";
612   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
613     strPrintf(&sql, "%sB.%s", zSep, az[i]);
614     zSep = ", ";
615   }
616   strPrintf(&sql, ", 3%s -- inserted row\n", nPk==n ? "" : ",");
617   while( az2[i] ){
618     strPrintf(&sql, "       1, B.%s%s\n", az2[i], az2[i+1]==0 ? "" : ",");
619     i++;
620   }
621   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
622   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
623   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
624   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
625     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
626     zSep = " AND";
627   }
628   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n ORDER BY");
629   zSep = " ";
630   for(i=1; i<=nPk; i++){
631     strPrintf(&sql, "%s%d", zSep, i);
632     zSep = ", ";
633   }
634   strPrintf(&sql, ";\n");
636   if( g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL ){
637     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
638     goto end_diff_one_table;
639   }
641   /* Drop indexes that are missing in the destination */
642   pStmt = db_prepare(
643     "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_schema"
644     " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
645     "   AND sql IS NOT NULL"
646     "   AND sql NOT IN (SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_schema"
647     "                    WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
648     "                      AND sql IS NOT NULL)",
649     zTab, zTab);
650   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
651     char *z = safeId((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
652     fprintf(out, "DROP INDEX %s;\n", z);
653     sqlite3_free(z);
654   }
655   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
657   /* Run the query and output differences */
658   if( !g.bSchemaOnly ){
659     pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
660     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
661       int iType = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, nPk);
662       if( iType==1 || iType==2 ){
663         if( iType==1 ){       /* Change the content of a row */
664           fprintf(out, "UPDATE %s", zId);
665           zSep = " SET";
666           for(i=nPk+1; i<nQ; i+=2){
667             if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,i)==0 ) continue;
668             fprintf(out, "%s %s=", zSep, az2[(i+nPk-1)/2]);
669             zSep = ",";
670             printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i+1));
671           }
672         }else{                /* Delete a row */
673           fprintf(out, "DELETE FROM %s", zId);
674         }
675         zSep = " WHERE";
676         for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
677           fprintf(out, "%s %s=", zSep, az2[i]);
678           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
679           zSep = " AND";
680         }
681         fprintf(out, ";\n");
682       }else{                  /* Insert a row */
683         fprintf(out, "INSERT INTO %s(%s", zId, az2[0]);
684         for(i=1; az2[i]; i++) fprintf(out, ",%s", az2[i]);
685         fprintf(out, ") VALUES");
686         zSep = "(";
687         for(i=0; i<nPk2; i++){
688           fprintf(out, "%s", zSep);
689           zSep = ",";
690           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
691         }
692         for(i=nPk2+2; i<nQ; i+=2){
693           fprintf(out, ",");
694           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt,i));
695         }
696         fprintf(out, ");\n");
697       }
698     }
699     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
700   } /* endif !g.bSchemaOnly */
702   /* Create indexes that are missing in the source */
703   pStmt = db_prepare(
704     "SELECT sql FROM aux.sqlite_schema"
705     " WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
706     "   AND sql IS NOT NULL"
707     "   AND sql NOT IN (SELECT sql FROM main.sqlite_schema"
708     "                    WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name=%Q"
709     "                      AND sql IS NOT NULL)",
710     zTab, zTab);
711   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
712     fprintf(out, "%s;\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
713   }
714   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
716 end_diff_one_table:
717   strFree(&sql);
718   sqlite3_free(zId);
719   namelistFree(az);
720   namelistFree(az2);
721   return;
722 }
724 /*
725 ** Check that table zTab exists and has the same schema in both the "main"
726 ** and "aux" databases currently opened by the global db handle. If they
727 ** do not, output an error message on stderr and exit(1). Otherwise, if
728 ** the schemas do match, return control to the caller.
729 */
checkSchemasMatch(const char * zTab)730 static void checkSchemasMatch(const char *zTab){
731   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = db_prepare(
732       "SELECT A.sql=B.sql FROM main.sqlite_schema A, aux.sqlite_schema B"
733       " WHERE A.name=%Q AND B.name=%Q", zTab, zTab
734   );
735   if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
736     if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0)==0 ){
737       runtimeError("schema changes for table %s", safeId(zTab));
738     }
739   }else{
740     runtimeError("table %s missing from one or both databases", safeId(zTab));
741   }
742   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
743 }
745 /**************************************************************************
746 ** The following code is copied from fossil. It is used to generate the
747 ** fossil delta blobs sometimes used in RBU update records.
748 */
750 typedef unsigned short u16;
751 typedef unsigned int u32;
752 typedef unsigned char u8;
754 /*
755 ** The width of a hash window in bytes.  The algorithm only works if this
756 ** is a power of 2.
757 */
758 #define NHASH 16
760 /*
761 ** The current state of the rolling hash.
762 **
763 ** z[] holds the values that have been hashed.  z[] is a circular buffer.
764 ** z[i] is the first entry and z[(i+NHASH-1)%NHASH] is the last entry of
765 ** the window.
766 **
767 ** Hash.a is the sum of all elements of hash.z[].  Hash.b is a weighted
768 ** sum.  Hash.b is z[i]*NHASH + z[i+1]*(NHASH-1) + ... + z[i+NHASH-1]*1.
769 ** (Each index for z[] should be module NHASH, of course.  The %NHASH operator
770 ** is omitted in the prior expression for brevity.)
771 */
772 typedef struct hash hash;
773 struct hash {
774   u16 a, b;         /* Hash values */
775   u16 i;            /* Start of the hash window */
776   char z[NHASH];    /* The values that have been hashed */
777 };
779 /*
780 ** Initialize the rolling hash using the first NHASH characters of z[]
781 */
hash_init(hash * pHash,const char * z)782 static void hash_init(hash *pHash, const char *z){
783   u16 a, b, i;
784   a = b = 0;
785   for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++){
786     a += z[i];
787     b += (NHASH-i)*z[i];
788     pHash->z[i] = z[i];
789   }
790   pHash->a = a & 0xffff;
791   pHash->b = b & 0xffff;
792   pHash->i = 0;
793 }
795 /*
796 ** Advance the rolling hash by a single character "c"
797 */
hash_next(hash * pHash,int c)798 static void hash_next(hash *pHash, int c){
799   u16 old = pHash->z[pHash->i];
800   pHash->z[pHash->i] = (char)c;
801   pHash->i = (pHash->i+1)&(NHASH-1);
802   pHash->a = pHash->a - old + (char)c;
803   pHash->b = pHash->b - NHASH*old + pHash->a;
804 }
806 /*
807 ** Return a 32-bit hash value
808 */
hash_32bit(hash * pHash)809 static u32 hash_32bit(hash *pHash){
810   return (pHash->a & 0xffff) | (((u32)(pHash->b & 0xffff))<<16);
811 }
813 /*
814 ** Write an base-64 integer into the given buffer.
815 */
putInt(unsigned int v,char ** pz)816 static void putInt(unsigned int v, char **pz){
817   static const char zDigits[] =
818     "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~";
819   /*  123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123 */
820   int i, j;
821   char zBuf[20];
822   if( v==0 ){
823     *(*pz)++ = '0';
824     return;
825   }
826   for(i=0; v>0; i++, v>>=6){
827     zBuf[i] = zDigits[v&0x3f];
828   }
829   for(j=i-1; j>=0; j--){
830     *(*pz)++ = zBuf[j];
831   }
832 }
834 /*
835 ** Return the number digits in the base-64 representation of a positive integer
836 */
digit_count(int v)837 static int digit_count(int v){
838   unsigned int i, x;
839   for(i=1, x=64; (unsigned int)v>=x; i++, x <<= 6){}
840   return i;
841 }
843 /*
844 ** Compute a 32-bit checksum on the N-byte buffer.  Return the result.
845 */
checksum(const char * zIn,size_t N)846 static unsigned int checksum(const char *zIn, size_t N){
847   const unsigned char *z = (const unsigned char *)zIn;
848   unsigned sum0 = 0;
849   unsigned sum1 = 0;
850   unsigned sum2 = 0;
851   unsigned sum3 = 0;
852   while(N >= 16){
853     sum0 += ((unsigned)z[0] + z[4] + z[8] + z[12]);
854     sum1 += ((unsigned)z[1] + z[5] + z[9] + z[13]);
855     sum2 += ((unsigned)z[2] + z[6] + z[10]+ z[14]);
856     sum3 += ((unsigned)z[3] + z[7] + z[11]+ z[15]);
857     z += 16;
858     N -= 16;
859   }
860   while(N >= 4){
861     sum0 += z[0];
862     sum1 += z[1];
863     sum2 += z[2];
864     sum3 += z[3];
865     z += 4;
866     N -= 4;
867   }
868   sum3 += (sum2 << 8) + (sum1 << 16) + (sum0 << 24);
869   switch(N){
870     case 3:   sum3 += (z[2] << 8);
871     case 2:   sum3 += (z[1] << 16);
872     case 1:   sum3 += (z[0] << 24);
873     default:  ;
874   }
875   return sum3;
876 }
878 /*
879 ** Create a new delta.
880 **
881 ** The delta is written into a preallocated buffer, zDelta, which
882 ** should be at least 60 bytes longer than the target file, zOut.
883 ** The delta string will be NUL-terminated, but it might also contain
884 ** embedded NUL characters if either the zSrc or zOut files are
885 ** binary.  This function returns the length of the delta string
886 ** in bytes, excluding the final NUL terminator character.
887 **
888 ** Output Format:
889 **
890 ** The delta begins with a base64 number followed by a newline.  This
891 ** number is the number of bytes in the TARGET file.  Thus, given a
892 ** delta file z, a program can compute the size of the output file
893 ** simply by reading the first line and decoding the base-64 number
894 ** found there.  The delta_output_size() routine does exactly this.
895 **
896 ** After the initial size number, the delta consists of a series of
897 ** literal text segments and commands to copy from the SOURCE file.
898 ** A copy command looks like this:
899 **
900 **     NNN@MMM,
901 **
902 ** where NNN is the number of bytes to be copied and MMM is the offset
903 ** into the source file of the first byte (both base-64).   If NNN is 0
904 ** it means copy the rest of the input file.  Literal text is like this:
905 **
906 **     NNN:TTTTT
907 **
908 ** where NNN is the number of bytes of text (base-64) and TTTTT is the text.
909 **
910 ** The last term is of the form
911 **
912 **     NNN;
913 **
914 ** In this case, NNN is a 32-bit bigendian checksum of the output file
915 ** that can be used to verify that the delta applied correctly.  All
916 ** numbers are in base-64.
917 **
918 ** Pure text files generate a pure text delta.  Binary files generate a
919 ** delta that may contain some binary data.
920 **
921 ** Algorithm:
922 **
923 ** The encoder first builds a hash table to help it find matching
924 ** patterns in the source file.  16-byte chunks of the source file
925 ** sampled at evenly spaced intervals are used to populate the hash
926 ** table.
927 **
928 ** Next we begin scanning the target file using a sliding 16-byte
929 ** window.  The hash of the 16-byte window in the target is used to
930 ** search for a matching section in the source file.  When a match
931 ** is found, a copy command is added to the delta.  An effort is
932 ** made to extend the matching section to regions that come before
933 ** and after the 16-byte hash window.  A copy command is only issued
934 ** if the result would use less space that just quoting the text
935 ** literally. Literal text is added to the delta for sections that
936 ** do not match or which can not be encoded efficiently using copy
937 ** commands.
938 */
rbuDeltaCreate(const char * zSrc,unsigned int lenSrc,const char * zOut,unsigned int lenOut,char * zDelta)939 static int rbuDeltaCreate(
940   const char *zSrc,      /* The source or pattern file */
941   unsigned int lenSrc,   /* Length of the source file */
942   const char *zOut,      /* The target file */
943   unsigned int lenOut,   /* Length of the target file */
944   char *zDelta           /* Write the delta into this buffer */
945 ){
946   unsigned int i, base;
947   char *zOrigDelta = zDelta;
948   hash h;
949   int nHash;                 /* Number of hash table entries */
950   int *landmark;             /* Primary hash table */
951   int *collide;              /* Collision chain */
952   int lastRead = -1;         /* Last byte of zSrc read by a COPY command */
954   /* Add the target file size to the beginning of the delta
955   */
956   putInt(lenOut, &zDelta);
957   *(zDelta++) = '\n';
959   /* If the source file is very small, it means that we have no
960   ** chance of ever doing a copy command.  Just output a single
961   ** literal segment for the entire target and exit.
962   */
963   if( lenSrc<=NHASH ){
964     putInt(lenOut, &zDelta);
965     *(zDelta++) = ':';
966     memcpy(zDelta, zOut, lenOut);
967     zDelta += lenOut;
968     putInt(checksum(zOut, lenOut), &zDelta);
969     *(zDelta++) = ';';
970     return (int)(zDelta - zOrigDelta);
971   }
973   /* Compute the hash table used to locate matching sections in the
974   ** source file.
975   */
976   nHash = lenSrc/NHASH;
977   collide = sqlite3_malloc( nHash*2*sizeof(int) );
978   landmark = &collide[nHash];
979   memset(landmark, -1, nHash*sizeof(int));
980   memset(collide, -1, nHash*sizeof(int));
981   for(i=0; i<lenSrc-NHASH; i+=NHASH){
982     int hv;
983     hash_init(&h, &zSrc[i]);
984     hv = hash_32bit(&h) % nHash;
985     collide[i/NHASH] = landmark[hv];
986     landmark[hv] = i/NHASH;
987   }
989   /* Begin scanning the target file and generating copy commands and
990   ** literal sections of the delta.
991   */
992   base = 0;    /* We have already generated everything before zOut[base] */
993   while( base+NHASH<lenOut ){
994     int iSrc, iBlock;
995     int bestCnt, bestOfst=0, bestLitsz=0;
996     hash_init(&h, &zOut[base]);
997     i = 0;     /* Trying to match a landmark against zOut[base+i] */
998     bestCnt = 0;
999     while( 1 ){
1000       int hv;
1001       int limit = 250;
1003       hv = hash_32bit(&h) % nHash;
1004       iBlock = landmark[hv];
1005       while( iBlock>=0 && (limit--)>0 ){
1006         /*
1007         ** The hash window has identified a potential match against
1008         ** landmark block iBlock.  But we need to investigate further.
1009         **
1010         ** Look for a region in zOut that matches zSrc. Anchor the search
1011         ** at zSrc[iSrc] and zOut[base+i].  Do not include anything prior to
1012         ** zOut[base] or after zOut[outLen] nor anything after zSrc[srcLen].
1013         **
1014         ** Set cnt equal to the length of the match and set ofst so that
1015         ** zSrc[ofst] is the first element of the match.  litsz is the number
1016         ** of characters between zOut[base] and the beginning of the match.
1017         ** sz will be the overhead (in bytes) needed to encode the copy
1018         ** command.  Only generate copy command if the overhead of the
1019         ** copy command is less than the amount of literal text to be copied.
1020         */
1021         int cnt, ofst, litsz;
1022         int j, k, x, y;
1023         int sz;
1025         /* Beginning at iSrc, match forwards as far as we can.  j counts
1026         ** the number of characters that match */
1027         iSrc = iBlock*NHASH;
1028         for(
1029           j=0, x=iSrc, y=base+i;
1030           (unsigned int)x<lenSrc && (unsigned int)y<lenOut;
1031           j++, x++, y++
1032         ){
1033           if( zSrc[x]!=zOut[y] ) break;
1034         }
1035         j--;
1037         /* Beginning at iSrc-1, match backwards as far as we can.  k counts
1038         ** the number of characters that match */
1039         for(k=1; k<iSrc && (unsigned int)k<=i; k++){
1040           if( zSrc[iSrc-k]!=zOut[base+i-k] ) break;
1041         }
1042         k--;
1044         /* Compute the offset and size of the matching region */
1045         ofst = iSrc-k;
1046         cnt = j+k+1;
1047         litsz = i-k;  /* Number of bytes of literal text before the copy */
1048         /* sz will hold the number of bytes needed to encode the "insert"
1049         ** command and the copy command, not counting the "insert" text */
1050         sz = digit_count(i-k)+digit_count(cnt)+digit_count(ofst)+3;
1051         if( cnt>=sz && cnt>bestCnt ){
1052           /* Remember this match only if it is the best so far and it
1053           ** does not increase the file size */
1054           bestCnt = cnt;
1055           bestOfst = iSrc-k;
1056           bestLitsz = litsz;
1057         }
1059         /* Check the next matching block */
1060         iBlock = collide[iBlock];
1061       }
1063       /* We have a copy command that does not cause the delta to be larger
1064       ** than a literal insert.  So add the copy command to the delta.
1065       */
1066       if( bestCnt>0 ){
1067         if( bestLitsz>0 ){
1068           /* Add an insert command before the copy */
1069           putInt(bestLitsz,&zDelta);
1070           *(zDelta++) = ':';
1071           memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], bestLitsz);
1072           zDelta += bestLitsz;
1073           base += bestLitsz;
1074         }
1075         base += bestCnt;
1076         putInt(bestCnt, &zDelta);
1077         *(zDelta++) = '@';
1078         putInt(bestOfst, &zDelta);
1079         *(zDelta++) = ',';
1080         if( bestOfst + bestCnt -1 > lastRead ){
1081           lastRead = bestOfst + bestCnt - 1;
1082         }
1083         bestCnt = 0;
1084         break;
1085       }
1087       /* If we reach this point, it means no match is found so far */
1088       if( base+i+NHASH>=lenOut ){
1089         /* We have reached the end of the file and have not found any
1090         ** matches.  Do an "insert" for everything that does not match */
1091         putInt(lenOut-base, &zDelta);
1092         *(zDelta++) = ':';
1093         memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], lenOut-base);
1094         zDelta += lenOut-base;
1095         base = lenOut;
1096         break;
1097       }
1099       /* Advance the hash by one character.  Keep looking for a match */
1100       hash_next(&h, zOut[base+i+NHASH]);
1101       i++;
1102     }
1103   }
1104   /* Output a final "insert" record to get all the text at the end of
1105   ** the file that does not match anything in the source file.
1106   */
1107   if( base<lenOut ){
1108     putInt(lenOut-base, &zDelta);
1109     *(zDelta++) = ':';
1110     memcpy(zDelta, &zOut[base], lenOut-base);
1111     zDelta += lenOut-base;
1112   }
1113   /* Output the final checksum record. */
1114   putInt(checksum(zOut, lenOut), &zDelta);
1115   *(zDelta++) = ';';
1116   sqlite3_free(collide);
1117   return (int)(zDelta - zOrigDelta);
1118 }
1120 /*
1121 ** End of code copied from fossil.
1122 **************************************************************************/
strPrintfArray(Str * pStr,const char * zSep,const char * zFmt,char ** az,int n)1124 static void strPrintfArray(
1125   Str *pStr,                      /* String object to append to */
1126   const char *zSep,               /* Separator string */
1127   const char *zFmt,               /* Format for each entry */
1128   char **az, int n                /* Array of strings & its size (or -1) */
1129 ){
1130   int i;
1131   for(i=0; az[i] && (i<n || n<0); i++){
1132     if( i!=0 ) strPrintf(pStr, "%s", zSep);
1133     strPrintf(pStr, zFmt, az[i], az[i], az[i]);
1134   }
1135 }
getRbudiffQuery(const char * zTab,char ** azCol,int nPK,int bOtaRowid,Str * pSql)1137 static void getRbudiffQuery(
1138   const char *zTab,
1139   char **azCol,
1140   int nPK,
1141   int bOtaRowid,
1142   Str *pSql
1143 ){
1144   int i;
1146   /* First the newly inserted rows: **/
1147   strPrintf(pSql, "SELECT ");
1148   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "%s", azCol, -1);
1149   strPrintf(pSql, ", 0, ");       /* Set ota_control to 0 for an insert */
1150   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, -1);
1151   strPrintf(pSql, " FROM aux.%Q AS n WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n", zTab);
1152   strPrintf(pSql, "    SELECT 1 FROM ", zTab);
1153   strPrintf(pSql, " main.%Q AS o WHERE ", zTab);
1154   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1155   strPrintf(pSql, "\n) AND ");
1156   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q IS NOT NULL)", azCol, nPK);
1158   /* Deleted rows: */
1159   strPrintf(pSql, "\nUNION ALL\nSELECT ");
1160   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "%s", azCol, nPK);
1161   if( azCol[nPK] ){
1162     strPrintf(pSql, ", ");
1163     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", &azCol[nPK], -1);
1164   }
1165   strPrintf(pSql, ", 1, ");       /* Set ota_control to 1 for a delete */
1166   strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, -1);
1167   strPrintf(pSql, " FROM main.%Q AS n WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n", zTab);
1168   strPrintf(pSql, "    SELECT 1 FROM ", zTab);
1169   strPrintf(pSql, " aux.%Q AS o WHERE ", zTab);
1170   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1171   strPrintf(pSql, "\n) AND ");
1172   strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q IS NOT NULL)", azCol, nPK);
1174   /* Updated rows. If all table columns are part of the primary key, there
1175   ** can be no updates. In this case this part of the compound SELECT can
1176   ** be omitted altogether. */
1177   if( azCol[nPK] ){
1178     strPrintf(pSql, "\nUNION ALL\nSELECT ");
1179     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "n.%s", azCol, nPK);
1180     strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1181     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ,\n",
1182         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN NULL ELSE n.%s END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1183     );
1185     if( bOtaRowid==0 ){
1186       strPrintf(pSql, ", '");
1187       strPrintfArray(pSql, "", ".", azCol, nPK);
1188       strPrintf(pSql, "' ||\n");
1189     }else{
1190       strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1191     }
1192     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ||\n",
1193         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN '.' ELSE 'x' END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1194     );
1195     strPrintf(pSql, "\nAS ota_control, ");
1196     strPrintfArray(pSql, ", ", "NULL", azCol, nPK);
1197     strPrintf(pSql, ",\n");
1198     strPrintfArray(pSql, " ,\n",
1199         "    CASE WHEN n.%s IS o.%s THEN NULL ELSE o.%s END", &azCol[nPK], -1
1200     );
1202     strPrintf(pSql, "\nFROM main.%Q AS o, aux.%Q AS n\nWHERE ", zTab, zTab);
1203     strPrintfArray(pSql, " AND ", "(n.%Q = o.%Q)", azCol, nPK);
1204     strPrintf(pSql, " AND ota_control LIKE '%%x%%'");
1205   }
1207   /* Now add an ORDER BY clause to sort everything by PK. */
1208   strPrintf(pSql, "\nORDER BY ");
1209   for(i=1; i<=nPK; i++) strPrintf(pSql, "%s%d", ((i>1)?", ":""), i);
1210 }
rbudiff_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1212 static void rbudiff_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1213   int bOtaRowid;                  /* True to use an ota_rowid column */
1214   int nPK;                        /* Number of primary key columns in table */
1215   char **azCol;                   /* NULL terminated array of col names */
1216   int i;
1217   int nCol;
1218   Str ct = {0, 0, 0};             /* The "CREATE TABLE data_xxx" statement */
1219   Str sql = {0, 0, 0};            /* Query to find differences */
1220   Str insert = {0, 0, 0};         /* First part of output INSERT statement */
1221   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
1222   int nRow = 0;                   /* Total rows in data_xxx table */
1224   /* --rbu mode must use real primary keys. */
1225   g.bSchemaPK = 1;
1227   /* Check that the schemas of the two tables match. Exit early otherwise. */
1228   checkSchemasMatch(zTab);
1230   /* Grab the column names and PK details for the table(s). If no usable PK
1231   ** columns are found, bail out early.  */
1232   azCol = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPK, &bOtaRowid);
1233   if( azCol==0 ){
1234     runtimeError("table %s has no usable PK columns", zTab);
1235   }
1236   for(nCol=0; azCol[nCol]; nCol++);
1238   /* Build and output the CREATE TABLE statement for the data_xxx table */
1239   strPrintf(&ct, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'data_%q'(", zTab);
1240   if( bOtaRowid ) strPrintf(&ct, "rbu_rowid, ");
1241   strPrintfArray(&ct, ", ", "%s", &azCol[bOtaRowid], -1);
1242   strPrintf(&ct, ", rbu_control);");
1244   /* Get the SQL for the query to retrieve data from the two databases */
1245   getRbudiffQuery(zTab, azCol, nPK, bOtaRowid, &sql);
1247   /* Build the first part of the INSERT statement output for each row
1248   ** in the data_xxx table. */
1249   strPrintf(&insert, "INSERT INTO 'data_%q' (", zTab);
1250   if( bOtaRowid ) strPrintf(&insert, "rbu_rowid, ");
1251   strPrintfArray(&insert, ", ", "%s", &azCol[bOtaRowid], -1);
1252   strPrintf(&insert, ", rbu_control) VALUES(");
1254   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1256   while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
1258     /* If this is the first row output, print out the CREATE TABLE
1259     ** statement first. And then set ct.z to NULL so that it is not
1260     ** printed again.  */
1261     if( ct.z ){
1262       fprintf(out, "%s\n", ct.z);
1263       strFree(&ct);
1264     }
1266     /* Output the first part of the INSERT statement */
1267     fprintf(out, "%s", insert.z);
1268     nRow++;
1270     if( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, nCol)==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
1271       for(i=0; i<=nCol; i++){
1272         if( i>0 ) fprintf(out, ", ");
1273         printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt, i));
1274       }
1275     }else{
1276       char *zOtaControl;
1277       int nOtaControl = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, nCol);
1279       zOtaControl = (char*)sqlite3_malloc(nOtaControl+1);
1280       memcpy(zOtaControl, sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, nCol), nOtaControl+1);
1282       for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1283         int bDone = 0;
1284         if( i>=nPK
1285             && sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, i)==SQLITE_BLOB
1286             && sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, nCol+1+i)==SQLITE_BLOB
1287         ){
1288           const char *aSrc = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, nCol+1+i);
1289           int nSrc = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, nCol+1+i);
1290           const char *aFinal = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, i);
1291           int nFinal = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i);
1292           char *aDelta;
1293           int nDelta;
1295           aDelta = sqlite3_malloc(nFinal + 60);
1296           nDelta = rbuDeltaCreate(aSrc, nSrc, aFinal, nFinal, aDelta);
1297           if( nDelta<nFinal ){
1298             int j;
1299             fprintf(out, "x'");
1300             for(j=0; j<nDelta; j++) fprintf(out, "%02x", (u8)aDelta[j]);
1301             fprintf(out, "'");
1302             zOtaControl[i-bOtaRowid] = 'f';
1303             bDone = 1;
1304           }
1305           sqlite3_free(aDelta);
1306         }
1308         if( bDone==0 ){
1309           printQuoted(out, sqlite3_column_value(pStmt, i));
1310         }
1311         fprintf(out, ", ");
1312       }
1313       fprintf(out, "'%s'", zOtaControl);
1314       sqlite3_free(zOtaControl);
1315     }
1317     /* And the closing bracket of the insert statement */
1318     fprintf(out, ");\n");
1319   }
1321   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1322   if( nRow>0 ){
1323     Str cnt = {0, 0, 0};
1324     strPrintf(&cnt, "INSERT INTO rbu_count VALUES('data_%q', %d);", zTab, nRow);
1325     fprintf(out, "%s\n", cnt.z);
1326     strFree(&cnt);
1327   }
1329   strFree(&ct);
1330   strFree(&sql);
1331   strFree(&insert);
1332 }
1334 /*
1335 ** Display a summary of differences between two versions of the same
1336 ** table table.
1337 **
1338 **   *  Number of rows changed
1339 **   *  Number of rows added
1340 **   *  Number of rows deleted
1341 **   *  Number of identical rows
1342 */
summarize_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1343 static void summarize_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1344   char *zId = safeId(zTab); /* Name of table (translated for us in SQL) */
1345   char **az = 0;            /* Columns in main */
1346   char **az2 = 0;           /* Columns in aux */
1347   int nPk;                  /* Primary key columns in main */
1348   int nPk2;                 /* Primary key columns in aux */
1349   int n = 0;                /* Number of columns in main */
1350   int n2;                   /* Number of columns in aux */
1351   int i;                    /* Loop counter */
1352   const char *zSep;         /* Separator string */
1353   Str sql;                  /* Comparison query */
1354   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;      /* Query statement to do the diff */
1355   sqlite3_int64 nUpdate;    /* Number of updated rows */
1356   sqlite3_int64 nUnchanged; /* Number of unmodified rows */
1357   sqlite3_int64 nDelete;    /* Number of deleted rows */
1358   sqlite3_int64 nInsert;    /* Number of inserted rows */
1360   strInit(&sql);
1361   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"aux",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1362     if( !sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1363       /* Table missing from second database. */
1364       fprintf(out, "%s: missing from second database\n", zTab);
1365     }
1366     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1367   }
1369   if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(g.db,"main",zTab,0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
1370     /* Table missing from source */
1371     fprintf(out, "%s: missing from first database\n", zTab);
1372     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1373   }
1375   az = columnNames("main", zTab, &nPk, 0);
1376   az2 = columnNames("aux", zTab, &nPk2, 0);
1377   if( az && az2 ){
1378     for(n=0; az[n]; n++){
1379       if( sqlite3_stricmp(az[n],az2[n])!=0 ) break;
1380     }
1381   }
1382   if( az==0
1383    || az2==0
1384    || nPk!=nPk2
1385    || az[n]
1386   ){
1387     /* Schema mismatch */
1388     fprintf(out, "%s: incompatible schema\n", zTab);
1389     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1390   }
1392   /* Build the comparison query */
1393   for(n2=n; az[n2]; n2++){}
1394   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 1, count(*)");
1395   if( n2==nPk2 ){
1396     strPrintf(&sql, ", 0\n");
1397   }else{
1398     zSep = ", sum(";
1399     for(i=nPk; az[i]; i++){
1400       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1401       zSep = " OR ";
1402     }
1403     strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1404   }
1405   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
1406   zSep = " WHERE";
1407   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1408     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1409     zSep = " AND";
1410   }
1411   strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
1412   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 2, count(*), 0\n");
1413   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1414   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B ", zId);
1415   zSep = "WHERE";
1416   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1417     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1418     zSep = " AND";
1419   }
1420   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1421   strPrintf(&sql, " UNION ALL\n");
1422   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT 3, count(*), 0\n");
1423   strPrintf(&sql, "  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1424   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A ", zId);
1425   zSep = "WHERE";
1426   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1427     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, az[i], az[i]);
1428     zSep = " AND";
1429   }
1430   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n ORDER BY 1;\n");
1432   if( (g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL)!=0 ){
1433     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
1434     goto end_summarize_one_table;
1435   }
1437   /* Run the query and output difference summary */
1438   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1439   nUpdate = 0;
1440   nInsert = 0;
1441   nDelete = 0;
1442   nUnchanged = 0;
1443   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1444     switch( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0) ){
1445       case 1:
1446         nUpdate = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,2);
1447         nUnchanged = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1) - nUpdate;
1448         break;
1449       case 2:
1450         nDelete = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1);
1451         break;
1452       case 3:
1453         nInsert = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,1);
1454         break;
1455     }
1456   }
1457   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1458   fprintf(out, "%s: %lld changes, %lld inserts, %lld deletes, %lld unchanged\n",
1459           zTab, nUpdate, nInsert, nDelete, nUnchanged);
1461 end_summarize_one_table:
1462   strFree(&sql);
1463   sqlite3_free(zId);
1464   namelistFree(az);
1465   namelistFree(az2);
1466   return;
1467 }
1469 /*
1470 ** Write a 64-bit signed integer as a varint onto out
1471 */
putsVarint(FILE * out,sqlite3_uint64 v)1472 static void putsVarint(FILE *out, sqlite3_uint64 v){
1473   int i, n;
1474   unsigned char p[12];
1475   if( v & (((sqlite3_uint64)0xff000000)<<32) ){
1476     p[8] = (unsigned char)v;
1477     v >>= 8;
1478     for(i=7; i>=0; i--){
1479       p[i] = (unsigned char)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
1480       v >>= 7;
1481     }
1482     fwrite(p, 8, 1, out);
1483   }else{
1484     n = 9;
1485     do{
1486       p[n--] = (unsigned char)((v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
1487       v >>= 7;
1488     }while( v!=0 );
1489     p[9] &= 0x7f;
1490     fwrite(p+n+1, 9-n, 1, out);
1491   }
1492 }
1494 /*
1495 ** Write an SQLite value onto out.
1496 */
putValue(FILE * out,sqlite3_stmt * pStmt,int k)1497 static void putValue(FILE *out, sqlite3_stmt *pStmt, int k){
1498   int iDType = sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, k);
1499   sqlite3_int64 iX;
1500   double rX;
1501   sqlite3_uint64 uX;
1502   int j;
1504   putc(iDType, out);
1505   switch( iDType ){
1506     case SQLITE_INTEGER:
1507       iX = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt, k);
1508       memcpy(&uX, &iX, 8);
1509       for(j=56; j>=0; j-=8) putc((uX>>j)&0xff, out);
1510       break;
1511     case SQLITE_FLOAT:
1512       rX = sqlite3_column_double(pStmt, k);
1513       memcpy(&uX, &rX, 8);
1514       for(j=56; j>=0; j-=8) putc((uX>>j)&0xff, out);
1515       break;
1516     case SQLITE_TEXT:
1517       iX = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, k);
1518       putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)iX);
1519       fwrite(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, k),1,(size_t)iX,out);
1520       break;
1521     case SQLITE_BLOB:
1522       iX = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, k);
1523       putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)iX);
1524       fwrite(sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, k),1,(size_t)iX,out);
1525       break;
1526     case SQLITE_NULL:
1527       break;
1528   }
1529 }
1531 /*
1532 ** Generate a CHANGESET for all differences from main.zTab to aux.zTab.
1533 */
changeset_one_table(const char * zTab,FILE * out)1534 static void changeset_one_table(const char *zTab, FILE *out){
1535   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;          /* SQL statment */
1536   char *zId = safeId(zTab);     /* Escaped name of the table */
1537   char **azCol = 0;             /* List of escaped column names */
1538   int nCol = 0;                 /* Number of columns */
1539   int *aiFlg = 0;               /* 0 if column is not part of PK */
1540   int *aiPk = 0;                /* Column numbers for each PK column */
1541   int nPk = 0;                  /* Number of PRIMARY KEY columns */
1542   Str sql;                      /* SQL for the diff query */
1543   int i, k;                     /* Loop counters */
1544   const char *zSep;             /* List separator */
1546   /* Check that the schemas of the two tables match. Exit early otherwise. */
1547   checkSchemasMatch(zTab);
1548   strInit(&sql);
1550   pStmt = db_prepare("PRAGMA main.table_info=%Q", zTab);
1551   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1552     nCol++;
1553     azCol = sqlite3_realloc(azCol, sizeof(char*)*nCol);
1554     if( azCol==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1555     aiFlg = sqlite3_realloc(aiFlg, sizeof(int)*nCol);
1556     if( aiFlg==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1557     azCol[nCol-1] = safeId((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
1558     aiFlg[nCol-1] = i = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5);
1559     if( i>0 ){
1560       if( i>nPk ){
1561         nPk = i;
1562         aiPk = sqlite3_realloc(aiPk, sizeof(int)*nPk);
1563         if( aiPk==0 ) runtimeError("out of memory");
1564       }
1565       aiPk[i-1] = nCol-1;
1566     }
1567   }
1568   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1569   if( nPk==0 ) goto end_changeset_one_table;
1570   if( nCol>nPk ){
1571     strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_UPDATE);
1572     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1573       if( aiFlg[i] ){
1574         strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s", azCol[i]);
1575       }else{
1576         strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s IS NOT B.%s, A.%s, B.%s",
1577                   azCol[i], azCol[i], azCol[i], azCol[i]);
1578       }
1579     }
1580     strPrintf(&sql,"\n  FROM main.%s A, aux.%s B\n", zId, zId);
1581     zSep = " WHERE";
1582     for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1583       strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1584       zSep = " AND";
1585     }
1586     zSep = "\n   AND (";
1587     for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1588       if( aiFlg[i] ) continue;
1589       strPrintf(&sql, "%sA.%s IS NOT B.%s", zSep, azCol[i], azCol[i]);
1590       zSep = " OR\n        ";
1591     }
1592     strPrintf(&sql,")\n UNION ALL\n");
1593   }
1594   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_DELETE);
1595   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1596     if( aiFlg[i] ){
1597       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       A.%s", azCol[i]);
1598     }else{
1599       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       1, A.%s, NULL", azCol[i]);
1600     }
1601   }
1602   strPrintf(&sql, "\n  FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1603   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1604   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
1605   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1606     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1607     zSep = " AND";
1608   }
1609   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n UNION ALL\n");
1610   strPrintf(&sql, "SELECT %d", SQLITE_INSERT);
1611   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1612     if( aiFlg[i] ){
1613       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       B.%s", azCol[i]);
1614     }else{
1615       strPrintf(&sql, ",\n       1, NULL, B.%s", azCol[i]);
1616     }
1617   }
1618   strPrintf(&sql, "\n  FROM aux.%s B\n", zId);
1619   strPrintf(&sql, " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM main.%s A\n", zId);
1620   zSep =          "                   WHERE";
1621   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1622     strPrintf(&sql, "%s A.%s=B.%s", zSep, azCol[aiPk[i]], azCol[aiPk[i]]);
1623     zSep = " AND";
1624   }
1625   strPrintf(&sql, ")\n");
1626   strPrintf(&sql, " ORDER BY");
1627   zSep = " ";
1628   for(i=0; i<nPk; i++){
1629     strPrintf(&sql, "%s %d", zSep, aiPk[i]+2);
1630     zSep = ",";
1631   }
1632   strPrintf(&sql, ";\n");
1634   if( g.fDebug & DEBUG_DIFF_SQL ){
1635     printf("SQL for %s:\n%s\n", zId, sql.z);
1636     goto end_changeset_one_table;
1637   }
1639   putc('T', out);
1640   putsVarint(out, (sqlite3_uint64)nCol);
1641   for(i=0; i<nCol; i++) putc(aiFlg[i], out);
1642   fwrite(zTab, 1, strlen(zTab), out);
1643   putc(0, out);
1645   pStmt = db_prepare("%s", sql.z);
1646   while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
1647     int iType = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0);
1648     putc(iType, out);
1649     putc(0, out);
1650     switch( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0) ){
1651       case SQLITE_UPDATE: {
1652         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1653           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1654             putValue(out, pStmt, k);
1655             k++;
1656           }else if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,k) ){
1657             putValue(out, pStmt, k+1);
1658             k += 3;
1659           }else{
1660             putc(0, out);
1661             k += 3;
1662           }
1663         }
1664         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1665           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1666             putc(0, out);
1667             k++;
1668           }else if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,k) ){
1669             putValue(out, pStmt, k+2);
1670             k += 3;
1671           }else{
1672             putc(0, out);
1673             k += 3;
1674           }
1675         }
1676         break;
1677       }
1678       case SQLITE_INSERT: {
1679         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1680           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1681             putValue(out, pStmt, k);
1682             k++;
1683           }else{
1684             putValue(out, pStmt, k+2);
1685             k += 3;
1686           }
1687         }
1688         break;
1689       }
1690       case SQLITE_DELETE: {
1691         for(k=1, i=0; i<nCol; i++){
1692           if( aiFlg[i] ){
1693             putValue(out, pStmt, k);
1694             k++;
1695           }else{
1696             putValue(out, pStmt, k+1);
1697             k += 3;
1698           }
1699         }
1700         break;
1701       }
1702     }
1703   }
1704   sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
1706 end_changeset_one_table:
1707   while( nCol>0 ) sqlite3_free(azCol[--nCol]);
1708   sqlite3_free(azCol);
1709   sqlite3_free(aiPk);
1710   sqlite3_free(zId);
1711   sqlite3_free(aiFlg);
1712   strFree(&sql);
1713 }
1715 /*
1716 ** Extract the next SQL keyword or quoted string from buffer zIn and copy it
1717 ** (or a prefix of it if it will not fit) into buffer zBuf, size nBuf bytes.
1718 ** Return a pointer to the character within zIn immediately following
1719 ** the token or quoted string just extracted.
1720 */
gobble_token(const char * zIn,char * zBuf,int nBuf)1721 const char *gobble_token(const char *zIn, char *zBuf, int nBuf){
1722   const char *p = zIn;
1723   char *pOut = zBuf;
1724   char *pEnd = &pOut[nBuf-1];
1725   char q = 0;                     /* quote character, if any */
1727   if( p==0 ) return 0;
1728   while( *p==' ' ) p++;
1729   switch( *p ){
1730     case '"': q = '"'; break;
1731     case '\'': q = '\''; break;
1732     case '`': q = '`'; break;
1733     case '[': q = ']'; break;
1734   }
1736   if( q ){
1737     p++;
1738     while( *p && pOut<pEnd ){
1739       if( *p==q ){
1740         p++;
1741         if( *p!=q ) break;
1742       }
1743       if( pOut<pEnd ) *pOut++ = *p;
1744       p++;
1745     }
1746   }else{
1747     while( *p && *p!=' ' && *p!='(' ){
1748       if( pOut<pEnd ) *pOut++ = *p;
1749       p++;
1750     }
1751   }
1753   *pOut = '\0';
1754   return p;
1755 }
1757 /*
1758 ** This function is the implementation of SQL scalar function "module_name":
1759 **
1760 **   module_name(SQL)
1761 **
1762 ** The only argument should be an SQL statement of the type that may appear
1763 ** in the sqlite_schema table. If the statement is a "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE"
1764 ** statement, then the value returned is the name of the module that it
1765 ** uses. Otherwise, if the statement is not a CVT, NULL is returned.
1766 */
module_name_func(sqlite3_context * pCtx,int nVal,sqlite3_value ** apVal)1767 static void module_name_func(
1768   sqlite3_context *pCtx,
1769   int nVal, sqlite3_value **apVal
1770 ){
1771   const char *zSql;
1772   char zToken[32];
1774   assert( nVal==1 );
1775   zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
1777   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1778   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "create") ) return;
1779   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1780   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "virtual") ) return;
1781   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1782   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "table") ) return;
1783   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1784   if( zSql==0 ) return;
1785   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1786   if( zSql==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zToken, "using") ) return;
1787   zSql = gobble_token(zSql, zToken, sizeof(zToken));
1789   sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, zToken, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
1790 }
1792 /*
1793 ** Return the text of an SQL statement that itself returns the list of
1794 ** tables to process within the database.
1795 */
all_tables_sql()1796 const char *all_tables_sql(){
1797   if( g.bHandleVtab ){
1798     int rc;
1800     rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db,
1801         "CREATE TEMP TABLE tblmap(module COLLATE nocase, postfix);"
1802         "INSERT INTO temp.tblmap VALUES"
1803         "('fts3', '_content'), ('fts3', '_segments'), ('fts3', '_segdir'),"
1805         "('fts4', '_content'), ('fts4', '_segments'), ('fts4', '_segdir'),"
1806         "('fts4', '_docsize'), ('fts4', '_stat'),"
1808         "('fts5', '_data'), ('fts5', '_idx'), ('fts5', '_content'),"
1809         "('fts5', '_docsize'), ('fts5', '_config'),"
1811         "('rtree', '_node'), ('rtree', '_rowid'), ('rtree', '_parent');"
1812         , 0, 0, 0
1813     );
1814     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1816     rc = sqlite3_create_function(
1817         g.db, "module_name", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, module_name_func, 0, 0
1818     );
1819     assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
1821     return
1822       "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_schema\n"
1823       " WHERE type='table' AND (\n"
1824       "    module_name(sql) IS NULL OR \n"
1825       "    module_name(sql) IN (SELECT module FROM temp.tblmap)\n"
1826       " ) AND name NOT IN (\n"
1827       "  SELECT a.name || b.postfix \n"
1828         "FROM main.sqlite_schema AS a, temp.tblmap AS b \n"
1829         "WHERE module_name(a.sql) = b.module\n"
1830       " )\n"
1831       "UNION \n"
1832       "SELECT name FROM aux.sqlite_schema\n"
1833       " WHERE type='table' AND (\n"
1834       "    module_name(sql) IS NULL OR \n"
1835       "    module_name(sql) IN (SELECT module FROM temp.tblmap)\n"
1836       " ) AND name NOT IN (\n"
1837       "  SELECT a.name || b.postfix \n"
1838         "FROM aux.sqlite_schema AS a, temp.tblmap AS b \n"
1839         "WHERE module_name(a.sql) = b.module\n"
1840       " )\n"
1841       " ORDER BY name";
1842   }else{
1843     return
1844       "SELECT name FROM main.sqlite_schema\n"
1845       " WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT LIKE 'CREATE VIRTUAL%%'\n"
1846       " UNION\n"
1847       "SELECT name FROM aux.sqlite_schema\n"
1848       " WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT LIKE 'CREATE VIRTUAL%%'\n"
1849       " ORDER BY name";
1850   }
1851 }
1853 /*
1854 ** Print sketchy documentation for this utility program
1855 */
showHelp(void)1856 static void showHelp(void){
1857   printf("Usage: %s [options] DB1 DB2\n", g.zArgv0);
1858   printf(
1859 "Output SQL text that would transform DB1 into DB2.\n"
1860 "Options:\n"
1861 "  --changeset FILE      Write a CHANGESET into FILE\n"
1862 "  -L|--lib LIBRARY      Load an SQLite extension library\n"
1863 "  --primarykey          Use schema-defined PRIMARY KEYs\n"
1864 "  --rbu                 Output SQL to create/populate RBU table(s)\n"
1865 "  --schema              Show only differences in the schema\n"
1866 "  --summary             Show only a summary of the differences\n"
1867 "  --table TAB           Show only differences in table TAB\n"
1868 "  --transaction         Show SQL output inside a transaction\n"
1869 "  --vtab                Handle fts3, fts4, fts5 and rtree tables\n"
1870   );
1871 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)1873 int main(int argc, char **argv){
1874   const char *zDb1 = 0;
1875   const char *zDb2 = 0;
1876   int i;
1877   int rc;
1878   char *zErrMsg = 0;
1879   char *zSql;
1880   sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
1881   char *zTab = 0;
1882   FILE *out = stdout;
1883   void (*xDiff)(const char*,FILE*) = diff_one_table;
1885   int nExt = 0;
1886   char **azExt = 0;
1887 #endif
1888   int useTransaction = 0;
1889   int neverUseTransaction = 0;
1891   g.zArgv0 = argv[0];
1892   sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD);
1893   for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
1894     const char *z = argv[i];
1895     if( z[0]=='-' ){
1896       z++;
1897       if( z[0]=='-' ) z++;
1898       if( strcmp(z,"changeset")==0 ){
1899         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1900         out = fopen(argv[++i], "wb");
1901         if( out==0 ) cmdlineError("cannot open: %s", argv[i]);
1902         xDiff = changeset_one_table;
1903         neverUseTransaction = 1;
1904       }else
1905       if( strcmp(z,"debug")==0 ){
1906         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1907         g.fDebug = strtol(argv[++i], 0, 0);
1908       }else
1909       if( strcmp(z,"help")==0 ){
1910         showHelp();
1911         return 0;
1912       }else
1914       if( strcmp(z,"lib")==0 || strcmp(z,"L")==0 ){
1915         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1916         azExt = realloc(azExt, sizeof(azExt[0])*(nExt+1));
1917         if( azExt==0 ) cmdlineError("out of memory");
1918         azExt[nExt++] = argv[++i];
1919       }else
1920 #endif
1921       if( strcmp(z,"primarykey")==0 ){
1922         g.bSchemaPK = 1;
1923       }else
1924       if( strcmp(z,"rbu")==0 ){
1925         xDiff = rbudiff_one_table;
1926       }else
1927       if( strcmp(z,"schema")==0 ){
1928         g.bSchemaOnly = 1;
1929       }else
1930       if( strcmp(z,"summary")==0 ){
1931         xDiff = summarize_one_table;
1932       }else
1933       if( strcmp(z,"table")==0 ){
1934         if( i==argc-1 ) cmdlineError("missing argument to %s", argv[i]);
1935         zTab = argv[++i];
1936       }else
1937       if( strcmp(z,"transaction")==0 ){
1938         useTransaction = 1;
1939       }else
1940       if( strcmp(z,"vtab")==0 ){
1941         g.bHandleVtab = 1;
1942       }else
1943       {
1944         cmdlineError("unknown option: %s", argv[i]);
1945       }
1946     }else if( zDb1==0 ){
1947       zDb1 = argv[i];
1948     }else if( zDb2==0 ){
1949       zDb2 = argv[i];
1950     }else{
1951       cmdlineError("unknown argument: %s", argv[i]);
1952     }
1953   }
1954   if( zDb2==0 ){
1955     cmdlineError("two database arguments required");
1956   }
1957   rc = sqlite3_open(zDb1, &g.db);
1958   if( rc ){
1959     cmdlineError("cannot open database file \"%s\"", zDb1);
1960   }
1961   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_schema", 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
1962   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1963     cmdlineError("\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid SQLite database", zDb1);
1964   }
1966   sqlite3_enable_load_extension(g.db, 1);
1967   for(i=0; i<nExt; i++){
1968     rc = sqlite3_load_extension(g.db, azExt[i], 0, &zErrMsg);
1969     if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1970       cmdlineError("error loading %s: %s", azExt[i], zErrMsg);
1971     }
1972   }
1973   free(azExt);
1974 #endif
1975   zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("ATTACH %Q as aux;", zDb2);
1976   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, zSql, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
1977   sqlite3_free(zSql);
1978   zSql = 0;
1979   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1980     cmdlineError("cannot attach database \"%s\"", zDb2);
1981   }
1982   rc = sqlite3_exec(g.db, "SELECT * FROM aux.sqlite_schema", 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
1983   if( rc || zErrMsg ){
1984     cmdlineError("\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid SQLite database", zDb2);
1985   }
1987   if( neverUseTransaction ) useTransaction = 0;
1988   if( useTransaction ) fprintf(out, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n");
1989   if( xDiff==rbudiff_one_table ){
1990     fprintf(out, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rbu_count"
1991            "(tbl TEXT PRIMARY KEY COLLATE NOCASE, cnt INTEGER) "
1992            "WITHOUT ROWID;\n"
1993     );
1994   }
1995   if( zTab ){
1996     xDiff(zTab, out);
1997   }else{
1998     /* Handle tables one by one */
1999     pStmt = db_prepare("%s", all_tables_sql() );
2000     while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
2001       xDiff((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0), out);
2002     }
2003     sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
2004   }
2005   if( useTransaction ) printf("COMMIT;\n");
2007   /* TBD: Handle trigger differences */
2008   /* TBD: Handle view differences */
2009   sqlite3_close(g.db);
2010   return 0;
2011 }