1 /*
2  * The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2012 Matthias S. Benkmann
5  *
6  * The "Software" in the following 2 paragraphs refers to this file containing
7  * the code to The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser.
8  * The "Software" does NOT refer to any other files which you
9  * may have received alongside this file (e.g. as part of a larger project that
10  * incorporates The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser).
11  *
12  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
13  * of this software, to deal in the Software without restriction, including
14  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
15  * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
16  * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
17  * conditions:
18  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
19  * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20  *
28  */
30 /*
31  * NOTE: It is recommended that you read the processed HTML doxygen documentation
32  * rather than this source. If you don't know doxygen, it's like javadoc for C++.
33  * If you don't want to install doxygen you can find a copy of the processed
34  * documentation at
35  *
36  * http://optionparser.sourceforge.net/
37  *
38  */
40 /**
41  * @file
42  *
43  * @brief This is the only file required to use The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser.
44  *        Just \#include it and you're set.
45  *
46  * The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser handles the program's command line arguments
47  * (argc, argv).
48  * It supports the short and long option formats of getopt(), getopt_long()
49  * and getopt_long_only() but has a more convenient interface.
50  * The following features set it apart from other option parsers:
51  *
52  * @par Highlights:
53  * <ul style="padding-left:1em;margin-left:0">
54  * <li> It is a header-only library. Just <code>\#include "optionparser.h"</code> and you're set.
55  * <li> It is freestanding. There are no dependencies whatsoever, not even the
56  *      C or C++ standard library.
57  * <li> It has a usage message formatter that supports column alignment and
58  *      line wrapping. This aids localization because it adapts to
59  *      translated strings that are shorter or longer (even if they contain
60  *      Asian wide characters).
61  * <li> Unlike getopt() and derivatives it doesn't force you to loop through
62  *     options sequentially. Instead you can access options directly like this:
63  *     <ul style="margin-top:.5em">
64  *     <li> Test for presence of a switch in the argument vector:
65  *      @code if ( options[QUIET] ) ... @endcode
66  *     <li> Evaluate --enable-foo/--disable-foo pair where the last one used wins:
67  *     @code if ( options[FOO].last()->type() == DISABLE ) ... @endcode
68  *     <li> Cumulative option (-v verbose, -vv more verbose, -vvv even more verbose):
69  *     @code int verbosity = options[VERBOSE].count(); @endcode
70  *     <li> Iterate over all --file=&lt;fname> arguments:
71  *     @code for (Option* opt = options[FILE]; opt; opt = opt->next())
72  *   fname = opt->arg; ... @endcode
73  *     <li> If you really want to, you can still process all arguments in order:
74  *     @code
75  *   for (int i = 0; i < p.optionsCount(); ++i) {
76  *     Option& opt = buffer[i];
77  *     switch(opt.index()) {
78  *       case HELP:    ...
79  *       case VERBOSE: ...
80  *       case FILE:    fname = opt.arg; ...
81  *       case UNKNOWN: ...
82  *     @endcode
83  *     </ul>
84  * </ul> @n
85  * Despite these features the code size remains tiny.
86  * It is smaller than <a href="http://uclibc.org">uClibc</a>'s GNU getopt() and just a
87  * couple 100 bytes larger than uClibc's SUSv3 getopt(). @n
88  * (This does not include the usage formatter, of course. But you don't have to use that.)
89  *
90  * @par Download:
91  * Tarball with examples and test programs:
92  * <a style="font-size:larger;font-weight:bold" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/optionparser/files/optionparser-1.4.tar.gz/download">optionparser-1.4.tar.gz</a> @n
93  * Just the header (this is all you really need):
94  * <a style="font-size:larger;font-weight:bold" href="http://optionparser.sourceforge.net/optionparser.h">optionparser.h</a>
95  *
96  * @par Changelog:
97  * <b>Version 1.4:</b> Fixed 2 printUsage() bugs that messed up output with small COLUMNS values @n
98  * <b>Version 1.3:</b> Compatible with Microsoft Visual C++. @n
99  * <b>Version 1.2:</b> Added @ref option::Option::namelen "Option::namelen" and removed the extraction
100  *                     of short option characters into a special buffer. @n
101  *                     Changed @ref option::Arg::Optional "Arg::Optional" to accept arguments if they are attached
102  *                     rather than separate. This is what GNU getopt() does and how POSIX recommends
103  *                     utilities should interpret their arguments.@n
104  * <b>Version 1.1:</b> Optional mode with argument reordering as done by GNU getopt(), so that
105  *                     options and non-options can be mixed. See
106  *                     @ref option::Parser::parse() "Parser::parse()".
107  *
108  * @par Feedback:
109  * Send questions, bug reports, feature requests etc. to: <tt><b>optionparser-feedback<span id="antispam">&nbsp;(a)&nbsp;</span>lists.sourceforge.net</b></tt>
110  * @htmlonly <script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("antispam").innerHTML="@"</script> @endhtmlonly
111  *
112  *
113  * @par Example program:
114  * (Note: @c option::* identifiers are links that take you to their documentation.)
115  * @code
117  * #include <iostream>
118  * #include "optionparser.h"
119  *
120  * enum  optionIndex { UNKNOWN, HELP, PLUS };
121  * const option::Descriptor usage[] =
122  * {
123  *  {UNKNOWN, 0,"" , ""    ,option::Arg::None, "USAGE: example [options]\n\n"
124  *                                             "Options:" },
125  *  {HELP,    0,"" , "help",option::Arg::None, "  --help  \tPrint usage and exit." },
126  *  {PLUS,    0,"p", "plus",option::Arg::None, "  --plus, -p  \tIncrement count." },
127  *  {UNKNOWN, 0,"" ,  ""   ,option::Arg::None, "\nExamples:\n"
128  *                                             "  example --unknown -- --this_is_no_option\n"
129  *                                             "  example -unk --plus -ppp file1 file2\n" },
130  *  {0,0,0,0,0,0}
131  * };
132  *
133  * int main(int argc, char* argv[])
134  * {
135  *   argc-=(argc>0); argv+=(argc>0); // skip program name argv[0] if present
136  *   option::Stats  stats(usage, argc, argv);
137  *   option::Option options[stats.options_max], buffer[stats.buffer_max];
138  *   option::Parser parse(usage, argc, argv, options, buffer);
139  *
140  *   if (parse.error())
141  *     return 1;
142  *
143  *   if (options[HELP] || argc == 0) {
144  *     option::printUsage(std::cout, usage);
145  *     return 0;
146  *   }
147  *
148  *   std::cout << "--plus count: " <<
149  *     options[PLUS].count() << "\n";
150  *
151  *   for (option::Option* opt = options[UNKNOWN]; opt; opt = opt->next())
152  *     std::cout << "Unknown option: " << opt->name << "\n";
153  *
154  *   for (int i = 0; i < parse.nonOptionsCount(); ++i)
155  *     std::cout << "Non-option #" << i << ": " << parse.nonOption(i) << "\n";
156  * }
157  * @endcode
158  *
159  * @par Option syntax:
160  * @li The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser follows POSIX <code>getopt()</code> conventions and supports
161  *     GNU-style <code>getopt_long()</code> long options as well as Perl-style single-minus
162  *     long options (<code>getopt_long_only()</code>).
163  * @li short options have the format @c -X where @c X is any character that fits in a char.
164  * @li short options can be grouped, i.e. <code>-X -Y</code> is equivalent to @c -XY.
165  * @li a short option may take an argument either separate (<code>-X foo</code>) or
166  *     attached (@c -Xfoo). You can make the parser accept the additional format @c -X=foo by
167  *     registering @c X as a long option (in addition to being a short option) and
168  *     enabling single-minus long options.
169  * @li an argument-taking short option may be grouped if it is the last in the group, e.g.
170  *     @c -ABCXfoo or <code> -ABCX foo </code> (@c foo is the argument to the @c -X option).
171  * @li a lone minus character @c '-' is not treated as an option. It is customarily used where
172  *     a file name is expected to refer to stdin or stdout.
173  * @li long options have the format @c --option-name.
174  * @li the option-name of a long option can be anything and include any characters.
175  *     Even @c = characters will work, but don't do that.
176  * @li [optional] long options may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous.
177  *     You can set a minimum length for abbreviations.
178  * @li [optional] long options may begin with a single minus. The double minus form is always
179  *     accepted, too.
180  * @li a long option may take an argument either separate (<code> --option arg </code>) or
181  *     attached (<code> --option=arg </code>). In the attached form the equals sign is mandatory.
182  * @li an empty string can be passed as an attached long option argument: <code> --option-name= </code>.
183  *     Note the distinction between an empty string as argument and no argument at all.
184  * @li an empty string is permitted as separate argument to both long and short options.
185  * @li Arguments to both short and long options may start with a @c '-' character. E.g.
186  *     <code> -X-X </code>, <code>-X -X</code> or <code> --long-X=-X </code>. If @c -X
187  *     and @c --long-X take an argument, that argument will be @c "-X" in all 3 cases.
188  * @li If using the built-in @ref option::Arg::Optional "Arg::Optional", optional arguments must
189  *     be attached.
190  * @li the special option @c -- (i.e. without a name) terminates the list of
191  *     options. Everything that follows is a non-option argument, even if it starts with
192  *     a @c '-' character. The @c -- itself will not appear in the parse results.
193  * @li the first argument that doesn't start with @c '-' or @c '--' and does not belong to
194  *     a preceding argument-taking option, will terminate the option list and is the
195  *     first non-option argument. All following command line arguments are treated as
196  *     non-option arguments, even if they start with @c '-' . @n
197  *     NOTE: This behaviour is mandated by POSIX, but GNU getopt() only honours this if it is
198  *     explicitly requested (e.g. by setting POSIXLY_CORRECT). @n
199  *     You can enable the GNU behaviour by passing @c true as first argument to
200  *     e.g. @ref option::Parser::parse() "Parser::parse()".
201  * @li Arguments that look like options (i.e. @c '-' followed by at least 1 character) but
202  *     aren't, are NOT treated as non-option arguments. They are treated as unknown options and
203  *     are collected into a list of unknown options for error reporting. @n
204  *     This means that in order to pass a first non-option
205  *     argument beginning with the minus character it is required to use the
206  *     @c -- special option, e.g.
207  *     @code
208  *     program -x -- --strange-filename
209  *     @endcode
210  *     In this example, @c --strange-filename is a non-option argument. If the @c --
211  *     were omitted, it would be treated as an unknown option. @n
212  *     See @ref option::Descriptor::longopt for information on how to collect unknown options.
213  *
214  */
216 #ifndef OPTIONPARSER_H_
217 #define OPTIONPARSER_H_
219 /** @brief The namespace of The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser. */
220 namespace option
221 {
223 #ifdef _MSC_VER
224 #include <intrin.h>
225 #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
226 struct MSC_Builtin_CLZ
227 {
builtin_clzMSC_Builtin_CLZ228   static int builtin_clz(unsigned x)
229   {
230     unsigned long index;
231     _BitScanReverse(&index, x);
232     return 32-index; // int is always 32bit on Windows, even for target x64
233   }
234 };
235 #define __builtin_clz(x) MSC_Builtin_CLZ::builtin_clz(x)
236 #endif
238 class Option;
240 /**
241  * @brief Possible results when checking if an argument is valid for a certain option.
242  *
243  * In the case that no argument is provided for an option that takes an
244  * optional argument, return codes @c ARG_OK and @c ARG_IGNORE are equivalent.
245  */
246 enum ArgStatus
247 {
248   //! The option does not take an argument.
249   ARG_NONE,
250   //! The argument is acceptable for the option.
251   ARG_OK,
252   //! The argument is not acceptable but that's non-fatal because the option's argument is optional.
254   //! The argument is not acceptable and that's fatal.
256 };
258 /**
259  * @brief Signature of functions that check if an argument is valid for a certain type of option.
260  *
261  * Every Option has such a function assigned in its Descriptor.
262  * @code
263  * Descriptor usage[] = { {UNKNOWN, 0, "", "", Arg::None, ""}, ... };
264  * @endcode
265  *
266  * A CheckArg function has the following signature:
267  * @code ArgStatus CheckArg(const Option& option, bool msg); @endcode
268  *
269  * It is used to check if a potential argument would be acceptable for the option.
270  * It will even be called if there is no argument. In that case @c option.arg will be @c NULL.
271  *
272  * If @c msg is @c true and the function determines that an argument is not acceptable and
273  * that this is a fatal error, it should output a message to the user before
274  * returning @ref ARG_ILLEGAL. If @c msg is @c false the function should remain silent (or you
275  * will get duplicate messages).
276  *
277  * See @ref ArgStatus for the meaning of the return values.
278  *
279  * While you can provide your own functions,
280  * often the following pre-defined checks (which never return @ref ARG_ILLEGAL) will suffice:
281  *
282  * @li @c Arg::None @copybrief Arg::None
283  * @li @c Arg::Optional @copybrief Arg::Optional
284  *
285  */
286 typedef ArgStatus (*CheckArg)(const Option& option, bool msg);
288 /**
289  * @brief Describes an option, its help text (usage) and how it should be parsed.
290  *
291  * The main input when constructing an option::Parser is an array of Descriptors.
293  * @par Example:
294  * @code
295  * enum OptionIndex {CREATE, ...};
296  * enum OptionType {DISABLE, ENABLE, OTHER};
297  *
298  * const option::Descriptor usage[] = {
299  *   { CREATE,                                            // index
300  *     OTHER,                                             // type
301  *     "c",                                               // shortopt
302  *     "create",                                          // longopt
303  *     Arg::None,                                         // check_arg
304  *     "--create  Tells the program to create something." // help
305  *   }
306  *   , ...
307  * };
308  * @endcode
309  */
310 struct Descriptor
311 {
312   /**
313    * @brief Index of this option's linked list in the array filled in by the parser.
314    *
315    * Command line options whose Descriptors have the same index will end up in the same
316    * linked list in the order in which they appear on the command line. If you have
317    * multiple long option aliases that refer to the same option, give their descriptors
318    * the same @c index.
319    *
320    * If you have options that mean exactly opposite things
321    * (e.g. @c --enable-foo and @c --disable-foo ), you should also give them the same
322    * @c index, but distinguish them through different values for @ref type.
323    * That way they end up in the same list and you can just take the last element of the
324    * list and use its type. This way you get the usual behaviour where switches later
325    * on the command line override earlier ones without having to code it manually.
326    *
327    * @par Tip:
328    * Use an enum rather than plain ints for better readability, as shown in the example
329    * at Descriptor.
330    */
331   const unsigned index;
333   /**
334    * @brief Used to distinguish between options with the same @ref index.
335    * See @ref index for details.
336    *
337    * It is recommended that you use an enum rather than a plain int to make your
338    * code more readable.
339    */
340   const int type;
342   /**
343    * @brief Each char in this string will be accepted as a short option character.
344    *
345    * The string must not include the minus character @c '-' or you'll get undefined
346    * behaviour.
347    *
348    * If this Descriptor should not have short option characters, use the empty
349    * string "". NULL is not permitted here!
350    *
351    * See @ref longopt for more information.
352    */
353   const char* const shortopt;
355   /**
356    * @brief The long option name (without the leading @c -- ).
357    *
358    * If this Descriptor should not have a long option name, use the empty
359    * string "". NULL is not permitted here!
360    *
361    * While @ref shortopt allows multiple short option characters, each
362    * Descriptor can have only a single long option name. If you have multiple
363    * long option names referring to the same option use separate Descriptors
364    * that have the same @ref index and @ref type. You may repeat
365    * short option characters in such an alias Descriptor but there's no need to.
366    *
367    * @par Dummy Descriptors:
368    * You can use dummy Descriptors with an
369    * empty string for both @ref shortopt and @ref longopt to add text to
370    * the usage that is not related to a specific option. See @ref help.
371    * The first dummy Descriptor will be used for unknown options (see below).
372    *
373    * @par Unknown Option Descriptor:
374    * The first dummy Descriptor in the list of Descriptors,
375    * whose @ref shortopt and @ref longopt are both the empty string, will be used
376    * as the Descriptor for unknown options. An unknown option is a string in
377    * the argument vector that is not a lone minus @c '-' but starts with a minus
378    * character and does not match any Descriptor's @ref shortopt or @ref longopt. @n
379    * Note that the dummy descriptor's @ref check_arg function @e will be called and
380    * its return value will be evaluated as usual. I.e. if it returns @ref ARG_ILLEGAL
381    * the parsing will be aborted with <code>Parser::error()==true</code>. @n
382    * if @c check_arg does not return @ref ARG_ILLEGAL the descriptor's
383    * @ref index @e will be used to pick the linked list into which
384    * to put the unknown option. @n
385    * If there is no dummy descriptor, unknown options will be dropped silently.
386    *
387    */
388   const char* const longopt;
390   /**
391    * @brief For each option that matches @ref shortopt or @ref longopt this function
392    * will be called to check a potential argument to the option.
393    *
394    * This function will be called even if there is no potential argument. In that case
395    * it will be passed @c NULL as @c arg parameter. Do not confuse this with the empty
396    * string.
397    *
398    * See @ref CheckArg for more information.
399    */
400   const CheckArg check_arg;
402   /**
403    * @brief The usage text associated with the options in this Descriptor.
404    *
405    * You can use option::printUsage() to format your usage message based on
406    * the @c help texts. You can use dummy Descriptors where
407    * @ref shortopt and @ref longopt are both the empty string to add text to
408    * the usage that is not related to a specific option.
409    *
410    * See option::printUsage() for special formatting characters you can use in
411    * @c help to get a column layout.
412    *
413    * @attention
414    * Must be UTF-8-encoded. If your compiler supports C++11 you can use the "u8"
415    * prefix to make sure string literals are properly encoded.
416    */
417   const char* help;
418 };
420 /**
421  * @brief A parsed option from the command line together with its argument if it has one.
422  *
423  * The Parser chains all parsed options with the same Descriptor::index together
424  * to form a linked list. This allows you to easily implement all of the common ways
425  * of handling repeated options and enable/disable pairs.
426  *
427  * @li Test for presence of a switch in the argument vector:
428  *      @code if ( options[QUIET] ) ... @endcode
429  * @li Evaluate --enable-foo/--disable-foo pair where the last one used wins:
430  *     @code if ( options[FOO].last()->type() == DISABLE ) ... @endcode
431  * @li Cumulative option (-v verbose, -vv more verbose, -vvv even more verbose):
432  *     @code int verbosity = options[VERBOSE].count(); @endcode
433  * @li Iterate over all --file=&lt;fname> arguments:
434  *     @code for (Option* opt = options[FILE]; opt; opt = opt->next())
435  *   fname = opt->arg; ... @endcode
436  */
437 class Option
438 {
439   Option* next_;
440   Option* prev_;
441 public:
442   /**
443    * @brief Pointer to this Option's Descriptor.
444    *
445    * Remember that the first dummy descriptor (see @ref Descriptor::longopt) is used
446    * for unknown options.
447    *
448    * @attention
449    * @c desc==NULL signals that this Option is unused. This is the default state of
450    * elements in the result array. You don't need to test @c desc explicitly. You
451    * can simply write something like this:
452    * @code
453    * if (options[CREATE])
454    * {
455    *   ...
456    * }
457    * @endcode
458    * This works because of <code> operator const Option*() </code>.
459    */
460   const Descriptor* desc;
462   /**
463    * @brief The name of the option as used on the command line.
464    *
465    * The main purpose of this string is to be presented to the user in messages.
466    *
467    * In the case of a long option, this is the actual @c argv pointer, i.e. the first
468    * character is a '-'. In the case of a short option this points to the option
469    * character within the @c argv string.
470    *
471    * Note that in the case of a short option group or an attached option argument, this
472    * string will contain additional characters following the actual name. Use @ref namelen
473    * to filter out the actual option name only.
474    *
475    */
476   const char* name;
478   /**
479    * @brief Pointer to this Option's argument (if any).
480    *
481    * NULL if this option has no argument. Do not confuse this with the empty string which
482    * is a valid argument.
483    */
484   const char* arg;
486   /**
487    * @brief The length of the option @ref name.
488    *
489    * Because @ref name points into the actual @c argv string, the option name may be
490    * followed by more characters (e.g. other short options in the same short option group).
491    * This value is the number of bytes (not characters!) that are part of the actual name.
492    *
493    * For a short option, this length is always 1. For a long option this length is always
494    * at least 2 if single minus long options are permitted and at least 3 if they are disabled.
495    *
496    * @note
497    * In the pathological case of a minus within a short option group (e.g. @c -xf-z), this
498    * length is incorrect, because this case will be misinterpreted as a long option and the
499    * name will therefore extend to the string's 0-terminator or a following '=" character
500    * if there is one. This is irrelevant for most uses of @ref name and @c namelen. If you
501    * really need to distinguish the case of a long and a short option, compare @ref name to
502    * the @c argv pointers. A long option's @c name is always identical to one of them,
503    * whereas a short option's is never.
504    */
505   int namelen;
507   /**
508    * @brief Returns Descriptor::type of this Option's Descriptor, or 0 if this Option
509    * is invalid (unused).
510    *
511    * Because this method (and last(), too) can be used even on unused Options with desc==0, you can (provided
512    * you arrange your types properly) switch on type() without testing validity first.
513    * @code
514    * enum OptionType { UNUSED=0, DISABLED=0, ENABLED=1 };
515    * enum OptionIndex { FOO };
516    * const Descriptor usage[] = {
517    *   { FOO, ENABLED,  "", "enable-foo",  Arg::None, 0 },
518    *   { FOO, DISABLED, "", "disable-foo", Arg::None, 0 },
519    *   { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
520    * ...
521    * switch(options[FOO].last()->type()) // no validity check required!
522    * {
523    *   case ENABLED: ...
524    *   case DISABLED: ...  // UNUSED==DISABLED !
525    * }
526    * @endcode
527    */
type()528   int type() const
529   {
530     return desc == 0 ? 0 : desc->type;
531   }
533   /**
534    * @brief Returns Descriptor::index of this Option's Descriptor, or -1 if this Option
535    * is invalid (unused).
536    */
index()537   int index() const
538   {
539     return desc == 0 ? -1 : (int)desc->index;
540   }
542   /**
543    * @brief Returns the number of times this Option (or others with the same Descriptor::index)
544    * occurs in the argument vector.
545    *
546    * This corresponds to the number of elements in the linked list this Option is part of.
547    * It doesn't matter on which element you call count(). The return value is always the same.
548    *
549    * Use this to implement cumulative options, such as -v, -vv, -vvv for
550    * different verbosity levels.
551    *
552    * Returns 0 when called for an unused/invalid option.
553    */
count()554   int count()
555   {
556     int c = (desc == 0 ? 0 : 1);
557     Option* p = first();
558     while (!p->isLast())
559     {
560       ++c;
561       p = p->next_;
562     };
563     return c;
564   }
566   /**
567    * @brief Returns true iff this is the first element of the linked list.
568    *
569    * The first element in the linked list is the first option on the command line
570    * that has the respective Descriptor::index value.
571    *
572    * Returns true for an unused/invalid option.
573    */
isFirst()574   bool isFirst() const
575   {
576     return isTagged(prev_);
577   }
579   /**
580    * @brief Returns true iff this is the last element of the linked list.
581    *
582    * The last element in the linked list is the last option on the command line
583    * that has the respective Descriptor::index value.
584    *
585    * Returns true for an unused/invalid option.
586    */
isLast()587   bool isLast() const
588   {
589     return isTagged(next_);
590   }
592   /**
593    * @brief Returns a pointer to the first element of the linked list.
594    *
595    * Use this when you want the first occurrence of an option on the command line to
596    * take precedence. Note that this is not the way most programs handle options.
597    * You should probably be using last() instead.
598    *
599    * @note
600    * This method may be called on an unused/invalid option and will return a pointer to the
601    * option itself.
602    */
first()603   Option* first()
604   {
605     Option* p = this;
606     while (!p->isFirst())
607       p = p->prev_;
608     return p;
609   }
611   /**
612    * @brief Returns a pointer to the last element of the linked list.
613    *
614    * Use this when you want the last occurrence of an option on the command line to
615    * take precedence. This is the most common way of handling conflicting options.
616    *
617    * @note
618    * This method may be called on an unused/invalid option and will return a pointer to the
619    * option itself.
620    *
621    * @par Tip:
622    * If you have options with opposite meanings (e.g. @c --enable-foo and @c --disable-foo), you
623    * can assign them the same Descriptor::index to get them into the same list. Distinguish them by
624    * Descriptor::type and all you have to do is check <code> last()->type() </code> to get
625    * the state listed last on the command line.
626    */
last()627   Option* last()
628   {
629     return first()->prevwrap();
630   }
632   /**
633    * @brief Returns a pointer to the previous element of the linked list or NULL if
634    * called on first().
635    *
636    * If called on first() this method returns NULL. Otherwise it will return the
637    * option with the same Descriptor::index that precedes this option on the command
638    * line.
639    */
prev()640   Option* prev()
641   {
642     return isFirst() ? 0 : prev_;
643   }
645   /**
646    * @brief Returns a pointer to the previous element of the linked list with wrap-around from
647    * first() to last().
648    *
649    * If called on first() this method returns last(). Otherwise it will return the
650    * option with the same Descriptor::index that precedes this option on the command
651    * line.
652    */
prevwrap()653   Option* prevwrap()
654   {
655     return untag(prev_);
656   }
658   /**
659    * @brief Returns a pointer to the next element of the linked list or NULL if called
660    * on last().
661    *
662    * If called on last() this method returns NULL. Otherwise it will return the
663    * option with the same Descriptor::index that follows this option on the command
664    * line.
665    */
next()666   Option* next()
667   {
668     return isLast() ? 0 : next_;
669   }
671   /**
672    * @brief Returns a pointer to the next element of the linked list with wrap-around from
673    * last() to first().
674    *
675    * If called on last() this method returns first(). Otherwise it will return the
676    * option with the same Descriptor::index that follows this option on the command
677    * line.
678    */
nextwrap()679   Option* nextwrap()
680   {
681     return untag(next_);
682   }
684   /**
685    * @brief Makes @c new_last the new last() by chaining it into the list after last().
686    *
687    * It doesn't matter which element you call append() on. The new element will always
688    * be appended to last().
689    *
690    * @attention
691    * @c new_last must not yet be part of a list, or that list will become corrupted, because
692    * this method does not unchain @c new_last from an existing list.
693    */
append(Option * new_last)694   void append(Option* new_last)
695   {
696     Option* p = last();
697     Option* f = first();
698     p->next_ = new_last;
699     new_last->prev_ = p;
700     new_last->next_ = tag(f);
701     f->prev_ = tag(new_last);
702   }
704   /**
705    * @brief Casts from Option to const Option* but only if this Option is valid.
706    *
707    * If this Option is valid (i.e. @c desc!=NULL), returns this.
708    * Otherwise returns NULL. This allows testing an Option directly
709    * in an if-clause to see if it is used:
710    * @code
711    * if (options[CREATE])
712    * {
713    *   ...
714    * }
715    * @endcode
716    * It also allows you to write loops like this:
717    * @code for (Option* opt = options[FILE]; opt; opt = opt->next())
718    *   fname = opt->arg; ... @endcode
719    */
720   operator const Option*() const
721   {
722     return desc ? this : 0;
723   }
725   /**
726    * @brief Casts from Option to Option* but only if this Option is valid.
727    *
728    * If this Option is valid (i.e. @c desc!=NULL), returns this.
729    * Otherwise returns NULL. This allows testing an Option directly
730    * in an if-clause to see if it is used:
731    * @code
732    * if (options[CREATE])
733    * {
734    *   ...
735    * }
736    * @endcode
737    * It also allows you to write loops like this:
738    * @code for (Option* opt = options[FILE]; opt; opt = opt->next())
739    *   fname = opt->arg; ... @endcode
740    */
741   operator Option*()
742   {
743     return desc ? this : 0;
744   }
746   /**
747    * @brief Creates a new Option that is a one-element linked list and has NULL
748    * @ref desc, @ref name, @ref arg and @ref namelen.
749    */
Option()750   Option() :
751       desc(0), name(0), arg(0), namelen(0)
752   {
753     prev_ = tag(this);
754     next_ = tag(this);
755   }
757   /**
758    * @brief Creates a new Option that is a one-element linked list and has the given
759    * values for @ref desc, @ref name and @ref arg.
760    *
761    * If @c name_ points at a character other than '-' it will be assumed to refer to a
762    * short option and @ref namelen will be set to 1. Otherwise the length will extend to
763    * the first '=' character or the string's 0-terminator.
764    */
Option(const Descriptor * desc_,const char * name_,const char * arg_)765   Option(const Descriptor* desc_, const char* name_, const char* arg_)
766   {
767     init(desc_, name_, arg_);
768   }
770   /**
771    * @brief Makes @c *this a copy of @c orig except for the linked list pointers.
772    *
773    * After this operation @c *this will be a one-element linked list.
774    */
775   void operator=(const Option& orig)
776   {
777     init(orig.desc, orig.name, orig.arg);
778   }
780   /**
781    * @brief Makes @c *this a copy of @c orig except for the linked list pointers.
782    *
783    * After this operation @c *this will be a one-element linked list.
784    */
Option(const Option & orig)785   Option(const Option& orig)
786   {
787     init(orig.desc, orig.name, orig.arg);
788   }
790 private:
791   /**
792    * @internal
793    * @brief Sets the fields of this Option to the given values (extracting @c name if necessary).
794    *
795    * If @c name_ points at a character other than '-' it will be assumed to refer to a
796    * short option and @ref namelen will be set to 1. Otherwise the length will extend to
797    * the first '=' character or the string's 0-terminator.
798    */
init(const Descriptor * desc_,const char * name_,const char * arg_)799   void init(const Descriptor* desc_, const char* name_, const char* arg_)
800   {
801     desc = desc_;
802     name = name_;
803     arg = arg_;
804     prev_ = tag(this);
805     next_ = tag(this);
806     namelen = 0;
807     if (name == 0)
808       return;
809     namelen = 1;
810     if (name[0] != '-')
811       return;
812     while (name[namelen] != 0 && name[namelen] != '=')
813       ++namelen;
814   }
tag(Option * ptr)816   static Option* tag(Option* ptr)
817   {
818     return (Option*) ((unsigned long long) ptr | 1);
819   }
untag(Option * ptr)821   static Option* untag(Option* ptr)
822   {
823     return (Option*) ((unsigned long long) ptr & ~1ull);
824   }
isTagged(Option * ptr)826   static bool isTagged(Option* ptr)
827   {
828     return ((unsigned long long) ptr & 1);
829   }
830 };
832 /**
833  * @brief Functions for checking the validity of option arguments.
834  *
835  * @copydetails CheckArg
836  *
837  * The following example code
838  * can serve as starting place for writing your own more complex CheckArg functions:
839  * @code
840  * struct Arg: public option::Arg
841  * {
842  *   static void printError(const char* msg1, const option::Option& opt, const char* msg2)
843  *   {
844  *     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s", msg1);
845  *     fwrite(opt.name, opt.namelen, 1, stderr);
846  *     fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg2);
847  *   }
848  *
849  *   static option::ArgStatus Unknown(const option::Option& option, bool msg)
850  *   {
851  *     if (msg) printError("Unknown option '", option, "'\n");
852  *     return option::ARG_ILLEGAL;
853  *   }
854  *
855  *   static option::ArgStatus Required(const option::Option& option, bool msg)
856  *   {
857  *     if (option.arg != 0)
858  *       return option::ARG_OK;
859  *
860  *     if (msg) printError("Option '", option, "' requires an argument\n");
861  *     return option::ARG_ILLEGAL;
862  *   }
863  *
864  *   static option::ArgStatus NonEmpty(const option::Option& option, bool msg)
865  *   {
866  *     if (option.arg != 0 && option.arg[0] != 0)
867  *       return option::ARG_OK;
868  *
869  *     if (msg) printError("Option '", option, "' requires a non-empty argument\n");
870  *     return option::ARG_ILLEGAL;
871  *   }
872  *
873  *   static option::ArgStatus Numeric(const option::Option& option, bool msg)
874  *   {
875  *     char* endptr = 0;
876  *     if (option.arg != 0 && strtol(option.arg, &endptr, 10)){};
877  *     if (endptr != option.arg && *endptr == 0)
878  *       return option::ARG_OK;
879  *
880  *     if (msg) printError("Option '", option, "' requires a numeric argument\n");
881  *     return option::ARG_ILLEGAL;
882  *   }
883  * };
884  * @endcode
885  */
886 struct Arg
887 {
888   //! @brief For options that don't take an argument: Returns ARG_NONE.
NoneArg889   static ArgStatus None(const Option&, bool)
890   {
891     return ARG_NONE;
892   }
894   //! @brief Returns ARG_OK if the argument is attached and ARG_IGNORE otherwise.
OptionalArg895   static ArgStatus Optional(const Option& option, bool)
896   {
897     if (option.arg && option.name[option.namelen] != 0)
898       return ARG_OK;
899     else
900       return ARG_IGNORE;
901   }
902 };
904 /**
905  * @brief Determines the minimum lengths of the buffer and options arrays used for Parser.
906  *
907  * Because Parser doesn't use dynamic memory its output arrays have to be pre-allocated.
908  * If you don't want to use fixed size arrays (which may turn out too small, causing
909  * command line arguments to be dropped), you can use Stats to determine the correct sizes.
910  * Stats work cumulative. You can first pass in your default options and then the real
911  * options and afterwards the counts will reflect the union.
912  */
913 struct Stats
914 {
915   /**
916    * @brief Number of elements needed for a @c buffer[] array to be used for
917    * @ref Parser::parse() "parsing" the same argument vectors that were fed
918    * into this Stats object.
919    *
920    * @note
921    * This number is always 1 greater than the actual number needed, to give
922    * you a sentinel element.
923    */
924   unsigned buffer_max;
926   /**
927    * @brief Number of elements needed for an @c options[] array to be used for
928    * @ref Parser::parse() "parsing" the same argument vectors that were fed
929    * into this Stats object.
930    *
931    * @note
932    * @li This number is always 1 greater than the actual number needed, to give
933    * you a sentinel element.
934    * @li This number depends only on the @c usage, not the argument vectors, because
935    * the @c options array needs exactly one slot for each possible Descriptor::index.
936    */
937   unsigned options_max;
939   /**
940    * @brief Creates a Stats object with counts set to 1 (for the sentinel element).
941    */
StatsStats942   Stats() :
943       buffer_max(1), options_max(1) // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
944   {
945   }
947   /**
948    * @brief Creates a new Stats object and immediately updates it for the
949    * given @c usage and argument vector. You may pass 0 for @c argc and/or @c argv,
950    * if you just want to update @ref options_max.
951    *
952    * @note
953    * The calls to Stats methods must match the later calls to Parser methods.
954    * See Parser::parse() for the meaning of the arguments.
955    */
956   Stats(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
957         bool single_minus_longopt = false) :
958       buffer_max(1), options_max(1) // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
959   {
960     add(gnu, usage, argc, argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
961   }
963   //! @brief Stats(...) with non-const argv.
964   Stats(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
965         bool single_minus_longopt = false) :
966       buffer_max(1), options_max(1) // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
967   {
968     add(gnu, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
969   }
971   //! @brief POSIX Stats(...) (gnu==false).
972   Stats(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
973         bool single_minus_longopt = false) :
974       buffer_max(1), options_max(1) // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
975   {
976     add(false, usage, argc, argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
977   }
979   //! @brief POSIX Stats(...) (gnu==false) with non-const argv.
980   Stats(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
981         bool single_minus_longopt = false) :
982       buffer_max(1), options_max(1) // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
983   {
984     add(false, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
985   }
987   /**
988    * @brief Updates this Stats object for the
989    * given @c usage and argument vector. You may pass 0 for @c argc and/or @c argv,
990    * if you just want to update @ref options_max.
991    *
992    * @note
993    * The calls to Stats methods must match the later calls to Parser methods.
994    * See Parser::parse() for the meaning of the arguments.
995    */
996   void add(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
997            bool single_minus_longopt = false);
999   //! @brief add() with non-const argv.
1000   void add(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
1001            bool single_minus_longopt = false)
1002   {
1003     add(gnu, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
1004   }
1006   //! @brief POSIX add() (gnu==false).
1007   void add(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
1008            bool single_minus_longopt = false)
1009   {
1010     add(false, usage, argc, argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
1011   }
1013   //! @brief POSIX add() (gnu==false) with non-const argv.
1014   void add(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, int min_abbr_len = 0, //
1015            bool single_minus_longopt = false)
1016   {
1017     add(false, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt);
1018   }
1019 private:
1020   class CountOptionsAction;
1021 };
1023 /**
1024  * @brief Checks argument vectors for validity and parses them into data
1025  * structures that are easier to work with.
1026  *
1027  * @par Example:
1028  * @code
1029  * int main(int argc, char* argv[])
1030  * {
1031  *   argc-=(argc>0); argv+=(argc>0); // skip program name argv[0] if present
1032  *   option::Stats  stats(usage, argc, argv);
1033  *   option::Option options[stats.options_max], buffer[stats.buffer_max];
1034  *   option::Parser parse(usage, argc, argv, options, buffer);
1035  *
1036  *   if (parse.error())
1037  *     return 1;
1038  *
1039  *   if (options[HELP])
1040  *   ...
1041  * @endcode
1042  */
1043 class Parser
1044 {
1045   int op_count; //!< @internal @brief see optionsCount()
1046   int nonop_count; //!< @internal @brief see nonOptionsCount()
1047   const char** nonop_args; //!< @internal @brief see nonOptions()
1048   bool err; //!< @internal @brief see error()
1049 public:
1051   /**
1052    * @brief Creates a new Parser.
1053    */
Parser()1054   Parser() :
1055       op_count(0), nonop_count(0), nonop_args(0), err(false)
1056   {
1057   }
1059   /**
1060    * @brief Creates a new Parser and immediately parses the given argument vector.
1061    * @copydetails parse()
1062    */
1063   Parser(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[],
1064          int min_abbr_len = 0, bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1) :
1065       op_count(0), nonop_count(0), nonop_args(0), err(false)
1066   {
1067     parse(gnu, usage, argc, argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1068   }
1070   //! @brief Parser(...) with non-const argv.
1071   Parser(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[],
1072          int min_abbr_len = 0, bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1) :
1073       op_count(0), nonop_count(0), nonop_args(0), err(false)
1074   {
1075     parse(gnu, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1076   }
1078   //! @brief POSIX Parser(...) (gnu==false).
1079   Parser(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[], int min_abbr_len = 0,
1080          bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1) :
1081       op_count(0), nonop_count(0), nonop_args(0), err(false)
1082   {
1083     parse(false, usage, argc, argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1084   }
1086   //! @brief POSIX Parser(...) (gnu==false) with non-const argv.
1087   Parser(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[], int min_abbr_len = 0,
1088          bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1) :
1089       op_count(0), nonop_count(0), nonop_args(0), err(false)
1090   {
1091     parse(false, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1092   }
1094   /**
1095    * @brief Parses the given argument vector.
1096    *
1097    * @param gnu if true, parse() will not stop at the first non-option argument. Instead it will
1098    *            reorder arguments so that all non-options are at the end. This is the default behaviour
1099    *            of GNU getopt() but is not conforming to POSIX. @n
1100    *            Note, that once the argument vector has been reordered, the @c gnu flag will have
1101    *            no further effect on this argument vector. So it is enough to pass @c gnu==true when
1102    *            creating Stats.
1103    * @param usage Array of Descriptor objects that describe the options to support. The last entry
1104    *              of this array must have 0 in all fields.
1105    * @param argc The number of elements from @c argv that are to be parsed. If you pass -1, the number
1106    *             will be determined automatically. In that case the @c argv list must end with a NULL
1107    *             pointer.
1108    * @param argv The arguments to be parsed. If you pass -1 as @c argc the last pointer in the @c argv
1109    *             list must be NULL to mark the end.
1110    * @param options Each entry is the first element of a linked list of Options. Each new option
1111    *                that is parsed will be appended to the list specified by that Option's
1112    *                Descriptor::index. If an entry is not yet used (i.e. the Option is invalid),
1113    *                it will be replaced rather than appended to. @n
1114    *                The minimum length of this array is the greatest Descriptor::index value that
1115    *                occurs in @c usage @e PLUS ONE.
1116    * @param buffer Each argument that is successfully parsed (including unknown arguments, if they
1117    *        have a Descriptor whose CheckArg does not return @ref ARG_ILLEGAL) will be stored in this
1118    *        array. parse() scans the array for the first invalid entry and begins writing at that
1119    *        index. You can pass @c bufmax to limit the number of options stored.
1120    * @param min_abbr_len Passing a value <code> min_abbr_len > 0 </code> enables abbreviated long
1121    *               options. The parser will match a prefix of a long option as if it was
1122    *               the full long option (e.g. @c --foob=10 will be interpreted as if it was
1123    *               @c --foobar=10 ), as long as the prefix has at least @c min_abbr_len characters
1124    *               (not counting the @c -- ) and is unambiguous.
1125    *               @n Be careful if combining @c min_abbr_len=1 with @c single_minus_longopt=true
1126    *               because the ambiguity check does not consider short options and abbreviated
1127    *               single minus long options will take precedence over short options.
1128    * @param single_minus_longopt Passing @c true for this option allows long options to begin with
1129    *               a single minus. The double minus form will still be recognized. Note that
1130    *               single minus long options take precedence over short options and short option
1131    *               groups. E.g. @c -file would be interpreted as @c --file and not as
1132    *               <code> -f -i -l -e </code> (assuming a long option named @c "file" exists).
1133    * @param bufmax The greatest index in the @c buffer[] array that parse() will write to is
1134    *               @c bufmax-1. If there are more options, they will be processed (in particular
1135    *               their CheckArg will be called) but not stored. @n
1136    *               If you used Stats::buffer_max to dimension this array, you can pass
1137    *               -1 (or not pass @c bufmax at all) which tells parse() that the buffer is
1138    *               "large enough".
1139    * @attention
1140    * Remember that @c options and @c buffer store Option @e objects, not pointers. Therefore it
1141    * is not possible for the same object to be in both arrays. For those options that are found in
1142    * both @c buffer[] and @c options[] the respective objects are independent copies. And only the
1143    * objects in @c options[] are properly linked via Option::next() and Option::prev().
1144    * You can iterate over @c buffer[] to
1145    * process all options in the order they appear in the argument vector, but if you want access to
1146    * the other Options with the same Descriptor::index, then you @e must access the linked list via
1147    * @c options[]. You can get the linked list in options from a buffer object via something like
1148    * @c options[buffer[i].index()].
1149    */
1150   void parse(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[],
1151              int min_abbr_len = 0, bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1);
1153   //! @brief parse() with non-const argv.
1154   void parse(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[],
1155              int min_abbr_len = 0, bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1)
1156   {
1157     parse(gnu, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1158   }
1160   //! @brief POSIX parse() (gnu==false).
1161   void parse(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[],
1162              int min_abbr_len = 0, bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1)
1163   {
1164     parse(false, usage, argc, argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1165   }
1167   //! @brief POSIX parse() (gnu==false) with non-const argv.
1168   void parse(const Descriptor usage[], int argc, char** argv, Option options[], Option buffer[], int min_abbr_len = 0,
1169              bool single_minus_longopt = false, int bufmax = -1)
1170   {
1171     parse(false, usage, argc, (const char**) argv, options, buffer, min_abbr_len, single_minus_longopt, bufmax);
1172   }
1174   /**
1175    * @brief Returns the number of valid Option objects in @c buffer[].
1176    *
1177    * @note
1178    * @li The returned value always reflects the number of Options in the buffer[] array used for
1179    * the most recent call to parse().
1180    * @li The count (and the buffer[]) includes unknown options if they are collected
1181    * (see Descriptor::longopt).
1182    */
optionsCount()1183   int optionsCount()
1184   {
1185     return op_count;
1186   }
1188   /**
1189    * @brief Returns the number of non-option arguments that remained at the end of the
1190    * most recent parse() that actually encountered non-option arguments.
1191    *
1192    * @note
1193    * A parse() that does not encounter non-option arguments will leave this value
1194    * as well as nonOptions() undisturbed. This means you can feed the Parser a
1195    * default argument vector that contains non-option arguments (e.g. a default filename).
1196    * Then you feed it the actual arguments from the user. If the user has supplied at
1197    * least one non-option argument, all of the non-option arguments from the default
1198    * disappear and are replaced by the user's non-option arguments. However, if the
1199    * user does not supply any non-option arguments the defaults will still be in
1200    * effect.
1201    */
nonOptionsCount()1202   int nonOptionsCount()
1203   {
1204     return nonop_count;
1205   }
1207   /**
1208    * @brief Returns a pointer to an array of non-option arguments (only valid
1209    * if <code>nonOptionsCount() >0 </code>).
1210    *
1211    * @note
1212    * @li parse() does not copy arguments, so this pointer points into the actual argument
1213    * vector as passed to parse().
1214    * @li As explained at nonOptionsCount() this pointer is only changed by parse() calls
1215    * that actually encounter non-option arguments. A parse() call that encounters only
1216    * options, will not change nonOptions().
1217    */
nonOptions()1218   const char** nonOptions()
1219   {
1220     return nonop_args;
1221   }
1223   /**
1224    * @brief Returns <b><code>nonOptions()[i]</code></b> (@e without checking if i is in range!).
1225    */
nonOption(int i)1226   const char* nonOption(int i)
1227   {
1228     return nonOptions()[i];
1229   }
1231   /**
1232    * @brief Returns @c true if an unrecoverable error occurred while parsing options.
1233    *
1234    * An illegal argument to an option (i.e. CheckArg returns @ref ARG_ILLEGAL) is an
1235    * unrecoverable error that aborts the parse. Unknown options are only an error if
1236    * their CheckArg function returns @ref ARG_ILLEGAL. Otherwise they are collected.
1237    * In that case if you want to exit the program if either an illegal argument
1238    * or an unknown option has been passed, use code like this
1239    *
1240    * @code
1241    * if (parser.error() || options[UNKNOWN])
1242    *   exit(1);
1243    * @endcode
1244    *
1245    */
error()1246   bool error()
1247   {
1248     return err;
1249   }
1251 private:
1252   friend struct Stats;
1253   class StoreOptionAction;
1254   struct Action;
1256   /**
1257    * @internal
1258    * @brief This is the core function that does all the parsing.
1259    * @retval false iff an unrecoverable error occurred.
1260    */
1261   static bool workhorse(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int numargs, const char** args, Action& action,
1262                         bool single_minus_longopt, bool print_errors, int min_abbr_len);
1264   /**
1265    * @internal
1266    * @brief Returns true iff @c st1 is a prefix of @c st2 and
1267    * in case @c st2 is longer than @c st1, then
1268    * the first additional character is '='.
1269    *
1270    * @par Examples:
1271    * @code
1272    * streq("foo", "foo=bar") == true
1273    * streq("foo", "foobar")  == false
1274    * streq("foo", "foo")     == true
1275    * streq("foo=bar", "foo") == false
1276    * @endcode
1277    */
streq(const char * st1,const char * st2)1278   static bool streq(const char* st1, const char* st2)
1279   {
1280     while (*st1 != 0)
1281       if (*st1++ != *st2++)
1282         return false;
1283     return (*st2 == 0 || *st2 == '=');
1284   }
1286   /**
1287    * @internal
1288    * @brief Like streq() but handles abbreviations.
1289    *
1290    * Returns true iff @c st1 and @c st2 have a common
1291    * prefix with the following properties:
1292    * @li (if min > 0) its length is at least @c min characters or the same length as @c st1 (whichever is smaller).
1293    * @li (if min <= 0) its length is the same as that of @c st1
1294    * @li within @c st2 the character following the common prefix is either '=' or end-of-string.
1295    *
1296    * Examples:
1297    * @code
1298    * streqabbr("foo", "foo=bar",<anything>) == true
1299    * streqabbr("foo", "fo=bar" , 2) == true
1300    * streqabbr("foo", "fo"     , 2) == true
1301    * streqabbr("foo", "fo"     , 0) == false
1302    * streqabbr("foo", "f=bar"  , 2) == false
1303    * streqabbr("foo", "f"      , 2) == false
1304    * streqabbr("fo" , "foo=bar",<anything>)  == false
1305    * streqabbr("foo", "foobar" ,<anything>)  == false
1306    * streqabbr("foo", "fobar"  ,<anything>)  == false
1307    * streqabbr("foo", "foo"    ,<anything>)  == true
1308    * @endcode
1309    */
streqabbr(const char * st1,const char * st2,long long min)1310   static bool streqabbr(const char* st1, const char* st2, long long min)
1311   {
1312     const char* st1start = st1;
1313     while (*st1 != 0 && (*st1 == *st2))
1314     {
1315       ++st1;
1316       ++st2;
1317     }
1319     return (*st1 == 0 || (min > 0 && (st1 - st1start) >= min)) && (*st2 == 0 || *st2 == '=');
1320   }
1322   /**
1323    * @internal
1324    * @brief Returns true iff character @c ch is contained in the string @c st.
1325    *
1326    * Returns @c true for @c ch==0 .
1327    */
instr(char ch,const char * st)1328   static bool instr(char ch, const char* st)
1329   {
1330     while (*st != 0 && *st != ch)
1331       ++st;
1332     return *st == ch;
1333   }
1335   /**
1336    * @internal
1337    * @brief Rotates <code>args[-count],...,args[-1],args[0]</code> to become
1338    *        <code>args[0],args[-count],...,args[-1]</code>.
1339    */
shift(const char ** args,int count)1340   static void shift(const char** args, int count)
1341   {
1342     for (int i = 0; i > -count; --i)
1343     {
1344       const char* temp = args[i];
1345       args[i] = args[i - 1];
1346       args[i - 1] = temp;
1347     }
1348   }
1349 };
1351 /**
1352  * @internal
1353  * @brief Interface for actions Parser::workhorse() should perform for each Option it
1354  * parses.
1355  */
1356 struct Parser::Action
1357 {
1358   /**
1359    * @brief Called by Parser::workhorse() for each Option that has been successfully
1360    * parsed (including unknown
1361    * options if they have a Descriptor whose Descriptor::check_arg does not return
1362    * @ref ARG_ILLEGAL.
1363    *
1364    * Returns @c false iff a fatal error has occured and the parse should be aborted.
1365    */
performAction1366   virtual bool perform(Option&)
1367   {
1368     return true;
1369   }
1371   /**
1372    * @brief Called by Parser::workhorse() after finishing the parse.
1373    * @param numargs the number of non-option arguments remaining
1374    * @param args pointer to the first remaining non-option argument (if numargs > 0).
1375    *
1376    * @return
1377    * @c false iff a fatal error has occurred.
1378    */
finishedAction1379   virtual bool finished(int numargs, const char** args)
1380   {
1381     (void) numargs;
1382     (void) args;
1383     return true;
1384   }
1385 };
1387 /**
1388  * @internal
1389  * @brief An Action to pass to Parser::workhorse() that will increment a counter for
1390  * each parsed Option.
1391  */
1392 class Stats::CountOptionsAction: public Parser::Action
1393 {
1394   unsigned* buffer_max;
1395 public:
1396   /**
1397    * Creates a new CountOptionsAction that will increase @c *buffer_max_ for each
1398    * parsed Option.
1399    */
CountOptionsAction(unsigned * buffer_max_)1400   CountOptionsAction(unsigned* buffer_max_) :
1401       buffer_max(buffer_max_)
1402   {
1403   }
perform(Option &)1405   bool perform(Option&)
1406   {
1407     if (*buffer_max == 0x7fffffff)
1408       return false; // overflow protection: don't accept number of options that doesn't fit signed int
1409     ++*buffer_max;
1410     return true;
1411   }
1412 };
1414 /**
1415  * @internal
1416  * @brief An Action to pass to Parser::workhorse() that will store each parsed Option in
1417  * appropriate arrays (see Parser::parse()).
1418  */
1419 class Parser::StoreOptionAction: public Parser::Action
1420 {
1421   Parser& parser;
1422   Option* options;
1423   Option* buffer;
1424   int bufmax; //! Number of slots in @c buffer. @c -1 means "large enough".
1425 public:
1426   /**
1427    * @brief Creates a new StoreOption action.
1428    * @param parser_ the parser whose op_count should be updated.
1429    * @param options_ each Option @c o is chained into the linked list @c options_[o.desc->index]
1430    * @param buffer_ each Option is appended to this array as long as there's a free slot.
1431    * @param bufmax_ number of slots in @c buffer_. @c -1 means "large enough".
1432    */
StoreOptionAction(Parser & parser_,Option options_[],Option buffer_[],int bufmax_)1433   StoreOptionAction(Parser& parser_, Option options_[], Option buffer_[], int bufmax_) :
1434       parser(parser_), options(options_), buffer(buffer_), bufmax(bufmax_)
1435   {
1436     // find first empty slot in buffer (if any)
1437     int bufidx = 0;
1438     while ((bufmax < 0 || bufidx < bufmax) && buffer[bufidx])
1439       ++bufidx;
1441     // set parser's optionCount
1442     parser.op_count = bufidx;
1443   }
perform(Option & option)1445   bool perform(Option& option)
1446   {
1447     if (bufmax < 0 || parser.op_count < bufmax)
1448     {
1449       if (parser.op_count == 0x7fffffff)
1450         return false; // overflow protection: don't accept number of options that doesn't fit signed int
1452       buffer[parser.op_count] = option;
1453       int idx = buffer[parser.op_count].desc->index;
1454       if (options[idx])
1455         options[idx].append(buffer[parser.op_count]);
1456       else
1457         options[idx] = buffer[parser.op_count];
1458       ++parser.op_count;
1459     }
1460     return true; // NOTE: an option that is discarded because of a full buffer is not fatal
1461   }
finished(int numargs,const char ** args)1463   bool finished(int numargs, const char** args)
1464   {
1465     // only overwrite non-option argument list if there's at least 1
1466     // new non-option argument. Otherwise we keep the old list. This
1467     // makes it easy to use default non-option arguments.
1468     if (numargs > 0)
1469     {
1470       parser.nonop_count = numargs;
1471       parser.nonop_args = args;
1472     }
1474     return true;
1475   }
1476 };
parse(bool gnu,const Descriptor usage[],int argc,const char ** argv,Option options[],Option buffer[],int min_abbr_len,bool single_minus_longopt,int bufmax)1478 inline void Parser::parse(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, Option options[],
1479                           Option buffer[], int min_abbr_len, bool single_minus_longopt, int bufmax)
1480 {
1481   StoreOptionAction action(*this, options, buffer, bufmax);
1482   err = !workhorse(gnu, usage, argc, argv, action, single_minus_longopt, true, min_abbr_len);
1483 }
add(bool gnu,const Descriptor usage[],int argc,const char ** argv,int min_abbr_len,bool single_minus_longopt)1485 inline void Stats::add(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int argc, const char** argv, int min_abbr_len,
1486                        bool single_minus_longopt)
1487 {
1488   // determine size of options array. This is the greatest index used in the usage + 1
1489   int i = 0;
1490   while (usage[i].shortopt != 0)
1491   {
1492     if (usage[i].index + 1 >= options_max)
1493       options_max = (usage[i].index + 1) + 1; // 1 more than necessary as sentinel
1495     ++i;
1496   }
1498   CountOptionsAction action(&buffer_max);
1499   Parser::workhorse(gnu, usage, argc, argv, action, single_minus_longopt, false, min_abbr_len);
1500 }
workhorse(bool gnu,const Descriptor usage[],int numargs,const char ** args,Action & action,bool single_minus_longopt,bool print_errors,int min_abbr_len)1502 inline bool Parser::workhorse(bool gnu, const Descriptor usage[], int numargs, const char** args, Action& action,
1503                               bool single_minus_longopt, bool print_errors, int min_abbr_len)
1504 {
1505   // protect against NULL pointer
1506   if (args == 0)
1507     numargs = 0;
1509   int nonops = 0;
1511   while (numargs != 0 && *args != 0)
1512   {
1513     const char* param = *args; // param can be --long-option, -srto or non-option argument
1515     // in POSIX mode the first non-option argument terminates the option list
1516     // a lone minus character is a non-option argument
1517     if (param[0] != '-' || param[1] == 0)
1518     {
1519       if (gnu)
1520       {
1521         ++nonops;
1522         ++args;
1523         if (numargs > 0)
1524           --numargs;
1525         continue;
1526       }
1527       else
1528         break;
1529     }
1531     // -- terminates the option list. The -- itself is skipped.
1532     if (param[1] == '-' && param[2] == 0)
1533     {
1534       shift(args, nonops);
1535       ++args;
1536       if (numargs > 0)
1537         --numargs;
1538       break;
1539     }
1541     bool handle_short_options;
1542     const char* longopt_name;
1543     if (param[1] == '-') // if --long-option
1544     {
1545       handle_short_options = false;
1546       longopt_name = param + 2;
1547     }
1548     else
1549     {
1550       handle_short_options = true;
1551       longopt_name = param + 1; //for testing a potential -long-option
1552     }
1554     bool try_single_minus_longopt = single_minus_longopt;
1555     bool have_more_args = (numargs > 1 || numargs < 0); // is referencing argv[1] valid?
1557     do // loop over short options in group, for long options the body is executed only once
1558     {
1559       int idx;
1561       const char* optarg;
1563       /******************** long option **********************/
1564       if (handle_short_options == false || try_single_minus_longopt)
1565       {
1566         idx = 0;
1567         while (usage[idx].longopt != 0 && !streq(usage[idx].longopt, longopt_name))
1568           ++idx;
1570         if (usage[idx].longopt == 0 && min_abbr_len > 0) // if we should try to match abbreviated long options
1571         {
1572           int i1 = 0;
1573           while (usage[i1].longopt != 0 && !streqabbr(usage[i1].longopt, longopt_name, min_abbr_len))
1574             ++i1;
1575           if (usage[i1].longopt != 0)
1576           { // now test if the match is unambiguous by checking for another match
1577             int i2 = i1 + 1;
1578             while (usage[i2].longopt != 0 && !streqabbr(usage[i2].longopt, longopt_name, min_abbr_len))
1579               ++i2;
1581             if (usage[i2].longopt == 0) // if there was no second match it's unambiguous, so accept i1 as idx
1582               idx = i1;
1583           }
1584         }
1586         // if we found something, disable handle_short_options (only relevant if single_minus_longopt)
1587         if (usage[idx].longopt != 0)
1588           handle_short_options = false;
1590         try_single_minus_longopt = false; // prevent looking for longopt in the middle of shortopt group
1592         optarg = longopt_name;
1593         while (*optarg != 0 && *optarg != '=')
1594           ++optarg;
1595         if (*optarg == '=') // attached argument
1596           ++optarg;
1597         else
1598           // possibly detached argument
1599           optarg = (have_more_args ? args[1] : 0);
1600       }
1602       /************************ short option ***********************************/
1603       if (handle_short_options)
1604       {
1605         if (*++param == 0) // point at the 1st/next option character
1606           break; // end of short option group
1608         idx = 0;
1609         while (usage[idx].shortopt != 0 && !instr(*param, usage[idx].shortopt))
1610           ++idx;
1612         if (param[1] == 0) // if the potential argument is separate
1613           optarg = (have_more_args ? args[1] : 0);
1614         else
1615           // if the potential argument is attached
1616           optarg = param + 1;
1617       }
1619       const Descriptor* descriptor = &usage[idx];
1621       if (descriptor->shortopt == 0) /**************  unknown option ********************/
1622       {
1623         // look for dummy entry (shortopt == "" and longopt == "") to use as Descriptor for unknown options
1624         idx = 0;
1625         while (usage[idx].shortopt != 0 && (usage[idx].shortopt[0] != 0 || usage[idx].longopt[0] != 0))
1626           ++idx;
1627         descriptor = (usage[idx].shortopt == 0 ? 0 : &usage[idx]);
1628       }
1630       if (descriptor != 0)
1631       {
1632         Option option(descriptor, param, optarg);
1633         switch (descriptor->check_arg(option, print_errors))
1634         {
1635           case ARG_ILLEGAL:
1636             return false; // fatal
1637           case ARG_OK:
1638             // skip one element of the argument vector, if it's a separated argument
1639             if (optarg != 0 && have_more_args && optarg == args[1])
1640             {
1641               shift(args, nonops);
1642               if (numargs > 0)
1643                 --numargs;
1644               ++args;
1645             }
1647             // No further short options are possible after an argument
1648             handle_short_options = false;
1650             break;
1651           case ARG_IGNORE:
1652           case ARG_NONE:
1653             option.arg = 0;
1654             break;
1655         }
1657         if (!action.perform(option))
1658           return false;
1659       }
1661     } while (handle_short_options);
1663     shift(args, nonops);
1664     ++args;
1665     if (numargs > 0)
1666       --numargs;
1668   } // while
1670   if (numargs > 0 && *args == 0) // It's a bug in the caller if numargs is greater than the actual number
1671     numargs = 0; // of arguments, but as a service to the user we fix this if we spot it.
1673   if (numargs < 0) // if we don't know the number of remaining non-option arguments
1674   { // we need to count them
1675     numargs = 0;
1676     while (args[numargs] != 0)
1677       ++numargs;
1678   }
1680   return action.finished(numargs + nonops, args - nonops);
1681 }
1683 /**
1684  * @internal
1685  * @brief The implementation of option::printUsage().
1686  */
1687 struct PrintUsageImplementation
1688 {
1689   /**
1690    * @internal
1691    * @brief Interface for Functors that write (part of) a string somewhere.
1692    */
1693   struct IStringWriter
1694   {
1695     /**
1696      * @brief Writes the given number of chars beginning at the given pointer somewhere.
1697      */
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::IStringWriter1698     virtual void operator()(const char*, int)
1699     {
1700     }
1701   };
1703   /**
1704    * @internal
1705    * @brief Encapsulates a function with signature <code>func(string, size)</code> where
1706    * string can be initialized with a const char* and size with an int.
1707    */
1708   template<typename Function>
1709   struct FunctionWriter: public IStringWriter
1710   {
1711     Function* write;
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::FunctionWriter1713     virtual void operator()(const char* str, int size)
1714     {
1715       (*write)(str, size);
1716     }
FunctionWriterPrintUsageImplementation::FunctionWriter1718     FunctionWriter(Function* w) :
1719         write(w)
1720     {
1721     }
1722   };
1724   /**
1725    * @internal
1726    * @brief Encapsulates a reference to an object with a <code>write(string, size)</code>
1727    * method like that of @c std::ostream.
1728    */
1729   template<typename OStream>
1730   struct OStreamWriter: public IStringWriter
1731   {
1732     OStream& ostream;
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::OStreamWriter1734     virtual void operator()(const char* str, int size)
1735     {
1736       ostream.write(str, size);
1737     }
OStreamWriterPrintUsageImplementation::OStreamWriter1739     OStreamWriter(OStream& o) :
1740         ostream(o)
1741     {
1742     }
1743   };
1745   /**
1746    * @internal
1747    * @brief Like OStreamWriter but encapsulates a @c const reference, which is
1748    * typically a temporary object of a user class.
1749    */
1750   template<typename Temporary>
1751   struct TemporaryWriter: public IStringWriter
1752   {
1753     const Temporary& userstream;
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::TemporaryWriter1755     virtual void operator()(const char* str, int size)
1756     {
1757       userstream.write(str, size);
1758     }
TemporaryWriterPrintUsageImplementation::TemporaryWriter1760     TemporaryWriter(const Temporary& u) :
1761         userstream(u)
1762     {
1763     }
1764   };
1766   /**
1767    * @internal
1768    * @brief Encapsulates a function with the signature <code>func(fd, string, size)</code> (the
1769    * signature of the @c write() system call)
1770    * where fd can be initialized from an int, string from a const char* and size from an int.
1771    */
1772   template<typename Syscall>
1773   struct SyscallWriter: public IStringWriter
1774   {
1775     Syscall* write;
1776     int fd;
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::SyscallWriter1778     virtual void operator()(const char* str, int size)
1779     {
1780       (*write)(fd, str, size);
1781     }
SyscallWriterPrintUsageImplementation::SyscallWriter1783     SyscallWriter(Syscall* w, int f) :
1784         write(w), fd(f)
1785     {
1786     }
1787   };
1789   /**
1790    * @internal
1791    * @brief Encapsulates a function with the same signature as @c std::fwrite().
1792    */
1793   template<typename Function, typename Stream>
1794   struct StreamWriter: public IStringWriter
1795   {
1796     Function* fwrite;
1797     Stream* stream;
operatorPrintUsageImplementation::StreamWriter1799     virtual void operator()(const char* str, int size)
1800     {
1801       (*fwrite)(str, size, 1, stream);
1802     }
StreamWriterPrintUsageImplementation::StreamWriter1804     StreamWriter(Function* w, Stream* s) :
1805         fwrite(w), stream(s)
1806     {
1807     }
1808   };
1810   /**
1811    * @internal
1812    * @brief Sets <code> i1 = max(i1, i2) </code>
1813    */
upmaxPrintUsageImplementation1814   static void upmax(int& i1, int i2)
1815   {
1816     i1 = (i1 >= i2 ? i1 : i2);
1817   }
1819   /**
1820    * @internal
1821    * @brief Moves the "cursor" to column @c want_x assuming it is currently at column @c x
1822    * and sets @c x=want_x .
1823    * If <code> x > want_x </code>, a line break is output before indenting.
1824    *
1825    * @param write Spaces and possibly a line break are written via this functor to get
1826    *        the desired indentation @c want_x .
1827    * @param[in,out] x the current indentation. Set to @c want_x by this method.
1828    * @param want_x the desired indentation.
1829    */
indentPrintUsageImplementation1830   static void indent(IStringWriter& write, int& x, int want_x)
1831   {
1832     int indent = want_x - x;
1833     if (indent < 0)
1834     {
1835       write("\n", 1);
1836       indent = want_x;
1837     }
1839     if (indent > 0)
1840     {
1841       char space = ' ';
1842       for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
1843         write(&space, 1);
1844       x = want_x;
1845     }
1846   }
1848   /**
1849    * @brief Returns true if ch is the unicode code point of a wide character.
1850    *
1851    * @note
1852    * The following character ranges are treated as wide
1853    * @code
1854    * 1100..115F
1855    * 2329..232A  (just 2 characters!)
1856    * 2E80..A4C6  except for 303F
1857    * A960..A97C
1858    * AC00..D7FB
1859    * F900..FAFF
1860    * FE10..FE6B
1861    * FF01..FF60
1862    * FFE0..FFE6
1863    * 1B000......
1864    * @endcode
1865    */
isWideCharPrintUsageImplementation1866   static bool isWideChar(unsigned ch)
1867   {
1868     if (ch == 0x303F)
1869       return false;
1871     return ((0x1100 <= ch && ch <= 0x115F) || (0x2329 <= ch && ch <= 0x232A) || (0x2E80 <= ch && ch <= 0xA4C6)
1872         || (0xA960 <= ch && ch <= 0xA97C) || (0xAC00 <= ch && ch <= 0xD7FB) || (0xF900 <= ch && ch <= 0xFAFF)
1873         || (0xFE10 <= ch && ch <= 0xFE6B) || (0xFF01 <= ch && ch <= 0xFF60) || (0xFFE0 <= ch && ch <= 0xFFE6)
1874         || (0x1B000 <= ch));
1875   }
1877   /**
1878    * @internal
1879    * @brief Splits a @c Descriptor[] array into tables, rows, lines and columns and
1880    * iterates over these components.
1881    *
1882    * The top-level organizational unit is the @e table.
1883    * A table begins at a Descriptor with @c help!=NULL and extends up to
1884    * a Descriptor with @c help==NULL.
1885    *
1886    * A table consists of @e rows. Due to line-wrapping and explicit breaks
1887    * a row may take multiple lines on screen. Rows within the table are separated
1888    * by \\n. They never cross Descriptor boundaries. This means a row ends either
1889    * at \\n or the 0 at the end of the help string.
1890    *
1891    * A row consists of columns/cells. Columns/cells within a row are separated by \\t.
1892    * Line breaks within a cell are marked by \\v.
1893    *
1894    * Rows in the same table need not have the same number of columns/cells. The
1895    * extreme case are interjections, which are rows that contain neither \\t nor \\v.
1896    * These are NOT treated specially by LinePartIterator, but they are treated
1897    * specially by printUsage().
1898    *
1899    * LinePartIterator iterates through the usage at 3 levels: table, row and part.
1900    * Tables and rows are as described above. A @e part is a line within a cell.
1901    * LinePartIterator iterates through 1st parts of all cells, then through the 2nd
1902    * parts of all cells (if any),... @n
1903    * Example: The row <code> "1 \v 3 \t 2 \v 4" </code> has 2 cells/columns and 4 parts.
1904    * The parts will be returned in the order 1, 2, 3, 4.
1905    *
1906    * It is possible that some cells have fewer parts than others. In this case
1907    * LinePartIterator will "fill up" these cells with 0-length parts. IOW, LinePartIterator
1908    * always returns the same number of parts for each column. Note that this is different
1909    * from the way rows and columns are handled. LinePartIterator does @e not guarantee that
1910    * the same number of columns will be returned for each row.
1911    *
1912    */
1913   class LinePartIterator
1914   {
1915     const Descriptor* tablestart; //!< The 1st descriptor of the current table.
1916     const Descriptor* rowdesc; //!< The Descriptor that contains the current row.
1917     const char* rowstart; //!< Ptr to 1st character of current row within rowdesc->help.
1918     const char* ptr; //!< Ptr to current part within the current row.
1919     int col; //!< Index of current column.
1920     int len; //!< Length of the current part (that ptr points at) in BYTES
1921     int screenlen; //!< Length of the current part in screen columns (taking narrow/wide chars into account).
1922     int max_line_in_block; //!< Greatest index of a line within the block. This is the number of \\v within the cell with the most \\vs.
1923     int line_in_block; //!< Line index within the current cell of the current part.
1924     int target_line_in_block; //!< Line index of the parts we should return to the user on this iteration.
1925     bool hit_target_line; //!< Flag whether we encountered a part with line index target_line_in_block in the current cell.
1927     /**
1928      * @brief Determines the byte and character lengths of the part at @ref ptr and
1929      * stores them in @ref len and @ref screenlen respectively.
1930      */
update_lengthPrintUsageImplementation1931     void update_length()
1932     {
1933       screenlen = 0;
1934       for (len = 0; ptr[len] != 0 && ptr[len] != '\v' && ptr[len] != '\t' && ptr[len] != '\n'; ++len)
1935       {
1936         ++screenlen;
1937         unsigned ch = (unsigned char) ptr[len];
1938         if (ch > 0xC1) // everything <= 0xC1 (yes, even 0xC1 itself) is not a valid UTF-8 start byte
1939         {
1940           // int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)
1941           // Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit
1942           unsigned mask = (unsigned) -1 >> __builtin_clz(ch ^ 0xff);
1943           ch = ch & mask; // mask out length bits, we don't verify their correctness
1944           while (((unsigned char) ptr[len + 1] ^ 0x80) <= 0x3F) // while next byte is continuation byte
1945           {
1946             ch = (ch << 6) ^ (unsigned char) ptr[len + 1] ^ 0x80; // add continuation to char code
1947             ++len;
1948           }
1949           // ch is the decoded unicode code point
1950           if (ch >= 0x1100 && isWideChar(ch)) // the test for 0x1100 is here to avoid the function call in the Latin case
1951             ++screenlen;
1952         }
1953       }
1954     }
1956   public:
1957     //! @brief Creates an iterator for @c usage.
LinePartIteratorPrintUsageImplementation1958     LinePartIterator(const Descriptor usage[]) :
1959         tablestart(usage), rowdesc(0), rowstart(0), ptr(0), col(-1), len(0), max_line_in_block(0), line_in_block(0),
1960         target_line_in_block(0), hit_target_line(true)
1961     {
1962     }
1964     /**
1965      * @brief Moves iteration to the next table (if any). Has to be called once on a new
1966      * LinePartIterator to move to the 1st table.
1967      * @retval false if moving to next table failed because no further table exists.
1968      */
nextTablePrintUsageImplementation1969     bool nextTable()
1970     {
1971       // If this is NOT the first time nextTable() is called after the constructor,
1972       // then skip to the next table break (i.e. a Descriptor with help == 0)
1973       if (rowdesc != 0)
1974       {
1975         while (tablestart->help != 0 && tablestart->shortopt != 0)
1976           ++tablestart;
1977       }
1979       // Find the next table after the break (if any)
1980       while (tablestart->help == 0 && tablestart->shortopt != 0)
1981         ++tablestart;
1983       restartTable();
1984       return rowstart != 0;
1985     }
1987     /**
1988      * @brief Reset iteration to the beginning of the current table.
1989      */
restartTablePrintUsageImplementation1990     void restartTable()
1991     {
1992       rowdesc = tablestart;
1993       rowstart = tablestart->help;
1994       ptr = 0;
1995     }
1997     /**
1998      * @brief Moves iteration to the next row (if any). Has to be called once after each call to
1999      * @ref nextTable() to move to the 1st row of the table.
2000      * @retval false if moving to next row failed because no further row exists.
2001      */
nextRowPrintUsageImplementation2002     bool nextRow()
2003     {
2004       if (ptr == 0)
2005       {
2006         restartRow();
2007         return rowstart != 0;
2008       }
2010       while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != '\n')
2011         ++ptr;
2013       if (*ptr == 0)
2014       {
2015         if ((rowdesc + 1)->help == 0) // table break
2016           return false;
2018         ++rowdesc;
2019         rowstart = rowdesc->help;
2020       }
2021       else // if (*ptr == '\n')
2022       {
2023         rowstart = ptr + 1;
2024       }
2026       restartRow();
2027       return true;
2028     }
2030     /**
2031      * @brief Reset iteration to the beginning of the current row.
2032      */
restartRowPrintUsageImplementation2033     void restartRow()
2034     {
2035       ptr = rowstart;
2036       col = -1;
2037       len = 0;
2038       screenlen = 0;
2039       max_line_in_block = 0;
2040       line_in_block = 0;
2041       target_line_in_block = 0;
2042       hit_target_line = true;
2043     }
2045     /**
2046      * @brief Moves iteration to the next part (if any). Has to be called once after each call to
2047      * @ref nextRow() to move to the 1st part of the row.
2048      * @retval false if moving to next part failed because no further part exists.
2049      *
2050      * See @ref LinePartIterator for details about the iteration.
2051      */
nextPrintUsageImplementation2052     bool next()
2053     {
2054       if (ptr == 0)
2055         return false;
2057       if (col == -1)
2058       {
2059         col = 0;
2060         update_length();
2061         return true;
2062       }
2064       ptr += len;
2065       while (true)
2066       {
2067         switch (*ptr)
2068         {
2069           case '\v':
2070             upmax(max_line_in_block, ++line_in_block);
2071             ++ptr;
2072             break;
2073           case '\t':
2074             if (!hit_target_line) // if previous column did not have the targetline
2075             { // then "insert" a 0-length part
2076               update_length();
2077               hit_target_line = true;
2078               return true;
2079             }
2081             hit_target_line = false;
2082             line_in_block = 0;
2083             ++col;
2084             ++ptr;
2085             break;
2086           case 0:
2087           case '\n':
2088             if (!hit_target_line) // if previous column did not have the targetline
2089             { // then "insert" a 0-length part
2090               update_length();
2091               hit_target_line = true;
2092               return true;
2093             }
2095             if (++target_line_in_block > max_line_in_block)
2096             {
2097               update_length();
2098               return false;
2099             }
2101             hit_target_line = false;
2102             line_in_block = 0;
2103             col = 0;
2104             ptr = rowstart;
2105             continue;
2106           default:
2107             ++ptr;
2108             continue;
2109         } // switch
2111         if (line_in_block == target_line_in_block)
2112         {
2113           update_length();
2114           hit_target_line = true;
2115           return true;
2116         }
2117       } // while
2118     }
2120     /**
2121      * @brief Returns the index (counting from 0) of the column in which
2122      * the part pointed to by @ref data() is located.
2123      */
columnPrintUsageImplementation2124     int column()
2125     {
2126       return col;
2127     }
2129     /**
2130      * @brief Returns the index (counting from 0) of the line within the current column
2131      * this part belongs to.
2132      */
linePrintUsageImplementation2133     int line()
2134     {
2135       return target_line_in_block; // NOT line_in_block !!! It would be wrong if !hit_target_line
2136     }
2138     /**
2139      * @brief Returns the length of the part pointed to by @ref data() in raw chars (not UTF-8 characters).
2140      */
lengthPrintUsageImplementation2141     int length()
2142     {
2143       return len;
2144     }
2146     /**
2147      * @brief Returns the width in screen columns of the part pointed to by @ref data().
2148      * Takes multi-byte UTF-8 sequences and wide characters into account.
2149      */
screenLengthPrintUsageImplementation2150     int screenLength()
2151     {
2152       return screenlen;
2153     }
2155     /**
2156      * @brief Returns the current part of the iteration.
2157      */
dataPrintUsageImplementation2158     const char* data()
2159     {
2160       return ptr;
2161     }
2162   };
2164   /**
2165    * @internal
2166    * @brief Takes input and line wraps it, writing out one line at a time so that
2167    * it can be interleaved with output from other columns.
2168    *
2169    * The LineWrapper is used to handle the last column of each table as well as interjections.
2170    * The LineWrapper is called once for each line of output. If the data given to it fits
2171    * into the designated width of the last column it is simply written out. If there
2172    * is too much data, an appropriate split point is located and only the data up to this
2173    * split point is written out. The rest of the data is queued for the next line.
2174    * That way the last column can be line wrapped and interleaved with data from
2175    * other columns. The following example makes this clearer:
2176    * @code
2177    * Column 1,1    Column 2,1     This is a long text
2178    * Column 1,2    Column 2,2     that does not fit into
2179    *                              a single line.
2180    * @endcode
2181    *
2182    * The difficulty in producing this output is that the whole string
2183    * "This is a long text that does not fit into a single line" is the
2184    * 1st and only part of column 3. In order to produce the above
2185    * output the string must be output piecemeal, interleaved with
2186    * the data from the other columns.
2187    */
2188   class LineWrapper
2189   {
2190     static const int bufmask = 15; //!< Must be a power of 2 minus 1.
2191     /**
2192      * @brief Ring buffer for length component of pair (data, length).
2193      */
2194     int lenbuf[bufmask + 1];
2195     /**
2196      * @brief Ring buffer for data component of pair (data, length).
2197      */
2198     const char* datbuf[bufmask + 1];
2199     /**
2200      * @brief The indentation of the column to which the LineBuffer outputs. LineBuffer
2201      * assumes that the indentation has already been written when @ref process()
2202      * is called, so this value is only used when a buffer flush requires writing
2203      * additional lines of output.
2204      */
2205     int x;
2206     /**
2207      * @brief The width of the column to line wrap.
2208      */
2209     int width;
2210     int head; //!< @brief index for next write
2211     int tail; //!< @brief index for next read - 1 (i.e. increment tail BEFORE read)
2213     /**
2214      * @brief Multiple methods of LineWrapper may decide to flush part of the buffer to
2215      * free up space. The contract of process() says that only 1 line is output. So
2216      * this variable is used to track whether something has output a line. It is
2217      * reset at the beginning of process() and checked at the end to decide if
2218      * output has already occurred or is still needed.
2219      */
2220     bool wrote_something;
buf_emptyPrintUsageImplementation2222     bool buf_empty()
2223     {
2224       return ((tail + 1) & bufmask) == head;
2225     }
buf_fullPrintUsageImplementation2227     bool buf_full()
2228     {
2229       return tail == head;
2230     }
buf_storePrintUsageImplementation2232     void buf_store(const char* data, int len)
2233     {
2234       lenbuf[head] = len;
2235       datbuf[head] = data;
2236       head = (head + 1) & bufmask;
2237     }
2239     //! @brief Call BEFORE reading ...buf[tail].
buf_nextPrintUsageImplementation2240     void buf_next()
2241     {
2242       tail = (tail + 1) & bufmask;
2243     }
2245     /**
2246      * @brief Writes (data,len) into the ring buffer. If the buffer is full, a single line
2247      * is flushed out of the buffer into @c write.
2248      */
outputPrintUsageImplementation2249     void output(IStringWriter& write, const char* data, int len)
2250     {
2251       if (buf_full())
2252         write_one_line(write);
2254       buf_store(data, len);
2255     }
2257     /**
2258      * @brief Writes a single line of output from the buffer to @c write.
2259      */
write_one_linePrintUsageImplementation2260     void write_one_line(IStringWriter& write)
2261     {
2262       if (wrote_something) // if we already wrote something, we need to start a new line
2263       {
2264         write("\n", 1);
2265         int _ = 0;
2266         indent(write, _, x);
2267       }
2269       if (!buf_empty())
2270       {
2271         buf_next();
2272         write(datbuf[tail], lenbuf[tail]);
2273       }
2275       wrote_something = true;
2276     }
2277   public:
2279     /**
2280      * @brief Writes out all remaining data from the LineWrapper using @c write.
2281      * Unlike @ref process() this method indents all lines including the first and
2282      * will output a \\n at the end (but only if something has been written).
2283      */
flushPrintUsageImplementation2284     void flush(IStringWriter& write)
2285     {
2286       if (buf_empty())
2287         return;
2288       int _ = 0;
2289       indent(write, _, x);
2290       wrote_something = false;
2291       while (!buf_empty())
2292         write_one_line(write);
2293       write("\n", 1);
2294     }
2296     /**
2297      * @brief Process, wrap and output the next piece of data.
2298      *
2299      * process() will output at least one line of output. This is not necessarily
2300      * the @c data passed in. It may be data queued from a prior call to process().
2301      * If the internal buffer is full, more than 1 line will be output.
2302      *
2303      * process() assumes that the a proper amount of indentation has already been
2304      * output. It won't write any further indentation before the 1st line. If
2305      * more than 1 line is written due to buffer constraints, the lines following
2306      * the first will be indented by this method, though.
2307      *
2308      * No \\n is written by this method after the last line that is written.
2309      *
2310      * @param write where to write the data.
2311      * @param data the new chunk of data to write.
2312      * @param len the length of the chunk of data to write.
2313      */
processPrintUsageImplementation2314     void process(IStringWriter& write, const char* data, int len)
2315     {
2316       wrote_something = false;
2318       while (len > 0)
2319       {
2320         if (len <= width) // quick test that works because utf8width <= len (all wide chars have at least 2 bytes)
2321         {
2322           output(write, data, len);
2323           len = 0;
2324         }
2325         else // if (len > width)  it's possible (but not guaranteed) that utf8len > width
2326         {
2327           int utf8width = 0;
2328           int maxi = 0;
2329           while (maxi < len && utf8width < width)
2330           {
2331             int charbytes = 1;
2332             unsigned ch = (unsigned char) data[maxi];
2333             if (ch > 0xC1) // everything <= 0xC1 (yes, even 0xC1 itself) is not a valid UTF-8 start byte
2334             {
2335               // int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)
2336               // Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit
2337               unsigned mask = (unsigned) -1 >> __builtin_clz(ch ^ 0xff);
2338               ch = ch & mask; // mask out length bits, we don't verify their correctness
2339               while ((maxi + charbytes < len) && //
2340                   (((unsigned char) data[maxi + charbytes] ^ 0x80) <= 0x3F)) // while next byte is continuation byte
2341               {
2342                 ch = (ch << 6) ^ (unsigned char) data[maxi + charbytes] ^ 0x80; // add continuation to char code
2343                 ++charbytes;
2344               }
2345               // ch is the decoded unicode code point
2346               if (ch >= 0x1100 && isWideChar(ch)) // the test for 0x1100 is here to avoid the function call in the Latin case
2347               {
2348                 if (utf8width + 2 > width)
2349                   break;
2350                 ++utf8width;
2351               }
2352             }
2353             ++utf8width;
2354             maxi += charbytes;
2355           }
2357           // data[maxi-1] is the last byte of the UTF-8 sequence of the last character that fits
2358           // onto the 1st line. If maxi == len, all characters fit on the line.
2360           if (maxi == len)
2361           {
2362             output(write, data, len);
2363             len = 0;
2364           }
2365           else // if (maxi < len)  at least 1 character (data[maxi] that is) doesn't fit on the line
2366           {
2367             int i;
2368             for (i = maxi; i >= 0; --i)
2369               if (data[i] == ' ')
2370                 break;
2372             if (i >= 0)
2373             {
2374               output(write, data, i);
2375               data += i + 1;
2376               len -= i + 1;
2377             }
2378             else // did not find a space to split at => split before data[maxi]
2379             { // data[maxi] is always the beginning of a character, never a continuation byte
2380               output(write, data, maxi);
2381               data += maxi;
2382               len -= maxi;
2383             }
2384           }
2385         }
2386       }
2387       if (!wrote_something) // if we didn't already write something to make space in the buffer
2388         write_one_line(write); // write at most one line of actual output
2389     }
2391     /**
2392      * @brief Constructs a LineWrapper that wraps its output to fit into
2393      * screen columns @c x1 (incl.) to @c x2 (excl.).
2394      *
2395      * @c x1 gives the indentation LineWrapper uses if it needs to indent.
2396      */
LineWrapperPrintUsageImplementation2397     LineWrapper(int x1, int x2) :
2398         x(x1), width(x2 - x1), head(0), tail(bufmask)
2399     {
2400       if (width < 2) // because of wide characters we need at least width 2 or the code breaks
2401         width = 2;
2402     }
2403   };
2405   /**
2406    * @internal
2407    * @brief This is the implementation that is shared between all printUsage() templates.
2408    * Because all printUsage() templates share this implementation, there is no template bloat.
2409    */
2410   static void printUsage(IStringWriter& write, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, //
2411                          int last_column_min_percent = 50, int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2412   {
2413     if (width < 1) // protect against nonsense values
2414       width = 80;
2416     if (width > 10000) // protect against overflow in the following computation
2417       width = 10000;
2419     int last_column_min_width = ((width * last_column_min_percent) + 50) / 100;
2420     int last_column_own_line_max_width = ((width * last_column_own_line_max_percent) + 50) / 100;
2421     if (last_column_own_line_max_width == 0)
2422       last_column_own_line_max_width = 1;
2424     LinePartIterator part(usage);
2425     while (part.nextTable())
2426     {
2428       /***************** Determine column widths *******************************/
2430       const int maxcolumns = 8; // 8 columns are enough for everyone
2431       int col_width[maxcolumns];
2432       int lastcolumn;
2433       int leftwidth;
2434       int overlong_column_threshold = 10000;
2435       do
2436       {
2437         lastcolumn = 0;
2438         for (int i = 0; i < maxcolumns; ++i)
2439           col_width[i] = 0;
2441         part.restartTable();
2442         while (part.nextRow())
2443         {
2444           while (part.next())
2445           {
2446             if (part.column() < maxcolumns)
2447             {
2448               upmax(lastcolumn, part.column());
2449               if (part.screenLength() < overlong_column_threshold)
2450                 // We don't let rows that don't use table separators (\t or \v) influence
2451                 // the width of column 0. This allows the user to interject section headers
2452                 // or explanatory paragraphs that do not participate in the table layout.
2453                 if (part.column() > 0 || part.line() > 0 || part.data()[part.length()] == '\t'
2454                     || part.data()[part.length()] == '\v')
2455                   upmax(col_width[part.column()], part.screenLength());
2456             }
2457           }
2458         }
2460         /*
2461          * If the last column doesn't fit on the same
2462          * line as the other columns, we can fix that by starting it on its own line.
2463          * However we can't do this for any of the columns 0..lastcolumn-1.
2464          * If their sum exceeds the maximum width we try to fix this by iteratively
2465          * ignoring the widest line parts in the width determination until
2466          * we arrive at a series of column widths that fit into one line.
2467          * The result is a layout where everything is nicely formatted
2468          * except for a few overlong fragments.
2469          * */
2471         leftwidth = 0;
2472         overlong_column_threshold = 0;
2473         for (int i = 0; i < lastcolumn; ++i)
2474         {
2475           leftwidth += col_width[i];
2476           upmax(overlong_column_threshold, col_width[i]);
2477         }
2479       } while (leftwidth > width);
2481       /**************** Determine tab stops and last column handling **********************/
2483       int tabstop[maxcolumns];
2484       tabstop[0] = 0;
2485       for (int i = 1; i < maxcolumns; ++i)
2486         tabstop[i] = tabstop[i - 1] + col_width[i - 1];
2488       int rightwidth = width - tabstop[lastcolumn];
2489       bool print_last_column_on_own_line = false;
2490       if (rightwidth < last_column_min_width &&  // if we don't have the minimum requested width for the last column
2491             ( col_width[lastcolumn] == 0 ||      // and all last columns are > overlong_column_threshold
2492               rightwidth < col_width[lastcolumn] // or there is at least one last column that requires more than the space available
2493             )
2494           )
2495       {
2496         print_last_column_on_own_line = true;
2497         rightwidth = last_column_own_line_max_width;
2498       }
2500       // If lastcolumn == 0 we must disable print_last_column_on_own_line because
2501       // otherwise 2 copies of the last (and only) column would be output.
2502       // Actually this is just defensive programming. It is currently not
2503       // possible that lastcolumn==0 and print_last_column_on_own_line==true
2504       // at the same time, because lastcolumn==0 => tabstop[lastcolumn] == 0 =>
2505       // rightwidth==width => rightwidth>=last_column_min_width  (unless someone passes
2506       // a bullshit value >100 for last_column_min_percent) => the above if condition
2507       // is false => print_last_column_on_own_line==false
2508       if (lastcolumn == 0)
2509         print_last_column_on_own_line = false;
2511       LineWrapper lastColumnLineWrapper(width - rightwidth, width);
2512       LineWrapper interjectionLineWrapper(0, width);
2514       part.restartTable();
2516       /***************** Print out all rows of the table *************************************/
2518       while (part.nextRow())
2519       {
2520         int x = -1;
2521         while (part.next())
2522         {
2523           if (part.column() > lastcolumn)
2524             continue; // drop excess columns (can happen if lastcolumn == maxcolumns-1)
2526           if (part.column() == 0)
2527           {
2528             if (x >= 0)
2529               write("\n", 1);
2530             x = 0;
2531           }
2533           indent(write, x, tabstop[part.column()]);
2535           if ((part.column() < lastcolumn)
2536               && (part.column() > 0 || part.line() > 0 || part.data()[part.length()] == '\t'
2537                   || part.data()[part.length()] == '\v'))
2538           {
2539             write(part.data(), part.length());
2540             x += part.screenLength();
2541           }
2542           else // either part.column() == lastcolumn or we are in the special case of
2543                // an interjection that doesn't contain \v or \t
2544           {
2545             // NOTE: This code block is not necessarily executed for
2546             // each line, because some rows may have fewer columns.
2548             LineWrapper& lineWrapper = (part.column() == 0) ? interjectionLineWrapper : lastColumnLineWrapper;
2550             if (!print_last_column_on_own_line || part.column() != lastcolumn)
2551               lineWrapper.process(write, part.data(), part.length());
2552           }
2553         } // while
2555         if (print_last_column_on_own_line)
2556         {
2557           part.restartRow();
2558           while (part.next())
2559           {
2560             if (part.column() == lastcolumn)
2561             {
2562               write("\n", 1);
2563               int _ = 0;
2564               indent(write, _, width - rightwidth);
2565               lastColumnLineWrapper.process(write, part.data(), part.length());
2566             }
2567           }
2568         }
2570         write("\n", 1);
2571         lastColumnLineWrapper.flush(write);
2572         interjectionLineWrapper.flush(write);
2573       }
2574     }
2575   }
2577 }
2578 ;
2580 /**
2581  * @brief Outputs a nicely formatted usage string with support for multi-column formatting
2582  * and line-wrapping.
2583  *
2584  * printUsage() takes the @c help texts of a Descriptor[] array and formats them into
2585  * a usage message, wrapping lines to achieve the desired output width.
2586  *
2587  * <b>Table formatting:</b>
2588  *
2589  * Aside from plain strings which are simply line-wrapped, the usage may contain tables. Tables
2590  * are used to align elements in the output.
2591  *
2592  * @code
2593  * // Without a table. The explanatory texts are not aligned.
2594  * -c, --create  |Creates something.
2595  * -k, --kill  |Destroys something.
2596  *
2597  * // With table formatting. The explanatory texts are aligned.
2598  * -c, --create  |Creates something.
2599  * -k, --kill    |Destroys something.
2600  * @endcode
2601  *
2602  * Table formatting removes the need to pad help texts manually with spaces to achieve
2603  * alignment. To create a table, simply insert \\t (tab) characters to separate the cells
2604  * within a row.
2605  *
2606  * @code
2607  * const option::Descriptor usage[] = {
2608  * {..., "-c, --create  \tCreates something." },
2609  * {..., "-k, --kill  \tDestroys something." }, ...
2610  * @endcode
2611  *
2612  * Note that you must include the minimum amount of space desired between cells yourself.
2613  * Table formatting will insert further spaces as needed to achieve alignment.
2614  *
2615  * You can insert line breaks within cells by using \\v (vertical tab).
2616  *
2617  * @code
2618  * const option::Descriptor usage[] = {
2619  * {..., "-c,\v--create  \tCreates\vsomething." },
2620  * {..., "-k,\v--kill  \tDestroys\vsomething." }, ...
2621  *
2622  * // results in
2623  *
2624  * -c,       Creates
2625  * --create  something.
2626  * -k,       Destroys
2627  * --kill    something.
2628  * @endcode
2629  *
2630  * You can mix lines that do not use \\t or \\v with those that do. The plain
2631  * lines will not mess up the table layout. Alignment of the table columns will
2632  * be maintained even across these interjections.
2633  *
2634  * @code
2635  * const option::Descriptor usage[] = {
2636  * {..., "-c, --create  \tCreates something." },
2637  * {..., "----------------------------------" },
2638  * {..., "-k, --kill  \tDestroys something." }, ...
2639  *
2640  * // results in
2641  *
2642  * -c, --create  Creates something.
2643  * ----------------------------------
2644  * -k, --kill    Destroys something.
2645  * @endcode
2646  *
2647  * You can have multiple tables within the same usage whose columns are
2648  * aligned independently. Simply insert a dummy Descriptor with @c help==0.
2649  *
2650  * @code
2651  * const option::Descriptor usage[] = {
2652  * {..., "Long options:" },
2653  * {..., "--very-long-option  \tDoes something long." },
2654  * {..., "--ultra-super-mega-long-option  \tTakes forever to complete." },
2655  * {..., 0 }, // ---------- table break -----------
2656  * {..., "Short options:" },
2657  * {..., "-s  \tShort." },
2658  * {..., "-q  \tQuick." }, ...
2659  *
2660  * // results in
2661  *
2662  * Long options:
2663  * --very-long-option              Does something long.
2664  * --ultra-super-mega-long-option  Takes forever to complete.
2665  * Short options:
2666  * -s  Short.
2667  * -q  Quick.
2668  *
2669  * // Without the table break it would be
2670  *
2671  * Long options:
2672  * --very-long-option              Does something long.
2673  * --ultra-super-mega-long-option  Takes forever to complete.
2674  * Short options:
2675  * -s                              Short.
2676  * -q                              Quick.
2677  * @endcode
2678  *
2679  * <b>Output methods:</b>
2680  *
2681  * Because TheLeanMeanC++Option parser is freestanding, you have to provide the means for
2682  * output in the first argument(s) to printUsage(). Because printUsage() is implemented as
2683  * a set of template functions, you have great flexibility in your choice of output
2684  * method. The following example demonstrates typical uses. Anything that's similar enough
2685  * will work.
2686  *
2687  * @code
2688  * #include <unistd.h>  // write()
2689  * #include <iostream>  // cout
2690  * #include <sstream>   // ostringstream
2691  * #include <cstdio>    // fwrite()
2692  * using namespace std;
2693  *
2694  * void my_write(const char* str, int size) {
2695  *   fwrite(str, size, 1, stdout);
2696  * }
2697  *
2698  * struct MyWriter {
2699  *   void write(const char* buf, size_t size) const {
2700  *      fwrite(str, size, 1, stdout);
2701  *   }
2702  * };
2703  *
2704  * struct MyWriteFunctor {
2705  *   void operator()(const char* buf, size_t size) {
2706  *      fwrite(str, size, 1, stdout);
2707  *   }
2708  * };
2709  * ...
2710  * printUsage(my_write, usage);    // custom write function
2711  * printUsage(MyWriter(), usage);  // temporary of a custom class
2712  * MyWriter writer;
2713  * printUsage(writer, usage);      // custom class object
2714  * MyWriteFunctor wfunctor;
2715  * printUsage(&wfunctor, usage);   // custom functor
2716  * printUsage(write, 1, usage);    // write() to file descriptor 1
2717  * printUsage(cout, usage);        // an ostream&
2718  * printUsage(fwrite, stdout, usage);  // fwrite() to stdout
2719  * ostringstream sstr;
2720  * printUsage(sstr, usage);        // an ostringstream&
2721  *
2722  * @endcode
2723  *
2724  * @par Notes:
2725  * @li the @c write() method of a class that is to be passed as a temporary
2726  *     as @c MyWriter() is in the example, must be a @c const method, because
2727  *     temporary objects are passed as const reference. This only applies to
2728  *     temporary objects that are created and destroyed in the same statement.
2729  *     If you create an object like @c writer in the example, this restriction
2730  *     does not apply.
2731  * @li a functor like @c MyWriteFunctor in the example must be passed as a pointer.
2732  *     This differs from the way functors are passed to e.g. the STL algorithms.
2733  * @li All printUsage() templates are tiny wrappers around a shared non-template implementation.
2734  *     So there's no penalty for using different versions in the same program.
2735  * @li printUsage() always interprets Descriptor::help as UTF-8 and always produces UTF-8-encoded
2736  *     output. If your system uses a different charset, you must do your own conversion. You
2737  *     may also need to change the font of the console to see non-ASCII characters properly.
2738  *     This is particularly true for Windows.
2739  * @li @b Security @b warning: Do not insert untrusted strings (such as user-supplied arguments)
2740  *     into the usage. printUsage() has no protection against malicious UTF-8 sequences.
2741  *
2742  * @param prn The output method to use. See the examples above.
2743  * @param usage the Descriptor[] array whose @c help texts will be formatted.
2744  * @param width the maximum number of characters per output line. Note that this number is
2745  *        in actual characters, not bytes. printUsage() supports UTF-8 in @c help and will
2746  *        count multi-byte UTF-8 sequences properly. Asian wide characters are counted
2747  *        as 2 characters.
2748  * @param last_column_min_percent (0-100) The minimum percentage of @c width that should be available
2749  *        for the last column (which typically contains the textual explanation of an option).
2750  *        If less space is available, the last column will be printed on its own line, indented
2751  *        according to @c last_column_own_line_max_percent.
2752  * @param last_column_own_line_max_percent (0-100) If the last column is printed on its own line due to
2753  *        less than @c last_column_min_percent of the width being available, then only
2754  *        @c last_column_own_line_max_percent of the extra line(s) will be used for the
2755  *        last column's text. This ensures an indentation. See example below.
2756  *
2757  * @code
2758  * // width=20, last_column_min_percent=50 (i.e. last col. min. width=10)
2759  * --3456789 1234567890
2760  *           1234567890
2761  *
2762  * // width=20, last_column_min_percent=75 (i.e. last col. min. width=15)
2763  * // last_column_own_line_max_percent=75
2764  * --3456789
2765  *      123456789012345
2766  *      67890
2767  *
2768  * // width=20, last_column_min_percent=75 (i.e. last col. min. width=15)
2769  * // last_column_own_line_max_percent=33 (i.e. max. 5)
2770  * --3456789
2771  *                12345
2772  *                67890
2773  *                12345
2774  *                67890
2775  * @endcode
2776  */
2777 template<typename OStream>
2778 void printUsage(OStream& prn, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, int last_column_min_percent = 50,
2779                 int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2780 {
2781   PrintUsageImplementation::OStreamWriter<OStream> write(prn);
2782   PrintUsageImplementation::printUsage(write, usage, width, last_column_min_percent, last_column_own_line_max_percent);
2783 }
2785 template<typename Function>
2786 void printUsage(Function* prn, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, int last_column_min_percent = 50,
2787                 int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2788 {
2789   PrintUsageImplementation::FunctionWriter<Function> write(prn);
2790   PrintUsageImplementation::printUsage(write, usage, width, last_column_min_percent, last_column_own_line_max_percent);
2791 }
2793 template<typename Temporary>
2794 void printUsage(const Temporary& prn, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, int last_column_min_percent = 50,
2795                 int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2796 {
2797   PrintUsageImplementation::TemporaryWriter<Temporary> write(prn);
2798   PrintUsageImplementation::printUsage(write, usage, width, last_column_min_percent, last_column_own_line_max_percent);
2799 }
2801 template<typename Syscall>
2802 void printUsage(Syscall* prn, int fd, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, int last_column_min_percent = 50,
2803                 int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2804 {
2805   PrintUsageImplementation::SyscallWriter<Syscall> write(prn, fd);
2806   PrintUsageImplementation::printUsage(write, usage, width, last_column_min_percent, last_column_own_line_max_percent);
2807 }
2809 template<typename Function, typename Stream>
2810 void printUsage(Function* prn, Stream* stream, const Descriptor usage[], int width = 80, int last_column_min_percent =
2811                     50,
2812                 int last_column_own_line_max_percent = 75)
2813 {
2814   PrintUsageImplementation::StreamWriter<Function, Stream> write(prn, stream);
2815   PrintUsageImplementation::printUsage(write, usage, width, last_column_min_percent, last_column_own_line_max_percent);
2816 }
2818 }
2819 // namespace option
2821 #endif /* OPTIONPARSER_H_ */