1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <stddef.h>
15 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <deque>
18 #include <queue>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
22 #include "rtc_base/random.h"
23 #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
25 namespace webrtc {
27 struct PacketInFlightInfo {
PacketInFlightInfoPacketInFlightInfo28   PacketInFlightInfo(size_t size, int64_t send_time_us, uint64_t packet_id)
29       : size(size), send_time_us(send_time_us), packet_id(packet_id) {}
31   size_t size;
32   int64_t send_time_us;
33   // Unique identifier for the packet in relation to other packets in flight.
34   uint64_t packet_id;
35 };
37 struct PacketDeliveryInfo {
38   static constexpr int kNotReceived = -1;
PacketDeliveryInfoPacketDeliveryInfo39   PacketDeliveryInfo(PacketInFlightInfo source, int64_t receive_time_us)
40       : receive_time_us(receive_time_us), packet_id(source.packet_id) {}
41   int64_t receive_time_us;
42   uint64_t packet_id;
43 };
45 // BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig is a built-in network behavior configuration
46 // for built-in network behavior that will be used by WebRTC if no custom
47 // NetworkBehaviorInterface is provided.
48 struct BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig {
BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfigBuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig49   BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig() {}
50   // Queue length in number of packets.
51   size_t queue_length_packets = 0;
52   // Delay in addition to capacity induced delay.
53   int queue_delay_ms = 0;
54   // Standard deviation of the extra delay.
55   int delay_standard_deviation_ms = 0;
56   // Link capacity in kbps.
57   int link_capacity_kbps = 0;
58   // Random packet loss.
59   int loss_percent = 0;
60   // If packets are allowed to be reordered.
61   bool allow_reordering = false;
62   // The average length of a burst of lost packets.
63   int avg_burst_loss_length = -1;
64   // Additional bytes to add to packet size.
65   int packet_overhead = 0;
66   // Enable CoDel active queue management.
67   bool codel_active_queue_management = false;
68 };
70 class NetworkBehaviorInterface {
71  public:
72   virtual bool EnqueuePacket(PacketInFlightInfo packet_info) = 0;
73   // Retrieves all packets that should be delivered by the given receive time.
74   virtual std::vector<PacketDeliveryInfo> DequeueDeliverablePackets(
75       int64_t receive_time_us) = 0;
76   // Returns time in microseconds when caller should call
77   // DequeueDeliverablePackets to get next set of packets to deliver.
78   virtual absl::optional<int64_t> NextDeliveryTimeUs() const = 0;
79   virtual ~NetworkBehaviorInterface() = default;
80 };
82 // Class simulating a network link. This is a simple and naive solution just
83 // faking capacity and adding an extra transport delay in addition to the
84 // capacity introduced delay.
85 class SimulatedNetworkInterface : public NetworkBehaviorInterface {
86  public:
87   // Sets a new configuration. This won't affect packets already in the pipe.
88   virtual void SetConfig(const BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig& config) = 0;
89   virtual void UpdateConfig(
90       std::function<void(BuiltInNetworkBehaviorConfig*)> config_modifier) = 0;
91   virtual void PauseTransmissionUntil(int64_t until_us) = 0;
92 };
94 }  // namespace webrtc