1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <stddef.h>
15 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/opus_inst.h"
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 // Opaque wrapper types for the codec state.
24 typedef struct WebRtcOpusEncInst OpusEncInst;
25 typedef struct WebRtcOpusDecInst OpusDecInst;
27 /****************************************************************************
28  * WebRtcOpus_EncoderCreate(...)
29  *
30  * This function creates an Opus encoder that encodes mono or stereo.
31  *
32  * Input:
33  *      - channels           : number of channels; 1 or 2.
34  *      - application        : 0 - VOIP applications.
35  *                                 Favor speech intelligibility.
36  *                             1 - Audio applications.
37  *                                 Favor faithfulness to the original input.
38  *      - sample_rate_hz     : sample rate of input audio
39  *
40  * Output:
41  *      - inst               : a pointer to Encoder context that is created
42  *                             if success.
43  *
44  * Return value              : 0 - Success
45  *                            -1 - Error
46  */
47 int16_t WebRtcOpus_EncoderCreate(OpusEncInst** inst,
48                                  size_t channels,
49                                  int32_t application,
50                                  int sample_rate_hz);
52 /****************************************************************************
53  * WebRtcOpus_MultistreamEncoderCreate(...)
54  *
55  * This function creates an Opus encoder with any supported channel count.
56  *
57  * Input:
58  *      - channels           : number of channels in the input of the encoder.
59  *      - application        : 0 - VOIP applications.
60  *                                 Favor speech intelligibility.
61  *                             1 - Audio applications.
62  *                                 Favor faithfulness to the original input.
63  *      - streams            : number of streams, as described in RFC 7845.
64  *      - coupled_streams    : number of coupled streams, as described in
65  *                             RFC 7845.
66  *      - channel_mapping    : the channel mapping; pointer to array of
67  *                             `channel` bytes, as described in RFC 7845.
68  *
69  * Output:
70  *      - inst               : a pointer to Encoder context that is created
71  *                             if success.
72  *
73  * Return value              : 0 - Success
74  *                            -1 - Error
75  */
76 int16_t WebRtcOpus_MultistreamEncoderCreate(
77     OpusEncInst** inst,
78     size_t channels,
79     int32_t application,
80     size_t streams,
81     size_t coupled_streams,
82     const unsigned char* channel_mapping);
84 int16_t WebRtcOpus_EncoderFree(OpusEncInst* inst);
86 /****************************************************************************
87  * WebRtcOpus_Encode(...)
88  *
89  * This function encodes audio as a series of Opus frames and inserts
90  * it into a packet. Input buffer can be any length.
91  *
92  * Input:
93  *      - inst                  : Encoder context
94  *      - audio_in              : Input speech data buffer
95  *      - samples               : Samples per channel in audio_in
96  *      - length_encoded_buffer : Output buffer size
97  *
98  * Output:
99  *      - encoded               : Output compressed data buffer
100  *
101  * Return value                 : >=0 - Length (in bytes) of coded data
102  *                                -1 - Error
103  */
104 int WebRtcOpus_Encode(OpusEncInst* inst,
105                       const int16_t* audio_in,
106                       size_t samples,
107                       size_t length_encoded_buffer,
108                       uint8_t* encoded);
110 /****************************************************************************
111  * WebRtcOpus_SetBitRate(...)
112  *
113  * This function adjusts the target bitrate of the encoder.
114  *
115  * Input:
116  *      - inst               : Encoder context
117  *      - rate               : New target bitrate
118  *
119  * Return value              :  0 - Success
120  *                             -1 - Error
121  */
122 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetBitRate(OpusEncInst* inst, int32_t rate);
124 /****************************************************************************
125  * WebRtcOpus_SetPacketLossRate(...)
126  *
127  * This function configures the encoder's expected packet loss percentage.
128  *
129  * Input:
130  *      - inst               : Encoder context
131  *      - loss_rate          : loss percentage in the range 0-100, inclusive.
132  * Return value              :  0 - Success
133  *                             -1 - Error
134  */
135 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetPacketLossRate(OpusEncInst* inst, int32_t loss_rate);
137 /****************************************************************************
138  * WebRtcOpus_SetMaxPlaybackRate(...)
139  *
140  * Configures the maximum playback rate for encoding. Due to hardware
141  * limitations, the receiver may render audio up to a playback rate. Opus
142  * encoder can use this information to optimize for network usage and encoding
143  * complexity. This will affect the audio bandwidth in the coded audio. However,
144  * the input/output sample rate is not affected.
145  *
146  * Input:
147  *      - inst               : Encoder context
148  *      - frequency_hz       : Maximum playback rate in Hz.
149  *                             This parameter can take any value. The relation
150  *                             between the value and the Opus internal mode is
151  *                             as following:
152  *                             frequency_hz <= 8000           narrow band
153  *                             8000 < frequency_hz <= 12000   medium band
154  *                             12000 < frequency_hz <= 16000  wide band
155  *                             16000 < frequency_hz <= 24000  super wide band
156  *                             frequency_hz > 24000           full band
157  * Return value              :  0 - Success
158  *                             -1 - Error
159  */
160 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetMaxPlaybackRate(OpusEncInst* inst, int32_t frequency_hz);
162 /****************************************************************************
163  * WebRtcOpus_GetMaxPlaybackRate(...)
164  *
165  * Queries the maximum playback rate for encoding. If different single-stream
166  * encoders have different maximum playback rates, this function fails.
167  *
168  * Input:
169  *      - inst               : Encoder context.
170  * Output:
171  *      - result_hz          : The maximum playback rate in Hz.
172  * Return value              :  0 - Success
173  *                             -1 - Error
174  */
175 int16_t WebRtcOpus_GetMaxPlaybackRate(OpusEncInst* const inst,
176                                       int32_t* result_hz);
178 /* TODO(minyue): Check whether an API to check the FEC and the packet loss rate
179  * is needed. It might not be very useful since there are not many use cases and
180  * the caller can always maintain the states. */
182 /****************************************************************************
183  * WebRtcOpus_EnableFec()
184  *
185  * This function enables FEC for encoding.
186  *
187  * Input:
188  *      - inst               : Encoder context
189  *
190  * Return value              :  0 - Success
191  *                             -1 - Error
192  */
193 int16_t WebRtcOpus_EnableFec(OpusEncInst* inst);
195 /****************************************************************************
196  * WebRtcOpus_DisableFec()
197  *
198  * This function disables FEC for encoding.
199  *
200  * Input:
201  *      - inst               : Encoder context
202  *
203  * Return value              :  0 - Success
204  *                             -1 - Error
205  */
206 int16_t WebRtcOpus_DisableFec(OpusEncInst* inst);
208 /****************************************************************************
209  * WebRtcOpus_EnableDtx()
210  *
211  * This function enables Opus internal DTX for encoding.
212  *
213  * Input:
214  *      - inst               : Encoder context
215  *
216  * Return value              :  0 - Success
217  *                             -1 - Error
218  */
219 int16_t WebRtcOpus_EnableDtx(OpusEncInst* inst);
221 /****************************************************************************
222  * WebRtcOpus_DisableDtx()
223  *
224  * This function disables Opus internal DTX for encoding.
225  *
226  * Input:
227  *      - inst               : Encoder context
228  *
229  * Return value              :  0 - Success
230  *                             -1 - Error
231  */
232 int16_t WebRtcOpus_DisableDtx(OpusEncInst* inst);
234 /****************************************************************************
235  * WebRtcOpus_EnableCbr()
236  *
237  * This function enables CBR for encoding.
238  *
239  * Input:
240  *      - inst               : Encoder context
241  *
242  * Return value              :  0 - Success
243  *                             -1 - Error
244  */
245 int16_t WebRtcOpus_EnableCbr(OpusEncInst* inst);
247 /****************************************************************************
248  * WebRtcOpus_DisableCbr()
249  *
250  * This function disables CBR for encoding.
251  *
252  * Input:
253  *      - inst               : Encoder context
254  *
255  * Return value              :  0 - Success
256  *                             -1 - Error
257  */
258 int16_t WebRtcOpus_DisableCbr(OpusEncInst* inst);
260 /*
261  * WebRtcOpus_SetComplexity(...)
262  *
263  * This function adjusts the computational complexity. The effect is the same as
264  * calling the complexity setting of Opus as an Opus encoder related CTL.
265  *
266  * Input:
267  *      - inst               : Encoder context
268  *      - complexity         : New target complexity (0-10, inclusive)
269  *
270  * Return value              :  0 - Success
271  *                             -1 - Error
272  */
273 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetComplexity(OpusEncInst* inst, int32_t complexity);
275 /*
276  * WebRtcOpus_GetBandwidth(...)
277  *
278  * This function returns the current bandwidth.
279  *
280  * Input:
281  *      - inst               : Encoder context
282  *
283  * Return value              :  Bandwidth - Success
284  *                             -1 - Error
285  */
286 int32_t WebRtcOpus_GetBandwidth(OpusEncInst* inst);
288 /*
289  * WebRtcOpus_SetBandwidth(...)
290  *
291  * By default Opus decides which bandwidth to encode the signal in depending on
292  * the the bitrate. This function overrules the previous setting and forces the
293  * encoder to encode in narrowband/wideband/fullband/etc.
294  *
295  * Input:
296  *      - inst               : Encoder context
297  *      - bandwidth          : New target bandwidth. Valid values are:
298  *                             OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND
299  *                             OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND
300  *                             OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND
301  *                             OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND
302  *                             OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND
303  *
304  * Return value              :  0 - Success
305  *                             -1 - Error
306  */
307 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetBandwidth(OpusEncInst* inst, int32_t bandwidth);
309 /*
310  * WebRtcOpus_GetInDtx(...)
311  *
312  * Gets the DTX state of the encoder.
313  *
314  * Input:
315  *      - inst   : Encoder context
316  *
317  * Return value  : -1 - Error.
318  *                 1  - Last encoded frame was comfort noise update during DTX.
319  *                 0  - Last encoded frame was encoded with encoder not in DTX.
320  */
321 int32_t WebRtcOpus_GetInDtx(OpusEncInst* inst);
323 /*
324  * WebRtcOpus_SetForceChannels(...)
325  *
326  * If the encoder is initialized as a stereo encoder, Opus will by default
327  * decide whether to encode in mono or stereo based on the bitrate. This
328  * function overrules the previous setting, and forces the encoder to encode
329  * in auto/mono/stereo.
330  *
331  * If the Encoder is initialized as a mono encoder, and one tries to force
332  * stereo, the function will return an error.
333  *
334  * Input:
335  *      - inst               : Encoder context
336  *      - num_channels       : 0 - Not forced
337  *                             1 - Mono
338  *                             2 - Stereo
339  *
340  * Return value              :  0 - Success
341  *                             -1 - Error
342  */
343 int16_t WebRtcOpus_SetForceChannels(OpusEncInst* inst, size_t num_channels);
345 int16_t WebRtcOpus_DecoderCreate(OpusDecInst** inst,
346                                  size_t channels,
347                                  int sample_rate_hz);
349 /****************************************************************************
350  * WebRtcOpus_MultistreamDecoderCreate(...)
351  *
352  * This function creates an Opus decoder with any supported channel count.
353  *
354  * Input:
355  *      - channels           : number of output channels that the decoder
356  *                             will produce.
357  *      - streams            : number of encoded streams, as described in
358  *                             RFC 7845.
359  *      - coupled_streams    : number of coupled streams, as described in
360  *                             RFC 7845.
361  *      - channel_mapping    : the channel mapping; pointer to array of
362  *                             `channel` bytes, as described in RFC 7845.
363  *
364  * Output:
365  *      - inst               : a pointer to a Decoder context that is created
366  *                             if success.
367  *
368  * Return value              : 0 - Success
369  *                            -1 - Error
370  */
371 int16_t WebRtcOpus_MultistreamDecoderCreate(
372     OpusDecInst** inst,
373     size_t channels,
374     size_t streams,
375     size_t coupled_streams,
376     const unsigned char* channel_mapping);
378 int16_t WebRtcOpus_DecoderFree(OpusDecInst* inst);
380 /****************************************************************************
381  * WebRtcOpus_DecoderChannels(...)
382  *
383  * This function returns the number of channels created for Opus decoder.
384  */
385 size_t WebRtcOpus_DecoderChannels(OpusDecInst* inst);
387 /****************************************************************************
388  * WebRtcOpus_DecoderInit(...)
389  *
390  * This function resets state of the decoder.
391  *
392  * Input:
393  *      - inst               : Decoder context
394  */
395 void WebRtcOpus_DecoderInit(OpusDecInst* inst);
397 /****************************************************************************
398  * WebRtcOpus_Decode(...)
399  *
400  * This function decodes an Opus packet into one or more audio frames at the
401  * ACM interface's sampling rate (32 kHz).
402  *
403  * Input:
404  *      - inst               : Decoder context
405  *      - encoded            : Encoded data
406  *      - encoded_bytes      : Bytes in encoded vector
407  *
408  * Output:
409  *      - decoded            : The decoded vector
410  *      - audio_type         : 1 normal, 2 CNG (for Opus it should
411  *                             always return 1 since we're not using Opus's
412  *                             built-in DTX/CNG scheme)
413  *
414  * Return value              : >0 - Samples per channel in decoded vector
415  *                             -1 - Error
416  */
417 int WebRtcOpus_Decode(OpusDecInst* inst,
418                       const uint8_t* encoded,
419                       size_t encoded_bytes,
420                       int16_t* decoded,
421                       int16_t* audio_type);
423 /****************************************************************************
424  * WebRtcOpus_DecodeFec(...)
425  *
426  * This function decodes the FEC data from an Opus packet into one or more audio
427  * frames at the ACM interface's sampling rate (32 kHz).
428  *
429  * Input:
430  *      - inst               : Decoder context
431  *      - encoded            : Encoded data
432  *      - encoded_bytes      : Bytes in encoded vector
433  *
434  * Output:
435  *      - decoded            : The decoded vector (previous frame)
436  *
437  * Return value              : >0 - Samples per channel in decoded vector
438  *                              0 - No FEC data in the packet
439  *                             -1 - Error
440  */
441 int WebRtcOpus_DecodeFec(OpusDecInst* inst,
442                          const uint8_t* encoded,
443                          size_t encoded_bytes,
444                          int16_t* decoded,
445                          int16_t* audio_type);
447 /****************************************************************************
448  * WebRtcOpus_DurationEst(...)
449  *
450  * This function calculates the duration of an opus packet.
451  * Input:
452  *        - inst                 : Decoder context
453  *        - payload              : Encoded data pointer
454  *        - payload_length_bytes : Bytes of encoded data
455  *
456  * Return value                  : The duration of the packet, in samples per
457  *                                 channel.
458  */
459 int WebRtcOpus_DurationEst(OpusDecInst* inst,
460                            const uint8_t* payload,
461                            size_t payload_length_bytes);
463 /****************************************************************************
464  * WebRtcOpus_PlcDuration(...)
465  *
466  * This function calculates the duration of a frame returned by packet loss
467  * concealment (PLC).
468  *
469  * Input:
470  *        - inst                 : Decoder context
471  *
472  * Return value                  : The duration of a frame returned by PLC, in
473  *                                 samples per channel.
474  */
475 int WebRtcOpus_PlcDuration(OpusDecInst* inst);
477 /* TODO(minyue): Check whether it is needed to add a decoder context to the
478  * arguments, like WebRtcOpus_DurationEst(...). In fact, the packet itself tells
479  * the duration. The decoder context in WebRtcOpus_DurationEst(...) is not used.
480  * So it may be advisable to remove it from WebRtcOpus_DurationEst(...). */
482 /****************************************************************************
483  * WebRtcOpus_FecDurationEst(...)
484  *
485  * This function calculates the duration of the FEC data within an opus packet.
486  * Input:
487  *        - payload              : Encoded data pointer
488  *        - payload_length_bytes : Bytes of encoded data
489  *        - sample_rate_hz       : Sample rate of output audio
490  *
491  * Return value                  : >0 - The duration of the FEC data in the
492  *                                 packet in samples per channel.
493  *                                  0 - No FEC data in the packet.
494  */
495 int WebRtcOpus_FecDurationEst(const uint8_t* payload,
496                               size_t payload_length_bytes,
497                               int sample_rate_hz);
499 /****************************************************************************
500  * WebRtcOpus_PacketHasFec(...)
501  *
502  * This function detects if an opus packet has FEC.
503  * Input:
504  *        - payload              : Encoded data pointer
505  *        - payload_length_bytes : Bytes of encoded data
506  *
507  * Return value                  : 0 - the packet does NOT contain FEC.
508  *                                 1 - the packet contains FEC.
509  */
510 int WebRtcOpus_PacketHasFec(const uint8_t* payload,
511                             size_t payload_length_bytes);
513 /****************************************************************************
514  * WebRtcOpus_PacketHasVoiceActivity(...)
515  *
516  * This function returns the SILK VAD information encoded in the opus packet.
517  * For CELT-only packets that do not have VAD information, it returns -1.
518  * Input:
519  *        - payload              : Encoded data pointer
520  *        - payload_length_bytes : Bytes of encoded data
521  *
522  * Return value                  : 0 - no frame had the VAD flag set.
523  *                                 1 - at least one frame had the VAD flag set.
524  *                                -1 - VAD status could not be determined.
525  */
526 int WebRtcOpus_PacketHasVoiceActivity(const uint8_t* payload,
527                                       size_t payload_length_bytes);
529 #ifdef __cplusplus
530 }  // extern "C"
531 #endif